Assignment - FR Sebastian Alackapally

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Topic: Indian religion: Buddhism

Buddhism is one of India’s most ancient religions of the Ancient Kingdom of Magadha and
also the fourth largest religion found more than 2,500 years ago in India. Buddhism is based
on the teachings of Gautama Buddha who is also called “Buddha” (Awakened One) after his
enlightenment and awakening during meditation under the Bodhi tree. Although there were
other Buddhists who lived before him. Buddhism spread outside of Magadha starting within
the Buddha's lifetime.

Followers of Buddha does not have faith in a particular supreme god or deity. Focus on
achieving enlightenment through inner peace and wisdom which they call nirvana.
Buddhism is not just a religion, it is said to be a ‘way of life. Buddhism developed in two
different groups. One was called the Hinayana which means Lesser Vehicle in Sanskrit and
the other group called, the Mahayana which means Greater Vehicle in Sanskrit. As
Buddhism spread, it encountered new ways of thought and religion. For example, in some
Mahayana communities, the law of karma, which believes that our good actions create
happiness in the future and bad actions create sorrow, was changed that through ritual
actions and devotional practices it can be attained.

The Four Noble Truths, which Buddha taught that explains why humans hurt and how to
overcome suffering. They are:
1. The truth of suffering (dukkha)
2. The truth of the cause of suffering (samudaya)
3. The truth of the end of suffering (nirhodha)
4. The truth of the trial that frees us from suffering (magga)

. Some of the most important sacred texts and scriptures that Buddhists admire are:
● Tipitaka: These texts, referred to as the “three baskets,” are thought to be the
earliest collection of Buddhist writings.
● Sutras: There are quite 2,000 sutras, which are sacred teachings embraced mainly
by Mahayana Buddhists.
● The Book of the Dead: This Tibetan text describes the stages of death intimately.

● Wikipedia
● Class notes by Fr. Sebastian Alackapally

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