William Riley, Leroy Sturges, Don Morris - Mechanics of Materials-John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (2007)
William Riley, Leroy Sturges, Don Morris - Mechanics of Materials-John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (2007)
William Riley, Leroy Sturges, Don Morris - Mechanics of Materials-John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (2007)
Sixth Edition
Associate Professor
Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics
Iowa State University
Professor Emeritus
Engineering Science and Mechanics
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
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in =1:
Chapter I Chapter 4
Introduction and Review ofStatiw I Material Properties and Stress-Strain
1-1 INTRODUCTION l Relationships 153
Chapter 2
Analysis ofStress: Concepts and
Definitions 48 Chapter 5
Axial Loading Applications and Prmsure
5-ll DESIGN 264
Chapter 3 SUMMARY 270
Analysis ofStrain: Concepts ami
Definitions 121
Chapter 6
Torsional Loading ofShafls 2 76
The primary objective of a course in mechanics of materials is the development of
relationships between the loads applied to a nonrigid body and the intemal forces
and deformations induced in the body. Ever since the time ofGalileo Galilei (1564-
l642), scientists and engineers have studied the problem of the load-carrying
capacity of structural members and machine components, and have developed
mathematical and experimental methods of analysis for determining the internal
forces and the deformations induced by the applied loads. The experiences and
observations of these scientists and engineers of the last three centuries are the
heritage of the engineer of today. The fundamental knowledge gained over the
last three centuries, together with the theories and analysis techniques developed,
permit the modern engineer to design, with complete competence and assurance,
structures and machines of unprecedented size and complexity.
The subject matter of this book forms the basis for the solution of three
general types of problems:
1. Given a certain function to perform (transporting traffic over a river by means
of a bridge, conveying scientific instruments to Mars in a space vehicle, con-
ve1'ing water power into electric power), of what materials should the machine
or structure be constructed, and what should be the sizes and proportions of the
various elements? This is the designers task, and obviously there is no single
solution to any given problem.
2. Given the completed design, is it adequate? That is, does it perform the function
economically and without excessive deformation? This is the checker’s problem.
3. Given a completed structure or machine, what is its actual load-carrying capac-
ity? The structure may have been designed for some purpose other than the one
for which it is now to be used. Is it adequate for the proposed use? For example,
a building may have been designed as an office building out is later found to be
desirable for use as a warehouse. In such a case, what maximum loading may
the floor safely support? This is the rating problem.
The principles and methods used to meet the objective stated at the beginning
of this chapter depend to a great extent on prerequisite courses in mathematics
and mechanics, supplemented by additional concepts fi'om the theory of elasticity
and the properties of engineering materials. The equations of equilibrium from
statics are used extensively, with one major change in the free-body diagrams;
namely, most free bodies are isolated by cutting through a member instead of
simply removing a pin or some other connection. The internal force on the cut
section is related to the stresses (force per unit area) generated by the cohesive
forces holding the member together. The size and shape of the member must be
adjusted to keep the stress below the limiting value for the type of material from
which the member is constructed.
In some instances, the specified maximum deformation, not the specified
maximum stress, will govem the maximum load that a member may carry. In
other instances, it may be found that the equations of equilibrium (or motion) are
not sufiicient to determine all of the unknown loads or reactions acting on a body.
In such cases it is necessary to consider the geometry (the change in size or shape)
of the body after the loads are applied. The deformation per unit length in any
direction or dimension is called strain.
Some knowledge of the physical and mechanical properties of materials is
required in order to create a design, to properly evaluate a given design, or even to
write the correct relation between an applied load and the resulting deformation
of a loaded member. Essential information will be introduced as required, and
more complete information can be obtained fi"om textbooks and handbooks on
properties of materials.
rt, F
F fir 4
Contact forces are called surface forces, since they exist at surfaces of
contact between two bodies. If the area of contact is small compared to the size of
the body, the force is called a concentrated force; this type of force is assumed to
act at a point. For example, the force applied by a car wheel to the pavement on
I 1‘ Concentrated
a bridge (see Fig. 1-1) is often modeled as a concentrated force. Also, a contact
force may be distributed over a narrow region in a uniform or nonuniform manner.
This situation would exist where floor decking contacts a floor joist, as shown in
Fig. 1-2a. Here, the fioor decking exerts a uniformly distributed load (force) on
the joist, as shown in Fig. 1-2b. The intensity of the distributed load is w and has
Figure 1-1 dimensions of force per unit length.
1-2 cussmcmon or roncss 3
4" 5 4?»
in pf _,/ J
Joisr Joisr &'
(I1) (5)
Figure 1-2
Other common types of forces are external, internal, applied, and reaction.
To illustrate, consider the beam loaded and supported, as shown in Fig. I-3a. A
free-body diagram of the beam is shown in Fig. 1-3b. All forces acting on the free-
body diagram are external forces; that is, they represent the interaction between
the beam (the object shown in the free-body diagram) and the external world
(every'thing else that has been discarded). Force F is a concentrated force, whereas
w is a uniformly distributed load with dimensions of force/length. The forces F
and w are called applied forces or loads. They are the forces that the beam is
designed to carry. Forces Ax, Ay, and B are necessary to prevent movement of the
beam. Such supporting forces are called reactions. Force distributions at supports
are complicated, and reactions are usually modeled as concentrated forces.
Once again, all the forces shown in Figure I-3 are extemal forces. At every
section along the beam, there also exists a system of equal magnitude, opposite
direction pairs of internal forces between the atoms on either side of the section.
The study ofmechanics ofmaterials or mechanics ofdeformable bodies depends on
the calculation of these internal forces at various sections ofa structure or machine
element and how these forces are distributed over the sections. The determination
of internal forces is discussed in Section 1-5.
In our previous discussion of loads (forces), we saw that the loads might be
concentrated forces or distributed forces. F11l'Tl1€l'II10l'€, we assumed that the forces
did not vary with time, that is, they were static loads. In many situations, loads
may be a function of time. For example, a sustained load is a load that is constant
over a long period of time, such as the weight of a structure (called dead load).
This type of load is treated in the same marmer as a static load; however, for some
materials and conditions of temperature and stress, the resistance to failure may
A / is
x Axl T
Ar (b) B
Figure 1-3
an =0 (1-1)
EMQ = 0 (1-2)
Equation 1-1 states that the vector sum of all external forces acting on the body
is zero, whereas Eq. 1-2 states that the vector sum of the moments of the extemal
forces about any point O (on or offthe body) is zero. Equations 1-1 and 1-2 are the
necessary and the suflicient conditions for equilibrium of a rigid body. The two
vector equations of equilibrium may be written as six scalar equations. Selecting
a right-handed, xyz-rectangular coordinate system, the equations of equilibrium
may be written
Equation 1-3 states that the sum of all extemal forces acting on the body in the x-,
y-, and z-directions is zero. Equation 1-4 states that the sum of the moments of all
of the extemal forces acting on a body about the x-, y-, and z-axes is zero. Many
problems encountered in mechanics of materials are two-dimensional in nature.
Selecting the x- and y-axes in the plane of the forces and the z-axis perpendicular
to the plane, the equations of equilibrium reduce to
J? » ,_
I: :
Figure 1-4
Note from previous discussions that the equations of equilibrium are applied
to a system of forces. The system of forces may act on a single body or on a system
of connected bodies. A free-body diagram is a carefully prepared drawing that
shows a “body of interest" separated from all other interacting bodies and that
shows all external forces, both lcnown and unknown, that are applied to the body.
The word “free” in the name “free-body diagram” emphasizes the idea that all
bodies exerting forces on the body of interest are removed or withdrawn and are
replaced by the forces that they exert. At each position on the fi'ee-body diagram
where other bodies have been removed, the equal magnitude, opposite direction
pairs of forces have been broken, and the forces which act on the free-body diagram
must be shown. These forces may be either surface forces or body forces, or both.
An important body force is the gravitational attraction of the earth, that is, the
weight of the body.
The following examples illustrate the use of fi"ee-body diagrams together
with the equations of equilibrium to determine unknown forces acting on rigid
bodies. The importance ofdrawing a correctflee-body diagram cannot be overem-
phasized. The free-body diagram clearly establishes which body or portion of the
body is being studied. A correct fiee-body diagram clearly identifies all forces
(both known and unlcnown) that must be included in the equations of equilibrium.
The methods commonly used to find the ll]1lG1OW'l'l forces which act on rigid bodies
must be thoroughly mastered, since these methods, as well as an extension ofthese
methods to deformable bodies, are used throughout this book.
We first draw a free-body diagram of member AB, as shown ir1Fig. 1-Sb. Member
AB is “freed” from interacting bodies: the bracket and pin at A and member BC.
At the places where AB is separated fi'om interacting bodies, we show external
forces acting on AB. Since member BC is a straight two-force member, the force
T must lie along the member. The force at pin A has an unknown magnitude and
direction. We show this force as two components,A,, and Ay, where the directions
have been assumed. The weight of member/IB is assumed to be small compared
to the applied force P and is not shown on the free-body diagram. The free-body
diagram contains three unknowns, A,,, Ay, and T. These unknowns, together with
’ C
~i 4ft P
41 Ax
A» 5000 lb
Figure 1-5
the 5000-lb applied load, constitute a coplanar, nonconcurrent force system. The
equations of equilibrium 1-3 and I-4 for this system of forces reduce to
Before proceeding further, we examine the results. Why were the forces written
with the number of significant figures shown in Eq. (e)? For example, consider
the solution of Eq. (d):
T= = 7071.067812lb (f)
S111 45
1 Example Problem 1-2 A 900-kg mass is supported by a roller that 3 m _,
can move along a beam, as shown in Fig. 1-6a. The beam is supported by a pin
at A and a roller at B.
(a) Neglect the mass of the beam and determine the reactions at A and B.
(b) If the mass of the beam is 8.5 kg/m, determine the reactions at A and B.
J’ I ""
The beam can be modeled as a rigid member with frictionless pin and roller
supports atA and B. A fiee-body diagram for the beam is constructed by “freeing”
X 01)
the beam from its supports atA and B and fiom the roller that supports the 900-kg Figure 1-6(a)
mass, as shown ir1 Fig. 1-6b.
(a) As in Example Problem 1- 1, the components A, and A,. of the pin reaction at
A are shown. Rollers exert forces on the beam that are perpendicular to the
I;-"= mg = (9o0)(9.s1) N beam. The masses of the bar and roller connecting the 900-kg mass to the
beam a.re neglected. The force F in Fig. l-6b is the weight of the 900-kg mass,
A, i F = mg = 8829 N. There are three unknown forces (Ax, Ay, and B) shown
on the free-body diagram (Fig. l-6b) for the beam. The three equations of
fizmfiksmi equilibrium available to solve for the unknowns are
A}, 3
of gravity of the car is 16 Pt from support A. Calculate the support reactions and
the forces in members BD, DE, and CE of the truss.
i: lfifiwi
32fi 32f’(?>
Figure l-7(a)
We model an actual truss by making four assumptions:
1. Truss members are connected only at their ends.
2. Truss members are connected by frictionless pins.
3. The truss is loaded only at the joints.
4. The weights of the members may be neglected.
These assumptions are idealizations of actual structures, but real trusses behave
according to the idealizations to a high degree of approximation. As a result
of the assumptions, each member of a truss is a two-force member. Since truss
members are also usually straight, the force is along the member, and a member
is subjected to either tension or compression.
According to assumption 3, we must proportion the weight of the car be-
tween the joints ofthe truss. Half of the car’s weight, 34-OOIZ = 1700 lb, is carried
by the truss shown and the other half is carried by the truss on the other side of
the bridge. Since the weight is evenly distributed to each wheel and the center of
gravity of the car is midway between A and C, 850 lb will be applied to joint A
and 850 lb will be applied to joint C. A fi'ee-body diagram of the entire truss is
shown in Fig. 1-7b. The equations of equilibrium yield
+—>EF,,—O: A,,=O
+1‘EF,,=0: Ay+E—850—850=0
+LEMA =(k E(64)—850(32)=0
850 lb
A, sso lb E
Figure l-7(b)
10 CI-LllP'l‘ER 1 INTRODUCTION AND lulvrsw or srmcs
The forces in the various members of the truss can be found using either
the method ofjoints or the method of sections. We choose the method ofjoints
to calculate the forces in members CE and DE. A fiee-body diagram of pin E is
shown in Fig. l-7c. The force system is concurrent, and there are two equations
of equilibrium
+1‘ZFy=0: E+TD£Sil'19=4Z5+TD5SiI19=0
660 lb
660 lb D
sos lb 47 E
425 lb 660 lb
505 lb 505 lb
Figure 1-1(a)
The force in member BD could be found using the method ofjoints (joint
D) since T95 is now known. However, as a review of the method of sections,
we select this method to calculate T50. We “section” through members BD, BC,
and AC and draw the free-body diagram shown in Fig. l-7e. The force system is
Tan D
T .
B‘ 16ft
850 lb 425 lb
Figure l-7(e)
coplanar and noncurrent, and there are three equations ofequilibrium. Summing
moments about point C eliminates all unknowns except the desired force in BD.
es B
(4) (5)
Figure l-8
The equations of equilibrium for the entire chair (Fig. 1-8b) are
+—>EF,=0: 24—28cos9=0
+TEFy=0: A+B—84—28sin6=0
+ L EM; = 0: 0.2(84) — 0.5(24) — 0.4.4 + (0.3 + C S 6) (28) = 0
12 clllmzll 1 INTRODUCTION AND ltsvlsw or STATICS
0.1 rn D‘
‘ ‘ 0-4 F“ ' J’ -. 2s N
'34 N X Q, 1),, e
24 N _ .» "*:~
F. ‘
D. .-.-=-‘"5" F X
"I-"'5'" Cy 0.3 111_} " C
F} D} I Fy 9' 0.2777 In
r\ 1-‘ U‘ -v
0.2223 m
1 B
A = 73.82 N B = 24.58 N
Next the chair is disassembled and fi'ee-body diagrams are drawn for each
part (Fig. 1-9). For member DF, the equilibrium equations can be written
+—>EF,=0: .0.-F,.+24=0
+TZF,=0: F,-l-D,,—S4=0
+t>:M,, =0; 0.4034)-0.sF, =0
which gives
+—>EF,=0: F,+C,—28cosl9=0
+'I‘EFy=0: 24.58+Cy—67.2—28sin6=0
+ L ZMC = (I (0.3 + _ )(28) + 0.l333(24.58)
sm 9
+ 0.1667(67.2) — 0.27"/7F, = 0
which have only three unknowns remaining and can be solved to get
B = 24.6 jN Ans.
C = -91.0 i+57.0 jN Ans.
115.1 N
F= 115.1 i—67.2jN Ans.
plus the applied force of 28 N perpendicular to the bar at G. These forces are 67-3 N 91.0 N
shown on the “report diagram“ of Fig. 1-10.
The “report diagram,” though not necessary, may be used to check the results.
For example, 57.0 N
1 Example Problem 1-5 The weight OfbO01(S OI1 a shelf bracket is
equivalent to a vertical force of 75 lb as shown on Fig. 1-1 la. All members are
made of 195-T6 cast aluminum and all pins have 114-in. diameters. Determine all (I1)
forces acting on all three members of this frame.
75 lb
First draw the free-body diagram of the entire shelfbracket as in Fig. 1-1 lb. Here
the “body of interest” is the frame ABC. The pins atA, B, and C remain attached 8 in.
to the frame, and thus the forces that would result from removal of the pins are A, i 1 B
not shown on the free-body diagram. The bracket at A has been removed from
the frame, and the forces that the bracket exerts at A are shown as A, and A, 5 in. y
(directions assumed). Similarly, the rocker at C has been removed, and the force
of the rocker on the flame is shown as C. The equations of equilibrium are 2L. I
+LzM,l=0= sc-s(75)=0 Figure 1-11
+->ZF,=0: A,,+C=0
+1‘EF,.— 0- A, -75 =0 TM]
which are solved to get the support reactions
Next, dismember the bracket and draw separate fiee-body diagrams of each Tac 1
member (Fig. 1-12). Members AC and BC are straight two-force members, and
thus the forces in these members must act along the members. PinA connects a (0)
Figure 1-12(a)
1"’ B
E 8111. 1 4111 -|
Figure l-l2(b, c)
support and two members. Since memberAC is a two-force member, pinA will be
left attached to member AB. The forces that act on pin A are the support reactions
A, and A, and a vertical force due to the two-force member AC. Similarly, pin
B connects two members, one of which is a two-force member. Therefore, pin
B is left attached to member AB, and the only force on pin B is along the two-
force member BC. Pin C connects a support and two members. Since both of the
members are two-force members, pin C is arbitrarily left attached to memberBC,
and thus the force on pin C due to memberAC is vertical. Then the equations of
equilibrium can be written for member AB (Fig. 1-12b)
50. D
” lb 130.011:
75.0 lb 4%
130.0 lb B
120.0 lb A AI 50.0 lb
C fi 12
E3 P 0 l—| 1:-
-mvi .0Q .- 1:" l50.0 lb C
(H1 lb) (Cl
Figure 1-13
It is easily verified that these values also satisfy the equations of equilibrium for
the other free-body diagrams. These forces are all shown on the “report diagrams“
of Fig. 1-13.
1-5 EQUILIBRIUM or A RIGID sour 15
1*’! '~__
“-~—- -J
15 *7 230mm _
250 _3,_.
x _""'350mm ___*
@l ‘ \y
Figure l-l4(a)
A free-body diagram of the pipe system is shown in Fig. l-14b. The support at
A is modeled as a rigid support that does not translate or rotate. There are three
forces A,,A,,, and A, to prevent translation and three couples Mx, M,., and M, to
prevent rotation. Couple M, lies in the yz-plane, couple My lies in the xz-plane,
and couple M, lies in thexy-plane. Since there are six equations ofequilibrium for P The summation EM, is the net tendency
a three-dimensional force system, all six unlcnowns can be found. Using Eqs. 1-3 of all forces and moments to rotate the pipe
about the x-axis through point A. For the
and 1-4 yields
200-N force, this is just the magnitude of
21-", = =O the force times the perpendicular distance
between the line of action of the force and
ax, = =0 the x-axis through point A. For a more com-
BF, = . - 200 = 0 plicated force system, the tendency to rotate
the body about the x-axis would be com-
slug. = - 200(0.ss0 + 0.230) = 0 puted using the x-component of the vector
EM, = - 200(0.1s0) = 0 product r >< F.
EM, = 9:~>s =>:~>s § §3‘*~E“.?* 0
*——_ _ _..;\
‘x~—-. -_
A2 230 mm M‘
.1, |
LT-‘TM, 250mm
My , -
- M
I/J41 +_T"'- 350 mm __
Figure l-14(1))
Since all the reactions are positive, they act in the directions shown on the fi'ee-
body diagram of Fig. 1-14b.
j 3011 1‘
1‘. 4 v , l_ ' ' '.E:
10ft . L
Figure 1-15(2)
The ring B holds the wires together, and it will be isolated to generate the
fi'ee-body diagram shown in Fig. 1-15b. The tension forces in the cables and the
weight of the load are concurrent at the ring B. Writing the x- and y-components
of the equilibrium equation for the fi'ee-body diagram of Fig. 1-15b results in
r - 9
T-B = A <6)
1-5 EQUILIBRIUM or A RIGID sour 17
TBC 0 =1Q[)0
*0 0. (d)
Before we can solve Eq. (d) for Tac, we need to know how the angles 9;-
and 9,, are related to the sag distance d. From the geometry of the triangles in TAB Trrc
Fig. 1-15c Q
sin 9,, = d/10
tr = 10 cos 9,)
b = 30 - a (6)
tan 61¢ = a’/b 1000 lb
All that remains is to choose some values for d and to solve Eqs. (c)—(e) for the (5)
tensions. For example, when d = 6 ft, Eqs. (e) give
, _ 6
0,. = sin ‘E = 36.8699"
a = 10 cos 36.8699‘ = 8ft
b= 30—8=22ft (C)
5 Fig rel-15(b c)
Bc = tan“'fi =15.2s51= u ’
Then, Eqs. (d) and (c) give
THC — 1013.49 lb
r,,,. = 1222.22 lb
where THC = P because the tension irl the hoisting cable does not change as the
cable goes around the small pulley. Figure 1-15d shows the results of repeating
this process for various values of the sag distance d and graphing the results.
Resultant force
8 l
7 """ T.-IB
i P
1 """L-.L— - - - _ __
00 1 2 3 4 s 6 1 s 9*"'\10
Sag, cl (ft)
Figure l-l5(d)
18 CI-1.AP'l'ER 1 INTRODUCTION AND ruivrsw or srsrrcs
When d = 10 ft, the load hangs directly below the support A, cable AB
carries the entire load, and the hoisting cable is slack, P = 0 lb. As the load is
raised (d gets smaller), the force in both cables increases. At d = 3 .28 ft, the force
in the hoisting cable is twice the load; at d = 1.66 ft, the force in the hoisting
cable is four times the load; and at a’ = 0.833 fi, the force in the hoisting cable
is eight times the weight of the load being lifted. As d goes to zero, the forces in
the two cables both go to infinity.
Introductory Problems 1-3 An 800-lh homogeneous cylinder is supported by two rollers
_ _ _ _ _ as shown in Fig. Pl-3. Determine the forces exerted by the
1-1* A person ls holding a 20-lb object as shown in Fig. P1-1. rollers on the Cy finder. All surfaces are smooth (frictionless).
Determine the force T in the biceps muscle and the force F of
the humerus ag ai nst the ulna, in terms of the weight W of the
forearm, which acts through G . For th e position shown, both T
and F act vertically.
., 0 ..
I /I 7 ‘ \\
/ \
, x60"
60%”. .' I
.G Figure P1-3
1.5 in. *1
5.5 in.
1-4* A clrrved slender bar is loaded and supported as shown in
__,__ , Fig. P1-4. Determine the reactions at supports A and B.
11.5 in.
Figure P1-1
1-2* A worker is using a hoist and cable to lift a 175-kg engine '\. \ B ':_r______-—
Ring =1-'_-______ 1-5 A curved slender bar is loaded and supported as shown in
;;| 80.0“ "“'-~—--____ K Fig. Pl-5 . Determine the reaction at support A.
\ .1;§cnl._-.4 ‘\\\l B
. 1..-J4 '____
_.'_' T _____*\ I '
.3 1 I _ ~ Ir |—rw
3 fl " 3 fi\ 250 lb
G ' A Iit \
-1-*,r_.",r,n "!,n_.,!,-_.-'c:',n_.',! * 1 1 . 1 I .. +
1-6 Determine the fore es m' members BC, CD, and DE of the J
truss shown in Fig. P1-6. M
I>—\_ -7))‘, \
ll‘ L
.1’ 16mm
_ _ _‘_ --xx‘
l A B C
.. 1
E F _
1 I|_
3m -» 3m - 3m '
9_.>. _ . ;| i\
-' \
10 rs ls kN 1-" I ]
Figure Pl-6 \~._/'-,__/"
Figure Pl-8
1-7* The lawn mower shown 1.11 ' Fig. Pl-7 weighs 35 lb. Deter-
mine the force P required to move the mower at a constant
velocity and the forces exerted on the front and rear wheels by 1'97 Determine 1-he forces in members CD, CF, and FG of the
the inclined surface. bridge truss shown rn
' Fig.
' P1-9.
’“_“' B ' D
" _ 1%; ' 1 1 1 1' . 1 0 e . 1 1 I‘
\|»\ :°j 15° 39¢ 611 Qt) . _. 30° E
G i F B‘
"l_ LII‘
nI T .
l _ .m_ ..4 '- 15 fl ls ft ~- ls ii
. : '
l, l
l.\‘ .
I f_’__\,r ,3 ,3. 4*" . is 10 kip. 20 kip
Figure P1-9
‘I'll P..- .~—"“" mi ‘-77
Figure Pl-7
1-10* The coal wagon shown in Fig. Pl -10 is used to haul coal
fro .
mamme. Ifthemass ofthe coal and wagon is 2000 kg, de-
1-8 A human femur is modeled as shown in ' Fig.
' Pl-8 . The ah - termine the force P required
' to move the wagon at a constant
ductor muscle force is M _
— 4060 N, and the femoral load rs' velocity and the forces exerted on the fi'ont and rear wheel sby
J = 5210 N. Der ermine
' the force P and the couple C. the inclined surface.
Hg _
1,9 ,0
30;» 5001b
. 1 l 1 1 .
800 lb
700 lb 400 lb
.1 "*//
1 . I.|
5 2 m‘ - ,
4 in.—ll j .
Figure P1-ll f V I
1 Ein
.= A
tsm. '
1 9 _
~ 12 in. ~ » @‘Efl 35%
T-I-"'“~.\__ l
Figure Pl-15 t 1 mm
P 15mm
l-l6 The wood plane shown in Fig. P1-16 moves wit.h a constant
velocity when subjected to the forces shown. Determine Figure Pl-18
a. The shearing force of the wood on the plane.
b. The normal force, and its location, ofthe wood on the plane.
70 N
101‘ 15°
60 mm ,,,4”
, 75 mm
'\\ 1-19 The Gambrel truss shown in Fig. Pl-19 supports one side
of a bridge; an identical truss supports the other side. Floor
L 601-nrnl 60:1-m1 l 160mm l beams carry vehicle loads to the truss joints. Calculate the
forces in members BC, BG, and CG when a truck weighing
Figure Pl-16
7500 lb is stopped in the middle of the bridge as shown. The
center of gravity of the truck is midway between the fiunt and
Intermediate Problems rear wheels.
v D F I
\ 4m
30°51»: _ ‘ " Figure P1-22
l 6m
6 I
. .
lite O
y m
Figure P1-21 I. D E.
45°, ‘
1-15" The hot air balloon shown inFig. Pl 25 is tethered with 1 27 A force of 20 lb 1s required to pull the stopper DE in
three mooring cables. If the net lifi of the balloon is 9001b, F1g Pl 27 Determine all forces acnng on member BCD
determine the force exerted on the balloon by each of the three
av -1'E5>U N
\4» "‘ -.
r 11ri
Kg‘ Ir
\\E\ \
"'1n5t1\ \I1°"IE1
I It ‘I
@s B
_ \.
its 8m \:
~~ "' 2100 N
Figure P1-26 Figure Pl 28
24 crunun 1 rmrtonucrron mo imvnzw or srrrrrcs
W, =2o0 lb
6in. F
611:1. Figure Pl-31
1001b <a1e.o
I-32* The homogeneous door shown in Fig. Pl-32 has a mass
f—6in. Gin. of 60 kg and is held in the position shown by the rod AB. The
Figure P1-29 rod is held in place by smooth horizontal pins at A and B. The
hingesatCandDaresmooth,andthehingeatCcan support
thrust along its axis. Determine all forces that act on the door.
1 30 The fiat roof of a building is supportedby a series ofparallel
plane trusses spaced 2 m apart (only one such truss is shovm in
Fig. P1-30). Calculate the forces in all the members ofa typical
truss when water collects to a depth of 0.2 m as shown. The
density of water is 1000 kg/m3.
300 mm
950 mm 950 mm
Figure P1-32
. m .2 1.2m
Figure P1-30
\- ~41
Figure Pl-33
l gm \3in.l3in.
1-34* A scissors jack for an automobile is shown in Fig. P1-34.
The screw threads exert a force F on the blocks at joints A and
B. Determine the force P exerted on the automobile if F = 1-36 A frame is loaded and supported as shown in Fig. Pl-36.
800N and6 = 15°. Repeat for6 = 30° and6 =-45°. Determine the reactions at supports A and C and all forces
acting on member ADE.
P we F
900 N
750 N
0 - c 3m S00 Nfm
' 9
tr . .-11., . .
B c
1-37 Forces of S0lb are applied to the handles of the bolt cutter
of Fig.
' P1 -3'7. Determine
1-35* The fold-down chair of Fig. Pl- 35 weighs 25 lb and has 1'tS
center of gravity at G. Determine all forces acting on member a . All forces ac ting on the l18.l'id1Bt1BC.
ABC. b. The force exerted on the bolt at E.
50113 lfi
1 1.1'lfi31n.T
.'\| . 2 in.
E min.
L_ O" '.
1111 ~
I 7 4'11
lalfig 253" 30°
I _ I '
Figure P1-37 © © 6“ O
6ft 9ft
Figure P1-39
Challenging Problems
1-40 Figure Pl-40 is a simplified sketch of the mechanism used
1-38* The garage doorABCD shown in Fig. P1-38 is being raised
to raise the bucket of a bulldozer. The bucket and its contents
by a cable DE. The one-piece door is a homogeneous rectan-
weigh 10 kN and have a center of gravity at H. Arm ABCD
gular slab which has a mass of 100 kg. Frictionless rollers B
has a weight of2 kN and a center ofgravity at B; arm DEFG
and C rim in tracks at each side of the door as shown. Deter-
has a weight ofl kN and a center ofgravity at E. The weight
mine the tension T in the cable and the forces B and C on the
of the hydraulic cylinders can be ignored. Calculate the force
frictionless rollers when d = 1.875 m.
in the horizontal cylinders CI and EI and all forces acting on
arm DEFG for the position shown.
301’ if //$6 m
1' ~ d r
----- 1300mm
'I c
‘| 150 mm
’ B
1200 mm
2500 mm
/0») "
0.3 m
Figure P1-38
Figure P1-40
1-39* The crane and boom shown in Fig. Pl-39 weigh 12,000 lb
1-41 The mechanism of Fig. Pl-41 is designed to keep its load
and 600 lb, respectively. When the boom is in the position
level while raising it. A pin on the rim of the 4-ft-diameter
shown, determine
pulley fits in a slot on arm ABC. Arms ABC and DE are each
a. The maximum load that can be liiied by the crane. 4 it long, and the package being lifted weighs 80 lb. The mech-
b. The tension in the cable used to raise and lower the boom anism is raised by pulling on the rope that is wrapped arotmd
when the load being lifted is 3600 lb. the pulley. Determine the force P applied to the rope and all
c. The pin reaction at boom support A when the load being forces acting on the armABC when the package has been lifted
lifted is 3600 lb. 4 ft, as shown.
1-3 squumsrutt or 11 mom sour Z7
Computer Problems
1-44 A pair of steel pipes is stacked in a box as shown in Fig.
Pl-44. The masses and diameters of the smooth pipes are
4°” "IA =5kg,m,,=20kg,d,, =100mm,anddB=200mm.
Plot the two forces exerted on pipe A (bypipe B and by the side
wall) as a fimction of the distance b between the walls of the
box (2001nm 5 b 5 300mm). Determine the range ofb for
an b wfidu
a. The force at the side wall is less than M, the weight ofpipe
: -b 21* A.
’/'1 b. Neither of the two forces exceeds 2M.
'1'1 ’c c. Neither of the two forces exceeds 4%.
___~ I/__ _ _.' r-— — — —~./ *“‘fi'|'|'|'|'|'|F__ _ I
Figure P1-41 J) _ 4 a
1-42* Bar AB of Fig. Pl-42 has a uniform cross section, a mass '1
of 25 kg, and a length of 1 m. Determine the angle 6 for \._
1. rffféi B
-91' J
‘Fm b
Figure P1-44
30° 45°
1-45 A worker positions a 250-lb crate by pulling on the rope BD
as shown in Fig. Pl-45. The 3-it long rope BD is horizontal
Figure P1-42 (6 = 0) when the 5-it long rope AB is vertical (¢ = 0).
a. What is the maximum distance bm that the crate can be
1-43 The homogeneous door shown in Fig. P1-43 has a mass of pulled to the side using this arrangement?
25 kg and is supported in a horizontal position by two hinges b. Calculate and plot the forces in ropes AB and BD as a func-
and a bar. The hinges have been properly aligned; therefore, tion ofthe distance b for 0 5 b 5 b,,,,,,,.
they exert only force reactions on the door. Assume that the c. How could the worker pull the crate to the side more than
hinge at B resists any force along the axis of the hinge pins. the bm calculated in part a‘?
Determine the reactions at supports A, B, and D.
.. - __ é
0.4 ei H
a__ D
I 1
.' Y C
. _ 0.95 rn
at 5_
_ —___
1-46 A 50-kg load is suspended from a pulley as shown in Fig. 1-48 The wrecker truck shown in Fig. Pl-48 has a mass of6800
Pl-46. Pulleys B and C are both frictionless and free to rotate, kg and a center of gravity at G. The force exerted on the rear
and the weight of the cable may be neglected. Plot the force (drive) wheels by the groimd consists of both a normal compo-
P required for equilibrium as a function of the sag distance nent B, and a tangential component Bx, while the force exerted
d(0 5 d 5 1 m). Determine the minimum sag d,,,,,, for which on the front wheels consists of a normal force A, only.
P is less than
a. Plot P, the maximum pull that the wrecker can exert, as a
a. Twice the weight of the load. fimction of 6 (0° 5 6 5 90°) if B, cannot exceed 0.8B,. (be-
b. Four times the weight of the load. cause of friction considerations) and the wrecker does not
c. Eight times the weight of the load. tip over backward (the front wheels remain in contact with
the groimd).
b. On the same graph, plot Ay, Bx, and By as functions of the
angle 6.
t i
/Q - /1"’ 9
~rr=I='-.::.-‘l':—,- ix 3"“
‘-2'“ ‘
Figure P1-46
"' _ -—n.‘lY Figure P1-48
2m 2.4 m —#-1.5 n1
, .5: .
'-1;, _ -1-—
3 it
L-‘L 5 r-U‘
L-@*_~I_- woo lb
Figure P1-47 Figure P1-49
1-3 squumnrutt or A room sour Z9
main perpendicular to the pole ABCD and that the connection , ‘-\ 1&7’
E -_ , , if1,‘ (A77
rot in Gr
at A cannot provide any significant moment. Plot Tm and T6,, ' ‘i
(the tensions in the two parts of the cable) and FM (the force
in the brace BG) as functions of b, the length of the brace, for 1,5‘ r 14"
12a g -‘-2--'1" '
0.5 m 5 b 5 3 m. via A
an -"--'
Figure Pl-51
i lxm
F BI G_ 5,9-75 m 1-s2 A group of workers propose to raise a uniform 250-kg post
I AB to a vertical position using the rope and brace arrangement
shown in Fig. Pl-52a. Assmne that the weight of the brace can
be neglected and that end A acts as a frictionless pin for both
5m the 6-m-long post AB and the 6-m-long brace AC.
a. Plot the rope force P and the force E41" in the brace AC as
functions ofthe angle 6 (0° 5 6 5 90° ).
A H b. Repeat the problem if two braces are used as shown in Fig.
P1-52b. Plot the rope force P and the brace forces E4; and
L-A-2 ru—>lr—2.rs ru-I FAD as functions of the angle 6 (0° 5 B 5 90° ). Assume that
0.5 tn when the force in brace AD becomes zero, the brace falls
Figure P1-50 out of the way and from that point on the rope is attached to
C instead ofD.
, c
1 51 The crane and boom shown in Fig. P1-51 weigh 12,000 lb
€~'._ \ 1.5
and 600 lb, respectively. The pulleys at D and E are small, and
the cables attached to them are essentially parallel.
-‘ribs —“
» '3' m
a. Plot d, the location of the resultant force of the groimd on
the crane relative to point C, as a fimction of the boom (H)
angle 6 (0° 5 6 5 80°) when the crane is lifting a 3600-lb
b. Plot A/3600 and T5,;/3600 as functions of the boom angle
6 (0° 5 6 5 80° ) when the crane is lifting a 3600-lb load (in
which A is the magnitude of the reaction force on the pin
at A, TED is the tension in the cable raising the boom, and
3600 lb is the weight of the load being lifted.)
c. It is desired that the resultant force on the tread always be at
least 1 ft behind C to ensure that the crane is never in dan-
ger of tipping over. Plot Wm, the maximum load that may
be lifted, as a fimction of the boom angle 6 (0° 5 6 5 80° ).
(Don't forget to check the tension in cable BD.) Figure P1-52
30 taxman 1 nmronucnos AND ssvrsw or srmcs
1-53 The hydraulic cylinder BC is used to tip the box ofthe dump »"
truck shown in Fig. Pl-53. If the combined weight of the box -*_ ,~”
and the load is 22,000 lb and acts through the center of gravity I
G, plot 05. fl 6 ft
a. C1‘22,000, the force in the hydraulic cylinder divided by 8.5 fr‘
the weight of the truck box, as a function of the angle R
6(0"56580°). Mm,
b. A/22,000, the magnitude of the reaction force on the pinA 3;} 7
divided by the weight of the truck box, as a fimction of the
angle 6 (0° 5 6 5 80" ).
0.5 ft
2 ft
Figure P1-53
-5 53>
(I1) lg
Figure l-16(2)
relationship between the tension in the wire TBC and the deformation (stretch)
of the wire 5 is given by TBC = k8 where k depends on the cross-sectional
area of the wire and the type of material from which the wire is made, and 8 =
Lf — L,-, the difierence between the final (deformed) length of the wire and the
initial (undeformed) length of the wire. If Fig. 1-16a represents the unloaded
configuration of the structure (6 = 0), determine the tension in the wire after
the load is applied for k = 50001h/in. Repeat for k = 2500 lb./in. and for k =
1000 lbfin.
Since bar AB is rigid and the support bracket at A is fixed to the wall, bar AB
must pivot about pin A due to the load W. Wire BC will increase in length by
an amount 5 since it is deformable. The loaded configuration of the structure is
shown in Fig. 1-16b. The rotation of the bar can be described by the angle 9, and
the defomiation 8 of the wire can be written as 5 = 14- L,-.
A free-body diagram of the bar in the deformed configuration is shown in
Fig. l-16c. The equations of equilibrium give
. A '9
. 5/
Figure 1-1601)
4-Tsin(45—9/2)—4Weos6=0 (C)
Equations (:1), (b), and (c) contain four unknownsA,,,A,., T, and 6. Thus, there
are four unknowns and three equations of equilibrium. We need an additional
independent equation to solve the problem. The equations of equilibrium (a),
(b), and (c) are necessary for equilibrium, but they are not suflicient to solve
the problem. The additional equation comes from the relationship between the
force in the wire and the deformation of the wire. Such a relationship will be
developed in Chapter 4; we merely state the result here to complete this example.
40050 i
Ax fix T
Av B,’ 4 sinfi
Figure l-l6(c)
The force-deformation relation depends on the type of material from which the
wire is made, and the relationship may be linear or nonlinear. Herein we limit T
our discussion to a linear relationship between force and deformation. Thus, we
assume the behavior shown in Fig. 1-16d.
_ It
T=k8 (d)
where k is a material constant (the slope of a T — 8 curve) that depends on the
type of material from which the wire is made. For the wire, (4) 5
Figure 1-16(d)
L, = ,/(4)2 + (4)5 = 5.65111 = 57.38 ill. P In Chapter 3 it will be shown that the
constant of proportionality k = % where
Since 8 — Lf — L; = Lf — 67.88 in., we need to determine the deformed length E is the modulus ofelasticity of the material
of the wire in order to find T. Using Fig. 1-16b and the law of cosines, and L and A are the length and the cross-
sectional area of the wire. For a steel wire 5
(B’C)2 = L? = (4B)2 + (4B)2 — (2)(48)(48) cos (90“ + 9) in. in diameter, k = 5420 lbfin. or for a steel
tie rod in. in diameter, k = 21,690 lbJin.,
from which little error is introduced by treating the struc-
ture as rigid. For an aluminum alloy wire 1/8
in. in diameter, however, k = 1808 lblin., and
Lf = 67.884/1+ sin 6 in. the error introduced by treating the structure
as rigid is about 6 percent. For more “stretch-
The deformation 8 of the wire is able” support materials, the error would be
even greater.
8 = L; — L; = 67.884/1+ sin9 — 67.88 (6)
= 67.88[4/l + sin 6 — l]in.
The relationship between the applied load and the deformation of the structure
is found by substituting Eq. (e) into Eq. (d ). The result is then used in Eq. (c) to
T = 7379 lb Ans.
Eq. (a) gives A, = 4890 lb; and Eq. (b) gives A, = -444 lb.
Ifk = 1000 lbi'in., then Eq. (f) gives 6 = 14.246”; Eq. (c) gives
T = 7893 lb Ans.
Eq. (a) gives A, = 4846 lb, and Eq. (b) gives A, = —l230 lb. For this less stiff
wire, the sag of the beam is definitely noticeable and the error in the value of T
fi'om treating the structure as rigid would be over 10 percent.
The process illustrated in this example is typical of the solution of de-
formable body problems. Regardless of the type of structure or machine compo-
nent or the type of loading, the solution process generally consists of these three
1. Equations of equilibrium, (a), (b), and (c)
2. Force-deforrnation relationship, Eq. (ti )
3. Geometry of deformation, Eq. (e)
Since the equations of equilibrium must be applied to the forces acting on the
deformed structure, the three sets of equations are often interdependent. It is
this interdependence that makes the solution of deformable body problems more
complex than the solution of rigid-body problems.
\ f4
4 1 3 /
In the study of mechanics of materials, it is necessary that we examine the internal
F1 forces that exist throughout the interior ofa body. We consider an arbitrary body in
equilibrium, as shown in Fig. l-17a. The forces F1, F2, F3, F4, and F5 are applied
loads and support reactions (found using the equations of equilibrium). We pass
an imaginary “cutting plane" a—a (henceforth called a section) through the body,
F‘\ and separate the body into two parts A and B. Considering a free-body diagram of
part A (Fig. 1-17b) we note that, in addition to the applied forces F, and F2, the
material of part B exerts forces on the material of part A over the section. These
_l* forces are internal to the body as a whole but are extemal for part A. The forces
on the section are distributed over the surface in an unknown fashion. However,
we can replace the distributed force system by a resultant force R and a resultant
..\y couple C. In general, the couple C depends on where we place the force R. In
mechanics of materials we place R at the centroid C of the section, as shown in
Fig. 1-17c. We use a double arrowhead to distinguish the couple C (vector) from
the force R (vector). On the section, the distributed force system of Fig. I-17b, is
statically equivalent to the force system R and C ofFig. 1- 17c. The force system R
.2-§<. F3
and C will be referred to as an internal force system. We recognize that the internal
force system depends on the orientation of the section.
Instead of part A, we could have considered part B, as shown in Fig. 1-17d.
By applying New'ton’s third law to every pair of particles on the section for parts
A and B of the body, we have that the distributed force systems over the section of
parts A and B are equal in magnitude but opposite in sense, and thus the resultant
C -\ force R and the resultant couple C on the two parts of the body are equal in
magnitude but opposite in sense.
Because the body as a whole is in equilibrium, any portion of the body is
I B / F4
_.. - also in equilibrium. Thus, using the equations of equilibrium and the force system
shown ir1 Fig. 1-17c,
(li) 5 EF—[E F1-|—F3+R:0
Figure I-17 EMC=0: M|+M2+C=0
where M| and M; are the moments of forces F1 and F2, respectively, about the
centroid of the section. We would find the same result using the free-body diagram
of part B shown in Fig. 1-17d. Thus, we find the resultant of the internal force
system using the equations of equilibrium. However, we cannot find the exact
distribution of the internal forces until we learn how to determine the deformation
of the body.
Experience indicates that materials behave differently to forces trying to
pull atoms apart than to forces trying to slide atoms past each other. Therefore, it Y
is standard practice to resolve the resultants R and C into components along and
perpendicular to the section, as shown in Fig. 1-18. For convenience we select an “\
xyz-coordinate system in which x is perpendicular to the section and y and z lie
in the section. The component of R which is perpendicular to the section, Rx, is A yz P
called a normal force; this force tends either to pull the body apart or to compress
the body (Fig. 1-18a). The symbol P is often used to denote the normal force. The
components of R that lie in the section are called shear forces; these forces tend
to slide part A of the body relative to part B. The symbol V is often used to denote
shear forces; hence, the forces and K in Fig. 1-18a. y
The component T of couple C shown in Fig. 1-18b tends to twist the body
and is called a twisting couple (or twisting moment, or torque). The components
M_,, and M, tend to bend the body and are called bending couples (or bending
'. ‘ All
moments). Throughout this book we will examine the effects on a deformable
i A Mg?
body of the components of R and C. P
The section shown in Figures 1-18a and b is called a positive section since
the outward normal to the section points in a positive coordinate direction. The
section shown in Figures 1-180 and d is called a negative section since the outward
Z <1»)
normal to the section points in a negative coordinate direction.
A resultant force or couple component is defined as positive ifthe component J?
is in a positive coordinate direction when acting on a positive section. Thus, all of
the force and couple components shown i.r1 Figures 1-18a and b are positive. If the Fa
internal forces exerted on part A of the body by part B are called positive, then the
other half of the internal forces (exerted on part B of the body by part A) should :\ F4
also be called positive. Therefore, a force or couple component will also be defined ‘DJ-l_ -
as positive if the component is in the negative coordinate direction when acting Z ‘,4-._
on a negative section. Hence, all of the force and moment components shown in
Figures 1-18c and d a.re also positive.
The components ofthe internal force system can be found using the equations
of equilibrium (Eqs. 1-3 and 1-4). (B)
2F,,=0 EF,,=0 21-",=0 (1-3)
EM, =0 EM, = 0 EM, = 0 (1-4)
2" ,'_\',_ -_~.___£__‘_‘__\_‘_F‘
The equations of equilibrium should be applied to the body (or portion of I
Z \-._
the body) in its deformed state. However, as we saw in Example Problem 1-8, the
support reactions (or, in this case internal forces) cannot be found until we know
the relationship between the forces applied to the body and the deformation of
the body. As we shall see in later chapters of this book, we can determine support
reactions and internal forces using the undefonned configuration of a body. We
Figure 1-18
accept this statement for now and illustrate the determination of internal forces
with the following examples.
3°°"‘1'"--; 2200N
l /'
.;-'.':.A_: _ l
. -~ _. - . -, __.;-
Figure l-l9(a)
The negative sign for P indicates that the force is opposite to that shown in Fig.
1-19b, therefore, P is a compressive force.
T 5kN
.| 1 2kNfm
,4 —x
3m il 2m i
Figure l-20(a)
(a) A free-body diagram of the complete beam is shown in Fig. 1-20b. The
support at A does not translate or rotate; thus, forces A, and A, and couple
MA may exist. The distributed load has been replaced by its resultant, R =
w1= 2 kN/m(5 m) = 10 kN, acting 2.5 m to the right ofA. The equations of
+->EF§=0: A,=0
+¢2F,.=(r A,,—l0~5=0
+5-EMA =0: MA —10(2.5)—5(3)=0
Ax I
2.5 In L"? "- 0.5 rn
Figure 1-zn(|i)
(b) A vertical section is passed through the beam 4 m to the right of A. A fi'ee-
body diagram of the part of the beam to the left of the section is shown in
Fig. 1-20c. The section as well as the force and couple components shown
in Fig. 1-20c are positive. The distributed load is shown to illustrate that
the forces acting on that part of the beam must be shown on the free-body
diagram. The 10-kN resultant force on the free-body diagram of Fig. 1-20b
cannot be used for the free-body diagram of the part of the beam shown in
Fig. l-20c. The free-body diagram of Fig. 1-20c is redrawn in Fig. 1-20d,
where the distributed load on this part of the beam has been replaced by its
resultant. The equations of equilibrium give
+->>:F,,=c P=0
+1‘EF,,—0: 15.00-s-5+1/,=0
+1 EM, =0: 40.0- i5.00(4)+s(2)+5(1)+M, =0
l5kN J"
2 kN."m
V» ‘P
4-0.0kN-rn _e
5- 4 rn
15.00 kN
Figure l-20(c)
The negative signs indicate that the directions of shear force K. and bending
couple M, are opposite to those shown in Fig. 1-20d.
am 5kN
P The internal force system acting on the P
portion of the beam to the right of the 4-0.0kN-rn( (la->—e
section is equal in magnitude and opposite
in sense to the internal force system acting I 2m IF lm I-< lrn >
on the portion of the beam to the left of the l5.00kN
section. Either portion of the beam can be
used to determine the internal force system. Figure 1-20(0)
Using the lefl portion of the beam, however,
required that we first determine the forces A more convenient way to solve pa.rt (b) is to use the free-body diagram of
and moments exerted on the beam by the Fig. 1-20e, which shows the part ofthe beam to the right ofthe section, (a negative
wall. Generally speaking, the portion which section for the positive coordinate axes shown in Fig. l-20d). The distributed load
is acted on by the fewest applied forces will for this part of the beam has been replaced by its resultant; we note that the 5-kN
be the easiest to use. concentrated load is not shown on the fi-ee-body diagram as it does not act on
1-5 lN'I'lillNAL FORCES 39
this part of the beam. Consistent with Newton’s third law, the internal forces and 2W
moments in Fig. 1-20e are opposite in sense to the internal forces and moments
in Fig. 1-20d. The forces P and K, as well as the moment M, in Fig. l-20e are Ms
positive for this negative section. The equations of equilibrium give P
+—>E.F,,=0: —P=0
+'r>:F,.=0= —V,.—2=0 ""*°5m
+ L EM, — 0: —M, — 2(0.5) = 0
2 kN
The internal forces on the section are 2 KN 1
which are the same as the previously calculated intemal forces. The intemal U)
forces are shown in Fig. 1-20f. Figure 1-20(e, f)
0- J“!.- we
0.5 rri
zs E".l‘
-1'-e, . . '~
0.1m '5—"'/ 0.2 m 0'2 m
Figure l-21(a) °§ Z
..l_24N 911N
The forces acting on member DEF were found in Example Problem 1-4 and are 672 N (b) I6 so N
shown in Fig. 1-2 lb. A section is passed midway between D and F. A free-body
diagram of the portion of the member to the right of the section is shown in Figllre 1-3101)
Fig. 1-21c. Positive axes and internal forces are shown on the free-body diagram.
The equations of equilibrium yield
P -~:::=i Iii. N
Vy 0.25 m
16.80 N
Figure l-21(c)
Introductory Problems I
1-54* Three forces are applied along the centerline of a steel _ _ I i
bar as shown in Fig. P1-54. Determine the internal forces on j _ . -'
transverse cross sections in intervals AB, BC, and CD of the
ban 1'. Il|"2 in.
5.58 in. : _‘
~ ' .*—*iis.
75kN room
—> sum l
B C D I l
I ',
l-56 The man shown in Fig. P1-56 has a mass of 75 kg; the
beam has a mass of40 kg. The beam is in equilibrium with the
man standing at the end and pulling on the cable. Determine
the internal forces on a section perpendicular to and midway
3. A t!IlCIB. if 75mm
ll. B and c. A _A
‘ 1112111114
25 mm
Section A-A
Figure Pl-58
3 C Intermediate Problems
L (G 1-59* Four sets of flexible cables, spaced at 120° intervals, are
used to stabilize a 400-ft communications tower. The tower and
1.5 m »~ 1.5 m one cable from each set are shown in Fig. P1-59. The weight
Figure Pl-56 of the tower is 401b/it, and the communications equipment
at the top weighs 2000 lb. Determine the axial forces (normal
forces acting along the centerline) on transverse cross sections
at points A, B, C, and D ofthe tower.
l-57* Determine the internal forces on section a-a in the angle
bracket shown in Fig. P1-57.
0 1
45~ l 7in. _l_¢ 10.pr>1o7m:..e:.
l Sin.
100 it
I A so ft -' 600
Ii _s|.i
Figure Pl-57
Figure Pl-59
/-100mm lfilgm
120mm ‘A 2"
I25 mm
>/r I 220 mm
:' _ AISOM
Figure P1-60 250 mm 250 mm
2700 N
1-61 The reaction between a crutch and the ground is 35 lb, as Figure P1-62
shown in Fig. Pl-61. Determine the internal forces acting on
section a-a.
1-63 Apin-connected systemoflevers and bars is used as a toggle
for a press as shown in Fig. P1-63. Three members are joined
by pin D, as shown in the insert. Determine the internal forces
on a section perpendicular to and midway between D and E
when P = 1000 lb.
' \
\\ C I-'5 co
Pin D
33° DE
25° 2“
H U 30 in.
Challenging Problems
1-64* A steel shafi 120 mm in diameter is supported in flexible
1-62 The finnt-wheel suspension of an automobile is shown in bearings at its ends. Two pulleys, each S00 mm in diameter,
Fig. Pl -62. The pavement exerts a vertical force of 2700 N on are keyed to the shaft. The pulleys carry belts that produce the
the tire. Determine the internal forces on a section perpendic- forces shown in Fig. Pl~64. Determine the internal forces on a
ular to and midway between C and D. vertical section through point A.
1-S ]N'l'li]lNAL FORCES 43
800mm /\
_ - 400mm /K ‘ C
- - 900mm O .
Q 800mm 530 mun/' ‘_ 16
. _ F .1 gs I
P 10 in.
. G
4in. 4in. Sin.
14 in.
Figure Pl-67
legs 1-68" Determine the internal forces on section a—a in bar ABC
of the three-bar lrarne shown in Fig. Pl-68.
O 1' A
W 3 kN
Figure Pl-65
/' _'|‘_
Computer Problems 1-71 A 4000-lb cart rolls along a beam as shown in Fig. Pl-71.
1-69 The hook shown in Fig. Pl-69 supports a 10-kip load. Plot 6- Sbflw 11131 the 11111K1lT1l1l‘I1 bending 11101116111 111 the beam 06'
P, V, and M, the intemal fgfggg and moment mmgmimgd by 3 curs at the wheel that is closer to the middle of the beam
section ofthe hook, as a function ofthe angle 6 (0° 5 6 5 150°). ll P101 lM|mul the l'1111Xi1'f1111T1 bending 11101116111 111 I116 1363111, 35
a function of the cart’s position x (0 ft 5 x 5 15 it).
1 4000 lb total
I‘ V_
A I s
/\\ s= 10in.
l- 2011 l
Figure P1-71
10 kip
(<1) 1-72 A group of workers propose to raise a uniform 250-kg post
Figurg P1459 AB to a vertical position using the rope and brace arrangement
shown in Fig. Pl-72. Assume that the weight of the brace can
1-70 Forces of 100 N are being applied to the handles of the vise be neglected and fi11ltendA acts as 3 316110111655 P111 for both 1113
grip pliers shown in Fig. P1-70. Plot P, V, and M, the internal 6-m-l011s1m1AB and the 6-I11-Ionsbra¢e-4C- Plot P, V, and M.
forces and mommy |1-angmjned by section a_a of the handle, the internal forces moment transmitted by section a-a of
as a funqion ofme dismnm d(2() mm 5 d 5 30 mm)_ the post, as a function of the distance from A (Om 5 b 5 6 m).
--1:-. '1 1- B
\\ G
‘K l
_¢f____ 0 _
H6110 6&9
19 b/x\
100 N ls
Figure P140
90 mm 35 rnm M‘
Figure P1-72
A "'7'
Review Problems Force is the action ofone body on another. The primary objective
of a course in mechanics of materials is the development of relationships between
the forces applied to a body and the internal forces and deformations induced in
the body.
Forces always exist in equal magnitude, opposite direction pairs. in order to
study these forces, it is necessary to isolate the body fi'om its surroundings or from
other parts ofthe body at each point where forces are to be determined. The resultant
of the internal force system is then found using the equations of equilibrium. The
ruivrsw PROBLEMS 45
0 Design: Given a certain firnction to perform, of what materials should the ma-
chine or structure be constructed, and what should be the sizes and proportions
of the various elements?
0 Checking: Given the completed design, is it adequate—does it perform the
function economically and without excessive deformation?
I Rating: Given a completed structure or machine, what is its actual load-carrying
1-73* The collar A shown in Fig. Pl-73 is free to slide on the i -7"’
srnooth rod BC. Determine the forces exerted on the collar by Ir--. _ I ". 30° I I
the cable and by the rod when the force F = 900 lb is applied ' ‘ 1'. 20° ..
to the collar. ‘ cable V,_\, _
F=900 lb
Figure P1-73
Y . |‘esn—-L3nr|e3n~l-ran?-‘
A '
| -
2 60"
I x
1-78 The jaws and bolts of the wood clamp in Fig. Pl-78 are
parallel. The bolts pass through swivel mounts so that no mo-
ments act on them. The clamp exerts forces of 300 N on each
side of the board. Treat the forces on the boards as imiformly
' 4m l'2m> distributed over the contact areas and determine the forces in
Figure P1-74 each of the bolts. Show on a sketch all forces acting on the
upper jaw of the clamp.
1-75 The electric motor shown in Fig. P1-75 weighs 25 lb. Due to
friction between the belt and pulley, the belt forces have mag- ;
nitudes of T1 = 21 lb and T; = llb. Determine the support
reactions at A and B.
Z (e it
§ E22=‘52E5TE£E5;E£EEE!E::I==¢II=1=
‘T4 B
WTtt'uu'\ Lv1 mml>75 rn1nl~l00 mm
Figure P1-78
Figure P1-75 1-79* A three-bar fiame is loaded and supported as shown in Fig.
1-76" Determine the force P required to push the 135-kg cylinder Pl-79. Determine the internal forces transmitted by
over the small block shown in Fig. Pl-76. a. Section a-a in bar BEF.
b. Section b—b in bar ABCD.
400 lb * [
P iv; ,-¢75n1.rn
220mm 1000 lb 4fl
2 s rt -'=-
_ - - '20"
Figure P1-76
1-77 For the beam shown in Fig. P1-77, determine
a. The reactions at supports A and B.
b. The internal forces on a transverse cross section 10 it to the 2 ft 3 n-L»; n 2n
right of support A. Figure P1-79
REVIEW Pltoaums 47
1-81] Forces of 5 N are applied to the handles of the paper punch 1-83 The clamp of Fig. Pl-83 is used to hold two boards. If the
of Fig. P1-80. Determine the force exerted on the paper at D clamping force is 300 N, determine the internal forces on sec-
and the force exerted on the pin at B by handle ABC. tion a—a.
—’-D ‘ D
. I __ / ' \
t ' tr:-=
4 '
::::ll-".'\|l$\\|\ "='>'.-5.-=:;==|_-___-__ :53: :~-,r;.-.~.»:.',==-:.
su 7°“ 4°“ _
. 1.
Figure P1-so 2 ‘"-
l-81* A shafl is loaded through a pulley and a lever (Fig. P1-81)
that are fixed to the shaft. Friction between the belt and pulley
prevents slipping ofthe belt. Determine the force P required for '
equilibrium and the reactions at supports A and B. The support
at A is a ball bearing, and the support at B is a thrust bearing.
The bearings exert only force reactions on the shaft.
_> Ll
500 lb
/' Figure P1-83
150 lb
12 in. K {-
i "1-F
‘L—- - L 1-84 Two bars, a pulley, and a cable are used to support a block
as shown in Fig. P1-84. The two bars have negligible weight.
L12 in. _ /
:_—- | lb
200 The mass of the pulley is 50 kg, and the mass of the block is
'18 in. -__ __ ._ 100 kg. Determine the internal forces on cross section a-a in
14in. _A bm,A_B_
P |/14 1.11
' .
Figune Pl-81
l-82* The masses of cartons 1, 2, and 3, which rest on the plat- ' I
form shown in Fig. Pl-82, are 300 kg, 100 kg, and 200 kg, "
respectively. The mass of the platform is 500 kg. Determine \ 12 300 mm
the tensions in the three cables A, B, and C that support the . . , H7
pla-tfO1'1I1. B 300 mm
B C —ss0uuui—,l
,_sso mm N 300 mm 300 mm
1m » 1 rn
1m“*'1m+L_lm I lm
Figure P1-82 Figure Pl-84
Chapter 2
Analysis of Stress: Concepts
and Definitions
Application of the equations of equilibrium is usually just the first step in the so-
lution of engineering problems. Using these equations, an engineer can determine
the forces exerted on a structure by its supports, the forces on bolts and rivets
that connect parts of a machine, or the internal forces in cables or rods that either
support the structure or are a part of the structure. A second and equally important
step is determining the intenal effect ofthe forces on the structure or machine. It is
important, therefore, that all engineers understand the behavior of materials imder
the action of forces.
Safety and economy in a design are two considerations for which an engineer
must accept responsibility. He or she must be able to calculate the intensity of the
internal forces to which each part of a machine or structure is subjected and the
deformation that each part experiences during the performance of its intended
function. Then, by knowing the properties of the material from which the parts
will be made, the engineer establishes the most effective size and shape of the
individual parts and the appropriate means of connecting them.
In every subject area there a.re certain fundamental concepts of paramount
importance to a satisfactory comprehension of the subject matter. For the subject
mechanics of materials, a thorough mastery of the physical significance of stress
and strain is paramoimt. The discussion of stress will be undertaken first; the study
of strain will be taken up in Chapter 3.
Stress = E
F (2-1)
K/“m:/ N
The forces shown in Fig. 2-1 are collinear with the centroidal axis of the eyebar
,*/Zr: and produce a tensile loading of the bar. These forces are called axial forces.
Figure 2-l When the eyebar is cut by a transverse plane, such as plane a—a of Fig. 2-l, a
free-body diagram of the bottom half of the bar can be drawn as shown in Fig. 2-2. F
Equilibrium of this portion of the bar is obtained with a distribution of internal
force that develops on the exposed cross section. This distribution of internal force
has a resultant F that is normal to the exposed surface, is equal in magnitude to P,
and has a line of action that is collinear with the line of action of P. An average Hi ‘U
intensity of internal force, which is also known as the average normal stress owg
on the cross section, can be computed as
Uavg = Z (2-2'2)
where F is the magnitude of the intemal force F and A is the cross-sectional area
of the eyebar. P
The Greek letter sigma (0) is used to denote a normal stress ir1 this book. Figure 2-2
A positive sign is used to indicate a tensile normal stress (member in tension),
and a negative sign is used to indicate a compressive normal stress (member in
compression). This sign convention is independent of the selection of a coordinate
Consider now a small area AA on the exposed cross section of the bar and AF
let AF represent the magnitude of the resultant of the intemal forces transmitted
by this small area, as shown in Fig. 2-3. The average intensity of internal force u/1 ..\
being transmitted by area AA is obtained by dividing AF by AA. If the internal
forces transmitted across the section are assumed to be continuously distributed,
the area AA can be made smaller and smaller and will approach a point on the
exposed surface in the limit. The corresponding force AF also becomes smaller
and smaller. The stress at the point on the cross section to which AA converges is
defined as
<1 = AA—vU AF
lirn — (2-3)
In general, the stress or at a given point on a transverse cross section of
Figure 2-3
an axially loaded bar will not be the same as the average stress computed by
dividing the force F by the cross-sectional area A. For long, slender, axially loaded
members such as those found in trusses and similar structures, however, it is
generally assumed that the normal stresses are uniformly distributed except in the
vicinity of the points of application of the loads. The subject of nonuniform stress
distributions under axial loading will be discussed in a later chapter of this book.
/ \
Pb Q r‘ >1:-£111}
’ |tt|| tu P
I \
/ \I
_‘\ 1 \
-"-1'-1 "=71
Ag! __E__
Figure 2-4
Fig. 2-5. In this diagram, a transverse cut has been made through the bolt, and the
Figure 2-5 lower portion ofthe bolt remains in contact with the lefi member. The distribution of
shearing force on the transverse cross section of the bolt has been replaced by a
resultant shear force V. Since only one cross section of the bolt is used to effect
load transfer between the members, the bolt is said to be in single shear; therefore,
equilibrium requires that the resultant shear force V equal the applied load P. A
2.1 free-body diagram for the threaded eyebar at the right end of the connection of
Fig. 2-4 is shown in Fig. 2-6. In this diagram, two transverse cuts have been made
through the bolt, and the middle portion of the bolt remains in contact with the
eyebar. In this case, two transverse cross sections of the pin are used to effect load
P transfer between members of the connection and the pin is said to be in double
V shear. As a result, equilibrium requires that the resultant shear force V on each
Figure 2-6 cross section of the pin equals one-half of the applied load P.
From the definition of stress given by Eq. 2-1, an average shearing stress
on the transverse cross section of the bolt or pin can be computed as
rt. =§ <2-4)
where V is the magnitude of the shear force V and A is the cross-sectional area of
the bolt or pin.
