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Production of Mono Ethylene Glycol

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Plant Design for Production of Polyester Grade

Mono Ethylene Glycol

Session: 2002-2005
Project Advisor
Prof.Dr.Shahid Naveed
Project Members
Fiaz Ahmed Tahir 2002-POLY-1062
M.Rehan Maqbool 2002-POLY-1071
Mohsin Abbas 2002-POLY-1052
Hafiz Abdul Samad 2002-POLY-1063
Abbas Ali 2002-POLY-1067



This report is submitted to department of Chemical

Engineering, University of Engineering & Technology
Lahore- Pakistan for the partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the

Bachelor’s Degree



Internal Examiner: Sign : ______________


External Examiner Sign : ______________




Beloved Parents,
Respected Teachers,
And Sincere Friends

We express gratitude and praise to ALMIGHTY

ALLAH, the creator of universe, who is beneficent and
merciful, guided us in difficult and congeal circumstance,
who endowed us with the will to undertake this design
project. Great respect our Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad
(PBUH), who taught us to learn till lap of grave.

We are highly thankful to our honourable project

Prof. Dr. Shahid Naveed who provided us with a chance
to work on such an interesting topic. His constructive
suggestions, constant guidance and friendly attitude
encouraged us to work in a better manner.

We are also thankful to our honourable teacher

Prof. Dr.M.Mahmood Ahmed (Chairman of Chemical
Engineering Department), for his nice cooperation in our
design work.

We are very thankful to our parents who pay us

special attentions in their prayers to complete this creative
Mono ethylene glycol is synthetic organic liquid used for
manufacturing of polyester fiber and as anti-freezing agents.
The polyester staple fiber industry in Pakistan gradually
developed during the last decade in response to growing
demand for man-made fiber for the production of blended
yarn and fabrics Due to increasing demand of polyester the
demand of MEG has grown tremendously.200,000 metric
tons of MEG is being imported annually and the requirement
is still increasing at the annual growth rate of 10 % which
justify the setting up of Plant for MEG production.

This design report is about the “Production of

polyester grade Monoethylene Glycol”. This report is divided
in different sections. First of all, the sales specification of
polyester grade MEG is given, introduction of Manufacturing
processes, and then selection of best process. Detailed
description of process of “Production of Monoethylene
Glycol” is also presented in chapter 2. Afterwards material
and energy balance for each equipment is presented.
In preceding chapters, introduction to different
equipments of plant along with their selection criteria,
designing procedure and specification sheets, are presented.

In the next chapter we discussed HAZOP study of

Storage tank .Instrumentation & Control of the distillation
column is presented in the chapter 8, Material safety data
sheet is also included in the project report. Project report
ends up with Cost Estimation for plant .

Chapter # 1
1.0: History 1
1.1: Uses of Mono Ethylene Glycol 2

Chapter # 2
2.1: Process Selection 4
2.2: Chemistry of Reaction 6
2.3: Process Description 8
2.4: Product Specification 10

Chapter # 3
3.1: Material Balance around Pressure Vessel 13
3.2: Material Balance around Reactor 14
3.3: Material Balance around Preheater 14
3.4: Material Balance around Evaporator 15
3.5: Material Balance around Light End Column 15
3.6: Material Balance around EG Refiner 16

Chapter # 4
4.1: Energy Balance around Pressure Vessel 17
4.2: Energy Balance around Preheater 18
4.3: Energy Balance around Reactor 18
4.4: Energy Balance around Evaporator 19
4.5: Energy Balance around Light End Column 24
4.6: Energy Balance around EG Refiner 25

Chapter # 5
5.1: Pressure Vessel Design 27
5.2: Mechanical Design of Pressure Vessel 28
5.3: Preheater Design 38
5.4: Reactor Design 44
5.5: Evaporator Design 52
5.6: Light End Column Design 71
5.7: EG Refiner Design 105
Chapter # 6
6.1: Objectives 123
6.2: Temperature Measurement Control 124
6.3: Pressure Measurement and Control 124
6.4: Flow Measurement and Control 125
6.5: Control Loops
6.6: Control of Distillation Column 127
6.6.1: Flow rate & composition control 127
6.6.2: Temperature control 129
6.6.3: Pressure control 133

Chapter # 7
7.1: Objectives 134
7.2: HAZOP Study of storage tank for Ethylene Oxide 136

Chapter # 8
8.1: Chemical Identification 139
8.2: Composition 139
8.3: Hazards Identification 140
8.4: First Aid Measures 141
8.5: Firefighting Measures 141
8.6: Accidental Release Measures 142
8.7: Handling and Storage 142
8.8: Exposure Controls and Personal Protection 143
8.9: Physical and Chemical Properties 144
8.10: Stability and Reactivity 144
8.11: Toxicological Information 145
8.12: Ecological Information 146
8.13: Disposal Information 146
8.14: Transportation Information 146
Chapter # 9
9.1: Cost index 147
9.2: Total purchase cost major equipments 147
9.3: Fixed Capital Cost 150
9.4: Operating Costs 151
9.5: Production cost

Reference books 153
Graphs & charts 155


Ethylene glycol was first prepared in 1859 by the French Chemist Charles Wurtz. It was
produced on a small scale during World War I as a coolant and as an ingredient in
explosives. Widespread industrial production began in 1937 when its precursor ethylene
oxide became cheaply available.
When first introduced it created a minor revolution in aircraft design because when used
in place of water as a radiator coolant, its higher boiling point allowed for smaller
radiators operating at higher temperatures. Prior to the widespread availability of ethylene
glycol, many aircraft manufacturers tried to use evaporative cooling systems which used
water at high pressure. Invariably these proved to be rather unreliable and easily damaged
in combat because they took up large amounts of room on the plane, where they were
easily hit by gunfire.
Ethylene glycol is a colorless, practically odorless, low-volatility, low-viscosity,
hygroscopic liquid. It is completely miscible with water and many organic liquids. The
hydroxyl groups on glycols undergo the usual alcohol chemistry, giving a wide variety of
possible derivatives. Hydroxyls can be converted to aldehydes, alkyl halides, amines,
azides, carboxylic acids, ethers, mercaptans, nitrate esters, nitriles, nitrite esters, organic
esters, peroxides, phosphate esters and sulfate esters. This chemistry permits ethylene
glycol to act as an intermediate in a wide range of reactions. Especially significant is
resin formation, including the condensation with dimethyl terephthalate or terephthalic
acid resulting in a polyester resins. The reactivity and solubility of ethylene glycol
provide the basis for many applications. The widespread use of ethylene glycol as an
antifreeze is based on its ability to lower the freezing point when mixed with water. The
physical properties of ethylene glycol-water mixtures are therefore extremely important.
The following is a summary of the major uses of Ethylene Glycol.
1.1.1: Antifreeze
A major use of ethylene glycol is as antifreeze for internal combustion engines. Solutions
containing ethylene glycol have excellent heat transfer properties and higher boiling
points than pure water. Accordingly, there is an increasing tendency to use glycol
solutions as a year-round coolant. Ethylene Glycol solutions are also used as industrial
heat transfer agents.
Mixtures of ethylene glycol and propylene glycol are used for defrosting and
deicing aircraft and preventing the formation of frost and ice on wings and fuselages of
aircraft while on the ground. Ethylene glycol based formulations are also used to de-ice
airport runways and taxiways.
Asphalt-emulsion paints are protected by the addition of ethylene glycol against
freezing, which would break the emulsion. Carbon dioxide pressurized fire extinguishers
and sprinkler systems often contain ethylene glycol to prevent freezing.
Ordinary dynamite will freeze at low temperatures and cannot then be detonated.
Ethylene glycol dinitrate, which is an explosive itself, is mixed with dynamite to depress
its freezing point and make it safer to handle in cold weather. Mixtures of glycerol and
ethylene glycol are nitrated in the presence of sulfuric acid to form solutions of
nitroglycerin in ethylene glycol dinitrate, which are added to dynamite in amounts
ranging from 25 % to 50 %.
1.1.2: Polyester Fibers
The use of ethylene glycol for fibres is becoming the most important consumer of glycol
worldwide. These fibres, marketed commercially under various trade names like Dacron,
Fortel, Kodel, Terylene etc are made by the polymerization of ethylene glycol with
bishydroxyethyl terephthalate (Bis HET).
Polyester resins made from maleic and phthalic anhydrides, ethylene glycol, and vinyl
type monomers have important applications in the low-pressure lamination of glass fibre,
asbestos, cloth and paper. Polyester fibre glass laminates are used in the manufacture of
furniture, automobile bodies, boat hulls, suitcases and aircraft parts.
1.1.4: Hydraulic Fluids
Ethylene glycol is used in hydraulic, brake and shock absorber fluids to help dissolve
inhibitors, prevent swelling of rubber, and inhibit foam formation.
1.1.5: Capacitors
Ethylene glycol is used as a solvent and suspending medium for ammonium perborate,
which is the conductor in almost all electrolytic capacitors. Ethylene glycol, which is of
high purity, is used because it has a low vapor pressure, is non-corrosive to aluminum and
has excellent electrical properties.
1.1.6: Glyoxal
An important use for ethylene glycol is as the intermediate for the manufacture of
glyoxal, the corresponding dialdeyde. Glyoxal is used to treat polyester fabrics to make
them “permanent press”.
1.1.7: Other uses
Ethylene glycol is used to stabilize water dispersions of urea-formaldehyde and
melamine-formaldehyde from gel formation and viscosity changes. It is used as a
humectant for textile fibres, paper, leather and adhesives and helps make the products
softer, more pliable and durable.


In this section we will discuss different processes for production of Monoethylene

Glycol. Then we will select the most suitable process. The economics of the various
processes for the manufacture of Ethylene glycol are strongly dependent on the price of
the feed stock used. Since 1960 the liquid phase oxidation of ethylene oxide has been the
process of choice. However, there is still commercial production by some other


Now we discuss various processes one by one and then select the process which is most
economical and feasible.

2.1.1: Dupont Formaldehyde process

About 8% of MEG is manufactured by this method. The chemistry of reaction for
production of MEG by this process is given below.
CH20+CO+H20 HOCH2COOH (Glycolic acid)
HOCH2COOH+CH3OH HOCH2COOH3 + H20 (Alkyl glycolate)
Vapor phase
2.1.2: Ethylene Carbonate Process
In this method, ethylene oxide is converted to an intermediate, ethylene carbonate, by
reaction with carbon dioxide, which is then hydrolyzed by water to give ethylene glycol.
This process was in use in the 1970s, but combined ethylene oxide-glycol plants replaced
this process later.
2.1.3: Halcon Acetoxylatin Process
Two reaction steps were used in the Oxirane plant. In the first, ethylene glycol
diacatate was obtained by the oxidation of ethylene in an acetic acid solution, catalyzed
by tellurium and a bromine compound. The reaction complex, which is quite
complicated, is believed to proceed via a tellurium-bromoethylene complex. The
oxidation, which is carried out at 90-200 °C and 20-30 atm pressure, results in a mixture
of acetates due to partial hydrolysis of the diacetate. The reaction liquid effluent is
withdrawn and processed to recover glycol acetates and glycol and provide the recycle
streams back to oxidation. In the second step of the process, the glycol acetates are
hydrolyzed to ethylene glycol and acetic acid.
The process however is not popular due to operating difficulties. A plant started at
Channelview to produce 800 million lb/yr of ethylene glycol was shut down after
difficulties in startup.
2.1.4: Teijin Oxychlorination Process
The Teijin process, which has not been commercialized yet, produces ethylene
glycol by the reaction of ethylene with thallium salts in the presence of water and
chloride or bromide ions. A redox metal compound (such as copper) oxidizable with
molecular oxygen is added to the reaction medium to permit the regeneration of the
thallium salt.
2.1.5: Union Carbide Synthesis Process
The following process developed by Union Carbide, Inc. Uses synthesis gas for
the production of ethylene glycol. Glycerol and propylene oxide are the major by-
products. Methanol, methyl formate and water are also produced. An expensive rhodium
based catalyst catalyzes the reaction. The process is yet to be commercialized. Union
Carbide has already started work on a modified process in
association with Ube Industries. It plans to set up a commercial scale plant soon.
2.1.6: Hydrolysis of Ethylene Oxide
This method is by far the most widely used method for the production of ethylene
glycol. The simplicity and reliability of the process makes it popular. Furthermore, it can
be used in plants that manufacture ethylene oxide and glycol together. This process has
been selected in the following Design Thesis and will hence be dealt in detail.
This method is by far the most widely used -method for the production of ethylene
glycol. The simplicity and reliability of the process makes it popular. Furthermore, it can
be used in plants that manufacture ethylene oxide and glycol together. This process has
been selected in the following Design Thesis and will hence be dealt in detail.


The reaction chemistry is quite simple, and can be summarized as follows.
Ethylene oxide reacts with water to form ethylene glycol, and then further reacts with
ethylene glycol and higher homologues in a series of consecutive reactions as shown in
the following equations:




The formation of these higher glycols is inevitable because ethylene oxide reacts
faster with ethylene glycols faster than with water. The most important variable is the
water-to-oxide ration, and in commercial plants the production of diethylene glycol
(DEG) and triethylene glycol (TEG) can de reduced by using a large excess of water.
The reactor product distribution is essentially unaffected by temperature and
pressure over the ranges (90-200 °C, 1-30 bars) which are normally of commercial
interest. The product distribution is substantially identical for the uncatalyzed and acid
catalyzed reactions, whereas with basic catalysts, the production of higher glycols is
substantially increased.
The rate of the hydration reaction is greatly affected by temperature and by the
catalytic action of acids. Bases are about 1/100 as effective as equivalent concentrations
of acids in promoting the hydration reaction, though they more strongly catalyze the
glycols, as noted above.
The use of acid catalysts in the hydration reaction permits it to be operated at lower
temperature and pressure than the uncatalyzed reaction, but makes the reaction solution
highly corrosive and requires acid removal. Sulfuric acid will partly combine with the
glycol product and is best removed using anion-exchange resin. The potential use of other
acids such as oxalic and trichloroacetic has been proposed to reduce the neutralization
problem. In 1959, the acid-catalyzed reaction reportedly was the one most commonly
used, but by 1968 it was concluded that there was no readily available evidence to show
that was still the case. Currently, it is believed that most plants use uncatalyzed hydration
An interesting approach to avoiding the problems associated with the use of free
acids involved ion-exchange resins in heterogeneous solid-liquid systems. Though acidic
resins were reported to be only one-tenth as active as the same number of equivalents of
sulfuric acid, their use was bed of resin was proposed. There is no indication from the
literature that such processes have been employed commercially.


The scheme flow diagram for a commercial ethylene oxide hydration plant, designed to
produce a maximum quantity of monoethylene glycol, is represented in Fig.
The raw materials to a free-standing glycol plant are refined ethylene oxide and
pure water. These are mixed with recycle waters and pumped to the hydration reactor
after being preheated with steam. When the glycol unit part of a combined oxide/glycol
plant, it is economically desirable to feed it bleed streams from the ethylene oxide unit.
These, however, can adversely affect the quality of the glycol products which are
particularly critical if fibre-grade monoethylene glycol is being produced. In one of the
major processes, this problem is overcome by first treating the bleeds which are then
processed in the glycol plant and recovered as fiber-grade glycol product.
In the glycol reactor, sufficient residence time is provided to react (non-
catalytically) all the ethylene oxide. The operating pressure of the reaction is controlled at
a level which limits or avoids vaporization of ethylene oxide from the aqueous solution.
The literature shows that commercial reactors depending on the initial concentration of
the oxide.
The water glycol mixture from the reactor is fed to the first stage of a multistage
evaporator, which is reboiled using high pressure steam. The remaining stages of the
evaporator operate at successively lower pressures, with the final stage normally under
vacuum. The evaporated water is recovered as condensate and recycled back to the glycol
reaction feed mixing tank.
The concentrated crude glycol solution from the final evaporation stage is then
stripped of remaining water and light ends in the light ends column. The water-free glycol
mixture is then fractionated in a series of vacuum distillation towers to produce purified
Monoethylene glycol and by-product di- and triethylene glycol.


Since ethylene glycol is produced in relatively high purity, differences in quality are
not expected. The directly synthesized product meets the high quality demands.
The quality specifications are given below.

Test Parameter Specification Analytical Method

Appearance free and clear visual

Color, APHA maximum 5.0 ASTM D-1209

Specific Gravity 1.1156 – 1.1153 ASTM D-4052

20oC/20oC @

Water content weight maximum 0.05% ASTM E-1064-92

Distillation Range 199.0oC – 196.0 ASTM D-1078

mm Hg 760 @

Acidity (as acetic weight maximum 0.002% ASTM D-1613


Ash weight maximum 0.002% ASTM D-482-80

Iron ppm weight maximum 0.05 ASTM E-202

Mono Ethylene weight minimum 99.9% ASTM D-1218


Diethylene Glycol weight maximum 0.05% ASTM D-1218

Refractive Index @ 1.432 – 1.431 ASTM D-1218


Chloride ppm weight maximum 0.2 SMS 2637-81

UV Transmittance
nanometers 220 minimum 80.0% ASTM E1176-87
nanometers 250 minimum 90.0% ASTM E1176-87
nanometers 275 minimum 95.0% ASTM E1176-87
nanometers 350 minimum 98.0% ASTM E1176-87


(200,000 TPA MEG)

Plant capacity = 200,000 tons/ year

Production per hour = (200,000*1000)/ (330*24)
= 25253 kg/hr
Basis: Unit hour operation
Further we will use the notations as under

Mono-ethylene Glycol MEG

Di-ethylene Glycol DEG

Tri-ethylene Glycol DEG

If we use 12 fold molar excess of water, then from literature selectivity of different
products is as under:
MEG = 85 %, DEG = 14 %, TEG = 1 %



Suppose 1 % of MEG is lost during evaporation and distillation then

MEG = 25508 kg
From selectivity of different products
DEG = (25508/.85)*0.14 = 4201 kg
TEG = (25508/0.85)*0.01 = 300 kg
MEG = 411.4 moles, DEG = 40 moles, TEG = 2 moles
EO required = 411.4 + 40*2 +2*3 = 497.4
Water/EO = 12
Water entering = 497.4*12 = 5968.8 moles
Water required for reaction = 411.4*1 + 40*1 + 2*1
= 453.4 moles
Excess water = 5968.8 – 453.4 = 5515.4 moles

By applying principle of mass balance, material balance across each equipment is as



Mass (kg) Mass Fraction Mass (kg) Mass

IN IN OUT Fraction
Ethylene 21885.6 0.169 21885.6 0.169
Recycle 98910 0.765 ------- -------
Fresh Water 8528.4 0.066 107438.4 0.831
Total 129324 1.0 6466.2 1.0



Mass (kg) Mass Mole Mole
Fraction Fraction
Ethylene 21885.6 0.169 497.4 0.077
Water 107438.4 0.831 5968.8 0.923
Total 129324 1.0 6466.2 1.0


Mass (kg) Mass Mole Mole

Fraction Fraction
Water 99277 0.77 5515.4 0.924
MEG 25508 0.197 411.4 0.069
DEG 4201 0.031 40 0.0067
TEG 300 0.002 2 0.0003
Total 129286 1.00 5968.8 1.00


Mass (kg) Mass % Mole Mole %

Ethylene 21885.6 16.9 497.4 7.7
Water 107438.4 83.1 5968.8 92.3
Total 129324 100 6466.2 100


Suppose MEG is concentrated from 19.73 % to 60 % in this long tube vertical falling
film evaporator.

