NCM 107 OBE-revised Online Class

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Date revised/enhanced: June 03, 2021

I. School 1st Semester, SY 2021-2022

II. University Vision:    A green university globally engaged in island research and innovations for societal advancement.
Mission Foster excellence, holistic, outcomes-based education compliant with the requirements of diverse world
market and contribute to the development of productive and value-laden lives.
Goal Uphold the tradition of excellence in institution, research, extension and production functions in an eco-
friendly environment.
Core Values Respect, Integrity, Social Responsibility, Excellence, Commitment
Institutional Outcomes:
A. A Professional who is morally upright, socially responsible and globally employable
B. A Leader and Innovator who inspires others and is committed to social transformation and national
C. An Environmental Advocate committed to research, extension and production initiatives

III. College/Campus Catanduanes State University

IV. Program/Degree Bachelor of Science in Nursing
V. Program Outcomes
A. Apply knowledge of physical, social, natural and health sciences and humanities in the practice of nursing P
B. Provide safe, appropriate and holistic care to individuals, families, population groups and communities P
utilizing nursing process.
C. Apply guidelines and principles of evidence-based practice in the delivery of care in any setting. P
D. Practice nursing in accordance with existing laws, legal, ethical and moral principles. P
E. Communicate effectively in writing, speaking and presenting using culturally-appropriate language. D
F. Document and report on client care accurately and comprehensively. D
G. Work effectively in teams, in collaboration with other disciplines and multi-cultural teams. D
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H. Practice beginning management and leadership skills in the delivery of client care. D
I. Engage in lifelong learning with a passion to keep current with national and global developments in general, P
and nursing and health developments in particular.
J. Demonstrate responsible citizenship and pride of being a Filipino. P
K. Conduct research with an experienced researcher. I
L. Support local, regional and national development plans along educational, socio-economic, scientific, P
technological, health and nutrition programs.
M. Promote environmental awareness through environmental education. P

I – Introduced P – Practiced D – Demonstrated

VII. Course Description This course deals with concepts, principles, theories and techniques in the nursing care of individuals and families during
childbearing and childrearing years toward health promotion, disease prevention, restoration and maintenance, and rehabilitation.
VIII. Course Credit 4 units lec; 5 units RLE (2 units skills lab / 3 units clinical)
IX. Prerequisite NCM 101, NCM 102, NCM 103
X. Contact Hours 72 hours lecture; RLE: Skills Lab-102hours; Clinical- 153 hours
XI. Course Outcomes
At the end of the course, the students shall be able to:
Cos Description A B C D E F G H I J K L M
Apply concepts, theories and principles of sciences and
1 humanities in the formulation and application of appropriate √ √ √ \√ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
nursing care during childbearing and childrearing years.
Provide safe, appropriate and holistic care to individuals, √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
2 families and population groups utilizing the nursing process
during childbearing and child rearing years.
Apply evidence-based nursing practices in the care of √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
mother and child.

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Practice maternal and child nursing in accordance with √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √

4 √
existing laws, legal, ethical and moral principles.
Communicate effectively in speaking, writing, and
5 presenting using culturally appropriate language with √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
children and families.
Document care of mother and child during the perinatal
6 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
period accurately and comprehensively.
Work effectively in collaboration with inter, intra, and
7 multidisciplinary and multi-cultural terms in maternal and √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
child care.
Practice beginning management and leadership skills using
8 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
systems approach in the care of normal mother and child.

9 Discuss researchable problems in maternal and child care. √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √

Engage in lifelong learning with a passion to keep current

10 with national and global development in the care of the √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
mother and child.
Demonstrate responsible citizenship and pride of being a
11 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Filipino in the practice of maternal and child nursing.

Apply techno-intelligent care systems and processes in

12 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
maternal and child care.

Adopt the nursing core values in the delivery of care to the

13 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
mother and child.

