Effect" As One of Its Elements

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Directions: Identify which type of communication is applicable on the following

situations. Justify your answer.

1. Reviewing your lectures in preparation for your upcoming examination

intrapersonal communication, reviewing lectures is like communicating to
yourself or self talking and understanding

2. Preparing a formal report of the sales of your company

written communication, the subject is preparing a report since it’s written and
oral and requires group understanding

3. Informing the public about the typhoon

Public communication, the subject need to report about the typhoon to public
you need a eye contact, proper gesture to attract the audience

4. Presenting a marketing proposal in a different country

Visual communication the subject is presenting a presentation using a
Technology now days we use our gadgets for presenting our lessons, report,
proposal etc .

5. Conducting an urgent meeting while everyone is on leave for vacation

Visual communication the subject can conduct an urgent meeting using our
modern technology gadgets as we know now

Direction: Answer the following questions (15 PTS)

1. Discuss the important characteristic of Aristotle’s Model of Communication in

order to consider that specific communication to the public becomes effective.

The important characteristic of Aristotle’s model of communication is

broadly divided into 5 primary characteristics, speaker, speech, occasion,
audience and effect, the Aristotle communication model is a speaker
centered model as the speaker has the most important role in it and is the
only one active. It is the speakers role to deliver a speech to the audience

2. In Lasswell’s Model of Communication, explain the meaning of “(with) What

Effect” as one of its elements.

Lasswell’s model of communication describe as an act of communication

by defining whom the one who said it, what was said, in what channel it
was said, and in what effect it was said lasswell’s communication is a
framework of critiquing and deconstructing the elements involved in mass
communication the model ask 5 questions who?, said what?, in which
channel, to whom?, with what effect.

3. Shannon-Weaver Model of Communication is notable for including the element of

“noise” on its communication process. On this model, explain what is being
referred by the “noise”?

The Shannon and Weaver model is a linear model of communication that provides a
framework for analyzing how messages are sent and received. It is best known for its
ability to explain how messages can be mixed up and misinterpreted in the process
between sending and receiving the message. Noise interrupts a message while it’s on
the way from the sender to reciever.

4. Berlo’s Model of Communication traditionally follows the SMCR pattern, what

makes his model different from the other models?

David berlo’s SMCR model of communication represent the process of

communication in it’s simplest form. the acronym SMCR stands for sender,
message, channel, and receiver

5. Explain the reason why Osgood-Schramm Model reflects a two-way

communication process.

Osgood-Schramm's model of communication is known as a circular model because it

indicates that messages can go in two directions. Hence, once a person decodes a
message, then they can encode it and send a message back to the sender. They could
continue encoding and decoding into a continuous cycle.

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