Benefits and Drawbacks of Bus. Ownership
Benefits and Drawbacks of Bus. Ownership
Benefits and Drawbacks of Bus. Ownership
A small business is a business that is privately owned and operated, with a small number of
employees and relatively low volume of sales.
• Other methods used to classify small companies include annual sales (turnover), value of
assets, and net profit (balance sheet), alone or in a mixed definition.
These are independently owned, operated, and financed. It has fewer than 100 employees
and doesn't engage in any new or innovative practices and has little impact in the industry.
2. Entrepreneurial Venture
An organization is having profitability and growth as the main goals, which are achieved
through constant innovation, seeking new opportunities, and being a risk-taker.
• Analyses.
There are two ways of verifying if the idea is a good idea for a business:
a) Outside-in analysis –
Considers both the general environment (the big picture) and the industrial selling in
which the venture might do business.
b) Inside-out analysis –
identifying the opportunities from the outside is worth the effort but these can
make sense if it fits the innate potentials of the business such as:
▪ Resources and Capabilities - these are the resources, both tangible and intangible,
and capabilities, and
▪ Core Competencies -resources and capabilities that give the firm a competitive
advantage against their rivals.
• Integrating internal and external analyses.
In integrating both analyses, one can employ the SWOT analysis.
o Franchising is an act whereby allowing one to practice and use another person's business
philosophy and methodology
o Franchise is an authorization to sell the company's goods or services in a particular place by
a particular person outside of the company.
• Operating restrictions.
The franchisee is obligated to follow the rules of engagement, policies and
procedures that are stipulated in the contract
• Loss of Entrepreneurial Independence.
By agreeing to conform to the policies and procedures or the franchisor,
the entrepreneur cannot introduce new ideas in their franchise.
o Franchising Options and the Structure of the Franchising History.
The term ''franchising” is derived from the French word "franc," meaning "free”
“freedom” or "exemption from duties."