Auditing and Assurance Principles
Auditing and Assurance Principles
Auditing and Assurance Principles
- Systematic (1) process of (2) objectively obtaining and evaluating evidence with (3) criteria for
(4) communicating to various interested users.
1. Process
2. Gathering Data and assertion (completeness)
2.1 No bias (Objectively)
2.1.1 Auditors must determine if assertions are valid
3. In accordance with established criteria (Philippine Accounting Standards)
4. Ultimate objective of audit; timely basis
Types of Audits
1. Financial Statement Audit - determines if the FS are FAIRLY presented with accordance of
financial reporting framework.
2. Compliance Audit - reviews if the company is compliant with rules and regulations established
by an authoritive body.
3. Operational Audit - measuring the performance, identify the improvements and
RECOMMENDATIONS for the organization.
Types of Auditors
1. External Auditor - independent CPA that offers service in contractual basis (FS Audit)
2. Internal Auditors - entities own employees who appraise the effectiveness and efficiency of
operations and internal controls.
- discharges responsibilities (Operational Audit)
3. Government Auditors - government employees that determines whether the persons or entities
are compliant with government laws and regulations. (Compliance Audit)
Objective - expresses opinion on fairness and in accordance with Philippine Accounting Standard.
Scope - dependent on ALL and RELEVANT requirement of legislation, regulations or relevant professional
bodies that are necessary to achieve reasonable basis on opinion.