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Narration: Sentence

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Narration করতে গগত঱ যা জানতে ঵তে:

1.Reporting speech, Reported speech গেনা

2.঩াে প্রকার Sentence এর গঠণ জানা:

3. Tense ঩ররেেতন:
4. Person ঩ররেেতন:
5. Subject-Object-Possessive ঴ম্পতক জানা:
6. Adverbial Phrase ঴ম্পত তক জানা:

Reporting verb and Reported speecheporting verb

For example:
He said to me, “You will do it for me”.
Inverted comma এর োইতরর sentence গক reporting speech েত঱।
Inverted comma এর গেেতরর sentence গক reported speech েত঱

পাচ প্রকার Sentence:

1. Assertive (sub+r.v+obj) “sub+verb+obj”
2. Interrogative (sub+r.v+obj) “............?”
3. Imperative (sub+r.v+obj) “Verb/let....”
4. Optative (sub+r.v+obj) “May/long......”
5. Exclamatory (sub+r.v+obj) “..........!”
Tense ঩ররেেতন

Present Indefinite-----------Past Indefinite

Present Continuous----------Past Continuous
Present Perfect-----------Past Perfect
Past Indefinite----------Past Perfect Tense
Past Continuous-----------Past Perfect Continuous
Future (shall/will) ---------Future in the Past(should/would)
Modal verb (can/may/must)---------(could/might/had to)
Person ঩ররেেতন:

I, You, He, She, It, any name

He said to me, “I am with you”

=He told me that he was with me

He said to me, “You are like me”

=He told me that I was like him.

Subjective-Objective-Possessive ঴ম্পত তক জানা:

Subject Object Possessive
I me my
You you your
We us our
She her her
He him his
They them their
It it its

Adverbial Phrase এর ঴ম্পত তক জানা:

Direct Indirect
now then
here there
this that
these those
ago before
today that day
yesterday the previous day
tomorrow the next/the following day
Narration of Assertive Sentence

Reporting verb এর object না থাকত঱ indirect speech এর ঴ময় said

অ঩ররেরেে থাকতে+ inverted comma উতঠ that ে঴তে + person ঩ররেরেতে ঵তে
+ tense ঩ররেরেতে ঵তে +ext.


Redoy said, “I am reading a book now”

Answer: Redoy said that he was reading a book then.

Rule 2:

Reporting verb এর object থাকত঱ indirect speech এর ঴ময় said to

঩ররেরেতে told/said to ে঴তে+ inverted comma উতঠ that ে঴তে + person
঩ররেরেতে ঵তে + tense঩ররেরেতে ঵তে +ext.


He said to me, “You are a good officer”

Answer: He told me that I was a good officer

Rule 3:

Reporting verb এর tense present ো future (say/says/will say) ঵ত঱ reported

speech এর verb এর tense গকান ঩ররেেতন ঵য় না।


Ali says, “ I did not play yesterday”

Answer: Ali says that he did not play the previous day

Rule 4:

Reported speech রেরন্তন ঴েয ঵ত঱ tense এর ঩ররেেতন ঵য় না শুধু inverted

comma উতঠ that ে঴তে। গযমন:
Teacher said to the students, “ The earth moves round the sun”
Answer: Teacher told the students that the earth moves round the sun

Rule 5:
must এর ঩ররেতেত had to েত঴।রেরন্তন ঴েয ঵ত঱ গকান ঩ররেেতন ঵য় না।
Teacher said to student, “You must attend the class in time”
Answer: Teacher said to students that he had to attend the class in time
The old man said, “Man must die one day”
Answer: The old man said that man must die one day

Narration of interrogative Sentence:

Rule 1:
Reporting verb উতঠ ask/asked/enquired of ে঴তে এেং inverted comma উতঠ
if/whether ে঴তে।প্রশ্নতোধক োকযটি যরি Wh-Question না থাতক ো঵ত঱
comma উঠিতয় if/whether েত঴। Wh-Question থাকত঱ ো অ঩ররেরেতে
She said to me, “Do you take tea”
Answer: She asked me if I took tea
Rana said to me, “Where did you go yesterday”
Answer: Rana asked me where I had gone the previous day

Narration of Imperative Sentence

Rule 1: Imperative sentence ঵ত঱ reporting verb said/said to এর ঩ররেতেত-
 অনুতরাধ েুঝাত঱-requested
 আতিল েুঝাত঱ ordered/commanded
 উ঩তিল েুঝাত঱ advised
 রনত঳ধ েুঝাত঱ forbade
 ক্ষমা েুঝাত঱ begged
 রকছু না েুঝাত঱ told েত঴ +object +inverted comma উতঠ to ে঴তে +V
present form +ext
Father said to me, “Go home at once”
Answer: Father ordered me to go home at once.
Rule 2: Imperative sentence টি negative ঵ত঱ to এর ঩ররেত তে not to ে঴তে।
েতে forbade র঱খত঱ not to ঵তে না।গযমন;
Father said to me, “Do not run the sun”
Answer: Father ordered me not to run the sun
Answer: Father forbade me to run the sun

Rule 3: Let দ্বারা প্রস্তাে েুঝাত঱ ো (let us/let’s) থাকত঱;

গঠণ: Sub+ proposed to/suggested েত঴ + obj + inverted comma উতঠ that
েত঴ + they/we+should + েত঴ মূ঱ verb গথতক গল঳ ঩যন্তত । গযমন;
Hasan said to his friends, “let us have a picnic on friday”
Answer: Hasan proposed to his friends that they should have a picnic on

Note—Reporting verb এর আতগ ঑ ঩তর I/me/we/us থাকত঱ subject we

অনযথায় they ঵য়। গযমন;
Hasan said to me, “let us have a picnic on friday”
Answer: Hasan proposed to me that we should have a picnic on friday.

Rule 4 : let+me/him/her/themথাকত঱( Sub+told+obj+that+sub+might+v1+ext)

গযমন; He said to me, “ let me do it”
Answer: He told me that he might do it

Narration of Optative sentence

Rule 1: inverted comma উঠিতয় রিতয় that ে঴াতে ঵য় +reporting verb উঠিতয়
wish/pray ঵য় +reported speech এর Sub ঩তর may/might ঵য় + অনযান রনয়ম
assertive sentence এর নযায় ঵ে।
Father said to me, “ May you be happy”
Answer: Father wished that I might be happy

Narration of Exclamatory sentence

Rule 1: Reporting verb উতঠ রনতের word গুত঱া ে঴ে।
আনন্দ েুঝাতে............exclaim with joy
িুুঃখ েুঝাতে...............exclaim with sorrow/grief
শুতেচ্ছা/঴ুপ্রোে েুঝাতে...............wish
রেিায় েুঝাতে.............bid(past-bade)
রেষ্ময় েুঝাতে..............exclaim with surprise
He said, “Alas! I am undone”
Answer: He exclaimed with grief that he was undone.

Rule 2: Reported speech যরি how/what রিতয় শুরু ঵য় এেং ঐ োতকয একটি
adjective/noun থাতক ো঵ত঱ indirect speech এ ঐ adjective এর আতগ
very/completely এেং noun এর আতগ great েযেহৃে ঵য়। গযমন;

He said, “How fine the book is!”

Answer: He exclaimed with surprise that the book was very fine
He said, “What a fool he is!”
Answer: He exclaimed with wonder that he was a great fool.

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