The Greek letter tau (r) is used to denote shearing stress in this book. A sign
convention for shearing stress is presented in a later section of the book.
The stress at a point on the transverse cross section of the bolt or pin can be
obtained by using the same type of limit process that was used to obtain Eq. 2-3
for the normal stress at a point. Thus,
r = lim LV (2-5)
an-to AA
Unlike the normal stress in long, slender members, it can be shown that
the shear stress r cannot be uniformly distributed over the a.rea. Therefore, the
actual shear stress at any particular point and the maximum shear stress on a cross
section will generally be different from the average shear stress calculated using
Eq. 2-4. However, the design of simple connections is usually based on average
stress considerations and this procedure is followed in this book.
Another type of shear loading is termed punching shear. Examples of this
type of loading include the action of a punch in forming rivet holes in a metal plate,
the tendency ofbuilding columns to punch through footings, and the tendency ofa
2-s usrrsorsnuass S1
F5 .1 =|v1td1
Figure 2-7
tensile axial load on a bolt to pull the shank of the bolt through the head (Fig. 2-7a).
Under a punching shear load, the significant stress is the average shear stress on
the surface described by the periphery of the punching member and the thickness
of the punched member, for example, the shaded cylindrical area A = ndt shown
extending through the head of the bolt in Fig. 2-7b.
For the case of the connection shown ir1 Fig. 2-4, bearing stresses occur on
the surfaces of contact between the head of the bolt and the top plate and between
the nut and the bottom plate. The force producing the stress is the axial tensile df do
internal force F developed in the shank of the bolt as the nut is tightened. The
area of interest for bearing stress calculations is the annular area A = §(d§ — df)
of the bolt head or nut (see Fig. 2-8a) that is in contact with the plate. Thus, the (I1)
average bearing stress 01, is expressed as
.1 I
(Tb = I (2'6)
I /'~ \
Bearing stresses also develop on stnfaces of contact where the shanks of bolts and
pins are pressed against the sides of the hole through which they pass. Since the
distribution of these forces is quite complicated, an average bearing stress 0;, is Figure 2-8
often used for design purposes. This stress is computed by dividing the force F
transmitted across the surface of contact by the projected area A = dt shown in
Fig. 2-8b, instead of the actual contact area.
(SI units), units of stress based on the international system are sometimes used
in the United States and will undoubtedly come into wider use in the future.
During the transition, both systems will be encountered by engineers; therefore,
approximately one-half of the example problems and homework problems in this
book are given using the U.S. customary system (pounds and inches) and the other
half are given in SI units (newtons and meters). For problems with S1 units, forces
will be given in newtons (N) or kilonewtons (kN), dimensions in meters (m) or
millimeters (nmi), and masses in kilograms (kg). The SI unit for stress is a newton
per square meter (N/m2), also known as a pascal (Pa). Stress magnitudes normally
encountered in engineering applications are expressed in meganewtons per square
meter (MN/mg) or megapascals (MPa).
The sections on which the axial forces act are perpendicular to the axis of the bar
and are located by the outward normal to the section. Since the applied forces
are axial, the only intemal forces acting on the sections are also axial; there are
no shear forces or couples acting on the sections. The internal axial forces are
assumed in the positive sense, as shown in the free-body diagrams of Fig. 2-9b.
s1 kip
ii»! 1'15
30 in. 20in
s1 kip
<io.4 so—r Fan‘
54 kip
. vs in. 20in
s1 kip ,
410,4 50-» 4-0 c FED
54 kip 18 kip
Figure 2-90»)
2-5 UNI‘l‘SOFS'l'RBSS S3
The internal forces transmitted by cross sections in intervals AB, BC, and
CD of the bar shown in Fig. 2-9a are obtained by using the fi'ee-body diagrams
shown in Fig. 2-9b. Summing forces along the axis of the bar yields
;%1°° st kip
+->>:F=F,,,,-s1=0 F45-=+8lkip=8lkip(T) 3 so 45 kip
+—>EF=Fb-g+54—8l=0 F35-=+27kip=27kip(T) 21 kip
+-»zF=FC,,+s4-is-s1=0 Fg;;=+45kip=4-5kip(T) for
Axial 0 A B C D
where (T) denotes a tensile force. (C)
A pictorial representation of the distribution of internal force in bar ABCD Figure 2-9(c)
is shown in Fig. 2-9c. This type of representation is known as an axialforce
diagram and has been shown to be useful in solving problems involving axial-
force distributions. At the points where concentrated forces act, there a.re abrupt P Since the force FAB is the same every-
changes in the axial-force diagram. The forces in an axial-force diagram are where in the 30-in. segment AB, the stress
internal forces. The required stresses (from Eq. 2-2) are 0,15 will be the same everywhere in the
FAB +81 segment AB. The stress is also assumed
(a) 0,43 = 7 = 100 = +210 ksi = 21.0 ksi (T) Ans. to be uniform across the member except
near the points where the loads are ap-
(b) F = +21
U33 = %‘ % = +9.00 l(S1. — 9.00 l(S1. (T) Ans. plied. Determining how the stress changes
from O'_.(g=27.0 ksi just to the left of B
(c) F. = W
aw = f +45 = +1s.00 l(S1=
, 15.00 RS1. (T) Ans. to aB¢~=9.00 ksi just to the right of B
is a very complicated problem which de-
pends on many things, including the cross-
sectional shape and the manner in which the
54-kip load is applied.
1 Example Problem 2-2 The rotmd bar shown in Fig. 2-10¢ has steel,
brass, and aluminum sections. Axial loads are applied at cross sections A, B, C,
and D. If the allowable axial stresses are 125 l\([Pa in the steel, 70 MPa in the
brass, and 85 MPa in the aluminum, determine the diameters required for each P An allowable stress is the maximum per-
missible stress allowed in the design of a
of the sections. Assume that the allowable stresses are the same for tension (T)
member. This will be discussed in more de-
and compression (C).
tail in Chapter 4.
The intemal forces transmitted by cross sections in intervals AB, BC, and CD of
the bar shown in Fig. 2-10a are obtained by using the free-body diagrams shown
in Fig. 2-10b. Summing forces along the axis of the bar yields
+—>EF=F}+270=0 F}=—270kN=270kN(C)
+—t>EF=Fg,+270—245=O F;,=—25kN=25kN(C)
+—>EF=Fn+270—245+200=0 Fn=—225kN=225kN(C)
270 kN
270 kN F,
270 kN 15 mnirlfim-'
0- | :1
Figure 2-l0(h)
An axial-force diagram for bar ABCD is shown in Fig. 2-10c. The cross-
sectional areas of the bar required to limit the stresses to the specified values are
P The analysis of this example ignores the
obtained fi'om Eq. 2-2. Thus,
problem of how the three different materials
are to be fastened together. The actual stress
in the vicinity of the concentrated loads may
be considerably different than the average Tension
stress computed here. In addition, it can be 400
shown that near abrupt changes in diameter
or near holes through the section, the actual 200
stress can be two to three times greater than as B C D
0 | | |
the average stress at that section. This ef-
fect is called stress concentration and will “ 25 kN
be covered in later sections of this book and Axiaforce,-200
in structural design courses. 270 kN 225 kN
Figure 2-l|](c)
F = -270 103
(a) A, = Edf = -*1
4 0, -12s(10) d, = s2.44(10-3)m 2 52.4mm Ans.
A =-n'1=-=iF1, -2s(10’) 4=21.3210‘
_ 221.3 An.
lb) ” 4 b 0;, -10(10°) ” l )m mm S
n F, -22s(103)
(c) A. = Haj = Z = Y6) d,, = 5B.05(l0'3)m 2 ss.1 mm Ans.
V ‘Ii
(4) (ll)
Figure 2-l1(a-b)
(a) A free-body diagram of the brass tube and pin is shown in Fig. 2-1 lb.
Since the pin is in double shear, A = 2(’{)(0.750)2 = 0.8836 in.2 Thus, from
Eq. 2-4, P The maximum shear stress in the pin is
about 50 percent greater than the average
V 10 W
-r=Z:0_8836=ll.3l7ks1_ll.32ksr, Ans. shear stress calculated here (r = 1 1.32 ksi).
To compensate for this known underestima-
tion ofthe shear stress, design engineers will
make sure that the pin will be able to with-
L stand shear stresses at least twice as great
(a factor of safety of2) as the average shear
-1--1-4- 10 kip stress computed. Factors of safety will be
2.00111. Tl Tl it
4-,— <— 4—
discussed in Chapter 4 and in structural de-
sign courses.
\- 1 = 250 psi
Figure 2-ll(e)
(b) A free-body diagram of the brass tube and joint is shown in Fig. 2-llc.
The shear stress acts over a length L of the outside circumference of the
brass tube. Forthe gluedjoint/1 = TrdL = :r(2.00)L = 2.00 Jrl. in.2 Thus, from
Eq. 2-4,
V 10,000 = 250 psi
I = I = 2.00J'rL
Timber beam
fi'om which
1 Example Problem 2-4 The steel pipe column shown in Fig. 2-12
has an outside diameter of 150 mm and a wall thickness of 15 rnm. The load
imposed on the column by the timber beam is 150 kN. Determine
(a) The average bea.ring stress at the smface between the colurrm and the steel
bearing plate.
(b) The diameter ofa circular bearing plate ifthe average bearing stress between
the steel plate and the mod beam is not to exceed 3.25 MPa. Figure 2-12
(a) The annular area between the steel column and the bearing plate is
<1, = 5 = ll) = 23.58(lO6)N/II12 2 23.6 MPa Ans.
A 6s62(10 °)
P Bearing stress is just the normal stress (b) The circular area between the bearing plate and the timber beam is
exerted on the surfaces of contact between
two parts ofa structure or machine element. JT
A = —d2
Like the normal stress within the member 4
itself, bearing stresses are usually assumed
constant over the cross section of contact. Thus, from Eq. 2-6,
However, if the bearing plate is not rigid,
the stresses exerted on the beam by the outer
edges of the bearing plate will likely be con- (I5 = 5 = = 3.25006)
siderably smaller than the stresses exerted on
the beam by the center of the bearing plate.
fi'om which
1 in. omax
I‘ 9
I I I ,,
I in. 2 in. 3 in.
,_. _ »- S
Figure 2-l3(a, b)
2-5 usrrsorsrnsss S7
versus the diameter dc of the collar (2.5 in. 5 dc 5 5.0 in.). Now what minimum
diameter collar must be used if the bearing stress must not exceed 10 ksi? What
is the percent decrease in am,“ for a 3-in.-diameter collar compared to a 2.5-
in.-diameter collar‘? For a 4.0-in.-diameter collar compared to a 3-in.-diameter
tit tF=t-M
A fi"ee-body diagram of the shaft is shown in Fig. 2-13c. Summing forces in the
vertical direction gives
+'tEF,,=0: F—P=0 F=P ((1) (C)
Figure 2-13(c)
where the force on the collar is the sum of the bearing stresses F = fdF = f crdA.
Therefore, with P = 50 kip and 0 = 10 ksi, the smallest diameter collar that can
be used is
i4(50) _
dc — -l" 4 III. ADS.
FIEXIIJIO COII31‘. The equation for the linearly varying stress of Fig. 2-13b
0 = T(5 — F) (5)
Integrating the stresses of Eq. (b) over the annular ring of the collar gives
am = (0)
200 _
s,,.,,. = 2 = 29.242 l(Sl
rrI:5 (1.252 -1)- 5 (1.253 -1)]
S8 cnirrrn 2 ANALYSIS or s'nrsss= coxcsrrs AND rmrrsrrrons
Maximum Bearing Stress
25 l
winch is only 3.1% larger than the diameter of the smallest rigid collar. From
Eq. (c) or from the graph of Fig. 2-13d, when dc = 3 in., the maximum stress is
am =13.642 ksi and the percent decrease from when dc =2.5 in. is
29.242 — 13.642
(100) = 53.4% Ans.
The percent decrease in the maximum stress between dc=3.0 in., where the
maximum stress is emu = 13.642 ksi, and dc =4.0 in., where the maximum
stress is am, = 6.161 ksi, is
13.642 -6.161
(100) = 54.8% Ans.
MecMovie Activities and Problems MM2.3 Shear stress-basic problems. Concept Checkpoints. Use
, shear stress concepts for four introductory problems.
MM2.1 Normal, shear, and bearing stress. Example; Try One.
Simple pin connections used to illustrate various types ofstress. -“M2-4 l-"ad capacity °f tW°'ba1‘ a$5°I11lJl)/- Example; TI7 One-
Determine load capacity of two-bar structure given areas and
.\[M2.2 Normal stress-basic problems. Concept Checkpoints. allowable Stresses for the two membem
Use normal stress concepts for four introductory problems.
2-5 uurrs or srasss S9
MM2.5 Shear stress in pin support. Example: Concept Check- 2-4* In order to hold a 130-kg crate in a stationary position, a
points. Determine shear stress in support. worker exerts a force P at an angle 9 on a rope as shown in
Fig. P2-4. Detennine the normal stress in the 15-mm diameter
MM2.6 Shear strms in bolted flanges. Example; Try One. Deter-
rope AB when 6 = 20°.
mine shear stress in bolted connection
A .!'1|
Introductory Problems
2-l"' An aluminum tube with an outside diameter of 1.000 in. —I _8n
__________ _ _ ,
Figure P2-2 S 111.
so kip ‘ so RV |
‘ ‘fl50mm
2 7* A coupling is used to connect a 2-in.~diarneter plastic rod 2-10* The weight W in the traction device shown in Fig. P2-10
to a 1.5-in-diameter rod, as shown in Fig. P2-7. If the average has a mass of 45 kg. The continuous cord from A to W has a
shearing stress in the adhesive must be limited to 500 psi, de- diameter of 10 mm. Determine the normal stress in segment
termine the minimum lengths L] and L; required for the joint BC of the cord.
when the applied axial load P is 8000 lb.
‘I-1i ‘I-zl
—~ P
Figure P2-7
150 mm Figure P2-10
Collar -~ fim
—T‘_ 2-11 The l25—lh girl shown in Fig. P2-ll is doing a chin-up.
For the position shown, the humerus is modeled as an axially
loaded member. Determine the normal stress at section a—a if
O the section is modeled as
d i ij
Figure P2-8
2-12 Pulleys l and 2 of the rope and pulley system shown in Fig. 2-14* Member AD of the timber truss shown in Fig. P2-14 is
P2-12 are connected and rotate as a unit. The radii ofpulleys l framed into the 100 x 150 -mm bottom chord ABC as shown
and 2 are 100 mm and 300 mm, respectively. RopeA is wrapped in the insert. Determine the dimension a that must be used if
around pulley 1 and is fastened to pulley 1 at point A’. Rope the average shearing stress parallel to the grain at the ends of
B is wrapped around pulley 2 and is fastened to pulley 2 at chord ABC is not to exceed 2.25 MPa.
point B’. Rope C is continuous over pulleys 3 and 4. Each rope
has a diameter of 15 mm. Determine the normal stress in each
segment of rope C if the weight W has a mass of 225 kg.
50 mm ’ in 1‘
‘ i . H1
Ii .
12 .. /P
Figure P2-12
lfi 3 ' _ Ti-__'—1 —é*— _
is i _
Figure P2-15
Intermediate Problems
2-16* A scissors jack for an automobile is shown in Fig. P2-16.
2-13* Two flower pots, shown in Fig. P2-13, are supported with The screw threads exert a force F on the blocks atj ointsA and B.
steel wires of equal diameter. Pot A weighs 10 lb and pot B
weighs 8 lb. Determine the minimum required diameter of the P
wires if the normal stress in the wires must not exceed 18 ksi.
‘lr€ _ — _ — _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ — _ —_D__l
45° or -=.;I-
45° '-
/R /6
I If fl t ..|u, I ”
If F = 700 N, determine the shearing stress on a cross section of cross section of the 3/8-in.-diameterpin at B, which is in single
the 10-mm-diameter pin at C, which is in single shear when shear.
= 1 5“ .
= 30°.
99'.” name: = 45° .
2-17 Forces of 25 lb are applied to the handles of the pipe pliers
shown in Fig. P2-17. Determine the shearing stress on a cross |,~'
section of the 0.25-in.-diameter pin at A. Ii’
|" 12 in.
ass . ;25lb l
1.25 in. ‘ 9 "“' B -.
Q‘ ‘ l C _
>:< Jr—7_—*t7i _ 7 -- I -' C 0 E - lln
D "~ so "- 1-
25 lb '
Figure P2-17 - 3111. 3in.
Figure P2-19
'__A B _ x 12 kN lOkN
D ' Hy’ f l 2m
3m 3m ' 3m l B l 2m
tom l5kN _ .
Figure P2-18
2-21 A force of 20 lb is required to pull the stopper DE in a. The normal stress onasectionperpendicular toandmidway
Fig. P2-21. Determine the shearing stress on the cross section between D and E. The cross-sectional area of member DE
of the 118-in.-diameter pin at B, which is in single shear. is 1.25 in?
b. The shearing stress on the cross section of the 0.25-in.-
diameter pin at E, which is in double shear.
l\J Q
,/1.-'2 in.
1-’- ;
Q 1n.—T—*—1+
_ + il- |- 2 11
i 1 in. :___
'.~ '.~ W t 9 ':.--"'3 5' \\
T P 3 rr \ If
-w kV ,/' —‘
- .2111
0- -B ::n
T=1» .-_
' ___\
//II /_______:
w/ 1 ./|___I
Q re"1l,—1"’!Q
——————\ 1 '1'1'1:
1 I____1
I -rt) /
Figure P2-23
Figure P2-21
Challenging Problems 2-24 Figure P2-24 is a simplified sketch of the mechanism used
2-22* A pair of vise grip pliers is shown in Fig. P2-22. When a to raise the bucket of a bulldozer. The bucket and its contents
force P= 100 N is being applied to the handles, determine weigh 10 kN and have a center of gravity at H. ArmABCD has
a weight of 2 kN and a center of gravity at B; arm DEFG has
a. The average shaming stress in the pin at A if it has a 4-mm a weight of l kN and a center of gravity at E. The weight of
diameter and is in double shear. the hydraulic cylinders can be ignored. Determine the required
b. The average shaming stress in the pin at B if it has a 5-mm diameter of the pin at D if the shearing stress cannot exceed
diameter and is in double shear. I20 lv[Pa. The pin is in double shear.
I -
311° 19° A
1;’ — 7"\ 1 n1
_ ~ 5:1- --*1,
up Ir - \\ g /CE ..
r ._\.,
...i - — — ‘ » '
4 ft long, and the package being lifted weighs 80 lb. The mech-
anism is raised by pulling on the rope that is wrapped around
the pulley. Determine for the position shown Figure P2-24
2-25* For the pin-connected structure of Fig. P2-25, determine 2-28 The steel pipe column shown in Fig. P2-28a has an out-
the minimum diameter for the pin at joint D if the average side diameter of 150 mm and a wall thickness of 15 mm. The
shearing stress in the pin must be limited to 7500 psi. load imposed on the column by the timber beam is 150 kN.
If the bearing stress between the circular steel bearing plate
and the wood beam is not to exceed 3.25 it/[Pa, determine the
F - minimum diameter bearing plate that must be used between
1000 lb
Smooth \ C E the column and the beam. Assume that the bearing stress is
uniformly distributed over the surface of the plate.
Q U toto -'?D_+_-'39
;.' -"-:::::-.1'>1:vt1f{;g;,=,..--........J;7:;-..-r-r-..-.----------------~
. - .. ..,,...;--;--:1121..1....,-,......,.........-IZ;~r~---...,._..,..
.....~--~ ___,.. '- ' - ---
;{;;-------- - _ _ ............-. ._ >_;..............
lit ' Bearing plate —/
Figure P2-25
125 mm __ T
: g 3,1150 mm
1 I r
—-=1 75 mm rp
mm ‘
Figure P2-28
2-mo N
Figure P2-26 If the bearing plate is not rigid, the stress between the
bearing plate and the wood beam will not be uniform. If the
stress varies as shown in Fig. P2-28b (a rmiform value of am“
Computer Problems above the colmnn and decreasing linearly to om,,f5 at the out-
side edge rp ofthe bearing plate), calculate and plot am, versus
2-27 A steel pipe will be used to support a 9000-lb load. If the the radius 1-,, of the bearing plate (75 mm 5 1-,, 5 500 mm). Now
wall thickness of the pipe is 10 percent of the pipe’s outside what minimum diameter bearing plate must be used if the bear-
diameter d,,, calculate and plot the normal stress in the pipe cr ing stress must not exceed 3.25 MPa? What is the percent de-
as a ftmction of the diameter do (0.75 in. 5 do 5 3 in.). If the crease in om for a 400-mm-diameter bearing plate compared
axial stress in the pipe must be limited to 12 ksi, what is the to a 150-rm-n-diameter bearing plate‘? For a 600-mm-diameter
smallest size standard steel pipe (see Appendix B) that could bearing plate compared to a 150-mm-diameter bearing a
be used? plate?
2-29 A vertical shaft is supported by a thrust collar and bearing 2-30 The tie rod shown in Fig. P2-30a has a diameter of 40 mm
plate as shown in Fig. P2-29a. The force imposed on the bear- and is used to resist the lateral pressure against the walls of a
ing plate by the collar is 50 kip. I.fthe bearing stress between grain bin. The force imposed on the wall by the rod is 80 kN.
the collar and the bearing plate must not exceed 10 ksi, deter- If the bearing stress between the washer and the wall must not
mine the minimum diameter collar that must be used. Assume exceed 2.8 MPa, determine the minimum diameter washer that
that the bearing stress is uniformly distributed over the surface must be used between the head of the bolt and the grain bin
of the collar. wall. Assume that the bearing stress is tmiformly distributed
over the surface of the washer.
- = EU
.0-‘iqygt .-
-*1-t‘ - ..
P 9
(G) (
I l l
1 in. 2 in. 3 in. ’ 1 1 l
20 30 r,, '
m.m m.m
Figure P2-29 Figure P2-30
If the collar is not rigid, the stress between the collar If the washer is not rigid, the stress between the washer
and the bearing plate will not be uniform. Ifthe stress varies as and the wall will not be uniform. If the stress varies as shown
shown in Fig. P2-29b (decreasing linearly ii-om om, at the edge in Fig. P2-30b (a uniform value of aw under the 60-mm-
of the shalt to am,/2 at r = 3 in.), calculate and plot om“ ver- diameter restraining nut and decreasing as l/r to the outside
sus the radius r, of the collar (1 in. 5 1-, 5 2.5 in.). Now what edge rw of the washer), calculate and plot o,,,,,, versus the ra-
minimum diameter collar must be used if the bearing stress dius 1-,, of the washer (30 mm 5 1-,, 5 200 mn1).Now what min-
must not exceed 10 ksi? What is the percent decrease in om, imum diameter washer must be used if the bearing stress must
for a 3.2-in.-diameter collar compared to a 2.4-in.-diameter not exceed 2.8 MPa'? What is the percent decrease in om
collar? For a 4.0-in.-diameter collar‘? For a 5.0-in.-diameter for a 200-mm-diameter washer compared to no washer? For a
collar? 300-mm-diameter washer’?
F loaded bar will now be considered. When the eyebar shown in Fig. 2-1 is cut by an
! inclined plane, a free-body diagram of the upper portion of the bar would appear
as shown in Fig. 2-14. Equilibrium of the upper portion of the bar is established
Figure 2-14
H11“ /'
shown in Fig. 2-16. It is these components that are used to compute the normal
and shear stresses on the inclined surface using Eqs. 2-2 and 2-4. The axes and
forces shown in Fig. 2-16 are all positive. The x-axis is the outward normal to a
section perpendicular to the axis of the bar, and the rz-axis is the outward normal
to the inclined section. The angle 6 is measured from a positive x-axis to a positive
n-axis; a counterclockwise angle is positive. Positive y- and t-axes are located
P using the right-hand rule and a positive angle. The forces N and V shown in
Fig. 2-16 are both positive (see Section 1-5). Also, the intemal force on the x-
section is positive.
From equilibrium, the normal and shear forces are given by N =P cos 6
and V = —P sin 6. The area on which these forces act is the area A,, ofthe inclined
surface which is given by A,, = A/cos 0, where A is the cross-sectional area of the
axially loaded member. Therefore,
c __. ‘\._*,.
"mm N P 0 P P
a,,=—=i=—cos26=—(l+oos219) (2-7)
A,, A/cos 6' A 2A
Figure 2-15 V —P ' 6 —P —P
t,,=—=i=—sin6cos9=—sin29 (2-8)
A, A/cost? A 2A
Q In the preceding discussion, the assumption was made that the stresses were tini-
P ~51 formly distributed over the inclinded surface.
Both the area of the inclined surface A, and the values for the normal and
shear forces N and V on the surface depend on the angle 9 of the inclined plane
with respect to the applied load; therefore, the normal and shear stresses 0,, and
17,, on the inclined plane also depend on the angle 9. This dependence of stress
on both force and area means that stress is not a vector quantity; therefore, the
laws of vector addition do not apply to stresses that act on different planes. This
_‘,r. need not be cause for concem if, in the application of the equations of equilibrium
(or motion), one always replaces a stress with a total force (stress multiplied by
9 the appropriate area), thus reducing the problem to one involving ordinary force
C ,. vectors. However, stresses that act on a single particular plane can be treated as
'1 vectors, since they all are associated with the same area.
_ 9 n A graph showing the magnitudes of 0,, and 1:, as a function of 6 is shown
x in Fig. 2-17. These results indicate that 0,, is maximum when 6 is 0“ or 180°, that
Figure 2-16 '17,, is maximum when 9 is 45° or 135°, and also that ‘rm, =c,,,,,x1'2. Therefore,
_ Stress U" .
h)-— >.~t=we
Figure 2-17
the magnitudes of the maximum normal and shearing stresses for axial tensile or
compressive loading are
the same as that for 90” + 9. The sign change merely indicates that the shear force .----“e, = 90 + e,
V changes sense when 9 > 90”. Nomial and shearing stresses on planes having Figure 2-18
aspects 6| and 90° + 91 are shown in Fig. 2-18.
The equality of shearing stresses on orthogonal planes can be demonstrated y
by applying the equations of equilibrium to the free-body diagram of a small
rectangular block of thickness dz, shown in Fig. 2-19. If only a shearing force'
V, ='r,,,,¢ixdz is applied to the top surface of the block, the equation SF, = 0 VI = Ifldx dz
will dictate the application of an oppositely directed force V, to the bottom of the
block, thus leaving the block subjected to a clockwise couple; this couple must be
balanced by a counterclockwise couple composed of the oppositely directed forces j dy V_,, = 1,_,.¢y dz
V}. applied to the vertical faces of the block. Finally, application of the equation 4; we
EM, = 0 yields the following:
Figure 2-19
Ty; (dx dz)dy = 1',,.(dy dz)dx
fi'om which
1The double subscript on the shearing stress is used to designate both the plane on which thestress acts
and the direction of the stress. The first subscript indicates the plane (or rather thenormal to the plane),
and the second subscript indicates the direction of the stress. This will bediscussed in more detail in
Section 2-7.
Therefore, if a shearing stress exists at a point on any plane, there must also exist
at this point a shearing stress of the same magnitude on an orthogonal plane. This
statement is also valid when normal stresses are acting on the planes, because the
normal str'esses occur in collinear but oppositely directed pairs and thus have zero
moment with respect to any axis.
K 57° 1 Example Problem 2-6 A plastic bar with a circular cross section
I000 lb IUUU lb
i of diameter 1.25 in. will be used to support an axial load of 1000 lb, as shown in
Fig. 2-20a. Determine the normal and shearing stresses on section a—a.
Figure 2-20
= 573 psi Ans.
P +1000 5
U" = 27 (l -i-(210526) = -i-CO5 2[-F327
—P - 1000
r,=—sm2e=?(+ 2) sin2(—l-327”)
2A 2[rr(l.25) /4]
= +3 72 psi Ans.
. /
36° 54
ii’ "
(H) (b)
Figure 2-21
(a) Positive values ofcoordinate axes and internal forces are shown in Fig. 2-2 lb
Using Eq. 2-7,
0,, — In — -l-COS 29)
P :2
T“ __ I
V __ fislll
—P . 29 __ i00)(100)(l0_6)sm
-(-694.7)(10’) . 2(+s4 , )
= + 16.52 t 10°Jm,
MecM0vie Activities and Problems 2-34 A concrete cylinder 75 mm in diameter and 150 mm high
failed along a plane making an angle of 57° with the horizontal
MM2.7 Stresses on inclined plane. Example; Try One. Calculat- when subjected to an axial vertical compressive load ol'80 kN.
ing normal and shear stresses acting on an inclined plane in an Determine the normal and shear stresses on the failure plane.
axial member.
N[M2.8 Forces based on inclined plane stresses. Example; Try Intermediate Problems
One. Given allowable normal and shear stresses and a specified
2-35* A steel bar with a 4 x l-in. rectangular cross section
inclined plane surface, determine the maximum axial load that
is being used to transmit an axial tensile load, as shown in
can be applied.
Fig. P2-35. Normal and shear stresses on plane a—a of the bar
Introductory Problems are 12 ksi tension and 9 ksi shear. Determine the angle 9 and
the applied load P.
2-31* An axial load P is applied to a timber block with a
4 x 4 -in. square cross section, as shown in Fig. P2-31. De-
termine the normal and shear stresses on the planes of the
grain if P = 5000 lb.
Figure P2-35
4' ‘
36, will be used to carry an axial tensile load of 400 kN. If the
normal and shear stresses on the plane of the butt weld must
be limited to 70 MPa and 45 MPa, respectively, determine the
minimum thiclcness t required for the bar.
Rigid “"- Grain
\ 100 mm
Figure P2-36
Figure P2-31 2-37 The shearing stress on plane a—a of the 4 x8-in. rectangular
block shown in Fig. P2-37 is 2 ksi when the axial load P is
2-32* The steel bar shown in Fig. P2-32 will be used to carry applied. If the angle ¢ is 35°, determine
an axial tensile load of 400 kN. If the thickness of the bar is a. The load P.
45 mm, determine the normal and shaming stresses on plane b. The normal stress on plane a—a.
a—a. c. The maximum normal and shearing stresses in the block.
a |_._
P '75 nun P
~ l I
Figure P2-32
2-33 A structural steel bar with a 2 >< 6-in. rectangular cross sec-
tion is subjected to an axial tensile load of 270 kip. Determine
the maximum normal and shear stresses in the bar. Figure P2-37
2-38 Determine the maximum axial load P that can be applied 2-4l The two parts of the eyebar shown in Fig. P2-41 are con-
to the wood compression block shown in Fig. P2-38 if speci- nected with two 1/2-in.-diameterbolts (one on each side). Spec-
fications require that the shear stress parallel to the grain not ifications for the bolts require that the axial tensile stress not
exceed 5.25 MPa, the compressive stress perpendicular to the exceed 12.0 ksi and that the shearing stress not exceed 8.0
grain not exceed 13.60 MPa, and the maximum shear stress in ksi. Determine the maximum load P that can be applied to the
the block not exceed 8.75 MPa. eyebar without exceeding either specification.
100 mm
Width P P F55.
100 rmrr
Length = 320 mm
Depth = 120 mm ' ‘\.>‘¢
Figure P2-38
"'*"'l» P
Figure P2-39 Figure P2-42
2-40* The bar shown in Fig. P2-40 has a 200 x 100-mm rectan- Computer Problems
gular cross section. Determine
2-43 Specifications for the 3x 3 x21-in. rectangular block
a. The normal and shearing stresses on plane a-a. shown in Fig. P2-43 require that the normal and shearing
b. The maximum normal and shearing stresses in the bar.
. /' 3 in. /,1'
lm I 250kN ./
‘ A J
2m 1";-1-3_0: 4 21in.
'1 a
200 kN
_ n . l
2m __w.
"° ¢-
| 0
_ .n ,,
300 kN
Figure P2-41] Figure P2-43
stresses on plane a-a not exceed 800 psi and 500 psi, respec- late and plot the normal stress 0,, and the shear stress r,, in the
tively. If the plane a—a makes an angle 9 = 37“ with the hor- weld material for weld angles ¢ (3 0" 5 qt 5 90°). If the stresses
izontal, calculate and plot the ratios ofaw and r/rm as a in the weld material must be limited to 80 MPa in tension and
firnction of the load P(0 5 P 5 13 kip). What is the maximum 60 MPa in shear, what ranges of ¢ would be acceptable for
load Pm“ that can be applied to the block‘? Which condition the joint? Repeat for P= 305 kN and for P= 350 kN. Are weld
controls what the maximum load can be? Repeat for B =25". angles ¢ < 30° reasonable‘? Why or why not?
For what angle 9 will the normal stress and the shear stress
both reach their limiting values at the same time?
it _
2-44 A steel eyebar with a 100 x 25-mm rectangular cross sec-
tion has been designed to transmit an axial tensile load P. The
length of the eyebar must be increased by welding a new center
P-50 4 4
section in the bar, as shown in Fig. P2-44. IfP = 250 kN, calcu- Figure P2-44
Apart . AF»
S" _ Al/I120 AA
In Section 2-6 it was pointed out that materials respond differently to
F2 components of the stress vector. In particular, components normal (n) and tan-
Figure 2-22(1)) gent (t) to the internal plane are important. As shown in Fig. 2-22b, the resultant
2The component of a tensor on s plane is a vector; therefore, on a particular plane, the stressescan be
treated as vectors.
2-1 srrmsssracrmrmr POINT [NAN Arrrrr'r'rrArtnr' LOADED rrrrsrurrrrrr 73
force AF, can be resolved into components AF", normal to the plane and
AF," tangent to the plane. A normal stress 0,, and a shearing stress 17,, are then
defined as
, AF
0,, = hm in
AA—0U AA F1 \ ,,
HI! d Irv
_ _ Q” 5}
r:,, = I]II1 T
AF,” _l‘
AA->0 AA I
, <1»)
ct}, y
'' /
1Q ‘Ir
H Sm 0
' or Ix: X
o. -
/' h‘"‘*—-- z
‘ X
Z -[F2 = ‘IIzv (6)
in = Tr:
Figure 2-23
Figure 2-24
I Normal stresses are indicated by the symbol cr and a single subscript to indicate
the plane (actually the outward normal to the plane) on which the stress acts.
Normal stresses are positive if they point in the direction of the outward normal.
Thus, normal stresses are positive if tensile and negative if compressive.
9 Shearing stresses are denoted by the symbol r followed by two subscripts; the
first subscript designates the normal to the plane on which the stress acts and
the second designates the coordinate axis to which the stress is parallel. Thus,
1:X, is the shearing stress on a plane with outward normal in the x-direction. The
stress acts parallel to the z-axis. A positive shearing stress points in the positive
direction of the coordinate axis of the second subscript if it acts on a surface with
an outward normal in the positive direction. Conversely, ifthe outward normal of
the surface is in the negative direction, then the positive shearing stress points in
the negative direction ofthe coordinate axis of the second subscript. The stresses
shown on the element in Fig. 2-24 are all positive.
Summarizing, the resultant stress vector S,, is the result of the action of one
part of the body on another part of the body, and it is a measure of the force
intensity over a section of the body. The components of the stress vector, 0 and
r, depend on the location of the point O as well as the orientation of the plane
through the point. Of the nine components of stress, 0,, 0,, U3, Txy, ryx, ryz, rzy,
rm and 17,2, only six are independent because moment equilibrium requires that
r,_,, = r.'_,.,, r_,,, = r.',,., and r.',_, = rm (see Section 2-6).
U; =r:,, = Tzy =0
tr, = r,-Z = O
A state of plane stress occurs naturally at points on the outside surface of a body
where the z-components of force are zero. A state of plane stress also occurs
at points within thin plates where the z-dimension of the body is small and the
z-components of force are zero.
For plane stress analysis, then, the only components of stress present are
ox, oy, and 13,,-= 1:yx. A plane stress element is shown in Fig. 2-25. The stresses
shown on the positive and negative faces of the element are shown as positive.
For convenience, this state of stress is represented by the two-dimensional sketch
shown in Fig. 2-26. However, the three-dimensional element of which the two-
dimensional sketch is a plane projection should be kept in mind at all times.
"T*- -____'[yx
11>’ )_______ r I kg
.- / 1:1,, 0,.1
’ —_'—l'I_
\ {Try
0,. \
\ i
Figure 2-25 O-I 1;xy | e \\ a
0,. r\ Y
\ 4-”
‘ Tu: \\ 1" ‘"9
\\ tn. 0,, dA
‘ {fi qx o,d.4 cos Bl H , 9
1),, dA sin 9
0,, dA sin 6
(K1) (1?)
Figure 2-27
vertical face, and dA sin 6 for the horizontal face. The n-axis is perpendicular to the
inclined face; the t-axis is parallel to the inclined face. The positive direction for
the n-axis is outward from the surface (it is the outward normal), and the positive
direction for the t-axis is 90" cormterclockwise from the n-axis. The 132- and nt-axes
shown in Fig. 2-27 are positive. The stresses shown in Fig. 2-27a are multiplied
by the areas over which they act, resulting in the fi'ee-body diagram shown in Fig.
2-27b. Summing forces in the rt-direction gives
from which
Equations 2-12 and 2-13 provide a means for determining normal and
shear stresses for plane stress on any plane whose outward normal is perpen-
dicular to the z-axis and is oriented at an angle 6 with respect to the refer-
ence x-axis. When these equations are used, the sign conventions used in their
development must be rigorously followed; otherwise, erroneous results will be
These sign conventions can be summarized as follows:
1. Tensile normal stresses are positive; compressive normal stresses are negative.
All of the normal stresses shown on Fig. 2-27 are positive. The sign ofa normal
stress is independent of the coordinate system being used.
2. A shearing stress is positive if it points in the positive direction of the coordinate
axis of the second subscript when it is acting on a surface whose outward
2-9 TH]! STRESS rrmrvsrorrirriirroiv EQUATIONS rorr PLANE snrsss 77
100 MP3
Q 480 d I y
4— so MPa
60 MPa
c b 9
(=1) (b)
Figure 2-28(rr-b)
r / r1 1 /n
\,, \ 60.3 MPa
Tm‘ on 9
42° \_m
"i.4z<= x
‘ 95.2 MPa
0 b
(6) (Ii)
Figure 2-28(c-d)
(a) The angle 6 for plane a—b is +42“, as shown in Fig. 2-28c. Thus, from Eqs.
2-12 and 2-13,
b wt?
953 MPa _ 95.8 MPa
Figure 2-28(g)
(c) Tire stresses acting on x—y planes through the point are shown in Fig. 2-28a.
Since planes a—b and c—d through the point are perpendicular, the stresses
on these planes, using the results of part (b), may be drawn on an element as
shown in Fig. 2-2 8g.
P 1: P
r 8000 psi
,3, (vi)
fil 4000 '
_._‘____\1:0 I 40005;- Ll-3
Figure 2 _29(0)
Z 0
(5) (6)
Figure 2-30(a-c)
80 caumzn 2 ANALYSIS or s'msss= coscsrrs AND omsrrrows
Since the block is subjected to an axial load, the problem could be solved using
Eqs. 2-'7 and 2-B. Instead, the normal and shearing stresses on plane a—a will
be found using the stress transformation equations, Eqs. 2-12a and 2-13a. The
stress transformation equations are valid for any type of loading, if the state of
stress is plane stress.
First, the x—y stresses are found. The block is sectioned as shown in Fig.
2-30b, and the positive axes are drawn. The normal stress 0, is found using Eq.
2-2 as
_ 3
ax = 5 = = _3()(10¢=)l
A (200)(l0O)(10_6) m2
= -30 l\/[Pa
30 MP8 g
54° ‘:1
The stresses 0,. and tn, are zero, as there are no loads to produce these stresses.
The x—y stresses for use in the stress transformation equations are 0,, = -30 MPa,
0,. =0 MPa, and rxy = 0 MPa. The stresses on plane a—a (assumed positive), the
x—y stresses, positive coordinate axes, and the angle 6 = +54“ are shown in Fig. t
2.3021. Equations 2-12a and 2-13a give /
0,, = 0,, cos: 6 + ay sinz 6 + 2r,,_,, sin 6 cos 6
= (— 30) cos: (+ 54°) + 0 + 0 X036 MPa
= -10.36 MPa = 10.36 MPa (C) Ans. 54 \n
r,,, = —(a,, — cr,.)sin 6 cos 6 + tn, (cosz 6 — sin: 6)
= —[(—30) — 0] sin (+54-“) cos (+54-") + 0
= +l4.27 MPa Ans. (6 )
Figure 2-30(c)
These results are shown in Fig. 2-30c.
MecMovie Activities and Problems 2-46* At a point in a stressed body, there are normal stresses of
95 MPa (T) on a vertical plane and 125 MPa (T) on a horizontal
MM2.9 Correct angle for stress transformations. Theory; Con- plane, as shown in Fig. P2-46. Determine the normal and shear
cept checkpoints. Easy method for finding the proper value of stresses at this point on the inclined plane a—b shown in the
6 for use in the stress transformation equations. figure.
M.\tl2.l0 Sign, sign, everywhere a sign. Game. Game focused on
the correct sign conventions needed for the stress transforma-
125 MPa
tion equations.
b #__,-»1f"20o
Introductory Problems
2-45* At a point in a thin plate, there are normal stresses of /”' 95 MPa
20 mi (T) on a vertical plane and 10 ksi (C) on a horizontal
plane, as shown in Fig. P2-45. Determine the normal and shear
stresses at this point on the inclined plane a—b shown in the
Figure P2-46
F4 2-47 The stresses shown in Fig. P2-47 act at a point on the stmface
of a circular shaft that is subjected to a twisting moment M as
\ /F1 shown. Determine the normal and shear stresses at this point
on the inclined plane a-b shown in the figure.
10 ksi
Figure P2-45
' I
Figure P2-47
' TM ll
82 CHAPTER 2 smursrs or sntsss= coscsrrs mo nsrnrnoss
2-48* The stresses shown in Fig. P2-48 act at a point in a stressed Intermediate Problems
body. Determine the normal and shear stresses at this point on
the inclined plane a—b shown in the figure. 2-51* An axial load P is applied to a timber block with a 4 x
4 -in. square cross section, as shown in Fig. P2-51. Determine
the normal and shear stresses on the planes of the grain if
P = 5000 lb. Use the stress transformation equations.
125 MPa
_ 1
rs MPa
i II i //’ 4
;l4 CI
J [E50 55 iVlP8 r =,
x |t
G 1,
Rigid "' Grain
Figure P2-4s
2-49 The stresses shown in Fig. P2-49 act at a point on the surface
of a thin-walled pressure vessel that is subjected to an internal
pressure, an axial load P, and a torque T. Determine the normal Figure P2-51
and shear stresses at this point on the inclined plane a—b shown
in the figure. 2-52* A steel bar with abutt-welded joint, as shownin Fig. P2-52,
will be used to carry an axial tensile load of 400 kN. If the
thickness of the bar is 40 mm, determine the normal and shear
stress on the plane of the weld. Use the stress transformation
,_ - , eta equatiorm.
.»"\_ °
P \ a
l 2| in.
2-54 The shearing stress on plane a-b of the 100 x 200 -mm rect- exceed 5.25 MPa and the compressive stress perpendicular to
angular block shown in Fig. P2-54 is 15 MPa when the axial the grain not exceed 13.60 MPa. Use the stress transformation
load P is applied. If the angle mp is 35°, determine equations.
a. The load P.
b. The normal stress on plane a-b.
Direction ——-~ \60°
of grain 41
P 100 mm
Width P P
100 mm
Length = 320 mm
b Depth = 120 mm
Challenging Problems
2-57* At a point in a machine component, the normal and shear
Q V filo-:2
stresses on an inclined plane are 4800 psi (T) and 1500 psi,
respectively, as shown in Fig. P2-57. The normal stress on a
Figure P2-54 vertical plane through the point is zero. Determine
a. The shear stresses on horizontal and vertical planes.
b. The normal stress on a horizontal plane.
2-55* A timber block with a square cross section will be used to
support a compressive load of 32 kip, as shown in Fig. P2-55.
Determine the size of the block required ifthe shear stress par- ,3
allel to the grain is not to exceed 800 psi and the compressive 4
stress perpendicular to the grain is not to exceed 3500 psi. Use ‘I.’
the stress transformation equations.
Figure P2-57
32 kip
- 25 MPa
Figure P2-55 . ~._______ T b
l u W .-2 As <1.
2-56 Determine the maximum axial load P that can be applied
J"? 1 ' “ '
to the wood compression block shown in Fig. P2-56 if speci-
fications require that the shear stress parallel to the grain not Figure P2-58
2-59 The stresses shown in Fig. P2-59a act at a point on the free 2-62 The stresses on horizontal and vertical planes at a point are
surface of a stressed body. Determine shown in Fig. P2-62. The normal stress on the plane a—.b is 15
MPa (T). Determine
a. The normal and shear stresses at this point on the inclined
plane a—b shown in the figiue. a. The normal stress 0,, on the vertical plane.
b. The normal stresses 0,, and 0, and the shear stress r,,, ifthey h. The magnitude and direction of the shearing stress on the
act on the stress element shown in Fig. P2-59b. inclined plane a—b.
l3 ksi . or 25 MPa
_ -5 Gksi '/ 0 "In
‘Q vi‘? *0
a__ .-\|~.>\ ——v
Figure P2-62
(Q) (3!)
2-63* The thin-walled cylindrical pressure vessel shown in Fig.
Figure P2-59 P2-63 was constructed by wrapping a thin steel plate into a
helix that forms an angle of 6 = 35° with respect to a trans-
2-60* At a point in a stressed body, the stresses on two perpen- verse plane through the cylinder and butt-welding the resulting
dicular planes are as shown in Fig. P2-60. Determine seam. In a thin-walled cylindrical pressure vessel, the normal
a. The stresses on plane a—a. stress 0,. on a horizontal plane through a point on the surface
b. The stresses on horizontal and vertical planes at the point. of the vessel is twice as large as the normal stress 0, on a
vertical plane through the point, and the shear stresses on both
“X 't
Figure P2-60 _.;9
Figure P2-63
2-61 The stresses on horizontal and vertical planes at a point on
the outside surface of a solid circular shaft subjected to an ax-
ial load P and a torque T are shown in Fig. P2-61. The normal 2-64 Known stresses at point A in a structural member (see Fig.
stress on plane a—a at this point is 8000 psi (T). Determine P2-64) are 125-MPa tension and zero shear on plane b-b and
a. The magnitude of the shearing stresses r,, and r,,. 225-MPa compression on plane c—c. Determine
b. The magnitude and direction of the shearing stress on the a. The stresses on a vertical plane through the point.
inclined plane a—a. h. The suesses on a horizontal plane through the point.
c \
R \\ /43»
\ n
U P T3, _'\-F \ "—‘
\\ \ ’ 4
J R ,, 8000 psi
A ,_<
\ fl
r /' ,1 \\
/ 1:‘. /’ \
,I I I
i- \ -B-—v
rz / ti‘ MIL!
2-65 A steel bar with a 4 x l-in. rectangular cross section is being 13 ksi
used to transmit an axial tensile load, as shown in Fig. P2-65.
Normal and shear stresses on plane a—b of the bar are 12-ksi
tension and 9-ksi shear. Determine the angle 6 and the applied
load P. ll
I rfiksi
Figure P2-67
Figure P2-65
a. Calculate and graph the normal stress 0,, and the shearing
stress rm on the inclined plane a-b as a function ofthe angle
Computer Problems 6 (0" 5 6 5180").
b. For what angle 6 is the normal stress a maximum? A mini-
2-66 The stresses on horizontal and vertical planes at a point on mum? What is the value of the shear stress on these planes?
the outside surface of a solid circular shaft subjected to an axial c. For what angle 6 is the shear stress a maximum? A mini-
load P and a torque T are shown in Fig. P2-66. mum? What is the value ofthe normal stress on these planes?
a. Calculate and graph the normal stress 0,, and the shearing
stress r,,, on the inclined plane a—b as a fimction of the angle
6 (0" 5 6 5 180°).
10 MPa
b. For what angle 6 is the normal stress a rnaximmn? A mini-
minn? What is the value of the shear stress on these planes?
c. For what angle 6 is the shear stress a maximum? A mini- —l 40 MPa
minn? What is the value ofthe normal stress on these planes?
Figure P2-68
I-1 P 41
I so MPa
T j 2-68 The stresses shown in Fig. P2-68 act at a point on the free
stu-face of a stressed body. Calculate the normal stress 0,, and
- 40 MPa the shearing stress r,,, on the inclined plane a-b as a function
1* 40 MPa
of the angle 6 (0° 5 6 5 180"). For each angle 6, graph the neg-
Figure P2-66 ative of the shearing stress (—r,,,, vertical axis) as a fimction of
the normal stress (Um horizontal axis). On your graph, clearly
2-67 The stresses shown in Fig. P2-67 act at a point on the free identify the points associated with the angles 6 = 0", 30°, 45°,
s|.u~face of a stressed body. 60°‘, 90°, 120°, 135", I50“, and 180".
7 ksi
12 ksi
I —>2s ksi
.._ 30 /-' on
a.’ “Q
I0 ~'sQ /Int rt’ .0.‘
\./' I
\ 1
l I l |
Figure 2-31
shearing stress rm on the different planes vary as shown in Fig. 2-31b. Note that,
for9 = 0°, an = 0,, and tn, = 1:,_,.; and for6 = 90°, 0,, = 0,, and rm = —'r},, = —r,_v.
For design purposes, critical stresses at the point are usually the maximum
tensile stress and the maximum shea.ring stress.
For a bar under axial load, the planes on which maximum normal stresses
and maximum shearing stresses act are lcnown from the results of Section 2-6.
For more complicated forms of loading, these stresses can be determined by plot-
ting curves similar to those shown in Fig. 2-31b for each different state of stress
encountered, but this process is time—consuming and inefiicient. Therefore, more
general methods for finding the critical stresses have been developed.
The transformation equations for plane stress developed previously are as
For normal stress an,
0, — 0
r,,, = - T’ sin 20 + In cos 29 (2-131»)
Maximum and minimum values of 0,, occur at values of 9 for which da,,1'd6 is
equal to zero. Differentiation of 0,, with respect to 6 yields
do _
T9” = —(cr,, — 0,.) S111 29 + 21,), cos 29 (a)
21: .
an 29,, = ” (2-14)
ax — 0,,
Note that the expression for dc"/d9 fi'om Eq. (a) is numerically twice the value
of the expression for tn, from Eq. 2- 1 3b. Consequently, the shearing stress is zero
on planes experiencing maximum and minimum values of normal stress. Planes
fi'ee of shear stress are known as principal planes. Normal stresses occurring on
principal planes are known as principal stresses. The values of 6;, from Eq. 2-14
give the orientations of two principal planes. A third principal plane for the plane
stress state has an outward normal in the z-direction. For a given set of values of
0,, 0),, and r,,_,,, there are two values of 26,, differing by 180” and, consequently,
two values of9,, that are 90‘ apart. This proves that the principal planes are normal
to each other.
When 1:,_,, and (0, — 0,.) have the same sign, tan 26,, is positive and one
value of 9,, is between 0" and 90°, with the other value 180“ greater, as shown in
Fig. 2-32. Consequently, one value of 6,, is between 0° and 45“, and the other one
is 90° greater. In the first case, both sin 26,, and cos 26;, are positive, and in the
second case both are negative. When these fimctions of 29,, are substituted into
Eq. 2-12b, two in-plane principal stresses cpl and op; are foimd to be
0 +0 0 —cr. 2
¢,,_,,,= *2 yzb‘/(%) +1}, (2-15)
Equation 2-15 gives the two principal stresses in the xy-plane, and the third one is
op; = U2 = 0. Equation 2-14 gives the angles 49;, and 6P + 90° between the x- (ory-)
plane and the mutually perpendicular planes on which the principal stresses act. In
order to determine which of the principal stresses (found using Eq. 2-15) acts on
which of the principal planes (found using Eq. 2-14), substitute one of the values
of Op into the stress transformation equation Eq. 2- 12a (or Eq. 2-12b). Since Hp is
used, the calculated value of 0 ,, must be one of the principal stresses given by Eq.
2-15, and it acts on the surface whose normal points in the direction Bp. Because
principal planes are perpendicular, the other principal stress given by Eq. 2-15 acts
on the surface whose normal points in the direction Sp zt 90“. This procedure is
illustrated in Example Problem 2-11.
~l(‘*e.-P*'i1’+ r<~>2
, __.' \‘
.-- my
29;, + lBO°,." ., 1,29,,
,+_ »
__,9.i . __o
Figure 2-32
88 crrsrrrn 2 ANALYSIS or STRESS: concsrrs AND rmrrsrrroms
Note that ifone or both ofthe principal stresses from Eq. 2- 15 is negative, the
algebraic maximum stress can have a smaller absolute value than the “minimum”
The maximum in-plane shearing stress rp occurs on planes located by values
of 6 where a'r,,,/d6 is equal to zero. Differentiation of Eq. 2-13b yields
de _ —(a, — a_,.)c0s 29 — 2 tn. sin
' 29
where 61- locates the planes of maximum in-plane shearing stress. Comparison of
Eqs. 2- 1 6 and 2- 1 4 reveals that the two tangents are negative reciprocals. Therefore,
the two angles 26p and 26, differ by 90°, and 6,, and 6, are 45° apart. This means
that the planes on which the maximum in-plane shearing stresses occur are 45°
2.10 from the principal planes. The maximum in-plane shearing stresses are found
by substituting values of angle fiinctions obtained from Eq. 2-16 in Eq. 2-13b.
The results are
0, — cry 2 2
Tp = i T + Txy
Equation 2-17 has the same magnitude as the second term of Eq. 2-15. Equation
2-16 gives tvm perpendicular planes of maximum ir1-plane shearing stress. The
shearing stresses on these two planes have the same magnitude but opposite signs
(Eq. 2-17). To determine which sign in Eq. 2-17 corresponds to each ofthe surfaces
found using Eq. 2-16, substitute one value of 6, into the stress transformation
equation for shearing stress (Eq. 2-13a or 2-13b). Since 6, is used, the calculated
value of 1:," must be one of the shear stresses given by Eq. 2-17, and it acts on the
surface whose normal points in the direction 6,. This procedure is illustrated in
Example Problem 2-1 1.
A useful relation between the principal stresses and the maximum ir1-plane
shearing stress is obtained from Eqs. 2-15 and 2-17 by subtracting the values for
the two in-plane principal stresses and substituting the value of the radical from
Eq. 2-17. The result is
or, in words, the maximum value of rm (rp) is equal in magnitude to one-half the
difference between the two in-plane principal stresses.
In general, when stresses act ir1 three directions it can be shown (see Section
2-12 that there are three orthogonal planes on which the shearing stress is zero.
These planes are known as the principal planes, and the stresses acting on them
(the principal stresses) will have three values: one maximum, one minimum, and
a third stress between the other two. The maximum shearing stress, rm, on any
plane that could be passed through the point, is one-half the difference between
as as
__‘ pl \_\ pl \_ "‘""§opl
}_____. }___-_.-
p3 D E
1 P3
1 P3
(Q) (I5)
Figure 2-33
the maximum and minimum principal stresses and acts on planes that bisect the
angles between the planes of the maximum and minimum normal stresses.
rm, _ Umax
g _ Umin
When a state ofplane stress exists, one of the principal stresses is zero. If the
values of 0,1 and op; from Eq. 2-15 have the same sign, then the third principal
stress, op; equals zero, will be either the maximum or the minimum normal stress.
Thus, the maximum shearing stress may be
or, in words, for plane stress, the sum ofthe normal stresses on any two orthogonal
planes through a point in a body is a constant or invariant.
In the preceding discussion, “maximum” and “minimum” stresses were
considered algebraic quantities, and it has already been pointed out that the
minimum algebraic stress may have a larger magnitude than the maximum
However, in the application to engineering problems (which includes the
problems ir1 this book), the term “maximum” will always refer to the largest abso-
lute value (largest magnitude).
90 crruvrrrr 2 xnmsrs or s'mnss= concnrrs AND rmrrsrrrons
‘Ci 0'1, __ _.
T >- . 2
_- 1
Figure 2-34
When these values are substituted in Eq. 2- l 5, the principal stresses are found
to be
0 +0 0 -0 2
The maximum in-plane shearing stress is given by Eq. 2-17, which is simply
the last term in Eq. 2-15, and is rp = 9850 psi. The maximum shearing stress
is given by 2_ 1 9 as P The sum ofthe normal stresses on any two
orthogonal planes is a constant for planes
aw _ cmin stress; oj, + :5. = 10,000 + (—8000) =q,1 +
1,-mm, = m :52 = 10,850 + (—8850)=2000 psi. Also,
the normal stress on the planes of maxi»
10.349 _ (_3g49) v N _ mum shear is equal to the average ofthe nor-
= g = 9849 psi = 9850 psi Ans. ma) stresses 0,1: 1()()0=(¢x + gy),=2=(gp,
+ q,,)r2.
Since 0;,| and 0),; have opposite signs, the values of the maximum in-
plane shearing stress (rp) and the maximum shearing stress (rm) are
(b) Vlfhen the given data are substituted in Eq. 2-14, the results are
The result is shown in Fig. 2-36b. I
The principal stresses shown on the principal planes ir1 Figs. 2-36a and (5)
b are shown on a stress element in Fig. 2-36c. The maximum in-plane shear Figure 2-36(h)
92 crrrrrrrr 2 xnnrsrs or s'mnss= concnrvrs AND nrrrrsrrrons
8850 psi
10,850 psi
Figure 2-36(c)
1000 psi /
I000 psi \‘-._‘ 31020
Figure 2-as
--._,,._11.9s" A
I‘" 45° 1000 psi
10,350 psi "
9850 psi
8850 psi
Figure 2-39
(c) All of these results can be combined into the triangular stress element shown
in Fig. 2-39.
Note that all planes represented in this problem pass through a single point,
and all of the stresses calculated act at that point. Sometimes the planes and
stresses are represented individually (as in Figs. 2-36a and b or Fig. 2-37) for
clarity. Other times the planes and stresses are combined on a single sketch (as
in Figs. 2-36c, 2-38, and 2-39) for brevity.
When these values are substituted in Eq. 2-15, the principal stresses are found
100+30 100-30 2 2
=5 7 +(-40)
= 90:l:4-1.23
0,03 = 0, = 0 Ans.
y 80MIPa
_L0 MPa >
65.6 MPa
<— 100 MPa 4-1‘
65.6 MIPa _
i, mix
\ *1!\33°
1 48.3 MP3 1
1 1.-/, 131.2 MPa
\\ '1
11>) . _ ’’ '.\ (J)
\\\ Face A -X
131.2 MPa ,1
P iP ( )
Q -,\ C 4s.s MPa
T 65.6 MPa 5
65.6 M1‘a W
131.2 MPa
Figure 2-40
Since cpl and op; have the same sign, the maximum shearing stress is given
b)/Eq. 2-l9as
- - 151.23 -0
Tmax = NW = e = 65.61 MPa 2 65.6 MPa Ans.
(b) When the given data are substituted in Eq. 2-14, the results are
26 211,. 2(-40)
ta“ P 6,-6, 100-so
fi'0m which
MecMovie Activities and Problems 2-70* Normal and shear stresses on horizontal and vertical
planes through a point in a machine component are shown in
MM2.ll Sketching stress transformation results. Learning tool. Fig. P2-70.
Constructing appropriate sketches showing orientation ofprin-
cipal and maximum shear stresses. a. Determine the principal stresses, the maximum in-plane
shearing stress, and the maximum shearing stress.
Introductory Problems b. Locate the planes on which these stresses act and show the
stresses on a sketch
2-69* Normal and shear stresses on horizontal and vertical
planes through a point in a machine component are shown in
Fig. P2-69.
a. Determine the principal stresses, the maximum in-plane
shearing stress, and the maximum shearing stress.
h. Locate the planes on which these stresses act and show the 20 MPa
stresses on a sketch.
10 ksi
_‘ I F0 MP3
3 ksi 50 MPH
Al % 15 ksi i i
2-71 At a point on the outside surface of a thin-walled pressure 2-74 At a point on the free surface of a plate there are normal
vessel there are normal and shearing stresses on horizontal and and shear stresses on horizontal and vertical planes, as shown
vertical planes through the point, as shown in Fig. P2-71. in Fig. P2-74.
a. Determine the principal stresses, the maximum in-plane a. Determine the principal stresses, the maximum in-plane
shearing stress, and the maximum shearing stress. shaming stress, and the maximum shearing stress.
b. Locate the planes on which these stresses act and show the b. Locate the planes on which these stresses act and show the
stresses on a sketch. stresses on a sketch.
10 ksi
my Sk
U % r S1 15ksi
\ /F’
r ___ 25 MP8.
Figure P2-71
} It 75 .\/[Pa
35 MPa
2-72 The stresses on horizontal and vertical planes at a point on
the outside stnface of a solid circular bar subjected to an axial
load P and a torsional load T are shown in Fig. P2-72.
\ F2
stresses on a sketch.
4 ksi
P ‘ J 1 |25ksi
I M666
T i—r
26 MPa 2-79 The stresses shown in Fig. P2-79 act on horizontal and ver-
tical planes at a point on the free surface of a circular member
that is subjected to a twisting moment (torque) M. Determine,
and show on a triangular stress element, the principal stresses
I 12 MPa
and the maximum shearing stress at the point.
36 MPa
1 I
M 15 166i
Figure P2-76
Figure P2-79
a. Determine the principal stresses and the maximum shearing
stress at the point.
Challenging Problems
h. Show the stresses ofpart a on a three-dimensional triangular
stress element. 2-80* The stresses on the outside surface of a thin-walled pres-
2-77 Normal and shear stresses on horizontal and vertical planes sure vessel are shown in Fig. P2-80. The vessel is constructed
through a point on the free surface of a structural member are by wrapping a steel plate into a spiral and butt-welding the
shown in Fig. P2-77. Determine, and show on a triangular stress mating edges of the plate. If the butt-welded seams form an
element, the principal stresses and maximum shear stress at the angle of 33° with the longitudinal axis of the vessel,
point. a. Determine the normal stress perpendicular to the weld a-b
and the shear stress parallel to the weld and show the results
on a sketch.
14 ksi h. Determine the principal st:resses and the maximtnn shearing
stress at the point.
c. Show the results of part b on a triangular stress element.
45 MP5
1 2 ksi
Pi P
I 8 ksi
,__-133° 21 !t'1Pa
Figure P2-77
Figure P2-80
2-78 The stnesses shown in Fig. P2-78 act on horizontal and
vertical planes at a point on the free surface of a cantilever 2-81* The stresses shown in Fig. P2-81 act at a point on the tree
beam. Determine, and show on a triangular stress element, stu-face cf a stressed body. The principal stresses at the point
the principal stresses and the maximum shearing stress at the are 20 ksi (C) and 12 ksi (T). Determine the unknown normal
stresses on the horizontal and vertical planes and the angle 6,,
between thex-axis and the maximum tensile stress at the point.
1} —|1I
no MPa
' g 70 MPa
2-84* The stresses shown in Fig. P2-84 act at a point on the free
‘— — surface of a stressed body.
a. Determine the normal and shear stresses at this point on
I the inclined plane a—b shown in the figure and show these
stresses on a sketch.
b. Determine the principal stresses and the maximum shear-
ing stress at the point and show these stresses on a triangular
stress element.
Figure P2-82 70 MPa
+ ‘ _
an — ax 2 U" = ax 2 ay cos 29 +r,,- sin 29
2 2
(0,, — w) +173, = (W +173),
2-11 Morurs crruzuz FOR PLANE snrsss 99
This is the equation of a circle in terms of the variables 0,, and r,,,. The circle is
centered on the a-axis at a distance (0, + a,,)f2 from the 1:-axis, and the radius of
the circle is given by
I 2
R : + ‘iffy
6, .\ J’ 1;?-
\ *1 B 5)
.111 \ , 1 ’ "‘Q
‘ Ti
I o
\\n P2 ..
