Activity 2 Drug Study Linao
Activity 2 Drug Study Linao
Activity 2 Drug Study Linao
Drug Name Dosage and Mechanism Indication Contraindication Side effect Nursing
Frequency of Action responsibilities
Generic Name: Dosage: -Benzodiazepines exert -Management of anxiety - Documented Side effects of diazepam BEFORE:
diazepam -Adult and Pediatric their effects by facilitating disorders or for short-term hypersensitivity include: -WARNING: Do not
Dosage Forms and the activity of gamma- relief of symptoms of -Acute alcohol intoxication -Sedation administer intra-
Brand Name: Strengths aminobutyric anxiety -Myasthenia gravis -Fatigue arterially; may produce
Valium Tablet: Schedule acid(GABA) at various -Acute alcohol (allowable in limited -Confusion arteriospasm,
IV 2 mg sites. withdrawal; may be useful circumstances) -Anterograde amnesia gangrene.
5 mg Specifically, in symptomatic relief of -Acute narrow-angle -Depression -Do not use small veins
10 mg benzodiazepines bind at an acute agitation, tremor, glaucoma and open-angle -Ataxia (dorsum of hand or
-Alcohol Withdrawal allosteric site at the delirium tremens, glaucoma unless patients -Irritability wrist) for IV injection.
10 mg orally every 6-8 interface between the alpha hallucinosis receiving appropriate -Disinhibition -Arrange for epileptic
hours during first 24 and gamma subunits on -Muscle relaxant: Adjunct therapy -Local injection site patients to wear
hours; reduce to 5 mg GABA-A receptor chloride for relief of reflex skeletal -Severe respiratory reaction medical alert ID
orally every 6-8 hours as ion channels. The allosteric muscle spasm due to local depression -Headache indicating that they are
needed binding of diazepam at the pathology (inflammation -Sleep apnea -Tremor epileptics taking this
Frequency GABA-A receptor leads to of muscles or joints) or -Children under 6 months -Dystonia medication.
an increase in the secondary to trauma; DURING:
-Depending upon -Urinary retention
frequency at which the spasticity caused by upper -Incontinence -Reduce dose of opioid
severity of
chloride channel opens, motoneuron disorders analgesics with IV
symptoms—2 mg to -Nausea
leading to an increased (cerebral palsy and diazepam; dose should
10 mg, 2 to 4 times -Constipation
conductance of chloride paraplegia); athetosis, be reduced by at least
daily -Diplopia
ions. This shift in charge stiff-man syndrome one-third or eliminated.
-Libido changes
leads to a -Parenteral: Treatment of -Carefully monitor P,
hyperpolarization of the tetanus BP, respiration
-Menstrual irregularities
neuronal membrane and -Antiepileptic: Adjunct during IV
reduced excitability of the in status epilepticus and administration.
neuron. severe recurrent -Monitor EEG in
convulsive seizures patients treated for
(parenteral); adjunct in status epilepticus;
seizure disorders (oral) seizures may recur after
initial control,
presumably because of
-Preoperative (parenteral): short duration of drug
Relief of anxiety and effect.
tension and to lessen recall AFTER:
in patients prior to surgical -advice clients to
procedures, cardioversion, Maintain patients
and endoscopic receiving parenteral
procedures. benzodiazepines in bed
-Rectal: Management of for 3 hr.