Mass (kg) Mass % Mass(kg) Mass %

Water 99277 76.8 12504 29.4
MEG 25508 19.73 25508 60.0
DEG 4201 3.25 4201 9.9
TEG 300 0.25 300 0.7
Total 129286 100.0 12504 29.4

Side stream: Evaporated Stream

Water = 86773 kg
Total Feed Out = 42513+86773 = 129286
Total Feed In = Total Feed Out
129286 kg 129286 kg


Mass (kg) Mass % Mass(kg) Mass %

Water 12504 29.4 10 0.033
MEG 25508 60.0 25408 84.923
DEG 4201 9.9 4201 14.041
TEG 300 0.7 300 1.002
Total 42513 100.0 29919 100.0
Side stream: Distillate
Mass Mass %
MEG 100 0.8 %
Water 12494 99.2 %
Total 12594 100 %
Material out=29919+12594=42513(kg)
Material In =Material Out


Mass (kg) Mass % Mass(kg) Mass %

Water 10 0.033 0 0
MEG 25408 84.923 155 3.3
DEG 4201 14.041 4190 90.2
TEG 300 1.002 300 6.5
Total 29919 100.0 4645 100.0
Side stream: Distillate
Mass Mass %
MEG 25253 99.92
Water 10 0.036
DEG 11 0.043

Total 25273 100.0

Material out=4645+25273=29918
Material In=Material Out



According to law of conservation of energy

[Rate of Accumulation of Energy within system =Rate of Energy entering the system –
Rate of energy leaving the system + Rate of Energy generation]
For steady state system no accumulation of mass or energy with in system, so by
modifying above equation, and applying across each equipment, the energy
balance of each equipment is as under.
For case of energy balance across each equipment to determine the enthalpy of streams
we used reference temperature equal to 25 degC


Energy Input:
Energy input with makeup water = m Cp (25-25)
Energy input with fresh EO = 0
Energy with recycle stream = mcpΔT =5.04*107 kJ/hr
Energy output:
Specific heat of stream leaving the pressure vessel
Cp = 0.831*4.1868 + 0.169*0.522*4.1868
= 3.848kJ/Kg.K
Wf = 129324 kg/hr
Energy output = Wf Cp ΔT
= 129324*3.848*101
= 5*107 kJ/hr


Energy Input:
Enthalpy of feed entering Preheater=5*107 kJ/hr
Enthalpy of steam entering=3.5*107 kJ/hr
Energy input = Enthalpy of feed entering Preheater+ Enthalpy of steam entering
=5*107 +3.5*107 =8.5*107 kJ/hr
Energy output:
Enthalpy of feed leaving= Wf Cp ΔT
QFeed = [(497.4)(96.5) + (5968.8)(75.276)] * (195-25)= 84542103 kJ
Energy output = 8.5*107 kJ/hr

Datum Temperature = 25 0C
Heat of feed entering = Q = mCp∆T

(1) QFeed = mCp∆T

Cp will be at (195+25)/2 0C = 110 0C = 383 oK
∆T = 195 -25 = 170 0C
Specific Heat of Ethylene Oxide at 110 0C (383 oK) = 96.5 kJ/kmole oK
QFeed = [(497.4)(96.5) + (5968.8)(75.276)] * (195-25)
QFeed = 84542103 kJ

Heat of Formation
EG -386 kJ/mole
EO -129 kJ/mole
Water -242 kJ/mole
DEG -571 kJ/mole
Reaction 1:
H2O + EO  EG
∆Hr1 = [(-386)] – [(-129)-1(-242)]
= -15 kJ/mole
= -15,000 kJ/kmole
Reaction 2:
H2O + 2EO  DEG
∆Hr2 = [(-571)] – [2(-129)+(-242)]
= -71 kJ/mole
= -71,000 kJ/kmole
Total heat of reaction = ∆Hro = [(-15000)*411.4] + [(-71,000)*(40)]
- ∆Hro = 9011000 kJ
Total Heat In = 84542103 + 9011000
= 93553103 kJ
Heat of product leaving = 129286 * 4.24 * (468-298)
= 93189349 kJ
Difference in heat = 93553103-93189349
= 363754 kJ
Temperature change = 363754/129286*4.24
= 1oC
This temperature change is very negligible so cooling required.


Surface and steam requirements for multiple effect chemical evaporation can be
computed by imposing the energy balance across each effect individually and material
balance over the whole system.
So here is discussed energy balance across each effect

4.4.1: First Effect

Stream: Flow Temp. Saturation Latent Heat
Rate (oK) Temp. Heat Capacity
(kg/hr) (oK) (kJ/kg) (kJ/kg oK)
Steam: 27931 486 486 1886 -----
Condensate 27931 486 486 ------ 4.225
Liquor 129286 468 455 ------ 4.24
(feed): 1.98*
Concentrate 98634 455 ------- ------ 4.23
Evaporated 30652 455 451 2020.2 1.943*
stream (top

Note: “*” means for superheated stream.

Heat entering the system:

Latent heat of steam = m. λ = 27931 * 1886
= 52677866 kJ
Enthalpy of steam = Latent heat + Sensible heat
= 52677866 + {27931 * 4.225 * (486-298)}
= 74863459 kJ/hr
Enthalpy of feed entering = 129286 * 4.24 *(468-298)
= 93189348 kJ/hr
Heat added to the system by flashing of feed = 129286 * 1.98 * (468-455)
= 3327821 kJ/hr
Total Heat Input = 74863459 + 3327821 +93189348
= 1.7 * 108 kJ/hr
= 47200 kW
Heat leaving the system:
Enthalpy of bottom product leaving = 98634 * 4.23 * (955-298)
= 65503825 kJ/hr
Enthalpy of evaporated stream = enthalpy of superheat + enthalpy of latent heat
= 30652*1.943*(455-451) +
= 82555705
Enthalpy of condensate = 27931*4.225*(486-298)
= 22185593
Total heat output = 22185593 + 82555705 + 65503825
= 1.7*108 kJ/hr
= 47200 kW
4.4.2: Second Effect

Stream: Flow Temp. Sat. Temp. Latent Heat

Rate (oK) (oK) Heat Capacity
(kg/hr) (kJ/kg) (kJ/kg. oK)
Steam: 30652 455 451 2020.2 1.943
Condensate 30652 451 451 ------ 4.35
Liquor 98634 455 405 ------ 4.23
(feed): 1.88*
Concentrate 76440 405 ------- ------ 4.033
Evaporated 22194 405 401 2179 2.0*

Note: “*” means for superheated stream.

Heat entering the system:

Enthalpy of steam = enthalpy of evaporated stream from 1st effect = 82555705 kJ/hr
Enthalpy of liquor = enthalpy of bottom product from 2nd effect = 65503825 kJ/hr
Heat added due to flash (removal of superheat) = 98634*1.88*(455-405)
= 9283185
Total heat input = 9283185 + 65503825 + 82555705
= 1*108 kJ/hr
Heat leaving the system:
Enthalpy of concentrate = 76440*4.033*(405-298)
= 32986229
Enthalpy of concentrate = 30652*4.35*(451-298)
= 20400438
Enthalpy of top product = 22194 *2*(405-401) + 22194*2179 + 22194*(401-
= 58196163
Total heat output = 58196163 + 20400438 + 32986229
= 1.0*108 kJ/hr

4.4.3: Third Effect

Stream: Flow Temp Sat. Temp Latent Heat

Rate (oK) (oK) Heat Capacity
(kg/hr) (kJ/kg) (kJ/kg. oK)
Steam: 22194 405 401 2179 2.0*
Condensate 22194 401 ------- ------ 4.2
Liquor 76440 405 350 ------ 4.033
Concentrate 42513 350 ------- ------ 3.48
Evaporated 33927 350 346 2326 1.8939*
stream (top

Note: “*” means for superheated stream.

Heat entering the system:

Enthalpy of steam = enthalpy of evaporated stream leaving the effect 2
= 58196163
Enthalpy of liquor entering = 32986229
Heat added due to flash = 76440*4.033*(405-350)
= 169555
Total heat input = 1.0*108 kJ/hr

Heat leaving the system:

Enthalpy of product leaving = 42513*3.48*(350-298)
= 7693152
Enthalpy of condensate leaving = 22174*4.2*(401-298)
= 9592472
Enthalpy of evaporated stream = 33927*1.9*(350-346) + 33927*2326 +
= 86011730
Total heat output = 1.0*108 kJ/hr


In distillation column energy balance is made around Reboiler and Condenser
4.5.2: Balance around Reboiler
Inlet Temp of cold fluid = t1 = 76 oC
Outlet Temp of cold fluid= t2 = 90 oC
Inlet Temp of hot fluid = T1 = 125oC
Outlet Temp of hot fluid = T2 = 125oC
Latent heat of MEG at 76 oC = λ = 61010.488 KJ/kgmole
Molar flow rate of vapours leaving the Reboiler=0.2338446 kgmole/sec
Enthalpy of feed entering the Reboiler= 42513*3.48*(350-298)= 7693152
Enthalpy of vapours leaving the Reboiler = Vm * λ = 0.2338446 * 61010.488
= 14266973.32 J/sec = 5136113.95 KJ/hr
Latent Heat of Steam at 125 oC =2187 KJ/Kg
Mass Flow rate of the Steam = 23484.72 kg/hr
Enthalpy of steam entering the Reboiler= 5136113.95 KJ/hr
Enthalpy of feed entering the Reboiler= 42513*3.48*(350-298)= 7693152
Enthalpy of bottom product leaving the Reboiler =7695132
Total heat in=5136113.95+7693152=12829265 KJ/hr
Total heat out=12829265 KJ/hr

4.5.2: Balance around Condenser

Inlet temperature of the process (condensing) stream= T1 =T =72 oC
Outlet temperature of the process stream= T2 =T=161.6 oF =72 oC
Inlet temperature of the water = t1 = 77 oF=25 oC
Outlet temperature of the water = t2 = 113oF=45 oC
Mass flow rate of the process stream = m = 33322 lb/hr= 15128 kg/hr
 of Process Stream = 1001 B.T.U / lb = 2327.65553 K J / Kg
Enthalpy of process stream entering Q = m *  = 15128 * 2327.65553
= 3.52127 *107 KJ/ hr
Cp of cooling water =1 B.T.U/ lb. hr = 4.187 KJ/kg k
Mass flow rate of cooling water=m = 420310.55 Kg /hr
Enthalpy of water leaving =420310.55 * (4.18738 * (45-25))
= 3.52127 *107 KJ/ hr
For refining of ethylene glycol we selected tray column, selection criteria for this is given
in designing of EG REFINER.
4.6.1: Balance around Reboiler
Inlet Temp of process stream = t1 = 90 oC
Outlet Temp of process stream= t2 = 157 oC
ta = 123.5 oC
Inlet Temp of steam = T1 =Ta= 212oC
Outlet Temp of steam = T2 =Ta= 212oC
Mass flow rate of steam=25445 Kg/hr
Latent heat of steam=1882 KJ/Kg
Enthalpy of steam entering the reboiler=47887967 KJ/hr
Preheat = Q1=mCp∆t = 9238925 KJ/hr
Latent Heat = Q2 = m λ = 38649042 kJ/ hr
Total Heat =Q = Q1+Q2=47887967 kJ/ hr
Enthalpy of stream leaving=47887967 kJ/ hr
4.6.2: Balance around Condenser
Inlet temperature of the process (condensing)stream= T1 =T =154 oC
Outlet temperature of the process stream= T2 =T=154 oC
Inlet temperature of the water = t1 = 25 oC
Outlet temperature of the water = t2 = 85 oC
Mass flow rate of the process stream = m = 33070 kg/hr
 ∆ of Process Stream = 916 K J / Kg
Enthalpy of process stream entering the condenser Q = m *  = 33070 *916 =
30292120 KJ/ hr
Cp of water = 4.187 KJ/kg k
Mass flow rate of cooling water m= 120695 Kg /hr
Enthalpy of water leaving = 120695 *(4.18738 * (85-25)) =30292120 KJ/ hr


In this chapters introduction to different equipments of plant along with their designing
procedure and specification sheets are presented.


In pressure vessel fresh feed is mixed with recycled stream. In pressure vessel pressure is
maintained in such a way that feed remains in liquid form.
Assuming pressure in tank = 8 atm
Fluid to be handled = 129324 kg/hr
Temperature of this fluid = 128 oC
At this temperature
ρEO = 696 kg/m3
ρWater = 921 kg/m3
volumetric flow rate of
water = 107438.4/921
= 116.65 m3/hr
EO = 21885.6/696
= 31.44 m3/hr
So total vol. flow rate of fluid = vo = 116.65 + 31.44
= 148 m3/hr
Suppose of residence time = 10 min
= 0.166 hr
Residence time = volume of vessel/volumetric flow rate of fluid
Volume of vessel = τ * vo
= 10/60 * 148
= 24.66 m3
Assume pressure vessel = 75 % full.
Total volume of vessel = V/.75
= 24.66/.75
= 33 m3
Suppose L/D = 2.5
L = 2.5 D
Volume of vessel = V = (π/4)*D2L
Putting the value of L in above equation, we get
D = 2.56 m
L = 6.40 m


Material of Construction:
Most suitable material of construction is mild steel
Corrosion Allowance:
Corrosion allowance is taken as 2 mm as a first estimate for designing purpose.
Design Pressure:
For pressure vessel Design pressure = 10 % above operating pressure
So design pressure = 1.1 *8
= 8.8 atm
= 892 kPa
Design Temperature:
Design Temperature = 127 oC
Design Stress:
Design Stress is taken as the maximum stress of the material at design temperature.
Design stress at temperature = 127 oC
f = 120 N/mm2

Design of Cylindrical Section

Thickness of shell = 892*2.56/(2*0.85*120)-892*10-3
= 11.24 mm
For purpose of safety we assume efficiency of joints = 0.85
e = 11.25 mm
Adding corrosion allowance = 2 mm
Wall thickness = 13.25 mm

Design of Domed Head

Three types of domed heads are used which are given below
Among these three heads upto 15 bars most expensive heads are torispherical heads.
So we have selected torispherical head.
Head thickness = (Pi * Rc * Cs)/2f J+Pi(Cs-0.2)
Cs = stress concentration factor
Rc = crown radius Rk = knuckle radius
Rk / Rc  0.06 Rc  Di
Rk/Rc = 0.06 Rc = Di = 2.56 m
Rk = 0.06 * 2.56
= 0.1536
Cs = stress concentration factor= 0.25 * [3+(2.56/0.1536)1/2]
= 1.77 mm
e = 892*1.77*2.56/(2*.85*120) + 892*10-3 (1.77-.2)
= 11.17 mm

Weight of Vessel
Wv = 240 * Cv * Dm (Hv + 0.8 Dm) t
Cv = 1.08 for vessel
Hv = Height of vessel = 6.40 m
g = 9.81 m/sec2
t = wall thickness = 13.25 * 10-3 m
Dm = mean vessel diameter = (Di + t * 10-3) m
Dm = (2.56 + 13.25 * 10-3)
= 2.57325 m
Wv = 74753 N

Fluid Weight
Wf = 129324 * 10/60 = 21554 kg = 21554 * 9.8
= 211229 N

Fittings,plateforms weight
= 360 + 150 + 1.7 * 1000 * 5.147
= 9260 N
Total Weights = 9260 + 211229 + 74753
= 295242 N

Primary Stresses

a) Longitudinal and circumferential stresses due to pressure

δn = PD1/2t = 0.892 * 2.56 * 103 / (2 * 13.25)

= 86 N/mm2
δL = PDi/4t = 0.892 * 2.56 * 103 / (4*13.25)
= 43 N/mm2
b) The direct stress due to weight of vessel

δw = W / π(Di + t) * t
= 295242 / π (2.56 *103 + 13.25) * 13.25
= 2.756 N/mm2

c) Bending Stresses

Wind Loads

Mx = wx2/2
Assume wind pressure = 1280 N/m2
Dm = 2.57325 m
Loading per linear meter = 1280 * 2.57325
= 3294 N/m
Bending moment at bottom = Mx = 3294/2 * 6.42
= 67456 Nm

Bending Stresses

δb = ± M / Iv (Di/2 + t)
Iv = second moment of area
Iv = π / 64 (Do4 – Di4)
Do = 2586.5 mm
Di = 2560 mm
Iv = π / 64 ((2586.5)4 – (2560)4)
= 8.866 * 1010
δb = {67456 Nm / 8.866 * 1010}* (2560/2 + 13.25) * 103 mm/1m
= ± 0.984 N/mm2
d) Torsional Shear Stresses

τ = I/Ip (Di/2 + t)
For preliminary vessel design. These are neglected.

Principal Stresses

δ1 = ½[ δn + δz + {(δn – δz)2 + 4 τ2}1/2]

δw = -ive (compressive)
δz = δL + δw ± δb
= 86 – 2.756 + 0.984
= 84 N/mm2
δ1 = ½ [86 + 84 + {(86-84)2 + 0}1/2]
= 86 N/mm2
δ2 = ½[ δn + δz - {(δn – δz)2 + 4 τ2}1/2]
= 84 N/mm2
δ3 = 0.5 P (-ive compressive)
As δb is very small, so for both downwind and upwind δz will be nearly equal.
As there is no torsional stresses τ = 0, so principal stresses will be only δz and δn .
δ3 = -0.5 * 0.892 = -0.446 N/mm2
Stresses in a cylindrical shell under combined loading
Allowable Stress Intensity

δ1 – δ2 = 86-84 = 2 N/mm2
δ1 – δ3 = 86 – (-0.446) = 86.446 N/mm2
δ2 – δ3 = 84 – (-0.446) = 84.446 N/mm2
Maximum Stress Intensity = δ1 – δ3 = 86.446 N/mm2
Design Stress = f = 120 N/mm2
Maximum Stress Intensity < Design Stress
Check Elastic Stability (Bubling)
Critical Bubling Stress = δc = 2 * 104 (t/Do)
δc = 2 * 104 (13.25/2586.5)
= 102 N/mm2
Maximum Compressive Stress is well below critical bubling stress, so design is

Vessel Supports
Brackets and lugs are used.
As pressure vessel is vertical and also bending moment is negligible, so we will use
Bolt Flanged Joints
Welding,neck flanges is used for process vessels or process equipments.