\\ Try A
ii 0 X . ~.,H<<=.-. 1...)
‘av 6 \ \
\ a \
T -I T} I -\\
1 1
0,, __0_ E _ _ _ Pip. ,. if’ F.'.11> _..
C \ Q29‘, i
B Gr Ix
ox +0,
Figure 2-41
100 CHAPTER 2 tuwxsrs or snusss coscstrrs AND nrrmnoss
Line CV on Mohr’s circle represents the plane (the vertical plane of Fig. 2-41a)
through the stressed point from which the angle 6 is measured. The coordinates
of each point on the circle represent on and r,,, for one particular plane through
the stressed point, the abscissa representing 0,, and the ordinate representing 1:,,,.
To demonstrate this statement, draw any radius CF in Fig. 2-41b at an angle 26
counterclockwise from radius CV. From the figure, it is apparent that
= ax-gay +(%cos2t9—l—r,_,-sin29
This expression is identical to Eq. 2-12b. Therefore, OF’ is equal to on. in a similar
0',,|= OD=OC+CD=OC+CV
- , ./(T
_a,+o'y o,,—o'y2
"r_,,=CA=CB=‘i(%) +175},
which agrees with Eq. 2-17. If the two nonzero principal stresses have the same
sign, the maximum shearing stress at the point will not be in the plane of the
applied stresses.
The angle 29,, from CV to CD is counterclockwise orpositive, and its tangent
29 = -ii
ta“ '° (GI —<:,->/2
which is Eq. 2-14. From the derivation of Eq. 2- 15, the angle between the vertical
plane and one of the principal planes was 9p. In obtaining the same equation fi'om
Mohr’s circle, the angle between the radii representing these same two planes is
29),. In other words, all angles on Mohr’s circle are twice the corresponding angles
for the actual stressed body. The angle from the vertical plane to the horizontal
plane in Fig. 2-41a is 90°, but in Fig. 2-41b, the angle between line CV (which
represents the vertical plane) and line CH (which represents the horizontal plane)
on Mohrs circle is 180”.
The results obtained from Mohr’s circle have been shown to be identical
with the equations derived fi"om the free-body diagram of Fig. 2-27. Thus, Mohr’s
circle provides an extremely useful aid for both the visualization ofand the solution
of stresses on various planes through a point in a stressed body in terms of the
stresses on two mutually perpendicular planes through the point. Although Mohr’s
circle can be drawn to scale and used to obtain values of stresses and angles by
direct measurements on the figure, it is probably more useful as a pictorial aid
to the analyst who is performing analytical determinations of stresses and their
directions at the point.
When the state of stress at a point is specified by means ofa sketch ofa small
element, the procedure for drawing and using Mohr’s circle to obtain specific stress
information can be briefly summarized as follows:
1. Choose a set ofx—y reference axes.
2. Identify the stresses ax, oy and 1:,_,l= -5,, and list them with the proper sign.
3. Draw a set of o,,—1:,,, coordinate axes with an and 1:", positive to the right and
upward, respectively.
4. Plot the point (0,, —r,,.) and label it point V (vertical plane).
5. Plot the point ((5., 1:,.,) and label it point H (horizontal plane).
6. Draw a line between V and H. This establishes the center C and the radius R of
Mohr‘s circle.
7. Draw the circle.
8. An extension of the radius between C and V can be identified as the x-axis or
the reference line for angle measurements (i.e., 9 = 0°).
By plotting points V and H as (0,, —1r,y) and (ay, ryx), respectively, shear
stresses that tend to rotate the stress element clockwise will plot above the 0,,-axis,
while those tending to rotate the element counterclockwise will plot below the
0,,-axis. The use of a negative sign with one of the shearing stresses (Ix); or ryx)
102 crnrrsn 2 ANALYSIS or snrsss= coucsrrs rum mzrrrrrrross
is required for plotting purposes, since for a given state of stress, the shearing
stresses (try = r_,,,,) have only one sign (both are positive or both are negative). The
use of the negative sign at point V on Mohr’s circle brings the direction of angular
measurements 28 on Mohr’s circle into agreement with the direction of angular
measurements 6 on the stress element.
Once the circle has been drawn, the normal and shearing stresses on an
arbitrary inclined plane a—a having an outward normal n that is oriented at an
angle 9 with respect to the reference x-axis (see Fig. 2-4-la) can be obtained from
the coordinates of point F (see Fig. 2-41b) on the circle that is located at angular
position 26 fi'om the reference axis through point V. The coordinates of point F
must be interpreted as stresses 0,, and —r,,,. Other points on Mohr’s circle that
provide stresses of interest are
l. Point D, which provides the principal stress cpl.
2. Point E, which provides the principal stress 05,2.
.V 3. Point A, which provides the maximum in-plane shearing stress —r,, and the
accompanying normal stress aavg that acts on the plane.
6 ksi
iii ksi
A negative sign must be used when interpreting shearing stresses r,,, and 1:], obtained
fi'om the circle since a shearing stress tending to produce a clockwise rotation of
\ eP
the stress element is a negative shearing stress when a right-hand n—t coordinate
\ system is used.
Problems of the type presented in Section 2-10 can readily be solved by
| ..\ t\
this semigraphic method, as illustrated in the following examples.
A .
Ir I
H(-6, 4) ei-
-- . r I
I1": Q QVI, D on ksi
Q»' ‘,3
__/'1 ",;3~
- _£‘__
v65 ,,(8’_4)
Figure 2-42(0)
Since op; and op; have opposite signs, the maximum shearing stress is
which gives
7.06 ksi
20, = +2914“ or 0, = 14.s7= "l 9.06 ksi
Since the angle 26,, is counterclockwise, the principal planes are counter-
9.06 in
clockwise from the vertical and horizontal planes of the stress block, as
shown in Fig. 2-42c. Actually, the angle 9,, is measured from the x-axis to
the outward normal to one of the principal planes. Since the outward normal _ , _- -- -- 1.06 kn
and the plane are perpendicular, the angle between the x-plane and one of the __ __ ,. .- _._e,,= r4.sr<>
principal planes is also 9p. To determine which principal stress acts on which
plane, note that as the radius ofthe circle rotates counterclockwise, the end of (6)
the radius CV moves from V to D, indicating that as the initially vertical plane Figure 2-42(2)
rotates through 14.87”, the stresses change to 9.06 ksi (T) (normal) and 0 ksi
(shear). Note also that the end H or radius CH moves to E, indicating that
as the initially horizontal plane rotates through 14.87‘, the stresses change
to 7.06 ksi (C) (normal) and 0 ksi (shear). These stresses are shown on the P Positive 6 is measured counterclockwise
sketch of Fig. 2-42c, in which the surfaces D and E are the principal planes from the positive x-axis, whether on the
represented by points D and E on Mohr’s circle. stress element or on Mohr's circle. On a
Point A on Mohr’s circle represents the state of stress on a surface plane ofthe stress element a shear stress that
rotated 45“ counterclockwise fi'om the surface represented by point D on rotates the element counterclockwise is plot-
the circle. On this surface, the shear stress is the maximum it can be (in ted below the 0,,-axis on Mohr’s circle, and
the xy-plane), r,,, = rp = rm, =8.06 ksi, and the normal stress is the average a shear stress that rotates the element clock-
value 0,, = (0, + o_,.)r'2 = ac = 1.000 ksi (the normal stress at the center of the wise is plotted above the 0,,-axis of Mohr’s
circle). Likewise, point B represents the state of stress on a surface rotated circle.
104 crnrrrzrr 2 ANALYSIS or s'nrsss= coucsrrrs rum nsrrrvrrross
1.000 ksi 45° counterclockwise from the surface represented by point E. The stresses
1.000 ksi on this surface are also 0,, = (Tc — 1.000 ksi and rm = rp — 8.06 ksi. These
' s.o6 ksi stresses are shown on the sketch of Fig. 2-42d. Planes A and B in Fig. 2-42d
s.06 ksi are the surfaces represented by points A and B on Mohr’s circle, Fig. 2-4-2b.
Note that any two orthogonal surfaces of Fig. 2-42c are sufficient to
completely specify the principal stresses. Also, only one of the surfaces of
1 _ 1.000 ksi Fig. 2-42d is required to completely specify the maximum shear stress. There-
f. fore, these two separate sketches can be combined as shown on the triangular
1.000 ksi
stress element in Fig. 2-422.
4‘~\_v4s 0
f. x
__-3, _. __ - * ' ‘ B,,— 14-87° 1.000 ksi 9.06 ksi ‘\\ O x
I y D \ ‘Jr’ I n
B “ i‘ -\
an 8.06 ksi \/
Figum 2_42(d) 45°
E 5.00 ksi
_ ‘_ _- ~' = F
(B) <1)
Figure 2-42(e-1')
(b) Plane a—a is 45° cormterclockwise from the vertical plane; therefore, the
corresponding radius of Mohr‘s circle is 26 = 90“ counterclockwise fiom the
line CV and is shown as CF on Fig. 2-42b. The coordinates of point F are
seen to be (5, 7), which means that the stresses on plane a—a are 5.00 ksi
(T) and 7.00 ksi shear in a direction to produce a clockwise rotation on a
stress element having plane a—a as one of its faces. This shear stress would
be defined as a negative shear stress because to produce a clockwise rotation,
it must be directed in the negative t-direction associated with plane a—a
(see Fig. 2-42f).
Mohr‘s circle (see Fig. 2-43b) is constructed fi"om the given data by plotting
point V (representing the stresses on the vertical plane) at (72, 24) and point H
(representing the stresses on the horizontal plane) at (3 6, -24). Line HV between
the two points is a diameter of Mohr‘s circle. The circle is centered at point C
(54, 0) and has a radius CV equal to 30 MPa. The principal stresses at the point
36 MPa
12 MPa
/_\< 24 MPa
1,, MP6 x 54.0 MPa
. /--" --K ~_r26.6<>
/ " .. 30.0 M1=_X/
V(72, 24) ~ 3
\ la) I» 4
\ S‘ -.
__\\ \\
\1 t3 Q-
0’ ' -4 I s4.0 MPa
\ 1/
- in
Q :¥_- _5,/- 1- - D -_ A .'
a_ — ———4 Q.\\ on MPa Z ' (C)
~. \.
24.0 MPa "'
I \\ \
'/"/'”.“‘ t“Y'_—.§
:____ \
1’ __\.___ \-ts 42.0 MPa
' \‘i"'(36"24) II B , , X’
~ g -. __ 4'1 A’
42.0 MPa J
. r, >.,_ __,_ _.
\/" (b)
84.0 MPa
6: = 0
Section A-A
Figure 2-43¢»-tr)
which gives
2 9,, = -s3.13= = 53.13%
0,, = -26.5"/= = 26.5"/"J
Since 0,,| and 0],; have the sanre sign, the maximum in-plane shearing stress 17,, is
not the maximum shearing stress r,,,,,,, at the point. The maximum shearing stress
at the point is represented on Mohr’s circle by drawing an additional circle (shown
dashed in Fig. 2-43b) which has line OD as a diameter. This circle is centered
at point F (42, 0) and has a radius FG equal to 42 MPa. This circle represents
the combinations of normal and shearing stresses existing on planes obtained by
rotating the element about the principal axis associated with the principal stress
0_,,g. A third Mohr’s circle (shown dotted in Fig. 2-43b) has line OE as a diameter.
This circle is centered at point J (12, 0) and has a radius JK equal to 12 MPa.
This circle represents the combinations of normal and shearing stresses existing
on planes obtained by rotating the element about the principal axis associated
with the principal stress 0,,|. Thus,
1,, = ca = 30.0 MPa
1...... = FG = 42.0 MPa Ans.
106 CHAPI'Elt 2 ANALYSIS or s'rrrsss= coucsrrs AND nsrrnrrross
The principal stresses 0,1, 0,2, and 0, = 0,3 = 0, the maximum in-plane shearing
stress rp, and the maximum shearing stress rm, at the point are all shown on
Figs. 2-43c and 2-43d.
MecMovie Activities and Problems the nonnal and shear stresses at this point on plane a—a, and
show these stresses on a sketch.
MM2.12 Sketching stress transformation results. Learning tool.
Constructing appropriate sketches showing orientation ofprin-
cipal and maximum shear stresses.
MM2.13 Coach Mohr’s Circle of Stress. Theory; Interactive ex-
ample; Game. Learn to construct and use Mohr‘s circle to de-
terrnine principal stresses including the proper orientation of T
the principal stress planes.
.\‘[M2.14 Absolute maximum shear stress. Example; Try one. I
{I iX
Investigate a three-dimensional stress state at a point.
16 ksi
a 1 _.' b
\\ 1
45°\\\ x {IE4
\\ l0 ksi 4
Figure P2-85 Figure P2-87
2-86* At a point in a structural member subjected to plane stress 2-88 The stresses shown in Fig. P2-88 act at a point on the
there are stresses on horizontal and vertical planes through the free surface of a stressed body. Use Mohr’s circle to de-
point, as shown in Fig. P2-86. Use Mohr's circle to determine termine the norrnal and shear stresses at this point on the
2-11 MOHR’S cntcu: ron PLANE snusss 107
inclined plane a—b shownin the figure. Show these stresses on a 2-91 At a point in a structural member subjected to plane stress
sketch. there are stresses on horizontal and vertical planes through the
point, as shown in Fig. P2-91. Use Mohr’s circle to determine
the principal stresses and the maximum shear stress at the point.
Ii’ Show these stresses on the planes on which they act.
45 MPa
; l 15 ksi
Figure P2-88
Figure P2-91
Intermediate Problems
2-89* At a point in a structural member subjected to plane stress
there are stresses on horizontal and vertical planes through the 2-92* The stresses shown in Fig. P2-92 act at a point on the free
point, as shown in Fig. P2-S9. Use Mohr's circle to determine smface of a machine component. Use M0hr’s circle to deter-
the principal stresses andthemaximum shear stress at thepoint. mine the principal stresses and the maximum shear stress at
Show these stresses on the planes on which they aet_ the point. Show these stresses on the planes on which they
7 ksi
25 MPa
_ 12 ksi
I T 25 ksi I I 50 MP5
-vi-Z ‘
Figure P2-92
Figure P2-89
2-93 The stresses shown in Fig. P2-93 act at a point on the free
2-90* At a point in a structural member subjected to plane stress surface of a thin-walled pressure vessel. Use Mohr's circle to
there are stresses on horizontal and vertical planes through the determine the principal stresses and the maximum shear stress
point’ as shown in Fig‘ P2‘90' Use Mamas circle to detmnme at the point. Show these stresses on the planes on which they
the principal stressa and the maximum shear stress at the point. act
Show these stresses on the planes on which they act.
20 MPa
12 ksi
L ih. T L
| I40 MPa P P 1 I 25 k l
1; s1
| | L 10 ksi
T i
108 CHAPTER 2 ANALYSIS or s'nu:ss= coucsrrs AND nsrnwrross
_u E \e|- 20 MPa
b\ 60 MPa a 80 MPa
6000 psi
\ D-
E “tr \\;,__ I I, b r10,o00 psi
\ 8000 psi
_-. \
\ /iL60° | 12,000 psi
“-3 \
\ a I
, /I iv
5000 psi
Figure P2-95 Figure P2-97
3 - 1qdAz
dz ,
-H ----
. _
//' Fadfly % ‘Y=‘“y ‘""r~,,~
1 o}dAy
Figure 2-44
the faces of the element are dA for the oblique face and dA cos 6,, dA cos By, and
dA cos 9; for the x-, y-, and z-faces, respectively.3
The resultant force F on the oblique face is S dA, whcre S is thc resultant
stress (stress vcctor—see Section 2-7) on the area and is equal to ‘/03 + 1:3,. The
forccs on the x-, y-, and z-faces are shown as three components, the magnitude of
each being the product of the arca and the appropriate stress. If we use I, m, and n
for cos 6,, cos 6)., and cos 9,, respectively; the three force equations of equilibrium
in the x-, y-, and z-directions are
where I, m, and rt arc direction cosincs. Thus, the thrcc orthogonal components of
the resultant stress arc
The normal component 0,, ofthe resultant stress S equals Sxl + Sym + S,n; therefore,
fi"om Eq. (a), the following equation for the normal stress on any oblique plane
through thc point is obtained:
3 These relationships can be established by considering the volume of the tetrahedron shown
in Fig. 2-44. Thus, V = %dn c|'A = %dxd.»-1, = §r1ya.4_..=§¢1zr1,4,.sur.r» = at cos6‘, =
dy cos 6,. = dz cos6,; therefore, a’/ix = r1A cos 6;, d/1). = dA cos9_,., dA, = u'A cos 9,.
11O CHAPTER 2 ANALYSIS or smass concarrs AND rmrmrrross
'The shearing stress tn, on the oblique plane can be obtained fi'om the relation
SQ = 0,? + rip For a given problem the values of S and 0,, will be obtained from
Eqs. (a) and 2-21.
A principal plane was previously defined as a plane on which the shear
stress rm is zero. The normal stress 0,, on such a plane was defined as a principal
stress 0p. If the oblique plane of Fig. 2-44 is a principal plane, then S = 0,, and
S, = 0,,l, Sy = 0pm, S, = apn. VVhen these components are substituted into
Eq. (0), the equations can be rewritten to produce the following homogeneous
linear equations in l, m, and n:
This set of equations has a nontrivial solution only if the determinant of the coef-
ficients of 1, m, and n is equal to zero. Thus,
Expansion of the determinant yields the following cubic equation for determining
the principal stresses:
03 — (0, + 0,. + 0,)0,§ + (010,, + 0y0, + 0,0,, — rfy — 1'3, — rf,)0;, (L22)
2 — 0,-ta
—(0,,0y0, — 0,17,, 2 — 0311,,
2 + 21:,,-r,-,1“) = 0
For given values of 0,, 0,-,. . ., rm Eq. 2-22 gives three values for the principal
stresses 0P| , 0P2, 0P3. By substituting these values for 0p, in turn, into Eq. (b) and
using the relation
I2+m2+n2=l (C)
three sets of direction cosines may be determined for the normals to the three
principal planes. The foregoing discussion verifies the existence of three mutually
perpendicular principal planes for the most general state of stress.
In developing equations for maximum and minimum normal stresses, the
special case will be considered in which 1:,_,. = ry, = -cu = 0. No loss in generality
is introduced by considering this special case since it involves only a reorientation
of the reference x-, y-, z-axes to coincide with the principal directions. Since the
1-, y-, z-planes are now principal planes, the stresses 0,, 0),, 0, becomes 0],] , 0P2,
and 0P3. Solving Eq. (a) for the direction cosines yields
By substituting these values into Eq. (c), the following equation is obtained:
52 s? s?
—3‘ + —§
01,1 0102 + 0p3
5 =1 Id)
2-12 GENERAL srsrs or smass AT A Ponrr 111
tr’ “'1
(-5'» 5;» 51)
_-‘T '-—_
The plot of Eq. (d) is the ellipsoid shown in Fig. 2-45. It can be observed that the
magnitude of 0,, is everywhere less than that of S (since S2 = 0,? + 1:3,) except at
the intercepts, where S is 0P1, 0'02, or 0P3. Therefore, it can be concluded that two
of the principal stresses (0p1 and 0p; of Fig. 2-45) are the maximum and minimum
normal stresses at the point. The third principal stress is intermediate in value
and has no particular significance. The discussion above demonstrates that the set
of principal stresses includes the maximum and minimum normal stresses at the
Continuing with the special case where the given stresses 0,, 0y, and 0, are
principal stresses, we can develop equations for the maximum shearing stress at
the point. The resultant stress on the oblique plane is given by the expression
Substitution of values for S,,, Sy and S, from Eq. (a), with zero shearing stresses,
yields the expression
Since S2 = 0,? + 1'3” an expression for the shearing stress rm on the oblique plane
is obtained from Eqs. (e) and (f) as
The planes on which maximum and minimum shearing stresses occur can be
obtained from Eq. 2-23 by differentiating with respect to the direction cosines I,
m, and n. One ofthe direction cosines in Eq. 2-23 (rz, for example) canbe eliminated
1 12 crnrrsn 2 ANALYSIS or STRESS CONCEPTS AND nnrnvrrross
by solving Eq. (0) for n2 and substituting into Eq. 2-23. Thus,
By taking the partial derivatives of Eq. (g), first with respect to I and then with re-
spect to m and equating to zero, the following equations are obtained for determin-
ing the direction cosines associated with planes having maximum and minimum
shearing stresses:
One solution of these equations is obviously l= m = 0. Then from Eq. (c), n = :i:
1. But this is just the principal surface whose normal is in the z-direction, and on
which the shear stresses are their minimum values, 17,, = tzy — 0.
Solutions different from zero are also possible for this set ofequations. Con-
sider first that m = 0; then from Eq. (11),! = :t,,/W and from Eq. (c), n = zt,/l/i2.
This is the surface whose normal is 45° relative to both the x- and z-axes and perpen-
dicular to the y-axis. This surface has the largest shear stress of all surfaces having
a normal perpendicular to the y-axis. Also if I = O, then from Eq. (i), m = :l:,/U2
and fi'om Eq. (c), n = :l:.,/lfi. This is the smface whose normal is 45° relative
to both the y- and z-axes and perpendicular to the x-axis. This surface has the
largest shear stress of all surfaces having a normal perpendicular to the x-axis.
Repeating the above procedure by eliminating I and m in tlnn from Eq. (g) yields
other values for the direction cosines that make the shearing stresses maximum
or minimum. All the possible solutions are listed in Table 2-1. In the last line of
the table the planes corresponding to the direction cosines in the column above
are shown shaded. Note that in each case only one of the two possible planes is
2-12 csmzrtu. srxrs or STRESS AT A Ponrr 1 13
Substituting values for the direction cosines from column 4 of Table 2-1
into Eq. 2-23, with 0,, 0y, 0, replaced with 0P1, Upz, 0P3, yields
1 2 1 2 1 1 2
Tmax = Z0,“ + ZGP; — £0,111 + 551:2
_ Up1—Up;_
_ 2
Similarly, using the values of the cosines from columns 5 and 6 gives
Of these three possible results, the largest magnitude will be the maximum stress;
hence, the expression for the maximum shearing stress is
1-max = ( (244)
(a) The normal and shearing stresses on a plane whose outward nonnal is ori-
ented at angles of 61.3“, 53.1“, and 50.2“ with the x-, y-, and z-axes, respec-
(b) The principal stresses and the maximum shearing stress at the point.
(a) The direction cosines for a plane whose outward normal is oriented at angles
of 61 .3”, 53.1”, and 50.2” with the x-, y-, and z-axes, respectively, are
(b) The three principal stresses and the maximum shearing stress at the point
are determined by using Eqs. 2-22 and 2-24. Substituting the given values of
stress at the point into Eq. 2-22 yields
(a) The principal stresses and the maximum shearing stress at the point.
(b) The orientation of the plane on which the maximum tensile stress acts.
(a) The three principal stresses and the maximum shearing stress at the point
are determined by using Eqs. 2-22 and 2-24. Substituting the given values of
stress at the point into Eq. 2-22 yeilds
(b) The orientation of the plane on which the maximum tensile stress acts
obtained by substituting the stress value 0'01 = 0 max = 106.23 MPa into Eqs.
(b) and solving for I, m, and n after noting that F + m2 + n2 = 1. Thus,
n = 0.52471
1 1 6 CHAPTER 2 ANALYSIS or STRESS: coscarrrs AND narnvrrross
1* + (0.76231)” +(0.s24v1)1 = 1
which yields
Introductory Problems 2-104* At a point in a stressed body, the known stresses are
0, = 40 MPa (T), c5, = 20 MPa (C), ca = 20 MPa (T), Txy = +40
2-98* At a point in a stressed body, the known stresses are 0, = 40 MPa, 1,, = 0 M1-"a, and ta = +30 MPa. Determine the principal
It/[Pa (T), 0,. =20 MPa (C), 0, = 20 It/[Pa (T), tn. = +40 MPa, stresses and the maximum shearing stress at the point.
r,., =0 MPa, and r,, = +30 MPa. Determine the nonnal and
shear stresses on a plane whose outward normal is oriented at 2-105 At a point in a stressed body the known stresses are 05, = 14
angles of 40°, 75°, and 54* with the x-, y-, and z-axes, respec- ksi (T), 0,. = 12 ksi (T), 0, =10 ksi (T), r_,, = +4 ksi, r_,, = -4
tively. ksi, and rz, = 0 ksi. Determine the principal stresses and the
maximum shearing stress at the point.
2-99* At a point in a stressed body, the known stresses are
q,= 14 ksi (T), 0,=12 ksi (T), Q: 10 ksi (T), r,, = +4 ksi, 2-106* At a point in a stressed body, the known stresses are
r_,., = -4 ksi, and r,, =0 ksi. Determine the normal and shear 0, = 60 MPa (T),o_1, = 90 MPa (T), 0;. = 60 MPa(T), rm. = +120
stresses on a plane whose outward normal is oriented at an- MPa, ry, = +75 MPa, and ru = +90 MPa. Determine the prin-
gles of 403, 60", and 66.2"’ with the x-, y-, and z-axes, res- cipal stresses and the maximum shearing stress at the point.
pectively. 2-107 At a point in a stressed body, the known stresses are 0, = 0
2-100 At a point in a stressed body, the known stresses are 0, = 60 ksi, 0,=0 ksi, 0,=0 ksi, r,,,=+6 ksi, r,._,=+10 ksi, and
It/[Pa (T),0_,=90 l\/[Pa (T),0,= 60 MPa (T), r,, =+120 MPa, tn = +8 ksi. Determine the principal stresses and the maxi-
1:,-Z = +75 MPa, and ti, = +90 MPa. Determine the normal and mum shearing stress at the point.
shear stresses on a plane whose outward normal is oriented at 2-108 At a point in a stressed body, the known stresses are 05, = 72
angles of 60°, 70°, and 37.3“ with the x-, y-, and z-axes, respec- MPa(T), 0, = 32 MPa (C),0, = 0 MPa,1:,,,.= +21 MPa, r,._, =0
MPa, and T11» = +21 MPa. Determine the principal stresses and
2-101* At a point in a stressed body, the known stresses are the maximum shearing stress at the point.
o5,=0 ksi, 0,.=0 ksi, 0,=0 ksi, r_,,,= +6 ksi, r,,,= +10 ksi,
and ta = +8 ksi. Determine the normal and shear stresses on
a plane whose outward normal makes equal angles with the x-, Challenging Problems
y-, and z-axes. 2-109* At a point in a stressed body, the known stresses are
2-102 At a point in a stressed body, the known stresses are 0, = 72 0,, =18 ksi (C), 05,- =15 ksi (C), 0, =12 ksi (C), Ix), = -15 ksi,
It/[Pa('I‘),0,.= 32 MPa(C),0,= 0MPa,r,,.= +21 MPa,r,,,=0 ryz = +12 ksi, and tn = -9 ksi. Determine
MPa, and ta = +21 MPa. Determine the normal and shear a. The principal stresses and the maximum shearing stress at
stresses on a plane whose outward normal makes equal angles the point.
with the x-, y-, and z-axes. b. The orientation of the plane on which the maximum com-
pressive stress acts.
Intermediate Problems 2-110* At a point in a stressed body, the known stresses are
0, = 75 MPa (T), :5. = 35 MPa (T), 0, = 55 MPa (T), r,_,. = +45
2-103* At a point in a stressed body, the known stresses are
MPa, r_,, = +28 MPa, and rm, = +36 MPa. Determine
q,= 12 ksi (T), o_r,= 10 ksi (C), 0,=8 ksi (T), r,_,=+8 ksi,
i:_,,=-10 ksi, and r,,=+12 ksi. Determine the principal a. The principal stresses and the maximum shearing stress at
stresses and the maximum shearing stress at the point. the point.
b. The orientation of the plane on which the maximum tensile 2-112 At a point in a stressed body, the known stresses are
stress acts. 0,-=100 MPa (T), 05. = 100 MPa (C), 0,=80 MPa (T),
r,,. = +50 MPa, r_,., = -70 MPa, and ta = -64 MPa. Deter-
2-111 At a point in a stressed body, the known stresses are cg, = 18
ksi (T), 05. = 12 ksi (T), 0, = 6 ksi (T), 1:,,. = +12 ksi, r,., = -6
ksi, and 1:1, = +9 ksi. Determine a. The principal stresses and the maximum shaming stress at
the point.
a. The principal stresses and the maximum shearing stress at
b. The orientation of the plane on which the maximum com-
the point.
pressive stress acts.
b. The orientation of the plane on which the maximum tensile
SITBSS 3615.
Application of the equations of equilibrium is usually just the first step in the so-
lution of engineering problems. Using these equations, an engineer can determine
the forces exerted on a structure by its supports, the forces on bolts and rivets
that connect parts of a machine, or the intemal forces in cables or rods that either
support the structure or are a part of the structure. A second and equally important
step is detennining the internal effect of the forces on the structure or machine.
In the simplest qualitative terms, stress is the intensity of internal force. A
body must be able to withstand the intensity of intemal force; if not, the body may
rupture or deform excessively. Force intensity (stress) is force divided by the area
over which the force is distributed
Stress = E (2-1)
Experimental studies indicate that materials respond differently to forces
that tend to pull surfaces apart than to forces that tend to slide surfaces relative to
each other. Therefore, the resultant intemal force is usually resolved into normal
and tangential (shear) components. These are the components that are used to
compute the stresses on an intemal surface. The ratio of the normal force N and
the area on which it acts is the normal stress 0. Positive normal stresses are tensile
normal stresses—they tend to stretch the material. The ratio of the tangential
(shear) component of force V and the area on which it acts is the shear stress 1:.
The positive direction for shear stress is in a direction 90’ counterclockwise fiom
the outward normal direction to the surface.
In general, the stress at a given point on a transverse cross section of an
axially loaded bar will not be the same as the average stress computed by dividing
the total force F by the total cross-sectional area A. For long, slender, axially
loaded members such as those found in trusses and similar structures, however, it
is generally assumed that the normal stresses are uniformly distributed except in
the vicinity of the points of application of the loads.
It can be shown that the shear stress camrot be uniformly distributed over the
area. Therefore, the actual shear stress at any particular point and the maximum
shear stress on a cross section will generally be different than the average shear
stress. However, the design of simple comrections is usually based on average stress
The stress at a point depends on the orientation of the surface (the area A)
used to compute it. For example, in an axially loaded member the normal stress
and the shear stress on a surface oriented at an angle 9 to the axis are given by
1 18 crntrrsa 2 ANALYSIS or STRESS coscarrs AND narmrrross
0,, = §(1 + cos 29) and r,, = ;—: sin 26, respectively. That is, the normal stress
is a maximum (0 mu = P/A) and the shear stress is zero on a transverse surface
(6 = 0"), and the shear stress is a maximum (rm = Pf2A = 0m,,J2) on a surface
oriented at an angle of 6 = 45" to the axial direction.
Although the normal stress and the shear stress at a point both depend on
the orientation of the surface on which they act, the state of stress at a point is
completely determined by the normal stress and shear stress on three mutually or-
thogonal smfaces through the point. For two-dimensional or plane stress (for which
0, = 1'2, = 13,, = rm = r_,, = 0), the normal and shear stresses on a plane oriented at
an angle 9 relative to the x-axis are given by
,, + . + %os
6,, = ? — .
29 + 17,, 511129 (2-126)
1:,,, = - %i sin 20 + 1,, 665 26 (2-136)
For design purposes, the critical stresses at a point are usually the maximum
normal stress and the maximum shearing stress. The maximum (and minimum)
values of normal stress are called the principal stresses and always occur on planes
free of shear stress, which are called principal planes. At every point in a stressed
body, there exist three principal stresses acting on mutually orthogonal planes. In
plane stress situations, two principal stresses are in the xy-plane
6,,1.p1 = U‘ :0’ 1 ,/ + 1}, (2-15)
and the third principal stress is 0,3 = 0, = 0. The principal directions are oriented
at an angle 6P given by
tan26,, =
2 T" (2-14)
0, — 0,,
tp = (248)
The maximum shear stress at the point may be (0),) — 0,,2)f2, (0,,1 — 0)f2, or
(0 — 0,,2)f2, depending on the relative magnitudes and signs ofthe principal stresses.
The planes associated with the maximum shear stress bisect the angles between
the planes experiencing maximum and minimum normal stresses.
The transformation equations for plane stress have a simple graphical repre-
sentation called Mohr’s circle. Normal stresses are plotted on the horizontal axis,
with tensile stresses (positive) plotted to the right of the origin and compressive
stresses (negative) plotted to the left of the origin. Shearing stresses are plotted on
the vertical axis with those tending to produce a clockwise rotation of the stress
element plotted above the 0-axis and those tending to produce a counterclockwise
rotation of the stress element plotted below the 0-axis. Each point on Mohr’s circle
represents the state of stress on some surface through the given point. The angular
separation of two points on Mohr‘s circle is ir1 the same direction but twice as
large as the physical angular separation of the two surfaces represented by the
Since Mohr‘s circle is simply a graphical representation ofthe transformation
equations, every problem that can be solved using Mohr‘s circle can also be solved
using the stress transformation equations. Mohr's circle is simply an alternative
(graphical) method of representing and working with the stress transformation
equations. Although Mohr's circle can be drawn to scale and used to obtain values
of stresses and angles by direct measurements on the figure, it is more useful as a
pictorial aid to the analyst who is performing analytical determinations of stresses
and their directions at the point.
2-113* A farmer is extracting a post fi'om the ground using the
structure shown in Fig. P2-1 13. Ifthe force required to remove
the post is 2000 lb, determine the normal stresses in the 0.25-
in.-diameter cables CE and AB.
A E . \|60°
,@ 4*,
|.'.| . k ~ .. .\
_. ' it E
" L '75 kN
._ 15.
Q V _ i FlgureP2-114
_. ..
=2 _,
15' B A. 2-115 A pin-connected truss is loaded and supported as shown in
I ' C Fig. P2-115. Determine
I/if’ D a. The normal stress in member AC if it has a cross-sectional
area of 1.477 in?
b. The minimum cross-sectional area for member CD if the
L axial stress must he limited to 3500 psi.
Figure P2-113 A
2-114* Two tie rods are used to support a 75-kN load as shown 5' ' - 5 Pl
in Fig. P2-l l4. Determine
a. The minimum cross-sectional area required for each of the Ci __
rods if the normal stress in each rod must be limited to 7500 lb as
75 MPa. D '
b. The minimum diameters required for the pins at A and C 9000 lb
if the shear stress in each pin must be limited to 100 MPa.
Both pins are in single shear. Figure P2415
120 cmwrnx 2 xnursrs or s'nu:ss= coscnvrs xrrn DEFINITIONS
2-116* Determine the maximum axial load P that can be applied 45 MPa
to the 150 x 180-mm wood compression block shown in Fig.
P2-116 if the shear stress parallel to the grain must not exceed
1.40 MPa and the normal stress perpendicular to the grain must
not exceed l2 MPa.
1 35 MPa
i L18 MPa
/= Rigid
Ir plate Figure P2-1 18
25° 7 - _
' .\ .- 2-119* At a point in a structural member subjected to plane stress
.- _ there are normal and shear stresses on horizontal and vertical
_- .' . planes through the point, as shown in Fig. P2-1 19. Using Mohr's
Grain 180 nun circle
— _ ‘ a. Determine the principal stresses and the maximum shear
e - . stress at the point. Show these stresses on a triangular stress
- element.
‘ b. Determine the normal and shear stresses on the inclined
plane a-b shown in the figure. Show these stresses on a
Figure P2416 sketch of the plane on which they act.
2-111 The stresses shown in Fig. P2-117 act at a point on the free 7 ks‘
surface of a stressed body. Determine the normal and shear
stresses at this point on the inclined plane a-b shown in the
figure. Show these stresses on a sketch of the plane on which “ \\
they act. | mg‘ l 13 ksi
\b 4 ksi
28 ksi
Figure P2-1 19
a\ 7 ksi
I 6:2 i 12 ksi 2-120 At a point in a stressed body, the known stresses are 05, = 53
I \ MPa (T), qr, = 28 MPa (C), at = 36 MPa (T), r,,, = +24 MPa,
\b r_,,,=-18 MPa, and rg=+46MPaDetermine
'_ a. The normal and shear stresses on a plane whose outward
normal is oriented at angles of40°, 75°, and 54° with the x-,
F1211" P2417 y-, and z-axes, respectively.
b. The principal stresses and the maximum shear stress at the
c. The orientation of the plane on which the maximinn tensile
2-118 The stresses shown in Fig. P2-118 act at a point on the free
stress acts.
surface of a stressed body. Determine the principal stresses and
the maximum shear stress at the point. Show these stresses on 2-121 Demonstrate that Eq. 2-22 reduces to Eq. 2-15 for the state
a triangular stress element. of plane stress.
Chapter 3
Analysis of Strain: Concepts
and Definitions
Relationships were developed in Chapter 2 between forces and stresses and
between stresses on planes having different orientations at a point using equi-
lib1'ium considerations. No assumptions involving deformations or materials used
in fabricating the body were made; therefore, the results are valid for an idealized
rigid body or for a real deformable body. In the design of structural elements or
machine components, the deformations experienced by the body, as a result of the
applied loads, ofien represent as important a design consideration as the stresses.
For this reason, the nature of the deformations experienced by a real deformable
body as a result of internal force or stress distributions will be studied, and methods
to measure or compute deformations will be established.
/’ __\\
~. \
1’ \
/ \
,1 ' _£f__ __ _. OB. ,
5?" \\
H \
E=-I-it N
__....--- I
Figure 3-1
3-2-3 Strain Strain (deformation per unit length) is the quantity used to
measure the intensity of a deformation just as stress (force per unit area) is used to
measure the intensity of an internal force. In Chapter 2, two types of stresses were
defined: normal stresses and shearing stresses. This same classification is used for
strains. Normal strain, designated by the Greek letter epsilon (6), measures the
change in size (elongation or contraction of an arbitrary line segment) of a body
during deformation. Shearing strain, designated by the Greek letter gamma (y),
measures the change in shape (change in angle between two lines that are orthog-
onal in the undeformed state) of a body during a deformation. The deformation or
strain may be the result of a stress, of a change in temperature, or of other physical
phenomena such as grain growth or shrinkage. In this book only strains resulting
fi"om changes in temperature or stress are considered.
2L l
L_ ,J '
*8 2L
fig»I- I
2P P
- _¢,-
1;‘ 7 ".1 - -~ 5
J—>"=§ 25
i 1
(<1) (b)
Figure 3-2
3-2 nrsrmcanmNr.nsronrnnos,xNnsmus 123
3-2-4 Average Axial Strain The change inlength (or width) ofa simple
bar under an axial load (see Fig. 3-3a) can be used to illustrate the idea ofa normal
strain. The average axial strain (a normal strain, hereafter called axial strain) ewg
over the length of the bar is obtained by dividing the axial deformation 5,, by the Original _r ‘ L ' 5»
original length of the bar (the length L) outline Q-_ _ _ _ _ _ __
savg : Z 6'1)
That is, the axial strain is the deformation 5,, in the direction of the length divided J’
by the length L. ‘~ gj ts-
5-2-5 Strain at 11 POIIII In those cases in which the deformation is outline
nonuniform along the length ofthe bar (a long bar hanging under its own weight, for
example), the average axial strain given by Eq. 3-1 may be significantly different
fi"om the axial strain at an arbitrary point P along the bar. The axial strain at a
_. A
P ii
point can be determined by making the length over which the axial deformation (5)
is measured smaller and smaller. In the limit as AL—>0, a quantity defined as the Figure 3-3
axial strain at the point, e(P), is obtained. This limit process is indicated by the
_ A6,, d5,,
£11’) = 3251.5 = a 6'2)
3-2-6 Shearing Stfflill In a similar manner a deformation involving a
change in shape can be used to illustrate a shearing strain. The average shearing
strain ]/avg is obtained by dividing the deformation 6, in a direction normal to the
length L by the length (Fig. 3-3b)
1/avg = I = I3-11¢ (33)
Since 5,/L is usually very small (typically 8,/L < 0.001), sin ¢ E tan ¢ '5 ¢ where
¢ is measured in radians. Therefore, 1/avg = ¢ = 5,/L is the decrease in the angle
between two reference lines that are orthogonal in the undeformed state. Again,
for those cases in which the deformation is nonuniform, the shearing strain at a
point, 3/,,y(P), associated with two orthogonal reference lines x and y is obtained
by measuring the shearing deformation as the size of the element is made smaller
and smaller. In the lirriit as AL—>0
. A5 d5
The angle yr, is difficult to observe and even more difficult to measure. An equiv-
alent expression for shearing strain that is sometimes useful for calculations is
3-2-7 UIlit5 Of Strain Equations 3-1 through 3-4 indicate that both nor-
mal and shearing strains are dimensionless quantities; however, normal strains
are fiequently expressed in units of inch per inch [inJin.) or micro-inch per inch
(;2in.fin.), while shearing strains are expressed ir1 radians or microradians. [The
symbol ,u. is frequently used to indicate miero- (l0'6).]
ac = our = 96000-‘=)(2)(12)
= 0.02304 in. '1 0.0230 in. Ans.
5- 0.01728 . .
6;; = -L5 = ~E(E)- = 240(10"°) = 24-i]_|.L1I1./111. Ans.
(c) The strain in the diametral direction is given by Eq. 3- l. Thus, ifD represents
the diameter of the bar in the central portion,
5-2 nrsr1Ac1mmvr,nsr0nmnos,Asns'mAnr 125
6,, = 5T” =g
0.49986 - 0.5 = -2s0(r0-6) = -230 ,u.1n./in.
. . Ans.
The negative sign for an indicates that the diameter decreases in length.
T iV,,,g
1 EXHIIIPIB P1‘0bl€I]l s-2 The shear force V shown in Fig. 3-4a pro-
duces an average shearing strain yavg of 1000 pirad in the block of material.
Determine the horizontal movement of point A (Fig. 3-4b) resulting from appli-
cation of the shear force V. (H)
vertical bars before the load P is applied. Afier the load P is applied, the axial
strain in bar DE is 0.0006 in.fin. Determine
(a) The axial strain in bar AB. n
(b) The axial strain in bar AB if there is a 0.001-in. clearance in the cormection
at B before the load is applied.
D 30
Since the bar FEBC is rigid, it pivots about the pir1 at F. The initial and final
configurations ofbar FEBC are shown in Fig. 3-Sb (greatly exaggerated). End B
F-_- nL-_-_. LC
of barAB moves along a circular arc of radius BF. The displacement of B (the E Rigid B
*—3ft '- Sfl 1'20
vector BB’) has components —u5 and —\-'3, both being negative as they are in the
negative coordinate directions. The strain in member AB is given by Eq. 3-1, in
6" = 6,13, 6,“; = — Li, Li = AB, alld = Thfi deforlnation (H)
5,“, = ,/(L + vB)2 + ng - L "13 nil
it x
whichmaybewritten ~_c\___ r ‘B
2 B‘
53,, + 25,,nL + L2 = L2 + 21:5-L +n_,,
For small displacements, the terms involving the squares of the displacements (11)
(8245, v23, and 1:23) may be neglected compared to the remaining nonsquared Figure 3'5("’b)
terms (28%-L and 2v;,-L). Therefore
5.45 '5 Vs
In a similar manner
505 5 Us
1 26 crnrrsrr 5 ANALYSIS or STIIAIN: coscnrrrs AND DEFINITIONS
50.1: 5.4a Thus, for small displacements, the axial deformation in either bar is equal to the
component of the displacement of one end of the bar (relative to the other end)
all 511 1 taken ir1 the direction of the undeformed orientation of the bar.
The change in length ofbar DE is given by Eq. 3-1 as
855 = €DELDE =
50.»: The relationship between the deformations in bars AB and DE is controlledby the
clearance rigid bar FEBC because it does not defonn but simply rotates about the support,
3 ft 5 fl as shown in Figs. 3-5c and 3-5d. Sketches of the type shown ir1 Figs. 3-Sc and
3-5d are referred to as deformation diagrams.
(a) From the geometry of Fig. 3-5c, the change in length of bar AB is
8 8
Figure 3-5(c,d)
8,43 + clearance = 5695
8 8
5,15 = 5595 — clearance = §(0.02l6) — 0.001 = 0.0566 ir1.
MeeMovie Activities and Problems Introductory Problems
N[M3.l Normal strain in rod assembly. Example; Try One. De- 3-1* A 25-ft length of steel wire is subjected to a tensile load that
termine axial strain. produces a change in length of 0.625 in. Determine the axial
strain in the wire.
MM3.2 Normal strain in pinned rod assembly. Example; Try One,
Determine axial strain. 3-2* Compression tests of concrete indicate that concrete fails
when the axial compressive strain is 1200 nmfm. Determine
N[M3.3 Normal strain - basic problems. Concept checkpoints.
the maximum change in length that a 200-mm-diameter x
Use normal strain concepts for four introductory problems.
400-mm-long concrete test specimen can tolerate before fail-
ure occurs.
3-2 nrsrr.-\cr:rrs1vr,nar0n1wrrrorv,rnrn srrunr 127
3 3 A l/'2-in.-diameter structural steel rod was loaded in tension 3-8 A thin rectangular plate ABCD is uniformly deformed into
to fracture. The 8.00-in. gage length of the rod was marked the dashed line shown in Fig. P3 -S. Determine
off in 1.00-in. lengths before loading. After the rod broke, the
a. The average normal strain of side AB of the plate.
strain in the 2.00-in. length containing the fracture was found
b. The average shearing strain y,,,.
to be 0.450 in./in., and the total elongation of the other 6 in.
was found to be 1.50 in. Determine the average strain for the
8.00-in. gage length.
e it
3 4 A structural steel bar was loaded in tension to fracture.
The 200-rmn gage length of the bar was marked off in Ali
25-mm lengths before loading. After the rod broke, the
25-mm segments were found to have lengthened to 30.0,
30.5, 31.5, 34.0, 44.5, 32.0, 31.0, and 30.0 mm, consecutively. . B C x
a. The average strain over the 200-mm gage length. 1 or 250 mm '
b. The maximum average strain over any 50-mm length Figure P3-8
Intermediate Problems
Challenging Problems
3 5* The 0.5 x 2 x 4-in. rubber mounts shown in Fig. P3-5 are
used to isolate the vibrational motion of a machine from its 3-9* A rigid steel plate A is supported by three rods as shown in
supports. Determine the average shearing strain in the rubber Fig. P3-9. There is no strain in the rods before the load P is
mounts if the rigid frame displaces 0.01 in. vertically relative applied. Afler load P is applied, the axial strain in rod DE is
to the support. 800 niri/in. Determine
a. The axial strain in rods BC.
b. The axial strain in rods BC if there is a 0.006-in. clearance
in the connections between plate A and rod BC before the
load is applied.
'2tn. |n
D (Q -
i 0.5 in.
Figure P3-5
'5 70 in.
3 6* A thin rectangular plate is uniformly deformed as shown in l 40in.
Fig. P3-6. Determine the shearing strain ya at P.
:9 E i Q
T 0.200 mm 5
zsoonnfl-380mm l
l _______ , Figure P3-9
Pie —500nun- -i
Figune P3-6
3-10* The load P produces an axial strain in the steel postD of
Fig. P3-10 of 0.0075 m/m. Determine
3 7 Mutually perpendicular axes in an unstressed member were
formd to be oriented at 89.92° when the member was stressed. a. The axial strain in the aluminum rod CE.
Determine the shearing strain associated with these axes in the b. The axial strain in the aluminum rod CE if there is a
stressed member. 0.10-mm clearance in the connection at E in addition to the
128 cmwrsn 3 ANALYSIS or s'num~|= concerts mo DEFINITIONS
P 5 in.
50 mm -\ ,7 I00 mm C .
0.09 mm
unloaded Unloaded
IH 0.009 in. ~ .
~ 15 tn.
efi *Ried B
lsoim‘ 300 mm
V 6in.
Figure P3-13
‘"- Shah
‘*— Sleeve
A Figure P3-14
y ti .
van as
ts t.
7?’ at
ae__ _‘ "
l V d= to
Figure 3-6
1 30 cmrrss 5 ANALYSIS or srrutnv CONCEP'l'S AND nsrnvmoss
In a similar marmer, the normal strain component associated with a line ori-
ented in an arbitrary n direction and the shearing strain component associated with
two arbitra.ry orthogonal lines oriented in the n and t directions in the undeformed
element are given by
d’—d d5 .
‘~ = = 71’ *'~ = Ti -6»! 6'5”)
Alternative forms of Eqs. 3-5 that will be useful in later developments are
3-4-1 NOPIIIHI SIIl"3.iIl 6,, An expression for the normal strain 6,, ir1 the
n-direction can be obtained by applying the law of cosines to the triangle OC’B’
shown ir1 Fig. 3-7b. Thus,
Substituting dx = dn cos 6 and dy = dn sin 6 (see Fig. 3-7a) into Eq. (a) yields
which reduces to
6,, = 6, cosz 6 + 6,, sinz 6 + yxy sin6 cos 6 (3-7a)
+ + Q?”
5., = w — cos 29 + % 511120
. (3-7b)
Equations 3-Ta and 3-7b are called the strain transformation equations for normal
strain when the state of strain is two-dirnensional orplane strain. Note the similarity
between the normal strain transformation equations (Eqs. 3-Ta and 3-7b) and the
normal stress transformation equations (Eqs. 2-12a and 2-12b).
3-4—2 SI'lB31'Il1g Stfilill '1"; The shearing strain y,,, measrnes the amount
by which the right angle between the n- and I-directions decreases as the material
deforms. As the material deforms, the 11-direction rotates counterclockwise through
an angle r;b,,, as shown in Fig. 3-8. Applying the law of sines to triangle OC’B’,
OB’ _ B’C’
sin LOC’B’ sin £B’OC'
which gives
I N 1
(1 + 6,.)dy srn + }/1,.) = (1 + 6,) dn sm [6 + ((0,, — 16)] (c)
r_ ',_
Y n)
|\\.- A’ __ --~ _. ~ — -73,“
-- _,» 1-;
.‘.;:|v:\ I‘, _:___>_._->-;'___..-»"' B I ‘(lg
0 c
Figure 3-8
1 52 cmrr'r"s1r 5 ANALYSIS or srrrsnr coscarvrs AND rmrrrvmoss
Since the strains (6,, 6,, yxy, and 6,,) and the angles ¢,, and 1,6 are all small [but
the angle 6 is not necessarily small),
. 71' ,._,
sm(5 + 3/U) = cos yxy = l
where dy = dn sin 6 [see Fig. 3-7a). Therefore, Eq. (d) can be reduced to
a -w + a
= —(6, -6,) sin(6 + cos(6 + — yxy sing (6 + +16
Finally, the shearing strain y,,, is the decrease in the right angle between the
orthogonal n- and t-directions or the difference between the rotations ¢,, and 4),.
]/m = 65:1 — ¢r
= —2(6, — 6y) sin 6 cos 6 + J/,_,,(cos2 6 — sin: 6) (3-Ba)
Equations 3-8a and 3-Sb are the strain transformation equations for shearing strain
when the state of strain is two-dimensional or plane strain. Note the similarity
between the shear strain transformation equations (Eqs. 3-Ba and 3-Sb) and the
shear stress transformation equations (Eqs. 2-13a and 2-13b).
Equations 3-7 and 3-8 provide a means for determining the normal strain
6,, associated with a line oriented in an arbitrary rt-direction in the x—y plane and
5-4 ms STRAIN TRANSFORMATION squsnoss sort PLANE snnrs 153
the shearing strain y,,, associated with any two orthogonal lines oriented in the
11- and t-directions in the x—y plane when the strains 6,, 6,, and y,,. associated
with the coordinate directions are known. When these equations a.re used, the
sign conventions used in their development must be rigorously followed. The sign
conventions used are as follows:
1. Tensile strains are positive; compressive strains are negative.
2. Shearing strains that decrease the angle between the two lines at the origin of
coordinates are positive.
3. Angles measured counterclockwise fi'om the reference x-axis are positive.
4. The (n, I, 2) axes have the same order as the (x, y, 2) axes. Both sets of axes form
a right-hand coordinate system.
6,, = 6,, cosz 6,, + 6,, sinz 6,, + 11,), sin 6,, cos 6,,
= 800 cos2(—30"') + (-1000) sin2(—30°) + (-600) sin(—30°) cos(—30“)
= 609.8_|.t E 6l0_r.t Ans.
The t-axis is located at an angle 6, = +60“ with respect to the x-axis;
therefore, the strain 6, is given by Eq. 3-7a as
Introductory Problems Intermediate Problems
3-16* The thin rectangular plate shown in Fig. P3-16 is uniformly 3-19* A thin square plate 30 in. on a side is unifonnly de-
deformed such that 6, = -2000 um/rn, 6, = -1500 um/m, formed into the rectangle indicated by the dashed lines shown in
and y,,- = + 1250 rtrad. Determine the normal strain 6,, in the Fig. P3-19. Determine
a. The normal strains 6,, and 6, and the shearing strain yg.
b. The normal strain 6,,.
i as" J’
0.03 in.
Figure P3-16
A /, \\\ I
ii 4 mi» B J-’
Figure P3-17
6 100mm ' I‘
3-18 The thin square plate shown in Fig. P3-18 is uniformly de- L l-0.02mm
formed such that 6,, = +1750 p.n1/m, 6,. = -2200 um/m, and
yg = -800 rrrad. Determine 7 0.0lmml
T r---- ““-- _
a. The normal strains 6,, and 6, in the plate. 50mm
b. The shearing strain y,,, in the plate.
-_.___ — x
J" __________ _l___Q--__,0.lrmn
0.05 mm
Figure P3-20
Y /
A \
/1 \\ n 240 mm
1/ \\
I // \ /
\\ /1 A C D x
\ /
\ , 8 -200mm--200rrr1n '
\\ /' Figure P3-24
Figure P3-21
3-25* The thin rectangular plate shown in Fig. P3-25 is unifonnly
deformed such that6, = + 1575 ,uin./in., 6, = + 1350 ,uin./in.,
and 6, = + 1250 ,u.in.!in.. Determine
3-22 The strain components at a point in a body undergoing plane
strain are 6, = + 720 rrmfm, 6,. = -480 um/rn, and y,,. = a. The shearing strain y,,, in the plate.
+360 rtrad. Determine the strain components 6,, 6,, and 1.-,, b. The normal strain 6J, in the plate.
when the nt-axes are oriented at 6 = 30" clockwise from the
xy-axes as shown in Fig. P3-22. t\ /n
45° 45°
30 in.
I xx‘
I \\ Figure P3-25
7 '~ Pk
3-26 The thin rectangular plate shown in Fig. P3-26 is unifonnly
-\ |' _r‘x deformed such that 6,, = +1950 rtmfm, 6,. = -1625 umlni,
'~. -., , ,-B 1'
\\\ , I and 6,, = - 1275 urn/m. Determine
\\ 1 a. The shearing strain ya in the plate.
b. The normal strain 69,, along the diagonal QR of the plate.
Figure P3 -22 J‘
, l ms /"
. I
Challenging Problems If
3-23 Using the small strain approximation, show that Eq. (b) of / 300 mm
Section 3-4 reduces to Eq. 3-7a of Section 3-4. /I ‘
fi'om Eqs. 2-14, 2-15, and 2-17, expressions are obtained for determining in-plane
principal directions, in-plane principal strains, and the maximum in-plane shear
strain. Thus,
yxy (3_9)
tt1l'126p =
6, — 6,
+ — 2 1
6,1-as = ex 2 Q iv (ex 2 Q) + (1/ii) (3-101
”»~--2 "‘_"
T 2 1%?)
V” 2
<3" 11 1
In the previous equations, normal strains that are tensile and shear strains
that decrease the angle between the faces ofthe element at the origin ofcoordinates
(see Fig. 3-7) are positive.
When a state of plane strain exists, Eq. 3-10 gives the two in-plane prin-
cipal strains while the third principal strain is 6,3 = 6, = 0.2 An examination
of Eqs. 3-10 and 3-ll indicates that the maximum in-plane shear strain is the
difference between the in-plane principal strains, but this may not be the max-
imum shear strain at the point. The maximum shear strain at the point may be
(6,, — 6,3), (6,, — 0), or (0 — 6,2), depending on the relative magnitudes and
signs of the principal strains. The lines associated with the maximum shear strain
bisect the angles between lines experiencing maximum and minimum normal
strains. The three possibilities are illustrated in Fig. 3-10.
§a3=§=0 €p3=£z:0
it F 1
I _ Ymait --|,__
€p] I
£151 | l\J
‘.1 T-6“
Figure 3-10
to7l|___ T1-rum
g T 1/max
r__ |.__
2Note that although there is no strain in the z-direction, 6,3 = 6, = 0, there must be a stress in the
z-direction, 0-p3 = cr, gs 0. That is, a stress is required in the z-direction to prevent deformation in the
5-5 PRINCIPAL srrtarns turn rurrxnwru srraur srmrn 157
The in-plane principal strains 6,,1 and 6,; are given by Eq. 3-10 as
.1 >-./< .1 1) -(6)
1200+ -600
€,,3 = E2 = 0 ADS.
Which of the angles 6,, is associated with which of the in-plane principal strains
is found by substituting one of the values of 6,, into the strain transformation
equation (Eq. 3-7a). Using 6 = 6,, = 13.285‘ gives
2 2 Y n
Ex 5 yr '\_
*’P=2\/(Ty) +(7’) 1\/ ‘/
yp(](]6) =
1200- (-600) 2 + 900 2 = 2012 “*%+1°1°#
The angle 6? associated with the nt-axes of yum can be found using Eq.
2-16 and substituting s for 0' and y/2 for 1', which results ir1
fi'om which
The in-plane principal strains e_,,| and 6P; are given by Eq. 3-10 as
Jr?>> o)
e —e.
I 720-520 2
y .
430 2
(epl-€p2)(106)= 2 It ( 2 ) +( 2 )
_ 2 5* — E)’ 2 + yX}' 2
Y» " T 7
6 720- 520 2 400 2
yp = 520(10-6) = 520a An
The in-plane principal strain directions are given by Eq. 3-9 as P The sides of the small dotted square
inside the larger dashed square are rotated
45 “ relative to the principal directions. These
t8.n29p =
e, ”"'
-G, —_ i480
720-520 _- 2 ' 4000 directions experience the maximum shear-
ing strain possible in the x—y plane. As the
26;, = 67.38“ 9,, = 33.69” E 33.7” Ans. material deforms, the small dotted square
deforms into a diamond in which two of the
angles are smaller than 90*‘ by 11,, and the
The required sketch is given in Fig. 3-12.
other two are larger than 90° by yp. Since the
difference e ,1 — e,,3 is larger than the differ-
ence epl - Epz, the maximum shear defor-
mation in the 13-plane (shown in the lower
, \ part of Fig. 3-12) is greater than the maxi-
/ \
’ \ mum in-plane shear strain yp.
/ \
< \
\ \
\\ ;
Y Epz \ ,’I .
\ /
GP] \\ I/I
\v ,
/I \
// \
/ // h 5 ‘I 1 \
(/ I \
- ’ ‘--. __1 I
\. / MI
.7/i . ' i \ M /
, | I . ' i epl ‘\ T 1 l
GP3 =0
Figure 3-12
In Problems 3-27 through 3-38 the strain components ex, Eyq Intermediate Problems
and yn. are given for a point in a body subjected to plane strain.
Determine the principal strains and the maximum shearing
strain at the point. Show the principal strain deformations Problem i ex i e_,. i y,_-,.
and the maximum shearing strain distortion on a sketch 3-33* |+720n |+s20n | +4s0n
3-34* | -540,0 | -9s0n | +5600
3-as l +36-at l +432n l +2230
Introductory Problems 3-36* l +900n l +650... l +3000
3-37 | -3250 | -6250 | +6300
Problem 6x fh Ie Yxv 3-33 | -900“ | -650a | -600,0
3-27‘ +600 "E -200 ‘F: -430,1
3-28‘ +960 ‘ii -320 ‘F +500“ In Problem 3-39 through 3-46 certain strains and angles are
3-29 +900 ‘if -300 ‘F +4s0n given for a point in a body subjected to plane strain. Determine
3-30 -900 "F; + 600,0 -420n the unknown quantities for each problem and prepare a sketch
showing the principal strain deformations and the maximum
3-31‘ +750 "E -1000.0‘ +360n shearing strain distortions. ln some problems there may be
3-32 -150;. + 2 0 ‘it l -2501; more than one possible value of 6P depending on the sign of y,¢,..
Challenging Problems
En _
‘X +5»
2 +
2 =
51 —
5» 2 +
5-6 srornrs cnrcu: ron PLANE srasnt 141
rt Q :1 +
_,+ 7
T: 510°) HL "
. \ 7
i'.. I \\
_ ~.
2 I ‘\ ye E
O c \ ___ 7 +z
(-600, 450) 300 §=1006
‘\__-' Z9 |
| — 900 -
\ .
ii *-126.6" E006)
(1200,-450$ '..\
J ‘x
»~ (P2 - '1
€ +6 E,-5. .
2 T 2 1
-- epl - gpz = —706
kl Figure 3-14
Figure 3-13
The variables in this equation are 6,, and y ,,,/2. The circle is centered on the e axis
at a distance (ex + ey)/2 fi"om the origin and has a radius
Mohr‘s circle for the strains of Fig. 3-7 (with 5, > 6,.) is shown in Fig. 3-13. It is
apparent that the sign convention for shear strain needs to be extended to cover
the construction of Mohr’s circle. Observe for a positive shear strain (indicated
in Fig. 3-7) that the edge of the element parallel to the x-axis tends to rotate
counterclockwise while the edge parallel to the y-axis tends to rotate clockwise.
For Mohrs circle construction, the clockwise rotation will be designated positive
and the counterclockwise rotation will be designated negative. This is consistent
with the sign convention for shear stresses given in Section 2-7. A Mohr's circle
solution for Example Problem 3-5 is shown in Fig. 3-14.
In Problems 3-47 through 3-58 certain strains and angles are MecMovie Activities and Problems
given for a point in a body subjected to plane strain. Use Mohr‘s
circle to determine the unknown quantities for each problem MM3.4 Coach Mohr‘s Circle of Strain. Theory; Interactive Ex-
and prepare a sketch showing the angle 8,, the principal strain ample; Game. Learn to construct and use Mohr’s circle to de-
deformations, and the maximum shearing strain distortions. termine principal strains including the proper orientation of the
In some problems there may be more than one possible value principal strain planes.
of HP, depending on the sign of y,,..
142 cnsrrss 5 ANALYSIS or sraxne coscsrrs AND DEFINITIONS
Introductory Problems
Problem 6, -e
_fl'\ PS'1 l'l\
"U 5,02 i Vp Vrnax use
3-47* +40011 -600... l + 1s.43'=
3-48* + 945pt -7ssn| -1-16.85"
3-49 + 703,1 -104n| -34.10“
3-50 -114;. -903.“ +19.2s@
Intermediate Problems
Challenging Problems
Problem l'f\ is
'< i< 1’-\'.v mE
*- GP? VP yrnax m hm
3-55" -680 '2 -i-320 R + ii -rt‘R
3-56" '1"J5- Ur @ 1; -1"Go ‘F + -I@ o ‘R
3-57 *1"Lu @ @ 1; -1"-r{II o F + 120;.
3-ss -300.. +ox S 1‘ —-450p.
5,13 = du
This indicates that the normal strain along AB (3.45 divided by L) is not affected by
the presence ofthe out-of-plane displacements. In fact, none ofthe in-plane strains
is affected; therefore, Eqs. 3-7 and 3-8 are valid not only for the plane strain case
but also for the plane stress case present when strain measurements are made on a
free surface.
