Pressure Technical Manual: For PVC and Polyethylene Pipe Systems

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Pressure Technical Manual

For PVC and polyethylene pipe systems

Civil and Infrastructure

1. Plastic Pipelines - General

2. PVC & PE - Consideration Before Design

3. PVC

4. Polyethylene

5. Design

6. Installation

7. Jointing Systems

8. Handling & Storage

9. Testing & Commissioning

10. Chemical Resistance

11. Disclaimer

12. Calculator

• Plastics Pipes for Pressure Applications


• Medium Density PE

• Strength

• Service Lifetime Variations

• The Stress Regression Line for Hoop Stress

• Weatherability and Temperature Changes

• Elevated Temperatures

• Elevated Temperatures Pressure De-rating

• Expansion and Contraction

• Toughness

• Hydraulic Properties

• Fire Rating

• Chemical Resistance and Stability

• Permeability

• Chemicals Potentially Harmful to

PLASTICS PIPES FOR used to assess the future available strength of the
pipe material by undertaking a hydrostatic pressure
PRESSURE APPLICATIONS test and generating regression curves from varying
stress/life to failure tests at varying temperature.
This manual has been designed to detail the prop- These prolonged tests, in excess of 10,000 hours,
erties, design and installation requirements for the are accelerated for quality control purposes by
plastics pipe systems produced by Marley New using elevated temperatures (typically 80°C) for
Zealand Limited. These plastics pipes are made MDPE. The method identifies a Minimum Required
from PVC and MDPE and where comments are Strength (MRS) value derived from the 50 year
made that are relevant to both systems the term extrapolated 97.5% lower confidence limit (LCL)
“plastics” is used. For specific details relevant to a failure stress.
particular material type the generic term (ie, PVC or A safety factor is applied to the MRS to determine
MDPE) is. the design stress permissable safety factor.
The following safety factors are currently in use:
PVC-u 2.14 - AS/NZ - 1477 • 1999
(POLYVINYL CHLORIDE) PVC-m 1.42 - AS/NZ - 4765 • 2000
PVC is produced from the polymerisation of VCM PE80 1.25 - AS/NZ - 4130 • 1997
(Vinyl Chloride Monomer) which is made from sodi-
um chloride (common salt) and hydrocarbons from
natural gas. PVC requires the addition of certain SERVICE LIFETIME
additives including heat stabilisers and lubricants
to enable it to be processed into finished products. VARIATIONS
The addition of plasticisers results in flexible PVC The adoption of a 50 year design life to establish a
which is commonly used for hoses, shoe soles, value for hoop stress is arbitrary and does not
flooring and upholstery materials. relate to the actual lifetime of the pipeline.
Rigid PVC pressure pipes do not contain plasticis- Where pipelines are used in installations such as
ers and are commonly referred to as uPVC or water supply, where economic evaluations such as
PVC-u pipes indicating that they are unplasticised. present value calculations are performed, the
PVC can also be made more ductile with the use of lifetimes of PE lines designed and operated within
impact modifiers and these pipes are referred to as the NZ guidelines may be regarded as 70/100
mPVC or PVC-m pipes. years for the purpose of the calculations.
In this manual PVC is used to refer to both PVC-u Any values beyond these figures are meaningless
and PVC-m pipes and where a specific property as the assumptions made in other parts of the
may differ it is referenced by its full name. economic evaluations outweigh the effect of pipe
MEDIUM DENSITY PE Where the particular application departs from the
AS/NZS4130 design criteria, which is based on
(MDPE) 50 years, in that a shorter lifetime is required,
MDPE materials are produced by low pressure then the pressure rating of the pipe may be adjust-
polymerisation methods and have densities in the ed.
range of 0.93 - 0.94 kg/m3. Such applications may occur in mining installations
The current range of materials referred to as MDPE where the economic lifetime of the ore body may
are classified as PE 100, PE 80B materials which be 5 or 10 years or for dredging operations where
are specialised polyethylene polymers. the project may only be operational for 6 months.
MDPE materials generally have improved properties For situations involving high costs of downtime and
in elongation and crack propagation compared to repair, a higher factor should be used. For less crit-
HDPE materials. ical situations, lower factors would be quite in
Applications include any water reticulation, order. Where factors such as transient pressures
sewer and waste water ducts, gas pipe, elevated (eg. water hammer) and other loads are predicted
temperature applications such as artesian bore and allowed for, lower factors of safety are appro-
water reticulation, travelling irrigator coils and rural priate.
water reticulation due to the nature of the piping.

The “strength” of a pipe may be considered as its
ability to withstand (hoop) stress in the pipe mater-
ial under internal pressure over a prolonged period
of time. The design stress for local authorities is
chosen to ensure a life in excess of 50 years.
The strength of plastics pipes is known to be
time/temperature dependent. This characteristic is

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THE STRESS For specification purposes the design points adopt-
ed for PVC-u pipes is the 50 year line with an ulti-
REGRESSION LINE FOR mate stress of 23.6 MPa (26.0 MPa for pipes
175mm and above) giving a safety factor of 2.1. It
HOOP STRESS can be seen that the safety factor at 100 years is
The traditional method for portraying the tensile only slightly lower. For PVC-m the ultimate stress is
strength of plastics pipe is through a graph of log 17.5 MPa.
stress vs log time to failure. For polyethylene pipes the method of classifying the
This is known as the stress regression line. This material is by reference to its Minimum Required
chart is a plot of circumferential stress in the pipe Strength (MRS). The MRS is determined by using
wall against time to failure. the value of the predicted hoop stress (97.5% lower
Practical tests are done subjecting pipe samples to confidence limit) at the 50 year point.
different hoop stresses and the results of the times The hydrostatic design stress (HDS) is obtained by
to failure are plotted over a range of times up to the application of a factor, not less than 1.25, to the
10,000 hours. A linear regression line (log log) is MRS value.
established and extrapolated to the longer term. The wall thickness of Marley MDPE manufactured
An appropriate factor of safety is established on the to AS/NZ4130 are established by use of the Barlow
long term ultimate stress to give a working stress formula as follows:
for design purposes. PD
The confidence of extrapolated data such as this T= and S = MRS/C
2S + P
depends on a number of factors:
1. The linearity of the data
T = minimum wall thickness (mm)
2. The scatter of the data (data fit)
P = working pressure (MPa)
3. Data available concerning closely allied materials
D = minimum mean OD (mm)
With MDPE which exhibits a knee in the regression
S = design hoop stress (MPa)
line testing is also done at elevated to determine the
MRS = Minimum Required Strength
position of the knee. This stress regression which is
C = Safety Factor Typically 1.25 for water
used to define the knee is used only as a design
basis and does not predict the system life which has
been shown to be significantly greater than the con-
servative predictions.




Hoop Stress


0.10 1.0 10 102 103 104 105 106 hours
1 month 1 year 10 years 50years
PE 100
Time to Failure
PE 80B
PE 80C

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WEATHERABILITY AND Marley PVC pipes are stabilised with Ti02 to pro-
vide suitable protection for up to 50 years expo-
UV degradation will result in micro crazing of the
Black PE material has generally excellent prolonged surface which results in a reduction of impact
weatherability properties and can readily withstand strength. Tests have shown however that the
wide variations of weather without degradation. hoop stress of the pipe is not compromised when
Black PE pipes contain carbon black pigments such degradation occurs. Marley recommend
which act both as a pigment and as an ultra violet that pipes that are to be installed in situations
radiation stabiliser and these pipes require no where they are directly exposed to UV should be
additional protection for external storage, or pro- protected by painting with a light coloured acrylic
longed use in natural conditions. paint or covered.

Blue MDPE pipe is subject to a degree of degra- ELEVATED TEMPERATURES

dation when exposed to ultra violet light (sunlight)
for prolonged periods. UV stabilisers are used to Reversion
counteract this effect and such material has with- The term “reversion” refers to dimensional change
stood practical exposures for periods in excess of in plastic products as a consequence of “material
a year without apparent deleterious effects. memory”. Plastic products “memorise” their original
Any surface degradation has a particular impact formed shape and if they are subsequently distorted,
when using fusion jointing techniques and leads they will return to their original shape under heat.
to recommendations for the scraping of the sur-
face of the material prior to jointing. Theoretically, reversion proceeds at all temperatures,
Blue MDPE is basically intended for use in buried but with high quality extrusion it is of no practical
conditions unless protected from prolonged sun- significance in plain pipe at temperatures below
light exposure. This is reflected in the current rec- 600C.
ommendation to provide protection against UV
exposure when used in above ground situations Pressure Ratings at Elevated
or when stored outside for periods greater than Te m p e r a t u r e s
one year. The mechanical properties of plastic pipes are ref-
Black MDPE should be purchased for continuous erenced at 200C. Thermoplastics generally
unshaded above ground use. decrease in strength and increase in ductility as the
Natural PVC is degraded by prolonged exposure temperature rises and design stresses must be
to UV unless it is afforded some protection. adjusted accordingly.

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uPVC Pipes
Temp PN6 PN9 PN12 PN15
20 0.60 0.90 1.20 1.50
30 0.48 0.72 0.96 1.20
40 0.36 0.54 0.72 0.90
50 0.24 0.36 0.48 0.60
60 0.12 0.18 0.24 0.30

PE80B Material
Maximum Working Pressure (Metres Head)
Temp PN4 PN6.3 PN8 PN10 PN12.5 PN16
20 40 63 80 100 125 160
25 39 61 78 97 122 156
30 37 59 75 94 112 156
35 35 55 70 87 109 140
40 32 51 65 81 102 130
45 30 47 60 75 94 120
50 26 41 52 65 81 104

PE100 Material
Maximum Working Pressure (Metres Head)
Temp PN4 PN6.3 PN8 PN10 PN12.5 PN16
20 40 63 80 100 125 160
25 37 59 75 94 112 156
30 35 55 70 87 109 140
35 32 51 74 80 100 128
40 29 46 58 73 91 117
45 26 42 53 66 83 106
50 24 37 47 59 74 94
The above tables are based on the relationship: the operating temperature may be taken as the
(70 - T) mean of the internal and external pipe surface
PT = P20 temperatures.
It should be noted that the pressure condition
where: where flow is stopped for prolonged periods should
PT = maximum working pressure at T°C also be checked. In this event, water temperature
P20 = maximum working pressure at 20°C and outside temperature may equalise.
T = material temperature °C
2. With respect to time:
This is equivalent to a reduction in working pressure The average temperature may be considered to
of 2% per 1°C rise in temperature above 20°C. be the weighted average of temperatures in
Pressure ratings for pipes of other classes may be accordance with the percentage of time spent at
computed from these relationships. each temperature under operational pressures:
The material temperature in question here is the
Tm = T1L1 + T2L2 + ... + TnLn
average temperature of the pipe wall under
operational conditions. where Ln = proportion of life spent at temperature Tn
Temperature is averaged in two ways:
1. Across the wall of the pipe: This approximation is reasonable provided the
Where a temperature differential exists between temperature variations from the mean do not
the fluid in the pipe and the external environment, exceed ±10°C which is generally the case for pipes

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buried below 300 mm. tion of thermal movement is during installation in
For most underground water supply systems, the high ambient temperatures.
overall mean temperature from meteorological Under these conditions the black PE pipe will be at
records is appropriate for class selection purposes, its maximum surface temperature and when placed
since this represents the mean of the annual and into a shaded trench and backfilled, will undergo
diurnal sinusoidal temperature patterns. the maximum temperature change and hence ther-
For systems subjected to lager variations, the mal movement.
temperature for rating purposes should be taken as in these cases the effects of thermal movement
the maximum less 10°C. However the peak can be minimised by some minor snaking of the
temperature should not exceed 60°C. pipe in the trench for small diameter sizes (up to
For large diameter pipe the final connection
A reticulation system is to be installed in a town
shouldbe left until the pipe temperature has sta-
with a mean ground temperature at pipe depth
bilised to that of the surrounding soil.
20°C. The December-February average is 25°C.
Above ground pipes require no expansion/contrac-
Although diurnal variations occur with air temperatures
tion considerations for free ended pipe or where
up to 40°C during heatwave period, water temperatures
lateral movement is of no concern on site.
and ground temperatures at pipe depth do not
Alternatively, pipes may be anchored at intervals to
exceed the mean of 27°C. A 50 year life is required
allow lateral movement to be spread evenly along
at basic factor of safety 2.145.
the length of the pipeline.
Weighted average temperature: Where rubber ring jointed (Z joint) pipe is used for
Tm = 25(3/12) + 20.5(6/12) + 15(3/12) buried urban water supply, the thermal movement
= 6.25 + 10.25 + 3.75 = 20.25°C caused by seasonal changes in temperature can
Therefore use rating for 20°C. This is the same be absorbed by the rubber ring rocking in the
result as taking the mean. recess. The joint is not able to absorb the gross
movement caused on occasions by the severe
EXPANSION AND temperature drop at the time of laying.
A pipeline should be allowed to expand and con-
CONTRACTION tract freely.
Wherever possible, expansion and contraction
All materials expand and contract with changes in should be taken up by changes in direction.
temperature and uPVC has a relatively high rate of Careful positioning of fixed points will enable the
change. direction of expansion and contraction to be con-
The coefficient of thermal expansion for PVC is trolled.
7 x 10-5/°C. Expansion bellows and O-ring slip joints should be
A handy rule is 7 mm change in length for every 10 used only as a last resort; the pipes must then be
metres for every 10°C change in temperature. suitably protected against separation.
The coefficient of thermal expansion for MDPE is Care must be taken in the positioning of loose
2.0 x 10-4/°C. brackets, as these can sometimes create condi-
A handy rule is 14mm change in length for every 10 tions in which there may be a risk of shearing.
metres for every 10°C change in temperature. Values and heavy components must be indepen-
Therefore this characteristic must be considered dently supported so that no stresses are imposed
carefully in the design of the pipeline and during on the pipeline.
installation. In buried pipelines the main considera-



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In practice it is recognised that plastics is a tough,
resilient material capable of withstanding the normal
rigours of pipelaying and service conditions. The
many years of successful installation and service of
PVC and MDPE pipe in the water industry confirms
this confidence.

Plastics pipes have high resistance to abra-
sion by suspended particles being carried in the
water, however the external surface can be
scratched and gouged by sharp objects. Careful
handling is therefore required but provided the
depth of any surface notch is no greater than 10%
of the wall thickness, there is no significant loss in
the stress rupture performance of the pipe.
The properties of plastics pipes including flexibil-
ity, ease of handling and robustness have led to
their widespread use for abrasive applications
such as mine tailings and slurry transportation.
Abrasion occurs as a result of friction between the
pipe wall and the transported particles.
The actual amount and rate of abrasion of the pipe
wall is determined by a combination of:

• the specific gravity of the solids

• the solids content in the slurry HYDRAULIC PROPERTIES
• solid particle shape, hardness and size
• fluid velocity The smooth bore of plastics pipes enables them to
• pipe material be treated as `hydraulically smooth` when used for
In general terms plastics pipes have superior the conveyance of potable water.
abrasion resistance to steel, cast and ductile iron, The smooth surface discourages the formation of
asbestos and fibre reinforced cement pipes and scale in hard water areas but certain waters may,
provide a more cost effective solution for abrasive at times, give rise to slime and silt deposits, partic-
slurry installations. ularly at joints or fittings and this may increase fric-
Laboratory test programs have been performed in tional losses.
the UK, Germany and the USA on standardised For the purpose of calculation of flow rates in new
slurries to obtain relative wear comparisons for plastics pipelines, the Colebrook-White formula
various materials using sliding and rotating pipe may be used in which the value of the hydraulic
surfaces. roughness factor Ks is 0.003 mm for clean water.
The results of test programs using the Darmstadt Further details of hydraulic constants, flow charts
method of Kirschmer and reported by Meldt and frictional losses are given.
(Hoechst AG) for a slurry of quartz sand/gravel
water with a solids content 46% by volume and a
flow velocity of 0.36 m/s are shown.
These were performed across a range of materials
and show the excellent abrasion resistance of PN6 61 0.6 87
MDPE and PVC. PN9 91 0.9 130
PN12.5 122 1.2 178
Conductivity PN15 153 1.5 217
Plastics pipes are poor conductors. At all times PE PN18 184 1.8 260
pipe should be protected against radiant heat that
There are, however, many factors which must be
could raise its surface temperature above 60C.
considered when determining the severity of
Plastics pipes are also poor conductors of electric-
service and the appropriate class of pipe. In some
ity and no attempt should, therefore, be made to
instances, standard factors of safety may be too
use pipework constructed of the material as means
conservative, in others too risky. The final choice is
of earthing electrical equipment.
up to the designer in the light of his knowledge of
Because of their electrical resistivity, caution is
his particular situation.
required in the handling and use of plastics pipes
where the generation of high levels of static elec-
tricity may present a hazard.

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FIRE RATING the chemical. Examples of this type of attack on
uPVC are aqua regia at 200C and wet chlorine
PE pipe systems will support combustion and as gas.
such are not suitable for use in fire rated zones in
buildings without protection. FACTORS AFFECTING
In multi-storey buildings PE systems penetrating
floor cavities must be enclosed in fire rated service CHEMICAL RESISTANCE
PVC pipe systems may support combustion but are A number of factors can affect the rate and type of
self-extinguishing when the source of ignition is chemical attack that may occur. These are:
Concentration: In general, the rate of attack
CHEMICAL RESISTANCE increases with concentration, but in many cases
there are threshold levels below which no
AND STABILITY significant chemical effect will be noted.
Corrosion Resistance Temperature: As with all processes, rate of attack
For all practical purposes, plastics pipes are chem- increases as temperature rises. Again, threshold
ically inert within their normal temperature range of temperatures may exist.
use. They do not rot, rust, pit, corrode or lose wall Period of Contact: In many cases rates of attack
thickness through chemical or electrical reaction are slow and of significance only with sustained
with the surrounding soil. They do not normally contact.
support the growth of, nor is it affected by algae,
bacteria or fungi. Stress: Some plastics under stress can undergo
higher rates of attack. In general uPVC is
Chemical Effects considered relatively insensitive to “stress
Plastics pipes have a good resistance to a wide corrosion”.
range of chemicals. In the water supply context,
the main concern is the effect of certain chemicals
Considerations for Plastics Pipe
existing in contaminated ground, some of which For normal water supply work, plastics pipes are
can have harmful effect upon the pipe material or totally unaffected by soil and water chemicals. The
may cause taste problems in extreme cases due to question of chemical resistance is likely to arise
permeation through the material wall. In broad only if they are used in unusual environments or if
terms the most common harmful chemicals are oxi- they are used to convey chemical substances.
disers, cracking agents and certain solvents as Table 2 gives guidance in this context.
shown in the Chemical Resistance Table. For applications characterised as food conveyance
or storage, health regulations should be observed.
Where pipelines are to be laid in environments Specific advice should be obtained on the use of
where significant concentrations of such chemicals plastics pipes.
may prevail (e.g. garage forecourts, within certain
processing works, etc) the use of PVC or PERMEABILITY
MDPE is NOT recommended unless suitability
sleeved, although it is noted leakage of this nature Plastics pipes can be shown to be permeable to
is not acceptable under the Environment Act. certain gases and liquids under extreme condi-
tions, the rate of permeation being mainly depen-
For the effects of specific chemicals on plastics pipes dent upon the thickness of the pipe, the concentra-
see chemical resistance table. tion, time and temperature.
Chemical Attack Permeation of natural gas into the water supply
Chemicals that attack plastics do so at differing pipe causing taste problems should be of no con-
rates and in differing ways. There are two general cern provided reasonable separation distances are
types of chemical attack on plastic: maintained.
1. Swelling of the plastic occurs but the plastic
returns to its original condition if the chemical
is removed. However, if the plastic has a
compounding ingredient that is soluble in the
chemical, the plastic may be changed because
of the removal of this ingredient and the chemical
itself will be contaminated.
2. The base resin or polymer molecules are
changed by crosslinking, oxidation, substitution
reactions or chain scission. In these situations
the plastic cannot be restored by the removal of

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Chemicals Potentially Harmful to Plastics Pipes

Group Generalised Examples Effect on MDPE Effect on PVC

Oxidisers Very strong acids Degradation. Generally no degradation
Cracking agents Concentrated Detergents No degradation. (Under high No degradation
temperatures, accelerates cracking
under stress in brittle manner).
Solvents Hydrocarbons, such as No degradation but may be Can swell and soften PVC
petrols and oils. absorbed into pipe wall causing causing reduction in hoop
reduction in hoop strength and strength and possible
possible taste problems. taste problems.

Alkaline Solutions Strong Alkalines No degradation Generally no degradation

but Chloride Solution needs
to be given special attention.

Note: For detailed information refer to Chemical Resistance Chart.

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2. PVC & PE
- Consideration before Design

• PE
Mainlaying Design and Installation Considerations
Design Considerations Laying Considerations
1. PVC pipes are usually joined using the push- 1. Gradual changes of direction of PVC pipelines
fit elastomeric jointing ring or solvent cement can be accommodated by pipe deflection but
techniques. The push-fit technique has advan- every effort should be made to keep the pipe as
tages as it is less dependent on weather condi- central as possible within the trench to enable
tions and provides allowances for pipe move- correct side-fill compaction.
ment. The solvent cement technique is usually
restricted to smaller diameter pipes. 2. PVC should generally be installed in straight runs
in order to reduce the stresses induced when the
2. The sub surface material to be excavated should pipe is bent. It is possible in some circumstances
be assessed for its suitability as backfill material, however to bend the pipe in a radius no less than
i.e. free from large sharp stones, heavy clay, etc. 200 times the pipe diameter. Elastomeric ring
If the material is unsuitable for bedding and joints will provide for some deflection of the pipe
surround to the pipe then imported material in the vicinity of 3° but it is unacceptable for the
should be utilised and the surplus spoil removed trailing joint to have an angular deflection greater
from site. than 1°C.

3. The properties of PVC make it suitable for areas 2. During the pipelaying of continuous fusion joint
subject to minor ground movements due to systems, allowance should be made for the
seismic forces, mining subsidence, com- movement likely to occur due to the thermal
paction of filled sites or the disturbance caused expansion/contraction of the material. This effect
by the activities of other utilities in the vicinity. In is most pronounced at the end connections to
larger sizes greater than DN 160 special atten- fixed positions and at branch connections.
tion to the flexibility of the joints is necessary.
3. In cold conditions allowance should be made for
4. Where PVC is to be used in environments with expansion with push-fit joints to accommodate
temperatures greater than 20°C for prolonged subsequent thermal expansion. Once a pipeline
periods, the allowable operating pressure should is installed the temperature variation is usually
be reduced in accordance our recommendations, very small and is not likely to induce any signif-
to maintain the expected life of the pipe. icant stress or movement in the pipe system.

5. Corrosive ground (e.g. ground with low pH or 4. Whenever possible, a minimum distance of
high sulphate characteristics) has no known 300mm from obstructions should be maintained.
effect on PVC but all metal fittings, ancillary This distance is often possible when laying par-
equipment, bolts etc should be carefully protected allel to other services but not always practicable
against corrosion in the normal way. when crossing other services. A separation dis-
tance of 75mm may be allowed for a square
6. Contaminated ground, however, must be considered crossing but suitable protection should be pro-
carefully. PVC is resistant to most chemicals, but vided from possible joint loading, interference,
is vulnerable to petroleum products and certain damage or contamination.
solvents. Where concentrations of such
contaminants exist, PVC should NOT be used 5. PVC is not a conductor of electricity and no
unless suitably protected. Where any doubt attempt should be made to use PVC pipework as
exists, soil sampling should be undertaken and a means of earthing electrical equipment.
specialist advice sought. Similarly, because of its high electrical resistivity,
caution is required in the use of the material
7. Where the natural ground water table is high, or where the avoidance of static electricity may be
the construction trench is liable to flooding, special an important consideration.
consideration should be given to the possibility of 6. PVC is a poor conductor of heat but can burn
flotation of the pipe when empty. This particularly when subjected to a naked flame. Upon removal
applies to the larger diameters where special of the source of ignition burning ceases.
anchoring or weighting may be necessary prior
to backfilling. 7. The installation of flanged fittings such as sluice
valves, hydrant tees, end caps etc. usually
8. Direct connection of PVC to sources of high fre- requires the use of stub flanges complete with
quency should be avoided and a flexible joint backing rings and gaskets. Care should be taken
should be used to isolated such vibration. when tightening these flanges to provide even
and balanced torque. Provision should be made
where heavy fittings are installed for concrete
support both for the weight and to resist the turn-
ing moments associated with valves and

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8. Where there are large diameter fabricated fit-
tings installed in the main, similar concrete sup-
port may be necessary to counteract the imbal-
ance of forces under working conditions.

9. PVC pipes and fittings may be partially or com-

pletely surrounded by concrete but the pipe
should be protected by a heavy duty polyethyl-
ene membrane to avoid possible damage during
pouring or compaction and to prevent high
localised stresses.

10. After completion of an installation, pipework

and fittings should be inspected and made ready
for testing to ensure the safety of the system. If
the system is a large one it should be made
ready to be tested in sections of convenient

11. The degree to which the trench is backfilled

prior to testing will be influenced by:
• The prevailing site and/or traffic conditions.
• The potential risk for flotation.
• The unbalanced forces due to configuration and
imposed test pressure.
Where practical it is advisable to consider leaving
at least the mechanical joints exposed through-
out the testing.

12. As part of the preparation for the hydrostatic

pressure test, all anchorages and struts should
be checked to ensure they are adequate to with-
stand the excess pressure and it is advisable to
re-tighten all bolted and flanged joints and to
check that all intermediate control valves are

13. Complete and accurate records should be

taken of the installation. It is useful for records to
be taken before the pipes are buried whilst mem-
ories are fresh and key elements are still visible.
Photographic records of important or complex
feature should be considered.

14 The marker tape, where used , should be laid

along the line of the main and connected at each
end to either a sluice valve or hydrant. The rec-
ommended position of the tape is 350mm below
the surface directly above the crown of the pipe.

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Mainlaying Design and Installation Considerations
Design Considerations Laying Considerations
1. PE pipes are normally joined using fusion 1. Gradual changes in direction of PE pipelines can
techniques. Butt fusion jointing is usually carried be accommodated by pipe deflection but every
out above ground and after cooling, long lengths effort should be made to keep the pipe as central
of pipe are snaked into the trench. This procedure as possible within the trench to enable correct
requires consideration of appropriate storage side-fill compaction. Similar care should be
areas, jointing canopies and working space at taken when any distortion of coiled pipe has
the trench side away from the spoil areas. occurred.
Attention must be given to the additional
inconvenience caused to both pedestrian and 2. During the pipelaying of continuous fusion joint
vehicular traffic. Extra signs and protection systems, allowance should be made for the
barriers will be required. movement likely to occur due to the thermal
expansion/contraction of the material. This effect
2. The sub surface material to be excavated should is most pronounced at the end connections to
be assessed for its suitability as backfill material, fixed positions and at branch connections.
i.e. free from large sharp stones, heavy clay, etc.
If the material is unsuitable for bedding and 3. For summertime installations, with two fixed
surround to the pipe then imported material connection points, a slightly longer length of
should be utilised and the surplus spoil removed polyethylene may be required to compensate for
from site. contraction of the pipe in the cooler trench bottom.
The snaking of the pipe in the trench which
3. The properties of MDPE make such pipelines naturally occurs with pipe sized 90mm and
particularly suitable for areas subject to ground below, is normally sufficient to compensate for
movement due to seismic forces, mining this anticipated thermal contraction.
subsidence, compaction of filled sites or the
disturbance caused by the activities of other 4. During a winter installation, the exact length of
utilities in the vicinity. pipe should be used. Pipe which is too short or
not aligned must not be drawn up by the bolts
4. Where PE is to be used in environments with of a flanged connection because of potential
temperatures greater than 20°C for prolonged overstressing of the stub end, flanged adapter
periods, the allowable operating pressure should and ultimately the valve or fixture to which it is
be reduced in accordance our recommendations, connected.
to maintain the expected life of the pipe.
5. It is advisable to defer the final tie-in connections
5. Corrosive ground (e.g. ground with low pH or until thermal stabilisation of the pipeline has
high sulphate characteristics) has no known occurred. Once a pipeline is installed and in service,
effect upon PE but all metal fittings, ancillary the temperature variation is usually small, occurring
equipment, bolts etc should be carefully protected over an extended period of time and is not likely
against corrosion in the normal way. to induce any significant stress or movement in
the pipe system.
6. Contaminated ground, however, must be considered
carefully. PE is resistant to most chemicals, but 6. Whenever possible, a minimum distance of
is vulnerable to petroleum products and certain 300mm from obstructions and other services
solvents. Where concentrations of such should be maintained. This distance is often
contaminants exist, PE should NOT be used possible when laying parallel to other services
unless suitably protected. Where any doubt but not always practicable when crossing other
exists, soil sampling should be undertaken and services. A separation distance of 75mm may be
specialist advice sought. allowed for a square crossing but suitable
protection should be provided from possible joint
7. Where the natural ground water table is high, or loading, interference, damage or contamination.
the construction trench is liable to flooding, special
consideration should be given to the possibility of 7. Polyethylene is not a conductor of electricity and
flotation of the pipe. This particularly applies to no attempt should be made to use PE pipework
the larger diameters where special anchoring or as a means of earthing electrical equipment.
weighting may be necessary prior to the backfill Similarly, because of its high electrical resistivity,
being installed. caution is required in the use of the material
where the avoidance of static electricity may be
8. Direct connection of MDPE PE80 and PE100 to an important consideration.
sources of high frequency such as pump outlet
flanges should be avoided and a flexible joint
should be used to isolate such vibration.

.. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . 3
... Laying Considerations
8. The bending of polyethylene is permissible and 15. The degree to which the trench is backfilled
the properties of fusion jointed systems enable prior to testing will be influenced by:
changes of direction without recourse to the
• the prevailing site and/or traffic conditions;
provision of special bends or anchor blocks.
• the potential risk of flotation;
However, the pipe should not normally be cold
• the unbalanced forces due to configuration and
bent to a radius smaller than 20 times the
imposed test pressure.
diameter. For push-fit or mechanical non
end-load resistant jointing systems, anchor
Where practical it is advisable to consider leaving
blocks to withstand the resultant thrusts must
at least the mechanical joints exposed throughout
be provided in the traditional manner.
the test.
9. Although the hot bending of PE pipe is possible
16. As part of the preparation for the hydrostatic
under carefully controlled conditions, under no
pressure test, all anchorages and struts should
circumstances should hot bending be attempted
be checked to ensure they are adequate to
on site.
withstand the excess pressure and it is advisable
to retighten all bolted flanged joints and to
10. Polyethylene is a poor conductor of heat but is
check that all intermediate control valves are
flammable and should not be exposed to naked
17. Complete and accurate records should be
11. The installation of flanged fittings such as sluice
taken of the installation. It is useful for records
valves, hydrant tees, end caps etc usually
to be taken before the pipes are buried whilst
requires the use of polyethylene stub flanges
memories are fresh and key elements are still
complete with backing rings and gaskets. Care
visible. Photographic records of important or
should be taken when tightening these flanges
complex features should be considered.
to provide even and balanced torque. Provision
should be made where heavy fittings are
18. The marker tape should be laid along the line of
installed for concrete support both for the
the main and connected at each end to either a
weight and to resist the turning moments
sluice valve or hydrant. The recommended
associated with valves and hydrants.
position of the tape is 350mm below the surface
directly above the crown of the pipe.
12. Where there are large diameter fabricated
fittings installed in the main, similar concrete
support may be necessary to counteract the
inbalance of forces under working conditions.
Consideration should be given to introducing a
flanged connection on the branch outlet of the
tee so that the branch main joint can be made
in a separate operation.

13. Polyethylene pipes and fittings may be partially

or completely surrounded by concrete but the
pipe should be protected by a heavy duty
polyethylene membrane to avoid possible
damage during pouring or compaction and to
prevent high localised stresses.

All concrete bedding should be at least 100mm thick.

14. After completion of an installation, pipework

and fittings should be inspected and made
ready for testing to ensure the safety and
efficiency of the system. If the system is a large
one it should be made ready to be tested in
sections of convenient length.

.. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . 4
3. PVC

• Material Properties

• Pipe Dimensions

• Assembly & Socket Construction Dimensions

• Flow Charts
-Series 1 (PN 6, PN 9, PN 12, PN 15, PN 18)
-Series 2 (PN 4.5 to 20)

• Fitting Dimensions
Material Properties
MATERIAL PROPERTIES . . .. . .. . . . .. . .



Molecular weight 14,000
Relative density 1.42 cf: 1.48
Water absorption 0.12% 23˚C, 24 hours
Hardness 80 Shore D Durometer, Brinell 15, Rockwell R 114
Impact strength: 20˚C 20kJ/m2 Charpy 250 µm notch tip radius
Impact strength: 0˚C 8kJ/m2 Charpy 250 µm notch tip radius
Coefficient of friction 0.4 uPVC to uPVC cf: PE 0.25

Ultimate tensile strength 52 MPa AS 1175 Tensometer at constant strain rate
Elongation at break 50 - 80% AS 1175 Tensometer at constant strain rate
Short term creep rupture 44 MPa Constant load 1 hour value cf: PE 10 - 16
Long term creep rupture 28 MPa Constant load extrapolated 50 year value
Elastic tensile modulus 3.0 - 3.3 GPa 1% strain at 100 seconds cf: PE 0.6 - 0.8
Elastic flexural modulus 2.7 - 3.0 GPa 1% strain at 100 seconds cf: PE 0.6 - 0.8
Long term creep modulus 0.9 - 1.2 GPa Constant load extrapolated 50 year secant value
Shear modulus 1.0 GPa 1% strain at 100 seconds
Bulk modulus 4.7 GPa 1% strain at 100 seconds
Poissons ratio 0.4 Increases marginally with time under load

Dielectric strength (breakdown) 14 - 20 kV/mm Short term, 3mm specimen
Volume resistivity 2 x 1014 Ωm AS 1255.1
Surface resistivity 1013 - 1014 Ω AS 1255.1
Dielectric constant (permittivity) 3.9 (3.3) 50 Hz (106Hz) AS 1255.4
Dissipation factor (power factor) 0.01 (0.02) 50 Hz (106Hz) AS 1255.4

Softening point 80 - 840C Vicat method 120B BS 2782
Max. continuous service temp. 600C
Coefficient of thermal expansion 7 x 10-5/K 7mm per 10m per 100C cf: PE 18-20 x 10-5
Thermal conductivity 0.16 W/[m.K] 0-500C
Specific heat 1,000 J/[kg.K] 0-500C
Thermal diffusivity 1.1 x 10-7 m2/s 0-500C

Flammability 45% ASTM D2683 Fennimore Martin test, cf: PE 17.5
Ignitability test 10 - 12 (/20) cf: 9 - 10 when tested as pipe )
Smoke produced test 6 - 8 (/10) cf: 4 - 6 when tested as pipe ) AS 1530
Heat evolved test 0 ) Early Fire
Spread of flame index 0 Will not support combustion ) Hazard Test

General properties of uPVC compounds used in pipe manufacture are given. Properties of thermoplastics
are subject to significant changes with temperature, and the applicable range is noted where appropriate.
Mechanical properties are subject to duration of stress application, and are more properly defined by creep
functions. More detailed data pertinent to pipe applications are given in the design section of this manual.
For data outside of the range of conditions listed, users are advised to contact our Technical Department.

.. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . 1

Standard: AS/NZS 1477:1999 series 1

PN6 PN9 PN12 PN15 PN18

Nominal Mean T Min T Max Mean Mass T Min T Max Mean Mass T Min T Max Mean Mass T Min T Max Mean Mass T Min T Max Mean Mass
Size OD Bore kg/m Bore kg/m Bore kg/m Bore kg/m Bore kg/m

15 21.4 - - - - - - - - - - - - 1.4 1.7 18.3 0.138 1.6 2.0 17.8 0.158

20 26.8 - - - - - - - - 1.4 1.7 23.7 0.175 1.7 2.1 23.0 0.212 2.0 2.4 22.4 0.243
25 33.6 - - - - 1.4 1.7 30.5 0.223 1.7 2.1 29.8 0.270 2.1 2.5 29.0 0.323 2.5 3.0 28.1 0.381
32 42.3 - - - - 1.7 2.1 38.5 0.344 2.2 2.6 37.5 0.430 2.7 3.2 36.4 0.521 3.2 3.7 35.4 0.601
40 48.3 1.4 1.7 45.2 0.325 1.9 2.3 44.1 0.435 2.5 3.0 42.8 0.562 3.1 3.6 41.6 0.676 3.6 4.2 40.5 0.777
50 60.4 1.6 2.0 56.8 0.473 2.4 2.8 55.2 0.675 3.1 3.6 53.7 0.858 3.8 4.4 52.2 1.036 4.6 5.3 50.5 1.232
65 75.4 2.0 2.4 71.0 0.723 3.0 3.5 68.9 1.053 3.9 4.5 67.0 1.342 4.8 5.5 65.1 1.624 5.7 6.5 63.2 1.898
80 88.9 2.4 2.8 83.7 1.008 3.5 4.1 81.3 1.453 4.6 5.3 79.0 1.867 5.7 6.5 76.7 2.269 6.7 7.6 74.6 2.626
100 114.3 3.0 3.5 107.8 1.621 4.5 5.2 104.6 2.385 5.9 6.7 101.7 3.057 7.3 8.2 98.8 3.732 8.6 9.7 96.0 4.322
125 140.2 3.7 4.3 132.2 2.448 5.5 6.3 128.4 3.560 7.2 8.1 124.9 4.555 8.9 10.0 121.3 5.551 10.6 11.9 117.7 6.517
150 160.3 4.2 4.8 151.3 3.149 6.3 7.1 146.9 4.622 8.3 9.3 142.7 5.987 10.2 11.4 138.7 7.251 12.1 13.5 134.7 7.531
200 225.3 5.4 6.1 213.8 5.719 7.9 8.9 208.5 8.138 10.5 11.7 203.1 10.68 12.9 14.4 198.0 12.98 15.3 17.1 192.9 15.22
225 250.4 6.0 6.7 237.7 6.961 8.8 9.9 231.7 10.12 11.6 13.0 225.8 13.15 14.4 16.0 220.0 16.06 17.0 19.0 214.4 18.79
250 280.4 6.7 7.5 266.2 8.717 9.9 11.1 259.4 12.73 13.0 14.5 252.9 16.47 16.1 17.9 246.4 20.12 19.1 21.2 240.1 23.56
300 315.5 7.5 8.5 299.5 11.05 11.1 12.4 292.0 16.03 14.7 16.3 284.5 20.89 18.1 20.1 277.3 25.43 21.5 23.8 270.2 29.79
375 400.5 9.5 10.7 380.3 17.71 14.1 15.7 370.7 25.81 18.6 20.7 361.2 33.62 23.0 25.5 352.0 40.99 27.3 30.2 343.0 48.02


Standard: AS/NZS 1477:1999 series 2

PN12 PN18
Nominal Mean OD T Min T Max Mean Mass T Min T Max Mean Mass
Size mm mm mm Bore kg/m mm mm Bore kg/m
mm mm

100 121.9 6.3 7.1 108.5 3.467 9.2 10.3 9.8 4.912
Pipe Dimensions

.. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. .
150 177.4 9.2 10.3 157.9 7.341 13.4 14.9 14.2 10.374
200 232.3 10.8 12.1 209.4 11.358 15.9 17.7 16.8 16.261

HYDRAULIC GRADIENT L (meter/100 meters)

0.9 0
0.7 0
0.6 0





0.0 0
















180 650
140 500
2 0 0
0 450
500 300
300 250
200 200
180 180
140 160
120 150
80 120
60 100
20 60
12 45
9 40
7 35
2.5 20
2 18
1.6 16
1.2 14
0.9 12




















Hydraulic design of pipes k = 0.003mm based on Colebrook-White formula for pipes flowing full with water at 20˚c






























450 450








80 80


40 45


25 30



























































































Fitting Dimensions
801-15-90 15 49 28 ADAPTOR 817-20-15 20x15 45 31
801-20-90 20 59 32 817-25-20 25x20 49 37
801-25-90 25 65 41 817-32-15 32x15 54 42
801-32-90 32 94 51 817-32-25 32x25 58 47
801-40-90 40 112 57 817-40-32 40x32 63 57
801-50-90 50 101 69 817-50-32 50x32 69 60
801-65-90 65 135 84
801-80-90 80 145 102
801-100-90 100 202 135
G1361 801-125-90 125 234 163
SIZE socket
801-150-90 150 271 178
G106 801-175-90 175 FORMED BEND Z803-50D-90 50
801-200-90 200 357 248 90° Z803-65D-90 65 440 400 75
Not on list 801-225-90 225 Z803-80D-90 80 523 476 89
Not on list 801-300-90 300 Z803-100D-90 100 475
Z803-125D-90 125
Z803-150D-90 150
Z803-175D-90 175 989 985 246
801-15-45 15 57 25 Z803-200D-90 200 1013 976 282
801-20-45 20 52 33 Z803-225C-90 225
801-25-45 25 49 41 Z803-300C-90 300
801-32-45 32 78 50
801-40-45 40 77 51 45° 803-50D-45 50
801-50-45 50 83 69 803-65D-45 65 565 281 102
801-65-45 65 117 88 803-80D-45 80
801-80-45 80 145 104 803-100D-45 100
801-100-45 100 165 135 803-125D-45 125
G0082 801-125-45 125 803-150D-45 150
G0102 801-150-45 150 231 179 803-175D-45 175
801-175-45 175 287 230 803-200D-45 200
801-200-45 200 300 260 803-225D-45 225
Not on list 801-225-45 225 803-300D-45 300
Not on list 801-300-45 300


803-15D-90 15 63 25
803-20D-90 20 148 31 PLAIN 90° TEE
803-25D-90 25 166 38 804-15 15 89 45 26
803-32D-90 32 199 48 804-20 20 65 33 33
803-40D-90 40 135 55 804-25 25 125 62 40
803-50D-90 50 309 69
Yard 803-65D-90 65 804-32 32 138 69 52
803-80D-90 80 374 100 804-40 40 166 83 57
803-100D-90 100 471 131 804-50 50 192 97 70
Yard 803-125D-90 125 578 162 804-65 65 185 93 84
Not on list 803-150D-90 150
Yard 803-175D-90 175 804-80 80 214 107 106
803-200D-90 200 804-100 100 233 118 131
Not on list 803-225C-90 225
Not on list 803-300C-90 804-125 125 308 154 173
804-150 150 347 166 179
804-175 175 415 209 229
804-200 200 464 230 249
Yard 804-225 225
DESCRIPTION CODE NOMINAL A B O.D. 804-300 300 1020 670 335
803-15D-45 15 180 71 25
803-20D-45 20 177 76 31
803-25D-45 25 203 78 38
803-32D-45 32 215 78 48
803-40D-45 40 250 113 55
803-50D-45 50 246 115 68
Yard 803-65D-45 65
803-80D-45 80 326 182 99
803-100D-45 100 648 333 125
Yard 803-125D-45 125
Yard 803-150D-45 150
Not on list 803-175D-45 175
Yard 803-200D-45 200
Not on list 803-225D-45 225
Not on list 803-300D-45 300

.. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . 10
Fitting Dimensions
REDUCING TEE 805-20-15 20x15 86 43 31 ELBOW 90° 808-25-15-90 25X15 66 47 39
805-25-15 25x15 60 35 41 808-25-20-90 25X20 66 46 39
805-25-20 25x20 93 47 39
805-32-20 32x20 96 46 53
805-32-25 32x25 96 46 53
805-40-15 40x15 118 50 58
805-40-25 40x25 102 49 60
805-40-32 40x32 111 57 58
805-50-15 50x15 98 52 71
805-50-20 50x20 114 55 75
805-50-25 50x25 111 60 71
805-50-32 50x32 119 64 71
805-50-40 50x40 125 65 71 COUPLER
809-15 15 126 47
805-80-25 80x25 134 68 103 809-20 20 138 153
805-80-32 80x53 161 72 102 809-25 25 141 61
805-80-40 80x40 199 81 104 809-32 32 149 73
805-80-50 80x50 200 88 104 809-40 40 175 80
805-100-50 100x50 189 99 132 809-50 50 185 93
805-100-80 100x80 222 127 132 809-100 100 313 162


810-15 15 54 27
806.15 15 98 39 810-20 20 66 34
806-20 20 57 43 810-25 25 53 39
806-25 25 57 49 810-32 32 58 49
806-32 32 62 60 810-40 40 65 56
806-40 40 69 66 810-50 50 77 70
806-50 50 71 81 810-65 65 110 66
806-65 65 84 96 810-80 80 105 103
806-80 80 94 113 810-100 100 126 133
806-100 100 112 144 810-125 125 184 165
810-150 150 184 190
810-175 175
810-200 200 239 248
810-225 225
DESCRIPTION CODE NOMINAL A B O.D. 810-300 300 570 347
807-15-90 15 89 32 26
807-20-90 20 86 44 31
807-25-90 25 92 46 39 DESCRIPTION CODE NOMINAL A O.D.
Z810-50 50
Z810-65 65
Z810-80 80
Z810-100 100
DESCRIPTION CODE NOMINAL A B O.D. Z810-125 125 402 180
SIZE Z810-150 150 448 202
TEE 90° 807-20-15-90 20x15 54 32 33 Z810-175 175 450 146
807-25-15-90 25x15 60 40 31 Yard Z810-200 200
807-25-20-90 25x20 92 46 39 Z810-225 225 490 272
Yard Z810-300 300


808-15-90 15 44 58 27
808-20-90 20 54 54 34
808-25-90 25 66 47 39
808-32-90 32 80 55 51

.. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . 11
Fitting Dimensions
811-15 15 67 56 (Rated PN9 Only) 820-15 15 64 28
811-20 20 67 63 820-20 20 84 34
811-25 25 74 70 820-25 25 98 41
811-32 32 81 83 820-32 32 114 52
811-40 40 91 96 820-40 40 124 59
811-50 50 98 111 820-50 50 139 71


823-20-15 20X15 46 33
813-15 15 51 30 823-25-15 25X15 53 42
813-20 20 68 33 823-25-20 25X20 52 39
813-25 25 72 42 823-32-25 32X25 66 50
813-32 32 78 55 823-40-20 40X20 64 57
813-40 40 91 62 823-40-32 40X32 72 57
813-50 50 107 75 823-50-40 50X40 75 70
813-65 65 93 92 823-65-50 65X50 104 86
813-80 80 93 113 823-80-50 80X50 100 103
813-100 100 112 144 823-80-65 80X65 120 101
823-100-50 100X50 116 133
823-100-80 100X80 124 133
823-125-100 125X100 78 48
823-150-125 150X125 205 198
DESCRIPTION CODE NOMINAL A O.D. 823-150-100 150X100 183 187
SIZE 823-155-150 155X150 218 197
817-15 15 43 31
817-20 20 47 37
817-25 25 53 47
817-40 40 64 63 SIZE
817-50 50 79 80 REDUCING BUSH
817-80 165 113 152 824-20-15 20x15 21 27
817-100 186 144 154 824-25-15 25x15 25 33
824-25-20 25x20 32 38
824-32-25 32x25 35 48
824-40-25 40x25 79 48
824-40-32 40x32 30 48
824-50-25 50x40 37 60
824-50-40 65x50 48 70
824-65-50 80x50 45 75
ADAPTOR 819-15-15 15x15 42 34 824-80-50 80x65 53 89
819-25-15 25x15 45 36 824-80-65 80x65 51 89
819-25-20 25x20 49 40 824-100-50 100x50 63 115
819-32-25 32x25 55 49 824-100-80 100x80 61 114
819-40-25 40x25 58 54 824-125-100 125x100 79 139
819-50-15 50x15 56 65 824-150-100 150x100 88 161
819-50-25 50x25 62 65 824-150-125 150x125 86 160
819-50-50 50x50 68 81 824-175-150 175x150 109 200
824-200-150 200x150 155 225
824-200-175 200x175
824-300-225 300x225


818-20-15 20X15 26 36
818-25-20 25X20 30 37

.. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . 12
Fitting Dimensions
825-15 15 28 13 96 PLUG 837-15 15 25.1 7 30
825-20 20 30 13 102 837-20 20 30 7 36
825-25 25 33 30 115 837-25 25 30 8 45
825-32 32 121 13 33 837-32 32 32.2 8 58
825-40 40 42 13 132 837-40 40 33.2 9 63
825-50 50 46 13 153 837-50 50 37.3 9 80
825-65 65 67 13 169 837-80 80 53.4 20 113
825-80 80 57 13 184 837-100 100 58 20 144
825-100 100 68 16 216
825-125 125 99 19 253
825-150 150 98 20 280


SIZE 840-20 20 39 65 19
STUB FLANGE 826-50 50 39 14 97 74 840-25 25 52 73 19
826-65 65 55 10 106 89 840-32 32 62 82 19
826-80 80 69 12 129 106 840-40 40 67 87 19
826-100 100 75 13 161 137 840-50 50 81 102 19
826-125 125 81 14 188 165
826-150 150 91 17 212 188
826-200 200 126 26 273 245
G0722 826-225 225
826-300 300 178 32 376 346 DESCRIPTION CODE NOMINAL A O.D.
FOR FULL FACE 842-15 15
FLANGE 825 842-20 20 3 56
842-25 25 3 50
SIZE 842-40 40 3 78
METAL BACKING 842-50 50 3 92
RING 827-50 50 11 163 118 77
827-65 65 11 165 129 92 842-65 65 3 106
827-80 80 10 189 150 113 842-80 80 3 126
827-100 100 13 215 176 138 842-100 100 3 156
827-125 125 10.5 226 210.5 166.2 842-150 150 3 217
827-150 150 11 284 240 191
827-175 175 10.5 335 295.4 235.4
827-200 200 10 342 293 249
827-225 225 11 372 326 276
827-300 300 10 462 408 348 DESCRIPTION CODE NOMINAL A O.D.
FOR STUB FLANGE 826 845-50 50 3 85
845-65 65 3 100
845-80 80 3 115
SIZE 845-125 125 3 182
PLAIN END CAP 830-15 15 26 25 845-150 150 3 215
830-20 20 30 31 845-175 175 3 255
830-25 25 34 39 845-200 200 3 282
830-32 32 40 49 845-225 225 10 300
830-40 40 46 56 845-300 300 10 380
830-50 50 55 70
830-65 65 72 86
830-80 80 77 103
830-100 100 93 133
830-125 125 135 164
830-150 150 135 190

.. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . 13

• Material Properties

• Pipe Dimensions

-PE 80 (PN 10 to PN 16; PN 4 to PN 8)

-PE 100 (PN 4 to PN 8; PN 10 to PN 16)

• Flow Charts

-Small Bore PE: DN 16 - DN 75 (PE 80)

-SDR 41 (PE 80: PN 3.2 & PE 100: PN 4)

-SDR 33 (PE 80: PN 4)

-SDR 26 (PE 100: PN 6.3)

-SDR 21 (PE 80: PN 6.3 & PE 100: PN 8)

-SDR 17 (PE 80: PN 8 & PE 100: PN 10)

-SDR 13.6 (PE 80: PN 10 & PE 100: PN 12.5)

-SDR 11 (PE 80: PN 12.5 & PE 100: PN 16)

Material Properties
. . .. . .. . . . .. . .. . . . .. . .. . .. .

1.1 Mechanical Properties of Polyethylene @ 20.0ºC

PE80 PE100
-Blue >944 kg/m3 >950 kg/m3
-Black >949 kg/m3 >959 kg/m3
Water Abrasion
Hardness 67% (Shore D) 67% (Shore D)
Izod Impact Strength @(-20°C) 90 J/m 90 J/m
Coefficient of Friction
Ultimate Tensile Strength 39 N/mm2 30 N/mm2
(50mm/min) (50mm/min)
Tensile strength at yield 18 MPa 22 MPa
Elongation at Break >600% >600%

Environmental Stress Cracking resistance >700h >700h

Minimum Required Strength 8.0 MPa 10.0 MPa

Elastic Flexural Modulus 700 MPa 1000 MPa

Shear Modulus 400-470 N/mm2 600 N/mm2
Charpy Impact strength 22-35 kJ/m2 17-26 kJ/m2

1.2 Electrical Properties

Dielectric Strength 70 kV/mm 22-53 kV/mm
Specific Volume Resistivity 1015 1015
Surface Resistivity >1015 OHM >1015 OHM
Dissipation Factor 5.5 (50 Hz) 5.5 (50 Hz)
2.5 (106 Hz) 2.5 (106 Hz)

1.3 Thermal Properties

Vicat Softening Point 116 °C 124 °C

Thermal Conductivity 0.423-0.45W/m°K 0.4W/m°K

Specific Heat 2.6 KJ/[kg.K] 2.6 KJ/[kg.K]

Brittleness Temperature <-70 °C <-100 °C

Linear Thermal Expansion 1.4x10 /K-4

.. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . 1
3.3.0 PE80 Pipe Dimensions
Standard AS/NZS 4130

PN10 PN12.5 PN16

SDR 13.6 SDR 11 SDR 9
Nominal Mean OD Mean T Min T Max Mass Mean T Min T Max Mass Mean T Min T Max Mass
Size Bore kg/m Bore kg/m Bore kg/m

20 20.2 16.7 1.6 1.9 0.096 16.1 1.9 2.2 0.110 15.2 2.3 2.7 0.132
25 25.2 21.1 1.9 2.2 0.142 20.2 2.3 2.7 0.168 19.2 2.8 3.2 0.199
32 32.2 27.0 2.4 2.8 0.230 26.0 2.9 3.3 0.266 24.5 3.6 4.1 0.326
40 40.2 33.8 3.0 3.4 0.353 32.3 3.7 4.2 0.423 30.6 4.5 5.1 0.507
PE80: SDR 13.6 - SDR 9

50 50.3 42.4 3.7 4.2 0.546 40.4 4.6 5.2 0.657 38.4 5.6 6.3 0.788
63 63.3 53.3 4.7 5.3 0.870 51.0 5.8 6.5 1.038 48.2 7.1 8.0 1.256
75 75.4 63.7 5.5 6.2 1.214 61.0 6.8 7.6 1.450 57.6 8.4 9.4 1.766
90 90.5 76.5 6.6 7.4 1.744 73.1 8.2 9.2 2.102 69.1 10.1 11.3 2.548
110 110.5 93.3 8.1 9.1 2.615 89.4 10.0 11.1 3.114 84.5 12.3 13.7 3.783
125 125.6 106.1 9.2 10.3 3.371 101.5 11.4 12.7 4.041 96.1 14.0 15.5 4.880
140 140.7 118.9 10.3 11.5 4.223 113.9 12.7 14.1 5.037 107.6 15.7 17.4 6.132
160 160.8 135.9 11.8 13.1 5.512 130.0 14.6 16.2 6.612 123.1 17.9 19.8 7.986
180 180.9 152.8 13.3 14.8 6.996 146.3 16.4 18.2 8.358 138.5 20.1 22.3 10.104
200 200.9 169.9 14.7 16.3 8.577 162.5 18.2 20.2 10.302 153.7 22.4 24.8 12.488
225 226.1 191.1 16.6 18.4 10.895 182.9 20.5 22.7 13.044 173.2 25.1 27.8 15.760
250 251.2 212.4 18.4 20.4 13.421 203.4 22.7 25.1 16.043 192.5 27.9 30.8 19.433
280 281.3 237.9 20.6 22.8 16.813 227.8 25.4 28.1 20.108 215.4 31.3 34.6 24.423
315 316.5 267.6 23.2 25.7 21.311 256.3 28.6 31.6 25.458 242.4 35.2 38.9 30.901
355 356.6 301.6 26.1 28.9 27.011 288.8 32.2 35.6 32.305 273.3 39.6 43.7 39.150
400 401.8 339.9 29.4 32.5 34.256 325.4 36.3 40.1 41.017 307.8 44.7 49.3 49.769
450 452.1 382.4 33.1 36.6 43.398 366.1 40.9 45.1 51.949 346.5 50.2 55.4 62.923
500 502.3 424.9 36.8 40.6 53.546 406.8 45.4 50.1 64.096 385.0 55.8 61.5 77.657
560 562.5 475.9 41.2 45.5 67.167 455.8 50.8 56.0 80.283
630 632.9 535.5 46.3 51.1 84.911 512.6 57.2 63.1 101.737
710 713.2 603.4 52.2 57.6 107.862
800 803.6 680.0 58.8 64.8 136.820
1000 1004.5

.. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. .
33.0 PE80B Pipe Dimensions
Standard AS/NZS 4130