14 Apply entrepreneurial skills in maternal and child care. √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √

1 – CO has minor contribution to PO 2 – CO has moderate contribution to the PO 3 – CO has major contribution to the PO

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XII. Course Outline/Learning Plan

Textbooks/ Instructio
References nal Time
Desired Learning Course Content/ Teaching and Learning
Cos POs Assessment Tasks Resource Table
Outcomes Subject Matter Activities (TLAs)
s/ (Hours)
Describe the Orientation to the course
importance of the role Levelling of expectations Course Online Pre-test Course Lec-1
of education in and discussion of the syllabus orientation syllabus RLE-1
changing people’s intended learning outcomes and
lives and shift to OBE approach levelling of
for the course expectation
Team Teaching
(Lim/ Manlangit)

(Prof. J. Lim)

I. Concept of Growth &

1 A Explain the concepts 1. definition Hall, JW. & Module/ Review the Assign Assig Module/int Lec-4.5
2 B and principles of GD 2. principles of growth and RC,Bindler. online concept student to n ernet RLE-16
3 C and how it relates to development (GD) (2008). discussion thru make a stude
4 D nursing care of clients 3. Major factors influencing Pediatric on Growth module/ report/write- nt to
E of various age. GD Nursing: and online ups with the make
F 4. Foundations of GD Caring for Developme present a
G a. Age period Children, 4th nt topic report
H b. Methods of edition. /write-
I studying GD- cross ups
sectionals, with
longitudinal the
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c. Patterns of GD prese handout

d. Individual nt internet
differences topic
Identify the major 5. Biologic growth & .Weber & module / Assign Assign
factors influencing Development J.Kelly; Health onlineDiscu student to student to
growth & 6. Development of mental Assessment in ssion make a make a Module/int
development function and personality Nursing; 3rd report/write- report/write- Demo ernet
development edition, ups with the ups with the /retur
7. Theories: Copyright present present n
a. Psychosexual 2007; topic topic demo Textbooks
Describe the b. Psychosociall Lippincott nstrati on
principles of growth & c. Cognitive Williams & on via Maternal
development & d. Moral Wilkins video and Child
developmental stages e. Behaviorism Evaluation Evaluation call/re Nursing
according to major 8. Development of self- Exam Exam corde
theorists. concept-body-image, self- d
esteem and sexuality video

A. The Newborn

1 A Describe the normal a. Profile of the Modular/ SKILLS Assign Assig Module/int Lec-4.5
2 B characteristics of a Newborn online LAB student to n ernet RLE-16
ams & Wilkins
3 C newborn 1. Physiologic functions discussion SIMULATIO make a stude
Straight A’s in
4 D and appearance on the N: report/write- nt to
E - APGAR Score different NEWBORN ups with the make Textbooks
F - Ballard Score concepts CARE present a on
G -Review of related to topic report Pediatric
H Describe the Systems the CLINICAL /write- Nursing
I physiologic & -Anthropometric newborn. AREA : ups
psychological measurements The with
adaptation of the 2. Vital Signs, patent Profile of NEWBORN Evaluation the
newborn. airway theNewborn CARE Exam prese
3. Behavioral : Vital APGAR nt
Wong’s, H.W.
assessment & other statistics, SCORING topic
(2007) Nursing
significant information weight &
Care of Infants
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4. Newborn Screening and Children, length, Vital OBSERVAT Assign Evalu Module/int
5. Nursing care of the 8th edition, signs ION: student to ation ernet
newborn Elsevier Pte NEWBORN make a Exam
a. Establishment of Ltd. Physiologic SCREENIN report/write-
respiration changes in G AND ups with the Textbooks
b. Maintaining patent various HEARING present on
Identify deviations airway organ TEST topic Maternal
from normal c. Water/oil bath, tub systems & and Child
assessment findings bath, tub bath, adjustment Video clips: Nursing
of a newborn changing of to extra- DELIVERY
diapers uterine life. APGAR Evaluation
d. Eye prophylaxis BALLARD Exam
e. Cord care Slideshow SCALE
f. Vitamin K presentatio Textbooks
administration n / video on
Hatfield, N.T.
g. Regulation of clips of Pediatric
Perform effective temperature APGAR & Nursing
nursing care h. Sensory BALLARD
interventions to a stimulation SCORING
newborn i. Vestibular
stimulation Discussion
j. Breastfeeding on
k. Burping appropriate
l. Elimination Newborn
m. Cuddling Care and
on of
related to
B. The Infant and The
Pilliteri, Adelle;
1 A Describe the Module/ Assign Assign Demo Module/int Lec-4
Maternal &
2 B developmental 1. Definition of Terms online student to student to /retur ernet RLE-
Child Health
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3 C milestone of infancy 2. GD of infant Nursing Care Lecture / make a make a n 15