Pressure = 8 atm
T = 128 oC
Corrosiveness = negligible
So Teflon or compressed asbestos gaskets are selected

Flange Types
Flange Faces
(a)Full face (b) Gasket within bolt circle (c) Spigot and socket (d)Ring type joint
Standard Flange Design


Mixed fresh feed and recycled stream from pressure vessel is pumped to Preheater
where the stream is preheated to temperature required to carry out reaction in reactor. For
this purpose large heating area is required ,so we have selected shell and tube heat
Flow rate of EO =21866 kg/hr
Flow rate of Water= 107342 kg/hr
Total flow rate of feed=m= 129208 kg/hr
Wt % of EO = 16.92
Wt % of water = 83.08
Heat Balance
Inlet temp of feed = t1= 401 K
Outlet temp of feed = t2= 468 K
Avg Temp= (t1 + t2)/2 = 434.5 K
Heat capacity Data
Cp of EO at Avg temp = 2.47 kJ/kg.K
Cp of water at Avg temp = 4.61 kJ/kg.K
Cp of mixture =Cp of water* Wt % of Water + Cp of EO * Wt % of EO
=4.27 kJ/kg
Q = mCpt
t = t2 – t1 = 67 K
Q = 3.7x 107 kJ/hr
Steam calculations
Temp of steam = 486 K
Latent heat of steam of steam = = 1880 kJ/kg
QT = ms
ms = 2x 10 4 kg/hr
Design calculations
Heat transfer Area
A = Q/(U.LMTD)

 T1 - t 2  -  T2 - t1 
LMTD T - t 
ln 1 2
 T2 - t1 
LMTD = 43 K
Estimated UD
UD= 1448 W/m2.K
A= 195 m2
Tube sheet layout
Tube length = 16 feet
Tube Dia = 1 inch
Pitch = 1 ¼ inch triangular
BWG = 14
Surface area per lin ft = 0.2618 ft2
Surface Area of 1 tube = 0.2618 x 16 = 4.19 ft2 =0.3893 m2
Number of tubes = Nt = Total Area /Surface area of 1 tube
Nt = 501 , Nearest tube count = 522
Number of passes = 2

Shell side calculation

Cold fluid – EO/water Mixture

Shell Dia = 33 inch = 0.8382 m
Number of shell passes = 1
as= area of shell – area of tubes
as= [ Ds2/4 - NtDt2/4]1/144
as = 0.288 m2
Gas Velocity (for pressure drop only)
Gs = m/as
Gs = 448866 kg/hr.m2
Reynold’s Number
Res = DeGs/
De = 4 as /wetted perimeter
Wetted perimeter = Nt..Odt/12
Wetted perimeter = 41.76 m2
De =0.0277 m
 = 0.0522 kg/m.hr
Res = 239032
Factor for heat transfer
JH =320
ho calculation
ho = jH . k/ De . (Cp/k)1/3.s
k = 0.606 W/m.K
ho / s = 575
 s calculations
s = (/w)0.14
w is calculated at tw
tw =tc + hio/(hio+ho) .(Ta – tc)
for steam hio = 8518 W/m2.K
Rd 0.001
tc = 434.2 K
ta = 434.2 K
Ta = 486 K
ho = ?
hio*ho/(hio+ho) = UD/(1 – UDRd )
ho = 2521.2 W/m2.K
tw = 474 K
w = 0.44 kg/m.hr
s = 0.742
Calculated ho
ho / s = 575
ho = 427
Tube side calculation

Hot fluid- steam

Nt = 522
OD= 1 inch
Wall thickness = 0.083 inch
Number of passes = n = 2
at` = 0.0139 m
at = Nt*at`/144*n
at = 0.092 m2
Gas Velocity
Gt = m/at
Gt = 251517 kg/hr.m2
Ta = 486 K
μsteam = 0.061 kg/m.hr
ID = D = .0212 m
Ret = DGt/μ
hio = 8518 W/m2.K
Calculated UD
1/ UD = hio+ho/(hio*ho) + Rd
UD = 1420 W/m2.K

Pressure drop calculations

Shell side pressure drop calculation

ΔPs = f*Gs2*Ds*(N+1)/5.22*1010*De*s*s
N+1 = 12*L/B
L = length of tube
B = baffle spacing
B = 21 inch
N+1 = 9
F= 0.0012
Ds = 0.8382 m
De = 0.0277 m
Gs = 448866 kg/hr.m
s = 0.742
Specific gravity = s =ρ/62.5
ρ = 850 kg/m3
s = 0.85
ΔPs = 0.915 kN/m2
Tube side pressure drop
ΔPt = f*Gt2*L*n/5.22*1010*De*s*t
S= 0.0101
Gt = 251517 kg/hr.m2
L= 16 ft
f = 0.00015
De = 0.0277 m
t =1
ΔPt = 0.1862 kN/m2


Identification: Item Preheater
No. Required = 1
Function: Preheating of the feed to the required temperature of the Reactor

Type: 1-2 Shell & Tube Heat exchanger

Heat Duty = 3.7x 107 KJ/hr
Tube Side: Hot Fluid Tubes :0.0254 m diam. 16 BWG
Fluid handled Steam No of Tubes =522 tubes each 5m
Flow rate = 2x 10 4 Kg /hr Length of Each tube= 5 m
Temperature = 486 K=213 0C No of Passes =2
0.03175 m triangular pitch
pressure drop = 0.1862 KN / m2
Shell Side: Cold fluid Shell: 0.8382 m diameter.
Fluid handled = EO/water Mixture 1 pass
Flow rate = 129208 kg/hr Baffles spacing = 0.533 m .
Temperature = 401 to 468 0K Pressure drop = 0.915 kN/m2
=128 to 195 oC
Utilities: Steam Ud calculated= 1420 W/m2.K

There are three types of Reactors.
Reactor is selected on the basis of following parameters.

1- Conversion
2- selectivity Reaction
3- productivity
4- safety Volume
5- economics Volume flow
of reactor
6- availability rate
7- flexibility
8- compatibility with processing
9- energy utilization
10- feasibility concentra
11- investment operating cost tion
12- heat exchange and mixing Concentr


We have selected PFR due to Reasons as under

1.Mostly used for MEG production
2.High conversion
3.No back mixing
4.Less volume than CSTR


Mass (kg) Mass Mole Mole

Fraction Fraction
Ethylene 21885.6 0.169 497.4 0.077
Water 107438.4 0.831 5968.8 0.923
Total 129324 1.0 6466.2 1.0


Mass (kg) Mass Mole Mole
Fraction Fraction
Water 99277 0.77 5515.4 0.924
MEG 25508 0.197 411.4 0.069
DEG 4201 0.031 40 0.0067
TEG 300 0.002 2 0.0003
Total 129286 1.00 5968.8 1.00


Detailed energy balance around the reactor has been discussed in chapter 3 energy
balance around reactor.


As we are using 1200 % excess of water, so reaction will be Pseudo First Order reaction.
For isothermal reaction
V / FAO   r

 rA  kCA n
CA CA 0 (1  XA)
 rA kCA 0 (1  XA)

Reaction Temperature = 195 0C

Reaction Pressure = 15 atm
At 195 0C
k (reaction constant) = 0.23/min
E (Activation Energy) = 110 kJ/mole
Conversion = 85%
Volume of the reactor =?
As we know the formula for the volume of the reactor
V / FA 0  
 rA

By using the above Equation

V / FA 0  
V / FA 0  
kCA 0 (1  XA)

By integration,
V / FA 0   ln(1  XA)
kCA 0
We need C A0 and F ;

Total Molar Flow Rate In= F = 497.4 kmoles/hr


CA 0 = kmoles of Ethylene Oxide/Volume of the mixture

kmoles of Ethylene Oxide = 497.4 kmoles
Now we need Volume of the mixture;
Volume of the mixture = Total weight of the mixture/Density of the mixture
Total weight of the mixture = 129324 kg/hr

Now Density of the mixture;

4.3910 E 00
Density of Water ( H O ) =
2.5340 E  01 ]

(2.4870 E  01 )
6.4713 E

By solving the above Equation

4.391  4.391 
Density of Water = 1.722 =   =48.25 kmole/m3
 0.2487   0.091 
=48.25kmole/ m3 * 18 kg/kmole
Density of Water ( H O ) =868.5 kg/ m3

Density of Ethylene Oxide ( EO ) = 468 0.2696
 0.26024[1(1 469.15 ) ]

By solving the above Equation

 0.260241.19775
 1.836 
= 
 0.199 
= 9.226 kmole/m3
= 9.226 kmole/m3 * 44 kg/kmole
Density of Ethylene Oxide ( EO ) = 405.9 kg/ m3
 21885.6    107438.4  
Density of the mixture =   405.9   868.5
 129324    129324  
= (0.169*405.9) + (0.83*868.5)
= 68.59 + 720.85
= 789.44 kg/ m3
By using Equation for Volume of the mixture, so
 129324 
Volume of the mixture =   = 163.817 m3
 789.44 
 497.4 
CA 0 =   = 3.036 kmole/m3
 163. 817 
FA 0
Volume of the Reactor = V  ln(1  XA)
kCA 0
By putting the values, we get
= V  ln(1  0.85)
(60*0.23) *3.036

= 22.5 m3
Volume of PFR= 22.5 m3
As we know the formula for calculating the volume of CSTR
V / FA 0 =
 rA
V 
kCA 0 (1  XA)

By putting the values in above Equation,

(0.23*60) *3.036*0.15
= 67.32 m3
Volume of CSTR = 67.32 m3
As the volume of CSTR is 3 times more than the volume of PFR, so it is not
Volume of PFR= 22.5 m3
Residence Time:
  V / vo
= 22.5/163.817
= 8.5 min.
Length of Pipe:
Volume of reactor = V = π/4 (D2L)
L/D = 200 (P.F.R)
L = 200 * D
V = 50 π D3
D = (V/50 π)1/3
D = (22.5/50* π)1/3
D = 0.52 m
L = 200 * 0.52 = 104 m
Selection of Pipe:
Nominal Pipe Size = 2” Schedule No. 80
Required Flow Area for Plug Flow = π/4 (0.52)2
= 0.212 m2
Flow Area of 2”, Schedule No. 80
I.D = 1.939 “= 1.939/12*3.281
I.D = 0.049 m
Flow Area of one tube = 1.9048 * 10-3 m2
No. of pipes required/pass = 0.212/1.9048 * 10-3
= 112 pipes

Assume 8 passes:-
Length of each pipe = 104/8
= 13 m (bend is also included)
Length of pipe = 13 m
Total no. of pipes = 112 * 8
= 896 pipes
Thus Total pipe passes = 8
Bundle Diameter:
Selection: U tube and Fixed.
Db = Do(nT/K1)1/n1
n1 = 2.675
K1 = 0.0365
Triangular Pitch
Tube Pitch = PT = 1.25 * Do
Do = Outside Tube Diameter in “mm”.
Do = 2.38 in = 60.452 mm
nT = 896
Db = 60.452(896/0.0365)1/2.675
Db = 2646 mm
Minimum Wall Thickness of the Pipe:
Min. wall thickness = {P (inside radius) / SEj – 0.6P} + Cc
P = Max. allowable internal pressure, kPa
S = Max. allowable working stress, kPa
Ej = Efficiency of joints expressed as a fraction
Cc = Allowance for corrosion, m
Check for 2”, Schedule No. 80
Putting the values of P, inside radius and other values from Table 12.10;
Min. wall thickness = t = {1519.875(1.939/2*12*3.281)}/{94,500(0.85)-0.6(1519.875)}
+ 0.0032
By solving the above Equation, we get
Min. wall thickness = 0.00367 m = 0.1445”
Actual Wall Thickness = 2.38-1.939/2
= 0.2205
Safety Factor = .2205-.1445/.1445
= 50%
Nominal Pipe Size 2” and Schedule No. 80 is selected.


Item Reactor
Item No. R-1
No. required 1
Function: Production of Mono ethylene Glycol by Hydration of ethylene oxide.

Operation: Continuous
Type: Non-Catalytic
Multi tube

Chemical Reaction:

H2C CH2 + H2O H2C CH2


 H298 = 21.8 Kcal

Tube side: Tubes:

Material handled Feed Product No. 896
(kg/hr) (kg/hr) Length 13 m
EO 21885.6 NA O. D 60.452 mm
H2O 107438.4 99277 Total tube passes = 8
MEG NA 25508 No. of tubes/pass = 112
DEG NA 4201 Material of construction = Stainless Steel
TEG NA 300
Temp (oC) 195 196

As we use excess of water to increase the selectivity of Monoethylene glycol ,so after
completion of reaction and obtaining required selectivity in the reactor excess water is
removed. About 90% of water is removed in evaporator by using triple effect evaporator.
In the evaporation process, concentration of a product is accomplished by boiling out a
solvent, generally water. It is a unit operation that is used extensively in processing foods,
chemicals, pharmaceuticals, fruit juices, dairy products, paper and pulp, and both malt
and grain beverages. Also it is a unit operation which, with the possible exception of
distillation, is the most energy intensive.
While the design criteria for evaporators are the same regardless of the industry involved,
two questions always exist: is this equipment best suited for the duty, and is the
equipment arranged for the most efficient and economical use? As a result, many types
of evaporators and many variations in processing techniques have been developed to take
into account different product characteristics and operating parameters.


The choice of an evaporator best suited to the duty on hand requires a number
of steps. Typical rules of thumb for the initial selection are detailed below.
A selection guide (Figure ), based on viscosity and the fouling tendency
of the product is shown below on next page.

The user needs to select one or more of the various types of evaporator modes
that were described in the previous section. To perform this selection, there are a
number of ‘rules of thumb’ which can be applied.
1) Falling film evaporation:
 either plate or tubular, provides the highest heat transfer coefficients.
 is usually the mode chosen if the product permits.
 will usually be the most economic.
 is not suitable for the evaporation of products with viscosities over 300cp.
 is not suitable for products that foul heavily on heat transfer surfaces
during boiling.
2) Forced circulation evaporators:
 can be operated up to viscosities of over 5,000cp.
 will significantly reduce fouling.
 are expensive; both capital and operating costs are high.
3) Paravap evaporators:
 are suitable for viscosities up to 10,000cp for low fouling duties.
 are suitable for very high viscosities, i.e., over 20,000cp, usually the
only suitable evaporation modes are the wiped film and thin film systems.
1)Plate evaporators:
 Provide a gentle type of evaporation with low residence times and are
often the choice for duties where thermal degradation of product can occur.
 Often provide enhanced quality of food products.
 Require low headroom and less expensive building and installation costs.
2)Tubular evaporators:
 Are usually the choice for very large evaporators.
 Are usually the choice for evaporators operating above 25 psia (1.7 bar).
 Are better at handling large suspended solids.
 Require less floor space than plate evaporators.
 Have fewer gasket limitations.
Fig. (Evaporator Selection)

From above discussion and fig. Most suitable and economical evaporator for our
application is long tube vertical (LTV) falling film Evaporator

Long Tube Falling Film Evaporator

 Design
Vertical shell-and-tube heat exchanger, with laterally or concentrically arranged separator.
 Operation
The liquid to be concentrated is supplied to the top of the heating tubes and distributed in
such a way as to flow down the inside of the tube walls as a thin film. The liquid film
starts to boil due to the external heating of the tubes and is partially evaporated as a
result. The downward flow, caused initially by gravity, is
enhanced by the parallel, downward flow of the vapour formed. Residual film liquid and
vapour is separated in the lower part of the calandria and in the down stream centrifugal
droplet separator. It is essential that the entire film heating surface, especially in the lower
regions, be evenly and sufficiently wetted
with liquid. Where this is not the case, dry spots will result that will lead to incrustation
and the build-up of deposits.
For complete wetting it is important that a suitable distribution system is selected for the
head of the evaporator. Wetting rates are increased by using longer heating tubes,
dividing the evaporator into several compartments or by recirculating the product.
 Particular features
Best product quality – due to gentle evaporation, mostly under vacuum, and extremely
short residence times in the evaporator.
High energy efficiency – due to multiple-effect arrangement or heating by thermal or
mechanical vapour recompressor, based upon the lowest theoretical temperature
Simple process control and automation – due to their small liquid content falling film
evaporators react quickly to changes in energy supply, vacuum, feed quantities,
concentrations, etc. This is an important prerequisite for a uniform final concentrate.
Flexible operation – quick start-up and easy switchover from operation to cleaning,
uncomplicated changes of product.
 Fields of application
Capacity ranges of up to 150 t/hr, relatively small floor space requirement.
Particularly suited for temperature-sensitive products.
For liquids which contain small quantities of solids and have a low to moderate tendency
to form incrustations.
Suppose MEG is concentrated from 19.73 % to 60 % in this triple effect long tube
vertical falling film evaporator.
Material entering the evaporator:
Weight (kg) Weight %
Water 99277 76.8
MEG 25508 19.73
DEG 4201 3.25
TEG 300 0.22
-------------- -------------
Total 129286 100.0
Total Feed In = 129286 kg
Material leaving the evaporator:
Bottom Product (concentrate)
Weight (kg) Weight %
Water 12504 29.4
MEG 25508 60.0
DEG 4201 9.9
TEG 300 0.7
------------- -------------
Total 42513 100.0

Total Product (Evaporated Stream)

Water = 86773 kg
Total Feed Out = 42513+86773 = 129286
Total Feed In = Total Feed Out
129286 kg 129286 kg
Energy Balance:
Detailed energy balance for triple effect evaporator has been
discussed in chapter 3.
Heat load for every effect is nearly equal~1.5*108 KJ/hr


1ST Effect
Selection: Long Tube Vertical Falling Film Evaporator
Mode of feed supply is Forward Feed.
If uD1 , uD2 , uD3 are the corresponding overall heat transfer coefficients and A1, A2
and A3 are the areas of heat transfer required, then we may write
Effect 1: Q1 = ws λs = UD1A1(Ts-Tb1)
Effect 2: Q2 = ws1 λs1 = UD2A2(Tw1-Tb2)
Effect 3: Q3 = ws2 λs2 = UD3A3(Tw2-Tb3)


1. Equal heat transfer rates in all effects. From this rate of evaporation is same in all
2. Equal areas of heat transfer for all effects.
From assumption (1);
Q1 = Q2 = Q3
UD1A1ΔT1 = UD2A2ΔT2 = UD3A3ΔT3
A1 = A2 = A3
UD1 ΔT1 = UD2 ΔT2 = UD3 ΔT3
Assume values of UD1 and UD2 and UD3

 1 
 
T 1  uD1  T
 1  1  1 
 
 uD1 uD 2 uD 3 
uD 1
T 2  T 1
uD 2
uD 1
T 3  T 1
uD 3

From these ΔT1 , ΔT2 and ΔT3 ; select the pressures of three effects. Then calculate values
of UD1 ,UD2 and UD3
To select the pressure of evaporators is an iterative procedure. The final iteration results
are given here;
Pressure ΔP (kPa) Steam or λ (kJ/kg)
(kPa) vapor
Steam chest, 2026.5 ------- ts = 486 λ s = 1886
1st effect
Steam chest, 962 1064.5 t1 = 451 λ 1 = 2020
2nd effect
Steam chest, 304 658 t2 = 401 λ 2 = 2179
3rd effect
Vapor to 35.46 268.54 T3 = 346 λ 3 = 2326

