Structural Design of Offshore Ships: DNV-OS-C102
Structural Design of Offshore Ships: DNV-OS-C102
Structural Design of Offshore Ships: DNV-OS-C102
Structural Design
of Offshore Ships
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Offshore Standard DNV-OS-C102, October 2011
Changes – Page 3
Text affected by the main rule changes is highlighted in red colour in the electronic pdf version. However,
where the changes involve a whole chapter, section or sub-section, only the title may be in red colour.
This document supersedes DNV-OS-C102, April 2011.
I. Inspection Principles................................................................................................................................................... 60
I 100 General................................................................................................................................................................ 60
J. Corrosion Control ....................................................................................................................................................... 60
J 100 General................................................................................................................................................................ 60
App. A Conversion of Tanker
to Floating Offshore Installation 61
A. Introduction ................................................................................................................................................................ 61
A 100 General................................................................................................................................................................ 61
B. Strength........................................................................................................................................................................ 61
B 100 General................................................................................................................................................................ 61
B 200 Local scantling requirement................................................................................................................................ 61
B 300 Transverse strength ............................................................................................................................................. 61
B 400 Longitudinal strength .......................................................................................................................................... 61
B 500 Topside and topside interface to hull structure ................................................................................................... 62
C. Fatigue.......................................................................................................................................................................... 62
C 100 General................................................................................................................................................................ 62
C 200 Previous trade ..................................................................................................................................................... 62
C 300 Operation ........................................................................................................................................................... 62
C 400 Areas to be checked ........................................................................................................................................... 62
C 500 Mean stress effect .............................................................................................................................................. 62
D. Topside Interface to hull structure............................................................................................................................ 62
D 100 General................................................................................................................................................................ 62
App. B Longitudinal Strength according to the LRFD Method ............................................................... 64
A. Introduction ................................................................................................................................................................. 64
A 100 General................................................................................................................................................................ 64
B. Hull Girder Longitudinal Strength ........................................................................................................................... 64
B 100 Hull girder bending and shear checks................................................................................................................. 64
B 200 Hull girder yield check........................................................................................................................................ 65
B 300 Hull girder buckling capacity.............................................................................................................................. 65
A. General
A 100 General
101 This standard comprises sections with provisions applicable to all types of offshore floating ship shaped
units, and sections with provisions for specific types of units such as well intervention/drilling units and FPSOs.
102 This standard is based on the principles of the Working Stress Design (WSD). In WSD the target
component level is achieved by keeping the calculated stress for different load combinations equal to or lower
than the maximum stress. The maximum permissible stress is defined by multiplication of the capacity, of the
structural member with permissible usage factors.
A 200 Objectives
201 The objectives of this standard are to:
— provide an internationally acceptable standard for design of offshore ship-shaped units
— serve as a technical reference document in contractual matters between purchaser and manufacturer
— serve as a guideline for designers, purchaser, contractors and regulators
— specify procedures and requirements for units subject to DNV classification services
— base the design of the hull and topside on the same principles and methodology for all transit and
operational scenarios
— provide, as far as possible, consistent loads for both topside and hull design.
A 300 Classification
301 Classification principles, procedures and applicable class notations related to classification services of
offshore units are specified in the DNV Offshore Service Specifications given in Table A1.
302 Documentation for classification shall be in accordance with the NPS DocReq (DNV Nauticus
Production System for documentation requirements) and DNV-RP-A201.
105 Requirements concerning mooring and riser system are not considered in the standard.
C. Definition
C 100 Verbal forms
101 Shall: Indicates a mandatory requirement to be followed for fulfilment or compliance with the present
standard. Deviations are not permitted unless formally and rigorously justified, and accepted by all relevant
contracting parties.
102 Should: Indicates a recommendation that a certain course of action is preferred or particularly suitable.
Alternative courses of action are allowable under the standard where agreed between contracting parties but
shall be justified and documented.
103 May: Indicates a permission, or an option, which is permitted as part of conformance with the standard.
C 200 Terms
201 Standard terms are given in DNV-OS-C101.
202 Drilling vessel: A unit used for drilling in connection with exploration and/or exploitation of oil and gas.
The unit is generally operating on the same location for a limited period of time and is normally equipped with
dynamic positioning system with several thrusters. The unit follows the normal class survey program.
203 Well intervention vessel: A unit equipped for performing wire-line intervention (without riser) of subsea
wells and or coiled tubing of subsea. The unit is generally operating on the same location for a limited period
of time and is normally equipped with dynamic positioning system with several thrusters. The unit follows the
normal class survey program.
204 Floating production and offloading unit: A unit used for the production of oil with arrangement for
offloading to a shuttle tanker. The units normally consist of a hull, with turret or spread mooring arrangement,
and production facilities above the main deck. The unit can be relocated, but is generally located on the same
location for a prolonged period of time.
205 Floating storage and offloading unit: A unit used for storage of oil with arrangement for offloading to a
shuttle tanker. The units normally consist of a hull, with turret or spread mooring system. The unit is equipped
for crude oil storage. The unit can be relocated, but is generally located on the same location for a prolonged
period of time.
206 Floating production, storage and offloading unit: A unit used for the production and storage of oil with
arrangement for offloading to a shuttle tanker. The unit is equipped for crude oil storage. The unit is normally
moored to the seabed with production facilities on the main deck. The unit can be relocated, but is normally
located on the same location for a prolonged period of time.
207 Floating production, drilling, storage and offloading unit: A unit used for drilling, storage and
production of oil with arrangement for offloading to a shuttle tanker. The unit is equipped for crude oil storage.
208 LNG/LPG Floating Production and Storage units: A unit with facilities for oil and gas production and
storage. The unit is typically permanently moored. Due to the complexity of the unit more comprehensive
safety assessment are typically carried out. The unit is normally equipped with solutions for quick
disconnection of mooring lines between the shuttle tanker and the oil and gas producing and storage unit.
209 Turret: A device providing a connection point between the unit and the combined riser- and mooring-
systems, allowing the unit to freely rotate (weather vane) without twisting the risers and mooring lines.
210 Temporary mooring: Anchoring in sheltered waters or harbours exposed to moderate environmental
211 Structural design brief: A document providing criteria and procedures to be adopted in the initial stages
of the design process. The structural design brief should include analytical methods, procedures and
methodology used for the structural design taking all relevant limiting design criteria into account. Owner’s
additional specification, if any, should be clearly described in the structural design brief.
212 Service life: The expected life time of the unit
213 Fatigue life: Service life × Design Fatigue Factor (DFF)
214 Probability of exceedance:
10-4: Appr. daily return period
10-8: Appr. 20 years return period
10-8.7: Appr. 100 years return period
215 Annual probability:
10-1: 10 years return period
10-2: 100 years return period
C 300 Symbols
301 The following Latin characters are used in this standard:
Table C3 Abbreviations
Abbreviation In full
DFF Design fatigue factor
NDT Non-destructive testing
SCF Stress concentration factors
WSD Working stress design
D. References
D 100 DNV Offshore Standards, Rules and Classification Notes
101 The offshore standards and rules given in Table D1 are referred to in this standard.
Table D1 DNV Offshore Standards, Rules, Classification Notes and Recommended Practice
Reference Title
DNV-OS-C101 Design of Offshore Steel Structures, General (LRFD method)
DNV-OS-C201 Structural Design of Offshore Units (WSD method)
DNV-OS-C401 Fabrication and Testing of Offshore Structures
DNV-OS-B101 Metallic Materials
DNV-OS-C301 Stability and Watertight Integrity
DNV-RP-C201 Buckling Strength of Plated Structures
DNV-RP-C202 Buckling Strength of Shells
DNV-RP-C205 Environmental Conditions and Environmental Loads
Classification Note 30.7 Fatigue Assessment of Ship Structures
DNV-RP-C203 Fatigue Strength Analysis of Offshore Steel Structures
DNV-RP-C206 Fatigue Methodology of Offshore Ships
A. Introduction
A 100 General
101 This section describes the selection of steel materials and inspection principles to be applied in design
and construction of offshore ship-shaped units.
B. Selection of Material
B 100 General
101 A material specification shall be established for all structural materials. The materials shall be suitable
for their intended purpose and have adequate properties in all relevant design conditions.
102 In structural cross-joints where high tensile stresses are acting perpendicular to the plane of the plate, the
plate material shall be tested according to Rules for Classification of Ships Pt.2 Ch.2 Sec.1 to prove the ability
to resist lamellar tearing (Z-quality). Continuous deck plate under crane pedestal shall have Z-quality steel with
minimum extension of 500mm. If the pedestal is continuous through the deck plate within 0.6L amidship, the
pedestal plate shall have Z-quality steel with minimum extension of 500 mm above and below the deck.
103 For stiffeners, the grade of material may be determined based on the thickness of the web.
104 Structural elements used only in temporary conditions, e.g. fabrication, are not considered in this
B 200 Design and service temperatures
201 The design temperature for a unit is the reference temperature in air for assessing areas where the unit
can be transported, installed and operated. The design temperature is to be lower or equal to the lowest mean
daily average temperature in air for the relevant areas. For seasonal restricted operations the lowest mean daily
average temperature in air for the season may be applied for external structures above the lowest ballast
waterline shall be set equal to the design temperature for the area(s) in which the unit is specified to operate.