selected, refractory -Tell patients You
patients with epilepsy who may experience these
require intermittent use to side effects:
control bouts of increased Drowsiness, GI upset
seizure activity (take drug with food);
-Unlabeled use: Treatment dreams, difficulty
of panic attacks concentrating, fatigue,
nervousness, crying
-Report severe dizziness,
weakness, drowsiness
that persists, rash or skin
lesions, palpitations,
swelling of the ankles,
visual or hearing
disturbances, difficulty
Drug Name Dosage and Mechanism Indication Contraindication effect Nursing
Frequency of Action responsibilities
Generic Name: DOSAGE: -Promethazine is an -Perennial and seasonal -Phenergan Tablets and Common Side effects BEFORE:
Promethazine Adult Dosage Forms and antagonist of histamine H1, allergic rhinitis. Suppositories are of Promethazine
Strengths TABLET - WARNING: Do not give
post-synaptic mesolimbic -Vasomotor rhinitis. contraindicated for use in include:
Brand Name: 12.5 mg tablets OR rectal
dopamine, alpha adrenergic, -Allergic conjunctivitis due pediatric patients less than -Sedation
Phenergan 25mg suppositories to children <
muscarinic, and NMDA to inhalant allergens and two years of age. -Confusion
50 mg 2 yr
receptors. The antihistamine foods. -Disorientation
Injectable solution -Phenergan Tablets and -WARNING: Do not
action is used to treat -Mild, uncomplicated -Blurred vision
25 mg/mL Suppositories are administer intra-arterially;
allergic reactions. allergic skin -Hallucinations
50 mg/mL contraindicated in arteriospasm and gangrene
Antagonism of muscarinic manifestations of urticaria -Muscle spasms
FREQUENCY: comatose states, and in of the limb may result.
and NMDA receptors and angioedema. -Catatonic states
-The average adult dose is individuals known DURING:
contribute to its use as a -Amelioration of allergic -Euphoria
25 mg taken twice daily. -Give IM injections deep
sleep aid, as well as for reactions to blood or to be hypersensitive or to -Excitation
The initial dose should be into muscle.
anxiety and tension. plasma. have had an idiosyncratic -Extrapyramidal symptoms
taken one-half to one hour -Do not administer
-Phenergan is a -Preoperative, reaction to promethazine or (tremors, jerky movements,
before anticipated travel subcutaneously; tissue
phenothiazine and postoperative, or to other phenothiazines. muscle rigidity)
and be repeated 8 to 12 necrosis may occur
antihistamine. It works by obstetric sedation. -Antihistamines are -Fast or slow heart rate
hours later, if necessary. -Advice clients to maintain
blocking the areas, where -Prevention and control of -Photosensitivity
contraindicated for use in fluid intake, and use
histamines are active. nausea and vomiting -Obstructive jaundice
the treatment of lower precautions against heat
associated with certain -Dry mouth
respiratory tract symptoms stroke in hot weather.
types of anesthesia and -Skin swelling
including asthma -monitor input and output
surgery. (angioneurotic edema) -monitor vital signs
-Active and prophylactic -Involuntary movements AFTER:
treatment of motion (tardive dyskinesia) -advice client to Take drug
sickness. Hives exactly as prescribed.
-Angioneurotic edema -educate client to Avoid
-Impotence using alcohol.
-Urinary retention -educate client to avoid
driving or engaging in
other dangerous activities
if dizziness, drowsiness, or
vision changes occur.
-Avoid prolonged
exposure to sun, or use a
sunscreen or covering
-Report sore throat, fever,
unusual bleeding or
bruising, rash, weakness,
tremors, impaired vision,
dark urine, pale stools,
yellowing of the skin or
Drug Name Dosage and Mechanism Indication Contraindication Side effect Nursing
Frequency of Action responsibilities
Generic Name: DOSAGE: - Midazolam is short-acting -Premedication -Contraindicated in patients Less common: BEFORE:
Midazolam 6-12 years benzodiazepine central -Sedation for procedures with a known - Anxiety - Before administering, have
25-50 mcg/kg IV over 2-3 nervous system (CNS) -Febrile seizure hypersensitivity to the drug -chest pain or discomfort oxygen and resuscitation
minutes. Repeat every 2-3 depressant. -Epilepsy in patients with acute -choking equipment available in case
Brand Name:
mins. As when needed. Max Benzodiazepines -Anxiety narrow-angle glaucoma. -confusion of severe respiratory
10mg. presumably exert their Midazolam injection is not -difficult or troubled depression.
