2. A student finds a website created by the “No Homework Committee.” He wants to find out the reasons
for and against assigning homework to students. Is this a trustworthy source of information?
A. Yes. This group is against homework and knows all of the arguments.
B. Yes. Information on websites is always balanced and correct.
C. No. This group might give more attention to arguments against homework.
D. No. This group is probably not very good at arguing for or against homework.
3. In a town, 40% of the people have a certain illness. Fifty percent of the population is female. What
percent of those who are ill are female?
A. 10%
B. 20%
C. 50%
D. Cannot tell from the information given
4. Read the four questions below. Which question would be best answered by using scientific methods or
A. How much ice cream is sold each year?
B. How did the first people make ice cream?
C. How was ice cream kept cold before freezers?
D. How many calories are in a scoop of ice cream?
5. A group of students is making paper airplanes. They think that the kind of paper and the design of the
airplane may affect how far each paper airplane flies. The students first test if the kind of paper affects
how far the airplane flies. They make several airplanes out of different kinds of paper, using the same
design. Why is it important that all the airplanes have the same design?
A. By using the same design, the students can learn about both the effect of the design and the
effect of the paper.
B. By using the same design, the students can learn about the effect of the design.
C. If they do not use the same design, the students cannot learn about the effect of the paper.
D. It is not important for the airplanes to have the same design because the students are not testing
the effect of the design.
6. Andrew, Lisa, and Min each worked on ten new math problems, every day for a week. The table
below shows the number of correct answers for each student.
How many days did Lisa have the highest number correct?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
7. Look at the graphs below. Which one shows that the average number of cavities per person is lower in
countries with better health education?
8. You receive an email that claims “People who sleep with books under their pillows get better grades
through osmosis.”
Osmosis is a scientific process. Some molecules pass through a semi-permeable layer while larger
molecules are blocked. It is used to get pure water from salt water. It is used for other processes too.
Based on this claim, should you sleep with your books to get better grades?
A. Yes, if you use a semi-permeable pillow.
B. Yes, because osmosis is a known scientific process.
C. No, because books under the pillow disrupt sleep.
D. No, because osmosis is not related to grades.
9. A state records the number of car crashes each year. In one year, there were 1,056 car crashes on 4- or
6-lane highways. In the same year there were 589 car crashes on 2-lane highways. The governor
concludes that driving on 4- or 6-lane highways is more dangerous than driving on 2-lane highways.
What do you think about this conclusion?
A. Correct. Highways that have 4 or 6 lanes are known to be more dangerous.
B. Incorrect. The number of accidents on 2 lane highways might be increasing.
C. Correct. States have more highways with 4 or 6 lanes than with 2 lanes.
D. Incorrect. He did not consider numbers of cars using each kind of highway.
10. On February 2 in the U. S., many news reporters travel to local zoos to watch the behavior of a
groundhog. Some people say that if the groundhog leaves his burrow and stays outside, spring will
come sooner; if he runs back inside, there will be six more weeks of winter. This year the groundhog
ran back inside.
11. Arturo’s parents want him to get better grades in school. His mother read a research study on the topic.
After reading the study, she decided that from now on Arturo needed to be in bed by 9 PM. Which of
these studies did Arturo’s mother read?
A. When students go to bed by 9 pm they are less tired in school.
B. Students who get good grades are more alert when at school.
C. When students go to bed by 9 pm their school grades improve.
D. Students who go to bed earlier have more energy the next day.
12. What percent of the sample of people shown in the graph is older than 15 years?
A. 20%
B. 30%
C. 40%
D. 50%
13. Sue wants to find out what growing conditions might affect the length of bean seedlings. She places a
bean wrapped in moist tissue paper in each of ten identical test tubes. She puts five tubes in a rack in a
sunny window. She puts the other five tubes in a dark refrigerator. Sue measures the lengths of the
bean seedlings in each group of test tubes after one week.
Look at the variables listed below. Which variables was Sue testing to see how they affect the length
of the bean seedlings?
A. Temperature and moisture
B. Moisture and length of test tube
C. Light and temperature
D. Light and amount of time
14. A country has a high number of decayed teeth (cavities) per person. Which question about tooth decay
can only be answered with scientific experiments?
A. Do the men in this country have more tooth decay than women?
B. Would putting vitamin D in the water supply affect tooth decay?
C. Has the number of decayed teeth increased in the past 10 years?
D. Is tooth decay more common in some parts of the country than others?
15. The principal of Riley Middle School wants to remove candy and soda (pop) vending machines. In
their place, she wants to put in healthy food machines. She wants to know what her students will think
of these changes. What would be the best way to get an accurate answer to this question?