202 The service temperature is a reference temperature on various structural parts of the unit used as a
criterion for the selection of steel grades.
203 The service temperature for external structures above the lowest ballast waterline shall be set equal to
the design temperature for the area(s) in which the unit is specified to operate. External structure is defined,
with respect to design temperature, as the plating with stiffening to an inwards distance of 0.5 metre from the
shell plating.
204 The service temperature for external structures below the lowest ballast waterline needs normally not to
be set lower than 0°C.
205 The service temperature for internal structures in way of permanently heated rooms needs normally not
to be set lower than 0°C. Crude oil tanks may be considered to be permanently heated.
206 The service temperature for internal structures in oil storage tanks need normally not to be set lower than
0°C except for the upper strake in longitudinal bulkheads and top wing tanks.
B 300 Hull structure
301 The material grade shall be selected according to the DNV Rules for Classification of Ships Pt.3 Ch.1
Sec.2 if the design temperature is equal or above -10°C based on lowest mean daily average temperature.
302 Lower Design Temperatures than -10°C may be specified. The requirements for material class and grade
shall then be based on the DNV Rules for Classification of Ships Pt.5 Ch.1 Sec.7.
In the Rules for Classification of Ships Pt.3 Ch.1 materials are categorized into Material Classes. The purpose
of the structural categorization is to ensure adequate material and suitable inspection to avoid brittle fracture,
and to ensure sufficient fracture resistance of a material (stress intensity factor) to avoid crack sizes which may
develop into brittle fracture at certain stress situations.
B 400 Topside structure and elements not covered by Rules for Classification of Ships Pt.3 Ch.1
401 Structural members are classified into Material Classes according to the following criteria:
— significance of member in terms of consequence of failure
— stress condition at the considered detail that together with possible weld defects or fatigue cracks may
provoke brittle fracture.
Guidance note:
The consequence of failure may be quantified in terms of residual strength of the structure when considering failure
of the actual component.
402 Materials for topside modules, topside supporting structures, foundations and main supporting structures
of heavy equipment attached to deck and hull shall be selected according to the principles in B300.
403 Materials for the specific structural members are not to be of lower grade than those corresponding to the
material classes specified in Table B1.
404 Alternatively materials for the specific structural members specified in Table B1 may be selected based
on equivalent structural category in accordance with the principles given in DNV-OS-C101.
C. Inspection Principles
C 100 General
101 The purpose of inspection is to detect defects that may grow into fatigue cracks during service life.
102 When determining the locations of required non-destructive testing (NDT), consideration should be
given to relevant fabrication parameters including:
— location of block (section) joints
— manual versus automatic welding
— start and stop of weld.
C 200 Hull structure
201 For the inspection principles for hull structure, see unit specific provisions Sec.11 and Sec.12.
C 300 Topside structure and elements not covered by hull structure requirements
301 Fabrication and testing of topside structure shall comply with the requirements in DNV-OS-C401. The
requirements are based on the consideration of fatigue damage and assessment of general fabrication quality.
302 The inspection categories are related to the material class and structural categories as shown in Table C1.
Length 'a' to be 0.35l, minimum 120 mm
'a' does not need to be bigger than 500 mm
Figure 1
Inspection categories for topside stool with soft nose brackets
Figure 2
Inspection categories for offshore crane pedestal
A. Introduction
A 100 Overall design principles
101 This section defines the principles for design of the hull, topside structures and topside support
102 The overall principles are based on the following:
— safety of the structure can be demonstrated by addressing the potential structural failure mode(s) when the
unit is subjected to loads scenarios encountered during transit, operation and in harbour.
— structural requirements are based on a consistent set of loads that represent typical worst possible loading
— unit has inherent redundancy. The unit’s structure works in a hierarchical manner and as such, failure of
structural elements lower down in the hierarchy should not result in immediate consequential failure of
elements higher up in the hierarchy
— structural continuity is ensured. The hull, topside structures and topside interface to the hull structure
should have uniform ductility.
B. Design Conditions
B 100 Modes of operation
101 All relevant modes of operation shall be considered. Typically, the assessment of the unit shall be based
on the following operational modes:
— all transit conditions
— all operating conditions, intact and damaged, at the design location(s)
— all inspection and repair conditions.
102 Changes in the design conditions of offshore ship-shaped units are usually accompanied by significant
changes in draught, ballast, riser connections, mooring line tension, etc. Limited variation of some of these
parameters may be contained within a specific design condition.
103 The suitability of offshore ship-shaped units is dependent on the environmental conditions in the areas
of the intended operation. A well intervention/drilling unit may be intended for World Wide operation or
operation in a specific region or site(s). A production unit may be planned to operate at a specific site. Such a
site may be harsh environment or benign waters.
B 200 Transit and non-operational conditions
201 Unrestricted transit is defined as moving the unit from one geographical location to another, and shall be
based on the DNV Rules for Classification of Ships Pt.3 Ch.1.
202 Non-operational conditions like e.g. survey condition are considered to be covered by DNV Rules for
Classification of Ships Pt.7.
203 The design accelerations for the topside structures and topside interface to hull may be taken from either
a wave load analysis or DNV Rules for Classification of Ships Pt.3 Ch.1.
B 300 Operating conditions
301 Operating conditions are defined as conditions wherein a unit is on location for purposes of production,
drilling or other similar operations, and combined environmental and operational loadings are within the
appropriate design limits established for such operations.
302 The maximum allowable sea state (max Hs) shall be established based on the unit's criteria for aborting
the operation.The sea state shall be stated in the structural design brief document.
303 The operating condition shall account for the combination of wave effects and wind effects.
304 All the operating limitation used for the design and safe operation shall be stated in the operating manual.
B 400 Survival condition
401 A condition during which a unit may be subjected to the most severe environmental loadings for which
the unit is designed. Drilling or similar operations may have been discontinued due to the severity of the
environmental loadings. The unit may be either afloat or supported on the sea bed, as applicable.
402 The survival condition shall account for the combination of wave effects and wind effects.
B 500 Extreme condition
501 Extreme condition is defined as a condition during which a unit may be subjected to the extreme
environmental loadings such as hurricane or typhoon for which the unit is designed. The operation e.g. drilling
or production is normally stopped due to the severity of the environmental loadings. The unit may be either
afloat or moored to the sea bed, or leave the site under its own propulsion or assistance from tugs, as applicable.
502 Extreme scenario is to be established, if applicable. For units with disconnectable mooring system e.g.
submerged turret, the environmental limiting conditions for disconnection or reconnection of the mooring
system are to be specified.
503 If the vessel intends to leave the site and seek for sheltered waters in extreme weather, this actual extreme
condition can be omitted from the design condition, i.e. the extreme condition needs not to be considered.
B 600 Wave load analysis
601 The wave load analysis may be carried out for operating conditions with specific wave environments at
the considered site, and may also be carried out for transit conditions as alternative to the requirements given
in the DNV Rules for Classification of Ships Pt.3 Ch.1 Sec.5.
602 The design loading conditions for ultimate strength shall be based on the units loading manual and shall
in addition include part load conditions as relevant for the specific type of unit. For selection of still water load
conditions to be used as basis for the wave load analysis (with a return period of 20 or 100 years), the most
demanding loading conditions defined in the loading manual shall be determined. The most demanding loading
conditions are normally selected as those giving maximum still water bending stresses in longitudinal material
in different parts of the unit.
603 If short term analysis is carried out for ultimate strength, the combination of significant wave height (Hs)
and spectral peak period (Tp) or zero-crossing period (Tz) for all sea states along a contour line shall be
considered to determine the short term extreme values.
604 The wave heading profile given in Table B1 and B2 should be used for the ultimate strength and fatigue
strength respectively, unless otherwise documented.
605 The sectional loads are normally calculated at the neutral axis of the section considered.
606 The wave shear forces shall be determined at a sufficient number of sections along the hull to fully
describe the limit curve for the maximum value.
607 Non-linear correction factor shall be included for the survival and the extreme condition when using the
wave bending moments and shear forces from a linear wave load analysis. Typical non-linear correction factors
for ships with traditional hull shape are given in Table B3 and shall be used, unless otherwise documented.
b) Represent operational and survival conditions.
c) Represent accidental conditions with low probability of occurrence such as explosions, fire, dropped objects etc.
d) Represent for units intended to stay on location during extreme weather condition, e.g. permanently moored, with a 100 year
return period. For units intended to escape during extreme weather condition, e.g. not permanently moored or with
disconnectable mooring system, this load combination can be omitted.
Guidance note:
The von Mises equivalent stress is defined as follows:
σ eq = σ x2 + σ y2 − σ xσ x + 3τ 2
Where σx and σy are element membrane stresses in x- and y-direction respectively, τ is element shear stress in the x-
y plane, i.e. local bending stresses in plate thickness not included.