Oral: effects by binding at stereo intended for intrathecal or -breathing DURING:
500-700 mcg/kg once, 20- specific receptors at several epidural administration due -drowsiness - Observe site closely
30 mins before procedure, sites within the central to the presence of the -dry mouth for extravasation.
diluted by juice. Max nervous system. All preservative benzyl alcohol -fast heartbeat - Monitor for adverse
20mg. benzodiazepines cause a in the dosage form. -hyperventilation reactions
IV: dose-related central nervous - Caution in preterm -irritability - Monitor BP and
<6 months 50 mcg/kg system depressant activity. infants, especially extreme -lightheadedness, dizziness, oxygen saturation
IV over 2-3 minutes. immaturity (half-life is or fainting -Inspect insertion site for
Titrate with small prolonged). -nausea redness, pain, swelling, and
increments till clinical - Caution in neonates with -nervousness other signs of extravasation
effect is attained. hepatic or renal -pale during IV infusion.
impairment. -restlessness - Monitor for hypotension
-shaking - Monitor vital signs for
-tightness in the chest entire recovery period. In
-trouble sleeping obese patient, half-life is
-unusual tiredness prolonged during IV
Symptoms of overdose infusion; therefore,
- Change in consciousness duration of effects is
difficulty with prolonged
coordination loss of AFTER:
consciousness sleepiness -educate patient to not
or unusual drowsines drive or engage in
More common potentially hazardous
- Vomiting activities until response to
Rare drug is known. You may feel
-Blurred vision drowsy, weak, or tired for 1–
-double vision 2 d after drug has been
-gagging given.
-hiccups - Review written
-watering of mouth and - instructions to assure future
drooling understanding and
-educate patient to avoid
use of alcohol or
prescription or OTC
sedatives or hypnotics for a
minimum of 24 hours after
- Pregnancy/breast-feeding
precautions: Advise
prescriber if you are
pregnant; this medication is
contraindicated for pregnant
women. Breast- feeding is
not recommended.
Drug Name Dosage and Frequency Mechanism Indication Contraindication effect Nursing responsibilities
of Action
Generic Name: DOSAGE: - Morphine is considered - Morphine is indicated for - Hypersensitivity to The most frequently BEFORE:
Morphine Sulfate Usual Adult Oral Dose the classic opioid analgesic the relief of severe acute morphine observed adverse - WARNING: Keep
- 10 to 30 mg with which other painkillers and severe chronic pain. reactions include: opioid antagonist and
Brand Name: - respiratory insufficiency
FREQUENCY: are compared. Like other - Preoperative medication or depression - lightheadedness facilities for assisted or
- Every 4 hours or as medications in this class, to sedate and allay - Severe CNS depression - dizziness controlled respiration
directed by physician. morphine has an affinity for apprehension, facilitate - attack of bronchial asthma - sedation readily available
delta, kappa, and mu-opioid induction of anesthesia, and - heart failure secondary to -nausea during IV
receptors. This drug reduce anesthetic dosage - vomiting administration.
chronic lung disease
produces most of its - Intraspinal use with micro - cardiac arrhythmias - sweating - Monitor patient's
analgesic effects by binding infusion devices for the Other adverse reactions
- increased intracranial or respiratory rate prior to
include the following:
to the mu-opioid receptor relief of intractable pain. cerebrospinal pressure administration.
Central Nervous
within the central nervous - Monitor blood
- head injuries System:
system (CNS) and the -Euphoria pressure prior to
- brain tumor
peripheral nervous system - Dysphoria administration. Hold if
- acute alcoholism
(PNS). The net effect of - Weakness systolic BP < 100 mm
morphine is the activation - convulsive disorders
-Headache Hg or 30 mm Hg below
of descending inhibitory - after biliary tract surgery - Insomnia baseline.
pathways of the CNS as - suspected surgical -Agitation -Instruct patient to lie
well as inhibition of the abdomen -disorientation, down during IV
nociceptive afferent neurons - Surgical anastomosis and visual disturbances. administration.
of the PNS, which leads to Gastrointestinal: DURING:
an overall reduction of the -Dry mouth
- Reassess pain after
nociceptive transmission. -Anorexia
administration of
and biliary tract spasm. morphine.
Cardiovascular: - Monitor for
- Flushing of the face, respiratory depression
-Bradycardia and hypotension
- Palpitation frequently up to 24
-Faintness and syncope. hours after
administration of
- Place call light signal
close to patient.