PN4 PN5 PN6.3 PN8

SDR 33 SDR 26 SDR 21 SDR17
Nominal Mean OD Mean T Min T Max Mass Mean T Min T Max Mass Mean T Min T Max Mass Mean T Min T Max Mass
Size Bore kg/m Bore kg/m Bore kg/m Bore kg/m
20 20.2 16.7 1.6 1.9 0.096 16.7 1.6 1.9 0.096 16.7 1.6 1.9 0.096 16.7 1.6 1.9 0.096
25 25.2 21.7 1.6 1.9 0.122 21.7 1.6 1.9 0.122 21.7 1.6 1.9 0.122 21.7 1.6 1.9 0.122
PE80B: SDR 33 - SDR 17

32 32.2 28.7 1.6 1.9 0.159 28.7 1.6 1.9 0.159 28.7 1.6 1.9 0.159 28.1 1.9 2.2 0.184
40 40.2 36.7 1.6 1.9 0.201 36.7 1.6 1.9 0.201 36.1 1.9 2.2 0.233 35.0 2.4 2.8 0.292
50 50.3 46.8 1.6 1.9 0.254 46.0 2.0 2.3 0.309 45.1 2.4 2.8 0.370 43.9 3.0 3.4 0.450
63 63.3 59.0 2.0 2.3 0.392 58.1 2.4 2.8 0.471 56.9 3.0 3.4 0.574 55.2 3.8 4.3 0.716
75 75.4 70.4 2.3 2.7 0.544 69.2 2.9 3.3 0.669 67.7 3.6 4.1 0.822 65.8 4.5 5.1 1.011
90 90.5 84.5 2.8 3.2 0.783 83.0 3.5 4.0 0.971 81.3 4.3 4.9 1.179 79.0 5.4 6.1 1.454
110 110.5 103.2 3.4 3.9 1.164 101.9 4.3 4.9 1.454 99.2 5.3 6.0 1.768 96.5 6.6 7.4 2.162
125 125.6 117.3 3.9 4.4 1.504 115.4 4.8 5.4 1.834 112.9 6.0 6.7 2.260 109.9 7.4 8.3 2.759
140 140.7 131.5 4.3 4.9 1.868 129.2 5.4 6.1 2.316 126.5 6.7 7.5 2.831 123.1 8.3 9.3 3.464
160 160.8 150.4 4.9 5.5 2.415 147.6 6.2 7.0 3.037 144.5 7.7 8.6 3.713 140.7 9.5 10.6 4.522
180 180.9 169.2 5.5 6.2 3.056 166.3 6.9 7.7 3.782 162.7 8.6 9.6 4.666 158.3 10.7 11.9 5.720
200 200.9 187.7 6.2 7.0 3.827 184.6 7.7 8.6 4.688 180.6 9.6 10.7 5.778 175.8 11.9 13.2 7.055
225 226.1 211.5 6.9 7.7 4.767 207.9 8.6 9.6 5.894 203.3 10.8 12.0 7.305 197.8 13.4 14.9 8.951
250 251.2 234.9 7.7 8.6 5.912 230.9 9.6 10.7 7.302 226.1 11.9 13.2 8.939 220.0 14.8 16.4 10.969
280 281.3 263.1 8.6 9.6 7.393 258.7 10.7 11.9 9.106 253.0 13.4 14.9 11.282 246.3 16.6 18.4 13.778
315 316.5 296.0 9.7 10.8 9.369 290.9 12.1 13.5 11.602 284.9 15.0 16.6 14.180 277.1 18.7 20.7 17.450
355 356.6 333.6 10.9 12.1 11.844 327.9 13.6 15.1 14.658 321.0 16.9 18.7 17.999 311.1 21.1 23.4 22.203
400 401.8 375.8 12.3 13.7 15.085 369.5 15.3 17.0 18.588 361.5 19.1 21.2 22.952 351.9 23.7 26.2 28.062
450 452.1 423.0 13.8 15.3 19.000 415.8 17.2 19.1 23.507 406.8 21.5 23.8 29.030 395.9 26.7 29.5 35.559
500 502.3 470.0 15.3 17.0 23.432 462.0 19.1 21.2 28.996 452.0 23.9 26.4 35.815 440.0 29.6 32.7 43.802
560 562.5 526.3 17.2 19.1 29.487 517.4 21.4 23.7 36.339 506.4 26.7 29.5 44.817 492.7 33.2 36.7 55.028
630 632.9 592.2 19.3 21.4 37.203 582.1 24.1 26.7 46.053 569.8 30.0 33.1 56.624 554.4 37.3 41.2 69.541
710 713.2 667.3 21.8 24.1 47.278 655.9 27.2 30.1 58.533 641.9 33.9 37.4 72.090 624.6 42.1 46.5 88.438
800 803.6 752.0 24.5 27.1 59.891 739.2 30.6 33.8 74.133 723.4 38.1 42.1 91.375 703.9 47.4 52.3 112.141

.. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. .
1000 1004.5 940.1 30.6 33.8 93.439 924.1 38.2 42.2 115.694 904.2 47.7 52.6 142.841 879.8 59.3 65.4 175.319

PE100 Pipe Dimensions
Standard AS/NZS 4130

PN4 PN6.3 PN8

SDR 41 SDR 26 SDR 21

Nominal Mean OD Mean T Min T Max Mass Mean T Min T Max Mass Mean T Min T Max Mass
Size Bore kg/m Bore kg/m Bore kg/m
20 20.2 16.7 1.6 1.9 0.096 16.7 1.6 1.9 0.096 16.7 1.6 1.9 0.096
25 25.2 21.7 1.6 1.9 0.122 21.7 1.6 1.9 0.122 21.7 1.6 1.9 0.122
PE100: SDR 41 - SDR 21

32 32.2 28.7 1.6 1.9 0.159 28.7 1.6 1.9 0.159 28.7 1.6 1.9 0.159
40 40.2 36.7 1.6 1.9 0.201 36.7 1.6 1.9 0.201 36.1 1.9 2.2 0.233
50 50.3 46.8 1.6 1.9 0.254 46.0 2.0 2.3 0.309 45.1 2.4 2.8 0.370
63 63.3 59.0 2.0 2.3 0.392 58.1 2.4 2.8 0.471 56.9 3.0 3.4 0.574
75 75.4 70.4 2.3 2.7 0.544 69.2 2.9 3.3 0.669 67.7 3.6 4.1 0.822
90 90.5 85.5 2.3 2.7 0.783 83.0 3.5 4.0 0.971 81.3 4.3 4.9 1.179
110 110.5 104.7 2.7 3.1 1.164 101.3 4.3 4.9 1.454 99.2 5.3 6.0 1.768
125 125.6 118.9 3.1 3.6 1.504 115.4 4.8 5.4 1.834 112.9 6.0 6.7 2.260
140 140.7 133.2 3.5 4.0 1.868 129.2 5.4 6.1 2.316 126.5 6.7 7.5 2.831
160 160.8 152.3 4.0 4.5 2.415 147.6 6.2 7.0 3.037 144.5 7.7 8.6 3.713
180 180.9 171.5 4.4 5.0 3.056 166.3 6.9 7.7 3.782 162.7 8.6 9.6 4.666
200 200.9 190.5 4.9 5.5 3.827 184.6 7.7 8.6 4.688 180.6 9.6 10.7 5.778
225 226.1 214.4 5.5 6.2 4.767 207.9 8.6 9.6 5.894 203.3 10.8 12.0 7.305
250 251.2 238.0 6.2 7.0 5.912 230.9 9.6 10.7 7.302 226.1 11.9 13.2 8.939
280 281.3 266.7 6.9 7.7 7.393 258.7 10.7 11.9 9.106 253.0 13.4 14.9 11.282
315 316.5 300.2 7.7 8.6 9.369 290.9 12.1 13.5 11.602 284.9 15.0 16.6 14.180
355 356.6 338.2 8.7 9.7 11.844 327.9 13.6 15.1 14.658 321.0 16.9 18.7 17.999
400 401.8 381.1 9.8 10.9 15.085 369.5 15.3 17.0 18.588 361.5 19.1 21.2 22.952
450 452.1 428.9 11.0 12.2 19.000 415.8 17.2 19.1 23.507 406.8 21.5 23.8 29.030
500 502.3 476.3 12.3 13.7 23.432 462.0 19.1 21.2 28.996 452.0 23.9 26.4 35.815
560 562.5 533.6 13.7 15.2 29.487 517.4 21.4 23.7 36.339 506.4 26.7 29.5 44.817
630 632.9 600.4 15.4 17.1 37.203 582.1 24.1 26.7 46.053 569.8 30.0 33.1 56.624
710 713.2 676.5 17.4 19.3 47.278 656.2 27.2 30.1 58.533 641.9 33.9 37.4 72.090
800 803.6 762.3 19.6 21.7 59.891 739.2 30.6 33.8 74.133 723.4 38.1 42.1 91.375
1000 1004.5 952.9 24.5 27.1 93.439 924.1 38.2 42.2 115.694 904.2 47.7 52.6 142.841

.. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. .
PE100 Pipe Dimensions
Standard AS/NZS 4130

PN10 PN12.5 PN16


SDR 17 SDR 13.6 SDR 11

Nominal Mean OD Mean T Min T Max Mass Mean T Min T Max Mass Mean T Min T Max Mass
Size Bore kg/m Bore kg/m Bore kg/m

20 20.2 16.7 1.6 1.9 0.096 16.7 1.6 1.9 0.096 16.1 1.9 2.2 0.110
25 25.2 21.7 1.6 1.9 0.122 21.1 1.9 2.2 0.142 20.2 2.3 2.7 0.168
PE100: SDR 17 - SDR 11

32 32.2 28.1 1.9 2.2 0.184 27.0 2.4 2.8 0.230 26.0 2.9 3.3 0.266
40 40.2 35.0 2.4 2.8 0.292 33.8 3.0 3.4 0.353 32.3 3.7 4.2 0.423
50 50.3 43.9 3.0 3.4 0.450 42.4 3.7 4.2 0.546 40.4 4.6 5.2 0.657
63 63.3 55.2 3.8 4.3 0.716 53.3 4.7 5.3 0.870 51.0 5.8 6.5 1.038
75 75.4 65.8 4.5 5.1 1.011 63.7 5.5 6.2 1.214 61.0 6.8 7.6 1.450
90 90.5 79.0 5.4 6.1 1.454 76.5 6.6 7.4 1.744 73.1 8.2 9.2 2.102
110 110.5 96.5 6.6 7.4 2.162 93.3 8.1 9.1 2.615 89.4 10.0 11.1 3.114
125 125.6 109.9 7.4 8.3 2.759 106.1 9.2 10.3 3.371 101.5 11.4 12.7 4.041
140 140.7 123.1 8.3 9.3 3.464 118.9 10.3 11.5 4.223 113.9 12.7 14.1 5.037
160 160.8 140.7 9.5 10.6 4.522 135.9 11.8 13.1 5.512 130.0 14.6 16.2 6.612
180 180.9 158.3 10.7 11.9 5.720 152.8 13.3 14.8 6.996 146.3 16.4 18.2 8.358
200 200.9 175.8 11.9 13.2 7.055 169.9 14.7 16.3 8.577 162.5 18.2 20.2 10.302
225 226.1 197.8 13.4 14.9 8.951 191.1 16.6 18.4 10.895 182.9 20.5 22.7 13.044
250 251.2 220.0 14.8 16.4 10.969 212.4 18.4 20.4 13.421 203.4 22.7 25.1 16.043
280 281.3 246.3 16.6 18.4 13.778 237.9 20.6 22.8 16.813 227.8 25.4 28.1 20.108
315 316.5 277.1 18.7 20.7 17.450 267.6 23.2 25.7 21.311 256.3 28.6 31.6 25.458
355 356.6 311.1 21.1 23.4 22.203 301.6 26.1 28.9 27.011 288.8 32.2 35.6 32.305
400 401.8 351.9 23.7 26.2 28.062 339.9 29.4 32.5 34.256 325.4 36.3 40.1 41.017
450 452.1 395.9 26.7 29.5 35.559 382.4 33.1 36.6 43.398 366.1 40.9 45.1 51.949
500 502.3 440.0 29.6 32.7 43.802 424.9 36.8 40.6 53.546 406.8 45.4 50.1 64.096
560 562.5 492.7 33.2 36.7 55.028 475.9 41.2 45.5 67.167 455.8 50.8 56.0 80.283
630 632.9 554.4 37.3 41.2 69.541 535.5 46.3 51.1 84.911 512.6 57.2 63.1 101.737
710 713.2 624.6 42.1 46.5 88.438 603.4 52.2 57.6 107.862
800 803.6 703.9 47.4 52.3 112.141 680.0 58.8 64.8 136.820
1000 1004.5 879.8 59.3 65.4 175.319

.. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. .
5 5

4 4

3 3

2 2

1 1
.9 .9
.8 .8
.7 .7
.6 .6

.5 .5

.4 .4

.3 .3

.2 .2

.1 .1
.09 .09
.08 .08
.07 .07
.06 .06

.05 .05

.04 .04

.03 .03

.02 .02

.01 .01
.009 .009
.008 .008
.007 .007
.006 .006

.005 .005
Flow Chart
(PE80: PN3.2 & PE100: PN4)
Polyethylene Pipe - SDR 41

1 2 4 6 8 10 20 40 60 80 100 200 400 600 800 1000 2000 3000

.. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. .
5 5

4 4

3 3

2 2

1 1
.9 .9
.8 .8

.7 .7

.6 .6

.5 .5

.4 .4

.3 .3

.2 .2

.1 .1
.09 .09
.08 .08

.07 .07

.06 .06

.05 .05

.04 .04

.03 .03

.02 .02

.01 .01
.009 .009
.008 .008

.007 .007

.006 .006

.005 .005
1 2 4 6 8 10 20 40 60 80 100 200 400 600 800 1000 2000 3000
Polyethylene Pipe - SDR 33
(PE80: PN4)
Flow Chart

.. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. .
5 5

4 4

3 3

2 2

1 1
.9 .9
.8 .8
.7 .7
.6 .6
.5 .5

.4 .4

.3 .3

.2 .2

.1 .1
.09 .09
.08 .08
.07 .07
.06 .06
.05 .05

.04 .04

.03 .03

.02 .02

.01 .01
.009 .009
.008 .008
.007 .007
.006 .006
.005 .005
1 2 4 6 8 10 20 40 60 80 100 200 400 600 800 1000 2000 3000
Polyethylene Pipe - SDR 26
(PE 100: PN6.3)
Flow Chart

.. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. .
5 5

4 4

3 3

2 2

1 1
.9 .9
.8 .8
.7 .7
.6 .6
.5 .5

.4 .4

.3 .3

.2 .2

.1 .1
.09 .09
.08 .08
.07 .07
.06 .06
.05 .05

.04 .04

.03 .03

.02 .02

.01 .01
.009 .009
.008 .008
.007 .007
.006 .006
.005 .005
Flow Chart

1 2 4 6 8 10 20 40 60 80 100 200 400 600 800 1000 2000 3000

(PE 80: PN6.3 & PE100: PN8)
Polyethylene Pipe - SDR 21

.. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. .
5 5

4 4

3 3

2 2

1 1
.9 .9
.8 .8
.7 .7

.6 .6

.5 .5

.4 .4

.3 .3

.2 .2

.1 .1
.09 .09
.08 .08
.07 .07

.06 .06

.05 .05

.04 .04

.03 .03

.02 .02

.01 .01
.009 .009
.008 .008
.007 .007

.006 .006

.005 .005
1 2 4 6 8 10 20 40 60 80 100 200 400 600 800 1000 2000 3000
(PE 80: PN8 & PE100: PN10)
Polyethylene Pipe - SDR 17
Flow Chart

.. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. .
5 5

4 4

3 3

2 2

1 1
.9 .9
.8 .8
.7 .7
.6 .6
.5 .5

.4 .4

.3 .3

.2 .2

.1 .1
.09 .09
.08 .08
.07 .07
.06 .06
.05 .05

.04 .04

.03 .03

.02 .02

.01 .01
.009 .009
.008 .008
.007 .007
.006 .006
.005 .005
1 2 4 6 8 10 20 40 60 80 100 200 400 600 800 1000 2000 3000
(PE 80: PN10 & PE100: PN12.5)
Polyethylene Pipe - SDR 13.6
Flow Chart

.. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. .
10 10
9 9
8 8
7 7
6 6

5 5

4 4

3 3

2 2

1 1
.9 .9
.8 .8
.7 .7

.6 .6

.5 .5

.4 .4

.3 .3

.2 .2

.1 .1
.09 .09
.08 .08
.07 .07
.06 .06

.05 .05

.04 .04

.03 .03

.02 .02

.01 .01
(PE80: PN 12.5 & PE100: PN16)
Polyethylene Pipe - SDR 11
Flow Chart

1 2 4 6 8 10 20 40 60 80 100 200 400 600 800 1000 2000 3000

.. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. .
• Pipe Selection CONTENTS
• Fatigue Response

• Surge Pressure Envelopes PVC & PE

• Definition of Cycle Amplitude

• Effect of Surges

• Water Hammer

• Design Hints

• Effect of Temperature

• Safety Factors

• Fittings

• Wave Speed Transmission

• Celerity

• Surge Celerity

• Hydraulic Flow

• Air Valves

• Head Loss due to Friction in Pipe

• Head Loss through Fittings

• Resistance Coefficients for Valves, Fittings &

changes in Pipe Cross-Section

• Negative Pressure Effects

• Expansion & Contraction

• Thermal Expansion & Contraction

5 Design
PIPE SELECTION Dynamic Stresses

Static Stresses Nominal working pressures assigned to the vari-

ous classes of pressure pipes are based on the
stress regression line principle for pipes subjected
• The ratio between the diameter and the wall thick-
to constant internal pressure. It is well known that
a form of failure due to material fatigue can arise
• The hydrostatic design stress (Sigma value)
if stress fluctuations of sufficient magnitude and
varies for the particular pipe material used.
frequency occur in any material.
• The duration of applied pressure over the
Pressure pipes are capable of handling accidental
pipeline lifetime.
events, such as pressure fluctuations due to a
• The pipe material service temperature.
power cut. however, if repetitive surges are likely
The above must all be factored when designing for to exceed about 100,000 occurrences, which is
hydrostatic pressure conditions using the equivalent to an average of one surge wave every
Barlow formula as follows: four hours for the total life of the pipe, then fatigue
is a possibility and a fatigue design should be
PD considered. In most water supply lines this fre-
2S + P quency of surges should never occur.
If stress peaks in excess of the design stresses
Where are present, fatigue proceeds more rapidly and
T = minimum wall thickness (mm) failure can occur earlier. For this reason peak
P = working pressure (MPa) pressures should not be allowed to exceed maxi-
D = maximum mean OD (mm) mum recommended working pressures, including
S = design hoop stress (MPa) water hammer.

The Dynamic loads normally considered during

operation are: Burst Stress MPa

• internal cyclic loading e.g. surge associated with 15

20°C PE100 10 MPa at 50 Ys
pumping regimes or the rapid closure of valves; 10
the amplitude (or range of surge pressure) 8
8 MPa at 50 Ys
should be limited to one half of the maximum 6
allowable working pressure of the pipe. 5
• external cyclic loadings due to traffic conditions; 3
the total pressure should not in any case exceed
this rated pressure of the pipe.
Hydrostatic Design Stress 10-1
1 10 102
10 3

Time to Failure
105 106h
50 Years

and Minimum Required Principal stress/time curves for PE80 and PE100
Strength Values pipes at 20°C and 80°C. The standard curve for
HDPE Type 2 at 80°C (acc. to DIN 8075) is shown
- for MDPE for comparison. The minimum required strength
(MRS) at 20°C and 50 years is 10 MPa for PE100
Material Minimum Required Hydrostatic and 8 MPa for PE80 giving the design stress 8
Designation Strength DesignStress MPa and 6.3 MPa, respectively.
(MRS)MPa (S) MPa
PE63 5.0 6.3 Burst Stress MPa
PE80 6.3 8.0
PE100 8.0 10.0 20°C
20 40°C
- for PVC
Material Minimum
Designation Required Strength 5
(MRS)MPa 3
up to 20mm nominal size - 9.8 MPa 2
25 to 150 nominal size - 11.0 MPa 1
175 nominal size and larger - 12.3 MPa 0.5
10-1 1 10 102 103 104 105 106h
50 Years
Time to Failure

Stress/time curves for PVC at 20°C, 40°C and


.. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . 1
Studies of fatigue response have shown that a
fatigue crack initiates from some dislocation in the
material matrix, usually towards the inside surface 9 Bar PVC-U pipe
of the pipe where stress levels are highest, and
propagates or grows with each stress cycle at a Recommended limitation.
rate dependent on the magnitude of the stress. Maximum sustained
1 million cycles or
9 bar 500,000 events
Ultimately the crack will penetrate the pipe wall, working pressure

extending from a few millimetres to a few centime- 8 bar

tres long in the axial direction and will produce a 7 bar Maximum surge
leak. On occasion, particularly with larger pipes 6 bar
containing air entrained in the line, a large surge
5 bar
may cause unstable crack propagation and the 4.5 bar
pipe will burst. 4 bar

3 bar
It is important to appreciate that the growth of a
2 bar
fatigue crack is primarily dependent on the stress
cycle amplitude, i.e. the maximum pressure minus 1 bar surge pressure
the minimum pressure. Therefore a pipe subjected 0 bar
0 bar
to a pressure cycle of zero to half working pressure -1 bar pressure
is as much in danger of fatigue as one subjected to
a pressure cycle of half to full working pressure.
Thus pipe fatigue failures occur just as frequently
at high points in the system as at low points where
the total pressure is greater.

12 Bar PVC-U pipe

Design Criteria for Fatigue
A design for fatigue must involve: Recommended limitation.
1. An estimate of the magnitude of pressure 1 million cycles or
15 bar 500,000 events
fluctuations likely to occur in the pipeline, i.e. the
difference between maximum and minimum
Maximum sustained
pressures. 12 bar
working pressure
2. An estimate of the frequency, usually expressed
Maximum surge
as cycles per day, at which fluctuations will occur. 9 bar pressure
3. A statement of the required service life needed
from the pipe. 6 bar
6.0 bar

3 bar
The DYNAMIC loads normaly considered during Minimum
surge pressure
operation are:
0 bar 0 bar
• internal cyclic loading e.g. surge associated with -1 bar pressure
pumping regimes or the rapid closure of valves;
• external cyclic loadings due to traffic conditions.

In general terms and for normal use, polymer

pipelines which are correctly laid, bedded and sup-
ported are capable of withstanding such imposed
loadings, within these recommendations.

.. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . 2
In the simplest terms the pressure cycle amplitude
PE100, SDR 11 is defined as the maximum pressure, minus the
minimum pressure experienced by the system,
16 Maximum sustained working pressure
including all transients, both positive and negative.
15 For purposes of fatigue design, transient pressures
14 (a)
13 due to accidental events such as power failure may
Operating Pressure Range (bar)

12 be ignored, since they are not repetitive. Only primary

11 (b)
Maximum surge pressure repetitive operational events need be considered.
6 (c)
4 (d)
1 Minimum surge pressure
Negative pressure

In fluctuating pressure conditions, the pipe should

operate within the pressure envelope. The vertical
lines a, b, c & d illustrate that the permissible range
of pressure fluctuation due to surge should not
exceed 8 bar and may be, for example,between the EFFECT OF SURGES
following limits:
Pumping systems are frequently subject to surging
a) from 8 bar to 16 bar
due to the effects of switching. The resultant pressure
b) from 5 bar to 13 bar
wave will decay exponentially and the system will
c) from 0 bar to 8 bar
then experience a number of minor pressure cycles
d) from –1 bar to 7 bar (possible vacuum conditions
of diminishing magnitude. In order to take this into
which means the system can be operated at 8
account, the effect of each minor cycle is related to
bar pressure and can still work within the
the primary cycle in terms of the number of such
pressure envelope)
cycles which would produce the same crack growth
as one primary cycle.
PE100 (SDR 17.6) and PE80 (SDR 11) According to this technique, a typical exponentially
decaying surge regime is equivalent to two primary
10 Maximum sustained working pressure cycles. Thus for design purposes, the primary cycle
amplitude only is considered, with the frequency
9 (a)
Operating Pressure Range (bar)

7 (b)
Maximum surge pressure
Water hammer is a temporary change in pressure
4 in a pipeline due to a change in the velocity of flow
3 in a pipe with respect to time, e.g. a valve opens or
2 (d) closes or a pump starts or stops. Accidental events
1 such as a pipe blockage can also be a cause. The
Minimum surge pressure effects are exacerbated by:
• Fast closing/stopping valves/pumps
• High water velocities
Negative pressure
• Air in the line
• Poor layout of the pipe network, positioning of
The vertical lines a, b, c, d illustrate that the pumps
permissable range of fluctuation in pressure should • Pump start method
not exceed 5 bar and may be, for example, Note that water hammer pressure may be positive
between the following limits; or negative. Both can be detrimental to pipe
(a) from 5-10 bar, systems; not only pipes, but pumps, valves and
(b) from 3-8 bar, thrust supports can be damaged. Negative pressures
(c) from 0-5 bar, can cause “separation” (vacuum formation), with
(d) from 1-4 bar (possible vacuum conditions). very high positive pressures on “rejoinder” (collapse
This applies to 10 bar PE pipe, eg. PE100 pipes at of the vacuum). For these reasons, water hammer
SDR 17.6 and PE80 pipes at SDR 11. should be eliminated as far as possible.

.. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . 3
Water hammer pressures can be reduced by: under hydraulic thrust when improperly supported,
• Controlling and slowing valve and pump operations or vibration induced fatigue caused by direct
• Reducing velocities by using larger diameter pipes connection of pipe work to pumps, e.g. flanged
• Using pipe material with lower elastic modulus connections. Isolation from vibration should always
• Astute layout of network, valves, pumps and air valves be provided in the design. Injection moulded fittings
• Fast-acting pressure relief valves. up to and including 50 mm diam. should be rated
It is beyond the scope of this manual to give a PN15. Larger sizes are rated PN12. In large pipe
complete description of water hammer analysis and installations, where high pressures are expect-
mitigation. ed, cast iron fittings are preferred. With PVC full
faced flanges should be fitted with backing rings
DESIGN HINTS behind both bolt head and nut when used at pres-
To reduce the effect of dynamic fatigue in an sures above 240kPa. Stub flanges are recom-
installation, the designer can: mended.
1. Limit the number of cycles by:
(a)Increasing well capacity for a pumping station. WAVE SPEED
(b)Matching pump performance to tank size
eliminate short demand cycles for an automatic TRANSMISSION
pressure unit. In applications where surgepressures may occur,
(c)Using double-acting float valves or limiting the relatively low shock wave transmission speed
starts on the pump by the use of a time clock in polymer pipes (compared with that of a pipe of
when filling a reservoir. a more rigid material), can be particularly benefi-
2. Reduce the dynamic range by: cial.
(a)Eliminating excessive water hammer. The range of wave transmissions speeds in water
(b)Using a larger bore pipe to reduce friction loss. for various pipematerials and wall thicknesses.
Wave speed is approximately related to pressure
EFFECT OF TEMPERATURE change by the Joukowski formula:
Research to date (ref.[2]) suggests that crack
growth rates in uPVC is not greatly affected by ∆p = p.a. ∆V
temperature change.
Therefore while temperature rating principles must
be applied in pressure rating selection for static ∆p = pressure change (N/m2)
pressures, (ductile burst), no adjustment need be p = fluid density (kg/m3)
applied for dynamic design. Select the highest a = wave speed (m/s)
according to: ∆C = velocity change (m/s)
(a) static design including temperature derating
Therefore for a given density and change in velocity,
the surge pressure is approximately proportional to
(b) dynamic design as discussed in this section.
wave speed. This illustrates how, for a given surge
SAFETY FACTORS ‘event’, the surge pressures generated in Marley
Pressure pipes will be considerably less than the
The analysis and design method adopted by
magnitude of surge developed in other pipe mate-
Joseph can be considered conservative. Given
reasonable confidence in prediction of pressure
cycle amplitude, no additional factor of safety need For external dynamic loading conditions the use of
be applied for selection of pipe class. PE pressure mains under major carriageways is
The more likely area of deficiency is in the dependent on the type of trench bedding conditions
frequency of number of cycles. Lack of confidence used.
in this parameter may warrant application of an PE 80 and PE 100 pressure mains should be laid
appropriate factor of safety. This judgement is in under major roads with the correct installation
the hands of the designer. It is recommended that techniques.
systems that are of concern to the designer should
be monitored on commissioning to ensure that
operation is in accordance with design criteria.
Pressure cycling outside acceptable limits can be
mitigated by a number of techniques, as outlined

Complex stress patterns in fittings can “amplify” the
stress cycling in the fitting. This factor is particularly
prevalent in branch fittings such as tees, where
amplification factors of up to four times have been
observed. The condition can be aggravated by the
existence of stress cycling from other sources. For
example, bending stresses induced by flexing

.. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . 4

Ductile Iron
Grey cast


Asbestos cement


100 PE 80

10 100 1000

Wave speeds for water in various pipes of diameter (D) and wall thickness (e)

CELERITY If the valve closure time tc is less than t, the pres-

sure rise due to the valve closure is given by:
The velocity of the pressure wave, referred to as
celerity (C), depends on the pipe material, pipe P1 = C.V
dimensions and the liquid properties in accordance
with the following relationship where
P1 = pressure rise in kPa
v = liquid velocity in m/sec
[ ( )]

C= W 1 + SDR x 103 m/sec

K E If the valve closure time tc is greater than t, then the
pressure rise is approximated by:
W = liquid density (1000 kg/m3 for water)
K =
Standard Dimension Ratio of the pipe
liquid bulk modulus (2150 MPa) []
P2 = t P1
E = pipe material short term modulus (MPa)

The time taken for the pressure wave to travel the SURGE CELERITY
length of the pipeline and return is
The surge celerity in a pipeline filled with liquid can
be determined by:
t = 2L
[ ( )]

C= W 1 + SDR x 103 m/sec

where K E
t = time in seconds
L = length of pipeline where
W = liquid density (1000 kg/m3 for water)
SDR = Standard Dimension Ratio of the pipe
K = liquid bulk modulus (2150 MPa)
E = pipe material ‘instantaneous’ modulus
(taken as 1000 MPa for PE80B,
1200MPa for PE80C, 1500 MPa for

.. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . 5
Celerity m/s The velocity of flow in Marley pipes should not nor-
SDR MDPE (PE 80B) HDPE (PE 100) mally exceed 1-2 metres per second in distribution
mains. Where higher velocities are expected,
41 160 190 consideration should be given to the effects of
33 170 210 surge.
26 190 240
21 220 260 The hydraulically smooth bore of a Marley pipe
17 240 290 gives excellent flow characteristics which are usu-
13.6 270 320 ally retained through its operational life. The
11 300 360 hydraulic frictional coefficients normally used in the
9 330 390 design of continuous straight PE pipes working
7.4 360 430 under pressure are:

• Colebrook-White Ks = 0.003mm
PVC Surge Celerity • Hazen Williams C = 144

SIZE UP TO AND SIZES DN 175 The metric Colebrook- White formula for the velocity
of water in a smooth bore pipe under laminar
conditions takes the form:
Class SDR a(m/s) SDR a(m/s)
6 36.7 281 39.3 272
V = -2 2gDi. • log. [ Ks
D 2gDi
15 14.7 432 15.7 419
18 13.8 444 14.8 430 Depending on the nature of the surface of a pipe
and the velocity of fluid that it is carrying, the flow
Dimension Ratio (SDR) and Celerity (a) in a pipe will either be rough turbulent, smooth
turbulent or most probably somewhere in between.
For buried pipes increase the wave celerity (a) by 7%.
The Colebrook-White transition equation incorporates
Complex Cycle Patterns the smooth turbulent and rough turbulent conditions.
For smooth pipe the first term in the brackets tends
In general, a similar technique may be applied to to zero and the second term predominates. For a
any situation where smaller cycles exist in addition rough pipe the first term in the brackets predominates,
to the primary cycle. Empirically, crack growth is particularly at flows with a high Reynolds Number.
related to stress cycle amplitude according to ( This equation is therefore an almost universal
∆S)3.2. Thus n secondary cycles of magnitude ∆P1, application to virtually any surface roughness, pipe
may be deemed equivalent in effect to one primary size, fluid or velocity of flow in the turbulent range.
cycle, ∆P0.
Substituting for f in the Darcy equation note that:

( )
∆ P1 Q = flow velocity x pipe internal area.
where n =
∆ P0 Where Q = discharge (m3/s)

This leads to the following expression upon which

For example a secondary cycle of half the the flow charts are based
magnitude of the primary cycle is expressed as:

Q = πD • 2gD H • log 10 D

2 3.2
n= = 9.2 4 L k + 2.51v
3.7 2gD H
so it would require nine secondary cycles to
produce the same effect as one primary cycle. If Where
these are occurring at the same frequency, the
V = velocity in metres per second
effective frequency of primary cycling is increased
g = gravitational acceleration (a valve of 9.807
by 1.1 for the purpose of design.
ms-2 maybe assumed)
i = hydraulic gradient
v = kinetic viscosity (a value of 1.141 x 10-6
may be assumed).
Ks = linear measure of roughness in mm = 0.003
D = mean internal diameter of pipe in metres
Q = discharge (litres/second)
H = head of loss (meters/100 metres of pipe)

.. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . 6
However, it is conceivable that a pipe could be
Flowcharts for pipe systems using this formula manufactured with a maximum OD and a minimum
have been in operation in New Zealand for over 20 wall thickness within approved tolerances. In this
years for transmission of water and have been case the discharge will be more than that indicated
proven in practical installations. by the charts. Similarly a pipe with a minimum OD
and a maximum wall thickness will have a lower
discharge than indicated.
Other Pipe Flow Formulas For a given discharge the variation in friction head
loss or hydraulic gradient due to this effect can be
a) The Manning formula of the order of 2% to 10% depending on the pipe
size and class. For pipe sizes greater than 100mm,
V = 1 R2/3
H 1/2
this variation is usually limited to 6% for a PN18
n L pipe.

b) The Hazen-Williams formula

Roughness Considerations

() H The value of k, the roughness coefficient, has been

V = 0.849 C R0.63
L chosen as 0.003mm for new, clean, concentrically
jointed Marley pressure pipe. This figure for k
Where: n = Manning roughness coefficient
agrees with recommended values given in
C = Hazen-Williams roughness coeffiecient
Australian Standard 2200 (Design Charts for Water
R = hydraulic radius (m)
Supply and Sewage). It also is in line with work by
(R = D/4 for a pipe flowing full)
Housen at the University of Texas which confirms
H = hydraulic gradient that results for Marley pipe compare favourably
L with accepted values for smooth pipes for flows
with Reynolds’ Number exceeding 104.
Roughness may vary within a pipeline for a variety
Though both formulas do not give the same accuracy
of reasons. However, in water supply pipelines
as the Colebrook-White equation over a wide
using clean Marley pressure pipe these effects are
range of flows they are often used in hydraulics
minimised if not eliminated and k can be reliably
because of the comparative simplicity.
taken as being equal to 0.003 mm.
Water Temperature Factors which may result in a higher k value
The viscosity of water decreases with increasing include:
temperature. As the temperature increases the • Wear or roughness due to conveyed solids
friction head will decrease. • Growth of slime or other incrustations on the
An approximate allowance for the effect of the • Joint irregularities and deflections in line
variation in water temperature is as follows: and grade
1. Pipe diameter < 150mm
Increase the chart value of the hydraulic Note: Significant additional losses can be caused by
gradient by 1% for each 2°C below 20°C. design or operational faults such as air entrapment,
Decrease the chart value of the hydraulic sedimentation, partly closed valves or other
gradient by 1% for each 2°C above 20°C. artificial restrictions. Every effort should be made to
2. Pipe diameter> 150mm eliminate such problems. It is not recommended
Increase the chart value of the hydraulic that k values be adjusted to compensate, since this
gradient by1% for each 3°C below 20°C. may lead to errors of judgement concerning the
Decrease the chart value of the hydraulic true hydraulic gradient.
gradient by1% for each 3°C above 20°C.
Engineers who wish to adopt higher values of k
Manufacturing Diameter Tolerance should take into account some of the above effects
in relation to their particular circumstances. The
Marley pressure pipe is manufactured in
maximum suggested value is 0.015 mm. Table 6
accordance with AS/NZS 1477 and NZ/4130
lists the percentage increase in the hydraulic
which permits specific manufacturing tolerance on
gradient for typical k values above 0.003 mm for
both its mean outside diameter and wall thickness.
various flow velocities.
Hence the mean bore of a pipe is given by:
Mean bore = De - 2 • te (1)
HOUSEN, “Tests find friction factors in uPVC pipe”.
mean OD mean wall Oil and Gas Journal Vol. 75, 1977.
The “Nominal Size” lines on the flow chart correspond
to the mean bore of that size and class of pipe.

.. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . 7
Percentage increase in Hydraulic AIR VALVES
Gradient for Values of k Higher than All water contains dissolved air. Normally this
0.003 mm. would be about 2% but it can vary largely depending
on temperature and pressure. Air trapped in the
SIZE FLOW VELOCITY k = 0.006 k = 0.015 line in pockets is continually moving in and out of
(m/s) (mm) (mm) solution.
50 0.5 0.6% 2.3% Air in the line not only reduces the flow by causing
1.0 1.0% 3.8% a restriction but amplifies the effects of pressure
2.0 1.6% 6.2% surges. Air valves should be placed in the line at
4.0 2.7% 9.8% sufficient intervals so that air can be evacuated, or,
100 0.5 0.5% 2.0% if the line is drained, air can enter the line.
1.0 0.9% 3.3% Air valves should be placed along the pipe line at
2.0 1.5% 5.5% all high points or significant changes in grade. On
4.0 2.4% 8.8% long rising grades or flat runs where there are no
200 0.5 0.4% 1.8% significant high points or grade changes, air valves
1.0 0.8% 2.9% should be placed at least every 500-1,000 metres
2.0 1.3% 4.9% at the engineer’s discretion.
4.0 2.2% 7.9%
300 0.5 0.4% 1.6% Recommended Air Valve Size
1.0 0.7% 2.8%
2.0 1.2% 4.6% Size Air Valve Size
4.0 2.0% 7.4% Up to 100 25 single
450 0.5 0.4% 1.5% 100-200 50 double
1.0 0.6% 2.5%
200-450 80 double
2.0 1.1% 4.3%
4.0 1.9% 6.9%
Relating Roughness Coefficients
Knowing k the equivalent roughness coefficients n FRICTION IN PIPE
and C for the other two formulas can be compared
as follows:
1 = 5.04 D D H = f
√2g log10 D2g
n k 2.51v
3.7 2gD H
L Where
f = Darcy friction factor
H = head loss due to friction (m)
C = 5.64 D-0.13 H D
D = pipe internal diameter (m)
L √2g log k 2.51v L = pipe length (metres)
2gD H
3.7 v = flow velocity (m/s)
L g = gravitational acceleration (9.8 m/s2)
R = Reynolds Number

EQUIVALENT ROUGHNESS COEFFICIENTS This is valid for the laminar flow region. However,
as most pipes are likely to operate in the transition
ID k v H/L n C zone between smooth and full turbulence, the
(m) (m) (m2/s) (mm) transition function developed by Colebrook-White
0.20 0.003 x 10-3 1 x 10-6 0.01 0.0082 154 is necessary to establish the relationship between
0.015 x 10-3 1 x 10-6 0.01 0.0084 154 f and R.
0.45 0.003 x 10-3 1 x 10-6 0.01 0.0084 156

0.015 x 10-3 1 x 10-6 0.01 0.0086 152 1 K 2.51
= -2 Log10 +
f 3.7D R f

K = Colebrook-White roughness coefficient (m)

For ease of reference, typical design flow charts in

this manual based upon k = 0.003mm are repro-

.. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . 8
Head Loss Through Actual headloss characteristics for a range of
service pipe sizes and appropriate fittings to
Fittings determine overall headloss for PE 80 pipes service
The frictional losses occasioned by flow through installations.
valves and fittings are approximately proportional
to the square of the liquid velocity, The effect of the frictional resistance created by
the internal beads in butt welded joints is hardly
Kv2 significant in normal distribution installations in
H = smaller diameters or where the joints are frequent
(e.g. for a joint once every 2 metres, an increase in
the frictional resistance of about 2% should be
H = loss of head
v = liquid velocity For practical purposes, designers of water mains
g = acceleration due to gravity for normal housing layouts may consider alternative
K = coefficient dependent on type of fitting methods to take account of all secondary and minor
Perhaps a more convenient way of allowing for the losses for small and medium sized developments.
frictional resistance of valves, fittings, obstruction,
etc is to consider an equivalent straight length of
pipe which would create the same frictional

Average Headloss in Fittings and Components

Table Fitting/Component Size Headloss (m) at flow rates of:

L/m 10 25 35 100 160
L/s 0.16 0.42 0.58 1.66 2.66
1 Ferrule connection 20 0.1 0.9 2.0
25 0.1 0.7 1.5
32 0.2 0.4
63 0.5 1.5
2 Stop valves _ 0.6 3.7 9.5
_ 0.2 1.2 1.9
1 0.4 0.7
1_ 0.1 0.2 0.9 2.2
2 0.1 0.4 0.8
3 Boundary boxes 20 0.8 4.5 10.0
(with meter) 25 0.7 3.2 6.1
Boundary boxes 25 0.5 1.9 3.4
(without meter)
4 Double check valves 20 1.8 4.0 6.0
25 1.2 2.0 2.7
32 1.3 1.8
50 2.5
63 0.4 0.9
5 Adaptors 20 0.4 0.5
25 0.1 0.1
32 0.1
6 Elbows 20 0.3 1.3 2.4
25 0.1 0.2 0.4
32 0.1 0.2
50 0.2
63 0.1
7 Tees (on branch) 20 0.2 1.0
25 0.3 0.6
32 0.1 0.2
50 0.3
63 0.2

.. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . 9


Square Inlet 0.50 Ratio d/D q = 10° typical
Re-entrant Inlet 0.80 0.9 0.02
Slightly rounded Inlet 0.25 0.7 0.13
0.5 0.29
Bellmouth Inlet 0.05
0.3 0.42
Elbows: R/D < 0.6 45° 0.35 GRADUAL CONTRACTIONS
e.g. uPVC 90° 1.10 Ratio d/D q = 10° typical
0.9 0.03
Long Radius Bends 11  ° 0.05 0.7 0.08
(R/D>2) 22  ° 0.10 0.5 0.12
45° 0.20 0.3 0.14
90° 0.50

(a) Flow in line 0.35 Gate Valve (fully open) 0.20

(b) Line to branch flow 1.00

Ratio d/D Reflux Valve 2.50
0.9 0.04
0.8 0.13
0.7 0.26
0.6 0.41 Globe Valve 10.00
0.5 0.56
0.4 0.71
0.3 0.83
0.2 0.92 Butterfly Valve 0.20
(fully open)
<0.2 1.00

Ratio d/D Angle Valve 5.00
0.9 0.10
0.8 0.18
0.7 0.26
0.6 0.32 Foot Valve with strainer
hinged disc valve 15.00
0.5 0.38 unhinged (poppet) 10.00
0.4 0.42 disc valve
0.3 0.46
0.2 0.48
<0.2 0.50
Air Valves zero


Square Outlet 1.00 Ball Valve 0.10

Rounded Outlet 1.00

.. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . 10
EFFECTS Expansion and contraction of Marley pipes occurs
with changes in the pipe material service tempera-
The buckling performance limit may govern the
design of a flexible pipe under conditions of internal
This is in common with all pipe material and in
vacuum or underwater installations.
order to determine the actual amount of expansion
Reduced pressures can be generated in pumped
or contraction, the actual temperature change, and
mains due to sudden change in system operation.
the degree of restraint of the installed pipeline need
In some instances these transients can generate
to be known.
sub-atmospheric pressures in the pipeline. The
For design purposes, an average value of
magnitude of negative pressure conditions is limit-
ed by the vapour pressure of the fluid conveyed. 2.0 x 10-4/°C for Marley PE pipes
For water at 20°C the vapour pressure is 2.34 kPa. 8.0 x 10-5/°C for Marley PVC pipes
As atmospheric pressure is nominally 101.3 kPa, may be used.
full negative head can not exceed 99 kPa or 10 The relationship between temperature change and
metres head. In practise, negative head is only a length change for different materials.
transient phenomenon and is also mitigated by Where pipes are buried, the changes in tempera-
leakage past valves and control devices. ture are small and slow acting, and the amount of
PVC rubber ring jointed pressure pipes are capable expansion/contraction of the pipe is relatively
of performing under the most severe conditions of small. In addition, the frictional support of the back-
negative pressure. Both AS1477 and AS2977 fill against the outside of the pipe restrains the
specify that joints must withstand a minimum vacu- movement and any thermal effects are translated
um of 90 kPa for 2 hours without leakage. into stress in the wall of the pipe.
For a circular ring subjected to a uniform external Accordingly, in buried pipelines the main consider-
pressure (or internal vacuum) the critical buckling ation of thermal movement is during installation in
pressure PCR is defined by Timoshenko as: high ambient temperatures.
Above ground PE pipes require no expansion/con-
2.E traction considerations for free ended pipe or
PCR = where lateral movement is of no concern on site.
( )
Alternatively, pipes may be anchored at intervals to
allow lateral movement to be spread evenly along
the length of the pipeline. But with PVC pipes
where allowance must be made for expansion and con-
E = Young’s Modulus (MPa) traction.
D = outside diameter (mm)
t = wall thickness (mm)
Thermal Expansion and
For long tubes such as pipelines under combined Contraction
stress, Poissons effect must be taken into account, - for MDPE
and the equation becomes: 20.0

Expansion and Contraction (mm/m)


( )
t 3 12.5
PCR = x
1-υ 2
D-t 10.0


Young’s Modulus (E) for short term loading i.e. 5.0

where the negative pressure is only present for a 2.5
short duration, such as column separation under 0
severe water hammer conditions, = 2750 MPa. 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Pipe Material Temperature change (°C)
Young’s Modulus (E) for long term loading, such as
for pipe installed underwater is recommended as - for PVC
= 1370 MPa.
Poisson’s Ratio
υ = 0.38
Linear Expansion mm/m

Pipe Material Temperature Rise °C

.. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . 11
Maximum Expansion or Contraction of
Unplasticised uPVC Pipe

Determination of the Length of the Flexible Arm

Example: For a pipe with expansion of 10mm and an external diameter (de) of 50mm, the length of the arm (a)
shall be at least 750mm.

.. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . 12
• Design Consideration CONTENTS

• Loads on Pipes

• External Pressure

• Deflection

• Below Ground Installation

• Thrust Support

• Pipelines on Steep Slopes

• Pipeline Buoyancy

• Expansion Joints

• Pipeline Detection

• Bends & Bending

• Concrete Encasement

• Above Ground Installation

• Pneumatic Design

• Trenchless Installation
6 Installation
6.1 DESIGN Standards 2566 plastics pipelaying design) sets
out procedures to be adopted.
CONSIDERATION Special construction techniques can involve backfill
stabilisation, load bearing overlay or slab protection.
1. Where Marley Pressure Pipes are selected the It should be noted that cover of less than 1.5
designer must consider: diameters may result in flotation of empty pipes
• the use of straight or coiled pipes under wet conditions. Low covers may also result
• the jointing method in pipe “jacking” (lifting at vertically deflected joints)
• the trench width (standard or narrow) when pressurised.
• directional drilling – no trench installation

2. Marley Pressure pipes are available either in

6.2.2 Bending Loads
coils or straight lengths depending upon pipe Under bending stress Marley Pressure pipes will
size and material selected. bend rather than break. However, the following
precautions are very important.
Straight pipes are usually produced in 6m or
12m lengths and MDPE coils are currently 1. In below ground installations, the pipes must
available in sizes up to 125mm. have uniform, stable support.
3. Open trench pipeline must allow for the jointing,
cooling and snaking of the pipe. When using 2. In above ground installations, proper, correctly
‘normal’ trench widths, this can mean greater spaced supports must be provided.
inconvenience to traffic but allows flexibility to
overcome unforeseen obstructions and also 3. In above ground installations, pumps, valves and
ensures the ability to bed and surround the pipe other heavy appendages must be supported
properly. Narrow trenching with PE has the con- independantly.
siderable advantages of reduced reinstatement
costs and less spoil to handle but not all subsoils 6.3 EXTERNAL
are conducive to such a technique and proper
laying, bedding and compaction is not always
possible at the required depths of cover. All flexible pipe materials can be subject to buckling
Trenchless techniques such as directional due to external pressure and PE pipes behave in a
drilling and impact moling can be used particu- similar fashion to PVC and steel pipes.
larly well with PE systems. For a uniform section pipe the critical buckling
pressure Pc can be calculated as follows:
4. The flexibility of PE allows the accurate alignment
of the pipeline to awkwardly contoured kerb 2380 E
races on housing sites. The reinstatement or Pc =
(SDR - 1)3
replacement of pipes in established areas will
minimise disruption for major cost advantages.

6.2 LOADS ON PIPES E = modulus of elasticity (Gpa)

U = Poissons Ratio (0.4)
6.2.1 Soil and Traffic Loads t = wall thickness (mm)
Loads are exerted on buried pipe due to: Dm = mean pipe diameter (mm)
• Soil pressures
• Superimposed loads Where pipes are buried and supported by backfill
• Traffic loads soil the additional support may be calculated from:
For normal water supply systems, the minimum
depths of burial (cover) stipulated in AS/NZ 2053 P b = 1.15(PcE`) 0.5

should be observed. Under these conditions and

up to a maximum of 3 metres cover, soil and traffic Where
loadings are of little significance and design
calculations are not warranted. This applies to all E` = soil modulus from AS2566-Plastic
classes of pipe. Pipelaying Design.
For depth shallower than those recommended, See table Section
traffic loading may be of significance.
At greater depths, soil loadings may control selection Tabulations of the value of E` for various combinations
of pipe class. In these instances, lighter pipe classes of soil types and compactions are contained in
may not be suitable and specific design calculations AS2566.
and/or special construction techniques may be The development of any restraint from the
required. Wet trench conditions may also require surrounding soil is governed by the depth of
further investigation. installation and for installations less than 3 pipe
For design purposes, AS 2566 (Australian diameters deep, the effect should be disregarded.

.. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . 1
The value of Pc calculated requires a factor of U
safety to be applied and a factor of 1.5 may be w
applied for those conditions where the negative
pressure conditions can be accurately assessed. 4) Traffic Loads
Where soil support is taken into account then a
factor of 3 is more appropriate. MαΩ
W = Cp
In general terms a Class 9 pipe should be used as I
a minimum for pump suction lines or when negative
pressure will be generated due to gradient the pipe The symbols expressed in these formulate for
is laid. evaluating the loads acting on the pipes are
Where the individual installation conditions result in contained in AS/NZ2566 and are as follows:
negative pressure conditions that are not present in
W = load on pipe (kN/m)
operation, then regard must be paid to construction
C = load coefficient
techniques. For example pipes may need to be
Ω = impact factor
filled with water during concrete encasement when
l = length of pipe over which concentrated
being used as vertical or horizontal ducting.
load acts (m)
In operation, fluid may be removed from the
M = concentrated load (kN)
pipeline faster than it is supplied from the source.
D = mean pipe outside diameter (m)
This can arise from valve operation, draining of the
B = trench width (m)
line or rupture of the line in service. Air valves must
U = uniformity distributed load (kPa)
be provided at high points in the line and
w = density of fill (t/m3)
downstream from control valves to allow the entry
of air into the line and prevent the creation of
vacuum conditions. Generally, in long pipelines air 6.5 DEFLECTION
valves should be provided each 250 metres along Flexible pipes resist external loading by a combi-
the line. nation of ring stiffness of the pipe and the soil sup-
port developed as a result of deflection of the pipe
6.4 EXTERNAL LOADING under loading.
This deflection invokes passive support and
Underground pipes behave as structural elements provides the major portion of the total installed pipe
and as such are required to withstand external strength.
loads from various sources. The amount of passive support is determined by
The actual loading on the pipe may be caused by the type of soil and the amount of compaction in
one of more of the following: the soil at the side of the pipe.
The determination of this support is contained in
1) Earth loads in either trench or embankment
the various sections of AS2566 and is specific to
each installation.
2) Imposed loading either concentrated point
For flexible pipes the maximum load bearing
loading or uniformly distributed loading such as
capacity is determined by the deflection of the pipe
in footings or foundations.
from the original diameter.
3) Traffic loads from aircraft, railway and motor
Traditionally, in New Zealand the maximum allowable
deflection has been 5% of the pipe outside the
AS/NZS2555 – Plastics Pipelaying Design provides diameter and this value has been adopted in AS1477
a methodology of calculating these loads operating on & AS/NZS4130. This value originally related to the
buried pipes under various installation conditions. limit applied to cement lined steel pipe as being the
The basis of the AS/NZ2566.1 and 2566.2 is that limit before the lining cracked under loading.
developed by Marston in the USA and for each of In the case of homogeneous flexible pipes this limit
the load sources listed in 1,2 and 3 is as follows: has not engineering basis and may be exceeded
without structural damage. For such pipes deflection
4) Earth Loads of 20% O.D may be tolerated without structural
Trench In several overseas countries deflection values of 7
a) Embankment and 12.5% O.D. are used for design purposes.
b) W = CewD2 The actual maximum design value adopted may be
selected by the designer taking into account the
1) Imposed Loads particular requirements of the installation, such as
the need to pass mechanical cleaning equipment
Uniformly distributed load down the bore of the pipe.
For the pipe deflected at 5% O.D. the hydraulic
2) Trench capacity of the pipe is 99.9% of the capacity of the
W = CuBU same pipe as a perfect circle.
3) Embankment The calculation of the deflection of the pipe caused
The load U is expressed as an equivalent height by the external loading is performed in AS2566
of fill and added to the embankment height. using the approach developed by Spangler in the
USA at Iowa State College.

.. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . 2
aaaa Where

∆x =

mean pipe diameter (m)

compaction techniques.

b) Type 2
The level of compaction
attained by thorough
hand tamping methods
normally used in trench

c) Type 3
conditions for sewer
and drain applications.

The level of compaction

attained where the
sidefill is not compacted
and side support arises
from natural soil
consolidation. Normally
used in stormwater
and pressure pipe
applications where no
additional external
loads are encountered.
In this case the deflection is calculated as follows:

1.5 x 106 LD R(D/T)3 W

Ec + 0.0915 E` (D/T)3

diametrical deflection (m)

pipe wall thickness (m)

elastic modulus of pipe material (MPa)
modulus of soil reaction (MPa)
load acting on pipe (N/m)

Marley design engineers can supply a computer

program for design in accordance with

As indicated previously, the major support in the

installed pipeline is derived from the supporting soil
and the attention of the designer is drawn to
modifying the Type of standard compaction as the
preferred method of increasing the load resistance
of the pipeline.
The standard levels of compaction contained in
AS/NZS2566 and the intended usage areas as

a) Type 1
The highest level of
compaction as used in
the highway and road


D + 150mm

D + 150mm

D + 150mm

D + 150mm

.. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. .






6.6.1 Preparing the Pipes
Before installation, each pipe and fitting should
be inspected to see that its bore is free from for-
eign matter and that its outside surface has no
large scores or any other damage. Pipe ends
should be checked to ensure that the spigots and
sockets are free from damage.
Pipes of the required diameter and pressure rat-
ing should be identified and matched with their
respective fittings and placed ready for installa-

6.6.2 Preparing the Trench

Marley pipe can be damaged or deformed if its
support by the ground on which it is laid is not
made as uniform as possible. The trench bottom
should be examined for irregularities and any
hard projections removed.
The minimum trench width should allow for
adequate tamping of side support material and
should be not less than 200mm greater than the
diameter of the pipe. In very small diameter
pipes this may be reduced to a trench width of
twice the pipe diameter.
The maximum trench width should be as restrict-
ed as possible depending on the soil conditions.
This is necessary for both economics and to
develop side support.
Where wide trenches or embankments are
encountered then the pipe should be installed on
a 75mm layer of tamped or compacted bedding
material as shown on the cross section dia-
grams. Where possible a sub trench should be
constructed at the base of the main trench to
reduce the soil loads developed.
AS/NZS2566 provides full details for evaluating
the loads developed under wide trench condi-

Recommended Trench Widths


a a aaa
Trench Widths
In general, the width of trenches should be kept to
the minimum that enable construction to readily


D 100mm

75mm min

75mm min

The width of trenches used with PE pipe may be

reduced from those used with PVC by jointing
above ground in the case of butt or electrofusion
welding and then feeding the jointed pipe into the
trench.Similarly, small diameter pipe in coil form
can be welded or mechanically jointed above
ground and then fed into the trench.