A. Introduction
A 100 General
101 The requirements in this section define and specify load components to be considered in the overall
strength analysis as well as design pressures applicable for local scantling design.
102 Design load criteria given by operational requirements shall be fully considered. Examples of such
requirements may be:
— drilling, production, workover and combinations thereof
— consumable re-supply procedures and frequency
— maintenance procedures and frequency
— possible load changes in most severe environmental conditions.
B. Static Loads
B 100 General
101 The still water loads consist of the permanent and variable functional loads.
102 Permanent functional loads relevant for offshore units are:
— mass of the steel of the unit including permanently installed modules and equipment, such as
accommodation, helicopter deck, cranes, drilling equipment, flare and production equipment.
— mass of mooring lines and risers.
103 Variable functional loads are loads that may vary in magnitude, position and direction during the period
under consideration.
104 Typical variable functional loads are:
— hydrostatic pressures resulting from buoyancy
— crude oil
— ballast water
— fuel oil
— consumables
— personnel
— general cargo
— riser tension.
— mooring forces
— mud, brine and drill water.
105 The variable functional loads utilised in structural design shall normally be taken as either the lower or
upper design value, whichever gives the more unfavourable effect.
106 Variations in operational mass distributions (including variations in tank filling conditions) shall be
adequately accounted for in the structural design.
B 200 Still water hull girder loads
201 All relevant still water load conditions shall be defined and permissible limit curves for hull girder
bending moments and shear forces shall be established for transit and operating condition separately.
202 The permissible limits for hull girder still water bending moments and hull girder still water shear forces
shall be given at least at each transverse bulkhead position and be included in the loading manual. Separate
limits will normally be given for sagging and hogging bending moments, and positive and negative shear
203 Actual still water shear forces shall be corrected for structural arrangement according to the procedures
given in the DNV Rules for Classification of Ships Pt.3 Ch.1 Sec.5 D.
204 The shape of the limit curves for the still water bending moments and shear forces are defined in the DNV
Rules for Classification of Ships Pt.3 Ch.1 Sec.5. The permissible limit curve is to envelop the main class
minimum values and actual still water bending moments and shear forces calculated for transit and operating
conditions. The permissible limit curve shall be applied to all relevant load combinations.
C. Environmental Loads
C 100 General
101 Environmental loads are loads caused by environmental phenomena. Environmental loads which may
contribute to structural damages shall be considered. Consideration should be given to responses resulting from
the following listed environmental loads:
— wave induced loads
— wind loads
— current loads
— snow and ice loads, when relevant
— green sea on deck
— sloshing in tanks
— slamming (e.g. on bow and bottom in fore and aft ship)
— vortex induced vibrations (e.g. resulting from wind loads on structural elements in a flare tower).
C 200 Wave induced loads
201 If wave induced loads are not based on the DNV Rules for Classification of Ships Pt.3 Ch.1 Sec.4 and
Sec.5, the wave induced loads shall be calculated by the hydrodynamic wave load analysis using three
dimensional sink source (diffraction) formulation.
202 The wave loads shall be determined for the site specific environment in which the unit is intended to
operate, see DNV-RP-C205 for environmental data.
203 The following wave induced responses shall be calculated:
— motions in six degrees of freedom
— vertical wave induced bending moment at a sufficient number of positions along the hull. The positions
shall include the areas where the maximum vertical bending moment and shear force occur and at the turret
position. The vertical wave induced bending moment shall be calculated with respect to the section’s
neutral axis
— horizontal bending moment
— accelerations
— axial forces
— external sea pressure distribution.
204 The wave induced bending moments and shear forces may be calculated considering the weather vaning
characteristics of the unit, see Sec.3 B500.
205 Torsional moments may normally be disregarded, unless found relevant.
C 300 Wind loads
301 Wind loads shall be accounted for in the design of topside structures subject to significant wind exposure,
e.g. flare tower, derrick, modules, etc. The reference mean wind load is often given as 1 hour period at 10m
above sea level, but for the calculations the mean wind speed over 1 minute period at actual position above the
sea level shall be used.
302 The calculation procedure of wind loads may be found in DNV-RP-C205. The pressure acting on vertical
external bulkheads exposed to wind shall not be less than 2.5 kN/m2, unless otherwise documented.
303 For slender structures, 3s duration shall be used. See DNV-RP-C205 for details.
304 The wind velocity for transit, operating and survival condition should normally be not less than the
following, unless otherwise documented:
— Transit condition: 36 m/s (1 hour period at 10m above sea level)
— Operating and survival condition (at site specific):
Guidance note:
Some typical 1 hour mean wind speeds with a return period of 100 year at different locations:
A. Introduction
A 100 General
101 This section gives the requirements and guidance to the design of hull structure.
102 Operating mode for offshore ship shaped units such as well service/drilling units and FPSOs are
normally different and depends on units characteristics both for transit and operating conditions. Detailed
design basis and environmental loads are specified in unit specific provisions Sec.11 and Sec.12.
103 Hull structures affected by topside facilities are to be checked with additional requirements given in
104 The design criteria for other hull structures where not addressed in this standard are to conform to
recognized practices acceptable to DNV.
105 Overview of design principles for hull is given in Table A1, A2 and A3 respectively.
106 Design principles for foundations and supporting structures of hull equipment and machinery are given
in Table A4.
Table A4 Design principles for foundations and supporting structures of hull equipment
and machinery
Supporting structures of thruster Ship Rules Pt.3 Ch.3 Sec.6
Rudders, nozzle and steering gears Ship Rules Pt.3 Ch.3 Sec.2
Supporting structures of helicopter deck and substructure DNV-OS-E401
Foundations and supporting structures of temporary mooring equipment (e.g.
Ship Rules Pt.3 Ch.3 Sec.5
chain stoppers, windlasses or winches, bollards, chocks, etc)
Supporting structures of position mooring equipment (e.g. turret, etc) Sec.12
Crane pedestal and supporting structures DNV-RP-C102
Davits and supporting structures of launching appliances
Ship Rules Pt.3 Ch.3 Sec.5
(e.g. life boat, raft, etc)
A 200 Corrosion addition
201 Corrosion addition tk for tanks containing liquids used for offshore service is given in Table A6. These
additions shall be considered in scantlings calculations.
Table A5 Corrosion addition tk in mm
Tank/hold region
Internal members and plate boundary between spaces of the given category. Within 1.5 m below
weather deck or hold top
Mud tanks /Brine tanks/ Produced water tanks 3.0 1.5
Cargo oil/condensate/MEG/methanol tanks towards other category space 1) 1.0 0.5 (0.0) 2)
1) Other category space denotes the hull exterior and all spaces other than water ballast, cargo oil tanks and tanks mentioned above.
2) The figure in brackets refers to non-horizontal surfaces.
— bulkheads in general
— deck houses and superstructure
— fore- and aft ship structure.
C 200 General
201 Hull girder longitudinal strength shall be evaluated by FE analysis or using the DNV NAUTICUS Hull
program for ultimate strength calculation. The probability of exceedance shall be consistent when global and
local loads are combined.
202 Horizontal wave bending moments are generally disregarded in the assessment of the hull girder
longitudinal strength.
203 The wave axial force determined by the hydrodynamic wave load analysis shall be considered.
204 The shear correction factor for the longitudinal bulkheads is to be calculated. The factor is defined as the
ratio between the corrected still water shear force and actual still water shear force at the relevant section. Ref.
DNV Classification Note No.31.3 Sec.4
205 Any phase angles between accelerations and bending moments are normally disregarded and it is
assumed that maximum acceleration and design bending moments occurs at the same time.
206 Gross scantlings (scantlings with corrosion addition included) may be used for the calculation of the hull
girder longitudinal strength.
C 300 Analysis model
301 The part ship model(s) or the whole ship model shall be used for the FE analysis depending on the
structural arrangements of the unit. The purpose of the FE analysis is either to fully satisfy the structural
requirements given in C500 and C600, or only to calculate the transverse stress and double bottom/side stress
that shall be used as input to DNV NAUTICUS Hull program for ultimate strength check.
302 Longitudinal extent of the part ship model should be large enough that structural response is not
significantly affected by the boundary conditions.
303 Main structural members of the hull are to be represented in FE model. These include inner and outer
shell, floor and girder system in double bottom, transverse and vertical web frames, stringers, transverse and
longitudinal bulkhead structures.
304 The topside loads shall be represented in FE model to account for the effect of topside interface with the
hull structure.
305 Mesh boundaries in FE model are to simulate the stiffening systems on the actual structures as far as
practical and are to represent the correct geometry of the panels between stiffeners. Element mesh size in the
part ship model is normally based on the standard mesh size.
Guidance note:
Standard mesh size is defined as equal to or less than the representative spacing of longitudinal stiffeners.
306 Finer mesh less than the standard mesh size may be necessary for correct representation of structural
details in local areas, e.g. moonpool corner, other large deck/bottom openings, etc. For element mesh size in
fine mesh areas, see E. Local Detailed Stress Analysis.