4 D and relate its a. Biologic- of the Discussion report/write- report/write- demo
E importance to proportional changes and Childbearing & on Growth ups with the ups with the nstrati Textbooks
F providing nursing care maturation of systems Childrearing and present present on via on
G to clients b. Developmental Family; 6th Developme topic topic video Maternal
H Milestones- fine & gross edition; nt of an call/re and Child
I motor, language, Copyright infant corde Nursing
psychosocial, cognitive, 2010 d
social development, Ask the Evaluation Evaluation video
development of social students to Exam Exam
Perform nursing care image, temperament make a
to infant & family 3. Coping with concerns timeline Obser Textbooks
related to normal GD- indicating vation on
separation anxiety, teething, the age using Pediatric
etc. periods and checkl Nursing
4. Promotion of health correspondi Observation ist
during infancy ng using
5. Prevention of injury developmen checklist
of infant

C. The Toddler and the

1 A Describe the E,N. Mariel Online Assign Assign Demo Module/int Lec-4
2 B developmental 1. Definition of Terms (2008) Interactive student to student to /retur ernet RLE-
3 C milestone of 2. GD of Toddler Essential of Discussion: make a make a n 15
4 D toddlerhood and a. Biologic- Discuss report/write- report/write- demo
E relate its importance proportional changes and physical ups with the ups with the nstrati Textbooks
F to providing nursing maturation of systems Anatomy and growth and present present on via on
G care to clients b. Developmental Physiology, developmen topic topic video Maternal
H Milestones- fine & gross 6th Ed. C & E t of a call/re and Child
I motor, language, Publishing, toddler. corde Nursing
psychosocial, cognitive, d

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social development, Evaluation Evaluation video

Perform nursing care development of social Exam Exam Textbooks
to toddler & family image, temperament on
3. Coping with concerns Obser Pediatric
related to normal GD vation Nursing
4. Promotion of health Observation Evaluation using
5. Prevention of injury using of class checkl
checklist participation ist

(Prof. L. Manlagñit)
II. Mother and Child
1 A Recall Anatomy & Pilliteri, Adelle; Brainstormi Term paper Assign Demo Module/int Lec-5.5
2 B Physiology of the A. Anterpartum/ Maternal & ng of Reaction student to /retur ernet RLE-21
3 C Male & Female Pregnancy Child Health previous paper about make a n
4 D Reproductive System Nursing Care Anatomy & the present report/write- demo
E 1. Review of Anatomy and of the Physiology topic ups with the nstrati Textbooks
F Physiology of the male and Childbearing & concepts present on via on
G Explain the menstrual female reproductive system Childrearing topic video Maternal
H cycle Family; 6th call/re and Child
I 2. Physiology of menstrual edition; corde Nursing
cycle Copyright d
a. Menstrual cycle: Related 2010 Evaluation video
terminologies Lecture- Exam
a.1. Menarche discussion
a.2. Dysmenorrhea Video
a.3. Premenarchal vaginal clips
bleeding Evaluation
a.4. Precocious puberty Hamilto, P.M. of class
a.5. Metrorrhagia Basic participation
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a.6. Menorrhagia Nursing, 6th during Obser Module/int