Electrical resistance strain gages have been developed to provide accurate
measurements ofnormal strain. The gage may be an etched foil conductor mounted
on epoxy or polyimide backing (see Fig. 3-16). The foil gage is cemented to
the material for which the strain is to be determined. As the material is strained,
the wires are lengthened or shortened; this changes the electrical resistance of the
gage. The change in resistance is measured by means of a Wheatstone bridge,
which may be calibrated to directly read strain.
Shear strains are more difficult to measure directly than normal strains. The
electrical resistance strain gages are sensitive only to normal strains and cannot
respond to shear strains. Instead, shear strains are often obtained by measuring
nonnal strains in two or three different directions. The shearing strain yxy can be
computed from the normal strain data by using Eq. 3-7a. For example, consider
the most general case of three arbitrary normal strain measurements, as shown in
;,_: - .1‘.
Figure 3-16
. Q 6,, = 6, cosz 9;, + 6,, sinz 9;, + 7/xy sin 9;, cos 6;, (3-12)
ix 6, = 6, cosz 9,, + 6,, sinz 19¢ + J/,,. sin 9,, cos 9,,
\\ '\
, \K 9
\|v|ec l||6b ll II
From the measured values of60, 6,5, and 6,, and a knowledge ofthe gage orientations
6,, 9,, and 6, with respect to the reference x-axis, the values of 6,, 6,, and y,_,, can
Figure 3-17 be determined by simultaneous solution of the three equations. In practice the
angles 6,, 95, and 9,, are selected to simplify the calculations. Multiple-element
strain gages used for this type of measurement are known as strain rosettes. Two
rosette configurations that are marketed conmrercially are shown in Fig. 3-18.
It should be noted that the strain rosettes shown in Fig. 3- 1 9 are all equivalent.
\ ~ ‘tr The choice of which to use is often determined by the geometry of the machine
part and the point at which the strains are to be determined. The rosettes shown
in Figs. 3-19a and 3-19b could be used to determine strains at a point on the fi'ee
surface of a shaft, pressure vessel, or other type of machine component. The point
1 of interest would be located at the center of the triangular arrangement ofgages for
the rosette shown in Fig. 3-19a or at the intersection of the three gage lines for the
F /‘1’\ -1 rosette shown ir1 Fig. 3-19b. Neither of these rosettes could be used to determine
the strains at a point near the edge ofa hole or other type of boundary in a machine
component. Since the intersections of the gage lines for the rosettes shown in Figs.
3-19c and 3-19d are outside the regions occupied by the gages, they can be used to
‘ - determine the strains at a point near the edge of a hole or other type of boundary
L‘ i in ir1 a machine component.
In this book the angles used to identify the normal strain directions of the
various elements of a rosette will always be measured cotmterclockwise from the
Figure 3-18 reference x-axis. Once 6,, 6_,,, and y,,,. have been determined, Eqs. 3-9, 3-10, and
3-1 1 can be used to determine the in-plane principal strains, their orientations, and
the maximum ir1-plane shear strain at the point.
In Section 4-3 , it will be shown that for plane stress
6, = 6p; = —:(61 + 6,.) (3-13)
where v is Poisson‘s ratio (a property of the material used in fabricating the mem-
ber), which is defined in Section 4-2. For the case of plane stress, this out-of-plane
0&3 g 0%
(a ) (b) (v) (4)
Figure 3-19
3-1 STRAIN MEASUREMENI‘ AND noserrs mursrs 145
principal strain is important because the maximum shear strain at the point may
be (epl — Gpg), (e_,,1 — Epg), or (€p3 — 6P3), depending on the relative magnitudes
and signs of the principal strains at the point.
Strain-measuring transducers such as electrical resistance strain gages mea-
sure the average normal strain under the sensing foil element of the gage (along
some gage length) and not the strain at a point. So long as the gage length is kept
small, errors associated with such measurements can be kept within acceptable
liniits. The following example illustrates the application of Eqs. 3-12 to principal
strain and maximum shear strain determinations under conditions of plane stress.
1 Example Problem 3-7 A mmrosette, composed ofthree electrical Gage 1. Gage
resistance strain gages making angles of 0°, 60°, and 120° with the x-axis (see
Fig. 3-20) was mounted on the free surface of a material for which Poisson’s ratio
is 1/3. Under load, the following strains were measured: ../
o0 60f/
from which
The in-plane principal strains em and ep; are given by Eq. 3-10 as
6,, +6 6, — e 2 11,. 2
= 2 ’ it/(Ty) *
1000 — 266.7 1000 + 266.7 2 —l616.6 2
(e,.1.e,.2>(10°) = —
1 —
+ —
= 366.7 5: 1026.9
t. = = H,»
= - i(l000,u. — 266.7,u)
1 - (1 /3)
= -366.1“ 2 -36'/it Ans.
Since em is less compressive than the in-plane principal strain GP], the
maximum shear strain at the point is the maximum in-plane shear strain yp.
550“ The in-plane principal strain directions are given by Eq. 3-9 as
.- 26.0” , ”
y,,. = -1616.6 =_ 1.2763
e,-6, 10o0+26e."/
Imp 29,, = -51.92“ 9,, = -25.960 E -2e.0= Ans.
Figure 3-21 The required sketch is given in Fig. 3-21.
MecMovie Activities and Problems a. The strain components ex, ey, and yr, at the point.
b. The principal strains and the maximum shearing strain at
MM3.5 Strain measurement with rosettes. Example; Try One. the point. A sketch is not required.
Calculating strain states with rosette strain data.
Introductory Problems
3-59* At a point on the free surface of a steel (v = 0.30) machine
part, the strain rosette shown in Fig. P3-59 was used to obtain
the following normal strain data: ea = +750 pin./in., ab =
—125 uin.fin., and st = —250 _u.in.;'in. Determine
a. The strain components ex, e_.., and ya. at the point.
b. The principal strains and the maximum shearing strain at
it ___lY__120'~=
the point. A sketch is not required.
izosii I X
.-.__\_- L './‘.' G
" “ 120° age G
Gage c
45° Gage b
Figure P3-60
Gage a
Figure P3-59
3-60* At a point on the free surface of a steel (v — 0.30) machine 3-61 The strain rosette shown in Fig. P3-61 is attached to a point
part, the strain rosette shown in Fig. P3-60 was used to obtain on the free siuface ofan aluminum (v = 0.33) machine part. The
the following normal strain data: ea = —555 um/m, 6;, = +925 following normal strain data were taken: ea = +800 p.in..-‘in.,
urn/m, and ec = +740 ,um/m. Determine ei, = +950 uin./in., and ec = +600 ,u.in.,/in. Determine
\ W / as Gags @-
y Rx
r _4§@ G flaw
' I
Gage c 3
é 4 _ (11) (bu
Figure P3 63
Gage b
Gage a
» 3-64 The strain rosette shown in Fig. P3-64 was used to obtain
normal strain data at a point on the free surface of a 2024-
T4 aluminum alloy (v = 0.30) machine part. The gage read-
Figure P3-61 ings were ea = +525 um/rn, e.-, = +450 uni/rn, and efi =
+1425 ,um/m. Determine the principal strains at this point,
and show the principal strain deformations on a sketch.
Intermediate Problems
3 62* At a point on the free surface of an aluminum al- Gagec T Gageb
loy (v = 0.33) machine part, the strain rosette shown in
Fig. P3-62 was used to obtain the following normal strain 2°?
data: e.-i = +780 um/m, ab = +345 urnlm, and er = .-" I "~t_ ‘E45 O
-332 um/in.
l x
a. Determine the strain components e,,, ey, and yg at the point.
b. Determine the principal strains and the maximtun shearing Gage a
strain at the point. A sketch is not required. Figure P3-64
Challenging Problems
3-65* At a point on the free surface ofa steel (v = 0.30) machine
G55 part, the strain rosette shown in Fig. P3-65 was used to obtain
the following normal strain data: ea = +875 ,uin./in., 6,, =
Gage Gage
+700 ,uinJin., and e, = +350 ;.tin.fin.
a. Determine the principal strains and the maximum shearing
strain at the point. Prepare a sketch showing all of these
it is ~x
.60“ I 60°./’
Gagea b. Determine the normal strain in the n-direction at the point.
Figure P3-62
3-63* At a point on the outside surface of a steel (v = H Gage c 3
0.30) thin-walled pressure vessel the strain rosette shown in
Fig. P3-63 indicates the normal strains ea = +36 prin./in., eh = Gage b
+310 uin.!in., and e, = +150 ,uin./"m. Gages a and c are
oriented in the axial and hoop directions of the vessel, re- 501,...-
spectively. Determine the principal strains and the maxi-
mum shearing strain at this point. Show the principal strain
deformations and maximum shear strain distortion on a
+ Gagea
sketch. Figure P3-65
3-66 At a point on the free surface of an aluminum alloy 3-67* At a point on the free surface of an aluminum alloy
(v = 0.33) machine part, the strain rosette shown in Fig. P3-66 (v = 0.33) machine part, the strain rosette shown in Fig. P3-67
was used to obtain the following normal strain data: ea = +875 was used to obtain the following normal strain data: en = +800
urn/m, ei, = +700 um/m, and ac = -650 um/m. ,uin./in., er, = +950 ,u.in.1'in., and e, = +600 uinjin.
a. Determine the principal strains and the maximum shearing a. Determine the principal strains and the maximum shearing
strain at the point. Prepare a sketch showing all of these strain at the point. Prepare a sketch showing all of these
strains. strains.
b. Determine the shearing strain y,., at the point. b. Determine the normal strain in the n-direction at the point.
, fl
/1/If 40" Y
/ x
I Gage b
Gage c Gage b MU
y Gage c
Gage a
~._s0° I so".
B _
Gage a
Figum P346 Figure P3-67
When a system of loads is applied to a machine component or structural element,
individual points of the body generally move. A study of displacements in which
neither the size nor the shape of the body is changed is the concern of courses
in rigid-body mechanics. When displacements induced by applied loads cause
the size and/or shape of a body to be altered, individual points of the body move
relative to one another. Inthe design of structural elements or machine components,
the deformations experienced by the body as a result of the applied loads often
represent as important a design consideration as the stresses.
Strain (deformation per l.1l'li'[ length) is the quantity used to measure the
intensity of deformation, just as stress (force per unit area) is used to measure the
intensity of an internal force. Vtrhen the deformation 8 is in the same direction as
the gage length L, the strain is called normal strain
yavg = 3’ = ran¢ <3-3)
Since 8,/L is usually very small (typically 5,/L < 0.001), sin Q5 E tan ¢ E ¢, where
¢ is measured in radians, and 1/avg = ¢ = 8,/L is the decrease in the angle between
two reference lines that are orthogonal in the undeformed state.
suiuiuutr 149
Although the normal strain and the shear strain at a point both depend on
the orientation of the gage length L, the state of strain at a point is completely
determined by the normal strain and shear strain in three mutually orthogonal
directions at the point. For plane strain (for which 6, = yz, = 1/,3, = 0, or, 79 0),
the normal and shear strains for a pair of axes oriented at an angle 8 relative to the
x-axis are given by
For design purposes, the critical strains at a point are usually the maximum
normal strain and the maximum shearing strain. The maximum (and minimum)
values of normal strain are called the principal strains and always occur for sets
of axes that are flee of shear strain and which are called principal directions. At
every point in a stressed body, there exist three principal strains acting in mutually
orthogonal directions. In plane strain situations, two principal strains a.re in the x—y
f 2 2
GPLFZ = fx 2'5): i (éx 2 Gy) + (J/5}‘)
and the third principal strain 1s epg = e 0. The pnncrpal directions are onented
at an angle 6;, given by
yp = Gpl ‘T €p2
Themaximum shear strain at the pointmaybe (cpl — Epg), (tsp, — 0), or (0 — Epg),
depending on the relative magnitudes and signs of the principal strains. The lines
associated with the maximum shear strain bisect the angles between the lines
experiencing maximum and minimum normal strains.
All of the transformation equations developed for plane stress in Chapter 2
can be applied to plane strain by substituting 6 for 0 and 1//2 for 1:. Likewise, the
pictorial or graphic representation of Eqs. 2-12 and 2-13, known as Mohr‘s circle
for stress, can be used with Eqs. 3-7 and 3-8 to yield a similar Mohr’s circle for
strain. The angle relationships on Mohr’s circle for strain a.re identical to the angle
relationships on Mohr’s circle for stress.
Strains can be measured by several methods, but except for the simplest
cases, stresses cannot be obtained directly. Therefore, the usual procedure used
in experimental stress analysis is to measure the strains and calculate the state of
stress by using the stress-strain equations presented later in Section 4-3. in most
experimental work involving strain measurement, the strains are measured on a
fi"ee surface of a member where a state of plane stress exists. However, Eqs. 3-7
150 CHAPTER 5 ANALYSIS or smart; coscrrrrrs into DEFINITIONS
and 3-8 are also valid for the plane stress case present when strain measurements
are made on a free surface.
Electrical resistance strain gages have been developed to provide accurate
measrnements of normal strain. Shear strains are more difficult to measure directly
than normal strains and are often obtained by measuring the normal strains in two
or three different directions using a strain rosette. The shearing strain yg, can then
be computed from the normal strain data by using Eqs. 3-12.
In Section 4-3 , it will be shown that for plane stress
where v is Poisson‘s ratio (a property of the material used in fabricating the mem-
ber), which is defined in Section 4-2. For the case ofplane stress, this out-of-plane
principal strain is important because the maximum shear strain at the point may
be (epi — Gpg), (epl 6P3), or (epg — epz), depending on the relative magnitudes
and signs of the principal strains at the point.
1-68* A rigid bar AD is supported by two rods as shown in a. The axial strain in bar EF.
Fig. P3-68. There is no strain in the vertical bars before the b. The axial strain in bar EF if there is a 0.005-in. clearance in
loadP is applied. Afler the load P is applied, the axial strain in the connection between bars EF and CD.
rod BF is 400 um/m. Detemiine the axial strain in rod CE.
A =-
it B c
...l.... 1)
‘ 15in.
8 in.
1000mm - ggmm ‘pica
_" 160mm ' 80mm >
C B F D'|
3-69* The rigid bar CD of Fig. P3 -69 is horizontal under no load, 3-70 A brake block has the shape of a circular ring segment
and bars EF and AB are unstrained. When the load P is ap- (Fig. P3-70a). During application of the brake, the outer sur-
plied, the axial strain in bar AB is found to be 0.0015 inJin. face of the block rotates with respect to the inner surface,
Determine as shown in Fig. P3-70b. Determine, in terms of ¢, R1, and
I \
I \
I \
I \
I \
I \
I \
A i I
it 200mm i
--- Brake drum Figure P3-72
Figure P3-10
3-73 The strain components at a point in a body under a state
of plane strain are e, = +1000 p.infin., ey = -800 ,uin./in.,
and y,y = ——800 nrad. Determine the principal strains and the
maximum shearing strain at the point. Show the principal strain
deformations and the maximum shearing strain distortion on a
3-74* The strain components at a point are ex = -600 ptmlm,
ey = +1200 um/m, and yx). = +2000 itrad.
a. Sketch Mohr's circle for the state of strain at this point.
h. Determine the principal strains and the maximum shearing
strain at the point.
3-71* The thin square plate shown in Fig. P3-71 is uniformly c. Show the principal strain deformations and the maximum
deformed such that ex = +3200 uin.r'in., e, = +1500 ,uin./in, shearing strain distortion on a sketch.
and yg, = +1000 ptrad. Determine
3-75 The strain rosette shown in Fig. P3-75 was used to obtain
a. The normal strain 5,, in the plate. the following strain data at a point on the free surface of a steel
h. The shearing strain y,,, in the plate. (v = 0.30) machine part: ea = +600 ;iin.fin., er, = +500
ptin./in, and er = --200 ,u.in./in. Determine the principal strains
and the maximum shearing strain at the point. A sketch is not
t n
Ga eb
.45" Q g
1 ill. 4 \ rt‘ 450
Flgune P3-71
Figure P3-75
Figure P3-77
Chapter 4
Material Properties and Stress-Strain
The satisfactory performance of a structure frequently is determined by the amount
of deformation or distortion that can be permitted. A deformation of a few thou-
saudths of an inch might ma.ke a boring machine useless, whereas the hook on a
drag line might deflect several inches without impairing its usefirlness. It is often
necessary to relate loads and temperature changes on a structure to the deforma-
tions produced by the loads and temperature changes. Experience has shown that
the deformations caused by loads and by temperature eifects are essentially inde-
pendent of each other. The deformations due to the two effects may be computed
separately and added together to get the total deformation.
4-2-1 Thfl TEHSHC TESII Data for stress-strain diagrams are obtained by
applying an axial load to a test specimen and measuring the load and deformation
simultaneously. A testing machine (Fig. 4-2) is used to strain the specimen and to
measure the load required to produce the deformation. The stress is obtained by
5 5.0-0 L, =300 mm
1- 400 L; =600 mm
Q L, =3c0 mm
ta. 3.00
2.00 2 Stress vs. Strain
400 A|=l0mm2
0000.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 300
1,2,3 A,=2omm1
Deformation (mm)
(11) N2 Q E
Stress vs. Deformation Seuss.MPa
400 A,= 10|11m: 100
1.3 A;=l0mrn2
300 A3=20mm‘ 0
0.00 1.00 2.00 3 00 4.00
L1=300mm Strain (X1000 nimimm)
. 2 2 L;=600mm
00.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2
Figure 4-1
Figure 4-2 Hydraulic testing machine set up for
a tension test. (Courtesy of MTS Systems
4-2 STRESS-SIRAIN or-teams 155
dividing the load by the initial cross-sectional area of the specimen. The area will
change somewhat during the loading, and the stress obtained using the initial area
is obviously not the exact stress occurring at higher loads. However, it is the stress
most commonly used in designing structures. Stress obtained by dividing the load
by the actual area is frequently called the true stress and is useful in explaining the
fundamental behavior of materials.
0 = Es (4-la)
11-Ixperimental Stress Analysis, 3rd ed. J. W. Dally and W. F. Riley, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1991.
156 cnavrsa 4 MA'l'ER]Al. PROPERTIES AND sraass-s'rlmN RELATIONSHIPS
_, Fracture
B Low strain
E40 I Lower strain scale -- s ale
’B Cl /_ 0.2% offset yield
rcs i" Horizontal to approx Stress,ks ,1 -~..,_ _ . . .
E = 0.01 to 0.02 // E1’-‘“° 1“'““
20 _’_""‘ ’ " Proportioml limit
Qw 4q,;’*’<'1>.»6,
' lastie mthe
% elongation’ Y C % elongation --xx
00 0 l 02 03 00 0.04 0.08 0.12 0.16 0.20
0 0001 0002 0.003 0 0.002 0.004 0.000 0.00s 0.010
Strain-2-in. gage length Strain
(a) Structural steel (b) Magnesiimt alloy
0 0.004 0.008
(c) Gray east iron
Figure 4-3
only describes the initial linear portion of the stress-strain diagram and is valid
only fbr bars loaded in uniaxial extension as in the testing machine ofFig. 4-2.
A modified version of Hooke’s law which is valid for materials being stretched in
two or three directions at the same time will be derived later in Section 4-3.
Thomas Young, in 1807, suggested what amounts to using the ratio of stress
to strain to measure the stiffness ofa material. This ratio is called Ybungfs modulus
or the modulus of elasticity and is the slope of the straight-line portion of the
stress-strain diagram. Young‘s modulus is written as
A similar modulus called the shear modulus or the modulus ofrigidity relates the
shearing stress r and the shearing strain y.
The maximum stress for which stress and strain are proportional is called the
proportional limit and is indicated by the ordinates at points A on Fig. 4-3a or b. Slope=E, \ D
The exact point of the proportional limit is diflicult to determine from the stress- 50
strain curve. cc --—------
For points on the stress-strain curve beyond the proportional limit (such as A
point C on Fig. 4-4), other quantities such as the tangent modulus and the secant 5.4
modulus are used as meastues of the stiffness of a material. The tangent modulus '“'~ Slope = E
E, is defined as the slope of the stress-strain diagram at a particular stress level.
Thus, the tangent modulus is a function of the stress (or strain) for stresses greater " Slope = E
than the proportional Limit. For stresses less than the proportional limit, the tangent
modulus is the same as Young’s modulus. The secant modulus E5 is the ratio of 5,, ec an E
the stress to the strain at any point on the diagram. Young’s modulus E, the tangent
modulus E,, and the secant modulus E, are all illustrated in Fig. 4-4. Figure 4-4
4-2-5 ElflSfiC Lillllil The action is said to be elastic if the strain resulting
from loading disappears when the load is removed. The elastic limit (point D
in Fig. 4-3b) is the maximum stress for which the material acts elastically. For
stresses above the elastic limit, some defonnation (strain) remains when the load
is removed (and the stress goes to zero). For most materials it is found that the
stress-strain diagram for unloading (see line BC in Fig. 4-3b) is approximately
parallel to the loading portion (see line OA in Fig. 4-3b). If the specimen is again
loaded, the stress-strain diagram will usually follow the tmloading ctnve until it
reaches a stress a little less than the maximum stress attained during the initial
loading, at which time it will start to curve in the direction of the initial loading
curve. As indicated in Fig. 4-Sb, the proportional limit for the second loading
(point B) is greater than that for the initial loading. This phenomenon is called
strain hardening or work hardening.
\Vhen the stress exceeds the elastic limit (or proportional limit for practical
purposes), it is found that a portion of the deformation remains afier the load is
removed. The deformation remaining after an applied load is removed is called
plastic deformation (OC in Fig. 4-Sb). Plastic deformation which depends only
on the amount of load (stress) and is independent of the time duration of the
applied load is known as slip. Plastic deformation that continues to increase under
a constant stress is called creep. In many instances creep continues until fracture
occurs; however, in other instances the rate of creep decreases and approaches
zero as a limit. Some materials are much more susceptible to creep than others,
but most materials used in engineering exhibit creep at elevated temperatures. The
total strain is thus made up of elastic strain, possibly combined with plastic strain
that results from slip, creep, or both. When the load is removed, the elastic portion
ofthe strain is recovered, but the plastic part (slip and creep) remains as permanent
Zln some instances a portion of the strain that remains immediately after the stress is removed may
disappear after a period of time. This reduction of strain is sometimes called recovery.
158 crnrrrs 4 mrsiuu. rnorrurrms nu) s'rar.ss-smus RELATIONSHIPS
4-2-6 Yiflld Pflillt A precise value for the proportional limit is diflicult
to obtain when the transition of the stress-strain diagram fi'om a straight line to
a curve is gradual. For this reason, other measures of stress that can be used as
a practical elastic limit are required. The yield point and the yield strength for a
specified offset are used for this purpose.
The yield point is the stress at which there is an appreciable increase in
strain with no increase in stress, with the limitation that, if straining is continued,
eventually the stress will again increase. This latter specification indicates that
there is a kink or “knee” in the stress-strain diaglam, as indicated in Fig. 4-3a.
The yield point is easily determined without the aid of strain-measuring equipment
because the load indicated by the testing machine ceases to rise (or may even drop)
at the yield point. Unfortunately, few materials possess this property, the most
common examples being low-carbon steels.
4-2'7 Yifild Stffiflgtll The yield strength is defined as the stress that will
induce a specified permanent set, usually 0.05 to 0.3 percent (which is equivalent
to a strain of 0.0005 to 0.003) with 0.2 percent the most commonly used value.
The yield strength can be conveniently determined lrom a stress-strain diagram by
laying oil" the specified offset (permanent set) on the strain axis (OC in Fig. 4-3b)
and drawing a line CB parallel to OA. The stress indicated by the intersection
of CB and the stress-strain diagram is the yield strength for the specified offset
(0.2 percent in Fig. 4-3b).
lllllllliilllllllillll material (Fig. 4-3a), and the term maybe modified as the ultimate tensile, compres-
sive, or shearing strength of the material. Ductile materials undergo considerable
plastic tensile or shearing deformation before rupture. When the ultimate strength
of a ductile material is reached, the cross-sectional area of the test specimen starts
7 i¢\\\\\\\\\\\||
to decrease or neck down (see Fig. 4-5), and the resultant load that can be carried
by the specimen decreases. Thus, the stress based on the original area decreases
beyond the ultimate strength of the material (Fig. 4-3a), although the true stress
Figure 4-5 continues to increase until rupture.
Figure 4-6 4-2-10 Dllfillillty Strength and stiffness are not the only properties of in-
terest to a design engineer. Another important property is ductility, defined as the
capacity for plastic deformation in tension or shear. This property controls the
amount of cold forming to which a material may be subjected. The forming of
automobile bodies and the manufacture of fencing and other wire products all
4-2 snuzss-smun DIAGRAMS 159
V = _ E lat G
= _ _r (4_2)
Elong 50
The ratio v = -5,/5,, is valid onlyfor a uniarial state ofstress. Since the lateral
strain and the axial strain always have opposite signs, the negative sign in Eq. 4-2
ensures that v will have a positive value. Like the modulus of elasticity E and the
shear modulus G, Poisson's ratio is a property of the material. It will be shown in
Section 4-3 that v is related to E and G by the formula
3Equation 4-2 relating Poisson’s ratio and the lateral and axial strains is only valid for a uniaxial state
of stress such as in the tension test described in this section. If the material is stressed in the lateral as
well as the axial direction, then the lateral and axial strains will be independent quantities, and their
ratio could be positive, negative, or even zero.
160 cnarrsn 4 MA'l'ER]Al. PROPERTIES AND srnnss-srnam RELATIONSHIPS
Stress g
Figure 4-7
40 70”]?
Tenscsrcs —-1ks Us
0 l
0 0.5 1 .0 1.5
Figure 4-8
' 500
— 450
60 Compression ' 400
- 350
Tension luc.» Us@@G
Stress,ks Stress,
- 200
20 -150
— 100
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2
Strain, %
Figure 4-9
compression. For ductile materials the tension and compression behavior are usu-
ally assumed to be the same. For brittle materials the stress-strain curve obtained
ir1 a tension test differs from the curve obtained in a compression test. For example,
Fig. 4-9 shows the tension and compression stress-strain curves for a class 35 gray
iron. The linear range of stress-strain behavior for the compression curve is larger
than the linear range for the tension curve. The ultimate strength in compression
is also greater than the ultimate strength in tension.
The properties discussed in this section a.re primarily concerned with static
or continuous loading or with slowly valying loading. Properties of a few typical
materials may be found in Appendix B, Average Properties of Selected Materials.
cr = —
A = 4(1)
i = 25k s1'
e -0 00035
v=-l =-+=0.35 Ans.
5,0,, 0.00100
0 25 _
E = E = = 25,000 kSl ADS-
__i___?fl?__ 9260ks' An 5 .
2(1 +v) 2(1 +0.35) 1
MecMovie Activities and Problems f. The fracture stress.
g. The true fracture stress if Poisson’s ratio v = 0.30 remains
.\'[M4.1 Hooke’s Law - basic problems. Concept checkpoints. constant.
Four basic problems requiring the use of Hooke’s Law. h. The tangent modulus at a stress level of 400 MPa.
i. The secant modulus at a stress level of 400 MPa.
Introductory Problems
4-1* A 1.50-in.-diameter rod 20 ft long elongates 0.48 in under a 450
load of 53 kip. The diameter ofthe rod decreases 0.001 in. dur-
ing the loading. Determine the modulus of elasticity, Poisson's 400 X
jso scale
ratio, and the modulus of rigidity for the material.
4-2* At the proportional limit, a 200-mm gage length of a 15-
mm-diameter alloy bar has elongated 0.90mm and the diameter I
has been reduced 0.022 mm. The total axial load carried was | Lower scale
Stnes ,MPa 8Q
62.6 kN. Determine the modulus of elasticity, Poisson's ratio,
150 l—
and the proportional limit for the material.
4-3 A U4 x 2-in. flat alloy bar elongates 0.08 in. in a length of
5 ft under a total axial load of 10,000 lb. The proportional limit
of the material is 35,000 psi. Determine 0.00 0.04 0.08 0.12 0.16
0.000 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008
a. The axial stress in the bar.
b. The modulus of elasticity for the material. Strain, rrlfm
c. The total change in each lateral dimension if Poisson’s ratio Figure P4-4
for the material is 0.25.
4-5 A tensile test specimen having a diameter of 0.250 in. and
Intermediate Problems a gage length of 2.000 in. was tested to fiacture. Stress and
strain values, which were calculated from load and deforma-
4-4* A tensile test specimen having a diameter of 5.64 mm tion data obtained during the test, are shown in Fig. P4-5.
and a gage length of 50 mm was tested to fracture. Stress Determine
and strain values, which were calculated from load and defor-
a. The modulus of elasticity.
mation data obtained during the test, are shown in Fig. P4-4.
h. The proportional limit.
c. The ultimate strength.
a. The modulus of elasticity. d. The yield strength (0.05% offset).
b. The proportional limit. e. The yield strength (0.2% offset).
c. The ultimate strength. f. The fracture stress.
d. The yield strength (0.05% offset). g. The true fracture stress if the final diameter of the specimen
e. The yield strength (0.2% offset). at the location of the fracture was 0.212 in
4-2 S'1'liBSS-STRAIN nnlclmllls 163
/ 0 0 12,600 0.0600
2,200 0.0008 13,200 0.0800
-hC ii? -— L Lower scale "- 4,300 0.00 16 13,900 0.1200
Strcs ,ks 30 , .. W . --. . ... 6,400 0.0024 14,300 0.1600
8,200 0.0032 14,500 0.2000
8,600 0.0040 14,600 0.2400
10 ‘ ' ‘ 8,800 0.0048 14,500 0.2800
9,200 0.0064 14,400 0.3200
00.00 0.04 0.08 0.12 0.16 0.20 0.24
0.000 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004 0.005 0.006 9,500 0.0080 14,300 0.3600
Strain, injin. 9,600 0.0096 13,800 0.4000
Figure P4-5 10,600 0.0200 13,000 Fracture
1 1,800 0.0400
‘In an isotropic material, material properties such as the modulus of elasticity and Poisson’s ratio are
independent of direction within the material. Examples of nonisotropic materials are fiber-reinforced
materials, wood, and many crystalline materials.
4-5 G HO0KE'SLAI' 165
J’ J’
_, 1
(II) (5)
ray P "y
Eydy uy
- J_T“*'
vҤ1 <
_|_,, Y | —x
fly Ll G,‘
v T dx v%d'x
(C) ('1')
Figure 4-ll
Prooeeding in a similar fashion for the deformations in the y- and z-directions, the
three nonnal strains are
G1 1 Ewx * VG)-)
6,, = 5(0), — vax) (44)
G; 1 *%(ax +
In these expressions, tensile stresses and strains are considered positive, and com-
pressive stresses and strains are considered negative.
When Eqs. 4-4 are solved for the stresses in terms of the strains, they give
ax = Wk, +vey)
E r4-61
(Ty = ']j(€y +V€_y)
and er, = 0 by assumption. Equations 4-6 can be used to calculate normal stresses
fi'om measured or computed normal strains. “Then Eqs. 4-5 are solved for stresses
in terms of strains, they give
'33- = [(1_l")€x +V(5y +5z)]
ay = l — v)ey + v(e, + e,)] (4-7)
02 = 1 — V16; + V(Ex + 5;-)1
e, = em = fie, + 6}.) (3-13)
was stated without proof for the case ofplane stress. From Eqs. 4-4 and 4-6, which
represent Hooke‘s law for the case of plane stress,
v v E
E z=_”(x+
E U Uy ):_""[""i*](x+
E vl _v2 [E VG _v)+( Ey + VG X)]
Z — Gk; +€'t')
This out-of-plane principal strain is important since the maximum shear strain at
the point may be (em — Gpg), (em — s_,,3), or (GP; — Gpg), depending on the relative
magnitudes and signs of the principal strains at the point.
Torsion test specimens are used to study material behavior under pure shear,
and it is observed that a shear stress produces only a single corresponding shear
strain (Chapter 6). Thus, Hooke’s law extended to shear stresses (for linear elastic
material behavior) is simply
1: = Gy (4-8)
where G is the shear modulus or modulus of rigidity. Equations 4-7 and 4-8 seem
to indicate that three elastic constants E, v, and G are required to determine the
defonnations (and strains) in a material resulting from an arbitrary state of stress.
In fact, only two of these constants need to be determined experimentally for a
given material.
The relationship between the elastic constants E, v, and G can be determined
by considering the stresses and strains produced by an axial tensile load in a bar
4-5 GENERALIZED nooms LAW 167
‘\ _/n
r 5" "ta = 45"
P "r I q,_x P
\ /
Figure 4-12
of the material (Fig. 4-12). The shearing stresses for the xy coordinate axes (0 1,
0), = try = 0) and the nt coordinate axes (an, 0,, rm.) are related through the stress
transformation equation (Eq. 2-13a),
The relationship between the shearing strains for the xy and the nt coordinate axes
is determined using the strain transformation equation (Eq. 3.8a) as
—e —e
an ex
from which
Equation 4-lc may be used to give a relationship between shearing stress and
shearing strain, resulting in
Since 1/,,, is negative [Eq. (d)] the shearing stress "rm is also negative, giving
5: = E
Equation 4-9 shows that, for homogeneous, isotropic materials, the material prop-
erties E, v, and G are related; there are only two independent material properties.
Values ofE and G for selected materials are given in Appendix B, Tables B-17 (in
U.S. customary imits) and B-18 (in SI imits).
If Eq. 4-9 is substituted into Eq. 4-8, an alternate form ofgeneralized Hooke’s
law for shearing stress and strain in isotropic materials is obtained. Thus,
Txy : Gl/xy : yxy
Ty: = G]/yz = is (4-10)
T’z = G
y“ = 2(1+v)y"z
Equations 4-4 through 4-10 are widely used for experimental determinations
of stress. The following Example Problems illustrate the method of application.
0, = Gk, +ve,.)
210 109 _
= %[l394 + 0.30(—660)](l0 6)
1 — (0.30)
= +216.o(1o°)N/m2 = 216 MPa (T) Ans.
4-5 csmsrmrzsn nooms LAW 169
0,, = 3(6). + vex)
= [-660 + 0.30(1394)](10-°)
= —55.80(l0°) N/ml = 55.8 MPa (C) Ans.
= 2<T>""
__ 2(lwg))(2054)(10
210(10‘~‘) _ 6)
_aX-1-Uyd: U1_a)'2+ Z
UPMPI _ 2 2 try
= 276.0 55.30 i (276.0+55.s0 +(l65_90),
2 2
= 1l0.10:h234.62
A state of plane stress exists on the surface of the machine part; therefore,
cr_,,, = 0, = 0 Ans.
Since 0'P1 and op; have opposite signs, the maximum shearing stress is given
by Eq. 2-18 as F The direction of rm“ = 235 MPa on Fig.
4-13 is to oppose the larger of the principal
1 stresses 0,1 = 345 MPa and op; = 124.5
rm, = rp = §(0p, —0_,,,) MPa. As observed in Example Problems 2-
11 and 2-12, the normal stress on the sur-
1 face of maximum shear stress is the aver-
= E(344.72 + 124.52) = 234.62 MPa '5 23515/[Pa Ans.
age ofthe principal stresses 0,, = [344.72 +
(—124.52)]/2 = 110.1 MPa.
The in-plane principal stress directions are given by Eq. 2-14 as
tanzgpz 2
1,, : 2065.90) i
<1,-0,. 27e.0+ss.s0
26,, = 45.00” 9,, = 22.5” Ans.
345 MP
553 Mpg 110.1 MPa 3
_1§5'9 MP’ 235 MPa
| 276 MPa )
1 if-2-2.5:, 124.5 MPa
Figure 4-13
1 EXHIIIPIC 4-3 At a point on the free surface of a steel
(E = 30,000 ksi and v — 0.30) machine part, the sn"ain rosette shown in Fig. 4-14
Gage c
was used to obtain the following normal strain data: 6,, = +650 ,uin./in., 6;, =
+475 ,u.in./in., and 6, = -250 ,u.in./in.
Gage b (a) Determine the stress components 0,, 0',., and 1:,,,, at the point.
:15" (b) Determine the principal strains and the maxirrnnn shearing strain at the point.
Prepare a sketch showing all of these strains.
45° Gage a
(c) Determine the principal stresses and the maximum shearing stress at the point.
Prepare a sketch showing all of these stresses.
Figure 4-14
(a) The measured strain values are
The shear strain yr, is obtained fiom these measured data by using Eq. 3-Ta.
Q, = 6,, cosz 6;, + ey sinz 6;, + yxy sin 6;, cos 6;,
= sson cos2(45") - zson sin2(45°) + 11,, sin(45°) cos (4s=)
= +475p.
E 30,000 _,
<1, = 1 _ fire, + vey) = gwwso + 0.30(-2s0)](10 )
= +l8.956ksi Z 13.96 ksi (T) Ans.
<1, = gs, 30,000
+ ve,,) = i)_30)2[-250 + 0.30(ss0)](10 _ 6)
= —l.8132l-:si=' l.8l3ksi (C) Ans
E 30,000 _,
”‘*’ _ 2(1+ 11)?” _ 2(1+ 0.30)(550)(w )
= 6.346 ksi '5 6.35 ksi Ans.
(b) The in-plane principal strains cpl and 5,2 are obtained from the strain data
by using Eq. 3-10. Thus,
Q‘+€ €x__E 2 KP 2
“’*‘€"*: 2yiV( 21) +(2})
6500-250,0 650n+2s0n 2 550,1 2
Ti T + T
= 2000 1 527.40
6,, = 2000 + 527.40 = 121.4,“ '5 721,0 Ans.
ep, = 200p. — 527.4,u. = —327.4,u. E —327,u. Ans.
The third principal strain e_,,3 = 6, is obtained by using Eq. 3-13. Thus,
EP3 Z G2 Z —G(Ex +€y)
= - 1-_-6-3605500 - 2500) = -1"/1.4,). Ans.
Since s_,,3 is less compressive than the in-plane principal strain Gpz, the maxi-
mum shear strain at the point is the maximum in-plane shear strain yp. Thus,
,, = ii‘
tan26,, = L 550 = 0.61111
6, — 5,. 65010 + 250,11.
26,, = 31.429“ 6,, = 15.714‘ E 15.71” Ans.
4 -*1
327 11 - ' ‘
y __- 2 2
| .- 1,"
7,15-71 JB
Figure 4-15
P Note that Eqs. 4-6 relate the stresses 0 (c) Once the principal strains cpl and e_,,2 are known, Eqs. 4-6 can be used to
and the strains e for any pair of orthogo- determine the principal stresses Upl and epz. Thus,
nal directions in the plane—the x- and y-
directions or the n- and t-directions or the 1- E
and 2-directions. “pr = Q1501 +"E.v=)
= ?2[72r.4 + 0.30(-327.4)](10 _ 6)
1- (0.30)
= +20."1421<.=i '5 20.7161 (T) Ans.
UP: = 1 _ V2 (£192 +v6P|)
= 1 _30mmzr
‘L —327.4 + 0.30 r 727.4 )]( l0_6 1
Since a state of plane stress exists on the surface of the machine part, the
third principal stress is
op, = 0, = 0 Ans.
The maximum shear stress is obtained using Eq. 4- 10 and the maximum shear
strain. Thus,
rm“ _— 2(1+v)"““"
L _— T105411
2(1+0.50)( ' X 10*‘ )
= 12.171 ksi E 12.l7ksi Ans.
The two in-plane principal stresses have opposite signs; therefore, the maxi-
mum shear stress can also be obtained as
1 1.50 ksi
Figure 4-10
4-5 GENERALIZED nooxss new 173
Figure 4-17 depicts the stresses acting on the block. For simplicity, the constraint
(which is perpendicular to the z-axis) is not shown. The uniformly distributed
pressure causes the stresses 0, = —30,000 psi and 0,. = —30,000 psi. Since the
constraint is rigid and fiictionless, there are no shearing stresses on the z-faces of
the block (1.;-I = r,,. = 0). The normal stress 0, is developed when the deformation
in the z-direction becomes 0.002 in. Thus, the stresses and deformation in the
z-direction give Figure 4-17
0, = —30,000 psi
0, = unknown
5, = +0.002 in.
6: = Elia: _ v(ax + U_v)]
But the normal strain 62 is related to the given value of deformation 8, = +0.002
in. by Eq. 3-1,
where L is the original length of the block in the z-direction. Combining the two
expressions for 6, gives
5E‘ = Em,
1 - v(0, + 5.)]
— = 1 6 [5, - (0.5)(-30,000 - 30,000)]
10 50(10 )
and solving for 0, gives
- The shear modulus is given by Eq. 4-10 as
(,1) To determine the shear stress, consider the free-body diagram of the steel plate
shown in Fig. 4-13b, where V is the resultant shear force acting over the 4 x 6-in.
area of the rubber. For vertical equilibrium, V = P = 30 lb. Therefore,
4111; vi“
V 30
A. = 7
141(6) = 1.25 P“i
6 if The shear strain is found using Eq. 3-3,
8, 0.0003
1,/=—= L 0.5 = 0.0006
P 1.25
y 0.0005
= 2030 psi Ans.
Figure 4-18
MecMovie Activities and Problems
.\‘[M4.2 Principal stresses from rosette data. Example; Try one. Intermediate Problems
Using strain gage rosette data to compute the normal and shear
strains, the normal and shear stresses, and the principal stresses 4-13* Determine the state of strain that corresponds to the fol-
in the x—y plane. lowing state of stress at a point in a steel (E = 30,000 ksi and
v = 0.30) machine part: 0, 15,000 psi, 0,. 5000 psi,
Introductory Problems 0, = 7500 psi, r,,. = 5500 psi, r,., = 4750 psi, and 1:1, =
In Problems 4-9 through 4-12 the strain components ex, e_,., and 3200 psi.
y,, are given for a point on the surface of a machine compo- 4-14* Determine the state of strain that corresponds to the fol-
nent. Determine the stresses 0,, 0,, and r ,,. at the point. lowing state of stress at a point in an aluminum (E = 73
GPa and v = 0.33) machine part: 0, = 120 MPa, 0,, = -85
MPa, 0, = 45 MPa, r,_, = 35 MPa, r,., = 48 MPa, and ru =
Problem 4, 4, l 17,, l E l v 76 MPa.
4-9= +9001. -30071 l-4000 l 100001141‘ 0.50
4-15 The 0.5 x 2 x 4-in. rubber mounts shown in Fig. P4-15 are
4-10* +1175”. -12500] +s50p.l 1900141 l0.25 used to isolate the vibrational motion of a machine from its
4-11 +500n +2500 l+1501.t|l5,000ksi]0.34 supports. The shear modulus of the rubber is 3000 psi. Deter-
mine the force P required to displace the rigid frame 0.001 in.
4-12 +1000“ +4000 \+so0,tt l 2100141 ‘0.2: vertically.
4-5 asnsnsttzsn uoomrs LAW 175
P J’
P C P Gage c
*— l_t Gagc b
_ T 45" @
1 as" X
H -o.sin. Gage a
4-16* At a point on the free surface of an aluminum (E = 73 4-19* The stresses on the free surface of a bar subjected to an
GPa and v = 0.33) machine part, the strain rosette shown in axial force P and a torque T are shown in Fig. P4-19. The bar
Fig. P4-16 was used to obtain the following strain data: en = is made of steel (E = 30,000 ksi and v = 0.30). Determine the
+875 umlrn, ab = +700 ptmhn, and er = -650 ,t.t111/H1. De- strain components ex, e_,., and 1/W.
termine the stress components 0,, Hy, and r,,.
500(|J psi
Gage c Gage b 1"
LL 1 | soon psi
3 i X
’\_60° asQ
ix Figure P4-19
Figure P4-16 Challenging Problems
4-17 The strain rosette shown in Fig. P4-17 was used to mea- 4-20* The strain rosette shown in Fig. P4-20 was used to obtain
the following normal strain data at a point on the free sur-
sure the normal strains on the free surface of a structtual steel
(E = 30,000 ksi and v = 0.30) member. The measured strains face of a steel (E = 200 GPa and v — 0.30) machine part: ea
= -555 um/m, eb = +925 nmfm, and ec = +740 p.rn/m.
were ea = +650 ,u.in./in., e,, = +475 pin./in., and E, = -250
,u.in./in. Determine the stress components ax, o_,,, and rxy. a. Determine the stress components ax, 0)., and r,3. at the point.
b. Determine the principal stresses and the maximum shear
F stress at the point. Prepare a sketch showing these stresses
on a triangular element.
Gage c
Gage b
‘- 45° Gage a
Gage b _ _ 120°
\_ G "18 ea
Figure P4-17 120°-j\' I X
4-18 A steel (E = 200 GPa and v — 0.30) thin-walled pressure ves- 120°
sel is subjected to an internal pressure, an axial force P, and a
torque T, as shown in Fig. P4-18. A strain rosette mounted
on the outside surface of the vessel measured the strains:
ea = +540 um/m, eh = +930 um/m, and er = -+-20 ,u.m./m,
where a is in the longitudinal direction and c is in the hoop
direction Determine the stress components ax, cry, and 1,0,. Figure P4-20
4-21* At a point on the free surface of an alloy steel (E = 30,000 a. Determine the principal strains and the maximum shearing
ksi and v = 0.30) machine part, normal strains of +1000 strain at the point.
,u.in./‘in., +2000 pin./in., and +1200 _u.in./in. were measured b. Use the results of part a to determine the principal stresses
at angles of 0°, 60", and 120°, respectively. Design considera- and the maximum shear stress at the point. A sketch is not
tions limit the maximum normal stress to 74 ksi, the maximum required.
shearing stress to 40 ksi, the maximum normal strain to 2200
p.in.lin., and the maximum shearing strain to 2500 ,u.rad. What Gage b
is your evaluation of the design‘?
4-22 A l0 x 10 x 25.4-mm block of rubber-like material (E
""\\ Gage a
= l.4 GPa and v = 0.40) is to be pushed into a lubricated
90° x
10 x 10 x 25-mm flat-bottomed hole in a rigid material, as . _.-'
_ w /
shown in Fig. P4-22. Determine the load P required to push
2 135°
the block into the hole until its top surface is flush with the top
of the hole.
Gage c
Figure P4-23
4-24 A thick-walled cylindrical pressure vessel will be used to
store gas under a pressure of 100 MPa. During initial pressur-
ization of the vessel, axial and hoop components of strain were
measured on the inside and outside stnfaces. On the inside
surface the axial strain was +500 um/m and the hoop strain
was +750 um/tn. On the outside surface the axial strain was
+500 um/m and the hoop strain was +100 ,u.m!m. Determine
the axial and hoop components of stress associated with these
strains ifE = 200 GPa and v = 0.30.
4-25* A steel sleeve is connected to a steel shaft with a flexible
nibber insert, as shown in Fig. P4-25. The rubber insert has an
outside diameter of 4.25 in. and an inside diameter of 3.25 in.
The length of the insert is 8 in.; the shear modulus is 2000 psi.
For a force P = 300 lb, determine the deflection of the shalt
with respect to the sleeve.
Figure P4-22 ..-— Rubber insert
4-23 The strain rosette shown in Fig. P4-23 was used to measure
the normal strains at a point on the free surface of an alu-
‘-- Shafi
minum (E = 10,600 ksi and v = 0.33} member. The measured
strains were e, = +875 _u.in./in., 6;, = +700 rtin./in., and e, = “‘-— Sleeve
-350 uin-/in- Figure P4-25
£1 = aAT (4-11)
4-4 nrsamtstmts 177
Like the matctial constants described in the last section, the value of or for various
materials must be determined experimentally. The coeflicient of thermal expan-
sion is approximately constant for a large range of temperatures (in general, the
coeficient increases with an increase of temperature). For a homogeneous}
isotropic material, the coefficient applies to all dimensions (all directions). Values
of the coefficient of expansion for several materials are included in Appendix B.
For a member loaded only in the x-direction, the total axial strain (strain in the
load direction) is given by‘
Eaxial = ea + 57‘
0,, v0,. va,
— E+0!AT
and the total lateral or transverse strain (strain in the direction perpendicular to the
load) is given by
_(E E E)+°'AT (“"12”)
=—E +0: AT
5ln a homogeneous material, material properties such as modulus of elasticity and Poisson’s ratio do
not vary from point to point. Examples of nonhomogcncous materials are concrete (which consists of
sand and rocks held together by cement) and particle board (which consists of sawdust and wood chips
held together by glue).
‘Assuming the deformation remains in the linearly elastic range so that Hoolte’s law (Eq. 4-5) applies.
178 crnrrrn 4 mrsinu. Pnorrrrrms sun smass-srrmrm RELATIONSHIPS
Figure 4-19
(a) The thermal strain is given by Eq. 4-1 1, e T = as AT, and is the same for each
coordinate direction. Thus,
y,,,. = 0 Ans.
(a) Strain e is the ratio of change in length 5 and initial length L, and stress cr is
the ratio of force P and areaA. Therefore, Eq. 4-12b can be written
8 P
Z — E -l-HAT
(b) In the diarnetral direction the strain is still the ratio of the change in length
a.nd the initial length, but here length refers to the diameter. Therefore,
Eq. 4-12c can be written
dd VP
E — F + (EAT
= -0.000290m. Ans.
Introductory Problems span if the plane leaves the ground at a temperature of 40°C
and climbs to an altitude where the temperature is —40*'C.
4-26* A cast iron pipe has an inside diameter of 70 mm
and outside diameter of 105 mm. The length of the pipe is 4-29 A large cement kiln has a length of 225 ft and a diameter
2.5 m. The coefiicient of thermal expansion for cast iron is of 12 ft. Determine the change in length and diameter of the
or = l2.1(l0'°)/°C. Determine the dimension changes caused structural steel shell [ix = 6.5(l0"‘*)f°F] caused by an increase
by in temperature of 250'=F.
The coefiicients of thermal expansion are 6.6(10‘°)f“F for the 4-33 An aluminum [E = 10,000 ksi, v = 0.33, and a =
steel and 12.5(l0'°)/°F for the aluminum. l2.5(l0'°)/°F] rod of 0.25-in. diameter and 2-it length is sub-
jected to an axial compressive load of 4000 lb and a tempera-
l 4in. ‘lim. ture change of +60"F. Determine the change in diameter ofthe
+ !_..--—||_rSmooth pins
0 i:) . Challenging Problems
4-34* A 25-mm-diameter aluminum [E = 73 GPa, v = 0.33, and
at = 22.S(l0-°)/° C] rod hangs vertically while suspended fi'om
_ 20 in. one end. A 2500-kg mass is attached at the other end. After the
load is applied, the temperature decreases 50°C. Determine
a. The axial stress in the rod.
i jirsi b. The axial strain in the rod.
c. The change in diameter of the rod.
Figure P4-31 4-35 A steel [E = 30,000 ksi and or = 6.5(l0"°)f°F] surveyor's
tape U2 in. wide x 1/32 in. thick is exactly 100 ft long at
72°F and under a pull of 10 lb. What correction should be in-
4-32 Determine the horizontal movement of point A in troduced if the tape is used to make a 100-ft measurement at a
Fig. P4-32 due to a temperature increase of 75°C. Assume temperature of 100°F and under a pull of 25 lb?
member AE has an insignificant coefficient of thermal expan-
sion. The coefiicients of thermal expansion are 1l.9(l0—°)/°C 4-36 The stepped bar shovm in Fig. P4-36 is subjected to an axial
for the steel and 22.5(10-“)/=‘C for the aluminum alloy. load P = 25 kN and a temperature change AT = +20"C. Seg-
ment AB is steel [E = 200 GPa and or = 12(l0'°)/"C] with a
50-mm diameter and length 200 mm; segment BC is aluminum
A [E = 70 GPa andcr = 22.5(l0'°)/"C) with adiameter of 25 mm
and length of 150 mm. Determine
a. The deformation of segment AB.
h. The deformation of segment BC.
c. The deflection of a cross section at C.
250 mm
. 'B Steel C
W i-ti—
25 mm
D Aluminum alloy E
< 300 rmn A *1
Figure P4-32 Figure P4-36
tensile stress causes an elongation in the direction of the stress and a contraction
in the direction perpendicular to the stress. Shear stresses cause only shearing
deformations. These types of deformations exist for isotropic materials regardless
of the direction of the stress.
For some materials, wood for example, three material properties are not
sufficient to describe the material behavior. Wood, however, has three mutually
perpendicular planes of material symmetry, one parallel to the grain, one tangential
tlllllill"ll-"ll‘slit,-'il|'l‘|lt'llI*"‘l. I
to the grain, and one radial. Bodies having material properties that are different in
three mutually perpendicular directions at a point within a body but that have three
-_ -‘
-‘ '_“_J
mutually perpendicular planes of material symmetry are known as orthotropic
materials. The material properties are a function of orientation within the body.
Orthotropic materials have three natural axes that are mutually perpendicular Figure 4-21
(such as for the wood previously discussed). Figure 4-21 shows an orthotropic
material subjected to an applied stress in the direction of a natural axis. As for the
isotropic material, the orthotropic material elongates in the direction of the stress T
and contracts in the perpendicular direction. The magnitudes ofthe elongations and
contractions are not the same for the two materials, since the material properties I 1-»; ,;.;1;j1?"' 1._.;:f;:?
for the orthotropic material are dependent on the orientation of the applied stress.
Ifthe stress in Fig. 4-21 were applied in the perpendicular direction, the elongation _ _ ,_ "0 W:__,,_,,._._. _ 7:
and contraction would have different values from those shown in Fig. 4-21. On the WW‘
other hand, the elongations and contractions of the isotropic material of Fig. 4-20 1%!
are independent of the direction of the applied load. 1_-
An applied stress that is not in the direction of one of the natural axes of an Figure 4-22
orthotropic material behaves as shown in Fig. 4-22. A normal stress produces an 3
elongation, a contraction, and a shearing deformation. A shear stress also produces
an elongation, a contraction, and a shearing deformation. Thus, depending on the 2
direction of the stress, there may exist a coupling between elongation, contraction,
and shearing deformation. No coupling exists for an isotropic material, regardless
of the direction of the stress. The mechanical behavior of orthotropic materials ' 1
(or anisotropic mater'ials—no planes of material symmetry) is more complex than Figure 4-23
for isotropic materials. A complete description of such behavior may be formd in
books dealing with composite materials.
In this book, discussion will be lirrrited to orthotropic materials subjected P 2
to plane stress. For example, consider a thin piece of material (such as an epoxy) 41 _.|l.
reinforced by unidirectional fibers (such as graphite), as shown in Fig. 4-23. This 0.0%};
at = —PA 01
-1 = —
V12 = -—£2E1 ta) E1
where u | 2 is the Poisson’s ratio for loading in the l-direction and E1 is the modulus
of elasticity for the same loading (Fig. 4-24b).
Next, consider uniaxial loading in the 2-direction, as shown in Fig. 4-25a. E
The stress and strains are (I1)
Figure 4-24
P 0'2 £1 b
62—A €2—E2 v2r— £2 ()
182 crrsrrss 4 snmzrrru PROPERTIES turn STRESS-S'I'RA[N nsnrrrossnrrs
P where v;| is the Poisson’s ratio and E2 is the modulus of elasticity for loading in
42 . the 2-direction (Fig. 4-25b).
1 ., u ' Finally, the material is subjected to the shear stresses shown in Fig. 4-26a.
P '' The shearing stress is
‘“) J/12 _ ti
— G12 (C)
where G12 is the shear modulus in the 1-2 plane (Fig. 4-26b).
Using Eqs. (a) and (b) and the principle of superposition, the strains are
€1=%l—‘-’2r€2=%—V21% (d)
0'2 0'3 (T1
E; 62 = -V1251-i‘ E2 = E -Vizg (9)
Summarizing, the stress-strain equations for the unidirectionally reinforced
E material of Fig. 4-23 for plane stress are
(5) U1 G2
Figure 4-25 er = —
E, — vg1—
U2 U1
52 = F2 — V1251 (4-13)
V12 — G12
(‘*3 Equations 4-13 can be solved for the stresses, giving the stress-strain
T equations:
cn = —(e1+vm)
1 — Vtzvzr
02 = L216: +‘-H261) (4-14)
1 — Vlzvzr
i Ofthe five material properties in Eqs. 4- l4, only fotrr are independent, 1 since
r E _E
(bl E, — E; (M 5)
Figure 4-26
The stress-strain equations (Eqs. 4-14) only apply when the loading is in the
principal material directions. For loadings in other directions, refer to the compo site
materials book by Jones.7
Ifthe material is isotropic (E1 = E2 = E; vtg = vg| = v; and G1; = G), Eqs.
4-14 reduce to Eqs. 4-6 and 4-8. For isotropic materials, recall that there are only
two independent material properties.
Some typical material properties for a unidirectional composite material are
shown in Table 4-1.8 The Poisson‘s ratio v;| can be found by using Eq. 4-15.
7Mec}mm'cs of C0mp0s'i!8 Materials, R. M. Jones, Scripts Book Co., Washington, D.C., 1975.
slnrrmluctrcn 10 Composite Materials, S. W. Tsai and H. T. Hahn, Technomic Publishing Co., Inc.,
Westport, CT, 1980.
4-s srssss-srnxrv rqusrross rorr orrmorrrorrc MA'l'llRIAl.S 183
T|2 2
= _ = _ =0.0019231z1923 Ans.
1"” G12 1040 ‘L
Introductory Problems 4-39 A thin plate of T300/5208 unidirectional composite mate-
rial is subjected to the stresses 01 = 40 ksi, U2 = -10 ksi, and
4-37* A thin plate of T3001'5208 unidirectional composite ma- r12 = 2 ksi. Determine the normal and shear strains in the
terial is subjected to the strains e1 = +2000 p.1t1./111., e; =
principal material directions.
+4000 pin./in., and yr; = +1500 ptrad. Determine the nor-
mal arrd shear stresses in the principal material directions. 4-40 The material properties for a Boron/"Epoxy unidirectional
composite are E1 = 200 GPa, E; = 20 GPa, vi; = 0.23,
4-38* A unidirectional composite plate of Scotchply 1002
and G1; = 6 GPa. Determine the stresses in the principal
GlassfEp0xy is subjected to the stresses 01 = 30 MPa,
material directions if the strains are e1 = +1000 pint/m, e2
0; = -2 MPa, and rt; = 0.3 MPa. Determine the normal
and shear strains in the principal material directions. = +500 /.trn/m, and yr; = +300 ptrad.
184 crrtwrsrr 4 srrrssru PROPERTIES turn srsass-srsxrs RELATIONSHIPS
5)’ = 2 Mpa 4-44 For the unidirectional composite material of Problem 4-43,
1 show that
Q_ Er V7"
P EIVJ,-+E,,,(1— VJ,-)
100mm G,=Sl\¢[Pa
ii where P is the total force carried by the composite and Pf is
L Al the force carried by the fibers. Prepare a plot ofPf/P (percent)
versus E,-/E,,,. Construct the plot for 1% 5 Pf/P 5 100% and
' 125 mm 0.1 5 E,»/E,,, 5 100 and for fiber volume fractions 0.1 5 I§- 5
Figure P4-42 0-9-
In 1678, Robert Hooke observed that the stretch of a structural member acted on
by an axial load was directly proportional to the magnitude of the load applied
to the member. When stress is plotted as a function of strain (rather than load as
a function of deformation), the resulting curves are independent of the size and
shape of the member and depend only on the type of material from which the
member is made. The relationship between the load acting on a structural member
and the deformation of the member must be determined experimentally. Data for
stress-strain diagrams are obtained by applying an axial load to a test specimen
and measuring the load and deformation simultaneously. The initial portion of the
stress-strain diagram for most materials used in engineering structures is a straight
suturtrsrrr 185
0 = Ee (4- 1 a)
€ G
-.» = -l = --‘ (4-2)
Elong 50
Because the lateral strain and the axial strain always have opposite signs, the
negative sign in Eq. 4-2 ensures that v will have a positive value. Like the modulus
ofelasticity E and the shear modulus G, Poisson’s ratio is aproperty ofthe material.
Poisson’s ratio v is related to E and G by the formula
6, = E(crx —vo,.)
6,, = 5(0) — vox) (44)
e, = —E(cr, + 0,.)
Solving Eqs. 4-4 for the stresses in terms of the strains gives
0,, = jet, + vey)
E t4-61
0,, = day + vex)
Equations 4-6 can be used to calculate normal stresses from measured or computed
normal strains.
Torsion test specimens are used to study material behavior under pure
shear, and it is observed that a shearing stress produces only a single cor-
responding shear strain. Thus, Hool-te‘s law extended to shearing stresses is
r = Gy (4-8)
er =aAT (4-11)
where or is known as the coefficient of thermal expansion, and it is approximately
constant for a large range of temperatures. For a homogeneous, isotropic material,
the coefficient applies to all dimensions. Like the constants E and G, the value for
or for various materials must be determined experimentally.
Strains caused by temperature changes and strains caused by applied loads
are essentially independent. The total normal strain in a body acted upon by both
temperature changes and axially applied loads is given by
4-45* Stress-strain diagrams for a steel alloy at two temperatures a. The modulus of elasticity.
are shown in Fig. P4-45. For each temperature, determine b. The yield strength (0.2 percent offset).
nsvmw PROBLEMS 187
:- @
rcss, Lnl G
20 I , 1eoo=_1=
25 mm 100 MPa
‘L 501-nm
0_ I
0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.003 0.010 Figure P4-48
Strain, injin.
Figure P4-45
4-46* The stresses shown in Fig. P4-46 act at a point on the fi'ee 4-49 Two thin blocks of structural steel (E = 29,000 ksi and
surface of an aluminum alloy (E = 70 GPa and v = 0.33) ma- G = 11,000 ksi} are subjected to the stresses shown in
chine component. Determine the normal strain e,, that would Fig. P4-49. The 2 x 2-in. block shown in Fig. P4-49a is sub-
be indicated by the strain gage shown in the figure. jected to a state of biaxial stress (0,. may be either tension or
compression), and the 2 x 3-in. block shown in Fig. P4—49b
80 MPa is subjected to a uniaxial state of stress. If the x-component of
deformation 6,‘ is to be the same for the two blocks, determine
—l—~ 60 MPa the value of 0,.
I I 120 MP
I 8
-— 7'. \
30° 0,.
Figure P4-46
(H) (5)
F Figure P4-49
1 | I Gage b
I L 12 ksi Hm“
_, 5 ksi Gage C W Gees H 4-50 Stress-strain diagrams for two steel alloys are shown in
l » Fig. P4-50. For each alloy, determine
(H) (5) a. The modulus of elasticity.
Figure P4-47 h. The yield strength (0.2 percent offset).
1400 36 MPa
1// I
24 MPa
Gage a
I ""-._4s°
' x
StMParess, O\@
QQ@@ (Q) (5)
Figure P4-52
4-53 The stresses shown in Fig. P4-53 act at a point on the free
200 surface of a steel (E = 30,000 ksi and v = 0.30) machine com-
ponent. Determine the normal strain en that would he indicated
by the strain gage shown in the figure.
0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.010 0.012 0.014
4500 psi
Strain, nun./mm
Figure P4-50 —'- 6000 psi
8500 psi
we" 1
1 1|;
4-51* Steel [E = 29,000 ksi and or = 6.6(l0-°)f°F] rails 55 it 26"
long are separated 0.125 in. when the temperature is 60°F.
Determine Figure P4-53
a. The temperature at which the rails will just touch.
b. The gap between the rails when the temperature drops to 4-54* At a point on the flee surface of an aluminum alloy (E =
10°F. 73 GPa and v = 0.33) machine part, the measured strains are
e, = +825 ptmlm, e). = +950 jimfm, and yg = +680 ,u.rad.
4-52 The stresses shown in Fig. P4-52a act at a point on the
free surface of a brass (E = 100 GPa and v = 0.28) ma- a. Determine the stresses 0,, cry, and tn. at the point.
chine component. Determine the normal strains ea, eh, and b. Determine the principal stresses and the maximum shear-
e, that would be indicated by the strain rosette shown in ing stress at the point. Show these stresses on a triangular
Fig. P4-52b. element.
