Uvision: A Lightweight Portable Uvr: Detection System
Uvision: A Lightweight Portable Uvr: Detection System
Uvision: A Lightweight Portable Uvr: Detection System
Detection System
Omar I. Hoblos1, Matthew W. Sheehan1, Devin J. Laferriere1, Chen-Hsiang Yu2
1 2
Biomedical/Medical Engineering Computer Science and Networking
Wentworth Institute of Technology Wentworth Institute of Technology
{hobloso, sheehanm4, laferriered}@wit.edu [email protected]
In the past, to keep the public aware of sunburns, Adafruit sensor was the more valuable sensor since it outputs
melanoma, and skin cancer, organizations such as the results directly in UV index as opposed to the Sparkfun sensor
American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) launched media which outputs a value in irradiance which would require more
campaigns through radio, television, and newspaper [6]. These processing power to convert each value. The sensor was tested
previous attempts were moderately successful between 1986 under direct sunlight to ensure the accuracy of the readings
and 1996 by increasing use of sunscreen, but did not greatly when compared to UV indices from weather reports. The
affect the behaviors that result in sunburns and skin damage. SI1145 consists of visible and infrared sensors that are used to
As a matter of fact, the use of tanning parlors increased during interpolate a UV index value. This means the sensor does not
this time due to social perception of having tanned skin, directly measure UV and can only properly work under direct
making the campaigns less successful [6]. Educational
sunlight. One of the most important aspects during the
awareness has also been integrated into elementary, middle
prototype phase was to try to find a way to perfectly
and high school programs by taking regular sessions over
encapsulate the sensor and the other electronics to make the
short periods of time [7]. These classes would result in more
detailed knowledge of skin cancers, prevention and awareness. device waterproof. The sensor datasheet stated that the use of
They did not affect behavior as much as increasing general Plexiglass would only minimally affect the sensor. Upon
awareness [8]. testing, the Plexiglass (with thickness 0.05 in.) over the sensor
read an average of 1 index value below the sensor reading
The June by Netatmo, is the only major wearable device on without the Plexiglass. This turned out to be advantageous
the market for UV protection. The June takes a beauty since the sensor tends to read one index value higher than the
approach to marketing their device, focusing more on making weather reports.
the device a fashionable item that prevents wrinkles caused by
overexposure to the sun, rather than a health approach to B.Final Phase
protect against serious complications caused by UVR
The final components are shown in Figure 2. The HC-06
overexposure as UVision does.
was chosen as the Bluetooth module for its simplicity even
III. APPROACH though there are much smaller modules. The Bluetooth
connection was successfully tested and properly pairs with the
UVision looks to reduce the number of damaged skin cases created Android app. The final design makes the device
by making people aware of the damages of the sun. The recharge easily and conserves battery usage. The system is
system consists of the wearable sensor and mobile application.
powered by a 3.7 volt, 105 mAh lithium polymer battery. The
The sensor must be small and portable in order for the user to
lipo charger purchased from Adafruit is bulky, but it allows
wear the device anywhere they travel. The sensor must also be
the system to stay connected to the battery and recharge at the
wearable in a variety of ways as well as gender neutral to
ensure anyone can wear it. The app must be informative to same time. Attempts to design a custom PCB with this same
educate the user on what UV index is as well as how to stay ability failed at the soldering stage. The battery life lasted
protected. It is important to ensure the app is not advertised as about 4 hours on average.
a mobile health app, however, since the app can only inform
the user, not diagnose. UVision can be a helpful tool for
people of all ages. From families on a camping trip to people
working outdoors, UVision can keep everyone aware of the
sun and help keep people as safe as possible. Figure 1 below
provides a block diagram of the system.
