Model Xql14/6Yb Hydraulic Power Tong: Operation Manual

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(VERSION IV / 201011)



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1. Summary 1

11. Main Specifications 1

111. Installation 2

IV. Hydraulic System 2

V. Operation 3

VI. Maintenance and Lubrication .4

VII. Ordinary Troubles and Troubleshooting 5

VIII. Recommended Match of Jaws and Dies for Master Tong and

Backup Tong 6

IX. Parts List. 6

XQ1I4/6YB Hydraulic Power Tong
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I. Surnrnary
Model XQ 114/6YB hydraulic power tong is a type of medium-sized tong, widely
applied in making-up and breaking-out for well drilling and repairing. This product has
following features:

l. The advanced automatic hydraulic backup tong controlled by manual valve matches
master tong well, the back long freely c1amps and escapes from lhe pipe
synchronously, enabling a reliable and flexible combined operation.
2. The dies are compalible wilh drill pipe of differenl specificalions by changing
various masler long and backup tong.

3. Oreal speed differences belween gear shifts provide a high speed al lhe high gear
and a big lorque al lhe low gear.

4. The brake and direclion control mechanism in lhe head of lhe long is reliable in
performance and convenienl in assembling, adjuslmenl and repair.
5. The backup tong floals under lhe masler long which is suspending and lhe backup
long hose is connecled lo lhe master long with joint. The backup long can be easily
removed from lhe master tong for convenient handling and move.
6. Torque reader can be chosen to set on lhe back ofthe backup tong.

II. Specifications
i. Master Tong
CD Applicalion range : <1>2%",<l>2Ys",<l>3v,",<l>4V,"lubing

@ High gear raled lorque : 1.5kN . m (11OOft-Ibs)

@ Low gear raled lorque : 6.0kN. m (4400ft-Ibs)

@ High gear raled speed : 85r/min

@ Low gear raled speed : 20r/min

@ Opening: Il8mm (4%")

ii. Hackup Tong

CD Applicalion range: 73-141.5mm (27/8"-51/2,,) NuE&EuE

@ Opening: 145mm (53/4,,)


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iii. Overall Dimension ofCombined Tong: 850x500x600mm (33"x20"x24")

iv. Hydraulic Syslem Pressure: 12Mpa (1740psi)

v. Oil Supply: IOOUmin (26GPM)

vi. Total Weight: 260kg (570lbs)

111. Installation
1, Connecl mechanical lift assembly wilh long hanger of masler long and hang lhe lift

assembly on lhe derrick of work over rig. The hanging poinl is 15m aboye lhe

wellhead. In free hanging condilion lhe dislance belween the long cenler and lhe

wellhead is aboul O.5m, which is suilable for lhe backup long lo clamp lhe lubing

2. Adjusl lhe screw on lhe long hanger (Z6-42) lo level lhe tong, lf il is nol leveled, il
would result in malfunction of lhe long.

3. Tie one end of back guy onlo lhe derrick and the other end onlo the backside seal

(Z6-32) ofpower long. Back guy should be capable ofbearing a load of20kN. When

power long is in make up posilion, lhe backup long should form a right angle with lhe

long insuring the safely of lhe operalor al lhe conlrolling handle.

4, Connecl hoses on lhe hydraulic power source lO the manual conlrol valve (Z6-33) of

power long. The manual conlrol valve on lhe upper port of lhe pressure oH marked

wilh lhe lelter "P" is connecled to lhe high pressure hose of lhe hydraulic power

source. The manual control valve on lhe lower port of the pressure oil is connecled lo
lhe hose which pipes oH.

IV. Hydraulic Systcm

Fig, l is hydraulic circuil of power long:


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Manual control valve (2) Control s master tong motor (3), backup tong cylinder (4)

linkage and its clockwise and anticlockwise operation as wel!. The pressure gauge (1)
displays both system pressure and torque.