C 400 Design loading conditions
401 For still water hull girder loads, see Sec.4 B200.
402 Local static and dynamic loads from topside, tank pressure and sea pressure shall be considered.
403 Dynamic loads shall be determined from the wave load analysis according to the principles given in
Sec.3 B500.
404 For the purpose of structural analysis, the loading conditions in the loading manual may need to be
modified to satisfy the principles given in 401 and 402.
405 Detailed design loading conditions for the hull girder longitudinal strength are specified in unit specific
provisions Sec.11 and Sec.12.
C 500 Hull girder yield check
501 The von Mises criteria should be used for the yield stress control according to the criteria given in
Sec.3 C200
502 Where elements are smaller than the standard mesh size, the von Mises equivalent membrane stress may
be obtained from the averaged stress over the elements within the standard mesh size.
503 Where the effect of openings is not considered in the FE model, the von Mises equivalent membrane
stress in way of the opening is to be properly modified with adjusting shear stresses in proportion to the ratio
of web height and opening height, ref. DNV Classification Note No.31.3 Ch.2.3.2
504 Local peak stresses by refined mesh density in local areas described in C306 shall comply with the
requirement given in E. Local Detailed Stress Analysis
C 600 Hull girder buckling capacity check
601 The hull girder ultimate buckling capacity check of the main longitudinal members is performed by
assessment of local stiffened panels subject to:
— longitudinal nominal stress (in direction of primary stiffener for stiffened panel)
— transverse nominal stress (in direction perpendicular to primary stiffener for stiffened panel)
— nominal in-plane shear stress
— local lateral pressure from sea or cargo.
602 For units with large opening such as moonpool, the distribution of the global longitudinal bending stress
shall be considered with respect to global stress concentration.
603 For the hull girder ultimate buckling capacity check using DNV NAUTICUS Hull only, the transverse
stresses determined from FE analysis due to bending of main primary members subject to local loads need to
be considered. The local stress effects from bending of stiffeners and plates may be omitted. The average
membrane stress is to be calculated from a group of elements representing one plate field between stiffeners.
604 The permissible still water bending moment and still water shear force curves (limit curves) defined
based on the loading manual shall be used together with the characteristic wave bending moments and wave
shear forces (limit curves) for the considered transverse section. Phase information between the wave bending
moment and the wave shear force may be considered if available.
605 The ultimate buckling capacity control of local stiffened panels should be performed according to DNV-
RP-C201 and shall comply with the permissible usage factor given in Sec.3 C200. The ultimate buckling
capacity estimate of stiffened panels accepts local elastic buckling of plates between stiffeners.
606 The buckling usage factor is defined as the ratio between the applied loads and the corresponding
ultimate capacity.
Figure 1
Stress components acting on the hull
D. Transverse Strength
D 100 Application
101 Transverse strength refers the strength of the main transverse girder system of the hull such as floors,
transverse stringers, transverse bulkheads and transverse web frames which are not directly affected by the hull
girder longitudinal loads.
102 The transverse strength should be evaluated by use of FE analysis and shall meet the requirement with
respect to material yield and buckling capacity given in the DNV Rules for Classification of Ships Pt.3 Ch.1
Sec.12 and 13 respectively.
Guidance note:
In DNV Rules for Classification of Ships Pt.3 Ch.1, local dynamic loads and corresponding acceptance criteria for
transverse strength are taken at a probability of exceedance of 10-4 (daily return period) in the North Atlantic.
Transverse strength is carried out with net scantlings where corrosion addition is deducted.
103 Main longitudinal members of the hull shall also be checked in the transverse strength analysis for the
cases when direct calculations for the hull girder longitudinal strength are not required in accordance with unit
specific provisions Sec.11 and Sec.12.
D 200 General
201 Hull girder normal stresses and hull girder shear stresses should not be considered directly from the FE
part ship analysis unless special boundary conditions and loads are applied to represent the hull girder bending
moments and shear forces correctly.
202 The effects of topside facilities and drilling equipment deck loads shall be included, where relevant.
203 Net scantlings are to be utilised in the calculation of the transverse strength according to Rules for
Classification of Ships Pt.3 Ch.1 Sec.12.
D 300 Analysis model
301 Part ship model(s) used for the hull girder longitudinal strength as described in C300 may be used.
Detailed considerations are given in unit specific provisions Sec.11 and Sec.12.
D 400 Design loading condition
401 All operating conditions specified in the loading manual should be checked for the selection of design
loading condition and most onerous loading conditions with the unit resulting in maximum stress response of
the main transverse girder system shall be selected.
402 Detailed considerations are given in unit specific provisions Sec.11 and Sec.12.
D 500 Material yield check
501 Nominal stress derived from FE analysis shall be checked according to the DNV Rules for Classification
of Ships Pt.3 Ch.1 Sec.12 B400.
502 The final thickness of the considered structure is not to be less than the minimum thickness given in DNV
Rules for Ships Pt.3 Ch.1 Sec.6 to Sec.10.
503 Local structural areas with local stress concentrations e.g. toe of girder bracket shall be evaluated by local
detailed stress analysis.
D 600 Buckling capacity check
601 Buckling capacity of each individual plate panel between stiffeners shall comply with the requirements
given in the DNV Rules for Classification of Ships Pt.3 Ch.1 Sec.13. 602 The buckling capacity check of
unstiffened panels in the main transverse girder system of the hull may be performed according to DNV-RP-
C201. Ideal elastic buckling strength without accepting any local redistribution of the loads shall be used as
basis together with the acceptance criteria given in the DNV Rules for Classification of Ships Pt.3 Ch.1 Sec.13.
Table E1 Permissible peak usage factor (ηPeak) for fine mesh FE analysis
Structural Design Load combination Mesh size
component 1) method 50 × 50 mm 100 × 100 mm 200 × 200 mm
Hull in general Ship Rules 1.53 1.33 1.13
(10-4 level) 2)
F. Fatigue Strength
F 100 Application
101 Fatigue strength should be evaluated based on fine element mesh models made for the critical stress
concentration details for hull and topside supporting structures which are not sufficiently covered by stress
concentration factor given in DNV Classification Notes No.30.7 or DNV-RP-C203.
102 The correlation between different loads such as global wave bending, external and internal dynamic
pressure and acceleration of the topside should be considered in the fatigue assessment.
103 Areas to be checked are given in unit specific provisions Sec.11 and Sec.12.
104 Low cycle fatigue due to the repetitive effects of loading and unloading for structure with oil storage shall
be checked according to principles given in DNV-RP-C206.
F 200 Analysis model
201 The size of the model should be of such extent that the calculated stresses in the hot spots are not
significantly affected by the assumptions made for the boundary conditions.
202 Element size for stress concentration analyses is to be in the order of the plate thickness. Normally, shell
elements may be used for the analysis.
F 300 Design loading conditions
301 Design loading conditions to be applied for fatigue analysis are given in unit specific provisions Sec.11
and Sec.12.
F 400 Design criteria
401 Design criteria are given in Sec.8.
A. Introduction
A 100 General
101 The requirement in this section is applicable for:
— local strength of plate and stiffener
— simple girders
— calculation of complex girder systems.
102 This section gives provisions for checking of ultimate strength for typical topside structures such as:
— drill-floor and substructure
— modules
— gantry structure
— flare tower
— riser balcony
— deck houses which carry loads from risers, mud, brine etc.
Guidance note:
For derrick structure, see DNV-OS-E101
103 The topside structures shall be designed to withstand the relevant loading conditions according to the
transit, operating and survival conditions.
104 For the different conditions the topside loads are normally different, and direct calculations of the
accelerations and hull girder loads may be carried out.
105 Topside structures of truss work type of structure as the primary load-bearing elements and where the
plates are not included in assessment of the global strength, the plates with stiffeners should normally comply
only with the local requirements.
106 When the plates with stiffeners are part of the primary load-bearing structure, both local and global
requirements shall be complied with.
107 The deformations due to hull girder bending and stiffness variations of the supporting structure shall be
accounted for in the structural analyses.
108 Deck houses, accommodation or superstructure, which is not part of the load-bearing structure for typical
offshore element loads, shall comply with the requirements given in unit specific provisions Sec.11 and Sec.12
109 The local requirements to end connections of stiffeners and design of brackets are given in DNV Rules
for Classification of Ships Pt.3 Ch.1 Sec.3 C.