Chapter 5
Axial Loading Applications
and Pressure Vessels
The problem of determining internal forces and deformations at all points within
a body subjected to external forces is extremely diflicult when the loading or ge-
ometry of the body is complicated. A refined analytical method of analysis that
attempts to obtain general solutions to such problems is known as the theory of
elasticity. The numberofproblems solved by such methods has been limited; there-
fore, practical solutions to most design problems are obtained by what has become
known as the mechanics of materials approach. With this approach, real structural
elements are analyzed as idealized models subjected to simplified loadings and
restraints. The resulting solutions are approximate, because they consider only
effects that significantly affect the magnitudes of stresses, strains, and deformat-
In Chapters 2 and 3, the concepts of stress and strain were developed and a
discussion of material behavior in Chapter 4 led to the development of equations
relating stress to strain. In the remaining chapters of the book, the stresses and
deformations produced in a wide variety of structural members by axial, torsional,
and flexural loadings will be considered. The mechanics of material analyses, as
presented here, are somewhat less rigorous than the theory of elasticity approach,
but experience indicates that the results obtained are quite satisfactory for most
engineering problems.
1The forces at the ends of such members must be equal in magnitudeppposite in direction, and directed
along the axis of the member. Furthermore, the internal forces atany position along the member
must be the same as the forces at the ends of the member and also must actalong the axis of the
a = EL = % (5-1)
8 =—
EA (5-2 1
The first form will be convenient in elastic problems in which the limiting axial
stress and axial deformation are both specified and either the maximum allowable
load or the required size (cross-sectional area) of the member are to be determined.
The stress corresponding to the specified deformation can be obtained fiom Eq. 5-1
so kip 40 kip and compared to the allowable stress. The smaller of the two values can then be
used to compute the allowable load or the required cross-sectional area. In general,
.| 30 kip Eq. 5-1 is preferred when the problem involves the determination or comparison
of stresses.
Multiple Loads!Sizes: Equation 5-2, which gives the elongation (or contraction)
" *._ so kip '-._\ 40 kip 5 occurring over some length L, applies only to uniform members for which P, A,
\“'-~ Rigid bearing plates and E are constant over the entire length L. If a bar is subjected to a number ofaxial
loads at different points along the bar, or ifthe bar consists ofparts having different
cross-sectional areas or of parts composed of different materials (Fig. 5-la), then
Tension the change in length of each part can be computed by using Eq. 5-2. The changes
in length of the various parts of the bar can then be added algebraically to give the
Flwc total change in length of the complete bar
roe, n n PELI
-50 Pco 5 = _:s,- =25 (5-3)
Ax'a -loo ‘Firs I I 1 I
Compression where A, and E,- are both constant on segment i and the force P, is the internal force
in segment i of the bar and is usually different fi'om the forces applied at the ends
Figure 5-l of the segment. These forces must be calculated from equilibrium of the segment
and are often shown on an axial-force diagram such as Fig. 5-lb.
d6 = ——- d
L ‘ ,2 EA, I (“J
Integrating Eq. (a) yields the following expression for the total elongation (or
contraction) of the bar:
a=f d5=f —‘dx (5-4)
0 0 EAX
P Equation 5-4 gives acceptable results for tapered bars, provided the angle between
Figure 5-2 the sides of the bar does not exceed 20°.
5-2 DEFOIIMATION or sxuu.|.r LOADED rusrmsns 191
The forces transmitted by cross sections in parts A, B, and C of the axially loaded
member shown in Fig. 5-3a are obtained by using the free-body diagrams shown
in Fig. 5-3b. Summing forces along the axis of the bar yields
P The internal axial forces PA, PB, and PC
are all drawn as tension forces on the free-
+¢ZjF=0= —P,,—650=0 body diagrams of Fig. 5-3b. If the forces
P, = -650101 = 650kN(C) evaluate to be positive, then they will be
plotted as positive (tension) forces on the
+¢ZF=0; —PB—650'-850:0 axial-force diagram of Fig. 5-3c and they
P3 = —1500kN= l500kN(C) will cause the respective segment of the bar
+¢ §jF=0= —P¢—650—850—l500=0 to stretch (6 will be positive). If the forces
evaluate to be negative, then they will be
PC = -3000101 = 3000kN(C) plotted as negative (compression) forces and
will cause the respective segment of the bar
A pictorial representation of the distribution of axial, or intemal, force in to shrink (8 will be negative).
the member is shown in Fig. 5-3c. The cross-sectional areas of the aluminum,
brass, and steel are
P Since the cross-sectional areas and the in- The changes in length of the different parts are obtained by using Eq. 5-2. Thus,
ternal axial forces are different in segments
A, B, and C of the bar, the deformations 5,, PL -65010’ 1.0
(SB, and 6C must be computed separately and 5,, = E = L = —l.l337(l0'3)m= -1.133'1mm
then added together to get the total deforma- E.)/1.. 73(10‘-‘)(0.001ss4)
tion of the bar. PL -1500 103 1.25 _
5, = E
ERAS = 2
100(10 )(0.009s17) = -1.9100(10 3) m= —l.9l00In.m
P L- -3000 103 0.75
ac —— i
= 2lO(l09)(0.0l9l4-4)
L = -0.5597(10-3) III = —0.5597n'1.m
The total change in length of the complete bar is given by Eq. 5-3 as
5r0ra1 = 54 -1- 53 + 56
= —l .1337 — 1.9100 —0.5597 = —3.6034 mm E -3.60 mm A115.
The negative sign indicates that the complete bar decreases in length.
1 Example Problem 5-2 The rigid yokes B and c of Fig. 5-4a are
securely fastened to the 2-in. square steel (E = 30,000 ksi) bar AD. Detemune
(a) The maximum normal stress in the bar.
(b) The change in length of segment AB.
(c) The change in length of segment BC.
(d) The change in length of the complete bar.
Since bar AD is subjected to a number of axial loads applied at different points
along the bar, the different sections AB, BC, and CD of the bar will transmit
different levels of load. An axial-force diagram, such as the one shown in Fig.
5-4b, provides a pictorial representation of the levels of internal force in each of
the sections and serves as an aid for stress and deformation calculations.
Figure 5-4
5-2 oaronmrron or AXIAl.l.Y LOADED MEMBERS 193
P s2
Uffmx = -5‘; = I = 20.5 ksi (T)
. Ans.
(b) Since different parts of the bar are transmitting different levels of load, Eq.
5-2 must be used to determine the changes in length associated with each of
the different parts of the bar. For segment AB,
PBCLBC -12t5>t12)
5 “C =—=—=-0.006003 A.
EBCABC 30,000(4) 1“ “S
The negative sign indicates that segment BC of the bar decreases in length.
(d) For segment CD,
aw_ _ ECDACD
P,;,,LC,, __ +45(4)(12) _ _
30,000“) -+0.0l8001n.
The positive sign indicates that segment CD of the bar increases in length.
The deformations of the individual segments 5,15, 53¢;-, and 5(1) are then added
algebraically to give the change in length of the complete bar. Thus,
540 = =5AB+5ac+3co
= -1-0.06560 — 0.00600 -1- 0.01800
= -1-0.07760 ill. '5 -1-0.0776 ill. Alli.
The positive sign indicates that the complete bar increases in length.
(a) The elongation ofthe bar due to its own weight W in terms of W, L, A, and E.
(b) The elongation of the bar if the bar is also subjected to an axial tensile force
P at its lower end. Figure 5-5(a)
P.=»; (a) A free-body diagram of a segment of the bar, Fig. 5-5b, shows that the axial
T force is a function ofx, the distance from the free end ofthe bar. Thus, Eq. 5-4
is applicable. The weight of the segment of the bar shown in Fig. 5-Sb is
L "T. = "rP;=vAx
W, = y V, = 1/Ax, where y is the specific weight of the material of which the
bar is made and P} is the volume of the bar segment. From Eq. 5-4,
(b) L P 1 L Y L
Y 1. yxzi yL2
8—EL xdx_2E:i0_2E
The weight of the bar is W = 3/AL, fi'om which y = W/AL. Thus, the elon-
gation of the bar is
1/L2 W L2 WL
[2 l =5E
“iii? “*-
(b) When the bar is subjected to its own weight and a concentrated force P at
the free end, the elongation would be found using the method of superpo-
sition (Section 4-3). That is, the elongations found using Eqs. 5-2 and 5-4
separately would be added algebraically to find the elongation due to the
combined effects of the weight of the bar and the concentrated force. “Then
the bar is subjected to the axial force, the elongation of the bar is given by
Eq. 5-2,
Due to the weight of the bar and the axial force, the elongation is
6_fi+Ej—ETA(?+P) Ans.
iv lm =*
Figure 5-6(a)
(a) Since P, A, and E are all constant over the length L of the bar, the change in
length of the bar may be found using Eq. 5-2. Thus,
_ 3
EA 2o0(10°)(0.o30)1 = -1.00000-3) m= —l.O00rr1m Ans.
(b) The element at A is subjected to a state of plane stress, as shown in Fig.
5-6b. Since the bar is loaded by an axial force, the only nonzero stress is 0,. |
Furthermore, 0,, is compressive since P is a compressive force and is
| “Xix
The stresses on the element at A are shown in Fig. 5-6c. —> A 4— zoo MPa
(c) Since the bar is axially loaded, the normal strains could be calculated using
Eqs. 3-1 and 4-2. An alternative approach is to use Eq. 4-4 for plane stress.
The required normal strains are ex and e,.; thus Figure 5-6(b-c)
6, = E[o', — vary]
= 2%0,)[-2o0(10@) - (0.s0)(o)]
= —0.00l000 = -1000 pm/rn Ans.
ey = E[c,. — 120,]
1 [(0) - (0.30)(-20o)(10°)]
= MW“
= +0.00030O = +300 ,u.m/m Ans.
Since thexy-axes remain perpendicular after the bar is loaded, the shear strain
1/,,. is zero. Alternatively, using Eq. 4-lc,
}/1,. = ti = E = Onrad Ans.
Introductory Problems °a"1__
5-1* The tension member of Fig. P5-1 consists of a steel (E =
30,000 ksi) pipe A, which has an outside diameter of 6 in. and - - -
an inside diameter of 4.5 in., and a solid aluminum alloy (E = Bearing/
10,600 ksi) bar B, which has a diameter of 4 in. Determine the Plm -"
overall elongation of the member.
(_ .
to lib H
Figure P5-3
4 ii
K Rigid plate
/' Rigid plate
10 kip 20 kip
we —
l‘ 4fi ‘i i‘ 4 it ‘i
i'— 1.0 m—i iii-0 mii
Figure P5-5
Figure P5-8
6000 lb
85 kip
ll 0 145 kip e;+;*i;,.=-
_,_ !' 5000 lb
Figtu'e P5-9
5-10* A hollow structural steel (E = 200 GPa) tube A with an
outside diameter of 60 tmn and an inside diameter of 50 mm
is fastened to a 2014-T4 aluminum (E = 73 GPa) bar B that
Ti has a 50-mm diameter over one-half its length and a 25-mm
diameter over the other half. The bar is loaded and supported
Figure P5-7 as shown in Fig. PS-10. Determine
a. The change in length of the steel tube.
b. The overall change in length of the member.
5-8 A steel (E = 200 GPa) rod, which has a diameter of 30 mm c. The average axial strain in the steel tube.
and a length of 1.0 m, is attached to the end of a Monel d. The maximum normal stress in the member.
.....L l j T lm T 2rn 1
400mm— —5(]0mm-— —500mn1---»-
40 in.
.» AU .»_.
120 kip
Figure P5-ll f .
5 12* A 2024-T4 aluminum alloy (E = 73 GI-‘a and v = 0.33)
bar 3 m long has a 25-mm square cross section over 1 m
of its length and a 25-mm-diameter circular cross section
over the other 2 m of its length, as shown in Fig. P5-12. Figure P5-13
The bar is supporting an axial tensile load P of 50 kN.
a. The elongation of the bar. 5-14 The roof and second floor of a building are supported by
b. The stresses ox, 0,, and r,,. on the elements at A and B, the column shown in Fig. P5-14. The column is a structural
which are on the outside surface of the assembly. steel (E = 200 GPa and G = 76 GPa) W305 x 74 wide-flange
5-2 nsrotuumon or sxutu.v tmnsn MEMBERS 199
section with a cross-sectional area of 9485 mmz. The roof and Challenging Problems
floor subject the column to the axial forces shown. Determine
5-16* An aluminum alloy (E = '73 GPa) tube A with an out-
a. The change in length of the column. side diameter of 75 mm is used to support a 25-mm-diameter
b. The stresses 0,, 0,, and 13, on the elementsA and B, which steel (E = 200 GPa) rod B, as shown in Fig. P5-16. Determine
are on the outside surface of the web of the column. the minimum thickness t required for the tube if the maxi-
c. The components of strain ex, e,,, and y,,, at points A and B. mtnn deflection of the loaded end of the rod must be limited to
0.40 mm.
l -- F
300mm .
3-5 m mom
3.5 m BI l I
— 35k.N
Figure P5-16
Figure P5-14
S-l5 A hollow brass (E 15,000 ksi and G - 5600 ksi] tube 5-17* A structural steel (E = 29,000 ksi and y = 0.284 lb/in’)
A with a 4-in. outside diameter and a 2-in. inside diameter is bar ofrectangular cross section consists of uniform and tapered
fastened to a solid 2-in.-diameter steel (E = 30,000 ksi) rod B, sections as shown in Fig. P5-17. The width of the tapered sec-
as shown in Fig. P5-15. Determine tion varies linearly from 2 in. at the bottom to 5 in. at the top.
a. The deflection of cross section a-a. The bar has a constant thickness of U2 in. Determine the elon-
b. The deflection of cross section b-b. gation of the bar resulting from application of the 30-kip load
c. The horizontal and vertical components of stress on an ele- P and the weight of the bar.
ment on the outside surface of the tube and rod.
d. The change in both the inside and outside diameters of the
I.-5 in'4
50in. >-
60 in.
I: D
25 in.
E 5
per of the bar is slight enough for the assumption of a ,=>_,|
uniform axial stress distribution over a cross section to be
‘I4- yi
‘ 2r x
1%% F
Figure P5-20
2 X
AD = rrr T,
Figure P548 5-21 Determine the change in length of the homogeneous corti-
cal bar of Fig. P5-21 due to its own weight. Express the results
in terms of L, E, and the specific weight y of the material.
The taper of the bar is slight enough for the assumption of
a uniform axial stress distribution over a cross section to be
5-19* A homogeneous bar of specific weight y , uniform cross valid.
section A, and length L is suspended at one end and hangs vetti-
cally, as shown in Fig. P5-19. The stress-strain relationship for
the rod is givenby o = Ks "'2, whereKis aconstant. Determine
the elongation of the rod. cw x
Figure P5-21
Figure P5-19
5-22* An aluminum alloy (E = 70 GPa) bar of circular cross
section consists of uniform and tapered sections as shown in
5-20 A uniform circular member of cross sectional area A is Fig. P5-22. The diameter of the tapered section varies lin-
pressed into a slightly smaller circular hole, as shown in early from 50 mm at the top to 20 mm at the bottom. The
Fig. PS-20a. As a result, normal and frictional forces are de- uniform section at the top is hollow and has a wall thick-
veloped over the surface of the cylindrical shaft. The friction ness of 10 mm. Determine the elongation of the bar resulting
force varies linearly with depth L, as shown in Fig. P5-20b. from application of the 75-kN load. Neglect the weight of the
Determine the shortening of the member. bar.
5-5 DEFORMATIONS [N A srsmu or xxuun LOADED BARS 201
50 mm. 5-24 The 300-mm-diameter timber (E = 13 GPa and v 0 30)
pile shown in Fig. P5-24 is being extracted from the ground.
Assume that the horizontal normal stresses 0,, and the ver-
750 mm '
‘ 1
HA1) = 1/X(1 -— $ir1¢) 1(1) = 0» W1 ¢
where y = 400 N/m3 is the specific weight of the sur-
rounding soil, 4: = 28° is the friction angle of the soil,
500 mm i 20 mm and x is the distance from the ground surface. Compute and
a. The axial stress cr,(x] in the pile as a fimction of the distance
P=75kN x from the ground surface when the entire 8-rn length of the
Figure P5-22 pile is in the ground (0 5 x 5 8 m).
h. The axial deformation &(x) of the pile as a function of the
Computer Problems distance x from the groimd surface when the entire 8-m
length of the pile is in the ground (0 5 x 5 8 m).
5-23 A 3-in.-diameter structural steel (E = 30,000 ksi and v = c. The force P required to extract the pile from the ground as
0.30) shaft is pressed into a slightly smaller circular hole as a fimction of the length L of the pile that remains in the
shown in Fig. P5-23. Assume that the normal stresses 0,, and ground (0 5 L 5 8 m].
the shearing stresses 1: are uniformly distributed over the sur-
face of the cylindrical shafi. Ifthe magnitudes of the normal
and shearing stresses are 600 psi and 300 psi, respectively,
compute and plot
a. The force P required to insert the shafi as a function of the P
lengthl. that has been inserted (0 5 L 5 15 in.).
h. The axial stress 0, (x) in the shafi as a function of the dis-
tance x from the surface of the hole when 15 in. of the shaft
has been inserted (0 5 x 515 in.).
c. The axial deformation 6x(x) of the shaft as a function of the
distance x from the surface of the hole when 15 in. of the r ,,
shafthasbeeninserted(05x515in.). x " 1_ 1 "
L 5" 0'"
P—-L 1: c“1:'-
Figure P5-23
l I
z- \\
'-‘t \\
'\. 6 1/
‘ 1 .-
l':: II -'-’?§ V x
_V I _,a" E
B "\_.
I:"‘. - ..-‘""' Y’ ‘ze .»'
..- 1i"-’
Figure 5-7
approached through a study of the geometry of the deformed system, from which
the axial deformation 8 of the various bars in the system are obtained. Suppose,
for example, one is interested in the axial deformations ofbars AB, BC, and BE of
Fig. 5-7, in which the solid lines represent the unstrained (unloaded) configuration
of the system and the dashed lines represent the configuration due to a force (not
shown) applied at B. The displacement of point B is the vector D5. The scalar
components of this displacement are 1:3 and —vB (since the v component is in the
negative y-direction) in the x- and y-directions, respectively. The change ir1 length
of member./LB is
an = L; —L,-
where the subscripts f and i denote final and initial length of member AB, respec-
tively. Thus, the change in length ofAB (the deformation) is
5,13 Z Va
In a similar manner,
555 E EB
5-5 nsrommnoss IN A srsmu or AXIALLY LOADED arms 203
The axial deformation in bar BC is
Neglecting small second-degree terms and noting that sinz 9 + cos2 6 = 1, one
5 .
83¢-§v5sin9—ugcos9 /.,\V"°
or in terms of the deformations of the other two bars, TI
I \
1 EXHIIIPIB 5-5 Atie rod and apipe strut are used to support
a 50-kN load, as shown in Fig. 5-9a. The cross-sectional areas are 650 mmz for ii 1-35 1“
tie rod AB and 925 mmz for pipe strut BC. Both members are made of structural i@
steel that has a modulus of elasticity of 200 GPa. Determine "i
(a) The normal stresses in tie rod AB and pipe strut BC.
(b) The lengthening or shortening of tie rod AB and pipe strut BC.
311 . so W
(c) The horizontal and vertical components of the displacement of point B. L i _
(d) The angles through which members AB and BC rotate. _i- '
(a) The forces in members AB and BC can be determined by using the fi'ee-body Figure 59(8)
diagram ofjoint B shown in Fig. 5-9b. Thus,
from which
FAB _ —x FAB = +54.36 kN = 54.36 kN (T)
FBC = -73.85 kN = 73.85 kN (C)
42.61 "“~
so kN The normal stresses in members AB and BC are determined by using Eq. 2-2
FAB +54-.36(l03)
3 545 31 = Ts = W1
x \'.\’a
> / = +83.63(l0°)N/m2 2 83.6 MIPa (T) Ans.
F56 _ -73.85003)
B2 , ~ 42.61° Use =
/ \
\ .\.
ABC — 92s(10"‘)
/ \
= -19.s4(10‘=)N/m2 '2 79.8 MPa (c) Ans.
, 9,16
5,111 (b) The changes in length of the members are determined by using Eq. 5-1 . Thus,
1 / _~'Q1Q5//
\ \ \/I
5 _ aABL,u,- _ +83.63(l0°)(l.25)
A” — E — 200009)
= +0.5227(l0_3) m E +0.523 mm Ans.
ifisivi B‘
UBCLBC -79.84-(106)(l.699)
(C) ‘SEC = = 9
E 200(l0 )
Figure 5 9(b—c)
= —0.6782(l0'3) m '5 -0.678 mm Ans.
(c) The horizontal and vertical displacements “B and vg of point B are indi-
cated on the deformation diagram shown in Fig. 5-9c. The deformations
have been greatly exaggerated in this diagram and the arcs through which
the members rotate have been replaced by straight lines drawn perpendicular
to the unloaded positions of the members. From the diagram it is ob served
P Imagine that the pin connecting the bars
at B is removed for a moment. As the tie rod
AB stretches, it wants to push the joint from 143 = 5,13 = +0.5227mm E 0.523 mm Ans.
point B to point B1. Similarly, as the pipe
strut BC shrinks, it wants to pull the joint and pin B moves to the right a distance, “B = 0.523 mm. Also,
from point B to point B2. Then, the tie rod
AB must rotate clockwise about pin A and
the joint moves downward from Bl to B’, a = 543 cos 42.61“ = 0.5227 cos 42.61" = 0.3847 I.l'1II1
the pipe strut rotates clockwise about pin C
and the joint moves downward from B; to b = I61,-CI = 0.6782 mm
B’, and the pin can be replaced in the joint.
The displacement of point B is the vector 5 ~- 0.6"/s2 0.3347 1.0629
from B to B’.
sin 42.61= = B‘ +0 = + =
V3 V3 V3
V5 =
1.0629 = l.5700I11]Il = l.570Il'1H'l Ans.
Similarly, as pin B moves fi'om B to B’, bar BC rotates clockwise about pin
C through an angle 9;,-C to CB’. Again assuming that the angle is very small,
tan BBC E 93¢", alld
Note that the forces F45 and F35 were found using a free-body diagram
drawn ir1 the rmdeformed instead of the deformed configuration. The impli-
cations of using free-body diagrams in the undeformed configuration will be
discussed in Section 5-4.
1m ;4
T "3 2
0.5 m < 3
C i E RA
i‘—0.2mri'70.3m ,-
0.ll'l‘l/, P
Figure 5-lt](a)
206 cn1u'rs1t 5 sxnu. LOADING xrrucsnorvs mo PRESSURE vssslus
(a) The deformation of memberB is found using Eq. 3-l,
4 VD VE V 1-.‘
6:6: 2
5.4 Therefore,
Figum 5_lo(b_c) v5 = 2.517]-‘ = 2.5(0.600) mm = 1.500 mm Ans.
(b) Since the displacements are small, the arc through which member A has
rotated has been replaced by a straight line drawn perpendicular to the unde-
formed position ofmember A, as shown in Fig. 5-10c. The change in length
of member A is
Introductory Problems
5-25* Two tie rods are used to support a load P = 16 kip as
shown in Fig. P5-25. Rod AB is made of an aluminium al-
loy with a modulus of elasticity of 10,600 ksi, a length of
80 in., and a cross-sectional area of 0.6 in? Rod BC is made
of an structural steel with a modulus of elasticity of 29,000 A 5 -859°
ksi, a length of 160 in., and a cross-sectional area of 1.25 in? ii‘-
a. The elongation of each rod. P
b. The horizontal and vertical displacements of pin B. Figure P5-25
5-5 nsrormsnons [N s svsnm or AXIALLY roxnsn nuts 207
5-26* A tie rod and a strut are used to support a 50-kN load as of structural steel (E = 200 GPa). The cross-sectional areas are
shown in Fig. P5-26. Tie rod AB is made of a titanium alloy 620 mrn2 for AB and 1000 n1m2 for AC. Determine
(E = 96 GPa) and has a cross-sectional area of450 mm’. Strut
a. The normal stresses in the tie rod and pipe strut
BC is made of Monel (E = 180 GPa) and has a cross-sectional
b. The changes in length of the tie rod and pipe strut.
area of 1450 mmz. Determine
c. The horizontal and vertical displacement of point A.
a. The lengthening or shortening of the rod and strut.
b. The horizontal and vertical displacements of pin B.
A 2.5 rn
100kN 4.5m
55° C ' Figure P5-28
50 its
Figure P5-26 5-29 Two tie rods are used to support a 10-kip load as shown in
Fig. P5-29. Rod AC, which is made of an aluminum alloy with
a modulus of elasticity of 10,600 ksi and a yield strength of
5-27 Two structural steel (E = 29,000 ksi) cables are used to sup- 41 ksi, is 10 fi long and has a cross-sectional area of 0.326 inz
port the 220-lb traffic light shown in Fig. P5-27. Each cable Rod BC, which is made of structinal steel with a modulus of
has a cross-sectional area of 0.01 5 in? Determine elasticity of 29,000 ksi and a yield strength of 36 ksi, is 15 it
a. The normal stresses in each cable. long and has a cross-sectional area of 0.508 in? Determine
b. The change in length of each cable. a. The elongation of each rod.
c. The vertical displacement of point C. b. The horizontal and vertical displacements of pin C.
20ft 201’! 1
10 kip
L1 Figure P5-29
Figure P5-27
(E = 100 GPa) and has a cross-sectional area of 940 mm? 5-32 Apin-cormected structure is loadedandsupportedas shown
Afler the load P is applied, the strain in bar B is found to he in Fig. P5-32. Member CD is rigid and is horizontal before
1500 _u.m/m. Determine load P is applied. Bar A is made of structural steel (E =
200 GPa), and bar B is made of an aluminum alloy (E =
a. The vertical displacement of pin C.
'73 GPa). The axial strain in member A is 625 ,u.m/m. De-
b. The load R
termine the vertical displacement of the pin used to apply the
B 375
mm A
A 2°”
gm B
C D l a l‘—2m—'L—2m lm
1} 1Oo_]|l_ 1m_L so _]| Figure P5-32
P mm mm mm
Figure P5-30
Challenging Problems
5-33 Two struts are used to support a 30-kip load as shown
5-31* The three bars shown in Fig. P5-31 will he used to support a in Fig. P5-33. Strut AB is made of 2024-T4 aluminum alloy
load P of 100 kip. All ofthe bars have the same cross-sectional (E = 10,600 ksi) and has a cross-sectional area of 1.25 in.’
area of 2.5 in? and all are 6 ft long. BarA is made of Monel Strut BC is made of structural steel (E = 29,000 ksi) and has
(E = 26,000 ksi), bar B is made of a magnesium alloy (E = a cross-sectional area of 2.50 in? Determine
6500 ksi), and bar C is made of structural steel (E = 29,000
ksi). A strain gage mounted on member C indicates that the a. The maximum normal and shearing stresses in strut AB.
axial strain is 680 pain./in. Determine the change in length of h. The maximum normal and shearing stresses in strut BC.
each member and the force R c. The lengthening or shortening of both struts.
d. The horizontal and vertical displacements ofpin B.
A B 30 kip
5 4
so in.
600 45°
Hooke’s law (Eq. 4-1) and the definitions of stress (Eq. 2-1) and strain (Eq.
3-1) can be used to relate deformations and forces when all stresses are less than
the corresponding proportional limits of the materials used in the fabrication of the
members. If some of the stresses exceed the proportional limits of the materials,
stress-strain diagrams can be used to relate the loads and deformations. In this
section, the problems will be limited to the region of elastic action of the materials.
Problems involving inelastic behavior of materials are discussed ir1 Section 5-7.
It is recommended that a displacement diagram be drawn showing deformations
to assist in obtaining the correct deformation equation. The displacement diagram
should be as simple as possible (a line diagram), with the deformations indicated
with exaggerated magnitudes and clearly dimensioned. Note that an equilibrium
equation and the corresponding deformation equation must be compatible; that is,
when a tensile force is assumed for a member in the free-body diagram, a tensile
deformation must be indicated for the same member in the deformation diagram.
If the diagrams are compatible, a negative result will indicate that the assumption
was wrong; however, the magnitude of the result will be correct.
In most engineering applications, a body is assumed to be rigid when the
equations of equilibrimn are used to determine support reactions even though it is
a fact that the body deforms when the loads are applied. For example, consider the
lever/cable system shown in Fig. 5-l la and assume that leverABC is rigid and that
the weights of the lever and cable are negligible with respect to the applied loads.
The cable is fastened to and wraps around the circular sector at the left end of the
T th=- 1?»
i T
(5) W
(4) T
SE Q 'e x
Figure s-11
lever. The no-load position of the system is shown in Fig. 5-1 la. Equilibrium of
the system under two conditions will be investigated: (1) the cable is rigid and (2)
the cable deforms.
5-4-1 Cflllditiflll (1) “Then both the cable and the lever are assumed to
be rigid, the fi'ee-body diagram for the lever is as shown ir1 Fig. 5-1 lb. The moment
equilibrium equation for lever ABC is
+LEMB=0: TR—%=0
T= — R (=1)
5-4-2 Condition (2) When the cable is assumed to be deformable, the
fi'ee-body diagram for the lever after the cable deforms (defonned state of equi-
librium) is as shown in Fig. 5-1 lc. The moment equilibrium equation for the lever
ABC is then
+L2MB=0: TR—W(acos0)=0
T - ml
R cos 9 ( b)
Equation (b) cannot be solved for T, since 9 is unknown. Since the remaining
equations of equilibrium do not provide the additional information needed to solve
5-4 S'l‘ATlCALLY 11vn1rrnor|1~nrs xx|.~u.r.r LOADED MEMBERS 211
for T, the problem is statically indeterminate. Statically indeterminate problems
are solved by using the equilibrium equations [in this case, Eq. (b) above] together
with equations obtained from the deformation of the member.
The deformation of the cable is given by Eq. 5-2 as
Mg (C)
where E is the modulus of elasticity and A is the cross-sectional area of the cable.
Combining Eqs. (b) and (c) gives
L R cos I9 (d)
which has two unknowns, 6 and 6. However, the cable wraps around a circular
sector on the lever; therefore,
6 = R9 (e)
0 200 - 199.999 D
an = 0) = 0.00054.
This error is acceptable for practical engineering problems. A check on the normal
stress in the wire (0 = P/A) yields 0 = 29.0 ksi. This stress level is within the linear
range of the stress-strain behavior of the steels used to produce wire products. The
normal stress must be in the linear range for Eq. (c) to be valid.
A check on the normal stress in the aluminum wire yields 0 = 29.0 ksi, which is
again within the linear range of the stress-strain behavior of aluminum so that Eq.
(c) is valid. Examples 2 and 3 indicate that the tension in the wire changes very
little when the stifliress ofthe wire is changed by a factor of almost 3 and that both
values are essentially the same as that obtained using the rigid wire assumption
(example 1).
In Sections 5-2 and 5-3, a rigid body was used when calculating support
reactions and internal forces; these forces were then used to determine stresses
and deformations. Equilibrium requirements should be satisfied when a body is in
the deformed configuration. However, the previous example illustrates that forces
may be determined, within engineering accuracy, using the equilibrium equations
and a fi"ee-body diagram ir1 the undeformed configuration. These forces may then
be used to determine stresses and deformations with sufficient accuracy for most
engineering applications.
In all the following problems and examples, the loading members, pins, and
supports are assumed to be rigid. and the mechanism is so constructed that the force
system is coplanar. The procedure outlined above is illustrated ir1 the following
P Note that both forces are drawn on the (a) A free-body diagram of the rigid capping plate is shown ir1 Fig. 5-12b. The
free-body diagram of Fig. 5-12b as pushing fi'ee-body diagram contains two unknown forces: the resultant force Pg ex-
on the rigid capping plate. The cappingplate erted by the concrete and the resultant force PR exerted by the rods. Since only
will exert equal pushing forces back on the
one equation of equilibrium, SF, = 0, is available, the problem is statically
concrete pier and the steel reinforcing bars.
indeterminate. The additional equation needed to obtain a solution to the
Thus, the forces PC and PR are both com-
pressive forces; they will lead to compres- problem is obtained fi'om the deformation diagram shown in Fig. 5-12c. As
sive stresses ac and an, and they will lead to the load P is applied to the rigid capping plate, it moves downward an amount
shortening ofthe pier and the rods (as drawn 8, which represents the deflection (the vertical component of the displace-
on the deformation diagram of Fig. 5-12c). ment) experienced by both the steel rods and the concrete. The relationship
between load and deflection for axial loading is given by Eq. 5-2. Thus, the
two equations needed to solve the problem are as follows.
Equilibrium equation,
ta) tc)
Figure 5-l2
Deformation equation,
(SR = BC
PR(0.600) _ P¢(0.600)
200(10°)(441s)(10-6) — 30(10“)(5s,0s0)(10-6)
fi'om which
PR = 0.5071P¢
The normal stresses in the rods and in the concrete are obtained by using
Eq. 2-2. Thus,
2 . 3
<1, = fi = E = 49.50(l0°)Nfm2 2 49.5 l\/IP21 (c) Ans.
AR 441s(10 )
(TC _- 5
AC __ 5—8!080(10_,)
431.3003) _
_ 7.42600 6 )N/m, N 7.43 lV[Pt1(C) Ans.
(b) The shortening of the pier is obtained from either the deformation of the
rods or the deformation of the concrete since they are equal. Thus, from the
deformation of the rods,
URL); 49.50(10°)(0.600)
= 0.14s5(10-3) II1 = 0.1485 mm Ans.
(a) A fi'ee-body diagram of plate C and portions of rod A and pipe B is shown
in Fig. 5-13b. The free-body diagram contains two unknown forces, PA and
P5. Since only one equation of equilibrium, SF), = 0, is available, the prob-
lem is statically indeterminate. The additional equation needed to obtain a
P When the 20-kip load is applied to the solution to the problem is obtained from the deformation diagram shown in
rigid plate C, the plate will move down a dis- Fig 5-13c. As the load P is applied to plate C, it moves downward an amount
tance 5; the steel rodA will stretchanamount 8, which represents the deflection experienced by both rod A and pipe B. The
8,, = 5 = PAL,/E_,A,, = o,,L__,/EA (where relationship between load and deflection for axial loading is given by Eq. 5-1.
PA is a tension force and 0,, is a tension Thus, the two equations needed to solve the problem are as follows.
stress); and the aluminum pipe B will shrink Equilibrium equation,
an equal amount 8, = 8 = PBLBIEBAB =
aBLB/EB (where PB is a compression force
and 03 is a compression stress). Since PA +1‘EF,=0: P,4+P;,-—20=0
is a tension force and PB is a compression
force, PA is shown as pulling on the rod and or in terms of stresses
P, is shown as pushing on the pipe in the
free-body diagram of Fig. 5-13b.
0.3000,, + 3.0005 = 20 (H)
5-4 srxncxnr mnmarorrima 11xuu.rv rmnsn MEMBERS 2 15
l n 4
' mu:
10 in.
E P.4
W 20 in. hi
1-s. 2?
(H) (9)
Figure 5-13
Deformation equation
5,4 = 55
GALA 0'gL3
TA = T,
<1A (10) 0,120)
30.000 — 10.000
fi'om which
P Note that Eqs. (a) and (b) could just
as easily have been written and solved in
0,1 = 603
terms of the forces PA and Pg rather than
in terms of the stresses 0,; and 05. Stresses
Solving Eqs. (a) and (b) simultaneously yields were selected since the problem asked for
the stresses but did not ask for the forces.
0,; = 15.384 ksi E 15.38 ksi (T) Ans.
(b) The displacement of plate C is the same as the deflection of rod A or the
deflection ofpipe B. Thus, from Eq. 5-1,
_ 1s.3s4(10)
i A 2.0m
B 1.5 rn
t c _ V _ _ _ n
1.5m i= 2.5m" -l 1‘°mI
(Q) P=l50kN
Figure 5-l4(a)
(a) A free-body diagram of member CD and portions of members A and B is
shown in Fig. 5-14-b. The free body-diagram contains four unknown forces:
Cx, Cy, FA, and F5; therefore, since only three equilibrium equations are
available, the problem is statically indeterminate. As the load P is applied
to member CD, it will tend to rotate clockwise about pin C and produce
deformations in members A and B, as shown in Fig. 5-14c. The extensions
shown in Fig. 5-14c are compatible with the tensile forces shown ir1 members
A and B ir1 Fig. 5-14b. The unknown reaction at C is not needed to complete the
solution of the problem and can be eliminated from further consideration by
summing moments about pin C. The equilibrium and deformation equations
needed to solve for FA and F3 are
F5 F4
cx l— 1.5 In 2.5 111 j
4-? G) ij
to T“
Figure 5-l4(b-c)
Equilibrium equation,
+l’EMc=0: P(5)—F,1(4)—F5(l.5)=0
from which
6,. 5,,
4E,.A,, Z 1.553145
F,1(2) _ FB(l.5)
4(75)(10°)(1000)(10-°) _ 1.5(200)(10‘-’)(500)(10-°)
FA = l.5FB (b)
FA = 150.0(103) N = 150.0 kN
F, = l00.0(103)N = 100.0 kN
The normal stresses in the two bars are
F = WW2)
GA = A_: 150.0 103 = 150.0(10°) N/m2 = 150.0 MPa (T) Ans.
F = fig
5,, = Ti 100.0 103 = 200.0(l06)N/m2 = 200 MPa (T) Ans.
l 6 111- l
<4) P to
l—8.-1 "
<4) J
I-— Bi
1—. .'
(B) Iii Final position
Figure 5-15
A free-body diagram of the nut and parts ofthe bolt and sleeve is shown in Fig.
5-15b. The free-body diagram contains two unknown forces FB and F5. Since
the only equilibrium equation available is BF; = 0, the problem is statically
P Although a free-body diagram of the bolt indeterminate. The additional equation needed to obtain a solution to the problem
alone or of the nut alone would work j ust as is obtained from deformation considerations. As the nut is turned it would move
well for purposes of writing the equilibrium a distance A = 0.020 in., as shown in Fig. 5-15c, if the sleeve were not present;
equation, it would not be as good for pur- however, the sleeve is present and the movement is resisted. As a result, tensile
poses of writing the deformation equation. stresses develop in the bolt and compressive stresses develop in the sleeve. These
Since it is desired to relate the forces in the stresses produce the extension 53 of the bolt and contraction 65 of the sleeve
sleeve and in the bolt to the deformations
shown in Figs. 5-15d and e. The deformation equation obtained from the final
that these forces cause, the fiee-body dia-
gram should show these forces. These forces positions of the nut and sleeve is 85 + 63 = A. The two equations needed to solve
are made visible by cutting a section through the problem are:
the bolt and sleeve as shown in the free-body Equilibrium equation,
diagram of Fig. 5-15b. On Fig. 5-15b it is
clear that the force F5 represents a tension i>)3F,,=0: F,--FB=0
force in the steel bolt while the force F5 rep-
resents a compression force in the aluminum or in terms of stresses
H 2
sleeve. l
Z U3
fi'om which
as = 0.5236 01,- (a)
P If the bolt were rigid, then the sleeve Deformation equation,
would shrink by the amount that the nut was
tightened, 65 = A. However, the bolt is not 53 + 55 = A
rigid, so the bolt will stretch an amount 55, GB-LB + USLS = A
and the shrink ofthe sleeve is reduced by the
amount that the bolt stretches, 63 = A - 85.
03(6) 05(6)
= 0.020 (0)
30,000 15,000
5-4 S'l‘ATlCALLY mnmusnmara szmttn msnsn nummans Z 19
Introductory Problems 5-36 A 3-mm-diameter cord (E = 7 GPa) that is covered with a
0.5-mm thick plastic sheath (E = 14 GPa) is subjected to an
S-34* A hollow brass (E = 100 GPa) tube A with an outside di- axial tensile load P, as shown in Fig. P5-36. The load is trans-
ameter of 100 mm and an inside diameter of 50 mm is fastened ferred to the cord and sheath by rigid blocks attached to the
to a 50-mm-diameter steel (E = 200 GPa) rod B, as shown in ends of the assembly. The length of the cord-sheath assembly
Fig. P5-34. The supports at the top and bottom of the assembly is 500 mm and the load P is 90 N. Determine the forces carried
and the collar C used to apply the 500-kN load P are rigid. by the cord and sheath.
a. The normal stresses in each of the members
b. The deflection of the collar C.
P 3.
£ P
_ "-‘ - ..
J ,1 P
. 2 2
2 in ' '
I C Flgiue P5-36
1.5 m
5-37* A load P will be supported by a structure consisting of a
rigid bar A, two aluminum alloy (E = 10,600 ksi) bars B, and a
stainless-steel (E = 28,000 ksi) bar C, as shown in Fig. P5-37.
Figure P5-34
Each bar has a cross-sectional area of 2.00 in? If the bars are
5-35* The 7.5 x 7.5 x 20-in. oak (E = 1800 ksi) block shown unstressed before the load P is applied, determine the normal
in Fig. P5-35 was reinforced by bolting two 2 x 7.5 x 20-in. stresses in the bars after a 40-kip load is applied.
steel (E = 29,000 ksi) plates to opposite sides of the block. If
the load P is 700 kip, determine
a. The normal stress in each member of the assembly.
b. The shortening of the block when the load of part a is |!A
Figure P5-35 Figure P5-37
220 cmwrun s sxuu. manure mvucmous mo PRESSURE vassms
Intermediate Problems
5-41* A hollow steel (E = 30,000 ksi] tube A with an outside
B _ .
diameter of2.5 in. and an inside diameter of 2.0 in. is fastened
L! to an aluminum (E = 10,000 ksi) harB that has a 2-in. diameter
over one-half of its length and a l-in. diameter over the other
A 200 mm half. The assembly is attached to tmyielding supports at the left
and right ends and is loaded as shown in Fig. P5-41 . Determine
C _
1“?- 2 a. The normal stresses in all parts of the bar.
100mm 100mm-lit] . b. The deflection of cross section a»-a.
P 50mm
Figure P5-38 20 kip W T
in so kip
5-39 Each part of the stepped circular shaft shown in Fig. P5-39
is aluminmn (E = 10,600 ksi and v = 0.33]. If segment AB has l I
a diameter of 2.25 in., segment BC has a diameter of 3.20 in.,
20kip =1
and the loadP is 150 kip, determine '20in.l 24in. -L 2-rm
a. The deflection of a cross section at B. Figure P5-41
b. The axial strain in partAB.
c. The change in diameter of part AB. 5-42* The 100 >< 100 >< 500-mm aluminum (E = 13 GPa) block
is reinforced by bolting a 25 x 100 x 500-mm steel (E = 200
GPa) plate on one side of the block as shown in Fig. P5-42.
The structure is compressed between two rigid plates by a force
P = 30 kN. If the rigid plates are to remain horizontal, deter-
mine the location x of the load P.
Steel >-
Figure P5-39
5-43 The assembly shown in Fig. P5-43 consists of a steel bar Fig. P5-45. Ifthe force P is 1000 lb, determine the change in
A (E = 30,000 ksi and A = 1.25 in.2), a rigid bearing plate length of each wire.
C that is securely fastened to bar A, and a bronze bar B (E =
15,000 ksi and A = 3.75 in.2). A clearance of 0.015 in. exists
between the bearing plate C and bar B before the assembly is
loaded. Alter a load P of 95 kip is applied to the bearing plate, |_ -; _ - - . ,
determine A ' -=:| ' "o is-
a. The normal stresses in bars A and B. V
b. The vertical displacement of the bearing plate C.
B . 4711
2 it 2 it l 2 ft ...‘
§ § 6 it P
Figure P5-45
2 l‘i40'0nrm
Figure P5-46
Figure P5-44
5-47 Five 1-in. diameter steel (E = 29,000 ksi) reinforcing bars
will be used in a 3-ft-long concrete (E = 4500 ksi) pier with
5-45* A rigid bar AD is supported by two steel (E = 29,000 ksi) a square cross section, as shown in Fig. P5-47. The allowable
wires of the same cross-sectional area of 0.3 in}, as shown in strengths in compression for steel and concrete are 18 ksi and
222 CHAPTER 5 AXIAL manure spruntrrous mo PRESSURE vassrus
1.4 ksi, respectively. Determine the minimmn size of pier re- 0.375 in? Determine the normal stresses produced in the bolt
quired to support a 200-kip axial load. and sleeves by tightening the nut U4 tin-n (0.020 in.).
ri 6 mil
-‘.0-!¢.Y€.9v,I!/.n/_vn!.v .I.»\'.v.!9.I-29¢-Q. -
I Hl.l|||Il
O ' I ..
(— I.
Figure P5-49
Rigid cap 5-50 Bar BF of Fig. P5-50 is made of steel (E = 210 GPa), and
bar CE is made of aluminum alloy (E = 73 GPa). The cross-
sectional areas are 1200 mm’ for bar BF and 900 mmz for bar
CE. As a result of a misalignment of the pin holes at A, B, and
. 3 ft C, a force of 50 kN upward must be applied at D, after pins A
._ ._- . and B are in place, to permit insertion of pin C. Determine
_, _. . -. -.
a. The normal stress in bar CE when the force P is removed
5 :-:¢ ‘a§’& %§7 _§»%°:a'4?n.‘£J..':_en5'£$.°a'.:‘a7n.§£.-“''?-?r t
-0- 5“"'-7'
with all pins in place.
b. The vertical component of the displacement of pin D from
Figure P5-47 its no-load position.
Challenging Problems
5-48* The two faces ofthe clamp shown in Fig. P5-48 are 250 mm
apart when the two stainless-steel (E = 190 GPa) bolts con-
necting them are unslretched. A force P is applied to separate
the faces of the clamp so that an aluminum alloy (E = 73 GPa) 1
ii 600mm
bar with a length of 251 mm can be inserted as shown. Each of
the bolts has a cross-sectional area of 120 mm: and the bar has D
a cross-sectional area of625 rnrng . After the load P is removed,
1000mm Somm 160mm Somm P
a. The axial stresses in the bolts and in the bar.
b. The change in length of the aluminum alloy bar.
v - ,
_ ._;iq IL;
Figure P5-53
Figure P5-51
5-54 The bronze (E = 100 GPa) post D ofFig. P5-54 has a cross-
sectional area of 2500 mrnz, and the high-strength steel (E =
S-52* A solid circular altuninrnn (E = 73 GPa and G = 28
200 GPa) bar C has a cross-sectional area of 600 mm’. Bari-LB
GPa) bar of constant diameter 30 mm is subjected to the ax-
and the bearing block on post D are to be considered rigid. The
ial loads P1 = 6 kN and P; = 3 kN as shown in Fig. P5-52.
clearance between post D and bar AB is 0.09 mm before the
load P is applied. If the axial stresses are not to exceed 215 MPa
a. The normal stresses in segments AB, BC, and CD ofthe bar. for the steel and 95 MPa for the bronze, determine the maxi-
b. The maximum shear stress in the bar. mum load that can be applied.
c. The change in length of segment BC.
d. The change in diameter of segment BC.
e. The axial strain in segment AB.
50mm 100mm P
mm E'.I
_, B
I:1| — cE -
7? -‘*Rigid
-— A
150*“ C 300mm
. cg
Figure P5-52
Figure P5-54
c. The distancel. between the two washers as a fimction of the b. The changes in length 6,, (of the aluminum rod) and 83 (of
angle of twist 6 of the nut (0” 5 6 5 180"). the brass post) as fimctions of the force P (0 kip 5 P 5
30 kip).
c. The rotation angle 6 (deg) of the crank C as a function of
1in.—11 ii iziiiii |-—1 in. the forceP(0 kip 5 P 5 30 kip).
_ ",1,,,,,,,,”,”,””,,. rise in.
Rigid washers R_ ,d_ 1' - _ - :E-
Figure P5-55 131 . 5 in. A
P .
0.00001. _ . Sin.
5-56 The mechanism of Fig. P5-56 consists of a structural steel L -_.L
(E = 200 GPa) rodA with a cross-sectional area of 350 rnrni,
a cold-rolled brass (E = 100 GPa) rod B with a cross-sectional
area of 750 mnrz, and a rigid bar C. The nuts at the top ends Unleaded
of rods A and B are initially tightened to the point where all 15 in.
slack is removed fi'om the mechanism but the bars remain free
of stress. If a nut advances 2.5 mm with each firll turn (360°), B
1500 mm
50mm 100mm
uni ded B E A
°“ ll:l5J.=<-5&1:
Figure P5-56 Ti Rigid
150mm C 300mm
5-57 Initially, the arms of the crank C shown in Fig. P5-57 are
horizontal and vertical; there is a 0.009-in. gap between the
horizontal arm and the brass (E = 15,000 ksi andA 12 inf)
post B; and the aluminum (E = 10,000 ksi andA = 2 in?) rod
A is horizontal. If the crank C is rigid, calculate and plot it
a. The axial stresses or (in the aluminrun rod) and U3 (in the
brass post) as functions of the force P (0 kip 5 P 5 30 kip). Figure P5-58
5-5 TIIBRMAL smicrs 225
0 = enrt + %L
The term 5? is the deformation due to a temperature change, and 8,, is the defor-
mation due to an axial load. If the temperature of the bar increases (AT positive),
then the induced stress must be negative and the wall must push on the ends of the
rod. If the temperature of the bar decreases (AT negative), then the induced stress
must be positive and the wall must pull on the ends of the rod.
That’is, 1'f endB were no ttthedtth
a ac o c wall andthte e mperaturedrops,
end B would move to B’, a distance I6;-I = Is;-Ll = |o:ATL|, as indicated in Fig.
5-16b. Therefore, for the total deformation of the bar to be zero, the wall at B must
. rib
A B"1 _.
apply a force P 0.4 (Fig. 5-16c) of sufficicnt magnitude to move cnd B through
H. 511 Z GUL — (0/E)L so that the length of the bar is again L, the distance
between the walls. S ince the walls do not move, |8T|=5p, or .1 Bl_5_T:l_
dp —|61|=5p+6T =0
'14 l 3.
and thus the total deformation of the bar is zero. é_ P
- °
( l lie-I
Figure 5-16
1 Example Problem 5-11 A 10-[ll section of steel [E = 200 GPa
and at = ll.9(l0‘6)/°C] rail has a cross-sectional area of 7500 1111112. Both ends
of the rail are tight against adjacent rails that, for this problem, can be assumed
to be rigid. The rail is supported against lateral movement. For an increase in
temperature of 50°C, determine
(a) The normal stress in the rail.
(b) The intemal force on a cross section of the rail.
The rail is modeled as shown in Fig. 5-16a. Since the temperature increases, the
deformations shown in Figs. 5-16b and 5-16c arc reversed, but the magnitudes
of 87- and 5,, are equal.
(a) The change in length of the rail resulting fi'om the temperature change is
given by modifying Eq. 4-1 1 as
F = GA = 119.0(10*)(7s0o)(10-6)
= s92.5(10*) N 2 s93 kN (c) Ans.
2.0 m
B 1.5m
Figure 5-l7(a)
(a) A fi'ee-body diagram for bar CD is shown in Fig. 5-17b. The deformations
ir1 bars A and B are fimctions ofboth load and temperature change, as shown
in Fig. 5-17c. Thus
54 =5AP+5AT (Q)
55 = 531' + 551'
where the subscripts P and T refer to load and temperature, respectively. The
equilibrium and deformation equations needed to solve for FA and F1; are
Equilibrium equation,
fi'om which
‘~‘““-__¥5BT 542'
855"“-___‘_ 8
P As the rigid bar CD rotates about pin C,
<c)\“~~ 8l‘f_ D the pins B, A, and D move on circular arcs
about pin C. If the angle of rotation is small,
Figure 5-l7(b-c) these motions can be approximated as verti-
cal (perpendicular to the bar CD) displace-
Deformation equation, ments, as shown in Fig. 5- 17c. From similar
5,, _ 5,, triangles, 89/1.5 = 6,,/4.0 = 8,3/5.
4 _B
FALA +°¢ALA(AT) _ FBLB +"1r='LB(AT)
45.4,. 4 _ 1.55845 1.5
F,,(2.0) + 22(10-°)(2.0)(100)
4("/5)(10“)(1000)(10-"-') 4
_ FB(l.5) 12(10-°)(1.s)(100)
_ 1.5(200)(10°)(500)(10-6) + 1.5
fi'om which
FA = l.5F,;,- + 15003) (C)
Solving Eqs. (b) and (c) simultaneously yields
FA = l53.00(103) N = 153.00 kN
F5 = 92.00(l03) N = 92.00 kN
(b) Since bar CD rotates as a rigid body, the vertical component ofthe displace-
ment of point D is
_ 5(l53.00)(103)(2.0) 5 _6
(Q) The first step is to draw a free-body diagram. When the force P is applied to the
bearing plate C, we expect the plate to be pushed down (causing a tensile force in
E1 A) and press against the bar B (causing a compressive force in B). The free-body
2.514;, t Z.5k.ip diagram is drawn accordingly (Fig. 5- 18b). The only equation of equilibrium that
1 1 gives any usefirl information is the sum of forces in the vertical direction
5,. = (i +aATL) (b)
83 - (Y — uATL)B (c)
Figure 5-l8(c)
The deformation diagram (Fig. 5-18c) relates the stretch 84, the shrink 83, and
the initial gap of0.0l5 in.
1: + aATL) A = (L
E - aATL) , + 0.015 (6)
5-5 Trrsrrrur. srwscrs 229
54 (72)
+ (6.s)(10-“)AT(72)]
__ F3006)
¢,,(24) _ (9.4)(10 _ ")AT(24)] +0.01s
Finally, solving Eqs. (a) and (g) simultaneously gives the stresses
Stress in Rods
,1 I
4000 .-.4
2000 \Ȣ '1
U mmmm **fi***"’r I I I
10 20 y0\ 40 50
— SigA-T
4°00 --- SigB - c
Temperature Increase, deg. F
Figure 5-l8(e)
230 crrsrrrzrr 5 sxuu. LOADING srrrrorrrons rum Prrsssurrs vrssrus
So now the stresses in the two bars are (for AT < 14.5“)
For temperature increases greater than AT > 14.5“, the stresses are given by
Eq. (I2). The stresses are shown in the graph of Fig. 5-l8e. Positive stresses
represent tension in barA and compression inbar B (as assumed on the free-body
diagrams), and negative stresses represent compression in bar A and tension in
bar B (opposite what was assumed on the free-body diagrams).
Introductory Problems
0 Rigid plate -\
5-59* A 3-in.-diameter >< 80-in.-long aluminum alloy [E =
10,600 ksi and or = 12.5 (l0“°)/“F] bar is stress free after Aluminum Sm‘
being attached to rigid supports, as shown in Fig. P5-59. If the
temperature drops 100" F, determine |
a. The nonnal stress in the bar.
b. The change in length of the bar.
c. The normal stress in the bar if the rigid support at B is re-
30in. V 20in. _
moved. Figure P5-61
d. The change in length of the bar for the conditions stated in
a. The normal stresses in the concrete and irrthe steel bars afler
the temperature increases.
b. The change in length ofthe pier resulting from the combined
effects of the temperature change and the load.
it Zfi
_ ll
B C B311
s>.<>'I0:0'9; in.
ur. ii: -1-1
ii Risidcap Figure P5-65
‘ ||| 5'
T -- 500mm
250mm A
- mg 1
. r D E
1} * '
200mmii'i200mm L#300m
150mm P = l00kN
Figure P5-66
Figure P5-64
5-67 A rigid block weighing 5000 lb is suspended by three wires,
as shown in Fig. P5-65. Wires B are steel [E = 29,000 ksi, or =
6.6(10-°)/°F, andA = 0.25 in.2] and wire C is aluminum [E =
S-65 A rigid block of negligible weight is suspended by three 10,600 ksi, or = l2.5(10"°)/“E andA = 0.50 in.1]. Ifthe tem-
wires, as showninFig. P5-65. Wires B are steel [E = 29,000 ksi,
perature rises 50°F, determine the normal stress in each wire.
cs = 6.6(10'°)1'°F, andA = 0.25 in.2] and wire C is aluminum
[E = 10,600 ksi, or = 12.S(10‘°)./°F, and A = 0.50 in.2]. If 5-68 The pin-connected structure shown in Fig. P5-68 con-
the temperature rises 50°F, determine the normal stress in each sists of a rigid bar ABCD, a steel [E = 210 GPa, and or =
wire. 1l.9(l0"°)/‘°C] bar BF, and an aluminum alloy [E = 73 GPa
232 crrsrrrrrr 5 AXIAL rnsnute APPLICATIONS mo Passsurrs vassrus
and or = 22.5(10‘°)/°C] bar CE. The cross-sectional areas are Challenging Problems
1200 mm: forbarBF and 900 mm: for har CE. The bars are un-
stressed when the structure is assembled at 40°C. Determine 5-70* A solid circular bar of aluminum [E = 74 GPa and or =
12.5 (10-")/°C) has the shape shown in Fig. P5-70. The bar is
a. The normal stresses in the bars after the temperature is re- securely fastened to rigid supports at each end and is essentially
duced to -20°C. stress free at 20°C. Assruning that plane sections perpendicular
b. The shearing stresses in the 30-mm-diameter pins at A, B, to the longitudinal ands of the bar remain plane, determine the
and C. Pin B is in double shear, and pins A and C are in stress at sectionx (0 5 x 5 1 m) when the temperature is 70°C.
single shear.
c. The vertical component of the displacement of pin D from
it original position
Fl 600 mm
1 -—-~-E- l
‘ |B x
. A ___ \ Rigid C D 1 "1
|-| Figure P5-70
1000 mm 160 mm .
80 80 mm
CT. 1-.
F 5-71* The pin-connected structure shown in Fig. P5-71 consists
ofa cold-rolled bronze [E = 15,000 ksi, or = 9.4(10'°)f“F] bar
A, which has a cross-sectional area of 3.00 in.2, and two 0.2 per-
Figure P5-68 cent C hardened steel [E = 30,000 ksi and or = 6.6 (10‘°)f°F]
bars B, which have cross-sectional areas of2.50 in? If the tem-
perature of bar A decreases 50°F and the temperature of bars
5-69* A 200-lb block W is suspended by an aluminum [E = B increases 30°F after the 200-kip load is applied, determine
10,600 ksi, at = l2.5(10"’)f‘F, andA = 0.15 in.2] wire AB, as
a. The normal stresses in the bars.
shown in Fig. P5-69. There is an initial clearance of 0.08 in.
b. The displacement of pin C.
between the block and the floor. Determine the nonnal stress
a. For a temperature increase of 25°F. f 3 ft 3 ft 1
b. For a temperature increase of 60°F. ' " ' ' ' ‘ '
ll| ||| |ll
Y 4n
120 in.
P = 200 kip
r,r B
Figure P5-71
°-°8 i!_1;sL g
5-12 The two faces of the clamp ofFig. P5-72 are 250 mm apart
when the two stainless-steel [E = 190 GPa, A = 115 mm’
Figure rs-so (each), and or = 17.3 (10'°)('°‘C] bolts connecting them are
5-5 'l'l{lllI.MAL tamzcrs Z33
unstretched. A force P is applied to separate the faces of the temperature tmtil the bolt has a tensile force of 3500 lb, and
clamp so that an aluminum alloy [E = 73 GPa,/I = 625 mmz, then the temperature ofthe assembly is slowly raised. Calculate
and or = 22.5(l0‘°)f°C] bar with a length of250.5 mm can be and plot
inserted as shown After the loadP is removed, the temperature
a. The stress 0,; in the aluminum bolt and the stress 0,, in the
is raised 100°C. Determine the normal stresses in the bolts and
steel sleeve as a function ofthe temperature increase A T (0°
in the bar, and the distance between the faces of the clamp.
5 AT 5 l00*F).
b. The change in length ofthe aluminum bolt 8,; and the change
in length of the steel sleeve 5,, as a function of the tempera-
40mm 1 It 250mm 1 T 40mm ture increase AT (0° 5 AT 5 100°F).
Q _
1111111111r1!1111111111nl. H
Rigid washers
Figure P5-72 Figure P5-75
5-73 The three bars shown in Fig. P5-73 are 0.5 in. thick, 1 in. 5-75 A pin ' _connected structure is
' 10a d e d and supported as shown
wide, and 10 in. long. Bars S are steel [E = 29,000 ksi and 0' = in Fig. P5-76. Member AB is rigid; C is a steel [E = 200 GPa, A
6.6(10'°)!°F] and bar/l is aluminum [E = 10,600 ksi and or = = 600mrn2, and or =1l.9(l0‘°)t"‘C]rod;andDis an aluminiun
l2.5( l0‘°)f*F]. The assembly is held together by single rivets alloy [E 73 GPa, A _ 2500 mmz, and at : 22.5(10'°)f’C]
of 0.5-in. diameter at each end, and is stress free at 20°C. Afier post. Initially, bar AB is horizontal, rod C is vertical, and there
the temperature drops 40°C, determine is a 0.09-mm gap between the horizontal arm and the post D. If
a. The normal stress in the rivets. a 35-kN forceP is applied to the right end ofthe bar/ll? and the
b. The shear stress in the rivets. temperature of the system is slowly raised, calculate and plot
a. The axial stresses crg (in the steel rod} and an (in the alu-
minum post) as functions of the temperature increase AT
{0“C 5 AT 5 40°C).
~- 5 0.5 tn. b. The changes in length BC (of the steel rod) and 89 (of the
1 I 5 t 1 T aluminum post) as fimctions of the temperature increase AT
(0°C 5 AT 5 40°C).
L ki1in.i)l I c. The rotation angle 6 (deg) of the bar/LB as a function of the
mm. 4 temperature increase AT (0"C 5 AT 5 40°C).
Figure P5-73
50mm\I I/-100rn2.rgoImn
5-74 A prismatic bar [E = 70 GPa and at = 22.5 (l0"’)l°C], free
of stress at room temperature, is fastened to rigid walls at its
ends. One end of the bar is heated to 100°C while the other end
is maintained at room temperature. The change in temperature ‘“"°“°“ I:5.=e
AT along the bar is proportional to the square of the distance T? “ —"-Rigid
from the unheated end. Determine the normal stress in the bar
after the change in temperature. 15° my C 300 mm
Computer Problems
5-75 An aluminum [E = 10,000 ksi, a =12.5(l0“’)!°F, andA =
1.400 in.2] bolt passes through a steel [E = 30,000 ksi, or =
6.6 (l0'°):"’F, andA = 0.400 in.2] sleeve, as shown in Fig. P5-
75. Initially, the nut is tightened against the washer at room Figure P5-76
5-77 A pin-connected structure is loaded and supported as shown 22.5(l0"’)/° C]. As a result of a misalignment of the pin holes
in Fig. P5-77. Member CD is rigid; A is a stainless steel [E = atA, B, and C, bar CE must be heated 80°C (afier pins A and B
28,000 ksi, or = 6.6(l 0‘°)1"’F, andA = 1.75 in.2] bar; andB is an are in place) to permit insertion of pin C. Calculate and plot
aluminum alloy [E = 10,600 ksi, or = 12.5 (l0‘°)/"‘F. andA =
a. The axial stresses Um" (in the steel bar) and Ufg (in the alu-
2.25 in.2] bar. Initially, CD is horizontal and bars A and B are
minum bar) as functions of the temperature decrease (as
unstressed. If the temperature of the system is slowly raised,
bar CE cools back down to room temperature) AT (— 80“‘C
calculate and plot
5 AT 5 0°C).
a. The axial stresses 0,, (in the steel bar) and 0'3 (in the alu- b. The changes in length 65,- (in the steel bar) and 5.;-E (in the
minum bar) as functions of the temperature increase AT aluminum bar) as functions of the temperature decrease (as
(0“ 5 AT 5 l00°F). bar CE cools back down to room temperature) AT (— 80°C
b. The changes in length 6,, (of the steel bar) and 53 (of the 5 AT 5 0*C).
aluminum bar) as functions of the temperature increase AT
(0“ 5 AT 5 l00"‘F).
