Financial Analysis
Financial Analysis
Financial Analysis
Part 2
Profitability ratios are a class of financial metrics
that are used to assess a business's ability to
generate earnings relative to its revenue, operating
costs, balance sheet assets, or shareholders'
equity over time, using data from a specific point in
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is a financial ratio that indicates whether a
company's current assets will be sufficient
to meet the company's obligations when
they become due.
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Leverage Ratios show the capital structure
of a company, that is, how much of the
total assets of a company is financed by
debts and how much id financed by
stockholders’ equity.
It can be used to measure the company’s ability to
meet long-term obligations.
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The efficiency ratio or Turnover Ratios is typically used
to analyze how well a company uses its assets and
liabilities internally. An efficiency ratio can calculate
the turnover of receivables, the repayment of
liabilities, the quantity and usage of equity, and the
general use of inventory and machinery. This ratio can
also be used to track and analyze the performance of
commercial and investment banks.
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Measures the company’s ability to generate
revenues for every peso of asset invested. It is an
indicator of how productive the company is in
utilizing its resources.
◦ The asset
turnover ratio of
2.22 means that
for every P1.00
of asset of the
business has in
a current year. It
is able to
Net Sales = P 100,000 generate sales
Average Total Assets = P 45,000
of P 2.22
Total Asset Turnover Ratio = 2.22
Measures the company’s ability to generate revenues
for every peso of asset invested. It is an indicator of
how productive the company is in utilizing its resources.
◦ In that year the
business was
able to
generate P 6.61
for every P1.00
of Plant,
Property and
(Fixed Assets)
of the business
that it has.
Net Sales = P 260,000 .
Average Net Fixed Assets = (P41,304 + P 37,378) /2
[email protected]
[email protected] Joe Cor Ali IAMJOEAL @IAMJOEAL