~ Operation
i. Change Jaw

There are four sizes of jaw for master tong and backup tong respectively applied for

pipes of different OD. Jaw can be put into and taken out from the space of tong center

rreely. Stop screws are installed on both sides of jaw openings of master tong and

backup tong to stop jaw from falling off during working and moving. Loose the stop

screws and then jaw can be taken out from the tong head center freeJy. Sizes stamped on
jaw should be consistent with the OD of the pipe strings.

ii. Shifting

Operating the manual control val ve, high gear is available when pushing down the

shifting handle ancllow gear is available when uplifting the shifting handle. The shifting

operation must be taken at lower speed in fear of any damage to the gear.


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¡ji. Operation of Makeup and Breakout


Afier aligning the openings of the master and backup long head, tum lhe resel knob

(Z6-49), (B6-3) and make lhe arrow point to the direction for makeup. Move the tong to

the pipe slring. Operale lhe control valve (Z6-33) to make lhe long heads rotate a10ng

lhe direclion for make-up. Afier the pipe is made up, reversely rolale the tong heads by

operaling lhe conlrol valve lo align the openings. Then, Remove lhe long off lhe pipe
slring lo complele lhe makeup.

Afier aligning lhe openings of lhe long heads wilh lhe opening of lhe housing, lum lhe

resel knob (Z6-49), (B6-3) and make lhe aITOWpoint lo the direclion for breakout.

Move lhe long to lhe pipe string. Operale the conlrol valve (Z6-33) to make lhe long

heads rolale along lhe direclion for breakOUl and lhe pipe is backed out. Reversely rotale

lhe long heads by operaling lhe control valve lO align lhe openings. Then, Remove lhe
long off lhe pipe slring ,lOcomplele lhe breakout.

¡v. Change Tong Dies

Three sizes of dies are offered for XQ 114/6YB hydraulic power long, marked 89-142,

73-70 and 60-78, lO be applied on pipe strings of different sizes. Die sizes are slamped
on the backside of each die.

Selecl differenl dies in accordance wilh lhe slamped sizes on the back of the jaws

suilable for differenl pipe OD when changing. Push screw driver inlo long-die relaining
pin of jaw lO insert and take oullong dies.

VI. Maintcnance and Lubrication

1. Afier every transportalion, clean long head wilh kerosene or diesel oil and grease
each grease fitting.

2. Afier cleaning, grease jaws, jaw shelves, gearing and moving parts.


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3. If lhe jaws do nol hold oul due lo insufficienl braking force, adjusl lhe braking bolls

slighlly lo increase lhe braking force. Be sure nollO screw loo much; or discs will be

4. After every lrip, check if any waler or dirt accumulaled inside. If any, remove il al

5. Lubricale each kinemalical pair after each running in lhe wel!.

6. YZB-IOO Hydraulic Power Unils designed for our hydraulic power long is

VII. Ordinary Troubles and Troubleshooting

Ordinal")' lroubles Cause Remedy

Jaws are improperly se!ecled. Selecl suilable jaws

The die groove is filled wilh
hard impurilies. Gel rid of impurilies
Tong dies slippage Dies are much worn. Change new dies
The brake momenl oflong Tighlen spring lo a proper
head is a li!tle smal!. exlenl
Tong body is nol leve!. Level tong body
Tong head of masler tong
or backup tong doesn't Retaining pins are nol Turn resel knobs 180' and
align wilh lhe opening of wrapped by resel knob shaft. resel again

Backup long slips while Backup longjaws rOlale in

lhe direclion Opposile lo lhe Exchange posilions oflwo
masler long works well
rolalion of masler long head. hoses of backup long

Lock slrength nol slrong Lock strength is nOl strong Add adjusling padding
enough. enough. and increase lhe pressure


XQ114/6YB Hydraulic Power Tong
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VIII. Recommended Match of Jaws and Dies for Master Tong and