A. Give a survey to all students who play on sports teams.
B. Give a survey to all students who attend a health fair.
C. Give a survey to every 20th student on a list of all students.
D. Give a survey to all students who use the vending machines.
16. Billy and George raced their bikes five times. Billy made a graph of their average speeds.
What can you reasonably conclude from the graph?
A. George is a much worse bike rider than Billy.
B. Billy is a lot faster because his average speed is much higher than George’s speed.
C. They are about the same because there is not much difference in their speed.
D. Billy won all five races.
17. A town council wants to protect cats from being hit by cars on town streets. They decide to adopt a
policy of banning all pet cats from being outside. Which of the following is likely to be an unintended
effect of this policy?
A. A rise in mouse populations C. An increase in car accidents
B. A drop in pet cat populations D. An decrease in dog ownership
18. A TV weather report said, “New Jersey is heading for a severe water shortage!” Which type of
evidence listed below would be the most important to support this claim?
A. Average weekly rainfall
B. Average weekly temperature
C. Water levels at high tide
D. Number of cloudy days
19. A science journal publishes a study about effects of diet in rats. For six weeks, the scientists fed only
dog food to 60 male rats. They fed normal rat food to another 60 male rats for the same six weeks. At
the end of the six weeks, they counted the number of rats in each group that had developed dark spots.
The results are in the table below.
Which conclusion is suggested by the results in this table?
A. It is good to feed dog food to rats.
B. Rats with dark spots prefer dog food.
C. Type of food is linked to dark spots in rats.
D. Diet has nothing to do with rats getting dark spots.
Value of Science
Directions: For each item below select the number that best describes how much you agree or
disagree with each statement. These are your opinions and there are no “right” or “wrong”
1. Seorang siswa tertarik dengan perilaku ikan. Dia memiliki 4
mangkuk ikan dan 20 ikan mas. Dia menempatkan 8 ikan di
mangkuk pertama, 6 ikan di mangkuk kedua, 4 ikan di mangkuk
ketiga, dan 2 ikan di mangkuk keempat. Dia menempatkan setiap
mangkuk ikan di bawah cahaya, dia menjaga suhu pada 75 untuk
C. Grafik C
D. Grafik D
8. Anda menerima email yang mengklaim "Orang yang tidur
dengan buku di bawah bantal mereka mendapatkan nilai yang lebih
baik melalui osmosis."
Osmosis adalah proses ilmiah. Beberapa molekul melewati lapisan
semi-permeabel sementara molekul yang lebih besar terhalang. Ini
digunakan untuk mendapatkan air murni dari air asin. Ini juga
digunakan untuk proses lain.
Berdasarkan klaim ini, haruskah Anda tidur dengan buku-buku Anda
untuk mendapatkan nilai yang lebih baik?
E. Ya, jika Anda menggunakan bantal semi-permeabel.
F. Ya, karena osmosis adalah proses ilmiah yang diketahui.
G. Tidak, karena buku di bawah bantal mengganggu tidur.
H. Tidak, karena osmosis tidak berhubungan dengan kadar.
9. Sebuah negara bagian mencatat jumlah kecelakaan mobil setiap Matematika dan sains
tahun. Dalam satu tahun, ada 1.056 kecelakaan mobil di jalan raya 4 (mathematics and
atau 6 lajur. Pada tahun yang sama terjadi 589 kecelakaan mobil di science)
jalan raya 2 lajur. Gubernur menyimpulkan bahwa mengemudi di
jalan raya 4 atau 6 lajur lebih berbahaya daripada mengemudi di
jalan raya 2 lajur. Apa pendapat Anda tentang kesimpulan ini?
A. Benar. Jalan raya yang memiliki 4 atau 6 lajur diketahui lebih
B. Salah. Jumlah kecelakaan di jalan raya 2 lajur mungkin akan
C. Benar. Negara bagian memiliki lebih banyak jalan raya dengan
4 atau 6 lajur dibandingkan dengan 2 lajur.
D. Salah. Dia tidak mempertimbangkan jumlah mobil yang
menggunakan setiap jenis jalan raya.