a.7.Amenorrhia edition online vation ernet
a.8. Menopause discussions. using
a.9. Premenopausal checkl
syndrome ist Textbooks
b. Functions of Estrogen Assign topic on
and Progestin for skills lab Maternal
Estrogen (Hormone of and Child
Women) Nursing
b.1. Primary function
b.2. Progestin/Progesterone Interactive
(hormone of mother) J.Weber & Lecture Online
a. Primary Function J.Kelly; Health Discussion discussion
b. Secondary function Assessment in during Video
c. The menstrual cycle Nursing; 3rd online class clips
c.1. Parts of the body edition,
responsible for Copyright
menstruation 2007;
c.2. Phases of the Lippincott
endometrium Williams &
a. Proliferative phase Wilkins
b. Secretory phase
c. Ischemic phase
d. Menstruation
c.3. Menstrual Cycle
a. FSH
b. LH
c. estrogen
d. Androgens
e. progesterone
1 A Explain the process of B. The Process of Lippincott/Willi Module/ Assign Assign Demo Module/int RLE-
2 B conception to guide Conception ams & Wilkins Online student to student to /retur ernet 21
3 C effective nursing care Straight A’s in Lecture- make a make a n

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4 D to clients 1. Stages of Sexual Maternal- discussion report/write- report/write- demo

E Presponse Neonatal ups with the ups with the nstrati Textbooks
F 1.1. Initial response Nursing present present on via on
G 1.2. Phases Lecture- topic topic video Maternal
H a. Excitement discussion call/re and Child
I b. Plateau corde Nursing
c. Orgasm d
Identify the d. Resolution Pilliteri, Adelle; Evaluation Evaluation video
milestones e. Refractory Period Maternal & Exam Exam
of fetal development. Child Health
2. Wonders of Fertilization Nursing Care Video
a. Fertilization of the clips
b. Pre-embryonic stage Childbearing & Interactive Evaluation Evaluation Obser
c. Embryonic Stage Childrearing Lecture of class of class vation
c.1. Parts of deciduas Family; 6th Discussion participatio participatio using
c.2. Basalis edition; during n n checkl
Distinguish each c.3. Capsularis Copyright online class ist
stage of fetal growth c.4. Vera 2010
and development
3. Stages of Fetal Observation
Development using
1. Zygote Lippincott/Willi checklist
2. Embryo ams & Wilkins
3. Fetus Straight A’s in Evalu
4. Chorionic villi Maternal- ation
5. Cytotrophoblast Neonatal exam
6. Synsitiotrophoblast Nursing
a. Amnion
b. Umbilical cord or
Funis Pilliteri, Adelle;
c. Amniotic fluid or bag Maternal &
of water Child Health
7. Functions of Amniotic Nursing Care
Fluid of the
Differentiate normal 8. Chorion Childbearing &

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from abnormal 9. Functions of placents Childrearing

physiology of fetal Family; 6th
circulation 4. Fetal Circultaion edition;
5. Fetal Growth and 2010 Observation
Development using
a. First Trimester checklist
b. Second Trimester
c. Third Trimester
C. Maternal Adaptations RLE-21
to Pregnancy
1 A Identify various J.Weber & Module/ Module/ Assign Demo Module/int
2 B adaptive changes 1.Physiological Adaptation J.Kelly; Health Online Online student to /retur ernet
3 C caused by pregnancy a. Reproductive system Assessment in Lecture- Demonstrati make a n
4 D b. Cardiovascular system Nursing; 3rd discussion on/Return report/write- demo
E c. Respiratory system edition, Demonstrati ups with the nstrati Textbooks
F d. Urinary system Copyright on via video present on via on
G e. Gastro-intistinal System 2007; call/recordin topic video Maternal
H f. Integumentary system Lippincott g call/re and Child
I g. Endocrine system Williams & Vidéo corde Nursing
h. Skeletal system Wilkins sharing of d
present Evaluation video
2. Psychological Changes topic Exam
Enumerate signs and Lippincott/Willi Video
symptoms of 3. Signs and Symptoms of ams & Wilkins clips
pregnancy Pregnancy Straight A’s in Evaluation Obser
a. Presumptive Signs Maternal- of class vation
b. Probable Signs Neonatal participatio using
c. Positive/Absolute Nursing n checkl
Signs ist