Backup Tong

JllW Pipe StJ"ing Die


Master Tong Backup Tong

OD ofTubing
Jaw Die Jaw Die
(lset 12pcs) (lset 14pcs) (lset 12pcs) (l set 1 4pcs)
<1>60(2 3/8,,) 60-56 60-78 78-75 73-70
(2 7/8") 73-69 60-78 93-89 89-142
(3 112") 89-85 89-142 114.5- 107 89-142
<1>114(4 112") 114-110 89- 142 141.5-132.5 89-142

Remark: "OD of Tubing" mentioned above refers to the OD of tubing body. When
make-up and break-out, master tong clamps tubing body, and backup tong
clamps coupling.

IX. Parts List

JOLLY ENGINEERINr. SF.uv,r"" ",,,..

XQ1I4/6YB lIydrnulic Power Tong
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Master Tong Assembly



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Master Tong Assembly

SIN Par! No. Description Qty. Purchasing No.

Socket Head Cap Screw
! Z6-! 8 OB([70.1-2000
2 Z6-80 Ramp 4 XQ6B.Z-01-1O
3 Z6-78 Rolling Wheel 2 XQ6B.Z-0 1-1
Slotted Set Screw with Cone Point
4 Z6-77 16 OB([71-1985
5 Z6-76 Roller Shaft 2 XQ6B.Z-01-2
6 Z6-71 Jaw Shelf I XQ6B.Z-OI-II
Socket Head Cap Screw
7 Z6-68 19 OB([70.1-2000
8 Z6-69 Cylindrical Pin I XQ6B.Z-01-7
9 Z6-70 Oear Cover I XQ6B.Z-01-8
10 Z6-74 Die Retaining Pin 24 XQ6B.Z-01-4
II Z6-75 Spring 24 XQ6B.Z-01-3
12 Z6-79 Jaw XQ6B.Z-01-5
Z6-79-1 Jaw (60-56) 2
Z6-79-2 Jaw (73-69) 2
Z6-79-3 Jaw (89-85) 2
Z6-79-4 Jaw (114-110) 2
13 ZlB6-73 Die XQ6B.Z-01-6
ZlB6-73-1 Die (60-78) 8
ZlB6-73-2 Die (89-142) 8
14 Z6-81 Stop Screw MI2x25 2 XQI2.Z-02-12
15 Z6-72 Open Oear I XQ6B.Z-01-9


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Safety Door


Safety Door

SIN Part No. Description Qty. Purchasing No.

1 Z6-18 Safety Door Handle 1 XQ6B.Z-M-4
2 Z6-120 Safety Door 1 XQ6B.Z-M-5
3 Z6-124 Spring 1
4 Z6-123 Upper Door Shaft 1 XQ6B.Z-M-l
Notch Coniform Fastening Screw
5 2
6 Z6-122 Sleeve 1 XQ6B.Z-M-3
7 Z6-119 Lower Door Shaft 1 XQ6B.Z-M-6


XQII-I/6YB Hydraulic Power Tong I'age 10 of 27

Idle Gear

Idle Gear

S/N Part No. Description Qty. Purchasing No.

I Z6-104 Washer 2 XQ6B.Z-02-7
2 Z6-102 Hole Circlip 72 4 GBff893.1-1986
3 Z6-105 Idle Gear 2 XQ6B.Z-02-6
4 Z6-101 Spacer Ring 2 XQ6B.Z-02-4
5 Z6-103 Bearing NJ306 4 GBm83-1994
6 Z6-39 Grease Cup M8xl 2 JBff7940.1-1995
7 Z6-97 ¡die Gear Shaft 2 XQ6B.Z-02-1
8 Z6-38 Locating Disc 2 XQ6B.Z-02-5
9 Z6-98 ¡die Gear Shaft Sleeve 2 XQ6B.Z-02-2
lO Z6-99 O-ring lI>36x3.5 2 GB1235-76
11 Z6-IOO Waterproof Guard 2 XQ6B.Z-02-3


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