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Conservative Management of Lower Second Premolar Impaction: Case Report

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Australian Dental Journal 2000;45:(4):279-281

Conservative management of lower second

premolar impaction
Anthony R Collett*

Abstract In some cases, orthodontic traction and

Lower second premolars account for approximately repositioning may be indicated. Exposure and
24 per cent of impactions, excluding third molars, bonding can be technically demanding and extreme
even though most reports in the literature relating to cases are best not exposed but, instead, managed
impacted teeth address the maxillary canine, with with a wait and see approach.8 Becker recently
relatively few reports on the lower second premolar.
Conservative management involves surgical
discussed two cases of surgical exposure followed by
exposure of the crown, however, subsequent bonding of an attachment for traction.8 One of these
premolar eruption is unpredictable. cases was a failed attempt at bonding and traction,
A case is described in which removal of a underscoring the difficulty of access for bonding. If
deciduous second molar was followed by eruption the primary molar and premolar are in close
of an unfavourably inclined premolar located deep
within the alveolus. Sufficient time must be allowed association, extraction of the molar may be all that is
for eruption and in the present case 16 months required to allow for eruption. As long as tilting of
elapsed before the tooth had erupted to the level of the premolar is slight and it is not too deep in the
the occlusal plane. alveolus, removal of the deciduous molar will usually
Key words: Lower premolar impaction, case report. result in premolar eruption.
(Received for publication December 1998. Revised Jacobs documented six cases of successful
March 1999. Accepted March 1999.) exposure and eruption.6 In all six cases, the axial root
inclination favoured eruption. Andreasen illustrated
successful and unsuccessful cases of exposure of a
Introduction horizontally inclined premolar.3 A single case of a
Lower second premolars account for approximately horizontally inclined premolar (long arch aligned
24 per cent of impactions, excluding third molars,1,2 with arch) erupting without orthodontic intervention,
with the overall frequency for lower premolar following extraction of the first permanent molar,
impactions being 0.2-0.3 per cent.3 Aetiological was outlined by Howard.9 The mesial molar root
factors for premolar impaction appear to include showed signs of resorption, inferring a distal
arch length deficiency, ectopic position of the tooth migratory path for the premolar, which then
germ, obstacles to eruption such as an ankylosed presumably took the path of least resistance
primary molar, the presence of supernumerary teeth through the molar extraction socket. It has been
or odontomas and genetic factors.3 Most reports in hypothesized that, following exposure, forces act on
the literature relating to impacted teeth address the the tooth to direct it toward the exposed area; the
maxillary canine, with relatively few reports on the tooth being carried along with the reparative
lower second premolar. changes as the bone defect reduces in size.
Conservative management with exposure of the In some cases where the premolar demonstrates
crown has been advocated.3-7 The majority of reported significant deviation from its normal inclination,
cases involved distally impacted premolars in which surgical repositioning of the premolar or
the long axis was inclined to favour eruption if autotransplantation should be considered.3
exposed. Surgical exposure is unpredictable and best
limited to cases with no more than 45° tilting of the Case report
long axis from its normal position.3 A 13 year old female presented for examination
with radiographic evidence of a horizontally inclined
*Specialist private practice in orthodontics. Associate staff member, lower right second premolar, with the unusual
School of Dental Science, The University of Melbourne. feature of its long axis lying transversely. The
Australian Dental Journal 2000;45:4. 279
Fig 1. – The OPG showing the retained 85 and horizontally positioned 45.

panoramic radiograph is reproduced in Fig 1. Of The patient failed to attend some check visits;
note was a retained 85 and a horizontally inclined however, 10 months after the extraction the patient
45. The crown and root apex could be easily palpated was reviewed and the premolar found to be partially
on the buccal and lingual aspects of the dento- erupted. Sixteen months after the extraction, the 45
alveolar ridge, respectively. The patient had very had reached the level of the occlusal plane. At this
good dentofacial aesthetics with an overall Class 1 time, to detail its final position, the 45 was bonded,
occlusion and well aligned arches (Fig 2). and a sectional archwire placed from 44 to 46.
A conservative approach was outlined to the
patient, consisting of extraction of the 85 and space Discussion and conclusion
maintenance by means of orthodontic bands on the Ideal premolar positioning (Fig 3) was obtained
44 and 46, with a sectional archwire to prevent with minimal treatment. The case serves to illustrate
tipping into the edentulous site. In consultation with that even unfavourably inclined premolars located
the general dentist, the extraction was performed. deep within the alveolus can successfully erupt with
Surgical exposure through the socket was not a conservative approach such as removal of a
attempted as there were concerns about uncovering deciduous molar. Patience is required and if
and damaging the root surface due to the horizontal extraction of the retained deciduous molar is
transverse orientation. The family was told that, if performed in the mixed dentition stage, and the
the tooth failed to erupt, surgical exposure with tooth fails to erupt, any later comprehensive fixed
orthodontic traction would be required and, if this appliance treatment can still be completed by the
failed to mobilize the tooth, prosthetic management mid-teens. Importantly, earlier treatment with
would be indicated. Due to the advanced root incomplete root development is more successful
development (note other premolars on the where surgical repositioning or autotransplantation
panoramic radiograph), surgical repositioning and are indicated. Comprehensive scientific studies of
autotransplantation would not be viable treatment treatment modalities for impacted lower premolars
alternatives. are lacking, presumably due to their low rate of

2 3
Fig 2. – Pretreatment right buccal view of occlusion illustrating excellent intercuspation of the teeth.
Fig. 3. – Post-treatment view of lower arch. Note the well aligned right premolars. There are some mild rotations present in the untreated left
280 Australian Dental Journal 2000;45:4.
occurrence. Although the overall success rates in 5. Cryer BS. The unpredictable lower second premolar? Dent Pract
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6. Jacobs SG. The surgical exposure of teeth – simplest, safest and
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monitor option may provide a non-invasive and cost- 7. Ohman I, Ohman A. The eruption tendency and changes of
effective approach. direction of impacted teeth following surgical exposure. Oral Surg
Oral Med Oral Pathol 1980;49:383-389.
References 8. Becker A. The orthodontic treatment of impacted teeth. London:
Martin Dunitz, 1998.
1. Thilander B, Myrberg N. The prevalence of malocclusion in
Swedish school children. Scand J Dent Res 1973;81:12-21. 9. Howard RD. Impacted tooth position: Unexpected improvements.
Brit J Orthod 1978;5:87-92.
2. Thilander H,Thilander B, Persson G.Treatment of impacted teeth
by surgical exposure. A survey study. Sven Tandlak Tidskr
3. Andreasen JO.The impacted premolar. In: Andreasen JO, Petersen
JK, Laskin DM, eds. Textbook and color atlas of tooth impactions.
Diagnosis, treatment and prevention. Copenhagen: Munksgaard, Address for correspondence/reprints:
Dr Anthony R Collett
4. Azaz B, Steiman Z, Koyoumdjisky-Kaye E, Lewin-Epstein J. The
sequelae of surgical exposure of unerupted teeth. J Oral Surg 7 Dawson Street
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Australian Dental Journal 2000;45:4. 281

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