Comparative Report On Fast Food Study in Thailand, Indonesia and Vietnam in 2015
Comparative Report On Fast Food Study in Thailand, Indonesia and Vietnam in 2015
Comparative Report On Fast Food Study in Thailand, Indonesia and Vietnam in 2015
Table of content
E. Conclusions (P.44)
A. Research design
Research Area Vietnam (HCM), Indonesia (Greater Jakarta), Thailand (Greater Bangkok)
Vietnam (n=400)
Sample Size Thailand (n=200)
Indonesia (n=400)
B. Respondent profile
■Gender ■Age
40.3 Class Vietnam Thailand Indonesia
74.7 Definition
Class B
Class A > 686.7 USD > 2,401 USD > 625.5 USD
Class A 59.8
343.3 – 686.7 1,401 – 2,400 257.5 – 625.5
Class B
Vietnam Thailand Indonesia USD USD USD
(n=400) (n=200) (n=400)
(Unit: %)
C. Key findings
■ Fast Food Brand Awareness
• KFC gains the highest level of share of mind in three countries (66% in Vietnam, 67% in Thailand and 55.5% in Indonesia). The
top 2 fast food brands dominate almost 80% – 91% share of mind. In Vietnam, top 2 is KFC and Lotteria; KFC and McDonald’s
are in Thailand & Indonesia.
• In Vietnam, the chart shows the dominance of KFC, Lotteria and Mc Donald’s in terms of brand awareness without being
prompted. KFC & Loteria are awared of by almost respondents at up to 100.0%, while Mc Donald’s stays at 86%.
• In Thailand, KFC has the strongest impression registered in the mind of the surveyed respondents when unaided, followed by Mc
Donald’s. It can also be highlighted that the level of aided awareness of Pizza Hut, The Pizza Company, Chester’s Grill and S&P
Restaurant bringing total brand awareness to about 85% - 94.5%.
• In Indonesia, in term of unaided awareness, KFC leaves the most impression on consumers’ mind, followed by Mc Donald’s. KFC,
Pizza Hut, Mc Donald’s are awared of by all consumers when aided.
■ Fast Food Brand Preferences
• Consistent to Top of mind, consumers in all three countries are often consume fast food under KFC brand (80% - 88%). Lotteria
takes the second place in Vietnam (76%), whereas McDonald’s ranks the second in both Thailand and Indonesia (67.0% vs.
61.0%, respectively). Pizza Hut is the third fast food brand consumed in Vietnam, while The Pizza company and Hoka – Hoka
Bento is among Thai people and Indonesian, respectively.
• The top 2 key brands account for up to 86.5%, 80.5% and 66.8 % of the market share in Vietnam, Thailand and Indonesia,
• In Vietnam, the people who eat Lotteria fast food most often are in the 16 – 24 age group, while the older group aged 25 and
above more consumes fast food under KFC than under Lotteria. KFC more attracts people Class A than Lotteria.
• KFC is dominant among any sub – group in Thailand.
• KFC is the leader in the market among any sub – group in Indonesia.
■ Fast Food Brand Consumption Habit
C. Key findings
■ Fast Food Brand Consumption Habit
C. Key findings
■ Concerns on Fast Food Restaurant Product and Service Performance
• The top concerned factors in 3 countries are quality of food, the taste and the hygienic food.
• Meanwhile, the factors that the surveyed people less concerned mostly are quite similar among 3 countries, with the side
dishes, dessert and beverages variety, and the spices used.
• In term of products pricing, the surveyed people in three countries are concerned most on the Affordable price.
• The surveyed respondents in the three countries listed are all agree that they are less concerned with the discount for large
purchases and voucher offering when eating out at fast food restaurant.
• The respondents in three countries are all agree that “easy-to-find and convenient location” and “have many stores” are the
main considerations when choosing fast food restaurant.
• Across 3 countries, the respondents care most on the loyalty program a fast food restaurant can offer and store – related
information is easy to find.
• The respondents in three countries have same opinion in term of Promotion activities a fast food restaurant has. They are less
interested in the presence of fast food brand advertisements on medias and its popularity.