By Heat Balance
1st Effect:
ws λs + wF CF (tF-ts1) = w1 λ1 --------------------(A)
2nd Effect:
w1 λ1 + (wF - w1) C1 (ts1-ts2) = w2 λ2 --------------------(B)
3rd Effect:
w2 λ2 + (wF - w1 – w2) C2 (ts2-ts3) = w3 λ3 --------------------(C)

ts1 ,ts2 and ts3 are saturation temperatures of liquor in effects1,2,3 respectively.
CF ,C1 and C2 are heat capacities of feed, liquor in effects (1) and (2).
These are approximated for 1st time by using equal evaporation in each effect and
calculating weight fractions of liquors in different effects. After which it is iterated and
revised. Final iteration results will be discussed here.
wT = w1 + w2 + w3 ---------------------(D)
by solving simultaneously equations (A), (B), (C) and (D), following relations are

w1 
w 
t 3  wf 2C 2(ts 2  ts 3)  wf 2C 1(ts1  ts 2 )  wfC 1C 2(ts1  ts 2)(ts 2  ts 3)  wf 3C 1(ts1  ts 2 ) 

  1 2   2C 1(ts1  ts 2)   1C 2(ts 2  ts 3)  C 1C 2(ts1  ts 2)(ts 2  ts 3)   1 3   3C 1(ts1  ts 2)   3 2   2C 2(t

wt 3  w1 3  wfC 2 (ts 2  ts 3)  w1C 2 (ts 2  ts 3)
w2  (2)
 2  C 2 (ts 2  ts 3)   3
w3 wt  w1  w2 (3)
w1 1  wfCf (tf  ts 1)
ws  (4)
 s

ts1 = 455 oK C1 = 4.21 kJ/kg

ts2 =405 oK C2 = 4.033kJ/kg
ts3 = 350 oK Cf = 4.244 kJ/kg
wf = 129286 kg/hr wt = 86773 kg/hr
weg = 25508 kg/hr
by solving Equations (1), (2), (3) and (4); putting above values and values from table.
w1 = 30652 kg/hr

w2 = 22194 kg/hr
w3 = 33927 kg/hr
ws = 27931 kg/hr

Now to calculate Area

Let’s assume that
UD1 = 2985 kJ/hr.m2 K
UD2 = 2304 kJ/hr.m2 K
UD3 = 1649 kJ/hr.m2 K
ws s
A1 
uD1(Ts  ts1)

2985*(486  455)
= 569 m2
w1 1
A2 
uD 2(t 1  ts 2)
30652* 2020

2304*(451  405)
= 584 m2
w2  2
A3 
uD 3(t 2  ts 3)
22194* 2179

1649*(401  350)
= 575 m2
As we assumed that area of each effect is same. So we use the area of each effect, average
of these three values.
A = (A1 + A2 + A3)/3
= (569+584+575)/3
= 576 m2
Calendria Design for 1st Effect:
Trial: Assume ¾ “ O.D. tubes, 14 B.W.G.
Surface area of one tube = 0.547m2/tube
nt = 575/0.547 = 1051
from table 1; as a safety we use 1102 tubes
nt = 1102
Corrected nt = 1102
Corrected area = 1102*0.547 = 603 m2
% over design = 603-576/576 = 5%
5% over design is no problem
Corresponding shell Dia. = 35 “
Next step is to verify the values of UD1 ,UD2 and UD3.
Calculation of UD1:
In evaporator calculation of UD requires that whether boiling or evaporation is nucleate or
film. To calculate this we first measure heat flux and compare with critical heat flux.
If qs < qmax (mode is nucleate)
If qs > qmax (mode is film)
0.5 3
 g (  v   l )   CplTe 
qs   l * Lv *    n 
    CsfLv (Pr  ) 
1/ 4
 g ( l   v) 
q max  0.149* Lv  v   (2)
  v2 
If qs > qmax then for heat transfer coefficients
1/ 4
 kv 3  v (  l   v ) g ( Lv  0.4CpvTe) 
hb  0.62   (3)
 d  vTe 
where subscripts “l” and “v” represents liquid and vapor.
Lv is measured at saturation temperature. All other properties are measured at average
temperature (ts+tf)/2
First Effect:
Estimation of properties
 l =? (Viscosity at one temperature) = 1.86*10-4 Pa-sec
ts1 = 455 oK ts = 486 oK
T = Tavg. = 455+486/2
= 470.5 oK
for density correlation is used
 C1 
   (1 (1T / C 3)C 4 )  * M .W
C2 
C1 C2 C3 C4 M.W.
Water 4.9669 0.27788 647.13 0.187 18
MEG 1.3151 0.25125 719.7 0.2187 62
As there is negligible amount of DEG and TEG so we weighted average of Water and
MEG only.
Wt. fraction = weg/wf-w1 = 0.2586
 l = 0.2586*  eg + (1-0.2586)  water
 eg = 984.6
 water = 892.6
 l = 916.4 kg/m3
Cpl = (A+B(T-273))*4.1868*1000
Estimation of Properties(Liquid):
Thermal conductivity:
Kl = (A+B(T-273)+C(T-273)2)*1.7307
Effect Wt. % MEG A B C
1st 25.86 0.2828225 6.10365*10^-4 -2.7759*10^-
2 33.37 0.264 4*10^-4 -2.15*10^-6
3rd 60.0 0.22523 -5.8662*10^-5 -8.9196*10^-
Heat Capacity:
Cpl = (A+B(T-273))*4.1868*1000
Effect Wt. % MEG A B
1st 25.86 0.9265 4.286*10^-4
2 33.37 0.88 5.5*10^-4
3 60.0 0.76768 8.3293*10^-4
Surface Tension:
Water:  w = (4.601*10 4 Pc 2 / 3Tc1/ 3Q(1  Tr )11/ 9 ) *103
0.1207(.1  (Tbr log Pc  11.526))
Q=  0.281
1  Tbr
MEG:  EG  (50.206  0.089(T  273))*103
 

  (T  T a )  2.661
 *103
 l   mua 

 233  
 
ua =0.2 Ta =448 oK
Lv = latent heat of vaporization =  *1000
Estimation of Properties (Vapour):
As in all these effects, water is evaporated. So for vapor properties are properties of pure
water are used and calculated as under.
 4.60*104 N * M .W .0.5 * Pc 2/ 3 
Viscosity:  v    *10

 Tc 1/ 6

And N  0.0003400* Tr 0.94
A = 3.470 B = 1.450*10-3 C=0 D = 0.121*105
Cpv  ( A  BT  CT 2  D / T 2 ) * J/kg.oK
kv = A  BT  CT 2
v 
Calculation of UD1:
Heat transfer coefficients inside the tubes”
by using above correlation at
T = 470.5 oK
Following properties are obtained

Liquid Properties:
 l  1.8623*104 Pa  sec
Cpl  4.2057 *103
kl  .840W / m.K
 l  916.4kg / m3
Lv  2020000 J / kg
Cpl  l
Pr l 
 l  0.0813
Vapour Properties:
 v  4.4293kg / m3
Cpv  1943 J / kgK
 v  1.274*105 Pa  sec
kv  0.1161
g  9.8m / sec 2
Csf  0.013
n  1( water )
Te  Ts  ts1  486  455  31K
putting all these values in Equation (1)
Heat Flux = qs  3.133*107 W / m 2
And from Equation (2)
Critical Heat Flux = q max = 3.2773*106 W/m2
qs > qmax
So by using Equation (3)
d = ¾ “ = 0.019 m
hb = 1255 W/m2K
hio = 1255 W/m2K
Heat Transfer Coefficient inside Shell:
As we are using steam for heating purpose, the condensing coefficient of steam
ho = 5700 W/m2K
Rd = 0.001/5.6783
= 0.000173 m2 K/W
hio * ho 1255*5700
UcI  
(hio  ho ) (1255  5700)
UcI  1028
1 1
  Rd
= (1/1028)+0.000173
UdI = 873 W/m2K
UdI = 3142 kJ/m2. K.hr
2nd Effect:
Calculation of UD2:
For calculation of UD first we will estimate liquid and vapor properties by using the
correlations discussed above
Liquid Properties (at average temperature)
t 1  ts 2
T = 451+405/2 = 428 oK
all properties are calculated by correlations given before.
Weight fraction of MEG = x = 0.3337
 l  965kg / m3
Cpl  3988.3J / kgK
 l  3.2428*104 Pa  sec
kl  0.4835W / m.K
 l  0.0872
Vapor Properties:
 v  1.5378kg / m3
Cpv  1919 J / kgK
 v  1.1422*105 Pa  sec
kv  0.1122W / m.K
d = 0.019 m n=1 (water)
Csf  0.013
by using equation (1) and (2);
qs = 8.278*106 W/ m2
qmax = 1.8922*106 W/ m2
qs > qmax
so film boiling is there. By applying equation (3)
hio = hb = 888 W/ m2 K
Shell Side H.T Coefficient
Considering coefficient for steam = 5700 W/ m2 K
ho = 5700 W/ m2 K
uc = (hio * ho) / (hio + ho)
= (5700*888)/(5700+888)
= 768 W/ m2 K
1/ uD  1/ uc  Rd
= 1/768 + 0.000173
uD = 678 W/ m2 K
uD2 = 2441 kJ/hr m2 K
Calculation of uD3:
For calculation of UD first we will estimate liquid and vapor properties by using the
correlations discussed above
Liquid Properties:
t 2  ts 3
= 401+350/2
= 375.5 oK
weight fraction of MEG = x = 0.60
 l  6.6795*104 Pa  sec
 l  1032kg / m3
Cpl  3483J / kgK
kl  0.3728W / mK
  0.0553

Vapor Properties:
(At T=ts3)
 v  9.9577 *104 Pa  sec
 v  0.2044kg / m3
Cpv  1894 J / kgK
kv  0.1076W / mK
d  0.0190
Csf  0.0130
n 1
qs = 6.94*105 W/ m2
qmax =6.59*105 W/ m2
qs > qmax
hio = hb = 585 W/ m2 K
uc = 530 W/ m2 K
uD = 485 W/ m2 K
uD3 = 485 W/ m2 K
uD3 = 1746 kJ/hrm2K
Area Calculation:
A1 = (27931*1886)/3142*(486-455)
= 541 m2
A2 = (30652*2020)/2441*(451-405)
= 551 m2
A3 = (22194*2179)/1746*(401-350)
= 543 m2
A1  A2  A3
A = A1 + A2 + A3 /3
= 541+551+543/3
A = 545 m2
Thus area of each effect of triple effect evaporator will be 545 m2
¾ “O.D, 14 B.W.G tubes, L = 9.1435 m (30 ft)
Surface of one tube = 0.547 m2
nt = 545/0.547 = 996 corrected nt = 1102 m2 corrected area= 603 m2
Safety factor = 603-545/545
= 11 % (satisfactory)
Detailed selection criterion and design of condenser is given in design of condenser for
light end column.
Specification sheet is given here.


Identification: Item condenser

No. Required = 1
Function: Condense vapors by removing the latent heat of vaporization

Operation: Continuous
Type: 1-1 Horizontal Condenser
Shell side condensation
Heat Duty = 78812421 KJ/ hr
Tube Side: Tubes:0.01905 m diam. 14 BWG
Fluid handled :Cold water No of Tubes =730
Flow rate = 942056 Kg /hr Length of Each Tube =5m
Pressure = 101325 N/m2 (1 Atm) No of Passes =1
Temperature = 25oC to 45 oC Pitch :0.0238 m triangular
pressure drop = 0.072 psi
Shell Side: Shell: 0.736 m . diam.
Fluid handled = Water vapours No of Pass = 1
Flow rate = 8475.99 lb/hr Baffles spacing = 0.61 m .
Temperature 70 oC Pressure drop =0.18 psi
Utilities: Cold water
Ud assumed = 10875 KJ /hr m2 K Ud calculated =10691 KJ /hr m2


Liquid vapour mixture from base of calandria is separated in separator, from where the
vapor moves to the steam chest of next effect and concentrate through the tubes for
further concentration. V-L separator for 1st effect
Vapor flow rate = 30652 kg/hr
Vapor density = 4.43 kg/m3
Vapor volumetric flow rate = Vv = 30652/4.43*3600= 1.92 m3/sec
Vapor velocity = vv = kv * (ρl-ρv/ ρv)1/2
Liquid flow rate:
Suppose that 70 % of the liquid is removed from the base of calendria.
Liquid flow rate = 0.30*98634= 29590.2 kg/hr
Liquid density = 916 kg/m3
kv = 0.0107m/sec (in case of mist eliminator)
Vapor velocity = vv = 0.0107 * (916-4.43/4.43)0.5= 0.1535 m/sec
Area of separator = A = Vv / vv = 1.922/0.1535= 12.5 m2
A = (π/4)*D2
Diameter of separator = D = (4*A/π)1/2= (4*12.52/π)1/2 = 4 m
Use D = 4.114 m (162”)
Volumetric flow rate of liquid = Vl = 29590.2/3600*916= 0.009 m3/sec
Residence time = ts = 5 min
Ll = Vl * ts *60/A= 0.215 m
However the liquid height must be greater than 0.61 m.
So take Ll = 0.675 m
Total height of separator = L = Ll + 1.5*D + 0.457
= 0.675 + 1.5*4 + 0.457= 7.132 m
L = 7.162 m (23.5’)
L/D = 1.8
Diameter of wires of mesh of mist eliminator = 0.279 mm
Pressure drop across mist eliminator = 1” of water
Separation efficiency = 99.9 %
Thickness of mist eliminator = 0.15 m separator for 2nd effect

Vapor mass flow rate = 22194 kg/hr
Vapor density = 1.54 kg/m3
Vapor volumetric flow rate = 4.0032 m3/sec
Liquid density = 965
Max. vapor velocity = 0.2676 m/sec
Liquid mass flow rate = 22932 kg/hr
Liquid volumetric flow rate = 0.0066 m3/sec
Area of column = 14.958 m2
Diameter of separator = D=4.364 m
Liquid height = 0.1324
Actual = Ll = 0.675 m
Total height = L = 7.678
L/D=1.8 separator for 3rd effect
In this effect, the evaporator is operated under vacuum. So, the density of vapor is very
small, and diameter becomes very large. So, stream is divided into three positions and
three parallel separators are used. Each separator is of equal dimensions.
1. Design:
Vapor mass flow rate = 11309 kg/hr
Vapor density = 0.21 kg/m3
Vapor volumetric flow rate = 14.959
Liquid density = 1032
Max. vapor velocity = 0.75
Liquid volumetric flow rate = 0.0011
Area of separator = 19.449 m
Dia of separator = 5 m
Liquid height = 0.0172 m
Actual height = 0.675 m
Total height of separator = 8.7 m
L/D= 1.7


Remaining water from evaporator is pumped to the light end column where it is
separated, to obtain our required purity. In this column about 99.9% of water is removed.
To obtain such high purity we have selected distillation column.


Distillation is a unit operation most widely used to separate liquid mixture into more or
less pure components .In distillation separation of constituents is based upon differences
in boiling points

Designing Steps

 Specify the degree of separation required: set product specification.

 Select the operating conditions: batch or continuous; operating pressure.
 Select the type of contacting device: plates or packing.
 Determine the stage and reflux requirements: the number of equilibrium stages.
 Size the column: diameter, number of real stages.
 Design the column internals: plate, distributors, packing supports.
Choice between Plate and Packed column

 Plate columns are designed to handle wide range of liquid flow rates without
flooding than packed column.
 For large column heights, weight of the packed column is more than plate column.
 Periodic cleaning is easy in plate columns as compared to packed columns.
 When temperature change is involved, packing may be damaged.
 If the liquid causes fouling or contains solids, it is easier to make provision for
cleaning in plate column
Selection Of Plate Column
 More positive contact by repeated mixing and separation.
 For the liquid causes fouling. So man ways are installed on plate for cleaning
 For the large temperature changes.
 Plates are mostly used for large diameter more than 0.6m.
 Easy to maintain than that of packed column.
 Suitable for very low liquid rates.
Selection Criteria of Trays
Cost of plate depends upon material of construction used.
For mild steel, the ratio of cost between plates is
Sieve plate : valve plate : bubble-cap plate
3 : 1.5 : 1.0 .
Sieve tray > valve tray > bubble-cap tray

Operating Range:-
It is the ranges of liquid and vapor flow rates which must be above the weeping
conditions and below the flooding conditions. Operating range flexibility comparison is
bubble cape tray > valve tray > sieve tray
For good design, sieve plate gives satisfactory operating range.
Pressure drop
Bubble-cap tray > valve tray > sieve tray
Choice of Tray Type (Sieve Tray)
 Sieve plates are lighter in weight and less expensive. It is easier and cheaper to
 Pressure drop is low as compared to bubble cap trays.
 Maintenance cost is reduced due to ease of cleaning.
 If properly designed, sieve tray gives desired separation

Material Balance:
Wt Wt Wt Moles Moles Mole
(kg/hr (kg/sec) (%) (Kgmoles/hr) (kgmoles/sec) s
) (%)
Water 12504 3.4733 29.41 694.6667 0.19296 60.55
MEG 25508 7.0856 60.00 410.9554 0.11415 35.82
DEG 4201 1.1669 9.68 39.5872 0.01099 3.45
TEG 300 0.0833 0.71 1.9977 0.00055 0.174
TOTAL 42513 11.80917 100.00 1147.2070 0.31867 100.0
Average Molecular weight of the Feed =37.0578

Wt Wt Wt Moles Moles Moles
(kg/hr) (kg/sec) (%) (Kgmoles/hr) (kgmoles/sec (%)

Water 12494 3.4705 99.21 694.1111 0.19281 99.77

MEG 100 0.02778 0.79 1.6111 0.00045 0.2316
DEG 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0
TEG 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0
TOTAL 12594 3.4983 100.00 695.7222 0.19325 100.00
Average Molecular weight of the Distillate =18.1020

Wt Wt Wt Moles Moles Moles
(kg/hr) (kg/sec) (%) (Kgmoles/hr) (kgmoles/s (%)
Water 10 0.0278 0.03 0.55556 0.000154 0.123
MEG 25408 7.0578 84.92 409.3443 0.113707 90.67
DEG 4201 1.1669 14.04 39.5872 0.010996 8.768
TEG 300 0.0833 1.00 1.9977 0.000555 0.44248
TOTAL 29919 8.3108 100.00 451.4848 0.125412 100.00
Average Molecular weight of the Bottom = 66.2680


Fenske equation
 X   X  
ln  LK   HK  
 X HK  d  X LK b 
Nm  
ln  LK

 0.997684   0.90666  
ln     
  0.002316  d  0.00123  b 

=3.069 plates with Reboiler
q = 1 (feed at its bubble point)
α LK xf LK α HK xf HK
 1  q
α LK  θ α HK  θ
(62 * 0.60553) (1 * 0.358)
 1  1
(62  θ) (1  θ)

By hit and Trial

θ = 1.57654

α LK xD LK α HK xD HK
  Rm  1
α LK  θ α HK  θ

(62 * 0.997684) (1 * 0.002316)

 Rm  1
(62  1.57654) (1  1.57654)

Rm = 0.019698 R = 0.21

 N  Nm    R  Rm  
 N !  0. 75 1    
    R 1  

 N  3.069    0.21  0.019698  
  0.75 1    
 N !    0.21  1  

N= 7

Feed Plate location

By, using kirkbridge Equation

N   B x  xbLK  
log D  0.206 log   fHK   
 D  x fLK  x dHK
 NB    

N   0.1254  0.358  0.00123  2 

log D  0.206 log     
 NB   0.19326  0.6055  0.002316  

0.6325 N D 0.6325 N B

N total  N D  N B 7  0.6325  1 N B
N D 3
NB  4

So feed is entering at 5 plates from bottom.

