Demofarm Action Plan
Demofarm Action Plan
Demofarm Action Plan
Quirino Stadium, Zone V, Bantay, Ilocos Sur, ISCC Barangay Demo Farm
Philippines 2727 Campus
Tel. No. (077) 604-0285 Barangay Labnig, San Juan,
e-mail address: [email protected] Ilocos Sur
SY 2021-2022
1. Faculty To implement Implementatio Department Head Whole Linkages to 100% 20% increase of
Development and strengthen n of the faculty and Faculty year private Conducte the faculty with
the by engaging or Members individuals, d masters
performances attending non-government personnel
and knowledge webinars and organizations inventory At least one or
of the faculty. training and other local to identify two institutional
focuses on the government the training/s/seminar
updated or units addressing available (s) will be
latest in giving free recipients. conducted or
technologies training and attended
under the webinars.
2. Students
Development Enrich, Faculty Septembe Review and 100% assessment
To strengthen
review and And r-October Mock Update passers
the students
to pass their
update the Students Assessment course syllabi
National curriculum in July –
Certificate accordance August Organize
Level II and with the (2022) training/semi
III. TESDA Rules nar to the
To provide and October – faculty and
farm-related Regulations. June students
to students
To train
students to Septembe
become farm r - July
, farm
farm workers
and farm
To endorse Students and Septembe Increases the
scholarship Linking to ISCC Scholarship r- June number of
grants/educati available Coordinator scholarships
on assistance
scholarships grants annually.
to less
and assistance
3. Learning students
Modalities Instructors/Traine Septembe Students will had
Sending of rs and Students r – June Messenger/emai their exam or
To address soft copies of l 100% of the assessment on
learning access the lessons via learners will their scheduled
of students who messenger(gc) receive the day in actual
have or email copy of their demonstration
gadgets(laptop, - Outputs module on the with oral
smartphones, will be scheduled questioning
desktop) submitted date of
digitally distribution
face-to-face messenger(gc
session in ) every 2
actual Face-to-face weeks
with 100% of the
discussion learners will
following attend their
1. Provide To conduct Linking Instructors/Traine Whole Research study 80% Conduct Implementation is
researches researches based studies to rs, year materials researches on based on the
under the agri- on the needs some non- Students/Trainees, crops, poultry community
fishery sector under the agri- government and private other and livestock requirement.
using the latest fishery sector organizations, individuals, farming,
technologies using the latest private member of the fisheries and
acquired technologies individuals NGO’s and organic
acquired in and local LGU’s farming.
training and government
seminars under units and
the Agriculture department
Sector. programs
under the
1. Provide To provide Implementatio Instructors/Traine October – Identified the Implementati Dissemination of
extension extension n of the well- rs, Students and August community on and latest
services on services on coordinated Farmers Or June – where the Identification technologies to
Animal and Animal and extension, Community August extension of strong the community
Plant Diseases Plant Diseases briefing and services/progra partners to
Prevention/Con Prevention/Cont training m will be farmers-
trol and rol and services of the implemented community
Eradication, Eradication, chosen
Dissemination, Dissemination, community.
3. Produce To generate To produce Project Staff Whole Seeds, 85% Survival 1000 fruit
Vegetable, High income vegetable, year Machineries, rate seedlings
Value Crops, high value Students under the water 300 grafted
and assorted crops, and program requirements, mango
seedlings assorted Agricultural Crop seedling bags, 1000 timber tree
seedlings Production NCIII soil media 2000 ornamentals
and herbal plants
Seasonal Plant 200 papaya
Plant 3000 corn
Seasonal seeds
Plant 200
seedlings each of
Seasonal eggplant, tomato,
okra, sweet chili.
Sitao and 100
5. Establish of To serve as
butterfly leisure place for To establish Project Staff Whole Butterflies To be 20% established
garden local and other butterfly year established at the end of 1st
tourists garden Materials quarter of 2022
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