Accompany patient if
need to get out of bed
Integumentary: to minimize risk of
-Allergic: Pruritus, falls.
- Urticarial AFTER:
- other skin rashes,
-Instruct patient to
-and, rarely hemorrhagic
avoid alcohol and other
urticaria CNS depressants while
under the influence of
-Instruct patient to
avoid tasks requiring
alertness like driving
and operating heavy
machinery while under
the influence of
- Instruct patient to take
the drug exactly as
- Report severe nausea,
vomiting, and
constipation, shortness
of breath or difficulty
breathing, rash.
Drug Name Dosage and Mechanism Indication Contraindication effect Nursing
Frequency of Action responsibilities
Generic Name: Initial Dosage/Frequency: - Meperidine has the same - Demerol Tablets and -Meperidine is The most common side BEFORE:
Meperidine Adults mechanism of action as Oral Solution are indicated contraindicated in effects of Demerol - Patients should be aware
-Initiate treatment with morphine, which is acting as for the management of patients that are include: that DEMEROL tablets
Brand Name: Demerol Tablets or Oral an agonist to the mu-opioid actively receiving - dizziness, contain meperidine, which
acute pain severe enough
Demerol Solution in a dosing range receptor. The anti-shivering or have been -drowsiness, is a morphine like
to require an opioid
of 50 mg to 150 mg orally, effect may involve the exposed during the -nausea, substance.
every 3 or 4 hours as analgesic and for which past 14 days to
stimulation of k-opioid -vomiting, and - Patients should be advised
needed for pain. receptors. Meperidine also alternative treatments are monoamine oxidase -sweating to report pain and adverse
has some local anesthetic inadequate. inhibitors (MAOI) Demerol may cause experiences occurring
effects because of -Used to control moderate because of serious side effects during therapy.
interactions with sodium ion to severe pain. unpredictable including: Individualization of dosage
channels. Also, meperidine severe, and - slow heart rate, is essential to make optimal
has stimulant effects by occasionally fatal -weak or shallow breathing use of this medication.
inhibition of the dopamine reactions such as - severe drowsiness - Patients should be advised
transporter (DAT) and coma, severe - confusion not to adjust the dose of
norepinephrine transporter respiratory - mood changes DEMEROL without
(NET). depression, - severe constipation consulting the prescribing
hypotension, - tremors professional.
cyanosis, and acute DURING:
narcotic overdose. - Assess symptoms of
- Also, respiratory depression,
convulsion, hyper- including decreased
excitability, respiratory rate, confusion.
tachycardia, - Be alert for
hyperpyrexia, and excessive sedation or
hypertension have changes in mood and
been reported. behavior.
- Meperidine has - Monitor pulse oximetry
respiratory and perform pulmonary
depressant effects function tests to quantify
and capacity to suspected changes in
elevate ventilation and respiratory
cerebrospinal fluid function.
pressure especially in - Notify physician or
patients with head nurse immediately if
injury or other patient is unconscious or
intracranial lesions. extremely difficult to
In this group of arouse.
patients using - Use appropriate pain
Meperidine should scales (visual analogue
be with extreme scales, others) to document
caution. whether this drug is
- Demerol is successful in helping
contraindicated in manage the patient's pain.
patients with - Assess blood pressure
hypersensitivity to periodically and compare to
meperidine. normal values Report low
blood pressure
(hypotension), especially if
patient experiences
dizziness, fainting, or other
- Assess heart rate, ECG,
and heart sounds, especially
during exercise.
- Guard against falls and
trauma (hip fractures, head
injury). Implement fall
prevention strategies (See
Appendix E), especially if
patient exhibits sedation,
dizziness, or blurred vision.