~ -0 ‘
its ga E ii
_;_[ .5 A H D
G_-_ 4._._
E" -main?‘
i as i 5ft gr_.‘-_
' \-Rigid C
Figure rs-17 l000rmn 160mm
A‘ ‘A Bi ‘B C‘ ‘C
, ‘_ Y. .
.1 / \
\ \
I \ \ ’ \
as the stress concentration factor. Thus, the expression for the maximum normal
stress in a centrically loaded member becomes
where A is either the gross area or the net area (area at the reduced section)
depending on the value used for K, the stress concentration factor. Curves, similar
to the ones shown in Fig. 5-20, can be found in numerous design handbooks. It
is important that the user of such curves (or tables of factors) ascertain whether
the factors are based on the gross or net section. The factors K, shown in Figs.
5-20a, b, and c are based on the net section. Sometimes the solution of a problem
is expedited by use ofthe factor K3 based on the gross section, and for this purpose
conversion expressions are given with the various curves.
A classic example of the solution of a problem involving a localized redis-
tribution of stress occurs in the case of a small circular hole in a wide plate under
uniform unidirectional tension.3 The theory of elasticity solution is expressed
in terms of a radial stress 0,, a tangential stress 05, and a shearing stress 1,8,
3'I‘his solution was obtained by G. Kirsch; see Z. Ver. dent. Ing.,Vol. 42, l8§8. See also Elaslicily
in Engineering Mechanics, A. P. B-oresi and P. P. Lynn, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ. I974,
pp. 304-309.
_ Rad=,\ 4 _ __ _~ __ _
-‘I I U IL -II I Z.’-I —-Ii -
_1i B iI_ mi W $ ii; _1i D d i
oi 1, I iv oi iv‘
Ln) d - Ln) :idI: _ Ln)
\“-Rad=r -
all 1<.=1<.(s)j _ fK,
anctor Pt .=1<.(fi) _iA factorK,
ation I
M T, Ya
0011 M
_ ii mm mi
C011 NI
_ :_
i b-)
% = 3.00 Q Z400
Str Srcss Stress
I I I I %=125_ '-;;;___
, I I I I I I I , 1
0 0.5 1.0 0 0.5 1.0 0 0.5 1.0
Ratio rib Ratio dfw Ratio rid
(-11) (5) (C)
Figure 5-20 Stress concentration factors for grooves, holes, and fillets.
-lbah-‘I Ln ab
a, =—
2( l—— ——
2( l——
— 2
cr 0 3:14
U5 = 5(i-I-* + E(1-F?) C0529 [5-6)
QQ IQWDWDg u iuru
‘E,-9 = Si]126
J, 0', = 0
59 ‘rs '
H, I, 0'6 = o'(l + 2 cos 26)
r é T,-,9 = 0
Jr At 6 = 0° the tangential stress as equals 30, where a is the uniform tensile stress
in 8 .,
i in the plate in regions far removed from the hole. Thus, the stress concentration
factor associated with this type of discontinuity is 3.
The localized nature ofa stress concentration can be evaluatedby considering
the distribution of tangential stress 0'9 along the x-axis (6 = 0°) in Fig. 5-21. Here
0' a2 311"’
Figure s-21 ”=E2+F+F“
At a distance r = 3a (one hole diameter from the hole boundary) this equation
yields as = 1.0740. Thus, the stress that began as three times the nominal stress
5-6 sraasscoscnvrnsrross 257
at the bormdary of the hole has decayed to a value only 7 percent greater than
the nominal stress at a distance of one diameter from the hole. This rapid de-
cay is typical of the redistribution of stress in the neighborhood of a disconti-
Stress concentration is not significant in the case of static loading ofa ductile
material (defined in Section 4-2) because the material will yield irrelastically in
the region of high stress and, with the accompanying redistribution of stress, equi-
librium may be established and no harm done. However, if the load is an impact
or repeated load, instead of the action described above, the material may fracture.
Also, if the material is brittle, even a static load may cause fiacture. Therefore, in
the case of impact or repeated loading on any material or static loading on a brittle
material, the presence of stress concentration should not be ignored. Before we
leave the subject of stress concentration, it should be noted that inregions ofsupport
and load application, the stress distribution varies from the nominal value (defined
as the stress obtained fi"om elementary theories of stress distribution uniform
for centric loading). This fact was discussed in 1864 by Barre de Saint-Venant
(1797-1886), a French mathematician. Saint-Venant observed that although lo-
calized distortions in such regions produced stress distributions different from the
theoretical distributions, these localized effects disappeared at some distance (the
implication being that the distance is not of great n1agnitude‘*) fi'om such loca-
tions. This statement is known as Saint-Fienanrfs principle and is constantly used
in engineering design.
1 Example Problem 5-14 The machine pm shown in Fig. 5-22 is 90 mm '—~-\ 60 mm >\_
20 mnr thick and is made of 0.4 percent carbon hot-rolled steel. Determine the
maximum safe load P if the maximum normal stress is not to exceed 14-4 MPa.
The maximum normal stress in the machine part will occur either in the fillet I ‘" 15 rmn rad.
\- 27 mm dia. hole
between the two sections or on the boundary of the hole. At the fillet,
Figure 5-22
D/d = 90/so — 1.5
r/d = 15/so = 0.25
From Fig. 5-200
At the hole,
‘I-‘or example, it can be shown mathematically that the lo-calizedeffect of a concentrated load on a beam
may disappear at a section slightly greater than the depth ofthe beam away from the load. Sec Theory
ofl!-TIa.s-riciey, S. Timoshenko and J. N. Goodier, 3rd ed., McGraw-Hill, New York, 1970.
238 crntrrrzrr 5 xxnu. LOADING xrruotrross mo Passsutts vassrris
K, '5 2.30
Introductory Problems in.-diameter hole is drilled through the bar as shown in Fig.
5-79* The machine part shown in Fig. P5-79 is 1/4-in. thick and
is made of SAE 4340 heat-treated steel. Determine the n1axi- a. Determine the stress at pointA (on the edge of the hole) in
mum safe load P ifthe maximum normal stress is not to exceed the bar before and alter the hole is chilled. Use Fig. 5-20b.
66 ksi. b. Determine the stress at point A using Eq. 5-6.
c. Repeat parts a and b if the diameter of the hole is increased
to l in.
d. Repeat parts a and b if the diameter of the hole is increased
to 2 in.
PG‘? 3in. Zin. ZDP
0.5 in. dia. hole I
Figure P5-79 .4
P _l|O|l_ if in P
5-80 The machine pan shown in Fig. P5-80 is 10 mm thick and is Figure P5-81
made of cold-rolled 18-8 stainless steel. Determine the maxi-
mum safe load P ifthe maximum normal stress is not to exceed
760 MPa.
5-82* The machine part shown in Fig. P5-82 is 20 mm thick, is
made ofcold-rolled red brass, and is subjected to a tensile load
P of 100 kN. Determine the minimum radius r that can be used
between the two sections if the maximum normal stress is not
P l60Imm O:LT_16mm P to exceed 205 MPa.
Figure P5-80
I’ I
P 40 mm 80 mm P
Intermediate Problems
5-81 A 118-in. thick x 4-in.-wide steel bar is transmitting an )
axial tensile load of 500 lb. After the load is applied a 1164- Figure P5-82
B 5 P ‘ f
I f'7'ti'I[L P 200mm 1'—A62
80mm P
2 _Z1.tn.
and the strain at yield is approximately 0.004. Thus, the modulus of elasticity
for the aluminum alloy is approximately 10,500 ksi. The slope of the diagram in
the initial portion of the inelastic region is 1400 ksi; therefore, the increment of
stress required to produce a specified increment of strain in the inelastic region is
less than it is in the elastic region. It is obvious from the diagram that a strain-
hardening material does not permit an increase in strain without an increase in
-- toas 0.0024 in./" - .
ks '\~ o = 381 so-53
15.6 ksi The useful small-deforrnation region of the stress-strain diagram for a mag-
Stress, »-4 IQ nesium alloy can be approximated by the idealized diagram shown in Fig. 5-25.
6500 ksi The elastic portion of the diagram is a straight line. The inelastic portion of the
0 1 diagram cannot be represented adequately by a straight line of different slope
0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.010 beginning at the yield stress; therefore, this nonlinear region is defined by an ap-
Strain, in.!i11. propriate mathematical function. The data presented in Fig. 5-25 indicate that the
Figure 5-25 Magnesium alloy. yield stress for the magnesium alloy is approximately 15.6 ksi and the strain at
yield is approximately 0.0024. Thus, the modulus of elasticity for the magnesium
alloy is approximately 6500 ksi. It is obvious fi'om the diagram that this magne-
sium alloy is a strain-hardening material that does not permit an increase in strain
without an increase in stress.
A statically determinate, axially loaded member will deform elastically until
stresses in the member reach the yield point of the material. Once the yield stress
for the member is exceeded, the strain in the member must be obtained by referring
to the stress-strain diagram for the material. Failure of such members is assumed
when a prescribed level of strain is reached.
The elastic analysis of statically indeterminate, axially loaded members was
discussed in Section 5-4. The procedure outlined in that section for solving stati-
cally indeterminate problems consisted of the following steps:
1. Draw a free-body diagram.
2. Identify the unlcrrown forces.
3. List the independent equations of equilibrium.
4. Write the required number of deformation equations.
5. Solve the equilibrium and deformation equations for the unknown forces.
“Then the stresses in some members extend into the inelastic range, stress-strain
diagrams such as those shown in Figs. 5-23, 5-24, and 5-25 must be used to relate
the loads and the deflections before the equations can be solved for the unlcnown
forces. For the case ofan elastoplastic material (Fig. 5-23), the force in the member
will have a constant value after the yield stress is reached. Once the forces irrthese
members are known, the remaining forces can be determined by using statics
methods. For the case of strain-hardening materials (Figs. 5-24 and 5-25), trial-
and-error solutions are required because the stress in each ofthe members depends
on the deflection imposed on the member.
The procedure for analyzing axially loaded members with stresses extending
into the inelastic range is illustrated in the following example.
so ,
g L -_,r_ ,, K
2 2 Ii
10111. I
1 /
O Pi
of elasticity of 30,000 ksi. Pipe B has a cross-sectional area of 2.00 in.2 and is
made of an aluminum alloy with the stress-strain diagram shown in Fig. 5-26b.
A load of 30 kip is applied to plate C as shown. Determine the normal snesses
in rod A and pipe B and the displacement ofplate C.
Figure 5-26c is a free-body diagram of plate C and portions of members A and
B. The free-body diagram contains two unknown forces. Only one equation of
equilibrium is available; therefore, the problem is statically indeterminate. As
the load is applied to plate C, it moves downward an amount 8, which represents
the total deformation in members A and B (see Fig. 5-26d). This observation
provides a displacement equation that can be used with the equilibrium equation
PA=(m'4)(0.50)20A I8 _ 6
A _ B
15 kip 15 kip
PB = 2.000,,
(6) (4)
Figure 5-26(c-d)
+'TER,,=0: P,,+P,,-30=0
(H/4)(U.50)2UA + 2.000, - 30 = 0
0.190356, + 2.000, - 30 = 0 (Q)
and compatibility
5,; = 55
e,1(l0) = €3(20)
In order to solve these equations, the stresses and strains must be related.
If the stresses are less than the corresponding proportional limits, Hooke’s law
can be used. If Hooke’s law (0 = Es) is assumed to be valid, the compatibility
equation becomes
106,1 _ 2003
30(103) 10(10*)
where EB = lO(lO3) ksi is the slope of the linear portion of the stress-strain
diagram shown in Fig. 5-26b. Thus
0,4 = 603
These results indicate that bar A is stressed beyond the proportional limit
of the steel (40 ksi) and that Hooke’s law does not apply. Since the material is
assumed to be perfectly plastic beyond the proportional limit, the stress in bar./1
must be 40 ksi. When this value is substituted in equilibrium equation, Eq. (a),
the equation becomes
0,,-L3 l1.073(20)
8=8,-;=—= e=0.022l4-in.E0.0221 in. .1, Ans.
EB 10003)
Introductory Problems 5-87 The stepped bar shown in Fig. P5-87 has a 0.75-in.-diameter
over half its length and a 1.25-in.-diameter over the other half.
5-85* MemberABC of Fig. P5-85 is rigid and bar CD is mistress- The bar is made ofan alumimnn alloy with the idealized stress-
ed before the load P is applied. Bar CD has a cross-sectional strain diagram shown in Fig. 5-24. Determine
area of 1.00 in? and is made of an aluminum alloy with the
idealized stress-strain diagram shown in Fig. 5-24. Determine a. The change in length of the bar when P = 10,000 lb.
b. The change in length of the bar when P = 20,000 lb.
a. The normal stress in bar CD when P = 28,000 lb.
b. The normal stress in bar CD when P = 35,000 lb.
c. The change in length of bar CD when P = 35,000 lb.
" i C P
B ca
Sin. _ 10 m.—-— 10 in.—-.
Figure P5-87
420 . GI
l99Ml‘s '°-0 9100 OI
W__ l.rn
E. -1 EA B
T . "1 Sness,
1 12,500 MPa
1 C
i‘=m E)
" =
0 0.004 0.008 |-—1.sm—=li2.s [email protected] m
30 kN Strain, mmfrrun
S-89* The rigid, weightless bar shown in Fig. P5-89 is supported Challenging Problems
by two steel (yield strength = 100 ksi, E = 29,000 ksi, andA =
1.6 in?) cables and an aluminum (yield strength = 70 ksi, 5-91* Bar A of Fig. P5-91 is made of an aluminum alloy with
E = 10,600 ksi, and A = 3.2 in?) cable. Determine the largest a proportional limit of 55 ksi and a modulus of elasticity of
load P that can be applied without any cable exceeding its yield 10,500 ksi. Bar B is made of structural steel (elastoplastic)
strength. with a proportional limit and yield point of 36 ksi and a mod-
ulus of elasticity of 29,000 ksi. Both bars have cross-sectional
areas of 1.5 in? Determine
a. The normal stresses in bars A and B aiter a 50-kip load P is
. ":5 . b. The shearing stress in the 1.00-in.-diameter pin at C, which
Aluminum is in double shear.
Steel 10 ft Steel
sn an "E5
fi 40m. A
i B
20in. ~ 3
1- L mo ________ _ _ Steel
I" I" I"
Q E) ®
“V 750 mm
350 _ _ A___ 3'lummum
C i 00 9 Q O__ UV “-"“‘- 007
P (#1) (bl
Figure P5-90 Figure P5-92
5-7 rsautsrrc BEHAVIOR or sxuu.|.r LOADED rrsrmans Z45
5-93 The rigid bar CD of Fig. P5-93 is horizontal and bars A
and B are unstressed before the load P is applied. Bar/1 has a '5
cross-sectional area of 2.00 in.’ and is made of an aluminum
alloy that has the stress-strain diagram shown in Fig. 5-26b.
Bar B has a cross-sectional area of 2.50 in? and is made of
a low-carbon steel (elastoplastic) that has a proportional limit
and yield point of 36 ksi and a modulus of elasticity of 30,000 '5 B 500mm
ksi. Determine
250 mm A
a. The normal stress in each of the bars afler a 40-kip load P
is applied.
b. The normal stress in each of the bars after a 60-kip load P
is applied.
' sis
c. The vertical displacement (deflection) of C after a 65-kip —I 150mm L300mm
load P is applied.
d. The axial strain in barA when P = 40 kip. P
e. TheaxialstraininbarsAandBwhenP=65 kip. Figure P5-94
5-95 A 314-in.-diameter bolt passes through a sleeve, as shown in
Fig. PS-95a. As the nut is tightened, it advances a distance of
0.125 in. along the bolt for each complete turn of the nut. The
._.|., bolt is made of low-carbon steel (assumed to be elastoplastic)
with a proportional limit and a yield point of 40 ksi and a
modulus of elasticity of 30,000 ksi. The sleeve has a cross-
sectional area of 0.40 in.; and is made of an aluminum alloy
10 in. ‘I with the stress-strain diagram shown in Fig. P5-95b. Calculate
and plot:
a. The axial stresses 0,, (in the steel bolt) and 0,; (in the alu-
minum sleeve) as frmctions of the angle oftwist 6 of the nut
C A. (0° 5 6 5 210°).
ii-:i b. The changes in length 8,, (of the steel bolt) and 5,, (of the
5 in.—Ii—3 tn.-I2 in.i1— aluminum sleeve) as functions of the angle of twist 6 of the
nut (0° 5 6 5 210").
c. The distance L between the two washers as frmctions of the
P angle oftwist 6 ofthe nut (0° 5 6 5 210°).
Figure P5-93 lin.—!| |*il0in.iI; |l—li1|.
Computer Problems
5-94 The rigid bar CDE of Fig. P5-94 is horizontal and bars Rigid Rigid
A and B are rmstressed before the load P is applied. Bar A
has a cross-sectional area of 500 mm’ and is made of an alu-
minum alloy that has a proportional limit of 330 MPa and a so
modulus of elasticity of 73 GPa. Bar B has a cross-sectional
area of 750 1111112 and is made of a low-carbon steel (elasto- -— 1 1400 ksi
plastic) that has a proportional limit and a yield point of 275 i 0.004
MPa and a modulus of elasticity of 210 GPa. Calculate and
plot ks
Stress, DJ-InOO l0,500ksi
a. The axial stresses 0,, (in the aluminum bar] and 05 (in
the steel bar) as fimctions of the load P (0 kN 5 P 5 0
0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.010
260 kN). Sln-1i.rr,in.1"in.
b. The changes in length 3., (of the aluminum bar) and 65
{of the steel bar) as fimctions of the load P (0 kN 5 P 5 (5)
260 kN). Figure P5-95
_‘ .
3 v
Figure 5-27 Hortonsphere for gas storage in Superior, ‘Wisconsin. (Courtesy of Chicago
Bridge and Iron Co., Chicago, Ill.)
1\1"1 ha
(H) (11)
Figure 5-28
R— P =0
Znrtaa = prrrz
from which
U0 = ii: (5-7)
Cylindrical Pressure Vessels. A typical thin-walled cylindrical pressure vessel
used for gas storage is shown in Fig. 5-29. Normal stresses, such as those shown
on the small element ofFig. 5-300, are easy to evaluate by using appropriate free-
body diagrams. The normal stress component on a transverse plane is known as
an axial or meridional stress and is commonly denoted as 0,, or am. The normal
stress component on a longitudinal plane is known as a hoop, tangential, or
circumferential stress and is denoted as 0),, 0,, or 0,-. There are no shearing
stresses on transverse or longitudinal planes.
The free-body diagram used for axial stress determination is similar to
Fig. 5-28b, which was used for the sphere, and the results are the same. The
free-body diagram used for the hoop stress determination is shown ir1Fig. 5-30b.
5-~---r 1 ' ll
| _- -'=f§nt~ "T"
R -§
Figure 5-29 Cylindrical tanks for gas storage in Northlake, Illinois. (Courtesy of Chicago Bridge and Iron Co., Chicago Ill.)
The force P, is the resultant of the fluid forces acting on the fluid remaining
within the portion of the cylinder isolated by the longitudinal plane and two
transverse planes. The forces Q are the resultant of the internal forces on the
cross-sectional area exposed by the longitudinal plane containing the axis of
the cylinder. From a stmrmation of forces in the x-direction,
2Q — P, = 0
2o;,Lt = p2rL
from which
0;, = ¥ (5-8:1)
Q = o_;,L1
z , .0
* “ “ “ ' ‘ “ "' --.//r I It
Uh ' l_1:'j/Z’
Ga A :-€i‘_;::_’/’
on :2" _ ':’ -_
(H) (I1)
Figure 5-30
5-s 'I'l-IIN-WALLBD Pnsssnlus vssssts 249
a,, _ 21 (5-8b)
pressure. The theory can be extended to include other shapes and other loading
conditions. Consider, for example, the thin shell ofrevolution shown inFig. 5-3 1 .
l :*=1
lQ '|‘I‘-‘-“LI_-______
Such shells are generated by rotating a plane curve, called the meridian, about
an axis lying ir1 the plane of the curve. Shapes that can be formed ir1 this manner
include the sphere, hemisphere, torus (doughnut), cylinder, cone, and ellipsoid.
In shells of revolution, the two unknown principal stresses are a meridional
Figure 5-31
stress am that acts on a plane perpendicular to the meridian and a tangential
stress 0', that acts on a plane perpendicular to a parallel. Both of these stresses
are shown on the small element of Fig. 5-31. The two stresses can be evaluated
by using two equilibrium equations.
The small element ofFig. 5-31 is shown enlarged inFig. 5-32. The element
has a uniform thickness, is subjected to an internal pressure p, and has different
curvatures in two orthogonal directions. The resultant forces on the various
surfaces are shown on the diagram. Summing forces in the n-direction gives
from which
and since, for small angles, sin 0'49 '5 d9, the above equation becomes
E+ E = B (5_9)
r,,, r, t
Fm = <:,,,(21r,a'e,)
P =p(2r,d'9,) (2r,,,.:e,,,) - _
G F. = 6121*»/IBM)
I ,,
Figure 5-32
In Eq. 5-9, r,,, is the radius of curvature of the meridian, o',,, is the meridional
stress, r, is the curvature of the parallel, 0, is the circumferential stress, and t is
the thickness of the wall of the thin shell of revolution.
Since Eq. 5-9 contains two unknown stresses, an additional indepen-
dent equation is needed. Such an equation can be obtained by considering
equilibrium of a portion of the vessel above or below the parallel that passes
through the point of interest. Application of Eq. 5-9 is illustrated in Example
Problem 5-1'7.
The hoop stress 0;, and the axial stress an in the cylinder can be determined by
using Eqs. 5-8a and b Thus,
0,, = 3 = = 75.0(10°)N/m2 = 75.0 MPa
r 0.015
_ E _ 1500(103)(0.7s) _ 6 ,_
<1, _ 2: _ e2(0_0l5) _37.5(10 )N/m _ 37.5 MPa
y I
The normal stress 0,, perpendicular to the weld and the shearing stress rm parallel
to the weld can be determined by using the stress transformation equations,
Eqs. 2-12 and 2-13. The stresses for use in these equations are
.»'-30" " 0', = on = +37.5 MPa cry = 07, = +75.0 MPa tn. = 0
The angle 9 for the plane parallel to the weld is —30", as shown in Fig. 5-33b.
Thus, from Eqs. 2-l2 and 2-13,
Figure s-33(1))
0,, = ax cosz 9 + 0,, sin: 9 + 213,. sin 6 cos 6
P The longitudinal and hoop directions are = 37.5 cos2(—30°) + 15.0 sin2(—30°) + 0
principal directions, and these surfaces are
free of shear stress. However, the weld seam = 4-6.875 MP3 Z 46.9 MP8. (T) ADS.
(and any other surface not aligned with the
r,,, = —(0',, — ay) sin 6 cos 6 + r,,.(cos2 9 — sinz 6)
axial or hoop directions) will be subjected
to both a normal stress and a shear stress. = —(37.5 — 75.0) sin(—30°) cos(—30°) + 0
= —l6.238 h/[Pa E -16.24 MPa Ans.
The minus sign indicates that the direction of the shearing stress r,,, is opposite
to that shown in Fig. 5-33a.
5-8 THIN-WALLBD Pnsssnrur vssssrs 251
G. Ill
x= in
Thick plate \ __
____‘ "iii V
2 _-
y=% Fim 16in
1i 1
36 in.
I6 in. I °'
(<1) (5)
Figure 5-34
Determining 03,,
The meridional stress am, which must be tangent to the shell, can be determined
with the aid of the free-body diagram shown in Fig. 5-34b. From the equation
of the parabola, the radius x and the slope of the shell dyfdx at y = 16 in. are
determined to be 8 in. and 4/ l, respectively.
Summing forces in the y-direction gives
—f dP+f dFcosa=0
A,» .4,
from which
Determining 0-,
In order to find 0, from Eq. 5-9, the radii rm and r, at the point must be de-
termined. The radius of curvature rm of the shell in the xy plane is determined
252 crntrnzn 5 xxnu. LOADING xrrucsnons mo Prtsssuns vsssrtrs
r”' = [1+l“Y/‘mzllis
= (1+42)1'5
1 /2
= 140.19 in.
and the perpendicular radius r, is found from the geometry of Fig. 5-3 4b as
I rm I’;
250_ 4123 + 0,
1/4 — 140.19 3.246
from which
Introductory Problems a. The normal stress perpendicular to the weld.
b. The shearing stress parallel to the weld.
5-96* Determine the maximum normal stress in a 300-mm-
diameter basketball that has a 2-mrn wall thickness after it
has been inflated to a pressure of 100 kPa.
5-97* A steel pipe with an inside diameter of 10 in. will be used
to transmit steam under a pressure of800 psi. If the hoop stress
in the pipe must be limited to 10 ksi because of a longitudinal
weld in the pipe, determine the minimum satisfactory thickness
for the pipe.
5-98 A cylindrical propane tank, similar to the ones shown in Fig. Figure P5-100
5-29, has an outside diameter of 3 .25 m and a wall thickness of
22 mm. If the allowable hoop stress is 100 MPa and the allow-
able axial stress is 45 MPa, determine the maximum internal
pressure that can be applied to the tank.
5-99 A spherical gas storage tank, similar to the one shown in 5-101* A cylindrical pressure vessel with an internal diameter of
Fig. 5-27, has a diameter of 35 it and a wall thickness of 718 in. 6 it and a wall thickness of 0.5 in. is subjected to an internal
Determine the maximum normal stress in the tank if the gas pressure of 200 psi. The vessel is made of steel having a mod-
pressure is 100 psi. ulus of elasticity of 29,000 ksi and a shear modulus of 11,000
ksi. Determine
a. The axial and hoop stresses in the vessel.
Intermediate Problems b. The axial and hoop strains in the vessel.
5-100* A steel boiler l m in diameter is welded using a spi- 5-102 The cylindrical tank shown in Fig. P5-102 is 20 m in di-
ral seam that makes an angle of 30*‘ with respect to a trans- ameter, is made of structural steel (E = 200 GPa), and will be
verse plane of the boiler, as shown in Fig. P5-100. For an in- used to store stove oil with a density of 850 kg/mi. Determine
ternal pressure of 950 kPa and a wall thickness of 50 mm, the minimum wall thickness required if the maximum normal
determine stress is not to exceed 80 MPa.
5-s 'I'l-IIN-WALLIED Pnsssurts vssssts Z55
1/8 in. The vessel is made of0.4 percent carbon hot-rolled steel
(E = 30,000 ksi and G = 11,600 ksi). Determine
a. The stresses 0, and 0; in the vessel.
b. The intemal pressure applied to the vessel.
l . -r
Figure P5-102
Figure P5-105
5-103 A standpipe 12 ft in diameter and 50 ft tall is being con-
structed for use as a storage tank for water with a specific weight 5-106 An internal pressure p is applied to the t.hin-walled toroidal
of 62.4 lb/ft’ (Fig. P5-102). The wall thickness of the vessel is shell (pressurized doughnut) shown in Fig. P5-106. Determine
0.5 in. the axial and hoop stresses 0, and 0,, at points A and B on the
a. Determine the axial and hoop stresses at the lower end of horizontal plane of symmetry of the shell in terms of p, R, r,
the vessel. Neglect stress concentrations. and t. Hint: the hoop stress 0,, at point/1 can be determined by
b. Determine the axial and hoop stresses at a point 25 ft above using a free body consisting of one quarter of the shell, such
the bottom of the vessel. as the part shown cross-hatched in Fig. P5-106.
Flgtue P5-107
Figure rs-104
Computer Problems
5-105* The strains measured on the outside surface of the cylin- 5-108 A 1200-mm-diameter cylindrical pressure tank is fabri-
drical pressure vessel shown in Fig. P5-105 are e1 = +619 cated by butt-welding 20-mm-thick plate with a spiral seam as
,u.in.!in. and e; = +330 ,u.in./in. The angle 6 = 30f’. The out- shown in Fig. P5-108. Ifthe seam angle is 6' = 37°, compute
side diameter of the vessel is 20 in., and the wall thickness is and plot the nonnal stress perpendicular to the weld and the
254 cuavrsn 5 AXIAL tmnnvs APPLICATIONS mo PRESSURE vasssls
shearing stress parallel to the weld as functions of the internal Rigid P1816
pressurep (10 kPa 5 p 5 2800 kPa). __ - __
E ' L
5-109 A 4-ft-diameter cylindrical pressure tank is fabricated by
butt-welding 314-in.-thick plate with a spiral seam as shown
in Fig. P5-108. The pressure in the tank is 200 psi. Compute
and plot the normal stress perpendicular to the weld and the
shearing stress parallel to the weld as functions of the seam
angle 6 (0° 5 6 5 60°).
Figure P5-108
P 5y G
P §”Gm
(H) (5)
0), = 0”,
0, = 01; + om
Figure 5-35
stress ax), is due to the axial load, and the stresses exp (= 0,) and cw (= ah) are due
to the pressure. The x-components may be added since both are tensile stresses and
act on the same plane at the same point. Since a point on the outside of the vessel is
a fiee surface, <1, = 0; aplane stress element showing the stresses is shown in Fig.
5-35c, where 0, = ax)» + 0,4,. There are no shear stresses on the element shown
ir1 Fig. 5-35c as there are no loads to produce them. Thus, the xy-components of
stress (Fig. 5-35c) are also principal stresses. Example Problem 5—18 illustrates
the procedures discussed.
30,000 lb
(a) The stresses 0,, 0,-, and 17,, on a stress element at point A, which is on the AI |—:¢
outside surface of the tank.
(b) The normal and shearing stresses on an inclined plane oriented at +30“ fi'om
the x-axis.
(a) The stresses on elementA a.re due to the combined effects of internal pressure (<1)
and axial load. The internal pressure produces tensile normal (hoop and axial) Figure S-36(a)
stresses 0;, = ax and 0,, = oy. The axial load produces a compressive normal
stress oy. There are no shearing stresses on transverse or longitudinal planes.
Since element A is on the outside surface of the tank, it is subjected to a state
of plane stress.
Stresses due to internal pressure:
0,, = 12,800 psi (T) Ans.
ay = 6400 — 261.2 = 6138.8 psi E 6140 psi (T) Ans. "30°
These results are shown on the stress element of Fig. 5-36b. (6)
(b) The stresses on the inclined plane, shown in Fig. 5-36c, are found using Figure 5-36(b-c)
the stress transformation equation, Eqs. 2-12a and 2-13a. The stresses and
256 cusrrsx 5 xxnu. LOADING srrucmoss mo PRESSURE vsssris
The xy and nt stresses are shown on the triangular element of Fig. 5-36d.
Introductory Problems The pressure in the tank is 2800 kPa, and an axial load of 1 30 kN
is applied to the end of the tank through a rigid bearing plate.
5-110* The thin-walled cylindrical pressure vessel shown in Determine
Fig. P5-110 is subjected to the axial load P of 40 kN and an
internal pressure p of 2 MPa. The vessel has an inside diameter a. The normal stress perpendicular to the weld.
of 1000 mm and a wall thickness of 20 mm. Determine the h. The shearing stress parallel to the weld.
stresses ax, 0-y‘ and r,,., and show them on a rectangular stress c. The maximum shearing stress at a point on the outside sur-
element. face of the vessel.
d. The maximum shearing stress at a point on the inside surface
_ _ _y_ ___________ _ _ of the vessel.
P ( P
130 kN
Figure P5-110 - Rigid plate
_i _
Figure P5-1 12
Figure P5-ll l
/ Rigid plate
0 \’3,?
Figure P5-113
Challenging Problems
5-114* A thin-walled cylindrical presstne vessel is made of steel
(E = 200 GPa and G = 76 GPa), has an inside diameter of
1000 mm, has a wall thickness of 20 mm, and is subjected to
an axial tensile load of 50 kN and an intemal pressure of 2.5
kPa. Determine the axial and hoop strains at a point on the
outside surface of the vessel. Figure P5-116
o,+ do, p
o, nip at p d9 G1‘ dP db
-- \ O G -______
‘\ \ r r II | -~___"\-_
I I \\ \ 1 ‘Ur ‘ I -"1
I :1p ll 1" 1 6' p deli“
1 1 ' ' __ dp 1. I '
I| p >_____ -I 1
Er |[|___»-"S lF_ Q _,l;| ‘I
P, .1 I ' I .1
1 z % [:11 5,, Ur 1|l Iii PH’
. I I.
/,’1/ \\
\ \\
0,. + do, o, + do, 1| Ii ‘£1
1 > ‘I'll
1H | | If J11:
1 to 11
would not develop on the inner and outer surfaces of the ring, since the pressure
loadings do not tend to force the rings to rotate with respect to one another.
In Section 5-8, which dealt with thin-walled pressure vessels, it was shown
that a tangential or hoop component of stress develops when a pressure difference
exists between the irmer and outer surfaces of a thin shell or ring. The planes on
which these tangential stresses act can be exposed by considering only a small
part of a ring, as shown shaded in Fig. 5-3 7b. Since the ring is assumed to be thin,
the tangential stress 0, can be considered to be tmiformly distributed through the
thickness of the ring. A relationship between radial stress 0, and tangential stress
0, can be obtained from equilibrium considerations. A free-body diagram of a
small part of a ring, such as the one shown in Fig. 5-37c for the shaded part of Fig.
5-37b, is useful for this determination. The axial stress ca, which may be present
in the cylinder, has been omitted from this diagram since it does not contribute
to equilibrium in the radial or tangential directions. The fi'ee-body diagram is
assumed to have a length dL along the axis of the cylinder.
From a summation of forces in the radial direction
_ d6
(0, + da,)(p + dp) d6dL — a,p d0dL — 20, dp dL sm? = 0 (a)
By neglecting higher-order terms and noting that for small angles sin d9l2 E d9f2,
Eq. (a) can be reduced to
pi”.-@.=o (b)
Equation (b) cannot be integrated directly, since both 0, and a, are functions
of radial position p. In previous instances, when such statically indeterminate
5-10 'I'HlCK-‘WALLED crurvortrcu. Prurssults vssssrs 2 S9
,0 dig + 26, = 2c, (8)
If Eq. (e) is multiplied by p, the terms before the equal sign can be expressed as
%(p20,) , and thus Eq. (e) becomes
—(p2v-) = 2510
Integrating yields
P29} = Cm’ + C:
where C2 is a constant of integration. Thus,
Ur = C1 + *5’ U)
(Tr = C1 — F (8)
Values for the constants C 1 and C2 in Eqs. (f) and (g) can be determined by using
the lcnown values for the pressures at the inside and outside surfaces ofthe cylinder.
These values, commonly referred to as boundary conditions, are
v,=—p.- at p=a
O'r:_po at pzb
The minus signs indicate that the pressures (normally considered as positive quan-
tities) produce compressive normal stresses at the srnfaces on which they are
applied. Substituting the boundary conditions into Eq. (f ) yields
C _ azpi —b2P0
1- b2_a2
-92-b2(Pr — P0)
The desired expressions for 0,, and 0, are obtained by substituting these values for
C, and C2 into Eqs (f) and (g). Thus,
8, = 2:05,.
5, = e,c
5, = £,p
For many applications, the axial stress 0,, = 0. The tangential strain e, can
then be expressed in terms of the radial stress 0, and the tangential stress 0,» by
using the generalized Hooke‘s law. Thus,
51 = (U1 _ 1-"5r)£
The radial displacement of a point in the wall is then obtained in terms ofthe radial
and tangential stresses present at the point as
As mentioned previously, Eqs. 5-10 and 5-ll can be used to compute stresses
and deformations in a wide variety of design situations involving pressure vessels,
hydraulic cylinders, and so on. Reduced forms of these equations are used with
sufficient frequency to warrant consideration of the following special cases.
alpi (1 b2
U’ — b2 _ a2 _ P2
2 b2 (
U, =
U : iv _ E
’ b2_a2 pr (
_ b2 P a2
U, — — "1"
In this case, both 0, and 0, are always compressive. The tangential stress is always
largerthan the radial stress and assumes its maximum value at the inner surface of
the cylinder. Substituting the values of 0, and 0, from the previous two equations
into Eq. 5-11 yields the deformation equation applicable for this special case (p, =
0 and 0,, = 0). Thus,
P“ (5-16)
at : _Po
1— v
8. - -70.1» (5-10
The minus sign ir1 these equations indicates that the stresses are both compressive
and the radius of the cylinder is reduced when the external pressure pa is applied.
For this case the stresses are independent of radial position p and have a constant
magnitude equal to the applied pressure.
25,000 psi
4 in--if P-I .
15,000 PS1 V
8 in 5000 psi
(=0 (F1)
Figure 5-38(a-b)
(a) The maximum tensile stress in a thick-walled cylinder subjected to an internal
pressure is the tangential stress at the inside surface of the cylinder and is
given by Eq. 5-12 as
a 2 p- b2
"'= bl-illilfi?)
= 4-2(l5,000)
$1 + E) B2
= 25,000 psi (T) Ans.
(b) The maximum shearing stress also occurs at apoint on the inside surface ofthe
cylinder on a plane inclined 45° with respect to a radial line, as shown in Fig.
5-38b. The minimum normal stress at the point is 0, = —p,- = —l5,000 psi,
5-10 'mrcrr-wxusm cmnnrnctr. Pxsssults vssssrs 263
42(15 000)
0,, = mm
(s1 - 41)(30,000,000)(s) - 0.:-10)(s2) + (1 + 0.30)(s2)]
= 0.002607 in.
Introductory Problems
5-118* A thick-walled cylindrical pressure vessel with an 5-120 A thick-walled cylindrical pressure vessel with an inside
inside diameter of 250 mm and an outside diameter of diameter of 200 mm and an outside diameter of 300 mm is
400 mm is subjected to mt internal pressure of 75 MPa. made of 0.2% C hardened steel, which has a yield strength
Determine of 430 MPa. Determine the maximum intemal pressure that
may be applied to the vessel if the yield strength must not be
a. The tangential stress 0, at a point on the inside surface.
b. The tangential stress 0, at a point on the outside surface.
c. The maximum shearing stress in the cylinder. 5-121* A thick-walled cylindrical pressure vessel with an inside
5-119 Demonstrate that for a cylindrical vessel with a shell thick- diameter of 4 in. and an outside diameter of 8 in. has a de-
ness (b-0) of one-tenth the radius 0, subjected only to internal sign specification that limits the maximum shearing stress to
pressure, the error involved in computing the hoop tension 0, by 24,000 psi. Determine the maximum internal pressure that may
be applied to the vessel.
the method of Section 5-9 instead of Eq. 5-12 is approximately
5 percent.
5-1 1 DESIGN
A designer must select a material and properly proportion a member to perform
a specified function without failure. Failure is defined as the state or condition
in which a member or structure no longer functions as intended. To accomplish
the design task, one must anticipate the type of failure (failure mode] that may
occur. Once the failure mode has been determined, the significant material prop-
erty that controls failure is established. Design computations are performed using
mathematical relationships between load and stress or load and deformation.
in which “strength” is the significant material property and “stress” refers to the
computed stress in the member. For example, stress = 0 = F/A for an axially
loaded member.
5-1 I-4 FHCIIOP Of Silffily Most design problems involve many unknown
variables. The load that the structure or machine must carry is usually estimated.
The actual load may vary considerably from the estimate, especially when loads
at some future time must be considered. Since testing usually damages a material,
the properties of a material used in a structtue cannot be evaluated directly but are
normally determined by testing specimens of a similar material. Furthermore, the
actual stresses that will exist in a structure are unknown because the calculations
are based on assumptions about the distribution of stresses in the material. Because
of these and other unknown variables it is customary to write Eq. 5-18 as
where the factor ofsajety (FS) takes into account the imponderables.
As an aid to understanding the use of Eq. 5-l9, consider an axially loaded
rod that is to be designed (find the required diameter) so that the material does not
yield. Then, since the mode of failure is yielding, the significant material property
is the yield strength o_,., that is, strength equals cry. Then, Eq. 5-19 becomes
fly 2 (F5)(F//1)
°" 2 (PS) (ma/4)
Solving for the diameter gives
d 2 t/4(F5)(F)/(Hay)
For a given material (0,. known), a given factor of safety, and a given load, the
minimum required diameter would be
dmin = ~/ 4(F5)(F)/(Fl0,1»)
The following Example Problems illustrate the use of the design principles
previously discussed.
Since the mode of failure is yielding, the significant material property (strength)
is the yield strength. Using Table B-17 in Appendix B, the yield strength of
structural steel is 36(l03) psi. Equation (5-19) then gives
0, 2 0=S><F/A)
“y 2 “(ml
d, > 4F(FS)
_ 210,.
d, > 4(ss00)(1.5)
— :r(36)(lO3)
The minimum required diameter is 0.587 in. Ifrods are commercially available
in increments of U8 in., a rod of diameter 5/8 in. would be selected.
The forces transmitted by cables AB and AC are obtained form the free-body
diagram ofjoint A of the cable system shown in Fig. 5-40b. The wire angle is rfl -.
4 (H)
0 = cos_1—5 = 36.87"
ills Tir-
From the horizontal component of the equilibrium equation
0_ _ - ~<_ _0_ _ _ _ _ _ ___,.
+—>ZF,,=0: T,¢¢cos6—TA3cosl9=0 (I1)
we get that the two tension forces must be equal, TAG = TA3. Then, fi"om the
vertical component of the equilibrium equation W = 40 lb
+ 1‘ BF, =0: TAG sin 36.87°+T,;3 sin 36.87“ —40=0 (5) Figure 5-40
For 0.2% C hardened steel (see Table B-17 in Appendix B), 0,, = 62 ksi.
Therefore, proceeding as in the previous examples
dz 2 4F(FS)
d, > 4(33.33)(3)
_ rr(62)(l03)
d 3 0.0453 in.
Since the criterion for failure is yielding, the significant property for each material
is the yield strength. From Table B-17 ir1 Appendix B, the modulus of elasticity
and the yield strength are E3 = 15,000 ksi and 0,, = 20 ksi for the bronze and
EA = 10,600 ksi and 0,, = 4-8 ksi for the aluminum. The fi'ee-body diagram (Fig.
5-41b) has two unknown forces: PA, the force in the aluminum plates, and PB,
the force in the bronze core. Since only one equation of equilibrium is available,
Aluminum +1‘EF,,=0: 2P,1+Pg—l50=0
_ (=1)
2P,, + P, =150krp
the problem is statically irrdeternrinate. As the rigid steel plate pushes down
on the top of the post, the bronze core and the two aluminum plates will all
2in. shorten the same amount. Therefore, the deformation equation is 5,, = 55 which
"—i r—4r—>
Cross section
r—" (& _ &
EA ,,_ EA B
(2P,|)L _ PBL
P = 150 kip (l0,600)[2(2t)] — (l5,000)8t
Rigid steel plate
P, = 0.17667 PB (b)
P, = 19.532 kip
P, = 110.84 kip
The failure criterion is
-‘ft it 13¢
(11) 0,, 2 (F$)(P/A)
Figure s-41 Azfi
2., m .s...s..u...
for the aluminum and
110.84-(1.5) _
MT t31.039m.
Introductory Problems Intermediate Problems
S-126* A short standard-weight steel pipe (see Appendix B] is 5-129* The machine component shown in Fig. P5-129 is made of
used to support an axial compressive load of 100 kN. l.fyield- hot-rolled Monel. The forces atB are applied to the component
ing (0,, = 250 MPa) should not occur and the factor of safety with a rigid collar that is firmly attached to the component. If
is to be 1.6, determine the smallest nominal diameter pipe that the mode of failure is yielding and the factor of safety is 1.5,
may be used to support the load. determine the minimum permissible diameter ofeach segment
of the machine component.
5-127* A short column made of structural steel is used to support
the floor beams of a building, as shown in Fig. P5-127. Each
floor beam (A andB) transmits a force of 40 kip to the column.
The column has the shape of a wide-flange (W) section (see zs kip
Appendix B). The factor of safety based on failure by yielding
is 3.0. Select the lightest wide-flange section that will support
the given loads.
40 kip 40 kip
-0 —| 25 kip
-ll ':;_:'E, -::g':;,5§EiEr:.,E§ r' ___-, ..'...... ..!:_;:E:r::' "
ll Figtu-e P5-129
n.v.r» ““'"" 7.‘-1 :.._
Figure P5-127 P
50° 3 '
- 0-_- 9 Concrete
u 0-'_u. ;,._iii-2
o00 _-_
"-°-0_. Steel
5-131 Four axial forces are applied to the l-in. thick, 0.4% C hot- is subjected to the forces P = 85 kN. Determine the minimrmr
rolled steel bar as shown in Fig. P5-131. The factor of safety bolt diameter required to safely support the forces if the mode
for failure by yielding is 1.75. Determine the minimum width of failure is yielding and the factor of safety is 1.5.
w of the constant cross-sectional area bar.
” iiile?
| .
‘=511 ”
30 kip 60 kip I300
Figure P5-131
Challenging Problems
5-132 The two parts of the eyebar shown in Fig. P5-132 are con-
nected by two bolts (one on each side of the eyebar). The bolts
are made of a grade of steel with a tensile yield strength of
1035 MPa and a shear yield strength of 620 MPa. The eyebar Figure P5-132
“Then a straight bar of uniform cross section is axially loaded by forces applied at
its ends, the axial strain along the length of the bar is assumed to have a constant
value, and the elongation (or contraction) of the ba.r resulting from the axial load P
may be expressed as 5 = eL (by the definition of average axial strain). lfHoo1ce’s
law (Eq. 4-la) applies (if the stresses are less than the proportional limits of the
materials used in the fabrication of the members), the axial deformation may be
expressed in terms of either stress or load as
where P, 0, A, and E are all constant over the entire length L. If the stress exceeds
the proportional limit of the materials, stress-strain diagrams can be used to relate
the load and deformation.
Ifa bar is subjected to a number of axial loads at different points along the
bar, or if the bar consists of parts having different cross-sectional areas or of parts
composed of different materials, then the change in length of each part can be
computed by using Eq. 5-1 or 5-2. The changes in length of the various parts of
the bar can then be added algebraically to give the total change in length of the
complete bar
n n Pl_L|_
5 = gs,» =2? (5-3)
where A; and E,- are both constant on segment i and the force P; is the intenral force
in segment i of the bar and is usually different than the forces applied at the ends
of the segment. These forces must be calculated from equilibrium of the segment
and are ofien shown on an axial force diagram.
51ota1 = 5., + 57‘ = 535- + aATL
where or is the coeflicient of thermal expansion. A tensile stress (0 > 0) and a
temperature increase (AT > 0) both cause a stretch of the bar (8 > 0).
The stress at a discontinuity in a structural or machine element may be
considerably greater than the nominal or average stress on the section. The ratio of
the maximum stress at a discontinuity to the nominal stress on the section is called
the stress concentration factor. Thus, the maximum normal stress at a discontinuity
in a centrically loaded member is
0 = Kg (5-5)
Graphs or tables for K, the stress concentration factor, can be found in numerous
design handbooks, and they may be based on either the gross area or the net area
(area at the reduced section). It is important when using such stress concentration
graphs or tables to ascertain whether the factors are based on the gross or net
Stress concentration is a very localized effect. For example, the stress on the
botmdary of a hole in a large plate under uniform unidirectional tension is 3 times
the nominal stress—the stress in regions far removed lrom the hole. However, at
a distance of one hole diameter fi"om the edge of the hole, the stress is only about
7 percent greater than the nominal stress.
Stress concentration is not significant in the case of static loading ofa ductile
material because the material will yield inelastically in the region of high stress.
As a result of the accompanying redistribution of stress, equilibrium may be es-
tablished and no harm done. However, if the load is an impact or repeated load, the
material may fiucture. Also, if the material is brittle, even a static load may cause
an = g (5-1)
where r and t are the radius and wall thickness of the pressure vessel, and p is the
internal pressure. There are no shearing stresses on any of these planes since there
are no loads to induce them. In a cylindrical, thin-walled pressure vessel, the stress
on a longitudinal plane is called a hoop or circumferential stress and is given by
0,, = 1% (5-811)
The normal stress on a transverse plane is called an axial stress and has the sanre
value as in a spherical pressure vessel
<1, = g (5-Sb)
5-133* An alloy steel (E = 30,000 ksi) bar is loaded and sup- B
3 P
ported as shown in Fig. P5-133. The loading collar at B is
free to slide on section BC. The diameters of sections AB, BC,
and CD are 2.50 in., 1.50 in., and 1.00 in., respectively. The
lengths of all three segments are 15 in. Determine the normal
stresses in each section and the overall change in length of the
60° so"
A . ll c
|= so in. 4 PIWII
Brass 400\n1m
B Steel
P A B c
' " J ¥}e00nuui-l-—300isuia|
_ 1.5m#l.0m
Flam P5-134 Figure P5-136
5-135 Two rigid bars (AB and BC) and a 172-in.-diameter struc- 5-137 Bar A of Fig. P5-137 is a steel (E = 30,000 ksi) rod that
tural steel (E = 30,000 ksi) tie rod AC are used to sup- has a cross-sectional area of 1.24 in? Member B is a brass (E =
port a 3000-lb load P, as shown in Fig. P5-135. Determine 15,000 ksi) post that has a cross-sectional area of 4.00 in? De-
the normal stress in the tie rod and the change in length of termine the maximum permissible value for the load P if the
the 30-in. reduced section of the tie rod as the load P is allowable normal stresses are 30 ksi for the steel and 20 ksi for
applied. the brass.
R131 s in. A .
5' . Q
L C "1 B i 16in.
Unleaded .
0.009 in.
l5in. 5t——g—___ ___ _
s 10.000 ' -—».—' .
I 4in.-‘ll-4in.
. am.
em» E
“gm P5‘137 Figure P5-139
50mm /l0Omm P
I 200mm
0.09mrn E -
150 mm :.;_.'.=.=_,= C
300 mm
800 mm
480 mm
Figure P5-138
5-141 Three bars, each 50 mm wide >< 25 mm thick x 4 m long,
are connected and loaded as shown in Fig. P5-141. Bar A is
made of Monel, which has a pmportional limit of 400 MPa
5 139* The pin-connected structure shown in Fig. P5-139 occu- and a modulus of elasticity of 180 GPa. Bar B is made of a
pies the position shown when unloaded. When the loads D = magnesium alloy that has a proportional limit of 100 MPa and
16 kip and E = 8 kip are applied to the structure, the rigid bar C a modulus of elasticity of 40 GPa. Bar C is made of struc-
must become horizontal. Bar A is made of an aluminum alloy tural steel (elastoplastic) that has a proportional limit and yield
(E = 10,600 ksi), and bar B is made of bronze (E = 15,000 point of 240 MPa and a modulus of elasticity of 200 GPa.
ksi). If the normal stresses in the bars must be limited to 20 ksi Determine
in the aluminum alloy and 15 ksi in the bronze, determine
a. The normal stress in each of the bars after a 650-kN load P
a. The minimum cross-sectional areas that will be satisfactory is applied.
for the bars. b. The vertical displacement (deflection) of pin D produced by
b. The changes in length of rods A and B. the 650-kN load.
tuzvtuw PROBLEMS Z75
5-143* The conical water tank shown in Fig. P5-143 was fab-
ricated from 1/8-in.-thick steel plate. When the tank is com-
pletely full ofwater (specific weight y = 62.4 lb/ft‘), determine
the axial and hoop stresses 0,, and cn, at a point in the wall 8 fl
B below the apex of the cone.
A c
12 4
5 3
Smooth .1"" _- .
P “I ' 0]7¢'_
' an
Figure P5-141 --- ' 10ft
-1- ,-
0-we BE
““‘°”“°“ I:.'!J,=e%=I
A d. The hoop strain present when the axial strain was measured.
5-145 A gun barrel with an inside diameter of 3.00 in. and an
Rigid outside diameter of 7.00 in. is made of steel having a yield
strength of 50 ksi. Determine the maximum internal pres-
sure that may be applied to the gun barrel before yielding
15° my C 300 mm occurs.
5-146* A hydraulic cylinder with an inside diameter of 200 mm
and an outside diameter of 450 mm is made of steel (E =
210 GPa and v = 0.30]. For an internal pressure of 125 MPa,
a. The maximum tensile stress in the cylinder.
Figure P5-142 h. The change in internal diameter of the cylinder.
Chapter 6
Torsional Loading of Shafts
The problem oftransmitting a torque (a couple) from one plane to a parallel plane is
fi"equently encountered in the design of machinery. The simplest device for accom-
plishing this function is a circular shaft such as that connecting an electric motor
with a pump, compressor, or other machine. A modified fi"ee-body diagram (the
weight and bearing reactions are not shown because they contribute no usefirl in-
formation to the torsion problem) of a shaft used to transmit a torque from a driving
motorA to a coupling B is shown in Fig. 6-1. The resultant of the electromagnetic
forces applied to armature A of the motor is a couple resisted by the resultant of
the bolt forces (another couple) acting on the flange coupling B. The circular shaft
transmits the torque fi"om the armature to the coupling. Typical torsion problems
involve determinations of significant stresses in and deformations of shafts.
A segment of the shaft between transverse planes a—a and b—b of Fig. 6-1
will be studied. The complicated stress distributions at the locations of the torque-
applying devices are beyond the scope of this elementary treatment of the torsion
problem. A free-body diagram of the segment of the shafi between sections a—a
and b—b is shown in Fig. 6-2 with the torque applied by the armature indicated
on the left end as T The resisting torque T, at the right end of the segment is
the resultant of the moment of the differential forces dF acting on the transverse
plane b—b. The force dF is equal to 1: pdA where 1: P is the shearing stress on the
transverse plane at a distance p from the center of the shaft and dA is a differential
Electromagnetic -
f°r°f5 “'1 .--An-nature
"' q . .. . ._ a T
1- in
Q a | ._______ /
_ --- Bolt
b forces
Figure 6-1
6-2 TORSIONAL SI-[BAKING srruuu 277
T 1f’,T\.;1 _. -
I 1
/ J4*\‘
i\ é 2' dp
Figure 6-2
area. For circular sections, the shearing stress on any transverse plane is always
perpendicular to the radius to the point. The resisting torque is statically equivalent
to the sum of the torques produced by dF
iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii P
T( ___ __ _ __ T
"i _.- _ .-
-_T_ _ —-
| lI(|IIIIIIIl|Iu|,|IIIIIIIl| l'!|]Il ""IIlII11‘
"lllllljI-I',III. '~4*
Figure 6-3
common radius in a plane move to points B’ and D‘ in the same plane and still
on the same radius. The angle 6 is called the angle oftwist. The siuface ABE’ of
Fig. 6-4a is shown in plan view in Fig. 6-4b, in which a differential element of
the material at B (Fig. 6-4c) is distorted at B’ due to shearing stress (Fig. 6-4d).
Clearly, the angle ¢ of Fig. 6-4b is the same as the shearing strain yc ofFig. 6-4d.
Similar figures could be drawn for the surface EDD‘. It is recommended that the
reader review the concept of shearing strain in Section 3-2.
_U 1/’ \
(Q) P. W
r-=6 \
g ls
. J B
(b) (6)
Figure 6-4
6-5 TORSIONAL snmnntc srtutss-Ins |z.uis'nc TORSION FOIIMUIA 2 79
At this point the assumption is made that all longitudinal elements (AB, ED,
etc.) have the same length L (which limits the results to straight shafis of constant
diameter). From Fig. 6-4, the shearing strain 1/_,, at a distance p from the center of
the shaft and yc at the surface of the shaft (,0 = c) are related to the angle of twist
6 by
BB’ c9
DD’ pa
‘M = 5 = T
or, ifthe strain is small (tan y E sin y E y, y inradians),
Ye = %9 (6-2a)
Yo = %9 (6-21>)
Combining Eqs. 6-2a and 6-2b gives
which indicates that the shearing strain
Y9 = §p (6-3)
is zero at the center of the shaft and increases linearly with respect to the distance
p from the axis of the shaft. Equation 6-3 is the result of the deformation analysis
of a circular shaft subjected to torsional loading. This equation can be combined
with Eq. 6-1 once the relationship between shearing stress 1: and shearing strain y
is known.
Up to this point, no assumption has been made about the relationship between
stress and strain or about the type ofmaterial of which the shaft is made. Therefore,
Eq. 6-3 is valid forelastic or inelastic action and for homogeneous orheterogeneous
materials, provided the strains are not too large (tan y E y). Problems in this book
will be assumed to satisfy this requirement.
In ;
I ‘an QT,
"- JA = 2n p dp
(<1) (5)
Figure 6-5
(Eq. 4-lc). Then, multiplying Eq. 6-3 by the shear modulus (modulus of rigidity)
G gives
. 1,. = Ftp (6-41
When Eq. 6-4 is substituted into Eq. 6-l, the result is
1'l=3ffl2d/1=ti[p2dA (=1)
c P
The integral ir1 Eq. (a) is called the polar second moment ofareal and is given the
symbol .I For a solid circular shafi (see Fig. 6-Sa), the polar second momentl is
c Trc-1
J= f pzda =£ p’(2npdp>= 7 (Ma)
For a circular annulus (see Fig. 6-Sb), the polar second moment J is
J=fp‘*dA = fpzihpdp)
b 4 b4
where 1-,, and r,- are the outer and inner radii, respectively, of the circular annulus.
In terms of the polar second moment J, Eq. (a) can be written as
Ti 7}
r,,=7‘° and r,=7'° (6-6)
zlntegrals ofthe type f 1:2 atA arise often in mechanics and are given the general name second moments
ofarea. Second moments ofarea are discussed fiirther in Chapter 7, where theyare used to relate stresses
to internal forces and moments m ' beams. Second moments o fare a are sometimes (improperly) called
moments ofmerna
' ' 511106
' they are cl ose ly related to the moment ofinertia integral fpz rim, which arises
in dynamics.
6-4 ronsrosu nrsrntcsimsms 281
Like the shearing strain yp, the shearing stress 1:D is zero at the center of the
shaft and increases linearly with respect to the distance p fi'om the axis of the
shaft. Both the shearing strain y and the shearing stress r are maximum when
p = c. Equation 6-6 is known as the elastic torsion formula, ir1 which rp is the
shearing stress on a transverse plane at a distance p from the axis of the shaft,
and T is the resisting torque (the torque produced on the transverse plane by the
shearing stresses). Equation 6-6 is valid for both solid and hollow circular shafts.
The resisting torque T, is generally different than the external torques applied to
various points along the shaft and must be obtained from a free-body diagram
and an equilibrium equation. The procedure for calculating the resisting torque
is illustrated in Example Problem 6-1. Note that Eq. 6-6 applies only for linearly
elastic action in homogeneous and isotropic materials since Hooke’s law 1' = Gy
was used in its development.
6 d6
V0 = PE QT Y0 Z PE (6-2)
Tp = T
T-‘VP 01'
Tc : T
G=5 (4-1)
The second form of Eq. 6-2 is used when the torque or the cross section
varies as a function of position along the length of the shalt. Equation 6-2 is valid
for both elastic and inelastic action. Equation 6-6 is the elastic torsion formula that
provides the shearing stress 1:p on a transverse plane at a distance p fi'om the axis of
the shalt. Equation 4-1 is Hooke‘s law for shearing stress. The last two expressions
are limited to stresses below the proportional limit of the material (elastic action).
The three equations can be combined to give several different relationships; for
0=@=E (6-7a)
P G0
0 = r’—
L (6-71>)
The angle of twist determined from the above expressions is for a segment
of shaft having a length L, a constant diameter (therefore, J = constant), constant
material properties (G = constant), and carrying a constant resisting torque T,_
The resisting torque T, is the torque produced on the transverse plane by the
shear stresses and is generally different from the extemal torques applied to the
282 cnarrsn 6 TORSIONAL LOADING or stuns
shaft at various sections by gears, pulleys, or couplings. Ideally, the length of the
shaft should not include sections too near (within about one-half shaft diameter of)
places where mechanical devices are attached. For practical purposes, however, it
is customary to neglect local distortions at all connections and to compute angles
as though there were no discontinuities.
If T,, G, orJ is not constant along the length of the shaft, Eq. 6-7b takes the
" T-L~ (6-76)
where each term in the summation is for a length L where T,,, G, andJ are constant.
If T,., G, or.I is a function ofx (the distance along the length ofthe shaft), the angle
of twist is found using
l9= L '“Tdx
F? (6-7 <11
Up to this point, no mention has been made of a sign convention for the
internal torque or for the shear stress and the angle of twist in a shaft rmdergoing
torsion. In Eq. 6-6 the signs of the internal torque and the shear stress are often
ignored. Shear stresses in one direction are no better or worse than shear stresses
T -L -
in another direction. In Eq. 6-7c, if the angles of twist 6; = % of each segment
L; are in the same direction, they are simply added together. However, if the angles
of twist of the different segments are not all in the same direction, it is necessary
to decide which angles of twist to call positive and which to call negative.
A common sign convention used in torsion is that the intemal resisting
torque and the angle of twist are considered positive when the vectors representing
them point outward fiom the internal section. Recall that the direction of a torque
(moment) vector or a rotation vector is the axis about which the moment or the
rotation occurs. The sense of the moment or rotation is cormterclockwise when
looking back along the vector toward the internal section. All of the torques and
rotations shown in Figs. 6-6a and c are positive.
The problem with this sign convention (or with any other sign convention) is
that it is not always consistent with the positive direction for shear stress as defined
in Chapter 2. That is, a positive torque acting on a vertical shaft as shown in Fig.
6-6a results in a positive shear stress on an element next to the internal transverse
section as shown in Fig. 6-6b. However, a positive torque acting on a horizontal
shaft as shown in Fig. 6-6c results in a negative shear stress on an element next to
the intemal transverse section as shown in Fig. 6-6d.
In the rest of this chapter, the sign of the internal resisting torque will be
ignored when calculating shear stress (Eq. 6-6), and the direction ofthe shear stress
will be obtained from the direction of the torque} In torque diagrams and in the
calculation of angles of twist, internal resisting torques and angles of twist will
be considered positive when the vectors representing them point outward fi'om the
internal section.
3When the torsional shear stress is combined with normal stresses and other shear-stresses in combined
loading situations, it will be necessary to know the direction ofthe torsional shear stress.
64 ronsronu nrsrm-rcrnnzrrrs 283
(Q) (bl
W l!l‘"i"C
1s kip-in.
20 kip-in. _ 10 kip-in. 10 kip-in.
Figure 6-6
(.5 E c .0 E
I \_./ 6
ss kip-in.
Example Problem 6 1 A steel Sllafi is used to transmit torque
from a motor to operating units in a factory. The torque is input at gear B (see
Fig. 6-7a) and is removed at gears A, C, D, and E. ha
5' ILi-q
L 10 kip-in.
pa.rt of the bar to the right of the section would have yielded identical results.
In fact, for the determination of T1;-D and TD5, the free-body diagram to the
right of the section would have been more eflicient since fewer torques would
have appeared on the free-body diagrams.
> II. IS Il'l6 IO1'qLl6S T45, Tgf, T51), and (b) A torque diagram is a graph in which abscissas represent distances along
Tm; shown on the torque diagram (not the the shafi and ordinates represent the internal resisting torques at the corre-
torques applied to the gears) that are used sponding transverse cross sections. Positive torques point outward from the
in the elastic torsion formula (Eqs. 6-6 and cross section when represented as a vector according to the right-hand rule.
6-7) A torque diagram for the shaft of Fig. 6-7a, constructed by using the results
from part (a), is shown in Fig. 6-7f. Note in the diagram that the abrupt
changes in torque are equal to the applied torques at gears A, B, C, D, and E.
Thus, the torque diagram could have been drawn directly below the sketch
of the shaft of Fig. 6-7a, without the aid of the free-body diagrams shown in
Figs. 6-7b, c, d, and e, by using the applied torques at gears A, B, C, D, and
E. However, care must be exercised with the signs used for torques because
Fig. 6-7f represents resisting torques.
of-1-00 mmand aninside diameterof300 nun is subjected to atorque of300 kN - n1,
as shown in Fig. 6-8. The modulus of rigidity G (shear modulus) for the steel is
80 GPa. Determine
6.3 (a) The maximum shearing stress in the shaft.