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Textbooks/ Instruction
Desired Learning Course Content/ References Teaching and Learning Assessment al
POs COs Table
Outcomes Subject Matter Activities (TLAs) Tasks Resources/
(Prof. J. Lim)

A. The Pre schooler and Lec-3

the Family RLE-12

1 A Describe the 1. Definition of Terms Hall, JW. & Module/ Module/ Assign Demo/ret Module/inte
2 B developmental 2. GD of Preschooler RC,Bindler. Online Online student urn rnet
3 C milestone of a. Biologic- (2008). Lecture- Demonstrati to demonstr
4 D preschooler and proportional changes and Pediatric discussion on/Return make a ation via
E relate its importance maturation of systems Nursing: Demonstrati report/ video Textbooks
F to providing nursing b. Developmental Caring for on via video write- call/recor on Pediatric
G care to clients Milestones- fine & gross Children, 4th call/recordin ups ded Nursing
H motor, language, edition. g with the video
I Perform nursing care psychosocial, cognitive, Vidéo present
to preschooler & social development, sharing of topic
family development of social present topic Video clips
image, temperament
3. Coping with concerns Evaluat Observat
related to normal GD ion ion using
4. Promotion of health Exam checklist
5. Prevention of injury

B. The Schooler and Lec-3

the Family RLE-12

1 A Describe the 1. Definition of Terms Hatfield, N.T. Module/ Module/ Assign Demo/ret Module/inte
2 B developmental 2. GD of schooler (2008) Online Online student urn rnet

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3 C milestone of schooler a. Biologic- Broadribb’s Lecture- Demonstrati to demonstr

4 D and relate its proportional changes and Introductory discussion on/Return make a ation via
E importance to maturation of systems Pediatric Demonstrati report/ video Textbooks
F providing nursing care b. Developmental Nursing, on via video write- call/recor on Pediatric
G to clients Milestones- fine & gross Seventh call/recordin ups ded Nursing
H motor, language, Edition, g with the video
I psychosocial, cognitive, Walter’s Vidéo present
social development, Klower sharing of topic
Perform nursing care development of social present topic Video clips
to schooler & family image, temperament
3. Coping with concerns Evaluat Observat
related to normal GD ion ion using
4. Promotion of health Exam checklist
5. Prevention of injury

C. The Adolescent Lec- 3

and the Family RLE-12

1 A Describe the 1. Definition of Terms Weber & Module/ Module/ Evaluat Demo/ret Module/inte
2 B developmental 2. Growth and J.Kelly; Online Online ion of urn rnet
3 C milestone of Development Health Lecture- Demonstrati class demonstr
4 D adolescent and relate a. Biologic- Assessment discussion on/Return particip ation via
E its importance to proportional changes and in Nursing; Demonstrati ation video Textbooks
F providing nursing care maturation of systems 3rd edition, on via video during call/recor on Pediatric
G to clients b. Developmental Copyright call/recordin online ded Nursing
H Milestones- fine & gross 2007; g discuss video
I motor, language, Lippincott Vidéo ions.
Perform nursing care psychosocial, cognitive, Williams & sharing of
to adolescent & social development, Wilkins present topic Video clips
family development of social
image, temperament Observat
3. Coping with concerns ion using
related to normal GD checklist
4. Promotion of health
5. Prevention of injury