110 For slender structures, e.g. flare tower, the response due to vortex shedding shall be considered. Ref.
111 Overview of the design principles are given in Table A1.
ka = correction factor for aspect ratio of plate field, (1.1 - 0.25 s/l)2
maximum 1.0 for s/l = 0.4
minimum 0.72 for s/l = 1.0
s = stiffener spacing in m
l = stiffener span in m
p = local design load in B
ηP = permissible utilisation factors as given in I
fy = specified minimum yield stress of the material in N/mm2
C 200 Stiffeners
201 The section modulus for longitudinals, beams, frames and other stiffeners subjected to lateral load shall
not be less than:
l2 s p
Zs = 103 (cm3 )
km η p f y
l = stiffener span in m
s = stiffener spacing in m
p = local design load in B
km = bending moment factor, see DNV Rules for Classification of Ships Pt.3 Ch.1 Sec.3 Table B1
ηP = permissible usage factors as given in I
fy = specified minimum yield stress of the material in N/mm2
202 The requirement in 201 applies to an axis parallel to the plating. For stiffeners at an oblique angle with
the plating, the required section modulus shall be multiplied by:
cos ϕ
ϕ = angle in degrees 1) between the stiffener web plane and the plane perpendicular to the plating
1) ϕ is to be taken as 90 degrees if the angle is greater or equal to 75 degrees.
203 Stiffeners with sniped ends may be accepted where dynamic stresses are small and vibrations are
considered to be of minor importance, provided that the plate thickness t supported by the stiffener is not less
(l − 0.5s ) s p
t =1.25 (mm)
In such cases the required section modulus in 201 shall be based on the following parameter values:
km = 8
Guidance note:
For typical sniped end details as described above, a stress range lower than 30 MPa can be considered as small
dynamic stress.
— for longitudinal girders located lower than 4.0 m above the upper continuous deck of the hull or up to the
first deck in modules or topside deck houses: t = 5 + 0.01 L (mm), maximum 8 mm
— for longitudinal girders at higher locations or transverse girders: t = 4 + 0.01 L (mm), maximum 7 mm,
minimum 5 mm.
D 300 Effective flange of girders
301 The effective flange of girders is determined according to DNV Rules for Classification of Ships Pt.3
Ch.1 Sec.3 C400.
D 400 Effective web of girders
401 The effective web of girders is determined according to DNV Rules for Classification of Ships Pt.3 Ch.1
Sec.3 C500.
D 500 Strength requirement of simple girders
501 Simple girders subjected to lateral loads and which are not taking part in the overall strength of the unit,
shall comply with the following:
502 Minimum section modulus Section modulus Zg:
S g2 b p
Zg = 103 (cm3 )
km η p f y
503 Minimum web area after deduction of cut-outs:
kτ S g b p − N s Pp
Aw = 10 (cm 2 )
The web area at the middle of the span is not to be less than 0.5 AW
Sg = girder span in m. see DNV Rules for Classification of Ships Pt.3 Ch.1 Sec.3.
b = breadth of load area in m (plate flange), b may be determined as:
= 0.5 (l1 + l2) where l1 and l2 are the spans of the supported stiffeners on both sides of the girder,
respectively, or distance between girders
p = local design load in sub-section B
km = bending moment factor, see DNV Rules for Classification of Ships Pt.3 Ch.1 Sec.3 Table B1
kτ = shear force factor, see DNV Rules for Classification of Ships Pt.3 Ch.1 Sec.3 Table B1
ηP = permissible usage factors as given in sub-section I
τp = permissible shear stress in N/mm2
0.39 fy for load combination a) in Sec.3 Table C1
0.46 fy for load combination b) in Sec.3 Table C1
Ns = number of supported stiffeners on girder span
Pp = average “point load” from stiffener
fy = specified minimum yield stress of the material in N/mm2
K = global load reduction factor for the deck considered to account for simultaneous acting module loads
= 0.6
Pv = evenly distributed design load (kN/m2) for the deck considered, ref Table B1.
m = total number of decks
A = loaded area of deck considered (area covered by equipment may be excluded)
103 The tank loads within the module shall be included, if relevant.
104 The load used shall include all equipment over 50 kN plus the sum of all realistic deck loads accounting
for the joint probability of occurrence.
av = vertical acceleration
at = transverse acceleration
al = longitudinal accelerations
The sign convention is according to the coordinate system below:
G. Hull Deformation
G 100 General
101 Large topside structures that have significant impact on the total stiffness of the hull girder interface, e.g.
derrick structure and main support stools for topside process structure, shall be included in longitudinal hull
girder FE model.
102 Minor topside modules may be analysed separately from the hull provided they have less importance for
the total hull girder behaviour. Alternatively the longitudinal deformation in deck may be estimated by the
simplified formula below:
0 .5 ( M 1 + M 2 )
δ = l1
1) = The design bending moment (M) consists of static and dynamic part and shall be considered for the load combination a), b) and
d) as specified in Sec.3 Table C1.
I. Acceptance Criteria
I 100 Material yield check
101 The maximum permissible usage factor, ηp, is calculated by:
ηP = βη0
η0 = basic usage factor in Sec.3 Table C1
β = coefficient depending on type of structure
Table I1 Usage factor coefficients
Items Load combination
a) b) c) d)
Basic usage factor, η0 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.0
Coefficient depending on type of structure, β
Local requirements to plates and stiffeners 1.14 1.0 NA NA
J. Buckling Stability
J 100 Bars, beams, columns and frames
101 It shall be ensured that there is conformity between the initial imperfections in the buckling resistance
formulas and the tolerances in the applied fabrication standard.
Guidance note:
If buckling resistance is calculated in accordance with Classification Note 30.1 for bars and frames, the tolerance
requirements given in DNV-OS-C401 should not be exceeded.
a) Effect of local buckling of tubular members without external pressure, i.e. subject to axial force and/or bending
moment) given in section 3.8 of DNV-RP-C202 may be used.
b) Effect of local buckling of tubular members with external pressure need not be considered for the following
Dm to thickness t ratio:
E = modulus of elasticity and
fy = minimum yield strength.
303 Tubular members with external pressure, tubular joints and conical transitions may be checked according
J 400 Capacity checks according to other codes
401 Stiffeners and girders may be checked according to provisions for beams in recognised standards such
Guidance note:
The principles and effects of cross section types are included in the AISC-ASD.
K. Fatigue strength
K 100 General
101 Fatigue of topside structures shall be documented according to the principles and requirements given in
102 The worst dynamic stress amplitude using the combinations in Table F1 and Table F2 may be applied
for a simplified fatigue calculation in transit and operation.
A. Introduction
A 100 General
101 The overall principles for assessment of topside interface to hull are given in Sec.6, both for an integrated
hull-topside analysis and for separate capacity models for the topside structures. This section gives provisions
for checking of ultimate strength for typical topside interface to hull structure and foundations and supporting
structures of heavy equipment attached to deck and hull.
102 The principles for topside structures also apply to the load carrying part of the topside supporting
103 Topside support structure is the structural elements of which the strength and fatigue capacities may be
affected by the presence of the topside structure. This includes elements like support stools for topside modules,
and the parts of the hull structure where the additional stresses from the topside structure is of such a magnitude
that the yield, buckling and fatigue capacities need to be assessed.
B. Strength Assessment
B 100 Application
101 The structural strength of the topside supporting structures and foundations and supporting structures of
heavy equipment attached to deck and hull shall be documented by means of FE analyses or equivalent
methods, see also Sec.6 G Hull deformation.
102 Typical topside supporting structures to be analysed are given in unit specific provisions Sec.11 and
B 200 Requirements to the FE model
201 The extent of the model shall be based on requirements to determine the stress distribution from:
— hull girder bending moments and shear forces
— local loads from equipment
— lateral pressures in tanks and sea pressure, where relevant
202 The boundary conditions applied to the model should not introduce significant errors in the structural
203 In case of separate local models for hull and topside structures, part of the topside structure may be
required to be included in the hull model to ensure that the reaction forces from the topside model will be
applied to the hull model at a location which will have negligible impact on the stress distribution in the hull
204 The element mesh size in FE models should be sufficient to determine the stress distribution in relation
to the acceptance criteria given in Sec.5.
205 When local peak stress criterion is applied in the assessment, the element mesh size should be determined
as defined in Sec.5 E such that the area which exceeds the yield stress of the material is determined to such a
degree that it is possible to evaluate the impact on adjacent elements.
B 300 Design load
301 Hull girder bending moments in the sagging and hogging conditions shall be applied. The still water
bending moment and shear force values shall not be smaller than the permissible limit values. The design wave
bending moments are specified in Sec.5.
302 Maximum reaction forces from the topside facilities may be applied simultaneously. Those forces are
applied to the contacted area by point loads or pressure load equal to that of the reaction force.
303 Tank pressure and sea pressure shall be included provided the response from these loads will increase
the stresses in the topside supporting structures.
B 400 Load combination
401 The load combination between hull girder loads and topside loads shall account for joint probability of
occurrence. Unless direct analyses are carried out to determine the phases between the dynamic responses, the
loads may be combined according to Table C1 and C2.
C. Combination of Loads
C 100 General
101 The loads to be combined for the assessment of the topside supporting structures are:
102 For units with double side, the horizontal bending moment may be disregarded for design of topside
103 The vertical hull girder shear force may be disregarded, unless the vertical relative shear deformation of
the support stools of the module are significant.
104 If direct calculations are carried out the heading profiles specified in Sec3 B500 shall be used, unless
otherwise documented.
C 200 Transit conditions
201 The load cases and load combination in the transit condition resulting in maximum stress response are
given in Table C1.