6.6.3 Wide Trenches

For deep trenches where significant soil loading
may occur, the trench should not exceed the widths
given in 6.6.2 without further investigation.
Alternatively the trench should be widened until
stability is reached. At this point, a smaller trench
may then be excavated in the bottom on the trench
to accept the pipe. In either case do not exceed the
maximum trench width at the top of the pipe unless
allowance has been made for the increased load.

6.6.4 Trench Depths

max width

The recommended minimum trench depth is

determined by the loads imposed on the pipe such
as the mass of backfill material, the anticipated traffic
loads and any other superimposed loads. The
depth of the trench should be sufficient to prevent
damage to the pipe when the anticipated loads are
imposed upon it.

.. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. .
6.6.5 Minimum Cover
Trenches should be excavated to allow for the
specified depth of bedding, the pipe diameter and
the minimum recommend cover, overlay plus
backfill, above the pipes. Table below provides
recommendations for minimum cover to pipe

Minimum Cover
Roads and streets
Driveways and similar areas
subject to traffic
Footpaths, gardens
Construction traffic

crushed gravel or
road base.
• Use a higher class
of pipe

required for normal
pressure or other

6.6.6 Bedding Material

Preferred bedding materials are
AS/NZ2655.1 and are as follows:
Cover (mm)

The above cover requirements will provide

over the trench.


struction loads.
plates may be used
in the case of con-

• Use a high quality

granular backfill e.g.


adequate protection for all pressure ratings of pipe.

Where it is necessary to use lower covers, several
options are available.
• Provide additional structural load bearing bridging


a) Suitable sand, free from rock or other hard or

sharp objects that would be retained on a 13.2
mm sieve.

b) Crushed rock or gravel evenly graded up to a

maximum size of 20 mm.

c) The excavated material may provide a suitable




pipe underlay if it is free from rock or hard matter

and broken up so that it contains no soil lumps
having any dimension greater than 40 mm
which would prevent adequate compaction of
the bedding.

The suitability of a material depends on its

compactability. Granular materials (gravel or sand)
containing little or no fines, or specification graded
materials, requiring little or no compaction, are
Sands containing fines, and clays, are difficult to
compact and should only be used where it can be
demonstrated that appropriate compaction can be

a aa
Variations in the hard bed should never exceed
20% of the bedding depth. Absolute minimum
underlay should be 50 mm.

6.6.7 Pipe Side Support

Material selected for pipe side support should be
adequately tamped in layers of not more than
75mm for pipes up to 250mm diameter and 150mm
for pipes of diameters 300mm and above. Care
should be taken not to damage the exposed pipe
and to tamp evenly on either side of the pipe to
prevent pipe distortion. Care should be taken not to
disturb the line or grade of the pipeline, where this
is critical, by excessive tamping.
Unless otherwise specified, the pipe side support
and pipe overlay material used should be identical
with the pipe bedding material.

Compaction should be brought evenly to the

design value required by AS/NZS2566 for the
specification installation.

6.6.8 Backfill
Unless otherwise specified, excavated material
from the site should constitute the back fill.
Gravel and sand can be compacted by vibratory
methods and clays by tamping. This is best
achieved when the soils are wet. If water flooding
is used and extra soil has to be added to the original
backfill, this should be done only when the flooded
backfill is firm enough to walk on.
When flooding the trench, care should be taken not
to float the pipe, or wash fines into rear joints.
All ground should be compacted back to 91-

Flexible or Composite

Wearing Course

Base Course

Road Base


Back fill

Surround to
(fine fill)

Running Surface


Road Structure


Trench Reinstatement Zone Terminology

Rigid or Modular


Base Course

Concrete slab or
bedded module


Back fill

Surround to
(fine fill)


95%.The loads arise from two sources; the static or

pressure force and the kinetic or velocity force.

.. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. .
An imbalanced thrust is developed by a pipeline at:
• Direction changes (>10°), e.g. tees and bends.
• Changes in pipeline size at reducers.
• Pipeline terminations, e.g. at blank ends and
The support system or soil must be capable of
sustaining such thrusts.
Pressure thrust results from internal pressure in the
line acting on fittings. Velocity thrust results from
inertial forces developed by a change in direction
or flow. The latter is usually insignificant compared
to the former.

6.7.1 Anchorage and Thrust Blocks MDPE

1. One of the fundamental features of fully
integrated Butt welded PE pipe systems is that
they are end-load resistant and anchorage is not
normally required at junctions or bends.
2. However, for push-fit systems or where individual
non end-load resistant fittings are used, anchor
blocks to withstand the resultant thrusts must be
provided in the traditional manner. For pipes
greater than 63mm, the use of concrete anchor
blocks should be specified.

6.7.2 Anchorage and Thrust Blocks PVC

Underground PVC pipelines jointed with rubber
ring joints require concrete thrust blocks to prevent
movement of the pipeline when a pressure load is
applied. In some circumstances, thrust support
may also be advisable in solvent cement jointed
systems. Uneven thrust will be present at most
fittings. The thrust block transfers the load from
the fitting, around which it is placed, to the larger
bearing surface of the solid trench wall.

6.7.3 Anchorage at Fittings

It is advisable to rigidly clamp at valves and other
fittings located at or near sharp directional
changes, particularly when the line is subjected to
wide temperature variations.
Ffittings should be supported individually and
valves should be braced against operating torque.

Pressure Thrust
The pressure thrust developed for various types of
fittings can be calculated as follows:

Blank ends, tees, valves F = A P 10-3

Reducers and tapers
F = (A1 - A2) P 10-3
F = 2 A P sin(O/2) 10-3

F = resultant thrust force

A = area of pipe taken at the OD
P = design internal pressure
O = included angle of bend
The design pressure used should be the maximum
pressure, including water hammer, to be applied to
the line. This will usually be the field test pressure.

aa Tee -


Reducer - Plan

Horizontal Bend - Plan


Tee - Plan

Valve -

.. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. .
Blank End -
Vertical Bend -

Hydrant at end
of line -

Pressure Thrust at Fittings in kN for pipes, these can be placed at such support points
Each 10 Metres Head of Water as flange locations. Additional supports, such as
sand bags, may be required to prevent scouring of
bedding and backfill materials down the trench
DN (mm2) 11 Qr ° 22 Qw ° 45° 90° ENDS
15 363 .01 .01 .03 .05 .04 Calculating Thrust Block Size.
20 568 .01 .02 .04 .08 .06
25 892 .02 .03 .07 .12 .09 1) Establish the maximum working or test pres-
32 1410 .03 .05 .11 .20 .14 sure to be applied to the line.
40 1840 .04 .07 .14 .26 .18 2) Calculate the thrust developed at the fitting
50 2870 .06 .11 .22 .40 .28 being considered.
65 4480 .09 .17 .34 .62 .44 3) Divide 2) above by the safe bearing capacity
80 6240 .12 .24 .47 .87 .61 per square metre for the soil type against
100 6240 .20 .39 .77 1.43 1.01 which the thrust block must bear.
125 10300 .30 .59 1.16 2.15 1.52
150 20200 .39 .77 1.52 2.80 1.98
200 40000 .77 1.53 3.00 5.55 3.92 Example
225 49400 .95 1.89 3.71 6.85 4.84 What bearing area of thrust block is required for a
150mm Class 12 90º. Bend in hard dry clay.
250 61900 1.19 2.37 4.65 8.58 6.07
i) Maximum working pressure of Class 12 pipe is
300 78400 1.51 3.00 5.88 10.87 7.69
1.2 MPa. Test pressure is 1.5 times working
375 126000 2.42 4.82 9.46 17.47 12.36 pressure = 1.0 MPa.
ii) A 150mm x 90º bend develops a thrust of
6.7.4 Construction of Thrust Blocks 24.9 x 10-3 newtons for each pascal of pressure
Concrete should be placed around the fitting in a Therefore thrust =
wedge shape with its widest part against the solid (24.9 x 10-3) x (1.8 x 106) = 4.4 x 104 newtons.
trench wall. Some forming may be necessary to iii) Bearing capacity of hard dry clay is 15 x 104
achieve an adequate bearing area with a minimum newtons per square metre. Therefore bearing
of concrete. The concrete mix should be allowed to area of thrust block =
cure for seven days before pressurisation.
A thrust block should bear firmly against the side of
the trench and to achieve this, it may be necessary
to hand trim the trench side or hand excavate the Velocity Thrust
trench wall to form a recess. The thrust acts Applies only at changes in direction of flow:
through the centre line of the fitting and the thrust
block should be constructed symmetrically about F = W a V2 • 2 sin(0/2) • 10-9 (kN)
this centre line.
Pipes and fittings should be covered with a protec- Where:
tive membrane of PVC, polyethylene or felt when a = cross sectional area of pipe take at the
adjacent to concrete so that they can move without inside diameter (mm2)
being damaged. W = density of fluid (water = 1,000) (kg/m3)
The designer should consider all aspects of the V = velocity of flow (m/s)
system, including the unbalanced loads imposed
by testing procedures, unusual configurations,
large temperature variations, etc and where exces-
sive load on the pipe system is envisaged, addi-
tional anchorage should be considered. To estab-
lish thrust block size establish the pressure to be
applied to the line, calculate thrust developed con-
sider the safe bearing capacity of the soil type
using one 3 x safety factor.
In shallow (<600mm) cover, installations or in
unstable conditions of fill, the soil support may be
considerably reduced and a complete soil analysis
may be needed.
The velocity thrust is generally small in comparison to
the pressure thrust.
The pressure used in the calculations should be
the maximum working or test pressure applied to
the line.
Where pipes are installed on steep slopes (greater
than 1:5) then bulkheads may need to be placed
along the pipeline to prevent movement of the

.. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . 7
a a
6.7.5 Bearing Loads of Soils

Rock and sandstone (hard thick layers)

Rock – solid shale and hard medium layers
Rock – poor shale, poor limestone, etc
Gravel and coarse sand (mixed)
Sand – compacted, firm, dry
Clay – hard, dry

Clay – easily penetrated several inches by thumb, sand loam

Peat, wet alluvial soils, silt, etc


Two problems can occur when pipes are installed
on steep slopes, i.e. slopes steeper than 20% (1:5).

1.The pipes may slide downhill so that the witness

mark positioning is lost. It may be necessary to
support each pipe with some cover during
construction to prevent the pipe sliding.

2.The generally coarse backfill around the pipe

may be scoured out by water movement in the
backfill. Clay stops or sandbags should be
placed in appropriate intervals above and below
the pipe to stop erosion of the backfill.

Pipelines on steep slopes


Pipe under wet conditions can become buoyant in
the trench. Marley pipes, being lighter than most
pipe materials should be covered with sufficient
overlay and backfill material to prevent inadvertent
flotation and movement. A depth of cover over the
pipe of 1.5 times the diameter is usually adequate.

.. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. .
The indicative capacities of various soil types are tabulated below:

Soil Type

Clay – readily indented by thumb but penetrated with difficulty


Safe Bearing Capacity
(newtons per square metre)
100 x 105
90 x 104
24 x 104
20 x 104
15 x 104
15 x 104
12 x 104
9 x 104

For above ground installations with solvent cement

joints provision should be made in the pipeline
for expansion and contraction. If the ends are
constrained and there is likely to be significant thermal
variation, then a rubber ring joint should be
installed at least every 12m to allow for movement
within the pipeline, or such spacing as determined
by calculation.


Marley pipes are electrically non-conductive and
cannot be detected by metallic detection devices in
underground installations.
Several techniques are available to detect buried

6.11.1 Metal Detector Tapes

Foil based tapes may be located in the trench on
top of the pipe overlay material (150-300mm above
the pipe crown), these tapes can be detected at
depths up to 600mm by metal detection equipment
operating in the 4-20MHz frequency range.
The tape backs may also be colour coded and
printed in order to provide early warning of the
presence of the pipeline during later excavation.

6.11.2 Tracer Wires

Pipes installed deeper than 600mm may be detect-
ed by the use of tracer wires placed on, or taped
to,the top of the pipes.
Application of a suppressed current allows the
detection of pipes up to a depth of three metres.
However, both ends of the tracer wire must be
accessible, and a complete electrical circuit pre-
sent over the entire length of the pipeline.

6.11.3 Audio Detection

Acoustic, or ultrasonic, noise detection devices are
available which use either the noise from water
flowing in the pipes, or an introduced noise signal,
to detect the presence of buried pipelines.

6.12 BENDS AND BENDING Angular deflection of a single pipe
joint (shown exaggerated for clarity).
6.12.1 Bending MDPE Pipes
1. The bending of PE pipe is permissible and the
properties of fusion jointed systems enable 2°
changes of direction without recourse to the
provision of special bends or anchor blocks.
However, for PE materials the pipe should not
normally be cold bent to a radius less than 20 Flexural Stress
times the outside diameter of the pipe. No joints One critical limit to the bending of PVC pipe is long
or tappings should occur on the bend. term flexural stress. Axial bending causes only a
small amount of ovalisation or diametric deflection
of the pipe, which indicates some change in
circumferential stress. PVC pipe has short term
strengths of 48 - 55 MPa in tension and 75 - 100
MPa in flexure. The long term strength of PVC pipe
in tension, compression or flexure can conser-
vatively be assumed to equal the ultimate hydro-
static design stress of 23.6 MPa. The recom-
mended design stress of 11.0 MPa for PVC pipe at
2. A full range of standard preformed bends are 20°C be used for the allowable long term flexural
available and are preferable for the larger sizes. stress in rubber ring pipe that is free of longitudi-
Special configurations are similarly available nal stress from longitudinal pressure thrust.
upon request. However, when the joints are restrained as they are
when solvent cemented, and the pipe is not snaked
6.12.1 Bending PVC Pipes in the trench, then the end thrust from internal pres-
sure imposes a longitudinal tensile stress equal to
When installing PVC pipes on a curve, the pipe one half of the hoop stress.
should be jointed straight and then laid to the
Significant bending moments should not be exerted
on the joints, since this introduces undesirable
stresses in the spigot and socket that may be
detrimental to long term performance. To avoid
this, the joints in curved lines must be thoroughly
supported by compacted soil, with the bending
occurring primarily at the centre of each pipe.
Some changes in the alignment of the pipe may be
achieved without the use of direction-change fit-
tings such as elbows and sweeps. PVC pipe is
capable of controlled longitudinal bending within
acceptable limits. A combination of axial flexure
and joint deflection can achieve further longitudinal
deviation of the pipeline. As a guide, PVC pipe can
be bent to a radius equal to 130 times the diame-
ter. However, Marley recommends that pipe under
pressure should be bent to a radius not less than
300 times the diameter, e.g. a 100 mm pipe should
have a minimum radius of curvature of 30 metres.

6.12.3 Joint Deflection

PVC Solvent cement joints have no flexibility but
rubber ring joints can provide some joint deflection.
The allowable deflection at the pipe Z socket
should not be greater than a deflection of 2°.

.. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . 9
6.13.1 Pipe Entry Into Structures
1. Wherever pipework meets or passes through
rigid structures, careful consideration should be
given to:

• the need to effect a watertight seal at the

pipe/structure interface;
• the extent to which the structure itself is required
to withstand forces transmitted from the pipe;
• where there is rigid connection between pipe
and structure, whether the adaptation of
standard fittings influence the degree to which
compressive, tensile, bending and shear forces
are generated;
• where differential settlement may occur, the
extent to which the pipe and fittings flexibility can
normally be relied upon to withstand the bending
and shear stresses set up.
• an annular space of not less than 6mm should
be left around the pipe or fitting. This clearance
should be maintained and sealed with a flexible
sealant such as loosely packed felt, a rubber
convolute sleeve or other suitable flexible seal-
ing material.
• if the pipeline has to pass through a fire rated
wall, advice on suitable fire stop methods is
available from our product manager.
2. Where pipe is to be connected by a flange to a
large rigid structure, localised movement and
bending at the flange can be prevented by a
reinforced support pad as shown below. This
pad should extend one pipe diameter or a
minimum of 300mm from the flanged joint. The
strapping should be provided with a compressible
protection to the pipe.

support pad
Puddle flange

Flanged entry into a large rigid structure

3. Although the flexibility and toughness of PE is

advantageous in these situations it is recommended
that before filling;
• all bolts should have a check retightening before
final backfill;
• particular attention is paid to the compaction
around and several diameters beyond, all fittings
associated with the connection. Compaction to
90%. Proctor density or greater in these areas
should be ensured.

.. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. .

2.Alternatively, flexi-
ble (rubber ring)
joints should be
provided at entry to
and exit from the
concrete as shown.
This procedure
also allows for pos-

m o v e m e n t

pipeline and con-

crete structure.

It must be borne in
mind, however, that
without a compress-
ible membrane,
stress transfer to
4. These points of detail are important since these
connections are often deep and sometimes
associated with underdrainage, (e.g.outlets to
reservoirs). This usually means any subsequent
defect is difficult to identify, expensive to locate
and very costly to remedy.

6.13.2 Setting of Pipes in Concrete

When PVC pipes are encased in concrete, certain
precautions should be taken:
1. Pipes should be fully wrapped with a compressible
material such as felt or poly film.

the concrete will occur and m a y d a m a g e t h e

concrete section.
3. Expansion joints coinciding with concrete expansion
joints should be provided to accommodate
movement due to thermal expansion or contrac-
tion in the concrete.

PE pipes behave as flexible structures when exter-

nally loaded, and care needs to be exercised by
the designer when using concrete encasement so
that the effective strength of the pipeline is not


Pipes may be stored above ground for pressure
and non pressure applications in both direct expo-
sure and protected conditions.
Black PE pipes made to AS/NZS 4130 require-
ments may be used in direct sunlight exposure
conditions without any additional protection. Where
MDPE pipes of colours other than black are used
in exposed conditions, then the pipes may need to
be protected from sunlight. PVC pipes all have
1.5PHR of Titanium Dioxide to act as a UV
absorber. Localised temperature build up condi-
tions such as proximity to steam lines, radiators or
exhaust stacks must be avoided unless the pipes
are suitably protected. Where lagging materials are
used, these must be suitable for external exposure

6.14.1 Support Spacing 6.14.2 Vertical Installation
The spacing of supports for a uPVC pipeline Generally, vertical runs are supported by spring
depends on factors such as the diameter of the hangers and guided with rings or long U-bolts
pipe, the density of the fluid being conveyed and which restrict movement of the rise to one plane. It
the maximum temperature likely to be reached by is sometimes helpful to support a long riser with a
the pipe material. saddle at the bottom.
Table 8 below, shows the support spacing in
metres for uPVC pipe carrying water at 20°C. 6.14.3 Brackets and Clips
These spacings do not allow for additional extra-
neous loading. For either free or fixed pipelines supports using
brackets or clips, the bearing surface should
Recommended Support provide continuous support for at least 120° of the
- for PVC pipes
Metal straps used as supports should be at least
MAXIMUM SUPPORT SPACING 25mm wide, either plastic coated or wrapped in a
SIZE HORIZONTAL VERTICAL protective material such as nylon, PE, PVC or rub-
(m) (m) ber sheet. If a strap is fastened around a pipe, it
15 0.60 1.20 should not distort the pipe in any way.
20 0.70 1.40
25 0.75 1.50
Location and type of support must
32 0.85 1.70 take into account provision for thermal
40 0.90 1.80 movement, if required. If the supports
50 1.05 2.10 are to resist thermal movement, an
65 1.20 2.40 assessment of the stress induced in
80 1.35 2.70 pipes, fittings and supports may need
100 1.50 3.00 to be made.
125 1.70 3.40
150 2.00 4.00
175 2.20 4.40
200 2.30 4.60
225 2.50 5.00
300 3.00 6.00

- for MDPE pipes

Nominal Pipe OD Maximum Recommended 120°
(mm) Spacing (m)
16 0.25
20 0.30 25mm min

25 0.35
32 0.38 Free Support
40 0.43
50 0.45 A fee support allows the pipe to move without
restraint along its axis while still being supported.
63 0.50
To prevent the support from scuffing or damaging
75 0.60 the pipe as it expands and contracts, a 6mm thick
90 0.67 layer of felt or lagging material is wrapped around
125 0.75 the support. Alternatively, a swinging type of support
140 0.85 can be used and the support strap, protected with
160 1.00 felt or lagging, must be securely fixed to the pipe.
200 1.10
225 1.15
Fixed Supports
250 1.25 A fixed support rigidly connects the pipeline to a
280 1.30 structure totally restricting movement in a least two
355 1.50 planes of direction. Such a support can be used to
absorb moments and thrusts.
If temperatures are in excess of 20°C the horizontal
spacing should be reduced by 25% for every 10°C.
At 60°C , continuous horizontal support is required.

.. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . 11
Placement of Support the roof sheeting in order to prevent temperature
build up.
Careful consideration should be given to the layout
of piping and its support system. Even for non 6.15.3 Vibration
pressure lines the effects of thermal expansion and
contraction have to be taken into account. In Direct connection to sources of high frequency
particular, the layout should ensure that thermal such as pump outlet falnges should be avoided.
and other movements do not induce significant Allfabricated fittings manufactured by cutting and
bending moments at rigid connections to fixed welding techniques must be isolated from vibration.
equipment or at bends or tees. Where high frequency vibration sources exist in the
For solvent cement jointed pipe any expansion pipeline, the sections should be connected using a
coupling must be securely clamped with a fixed flexible joint such as a repair coupling, expansion
support. Other pipe clamps should allow for joint, or wire reinforced rubber bellows joint. When
movement due to expansion and contraction. used above ground such joints may need to be
Rubber ring jointed pipe should have fixed supports restrained to prevent pipe end pullout.
behind each pipe socket.
6.15.4 Conductivity
6.15 INSTALLATION Marley pipes are non-conductive and cannot be
CONSIDERATIONS used for electrical earthing purposes or dissipating
static electricity charges.
6.15.1 Expansion and Contraction When pipes are used to replace existing metal
water pipes, the designer must consider any exist-
Pipe will expand or contract if it is installed during ing systems used for earthing. In these cases the
very hot or very cold weather, so it is recommended appropriate electrician must be consulted to deter-
that the final pipe connections be made when the mine the requirements.
temperature of the pipe is stabilized at a temperature
close to that of the backfilled trench. 6.15.5 Fire Rating
Will MDPE lines laid directly on the natural surface
by snaking the pipe during installation and allowing Marley MDPE pipe systems will support combus-
the pipe to move freely in service. Where the final tion and as such are not suitable for use in fire
joint connections are made in high ambient tem- rated zones in buildings without suitable protection.
perature, sufficient pipe length must be allowed to
permit the pipe to cool, and hence contract, without 6.15.6 Ploughing In
pulling out of non end load bearing joints. MDPE pipe may be ploughed directly into the
For solvent cemented systems, the lines should be ground.
free to move until a strong bond has been developed The pipe must be stationary in relation to the
(see solvent cement jointing procedures) and surrounding soil and care must be taken to ensure
installation procedure should ensure that contraction that the pipe is not excessively tensioned during
does not impose strain on newly made joints. the ploughing activities.
For rubber ring jointed pipes, if contraction Ploughing should not be attempted where the soil
accumulates over several lengths, pull out of a joint contains rock or sharp stones or shale outcrops.
can occur. To avoid this possibility the preferred
technique is to back fill each length, at least 6.16 PNEUMATIC DESIGN
partially, as laying proceeds. (It may be required to
leave joints exposed for test and inspection.) 6.16.1 Pneumatic Flow
It should be noted that rubber ring joint design Marley MDPE pipe systems are ideal for the
allows for contraction to occur. Provided joints are transmission of gases both in the high and low
made to the witness mark in the first instance, and pressure range.
contraction is taken up approx. evenly at each joint, The use of compressible fluids in PE pipes requires
there is no danger of loss of seal. A gap between a number of specific design considerations as
witness mark and socket of up to 10 mm after distinct from the techniques adopted for fluids such
contraction is quite acceptable. as water.
Further contraction may be observed on pressurisation In particular:
of the line (so-called Poisson contraction due to Safety factor for different gases should be considered
circumferential strain). Again this is anticipated in in any design.
joint design and quite in order. Natural gas 2.0
Compressed air 2.0.
6.15.2 Heat sources
I. Compressed air may be at a higher temperature
Pipes and fittings should be protected from exter-
than the ambient air and PE pipes require
nal heat sources which would bring the continuous
temperature re-rating accordingly.
pipe material service temperature above 60°C.
For air cooled compressors the air temperature
Where the pipes are installed above ground, the
averages 15ºC above the surrounding air
protection system used must be resistant to ultra
violet radiation and the effects of weathering, pipes
For water cooled compressors the air temperature
running across roofing should be supported above
averages 10ºC above the cooling water temperature.

.. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . 12
II. For underground applications the surrounding properties should be available from testing.
temperature may reach 30ºC and the pipe It is not permitted under the New Zealand Health
properties require adjustment accordingly. and Safety Act to use PVC for compressed air
III. High pressure lines must be protected from
damage, especially in exposed installations.
IV. Valve closing sped must be reduced to prevent
a build up of pressure waves in the compressible
gas flow. Marley’s plastic pipes are a versatile material and
V. Where gaseous fuels such as propane, natural particularly through their toughness and flexibility,
gas or mixtures are carried the gas must be dry they are able to be used with a range of cost effec-
and free from liquid contamination which may tive “no dig” methods for the pressure pipelines
cause stress cracking in the PE pipe walls. installation.

VI. MDPE pipes should not be connected directly In particular:

to compressor outlets or air receivers. A 20 • Guided drilling - directional drilling
metre length of metal pipe should be inserted • Pipe cracking
between the air receiver and the start of the PE • Close-fit lining - Slip lining
pipe to allow for cooling of the compressed air.

VII.Dry gases and gas/solids mixtures may

generate static electrical charges and these
must be dissipated to prevent the possibility of
VIII.Compressed air must be dry and filters installed
in the line to prevent stress cracking in the PE
IX. The fitting systems used must be pressure
compatible with the pipe and pressure compatible
with the pipe and where meta; couplings and
shouldered ends are used, the maximum
pressure is limited to 0.6MPa.

Several empirical flow formulae are in widespread

use and any of these e.g. Weymouth, Spitzglass or
Harris, may be used to calculate the flow of gas
through PE pipes.

6.16.2 Compressed Air Formula

It is customary to find the inside Diameter of the
pipe by using formulas such as those shown below.
The formulas used are generally for approximation
purposes only, surmising that the temperature of
the compressed air corresponds roughly to the
induction temperature. You will obtain an acceptable
appriximation through the following equation.