Initial testing focused on choosing the proper sensor and The casing looked to accomplish several goals: portability,
microcontroller to fit the scope of the project. The components waterproof, and wearable. An Objet 3D printer was used for
for testing include the Arduino Uno, the Sparkfun ML8511 the casing. The plastic material is less than ideal but due to
sensor and the Adafruit SI1145 UV/Visible/IR sensor. The budget and resource constraints, the material sufficed. The
case is portable and lightweight. If we could have smaller ADT plugin were used to develop the application. The created
components, we could make the overall casing much smaller. software also works for latest Android Studio IDE. Through
The case was designed in Solidworks to snap together to the use of the Android Software Development Kit (SDK), we
ensure water could not get to the electronics. The Plexiglass have developed a functioning application that can work on any
shielding the sensor and LEDs allows the sun to still shine on Android smartphone and is designed to work with the UV
the sensor without requiring the direct exposure to maintain sensor via Bluetooth. The application provides a functioning
full enclosure. Finally, the charging port is sealed with rubber interaction to effectively communicate the current UV index
that can be easily removed. Ideally the seal would be attached to the user. There are two main components in the application.
to the casing to avoid the potential of losing it. To make the
wearing versatile, a basic aluminum clip was attached to allow
the sensor clipped on to any article of clothing, ranging from
shirts to pants, hats, purses and backpacks.
D. Programming
All the programming for the system was done using
Arduino IDE to program the Arduino Pro Mini. The program
looks to provide the app with the most useful numbers that can
give the user the best information to stay protected. Once the
device is turned on, the user is told to point the sensor directly
at the sun as a calibration to get the maximum index of the
area. The program simply obtains one value per second and
averages 60 values to give one index per minute. This gives
the user enough information on the sun to maintain a real time
awareness of sun damage. To ensure the sensor can stand
alone without the phone, an LED warning system at the top of
the device gives the user information on how dangerous the
sun is without the exact index. One LED is an index range of
0-5, two LEDs are 6-8, and three LEDs correspond to
dangerously high, i.e. 9+.
Fig. 4. A screenshot captured from the Home Screen of the Android
application on a Google Nexus 5, running Android 5.1.
The first component is the home screen UI. The first screen
that the user sees after opening up the application contains the
most important features of the device. The core features of the
layout can be seen in Figure 4. There is a large number in the
top left-hand corner that represents the UV index for that day.
The color of the number changes depending on intensity of the
recorded UV index. The horizontal colored bar with a gradient
is a progress bar programmed to fill based on the UV index
reading. A pop-up message is displayed estimating the amount
of time it may take to get sunburn based on the current UV
reading. The “Apply Lotion” button activates the timer
displayed. This timer serves to remind the user to re-apply sun
lotion, a core way to protect visible skin when outside for
Fig. 3. The Final Completed Case Design - 3D printed with ABS extended periods of time.
plastic. All the components fit inside. The micro-USB port seen above The two images at the bottom of the screen serve as visual
is allows for easy charging. indicators as to what protection is recommended for the
current UV index. A sun protection lotion bottle, with the SPF
E. Application Design
recommended, and an avatar wearing protective clothes like
In addition to writing software for the device, including the sunglasses and hat serve to remind the user of what can protect
sensor, we also develop an Android mobile application for the in the strong UV conditions. The images and text views are
public to read information on their mobile devices. The mobile clickable and they redirect the user to pages with related
application development started from idea generation, information.
refinement, paper prototyping, user interface and user
experience (UI/UX) design to software development and The second component was a navigation drawer that helps
testing. The application development took about 5 months, the user navigate through the pages containing health
starting from April 2015. Eclipse IDE combined with Android information. There are plenty of information and data on the
web about skin protection and health. UVision’s goal was to user an up-to-date database of weather information for both
simplify that information into an easy to access and the predicted index and changing conditions throughout the
consumable form so that the user could understand the day. To make the sensor more accurate and reliable, a
benefits of protecting the skin. The application contains calibration feature would be added to better estimate the index
multiple pages on the UV Index, types of skin, protection as the day progresses. An improvement to the layout will
methods, and basic skin disease information. The goal is to promote ease and quality of use and make it visually
keep the user informed of the changing UV conditions, track appealing. Last but not least, a user study with real people will
durations of exposure and intensity, and remind the user of be conducted to provide feedbacks to improve current system,
resources available to minimize skin damage.
including hardware and mobile application.
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Moving forward with mobile application development, we
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plan to add some bonus features, including personalization and
aesthetics. Determination of one’s skin tone through the
Fitzpatrick scale quiz can help make mobile application more
customizable and provide personalized recommendations. A
forecast page proved difficult to orientate and would give the