-Instruct patient not to
combine demerol with
alcohol or other central
nervous system
Drug Name Dosage and Mechanism Indication Contraindication effect Nursing
Frequency of Action responsibilities
Generic Name: DOSAGE: - Unknown. Binds -To induce and maintain -Contraindicated in pts -Asthenia BEFORE:
Fentanyl Adult: with opioid receptors anesthesia. intolerant to drug. -Clouded sensorium - Assess the therapeutic
For low-dose therapy- 2 in the CNS, altering -Postoperative pain, -Use with caution in pts -Confusion response and in
mcg/kg I.V perception of and restlessness, tachypnea, with brain tumors, COPD, -Euphoria breakthrough cancer pain
For moderate-dose emotional response and emergence delirium decreased respiratory consider adjustment of
Brand Name: -Sedation
to pain. -To manage persistent, reserve, potentially background analgesia where
Onsolis therapy- 2-20 mcg/kg I.V, -Somnolence this is appropriate
then 25-100 mcg I.V or moderate to severe compromised respirations, -Seizures DURING:
I.M. p.r.n chronic pain in opioid- hepatic or renal disease. -Anxiety - Assess for signs of
For high-dose therapy- 20- tolerant patients who -Use with caution in -Depression adverse reactions.
50 mcg/kg I.V., then 25 require around-the-clock elderly or debilitated. -Dizziness - Continuous
mcg to one-half initial opioid analgesics for an -Hallucinations cardiorespiratory and blood
loading dose I.V. p.r.n extended time -Headache pressure monitoring.
-To manage breakthrough -Nervousness - Monitor oxygen saturations.
cancer pain in patients - Monitor respiratory status
already receiving and carefully.
tolerating an opioid. - Monitor urinary and bladder
- Medication should be kept
out of reach of children and in
its original packaging.
- Avoid activities that require
alertness if patient is affected
by drowsiness.
-Instruct client to report any
unusual side effects.
Drug Name Dosage and Mechanism Indication Contraindication effect Nursing
Frequency of Action responsibilities
Generic Name: DOSAGE: -Inhibits acetylcholine at -Indicated when excessive (or -Contraindicated in patients CNS: Blurred BEFORE:
Atrophine sulfate Adult: usually 0.4 to 1mg parasympathetic sometime normal) muscarinic hypersensitive to drug vision, - Monitor apical pulse prior
I.V push neuroeffector junction, effects are judged to be life Contraindicated in those photophobia, to administration.
Children & adolescents: blocking vagal effects in with acute-angle closure increased IOP, -check patients health
-Hypotonic radiography
Brand Name: 0.01 to 0.03 mg/kg SA an AV nides, enhancing -Preoperatively to diminish
glaucoma, obstructive headache, flushing, history
AtroPen I.V. conduction through AV secretions and block cardial uropathy, obstructive nervousness, DURING:
FREQUENCY: node and increasing heart vagal reflexes. disease of GI tract, paralytic weakness, - Monitor temperature in
Adult: q1-2 hrs rate. ileus, toxic megacolon, dizziness, infants and children for
intestinal atony, unstable insomnia, mental "atropine fever".
-CV status in acute confusion or - Reduce lighting to
hemorrhage tachycardia, excitement (after decrease photophobia.
myocardial ischemia, even small doses in - Monitor GI motility
asthma or myasthenia the elderly), nasal (BMs and flatus) and urine
gravis congestion output while patient is
-Use cautiously in pts with CV: Palpitations, receiving atropine.
Down-syndrome because bradycardia (low -instruct client to take as
they may be more sensitive doses), tachycardia prescribed, 30 minutes
to drug. (higher doses) before meals; avoid
GI: Dry mouth, excessive dosage.
altered taste AFTER:
perception, -instruct patient to avoid
nausea, vomiting, hot environments; you will
dysphagia, be heat intolerant, and
heartburn, dangerous reactions may
constipation, occur.
bloated feeling, -report unusual side effects
paralytic ileus, - Avoid driving or
gastroesophageal operating heavy machinery.
Drug Name Dosage and Mechanism Indication Contraindication effect Nursing
Frequency of Action responsibilities
Generic Name: DOSAGE: - Competitively inhibits -Active duodenal and - Contraindicated in pts. Adverse effects BEFORE:
Ranitidine Adult: 150 mg PO b.i.d or action of histamine at H2- gastric ulcer. hypersensitive to drug and CNS: Headache, -obtain physical
300 mg daily at bedtime or 50 receptor sites of parietal -Maintenance therapy for in those with acute malaise, dizziness, assessment including
mg cells, decreasing gastric duodenal or gastric ulcer. porphyria. somnolence, laboratory test if
Brand Name: I.V or I.M acid secretion. -Pathologic hypersecretory -Use cautiouslyin pts with insomnia, vertigo, necessary.
