Implementationplan en
Implementationplan en
Implementationplan en
of the new framework for medical devices under the MDR (02/07/2020)
- EUDAMED guidance
Selection of
observers to be
finalised in Q3
2 Clinical evaluation
2 guidance documents
Available from 25
- CIRCA BC notification system
March 2020
of national derogations related
6 Transparency
- Issue a fact sheet on information Art 33 Document needed by Member States Finalised
to become publicly accessible when MDR becomes applicable. July 2020
when EUDAMED is in place.
- Common specifications through Art 17(5) In light of MDR application date By Q3 2020
Implementing Act. postponement, IA can only be
applicable for May 2021, but should
be adopted asap to facilitate for MS to
adopt national rules.
8 Standardisation
Adopted on 15 May,
1. Standardisation Request to CEN Art 8(1) Legal basis as per the rejected by
/CENELEC to review or update Standardisation Regulation (EU) CEN/CENELEC on
the existing harmonised standards 1025/2012 for harmonised standards 16 June.
on medical devices and to draft and the publication of their New procedure to be
new standards in support of the references in the OJ. launched for possible
MDR/IVDR through adoption from Q1
Implementing Decision. 2021