5 dt

∆p = pressure decrease (bar)
p = working pressure (bar)
V = volumetric flowrate (l/s)
dV/dt = atmosphere (l/s)
l = pipe length (m)
od = outside diameter (mm)
The values are specific to each fluid type and the

.. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . 13
• PVC Pipe Jointing

- Rubber Ring Jointing

- Solvent Cement Jointing

• PE Pipe Jointing

- PE Electrofusion

- Butt Welding

• Mechanical Jointing

- Mechanical Joints

- Tapping Systems
PVC Pipe Jointing
. . . . . . . . .. PVC PIPE JOINTING SYSTEMS
3. A fine tooth hand saw and mitre box
PVC pipes employ two jointing This saw produces a square cut but requires more
systems: deburring. It takes comparatively more time and
effort and requires a stand.
1. Rubber Ring Joint (“Z” Joint) The use of roller cutters is not recommended
A rubber ring joint system providing a flexible joint because of the large burr resulting.
with capability of axial and angular movement.
Simple, error free installation makes this joint suited
7.1.3 Rubber Ring Joints
to larger diameter underground work. Sizes 50 and Jointing rings are supplied with the pipe. We
larger. recommend the use of a lubricant approved for use
with potable water supply lines. Other lubricants
2. Solvent Cement Joint may not be suitable for potable water contact and
A chemically “welded” joint with capability of may affect the ring. They should not be substituted
supporting axial thrust. Available in sizes to 300 but without specific knowledge of these effects.
especially suited to smaller diameter systems. The ring provides a fluid seal in the socket of a pipe
or fitting and is compressed when the spigot is
7.1 RUBBER RING passed into the socket. Rings from other manufacturers
cannot be interchanged.
One end of the PVC pipe is accurately pressure 7.1.4 Chamfering
formed to provide a purpose designed socket and If the pipe is to be used for making a rubber ring
groove into which is fitted a purpose made rubber joint, a chamfer is required. Special chamfering
sealing ring. The socket is strengthened by tools are available for this purpose, but in the
increasing its wall thickness in both socket and absence of this equipment a flat file can be used
groove zone, to accommodate the increased Hoop provided it does not leave any sharp edges which
Stress. may cut the rubber ring. Do not make an
excessively sharp edge at the rim or the bore and
7.1.2 Specification do not chip or break this edge. As a guide, cut the
The “Z” joint socket and ring seal are designed to chamfer to 15° to the pipe surface to approx. half
conform with the requirements of AS/NZS 1477. the wall thickness at the pipe end.
The performance test in AS/NZS 1477 requires that When a pipe is cut, a witness mark should be
the spigot side of a completed joint be flattened by pencilled in and care should be taken to mark the
7.5% of the pipe diameter. While distorted the joint correct position in accordance with Table 6.
must withstand a negative pressure of 25 kPa for
one hour without leaking. Rubber Ring Spigot Dimensions
Performance tests not required by the Standard
Size Approx length Witness mark
show that the undistorted joint will not leak when a
DN of chamfer L
negative pressure of 100 kPa is applied.
(mm) (mm)
These tests ensure that a Marley PVC water sup-
ply system, even under extreme conditions will nei- 50 6 103
ther leak nor admit contaminated ground water. 65 8 110
80 10 116
100 13 126
PVC is notch sensitive and care should be taken 125 13 137
when cutting. 150 14 145
During manufacture pipes are cut to standard by cut
200 20 162
off saws. These saws have carbide-tipped circular
blades which produce a neat cut without burrs. 225 22 174
However, pipes may be cut on site with a variety of 300 28 213
cutting tools. These are:
1. Proprietry cutting tools witness mark L
These tools can cut, deburr and chamfer the pipe
in one operation. They are the best tools for cutting
pipe. chamfer

2. Portable electric circular saw with cut off wheel

This is quick and easy to use and produces a neat
clean cut requiring little deburring. It does, however, 12-15°
require a power supply and the operator has to be
skilled in using it to produce a square cut.
Pipe Chamfer

.. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . 1
a a
7.1.5 Procedure

ing lubricant until

the joint is actually
being made.
Align the vertical
and horizontal pipes
and apply a firm,
even thrust to push
PVC Pipe Jointing
Pipes may be jointed out of the trench but it is
preferable that connections be made in the trench
to prevent possible “pulling” of the joint.
Clean the socket, especially the ring groove and the
rubber seal ring. Do not use a rag with lubricant on it
- to prevent dust and grit adhering to these surfaces.
Check that the spigot end, if cut in the field, has a
chamfer of approximately 12° to 15° (see Table 6).
Insert the rubber ring into the groove. The rubber
ring is correctly fitted when the thickest cross
section of the ring is positioned towards the outside
of the socket and the groove in the rubber ring is
positioned inside the socket i.e. the flap should
point into the pipe.
Run your finger
around the lead-in
angle of the rubber
ring to check that it
is correctly seated,
not twisted, and
that it is evenly dis-
tributed around the
ring groove.
Remove dirt and dust from the spigot end of the
pipe as far back as the witness mark.
Apply Marley jointing lubricant to the spigot end as
far back as the witness mark and especially to the
chamfered section.
NOTE: Keep the
rubber ring and ring
groove free of joint-

the spigot into the socket. Ensure allowance in the

pipe bed for the socket shape. It is possible to joint
100 mm and 150 mm diameter pipes by hand.
However, larger diameter pipes such as 200 mm
and above may requre the use of a bar and timber
block as illustrated. Alternatively, a pipe puller may
be used to joint the pipe.
Brace the socket end of the joint so that previously
jointed pipes are prevented from closing up.
Inspect each joint to ensure that the witness mark
is visible at the face of each socket.
Pipe joints must not be pushed home to the bottom
of the socket. They must go no further than the witness
mark. This is to allow for possible expansion of the
pipe, and ground movement.

Reference mark Timber block


.. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. .
Bar to
NOTE: If excessive force is required to make a
joint, this may mean the rubber ring has been dis-
placed. To check placement of the ring without hav-
ing to dismantle the joint, a feeler gauge can be
inserted between the socket and the pipe to check
even placement of the ring, or use a torch to check
the pipe joint.
Details of the construction of a pipe puller are available.

7.1.6 How to make a Rubber Ring Joint

Check Spigot End
Ensure pipe spigot
has full 15°chamfer
and entry depth mark.

Clean Socket
Clean socket and ring
groove of dirt and
loose gravel.

Clean Rubber Ring

Fit Rubber Ring

Place rubber Z ring in
groove and check for
proper sealing. Fin
must point into pipe.

Align Pipes
Align pipes horizontal-
ly and vertically. Do
not try to insert pipe
at an angle to socket.

Lubricate Spigot
Clean of dust and dirt
and apply jointing
lubricant to chamfer.
Keep end free from

Insert Pipe
Insert spigot into socket to the marked distance.
Do not use undue force. If force is required, check
ring seating, using a torch to look up the pipe.


Jointing Lubricant
This lubricant is a specially formulated organic
preparation enabling easy jointing of rubber ring
joint pressure pipe. The use of petroleum based
greases or other substitutes may affect the ring or
potability of the water supply and cannot be

PVC Pipe Jointing
This lubricant dries after a short period of time and pipe or fitting socket.
the joint cannot be easily dismantled. For situations Once the joint is made, do not disturb it for five
where it may be necessary to dismantle the rubber minutes or rough handle it for at least one hour.
ring joint after assembly, the use of silicone based Do not pressurise the line for at least 24 hours.
jointing lubricant is recommended. Where it is
necessary to joint in wet conditions, it may also
be advantageous to use silicone lubricant. If
7.2.2 Health
dismantled, joints should be fitted with new rings. Marley Solvent Cement has been specially
formulated for jointing Marley PVC pipe. It releases
7.2 SOLVENT CEMENT flammable and toxic vapours. Forced ventilation
should be used in confined spaces. Do not bring a
JOINTING naked flame within the vicinity of solvent cement
Solvent cement pressure pipe joints require an After using solvent cement wash the hands
interference fit between the spigot and socket
thoroughly before eating or smoking. Do not eat or
in pipes and fittings. Solvent cement jointing is
smoke while using solvent cement.
a welding and not a glueing process. It is very
important that the spigot achieve an interference Spillage onto the skin should be washed off
fit in the socket. Do not attempt to make a joint that immediately with soap and water. Should the
does not achieve an interference fit when dry. The solvent cement affect the eyes, wash them in clean
actual area of contact between the spigot and the water for at least 15 minutes. If solvent cement is
socket may only be a few millimetres. The ends accidentally swallowed induce vomiting and seek
must therefore be square to make a good joint. medical advice immediately.
Before proceeding make sure that the spigots and
sockets are not cracked or damaged. A pipe with 7.2.3 Precautions
minor damage to the spigot end may be cut back
and used as a shorter pipe. Make sure that the end of each pipe is square in its
socket and in the same alignment and grade as the
7.2.1 Procedure (NZS 2032) preceding pipes or fittings.
While applying solvent cement, support the
Before jointing, check that the spigot has been spigot and socket clear of the ground to avoid
cut square and all burrs removed from the inside contaminating joint with sand or soil.
and outside pipe edge. Remove all dirt, swarf,
Take care not to spill solvent cement onto pipes
and moisture from spigot and socket. Chamfer the
or fittings. Accidental spillage should be wiped off
spigot end on pipes over 80 mm diameter.
Mark the pipe spigot with a pencil line at a distance
equal to the internal depth of the socket. Other The process of curing is a function of temperature,
marking methods may be used provided that they humidity and time. Joints cure faster when the
do not damage or score the pipe. humidity is low and the temperature is high. The
Dry fit the spigot into the socket. The spigot should higher the temperature the faster the joints will
interfere in the socket before it is fully inserted to cure. Avoid making solvent cement joints when the
the pencil line. temperature is more than 35°C and provide some
Dry and degrease each spigot and socket with a form of protection when jointing in windy and dusty
cloth dampened with Methylated Spirits. Prepare conditions.
the pipe spigot and socket with Marley primer fluid. When jointing under wet and very cold conditions,
Wipe the surfaces firmly, to remove all dirt and the make sure that the mating surfaces are dry and
glossy surface on both the spigot and socket. (Do free from ice, as moisture may prevent the solvent
not paint surfaces with primer. Primed areas will cement from obtaining its maximum strength.
be slightly tacky.) Prime the surface just before At temperatures over 16°C, joints will require 24
applying the solvent. hours to cure. When the temperature is between
Using a suitably sized brush, apply a thin, even 0°C and 15°C 48 hours should be allowed. See
coat of solvent cement to the internal surface of the also the precautions in NZS 2032.
socket first. Then apply a thin, even coat of solvent Do not fill the pipe with water for at least one hour
cement up to the mark on the spigot. after making the last joint.
Do not use excess solvent cement, and do not Keep the containers of solvent cement tightly
dilute or add anything to the solvent cement.
sealed when not in use to prevent evaporation of
As a guide, the brush should be approximately the solvent and consequent loss of bond strength.
one third to one half the pipe diameter and large
enough to apply the solvent cement to the joint in Do not use solvent cement that has gone cloudy or
about thirty seconds. has started to gel in the can.
Make the joint immediately. In one movement When applying solvent cement to a pipe or fitting
insert and twist the spigot into the socket so that socket take special care to prevent excessive
it rotates to about a 1/4 turn. The spigot should be solvent cement from entering the joint as this can
fully homed in the socket. Mechanical force will be cause future “solvent cracking” of the joint. Wipe
required for larger joints, over 100 mm. Pipe pullers excess solvent cement from the outside and where
are commercially available for this purpose. Hold possible, from the inside of the joint.
for a minimum of 30 seconds. An unsatisfactory solvent cement joint cannot be
With a clean rag, wipe off any excess solvent re-executed, nor can previously solvented spigots
cement which may have built up externally on a and sockets be re-used. To effect repairs, cut off the

.. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . 3
PVC Pipe Jointing
spigot and socket and use a solvent cement cou- Solvent which has thickened in the can through
pling, or use mechanical fittings. evaporation of the solvents should not be used as
it will not soften the pipe surface sufficiently.
7.2.4 How to make a Solvent Cement The solvents attack the natural oils in human skin
Joint eventually causing serious dermatitis.

Mark & Chamfer

Mark the socket depth on 7.3 JOINTING MATERIALS
the pipe end.
Cut a 15° chamfer on larger 7.3.1 Solvent Cement and Jointing
pipes. Lubricant Coverage
The approximate number of joints that may be
Clean jointed with one litre is as follows:
Clean, dry and degrease
the sock and spigot.
Insert the spigot into the 15 600
socket (without solvent 20 350
cement). An interference fit 25 260
should occur between 1/3 32 190
and 2/3 of full entry. 40 140
50 85 170
Apply Primer
65 70 150
Prepare the pipe spigot
and socket with Marley 80 60 120
primer fluid. 100 50 100
125 40 75
150 30 60
Apply Solvent 155 25 60
Apply an even coat of 195 17 50
solvent to the socket 200 25 50
and then the spigot to
225 15 45
the full marked length.
300 10 30
375 10 25
Insert the spigot the
full marked depth in
the socket and HOLD
for a minimum of 30
seconds, depending
on temperature.

Clean Off
Remove surplus solvent

Solvent Cement
Marley Solvent Cement is designed for solvent
welding uPVC pipe joints. IT IS NOT AN ADHESIVE.
It is a blend of three aggressive solvents and sufficient
resin to provide a brushing consistency.

When applied to the pipe surface these solvents

cause the uPVC to soften and swell. When two
such surfaces are placed in close contact (as in a
spigot and socket joint) the softened surfaces mix
and on hardening produce a chemically welded
joint. Oil, grease, water or dust on the uPVC surface
prevents the softening: dust or similar material
prevents the intimate contact between the surfaces
thus preventing the making of a full strength joint.

.. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . 4
PE Pipe Jointing
7.4 PE ELECTROFUSION . . . . . . . . .. . . .
7.4.1 Preparation All jointing faces must be dry before being assembled.
Mark the end of the pipe at a distance equal to half
All electrofusion processes must be carried out the length of the coupling and scrape the outside
inside a suitable shelter to prevent dirt and dust diameter of the pipe over this distance to remove
contamination of the pipes, couplings and power all oxidation layers on the pipe surface. This should
leads. be in the order of a layer of 0.3mm and removed
with a sharp scraper.
The pipes must be aligned so the same centreline All rough edges and swarf from the pipe ends must
height of the coupling clamps and supported evenly be removed.
support the pipe on both sides of the joint. The
pipes should be leveled to prevent pulling away 7.4.4 Fusion Welding Fusion Cycle
from the coupling joint during welding, or allowing
water or dirt inside the pipe to contaminate the Only the recommended fusion and cooling times
weld zone. recommended by the manufacture of the fitting
An inbuilt resistor is contained within the terminal must be used. Where any doubt exists that the
pin. The resistor pins are colour coded and require proper cycle has taken place, the coupling should
the correct colour coded lead to be connected to be cut out of the line and discarded.
the resistor. No attempt must be made to rerun the fusion cycle
as this will lead to overheating of the PE and degra-
7.4.2 Fusion Welding Equipment dation.
The full cooling times must be allowed. No attempt
Preparation, Control Systems must be made to accelerate the rate of cooling.
Ensure that the generator is operating correctly See cooling time in Butt welding section before
and that the power output conforms to the control allowing pressure testing
box requirements. Excessive fluctuations in the
power source, outside +10%, -10% from a nominal 7.4.5 Fusion Welding Coupling Storage
240 volt, may cause control box to shut down using a Couplings, saddles and electrofusion fittings must
safety cut out device. be stored in the original containers until actual use.
Both the fusion and cooling times are entered Where fittings are sealed in plastic bags, the bags
manually or entered by a bar code reader into the must not be perforated before the couplings are
control box by the operator. used.
Care needs to be taken to ensure that the pins are Saddles may be protected with a cardboard insert
compatible with the control box being used. wrapped around the heating element and fitted
Position the welding cables so as to prevent there over the terminal posts. These should not be
weight from twisting the welding socket. removed before use.
During the welding process including the total cooling Terminals may have a plastic cap fitted over the
time the clamps should remain in place terminal post and these should be left in place until
connecting the control box leads.
7.4.3 Fusion Welding Pipe Spigot Ends Couplings should be stored under cover to prevent
Successful electrofusion jointing depends correct any oxidation of the fitting materials in the element
gap alignment between the end of the pipe spigot zone.
and the coupling. Pipes which are oval must be The fusion surfaces must not be handled after they
rerounded and clamped. Pipes should not be are cleaned and prepared for welding.
forced into the coupling as this can damage the
coupling and misplace the heating element wires. Fusion Welding Minimum Cooling Times
Where pipe ends have a “toe in” or diameter reduction
at the end, or flats from storage this can affect the Size (mm) Cooling Time (minutes)
strength of the joint and lead to peel strength OD20-63 6
reduction. The Spigot ends must be recut square OD75-110 11
to remove the imperfections. OD 125-160 16
The pipe ends must be aligned evenly along the
OD180-225 20
centreline of the coupling and pipes, especially
OD250-355 30
coiled pipe, must be held in clamps to prevent
movement and stressing during the fusion process.
All jointing surfaces must be clean and free from all
This includes dirt, dust and oil films. Surfaces must
not be handled after cleaning. If the sections are
contaminated they must be cleaned with a clean
cloth and a non depositing alcohol.

.. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . 5
PE Jointing

Electrofusion Coupling Section

Power connection
Automatic fusion sensor

Heating element coil

Cold zone

Cold zone
Fusion zone

.. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . 6
PE PipeJointing
7.5 BUTT WELDING . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .
7.5.3 Butt Weld Detail Heater Plates
BUTT WELDING The heater plate surface temperature should be set at
7.5.1 Introduction Thermal Welding 230°C with an evenly distributed tolerance of plus/
minus 10°C.
All thermal welding joint systems require the PE materials Temperatures above this will lead to possible failure
to be heated and raised well above the crystalline melt due to thermal degradation.
temperature of nominally 130°C, creating a melt pool Temperatures below this may be adopted, as it may be
of the PE material, placing that melt pool under steady necessary to adopt these values for thick wall pipes to
pressure, and then allowing the PE melt zones to cool prevent overheating, or for PE materials with a high Melt
down to ambient temperature. Flow Index.
After the heat source is removed, the temperature Only plates in good order should be used and they need
will drop and as the cooling continues, the crystalline to be kept scrupulously clean.
structure of the MDPE will gradually develop. PE is a
poor conductor of heat and the internal pipe sections Butt Weld Detail Interface Pressure
will remain considerably hotter than the outer surfaces. The gauge pressure adopted must have drag pressures
Accelerated cooling of the melt zone must not be
added to any calculated values.
attempted in any type of thermally welded joint. This
will lead to smaller crystalline structures and decrease
impact strength of the joint. 7.5.4 Butt Weld Detail Pipe Alignment
Any misalignment between pipe outside diameter and
the ends will reduce the strength of the completed
Temperature Distribution Through Pipe weld. Pipe and fitting must be accurately aligned
Wall At Final Weld Stage in the welding machine before the ends are faced.
The alignment of the welding machine also needs to
Hottest Material be checked after the trimming procedure has been
Cooler Material
Misalignment arises from:
• Ovality of pipes
• Eccentric wall thickness around the circumference
of the pipe.
Boundary Layer • Pipes not being properly aligned in support rollers
Skin Remnants on either side of the welding machine.
Surface Cooling • Pipe spigot end diameter reduction due to in built
stresses in the pipes.
• Bent, or misaligned, welding machine frames.
Pipes should be supported on free running rollers on
either side of the welding machine and the height and
Introduction Butt Welding alignment of these rollers should be adjusted to ensure
Butt welding is normally only used in pipe size from that the pipe centrelines are level with the welding
90mm to 1000mm for jointing pipe and fittings. Butt machine.
fusion brings the molten surfaces together under The alignment should be checked after the pipe
precise temperature pressure and time to provide a ends are trimmed and brought together. The outside
homogeneous material which has the same properties diameters should be even around the circumference of
as the original pipe. Butt Fusion is a precise operation the pipes and any offsets adjusted using the adjusting
and must be carried out with equipment which is well clamps in the welding machine (when fitted).
maintained and calibrated by qualified staff in an
appropriate working environment. Clean, dry working The maximum offsets at the outside diameter between
conditions are imperative as is consistency in the abutting pipe ends should not exceed 5 – 10% of the pipe
procedure and process. wall thickness when measured at any cross-section.

7.5.2 Butt Weld Detail Environment Butt Welding Procedure

The working environment is important that the pipe Precise adherence to the procedure, set-up and cleanliness
are correctly aligned and that the machinery can is critical for consistent welding and long-term pipe
accommodate the pipe drag. performance.
The welding equipment needs to be suitably sited so The current PIPA (Plastic Industry Pipe Association)
dirt, dust ,water, rain, oil or drafts will not prevent procedures are aligned to ISO procedures. These
proper weld strength developing. procedures have been confirmed by long-term testing
All welding must be performed under controlled from in-field tests and the resin suppliers.
environmental conditions. Field welding must be Welding procedures are detailed at or
carried out in shelters to prevent dust and water under ISO Standards.
contamination. Pipe ends must be blocked off to
prevent wind chill and dirt contamination.

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PE Jointing
7.5.5 Butt Weld Welding Times Recording for both Butt and Fusion Weld
The times adopted for each section of the weld process Conditions
must be adhered to and care needs to be taken to recognize The welding conditions actually applied must be
the units in seconds or minutes as appropriate. recorded for each weld joint made.
When the welding process has been completed, the Each joint needs to be numbered and the identifiable
pipe joint must be held under compression for the full records as shown in the pipe weld record sheets must be
period of the cooling time. The interface pressure can completed and signed by the welding operator. A copy
be backed off from the welding pressure, however, the of the records should be held by the contractor and an
pressure must be above the drag pressure. additional copy submitted to the client as part of the
Any attempt to shorten the cooling times will damage Quality Assurance program for each installation.
the final joint.
Each joint needs to be numbered and the identifiable
records as shown in the pipe weld record sheets must
be completed and signed by the welding operator. A copy
of the records should be held by the contractor and an Butt Weld Detail Welding Parameters
additional copy submitted to the client as part of the
Quality Assurance program for each installation.
P1 P3

Weld Parameters: Sample Calculation

Machine Type: Dixon HF 225 Pressure Pd
Cylinder Area: 753 mm2
Pipe Details: 160 PN10 PE80B P2
D = 160.0mm Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 4 DRAG
t = 11.8mm
Weld Procedure: Single Phase
T1 T2 T3 T4 T5
Pipe Area = x (160.0 – 11.8)11.8 Zone 3
= 5496mm2
The maximum gap between the faces when brought
Pressure Calculations together under slight pressure should be no more than
(As per PIPA - Industry guidelines for Butt Fusion shown in the following table:
parameters POP 003/2000)
Pipe Diameter Maximum Gap
i) Weld Pressure P1 and P3. (180kPa (0.18 MPa) DN mm mm
5496 Up to 225 0.3
= x 0.18 = 1.31 MPa + DRAG 280 to 450 0.5
500 to 630 0.6
ii) Soak Pressure P2 (5 kPa (0.005 MPa) 710 to 900 0.7
1000 and above 1.0
= x 0.005 = 0.036 MPa + DRAG
753 Where finished gaps exceed these values, the pipe ends
Time Calculations should be re trimmed, or the pipes rotated in the in the
welding machine frame.
i) T1 (Until weld bead established)

ii) T2 Heat Soak

= 15 x 11.8 = 177 seconds

iii) T3 Changeover
= (160 x 0.01) + 3 = 4.6 seconds (maximum)

iv) T4 Pressure Rise

= (160 x 0.03) + 3 = 7.8 seconds

v) Weld Time & Cooling Time (t<15mm)

= 10 + (0.5 x 11.8) = 15.9 minutes

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PE Jointing
Butt Fusion Parameter Units Value
Heater plate temperature °C 220 ± 15
Pressure value: Bead up P1 kPa 175 ± 25
Approx. bead width after bead up mm 0.5 + 0.1t
Bead up time T1 second Approx. 6t
Pressure value: Heat soak P2 kPa Drag only
Heat soak time T2 second 15t
Max changeover time T3 second 3 + 0.01D
Maximum time to achieve welding pressure T4 second 3 + 0.03D
Pressure value: Welding & Cooling P3 kPa 175 ± 25
Welding & cooling time:
11 T5 minute SDR +110.5t
Welding & cooling time: t>15mm T5 minute 1.5t
Min bead width after cooling mm 3 + 0.5t
Max bead width after cooling mm 5 + 0.75t

* Drag Pressure measured for each joint must be added to give the final applied pressure, eg. P = Pi + Pd.
P = Pinterface + Pdrag

SDR 11
7.5.6 Polyethylene Fusion Jointing Compatibility


SDR 17.6 SDR 11

11 SDR 17.6 SDR 11

SDR 11

PE 100 PE 80

(a) Dissimilar materials and dissimilar wall thicknesses (d) Dissimilar wall thicknesses must not be jointed
can be jointed by electrofusion coupler by butt fusion

SDR 11 SDR 11

PE 100 PE 100

(b) Only similar materials and wall thicknesses

may be jointed by butt fusion

SDR 11 SDR 11

PE 100 PE 80
(c) Dissimilar materials may be jointed by butt
fusion. However, care is required to ensure a
ductile weld is produced.

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PE Jointing
7.5.7 Pipe Misalignment

Pipe misalignment FAILS ON


Pipe misalignment, combined with high fusion pressure, creates an excessively sharp weld bead notch. This
can cause premature stress crack failure and reduced impact resistance. Bead removal will reveal the offset.

Melt cooling FAILS ON


Re-crystallisation of melt surface, due to excess cooling before fusion gives a low bond strength brittle
region at the interface. The weld bead interface can be good, but the weld bead may be small. this causes
a joint with poor impact strength and brittleness in bending. stress crack resistance may be adequate.

Interface contamination TEST

In an otherwise well-made joint, contamination (eg. from a dusty hotplate) may be retained at the interface.
Butt fusion is not fully self-cleaning. Weld bead removal will reveal a slit defect. The weld bead interface is
weak. This causes very poor properties in bending or impact when the very sharp slit crack can grow.
Pressure tests may fail to detect poor stress crack resistance.

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PE Jointing
Butt Weld Bead Appearance Current research shows that none of these methods
alone will fully evaluate a joint and that they need
The size, shape and surface appearance of the to be used in combination. The requirements for a
completed weld bead is good first order guide to joint will depend on the end application of the
the quality of the weld. pipeline.
The weld beads should be evenly formed around
the circumference of the pipe and be even sized on The strength of a butt weld will be less than that of
both sides of the weld line. a plain pipe section due to the interruption of the
The weld bead must project above the outside wall section due to differences in wall thickness,
diameter of the pipe at all times and be smooth and slight misalignment of the diameters and the effect
free from all voids and pitting. on the pipe material structure due to the welding
Where pitting or bubbling is observed on the weld process.
bead surfaces, the welding procedure must be
immediately stopped. This appearance is due to For pipe to pipe welding with equal wall sections, a
moisture or volatiles being present in the weld face minimum weld strength factor of 90% can be
due to moisture in the pipe materials or the heater assumed (Dedrich and Dempe Kunststoffe 1980).
plate surfaces.
a) Hydrostatic Pressure Testing
B Pressure testing the completed pipeline is routinely
adopted to detect leaks at assemblies or joints.
For PE Pressure pipelines, this is commonly
performed at a nominal test pressure of 1.3 times
the maximum working pressure in the line, for a
period of 15 minutes.
A hydrostatic pressure test of 1.3WP will only
B = 0.5 + 0.1t detect a weld with a strength of less than 70%. A
pipe tested to the maximum pressure class rating
As a general guide the minimum set-up bead will pass a weld with a strength of 50% of the
width should be a 1mm with a maximum set-up pipe strength.
bead width of 5mm. Welds of these strength levels are regarded as reject.
Hydrostatic pressure testing is not adequately
evaluate of weld strength.

Minimum Cooling Time Before

Applying Pressure Test Minutes
Diameter Test Pressure Range
≤ 0.60 MPa ≤ 2.0 MPa
20 – 63 10 30
MIN W = 3 + 0.5t 75 – 110 20 60
MAX W = 5 + 0.75t
125 – 160 30 75
a) The weld width should not exceed 40mm for any 180 – 225 45 90
pipe size. 250 – 315 60 150
b) These are general guidelines and the weld bead
dimensions may vary with different PE materials. b) Tensile Testing
c) The size and appearance applies to the outside Tensile test specimens taken along the length of
diameter weld bead only, as the residual stress the pipe with the weld zone at the mid point of the
left in the pipe may result in a different shaped specimen have been extensively used as a standard
internal bead section. method of test using the standard ‘dog bone’
specimen shape as detailed in AS1145 –
7.5.8 Butt Weld QA Recording Determination of tensile properties of plastics
All jointing procedures performed on site must be materials.
recorded and identified to the numbered joints. 2 holes, Ø 8.5
ex 120
The procedures which have been demonstrated as
being suitable before field construction is suitable. 11
To complete this requirement, pilot welds should be
made using the equipment, operators and
procedures proposed for use with the particular
pipeline system and the resultant joints tested for Butt weld; 4
fusion bead to 30
compliance with the specification test stipulations. be removed

7.5.9 Butt Weld Testing

There are several methods currently adopted to
evaluate the strength of the completed weld.