• “Wide and cool space” is the top concern on physical evidence across 3 countries.
• While surveyed people in Thailand are concerned most on the convenient fast food restaurant for meeting/party, “big/clean
furnitures” is in Vietnam and Indonesia.
• The chart below shows that generally respondents of all countries are all concerned about the performance of the workers at
fast food restaurant they use. Polite, kind, agile staff is the top similar concerns in three countries.
• Quick food serving is the main concern for respondents in three countries when eating at fast food restaurants. Meanwhile,
respondents do not care much about the self-service during the purchase.
C. Key findings
■ Fast Food Brand Imagery
• KFC performs the best, followed by Lotteria. However, Lotteria is more associated to affordable price and nicer store decoration than KFC.
• The next players in the market including Pizza Hut, Domino and Jolibee have not much strong brand imagery.
• In Thailand, KFC has the strongest brand association than other brands listed. The next mentioned player is McDonald’s.
• Then, Pizza Hut, The Pizza company and Chester’s Grill perform quite similarly on each attribute.
• In Indonesia, KFC is more related to more many attributes, followed by Mc Donald’s and Pizza hut.
• Domino’s Pizza receives weakness brand imagery, especially “have many store” compared to other brands.
D. Detail findings
Brand Awareness (Top of Mind)
Q2. When mentioning about Fast food in Vietnam, Indonesia or Thailand, which brands that come first to your mind? [FA]
• KFC gains the highest level of share of mind in three countries (66% in Vietnam, 67% in Thailand and 55.5% in Indonesia)
• The top 2 fast food brands dominate almost 80% – 91% share of mind. In Vietnam, top 2 is KFC and Lotteria; KFC and MsDonald’s in
Thailand & Indonesia.
VIETNAM – Total Brand Awareness
Q2. When mentioning about Fast food in Vietnam, Indonesia or Thailand, which brands that come first to your mind? [FA]
• The chart shows the dominance of KFC, Lotteria and Mc Donald’s in terms of brand awareness without being prompted.
• KFC & Loteria are awared of by almost respondents at up to 100.0%, while Mc Donald’s stays at 86%.
Aided Awareness
100.0 99.0
1.5 90.0
14.0 85.8 Unaided Awareness
71.0 68.8
62.3 Total Awareness
98.5 39.7
85.0 51.8 34.8
48.3 17.5
43.3 25.8 15.3
31.3 30.3 6.8
23.3 16.7
17.0 15.0 11.7
9.0 9.0 6.3
3.0 1.5 0.8 0.3 0.3 0.5
(Unit: %)
THAILAND – Total Brand Awareness
Q2. When mentioning about Fast food in Vietnam, Indonesia or Thailand, which brands that come first to your mind? [FA]
• KFC has the strongest impression registered in the mind of the surveyed respondents when unaided in Thailand, followed by Mc
• It can also be highlighted that the level of aided awareness of Pizza Hut, The Pizza Company, Chester’s Grill and S&P Restaurant bringing
total brand awareness to about 85% - 94.5%.
Aided Awareness
Unaided Awareness
95.0 94.5 93.5 91.5 Total Awareness
4.5 86.0
56.5 57.5
77.5 56.5
93.5 83.5 38.0 36.0
79.0 30.0
55.5 28.5 26.0
(Unit: %)
INDONESIA – Total Brand Awareness
Q2. When mentioning about Fast food in Vietnam, Indonesia or Thailand, which brands that come first to your mind? [FA]
• In term of unaided awareness, KFC leaves the most impression on consumers’ mind, followed by Mc Donald’s.
• KFC, Pizza Hut, Mc Donald’s are awared of by all consumers when aided.
