Analysis Report For Moving Average Price Changes: MBMAPCHANGES
Analysis Report For Moving Average Price Changes: MBMAPCHANGES
Analysis Report For Moving Average Price Changes: MBMAPCHANGES
The moving average price of some materials has changed in your ERP-system and
you are not able to explain what caused the change. You need to look into and
analyze moving average price changes however there is no specific standard tool,
which would fully support this.
Other Terms
moving average price, price change history, v-price, v price, map, MAP, s price, s-
price, statistical moving average price, ZMBMAPCHANGES, MBMAPCHANGES,
supportability tool, report, analysis, GLD
The moving average price of materials can be changed by several different types
of documents in ERP systems, for example: material documents, price change
documents, invoice documents, production settlements or even credit memos or
material ledger documents. Due to the complex cross-application knowledge
required to find all these documents it can be quite complicated to access and
review all relevant documents.
For such analyses transaction MR51 offers a detailed view that can be used to
track price changes, however this transaction cannot distinguish between postings
made to the unrestricted use stock and to the valuated special stocks 'E' and 'Q'
therefore in some cases it is not reliable and usable.
Manual Activities
|Manual Activity |
|Software Component SAP_APPL SAP Application |
| Release 600 SAPKH60001 - SAPKH60027 |
| Release 602 Until SAPKH60217 |
| Release 603 Until SAPKH60316 |
| Release 604 SAPKH60401 - SAPKH60417 |
| Release 605 Until SAPKH60514 |
| Release 606 SAPKH60601 - SAPKH60616 |
| Release 616 Until SAPKH61609 |
| Release 617 SAPKH61701 - SAPKH61711 |
| Release 618 Until SAPK-61801INSAPAPPL |
|Manual Activity |
|Software Component S4CORE |
| Release 100 Until SAPK-10001INS4CORE |