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D. Adulthood RLE-12

1 A Describe the 1. Early adulthood Thies, K., Module/ Module/ Evaluat Demo/ret Module/inte
2 B developmental a. theories, physiological, (2009) Online Online ion of urn rnet
3 C characteristics of cognitive, moral & Growth & Lecture- Demonstrati class demonstr
4 D adulthood and relate psychosocial development Development discussion on/Return particip ation via
E its importance to through the Demonstrati ation video Textbooks
F providing nursing care 2. Middle Adulthood Lifespan. 2nd on via video during call/recor on Pediatric
G to clients a. physical, cognitive, ed. Jones & call/recordin online ded Nursing
H moral and psychosocial Barlett g discuss video
I development Publishers, Vidéo ions.
b. nursing implications LLC. sharing of
3. Late Adulthood present topic Video clips
a. viewpoints on aging
b. theories on aging Observat
Perform nursing care c. biologic, sociologic, ion using
to adult & family physiologic changes and checklist
needs of older persons
e. nursing implications

E. Family Planniing RLE-15

1 A Differentiate each 1. Natural Methods DOH (2010) Module/onlin Module/ Evaluat Demo/ret Module/inte
2 B method of family a. Standard Days Method Family e Lecture Online ion of urn rnet
3 C planning (with cycle beads) Planning Discussion Demonstrati class demonstr
4 D b. Billing’s Method Competency- on/Return particip ation via
E c. Sympto-Thermal Based Demonstrati ation video Textbooks
F Method Training on via video during call/recor on
G d. Lactation Amenorrhea Participant’s call/recordin online ded Maternity
H Method (LAM) Handbook g discuss video Nursing
I Discuss the ions.
advantages and 2. Artificial Methods Observat

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disadvantages of a. Hormones ion using

each family planning b. Intra-uterine Device checklist Video clips
methods c. Barrier Method
d. Tubal Ligation
e. Vasectomy

(Prof. L. Manlagñit)

A. Care and
Manaagement of Lec-5.5
Anterpartal Woman RLE-21

1 A Perform nursing care 1. Personal Data Cagaya, P.S Module/ Module/ Evaluat Demo/ret Module/inte
2 B interventions during 2. Diagnosis of Pregnancy (2008) Online Online ion of urn rnet
3 C antepartum stage 2.1. Amenorrhea essentials of Lecture- Demonstrati class demonstr
4 D 2.2. Urine Pregnancy Obstetric discussion on/Return particip ation via
E Tests Nursing in Demonstrati ation video Textbooks
F 2.3. Fetal Heart Tones the Philippine on via video during call/recor on
G 2.4. Fetal Movements Setting, 1st call/recordin online ded Maternity
H 2.5. Blood Test ed. C&E g discuss video Nursing
I 2.6. Ultrasound publishing Vidéo ions.
3. Baseline data sharing of Observat
4. Contraceptive history present topic ion using
5. Gynecologic and checklist Video clips
obstetric history
5.1. Gravida
5.2. Parity
Discuss the danger 5.3. Viability
signs of pregnancy as 5.4. GTPAL Score Pilliteri,
well as the laboratory 5.5. General Rule in Adelle;
and diagnostic tests Getting GTPAL Maternal & Computatio
and deviations from 5.6. Medical and Child Health n of
normal findings. Surgical History Nursing Care Online Menstrual
5.7. Medications and of the Lecture – Cycle, Age
allergies Childbearing Discussion of

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5.8. Family History & on the ff: Gestation, Written Demo/ret Module/inte
5.9. Social History Childrearing - Factors/ EDC & exam urn rnet
Family; 6th Components EDD. demonstr
6. Tetanus Immunization edition; affecting ation via
7. Physical Examination Copyright labor & video Textbooks
8. Estimation of Gestational 2010 delivery Demonstrati call/recor on
Age (AOG) on: Correct ded Maternity
8.1. Naegele’s Rule techniques video Nursing
8.2. Mc Donald’s Rule of Leopolds
8.3. Bartholomew’s Rule Maneuver Observat
8.4. Haase’s Rule with Guided ion using
9. Leoplod’s Maneuver Skills with checklist Video clips
10. Danger Signs and video clips
Symptoms during
antepartum period Hamilto, P.M.
11. Appropriate Nursing Basic Evaluat
Diagnosis Maternity Online ion of
12. Preparation of Labor Nursing, 6th Lecture class
and Delivery edition Discussion particip
13. Health teachings about Procedures ation
pregnancy related to during NCP/cas
13.1. Frequency of pregnancy online e study
prenatal visit class
13.2. Nutrition discuss
13.3. Sexual Activity ions.
13.4. Exercise Write/submi
13.5. Childbirth t
preparation appropriate
13.6. Different methods nursing
of Delivery diagnosis.

