REquirements For Registration of Business Permits & Licenses

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Primary Permits/Permits

1. Barangay Clearance
2. DTI Business Name (BN) Registration Certificate –for Single Prop.

3. SEC Certificate of Registration –for Partnership/Corporation

4. CDA Registration -for Cooperative

5. Mayor’s Business Permit.

6. BIR Certificate of Registration.

7. SSS

8. Philhealth

9. Pag-ibig

10. DOLE- with 5 or more employees

B. Special permits

Government Agency Business Trade

Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) for banks, financing companies, pawnshops, money
changers, and other financial institutions
Bureau of Food and Drugs (BFAD);
for business related in the manufacturing, trading, repacking,
Bureau of Food and Drug importing, exporting, distributing of any products related to
Administration (FDA) food and drugs

Bureau of Animal Industry (BAI) for business related to animals.

Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic for business related in fishing and aquatics products
Resources (BFAR)
Bureau of Forest Development for exporters of forest products (e.g. logs, lumber products,
plywood, etc.)

Forest Management Bureau (FMB) for business related in lumber, logs, and other wood product.

Bureau of Plant Industry (BPI) for business related to plants and vegetable crops.
Commission on Higher Education
(CHED) for entities involved in providing education.

Department of Education (DepEd)

DTI-Bureau of Product Standards For commodity clearance for producers, manufacturers or

(BPS) exporters, whose product quality after due inspection,
sampling, and testing, is found to meet established standards
Fiber Industry Development Authority for business related in fiber producing products.
Garments and Textile Industry For all manufacturers of garments and textile for exports.
Development Office (GTIDO)

National Subcontractors Exchange for those interested to tie up with export oriented firms as
(SUBCONEX) sub-contractors/suppliers, provided they fall under any of the
following sectors: garments and handwoven fabrics, gifts and
housewares, furniture and fixtures, footware and leather
goods, fresh and processed foods, and jewelry.
Insurance Commission (IC) for insurance and other IC regulated entities.

Intellectual Patent Office (IPO) for registering your trademarks, logos, slogans, processes
and secret formulas.
National Food Authority (NFA);
for rice, corn and flour dealers
National Grains Authority (NGA)

Philippine Coconut Authority (PCA) for businesses related in grain-rice farming and trading.

National Tobacco Administration for business related to tobacco products.


Technical Education and Skills for institutions involve in technical education and skills
Development Authority (TESDA) development

Department of Trade Accreditation certificate, in case of auto repair shop,

electronics, radio and other electrical equipments
Custom Broker’s Commission in case of custom brokerage business
Department of Trade and Industry in case of real estate broker
Philippine Contractors Accreditation Contractor’s License - in case of General/Specialty and
Board (PCAB) Engineering Contractor
Securities and Exchange Commission Future commodity merchant/broker’s license for those
(SEC) engaged in the sale of commodities for future transactions
as merchant/broker;

Department of Labor and Employment in case of recruitment agency


Philippine Overseas and Employment in case of manning and crewing services


Fertilizers and Insecticide Pest control license, in case of pest control services

Videogram Regulatory Board Videogram permit in case of video rental services

for those operating security agencies
License to Operate Firearms &
Explosive Units (Camp Crame)

Department of Environmental and in case of Mining

Natural Resources (DENR)

LTO franchising and regulatory board in case of rent-a-car and transport services

Department of Transportation & in case of messengerial and courier services

Communication (DOTC)

Philippine Shipper’s Bureau in case of forwarders

Energy Regulatory Board (ERB) in case of dealer of LPG

National Telecommunications in case of telecommunications

Commission (NTC)


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