(b) The shearing stress on a transverse cross section at the inside surface of the
(c) The magnitude of the angle of twist in a 2-m length.
Equations for shearing stress and angle of twist in a circular shaft subjected to
a torque contain the polar second momentJ of the cross section, which is given
by Eq. 6-5b as
1:, _ — _ L
Figurg 6.3 J 171s.1(10"@)
= 34-.92(l0°) N/m2 E 34.9 MPa Ans.
The shear stress on an element at the outside surface is shown in Fig. 6-9.
6-4 ronsronu nrsrnrcsrnzivrs 285
(b) The shearing stress on a transverse cross section at the inner surface of the it
shaft is given by Eq. 6-6 as
I = Tie = 300(103)(1s0)(10-3) L
T5:N d
” J 171s.1(10"‘) <1 ‘C
= 29.19(10s) N/m2 2 26.2 MPa Ans. Figure 6-9
c The an le oftwist in a 2-m len h is 'ven . 6-7b as
( ) g gt gl by Eq P Remember that the angle 6 in Eq. 6-7 is in
9:2 2 30@<1@3><1>
GJ s0(10‘*‘)(171s.1)(10-°)
fiZ"§‘ ;‘il‘.‘.“Tu‘L‘3.“',1.“I f‘§.‘1fLi. ,‘°"‘“. ,.“.T“IE
this case, tan 0.004365 rad = 0.004365, and
= 0.004365 rad 2 0.0043"; rad Ans. "‘° Sm.“ ‘mgle “1’1"°"l‘”“‘i°“ is °"'""i“1Y
Ln general, free-body diagrams should be drawn to evaluate the resisting torque
in each section of the shaft. Such diagrams are shown in Figs. 6-10b and c in
which TAB and THC are the internal resisting torques in segments AB and BC and
are drawn in the positive direction. From the free-body diagram of Fig. 6-10b,
TBC = +5
20 up-n kip'que,fi
\- 5 kip“ 5 kip‘fl Tor U\
I \ \
I I," IO
‘\_' I ' TBC x 15
I43 = —15 kiP‘fi
A torque diaglam, such as the one shown in Fig. 6-10d, provides a pictorial
representation of the levels of torque being transmitted by each of the sections
and serves as an aid for stress and deformation calculations.
Equations for the shearing stress and angle of twist in a circular shafi
subjected to a torque contain the polar second moment J of the cross section,
which is given by Eq. 6-5a as
1 75¢N
transverse cross section occurs at the outer surface of the shaft and is given
by Eq. 6-6 as
T 15 12 3
(B) 1'43 = ’j’c”” = % = 4.244 ksi
AB -
T V. s 12 2
TBC = = % = 4.175 ksi
BC -
Fi N L
4.73 ksi
(f) rm = 1:33 = 4.775 ksi 2 4.78 ksi Ans.
Figure 6-l0(e-f)
The shear stresses r,¢;,- and 1:33 are shown in Figs. 6-10e andf, respectively.
The direction of the shear stresses is the same as the direction of the internal
torques. For use in the stress transformation equations, ‘:45 would be apositive
shear stress and 1: BC would be a negative shear stress.
(b) As the resisting torque of -15 kip - Pt is transmitted fi'om section to section
in segment AB of the shaft, the section at B twists relative to the section at
A by an amount 6 1,-M, as shown on the angle of twist diagram of Fig. 6-10g.
64 ronstowu nisrntcninmrrs 287
- C L
_ liC.i4 ‘T \ P
GM 3;;-_'_‘"‘_—F _ w A 9 A .2 “IQ,-;~ ~ 9c/B.-_ \
acre T ““““““ _ _ _5”" ’ T‘ -__\," by
“ ‘; ‘‘---c r
-- u 90-.4 1' ‘
(8) ( I1)
Figure 6-ll](g-h)
The slope of the angle of twist diagram 65/4/L45 is constant since the term
T/JG (in Eq. 6-7b) is constant. The rotation of the section at B (angle of twist
in the 6-in. section) is given by Eq. 6-7b as
Taslan _ — 15(12)(9)(12)
615/A =
GM,-JAB — l2,000(l27.23)
= —0.0l2733 rad E 0.01273 rad -1‘ — Ans.
((1) If there were no resisting torque being transmitted by segment BC, it would
rotate as a rigid body through angle HEM. However, the resisting torque of
5 kip - fi causes the section at C to rotate relative to the section at B by an
amount 65,5 as segment BC deforms, as shown in Fig. 6-10g. The resultant
of the deformations in the two segments of the shafi is
The deformations for the entire shaft are pictorially shown in Fig. 6-10h.
i 5 ‘ (a) The torque at sectionD of shafi CD required for equilibrium ofthe system can
,_ l be determined from equilibrium considerations for the two shafts. As an aid
IF-| ~
I_ ______ for these considerations, free-body diagrams for gears B and C are shown in
=| Figs. 6-l lb and c, respectively. The forces Bx, By, Cx, and Cy are the forces at
=- -—Bearii-lg the frictionless bearings, and do not affect the torque calculations. The input
torque TA in shalt AB is transferred to shaft CD by means of the gear tooth
force F shown in the two diagrams. Thus, from a summation of moments
about the axis of each of the shafts:
For shaftAB, TA — r5-F = 0 (a)
T, to in. Forshaft CD, TD — r¢F = 0 (b)
F By;
Since the force F in Eqs. (a) and (b) must be equal,
TD = (rg/rg)T,1 = (3/5)(750) = 450 lb - ft
F The magnitude of the resisting torque on all cross sections of the shaft CD is
6 in. T, = 450 lb ~ it. The maximum shearing stress on a transverse cross section
t 2",, of shaft CD occurs at the outside surface of the shaft and is given by Eq. 6-6
(C) as
Figure 6-l1(a—c)
T,;-Dew _ 4-50(l2)(O.75)
tg Z
Jo.» _ (H/2)(0.75)4
= 8l49psi Z 8l50psi Ans.
(b) The quantities required for the determination for the rotation of section A of
shaft AB with respect to its no-load position are illustrated on the angle of
twist diagram shown in Fig. 6-1 ld. The rotation of the section at C relative
to the section at D in shaft CD is given by Eq. 6-7b as
64.3 9
Ll- I"-
“ — : BUD
Figure 6-l1(d)
6-4 TORSIONAL nrsrntcsnnmrrs 289
The teeth on gears B and C must move through the same arc length but in
opposite directions. Therefore,
e,,,_,= '“’ "3 =
1 Sol 12 XSX 12J 4 =0.09054l‘8.d—l.—
6,131.15 l2,000,000(:rr/2)(0.75)
9,1 = 63 ‘i-9,4”;
I Example Problem 6-5 The solid circular tapered Shaft ofFig. 6-12
is subjected to end torques applied in transverse planes. Determine the magnitude
of the angle of twist in terms of I L, G, and rt Assume elastic action and a slight
Note that Eq. 6-2 was developed assuming that plane cross sections remain plane
and that all longitudinal elements have the same length. Neither ofthese assump-
tions is strictly valid for the tapered shaft, but if the taper is slight, the error
involved is negligible; therefore, from Eqs. 6-2, 6-6, and 4-l,
y T,p Tp 2T r
p x It J J'zp4/2 J'rp3 Y G
p "\-
T \
,"jT'r' I \ T 2’
-___ _ ~ ‘ H H‘ ‘ It
_ x
Figure 6-12
290 CHAPTER 6 ronsronu LOADING or srurrs
r 2T
d6 = Fpdx = —Gnp4dx
2 _
d6 = mdfdx
G:1rr“(L + x)
2 TL‘ L d 2 TL 4 1 1 7TL
0— x — - An
_ (.1111-J (L +x)4 — —3G:'rr4 (SL3 _ L3) _ 1201» 5'
Altematively, the origin of coordinates can be placed at a distance L to the
lelt of O in Fig. 6-12 (point O’). The function for p then becomes
’° L
MecMovies Activities and Problems Introductory Problems
MM6.1 Torsion concepts. Concept checkpoints. Basic torsion 6-1* For the steel shalt shown in Fig. P6-l,
problems involving internal torques, shear stress, and angles
a. Determine the torques transmitted by transverse sections in
of twist.
intervals AB, BC, CD, and DE of the shalt.
MM6.2 Gear basics. Theory; Concept checkpoints. Basic gear re- b. Draw a torque diagram for the shalt.
lationships for torque, rotation angle, rotation speed, and power
MM6.3 Gear trains: torque and shear stress. Concept check-
points. Basic calculations involving two shafts connected by
gears. so kip-ft 3 E'5! :7 toU1 E T! F?
6-2* For the steel shaft shown in Fig. P6-2, a. The maximum shearing stress in the shaft.
b. The magnitude of the angle of twist in a 6-it length of the
a. Draw a torque diagram for the shaft.
b. Determine the maximum torque transmitted by any trans-
verse cross section of the shaft. 6-6 A hollow steel shaft has an outside diameter of 120 mm and
an inside diameter of 80 mm. The shaft is subjected to a torque
of 28 kN - rn. The modulus of rigidity (shear modulus) for the
steel is 80 GPa. Determine
so kN-m 1s kN-n1 5 mm
a. The shearing stress on a transverse cross section at the out-
K @—3
40 ;N_m 10 kN‘l1‘l
side surface of the shalt.
b. The shearing stress on a transverse cross section at the inside
surface of the shalt.
Figure P6-2 c. The magnitude ofthe angle of twist in a 2.0-m length of the
d. The magnitude of the angle of twist in a 2.0-m-long solid
shaft that has the same weight as the hollow shaft.
6-3 For the steel shalt shown in Fig. P6-3,
6-7* Specifications for a solid circular aluminum alloy (G =
a. Draw a torque diagram for the shalt.
4000 ksi) rod 6.5 ft long require that it be adequate to resist a
b. Determine the maximum torque transmitted by any trans-
torque of 2200 lb - it without twisting more than 5" or exceed-
verse cross section of the shaft.
ing a shearing stress of 14.5 ksi. What minimum diameter is
6-8 A torque of 10 kN - m is supplied to the steel (G = 80 GPa)
10 kip-it l5 kiprfi 20 kip-it factory drive shaft of Fig. P6-8 by a belt that drives pulley A. A
torque of 6 kN - m is taken off by pulley B and the remainder
by pulley C. Shafts AB and AC are 2.25 m long and 1.60 m
long, respectively. If the diameter of shaltAB is 80 mm and the
diameter of shaft AC is 65 mm, determine
Figure P6-3 a. The maximum shearing stress in each of the shalts.
b. The angle of twist of pulley B with respect to pulley A.
c. The angle of twist of pulley C with respect to pulley B.
6-4* The motor shown in Fig. P6-4 supplies a torque of 500 N - m
to the shalt BCDE. The torques removed at gears C, D, and E
are 100 N - m, 150 N - m, and 250 N - m, respectively. A
B .
a. Determine the torques transmitted by cross sections in in-
tervals BC, CD, and DE of the shaft.
b. Draw a torque diagram for the shalt.
|E@_s - - - - ...
Figure P6-8
3 = ‘Z-
1". __
@- __
1:1 1: :
Intermediate Problems
6-9* The shaft shown in Fig. P6-9 consists of a brass (G = 5600
ksi) tube AB that is securely connected to a solid stainless-steel
(G = 12,500 ksi) bar BC. Tube AB has an outside diameter of
Figure P6-4 5 in. and an inside diameter of2.5 in. Bar BC has a diameter
of 3.5 in. Torques T1 and T2 are 70 kip - in. and 30 kip - in.,
respectively, in the directions shown. Determine
6-5 A solid circular steel shalt 2 in. in diameter is subjected to a a. The maxtrntnn shearing stress in the shaft.
torque of 18,000 lb - in. The modulus of rigidity (shear modu- b. The rotation of a section at C with respect to its no-load
lus) for the steel is 12,000 ksi. Determine position.
292 CHAPTER 6 ronsronsr mmrnc or smrrs
B:—1 /
/ . _ A I; C Ir’ .
<\2ft ‘L’
1 _l1 Itgin PII _1'§1__l| !
B T2
: _ |_ § =
\/ C
Figure P6-12
Figure P6-9
6-13 A solid circular alrnninum alloy (G = 4000 ksi) shaft with
6-10* The solid circular steel (G = 80 GPa) shalt of Fig. P6-10 diameters of 2.5 in. and 1.75 in. is subjected to a torque T, as
has a diameter of 100 mm If the gears are spaced at 1.50-m shown in Fig. P6-13. The allowable shearing stress is 8000 psi,
intervals, determine and the maximum allowable angle of twist in the 7-ft length is
a. The maximum shearing stress in the shalt. 0.04 rad. Determine the maximum allowable value of T
b. The rotation of a section at D with respect to a section at B.
c. The rotation of a section at E with respect to a section at A. '' 2.5 in.
1.75 in.
8 kN-rn 15 kN-m 6 kN-m _ I
/1f__ ' _ \
- ._ 1
"'——~,.z_____ ______4
B fi_____ I. I’ T c
Figure P6-13
Figure P6-10
6-14 A stepped steel (G = 80 GPa) shaft has the dimensions and
6-ll The hollow circular steel (G = 12,000 ksi) shaft ofFig. P6-l 1 is subjected to the torques shown in Fig. P6-14. Determine
is in equilibrium under the torques indicated. Determine a. The maximum shearing stress on a section 3 m from the left
end of the shalt.
a. The maximum shearing stress in the shalt.
b. The rotation of a section 2 m fi'om the left end of the shaft
b. The rotation of a section at D with respect to a section at B.
with respect to its no-load position.
c. The rotation of a section at D with respect to a section at A.
c. The rotation of the section at the right end of the shalt with
9 kip-it respect to its no-load position.
~ {P Q
at ‘ i 1 kip-ft A 1601'”
‘Q5 fi \____\10l(ip-it l35kN-m-- -.,_\H\ \\—
lwqgfl in
m -- room "1 159"’
rt. fab 1,-
lh no
1.s$ * if
' 4 tn. 20 kN-m
2m 1)
Figure P6-ll / .1 E
0.5 m S kN-m
6-12* A motor supplies a torque of 5.5 kN - m to the constant Figure P6-14
diameter steel (G = 80 GPa) line shalt shown in Fig. P6-12.
Three machines are driven by the gears B, C, and D on the 6-15* A torque T is applied to the right end of shalt AB of
shalt, and they require torques of 3.0 kN - m, 1.5 kN - rn, and Fig. P6-15. The mean diameter of bevel gear C is twice that of
1.0 kN - m, respectively. Determine bevel gear B. Both shafts are made of steel (G = 12,000 ksi).
a. The minimum diameter required if the maximum shearing Shaft.-1B has a diameter of 1.5 in., and shalt CD has a diameter
stress in the shaft is limited to 100 MPa. of 2.0 in. If the maximum shearing stress in either shaft must
b. The rotation of gear D with respect to the coupling at A if not exceed 15 ksi, determine
the coupling and gears are spaced at 2-m intervals and the a. The maximum permissible torque T
shalt diameter is 75 rmn. b. The rotation of a section at A relative to its no-load position.
6-4 ronsrowu ursrucstmms 293
6-16 The solid circular shaft and the hollow tube shown in T2mi1
Fig. P6-16 are both attached to a rigid circular plate at the left \ _ ‘ B /-Bearing
end. A torque TA = 2 kN - m applied to the right end ofthe shaft
is resisted by a torque T5 at the right end of the tube. The shaft
is made of steel (G = 80 GPa) and the tube is made of an alu-
minum alloy (G = 28 GPa). Ifthe shaft has a diameter of50 mm __, I ,_ ; C ,_ '_ E ,_
and the tube has an outside diameter of 80 mm, determine Elllg _ 111' £111 I El!‘
a. The maximum inside diameter that can be used for the tube
L~l.5m—»Li2.5 n1
if the maximum shearing stress in the tube must be limited
to 50 Ml-‘a. Figure P6-18
b. The maximum inside diameter that can be used for the tube
if the rotation of the right end of the shaft with respect to
the right end of the tube must be limited to 0.25 rad. 6-19 Torque is applied to the steel (G = 11,600 ksi) shaft shown
in Fig. P6-19 through gear C and is removed through gears
A and B. If the torque applied to gear C by the motor is
1H 8800 lb - ft and the torque removed through gear B is 5200
"llI’1/ 11 lb - ft, determine
x/ 1" /"'1:':11,I, E?-‘
2.5m._\. /,. TA_ . ’ a. The minimum permissible diameter for each section of the
‘M. / shaft if the maximum shearing stresses must not exceed
we P4
1.0 m /-" X 18 ksi.
8/ b. The minimum permissible uniform diameter for a shalt with
Figure P6-16 L1 = 5 ft and L; = 4 it if the rotation ofgear/f relative to
gear C must be less than 0.15 rad.
Challenging Problems
6-17* A torque of 30 lb - ft is applied through gearA to the left
end of the gear train shown in Fig. P6-17. The diameters of D —~ !_l-Iii-| ||
gears B and C are 5 in. and 2 in., respectively. If the mmdmum
shearing stresses in the aluminum alloy (G = 3800 ksi) shafts C—---» E‘
AB and CD are limited to 12 ksi, determine lit:
a. The min.imu.m permissible diameter for shalt AB.
b. The minimum permissible diameter for shalt CD.
c. The maximum length for shaft CD ifthe rotation ofa section
at D with respect to a section at C must not exceed 0.5 rad.
GE is ii ._bZ)I
0 D DJ
‘ U7 =fl1‘i11B
B |i
,, _ I
I ‘
—‘.‘wfl|-l_:- “ ' /' ug L1 L2 A
/ D Figure P6-19
C-‘e -ii;_—;i~-Il-
6-20* The solid circular tapered shaft of Fig. P6-20 is subjected
2 fi iei L i> to a constant torque TI Determine the angle of twist in terms of
Figure P6-17 I L, G, r, and m.
294 cruumas 6 ronsroxu mmmc or snxrrs
? ‘ {K m + mL T’ t is small
I r \, I
//i /, 1 kl’ //5
(xx ”':\\
\ ~\ .
‘~\. L _
\\ L -K
\\._\ / \‘\\
‘x ___/ \_\ /.
\» " T 8/ r
Figure P6-20 Figure P6-23
Torque distribution .\
Torque distribution-\\ . Tq
_ Q
l))))))l) lllllllll
Figure P6-24
Figure P6-21
Computer Problems
6-22 The tapered circular shaft of Fig. P6-22 has an axial hole 6-25 A hollow circular steel (G = 11,000 ksi) shaft 3 ft long is
of constant diameter throughout its length. Determine the an- being designed to transmit a torque T of" 3000 lb - ft. The outer
gle of twist due to a constant torque T in terms of 7} L. G, R, radius 1-,, of‘the shaft can vary, but the cross-sectional areaA of
and r. the shalt mustremain constant (A = 3 in. 2). Calculate and plot
a. The angle of‘ twist 6 for the 3-ft length as a function of the
outer radius r, (1 in. 5 r, 5 4 in.).
b. The maximtun shearing stress rt! in the shaft as a fimction
1 "J \
of the outer radius r,, (1 in. 5 ro 5 4 in.).
.- 3\\\‘\
/ \ ~.
‘~,_ “-. \
6-26 A hollow circular brass (G = 40 GPa) shaft 2 m long is
“‘\ * -. ~ ._ R being designed to transmit a torque T of 7500 N - m. The outer
XX. \ \ \ \ \ \D \ -. \ "
radius r, of the shaft must be fixed (r,, = 50 mm); however,
L _\ ‘* . ‘ ._ .
‘\ \ the inner radius r,- of the shalt can vary (0 mm 5 r,- 5 45 mm).
XX‘ Calculate and plot
T a. The angle of twist 6 for the 2-m length as a function of the
Figure rs-22 radius ratio r,»/rfl (0 5 r,-/r,, 5 0.9).
b. The maximum shearing stress rt‘ in the shaft as a fimction
of the radius ratio r,-fr, (0 5 r,- I ra 5 0.9).
6-23* The hollow tapered shaft of Fig. P6-23 has a constant wall
6-27 A hollow circular steel (G = 11,000 ksi) shaft 3 ft long is
thickness I. Determine the angle of twist for a constant torque
being designed to transmit a torque T of 3000 lb - ft. The wall
T in terms of I L, G, t, and :2 Note that when t is small, the
thickness of the shalt is 0.25 in.
approximate expression for the polar second moment of area
(J = r2 A where A is the cross-sectional area of the shaft) may a. Calculate and plot the angle of twist 6 for the 3-ft length as
be used. a function of the outer radius ro (0.5 in. 5 ro 5 3 in.).
6-5 snuzssss on oturquu PLANES 295
be analyzed. Figure 6-13b shows a differential element taken from the shafi at I‘R-h\.\\
: U:_-="\\Q
A and the stresses acting on transverse and longitudinal planes. The shearing
stress txy can be determined by means of the torsion formula.“ The equality of
shearing stresses on orthogonal planes was previously discussed in Section 2-5 (see
Eq. 2-11).
WI .
= Txv (6'8)
\\ ‘>1
normal stresses occur in collinear but oppositely directed pairs, and thus they have ‘—1‘— )5? ‘
zero moment with respect to any axis.
The normal stress 0,, and the shear stress r,,, on the inclined plane of Fig. (bl
6-13c can be found by using the stress transformation equations (Eqs. 2-12 and
2-13). The stresses and angle for use in these equations are z\""
WI-\ :0
QQ 4s LA 0__ \O ca ' 135° l ED @ D é
Figure 6-14
Expressing Eqs. (a) and (b) in terms of the double angle 20¢ yields
In Eqs. 6-9 and 6-10, 0,, is the normal stress on the inclined plane and r,,,
is the shearing stress on the same plane. The shearing stress 1:X, is found using
the elastic torsion formula (Eq. 6-6). At a given point of the circular shafi tn. is
constant, and thus Eqs. 6-9 and 6-10 show that the stresses 0,, and r,,, are functions
of the angle of the inclined plane ct. The results obtained from Eqs. 6-9 and 6-10
are shown on the graph of Fig. 6-14, from which it is apparent that the maximum
shearing stress occurs on both transverse (0: = 0) and longitudinal (a = 90“) planes.
The graph also shows that maximum normal stresses occur on planes oriented at
45° with the axis of the bar and perpendicular to the surface of the bar. On one of
these planes (oz = 45‘ on Fig. 6-14), the normal stress is tension, and on the other
(oz = 135“), the normal stress is compression. Furthermore, all of these maximum
stresses have the same magnitude; hence, the elastic torsion formula gives the
magnitude of both the maximum normal stress and the maximum shearing stress
at a point in a circular shaft subjected to pure torsion (the only loading is a torque).
Any of the stresses discussed previously may be significant in a given prob-
lem. Compare, for example, the failures shown in Fig. 6-15. In Fig. 6-15a, the steel
rear axle of a truck split longitudinally. One would also expect this type of failure
to occur in a shaft of wood with the grain running longitudinally. In Fig. 6-15b, the
compressive stress caused the thin-walled aluminum alloy tube to buckle along one
45° plane, while the tensile stress caused tearing on the other 45° plane. Buckling of
thin-walled tubes subjected to torsional loading is a matter of pararnoimt concern
to the designer. In Fig. 6- 1 Sc, the tensile stresses caused the gray cast iron barto fail
in ter1sion—typical of any brittle material subjected to torsion. In Fig. 6-15d, the
low-carbon steel bar failed in shear on a plane that is almost transverse—a typical
failure for a ductile material. The reason the fracture in Fig. 6-15d did not occur
on a transverse plane is that under the large plastic twisting deformation before
as srruzssss or ontrqurr PLANES 297
Figure 6-15
rupture (note the spiral lines indicating elements originally parallel to the axis ofthe
bar), longitudinal elements were subjected to both torsion and axial tensile loading
because the grips of the testing machine would not permit the bar to shorten as
the elements were twisted into spirals. This axial tensile stress changes the plane
of maximum shearing stress from a transverse to an oblique plane (resulting in a
warped surface of rupture).5 This will be discussed in later sections of this book.
(a) The maximum torque T that can be applied to the tube. T‘ Weld \ T
(b) The factor of safety with respect to failure by fracture for the weld, when a
torque of 12 kN - m is applied, if the ultimate strengths of the weld metal are
xx‘ ‘-
205 MPa in shear and 345 MPa in tension.
Umax = T9 = fi = s0MPa = s0(10°)N/m2
5"I‘he tensile stress is not entirely due to the grips because the plastic deformationof the outer elements
ofthe bar is considerably greater than that of the inuerelements. This results in a spiral tensile stress in
the outer elements and a similaroompressive stress in the inner elements.
Tc = UmaxT : Urnaxf = (b) The normal stress on and the shear stress r,,, on the weld surface are given
by Eqs. 6-9 and 6-10. The clockwise torque T = 12 kN - m on the right
end of the shaft causes a negative resisting torque T, = -12 kN - m, to
be felt at each cross section of the shaft. But for the purpose of Eqs. 6-9
P In pure torsion the normal stresses 0, and and 6-10 this negative resisting torque is generated by a positive shear stress
0,. are both zero, and the stress transforma- _ 12(10*)(0.075)
tion equations (Eqs. 2-12 and 2-13) reduce T" _ 14.096(10-6) '
to Eqs. 6-9 and 6-10 only for the case of
pure torsion. Equations 6-9 and 6-10 must r 12 10’ 75 10"’
not be used for axially loaded problems or On = Txy S111 20! = fie Sill 20! = Sill 2(60u)
any other more general loading situations.
= 55.29(10°)Nxm2 = 55.29 MPa (T)
T 12 10* 75 10-3
rm = Try cos 20: = %c cos 20: = cos 2(60")
345 =ts.24
Fs, = ?= 5529
,, .
The factor of safety with respect to failure by fi"acture (shear stress) for the
weld is
Introductory Problems a. The maximum tensile stress in section AB of the shalt.
b. The maximum compressive stress in section BC ofthe shaft.
6-29* A solid circular steel (G = 12,000 ksi) shaft with diameters c. The rotation of a section at C with respect to its no-load
as shown in Fig. P6-29 is subjected to a torque T = 15 kip - in. position.
es snuzssss or canons PLANES 299
3 in
\ 3 it , I ,1-I‘
r= 1.5 kN-m
T=151tip-in. "gm
4 rt )
\/ R ‘X' _- B
;; GearA l
' :- GearC Geal'D
| 1:11
Figure P6-33
Figure P6-31
400 N 600 N
' , ‘Bronze
5/ 160 rnrn
' 31- /- Steel /'
2000 N 3000 N
_ \v Vii" l00_mm T
" I
A6" 2 m -__ if ,»
L, —_._
~- 1.5 rrt
0 0 tc 0 Tg
Figure rs-34
25$] N 3011!) N 100 N
6-35 The hollow circular steel (G = 12,000 ksi) shaft of
Fig. P6-35 is in equilibrirun under the torques indicated. 500 N 600 N 500 N
Determine Figure P6-36
a. The maximum compressive stress in the shaft at a point near
the outside stuface of the shaft. Challenging Problem
b. The maximum compressive stress in the shalt at a point near
the inside surface of the shaft. 6-37 When the two torques shown in Fig. P6-37 are applied to
c. The rotation of end D with respect to end A. the steel (G = 12,000 ksi) shalt, point A moves 0.172 in. in the
direction indicated by torque T1. Determine
s kip-it a. The torque T1.
/I \ Q‘
l\-7 b. The maximum tensile stress in section BC of the shaft.
10 1tip'it
\ c. The maximum compressive stress in section CD ofthe shaft.
1 I 11
- -I1-._f'-_'__:- T“-ad
T“ \"'1
~ I ‘ " _l _»21n.
-r------5a__ ../ 7—----
4 it __f-I -.-
4-0'6 am
:" D
Figure P6-35 4 in.
--:. \-~ ../
6-36 Five 600-mm-diameter pulleys are keyed to a 40-min- l“*-.,, 9000 lb-ft
diameter solid steel (G = 76 GPa) shaft, as shownin Fig. P6-36. ‘\
All units, of course, may be changed to any other consistent set of units. Since the
angular velocity is usually given in revolutions per minute (rpm), the conversion
of revolutions to radians will often be necessary. Also, in the English system of
units, power is usually given in units of horsepower, and the relation 1 hp = 33,000
lb - fi/min will be found useful. In the International (SI) system of units, power is
given in watts [N ~ mfs). Solution of a power transmission problem is illustrated in
the following example problem.
1 to the propeller as shown in Fig. 6-17. Both the shaft from the engine to the Motor
gearbox and the propeller shalt are to be solid and made of heat-treated alloy 5/’
steel. Determine the minimum permissible diameters for the two shafis if the Gear
allowable shearing stress is 20 ksi and the angle of twist in a 10-fi length of
I-‘I-151 Propeller -i_ .
the propeller shaft is not to exceed 4°. Neglect power loss in the gearbox and _n=
assume (incorrectly because ofthrust stresses) that the propeller shaft is subjected
to pure torsion.
The first step is the determination of the torques to which the shafts are to be Figure 6-17
subjected. By means of the expression, power = Tco, the torques are obtained as
P The angular velocity at in Eq. 6-11 must
be in either radians per second or radians
800(33,000) = T1(200)[2:r)
per minute; 1 revolution equals 2 J’! radians.
from which
T, = 2l,010lb- it
which is the torque at the crank shaft of the engine. Because the propeller shafi P Note that specifying the power that the
speed is four times that of the crank shaft and power loss in the gearbox is to shaft must transmit is just another way of
be neglected, the torque on the propeller shalt is one-fourth that on the crank specifying the torque that the shalt must
shafi and is equal to 5252 lb - ft. The torsion formula can be used to deter- withstand. After determining the torque
mine the shaft sizes necessary to satisfy the stress specification. For the main from the given power, the application of
shafi, the shearing stress equation (Eq. 6-6) and
the angle of twist equation (Eq. 6-7) is the
same as in previous examples.
.1 _ 5 _ 21,010(12) _ (1/2)¢§
¢ I 20003) cl
cf = 8.024 and C] = 2.002 in.
or the shaft fi'0m the engine to the gearbox should be
The torque on the propeller shaft is one-fourth that on the main shaft, and
this is the only change ir1 the expression for cf; therefore,
The size of the propeller shaft needed to satisfy the distortion specification
is found using Eq. 6-7b.
.7! s2s2(12)(10)(12)
E01) = i
(M2/2)(12)(19 )
cg = 5.747 Cg = 1.5483 > 1.2612
MecM0vie Activities and Problems 6-42 A solid circular steel (G = 80 GPa) shaft 1.5 m long trans-
mits 200 kW at a speed of 400 rpm. If the allowable shearing
MM6.6 Gear trains: power transmission (two shafts). Concept stress is 70 MPa and the allowable angle of twist is 0.045 rad,
checkpoints. Basic calculations involving power transmission determine
in two shafts connected by gears.
a. The minimum permissible diameter for the shaft.
N[M6.7 Gear trains: power transmission (three shafts). Concept b. The speed at which this power can be delivered if the shear-
checkpoints. Basic calculations involving power transmission ing stress is not to exceed 50 MPa in a shaft with a diameter
in three shafts connected by gears. of 75 mm.
6-43 The engine of an automobile supplies 162 hp at 3800 rpm
Introductory Problems to the drive shaft. If the maximum shearing stress in the drive
shaft must be limited to 5 ksi, determine
6-38* The shaft of a diesel engine is being designed to transmit
240 kW at l 80 rpm. Determine the minimum diameter required a. The minimum diameter required for a solid drive shaft.
if the maximum shearing stress in the shaft is not to exceed b. The maximum inside diameter permitted for a hollow drive
80 MPa. shaft if the outside diameter is 3 in.
c. The percentage savings in weight realized ifthe hollow shaft
6-39 A steel (G = 12,000 ksi) shaft with a 4-in. diameter must is used instead of the solid shaft
not twist more than 0.06 rad in a 20-ft length. Determine the
maximum power that the shaft can transmit at 270 rpm. 6-44 A hollow shaft of aluminum alloy (G = 28 GPa) is to |:rans-
mit l200 kW at 1800 rpm. The shearing stress is not to exceed
100 MPa, mid the angle of twist is not to exceed 0.20 rad in a
Intermediate Problems 3-m length. Determine the minimtun permissible outside diam-
eter if the inside diameter is to be three-fourths of the outside
6-40* A 3-m long hollow steel (G = 80 GPa) shaft has an out- diameter.
side diameter of 100 mm and an inside diameter of 60 mm.
The maximtnn shearing stress in the shaft is 80 MPa, and the 6-45* A motor delivers 350 hp at 1800 rpm to a gearbox, which
angular velocity is 200 rpm. Determine reduces the speed to 200 rpm to drive a ball mill. If the maxi-
mum shearing stress in the steel shafts (G = 12,000 ksi) is not
a. The power being transmitted by the shaft. to exceed 15 ksi and the angle of twist in a 10-ft length is not to
b. The magnitude of the angle of twist in the shaft. exceed 0.10 rad, determine the minimum permissible diameter
6-41* The hydraulic turbines in a water-power plant rotate for each of the shafts.
at 60 rpm and are rated at 20,000 hp. The 30-in.-diameter
shaft between the turbine and the generator is made of steel
(G = 12,000 ksi) and is 20 ft long. Determine Challenging Problems
a. The maximum shearing stress in the shaft at rated load. 6-46* A motor supplies 200 kW at 250 rpm to gearA of the fac-
b. The angle of twist in the 20-ft length at rated load. tory drive shaft shown in Fig. P6-46. Gears B and C transfer
' 1°°e.m
. ../' ,Ls , .-60rm'n
r~ t T
ac = +70
30 kN-m
2m O“
J1,/1 .4 s TC
_ , B “*__-:_;__‘_v\
‘~: TA 30 1,14-m C
1.4rrt | T,,B=_TA
30 kN-m
\ A B C
, '\
>5-\ 08.-‘A Qaxc
(11) (4)
Figure 6-18
A free-body diagram of the shaft is shown in Fig. 6-18b. The torques TA and
T¢;- at the supports are unknown. A summation of moments about the axis of the
shaft gives
mTALAB = m
Gxs JAB Gsc Jsc
For the two segments of the shafi, the polar second moments of area are
JAB = (zr/2)[504) = 9.8l7(l0“) mm" = 9.8l7(l0‘6)m4 > It is the torques in me mrque diagmm
JBC = (77/2)(504 _ 304) _ 8-545[106)mm4 _ 8-545(l0_6) m4 (Fig. 6-18c) that are used in the angle of
twist equation. That is, the torque in the lefl
Therefore, segment of the shafl is LB = -TA and the
torque in the right segment of the shaft is
T/1(2) _ Tc(1-4) Tar: = +T¢~-
45(l09)(9.8l7)(l0“°) _ 28(109)(8.545)(l0“)
from which
TC = 0.7737 TA (d)
I I H.‘
1 .,_ \
“~._. ‘~\ T
fix - “-t G
"' ‘\ ‘.“\
4 in.--.‘.
\\ _~
._ \ _\ l
M‘ “-.__ we
~ *+ -2m. T
60 in. _ .
"~~- E r‘ _~ Steel
' 7"" Aluminum
Figure 6-20
and the torque ir1 the steel Ts, have been placed on the lefi end of the shaft.
Summing moments with respect to the axis of the shafi yields
Ih+I;"=T (I1)
Since Eq. (a) is the only independent equation of equilibrium, the problem is
statically indeterrninate. A second equation can be obtained from the deformation
of the shafi. The fact that the shafi is nonhomogeneous does not invalidate the
assumptions of plane cross sections remaining plane and diameters remaining
straight. As a result, strains remain proportional to the distance from the axis of
the shaft; however, stresses are not proportional to the radii throughout the entire
cross section since G is not single-valued. The steel and aluminum parts of the
shaft experience the same angle of twist because of the secure connections at the
ends. Thus,
9, =9,,
Since maximum shearing stresses are specified, the convenient form of the angle
of twist equation for use ir1 this example is Eq. 6-7a. Thus,
r,L, r,,La
G,c, Gao,,
1-,(s0) _ 1460)
1l.6(106)(l) — 4.0(10")(2)
fi'om which
It is obvious from Eq. (b) that the shearing stress in the steel controls; therefore,
(a) Once the maximum shearing stresses in the steel and aluminum portions of
the shafi are known, Eq. 6-6 can be used to determine the torques transmitted
n = Iii = =2l,990lb-in.
,1, = ig
1;, = L 9655 2 2* -1* = ll3,750lb-in.
(b) The rotation of the right end ofthe shaft with respect to its no-load position
can be determined by using either Eq. 6-7a or Eq. 6-7b. If Eq. 6-7a is used,
e = 0,, = 0. = Eli
L 14,000 60
G,o, = ~—-~(-l
11.6(l0‘)(1) =0.0724-rad Ans.
.-~— Bronze
~ T= S4 kN-m
‘ fr 1‘
?_4 __
7 ,/ I
iZ7/"\ _ .-— Alum. alloy
-\2 mx -'- 1’ . X _
\\\\ E I ~ \ X ‘
Lxxtee a
(*1) \l.4 my ‘ F
ix, ""'\.
Figure 6-21(a)
54 kN-m
r£F= r,+rS
in i
TA I TcD=-T5
(b) TS (C)
_>\. _
/.-’ /3-vi. 814- BS
,' |‘ _/ '\
9 7 i 4 \
9 B,ll. 14 -P’*n\
e ea:
c A 0E F I
QM 0.03
9o/c ‘ ' _ 0.03 rad
(4) (B)
Figure 6-2 l(b-e)
A fi'ee-body diagram for the assembly is shown in Fig. 6-2 lb. An unknown torque
TB is shown at the left support, and two unknown torques 7], and IQ are shown
at the right support. Summing moments with respect to the axis of the shaft, as
shown in the torque diagram of Fig. 6-21c, gives
Equation (a) is the only independent equilibrium equation that can be written
relating the three unknown torques TA, T3, and T5. Since there are three tmlcnown
torques and only one equilibrium equation, two deformation equations are needed
to solve the problem.
Two different types ofangle oftwist diagrams are shown ir1 Figs. 6-21 d and
e. The torque diagram shown in Fig. 6-21c represents the results of applying the
equilibrium equations to fi'ee-body diagrams of portions of the shaft. The torque
P The polar diagram (Fig. 6-21e) shows the in every section ofthe shaft between C and D is the negative of the torque that the
rotation of the coupling as viewed along the left support exerts on the brass shaft (TCD = —T;,-), and the torque in every section
shalt from end E A radial horizontal line on of the shaft betweenE and F is the sum of the torques that the right support exerts
the couplingD will rotate clockwise through on the aluminum and steel shafts (TE!-' = TI: + 13-). Where the torque is negative
an angle 65. For the first 0.03 radians that the shaft rotates in a negative sense, and where the torque is positive the shaft
the coupling D rotates, the bolts slip ir1 the rotates in a positive sense as shown in the rotation diagram of Fig. 6-21d. (The
holes and the coupling E does not move. As same quantities are shown in a polar form of representation in Fig. 6-21 e).
the coupling D continues to rotate, it pulls
However, because the two ends of the shaft are attached to the walls, the
the coupling E with it and causes a rota-
total rotation of the shaft must be zero
tion in both the steel and the aluminum shaft
65 = 6,‘.
Qtotal = 9.0/c + 95/0 + 9!-‘/E = 0 (bl
6-7 srsncsnv INDB'l'ERMINA'l‘E MEMBERS 309
in which GHQ = +0.03 rad is the rotation that occurs between the two parts of
the coupling. In addition, since the aluminum and steel parts of the shalt act as
a single unit, they must rotate an identical amount
Equations (a), (b), and (c) can be written in terms of the same three unknowns
(torque, angle, or stress) and solved simultaneously. Since maximum stresses are
required, Eqs. (a), (b), and (c) will be written in terms of the maximum stress in
each material by using Eqs. 6-6 and 6-7a in which the polar second moments of
area are
—'t'3L3 TALA
?BcB + TAG,‘ + 0.03 _ 0
-1-13(2) + 711(2) + 0 03 = O
(45)(109)(60)(10_3) (33)(109)(50)(19_3) i
from which
G/16,1 _
1:,,(l.4) = rg(l.4)
28(l09)(60)(l0'3) 80(l09)(30)(l0_3)
from which
MecMovie Activities and Problems a. The maximum shearing stress in each material.
b. The angle of twist in a 2-m length.
.\‘[M6.8 Shear stresses in coaxial shafts. Example; Try one.
Determine internal torques and shear stresses, and shaft ro-
tation angle in two coaxial shafts
N[M6.9 Shear stresses in end-to-end shafts. Example; Try one.
Determine internal torques, shear stresses, and rotation angles ., 175 mm
for a compound torsion member.
N[M6.10 Maximum torque for composite shaft. Example; Try Monel’-" ' H '"
one. Determine the maximum torque that can be applied to a
compound torsion member given allowable shear stresses. "I . 100 mm
junction of the two shafts as indicated. The allowable shear- a. The rotation of a cross section at C.
ing stresses are 18 ksi for the steel and 6 ksi for the bronze. b. The rotation of a cross section at C if the steel shell is as-
Determine the maximum torque T that can be applied. sumed to be rigid.
c. The percent error introduced by assuming the steel shell to
be rigid.
__..---~ Steel
,- if ‘ H Annealed bronze
, | V" 2 (4l‘1n.
5“ 5 n__ - ¢ ’ "
, .
Figure P6-55
Intermediate Problems
6-54* A composite shaft, as shown in Fig. P6-54, consists of a
solid brass (G = 39 GPa) core with an outside diameter of"
40 mm covered by a steel (G = 80 GPa) tube with an inside 6-56 A hollow steel (G = 80 GPa) tube with an outside diameter
diameter of 40 mm and a wall thickness of 20 mm, which is of 100 mm and an inside diameter of S0 mm is covered with
in turn covered by an aluminum alloy (G = 28 GPa) sleeve a Monel (G = 65 GPa) tube that has an outside diameter of
with an inside diameter of 80 mm and a wall thickness of 125 mm and an inside diameter of 102 nun. The tubes are con-
10 mm. The three materials are bonded so that they act as a nected at the ends to form a composite shaft. If the allowable
unit. Detemiine shearing stress in the steel is 70 MPa and the allowable shearing
stress in the Monel is 85 MPa, determine
a. The maximum shearing stress in each material when the
assembly is transmitting a torque of 15 kN - m. a. The maximtun torque T that the composite shalt can
b. The angle of twist in a 3-m length when the assembly is transmit.
transmitting a torque of‘ 10 kN - m. b. The angle of twist in a 2.5-m length when the composite
shaft is transmitting the maximum torque.
6-57* A solid aluminum alloy (G = 4000 ksi) rod with an out-
side diameter of 2 in. is used as a shaft. A hollow steel (G =
\ ____ 12,000 ksi) tube with an inside diameter of 2 in. is placed over
1., 5‘;-. \ 100 nun the rod to increase the torque-transmitting capacity ofthe shaft.
\i_\\~,\\.:‘\\ ,80mm
The tube and the rod are attached at the ends to form a com-
~__\\ ‘~,_-$’___ 40mm posite shaft. Determine the minimum tube thickness required
Aluminum——’ “'-‘“-.. ‘*-\‘-
"* \
/ j¥~\\ \\ to permit the torque-transmitting capacity of the shaft to be
1 \
increased by 50 percent.
53,51 -~'
‘ Q
/' 6-58 A composite shaft consists of a bronze (G = 45 GPa) shell
Brass = that has an outside diameter of 100 mm bonded to a solid steel
Figure P6-54 (G = 80 GPa) core. Determine the diameter of the steel core
when the torque resisted by the steel core is equal to the torque
resisted by the bronze shell.
6-59 The steel (G = 12,000 ksi) shaft shown in Fig. P6-59 is
6-55* The composite shaft shown in Fig. P6-55 is used as a tor- attached to rigid walls at both ends. The right 10 ft of the shaft
sional spring. The solid circular polymer (G = 150 ksi) por-
is hollow, having an inside diameter of 2 in. Determine
tion of the shaft is encased in and firmly attached to a steel
(G = 12,000 ksi) sleeve for part of its length. If a torque T a. The maximum shearing stress in the shaft.
of 1000 lb - in. is being transmitted by the composite shaft, b. The angle of rotation of the section where the torque is ap-
determine plied with respect to its no-load position.
312 cmwren 6 TORSIONAL uoxumc or sums
_::_.;. 25 ki nfl 1 7'. Q z
4 Ks it / J _ I‘ \‘ /, 2 i-1- 4 in. .(Xx A If ' 6fin- .
B ~ __,- V N‘ :.\‘\ I '
3 fix;\<\\ B J . ' .
19 fixx 5*~F “5 fig C/
“ xx 1,/’ 1 “‘~\__R ’ I» '
V -y
‘ -..
6-60* A disk and two circular shafts are connected and sup- Challenging Problems
ported between rigid walls, as shown in Fig. P6-60. Shaft AB
6-62* The torsional assembly of Fig. P6-62 consists of an alu-
is made of brass (G = 39 GPa) and has a diameter of 75
minum alloy (G = 28 GPa) segment AB securely connected
mm and a length of 300 mm. Shafl BC is made of Monel
to a steel (G = 80 GPa) segment BCD by means of a flange
(G = 65 GPa) and has a diameter of60 mm and a length
coupling with four bolts. The diameters of both segments are
of 450 mm. If a torque of 15 kN - m is applied to the disk,
75 mm, the cross-sectional area of each bolt is 150 mm’, and
the bolts are located 75 mm from the center of the shaft. If
a. The maximum shearing stress in each of the shafts. the shearing stress in the bolts must be limited to 60 MPa
b. The angle of rotation of the disk with respect to its no-load determine
a. The maximum torque T that can be applied at section C.
c. The maximum tensile and compressive stresses in the shaft.
b. The maximum shearing stress in the steel.
/ ' Aluminum
.»- Steel
- "~ I
300 mm /-74' /'
c I “‘*:I{"'
~ ._\ 2"
600 nnm . '
X‘ _,
Figure P6-60 _“\~
_// C
300 mm /-" -
6-61 The solid steel (G = 12,000 ksi) shaft shownin Fig. P6-61 is Figure P6-62
fixed to the wall at C. The bolt holes in the flange at A have an
angular misalignment of 0.0018 rad with respect to the holes
in the wall. Determine
a. The torque, applied at B, required to align the bolt holes.
b. The maximum shearing stress in the shaft afier the 6-63* The steel (G = 12,000 ksi) shaft shown in Fig. P6-63 will
bolts are inserted and tightened and the torque at B is be used to transmit a torque of 1000 lb - in. The hollow por-
removed. tion AE of the shaft is connected to the solid portion BF with
c. The maximum torque that can be applied at section B after two pins at C and D as shown. If the average shearing stress
the bolts are tightened ifthe maximum shearing stress in the in the pins must be limited to 25 ksi, determine the minimum
shaft is not to exceed 10 ksi. satisfactory diameters for each of the pins.
ev srxrrcxrrr INDE‘l'llltli[INA’l'B rnmrssns 313
T |
(G = 40 GPa) segment CD. Ends A and D of the shaft are
\ 2m. fastened securely to rigid supports. Determine
Ir-.1r a. The maximum shearing stress in the bronze segment.
5\\1: I1
ts’! |*\ I I b. The maximum shearing stress in the steel segment.
mxxr I-I c. The rotation of a section at B with respect to its no-load
Q1; .'l*~r
I .
'l|._ '~
lm. position.
E \
. lUU|1'|!l.t'|!l 20 kN.m
Figure P6-63
l _ Steel
. x /'-Bronze, .
1.5 m long, as shown in Fig. P6-64. Both shafts are fixed at m _)"{'{1.5 rnC:__7flt '
the wall. When the two torques shown are applied to the shaft,
determine Figure P6-66
a. The maximum shearing stress in the steel.
b. The maximum shearing stress in the brass.
c. The maximum compressive stress in the brass. 6-67 The shaft shown in Fig. P6-67 consists ofa 6-it-long hollow
d. The rotation of the right end of the shaft. steel (G = 12,000 ksi) section AB and a 4-ft-long solid alu-
minum alloy (G = 4000 ksi) section CD. The torque T of‘ 40
kip - ft is applied initially only to the steel section AB. Section
CD is then connected and the torque T is released. When the
'- l201'm:r1 torque is released, the connection slips 0.010 rad before the
1' _
almninurn section takes any load. Determine
1"-_"“~-_ 36kN\m 80mm
T " (t r 9 RN"! a. The maximum shearing stress in the alumintnn alloy.
__ Hm D‘
b. The maximum shearing stress in the steel alter the torque T
"--—~-_ _%__1 B . /, c is released.
c. The final rotation ofthe collar at B with respect to its no-load
Figure P6-64 position.
iii‘°"“"_‘ ’ /ii:::: fimction of the diameter ratio dhld, (1/2 5 dbfd, 5 2).
d. The maximum shearing stress r, in the steel shaft as a func-
tion of the diameter ratio dbfd, (1/2 5 db/d, 5 2).
/--- Steel
Figure P6-68
l - T -- Bronze
< A 7 if
—‘_. -_______ .
Computer Problems
6-69 The hollow circular aluminum alloy (G = 4000 ksi) shaft Figure P6-70
shown in Fig. P6-69 is 5 ft long and is attached to rigid supports
at both ends. A 7500-lb - ft torque T is applied at section C,
which is located 2 ft from the right end. The outer radius r, of
the shalt must be 2 in.; however, the inner radius r,- can vary 6-71 A hollow steel (G = 12,000 ksi) shaft is stiffened by fill-
(0 in. 5 r,- 5 1.9 in.). Calculate and plot ing its center with an aluminum alloy (G = 4000 ksi) shaft as
a. The rotation 9 of a section at C with respect to its no-load shown in Fig. P6-71. If the steel and aluminum parts rotate as
position as a fimction of the radius ratio r,-i‘r,,(0 5 r,-/r, 5 a single unit, calculate and plot
0.95). a. The rotation of end B with respect to its no-load position
b. The maximum shearing stress rt as a function of the radius 65;,‘ as a ftmction of the diameter of the aluminum alloy
ratio r;/r,, (0 5 r,-/r,, 5 0.95). shaft do (0 in. 5 d, 5 3.75 in.).
b. The shear stress 1:0 in the aluminum alloy shaft at the inter-
face between the two shafts as a function of the diameter of
the aluminum alloy shaft d, (0 in. 5 do 5 3.75 in.).
c. The shear stress 1-, in the steel shaft at the interface between
' T the two shafts as a function of the diameter of the aluminum
alloy shaft d, (0 in. 5 a‘, 5 3.75 in.).
. A f
Figure P6-69
- 6000 lb-ft ,/
.1’ 3-.
\\r.P-_. \\-—;
_,-:I_______ ' A / ,/" '
6-70 A composite shaft consists ofa 2-m-long solid circular steel
3 fi -—_—__".-W”, B
(G = 80 GPa) section securely fastened to a 2-m-long solid
circular bronze (G = 40 GPa) section, as shown in Fig. P6-70. Figure P6-71
Both ends of the composite shaft are attached to rigid supports.
The maximum shearing stress must not exceed 60 MPa and the
rotation of any cross section in the shaft must not exceed 0.04
rad. The ratio of the diameters db/d, of the two sections can
6-72 The solid steel (G = 80 GPa) shaft shown in Fig. P6-72
vary (lf2 5 db/d, 5 2), but the average diameter (db + d,)/2
is fixed to the wall at C. The flange at A is to be attached
must be 100 mm. Calculate and plot
to the wall with eight 18-mm-diameter bolts on a 300-mm-
a. The maximum allowable torque T as a fimction of the di- diameter circle. However, the bolt holes in the flange have an
ameter ratio dbfd, (l/2 5 db/d, 5 2). angular misalignment of 1° with respect to the holes in the
b. The rotation 6 ofa section at C as a function ofthe diameter wall. If‘ a torque T is applied to the shaft at B, calculate and
ratio db/d, (l/2 5 db/d, 5 2). plot
6-s OOMBINED Loxnutc-iuuxr, rousioNx1., mu russsuus vssssi. 3 15
"""" | "“
l;:@‘ '
| I |
1" F
_: X qr}
T r
.1 .1
ts) (C)
. . 't,,,='t,,,
(bl (4)
Figure 6-22
point can be determined using the stress transformation equations or Mohr's circle.
Furthermore, the maximum normal and shearing stresses at the point can be found
using the methods described in Section 2-9.
Consider the circular bar shown in Fig. 6-22a, which is subjected to an axial
load P and a torque T A small element of volume at the outside surface of the
bar is shown in Fig. 6-22b. Acting on the top surface of the element is the normal
stress oy resulting from the axial load P and the shearing stress 1:y, resulting from
the torque I The normal stress is tensile because P is a tensile foroe. The direction
of the shearing stress on the top surface of the clement is in the direction of the
resisting torque shown on the free-body diagram of Fig. 6-22c. Shearing stresses
exist on both transverse and longitudinal planes because try = ryg On the surface
of the bar a state of plane stress exists, and thus, the volume clement of Fig. 6-22b
is shown as a plane element in Fig. 6-22d. Once the snesses on the planes shown in
Fig. 6-22d a.re known, the stresses on any other plane through the point as well as
the principal stresses and the maximum shearing stress at the point can be foimd.
The following Example Problems illustrate the procedures discussed.
Z / I
T P <1»
(Q) \
ox 2% 25.5 MPa
i— 152.3 MPa
(v) (4) (B)
Figure 6-23
(a) Since pointA is on the outside surface (a fi'ee surface) of the shaft, a state of
plane stress exists at the point. The coordinate system is selected as shown
in Fig. 6-23b. This is the same coordinate system for which the equations
in Chapter 2 were developed. Passing a transverse plane through point A
and isolating the segment of the shaft to the right of point A results in the
fi'ee-body diagram shown in Fig. 6-230. The internal forces on the transverse
cross section are an axial compressive force PA of 200 kN and a torque TA
of 30 kN - m. The directions of the stresses on the left face of the element
are in accordance with the directions of the forces that produce the stresses,
that is, in the directions of the resisting forces. These stresses are shown in
Fig. 6-23d. The magnitude of the stresses are determined as follows.
These stresses are shown on the element of Fig. 6-23e. Note that point A
could be anywhere on the outside surface along the length of the shafi that is
not in the vicinity of the fixed or loaded ends.
(b) Equation 2-15 is used to calculate the principal stresses. The stresses for use
ir1 this equation are
GPWZ = 0,;-ay i [(0, 2 cry) +25}
-25.46 0 i
= ?+ -25.46-0 2 +1-152.79?
2 2
= -12.13 1153.32
Thus, the principal stresses are
up; = 0, = 0 Ans.
Since the two in-plane principal stresses are of opposite sign and op; =
O’, = 0,
Untax _ Umin
Tmax = +
_ 140.59 -(-1615.05)
— 2
= 153.32 MPa E 153.3 MPa Ans.
The stresses on an element on the outside surface of the vessel are shown in
Fig. 6-24b, where x is in the longitudinal (axial) direction and y is in the hoop
6-s comnnntn LOADING—A711AL, TORSIONAL, AND PRESSURE vssssl. 3 19
direction. The normal stresses are due to the internal pressure and are - 12 in .
pr 2 50(1 2) I T Rigid Plate
cr.,=a,=-—=—~——=3000ps1 ' T
2t 2(l /‘ 2)
25012 .
ah=a,.=€i= J2 )=6000ps1 U
T =L
1,. = —° 15010’ 12 12.5 = 33941551
A J 0;/2)(12.5 - 12 )
and the direction of the shearing stress is the same as the direction of the intemal l- 1”
Equation 2-15 is used to calculate the maximum normal stress (a principal 1’ “H T‘
stress.) The stresses for use in this equation are
3000 6000 / 3000-0000 2 +0294)’
Since the two in-plane principal stresses have the same sign and op; = 0, = 0,
8673 — 0
— 2
= 4337 psi E 4340 psi Ans.
320 cnxvrsn 6 ronsromt noxnntc or sums
Introductory Problems 6-79 A 4-in.-diameter shaft must support an axial tensile load
of tmknown magnitude while it is transmitting a torque of
6 75* A 4-in.- diameter shaft is subjected to both a torque of 100 kip - in. Determine the maximum allowable value for the
30 kip - in. and an axial tensile load of 50 kip, as shown in axial load ifthe tensile principal stress at a point on the outside
Fig. P6-75. Determine the principal stresses and the maximum surface of the shaft must not exceed 18,000 psi.
shearing stress at point A on the surface of the shaft.
Intermediate Problems
6-80* A steel shalt is loaded and supported as shown in
° son-'. Fig. P6-80. Determine the maximum allowable value for the
\ pm axial load P if the maximum shearing stress in the shaft is not
\ to exceed 60 MPa and the maximum compressive stress in the
. ’ /' . 50l<ip shaft is not to exceed 96 MPa.
“ ‘_ “ /. 1?; _""'- an ______ I 1751"?
Z .
Figure P6-76 6-82 A steel shaft with the left portion solid and the right portion
hollow is loaded as shown in Fig. P6-82. Ifthe maximum shear-
ing stress in the shaft must not exceed 80 MPa and the maxi-
mum tensile stress inthe shaft must not exceed 140 MPa, deter-
6-77 A 2-in.-diameter shaft is used in an aircraft engine to trans- mine the maximum axial load P that can be applied to the shaft.
mit 360 hp at 1500 rpm to a propeller that develops a thrust
of 2800 lb. Determine the principal stresses and the maximum
shearing stress produced at any point on the outside surface of
the shaft.
‘ 20 kN-m
_ _ n____30 kN~m
6-78* A 60-mm-diameter shaft must transmit a torque of un- 100 mm P
known magnitude while it is supporting an axial tensile load i l 160mm ,/"B if
of 125 kN. Determine the maximum allowable value for the _,/ 100mm1 C
torque if‘ the tensile principal stress at a point on the outside
surface of the shaft must not exceed 100 MPa. Figure P6-82
as OOMBINED LOADING—AXlAL, TORSIONAL AND rnsssuna vsssiu. 52 1
6-83* A steel shaft is loaded and supported as shown in ness of 3.18 in. The vessel is subjected to an internal pressure of
Fig. P6-83. If the maximtnn shearing stress in the shaft must p and a torque of If At a point on the outside surface ofthe steel
not exceed 10 ksi and the maximum tensile stress in the shaft (E = 30,000 ksi and v = 0.30) vessel, the strain rosette shown
must not exceed 15 ksi, determine the maximum torque T that in Fig. P6-87b was used to obtain the following normal strain
can be applied to the shaft. data: ea = +36 ptin.fin., ei, = +310 ,u.in./in., and e, = +150
ninjin Gages a and c are oriented in the axial and hoop direc-
tions of the vessel, respectively. Determine the pressure p and
the torque If
T 12 in. -__ __
- T "'- 15 in. ____ '--ati
'0 J’
' A 6in. /»-/B
. _
C 125k1p Gage c:
Figure P6-83
ii \45==Qfia x
6-84 A tube having an inside diameter equal to one-half the
outside diameter must transmit a torque of 7.5 kN - m (4) (5)
while resisting an axial compressive load of 200 kN. De- Figure P6-87
termine the minimum outside diameter required if the max-
imum compressive stress in the tube is not to exceed
100 MPa.
6-88 A 50-mm-diameter steel (E = 200 GPa and v = 0.30) bar
6-85 A shaft that is transmitting 240 hp at 1800 rpm must also
is subjected to a tensile load P and a torque T, as shown in
support an axial tensile load of 20 kip. If the maxirntun ten- Fig. P6-88. Determine the axial load P and the torque T if the
sile stress in the shaft is not to exceed 15 ksi, determine the
strains indicated by gages a and b on the bar are ea = +1414
minimum diameter required for the shaft. um/m and eb = -212 ,um/m.
Challenging Problems
6-86* A 25-mm-diameter steel (E = 210 GPa and v = 0.30) T
bar is subjected to a tensile load P and a torque T, as shown G
Figure P6-88
a T
P 45° " l P 6-89 A thin-walled cylindrical pressure vessel with an inside di-
b ameter of 4 ft is fabricated by butt-welding 0.6-in.-thick plate
T with a spiral seam as shown in Fig. P6-89. The pressure in the
Figure P6-86 tank is 360 psi. Additional loads are applied to the cylinder
through a rigid end plate as shown in Fig. P6-89. Determine
a. The normal and shearing stresses on the plane of the weld
at a point on the outside surface of the tank.
6-87* The thin-walled cylindrical pressure vessel shown in b. The principal stresses and the maximum shearing stress at
Fig. P6-87a has an inside diameter of 20 in. and a wall thick- a point on the inside surface of the tank.
322 crurrra 6 TORSIONAL LOADING or srurrs
P = 2s kip Computer Problems
Rigid plate 6-90 A 120-mm-diameter shaft is used to transmit an axial load
.'// of 250 kN and a torque of 20 kN - m. It is proposed to replace
" | “ _ cflqlz
is the solid shaft with a hollow shaft having the same weight (the
r= 550 kip-ft ’ 5 3?’ same cross-sectional area). Calculate and plot the axial normal
®/ 3 stress 0,, the torsional shear stress r,l_,., the principal normal
stress apl, and the maximum shearing stress rm“ at a point
on the outside surface of the shaft as a fimction of the outside
diameter do (120 mm 5 do 5 300 mm) of the shaft.
6-91 An aircraft engine is designed to transmit 360 hp at 1500 rpm
to a propeller that develops a thrust of 2800 lb. Calculate and
plot the axial normal stress 0,, the torsional shear stress r
the principal normal stress apl, and the maximum shearing
- , ‘vl
u 1
stress rm“ at a point on the outside surface of the propeller
- ‘ 6
6 shalt as a function of the shaft diameter d (0.75 in. 5 d 5
2.50 in.).
Figure P6-89
Y. = 16-6)
Equation 6-6 (torsional loading) can also be used to determine the maximum shear-
ing stress in a tapered shaft if the change in diameter occurs in a gradual manner.
For stepped shafts, however, large increases in stress (stress concentrations) occur
in the vicinity of the abrupt changes in diameter. These large stresses can be re-
duced by using a fillet between the parts of the shalt with the different diameters.
The magnitude of the maximum shearing stress in the fillet can be expressed in
temis of a stress concentration factor K as
rm = Ice = K,§
T (6-12)
The stress concentration factor Kl depends on the ratio of the diameters of the two
portions of the shalt (D/d) and the ratio of the radius of the fillet to the diameter of
the smaller shaft (r/d). Stress concentration factors K, (based on the net section)
for stepped circular shafts and for circular shafts with U-shaped grooves are shown
in Fig. 6-25. A careful examination ofFig. 6-25b shows that a generous fillet radius
r should be used wherever a change ir1 shaft diameter occurs. Equation 6-12 can be
used to determine localized maximum shearing stresses in stepped shafts as long
as the value of rm“ does not exceed the proportional limit of the material.
6-9 snuzss CONCENIRATIONS IN curcumn sums unrmrr TORSIONAL mmmcs 323
- lIflliil
,~- 1 = 2 Shafi with circular groove in torsion
DJLn) '\
,._- %=1
X i _ _
r“; s
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 .0
Ratio rid
4 (H)
_ IIEQ rad. = r
\ // ‘l=133
d ' - torsion
Shafim -
Stress concentrations also occur in circular shafis at oil holes and grooves
(see Fig. 6-25a), and at keyways used for attaching pulleys and gears to the shafi.