Column Efficiency
For Mono Ethylene Glycol & Water System
 0.60

So, Actual no. of plates = 7 / 0.60 = 12 plates

NB=4 / 0.60=7

ND=3 / 0 .60=5
Column Diameter
The plate diameter is calculated based on the flooding considerations
Maximum liquid flow rate in rectifying section
Ln = D Rm = (0.21 0.19326) = 0.0405846 kmol/sec
Maximum vapor flow rate in rectifying section
Vn = Ln + D = (0.0405846 + 0.19326) =0.2338446 kmol/sec
Maximum liquid flow rate in stripping section
Lm = Ln + F = ( 0.0405846+ 0.3186682) = 0.3592528 kmol/sec
Maximum vapor flow rate in stripping section
Vm = Lm – B = (0.3592528– 0.125412456)) =0.2338446 kmol/sec
Density of liquid in the stripping section
ρLm = 1052kg/ m3
Density of the vapour in the stripping section
ρVn = 0.557 kg/ m3
Density of the liquid in the rectifying section
ρVm = 976 kg/ m3
Density of the vapour in the rectifying section
ρLn = 0.190694 kg/ m3

Average Molecular weight at the top=18.10 kg/kg moles

Average molecular weight at the bottom= 55.46 kg /kg moles
Maximum volumetric flow rate of Vapour
0.233453 18.10
 22.03 3
Top 0.1969 m /sec
0.233453 55.46
Bottom  23.22 m3/sec
Maximum Volumetirc flow rate of liquid
0.0405846 18.10
 0.000753 3
Top 976 m /sec

0.358665903 55.46
Bottom  0.002 m3/sec
Calculate FLV = liquid vapor flow factor

FW 

LW = liquid flow rate kgmoles/s

VW = vapor flow rate, kgmoles/s

 V =vapour density (kg / m3)

 L =liquid density (kg/ m3)

0.0405846 0.19694
FWTop 
0.2338446 976

= 0.002489427

Bottom Calculation

0.352528 0.557
FLV Bottom 
0.2338446 1052

= 0.035389951
and for a tray spacing of Ts=609 mm.

Flooding parameter
Csb, flood = 0.104801008 m/s.
Unf = Csb, flood × (σ/ 20) ^0..2 [( l -  g) /  g] 0.5
Unf = gas velocity through the net area at flood, m/s (ft/s)
Csb, flood = capacity parameter, m/s (ft/s, as in fig.18.10)
σ= liquid surface tension, mN/m (dyne/cm.)
 l = liquid density, kg/m3 (lb/ft3)
Unf=Csb,flood×(42.2/20)^0.2[(1052 - 0.557)/0.557] 0.5
= 5.283950816 m/sec
Flooding = 80 %
Actual velocity, Un= 0.8×Unf
i.e., Un = 4.227 m/s
Net area available for gas flow (An)
Net area = (Column cross sectional area)-(Down comer area.)
An = Ac - Ad
An = (0.235133*55.46 / (0.557))/4.4227 = 5.53 m2
Let Ad = 15 % of the Ac (cross sectional are) Ac= An / 0.85
Ac = 5.53/0.85 Ac = 6.51m2

Diameter of the column at the bottom

D = √(4 * Ac/pi)
= √(4 * 6.51/(22/7)
= 2.88 m
Calculation at the Top
0.0405846 0.19694
FWTop  = 0.002489427
0.2338446 976

and for a tray spacing of Ts=609 mm.

Flooding parameter
Csb, flood = 0.112490634m/s
Unf = Csb, flood × (σ/ 20) ^0..2 [( l -  g) /  g] 0.5
Unf = gas velocity through the net area at flood, m/s (ft/s)
Csb, flood = capacity parameter, m/s (ft/s)
σ = liquid surface tension, mN/m (dyne/cm.)
 l = liquid density, kg/m3 (lb/ft3)
Unf=(0.11249063)×(42.2/20)^0.2[(1052 - 0.557)/0.557] 0.5
= 10.14278254 m/sec
Flooding = 50 %
Actual velocity, Un= 50 ×Unf
i.e., Un = 4.227 m/s
Net area available for gas flow (An)
Net area = (Column cross sectional area) - (Down comer area.)
An = Ac - Ad
An = (0.235133*18 / (0.19069))/ (5.07139)
= 4.376 m2
Let Ad = 15 % of the Ac (cross sectional are)
Ac= An / 0.85
Ac = 4.376 / 0.85
Ac = 5.148 m2
Diameter of the column at bottom
D = √(4 * 5.148/pi)

=√(4 * 6.51/(22/7)
= 2.5598 m

Provisional Plate Design

Column diameter (base) = 2.88

Column Area Ac  d2

Ac = 6.51 m2

Downcomer area Ad 0.15 6.51 = 0.9765 m2

Net area An = Ac – Ad

= 6.51 – 0.9765 = 5.53 m2

Active area Aa =Ac – 2Ad = 6.51 – 2(0.9765) =4.557 m2

Hole area Ah take 10% Aa as first trial = 0.1 × 4.557 = 0.4557 m2

Weir length

Ad / Ac = 0.9765/ 6.51 = 0.15

Lw / dc = 0.81 Lw 0.81 2.88 =2.33 m

Take weir height , hw = 30mm

Hole diameter, dh = 3.175 mm

Plate thickness= 5mm

Check Weeping
Maximum liquid rate=12.72 kg/sec

Minimum liquid rate at 70% turn down 0.7 12.72 = 8.90 kg/sec

how = weir crust

for segmental downcomer

 Lw 
Maximum how 750 
 l Ad 

 12.72 
how 750 
 1052 0. 9765 

= 40.14 mm liquid
 8.90 
Minimum how 750  = 31.63 mm liquid
 1052 0.9765 

at minimum hw + how =30 + 31.63 = 61.63 mm liquid

 K  0.9 25.4  a n 
K2 = 30.3 U  min   2
 v 1 / 2
 30.3  0.9 25.4  3.175
U  min   = 13.79 m/s
 0.557 1 / 2
minimum vapou vol rate
Actual minimum vapour velocity 

0.7 23.22
 = 35.67 m/s

So minimum vapor rate will be well above the weep point.

Plate pressure drop
Maximum vapour velocity through holes
Uh = Max vapour vol flow Rate/Hole Area= 23.22/0.4557 = 50.95 m/sec
Plate thickness / hole dia =5 / 3.175 =1.57
And Ah/Ap = Ah/Aa =0.1
Uˆ  
hd 51 h  V
 Co   L

 50.95  0.557
hd 51 = 41.046 mm liquid
 0.93  1052

Residual Head
12.5 10 3
hr  11 .88 mm liquid

Total Pressure Drop

ht = hd + (hw + how) + hr

Total pressure drop = 41.046 + (30 + 31.63) + 11.88

ht = 114.556 mm liquid

Down comer Liquid Backup

Take hap = hw – 10 = 20mm

Area under apron = hap* Lw

= 0.02 *2.33 = 0.0466 m2

 l 
hdc 166  wd 
  L An 
 12.72  = 11.17 mm liq.
hdc 166 
 1052 0.0466

Backup in down comer

hb= (hw + how) + ht + hdc =(30+ 31.63) + 114 +11.17

= 186.8 mm liq. = 0.186 liq. m

½ (Tray spacing + weir height) = ½(0.609+0.03)=0.3195m

0.186 < ½ (Tray spacing + weir height)

So tray spacing is acceptable

Check Residence Time

tr = (Ad* hbc* ℓL)/Lwd

0.9765 0.27 1052

tr  = 21.84 sec

> 3 sec. so, result is satisfactory

Check Entrainment

Uv = Maximum Volumetric Flow Rate of vapors/Net Area

UV = 23.22 /5.53 = 4.199 m/s

Percent flooding =4.199/5.28 = 0.79 = 79 %

FLV(base) = 0.035

Fractional Entrainment  = 0.072 well below 0. 1 Satisfactory

No of Holes

Diameter of one hole = 3.175 mm =0.003175 m

Area of one hole = 22/7*(0.003175/2)2 = 7.92 *10-6

Total Hole Area =0.4557 m2

No of Holes =0.4557 m2 / 7.92 * 10-6 = 57534.31

Height of Column
# Of plates = 18

Spacing between each plate = 0.609 m

Space for disengagement of vapor and liquid on top = 0.609 m

Space for disengagement of vapor and liquid in bottom = 0.609 m

Height of column = (#of plates - 1) × space between each plate) + (space for
disengagement on top and bottom)

= ((12-1)×0.609) + (0.609+0.609) = 7.91 m

So height of column = 7.91 m


Item Distillation column
Item No.
No. required 1
Tray type Sieve tray
Function: Separation of Water for the Recovery of MEG.
Operation: Continuous

Material handled
Feed Top Bottom
Quantity F =1147.2070 D= 695.72 B =451.48
kg.moles/hr kg.moles/hr

Composition of 60.55 % 99.77 % 0.123 %

Temperature 76 oC 72 o C 90 oC

Design Data

No. of trays = 12 Hole area/Active area = 0.10

Height of column = 7.91 m Weir length = 2.33 m
Reflux ratio = 0.21
Diameter of column = 2.88 m Hole size = 3.175 mm Flooding = 80 %
Active area = 4.557 m2

Tray spacing = 0.609 m Down comer area = 0.9765 m2

Tray thickness = 5 mm Hole area = 0.4557 m2
Three principal types of reboiler are used
 Forced Circulation
 Thermosyphon or Natural Circulation
 Kettle type
Choice of Reboiler
 The nature of process fluid i.e. ; its viscosity and propensity to fouling
 The operating pressure ; vacuum or pressure
 The equipment Lay out particularly the head room available
 Rate of Vaporization

As we are operating distillation column at vacuum , high rate of vaporization are required
and also viscosity is low .therefore; the best choice is kettle reboiler
Calculate Heat Duty – Q
Shell Side: (cold) Tube Side: (hot)
Water and MEG Steam
Inlet Temp of cold fluid = t1 = 76 oC
Outlet Temp of cold fluid= t2 = 90 oC
Pressure at shell side =0.300 atm=228 mm of Hg
Inlet Temp of hot fluid = T1 = 125oC
Outlet Temp of hot fluid = T2 = 125oC
LMTD = ((125-76)-(125-90)) / Ln ((125-76)/(125-90))
=35 (41.60)
Vapour flow rate (to be evaporated) = Vm = 0.2338446 kgmoles / sec
Latent heat of Water at 76 oC = λ =38865.6 KJ/kg mole
Latent heat of MEG at 76 oC = λ = 61010.488 KJ/kgmole
For designing we use latent heat of MEG
Heat to be provided Q = Vm * λ
= 0.2338446 * 61010.488
= 14266973.32 J/sec
= 5136113.95 KJ/hr
Latent Heat of Steam at 125 oC =2187 KJ/Kg
Mass Flow rate of the Steam = 5136113.95 / 2187
= 23484.72 kg/hr
Over Design heat transfer Coefficient
Assumed Ud=752.3353 W /m2 K
Estimated Area
A = 541.8167 m2
Tube side Calculations
Tubes: ¾ in. dia . 16 BWG
Effective Length of the tubes L=9m
O.D of the tubes=0.75 in = 0.0625 ft = 0.01905 m
I.D of the tubes =0.584 in = 0.04867 ft = 0.01484 m
Surface area per linear ft of tube
=0.1963 ft2/ft= 2.3556 in2/in =0.0598m2/m
Surface area =at = 9*0.0598 = 0.547 m2
No of tubes
nt=A/at =541.8167/0.547= 990.5241
corrected number of tubes nt =1068
No of Tubes pass
No of tube passes tp = 2
Corresponding Shell ID = 35 in =0.889 m
Corrected A
A=nt*a t= 1068*0.547= 584.1960m2
Cross sectional Area
Act= nt * atc / np
Atc = 1068 *(0.268*2.542/1002 ) /2
= 0.0923 m2
Mass Velocity
Gt = w/ Atc =23484.72/0.0923=254439
Corrected Ud
Ud = Q/(Acor*LMTD)*1000/3600
Ud = 697.7586 W/m2 K
Inside tube heat transfer coeffience based on the outer dia
hio=8521.812252 W/m2 K
Shell Side Calculations
Shell Diameter= 35 in = 0.889 m
Pitch =Pt=15/16 in =0.0238 m
B=ID=0.889 m
Number of baffles = nb=L/B = 9/0.889=10.12
Corrected baffle number = 10
O.D of the tubes=0.75 in = 0.0625 ft = 0.01905 m
Clearance C=pt-OD=0.0238 - 0.01905 = 0.00475 m= 0.1875 in
B= 9/10= 0.900= 35.43
Shell Cross sectional Area
as =((pi*ID2/4)-(nt*pi*OD2/4))
as =((3.14*0.8892/4)-(1068*3.14*.019052/4))
as = 0.3163 m
Mass Flow rate =wf=53391.179 kg/hr
Mass Velocity
Gs = 53391.179 / 0.3163
Gs =168799.1748 kg/m2hr
Equivalent Diameter
De= 4*as / /(nt*pi*OD)
De= 4*0.3163/(1068*3.14*0.01905)
De=0.0198 m
Bubble point Temperature ta=90 0C
μ=0.0011 kg/m sec
Reynold Number
Re.s = De Gs / 
Re.s = (0.0198*168799.1748)/(0.001*3600)
Re.s = 843.7998
JH Factor
jH = 15
ho = jH *k/D (c / k) 1/3 ( / w)0.14
( / w)0.14 = ?
Dirt Factor
Rd= 0.001/5.6812;
Rd = 0.000176 m2 K/W
Ud =697.7586 W/m2 K
Estimated Over all Clean Coefficient
Uc = 697.75/(1-697.75*0.000176)
Uc = 795.4556 W/m2k
hio= 8521.81 W/m2 K
Outside film Coefficient
ho=795.4556*8521.81/ (8521.81-795.4556)
ho =877.3506 W/m2 K
Wall temperature
Bubble point Temperature =ta=90 0C
Steam Temperature =Ta=125 oC
μ=1.1 Cp = 0.0011 kg/m sec
tw = 90+8521.81/(8521.81+877.3506)*(125-90)
tw =121 oC
μw=0.9 Cp = 0.00090 kg/m sec
k=0.645 W/m k
c = 4153 J /kg k
jH = 15
Corrected Out Side Film Coefficient
ho=Jh*k/De*(c* μ / k)(1/3) * ( μ / μw)0.14
ho=15*0.645/0.0198 *(4153* 0.0011/ 0.645 /)(1/3) * 0.0011 / 0.0009)0.14
ho= 965.4099 W/m2 K
Corrected Overall Clean Coefficient
hio= 8521.81 W/m2 K
Uc = 867.1708 W/m2 K
Rd = 0.000176 m2 K/W
Corrected Over all Dirt Coefficient
Ud=Uc / (1+Uc*Rd)
Ud=867.171 / (1+867.171*0.000176)
Ud= 752.3353
Bundle Dia
Db = do (Nt / K1)1/n1
For Triangular Pitch: K1 = 0.249 N1 = 1068
Db = ¾* (1068 / 0.249)1/2.207 = 33.182 in = 0.8428 m
Shell-bundle clearance :
C = shell inside dia – bundle dia = 0.889- 0.8428 = 0.0462m
Heat Flux
Heat Load = 51361104 kJ / hr = 14266973.33 J / sec
Area = 542 m2
Heat Flux = 14266973.33/ 542 =26322.8 W/ m2
Shell / Bundle dia =1.4 ( for the range of Heat Flux (25,000 to 40,000W/m2 )
Shell Diameter and Disengagement space
Shell Dia = 1.4 * 0.8428= 1.1799 m
Space for Disengagement = 1.1799 - 0.889=0.2909 m
For single phase flow
At T = 76 oC
ap =0.001 kg /m sec = 0.36kg / m hr
De = 0.01397 m
Res = DeGs/= 0.0198  168799.1748 / (0.001 *3600)=843.8
For Res = 843.8
Friction factor for shell side f = 0.0033= 0.4752 ft2/ ft2
No. of crosses, N + 1 = 11
Shell Side Pressure Drop
f Gs 2 Ds (N + 1)
Δ Ps = ½ ( )
2.54x 1011 De S s
Re.s = 843.8
f =0.0033
De = 0.0198m.
s = 0.002169
Gs =168799.1748 kg / hr m2

0.003*(168799.1748) 2 x0.889 x 11
Δ Ps = ( )
2 x 2.54 x 1011 x 0.0198 x 0.002169
= 38.31 kg/m2=0.054 psi
Pressure Drop (Tube Side)
Reynolds No.
Ret = DG/= 0.01484 254439/(0.00017 3600 ) = 6169.73
For Ret = 6169.7 Friction factor for tube side f = 0.4464 ft2/ft2
fG 2t Ln
Pt 
2.54 1011 Dti st
0.4464  254439  9 2
2.54 1011 0.01484 0.87
= 160 kg / m2 =0.227psi
Pr = (4n / s)(v2/2g) =

=4*2/0.87*0.0005=0.00459 psi
=4*2/0.87*0.3518 =3.2357kg / m2
PT Pt  Pr =163 kg /m2
= 0.231 psi


Identification: Item Reboiler
No. Required = 1
Function: Boils the solution of Water & MEG

Operation: Continuous
Type: 1-2 Horizontal Kettle type
Shell side: Boiling
Heat Duty: 5136113.95 KJ/hr
Tube Side Tubes 0.01905 m dia. 16 BWG
Fluid handled: Saturated Steam No of Tubes=1068
Flow rate = 23484.72 Kg /hr Length = 9m
Pressure = 30397.5 N/m2 (0.3 Atm) No of Passes = 2
Temperature = 125oC Pitch=0.0238 m triangular
pressure drop =163 kg /m2=0.231psi
Shell Side: Shell: 0.889 m diam.
Fluid handled = MEG & DEG No of Pass =1
Flow rate = 53391.179 kg/hr Baffles spacing = 0.818 m .
Temperature = 76 to 90 oC Pressure drop = 38.31 kg/m2=0.054
Pressure = 30397.5 N/m2 (0.3 Atm) psi
Bundle Dia: 0.8428 m
Disengagement Space = 0.2909 m

Utilities: Saturated Steam

Ud calculated= 752.3353W/m2 K Uc calculated = 867.1708 W/m2 K
Rd = 0.000176 m2 K/W


A condenser is a two-phase flow heat exchanger in which heat is generated from
the conversion of vapor into liquid (condensation) and the heat generated is removed
from the system by a coolant.
Condenser Types
Condensers may be classified into two main types:
Direct Contact
Those in which the coolant and condensing vapor are brought into
direct contact.
 A vapor which is bubbled into a pool of liquid
 A liquid which is sprayed into a vapor
 A packed-column in which the liquid flows downwards as a film over
a packing material against the upward flow of vapor.
Indirect Contact
Those in which the coolant and condensate stream are separated by a
solid surface, usually a tube wall,
Condensers in which the streams are separated
In the air-cooled type, condensation occurs inside tubes with
cooling provided by air blown or sucked across the tubes. Fins with
large surface areas are usually provided on the air side to compensate
for the low air-side heat transfer coefficients
In shell-and-tube condensers, the condensation may occur inside
or outside the tubes. The orientation of the unit may be vertical
or horizontal
Evaporator and condenser coils are used when the second fluid is
air because
of the low heat transfer coefficient on the air side
Selection of Indirect Contact
In direct contact , the two streams which are mixed together to remove the latent heat of
one stream, are to be separated again .So another equipment is required so the capital and
operating cost will be high so usually they are not recommended
Best choice is the indirect contact
Four Condenser Configuration are Possible
1) Horizontal with condensation is shell side and cooling medium in the tubes.
2) Horizontal with condensation in tube side cooling medium in shell side.
3) Vertical with condensation in the shell.
4) Vertical with condensation in the tubes.
Horizontal shell side and vertical tube side are the most commonly used types of
Selection of Horizontal Condenser
When a condenser is employed on a distillation column, several specific
factors must be taken into consideration.
For the same height , horizontal condensers are more suited for the
Reflux to send back by gravity
Vertical Condenser has to be elevated considerably above the column, which in
many cases is very tall by itself. Maintenance and structural support may be costly , are
pump is installed for the reflux to send back which is again costly
Most suited choice is Horizontal Indirect contact type Condenser
In this process we have used the normal mechanism for heat transfer in
commercial condenser which film wise condensation.
Since vapor-liquid heat transfer changes usually occur at constant or really
constant pressure in industry, the vaporization or condensation of a single compared
normally occurs isothermally.
If a mixture of vapors instead of a pure vapor is condensed at constant pressure,
the change does not take place isothermally in most instances.