Aided Awareness
100.0 100.0 100.0 99.8 Unaided Awareness
4.2 91.8
87.0 Total Awareness
60.2 57.5 61.5 61.0
95.8 87.0 57.5 42.0 40.5
79.5 29.3
57.0 53.7
19.5 18.3
42.3 38.0 36.5
30.8 29.0
20.8 19.8 18.7 17.5
4.8 4.5 7.3 4.0 4.0 .3 .8 .8
(Unit: %)
D. Detail findings
Fast Food brands often used
Q4. Please tell us which Fast food brand do you often use? [MA]
• Consistent to Top of mind, consumers in all three countries are often consume fast food under KFC brand (80% - 88%).
• Lotteria takes the second place in Vietnam (76%), McDonald’s ranks the second in both Thailand and Indonesia (67.0% vs. 61.0%,
• Pizza Hut is the third fast food brand consumed in Vietnam, while The Pizza company and Hoka – Hoka Bento is among Thai people and
Indonesian, respectively.
Pizza Hut 37.5 The Pizza Company 54.0 Hoka-Hoka Bento 53.8
The most frequently visited/used Fast Food restaurant
Q5. Please tell us which Fast food brand do you use THE MOST often? [SA]
Pizza Hut 5.3 The Pizza Company 6.5 Hoka-Hoka Bento 10.0
VIETNAM - Top 3 Most frequently used Fast Food restaurants
Q5. Please tell us which Fast food brand do you use THE MOST often? [SA]
• The people who eat Lotteria fast food most often are in the 16 – 24 age group, while the older group aged 25 and above more
consumes fast food under KFC than under Lotteria.
• KFC more attracts people Class A than Lotteria.
THAILAND- Top 3 Most frequently used Fast Food restaurants
Q5. Please tell us which Fast food brand do you use THE MOST often? [SA]
INDONESIA - Top 3 Most frequently used Fast Food restaurants
Q5. Please tell us which Fast food brand do you use THE MOST often? [SA]
• KFC is the leader in the market among any sub – group in Indonesia.
(Unit: %)
D. Detail findings
Frequency of eating at Fast Food Restaurant
Q1. Please tell us how often do you go to fast food restaurant? [SA]
• Thailand people and Vietnamese more frequently go to fast food restaurant than those living in Indonesia with 58.0% and 53.6% vs.
9.5% of respondents eating at Fast food restaurant 1 time or more per week.
0.3 15.8 37.5 32.3 10.0 4.3
(n=400) 53.6 46.5
5.5 15.5 37.0 29.0 10.0 3.0 58.0 42.0
3.0 6.5 67.5 15.5 7.5 9.5 90.5
The consideration of choosing the most often visited Fast Food
Q6. Please tell us the reason why you use this fast food brand the most often? [MA]
• “Affordable price” belongs to top 3 considerations when choosing their favourite fast food restaurant among Vietnamese, Thai people
and Indonesian.
• Besides that, “Convenient location” is the more popular reason for Vietnamese, “Good taste” is for both Thai people and Indonesian.
• “Have many stores” and “Be used to using this brand” is also the reason for Thai people and Indonesian to choose fast food restaurant
to most often visit, respectively.
Have many promotions 43.3 Various menu 40.0 Near my house 38.5
Fast service 42.3 Family/ friends love to eat here 39.5 Family/ friends love to eat here 37.8
Various menu 34.8 Have many promotions 37.5 Various menu 26.5
Family/ friends love to eat here 31.8 Convenient location 36.0 Have many promotions 22.8
Nice and wide space Nice and wide space Have dishes that other brands don’t have 20.0
28.8 22.0
Have kids playground 19.8
Have dishes that other brands don’t have 14.8 Have dishes that other brands… 17.0
Nice and wide space 18.8
Delicious desserts 14.8 Delicious desserts 6.0
Delicious desserts 8.5
Have kids playground 9.3 Have kids playground 6.0
Others 0.8
Others 0.8 Others 1.5
(Unit: %)
Level of Agreement towards Fast food eating experience
Q17. Please tell us your agreement regarding the following factors of the restaurant you visit the most often? [Slider]
• However, the respondents in three countries are all agree that their preferred fast food restaurants are offering good services and
hygienic food.
• The top three disagreement toward the fast food restaurant they visit the most often are quite similar for Vietnam and Indonesia. They
admitted that they do not find it cheap, quite and more added service when eating out at their favourite fast food restaurant.