B. Care and Lec-6

Management of RLE-21
Intrapartal Woman -Theories of Quiz Observat Module/inte

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labor onset Debriefing ion of rnet

1 A Identify important 1. Theories of the onset of Cagaya, P.S -Preliminary Sessions of performa
2 B concepts in labor. (2008) Signs of Essential nce
3 C recognizing the focus a. Uterine stretch essentials of labor newborn using Textbooks
4 D of nursing care during theory Obstetric -Identifying Care / checklist on
E intrapartal stage b. Prostaglandin theory Nursing in the true signs Unang Maternity
F c. Progesterone the Philippine of labor Yakap Nursing
G deprivation Setting, 1st Teach
H Demonstrate skills in d. Theory of aging ed. C&E students Evaluat
I attending a pregnant placenta publishing through ion of
woman during labor e. Oxytocin stimulation demonstratio class Evaluatio Video clips
and delivery theory n ways and particip n Exam
2. The 4 Ps of labor techniques ation
a. Passenger on how to during
b. Passageway assess a online
c. Power woman in class
d. Psyche and Person labor or in discuss
3. Functional Pilliteri, progress of ions.
Relationships Adelle; labor
4. Normal labor and Maternal &
delivery Child Health
a. Pre-eminent signs of Nursing Care observati
labor of the Paper on of
b. Difference between Childbearing Video & actual
false and true labor & sharing of pencil performa
c. Duration of labor Childrearing woman in test nce
d. Stages of labor Family; 6th labor and using
5. Mechanisms of labor edition; delivery checklist
6. Common discomforts of Copyright
the woman during labor and 2010
delivery process

C. Care and
Management of Lec-5.5
Postpartum Module/onlin Identifying Observ Demo/ret Module/inte RLE-21
CSU-F-ACAD-07 Rev. 0 Effectivity Date: June 1, 2015
Republic of the Philippines Page 18 of 21
Virac, Catanduanes

Woman e Lecture – Diagnosis ation urn rnet

1 A Perform nursing care Hamilto, P.M. Discussion using demonstr
2 B interventions during 1. Maternal postpartum Basic on the checkli ation via
3 C intrapartum stage physiological changes Maternity concepts st video Textbooks
4 D a. Reproductive Nursing, 6th related to call/recor on
E b. Cardiovascular edition nursing care ded Maternity
F c. Respiratory of the video Nursing
G d. Renal and urinary postpartum
H system woman. Observat
I e. Immune system ion using
f. Endocrine system Assessment checklist Video clips
g. Pain of a /projector
h. Breasts/Breast Care Interactive Postpartum Evaluat
Identify signs of i. Musculo-skeletal Cagaya, P.S Lecture Mother ion of
physiologic changes system (2008) Discussion class
during maternal j. Maternal psychosocial essentials of with online particip
postpartal stage changes Obstetric video call ation
k. Rubins stages of Nursing in during
maternal postpartum the Philippine class
response/phases of Setting, 1st discuss NCP/cas
puerperium ed. C&E ions. e study
Identify important k.1. Taking in publishing
concepts in k.2. taking hold
recognizing the focus k.3. Letting go Conduct
of nursing care during 2. Maternal and family Lecture – Patient Class
postpartum stage response to the newborn Discussion Education/ particip Evaluatio
a. Materrnal response to Pilliteri, on the Ward ation n Exam
the newborn Adelle; concepts classes on
b. Father’s or Partner’s Maternal & related to Safety
response to the newborn Child Health nursing care Measures
Identify factors that c. Sibling’s response to Nursing Care of the for
will facilitate or hinder the newborn of the postpartum Postpartum
positive adaptive d. Grandparent’s Childbearing woman. Mothers Written
responses of the response to the newborn & specifically examin
family to the newborn e. Factors affecting family Childrearing on wound ation

