FFC-MBR-QC-CON-01 A Oct. 03, 2018: 3000 Psi at 28 Day 20 0.8 Good Mild 100 0.53 364
FFC-MBR-QC-CON-01 A Oct. 03, 2018: 3000 Psi at 28 Day 20 0.8 Good Mild 100 0.53 364
FFC-MBR-QC-CON-01 A Oct. 03, 2018: 3000 Psi at 28 Day 20 0.8 Good Mild 100 0.53 364
d Specific gravity
Sand = 2.503
Coarse 3/8 =
Coarse 3/4 = 2.944
Coarse g-1 = 2.881
e Water Absorption, %
Sand = 0.31 %
Coarse 3/8 = %
Coarse 3/4 = 0.23 %
Coarse g-1 = 1.98 %
f Free Surface Moisture, %
Sand = 5.35 %
Coarse 3/8 = %
Coarse 3/4 = 0.43 %
Coarse g-1 = 0.2 %
g Fineness Modulus of Fine Aggregates = 3.0
(a) Maximum water/ cement ratio according to Table 405.2 - DPWH Standard Specification
w = 0.53
(b) Recommended water-cement ratio as per Table 1-ACI 211.1.
w = 0.51
(c) Assume value of water/ cement ratio (w') 0.55
By interpolation of values specify in Table 1 corresponding to the Target Strength of 32.3273517737534 Mpa is;
Upper Limit 35 Mpa 0.48
Recommended water-cement ratio
Target Strength 32.32735 Mpa w/c = 0.51
as per Table 1-ACI 211.1.
Lower Limit 28 Mpa 0.57
3% 2.50% 2% 1.50% 1% 0.50% 0.30% 0.20%
Cement Content (Cp) = 389.09 kg Comply to meet the minimum cement content
Fly Ash Content = 0.00 kg
Required Admix Content (CA) =Cp x1.1% = 4.28 kg
Reduced water content due to addition of
= 181.90 kg
chemical admixtures
Project : Mamburao Project
Location : Mamburao, Occidental Mindoro
10.0 Therfore, the actual quantities of materials required for the mix are;
Water 0.40 = 154.97 kg
Cement 1.00 = 389.09 kg
Chemical Admix 0.01 = 4.28 kg
Fly Ash - = 0.00 kg
Fine aggregate 1.51 = 587.18 kg
Coarse Aggregate 1.73 G-1 = 672.67 kg
1.48 G-3/4 = 576.58 kg
TOTAL DENSITY = 2,384.77 kg
The above batch weights are based on SSD condition and are subject to change depending upon the moisture content of
aggregates on the stock pile.