D. Fatigue Assessment
D 100 General
101 The fatigue life of the topside supporting structure shall be documented according to the principles and
requirements given in Sec.8.
102 The worst dynamic stress amplitude using the combinations in Table C1 and Table C2 may be applied
for a simplified fatigue calculation in transit and operation.
A. Introduction
A 100 General
101 This section gives provisions for assessment of fatigue capacity of the structural details in the unit. The
assessment shall account for all significant loads contributing to fatigue damage.
102 In the assessment of fatigue life, consideration shall be given to the stress concentration factors from
fabrication imperfections which exceed the values included in the S-N curves.
103 Hull vibration is not covered by this standard, but should be included if relevant.
A. Introduction
A 100 General
101 Accidental loads are loads related to abnormal operation or technical failure. Attention should be given
to layout and arrangements of facilities and equipment in order to minimise the adverse effects of accidental
102 Safety assessment shall be carried out according to the principles given in DNV-OS-A101 for relevant
accidental scenarios.
103 The overall objective for design with respect to accidental conditions is that unit's main safety functions
shall not be impaired by accidental events. Satisfactory protection against accidental damage may be achieved
by two barriers:
— reduction of damage probability
— reduction of damage consequences.
104 The design against accidental loads may be done by direct calculation of the effects imposed by the loads
on the structure, or indirectly, by design of the structure as tolerable to accidents.
B. Design Criteria
B 100 General
101 Structures shall be checked for accidental loads in two steps, according to the loading conditions
presented in Sec.3 Table C1:
— resistance of the structure against design accidental loads, i.e. loading condition c)
— post accident resistance of the structure against environmental loads after accidental damage, i.e. loading
conditions d).
The unit shall be designed for environmental condition corresponding to 1 year return period after accidental
102 Generic values of accidental loads are given in DNV-OS-A101.
103 The different types of accidental loads require different methods and analyses to assess the structural
resistance. Local exceedance of the structural capacity is acceptable provided redistribution of forces due to
yielding, buckling and fracture is accounted for.
104 The inherent uncertainty of the frequency and magnitude of the accidental loads, as well as the
approximate nature of the methods for determination of accidental load effects, shall be recognised. It is
therefore essential to apply sound engineering judgement and pragmatic evaluations in the design.
105 If non-linear, dynamic FE analysis is applied for design, it shall be verified that all local failure modes
(e.g. strain rate, local buckling, joint overloading, and joint fracture) are accounted for implicitly by the
modelling adopted, or else subjected to explicit evaluation.
B 200 Dropped objects
201 Critical areas for dropped objects shall be determined on the basis of the actual movement of potential
dropped objects, e.g. crane or other lifting operation mass, relative to the structure of the unit itself. Where a
dropped object is a relevant accidental event, the impact energy shall be established and the structural
consequences of the impact assessed.
202 Critical areas for dropped objects should be determined assuming a minimum drop direction within an
angle of 10° with the vertical direction.
203 Setback area shall be designed to satisfy the dropped object scenario in accordance with DNV-OS-E101.
Guidance note:
The dropped object is calculated according to DNV-RP-C204.
B 300 Fires
301 The structure that is subjected to a fire shall maintain sufficient structural strength before evacuation has
occurred. The following fire scenarios shall be considered:
— jet fires
— fire inside or on the hull
— fire on the sea surface.
Assessment of fire may be omitted provided fire protection requirements made in DNV-OS-D301 are met.
B 400 Explosions
401 One or more of the following main design philosophies will be relevant:
— Ensure that hazardous locations are located in unconfined (open) locations and that sufficient shielding
mechanisms (e.g. blast walls) are installed.
— Locate hazardous areas in partially confined locations and design utilising the resulting, relatively small
— Locate hazardous areas in enclosed locations and install pressure relief mechanisms (e.g. blast panels) and
design for the resulting overpressure.
402 As far as practicable, structural design accounting for large plate field rupture resulting from explosion
actions should be avoided due to the uncertainties of the actions and the consequences of the rupture itself.
403 Structural support of blast walls and the transmission of the blast action into main structural members
shall be evaluated when relevant. Effectiveness of connections and the possible outcome from blast, such as
flying debris, shall be considered.
B 500 Unintended flooding
501 The structural design of the hull against unintended flooding shall be based on the deepest equilibrium
waterline in damaged condition obtained from damage stability calculations.
502 The permissible stresses for local scantling, e.g. plating, stiffener and girder, in a flooded condition may
be taken as 220f1 for normal stresses and 120 f1 for shear stresses in accordance with DNV Rules for
Classification of Ships Pt.3 Ch.1.
B 600 Collision
601 Collision with a typical supply boat is normally not affecting the structural integrity as long as the unit
complies with stability requirements from national or international bodies. Collision with supply boat and
accidental flooding are thus not considered in this standard.
B 700 Extreme weather condition
701 Units designed not to disconnect and escape from the extreme environmental loading condition, as a
hurricane or typhoon, shall be designed using the 100-years return period for the actual loading as an accidental
case, ref. Sec.3 B500.
B 800 Loss of heading control
801 For units normally operated with heading control, either by weather vaning or by thruster assistance, the
effects of loss of the heading control shall be evaluated.
802 The loss of heading control condition shall be considered in the hull, topside and turret structural design.
A. Introduction
A 100 General requirements
101 The technical requirements for the welding and weld connections shall, as a minimum, comply with the
DNV Rules for Classification of Ships Pt.3 Ch.1 Sec.11.
102 Full penetration welds shall be used if weld improvements (e.g. grinding) is needed to achieve required
design fatigue life, unless the fatigue life at the weld root is documented.
103 Deep penetration welds are acceptable in areas where the design load is primarily static or shear. If the
static compression stress constitutes more than 35% of the yield stress, deep penetration welds may be used
with a root face of t/3. See Figure 1.
Figure 1
Weld root face
B. Size of Welds
B 100 Double continuous fillet welds
101 Double continuous fillet welds shall be dimensioned according to principles given in DNV Rules for
Classification of Ships Pt.3 Ch.1 Sec.11. The Table B1 has been extended to include C factors for typical
offshore members.
B 200 Fillet welds and deep penetration welds subject to high tensile stresses
201 Fillet welds and deep penetration welds subject to high tensile stresses shall be dimensioned according
to the principles given in DNV Rules for Classification of Ships Pt.3 Ch.1 Sec.11.
B 300 Full penetration welds
301 In addition to the full penetration welds required for joints specified by the DNV Rules for Classification
of Ships Pt.3 Ch.1 Sec.11, full penetration welds shall be used for the following connections:
— crane pedestal to deck plating
— topside support stools to main deck 1)
— flare to hull structure
— drill floor support structure to main deck 1).
1) Ref. Section 2 for details.
506 The design resistance of fillet welds is adequate if, at every point in its length, the resultant of all the
forces per unit length transmitted by the weld does not exceed its design resistance.
507 The design resistance of the fillet weld will be sufficient if both the following conditions are satisfied:
σ ⊥2 + 3 (τ ||2 +τ ⊥2 ) ≤ u η 0
σ ⊥ ≤ fu η0
σ⊥ = normal stress perpendicular to the throat
τ⊥ = shear stress (in plane of the throat) perpendicular to the axis of the weld
τ|| = shear stress (in plane of the throat) parallel to the axis of the weld, see Table B1
fu = nominal lowest ultimate tensile strength of the weaker part joined
βw = appropriate correlation factor, see Table B1
η0 = basic usage factor, see Sec.3 C400
Figure 2
Stress components in a fillet weld
A. Introduction
A 100 Scope and application
101 This additional provision contains specific requirements and guidance applicable for well service and
drilling unit which are intended to operate on a specific location.
B. Design Principles
B 100 General
101 The limiting operating condition which the unit is intended to operate shall be specified and used as a
basis for the design operating conditions. The condition shall be specified with:
— significant wave height and zero crossing period
— wind speed.
102 The design principles for transit, operating and survival conditions are given in Table B1.
duration of each short-term variation (normally taken as 3 hours). E.g. for a time period of 100 year the value N is
then N=100*365*24/3 = 292000.
C. Design Loads
C 100 Green sea
101 In lack of more exact information, for example from model testing, relevant requirements to
strengthening against green sea are given in the DNV Rules for Classification of Ships Pt.3 Ch.1 Sec.8 and 10
E. Transverse Strength
E 100 General
101 Transverse girder system shall be designed with a direct strength analysis according to the principles
specified in Sec.5.
E 200 Design loading conditions
201 The tank/hold arrangement for well service and drilling units may be significantly deviated compared to
those for conventional tankers, but the design loading principles for FE analysis given in DNV Classification
Notes No.31.3 may be used as reference.
202 The selection of the design loading conditions should be documented in the structural design brief taking
the structural arrangements of the unit into account.
G. Fatigue Strength
G 100 Design loading conditions
101 Transit and operating conditions defined in the loading manual shall be selected. The fraction of the total
design life spent for the transit and operating conditions shall be specified in the structural design brief and
considered in the calculation.
