Division of Cagayan de Oro City: Taglimao Nhs - Besigan Annex

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Name: Date: Score:

Subject : TLE 7
Lesson Title: Select and Use Farm Tools and Equipment
Learning Competency: Identify farm tools and equipment according to use
Reference: Learning Module – Crop Production

Farm tools, farm implements and farm equipment play very important roles in crop production. Their
availability makes work much easier and faster. However, even if one may have the most sophisticated
tools, implements and equipment but does not know how to use them, they are useless. In order to do farm
operations successfully, one must have a good working knowledge of the tools, implements and equipment
before using them. A wine bars is a tavern – like business focusing on selling wine, rather than liquor of
beer. A typical feature of many wine bars is a wide selection of wines available by the glass.


I. Farm Tools
A. Hand Tools - Hand tools are usually light and are used without the help of animals or
machines. They are being used in performing farm activities which involve small areas like
school garden and home garden.
Table 1: Classification of hand tools and their corresponding functions

Hand Tools Functions Illustration

a. Digging Tools
Pick Mattock Used for digging canals
Used for removing stumps and stones

Crowbar Used for digging up big stones and tree

Used for digging big holes

Spade Used for digging canals and ditches

Used for removing trash and mixing soil
Shovel Used for digging loose soil, removing
trash, moving soil from one place to
another, and for mixing soil media

Grab Hoe Used for breaking hard topsoil and for

pulverizing soil
Spading fork Used for loosening the soil, digging out
root crops, and turning over the
materials in a compost heap

Light Hoe Used for loosening and leveling soil and

digging out furrows for planting

Dull Bolo Used mainly for digging roots and

weeding gardens, approximating the
functions of a garden hoe
Smallest type of bolo
b. Cutting/Harvesting Tools
Knife Used for cutting planting materials and
for performing other operations in
Sickle Used for harvesting of crops, grass and
cutting of other vegetable matters

Pruning Shears Used for pruning unnecessary branches

and cutting planting materials

Sharp Bolo Used for cutting tall grasses and weeds

and chopping branches of trees

Axe Used for cutting

bigger posts

Scythe Used for mowing grass or reaping crops

c. Measuring tools
Meter Stick Used for measuring the height of plants.
Used to measure planting distance

Ruler Used for measuring the height of plants

Used to measure planting distance
pH Meter Used to measure the hydrogen-ion
concentration (or pH) indicating its acidity
or alkalinity of the soil
Weighing Scale Used for weighing vegetable produce
d. Cultivating tools Used for balling seedlings.
Hand Trowel Used for cultivating soil around the

Hand Cultivator Used for cultivating garden plot by

loosening the soil and removing young
weeds around the plants

Hand Fork Used for inter-row cultivation

e. Other horticultural tools

Used for cleaning the ground and
levelling the topsoil

Sprinkler Used for watering seedlings and young


Water Pail Used for hauling water, manure and


Wheel Barrow Used for hauling trash, manures,

fertilizers, planting materials and other

Knapsack Sprayer Used for spraying pesticides and liquid

fertilizers in wide areas

Hand Sprayer Used for spraying in small areas

Water hose Used for watering

Farm Implements
Farm Implements are accessories which are being pulled by working animals or mounted to
machineries (hand tractor, tractor) which are usually used in the preparation of land. These are usually
made of a special kind of metals.

Table 2: Farm Implements and their corresponding function

Implement Function Illustration
1. Disc Plow  Used for tilling large areas,
making furrows and inter row

2. Native Harrow  Used for tilling and pulverizing

the soil

3. Rotavator  Used for tilling and pulverizing

the soil

4. Trailer  commonly used for the transport

of goods and materials

Farm Equipment
Farm equipment are machineries used in crop production. They are used in land preparation and in
transporting farm inputs and products. These equipment need a highly skilled operator to use.

Table 3: Farm Equipment and their corresponding function

Equipment Function Illustration
1. Hand Tractor  Used to pull a plow and harrow
in preparing a large area of land

2. Four Wheel Tractor  Used to pull disc plow and disc

harrow in preparing much bigger
area of land

3. Water Pumps 4. Used to draw irrigation water

from a source

4. Grass Cutter 5. Used to keep the grass trim

5. Rice Harvester 6. Used for harvesting rice grain,

wheat grain and flour

Read the items carefully. Write the letter of the correct answer on the line provided before each number.
_____1. What tool does NOT belong to the group?
A. Ruler C. Pruning Shears
B. Meter Stick D. Weighing Scale
_____2. Your father requested you to get 2 sacks of animal manure from the storage area. What tool
should you use to transport the sacks of manure?
A. Shovel C. Pick Mattock
B. Spade D. Wheel Barrow
_____3. Which tool resembles the appearance of a spoon and is used for transferring soil?
A. Shovel C. Grab Hoe
B. Spade D. Spading Fork
_____4. Why do we need to conduct pre-operative check-up of tools, implements and equipment before
starting to work?
A. It is to repair defective tools.
B. It is to check if tools are serviceable.
C. It is to determine functionality of tools, implement and equipment.
D. It is to check, repair and determine the functionality of tools, implement and equipment.
_____5. What manual do we check before using the equipment?
A. Equipment’s manual C. Manufacturer’s manual
B. Farmer’s manual D. Subscriber’s manual
_____6. Why do farm tools, implements and equipment play an important role in crop production?
A. It makes work faster.
B. It makes work easier.
C. It saves time and effort.
D. All of the above
_____7. Which of the following is best used for applying insecticides?
A. Sprayer C. Pruning shears
B. Sprinkler D. Water Pail
_____8. Mang Jose’s rice field is now ready for harvest. He needs an equipment to harvest the rice grain to
save time and labor cost. What equipment is appropriate to use?
A. Tractor C. Rice Harvester
B. Corn Dehusker D. Rice Seeder
_____9. Which of the following are cutting tools?
A. Rake, wheel barrow, and knife
B. Pruning shear, sickle, and bolo
C. Hand fork, grab hoe, shovel, and axe
D. Wheel barrow, sickle, knife, and bolo
_____10. Why is it important to check the tractor before using?
A. Prevent costly repair C. Add burden to the operator
B. Delay work schedule D. Cause damage to the equipment
_____11. What tool is used for clearing the ground and clearing the topsoil?
A. Rake C. Hand trowel
B. Light hoe D. Hand cultivator
_____12. What equipment is used to trim grass?
A. Tractor C. Water Pump
B. Grass Cutter D. Mechanical Grain Drier
_____13.Which of the following is an example of an implement?
A. Rotavator C. Rice Seeder
B. Tractor D. Combined Harvester
_____14. Which of the following is pulled by working animals or mounted to machine?
A. Equipment C. Farm Implement
B. Machine D. Hand Tool
_____15. What implement is used for tilling and pulverizing soil?
A. Harrow C. Hand Tractor
B. Plow D. Four Wheel Tractor

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