Various dishes 57.8 24.8 More added services 39.0 55.5 Familiar feelings 62.0 28.3
Interior design 67.0 15.8 Cheap 43.0 54.0 Various dishes 63.0 27.5
Commodious 57.5 17.5 Familiar feelings 38.0 56.5 Commodious 62.3 25.0
Familiar feelings 60.8 13.8 Tasteful 46.0 53.0 Interior design 69.8 18.5
More added services 56.0 13.8 Commodious 37.0 58.0 More added services 60.3 16.3
Quiet 49.5 10.5 Interior design 33.5 60.5 Cheap 54.0 17.8
Cheap 46.5 8.3 Various dishes 37.0 59.0 Quiet 52.8 17.5
The spending amount for eating fast food
Q8. Please tell us how much do you often spend for one person per time at the fast food restaurant you visit the most often. [FA]
• Eating out for fast food, 61.8% of Vietnamese consumers spend 50,000 – 110,000 VND for one person per time. Meanwhile 62.5% of
Thai respondents spend 101 – 400 THB, compared to 70.3% of Indonesian who spend IDR 20,001 – 60,000 for single fast food-
Above 250,000 VND 1.0 > 800 THB 3.5 Above IDR 140,000 1.8
200,001 - 250,000 VND 2.3 701 - 800 THB 3.0 IDR 120,001 - 140,000 1.8
150,001 - 200,000 VND 5.0 601 - 700 THB 4.0 IDR 100,001 - 120,000 6.5
110,001 - 150,000 VND 10.8 501 - 600 THB 10.0 IDR 80,001 - 100,000 7.3
90,001 - 110,000 VND 20.8 401 - 500 THB 16.5 IDR 60,001 - 80,000 11.3
70,001 - 90,000 VND 19.0 301 - 400 THB 18.0 IDR 40,001 - 60,000 29.3
50,000 - 70,000 VND 22.0 201 - 300 THB 25.0 IDR 30,001 - 40,000 22.5
40,000 - 50,000 VND 15.3 101 - 200 THB 19.5 IDR 20,001 - 30,000 18.5
Below 40.000 VND 4.0 < 100 THB 0.5 Below IDR 20,000 1.3
(Unit: %)
Occasion for eating fast food
Q9. Please tell us in which occasion do you usually use Fast food? [MA]
• “ When I have appetite for fast food” and “When I feel like eating fast food” are the top occasions for consumers in the threes countries
• In addition, “When invited by someone else” is also one of the key occasion for eating fast food for Vietnamese and Thai people,
whereas “At weekend” occasion is for Indonesian.
When invited by When I feel like eating When I feel like eating
59.0 66.5 69.8
someone else fastfood fastfood
When I have appetite for When I have appetite for When I have appetite
52.8 60.0 51.5
fastfood fastfood for fastfood
When invited by
In big occasion/ holidays 24.3 At weekend 34.0 29.5
someone else
(Unit: %)
Type of fast food order
Q10. Please tell us how do you usually order when eating at fast food restaurant? [SA]
• Order as combo / set menu is the most favourite order type when eating at fast food restaurant among three countries.
• The percentage of those who usually order individual dishes is much higher with 44.5% in Vietnam, while the percentage is rather low
in Thailand and Indonesia (11.5% vs. 24.5% , respectively).
44.5 55.5 0.0
11.5 87.5 1.0
24.5 74.5 1.0
Fast food ordering method
Q11. Please tell us how do you usually use fast food? [SA]
• ‘Come to stores and eat in’ is the most favourite order method among the respondents in Vietnam, Thailand and Indonesia.
• Besides that, in Thailand, there are more respondents who order online and buying take away than compared to in Vietnam and
6.8 86.8 6.50.0
19.0 60.5 20.0 0.5
4.0 84.3 11.5 .3
Order online and ask for home delivery Come to stores and eat in
Come to stores and take away Others
(Unit: %)
Frequency of ordering side dishes/desserts/beverages
Q12. Besides the main dishes, please tell us do you usually order side dishes/ desserts/ beverage? [SA]
• The chart below shows a considerably high frequency of ordering side dishes / desserts/ beverages among the respondents in three
countries listed.
