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Troubleshooting Sub Pump

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Submersible Pump Troubleshooting

Submersible pump won't start:

Problem Check Correct

Power is not Place a voltmeter across power

supplied to lines coming into the
the submersible pump to check the The power company should be
submersible power supply for the overload consulted if there is no power
pump protection box. to the box.

Examine the circuit breaker and

There is no the fuses to the submersible Replace blown fuses and reset
overload pump to ensure that they are the breaker if it has been
protection operating correctly. tripped.

With the submersible pump

pressure switch in a closed
Pressure position, check the voltage
switch on across the switch. If the voltage The contact points should be
submersible drop is at the same level as the cleaned and/or the pressure
pump is line voltage, the switch is switch replaced for the
damaged obviously not making contact. submersible pump.

Submersible pump starts up too much:

Problem Check Correct

Defective pressure
switch on
submersible pump
or pressure switch Examine pressure setting switch for
not adjusted defects. Readjust pressure switch when Replace pressure switch on submersible
properly necessary. pump or reduce pressure setting.

Pressure tank Apply a soapy mixture to the whole tank

leaks above water surface of the submersible pump. Bubbles
level indicate that air is escaping. Replace submersible pump tank.

Plumbing system Service line should be examined for leaks. Repair leaks in service line.
leak in
submersible pump

Leak in discharge
line check valve Remove and inspect. Replace discharge line if necessary.

Plugged air
volume control on Replace air volume control on
submersible pump Remove and examine air volume control submersible pump

Plugged snifter
valve on Replace snifter valve on submersible
submersible pump Remove and inspect snifter valve. pump.

Submersible pump will not stop running:

Problem Check Correct

Pressure switch
on the Pressure switch points may have adhered Clean the points on the pressure switch. If
submersible pump to each other causing the switch to remain this does not work, the switch on the
is defective in a closed position. submersible pump needs to be replaced.

Drop line has a Raise the pipe on the submersible pump The damaged section of the drop pipe
leak and check for leaks. should be replaced.

Keep the valve at the restricted setting if

Restrain the output flow of the this has remedied the problem. If not, the
Level of water in submersible pump, then wait for the well submersible pump must be lowered
well is too low to recover. Re-start the pump. further down in the well.

The impeller, casing, and other parts of

the submersible pump may be worn due
to abrasives in the water. Lower the
Submersible pump pressure switch setting. If the pump shuts
parts are off, damaged parts are the probable Replace worn parts on the submersible
damaged cause.. pump.

Submersible pump works but delivers little or no water:

Problem Check Correct

Start and stop pump repeatedly. If If the trouble isn’t corrected by performing
Submersible pump submersible pump begins working, air this test, move on to the next possible
may be air-locked lock was the problem. problem.

Water level too Well production could be too low. Limit If partial limitation of flow corrects the
low in submersible flow of pump output, then wait for well to problem leave the valve at the restricted
pump recover and re-start. setting.

Discharge line
check valve
installed Make sure arrow that indicates direction of
backwards on flow on check valve is pointed in the right If check valve is not pointed in the right
submersible pump direction. direction, then reverse the valve.

Drop pipe leaks Lift up pipe and inspect for leaks Replace the damaged part of drop pipe

Examine intake screen on the Clean screen and make sure submersible
Blocked pump submersible pump and check for mud or pump is reinstalled many feet above the
intake screen sand blockage. well bottom.

Raise pump to inspect drop pipe

Drop pipe connection to pump outlet. Threaded area Loosen the drop pipe and cut off a portion
jamming of drop pipe may be screwed in too far, of the threads. Then screw it back on the
submersible pump jamming the check valve in a closed pipe, freeing the submersible pump check
check valve position. valve.

Reduce setting on pressure switch to see

if the submersible pump shuts off. If it Pull submersible pump and replace the
Worn pump parts does, check for worn parts worn components.

Pull up submersible pump to inspect the

Loose motor shaft motor shaft. Re-tighten all of the connections.

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