A. 20%
B. 30%
C. 40%
D. 50%
15. Kepala Sekolah Menengah Riley ingin menghapus mesin Sains dan masyarakat
penjual permen dan soda (pop). Di tempat mereka, dia ingin
dimasukkan ke dalam mesin makanan sehat. Dia ingin tahu apa yang
akan dipikirkan murid-muridnya tentang perubahan ini. Apa cara
terbaik untuk mendapatkan jawaban yang akurat untuk pertanyaan
A. Berikan survei kepada semua siswa yang bermain di tim
B. Memberikan survei kepada semua siswa yang menghadiri
pameran kesehatan.
C. Berikan survei kepada setiap siswa ke- 20 pada daftar semua
D. Berikan survei kepada semua siswa yang menggunakan mesin
penjual otomatis.
Apa yang dapat Anda simpulkan secara wajar dari grafik tersebut?
A. George adalah pengendara sepeda yang jauh lebih buruk
daripada Billy.
B. Billy jauh lebih cepat karena kecepatan rata-ratanya jauh lebih
tinggi daripada kecepatan George.
C. Mereka hampir sama karena tidak ada banyak perbedaan dalam
kecepatan mereka.
D. Billy memenangkan semua lima balapan.
17. Sebuah dewan kota ingin melindungi kucing dari tertabrak
mobil di jalan-jalan kota. Mereka memutuskan untuk mengadopsi
kebijakan melarang semua kucing peliharaan berada di
luar. Manakah dari berikut ini yang mungkin merupakan efek yang
tidak diinginkan dari kebijakan ini?
A. Peningkatan populasi tikus
B. Penurunan populasi kucing peliharaan
C. Peningkatan kecelakaan mobil
D. Penurunan kepemilikan anjing
19. Sebuah jurnal ilmiah menerbitkan sebuah studi tentang efek diet
pada tikus. Selama enam minggu, para ilmuwan hanya diberi makan
makanan anjing ke 60 tikus jantan. Mereka memberi makan tikus
normal kepada 60 tikus jantan lainnya selama enam minggu yang
sama. Pada akhir enam minggu, mereka menghitung jumlah tikus di
setiap kelompok yang telah mengembangkan bintik-bintik
gelap. Hasilnya di tabel di bawah ini.
Kesimpulan mana yang disarankan oleh hasil dalam tabel ini?
A. Adalah baik untuk memberi makan makanan anjing kepada
B. Tikus dengan bintik hitam lebih menyukai makanan anjing.
C. Jenis makanan terkait dengan bintik hitam pada tikus.
D. Diet tidak ada hubungannya dengan tikus yang mendapatkan
bintik hitam.
Nilai Ilmu
Value of Science
1. Secara umum, saya merasa
mengerjakan tugas sains
2. Dibandingkan dengan sebagian besar
kegiatan Anda yang lain, seberapa
berguna apa yang Anda pelajari dalam
3. Bagi saya, menjadi baik dalam sains
4. Dibandingkan dengan sebagian besar
kegiatan Anda yang lain, seberapa
penting bagi Anda untuk pandai sains?
5. Seberapa suka Anda melakukan
6. Beberapa hal yang Anda pelajari di
sekolah membantu Anda melakukan hal-
hal yang lebih baik di luar kelas, yaitu
berguna. Misalnya, belajar tentang
tanaman dapat membantu Anda
menumbuhkan kebun. Secara umum,
seberapa berguna apa yang Anda pelajari
dalam sains?
Self-Efficacy for Science Literacy
7. tahu kapan harus menggunakan sains
untuk menjawab pertanyaan.
8. dapat menggunakan sains untuk
membuat keputusan tentang kehidupan
sehari-hari saya.
9. Saya tahu bagaimana menggunakan
metode ilmiah untuk memecahkan
10. Mudah bagi saya untuk membedakan
antara temuan ilmiah dan iklan.
11. Ketika saya melakukan pekerjaan
saya di kelas sains, saya dapat
menemukan ide-ide penting.
12. Saya dapat menggunakan matematika
untuk menjawab pertanyaan ilmiah.
13. Saya dapat membedakan antara
pengamatan dan kesimpulan dalam
sebuah cerita.
14. Sangat mudah bagi saya untuk
membuat grafik data saya.
Apa yang Saya Percaya tentang Sains
Petunjuk arah. Pilih nomor yang paling menggambarkan seberapa setuju Anda dengan
setiap pernyataan di bawah ini. Ini adalah pendapat Anda dan tidak ada jawaban "benar"
atau "salah". Gunakan lembar gelembung terlampir untuk mencatat jawaban Anda.
Alternatif Jawaban
1 2 3 4 5