High Low
frequency frequency
13.3 43.0 40.3 3.5 0.0 56.3 3.5
Side dishes/desserts/beverages orders
Q13. Please tell us which side dishes/ desserts/ beverages that you often order? [MA]
• Among the respondents who have higher frequency of ordering side dishes/ dessert in fast food restaurants, French fries is the most-
ordered side dish menu in the three countries listed.
• In addition, while soft drinks is the most popular beverage ordered by Vietnamese and Thai people, Ice Cream is preferred for majority
of respondents in Indonesia.
Time of eating fast food
Q14. Please tell us when do you usually use fast food? [SA]
• There is a slight difference among the time for eating out at fast food restaurant in three countries. Respondents in Thailand are mostly
eating out at fast food restaurant at early afternoon (1 – 3 pm) with 31.5%, while respondents in Vietnam and Indonesia are mostly
having fast food in the evening (after 6 pm).
Morning (8AM - Noon (11AM - Early afternoon Afternoon (4PM - Evening (after
10AM) 12AM) (1PM - 3 PM) 6PM) 6PM)
Vietnam 2.5 17.0 6.5 16.0 57.5 0.5
Thailand 3.5 12.5 31.5 22.5 30.0 0.0
Indonesia .3 16.8 22.8 21.8 37.0 1.5
(Unit: %)
Companion for eating fast food
Q15. Please tell us who do usually go with to fast food restaurants. [MA]
• Friends/colleagues, partners/spouse and family members are the top 3 favourite companion for the respondents in three countries
when eating fast food.
• In which, friends/colleagues are the top companion for the surveyed respondents in Vietnam, Family members for Thai respondents
and Partner / Spouse is the main companion for most of the Indonesian respondents to eat fast food with.
(Unit: %)
D. Detail findings
Level of Concern – FAST FOOD PRODUCTS
Q16. Please tell us to what extend do you concern about the following factors when choosing a fast food restaurant? [MSA]
• The top concerned factors in 3 countries are quality of food, the taste and the hygienic food.
• Meanwhile, the factors that the surveyed people less concerned mostly are quite similar, with the side dishes, dessert and beverages
variety, and the spices used.
High food quality 5.521.3 72.3 Delicious food 4.0 43.5 52.5 High food quality 10.338.5 49.3
Variety in main dishes 25.3 39.3 33.3 Variety in main dishes 11.0 58.0 29.0 Variety in main dishes 17.3 53.3 27.0
Unique recipes 26.8 36.3 31.5 Nice food decoration/… 23.5 47.5 28.0 Unique spices 23.8 43.5 27.5
Variety in beverages 34.3 39.8 21.8 Unique recipes 25.0 47.0 25.5 Unique recipes 23.5 44.8 26.8
Nice food decoration/… 35.5 41.0 19.8 Variety in side dishes 23.5 52.0 20.0 Variety in beverages 29.3 40.8 24.5
Variety in desserts 34.3 38.5 21.5 Unique spices 31.5 41.0 23.5 Variety in side dishes 35.5 39.3 19.5
Unique spices 32.8 41.0 18.5 Variety in beverages 38.5 37.5 17.0 Variety in desserts 37.8 35.3 17.3
Variety in side dishes 34.0 40.0 18.0 Variety in desserts 38.0 37.0 15.0 Nice food decoration/… 40.8 34.513.8
Totally don’t concern Don’t concern Neutral Concern Totally concern (Unit: %)
Level of Concern – FAST FOOD PRICE
Q16. Please tell us to what extend do you concern about the following factors when choosing a fast food restaurant? [MSA]
• In term of products pricing, the surveyed people in three countries are concerned most on the Affordable price.
• The surveyed respondents in the three countries listed are all agree that they are less concerned with the discount for large purchases
and voucher offering when eating out at fast food restaurant.
