Water On Land Paper 1 Physical Rivers

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Water on the Land

The Hydrological Cycle

Key Terms
 Precipitation – any way that water
reaches the ground from the air e.g.
rainfall, sleet and snow
 Infiltration – the movement of water
from the earths surface into the soil
 Surface run off – the transfer of
water back to the sea over the
surface of the land.
 Transpiration - Plants letting water
out into the atmosphere as a vapour.
 Groundwater - The transfer of water
The hydrological cycle or water cycle is a through the ground back to the sea.
CLOSE system. It is the continuous  Condensation - Water vapour in the air
movement of water between land, sea and changing back as a liquid, creating
the air. clouds.
Key Words
 Drainage basin – the area of land
Land Sea drained by a river and its tributaries
 Source – where a river starts, usually
in the highlands
The Drainage Basin  Mouth – where the river meets a lake
or the sea
The drainage basin in an open system – the  Watershed – the imaginary line that
amount of water in it is not fixed. divides two drainage basins
 Tributary – a smaller river that joins a
main river
 Confluence – the joining point of two

Processes of a river

There are four ways that a river
erodes; hydraulic action, corrosion,
corrosion and attrition.
 Hydraulic action – the force of the water wearing away the bed and bank of
the river
 Corrosion – the chemical reaction between the water and the bed and bank of
the river, wearing it away.
 Corrasion/abrasion – where bedload in the river wears away its bed and bank.
 Attrition – where rocks in the water become smaller and rounder by hitting
each other.

There are four ways in which a rivers
moves its eroded material
downstream; traction, saltation,
suspension and solution.

This is where the river drops its
material. It occurs when the velocity
of the river decreases, energy is
reduced and the river can no longer
hold all its material.

Characteristics of the upper course of the river

Features of the upper course

VERTICAL EROSION is the main process in the upper course of the river, as the
river wants to get to sea level. This process creates five distinctive features; a v-
shaped valley, interlocking spurs, waterfalls, gorges and rapids.

1. V-shaped valley
Weathering and
soil creep
a) b) c)

v-shaped valley

Vertical erosion

V-shaped valleys are created by vertical erosion (a). As the river erodes
downwards freeze-thaw weathering loosens material, which is moved downhill
by soil creep (gravity) (b). This creates the characteristic v-shaped valley only
found in the upper course of the river. It is steep sided and narrow.
2. Interlocking spurs

Interlocking Spurs are caused

because the river wants to erode
vertically. It therefore winds it
way around areas of hard rock,
avoiding them in favour of softer
rock which is more easily eroded
and leaves them as ridges of
interlocking spurs.

3. Waterfalls

These occur
when there
are horizontal
bands of hard
and soft rock.

An example is
High Force on
the River
4. Gorges

Gorges are the results of the waterfalls

retreating upstream. As the process of
undercutting and collapse repeats, the waterfall
moves back towards its source. This leaves a
steep sided channel called a Gorge. An example
of this is Katherine Gorge, Australia.

The Characteristics of the middle Course of the River

Features of the middle course

LATERAL EROSION is the dominant process in the middle course of the river, as it
is getting closer to sea level, so doesn’t want to erode downwards, but has more
energy due to increased volume of water. Therefore the river erodes sideways. This
process creates four distinctive features; meanders, oxbow lakes, floodplains and
1. Meanders Cross section of a Meander

A meander is a bend in a river. On the outside

of the bend the river is fastest flowing and
therefore erosion is greatest. This creates a
deep area of water and a river cliff. On the
inside of the bend water is forced to slow
down, which reduces its energy, making it
deposit its material. This creates a shallow slip
of slope.

2. Ox-bow lakes

1. Erosion on the outside of 2. As erosion occurs

the bend is caused by the on the outside of the
fastest flowing water bend, the meander
hitting it. This creates a neck narrows.
river cliff. Deposition
occurs on the inside of the 4. Deposition occurs on the
bend due to the water being outside of the channel,
forced to slow down. This blocking up the former
creates a slip off slope. meander to create an ox-
bow lake. Over time the ox-
3. The meander neck gets so bow lake dries up to create
narrow that during a flood a meander scar.
event the river cuts Key
through, creating a new //// = erosion
straight channel. ::::::: = deposition
= fastest flowing water

3. Floodplains

Diagram of Meander Migration A floodplain is the wide, flat area of

land either side of the river. It is
formed by erosion and deposition.
As meanders slowly move downstream,
lateral erosion widens the floodplain,
whilst deposition of the slip off slopes
provides sediment to build up the floor.
In addition, when the rivers floods
sediment is deposited on the floodplain,
making it very fertile. This makes it
perfect for agriculture and is why many
farmers are found on floodplains.
4. Levees

Levees are natural embankments that form by the

banks of the river. They are created by
deposition. When a river floods, the velocity of
the river slows down as it travels over the
floodplain. The river cannot hold all its sediment
and is forced to deposit it. It deposits the
largest material first and the smallest furthest
from the river bank: this is called sorting. This
process repeats over time creates a levee.

Characteristics of the lower course of the river

Features of the lower course

The river has greatest discharge and cross-sectional area. Many of the
characteristics are similar to the middle course, including the floodplain, levees and
meanders. However, due to reduced velocity at the mouth of the river it also has one
additional feature; deltas.