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PE Jointing
Short term tensile testing using crosshead speeds
around 10mm per minute, are useful to detect
extremely low strength welds.
weld strength
pipe strength

c) Tensile Fracture Testing

Any testing needs to concentrate the stress at the
weld plane, in order to obtain an understanding of
the strength of the weld, and by forcing the stress
into the weld plane enables an evaluation of any
contamination in the weld material
This enables a comparison to be made with the
parent pipe material and a short term weld strength
factor as a percentage to be calculated.
Weld specimens should generally fracture in ductile
manner, with yield being evident in the weld zone
material. However, once the pipe wall thickness
increases beyond a particular level (typically 20mm
for PE80B materials) then the samples will behave
in a brittle manner.
This does not mean the welds are brittle.
No evidence of contamination, or dislocations
should be present on the weld plan fracture
surfaces. Any such appearance is sufficient to
reject the welds.

d) Long Term Creep Testing

The long term behavior of the weld strength may
be evaluated by constant load creep testing at an
elevated temperature using an accelerating medium,
typically this means using a tensile specimen
immersed in a water/detergent mixture around 5%
concentration and applying a static load.
The test proceeds until the specimen fractures and
the elapsed time is recorded.

e) Flexural Beam Testing

Welded PE pipelines are subject to flexural stressing
during installation when lifted, or lowered into the
trench and under these conditions the welded
joints are placed in bending with tensile, and
compression stresses on opposite faces of the pipe
wall. Any misalignment of the butting wall sections
will increase localised stresses in the weld joint.
Borlaise Book

.. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . 12
Mechanical Jointing
nut or a self wedging lock onto the pipe. They are
available in pipe diameters from 20mm to 110mm.
The fittings are all demountable.
The elastomeric seal ring material requires
consideration. In addition, the temperature of the
fluids and the environment must be taken into
account. Sealing rings supplied are produced in
nitrile rubber.
Compression fittings may be assembled by directly
pushing the PE pipes into the coupling ends. When
using fittings with a compression nut care needs to
a Mechanical jointing utilises compression of
elastomeric seals with the pipe being restrained with
a gripper ring, either locked by a mechanical locking

7.6.1 Flange Ends

Flange ends are adopted for connections between

PE pipes and valves, fitting or other materials such
as ductile iron, PVC, or FRP pipes.

The flange method of jointing PE pipes consists of

a PE stub end which is connected to the PE pipe
by butt welding or electrofusion and the sealing
carried out with an elastomeric gasket being
compressed within the mating surfaces. Metal
backing plates are bolted together to provide the
compression in the gasket material.
The thickness and the bolt dimensions of the back
up plate, need to be sized on the operating
pressures of the specific pipeline. The guidelines
contained within AS/NZS2129 need to be followed
for plate thickness.
The suitability of the gasket sealing materials
needs to be checked in terms of the fluids being
carried in the pipeline and the external groundwater
surrounding the pipeline. Sealing gasket materials
may be the limiting feature in the pipeline.
The tightening of the bolts must be carried out

MS back-up
drilled table D
Stub Flanges and Backup Plates
(a) Polyethylene to Polyethylene
be taken to ensure that the nuts are not damaged
in installation. The fitting should not be disassem-
bled, loosen and insert the chamfered pipe fully
home before tightening. Only tightening by hand,
strap wrench or specialised assembly spanner.
Serrated teeth spanners, or wrenches must not be

evenly around the flange to permit an even seal in

the gasket material. A torque wrench should be
used to prevent over tightening of the bolts.
In corrosive soil conditions, the metal back up
plates and bolts needs to have appropriate
protection, such as sacrificial anodes, applied.

7.6.2 Repair Joints

Repairs to PE pipelines may be carried out using
electrofusion jointswith the centre register removed
or with compression couplings.

7.6.3 Threaded Joints

Where threaded joints are used in PE pipelines,
only moulded thread forms should be used.
Direct cut threads must not be used.
Threaded fittings must be only assembled by hand,
strap wrench, flat face tools. Serrated jaw span-
ners, or wrenches must not be used.
Damage to the moulding can easily occur.
Only inert PTFE tape, or PTFE compounds should
be used to seal threaded joints. Sealing com-
pounds can stress crack either PE or other plastics
used in the fittings and must be avoided.

(b) Polyethylene to Steel

MS back-up
Gasket if required

drilled table D
MS flange
Table D
galvanised or specification
galvanised or painted
Polyethylene Stub Polyethylene Polyethylene Stub Steel pipe
flanges flange

.. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . 13
7.7 TAPPING SYSTEMS 7.7.3 Mechanical Jointing and Service
7.7.1 General Considerations
PVC/PE pipelines may be tapped using specialist
7.7.4 Tapping Saddles
tapping saddles or tees connected to the PE main Only tapping saddles designed for use with PVC
by either thermal welding methods or compressed /PEpipe should be used. These saddles should:
rubber seals. • Be contoured to fit around the pipe and not have
Tapping systems are limited to the size of the off lugs or sharp edges that dig in.
take pipe diameter compared to the main line pipe • Have a positive stop to avoid overtightening of the
diameter and the pressure classes of the PVC/PE saddle around the pipe.
pipes used in both the service and main lines.

7.7.2 PVC/PE pipes must not be direct

tapped using ferrules threaded into the
PVC/PE pipe wall section.
Only those tapping systems which have been
authorised by the relevant Local Authority shall be
used for potable water installations and the
standard details for tapping need to be followed.
Tapping saddles rely on compression of a rubber
seal ring to complete the seal ensure that the fitting
is assembled and locked onto the pipe in the
required position before drilling the service outlet
hole with a appropriate hole saw.
Multiple Tapping Saddles may be use on a service
line but these should not be installed at no closer
than 5 times the pipe Diameter
Talbot plastic self tapping ferrule strap
All tapping activities and service connections in
PVC/PE pipes should be made where practical The maximim hole size that should be drilled in a
before backfilling is completed. So the service line PVC/PE pipe for tapping purposes is 50mm, or 1/3
is not stress in its alignment to the tapping band. the pipe diameter, whichever is smaller.
Where the tapping takes place at a predetermined This does not prevent the connection of larger
location on the allotment boundary, then the branch lines via tapping saddles, provided the
tapping can be carried out before the PVC/PE pipe hydraulic loss through the restricted hole size is
is placed into the trench. acceptable.
Where tapping and service connections are For larger branches generally, a tee is preferred.
performed in hot weather conditions, then care When moving crates of pipes with a forkhoist
needs to be exercised to allow for any thermal ensure sockets are not scuffed on hard surfaces.
expansion/contraction in the PVC/PE pipes so that
the final service connection pipe sits evenly into the Holes should not be drilled into PVC/PE pipe:
side trench and does not bear against the side wall • Less than 300 mm from a spigot end.
of the trench. • Closer than 450 mm to another hole on a
Where thermal fusion tapping saddles or tees are common parallel line.
used, then tapping must not take place until the • Where significant bending stress is applied to the
welded joints have fully cooled. Any attempt at pipe.
tapping before this occurs may cause debonding of
the joint area and subsequent leakage at the
tapping point. Thermal fusion tapping saddles
Flexible service pipe (eg MDPE) may Rigid service pipe
must not be used for PE main line pipes with a
be radiused to acceptable limits - straight or offset
pressure class rating of PN6.3 and below, unless connection
they have been designed to prevent localised
collapse of the PE main line pipe at the heat
applied area. D
Where PVC/PE pipes are tapped, the tapping sys-
tem should contain a cutter which removes the tap-
Support to
ping plug material from the PVC/PE main pipe as a 450 minimum centres alternative
single piece and either retains the plug in the cutter configuration
or allows the plug to be removed. required
Once the tapping and service connections are NOTE: Straight connections are considered the
completed and if thermal welding has been adopted norm in most cases
the adequate cooling time allowed, then the
standard pressure testing procedures can be
applied .

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7.7.5 Live Tapping
Various tools are available to allow live tapping of a
line using a specially adapted tapping band.
The tapping band should be fitted to the pipe and
correctly tightened. A specially adapted main cock
for live tapping should be fitted to the tapping saddle
using PTFE tape and a drilling machine fitted with
a “shell” cutter or hole saw only. The hole is drilled
and the tapping flushed. The hole saw is then with-
drawn and the main cock sealed. The tapping
machine is removed along with the hole cut out and
the main cock plunger or cap is then fitted.

7.7.6 Dry Tapping

The procedure is the same as above except that
the hole can be drilled before the main cock is Talbot Self-Tapping Ferrule
fitted. It is also possible to dry tap using a twist drill
with razor sharp cutting edges ground to an angle
of 80°. Removal of the swarf, however, is more
difficult and wherever possible the use of a hole
saw is recommended.

Swivel Ferrule/Strap
7.7.7 Direct Tapping
Marley does not recommend direct tapping (thread-
ing of the pipe wall) for PVC/PE pressure lines.

7.7.8 Self Tapping Ferrule

Live mains may be tapped for service connections
using the Talbot self tapping ferrule, available with
20mm male outlet.
The ferrule should be screwed into the threaded
boss (20 mm) of the tapping band so that the base
of the ferrule is within 5 mm of the pipe surface.
The cutter is then wound down using a 6mm
square drive until fully down. When wound back the
cutter will retain the 10 mm diameter uPVC plug
and when fully up allows the water to flow to the

.. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . 15
• General Principles

• Handling

• Storage

• Transport

• PVC Pipe Handling

• Above Ground Installation

Handling and Storage
Polyethylene is a tough resilient material which is
relatively light and easy to handle although it is MDPE pipes are lighter in weight than other
prone to damage through scoring by sharp commonly used pipeline materials, and are
objects. Therefore careful handling is always relatively robust and resistant to damage.
required and the dragging of straight pipe and coils Notwithstanding these features, care must be
should be avoided whenever possible. exercised at all times to prevent damage to the
1. The maximum allowable depth of scoring of the
Pipes should be inspected on delivery to ensure
external surface of the pipe is 10% of the wall
that the packing has not come loose, allowing
thickness. Pipes and fittings showing obvious
pipes to move over each other. Where pipes are
defects or excessive scoring should be
damaged they must be removed from the remainder
withdrawn, clearly identified as unsuitable and,
of the pipes and the supplier notified.
where appropriate, returned to the source of
supply. Damaged pipes must not be used in the
2. The general properties of polyethylene are
unaffected by low ambient temperatures but PE pipes are supplied in either coils from smaller
having very smooth surfaces, the pies and fittings diameters (up to 125mm) or in straight lengths.
become slippery in wet or frosty weather. The straight lengths may be up to 15 metres long ,
Particular attention should be given to effective depending on transport and site conditions.
securing and storage under such conditions. Coiled pipes may be supplied either on pallets, or
as individual coils. These may be handled with a
3. As far as practicable the protective packaging
fork lift truck, using protected tines. The tines must
(pallets, strapping, bags etc) should be kept
not be forced into the layers of the coils, as this will
intact until the material is required for use.
damage the pipe walls.
4. Pipes likely to be stored outside for periods Do not roll the coils off the back of trucks as this
longer than 12 months should be covered to can lead to damage.
prevent degradation from sunlight. Electrofusion Only webbing slings should be used these must be
fittings should be stored under cover and in their passed fully through the complete coil layers.
protective packaging.
Wire slings must not be used.
5. Coiled Pipes
Straight length pipes can be handled either with a
Pipe sized >63mm should be moved and fork lift, or slings passed around the pipe. Bundled
uncoiled using an approved dispensing trailer. pipes can be handled under the timber packaging
using the complete packaging to help protect the
Before unstrapping pipe from the coil or drum,
both pipe ends must be firmly mechanically
For larger diameter pipes, a spreader bar may be
restrained. The band securing the outer end of
required to help distribute the load and up to four
the pipe should be removed first and the
sling points may be needed.
movement of the free end carefully controlled.
Pipes must not be dragged from trucks, or trailers,
This removal should be followed with those
as this will cause scoring along the walls of the
securing successive layers. No more bands
pipes, and damage ends of the pipes, or pre welded
should be removed than necessary to release
end fitting assemblies.
the length of pipe immediately required. After
sufficient pipe has been cut from the coil the
protective end cap must be replaced on the
remainder. The outer end of the pipe should be Pipes
suitably re-marked as such.
All pipes and fittings should be inspected prior to
When removed from the coil or drum, the pipe storage and any damage items isolated and
will be oval and curved. The extent of the ovality removed from stock. The supplier should be notified
and curvature will depend upon the temperature, immediately of any defective product.
SDR rating, pipe diameter, coil diameter and As PE pipes are date stamped at the time of
material type. Although both ovality and manufacture, stocks should be arranged so that
curvature will reduce naturally with time, special the earliest date production is used first in installation.
hardware is available to facilitate handling and The same procedure should be followed with
jointing. fittings, where the packaging indicates a date of
Where pipes are stored on site, the ground should
be flat, and free from all rocks. Pipes must not be
stored near high temperature sources and kept
away from combustible materials and potential

.. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . 1
Handling and Storage
Full colour pipes must be covered when stored in Where flanges, or other end fittings are pre assembled
direct sunlight for any extended period ( 12 months ). on the pipe ends, these must not be allowed to
Where covers are used, these should allow free air bear directly on each other, the pipe barrels, or
movement between pipe stacks to prevent directly on the ground as a point load.
temperature build up. Black pipes may be stored
for extended periods without covers. Pipe Strings
Stack sites should be selected to allow ready Where pipes are strung out along the proposed
access around, and between any stacks by pipeline alignment, they should be located at a
handling equipment and staff. Care must be taken distance to allow free access to excavation
to ensure security and site safety of any stack equipment. The pipes should be restrained to
sites. prevent any possibility of the pipes rolling.
In principle, stack heights should be kept to a
minimum. Fittings
Different grades of PE and different pressure class-
es should be segregated to prevent confusion in Fittings should be stored in original packaging until
selection at the time of installation. required for actual installation. The containers
Coiled pipes should be store flat to prevent distortion should be stored under cover at all times.
and where coils are stacked on top of each other, Large diameter fittings should be stored on an even
the maximum number of stacked coils should be base, and not subject to other loads. Fittings
limited to 5 for pipe diameters up to 32mm. 4 for should not be stacked on top of each other.
pipe diameters 50mm and 63mm and 2 for pipe End fittings, and gasket sealing surfaces must be
diameters 90mm and 110mm. protected at all times to prevent distortion, or gouging
Crated pipes may be stacked on top of each other, of the surfaces.
if the timber frames bear on each other. The All sealing gaskets and rings must be stored in light
maximum stack height under these circumstances proof containers, and kept away from heat sources
should be limited to 2 metres. and contaminants such as petrol and oils.

0.7m 2.25m 2.25m 0.8m
Where pipes are transported by road, or rail, they
Strapped timber
must be evenly supported at all times.
Coiled pipes should be transported laid flat on the
bed of the tray.
For transporting, vehicles should be provided with
a clean flat bed, free from nails or other projections
which may cause damage. If high sided lorries are
used, special care must be taken to prevent
2m slippage or excessive bowing of the pipes and
max extra protection given at all sharp edges.
Coils may be stacked on top of each other, provided
that they are evenly placed on top of each other
and firmly secured to prevent movement. If coils
are transported vertically, then they must be
secured to prevent movement, and any distortion
at the bottom of the coils. Other materials must
not be placed on top of the coils.
Care should be taken to avoid positioning pipes
and fittings near or adjacent to exhaust systems or
Additional support battens other head sources and to avoid possible
contamination from materials such as diesel oil.
Straight length pipes must be stacked evenly along
Individual straight pipes may be stored in either the length of the truck trays, and evenly supported
pyramid shape stacks, or side supported stacks. using timber spacers 75mm wide, and spaced at
For pyramid stacks, the bottom pipes must be gaps of 3 metres. All end fittings must be protected
securely supported to prevent any movement. The and raised up above the tray floors, and not
pipes can then be stacked neatly on the lower layer allowed to bear directly on any pipes, or other
up to a maximum stack height of 1.5 metres. surfaces. Large diameter, or low pressure class,
Pipes should be supported with timber spacers pipes can be subject to localised distortion and
75mm wide, located at 1.5 metre gaps along the should have internal supports placed in the ends of
length of the pipes. Care must be taken to ensure the pipes.
localised distortion does not take place. The All pipes should be covered by tarpaulins during
maximum stack heights should not exceed 2 transport to prevent road film contamination, and
metres. the pipes must be kept away from all heat sources
Large diameter pipes should not be stacked on top and other sources of contamination.
of each other.

.. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . 2
a aaOnly webbed slings of polyethylene or nylon are
recommended. Straight pipes should be fully
supported and bound together. Pipes must not rest
on the integral socket, if one is incorporated.
When transporting fabricated fittings, these should
not be loaded in a way that could distort the end, or
left exposed to direct sunlight.
Both vertical and horizontal deliveries of coiled
pipes are permissible, although in the case of
horizontal transportation special notification may
be required for highway authorities in respect of
wide load regulations.
No other cargo, or loads, should be placed on top
of PE pipes during transport.


8.5.1 Handling and Storage
PVC pipe is very robust, but still can be damaged
by rough handling. Pipes should not be thrown
from trucks or dragged over rough surfaces. Plastic
piping becomes more susceptible to damage in
very cold weather so extra care should be taken
when the temperature is low.
Since the soundness of any pipe joint depends on
the condition of the spigot and the socket, special
care should be taken not to allow them to come into
contact with sharp edges or protruding nails or
made oval by poor storage.

8.5.2 Transportation of PVC Pipes

While in transit pipes should be well secured and
supported. Chains or wire ropes may be used only

On-site transport

.. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. .
if suitably padded to protect the pipe from damage.
Care should be taken that the pipes are firmly tied
so that the sockets cannot rub together.
Pipes may be unloaded from vehicles by rolling
them gently down timbers, care being taken to
ensure that the pipes do not fall onto one another
or onto any hard or uneven surface.
8.5.3 Storage of PVC Pipes
Pipes should be given adequate support at all
times. Pipes should be stacked in layers with sockets
placed at alternate ends of the stack and with the
sockets protruding.
Horizontal support of about 75 mm wide should be
spaced not more than 1.0m centre-to-centre
beneath the pipes to provide even support. Vertical
side supports should also be provided at intervals
of 2m along rectangular pipe stacks.
For long term storage (longer than 3 months) the
maximum free height should not exceed 1.0m. The
heaviest pipes should be on the bottom. The crates
used for delivery are adequate for long term storage
provided additional bearers (approx. 75mm wide)
are placed under the pipes between the crate
If it is planned to store pipes in direct sunlight for a
period in excess of one year, then the pipes should
be covered with a material such as hessian.
Coverings such as black plastics must not be used
as these can greatly increase the temperatures
within the stack (see Weathering).

NOTE: Many pipe failures can be traced to faults in

handling and storage. Refer to AS/NZ 2032 and

Handling and storing on site

Incorrect way to load pipes

Incorrect way to off-load

Correct way to load pipes

Correct way to off-load


x 1m

Individual pipe stacks on site


(refer to AS/NZ 2566.1,
AS/NZ 2032, AS/NZ 2033)
8.6.1 General Conditions
In above ground installation, pipes should be laid on
broad, smooth bearing surfaces wherever possible
to minimise stress concentration and to prevent
physical damage e.g. cable trays.
PVC pipe should not be laid near steam lines or in
proximity to other high temperature surfaces.
Where PVC pressure pipeline is used to supply
cold water to a hot water cylinder, the last two
metres of pipe should be made of copper and a
non return valve fitted between the PVC and
copper line to prevent pipe failure.
If a pipeline is subjected to continuous vibration
such as the connection with a pump, it should be
connected by a flexible joint or, if possible, the
system should be redesigned to eliminate the
PVC pipe must not be used to reticulate
compressed air.
The pipe must be adequately supported in order to
prevent sagging and excessive distortion. Clamp,
saddle, angle, spring or other standard types of
supports and hangers may be used where necessary.
Pipe hangers should not be over tightened. Metal
surfaces should be insulated from the pipe by plastic
coating, wrapping or other means.

.. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . 4
• PVC Pipeline Testing CONTENTS

• Polyethylene Pipeline Testing

Testing and Commissioning
PVC Pipeline Testing . . .. . .. . . . .. . .. . .. . .
Testing and Commissioning
The pipeline may be tested as a whole or in
sections, depending on the diameter and length of
the pipe, the spacing between sectioning valves or
blank ends and the availability of water.
Pipelines should be bedded and backfilled, but with
the joints left uncovered for inspection before and
after testing.
All thrust supports for fittings and valves must be
finished and the concrete properly cured (the
minimum time is seven days). Blank ends installed
temporarily should be adequately supported to
take the pressure thrust.
Fill the pipeline with water and remove air from the
system as far as possible. Pressurise the system.
Additional water will be required to bring the line up
to pressure because the pipe expands slightly. For
example, to reach 1.5 times working pressure
requires about 1% additional volume.
After reaching test pressure, note the drop in
pressure over time. It is normal for a pressure drop
to occur as the remaining air goes into solution,
and some further expansion of the pipe (around
0.1%) will also occur.
The expansion due to temperature rise of 1°C will
decrease the pressure by about 3.4 kPa.
Re-pressurise and again note the drop in pressure
over the same time period. A diminished pressure
drop indicates a satisfactory test. A similar pressure
drop may indicate a leak. It may be necessary to
repeat the procedure several times to be sure.
An absolute maximum test pressure of 1.5 times
the design pressure should be applied to the pipe
test section. This pressure should be measured at
the lowest point in the system. When using
pressures higher than the design pressure, ensure
that the thrust blocks, valves or other fittings have
been designed to take these higher pressures. The
procedure is specified in AS/NZ 2032 and 2033.

Following successful testing, the line should be
thoroughly flushed and dosed with a sterilising
agent such as chlorine. Local authority requirements
should be followed.

.. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . 1
Testing and Commissioning
Polyethylene Pipeline Testing . . .. . .. . . . .. . .
All completed PE pipelines should be tested to CONSIDERATIONS
ensure that all joints, fittings, anchorage blocks are
installed correctly and that there are no defects in Prior to carrying out any testing activities, a number
the pipes causing leakage or loss of fluid. of precautions need to be observed.
The actual testing procedures to be adopted will • All facilities must be available and sufficient
vary on the actual application of each pipeline and notice given to relevant Local Authority to allow
the specific requirements laid down by the relevant compliance inspection prior to any testing being
Local Authority in tender contract documents. carried out.
The local authority specifications must be
followed at all times. • All residential construction materials must be
removed from the trench or embankment,
No air
alignments so that no additional materials are in
B Increasing volume of air direct contact with the PE pipes or fittings.
P There should be no point loading on fittings.
eg 5% eg 10%
E • PE pipelines must be supported by either back-
eg 15% filling with soil or loaded with sandbags to pre-
vent movement and possible mechanical seal
joint displacement. Where PE pipes are partially
backfilled over the entire length, leaving open
only the joints at the start and end of the pipe run.
• Where cast insitu concrete thrust blocks are
used, a minimum period of 7 days should be
A allowed before testing. Where timber or moulded
Water volume (litres)
blocks are used then testing can start as soon as
(directly related to time for constant rate pumping) required. All blanked off ends, including valves,
must be fully supported.
Typical Pressure/volume characteristic
during pressurisation • All intermediate valves should be opened to
allow full venting of entrapped air form the PE
The introduction of the PE63, PE80 and PE100 rating
systems in AS/SNZ 4130 and the modification to • Where water is used as the test fluid, then PE
the applied design factor applied to calculate each pipeline testing should not be performed in wet
of the pressure class wall thicknesses, has resulted weather, unless any potential leakage can be
in reduced pipe wall section thicknesses, when readily observed on site.
compared to the previous AS1159. This means
that the hydrostatic test pressure applied for • Where thermal fusion joints are used in the PE
pressure pipes must also be reduced from the pipeline, no testing should proceed until the last
previous values applied to AS 1159 pipes. joint made has completely cooled to ambient
All PE materials listed in AS/NZS 4130 behave in temperature.
an elastic manner when internally pressure tested
and this shows up as an apparent pressure loss, or
lead on the test recording gauge due to the
increase in pipe volume as the pipeline expands. PIPELINE TESTING
This means that, as distinct from rigid pipeline
PE pipelines may be tested as a single section for
materials, a makeup volume of water may be needed
lengths up to 800 metres, depending on the size of
to be added to the pipeline during the test period to
the pipe and the availability of test water. Beyond
maintain a constant pressure reading. PE
this length, the pipeline should be progressively
pipelines subjected to extended periods of high test
tested in sections.
pressure may also creep over the test period
The test section must be swabbed and flushed
and this may show up as a drop in the pressure
clean before introducing test water. The test water
should be introduced at the lowest available point
Neither of these observations means that a leak is
to assist air venting and all air vent valves opened.
present in the pipeline.

.. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . 2
Testing and Commissioning
As PE pipes are subject to thermal expansion until a test pressure of 50 KPa is reached on a
and contraction the testing should take place at recording gauge fitted to the pipeline. The test
ambient temperature and the water should be pressure of 50 KPa must be maintained for a minimum
introduced and the pipeline kept full of water (but time of 3 minutes and if no leaks are detected or
not under pressure) for 12 hours where elevated pressure loss is observed on the gauge, then the
temperatures are encountered. Where pipes are at air supply control valve should be turned off.
ambient temperature testing may commence as The pressure should be held for a minimum time of
soon as required. 1 minute and if the gauge pressure reading has not
Pressure test gauges or recording devices should fallen below 35 KPa after this time then the test
be placed at the lowest elevation point accessible pressure should be released.
in the pipeline. When the test pressure drops below 35 KPa after
The test water should be fed into the pipeline evenly 1 minute, then the pressure should be returned to
and without pulsation up to the nominated test 50 KPa and this pressure maintained until a full
pressure value. The actual test pressures adopted inspection of the PE pipeline has been completed.
may vary depending on the Local Authority All joints and connections need to be individually
requirements and these must be adhered to at all inspected for leakage and a solution of water and
times. detergent should be poured over any suspect joint.
For small diameter PE pipelines (up to 110mm If a leak is present, it will cause the detergent
diameter) a test pressure of a maximum of 1.2 WP solution to bubble and foam.
(working pressure) may be applied for a period of The test must be accepted by the relevant Local
15 minutes or for sufficient time to allow the Authority representative before completing the
pipeline to be inspected for leakage at all joints. testing.
The same procedures may be adopted for small
length additions to existing pipelines. The pressure 9.3.2 Deflection Testing
gauge reading should not drop once the pressure PE drainage pipelines are designed to support
has stabilised. external loading within the acceptable limits of
For PE pipe property service connections using diameter deflection (or ovality) for hydraulic or
PN16 class PE pipe, a standard test pressure of structural reasons.
1.5 MPa may be applied uniformly for all applications. Where this is a critical feature of the installation,
For large diameter PE pipelines and for pipeline then the effectiveness of the backfill compaction
lengths up to 800 metres, the volume change in the may require testing.
pipes under the action of the test pressure needs to In these cases a presized plug, or proving tool can
be evaluated. Pipes should be brought up to test be pulled through the pipeline between manholes
pressure and the pressure stabilised by introducing or other entry points.
make up water. For flanged, electrofusion or mechanically jointed
A test pressure of a maximum of 1.25 times WP PE pipelines without any protrusions into the pipe
(working pressure) may be applied for a period of bore due to the joints, the plug can be sized to the
up to 8 hours, or for sufficient time to inspect all maximum diameter reduction allowed in the
joints and connections for signs of leakage. design.
Pressure gauge readings should be taken at regular For butt welded PE pipes, unless the internal
time intervals during the test period to ensure that beads are removed, the plug needs to be sized to
leakage does not take place. account for the weld bead presence.
High pressure testing using air must not be In either case, the plug should be able to be pulled
carried out. completely through the PE pipeline.

The following are identified as contributing factors 9.4 GAS PIPE TESTING
to variations in the pressure test results: For gas pipe installations, testing should not proceed
until the last completed fusion joint has had
• length of the test section adequate time to fully cool to ambient temperature.
• diameter of the pipe Hydrostatic pressure testing may be carried out
• temperature changes using inert liquid (such as water), air or an inert gas
• range of test pressure imposed approved by the utility.
• rate of pressure loading Test pressure such as TP = 1.10 x WP may be
• presence of air in the pipeline applied for pipelines provided that the test pressure
• relative movement of ‘mechanical’ fittings is not less than 100 KPa and does not exceed 1.5
• efficiency of the bedding and compacted times the design pressure of the pipeline system.
surround to resist pipe movement. For larger diameter or longer pipelines, progressive
• accuracy and efficiency of testing apparatus. testing may be applied such that:

Test Device TestPressure Test Duration

9.3.1 Air Testing
Dial gauge 700 KPa Overnight
All openings must be sealed prior to testing. Differential 700 KPa 30 mins stability
Air should be pumped slowly into the PE pipeline leak tester then 5 mins test

.. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . 3
Testing and Commissioning
Final testing may be applied or required by the utility 9.6.1
after progressive test in the form of:
Take a first reading of pressure P1 at t1, where t1 is
Test Device Test Pressure Test Duration equal to the pressure loading time (tL).
Dial gauge 700 KPa 24 hours, no drop 9.6.2
Recorder 700 KPa 24 hours, no drop
Take a second reading of Pressure P2, at a time
approximately 7tL; Let this be t2.
To allow for the stress relaxation behavior of PE
9.5.1 Large Bore Commissioning pipelines, calculate the corrected values of t1 and t2.
On reaching the test pressure and satisfying the
condition for minimal air entrapment, the pipeline is • calculate corrected t1
isolated and the pressure allowed to decay. The t1c = t1 + 0.4tL
pressure decay readings (tL) to achieve test pres-
sure is used as a reference. The natural pressure • calculate corrected t2
decay readings at predetermined times are then t2c = t2 + 0.4tL
recorded in minutes from the movement of valve
closure. 9.6.3
The analysis will be more comprehensive with larg- The measure of the slope of the pressure decay
er numbers of readings being taken throughout the curve between t1 and t2 is then calculated as the
test. ratio n1.
Since the pipeline begins to relax within the period
of pressurisation, a correction factor has to be log P1 - log P2
Calculate n1
applied to allow for this. Experience suggests that log t2c - log t1c
this correction should be 0.4tL.
A typical sequence of readings is illustrated below. For a sound main, experience suggests that the
ratio n1 should be;
Test pressure reached.
Valve closed.
Recording starts.
a) 0.08 – 0.10 for pipes without constraint
(eg sliplined or not backfilled).
b) 0.04 – 0.05 for pipes with compacted backfill.
Peak test
pressure P3
Logarithmic decay curve Bearing in mind the identified compaction , if the
values are significantly less than the minimum
identified, then there is too great a volume of air in
(bar) the main. This air will have to be removed before
a satisfactory test can be performed.