Affordable price 8.328.0 63.5 Affordable price 9.0 51.0 39.5 Affordable price 33.3 56.3
Discount for combo/ set Discount for combo/ set Variety promotions/
17.033.8 47.0 11.0 51.5 36.5 40.8 41.3
menu menu discounts
Discount when
Giving voucher when Discount when
27.5 32.8 33.8 pruchase in large 20.5 45.0 33.5
purchasing pruchase in large 38.3 41.0
Totally don’t concern Don’t concern Neutral Concern Totally concern (Unit: %)
Level of Concern – FAST FOOD PLACE
Q16. Please tell us to what extend do you concern about the following factors when choosing a fast food restaurant? [MSA]
• The respondents in three countries are all agree that “easy-to-find and convenient location” and “have many stores” are the main
considerations when choosing fast food restaurant.
Have many stores 30.0 38.5 25.0 Have many stores 15.5 48.0 33.5 Have many stores 21.3 42.8 31.5
Home delivery 27.3 39.3 24.8 Home delivery 20.0 43.0 32.5 Home delivery 26.3 41.8 27.0
In shopping centers 41.3 32.510.3 In shopping centers 30.5 38.5 25.0 In shopping centers 31.3 43.8 21.0
Totally don’t concern Don’t concern Neutral Concern Totally concern (Unit: %)
Level of Concern – FAST FOOD PROMOTION
Q16. Please tell us to what extend do you concern about the following factors when choosing a fast food restaurant? [MSA]
• Across 3 countries, the respondents care most on the loyalty program a fast food restaurant can offer and store – related information is
easy to find.
• The respondents in three countries have same opinion in term of Promotion activities a fast food restaurant has. They are less
interested in the presence of fast food brand advertisements on medias and its popularity.
Well-known 36.3 35.8 19.5 Well-known 30.0 46.0 21.5 Well-known 28.5 45.3 18.0
Q16. Please tell us to what extend do you concern about the following factors when choosing a fast food restaurant? [MSA]
• “Wide and cool space” is the top concern on physical evidence across 3 countries.
• While surveyed people in Thailand are concerned most on the convenient fast food restaurant for meeting/party, “big/clean furnitures”
is in Vietnam and Indonesia.
Wide and cool space 16.5 45.0 37.0 Wide and cool space 26.5 48.5 23.0 Big / clean furnitures 19.8 46.5 31.5
Modern design 32.0 50.0 14.5 Nice decoration 19.5 51.3 25.0
Modern design 32.5 40.8 18.8
Convenient for meeting / Nice decoration 33.5 48.0 15.0 Modern design 32.5 42.0 19.8
34.0 35.0 21.3
Totally don’t concern Don’t concern Neutral Concern Totally concern (Unit: %)
Level of Concern – PEOPLE
Q16. Please tell us to what extend do you concern about the following factors when choosing a fast food restaurant? [MSA]
• The chart below shows that generally respondents of all countries are all concerned about the performance of the workers at fast food
restaurant they use. Polite, kind, agile staff is the top similar concerns in three countries.
Kind staff 12.838.3 48.5 Polite staff 5.033.5 61.5 Polite staff 6.333.8 59.5
Polite staff 12.337.3 48.5 Agile staff 5.033.0 61.5 Kind staff 6.0 36.8 56.5
Professional service
Professional service staff 18.0 40.5 40.3 Kind staff 8.0 41.5 50.5 7.5 36.8 54.8
Agile staff 18.5 44.0 35.5 Professional service staff 9.0 40.5 50.0 Agile staff 8.5 39.8 50.8
Totally don’t concern Don’t concern Neutral Concern Totally concern (Unit: %)
Level of Concern – FAST FOOD PROCESS
Q16. Please tell us to what extend do you concern about the following factors when choosing a fast food restaurant? [MSA]
• Quick food serving is the main concern for respondents in three countries when eating at fast food restaurants. Meanwhile,
respondents do not care much about the self-service during the purchase.