 A=Tubes B=Tube Sheets C= Shell and Shell Side Nozzles

 D= Tube-Side Channels and Nozzles E = Channel Covers
 F = Pass Divider G= Baffles
Calculate Heat Duty – Q
Shell Side: (cold) Tube Side: (hot)

Water and MEG Water

Inlet temperature of the process (condensing)stream
= T1 =T =161.6 oF =72 oC
Outlet temperature of the process stream
= T1 =T=161.6 oF =72 oC
Inlet temperature of the water = t1 = 77 oF=25 oC
Outlet temperature of the water = t2 = 113oF=45 oC
Mass flow rate of the process stream = m = 33322 lb/hr= 15128 kg/hr
 of Process Stream = 1001 B.T.U / lb = 2327.65553 K J / Kg
Q = m *  = 15128 * 2327.65553 = 3.52127 *107 KJ/ hr
= 1001 * 33322=3.337 *107Btu /hr
Cp of cooling water=1 B.T.U/ lb. hr = 4.187 KJ/kg k
Mass flow rate of cooling water
m 7
C p T = (3.52127 *10 ) /(4.18738 * (45-25))
m= 420310.55 Kg /hr

=(3.337*107)/(1*(113-77)) m =926944.44 lb / hr
LMTD = ((161.6-77)-(161.6-113)) / Ln ((161.6-77)/(161.6-113))
LMTD = 64.9 oF
LMTD = ((72-25)-(72-45)) / Ln ((72-25)/(72-45))
LMTD =36 oC
Caloric Temperature
Tc and tc Tc=T=161.6 oF =72 oC
tc=(t1+t2)/2 t1=77 oF = 25 oC t2 =113oF=45 oC
tc=(25+45)/2= 35 oC
Overall Design heat transfer Coefficient
Assumed Ud= 513 BTU/hr/sq.feet/F = 2914.4597W /m2 K
Estimated Area
= 3.52127 *107 / ( 2914.459 * 36 )*1000 / 3600
A = 93.2 m2
Tube side Calculations
Tubes: ¾ in. dia . 14 BWG
Effective Length of the tubes L=5m
O.D of the tubes=0.75 in = 0.0625 ft = 0.01905 m
I.D of the tubes =0.584 in = 0.04867 ft = 0.01484 m
Surface area per linear ft of tube
=0.1963 ft2/ft= 2.3556 in2/in =0.0598m2/m
Surface area =at = 5*0.0598 = 0.292 m2
= 3.1408 ft2
No of tubes
nt=A/at =93.2/0.292 = 318.752
Density of the water ρ=60.2 lb/ft3=964 kg / m3
Volumetric Flow Rate of water
V=w/ ρ V= 420310.55 /(964*3600) V=0.121m3/sec
velocity of water
v = 4 ft/sec =1.2 m /sec
Total Cross Sectional Area
Ax=V/v Ax =0.121/1.2 Ax = 0.10083 m2
Cross Sectional Area of a tube x=0.546 in2 =0.00035226 m2
Tubes per Pass
tp=Ax/x tp = 0.10083 / 0.00035226 = 286.2
No of tube pass
np=nt / tp np= 318.752/286.2 = 1.1137
Corrected number of tube pass
np =1
shell and tube specification
Corrected value of number of tubes
Correct nt=361
Corresponding Shell Dia
D=21.25 in =0.53975 m
Corrected A
A=nt*a t= 361*0.292 A = 105.412 m2
Corrected Ud
Ud = Q/(Acor*LMTD)
Ud = 3.52127 *107 /(105.412*36)*1000/36000
= 2570.8 W/m2 K=452.96 BTU/ hr ft2 oF
Tube Cross sectional Area
ac=0.268 in2=0.0001729 m2
Total Cross sectional Area
Act=at*nt /np
At=0.0001729*361 / 1 At=0.0624 m2
Mass velocity
Gt=w/At Gt=420310.55 /0.0624 Gt=6733810.058 kg/ hr m2
v=6733810.058 /(964*3600)
v=1.940 m/sec (assumption is true)
Caloric Temperature
tc= 35 oC
Inside tube heat transfer coefficient based on the outer diameter
hi= 1440 BTU/hr/sq.feet/F =8180.928 W/m2 K
hio = hi*id/OD
hio =1440*0.584 / 0.75
hio =1121.3 BTU/hr/sq.feet/F = 6370.32 W/m2 K
Shell Side Calculations
Shell Diameter= 21.25 in = 0.53975 m
Pitch =Pt=15/16 in =0.0238 m
B=ID=0.5397 m
Number of baffles = nb=5/0.5397 =9.26
Corrected baffle number
Nb =10 O.D of the tubes= 0.75 in = 0.0625 ft = 0.01905 m
I.D of the tubes = 0.584 in =0.04866 ft = 0.0148 m
C=pt-OD=0.0238-0.01905 = 0.00475 m= 0.1875 in
B= 5/10= 0.5 m =19.68 in
Shell Cross sectional Area
as = 0.53975 * 0.00475*0.625/(0.0238)
as=0.0657968 m2 =0.7083 ft2
Mass Flow rate =wf= 15128 kg/hr
Mass Velocity
Gs= wf / as;
Gs = 15128 /0.0657968=229919.996
Gs =229919.996 kg/m2hr
at= 0.292m2 np= 1
Condensing Load
Gl=59 kg / m hr =39 lb / hr ft
Dirt Factor
Rd= 0.0005/5.6812 = 0.000088 m2 K/W
Overall Clean Coefficient Uc=Ud/(1-Ud*Rd) Uc=Ud/(1-Ud*Rd)
Uc=452.96 /(1-452.96 *0.0005)
Uc=585 BTU/hr/sq.feet/F = 3323.5 W/m2 K
hio = 1121.3 BTU/hr/sq.feet/F= 6770.329 W/m2 K = 22933.186 KJ /m2 hr
ho=Uc*hio/(hio-Uc) ho= 1225.7 BTU/hr/sq.feet/F
ho =6963.44 W/m2 K
Wall Temperature
tw=35+24195.06 /(24195.06 +3852.72)*(72-35) tw = 66
tw = 54.3 oC= 129.7818 oF tf=(Tc+tw)/2
tf = (72 + 54.3)/2 = 63.15 oC= 145 .6909 oC
kf at tf' = 0.3860 Btu ft / hr /sq.ft / F
sg at tf= 0.9750
μf at tf=0.45 Cp ho=1800 Btu/hr ft2 oF
ho = 10119.24 W/m2 K
Over all Clean Coefficient
Uc=hio*ho/(hio+ho) =326 Btu / hr ft F =1852.073863 W/m2 K
Over all Desing Coefficient
Ud=Uc/(1+Uc*Rd) = 280 Btu ft / hr ft F= 1590.73 W/m2 K
=5723 KJ /hr m2
Pressure Drop (Shell Side)
At T = 72 oC
ap =0.00042 kg /m sec =1.512 kg / m hr
De = 0.01397 m
Res= DeGs/= 0.01397  229919.996 /0.00042 *3600
= 2124.32
For Res = 2124.32
Friction factor for shell side f = 0.4032 ft2/ ft2
No. of crosses, N + 1 = 11
Shell Side Pressure Drop
f Gs 2 Ds (N + 1)
Δ Ps = ½( )
2.54x 1011 De S s
Re.s = 2124.32 =0.0028
De = 0.01396m. s = 0.002169
Gs =229919.996 kg / hr m2

0.028*(229919.996) 2 x0.53975 x 11
Δ Ps =
2 x 2.54 x 1011 x 0.01396x 0.002169
= 571.kg/m2=0.812 psi
Pressure Drop (Tube Side)
Reynolds No.
Ret = DG/ = 0.01484 6733810/(0.00054 3600 ) = 50469.57
for Ret = 50469.57
Friction factor for tube side f = 0.02448
fG 2t Ln
Pt 
2.54 1011 Dtit

0.02448  6733810  5 1
2.54 1011 0.01484 0.964
= 1527 kg / m2 =2.17psi
Pr = (4n / s)(v2/2g) =

=4*1/0.964*0.21=0.87 psi
=4*1/0.964*147.79 =613.2kg / m2
PT Pt  Pr =2140 kg /m2
= 3.041 psi

Identification: Item condenser
No. Required = 1
Function: Condense vapors by removing the latent heat of vaporization

Operation: Continuous
Type: 1-2 Horizontal Condenser
Shell side: condensation
Heat Duty = 35212712 KJ/ hr
Tube Side: Tubes :0.01905 m diam. 14 BWG
Fluid handled: Cold water No of Tubes=361
Flow rate = 420310.55 Kg /hr Length of Each Tube = 5 m
Temperature = 25oC to 45 oC No of passes =1
Pitch =0.0238 m triangular
pressure drop =2140 kg /m2 =3.041
Shell Side: Shell: 0.53975 m diam.
Fluid handled = Water & MEG 1 pass
Flow rate = 15128 kg/hr Baffles spacing = 0.5 m
Temperature =72 oC Pressure drop =571.kg/m2 =0.812psi

Utilities: Cold water

Ud calculated =1590.73 W/m2 K
Uc calculated = 1852.073 W/m2 K Rd = 0.000088 m2 K/W

Bottom product from Light end column contains Monoethylene glycol and higher glycols
DEG and TEG and also a negligible amount of water .MEG is separated from higher
glycols and impurities. For polyester grade MEG 99.9% pure MEG is required. For this
purpose we selected tray column. Selection criteria has been discussed with light end

Material Balance
Wt Wt Wt Moles Moles Moles
(kg/hr) (kg/sec) (%) (Kmole/hr) (kmole/sec) (%)

Water 10 0.00278 0.03 0.5544 .000154 0.123

MEG 25408 7.05778 84.92 409.3416 0.1137067 90.666
DEG 4201 1.16694 14.04 39.955 0.010997 8.7683
TEG 300 0.08333 1.00 1.998 0.000555 0.4425
TOTAL 29919 8.31083 100.00 451.4848 0.125412 100
Average Molecular weight of the Feed =66.268

Wt Wt Wt Moles Moles Moles
(kg/hr) (kg/sec) (%) (Kgmoles/hr) (kgmoles/sec (%)

Water 10 0.0028 0.04 0.54 0.00015 0.1363

MEG 25253 7.0147 99.92 406.8 0.1130 99.838
DEG 11 0.0030 0.04 0.082 0.00002 0.0264
TOTAL 25274 7.02056 100.00 407.422 0.113196 100.00
Average Molecular weight of the Distillate =62.21124


Wt Wt Wt Moles Moles Moles

(kg/hr) (kg/sec) (%) (Kgmoles/hr) (kgmoles/sec (%)

MEG 155 0.043 3.4 2.49696 0.0006936 5.678

DEG 4190 1.1639 90.20 39.4848 0.010968 89.779
TEG 300 0.0334 6.46 1.998 0.000555 4.4425
TOTAL 4645 1.29028 100.00 43.97976 0.012216 100.00
Average Molecular weight of the Bottom= 105.6197

F 0.125412456 kmoles/sec Xf 0.906662 Xf 0.0876
D 0.1131962 kmoles/sec XD 0.9983 XD 0.0002
B 0.012216256 kmoles/sec XB 0.05678 XB 0.8977

Fenske equation
 X   X  
ln  LK   HK  
 X HK  d  X LK  b  =6.71 plates with reboiler
Nm 
ln  LK
q =1+CpL*(Tb-Tf) / λ=1+0.44*(157-95) / 214.77= 1.157
By hit and Trial Θ = 1.0675 Rm = 0.2538

R = 1.2xRm R = 0.3046 N= 20

Feed Plate location

By, using kirkbridge Equation
NB= 5
So feed is entering at 5th plate from bottom.

Column efficiency
using O’connell method
Molar avg. liquid viscosity =0.3899mNs/m2
Average relative volatility of the light key =5.179
So, Actual no. of plates = 20 / 0.42 = 47 plates
NB=5 / 0.42= 12
ND=15 / 0 .42=35
Maximum liquid flow rate in rectifying section = Ln = D Rm= 0.304598x0.113196

= 0.0345479kmole/sec

Maximum vapor flow rate in rectifying section = Vn = Ln + D

= 0.0345479+0.1131962

= 0.147744 kmole/sec

Maximum liquid flow rate in stripping section = Lm = Ln+qF

0.034479+(1.157)(0.1254)=0.17958 kmole/sec

Maximum vapor flow rate in stripping section = Vm = Lm – W

= 0.17958 - 0.012216=0.167364 kmole/sec
Column Diameter
The plate diameter is calculated based on the flooding considerations
FLG = Lm / Vm { g/  l}0.5
Now for,FLG = 0.17958 /0.167364 { 0.6414/ 944.23}0.5 = 0.028
and for a tray spacing of Ts=500 mm.
Flooding parameter
Csb, flood = 0.093m/s.
Now, (V/ 20) ^Unf = Csb, flood × (σ0..2 [( l -  g) /  g] 0.5
Unf = gas velocity through the net area at flood, m/s
Csb, flood = capacity parameter, m/s
= liquid surface tension, mN/mσ
 l = liquid density, kg/m3
Unf = Csb, flood × (σ/ 20) ^0..2 [( l -  g) /  g] 0.5
Unf=0.093×(27.714)0.2[(944.23 - 0.64159)/0.64159] 0.5
= 3.886m/sec
Let Actual velocity, Un= 0.8×Unf i.e., Un = 3.11 m/s
Net area available for gas flow (An)
Net area = (Column cross sectional area) - (Down comer area.)
An = Ac – Ad An = (0.1674*105.62 / (0.64159))/3.11 = 8.86 m2
Let Ad = 15 % of the Ac (cross sectional area)
Ac= An / 0.85 Ac = 8.86/0.85 Ac = 10.42m2
Diameter of the column
D = (4 xAc/)0.5 = (4 x 10.42x7/22)0.5= 3.64 m

Maximum volumetric flow rate = Lm / ℓ

Top= 0.17958 × 105.62 / (944.23) = 0.02m3/sec

Our required flow pattern is single pass

Provisional Plate Design

Column diameter (base) = 3.64m

Column Area Ac Ac= 10.42m2

Down comer area Ad =1.563m2

Net area An = Ac – Ad = 8.857m2

Active area Aa = Ac – 2Ad = 7.294 m2

Hole area Ah take 10% Aa as first trial = 0.7294 m2

Weir length
Ad / Ac = 1.563 / 10.42 = 0.15 Lw / dc = 0.81 Lw =2.95 m

Take weir height , hw = 40 mm

Hole diameter, dh = 5mm

Plate thickness =5mm

Check Weeping
Maximum liquid rate = 0.17958 × 105.62

= 18.98 kg/sec

Minimum liquid rate at 70% turn down = 13.28kg/sec

how = weir crust Maximum = 38.7 mm liquid

 13.28 
Minimum how  750   = 30.5 mm liquid at minimum hw + how =
 944.23 1.563 
40+30.5= 75.5 mm liquid

K2 = 30.7

( K  0.9  25.4  dh  ( 30.7  0.9  25.4  5 

U  min   2 U  min   = 15.36m/s
 l v  0.64519 
1/ 2 1/ 2

minimum vapour rate

Actual minimum vapour velocity 

0.1674 105.62  0.7

0.64519  0.7294
=26.29m/s So minimum vapor rate will be well above the weep point.

Plate Pressure Drop

Dry Plate Drop

Max. Vapour velocity through holes

0.1674 105.62
Û h = Volumetric Flow Rate / Hole Area Uˆ h  =37.56 m/s
0.64159  0.72

Ah Ah
For plate thickness/hole dia = 5/5 = 1 and   0.1
Ap Aa

lo = 0.84
Uˆ h  V 2
 37.56   0.64519 
hd 51  hd  51 
 lo   L  0.84   944.23 
= 69.67mm liquid

Residual Head

12.5 103
hr   13.24 mm liquid

Total Pressure Drop

ht = hd + (hw + how) + hr

Total pressure drop = 69.67+(40+38.7)+13.24

ht = 161.6 mm liquid

Down comer Liquid Backup

Take hap = hw – 10 = 30 mm Area under apron  Hap  Lw

Aap  2.95  30 103 =0.0885m2

As this is less than Ad use Aap

 l 
hdc  166  wd 
  L Ap 
 18.98 
hdc  166  = 8.564 mm liq.
 944.23  0.0885 

Backup in down comer

hb = (hw + how) + ht + hdc

hb = 0.249 liq. m
0.249 < ½ (Tray spacing + weir height) So tray spacing is acceptable

Check Residence Time

t r = (Ad x hbc x ℓL)/Lwd

1.563  0.249  944.23

tr  = 19 sec >3 sec. so, result is satisfactory

Check Entrainment
Uv = Maximum Volumetric Flow Rate of vapors/Net Area

UV = 27.56 / 8.86 = 3.11 m/s

Percent flooding = 3.11/3.886 = 0.8 = 80 %

FLV = 0.028

Fractional entrainment  = 0.09 which is below 0.1 so result is satisfactory

Trial Lay Out

Use cartridge type construction. Allow 100 mm imperforated strip round plate edge; 100
mm wide calming zone.