Starting t
3 Take a further reading of pressure P3 at a decay
Time (not to scale)
time not less than 15tL. Let this be t3. Again to
Reading 1
tL tL
approx. 7tL
allow for the stress relaxation behavior of PE
Pressure Reading 2 pipelines, calculate the correct value for t3.
loading time
At least 15tL
Reading 3
T3c = t3 + 0.4tL


ANALYSIS The measure of the slope of the pressure decay
curve between t2 and t3 is then calculated as the
– Three Point Analysis ratio of n2.
log P1 - log P2
To demonstrate that the PE pipeline is sound, Calculate n2 =
log t3c - log t2c
an analysis of the pressure test is carried out as
For a pipe system with no leakage and bearing in
As the pressure decay is of exponential form, the mind the identified compaction, then the ratio of n2
use of logarithms is necessary when comparing should be:
readings taken during the test but the use of pocket
calculator is all that is required for ‘on site’ a) 0.08 – 0.10 for pipes without soil constraint,
calculations. b) 0.04 – 0.05 for pipes in compacted backfill.

.. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . 4
Testing and Commissioning
The figure below shows the results of test (using 9.7.2
graphical analysis with multiple results from a data
logger) on mains without leaks in unconstrained The predicted pressure can be calculated from
and constrained situations respectively.
[ ( ) ]
The sensitivity of the test can be increased by t -n
P = PL 2.5 +1
extending the value of t3 ie extending the test duration. tL

9.6.6 Where
P = predicted pressure at time t
The procedure detailed above identifies the principle.
PL = test pressure (at start of test when the
However it is strongly advised that the slopes n1
test pressure is first reached)
and n2 are obtained from more than three points.
t = time (from reaching the test pressure)
tL = loading time
From experience it has been shown that:
- Unrestrained
For pipes installed in compacted soil n = 0.04
10.0 For pipes installed without support n = 0.10

9.5 9.7.3
9.0 Slope = 0.084 (i.e. no leakage
If the actual pressure recorded was found to differ
Pressure (bar)

under the slope)

8.5 significantly from the predicted value, then a formal
slope analysis using all the data collected so far
8.0 could be conducted.
7.5 The data should be plotted on log paper or con-
verted to logs prior to plotting on normal paper. If
180 mm PE 80
the graph shows an increasing slope with time (A -
6.5 C) (ie the actual recorded pressures were less than
.1 1 10 the predicted values), this indicates leakage. If the
Corrected time tc (mins) graph shows a decreasing slope with time (A – B),
ie the actual recorded pressure were greater than
the predicted values), this indicates air entrapment.
- Compacted Backfill If the slope is linear but between the slopes identi-
15 fied (ie 0.04 – 0.05 and 0.08 – 0.1) this probably
indicates poor backfill compaction, but not a failed
14 Slope = 0.04 test.
Pressure (bar)

(i.e. no leakage under the

13 Note: It is possible to predict leakage rates as a
function of water volume added.
315 mm PE 80 If at any stage during the pressure test an unac-
10 ceptable leak is indicated, it is advisable to check
100 101 102 103 104 all mechanical fittings before visually inspecting the
Corrected time tc (mins) fusion joints. Any defect in the installation revealed
by the test should be rectified and the test repeat-
For smaller pipelines, <500m in length and/or
9.7 PRESSURE TEST >80mm diameter and <200 metres in length, the
test pressure of 700 KPa may be reduced to a test
ANALYSIS time of 5 minutes duration after allowing the pipe
– Predicted Pressures pressure to act for 30 minutes without any
observed pressure drop on the guage.
9.7.1 In all instances, where bubble testing is carried out
To allow an early indication of problems such as using a soft soap solution, no leakage shall be per-
leakage or air entrapment, a supplementary analy- mitted at any tested point.
sis can be carried out during the pressure test.
This necessitates comparing the recorded pres-
sure at any point in time with the predicted pres-
sure since the logarithmic plot of pressure decay in
an ideal PE pipeline system should be linear. Any
deviation from linearity indicates the possibility of
leakage or air entrapment.

.. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . 5
Testing and Commissioning
PE pipelines should be commissioned following the
standard practices adopted by the relevant Local
This applies for both pressure and non pressure
In the case of potable water applications, the
standard flushing and disinfection procedures
must be followed. PE pipes made to AS/NZ 4130
do not impart additional water quality flushing or
disinfection requirements due to corrosion
products, heavy metal update, or pH change, and
where these aspects have been included in standard
commissioning procedures, then consideration
should be given to the need for these elements.


PE pipes are electrically non conductive and as
such cannot be detected by magnetic detection
However, where it is desired to detect buried
pipelines, several techniques are available.

Metal Detector Tapes

Custom tapes may be located on top of the PE pipe
cover material (150 – 300mm above the top of the
pipe) and can be detected by metal detection
equipment operating in the 4-20 MHz range at
depths up to 600mm.
The tapes also offer colour coded identification and
early warning of the presence of the pipeline during
later excavations.

Trace Wires
Pipes deeper than 600mm may be detected by the
use of tracer wires placed underneath the pipeline.
Application of a suppressed current allows the
detection of pipes up to 3 metres depth. However,
both ends of the wire must be accessible and a
complete circuit must be available without breakage
of the wire over the length of the pipeline.

Audio Detection
Several types of acoustic detectors are available
using either the sound of turbulence from flow in
the line or by the introduction of an outside sound

.. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . 6
Chemical Resistance
S E C T I O N 1 1 : C H E M I C A L R E S I S TA N C E

. . .. . .. . . . .. . .. . . . .. . .. . . .
Three different classes of chemical resistance degree are conventionally used in this guide ie:
Class 1: HIGH RESISTANCE (corrosion-proof) - all materials belonging to this
class are completely or almost completely corrosion-proof against the
conveyed fluid, according to the specified operating conditions.
Class 2: LIMITED RESISTANCE - the materials belonging to this class are partially
attacked by the conveyed chemical compound. The average life of the
material is therefore shorter, and it is advisable to use a higher safety factor
by selecting a higher SN rating pipe.
Class 3: NO RESISTANCE - all material belonging to this class are subject to
corrosion by the conveyed fluid and they should therefore not be used.
The absence of any class indication means that no data are available concerning the
chemical resistance of the material in respect of the conveyed fluid.
sat = saturated solution at 20oC, nd = undefined concentration,
deb = weak concentration, comm = commercial solution. dil = diluted solution

ACETALDEHYDE CH3CHO 100 25 3 1 - FLUORIDE NH4F 25 25 1 1
60 3 60 2 1
- AQUEOUS SOLUTION 40 25 3 1 - HYDROXIDE NH4OH 28 25 - 1
60 3 2 60 2 1
ACETIC ACID CH3COOH ≤ 25 25 1 1 - NITRATE NH4NO3 sat 25 1 1
60 2 1 60 1 1
30 25 1 1
60 2 1 - PHOSPHATE DIBASIC NH4(HPO4)2 all 25 1 1
60 25 1 1 60 1 1
60 2 1 - PHOSPHAT META (NH4)4P4O12 all 25 1
80 25 1 1 60 1
60 2
- PHOSPHATE TRI (NH4)2HPO4 all 25 1
- GLACIAL 100 25 2 1 60 1
60 3 2
- PERSULFATE (NH4)2S2O8 all 25 1
ACETIC ANHYDRIDE (CH3CO)2O 100 25 3 2 60 1
60 3 2
- SULFIDE (NH4)2S deb 25 1 1
ACETONE CH3COCH3 10 25 3 1
60 2 1
sat 25 1 1
100 25 3 2
60 1 1
60 3 2
sat 25 1 1
60 1 1
ACRYLONITRILE CH2CHCN technically 25 1
(ACRYLONITRILE pure 60 3 1
ADIPIC ACID (CH2CH2CO2H)2 sat. 25 1 1 60 2 1
ALNILINE C6H5HN2 all 25 3 2
60 3 2
ALUM AI2(SO4)3K2SO4nH2O dil 25 1 1
(POTASH ALUM.SOL.) sat. 60 2 1
ANTIMONY SbCI3 100 25 1 1
ALUMINIUM AICI3 all 25 1 1
- CHLORIDE 60 1 1
ANTHRAQUINONE suspension 25 1 1
- FLORIDE AIF3 100 25 1 1 (SULFONIC ACID) 60 2 -
60 1 1
AQUA REGIA HCI+HNO3 100 25 2 3
- HYDROXIDE AI(OH)3 all 25 1 60 2 3
60 1 -
ARSENIC ACID H3ASO4 deb 25 1 1
NITRATE AI(NO2)3 nd 25 1
60 2 1
60 1 -
80 25 1 1
SULFATE AI(SO4)3 deb 25 1
60 1 1 60 2 1
sat 25 1 1 BARIUM BACO3 all 25 1 1
60 1 1 CARBONATE 60 1 1
AMMONIA NH3 deb 25 1 1 - CHLORIDE BaCI2 10 25 1 1
- AQUEOUS SOLUTION 60 2 1 60 1 1
sat 25 1 - HYDROXIDE Ba(OH)2 all 25 1 1
60 2 60 1 1
- DRY GAS 100 25 1 1
- SULFATE BaSO4 nb 25 1 1
60 1 1
60 1 1
- LIQUID 100 25 2 1
60 3 1 - SULFIDE BaS sat 25 1
AMMONIUM CH3COONH4 sat 25 - 1 60 1
- ACETATE 60 2 1 BEER comm 25 1 1
- CARBONATE (NH4)2CO3 all 25 1 1 60 1
60 2 1
60 3 2

.48. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Chemical Resistance
BENZENE (BENZOL) C6H6 100 25 3 3 CHLORAMINE NH2Cl dil 25 1 1
60 3 60
- + LIGROIN 20/80 25 3 CHLORIC ACID HCIO3 20 25 1 1
60 3 60 2 3
- MONOCHLORINE C6H3CI technically 25 3 2 CHLORINE CI2 sat 25 2
pure 60 60 3
BENZOIC ACID C6H5COOH sat 25 1 1 - DRY GAS 10 25 1
60 2 1 60 2
100 25 2
BENZYL ALCOHOL C6H5CH2OH 100 25 1 60 3
60 2
- WET GAS 5 g/m3 25 1
BORIC ACID H3BO3 deb 25 1 1 60 3
(BORACIC ACID) 60 2 1 10 g/m3 25 2 2
sat 25 1 1 60 2
60 2 1 66 g/m3 25 2 2
BRINE comm 25 1 60 2
60 1
- LIQUID 100 25 3 3
BROMIC ACID HBrO3 10 25 1 1 60
60 1 1
BROMINE Br2 100 25 3 3 ACID 60 2 3
- LIQUID 60 3 3 100 25 1 3
- VAPOURS low 25 2 3 60 2 3
60 3
BUTADIENE C4H6 100 25 1 60 3
60 1 3
concentrated 25 2 2 CHLOROSULPHONIC CIHSO3 100 25 2 3
60 3 3 ACID 60 3 3
BUTANE C4H10 10 25 1 1 CHROME ALUM KCr(SO4)2 nd 25 1 1
GAS 60 1 60 2 1
BUTYL CH3CO2CH2CH2CH2 CH3 100 25 3 3 CHROMIC ACID CrO3+H2O 10 25 1 2
- ACETATE (BUTANATE) 60 3 3 60 2 3
30 25 1 2
- ALCOHOL (BUTANOL) C4H9OH 25 1 1 60 2 3
60 2 1 50 25 1 2
- PHENOL C4H9C6H4OH 100 25 2 3 60 2 3
60 2 3 CHROMIC SOLUTION CrO3+H2O+H2SO4 50/35/15 25 1 3
BUTYLENE C4H6(OH)2 100 25 1 60 2 3
GLYCOL 60 2 1 CITRIC ACID C3H4(OH)(CO2H)3 50 25 1 1
BUTYRIC ACID C2H5CH2COOH 20 25 1 1 AQ.SOL.min. 60 1 1
(BUTANOIC ACID) 60 2 2 COPPER CuCI2 sat 25 1 1
concentrated 25 3 3 - CHLORIDE 60 1 1
60 3 3 - CYANIDE CuCN2 all 25 3
CALCIUM Ca(HSO3)2 nd 25 1 1 60 3
- BISULFITE 60 1 1 - FLUORIDE CuF2 all 25 1 1
- CARBONATE CaCO3 all 25 1 1 60 1 1
60 1 1 - NITRATE Cu(NO3)2 nd 25 1 1
-CHLORATE CaHCI nd 25 1 1 60 2 1
60 1 1 - SULFATE CuSO4 dil 25 1 1
- CHLORIDE CaCl2 all 25 1 1 60 1 1
60 2 1 sat 25 1 1
- HYDROXIDE Ca(OH)2 all 25 1 60 1 1
60 1 COTTONSEED OIL comm 25 1
60 1
- HYPOCHLORITE Ca(OHI)2 sat 25 1
60 2 1 CRESOL CH3C6H4OH ≤90 25 2 1
- NITRATE Ca(NO3)2 50 25 1 1 ≥90 25 3
60 1 60 3
60 1 1 60 3
- SULFIDE CaS sat 25 1 2 CYCLOHEXANE C6H12 all 25 3 1
60 1 2 60 3
CAMPHOR OIL nd 25 1 3 CYCLOHEXANONE C6H10O all 25 3 1
60 3 60 3
- GAS 100 25 1 1 DEMINERALIZED 100 25 1 1
60 1 1 WATER 60 1 1
- DISULFIDE CS2 100 25 2 2 DIBUTYPATHALATE C6H4(CO2C4H9)2 100 25 3 3
60 3 60 3
DICHLORO- Cl2CHCOOH 100 25 1 1
- MONOXIDE CO 100 25 1 1 ACETIC ACID 60 2 2
60 1 1
60 3 3 DICHLOROETHYLENE CI(CH)2CI 100 25 3 3
CARBONIC ACID H2CO3 sat 25 1 60 3 3
DIETHYL ETHER C2H5OC2H5 100 25 3 3
- DRY 100 25 1 60 3 3
60 1 DIGLYCOLIC ACID (CH2)2O(CO2H)2 18 25 1 1
- WET all 25 1 60 2 1
60 2 DIMETHYLAMINE (CH3)2NH 100 25 2
CARBON OIL comm 25 1 60 3 2
60 1

2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49. .
Chemical Resistance
60 3 2 (MURIATIC ACID) 60 2 1
DISTILLED WATER 100 25 1 1 ≤ 37 25 1 1
60 1 1 60 1 2
60 1 1 (PRUSSIC ACID OR 60 1 1
ETHYL CH3CO2C2H5 100 25 3 1 60 2 1
- ALCOHOL CH3CH2OH nd 25 1 1 60
60 2 2 HYDROGEN H2O2 30 25 1 1
(ETHANOL) CH3CH2CI all 25 3 2 50 25 1 2
- CHLORIDE 60 3 60 1 -
- ETHER CH3CH2OCH2CH3 all 25 3 - SULFIDE DRY sat 25 1 1
60 3 60 2 1
- CHLOROHYDRIN 60 3 - SULFIDE WET sat 25 1 1
60 2 1
- GLYCOL HOCH2CH2OH comm 25 1 1 HYDROSUPHITE ≤10 25 1
60 1 SULPHATE 60 1
FERRIC FeCI3 10 25 1 ILLUMINATING 100 25 1 1
- CHLORIDE 60 2 GAS 60
sat 25 1 1 IODINE I2 3 25 2
60 1 1 - DRY AND WET 60 3
- NITRATE Fe(NO3)3 nd 25 1 1 - TINCTURE ≤3 25 2 2
60 1 1 60 3 3
- DEXTRINE (BRITISH GUM C6H12OCH2O nd 25 1 1 ISOCTANE C8H18 100 25 1 2
OR STARCH GUM) 60 2 1 60
- SULFATE Fe(SO4)3 nd 25 1 1 ISO-OCTANE (CH3)3CCH2(CH3)2
60 1 1 ISOPROPYL (CH3)2CHOCH(CH3)2 100 25 2 2
FERROUS FeCI2 sat 25 1 1 -ETHER 60 3 3
- CHLORIDE 60 1 1 - ALCOHOL (CH3)2CHOH 100 25
- SULFATE FeSO4 nd 25 1 1 (ISOPROPANOL) 60 2
60 1 1 LACTIC ACID CH3COHCOOH ≤28 25 1 1
FERTILIZER ≤ 10 25 1 1 60 2 1
60 1 1 LANOLINE nd 25 1
sat 25 1 1 60 2 1
60 1 1 LEAD ACETATE Pb(CH3COO)2 sat 25 1 1
FLUORINE GAS F2 100 25 2 2 60 1 -
DRY 60 3 3 LINSEED OIL comm 25 1
FLUROSILICIC ACID H2SiF6 32 25 1 1 60 2 2
60 1 1 LUBRICATING OILS comm 25 1 3
60 2 1 MAGNESIUM MgCO3 all 25 1
60 2 1
100 25 1 1 - CHLORIDE MgCI2 sat 25 1 1
60 3 1 60 1 1
FRUIT PULP AND JUICE comm 25 1 1 - HYDROXIDE Mg(OH)2 all 25 1
60 1 60 1
FUEL OIL 100 25 1 -NITRATE MgNO3 nd 25 1 1
60 1 60 1 1
comm 25 1 - - SULFATE MgSO4 dil 25 1 1
60 1 2 60 1 1
FURFUROLE C5H3OCH2OH nd 25 3 2 sat 25 1 1
ALCOHOL 60 3 2 60 1 1
- ACID 60 1 60 1 1
- WITH NITROUS traces 25 1 1 MALIC ACID CH2CHOH(COOH)2 nd 25 1 1
GAS PHOSGENE CICOCI 100 25 1 2 MERCURIC HgCI2 sat 25 1 1
60 2 2 - CHLORIDE 60 1 1
GELATINE 100 25 1 1 - CYANIDE HgCN2 all 25 1
60 1 - 60 1
GLUCOSE C6H12O6 all 25 1 1 MERCUROUS HgNO3 nd 25 1 1
(DEXTROSE) 60 2 1 NITRATE 60 1 1
AQ.SOL(GLYCEROL) 60 1 1 60 2 1
GLYCOGLUE 10 25 1 1 METHYL CH3COOCH3 100 25 - -
AQUEOUS 60 1 1 - ACETATE 60 - -
60 1 1 OR WOODSPIRIT) 60 1 1
HEPTANE C7H16 100 25 1 1
60 2 3 - BROMIDE CH3Br 100 25 3 3
HEXANE C6H14 100 25 1 1
60 2 2 - CHORIDE CH3CI 100 25 3 1
60 2 1 - ETHYLKETONE CH3COCH2CH3 all 25 3 1
48 25 1 1 60 3 2
60 2 1 METHYLAMINE CH3NH2 32 25 2 1
60 3 2

.50. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Chemical Resistance
METHYLENE CHLORIDE CH2CI2 100 25 3 3 ≤85 25 1 1
60 2 2 60 2 1
100 25 1 3 PHOSPHORUS PCI3 100 25 3 1
60 2 3 TRICHLORIDE 60 3
MILK 100 25 1 1 PHOTOGRAPHIC comm 25 1
60 1 - DEVELOPER 60 1
MINERAL ACIDOULOUS nd 25 1 1 - EMULSION comm 25 1 1
WATER 60 1 1 60 1
MOLASSES comm 25 1 1 PHTHALIC ACID C6H4(CO2H)2 50 25 - 1
60 2 2 60 3 1
NAPHTA 100 25 2 2 PICRIC ACID HOC6H2(NO2)3 1 25 1 1
60 3 3 60 1 -
NAPHTALINE 100 25 1 1
60 2 (2,4,6 TRINITROPENOL) ≥1 25 3 1
60 3
NICKEL NiCI3 all 25 1 1
- CHLORIDE 60 1 1 POTASSIUM K2Cr2O7 40 25 1 1
60 1 1
- BORATE K3BO3 sat 25 1
- SULFATE NiSO4 dil 25 1 1 60 2
60 1 2
sat 25 1 1 - BROMATE KBrO3 nd 25 1
60 1 1 60 2
NITRIC ACID HNO3 anhydrous 25 3 - BROMIDEKBr sat 25 1 1
60 3 60 1
20 25 1 1 - CARBONATE (POTASH) K2CO3 sat 25 1 1
60 2 2 60 1 1
40 25 1 -
60 1 2 - CHROLIDE KCI sat 25 1 1
60 25 1 3 (POTASSIUM MURIATE) 60 1 1
60 2 3 - CHROMATE K2CrO4 40 25 1 1
98 25 3 3 60 1 1
60 3 3 - CYANIDE KCN sat 25 1 1
60 3 2 60 1 1
OLEIC ACID C8H17CHCH(CH2)7CO2H comm 25 1 - - FERROCYANIDE K4Fe(CN)63H2O 100 25 1 1
60 1 2 60 1 1
- VAPOURS low 25 3 - HYDROXIDE KOH ≤60 25 1 1
60 3 (CAUSTIC POTASH) 60 2 1
high 25 3
- NITRATE KNO3 sat 25 1 1
60 3
OLIVE OIL comm 25
- PERBORATE KBO3 all 25 1
60 2 3
60 1
60 2 1 - PERBORATE KBO3 all 25 1
sat 25 1 1 60
60 1 1 - PERMANGANATE KMnO4 10 25 1 1
60 1 2 - PERSULFATE K2S2O8 nd 25 1 1
OZONE O3 nd 25 1 2 60 2 1
60 2 3
- SULFATE K2SO4 sat 25 1 1
PALMITIC ACID CH3(CH2)14COOH 10 25 1 - 60 2 1
60 1
PROPANE C3H8 100 25 1 1
70 25 1 -
- GAS 60
60 1
PARAFFIN (ALKANE) nd 25 - LIQUID 100 25 1 2
60 2 2 60
- EMULSION comm 25 1 2
(PROPANOL) 60 2 1
60 1 2
- OIL (KEROSENE) nd 25 1 60 3 2
60 1
RAIN WATER 100 25 1 1
PERCHLORIC HCIO4 100 25 1 1 60 1 1
ACID 60 2 1
SEA WATER 100 25 1 1
70 25 1 1
60 1 1
60 2 2
SILICIC ACID H2SiO3 all 25 1 1
PETROL 100 25 1
60 1 1
- REFINED 60 1
SILICONE OIL nd 25 1 1
- UNREFINED 100 25 1 60 3 2
60 1
SILVER AgCN all 25 1
PHENOL C6H5OH 1 25 1 1 - CYANIDE 60 1
- NITRATE AgNO3 nd 25 1 1
(CARBOLIC ACID) ≤90 25 2 1 60 2 1
60 3
PHENYL HYDRAZINE C6H5NHNH2 all 25 3 2 60 1
60 3 2
SOAP high 25 1
60 3 3 SODIC LYE ≤60 25 1
PHOSPHORIC H3PO4 ≤ 25 25 1 1 60 1
- ACID 60 2 1 SODIUM CH3COONa 100 25 1 1
≤50 25 1 1 - ACETATE 60 1 1

4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51. .
Chemical Resistance
- BICARBONATE (SODIUM NaHCO3 nd 25 1 1 60 3 2
- FUMING (OLEUM) all 25 2
- BISULFITE NaHSO3 100 25 1 1 60 3
60 1 1
- NITRIC H2SO4+HNO3+H2O 48/49/3 25 1 3
- BROMIDE NaBr sat 25 1
60 1
50/50/0 25 2 3
- CARBONATE Na2CO3 sat 25 1 1 60 3 3
60 1 1 10/20/70 25 1 2
- CHLORATE NaCIO3 nd 25 1 1 60 1 2
60 2 1 TALLOW EMULSION comm 25 1 1
60 1 2
- CHLORIDE NaCI dil 25 1 1
60 2 1 TANNIC ACID C14H10O9 10 25 1 1
sat 25 1 1 60 1 1
60 2 1
- CYANIDE NaCN all 25 1
- ETHANE 60 3 3
- FERROCYANIDE Na4Fe(CN)6 sat 25 1 1
60 1 1 - ETHYLENE CCI2CCI2 nd 25 3 2
- FLUORIDE NaF all 25 1 1 TETRAETHYLLEAD Pb(C2H5)4 100 25 1 1
60 1 1 60 2
60 1 1 60 3 3
60 2 60
- HYPOSULFITE Na2S3O3 nd 25 1 THIOPHENE C4H4S 100 25 3 2
60 1 60 3 2
- NITRATE NaNO3 nd 25 1 1 TOLUENE C6H5CH3 100 25 3 2
60 1 1 60 3 3
60 1 60 2 2
- PHOSPHATE di Na2HPO4 all 25 1 ACETIC ACID 60 3 2
60 1
- PHOSPHATE tri Na3PO4 all 25 1 1 60 3 2
60 1 1 TRIETHANOLAMINE N(CH2CH2OH)2 100 25 2 1
- SULPHATE Na2SO4 dil 25 1 60 3
60 1 TURPENTINE 100 25 2 2
sat 25 1 1 60 2 3
60 1 1 UREA CO(NH2)2 ≤ 10 25 1 1
- SULFIDE Na2S dil 25 1 1 AQUEOUS SOLUTION 60 2 1
60 2 1 33 25 1 1
sat 25 1 1 60 2 1
60 1 1 URINE nd 25 1 1
60 2 1
- SULFITE NaSO3 sat 25 1
60 1 URIC ACID C5H4N4O3 10 25 1
60 2
60 1 1 VASELINE OIL 100 25 1 1
60 3 2
60 1 1 VINYL ACETATE CH3CO2CHCH2 100 25 3
60 3
STEARIC ACID CH3(CH2)16CO2H 100 25 1
60 1 2 WHISKEY comm 25 1
60 1
SUGAR SYRUP high 25 1 1
60 2 1 WINES comm 25 1 1
60 1
SULPHUR S 100 25 1
60 2 WINE VINEGAR comm 25 1 1
60 2 1
- DIOXIDE AQUEOUS SO2 sat 25 1 1 ZINC ZnCI2 dil 25 1 1
60 2 - CHLORIDE 60 1 1
- DIOXIDE DRY all 25 1 1 sat 25 1 1
60 1 1 60
- DIOXIDE LIQUID 100 25 2 1 - CHROMATE ZnCrO4 all 25 1
60 3 2 60 1
- TRIOXIDE SO3 100 25 2 3 - CYANIDE Zn(CN)2 all 25 1
60 2 3 60
SULPHURIC ACID H2SO4 ≤ 10 25 1 1
60 1 1 - NITRATE Zn(NO3)2 nd 25 1
≤75 25 1 1 60 1
60 2 2 - SULFATE ZnSO4 dil 25 1 1
≤90 25 1 2 60 1 1
60 2 2 sat 25 1 1
≤96 25 2 2 60 1 1

.52. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
DISCLAIMER . .. . .. . . .. . .. . . . .. . .. .
The Marley Guarantee of Quality and Performance
This manual has been compiled by Marley New Zealand Limited (“the Company”) to promote better under-
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.. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. .
This technical manual has been compiled by Marley New Zealand Limited (“The Company”) to promote better understanding of the
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