Quick food serving 12.8 37.3 49.5 Quick food serving 3.0 53.0 44.0 Quick food serving 7.3 41.8 50.5
Self-service 47.8 28.512.5 Self-service 57.0 24.0 8.5 Self-service 39.0 37.5 20.3
Totally don’t concern Don’t concern Neutral Concern Totally concern (Unit: %)
D. Detail findings
VIETNAM – Brand imagery
Q19. Please choose the fast food brands which are suitable with the listed attributes. [MMA]
• KFC performs the best, followed by Lotteria. However, Lotteria is more associated to affordable price and nicer store decoration than
• The next players in the market including Pizza Hut, Domino and Jolibee have not much strong brand imagery.
Nice / eye-
Well-known Popular Have many Various Affordable Favourite of Have many catching I don’t know
Tasteful food
brand brand stores dishes price friends promotions store this brand
KFC 94.5 82.0 70.5 85.3 70.3 54.0 66.3 66.5 55.5 0.0
Lotteria 80.8 72.8 68.0 83.5 72.3 69.0 65.8 68.3 63.0 1.0
Pizza Hut 69.5 48.3 54.3 41.3 43.8 24.5 43.3 34.5 56.5 10.0
Domino 34.3 20.5 26.5 22.3 25.8 26.3 21.5 28.0 28.8 37.8
Jollibee 36.8 19.5 24.8 28.3 34.8 33.3 16.5 22.5 27.3 29.0
(Unit: %)
THAILAND - Brand imagery
Q19. Please choose the fast food brands which are suitable with the listed attributes. [MMA]
• In Thailand, KFC has the strongest brand association than other brands listed. The next mentioned player is McDonald’s.
• Then, Pizza Hut, The Pizza company and Chester’s Grill perform quite similarly on each attribute.
Nice / eye-
Well- I don’t
Popular Tasteful Have many Various Affordable Favourite Have many catching
known know this
brand food stores dishes price of friends promotions store
brand brand
KFC 86.5 77.5 64.5 75.5 55.0 54.0 52.5 46.5 26.5 0.0
Mc Donalds 80.5 72.0 59.0 64.5 54.5 46.0 41.5 48.5 37.0 0.0
Pizza Hut 79.0 53.5 47.5 56.0 41.0 32.5 34.5 40.0 31.0 0.5
The Pizza Company 78.5 63.5 59.0 59.0 53.0 34.5 42.5 41.5 33.5 0.0
Chester's Grill 76.0 46.5 46.0 45.5 43.5 37.5 19.5 19.0 14.0 0.0
(Unit: %)
INDONESIA - Brand imagery
Q19. Please choose the fast food brands which are suitable with the listed attributes. [MMA]
• In Indonesia, KFC is more related to more many attributes, followed by Mc Donald’s and Pizza hut.
• Domino’s Pizza receives weakness brand imagery, especially “have many store” compared to other brands.
Nice / eye-
I don’t
Well-known Popular Tasteful Have many Various Affordable Favourite of Have many catching
know this
brand brand food stores dishes price friends promotions store
KFC 77.0 67.5 64.3 75.8 43.5 70.0 35.5 44.8 30.0 0.0
Mc Donalds 75.3 68.5 52.8 67.5 41.5 50.0 29.8 31.5 30.0 0.0
Pizza Hut 72.5 63.3 61.5 57.3 54.5 28.5 35.0 38.8 41.0 0.0
Domino's Pizza 43.3 29.0 41.5 19.0 23.8 34.8 18.5 21.5 17.5 8.3
Hoka-hoka bento 68.5 59.0 62.8 52.5 52.5 39.5 26.5 16.0 21.3 .3
(Unit: %)
E. Conclusion (1)
Key insights about Fast Food Consumption of respondents from 3 countries:
Top 2 Brands Top Of Mind Total Awareness Market share
KFC 66.0% 100.0% 45.5%
Lotteria 21.3% 99.0% 41.0%
KFC 67.0% 98.0% 61.0%
Mc Donald’s 24.0% 95.0% 19.5%
KFC 55.5% 100.0% 46.3%
Mc Donald’s 27.0% 100.0% 20.5%
• 53.6% of Vietnamese eat fast food restaurant once per week and more.