102 For wave loads, see Sec.3 Table B2.
Guidance note:
The fraction of the total design life using 80% in operation and 20% in Transit may be used if no other information is
Table G1 Mean stress effect for well service and drilling vessels
Base material Welded structure
DNV-RP-C203 DNV Classification Notes No.30.7
DNV Classification Notes No.30.7
G 300 Design fatigue factor
301 A design fatigue factor (DFF) of 1.0 is acceptable for all structural elements which are accessible for
inspection and repair. For structural elements which are not accessible for inspection and repair, a DFF of 2.0
is to be used as minimum.
G 400 Areas to be checked
401 Fatigue sensitive details in the hull and topside supporting structures shall be documented to have
sufficient fatigue strength. Particular attention should be given to the following details in Table G2, but not
limited to:
H. Inspection Principles
H 100 Hull and topside structure
101 Hull structure
The extent of non-destructive testing during fabrication of the hull shall be in accordance with DNV Rules for
Classification of Ships Pt.2 Ch.3 Sec.7.
102 Topside structure
The extent of non-destructive testing during fabrication of the topside shall be in accordance with DNV OS-
I. Corrosion Control
I 100 Hull and topside structure
101 The corrosion protection of the hull and its structural members shall comply with the requirements in
DNV Rules for Classification of Ships Pt.3 Ch.3 Sec.7.
102 Steel surfaces in topside structure except tanks shall be protected by a suitable coating system proven for
marine atmospheres.
103 Tanks for fresh water shall have a suitable coating system. Special requirements will apply for coating
A. Introduction
A 100 Scope and application
101 This additional provision contains specific requirements and guidance applicable for floating production,
storage and offloading unit which are intended to operate on a specific location.
A 200 Definition
201 The decision criteria for benign waters or harsh environmental areas is defined based on the
environmental conditions in the area(s) of the intended operation as given in Table A1.
202 If the unit is defined for “benign waters operation”, the “main class requirements” to the midship section
modulus are by definition more stringent than the design principles based on the direct calculations applied to
“benign waters”. If hull structures comply with the minimum midship section modulus and moment of inertia
given in the DNV Rules for Classification of Ships Pt.3 Ch.1 Sec.5, no direct calculations of wave bending
moments and shear forces are required in such cases.
203 When the hull is designed according to the direct calculations, the wave loads shall be derived from a
direct calculation site specific scatter diagram(s) with a 100 year return period.
Guidance note:
The significant wave height in the extreme storm can be estimated using 2-parameter Weibull parameters (αs βs) for
different scatter diagram as present in DNV-RP-C205 Appendix C Table C-1 together with the formula:
H s = α s [ln( N )]β , where “N” is the number of maxima for the sea state in a time period “t”. N = t/τ and “τ” is the is the
duration of each short-term variation (normally taken as 3 hours). E.g. for a time period of 100 year the value N is
then N=100*365*24/3= 292000.
B. Design Principles
B 100 General
101 The design principles for transit, operating and extreme conditions are given in Table B1.
C. Design Loads
C 100 Mooring loads
101 A unit may be kept on location by various methods. These methods may include several different types
of station-keeping systems such as internal and submerged turret systems, external turret, buoy, fixed spread
mooring and dynamic positioning. Each mooring system configuration will impose loads on the hull structure.
These loads shall be considered in the structural design of the unit, and combined with other relevant load
C 200 Green sea
201 In lack of more exact information, for example model testing, the following design pressure given in
Table C1 shall be used for weather deck, topside supports and deckhouses.
Table C1 Green sea design loads for weather deck, topside supports and deckhouses
Area Benign waters Harsh Environment Hs > 8.5 m
Hs < 8.5 m
Weather deck Pt.3 Ch.1 Sec.8 Area forward of 0.15 L from F.P., or forward of deckhouse front,
B100 whichever is the foremost position, the design pressure,
P1 = a (Pdp- (4+ 0.2ks) h0, given in Pt.3 Ch.1 Sec.8 B100 shall be
increased with a factor as following:
8.5m ≤ Hs ≤ 12.5 m Hs ≥ 12.5 m
At unit's side: b= 1+ 0.5*Hs/12.5 b =1.5
At the centre line: b= 1+ 0.75*Hs/12.5 b =1.75
Linear interpolation shall be used for intermediate locations between the
unit’s side and the centre line.
Unprotected front Pt.3 Ch.1 Sec.10 The pressure, p1 = 5.7 a (k Cw – h0) c, defined in the ship rules P.3 Ch.1
bulkheads C100 Sec.10 C100 shall be increased with a factor as following:
8.5m ≤ Hs ≤ 12.5 m Hs ≥ 12.5 m
1+ 0.5*Hs/12.5 1.5
Unprotected bulkheads Pt.3 Ch.1 Sec.10 Pt.3 Ch.1 Sec.10 C100
elsewhere and topside C100
1) Linear interpolation shall be used for intermediate locations between the unit’s side and the centre line.
2) Speed V = 8 knots is to be used as minimum for moored or dynamically positioned units to ensure sufficient minimum pressure.
202 The required local scantlings shall be according to the DNV Rules for Classification of Ships Pt.3 Ch.1
Sec.10 using the design pressure as given in 201.
203 Glass thickness of windows in unprotected front bulkheads according to DNV Rules for Classification
Pt.3 Ch.3 Sec.6 L, as well as the design of the fastening arrangement to the bulkheads shall be considered using
the design pressures given in Table C1.
204 Topside members located in the midship or aft area of the unit shall be based on p4 in Table C1 of the
DNV Rules for Classification of Ships Pt.3 Ch.1 Sec.10.
Guidance note:
It is advised that provisions are made during model testing for suitable measurements to determine design pressures
for local structural design. This implies that model tests should be performed at design draught, for sea states with a
spectrum peak period approximately 70 to 100% of the pitch resonance period of the unit. The unit model should be
equipped with load cells on the weather deck at positions of critical structural members or critical topside equipment.
E. Transverse Strength
E 100 General
101 Transverse girder system shall be designed with a direct strength analysis according to the principles
specified in Sec.5.
102 Design loading conditions which arise for maintenance and inspection purposes offshore shall be taken
into account.
E 200 Design loading conditions
201 The design loading conditions for FE analysis are generally given in DNV Classification Notes No.31.3.
The selection of the design loading conditions should be specified in the structural design brief taking structural
arrangements of unit into account.
Guidance note:
DNV Classification Note No.31.3 is normally used for a cargo hold FE analysis for 3 standard types of tanker.
Harbour conditions need normally not to be considered.
Nominal stress
Stress due to
global stress
Figure 1
Global stress concentration in hull
202 Turret interface structure should be calculated by FE calculations considering the relevant loads. The
combination of loads from mooring, internal tank filling and hull girder loads should be taken as unfavourable
for the design of the turret/moonpool area and the adjoining hull structure.
203 The extent of the FE calculations should be appropriate to evaluate the effect of loads on the hull girder,
transverse girders and local plate and stiffeners. For guidance of extent of FE model, see Figures 2 and 3.
Guidance note:
204 Yield and buckling shall be checked with acceptance criteria given in Sec.5.
Figure 2
External turret
Figure 3
Internal turret
G. Fatigue Strength
G 100 Design loading conditions
101 The operating conditions in the loading manual shall be selected.
Guidance note:
Normally 50% in full load and 50% in ballast may be used for the operation, unless otherwise documented. Partial
filling may be considered depending on operational characteristics.
Guidance note:
Mean stress effect for welded structures is normally allowed for sailing ships that are in dry dock each 5 year and can
be easily repaired. For permanently installed ships where traditionally a rather high safety margin with respect to
fatigue is required and repair of these structures on the field can be rather costly, use of mean stress effect for welded
structures is thus normally not allowed.
1 External structure, accessible for regular inspection and repair in dry and clean conditions.
2 Internal structure, accessible and welded directly to the submerged part.
2 External structure not accessible for inspection and repair in dry and clean conditions.
3 Non-accessible areas, areas not planned to be accessible for inspection and repair during operation
Figure 4
Example of design fatigue factor
302 The units can normally be ballasted to different draughts, and the term “splash” zone has thus no
significance. Sufficient margin in respect to the lowest inspection waterline should however be considered
depending on the expected wave heights during the inspection periods.
Guidance note:
Normally 1-2 m is considered sufficient margin on the lowest inspection waterline in world wide operation.
The DFF applied will therefore be dependent on the accessibility for inspection and repair and the position of
the lowest inspection waterline.
G 400 Areas to be checked
401 Fatigue sensitive details in the hull and topside supporting structure shall be documented to have
sufficient fatigue strength. Particular attention should be given to the following details as described in Table
G3, but not limited to:
H. Special Consideration
H 100 Bilge keels
101 The requirements for design of bilge keels apply to turret moored units and to spread moored units.
The bilge keel should normally be welded directly onto the shell plate without doubling plates. Adequate
transverse supporting brackets, or an equivalent arrangement, are to be provided.