Zantac Children 1month-16 y.o: 2-4 conditions, such as hepatic dysfunction. Adjust mental confusion, -check patient’s health
mg/kg P.O b.i.d., up to 300 Zollinger-Ellison syndrome dosage in pts with impaired agitation, history.
mg/day renal function. depression, DURING:
FREQUENCY: hallucinations in - Take drug with meals
Adult: q6-8 hrs older adults. and at bedtime. Therapy
CV: may continue for 4–6
Bradycardia weeks or longer.
(with rapid IV - If you also are using an
push). antacid, take it exactly as
GI: Constipation, prescribed, being careful
nausea, abdominal of the times of
pain, diarrhea. administration.
Skin: Rash. - Institute safety
Hematologic: procedures to protect the
Reversible patient who experiences
decrease in WBC dizziness.
count, AFTER:
thrombocytopenia. - Advise patient not to
drive or operate heavy
machinery until the
response to drug therapy
can be evaluated.
- Do not breast feed
while taking the drug.
Drug Name Dosage and Mechanism Indication Contraindication effect Nursing
Frequency of Action responsibilities
Generic Name: DOSAGE: -Famotidine is a - Short-term treatment Who should not Adult side BEFORE
FAMOTIDINE injection solution competitive inhibitor and maintenance of take effects can -ask patient for any
10mg/mL of histamine H2- duodenal ulcer FAMOTIDINE? include: medicine allergy.
Brand Name: 0.4mg/mL receptors. The primary -Short-term treatment -stomach cancer. headache.
PEPSID oral suspension clinically important of benign gastric ulcer -chronic kidney disease dizziness. - ask patient if she is
40mg/5mL pharmacologic -Treatment of pathologic stage 3A (moderate) constipation. breastfeeding or
tablet activity is inhibition of hypersecretory diarrhea. pregnant.
gastric juice secretion. -chronic kidney disease
10mg conditions (eg, DURING
Famotidine reduces stage 3B (moderate)
20mg Zollinger- Ellison Children - Arrange for
the acid and pepsin syndrome) -chronic kidney disease under one administration of
40mg content, as well as the stage 4 (severe)
-Short-term treatment of year of age concurrent antacid
tablet, chewable volume, of basal, GERD, esophagitis due -chronic kidney disease may also therapy to relieve pain.
10mg nocturnal, and experience:
to GERD stage 5 (failure)
20mg stimulated gastric agitation, unusual -note any allergy
FREQUENCY: secretion. restlessness, or crying reactions.
for no clear reason. AFTER
Adults and children weighing 40 - If using one dose a day,
kilograms (kg) or more—20 milligrams administer drug at
(mg) 1 or 2 times per day, at the bedtime.
morning and at bedtime, or 40 mg once
a day at bedtime for up to 12 weeks.
- Decrease doses with
renal failure.
Generic Name: DOSAGE: -The exact mechanism -To reduce incidence of -Droperidol is -fast or pounding BEFORE
DROPERIDOL Adult Dosage: of action is unknown, nausea and vomiting contraindicated in heartbeats, fluttering in -Monitor ECG throughout
Max initial dose: 2.5mg IM however, droperidol associated with surgical patients with: your chest, shortness of therapy. Report
Brand Name: or slow IV; may give causes a CNS and diagnostic procedures. - Hypersensitivity to breath, and immediately prolongation
INAPSINE additional 1.25mg doses to depression at droperidol or to any of -sudden dizziness (like of QTc interval.
achieve desired effect. subcortical levels of the excipients, you might pass out); -DURING
Children Dosage: the brain, midbrain, Hypersensitivity to -slow heart rate, weak -Monitor vital signs
<2yrs: not recommended. and brainstem butyrophenones- pulse, fainting, slow closely. Hypotension and
≥2yrs: max initial dose: reticular formation. It Known or suspected breathing (breathing may tachycardia are common
0.1mg/kg. may antagonize the prolonged QT interval stop); adverse effects.
actions of glutamic (QTc of > 450 msec in -confusion, hallucinations -Observe patients for signs
acid within the females and > 440 of impending respiratory
extrapyramidal msec in males). depression carefully when
system. receiving a concurrent
narcotic analgesic
-Observe carefully and
report promptly to
physician early signs of
acute dystonia: Facial
grimacing, restlessness,
tremors, torticollis,
oculogyric crisis.