• “Affordable price” and “Convenient location” is the most popular reason for Vietnamese to choose fast food brand. The preferred
fast food restaurants are offering hygienic food, good services and tasteful food.
• “Eating out for fast food, 61.8% of Vietnamese consumers spend 50,000 – 100,000 VND for one person per time.
• “ When I have appetite for fast food” and “When I feel like eating fast food” and “When invited by someone else” are the top
occasions for Vietnamese consumers.
• Order as combo / set menu is the most favourite order type when eating at fast food restaurant.
• ‘Come to stores and eat in’ is the most favourite order method among the respondents.
• 56.3% of Vietnamese consumers order side dishes/desserts/beverages together with main dishes. In which, French fries and soft
drink are the most-ordered side dish menu.
• Vietnamese are mostly having fast food in the evening (after 6 pm).
• Friends/colleagues, partners/spouse and family members are the top 3 favourite companion.
E. Conclusion (2)
• 58.0% of Thai people eat fast food restaurant once per week and more.
• “Good taste”, “Affordable price” and “Have many stores” are the top reason for Thai people to choose fast food brand to most
often visit. The preferred fast food restaurants are offering good services, hygienic food, and quiet restaurant.
• 62.5% of Thai respondents spend 101 – 400 THB for each purchase.
• “When I feel like eating fast food”, “ When I have appetite for fast food” and “When invited by someone else” are the top occasions
for Thai people.
• Order as combo / set menu is the most favourite order type when eating at fast food restaurant
• ‘Come to stores and eat in’ is the most favourite order method among the respondents, followed by ordering online and buying take
• 45.0% of Thai consumers order side dishes/desserts/beverages together with main dishes. In which, French fries and soft drink are
the most-ordered side dish menu.
• Thai people are mostly eating out at fast food restaurant at early afternoon (1 – 3 pm)
• Family members, Friends/colleagues and Partner/Spouse are the top 3 favourite companion
• Only 9.5% of Indonesian eat fast food restaurant once per week and more.
• For Indonesian, the top consideration on choosing fast food brand is including “Good taste”, “familiar with the brand” and
“Affordable price”. The preferred fast food restaurants are offering tasteful food, good services and hygienic food.
• 70.3% of Indonesian who spend IDR 20,001 – 60,000 for single fast food-purchase.
• “ When I have appetite for fast food” and “When I feel like eating fast food” and “At weekend” are the top occasions for Indonesian.
• Order as combo / set menu is the most favourite order type when eating at fast food restaurant.
• ‘Come to stores and eat in’ is the most favourite order method among the respondents.
• 44.3% of Indonesia consumers order side dishes/desserts/beverages together with main dishes. In which, French fries and Ice cream
are the most-ordered side dish menu.
• Indonesian are mostly having fast food in the evening (after 6 pm).
• Friends/colleagues, partners/spouse and family members are the top 3 favourite companion.
E. Conclusion (3)
PHYSICAL Big/clean furnitures Convenient for meeting/party Wide and cool space
EVIDENCE Wide and cool space Wide and cool space Big/clean furnitures
Kind staff Polite staff Polite staff
Polite staff Agile staff Kind staff
Quick food serving Quick food serving Quick food serving
Simple food ordering process Simple food ordering process Simple food ordering process
E. Conclusion (4)
• KFC performs the best, followed by Lotteria. However, Lotteria is more associated to affordable price and nicer store decoration
than KFC.
• The next players in the market including Pizza Hut, Domino and Jolibee have not much strong brand imagery.
• In Thailand, KFC has the strongest brand association than other brands listed. The next mentioned player is McDonald’s.
• Then, Pizza Hut, The Pizza company and Chester’s Grill perform quite similarly on each attribute.
• In Indonesia, KFC is more related to more many attributes, followed by Mc Donald’s and Pizza hut.
• Domino’s Pizza receives weakness brand imagery, especially “have many store” compared to other brands.
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The copyright of this report belongs to W&S Holdings Joint Stock Company.