102 For bilge keels of a closed type design material yield, buckling and fatigue strength shall be documented.
The transfer functions for stress responses from the wave dynamics and motion induced drag forces shall be
determined separately. The transfer functions shall be combined in the cumulative damage calculations.
H 200 Support of mooring equipment, towing brackets etc
201 Structure supporting mooring equipment such as fairleads and winches, towing brackets etc. shall be
designed for the loads and acceptance criteria specified in DNV-OS-E301.
H 300 Loading Instrument
301 The loading instrument used to monitor the still water bending moments and shear forces as well as the
stability of the unit shall be in compliance with the requirements of the DNV Rules for Classification of Ships
Pt.3 Ch.3 Sec.9.
302 The limitations for the still water bending moments and shear forces shall be in accordance with
maximum permissible still water bending moments and shear forces specified in the loading manual.
I. Inspection Principles
I 100 General
101 The extent of non-destructive testing during fabrication of the hull and topside structure shall be in
accordance with DNV-OS-C401.
102 The inspection category shall be taken in accordance with Table I1. The relationship between the
inspection category and material class is shown.
J. Corrosion Control
J 100 General
101 The corrosion protection of the hull, topside and its structural members shall comply with the
requirements in DNV-OS-C201.
A. Introduction
A 100 General
101 This section provides specific requirements and guidance applicable for the conversion from tanker for
oil to floating offshore production and/or offshore storage unit, ref. DNV-OSS-C102.
102 The basis of the vessel to be converted is a vessel with hull structures that comply with the structural
requirements of 1A1 Tanker for Oil or equivalent from a vessel transferring into the DNV classification.
103 Prior to conversion it is to be evaluated for the followings:
— Steel wastages should be identified.
— Fatigue cracking and possible repair should be evaluated.
104 Any major change as lengthening of the unit, increased draft, increased static loads, etc, shall be
105 For the new structures added to the converted vessel, material selection and inspection principles shall
comply with the requirement given in Sec.2. The structural renewal including material should be replaced by
steel of the same or higher grade according to the approved design scantling or greater.
106 Loading manual containing all operational modes shall be submitted for approval. The permissible limit
curves for the hull girder still water bending moments and shear forces used for a trading vessel need to be
checked for all operating conditions. New permissible limit curve for operation as an FPSO may need to be
established, as found relevant.
B. Strength
B 100 General
101 Existing hull structure may be accepted “as is” provided that it comply with class requirements in force
for 1A1 Tanker for Oil at the date of construction of the vessel. However, additional requirements with respect
to longitudinal strength and fatigue capacity shall be complied with based on site specific environmental
102 New structures added to the converted vessel or existing structures affected by the new structures shall
comply with the requirements of this standard. This will typically include but will not be limited to:
— installation of turret or mooring arrangement
— modification of super-structure
— installation of topside and modification to topside interface
— installation of helideck
— installation of lifeboat davits, cranes, etc.
B 200 Local scantling requirement
201 The plate and stiffener may be accepted with lower scantlings than original given that they comply with
the local scantlings requirements in DNV Rules for Classification for Ships Pt.3 Ch.1.
B 300 Transverse strength
301 Transverse strength of the vessel due to tank filling arrangement may be accepted “as is” if the following
conditions are satisfied with:
— Loading conditions in production and storage mode are not more severe than what the vessel has been basis
for the trade as a tanker.
— Minimum scantlings are within the minimum thickness list provided as a tanker.
302 In case the vessel does not comply with 301, transverse strength in accordance with the principles in
Sec.5 D shall be performed.
B 400 Longitudinal strength
401 If the unit is defined for “benign waters operation”, ref Sec.12 Table A1, hull structures shall comply
with the requirements given in the DNV Rules for Classification of Ships Pt.3 Ch.1 Sec.5. No direct wave load
analysis is required.
402 For operation in “harsh environment”, ref. Sec.12 Table A1, or if direct calculations are used as an
alternative to the longitudinal strength requirements in the DNV Rules for Classification of Ships Pt.3 Ch.1
Sec.5, hull girder longitudinal strength shall comply with the requirements given in Sec.5 C.
403 Reduced scantlings due to wastage of longitudinal members may be accepted given that the vessel
complies with the longitudinal strength requirement based on direct calculations of site specific environment
in Sec.5 C.
B 500 Topside and topside interface to hull structure
501 Topside structure shall be calculated according to Sec.6
502 Topside interface to hull structure shall be calculated according to Sec.7.
C. Fatigue
C 100 General
101 The fatigue capacity for conversions shall be considered, and is a function of the following parameters:
— results from survey and assessment of critical details
— service history of the vessel
— duration of the intended stay on a specific location and environmental conditions at the location.
C 200 Previous trade
201 Fatigue damage during the previous unrestricted trade should be evaluated for critical areas of the hull.
Service history with actual trading route can be used in the assessment of fatigue damage.
202 Previous repair and damage history should be evaluated with the focus on critical areas and how to
remove these potential failures in the operation phase as floating offshore installation.
C 300 Operation
301 The fatigue capacity shall be evaluated in accordance with Sec.8. Minimum 15 years fatigue life in the
intended operational site shall be basis for the fatigue calculations. “As is” scantlings shall be used in the
302 S-N curves in air in the DNV Classification Notes No.30.7 (CN30.7) may be used for the specified
design life of unit in case the corrosion protection system is maintained according to the principles in DNV-
C 400 Areas to be checked
401 Fatigue sensitive details in the existing hull structure and newly installed structures shall be documented
to validate sufficient fatigue strength. Particular attention should be given to the following details:
— longitudinal stiffener end connections to transverse frames and bulkheads
— shell plate below the draught in full load condition
— new foundations and supports to main deck, side and bottom structure (e.g. topside, flare tower, riser
balcony, turret, etc).
402 For units intend to stay on location without going to dry-dock every 5th year, the design fatigue factors
as specified in Sec.12 G300 shall be followed.
C 500 Mean stress effect
501 Mean stress effect according to Table C1 shall be used.
Table C1 Mean stress effect for conversion of tankers to floating offshore installation
Operating profile Base material Welded structure
Trading as tanker DNV-RP-C203 or CN30.7 CN30.7
Operation at site DNV-RP-C203 or CN30.7 Not allowed
Due to fatigue, the existing fillet welds between transverse frame/bulkhead and deck plate may need to be
replaced with full penetration welds when the topside support structure is placed above the deck plate.
A. Introduction
A 100 General
101 This appendix explains the Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) method. This method may be
used for the strength check instead of the Working Stress Method (WSD) as described in Sec.5 C.
102 Using the LRFD method will replace the a) and b) combinations given in Sec.3 Table C1. Transit
condition shall comply with the requirements to longitudinal strength (Pt.3 Ch.1 Sec.5) in Rules for
Classification of Ships and the extreme condition will be similar to the WSD method as the load factor and
material factor of 1.0 shall be used.
103 According to the LRFD format, see DNV-OS-C101, two sets of partial coefficient combinations shall be
analysed. These combinations are referred to as the a) and b) combinations, see Table B1.
104 The material factor to be used in the longitudinal strength assessment of the hull girder is 1.15.
105 The capacity assessment in the longitudinal strength condition shall include buckling and yield checks.
106 Buckling capacity checks shall be performed in accordance with Sec.5 C500.
γ f, G, Q M s + γ f, E M w ≤ M g ⁄ γ m
Mg = characteristic bending moment resistance of the hull girder
MS = characteristic design still water bending moment based on actual cargo and ballast conditions
Mw = characteristic wave bending moment based on an annual probability of exceedance of 10-2
Qg = characteristic shear resistance of a longitudinal shear element in the hull girder
QS = characteristic design still water shear force in the longitudinal shear element based on actual cargo
and ballast conditions
QW = characteristic wave shear force in the longitudinal shear element based on an annual probability of
exceedance of 10-2
γm = material factor
γf,G,Q = partial load factor for still water loads (permanent + variable functional loads)
γf,E = partial load factor for environmental loads.
Guidance note:
Typical longitudinal shear elements are unit's side, inner side and longitudinal bulkheads that contribute to the global
shear capacity of the hull girder. Each of such elements should be considered separately subjected to the shear force
in the element.
102 The partial load coefficients for assessment of global capacity are given in Table B1.
Table B1 Partial coefficients for the longitudinal strength
Combination Load category
Still water loads Environmental loads
a) 1.2 0.7
b) 1.0 1.15
103 The environmental loads for hull girder global response are mainly wave induced loads. Other
environmental loads may normally be neglected.
104 The dimensioning condition for different Mw/Ms ratios is shown in Figure 1. Offshore units also
complying with the main class requirements will typically have Mw/Ms ratios of 1.4 to 1.6. In such cases the
b) combination is dimensioning.
105 Combination a) need not be assessed for the hull girder capacity if:
M W ≥ 0.44 M s
Guidance note:
Note that the Ms in the equations given above include the global effect of top side loads.
Figure 1
Dimensioning combination
σe ≤ ------ f y for survival conditions (100 years return period for environmental loads)