Lw/Dc = 0.81 θc = 106o

Angle subtended at plate edge by imperforated strip = 180 – 106 = 74o

Mean length, imperforated edge strip:

  
 3.64  100 10 3  74
180   4.572

Area of imperforated edge strip Ap/  100  103  4.572  0.4572 m2

Mean length of calming zone   3.64  100 10  sin  106

2   2.83 m

Area of calming zone Acal  2  2.83  100 10   0.566 m2


Total area of perforations, Ap = Aa – Ap/ - Acal

= 7.29 – 0.4572 – 0.566 = 6.2668 m2

Ah 0.7294
  0.12
Ap 6.2668

lp/dh = 2.7 Satisfactory within 2.6 - 4.0

No of Holes

Area of one hole 1.964 10 5

Number of Holes = Hole Area / Area of one hole

No. of holes 
1.964 105

= 37138

Height of Column:

Number Of plates = 47

Spacing between each plate = 0.5 m

Space for disengagement of vapor and liquid on top = .5 m

Space for disengagement of vapor and liquid in bottom = 0.5 m

Height of column = (#of plates × space between each plate) + (space for

disengagement on top and bottom)

= (47×0.5) + (0.5+0.5) = 24.5 m


Height of column = 24.5 m


Item Distillation column
Item No.
No. required 1
Tray type Sieve tray
Function: Recovery of MEG
Operation: Continuous

Material handled
Feed Top Bottom
Quantity F=451.48 D=407.42 B =43.98
kg.moles/hr kg.moles/hr

Composition of 90.66 % 99.77 % 5.678 %

Temperature 90 oC 154 o C 157 oC

Design Data
Hole area/Active area = 0.10
No. of trays = 47 Weir length = 2.95 m
Height of column = 24.5 m Reflux ratio = 0.3046
Diameter of column = 3.64 m Hole size = 5 mm
Tray spacing = 0.500 m Down comer area = 1.563 m2
Tray thickness = 5 mm Hole area = 0.7294 m2
Flooding = 80 % Active area = 7.294 m2

Calculate Heat Duty – Q
Shell Side: (cold) Tube Side: (hot)
MEG & DEG Steam
Inlet Temp of cold fluid = t1 = 90 oC
Outlet Temp of cold fluid= t2 = 157 oC
ta = 123.5 oC
Inlet Temp of hot fluid = T1 = Ta= 212oC
Outlet Temp of hot fluid = T2 =Ta = 212oC
Preheat = Q1=mCp∆t = 9238925 KJ/hr
Latent Heat = Q2 = m λ = 38649042 kJ/ hr
Total Heat =Q = 47887967 kJ/ hr
LMTD 1= ((Ta-t1)-(Ta-t2)) / Ln ((Ta-t1)/(Ta-t2))= 84.0982 oC
LMTD 2 = 54 oC
Weighted LMTD = Qt / ((Q1/LMTD1) + (Q2/LMTD2))
Weighted LMTD = 58.9341 oC
DesignOverall heat transfer Coefficient
Assumed Ud=1.3639e+003 W /m2 K
Ud=1.3639e+003 W /m2 K Ud1=374.1021 W /m2 K
Ud2=481.5266 W /m2 K
Estimated Area
A=Q/(Ud*LMTD)*1000/3600 Ac1=Q1*1000/(Ud1*lmtd1*3600)
Ac1 = 81.57 m2
A = 165.49m2

Tube side Calculations

Tubes: ¾ in. dia . 14 BWG
Effective Length of the tubes L=18ft = 5.486 m
O.D of the tubes=0.75 in = 0.0625 ft = 0.01905 m
I.D of the tubes =0.584 in = 0.04867 ft = 0.01484 m
Surface area per linear ft of tube
=0.1963 ft2/ft = 2.3556 in2/in =0.0598m2/m
Surface area =at = 5*0.0598 = 0.328 m2
No of tubes
nt=A/at =165.49/0.328= 504.54
Corrected number of tubes nt =506
No of Tubes pass
No of tube passes tp = 2
Corresponding Shell ID = 25 in =0.635 m
Corrected A
A=nt*a t= 506*0.328= 165.968m2
Corrected Ud
Ud = Q/(Acor*wLMTD)*1000/3600
Ud = 1360 W/m2 K
Inside tube heat transfer coefficient based on the outer dia
hio= 8509W/m2 K
Shell Side Calculations:
Shell Diameter=25 in = 0.635 m
Pitch =Pt=15/16 in =0.0238 m
B=ID=0.635 m
Number of baffles = nb=L/B = 5.486/0.635=8.639
Corrected baffle number = 9
O.D of the tubes=0.75 in = 0.0625 ft = 0.01905 m
Clearance C=pt-OD=0.0238 - 0.01905 = 0.00475 m= 0.1875 in
B=L/nb B= 5.486 / 9= 0.609 m= 23.97 in
Shell Cross sectional Area
as =((pi*ID2/4)-(nt*pi*OD2/4))
as =((3.14*0.6352/4)-(506*3.14*.019052/4))
as = 0.1725 m2
Mass Flow rate =wf=29919 kg/hr
Mass Velocity
Gs = 53391.179 / 0.1725
Gs =173490 kg/m2hr
Equivalent Diameter
De= 4*as / /(nt*pi*OD)
De= 4*0.1725/(506*3.14*0.01905)
De=0.0228 m
Properties at Temperature ta=123.5 0C
μ=0.0016 kg/m sec
Reynold Number
Re.s = De Gs / 
Re.s = (0.0228*173490)/(0.0016*3600)
Re.s = 686.1363
JH Factor
jH = 13
ho = jH *k/D (c / k) 1/3 ( / w)0.14
( / w)0.14 = ?
Dirt Factor
Rd= 0.001/5.6812;
Rd = 0.000176 m2 K/W
Ud1=374.1021 W /m2 K
Estimated Over all Clean Coefficient
Uc1 =Ud1/(1-Ud1*Rd)
Uc1= 374.1/(1-374.1021*0.000176)
Uc 1 = 400.5137 W/m2k
hio= 8509 W/m2 K
Outside film Coefficient
400.5*8509/ (8509-400.51)
ho = 420.2968 W/m2 K
Wall temperature
Bubble point Temperature =ta=123.5 0C
Steam Temperature =Ta=212 oC
μ=1.6 Cp = 0.0016 kg/m sec
tw = 123.5+8509/(8509+420.29)*(212-123.5)
tw =207 oC
μw=1.2 Cp = 0.0012 kg/m sec
k=0.2596 W/m k
= 2936.6 J /kg k
jH = 13
Corrected Out Side Film Coefficient
ho=JH*k/De*(c* μ / k)(1/3) * ( μ / μw)0.14
ho=13*0.2596/0.0228*(2936.6 *(2936.6 *0.0016/ 0.2596 /)(1/3) * 0.0016 / 0.0012)0.14
ho= 404.9497 W/m2 K
Corrected Overall Clean Coefficient
hio= 8509 W/m2 K
Uc 1=hio*ho/(hio+ho)
Uc 1=8509*404.9497/(8509+404.9497)
Uc 1= 386.5533W/m2 K
Rd = 0.000176 m2 K/W

Corrected Over all Dirt Coefficient

Ud 1=Uc1 / (1+Uc 1*Rd)
Ud 1=386.5533 / (1+386.5533*0.000176)
Ud 1= 361.8942 W/m2 K
Corrected Area
Ac1 = 84.32 m2
Properties at saturation Temperature ta=157 0C
μ=0.000902 kg/m sec
Reynold Number
R e.s = De Gs / 
Re.s = (0.0228*173490)/(0.000902*3600)
Re.s = 1217.1
JH Factor
jH = 18
ho = jH *k/D (c / k) 1/3 ( / w)0.14
( / w)0.14 = ?
Dirt Factor
Rd= 0.001/5.6812;
Rd = 0.000176 m2 K/W
Ud2=481.5266 W /m2 K
Estimated Over all Clean Coefficient
Uc2 =Ud 2/(1-Ud2*Rd)
Uc2= 481.5266/(1-481.5266*0.000176)
Uc2 = 526.1898 W/m2k
hio= 8509 W/m2 K
Outside film Coefficient
ho=526.1898*8509/ (8509-526.1898)
ho = 560.87 W/m2
Wall temperature
Bubble point Temperature =ta=157 0C
Steam Temperature =Ta=212 oC
μ=0.902 Cp = 0.000902 kg/m sec
tw = 157+8509/(8509+560.87)*(212-157)
tw =208 oC
μw=0.9 Cp = 0.0009 kg/m sec
k=0.3594 W/m k
c = 3066.8 J /kg k
jH = 18
Corrected Out Side Film Coefficient
ho=JH*k/De*(c* μ / k)(1/3) * ( μ / μw)0.14
ho=18*0.3594/0.0228*(3066.8 *0.0009/ 0.3594 /)(1/3) * (0.000902 / 0.0009)0.14
ho= 560.1898 W/m2 K
Corrected Overall Clean Coefficient
hio= 8509 W/m2 K
Uc 2=hio*ho/(hio+ho)
Uc 2=8509* 560.8738/(8509+ 560.8738)
Uc 2= 526.1898W/m2 K
Rd = 0.000176 m2 K/W
Corrected Over all Dirt Coefficient
Ud 2=Uc2 / (1+Uc 2*Rd)
Ud 2=526.1898 / (1+526.1898*0.000176)
Ud 2= 481.5266 W/m2 K
Corrected Area
Ac2 = 370.9635m2

Total corrected Area

Ac = 84.32+37.9635
Ac =122.2835 m2
Clean Overall Coefficient
Uc=(Q1 /LMTD1+Q2 / LMTD2)/Ac
Uc=1784.7 W/m2 K
Design Overall Coefficient
Rd=1357.6 W/m2 K
Total Area
A=166.2560 m2



Identification: Item Reboiler

No. Required = 1
Function: Boils the solution of MEG & DEG

Operation: Continuous
Type: 1-2 Horizontal Kettle type
Shell side Boiling
Heat Duty = 47887967 KJ/hr
Tube Side: Tubes 0.01905 m diam. 14 BWG
Fluid handled Saturated Steam No of Tubes =506 tubes
Flow rate = 23484.72 Kg /hr Length of Each Tube = 5m
Temperature = 212oC No of Passes =2
Pitch=0.0238 m triangular pitch

Shell Side: Shell: 0.635 m diam.

Fluid handled = MEG & DEG 1 pass
Temperature = 90 to 157 oC Baffles spacing = 0.609 m .
Bundle Dia = 0.8428 m
Disengagement Space = 0.2909 m
Utilities: Saturated Steam
Ud calculated =1357.6W/m2 K
Uc calculated = 1784.7 W/m K Rd = 0.000176 m2 K/W

Complete designing and selection have been discussed in detail in designing of condenser
for light end column. The design procedure is same. so here is given the specification
sheet for condenser.


Identification: Item condenser

No. Required = 1
Function: Condense vapors by removing the latent heat of vaporization

Operation: Continuous
Type: 1-2 Horizontal Condenser
Shell side condensation
Heat Duty = 30292120 KJ/ hr
Tube Side: Tubes:0.01905 m diam. 14 BWG
Fluid handled :Cold water No of Tubes =224
Flow rate = 120695 Kg /hr Length of Each Tube =5m
Pressure = 101325 N/m2 (1 Atm) No of Passes =2
Temperature = 25oC to 85 oC Pitch :0.0238 m triangular
pressure drop = 5.078 psi
Shell Side: Shell: 0.43815 m . diam.
Fluid handled = MEG & DEG No of Pass = 1
Flow rate = 8475.99 lb/hr Baffles spacing = 0.4167 m .
Pressure = 14.7 psia Pressure drop =0.18 psi
Temperature 154 oC =128 kg/m2
Utilities: Cold water
Ud assumed = 5723 KJ /hr m2 K Ud calculated =5723 KJ /hr m2
Uc calculated = 1522.56 W/m2 K Rd = 0.000088 m2 K/W
In next chapter we will discuss about instrumentation and control.



The primary objective of the designer when specifying instrumentation and control
schemes are:
6.1.1: Safe Plant Operation

 To help the process variables within know safe operating limits.

 To detect dangerous situations as they develop and to provide alarms and

automatic shutdown systems.

 To provide inter locks and alarms to prevent dangerous operating procedures.

6.1.2: Production Rate

To achieve the design product output.
6.1.3: Product Quality
To maintain the product composition within specified quality standard.
6.1.4: Cost
To operate at the lowest production cost, commensurate with the other objective.
These are not separate objectives and must be considered together. Measurement is
a fundamental requisite of process control either the control will be affected
automatically, semi-automatically or manually. The quality of the control obtainable is
a function of the accuracy, repeatable and reliability of the measuring devices
The objective of an automatic process control is to use the manipulated
variable to maintain the controlled variable at its set point in spite of disturbances.
Instruments are provided to monitor the key process variables during plant
operations. Instruments monitoring critical process variables will be fitted with
automatic alarms to alert, the operations to critical and hazardous situations.
Pneumatic instruments are used in this plant. The main process parameters
are all indicated in the control room where automatic or remote control is carried out
The process parameters e.g. temperatures, pressure flow, liquid level etc.
are converted to signals with transducers and then indicated, recorded and controlled
with secondary instruments.


This is used to control the temperature of outlet and inlet streams in heat
exchanger, condenser, heater and column, Most temperature measurement in the
industrial processes is made by means of thermocouples to facilitate bringing
measurements to a controlised location. Usually where high measurement accuracy
is required resistance thermometer are used. For the control of temperature,
pneumatic feedback control is used. Outlet temperature of the system is measured,
with the help of thermocouple. This temperature is fed to a comparator. The
difference between the set point and the input signal is called error, is fed to the
controller, which controls diaphragm valve to adjust the flow of hot or cooling


The temperature and pressure are valuable indications of material state and
composition. In fact, these two measurements considered together are the evaluating
devices of industrial materials. In compressed gas systems etc., pressure is of
primary importance; pumping equipments are furnished with pressure measuring
devices. Pressure measurement becomes an indication of the increase or decrease.
Most pressure measurement in the industry is made through elastic devices, either
directly connected for local use or transmission type to a controlised location.


Most flow measurements in the industry are done by variable head devices.
To lesser extent variable area and displacement types are used.

For instrumentation and control of different sections and equipments of plants,
following control loops are most often used.
1. Feed back control loop
2. Feed forward control loop
3. Ratio control loop
4. Auctioneering control loop
5. Split range control loop
6. Cascade control loop
Here is given a short outline of these control schemes, so that to justify out
selection of a control loop for specified equipment.
6.5.1:Feed Back Control Loop
A method of control in which a measured value of a process variable is
compared with the desired value of the process variable and any necessary action is
taken. Feed back control is considered as the basic control loops system. Its
disadvantage lies in its operational procedure. For example if a certain quantity is
entering in a process, then a monitor will be there at the process to note its value.
Any changes from the set point will be sent to the final control element through the
controller so that to adjust the incoming quantity according to desired value (set
point). But in fact changes have already occurred and only corrective action can be
taken while using feed back control system.
6.5.2:Feed Forward Control Loop
A method of control in which the value of disturbance is measured than action is
taken to prevent the disturbance by changing the value of a process variable. This is
a control method designed to prevent errors from occurring in a process variable.
This control system is better than feed back control because it anticipates the change
in the process variable before it enters the process and takes the preventive action.
While in feed back control system action is taken after the change has occurred.
6.5.3:Ratio Control
A control loop in which, the controlling element maintains a predetermined ratio of
one variable to another. Usually this control loop is attached to such as system where
two different systems enter a vessel for reaction that may be of any kind. To maintain
the stoichiometric quantities of different streams, this loop is used so that to ensure
proper process going on in the process vessel.
6.5.4:Auctioneering Control Loop
This kind of control loop is normally used for a huge vessel where readings of a
single variable may be different at different locations. This type of control loop
ensures safe operation because it employs all the readings of different locations
simultaneously, and compares them with the set point, then the controller sends
appropriate signal to final control element.
6.5.5:Split Range Loop
In this loop controller is preset with different values corresponding to different
actions to be taken at different conditions. The advantage of this loop is to maintain
the proper conditions and avoid abnormalities at very differential levels.
6.5.6:Cascade Control Loop
This is a control in which two or more control loops are arranged so that the output of
one controlling element adjusts the set point of another controlling element. This
control loop is used where proper and quick control is difficult by simple feed forward
or feed backward control. Normally first loop is a feed back control loop.


Now we discuss Flow rate, Composition, Temperature and Pressure control for
distillation column.
For flow rate and composition control of distillation column, we discuss four cases.
Regulate Feed and Tops rate and composition

Regulate Feed and Top rate and bottom composition

Regulate Feed and bottom rate and top composition

Regulate Feed and Tops rate and composition


The temperature control of the distillation column involves taking a temperature

measurement and sending it to a distributed control system (DCS). The DCS contains
software which manipulates a control valve that regulates steam flow to the reboiler. The
block diagram is below: Function

For this example, we'll assume that the process is second-order with the following
transfer function:
Gp = 1/(s2 + 10s + 20)

For simplicity's sake we are assuming no gains in the instrumentation. The goal for this
example is to control the distillation column temperature to 100 °F, minimize response
time, and minimize overshoot. Loop Response

The open loop response tells us what we need to work on with our controller. As most
steam control valves fail to a closed position, without any control, the temperature will
only rise 5 °F. Control

Proportional control is used to improve the rise time. It does bring the temperature close
to the set point, but there is still a steady-state error. The following graph has a
proportional gain, Kc = 300. Control

The proportional-integral control response shows the steady-state error is eliminated.

However, the settling time is still very large. We reduce the proportional gain to 30
because integral control accomplishes the same functon (reduces rise time and increases
overshoot). The following graph displays the response of Kc = 30 and I = 0.429. Control

Proportional-derivative control improves the overshoot, but fails to improve the steady-
state error. The following graph displays the response of PD control with Kc = 300 and D
= 0.033. Control

Tuning proves the best response with Kc = 350 and I = 1.17 and D = 0.143. As shown
below, the closed loop response for the combined proportional-integral-derivative control
gives the quickest response with no overshoot and converges to the desired 100 °F.
Thus, we can see that PID control is the optimal technique for temperature control of a
distillation column.