CSU-F-ACAD-07 Rev. 0 Effectivity Date: June 1, 2015

Republic of the Philippines Page 19 of 21
Virac, Catanduanes

adaptation during Family; 6th care

postpartum period edition; (episiotomy)
f. Postpartum Copyright , breast
assessment 2010 care,
f.1. Monitoring of vital breastfeedi
Perform nursing care signs ng , early
interventions during f.2. uterine involution ambulation
postpartum stage f.3. amount and and
pattern of lochia exercises.
f.4. emotional Interactive
response Lecture
f.5. episiotomy healing Cagaya, P.S Discussion
g. Possible complications (2008) with power NUTRITION
during postpartum essentials of point &
h. Appropriate Nursing Obstetric presentation BREASTFE
diagnosis Nursing in EDING
i. Postpartum care the Philippine CLASS
i.1. safety measures- Setting, 1st
i.2. comfort measures ed. C&E
i.3. measures to publishing
prevent complications
j. documentation


XIII. Suggested Readings A. Nursing Journals & other health sciences journals
and References B. DOH Programs on maternal and Child Health
C. Readers Digest
D. Health and Home
XIV. Course Requirements A. submission of outputs via email, google classroom, google chat or will be sent at the office.
B. Midterm and Final Examination will be conducted online using appropriate flatform.
C. Project
XV. Course Policies A. The students should join the group chat and/or get in touch with faculty members in any (LMS) to be updated
B. Students are required to submit all the examination given online or in the classroom observing the minimum health standards
C. Submission of projects shall be on or before the due date agreed upon by the students and the faculty. Late submission will

CSU-F-ACAD-07 Rev. 0 Effectivity Date: June 1, 2015

Republic of the Philippines Page 20 of 21
Virac, Catanduanes

earn a grade of 3.0.

D. Those students who could not avail the electronics or online learning, face-to-face (residential learning will be conducted and
the students should inform the faculty member so that proper schedule will be made.
E. Students should inform the faculty member regarding the status of internet connectivity so that flexible learning activities will
be made.
F. Clinical Performance Evaluation (Evaluation Checklist) should be given to all students and may submit their
requirements/learning outputs by mail or personally handled by the students when it is safe to report on school or can
submit to the Dean’s office to be distributed to the respective Clinical Instructors.
XVI. Grading System For Academic Courses
Per Board Resolution Mid-Term Examination 30%
NOs. 3, 4,and 5 S. Quizzes/Homework/Seatwork 30%
2016; Dated: March 8, Performance 40%
2016) Project/Recitation/Role Play
TOTAL 100%

Final Examination 30%

Quizzes/Homework/Seatwork 30%
Performance 40%
(Project/Recitation/Role Play)
TOTAL 100%

For Clinical Practice

Performance 60%
Nursing Skill/Application of Knowledge
Requirements 20%
Examination/Summative 20%

Distribution of Weight for the Overall/Final Grade

Mid-Term Grade 50 %
Tentative 50 %
XVIII. Consultation Prof. Janet B. Lim – 9:00-12:00; 2:00-5:00, Thursday

CSU-F-ACAD-07 Rev. 0 Effectivity Date: June 1, 2015

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Virac, Catanduanes

Prof. Adelina M. Almojuela – 1:00-5:30, Monday, N8

Prof. Jocelyn Ll. Jordan – 9:00-12:00, Monday/Wednesday

Prepared by:

Associate Professor V Associate Professor I Associate Professor V

Date: __________ Date: __________ Date: __________


Assistant Professor II Assistant Professor IV
BSN Chairperson
Date: __________



Vice President for Academic Affairs
Date: __________

CSU-F-ACAD-07 Rev. 0 Effectivity Date: June 1, 2015

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