Drug Name Dosage and Mechanism Indication Contraindication effect Nursing
Frequency of Action responsibilities
Generic Name: DOSAGE: -Pentobarbital works -Pentobarbital is a drug -porphyria. Nervous system: BEFORE
PENTOBARBITAL injectable solution: Schedule in the central nervous within the barbiturate class -high blood pressure. -Agitation, - Observe patient closely;
II 50mg/mL system by binding to that works primarily on the - confusion, maintain airway.
FREQUENCY: gamma-aminobutyric central nervous system. At -low blood pressure. - Have equipment for
Brand Name: -hyperkinesia,
NEMBUTAL The total daily amount of acid (GABA) A low doses, indications -pneumonia. -ataxia, artificial respiration
phenobarbital is then subtype receptors. include short-term - CNS depression, - immediately available.
-lung failure causing loss
administered in 3 to 4 divided This action induces a sedatives to treat insomnia nightmares, DURING
of breath.
doses, not to exceed 600 mg change in the chloride and as a pre-anesthetic for - nervousness, - Monitor BP, pulse, and
daily. Should signs of transport receptor, surgery. -decreased lung function. -psychiatric disturbance, - respiration q3–5min
withdrawal occur on the first leading to an increase -liver problems. hallucinations, during IV administration.
day of treatment, a loading in the duration that the - insomnia. - Observe patient closely
dose of 100 to 200 mg of -apnea, a breathing
chloride channels Respiratory system: for adverse effects for at
phenobarbital may be remain open, hence interruption.
-Hypoventilation, least 30 min after IM
administered IM in addition to potentiating GABA -apnea. administration of hypnotic
the oral dose. effects. Cardiovascular system: dose.
-Bradycardia, AFTER
- hypotension, -Observe patient closely
-syncope. for adverse effects for at
Digestive system: least 30 min after IM
-Nausea, administration of hypnotic
- vomiting, dose.
Drug Name Dosage and Mechanism Indication Contraindication effect Nursing
Frequency of Action responsibilities
Generic Name: DOSAGE: -Depresses CNS -Secobarbital is indicated -Seconal Sodium -drowsiness BEFORE
SECOBARBITAL capsule: Schedule II activity by binding for: Treatment of (secobarbital sodium -difficulty falling asleep -check for doctors order.
100mg to barbiturate site at epilepsy. Temporary capsules) is contraindicated or staying asleep DURING
Brand Name: GABA-receptor treatment of insomnia. Use in patients who are -nightmares - Observe closely for
SECONAL FREQUENCY: complex enhancing as a preoperative hypersensitive to -headache changes in established drug
Adults - As a hypnotic, 100 GABA activity, medication to produce barbiturates. It is also -dizziness regimen effectiveness
mg at bedtime. depressing reticular anaesthesia and anxiolysis contraindicated in patients -nervousness whenever a barbiturate is
Preoperatively, 200 to 300 mg activity system. in short surgical, with a history of manifest -agitation added, at least during early
1 to 2 hours before surgery. diagnostic, or therapeutic or latent porphyria, marked -excitement phase of barbiturate use.
Pediatric Patients - procedures which are impairment of liver Barbiturates increase the
Preoperatively, 2 to 6 mg/kg, minimally painful. function, or respiratory metabolism of many drugs,
with a maximum dosage of disease in which dyspnea or leading to decreased
100 mg. obstruction is evident. pharmacologic effects of
those drugs.
- Excessive respiratory
depression requires
emergency care.
- Monitor daytime
- Repeated or excessive
drowsiness may require
change in dose or