In a distillation column it is usually necessary to regulate the pressure in
some way. Below there are five different methods described for doing this.
 Vent to Atmosphere
 Cooling Water (varying condenser load)
 Flooded Condenser - 1
 Flooded Condenser - 2
 Partial Condenser

One thing to note is that in none of them is a valve simply placed on the vapour line. This
would lead to the use of a large expensive control valve. Instead the pressure is controlled
indirectly involving the use of the condenser and/or reflux drum


  A HAZOP survey is one of the most common and widely accepted methods of
systematic qualitative hazard analysis. It is used for both new or existing facilities and
can be applied to a whole plant, a production unit, or a piece of equipment It uses as its
database the usual sort of plant and process information and relies on the judgment of
engineering and safety experts in the areas with which they are most familiar. The end
result is, therefore reliable in terms of engineering and operational expectations, but it is
not quantitative and may not consider the consequences of complex sequences of human
The objectives of a HAZOP study can be summarized as follows:
1) To identify (areas of the design that may possess a significant hazard

2) To identify and study features of the design that influence the probability of a
hazardous incident occurring.

3) To familiarize the study team with the design information available.

4) To ensure that a systematic study is made of the areas of significant hazard


5) To identify pertinent design information not currently available to the team.

6) To provide a mechanism for feedback to the client of the study team's detailed

A HAZOP study is conducted in the following steps:

Table 7.1: HAZOP Guide Words and Meanings
Guide Words Meaning
No Negation of design intent
Less Quantitative decrease
More Quantitative increase
Part of Qualitative decrease
As well as Qualitative Increase
Reverse Logical opposite of the intent
Other than Complete substitution


A HAZOP study is to be conducted on ethylene oxide storage tank, as presented
by the piping and instrumentation diagram shown in fig.
In this scheme, ethylene oxide is unloaded from tank trucks into a storage tank
maintained under pressure until it is transferred to the process. Application of the guide
words to the storage tank is shown in Table along with a listing of consequences that
results from process deviation. Some of the consequences identified with these process
deviations have raised additional questions that need resolution to determine whether or
not a hazard exists.
Ethylene Oxide
Storage Tank

Piping and instrumentation diagram

Deviations Consequences of this
from What event could deviation on item of
operating cause this deviation equipment under
conditions consideration
Less Tank runs dry Pump cavitates LIA-1
Rupture of discharge Reagent released LIA-1,
line FICA-1
V-3 open or broken Reagent released LIA-1
V-1 open or broken Reagent released LIA-1
Tank rupture (busting Reagent released LIA-1
of vessel)
More Unload too much from Tank overfills LIA-1
Reverse flow from Tank overfills LIA-1
Temperature of inlet is
Less colder than normal Possible vacuum
Temperature of inlet is
More hotter than normal Region released
External fire
Tank fails



Chemical Name: Mono Ethylene Glycol

Synonyms: MEG, Ethylene Glycol, 1,2-Ethanediol, glycol, 1,2-Dihydroxyethane,
Ethylene Alcohol, Ethylene Dihydrate
Formula: CH2OHCH2OH
Chemical Family: Glycols


Components Percentage PEL/TLV CAS Number EINEC

Mono Ethylene 100 50 ppm 107-21-1 203-
Glycol 473-3

Note: N.E. = Not Established N/A = Not Applicable


Emergency Overview: Danger! May be harmful NFPA Ratings

1 Health
or fatal if swallowed. Harmful if inhaled or
1 Flammability
absorbed through the skin. May cause central 0 Reactivity
Specific Hazards:
nervous system effects. Causes eye and skin
irritation. Causes digestive and respiratory tract
irritation. May cause reproductive and fetal
effects. May cause cardiac disturbances. May
cause skin sensitization. Target organs: kidneys,
heart, central nervous system.
Inhalation: May cause irritation of respiratory tract. May cause central
nervous system depression with symptoms of dizziness,
headache, nausea, vomiting, drowsiness, and dizziness, and
coma. May cause pulmonary edema. Can produce rapid,
involuntary eye movement.

Skin Contact: May cause irritation.

Skin May be absorbed through the skin in harmful amounts.

Eye Contact: May cause irritation, pain, and damage to the eye.

Ingestion: May cause central nervous system depression with symptoms

of dizziness, headache, nausea, and drowsiness. High levels
of exposure may result in rapid respiratory and heart rate,
lowered blood pressure, stupor, collapse, unconsciousness,
convulsions, and death due to respiratory failure or
cardiovascular collapse. Lethal dose in humans is estimated
at 100 ml (3-4 ounces).

Effects of Chronic Exposure: Repeated exposures may result in severe kidney

damage, liver damage, and brain damage. An allergic skin reaction can develop
which becomes evident upon repeated exposure to mono ethylene glycol.
Animal studies have reported fetotoxicity and teratogenicity.

Eye Immediately flush eyes with water for at least 15 minutes. Hold
Contact: eyes open while flushing out with water. Seek medical attention
Skin Immediately remove contaminated clothing and shoes. Flush
Contact: skin with water for at least 15 minutes. Use soap if available or
follow by washing with soap and water. Do not reuse
contaminated clothing without laundering. If irritation persists,
seek medical attention.
Inhalation: Remove victim to fresh air. If breathing is difficult, give
oxygen. If not breathing, administer artificial respiration. Seek
medical attention immediately.
Ingestion: Induce vomiting immediately as directed by medical personnel.
Seek medical attention immediately.


Flash Point 232oF, 111oC (CC)

Auto ignition 748oF, 398oC
Flammable Limits: Lower: 3.2% Upper: 15.3%
Extinguishing Media: Water, Dry Chemical, “Alcohol” Foam, Carbon
Firefighting Firefighters should wear NIOSH approved self-
Procedures: contained breathing apparatus and appropriate
protective clothing to prevent contact. Cool
exposed containers with water.

Unusual Fire and Do not use direct stream of water to fight fire.
Explosion Information: Containers can build up pressure if subjected to
heat of the fire and may explode. Flashback hazard
– vapors are heavier than air and can collect in low
areas forming an explosive MEG and air mixture.
Environmental Note: Prevent product from getting into sewers or surface


Isolate the hazard area and deny entry to nonessential personnel. Emergency responders
and/or clean-up personnel should wear appropriate protective clothing and equipment
when responding. Remove all ignition sources. Prevent from entering sewers or surface
waters. Collect liquid in containers and seal shut. Absorb remaining material with a
noncombustible absorbent such as earth, sand, or vermiculite and collect for disposal.


Keep away from heat, sparks, and open flames. Keep containers tightly closed. Store
away from incompatible materials in a cool, dry place. Use adequate explosion-proof
ventilation to prevent accumulation of static charge. When pouring or transferring
materials, containers must be bonded and grounded.

Do not weld, heat, or drill on or near full or empty containers. Empty containers can
contain explosive vapors.

Do not breathe vapors or mist. Minimize skin contact. Wash with soap and water before
eating, drinking, smoking, or using toilet facilities. Launder contaminated clothing
before reuse. Properly dispose of contaminated leather articles, including shoes that
cannot be decontaminated.



Respiratory Utilize NIOSH approved half face or full face

Protection: respirator with organic vapor/P95 cartridges, supplied
air, or self-contained breathing apparatus. Consult
with an Industrial Hygienist before determining which
respirators to use. Respirators must be utilized in
compliance with OSHA regulations 29CFR1910.134.
Ventilation: Use explosion-proof ventilation equipment. Utilize
local exhaust to control vapors. Do not rely on
general exhaust.
Protective Gloves: Neoprene, nitrile, butyl, PVC, or viton gloves are
Eye Protection: Chemical goggles and face shield.
Other Protective Wear additional protective clothing as required to
Equipment: prevent skin contact. This may include chemical
aprons, chemical resistant boots, and chemical
resistant suits. Safety shower and eyewash are
necessary in work area.
Work Practices: Use good personal hygiene practices. Wash hands
before eating, drinking, smoking, or using toilet
facilities. Promptly remove contaminated clothing
and launder before reuse. Shower after work using
plenty of soap and water.
Electrical N/A.


Appearance: clear, oily Threshold Odor odorless

liquid Conc.:
Odor: odorless Boiling Point: 388oF,
Specific Gravity (H2O 1.1 Freezing Point: 9oF, -13oC
= 1):
Decomposition N.E. Vapor Density 2.14
Temperature: (Air=1):
Evaporation Rate N.E. Vapor Pressure: 0.06 mm Hg
(ether = 1): @ 20oC
Soluble in: ethanol, % Volatiles by 100
methanol Volume:
Electrical Conductivity: N.E. Solubility in Water: Complete
Viscosity: 21 cP @ Molecular Weight: 62.07
Refraction Index: N.E. Surface Tension: N.E.


Chemical Stability: Stable under ordinary conditions of use and

Hazardous Will not occur.
Conditions to Avoid: Incompatible materials, ignition sources, excess
heat, water (mono ethylene glycol is hygroscopic).
Incompatible Materials: Reacts violently with: chlorosulfonic acid, oleum,
sulfuric acid, perchloric acid, phosphorus
pentasulfide .

Ignites on contact with: chromium trioxide,

potassium permanganate, sodium peroxide.
Ignites at 212oF (100oC) with the following
chemicals: ammonium dichromate, silver chlorate,
sodium chlorite, uranyl nitrate.

Strong oxidizing agents, dimethyl terephthalate,

sodium hydroxide, titanium butoxide, silvered
copper wire.
Decomposition Carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, irritating and
Products: toxic fumes and gases.


Occupational Exposure Limits

OSHA PEL: 50 ppm Ceiling STEL: N.E.
ACGI TLV: 50 ppm Ceiling STEL: N.E.
Eye: 1440 mg/6 H MODERATE (rabbit) BUYRAI 31, 25, 77
500 mg/24 H MILD (rabbit) 85JCAE -, 205, 86
Skin: 555 mg open MILD (rabbit) UCDS** 7/21/65
Oral: LDLo: 786 mg/kg (human) EJTXAZ 9, 373, 76
LDLo: 398 mg/kg (human) SMEZA5 26(2), 48, 83

Mono ethylene glycol is a suspected mutagen, reproductive hazard, and



Environmental Fate and Effects

Ecotoxicity: LC50/96-hour values for fish are over 100 mg/l.
Mobility: Expected to be mobile in soil and may leach into groundwater.
Persistence and Degradability: Expected to rapidly biodegrade. The half-life is expected
to be between one and ten days.
Bio accumulative Potential: Not expected to significantly bio accumulate.


Place in a city, state, or federally permitted disposal facility. Handle in accordance with
all applicable regulations.


DOT Shipping Not regulated by DOT.

Note: the EPA RQ is 5000 pounds (2270 kilograms)


Before the plant to be operated, specified money must be supplied to purchase and install
the equipment. The capital needed to supply the necessary plant facilities is called fixed
capital investment while that for the operation of the plant is called the working principal
and sum of two capitals is called total capital investment.

Is and index value for a given point in time showing the cost at that time
relative to certain base time. if the cost at any time in past is know , the equivalent cost at
the present time can be determined by multiplying the original cost by the ratio of present
of index value to the index value applicable when the original cost was obtained. There
are many types of cost indexes and the most commune type are marshall and swift all
industry and process industry equipment indexes and engineering News Record
construction index.
Present cost =
Original cost *cost index value at present time/cost index value at past.


The cost of purchased equipments is used as basis of factorial method of cost estimation
and must be determined as accurately as possible
Purchase cost of equipments is calculated from graphs and charts available.
Purchase cost =bare cost from fig. * Factors
There are different factors used which are Material factor, Pressure factor etc.
Cost of different equipments is calculated as under.
1. Pressure Vessel
Purchase cost = (bare cost from fig.) * (material factor) * (pressure factor)
= 14000 * 1.0 * 1.1
= 15400
2. Pumps
Purchase cost =8000
3. Pre-heater
PCE3 = (base cost) * (type factor) * (pressure factor)
= 21000 * 1.1 * 0.85
= 19635 pounds
4. Reactor
Area of tube bundle = 21.2 m2
= (base cost) * (type factor) * (pressure factor)
= 5500 * 0.85 * 1.1
= 5142.5
5. Long Tube Vertical Evaporator
C = 6000 n = 0.53
Ce = C * Sn S = A(m2)
Ce = 6000 * 6030.53
= 178533 pounds
Total evaporator cost = 3 * Ce
= 3 * 178533
= 535600 pounds
6. Light end column(Distillation Column No.1)
Cost of base vessel = (cost from Fig.) * (material factor) * (pressure factor)
= 10,000 * 1.0 * 1.0
= 10,000 pounds
Cost of plates
Cost = (cost from Fig.) * (material factor)
= 700 * 1.0
= 700 pounds/plate
Cost of total plates = 700 * 12
= 8400 pounds
Cost of distillation column = 18,400 pounds
Reboiler (kettle Reboiler)
Cost = 45000*1.0*1.3
= 58500 pounds
Cost = 14000 * 1.0 * 0.85
= 11900 pounds
7. EG Refiner (Distillation column 2)
Cost of base vessel
= (cost from Fig.) * (material factor) * (pressure factor)
= 60000 * 1.0 * 1.0
= 60000 pounds
Cost of plates
Cost = cost from Fig. * Material factor
= 700 * 1.0
= 700 * 47
= 32900 (plate dia 47 plates)
Cost of distillation column 2 = column cost + plate cost
= 32900 + 60000
= 92900 pounds
Cost = base cost * pressure factor * type factor
= 20000*1.0*1.3
= 26000 pounds
Cost = 10000*1.0*.80
= 8000 pounds
Total Purchased cost of Equipments=PCE=₤798077.5


Cost that do not vary with production rate. These are the bills to be paid whatever the
quantity produced is.
Major equipment, total purchased cost
Equipment erection 0.4
Piping 0.70
Instrumentation 0.20
Electrical 0.10
Building process 0.15
Utilities 0.50
Storages 0.15
Site development 0.05
Ancillary building 0.15
Total = 3.40
Physical plant cost = PPC = PCE* (Total)
PPC = 798077.5*3.40
Design and engineering 0.30
Contractor’s fee 0.05
Contingency 0.10
Total 1.45
Fixed Capital = PPC * 1.45
= 2713463.5 * 1.45
= ₤3934522
Thus Fixed Capital Cost = ₤3934522

Fixed Capital Cost =FCC= ₤3934522

Fixed Capital Cost =FFC= ₤3934522

Cost in year 2005=Cost in year 1998*Cost index in year 2005/Cost index in 1998
Cost index in year 2005=1208
Cost index in year 1998=132
Fixed Capital Cost in year 2005=₤36006838
Maintenance cost = 0.10 * fixed capital cost
= 0.10 * 36006838
= ₤3600683.8
Miscellaneous = 0.10 * maintenance cost
= 0.10 * 3600683.8
Operating labor = ₤5*10^5
Laboratory cost = 0.20* labor cost=₤1*10^5
Supervision=0.20* labor cost=₤1*10^5
Plant overheads = 0.50 * labor cost =₤2.5*10^5
Capital charges = 0.15 * fixed capital cost =0.15*36006838=5401026
Local taxes = 0.02 * fixed capital cost =0.02*36006838=720137
Insurance = 0.01 * fixed capital cost=0.01*36006838=360068
Regulations and license fees = 2 % of sales price
Variable cost
Raw materials = 0.30 * 173329200
= ₤51998760
Miscellaneous = ₤360068.4
Shipping and packing negligible
Sub total = A = ₤52358828.4

Fixed costs
Maintenance cost = ₤3600684
Operating labor = ₤5*10^5
Laboratory cost =₤1*10^5
Supervision =₤1*10^5
Plant overheads = ₤2.5*10^5
Capital charges = ₤5401026
Local taxes = ₤720137
Insurance = ₤360068

Sub Total B=₤10,311,778

Direct Production Cost = A+B=₤62670606.4
Sales expense, General overheads, R&D=C=0.25* Direct Production Cost
Annual Production Cost =A+B+C=₤68338258
Production cost/Kg=0.34₤/Kg
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2) Perry, R.H and D.W. Green (eds): Perry’s Chemical Engineering Handbook, 7 th
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3) Kern, D.Q., “Process Heat Transfer”, McGraw Hill Inc., 2000.

4) Sinnot, R.K., “Coulson and Richardson’s Chemical Engineering”,

2nd ed, vol 6, Butterword Heinemann, 1993.

5) Ludwig, E.E, “Applied Process Design”, 3rd ed, vol. 2, Gulf

Professional Publishers, 2002.

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Professional Publishers, 2002.
7) Peters, M.S. and Timmerhaus, K.D., “Plant Design and
Economics for Chemical Engineering”, Fourth ed, McGraw Hill,

8) Coulson, J.m., and Richardson, J.F., “Chemical Engineering”, 4 th

ed, Vol.2, Butterworth Heminann, 1991.

9) Levenspiel, O., “Chemical Reaction Engineering:, 2 nd ed, John

Wiley and Sons Inc., 1972.

10) Kuppan, T., “Heat Exchanger Design Hand Book, Marcel Dekker
Inc., New York, 2000.

11) Bockhurst, J.F. and Harker, J.H, “Process Plant Design”,

Heinemann Educational Books Ltd, 1973.

12) Peacock, D.G., “Coulson & Richardson’s Chemical Engineering”,

3rd ed, vol, Butterworth Heinenann, 1994.
13) McCabe, W.L, “Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering”, 5 th Ed,

McGraw Hill, Inc, 1993 .

14) Perry, R.H and D.W. Green (eds): Perry’s Chemical Engineering

15) www.meglobal.com

16) www.nist.com

17) www.uspto.gov
Operating costs are dependent on the amount of product produced, so these costs are
variable and changes with production rate.
Raw materials and product cost
= 0.30 ton/kg
Maintenance cost = 0.10 * fixed capital cost
= 0.10 * 3934522
= ₤393452.2
Miscellaneous = 0.10 * maintenance cost
= 0.10 * 393452.2
Operating labor = ₤5*10^5
Laboratory cost = 0.20* labor cost=₤1*10^5
Supervision=0.20* labor cost=₤1*10^5
Plant overheads = 0.50 * labor cost =₤2.5*10^5
Capital charges = 0.15 * fixed capital cost =590178
Local taxes = 0.02 * fixed capital cost =78690
Insurance = 0.01 * fixed capital cost=39345
Regulations and license fees = 2 % of sales price

Variable cost
Raw materials = 0.30 * 200,000,000
= ₤60,000,000
Miscellaneous = ₤39345
Shipping and packing negligible
Sub total = A = ₤60039345

Fixed costs
Maintenance cost = ₤393452.2
Operating labor = ₤5*10^5
Laboratory cost =₤1*10^5
Supervision =₤1*10^5
Plant overheads = ₤2.5*10^5
Capital charges = ₤590178
Local taxes = ₤78690
Insurance = ₤39345

Sub Total B=₤2051665

Direct Production Cost = A+B=₤62091010
Sales expense, General overheads, R&D=C=0.25* Direct Production Cost
Annual Production Cost =A+B+C=₤77613762.5

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