1. Deltas Deltas form at the mouth of

river. The velocity of the river
is reduced, so it deposits its
material. This begins to choke
the mouth of the river, and so
it splits into smaller channels
called distributaries. There
are three types of delta; fan,
tooth and bird’s foot.
Causes of flooding

The Storm Hydrograph

A hydrograph is a graph which

shows the discharge of a river over
time, at a given point. A storm
hydrograph shows the change in
discharge during a storm event
Key Words
 Discharge – the amount of water in a river channel measured in cumecs (m/sec³)
 Rising limb – this increase in river discharge, due to surface runoff
 Falling limb- the return to normal levels of river discharge after the storm event, slowed
by through flow.
 Lag time – the time between the heaviest rainfall and the highest discharge. The shorter
the lag time the greater the risk of flooding.
 Peak discharge – maximum volume of water in the river.

The long profile of the river

Upper Course Middle course Lower course
Long Profile Steep gradient Gentle gradient flat
Valley cross

Channel cross

Examples of V-shaped valley, Meanders, ox-bow Meanders, ox-bow

features waterfalls, rapids, lakes, floodplain, lakes, levee, deltas
gorges levee

River Features on Maps

1. The upper course

Contours are
close together,
showing a
Contours slope
steep sided
down toward the
river in a v-
shape. This
shows and The contours
interlocking spur. continue right
to the river
showing there
is no floodplain
(flat land next
to the river).

2. The middle course

Meanders are evident in this part of the river.

Towns are often found in this section of the


The contour lines are much further spaced

out – showing a much flatter gradient.

The land close to the river has no contours –

showing a flat floodplain.
3. The lower course

River is at its widest.

Deposition is evident, usually as mud

flats or deltas.

The land has very few contours. It

is very flat.

Heavy industry is often found at the

lower course.

The River Tees

The drainage basin of the river Tees

The Boscastle Flood, 16th August 2004

 New culvert was
 Car park was
raised and
barriers put
around it
 River was widened
and deepened
 Bridges made
 Cost = £4.6

The Bangladesh Flood,

July-September 2004
Managing Floods

MEDC Case Study: River Derwent

£7.5 million has been spent on protecting towns in the catchment area. They have
used hard and soft methods to protect against future flooding.

Hard engineering: Soft Engineering:

 Embankments have been put along the  Embankments have been built near
river, these are now quite old and didn’t settlements with washlands between the
protect against the floods in 1999 embankments and the river. Water can
 Sluice gates upstream can hold back flood here without causing damage
water and let it out in a controlled way.  New building has been restricted on the
 The area is quite rural so expensive floodplain
schemes are not worth the money for  Hedgerows and trees have been planted
the whole area.  River banks have been reinforced with
 Flood gates have been put at Stamford willow to stop bank erosion so that the
Bridge to protect the road and homes river doesn’t get silted up
 Flood walls at Stamford Bridge have  Early warning systems have been put in
been built to protect homes and place
Hard Engineering scheme case study: Three Gorges Dam

The Three Gorges Dam is built on the Yangtze River. The Dam is 181m high and
2.3km long. Construction started in 1994 and finished in 2006 and cost $25.5 billion.
A reservoir has been created by the dam which is 632km².

Advantages Disadvantages
 Has provided flood control. The  Up to 200 million tonnes of soil is being
risk of flooding downstream went deposited behind the dam every year which
from a 1-in-10 year event to a 1-in- reduces the storage capacity of the reservoir
100 year event.  Water in the reservoir is becoming heavily
 The dam will benefit over 15 million polluted from shipping and waste discharged
people living in high-risk flood from cities
areas,  Toxic substances from factories, mines and
 The dam will protect over 25,000ha waste tips submerged by the reservoir are
of farmland. being released into the water
 Improved navigation for ships and  1.4 million people were forcibly moved from
boats their homes to accommodate the dam, reservoir
 Produces Hydroelectric power for and power stations.
homes, factories and businesses.  Corrupt local officials have taken over $30
million set aside for compensation for those
being forced out of their homes

Water Stress and Demand

Key terms:
1. Water stress occurs when the
amount of water available does not
match the required demand. This
may be due to an inadequate supply
or may relate to water quality
2. Areas of deficit are locations
where the rain that falls does not
provide enough water on a
permanent basis. Shortages may
occur under certain conditions e.g.
long periods without rain.
3. Areas of surplus are areas that
have more water than is needed –
often such areas receive a high
rainfall total but have a relatively
small population.
Water supply management: Kielder Water Reservoir

Kielder Water is in Northumberland and is the biggest man-made reservoir in

northern Europe. It is 12km long and up 52m deep. It cost £167 million to build and
was completed in 1982. It was built to meet an expected increase in water demand
from north-east England because of the rising population there and the expected
growth of the steel and chemical industries. However, these industries haven’t grown
as expected, in fact they’ve declined.

Kielder water is a water-transfer scheme – where water is transferred from one area
to another. The water is released in the Rivers Tyne, Derwent, Wear and Tees. This
helps to maintain river flows when levels are low. Extra water can be released for
household and industrial use. Kielder water can provide up to 909 million litres of
water a day.

Advantages Disadvantages
 Kielder Water is a major tourist attraction. This has created  One and a half
jobs and benefited the local economy million trees were
 The north-east now has the most reliable water supply in cut down to build
England the reservoir
 Only a few families have been moved and re-housed when the
reservoir was built
 The release of clean water into the Tyne has encouraged salmon
and sea trout to migrate upriver to breed
 Forest Park, surrounding Kielder Water is harvested for timber
and employs about 200 people
 If pollution occurs downstream, clean water can be released to
dilute it and flush it out to sea.
 The water is used to generate renewable HEP at the dam.

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