Each ofthese types ofdiscontinuity require special consideration during the design
The magnitude of the maximum shearing stress produced by the torque of 6280
lb - in. in the portion of the shaft with the 2-in. diameter is given by Eq. 6-6 as
T,c s2s0(1)
rm = —— = -i-— =3998psi
J or/2x1“)
Since the maximum shearing stress in the fillet between the two portions of the
shalt must be limited to 8 ksi, the maximum permissible value for the stress
P The actual stress at the change in section
is K, times larger than the nominal stress concentration factor K, based on the maximum shearing stress in the small (net)
in the 2-in.-diameter shalt calculated using section is
the shear stress formula Eq. 6-6. The values
used for c and J are for the smaller section K, = 8/3.998 = 2.001 E 2.00
since the stress concentration graph (Fig. 6-
25b) is based on the net section. Before using The stress concentration factor K, depends on two ratios (D/d) and (r/a’). For
any stress concentration graphs, it is impor- the 4-in.-diameter shaft with the 2-in.-diameter turned section, the ratio D/d =
tant to determine whether the stress concen- 4/2 = 2. From the curves presented in Fig. 6-25b, a ratio D/d = 2 and a stress
tration factors are based on the net section concentration factor K, = 2.00 give a ratio r/d = 0.06. Thus, the minimum
or the gross section properties.
permissible radius for the fillet between the two portions of the shaft is
Introductory Problems the shaft must be limited to 60 MPa, determine the maximum
torque that can he transmitted by the shaft.
6-92* A fillet with a radius of 12 mm is used at the junction in a
stepped shaft where the diameter is reduced fi'om 135 mm to 6-97 A stepped shaft has a 5-in. diameter for one-half of its
100 mm. Determine the maximum shearing stress in the fillet length and a 4-in. diameter for the other half. If the n1axi-
when the shaft is transmitting a torque of 10 kN - m. mum shearing stress in the fillet between the two portions of
the shaft must he limited to 12 ksi when the maximum shear-
6-93* A fillet with a radius of 0.15 in. is used at the junction in
ing stress in the 4-in. portion is 8 ksi. determine the minimum
a stepped shafi where the diameter is reduced from 4.00 in. to
radius needed at the junction between the two portions of the
3.00 in. Determine the maximum shearing stress in the fillet
when the shaft is transmitting a torque of 4000 lb - ft.
6-94 The small portion of a stepped shaft has a diameter of
50 mm. The radius of the fillet at the junction between the Challenging Problems
large and small portions is 4.5 mrn. If the maximum shearing
6-98* A shallow crack has been located in a 100-mm-diameter
stress in the fillet must be limited to 40 MPa when the shaft is shaft. The crack will be removed by turning down a 200-mrn
transmitting a torque of 614 N - m, determine the maximum length ofthe shaft surrounding the crack with a tool bit that has
diameter that can be used for the large portion of the shaft. a 5-mm radius. If the maximum shearing stress in the 5-mm
6-95 A fillet with a radius of 1/8 in. is used at the junction in fillet must be limited to 60 MPa when the shaft is transmitting
a stepped shaft where the diameter is reduced from 8.00 in. a torque of 3.27 kN - m, determine the minimum allowable
to 6.00 in. Determine the maximum torque that the shalt can diameter for the reduced section.
transmit if the maximum shearing stress in the fillet must be
6-99 A 2-in.-diameter shaft contains a U2-in. deep U-shaped
limited to 12 ksi.
groove that has a 1/4-in. radius at the bottom of the groove.
Intermediate Problems The shaft must transmit a torque of 500 lb - in. If a factor of
safety of 3 with respect to failure by yielding is specified, de-
6-96* A semicircular groove with a 5-mm radius is required in termine the minimum elastic strength in shear required for the
a 110-mm diameter shaft. If the maximum shearing stress in shalt material.
6-10 mnusrrc BEHAVIOR or TORSIONAL rmnmans 325
Y TC’ __,i'i=Kil§Pl“
12- ---- "'1
"e =G1_;;p
D we“Es
I - has-5:51:
_T= Q -e
-5 T
I __ _ T
| r—G§P
1 , Qp
"eO '1
'-_r=Gl" C p
(d) (8)
Figure 6-26
TL = f prpdA (6-1)
Assume first that the maximum stress is less than the proportional limit. In this
case, if the material is homogeneous and isotropic, the expression r = Gy applies
<1»: =pd@dp over the entire cross section (see Fig. 6-26d), and the 1: vs. ,0 diagram would appear
as like the y vs. ,0 diagram (Fig. 6-26a), with yc replaced by rc, making the equation
___? /Q
of the curve 1: = (tr/c)p. Substituting this expression for 1: into Eq. 6-1 (dA is
\\\ .' |
shown in Fig. 6-27a) yields
P ‘Kr’:
dp -K
m12>= L2Fp(§p)(pdpd@>= fu2p(%p)<2=rpdp>=m(§)
fi'om which 1.1, is 21 ksi, which is greater than 18 ksi. Therefore, the assumption
is not valid, and the stress distribution curve should be as in Fig. 6-262 with the
maximum shearing stress
rm, = ry = 18 ksi Ans.
"'é“ ""lnn\‘
'#|ln\\0 \.\\ Observe that the first integration above replaces the original dA with an annular
area of width ajo, as shown ir1 Fig. 6-27b. In the future, dA will be written in this
~dA = Zrtpdp
(b) To obtain the angle of twist, Eq. 6-2 will be rewritten as
Figure 6-21
6:L:L L (a)
p r
where the shearing strain at the yield point yy equals 17,1‘ G = 18! 12,000 =
0.0015 rad and r is the radius of that part of the cross section that is deforming
elastically (Fig. 6-26e). The value of r will be found by means of Eq. 6-1. Thus,
r 2
n= L p(‘r—Sp)(2npdp)+ p(18><2npdp>
The first integral represents that portion of the torque carried by the part of the
shafi that is deforming elastically (0 5 p 5 r), and the second integral represents
6-10 mnusrrc ssruvron or TORSIONAL rnmmrns 327
the portion of the torque carried by the part of the shaft where the shearing stress
is constant (r 5 p 5 c). Thus,
3 3
71:02) = 216-8) +2n(1s)(% -
from which r3 = 4.000 and r = 1.5873 in. Nova from Eq. (a), the magnitude of
the angle of twist is
e__ 0.0015(10)(12) _
15873 _0.ll34rad Ans.
an ---------------------- - - y
l 7’, rad
0.0035 0.00?
Figure 6-Z8
The shear strains at the outside and inside surfaces are obtained fi'om Eq. 6-2.
_ p9 _ (1.5)(0.240) _
yu, = ‘°_0 = L
1 0.240 = 0.004rad
L 5(12)
Since both the minimum and maximum shear strains lie within the right-hand
portion of the curve of Fig. 6-28, the shear stress-strain fimction given for this
curve applies for the entire cross section. Thus the y vs. p function is
y = Ep = it): 0.004;;
c 1.5
328 CHAPTER 6 ronsronu LOADING or srurrs
15 15
Tr = f p(s.s1sp°-“)(2np dp)=l2.453p3'M:|
1-0 1.0
fi'om which
T=T,=37.Bkip-in. Ans.
Introductory Problems 3-m length. The shaft is made of an elastoplastic steel (G = 80
GPa) that has a yield point in shear of 140 MPa. Determine
6-100* A solid circular 100-rm-n-diameter shaft is made of an
elastoplastic steel (G = 80 GPa) that has a shearing yield point a. The maximum shearing strain in the shaft.
of 120 MPa. Determine b. The magnitude of the applied torque.
c. The shearing stress at a point on a cross section at the inside
a. The torque required to initiate plastic action in the shaft. surface of the shaft.
b. The percent increase in torque required to produce plastic
action over the entire cross section ofthe shaft. (Note: There 6-105 A solid circular 4-in.-diameter shaft is twisted through an
will always be some elastic action near the axis of the shaft; angle of5" in a 5-it length. The shaft is made of an elastoplastic
however, this effect is so small that it can be neglected with- steel (G = 12,000 ksi) that has a yield point in shear of 18 ksi.
out producing significant error.) Determine
a. The maximum shearing strain in the shaft.
6-101* A solid circular 4-in.-diameter shaft is made ofan elasto-
b. The magnitude of the applied torque.
plastic steel (G = 12,000 ksi) that has a shearing yield point of
c. The shearing stress at a point on a cross section lf2 in. from
24 ksi. Determine
the axis of the shaft.
a. The applied torque when the plastic zonebegins at r = 1.5 in.
(see Fig. 6-26e). Intermediate Problems
b. The applied torque when the plastic zone begins at r = 1 in.
6-106* A solid circular 50-mm-diameter shaft is l m long. The
6-102 A hollow shaft has an inside diameter of 50 mm and an shaft is made of an aluminum alloy that has a shearing stress-
outside diameter of 100 mm. The shaft is made of an elasto- strain diagram that can be approximated by the two straight
plastic steel (G = 80 GPa) that has a shearing yield point of lines shown in Fig. P6-106. Determine
140 MPa. Determine
a. The torque required to develop a maximum shearing stress
a. The applied torque when the plastic zone begins at r = of 230 MPa in the shaft.
40 mm (see Fig. 6-26e). b. The angle of twist when the torque of part a is applied.
b. The applied torque when the shearing stress at a point on
the inside surface of the shaft reaches the yield point. 'r, MPa
side diameter of 4 in., and is 3 ft long. The shaft is made of 'r= tr”
an aluminum alloy that has a shearing stress-strain diagram
that can be approximated by the two straight lines shown in
Fig. P6-107. Determine
a. The torque required to develop a shearing stress of 30 ksi
at a point on a cross section at the inner surface of the T
shaft. Figure P6-I09
b. The angle of twist when the torque of‘ part a is applied.
Challenging Problems
t, ksi
33 - — - — - - — - — - - —- 6-110* Two 80-mm-diameter steel (G = 80 GPa) and bronze
30 - — - — — - —- (G = 45 GPa) shafts are rigidly connected and supported as
shown in Fig. P6-l 10a. The shearing stress-strain diagram for
the steel is shown in Fig. P6-ll0b. The bronze has a pro-
portional limit in shear of 84 MPa. Determine the torque re-
quired to produce a maximum shearing stress of 60 lt/[Pa in the
, 104 d
00 7.5 12.5 T fa
Figure P6-107
A 1.5 m -__,,_,_____-__
, ' 2.5 m -»_______
6-I08 A solid circular 80-mm-diameter shaft is made of a mag- . B i
nesium alloy that has the shearing stress-strain diagram shown
in Fig. P6-108. Determine the torque required to twist a 2-m c It
' ,/ I\ _.L
length of the shaft through 0.300 rad. SIBBI J T /I I 80 mm
Annealed bronze --’ _“||"
1 |
Y, 10“ rad
- 1 = 2910 "r‘”“
, =1 Figure P6-I10
00 0.0035 0.0010 T“
Figure P6-108
“-'- 4 ft -_a
. 60 in. ._______ A - ‘-- 4 it ’—~__
v ___ - I -— 3 it _-
' | B W
V -___:_:_.:1-“-*_-_-_.____ _ _ ~ __ 6 in. . c
—-_'-__-______ -. __ -___-___
__-."_-;_____ __
--._-_-_ it;
\I‘-'4: ___
, _ I|‘ 5 D
' --___‘-_____~_.
-. - -"
_‘~-::-lr- . ~' 1"
1 4 -—-___};-_“_—_—f—___
-_-:-_- ---- 4 in. Sm / T /. _
4:-—- It-I-_
Bronze 0
'r, ksi
6-114 The 100-mm-diameter shaft shown in Fig. P6-1 14 is com-
18 — posed of a brass (G = 40 GPa} segment and a steel (G =
80 GPa) segment. The steel is elastoplastic and has a yield
point in shear of 120 MPa. The brass has a proportional limit
,10-‘ad in shear of 60 MPa. Determine the magnitude ofthe torque, ap-
15 Y ' plied as shown, that is required to produce a maximum shearing
(5) stress in the brass of 50 MPa.
Figure P6-ll l
T600 mm _ _
6-112 The 160-mm-diameter steel shaft ofFig. P6-112 has a 100- A . -600 mm _ _
mm-diameter bronze core inserted and securely bonded to the - I “600 mm __,
. I, B C '
steel (G = 80 GPa) in 3 m of the right end. The steel is elasto-
plastic and has a yield point in shear of 120 MPa. The bronze . I . D
has a modulus of rigidity G of40 GPa and a proportional limit I‘ I
6-117 A 1-in.-diameter aluminum alloy shaft and a l!2-in.- 6-118 A 20-mm-diameter aluminum alloy shaft and a 25-rnm-
diameter steel shaft are rigidly connected and supported as diameter steel shaft are rigidly connected and supported as
shown in Fig. P6-117a. The shear-strain diagrams for the alu- shown in Fig. P6-118a. The shear stress-strain diagrams for
minum alloy and the steel are shown in Figs. P6-l 17b and the aluminum alloy and the steel are shown in Figs. P6-1 18b
c, respectively. Compute and plot the rotation 6 for a section and c, respectively. Compute and plot the rotation 6 for a sec-
at B as a fimction of the torque T applied at B (0 5 T 5 tion at C as a function of the torque T applied at C (0 5 T 5
750 lb - ft). 475 N - m).
_10 in.
. A '—__—‘_l"""'""
T B 30'1n._-________1
. _ I A T" 300mm.__ __
Alurninur11——*’] Steel J ' .' TB 250m-E‘
(Q) - 't
0. 001 S Y. rad
0.0015 7, rad (C)
(C) Figure P6-118
Figure P6-117
\_n>~§ ;____
.~ \
'rdA \ \
/ / \
\ -.
~. ~.
\‘~ \-\ 1/
\ ‘*- \,\’;I' T
/ I\
__.1 »-- \ Q;
I \l____
/ \‘I
1 \
I \
I \
L_ \
Figure 6-29
if there was a stress of any magnitude at the comer, as indicated in Fig. 6-29a, it
could be resolved into the components indicated ir1 Fig. 6-29b; if these components
existed, the two components shown dashed would also exist. These last components
cannot exist, because the surfaces on which they are shown are fi'ee boundaries.
Therefore, the shearing stresses at the comers of the rectangula.r bar must be
The first correct analysis of the torsion of the prismatic bar of noncircular
cross section was published by Saint-Venant in 1855; however, the scope of this
analysis is beyond the elementry discussion of this book.“ The results of Saint-
Venant’s analysis indicate that, in general, except for members with circular cross
sections, every section will warp (not remain plane) when the bar is twisted.
For the case of the rectangular bar shown back in Fig. 6-3d, the distortion
of the small squares is maximum at the midpoint of a side of the cross section
and disappears at the corners. Since this distortion is a measure of shearing strain,
Hooke’s law requires that the shearing stress be maxi.mum at the midpoint of a side
of the cross section and zero at the comers. Equations for the maximum shearing
stress and angle of twist for a rectangular section obtained from Saint-Venant’s
theory are
Tm“ = $5
0 = flaw; (s14)
where a and b are the lengths of the short and long sides of the rectangle, respec-
tively. The numerical factors or and ;S can be obtained fi'om Fig. 6-30.
‘A complete discussion of this theory is presented in various books, such asMa1he.-nation! Theory of
Elastici1y,I. S. Sokolnikoff, 2nd ed., McGraw-Hill, New York, 1956, pp. 109-134.
6 12 ronsros or="r|m WALI.ED’l‘lJBES—SHEAll FLOW 333
0:, [3
°' T
0.20 ‘B b Q’ . Tm‘
0.10 bfa
1 3 5 7 9 11 =-=-
Figure 6-30
Vi = V3
"7 in
i -‘it t-"'1 i\'“‘\
| B _V1_~ E H7
,~.____ ‘.-.
\ 1. . .1‘.
(H) (b)
Figure 6-31
334 crmrrrn 6 TORSIONAL LOADING or srrrrrs
qldx = q3dx
from which
The shearing stresses at point A on the longitudinal and transverse planes have the
same magnitude; li.kewise, the shearing stresses at pointB have the same magnitude
on the two orthogonal planes; hence, Eq. (a) may be written
TAIA = T313
“dd \\
. Il /
*~i n=f(dF>p=f<qds)p=qfpds
0 ,'
___ /W I
/‘T ,1
This integral may be diflicult to evaluate by formal calculus; however, the quantity
\ I»
p ds is twice the area of the triangle shown shaded in Fig. 6-32, which makes
the integral equal to twice the area enclosed by the median line A. The resulting
Figure 6-32 expression is
Tr = q(2A) (6-15)
1: 5: (6-16)
where r is the average shearing stress across the thickness I (and tangent to the
perimeter) and is reasonably accurate when t is relatively small. For example, in
a round tube with a diameter-to-wall thickness ratio of 20, the stress as given by
Eq. 6-16 is 5 percent less than that given by the torsion formula. It must be em-
phasized that Eq. 6-16 applies only to “closed” sections—that is, sections with a
continuous periphery. If the member is slotted longitudinally (see, for example,
Fig. 6-33), the resistance to torsion would be diminished considerably from that
Figure 6-33 for the closed section.
6-12 TORSION or THIN-WALLED rnsns-snare now 335
~ ‘R‘X.
i“\ 3 in.
“12 16.
~.._\> ,-
Figure 6-34
Once or and 5 are lorown, Eqs. 6-13 and 6-14 can be used to calculate the maxi-
mum shearing stress and the angle of twist. Since bla = 31/(1/2) = 6, the values
of or and ,8 from Fig. 6-30 are
and thus,
Tm“ : uazb
= =11,l11psi§l1,110psi Ans.
O.30(l/2) (3)
3 mm
2mm 50mm
i. 100mm 6
Figure 6-as
The maximum stress will occur in the thinnest plate; therefore,
P Recall that the shear flow qr = rt is con-
stant. Therefore, as the section thickness de-
creases, the shear stress must increase, and
q = n = 9s(10‘)(2)(1o-3) = l9O(lO3)N/III
the maximum shear stress will occur in the
thirmest portion of the section. The torque that can be transmitted by the section is given by Eq. 6-15 as
Introductory Problems
6-119* The allowable shearing stress for the aluminum alloy 6-120* Thetwobars shown in Fig. P6-120aremade ofaluminum
(G = 4000 ksi) bar shown in Fig. P6-119 is 12 ksi. Determine (G = 28 GPa). The cross sectional areas and lengths ofthe two
the maximum permissible torque that may be applied to the bars are identical. Ifthe maximum shearing stress must be lim-
bar. ited to 25 MPa., determine
a. The maximum permissible torque that may be applied to
each bar.
Qiqil in. b. The angle of twist for each bar when the torque of part a is
being applied.
Figure P6-119
6-12 roasros ormnr-wxrranruans-snrmr now 337
6-123 A torque of 125 kip - in. will be applied to the hollow, thin-
T1.-J walled, aluminum alloy section shown in Fig P6-123. If the
maximum shearing stress must be limited to 8 ksi, determine
400 mm the minimum thickness required for the section.
CW ‘
6-124 A 500-mm-wide x 3-mm-thick x 2-m-long aluminum
Figure P6-121] sheet is to be formed into a hollow section by bending through
360° and welding (butt-weld) the long edges together. Assume
6-121 Two aluminum alloy bars {G = 4000 ksi) ofidentical length a median length of 500 mm (no stretching of the sheet due to
are rigidly attached to fixed supports at one end. One bar (see bending). If the maximum shearing stress must be limited to
Fig. P6-121a) is square. The second bar was machined from a '75 lV[Pa, determine the maximum torque that can be carried by
square bar of the same dimensions as the first bar, as shown in the hollow section if
Fig. P6-l2lb. If the maximum shearing stress must be limited a. The shape of the section is a circle.
to 12 ksi, determine h. The shape of the section is an equilateral triangle.
a. The maximum permissible torque thatmay be applied to the c. The shape of the section is a square.
free end of each bar. d. The shape of the section is a 150 x 100-mm rectange.
h. The angle of twist for each bar when the torque of part a is
being applied if the bars are 3 ft long.
Intermediate Problems
6-125* A solid rectangular bar of aluminum alloy (G =
_________ __ L J
4000 ksi) is subjected to the torques shown in Fig. P6-125.
IfT| = 10,000 lb - in., T; = 30,000 lb -
and L1 = L; = 30 in., determine
a = 2in., b = 3 in.,
Figure P6-125
l— 100 mm —=l 6-126* The torsion member shown in Fig. P6-125 has the cross
Figure P6-122 section shown in Fig. P6-126. If T; = T1 = 2T, a = 75 mm,
338 cruumarr 6 ronsroxu mxnrsc or sums
b = 100 mm, and L1: L2 = 800mm, determine the maxi- Challenging Problems
mum torque T that may be applied to the bar if the maximum
shearing stress in the bar must be limited to 80 MPa. 6-129* A torque box from an airplane wing is shown in
Fig. P6-129. Curves AB and CD are 40.2 in. long. The mean
depth of the box is 12.5 in. The box is made of an aluminum
alloy with an allowable shearing stress of 8 ksi. Determine the
maximum torque that can be applied to the box.
F’ 5.
75 mm in
5 mm l -“-3 _ B
13 tn.
0.05 in.
10 rn.
i 0.0-1 in. L
1 ., D C
Figure P6-126 +40 in. A
Figure P6-129
6-127 Two torsion members (see Fig. P6-127) made of the same
material have the same length and the same weight. For the 6-130 A cross section of an airplane fuselage made of alu-
same allowable shear stress, determine minum alloy is shown in Fig. P6- 130. For an applied torque of
200 kN - m and an allowable shearing stress of 50 MPa, deter-
a. The ratio of the torque that can be carried by the circular bar mine the minimum thickness of sheet (constant for the entire
to the torque that can be carried by the square bar. periphery) required to resist the torque.
b. The ratio of the angles of twist when the torques of part a
are being carried by the two sections.
5.. . \
lfl O
IDID __ _
Figure P6-127
Figure P6-130
6-128 The 50 >< 50-mm square torsion member shown in
Fig. P6-128 is made of an aluminum alloy (G = 28 GPa). If the
maximum shearing stress must not exceed 80 MPa and the ro- 6-131 The 1.5 x 1.5-in. square bar of aluminum alloy (G =
tation ofendD with respect to end/I must not exceed 0.035 rad, 4000 ksi) shown in Fig. P6-131 is rigidly attached to supports
determine the maximum torque T that can be carried by the bar. at A and D. Determine the reactions at the supports if T1 =
8000lb-in., T; =0,andL1=L; =L; = 1.5 it.
400Trnm T
400 mm 37
400 rnrn
,1 l..l,,lL§~,.
Figure P6-128 Figure P6-131
6-15 nssrss PROBLEMS 359
The failure criterion is (refer to Chapter 5)
For a torsionally loaded circular shaft, stress refers to the magnitude ofthe shear-
ing stress r,, = T,0/J . For a failure mode ofyielding, strength is the yield strength
in shear 1:,-, which for 2014-T4 wrought aluminum is listed in Table B-17 as
24 ksi. Thus,
T, T 16 S T
1,, > F5(7c) =1=5(%/2) =fl
T rrr rrd3
Since bars are available in 1/'8-in. increments, the smallest permissible bar is
dmh, = lg in. Ans.
340 CHAPTER 6 rorrsronm LOADING or srnrrs
Since failure is by yielding, the strength is the yield strength in shear. Table B-
18 lists the yield strength in tension as 250 MPa, but does not give a value for
the yield strength in shear. According to the discussion in Section 6-13, 17,. will
be taken as ayr'2. Thus r_,, = 250f2 = 125 MPa. Using the results of Example
Problem 6-18,
l6(FS)(T) ‘/3
_ H (11)
d > l Tv i
Power = Tm = T(2:rrN)
T= 7 b
2rrN ( )
d," M600/60)(125)(10‘)
d 3 0.1043m = l04.3mm
Since bars are available in 10-mm increments, the smallest permissible bar is
For failure by yielding, the significant strength in the shaft is the shearing yield
strength. From Table B-17, the shearing yield strength for 6061-T6 wrought
12,000 lb-in.
1000 lb-in. _
13,000 lb-in. B C
Figure 6-36
16(FS)(T) ‘/3
l J1’ Ty i
Ty 2
c ry ry (2rr N)
5> 1.s(100)(103)
6 - 125(106)(2n')(120/60)
Equation (a) can be satisfied for an infinite number of hollow pipes having
different radius ratios. Table B-14 can be used to select a pipe that satisfies the
requirement that J/c 3 95 .49(103) n1m3. However, Table B-14 lists the properties
I and S, where I is the rectangular second moment of area with respect to a
diameter of the pipe, and S is the section modulus, S = I/c. Since J = 21 for
circular sections (either solid or hollow), the required section modulus for the
Introductory Problems b. If solid structural steel shaits are available with diameters
in increments of 10 mm, determine the minimum diameter
6-132* A motor is to transmit 150 kW to a piece of mechanical that can be used.
equipment. The power is transmitted through a solid structrual c. Compare the weights of the two shafts.
steel shafi. Failure isby yielding, and the factorofsafety is 1.25.
The designer has the freedom to operate the motor at 60 rpm 6-135 A shafi is to transmit 100 hp at 200 rpm. The designer
or at 6000 rpm. For each case, determine the minimum shaft has a variety of solid bars and standard steel pipes to se-
diameter. Shafls are available with diameters in increments lect from. Both the bars and the pipes are made of structural
of 5 mm. If weight is important, which speed would be steel, the failure mode is yielding, and the factor of safety
used? is 2.
6 133* A 3-ft-long steel pipe is subjected to a torque of 1200 lb-ft a. Select the lightest standard-weight steel pipe that can be
at each end. The pipe is made of 0.2% C hardened steel, failure used.
is by yielding, and the factor of safety is 1.5. Determine the h. Select a suitable solid shaft if they are available with diam-
nominal diameter of the lightest standard-weight steel pipe that eters in increments of U8 in.
can be used for the shafl. c. lfweight is critical, which shalt should be used?
6 134 A standard-weight structural steel pipe must transmit
150 kW at 60 rpm. The failure mode is yielding and the factor
of safety is 1.5. Intermediate Problems
a. Select the lightest standard-weight steel pipe that can be 6-136* The motor shown in Fig. P6-136 supplies a torque of
used. 1000 N - m to shaft ABCDE. The torques removed at C,
D,andEare500N-m,300N-m,and200N-m,re- f— zso mm —»
spectively. The shaft is the same diameter throughout and is
made of 0.4% C hot-rolled steel. For a factor of safety of
3 and failure by yielding, select a suitable diameter for the
shaft if shafls are available with diameters in increments of
10 mm.
.- .-
_ Him A B C
‘Ts. |=IE
-1°" s- e Ii
Figure P6-138
50 mm
600 mm
Figure P6-136
-- /Bearing
' - o " 0
FigureP6-137 Q9
= - — = 4 4,
o __ 0
Challenging Problems it
6-138* The band brake shown in Fig. P6-138 is part of a hoist- ,Z\/ C
. . . . . p \
mg machine. The coeflicient of friction between the 500-1nm- ‘ t
diameter drum and the fiat belt is 0.20. The maximum actuating
force P that can be applied to the brake arm is 490 N. Rotation
A l '0 T §.r|\.l5i.r||..
_ fi—_
of the drurn is clockwise. What miniminn-size shalt should be i_
The problem of transmitting a torque (a couple) fi'om one plane to a parallel plane
is frequently encountered in the design of machinery. The simplest device for
accomplishing this fiinction is a circular shaft. The resisting torque is statically
equivalent to the sum of the torques produced by the shear stresses
where p is the distance from the axis ofthe shaft to the element of area dA. The law
of variation of the shearing st1'ess on the transverse plane (1: as a fimction of radial
position p) must be known before the integral of Eq. 6-1 can be evaluated. If the
assumption is made that a plane transverse cross section before twisting remains
plane after twisting and a diameter of the section remains straight, the distortion
of the shaft can be expressed as
c9 p9
ye = I and yp = T (6'2)
The angle 8 is called the angle of twist. Equation 6-3 indicates that the shear-
ing strain is zero at the center of the shaft and increases linearly with respect to
the distance p from the axis of the shalt. This equation can be combined with
Eq. 6-1 once the relationship between the shearing stress r and the shearing strain
y is known. Since no assumptions have been made about the relationship between
the stress and the strain or about the type ofmaterial of which the shaft is made, Eq.
6-3 is valid for elastic or inelastic action and for homogeneous or heterogeneous
materials, provided the strains are not too large (tan y E 7/). If the assumption is
made that Hooke’s law (r = Gy) applies (stresses must be below the proportional
liriiit of the material), Eq. 6-3 can be written
e=fp we
When Eq. 6-4 is substituted into Eq. 6-1, the result is
Ti‘ "D
rp = 7 and 17, =
-:;* (6-6)
where J is the polar second moment of the cross-sectional area of the shaft. Equa-
tion 6-6 indicates that the shearing stress rp, like the shearing strain y,-,, is zero at
the center ofthe shaft and increases linearly with respect to the distance p from the
axis of the shaft. Both the shearing strain y and the shearing stress 1: are maximum
when p = c. Equation 6-6 is known as the elastic torison formula and is valid for
both solid and hollow circular shafts.
Frequently, the amount of twist in a shaft is important. Equations 6-2, 6-6,
and Hooke’s law (tr = Gy) can be combined to give
e=yL=l or TL
e=# (6-711,11)
p pG GJ
The angle of twist determined from the above expressions is for a length
of shaft of constant diameter (J = constant), constant material properties (G =
constant), and carrying a torque T,. Ideally, the length of shaft should not include
sections too near to (within about one-half shaft diameter of) places where me-
chanical devices (gears, pulleys, or couplings) are attached. Forpiactical purposes,
however, it is customary to neglect distortions at connections and to compute angles
as if there were no discontinuities.
If T,, G, orJ is not constant along the length of the shaft, Eq. 6-7b takes the
n Tril-1
0=2 GM,
_ (6-7C)
where each term in the summation is for a length L where T,, G, and J are constant.
If T,., G, 01.)’ is a fimction ofx (the distance along the length of the shaft), the angle
of twist is found using
9= fa i
G1 <6-7di
For a shaft in pine torsion (as in this chapter), the maximum shearing stress
occurs on both transverse and longitudinal planes and is given by the elastic torsion
formula, Eq. 6-6. Maximimi normal stresses occur on planes oriented at 45° with
the axis of the shaft and perpendicular to the surface of the shaft. On one of
these planes, the normal stress is tension, and on the other the normal stress is
compression. Furthermore, the magnitude of the maximum normal stresses is the
same as the maximum shearing stress given by Eq. 6-6.
One ofthe most common uses ofa circular shalt is the transmission ofpower.
Power is defined as the time rate of doing work, and the basic relationship for work
done by a constant torque T is Wk = T¢, where W}, is work and ¢ is the angular
displacement of the shaft in radians. The derivative of W), with respect to time t
Power: w = T? = Tm (6-11)
where dW;,fdt is power, T is a constant torque, and w is the constant angular velocity
of the shaft (in radians per second). In the SI system of imits, power is given in
watts (1 W = I N - m/s). In the U.S. customary system of units, power is usually
no = $0 (6-3)
is valid for elastic or inelastic action provided the strains are not too large (tan y
E y). The variation of the shearing stress must be determined from a shear stress-
strain diagram for the material. Finally, the resisting torque can then be evaluated
by substituting the expression for 1: in terms of ,0 into Eq. 6-1
T. = f prim
and integrating over the cross-sectional area of the shaft.
Although the elementary torsion theory is limited a circular sections, one
class of noncircular sections that can be readily analyzed by elementary methods
is a thin-walled section. In such sections, the shear flow q (defined as the internal
shearing force per unit of length of the thin section) is constant even though the
thickness of the section wall varies. The resisting torque T, is the resultant of the
moment of the shear force
T, = 2qA (6-15)
where q = rt is the shear flow, r is the average shearing stress across the thickness
t, and A is the area enclosed by the median line. Solving for the shear stress gives
1: TL (6-16)
6-141* A steel (G = 12,000 ksi) shaft is loaded and supported as b. The rotation of a section at the right end with respect to im
shown in Fig. P6-141. Determine no-load position.
c. The rotation of a section 7 ft from the left end with respect
a The maximum shearing stress in the shafl. to its no-load position.
ruzvrsw PROBLEMS 347
85 kip'fi T
B 1
-,§_ I; ‘ 22kN~rr1
A q. ___ T"|~\_______ H I
, ‘5___‘§>;' so kip-it
.4, _ ,
Bfi C ‘W'“-,3};
"" 2 m -,..___ ___ 4 B A ' g _ . -
I ~n-__;"_;_._'.,;.-
M... m _____-_~‘:;__/1 C r
4fi )1 rm’, 15 kip ft
' ‘---3 m ___’,/-' ,_
21-I .-2 kip-ft
LII =0
E-1%-‘5. ’
."‘-I Figure P6-144
to :1: . \
Figure P6-141
E; \—Bearing E
A T2 = 40 kN-nit,-1
< Im > 2 rn __/’
<( . 150 mm
Figure P6-142 \\ ./- /|_
300 mm B
RX \"<-.
6-143 An aluminum alloy (G = 3800 ksi) tube will be used to Kex T1 = rs kN-m
transmit a torque in a control mechanism. The tube has an
outside diameter of 1.25 in. and a wall thickness of 0.065 in. ‘Xxx /I 100 mm
Because of the tendency of thin sections to buckle, the maxi-
400 rum
'\._\__\\‘ X ‘I '_/
mum compressive stress inthe tube must be limited to 8000 psi. .3/, C
Figure P6-146
a. The maximum torque that can be applied.
b. The angle of twist in a 3-ft length when a torque of 1000
lb - in. is applied.
6-144* The hollow circular steel (G = 80 GPa) shalt of 6-147" The inner surface of the aluminum alloy (G = 4000 ksi)
Fig. P6-144 is in equilibrium under the torques indicated. sleeve A and the outer surface of the steel (G = 12,000 ksi)
Determine shaft}? ofFig. P6-147 are smooth. Both the sleeve and the shaft
are rig-idly fixed to the wall at D. The 0.500-in. diameterpin C
a. The minimum permissible outside diameter d if the maxi- fills a hole drilled completely through a diameter of the sleeve
mum shearing stress in the shaft is not to exceed 100 MPa. and shaft. If the average shearing stress on the cross-sectional
b. The rotation of a section at D with respect to a section at A area of the pin at the interface between the shaft and the sleeve
for the shaft with an outside diameter of 120 mm. must not exceed 5000 psi, determine
348 cnsrran 6 TORSIONAL noxnrrtc or srrxrrs
a. The maximum torque T that can be applied to the right end 6-150* A cross section of the leading edge of an airplane wing is
of the steel shalt B. shown in Fig. P6-150. The length along the curve is 660 mm,
b. The maximum shearing stress in the aluminum alloy sleeve and the enclosed area is 53,000 mm2. Sheet thicknesses are
A when the torque of part a is applied. shown on the diagram. For an applied torque of 12 kN - m,
c. The rotation ofthe right end ofthe shalt when the maximum determine the magnitude of the maximum shearing stress de-
torque T is applied. veloped in the section.
1.3mm A
' D |' C‘ L I ,
-' \ _. /22-1 -Steel 3 "1
4.$4 -E at
. _ ’ / T
Figure P6-150
“flu '_'1':€ta----~7// "B
Figure P6-147 6-151* The motor shown in Fig. P6-151 delivers 200 hp at 300
rpm to a piece of equipment at B. The shalt is made from
0.4% C hot-rolled steel (G = 11,600 ksi), which is available
6-148 The 160-mm-diameter steel (G = 80 GPa) shalt shown in with diameters in increments of 1/8 in. The length of the shalt
Fig. P6-148 has a 100-mm-diameter bronze (G = 40 GPa) core between A and B is 3 ft. Determine the shaft diameter required
inserted in 3 m of its right end. The bronze is securely bonded if the maximum shearing stress in the shaft must not exceed
to the steel. Determine 15.9 ksi and the angle of twist between A and B must not
exceed l.5°.
a. The maximum shearing stress in each of the materials.
b. The rotation of the ftee end of the shaft.
160 mm
160 kN-m
if —l rtrisitmntt
r. m'1[e|nE]ni'1 *
2-Om "1,’“~,_ rs kN-m -- ':’ --
5' “‘~. ‘-__: _ \ 100mm
1.5m ~ ~, ‘~~_ ~—- Flgure P6-151
. c '\\ _ '~-K"
, Steel
‘\_ Bronze
1.5 m --/
_ D 6-152 The 100-mm-diameter segmentABC of the shaft shown in
Fig. P6-152 is initially not connected to the 60-mm-diameter
Figure P6-148 segment CD. Torque TB = l 5 kN - mis applied at section B, and
a secure connection between the two segments is then made at
C, after which the torque TB is removed. Determine the result-
6-149 A torque of 1850 lb - ft will be applied to the hollow, thin- ing maximum shearing stress in segment CD after the torque
walled, aluminum alloy section shown in Fig. P6-149. If the T5 is removed. The moduli of rigidity are 40 GPa forABC and
maximum shearing stress must be limited to 8 ksi, determine 80 GPa for CD.
the minimum thickness required for the section.
, . T3=l5kN-m
. s. \
' - ._:_ _
l‘ 1.2 m -xi“ L -
_ 1 rn-__
" 1.6 m .__fil
A member subjected to loads applied transverse to the long dimension of the
member and which causes the member to bend is a beam. The beam, or flexural
member, is fiequently encountered in structures and machines, and its elementary
stress analysis constitutes one of the more interesting facets of mechanics of mate-
rials. For example, Fig. 7-1 is a photograph of an I-beam, AB, simply supported in
a testing machine and loaded at the one-third points. Figure 7-2 depicts the shape
(exaggerated) of the beam when loaded.
Before proceeding with a discussion of stress analysis for flexural members,
it may be well to classify some of the various types ofbeams and loadings encoun-
tered in practice. Beams are frequently classified on the basis of their supports or
reactions. A beam supported by a pin, roller, or smooth surface at the ends and
having one span is called a simple beam (Fig. 7-3a). A simple support (a pin or
roller) will develop a reaction normal to the beam but will not produce a couple.
If either or both ends of the beam project beyond the supports, it is called a simple
beam with overhang (Fig. 7-3b). A beam with more than two simple supports is a
Figure 7-2
continuous beam (Fig. 7-3c). A cantilever beam is one in which one end is built
into a wall or other support so that the built-in end can neither move transversely
nor rotate (Fig. 7-3d). The built-in end is said to be fixed if no rotation occurs
and restrained ifa limited amount of rotation occurs. The supports shown in Figs.
7-3d, e, and f represent fixed ends unless otherwise stated. The beams in Figs.
7-3d, e, andf are, in order, a cantilever beam, a beam fixed (or restrained) at the
left end and simply supported near the other end (which has an overhang), and a
beam fixed (or restrained) at both ends.
Cantilever beams and simple beams have only two reactions (two forces or
one force and a couple), and these reactions can be obtained fi'om a free-body
diagram of the beam by applying the equations of equilibrium. Such beams are
Prep‘ ”
U.. I: 4441
(<1) (5) P
r 1
I | |
| = | |
(C) (4)
. I l
to (D
Figure 7-3
7-1 IN’l'RODUCI‘l0N 351
said to be statically determinate since the reactions can be obtained fi'om the equa-
tions of equilibrium. Beams with more than two reaction components are called
statically indeterminate because there are not enough equations of equilibrium to
determine the reactions. The beams shown in Figs. 7-3a, b, and d are statically
determinate, whereas the beams shown in Figs. 7-3c, e, andf are statically indeter-
All of the beams shown in Fig. 7-3 are subjected to both concentrated loads
and to uniformly distributed loads. Although all of the beams shown in Fig. 7-3
are shown as horizontal, beams may have any orientation. The loads are assumed
to act in a plane of symmetry. Distributed loads will be shown on the side of the
beam on which they are acting; that is, if drawn on the bottom of the beam, the
load is pushing upward and if drawn on the right side of a vertical beam, the load
is pushing to the lefl. Deflection curves (greatly exaggerated) are shown beneath
the beams of Fig. 7-3 to assist in visualizing the shapes of the loaded beams.
A fi'ee-body diagram of the portion of the beam of Fig. 7-3a between the
left end and plane a—a is shown in Fig. 7-4a. A study of this diagram shows that a
transverse force V, and a couple M, at the section and a force R (a reaction) at the left
support are needed to maintain equilibrium. The force Pl is the resultant force due to
the shearing stresses acting on the section (on plane a—a) and is called the resisting
shear. The couple M, is the resultant moment due to the normal stresses acting on
the section (on plane a—a) and is called the resisting moment. The magnitudes and
senses of V, and M a.re obtained from the equations of equilibrium SF, = 0 and
EMQ = 0 where O is any axis perpendicular to the xy-plane. The reaction R must
be evaluated from a free-body diagram of the entire beam.
,1, b
x M, Z
-— — :>
Q} s\
I 1}-‘—p1ane is a plane
of symmetry for the
qr. n_¢__ beam and loading
(=1) (5)
1; Plane a-a
\ .
The normal and shearing stresses 0, and 1,, on plane a—a are related to the
resisting moment M and the resisting shear V, by the equations
The resisting shear and moment (K and M,), as shown on Fig. 7-4a, will be defined
as positive quantities later in Section 7-5. The normal and shear stresses 0, and
13,, as shown on Fig. 7-4c, are defined as positive stresses. The minus signs in
Eqs. 7-la and 7-lb are required to bring these two definitions into agreement. It
is obvious fi"om Eqs. 7-l that the laws of variation of the normal and shearing
stresses must be known before the integrals can be evaluated. Thus, the problem
is statically indeterminate. For the present, the shearing stresses will be ignored
while the normal stresses are studied.
A segment of the beam of Fig. 7-4a, between planes a—a and b—b, is shown ir1
I \ Fig. 7-5 with the distortion greatly exaggerated. When Fig. 7-5 was drawn, the
a‘ ‘i.
P —>= assumption was made that a plane section before bending remains a plane after
P .-Y’ ~ _, _,.1
\t bending. For this to be strictly true, it is necessary that the beam be bent only with
"ll ' Y_ — _ -7 ‘t
I‘ ' \ couples (no shear on transverse planes). Also, the beam must be so proportioned
that it will not buckle and the loads applied so that no twisting occurs (this last lini-
itation will be satisfied ifthe loads are applied in a plane of symmetry—a sufficient
though not a necessary condition). When a beam is bent only with couples, the
deformed shape ofall longitudinal elements (also referred to as fibers) is an arc ofa
Precise experimental measurements indicate that at some distance c above
Figure 1-s the bottom of the beam, longitudinal elements undergo no change in length. The
curved surface formed by these elements (at radius p in Fig. '7-5) is referred to as
the neutral surface of the beam, and the intersection of this surface with any cross
section is called the neutral axis ofthe section. All elements (fibers) on one side of
the neutral surface are compressed, and those on the opposite side are elongated.
As shown in Fig. 7-5, the fibers above the neutral surface of the beam of Fig. 7-4-a
(on the same side as the center of curvature) are compressed and the fibers below
the neutral surface (on the side opposite the center of curvature) are elongated.
The xy-axes of Fig. 7-4c lie in the plane of symmetry; the origin of the coordinate
system lies on the neutral surface.
Finally, the assumption is made that all longitudinal elements have the same
initial length. This assumption imposes the restriction that the beam be initially
straight and of constant cross section; however, inpractice, considerable deviation
fi'om these last restrictions is ofien tolerated.
The longitudinal strain 6, experienced by a longitudinal element that is
located a distance y fi'om the neutral surface of the beam is determined by using
the definition of normal strain as expressed by Eq. 3-1. Thus,
"_r_ L,-
7-2 rrrrxnrrxr. s'r'rtu1ts 553
T I Top of beam
\ \
. lfliinae
X 7.5 kip 7.5 kip
@ @\ \
1 1 7.0 in.
t \ ~. \| flange
p T" Bottom of beam
4 comp. rs 10 5 0 5 10 15 Ten.
Strain, iniin. (10)-4
Figure 7-6
where L; is the final length of the fiber after the beam is loaded and L,- is the initial
length of the fiber before the beam is loaded. From the geometry of the beam
segment shown in Fig. 7-5,
IA more exact analysis using principles developed in the theory of elasticity indicates that curve 2
should be curved slightly. Note: Other experiments indicate that a plane section of an initially curved
beam will also remain plane after bending and that deformations will still be proportional to the distance
ofthe fiber from the neutral surface. The strain, however, will not be proportional to this distance, since
each deformation must be divided by a different original length.
354 crntrrrrt 1 rtsxtrrmr. r.ornrsc= srrtsssss IN starts
Note that Eq. 7-2 is valid for elastic or inelastic action so long as the beam does
not twist or buckle and the transverse shearing stresses are small. Problems in this
book will be assumed to satisfy these restrictions.
ax : Esx ('1)
Us : E51‘ : _';y (7'3)
J’ Equation 7-3 shows that the normal stress 0, on the transverse cross section of the
beam varies linearly with distance y fi'om the neutral surface. Also, since plane
cross sections remain plane, the normal stress 0,, is uniformly distributed in the
z-direction (see Fig. 7-4c).
@£— With the law of variation of flexural stress known, Fig. 7-4 can now be
redrawn as shown in Fig. 7-7. The forces FL: and Fr are the resultants of the
compressive and tensile flextnal stresses, respectively. Since the sum of the forces
-2, in the x-direction must be zero, FC is equal to FT; hence, they forrrr a couple of
magnitude M,.
The resisting moment M, developed by the normal stresses in a typical beam
l I fa with loading in a plane of symmetry but of arbitrary cross section, such as the one
R shown in Fig. 7-8, is given by Eq. 7-l as
Figure 7-7
ll-f,=—LydF=—j;y01d/1 (bl
Since y is measured from the neutral surface, it is first necessary to locate this
surface by means of the equilibritmr equation SF, = 0, which gives
2fl=LH=LqM=O @
7-3 rtsxttrutsrrtsssss 355
Jiz J’
M —i, dy
Neutral surface -
x Z N ea
Ai _|_
_ _
Figure 7-8
P Ay dA=——pyc A=0
whereyg is the distance from the neutral axis to the centroidal axis c—c ofthe cross
section that is perpendicular to the plane of bending. Since neither (E/p) norA is
zero, yc must equal zero. Thus,forflexural loading and linearly elastic action, the
neutral axis passes through the centroid of the cross section.
Since the nornral stress 0, varies linearly with distance y from the neutral
stnface, the maximum normal stress crmx on the cross section can be written as
am, = — —c (7-5)
where c is the distance to the surface of the beam (top or bottom) farthest from
the neutral surface. Ifthe quantity (E/p) is eliminated between Eqs. 7-3 and 7-5, a
useful relationship between the maximum stress am, on a transverse cross section
and the stress crx at an arbitrary distance y from the neutral surface is obtained.
@=3%m=3Q we
c c
M=-fyQm=-fiffim an
A 6‘ A
in which am, = 0,, (equals 0,, evaluated at y = c). The integral fyz ¢iA is called
the second moment ofarea. Second moments of area of several common shapes
are given in Table A-1, Appendix A. Second moments ofmore complex areas can
usually be derived (without integration) from combinations ofthese simple shapes,
as shown in the next section. A discussion ofsecond moments of area is presented
in Appendix A.
356 crntrrsrt 1 rtsxtrrmr. rmnrsc srrtsssss IN starts
at = -77’ <1-81
where 0, is the normal flexural stress on a transverse plane, at a distance y from
the neutral surface, M, is the resisting moment of the section, and I is the second
moment of area of the transverse section with respect to the neutral axis. Recall
that the neutral axis passes through the centroid of the area.
At any section of the beam, the flexural stress, or normal stress, will be
maximum (have the greatest magnitude) at the surface farthest from the neutral
axis (y = c), and Eq. 7-8 becomes
M, M,
0...... = 7° =F (1-9)
where S = I/c is called the section modulus of the beam. Although the section
modulus can be readily calculated for a given section, values (magnitudes) of the
section modulus are often included in tables to simplify calculations. Observe that
for a given area, S becomes larger as the shape is altered to concentrate more of
the area as far as possible fi'om the neutral axis. Commercial rolled shapes such
as I- and WF-beams and the various built-up sections are intended to optimize the
area-section modulus relation.
Thus far, the discussion of flexural behavior has been limited to straight
structural members with symmetric cross sections that are loaded in a plane of
symmetry. Many other shapes are subjected to flexural loadings, and methods are
needed to determine stress distributions in these nonsyrnmetric shapes. The flexure
formula (Eq. 7-8) provides a means for relating the resisting momentM, at a section
of a beam to the normal stress at a point on the transverse cross section. Further
insight into the applicability ofthe flexure formula to nonsymmetric sections can be
gained by considering the requirements for equilibrium when the applied moment
M does not have a component about the y-axis of the cross section. Thus, fiom
Eq. 7-6 and the equilibrium equation EM, = 0,
0 cr 0
h/"!zaXdA=>/’.Iz?cydA=?c’/"'zydA=?“I,,=O (a)
The quantity I,1 is commonly known as the mixed second moment of the cross-
sectional area with respect to the centroidal y- and z-axes. Obviously, Eq. (a) can
be satisfied only if In — 0. For symmetric cross sections, 1,, = 0 (see Appendix
A) when the y- and z-axes coincide with the axes of symmetry. For nonsymnretric
cross sections, I,2 = O when the y- and z-axes are centroidal principal axes (see
Appendix A) for the cross section. Thus, the flexure formula is valid for any cross
section, provided y is measured along a principal direction, I is a principal second
moment of area, and M is a moment about a principal axis. Problems of this type
will be discussed in Section 7-9.
7-4 rrnr rnxsnc r=r.sxuruz rortrrum 557
of the cross section. The neutral axis passes through the centroid of the cross
section and is perpendicular to the plane of the resisting moment. As a result of
symmetry, the centroid is at the geometric center ofthe cross section. The second
moment of area for the cross section with respect to the neutral axis is found by
subtracting the second moment ofarea for the hollowpart ofthe section (4 x 8 in.) I
from the second moment of area for the solid part of the section (8 x 12 in.).
The equation listed in Table A-1 for the second moment of area of a N
to -
rectangular section is I = bh3/12. Thus, for the cross section shown in
Fig. 7-9a,
,_. .5._
mg inn; strz)‘ 4(8)‘ , 4 Figure 7-9(a-b)
I_ 12 _ 12 _ 12 _ 12 _981'3m'
The distance y, positive upward, from the neutral surface is shown in Fig. 7-9b.
(a) The flexural (normal) stress at A is
P Since the resisting moment M is negative,
M, = -%
0,, = -% -200 10 3 +6 = +1222.9 lb/1n.2
, =1223
N PS1, (T)
the flexural stress 0, has the same sign as y.
When y is positive (the upper portion of the
' Ans. beam), the stress is positive (tension). When
y is negative (the lower portion ofthe beam),
(b) The flexural stress at B is
the stress is negative (compression).
M -200 10 3 -4 , N .
Use = —%y” = —$ = —8l5.2lb/111.2 = 815 p51 (c)
(c) The flexural stress at C is
M, = -%
5,6 = -% -200 to 3 2 = +4016 lb/in.2 2 408 PS1. (r)
(d) The flexural stress at D is
M, -200(10 it-5 , ~ _
ow = -% = -M = -1019.1 lb/m.2 = 10191351 (c)
358 crrrrrrs 7 rtsxtrruu. r.ornrsc= srrrsssrzs us BEAMS
The flexural stress varies linearly with the y-coordinate (see Fig. 7-9b) and
is constant with respect to the z-coordinate. The variation of flexural stress over
the depth of the beam is shown in Fig. 7-9c.
Altematively from Eq. 7-8, note on a given cross section that
o,=—i or fi=——r=constant
I y I
Therefore, if the stress is known at a point on the cross section, it can be deter-
mined at any other point without knowing either the resisting moment M, or the
second moment of area I for the cross section. Thus,
-4 .N .
(b) a,,,,- = ;—je,,, = R(+1222.9) = -2215.3 PS1: 815 pS1(C) Ans.
ye +2 . ~ .
(c) axC —
— W 0x A -
— W (+1222 - 9) —
- +407 - 6 psr —
— 4-08 psr (T) Ans '
y, +6
d 0,9 = J20“ = —(+l222.9 = —lOl9.l si E 1019 si (C Ans.
ya +6 P P
200 mnr deep is 15 MPa. Determine
(a) The resisting moment M, developed at the section.
150 mm
(b) The percentage decrease in ML if the dotted central portion ofthe cross section
l shown in Fig. 7-10 is removed.
The normal stress 0,, at a distance y from the neutral surface on a transverse cross
Figure 7-10 section of a beam is given by Eq. 7-8 as
ox=—Try or M,=—%
7-4 rrnr ELASTIC r=r.11xt11uz FOIIMUIA 359
(a) For the original cross section, P As a result ofsymmetry, the centroid is the
geometric center of the cross section. The
100 200 3 = 66.67(10°)mm‘ = 66.67(10 _ °)pr‘ neutral axis is the horizontal axis passing
1,, = # through the centroid.
IM, I __ Q __ _m__.
C 100(10-3)
=10.00(l03)N-m =10.00kN-m Ans.
1,’ = rm + Adj
where I,» is the second moment of area of the part with respect to the horizontal
centroidal axis of the total cross section, I,5 is the second moment of area of the
part with respect to its horizontal centroidal axis, A is the area of the part, and dy
is the perpendicular distance between the horizontal centroidal axis of the total
cross section and the horizontal centroidal axis of the part. In this example, Ip
will be found for each of the three parts and added together to find Ixv for the
complete cross section.
For part A shown in Fig. 7-llb,
I,-B = Lea + Afldjg = w + 2s(1s0)(s)1 = "/.13(10°)mm“
2 2o0(2s)3 2 6 _,
1,,-C = Lac + Agdyc = € + 200(2s)(-32.5) = 34.2900 )mm
P Since the resisting n1omentM, is negative,
the top portion of the beam is in tension (tr, Adding the second moments of area for the three parts gives the second moment
positive) and the bottom portion of the beam of area for the cross section as
is in compression (0, negative). The flexural
stress varies linearly with distance from the
neutral axis. Therefore, the maximum ten- 1,‘ = 1,.-A + In, + 1,-C = 42.13(10°)+ 7.13(10°) + 34.29(10*")
sile fiexural stress occurs at the top surface = s3.55(10°) mm“ = s3.s5(10-°)m4
of the beam and the maximum compressive
flexural stress occurs at the bottom surface
of the beam. (a) Since the resisting moment Ill, is negative, the maximum tensile flexural stress
occurs at the top of the beam and is
U = _M,y, = _-1s(103)(130)(1o-3)
M‘ I s3.5s(10-6)
= +ll6.70(l0")N/ml E 116.7 MPa (T) A115-
|ll6.7 MPa
[b) The maximum compressive stress occurs at the bottom of the beam and is
130 mm
I gm“ = —
I = —
95 mm
s3.s5(10 )
= -ss.2s(10°)N/ml 2 s5.3 MPa (c) Ans-
85.3 MPa
(C) The linear variation of flexural stress over the depth of the beam is shown
Figure 7-11(6) in Fig. 7-1 lc.
7-4 1'11]: sutsrlc 1=1.sxutuz rotutrum 361
1.80 in.
x . x
7.305 in.
Figure 1-12
Cross-sectional dimensions of the WT9 x 38 section are given in Table B-11.
The X—X axis is the horizontal centroidal axis. Pertinent dimensions are shown
in Fig. 7-12. For a WT9 x 38 tee section, yr = 1.80 in. Since the depth of the
tee is 9.105 in., the distance from the neutral axis to the bottom of the section is
9.105 — 1.80 = 7.305 in. The moment acts in the vertical plane of symmetry;
thus, the second moment of area is IX_X = 71.8 in.‘ Solving Eq. 7-8 for the
moment gives
Mr : -0,]
At the top of the section, y = + 1.80 in. and ax is negative
— -25 (71.3) . .
Mr = Z ' 111.
M, = = l96.6kip-in.
Therefore the largest positive bending moment is
MecMovie Activities and Problems
MM7.l The Centroids Game - Learning the Ropes. Game. Ap- MM7.2 The Moment ofInertia Game—Starting from Square One.
plying the centroid calculation procedure to shapes made up of Game. Calculation procedure for moments of inertia applied
rectangles. to shapes comprised of rectangles.
362 CHAPTER 7 FLEXURAL 1.oxn11~1c= smsssss [N BEAMS
MM7.3 Bending stresses in a flanged shape. Example; Concept 7-4* A timber beam consists of three 50 >< 200-mm planks fas-
checkpoints. Use the flexure formula to determine bending tened together to form an I-beam 200 mm wide x 300 mm
stresses in a flanged shape. deep, as shown in Fig. P7-4. If the flexural stress at point A of
the cross section is 7.5 MPa (T), determine
Ml\'17.4 Moments and bending stress. Concept checkpoints. Re-
lating bending moment values to beam tension and compres- a. The flexural stress at point B of the cross section
sion bending stresses. b. The flexural stress at point C of the cross section.
c. The flexural stress at point D of the cross section.
Introductory Problems
7-1* The maximum normal stress on a transverse section in a
beam with a rectangular cross section 4 in. wide >< 6 in. deep F A
200mm -
l _T_
is 1000 psi. Determine the resisting moment M transmitted by
the section. 100 IIIITI. _ 50mm
T5 200 mm r
50 mm
salllll soim
Figure P7-4
200 mm
50 mm 7-5 A timber beam is made of three 2 x 6-in. planks fastened
l together to form an I-beam 6 in. wide x 10 in. deep. If the
maximum tensile flexural stress must not exceed 1200 psi, de-
termine the maximum resisting moment M that the beam can
" T support.
Figure P7-2 7-6 The beam of Fig. P7-6 is made of a material that has a ten-
sile and compressive yield strength of 200 MPa. Determine
the maximum resisting moment that the beam can support if
7-3 Determine the maximum tensile and compressive flexinal yielding must be avoided.
stresses if a resisting moment M’, of +4000 lb - ft is applied to
a beam having the cross section shown in Fig. P7-3.
Fm rear,
200 mm
2 in. 37.5 mm
' 6 in. i
Figure P7-3 Figure P7-6
1-4 1'11]: sutsrlc mzxutts FOIIMUIA 563
7-7* The maximum flexural stress on a transverse cross section 7-10* Two L102 x 102 x 12.7-mm structural steel angles
of a beam with a 2 x 4-in. rectangular cross section must not (see Appendix B for dimensions) are attached back to back
exceed 8 ksi. Determine the maximum resisting moment M to form a T-section, as shown in Fig. P7-10. Determine the
that the beam can support if the neutral axis is maximum resisting moment M that can be supported by
the beam if the maximum flexural stress must be limited to
a. Parallel to the 4-in. side.
120 MPa.
b. Parallel to the 2-in. side.
7-8 A beam has the cross section shown in Fig. P7-8. On a section
where the resisting moment is — 10 kN - rn, determine
a. The maximum tensile flexural stress.
b. The maximum compressive flexural stress.
Intermediate Problems
7-9* The load-carrying capacity of an S24 x 80 American stan- r-—100mm—*|
dard beam (see Appendix B for dimensions] is to be increased
by fastening two 8 >< 3f4-in. plates to the flanges of the beam, 25 mm
as shown in Fig. P7-9. The maximum flexural stress in both
the original and modified beams must be limited to 18 ksi.
a. The maximum resisting moment that the original beam can 200mm
b. The maximum resisting moment that the modified beam can
25 mm
Figure P7-12
I _ \
TS Him
ii!-20mm-ti 25?“
Figure P7-17
Ti 4in.
M = 15,000 lb-in.
1111. 15 in. Ii
Figure P7-19
Figure P7-15
Figure P7-20
Figure P7-24
|*120 rmni
i-‘Z150 111111?‘
30mm _,,
S4><9.5 W I
' W
Figure P7-25 200 mm 200 mm
fi"om which the resisting shear maybe determined. The resisting shear is frequently
called shear or transverse shear.
The resultant ofthe flexural stresses on any transverse section has been shown
to be a couple (if only transverse loads are considered) and has been designated as
M. When the equilibrium equation EMQ = 0 (where O is any axis parallel to the
neutral axis of the section) is applied to the fi"ee-body diagram of Fig. 7-4a, the
result can be written as
7-5 snnm roucss AND assume murmurs [N nsmus 367
Vi 1V
+ Shear — Shear
P1»; KIA,
+ Shear
+ Moment — Moment
5&5 ii-55
Figure 7-13
from which the resisting moment may be determined. The resisting moment is
frequently called bending moment.
The variation of V, and M, along the beam can be shown conveniently by
means of equations or by means of shear and bending moment diagrams (graphs
of V} and M, as functions of x).
A sign convention is necessary for the correct interpretation of results ob-
tained fi'om equations or diagrams for shear and moment? The following conven-
tion will give consistent results regardless of whether one proceeds from lefi to
right or from right to lefi along the beam. By definition, the shear at a section is
positive when the portion of the beam to the left of the section (for a horizontal
beam) tends to move upward with respect to the portion to the right of the section,
as shown in Fig. 7- 13a. Then for a positive shear force, the transverse shear pushes
up on the portion of the beam to the lefi of the section while the resisting shear
pushes downward on the section, as shown in Fig. 7-13b. The converse applies
when the portion ofthe beam is taken to the right ofthe section. Also, by definition,
the bending moment in a horizontal beam is positive at sections for which the top
of the beam is in compression and the bottom is in tension, as shown in Fig. 7-13c
Then for a positive bending moment, the bending moment acting on the portion of
the beam to the left ofthe section must act clockwise while the resisting moment
on the section must act counterclockwise, as shown in Fig. 7-13d. Observe that
2This sign convention difi"ers from the one presented earlier for resisting forces on a section. The sign
convention discussed in this section is the traditional sign convention for beam calculation problems.
368 cmvrsn 1 rmxuim. LDADING: snuassss nv BEAMS
the signs of the terms in the preceding equations for V, and M, agree with these
definitions (sign conventions).
Since M, and V, va.ry withx (Fig. 7-4a), they are functions ofx, and equations
for M, and V, can be obtained from fiee-body diagrams of portions of the beam.
The procedure can be summarized as follows:
Example Problem 7-5 will illustrate the procedtue to calculate the shear
force and the bending moment for any section of a beam.
A free-body diagram, or load diagram, for the beam is shown in Fig. 7-14b.
The reactions RA and RD shown on the load diagram are determined fi"om the
equations of equilibrium.
(a) A fi"ee-body diagram of a portion of the beam from the left end to any section
between A and B is shown in Fig. 7-14c. The bending moment M, and the
1-5 sums roncss AND BENDING MOMENTS [N nnuus 569
2000 lb
400 lhffi 3"
A i j D
, (B C , A OD
. 2n T. 4:1 .1 2:1 4
. ‘ Vt
1400 lb
2000 lb
400 lbffi |
R_4=14O01b RD=300Olb
Figure 7-l4(a-c)
+TEF,,=0: 1400—Vr=0
Solving yields
+ EMg=0: -14-00(x)+M, =0
Solving yields
Thus, in the interval AB (0 < x < 2 ft), the shear force V, is constant and the
bending moment M varies linearly with x.
(b) A free-body diagram of a portion of the beam fi'om the lefi end to any section
between B and C is shown ir1 Fig. 7-14d. The equations of equilibrium for
this portion of the beam are
+1‘EFy=0: l400—400(x—2)—V,=0
+ EMO = 0: —l400(x)+4-00(x — 2)(%) +M,. = 0
t X - R 20 1-2
(d) ' an if—x 6
i ,
Figure 7-1 4(d,-e)
In the interval BC (2 ft < x < 6 ft), the shear force V, varies linearly with x
and the bending moment M varies with the square of x.
(c) A fi'ee-body diagram of a portion of the beam from the left end to any section
between C and D is shown in Fig. '7-l4e. The equations of equilibrium for
this portion of the beam are
+t 25:0; l400—400(x—2)—2000— P, =0
+ 2M0 =0 ; —l400(x)+400(x - 2)(xT) +2000(x - 6) + M, = 0
S —x
In the interval CD (6 it < x < 8 ft), the shear force V, varies linearly withx
and the bending moment M, varies with the square of x.
(ll An alternate fi'ee-body diagram for interval CD is shown in Fig. 7-14f.
Figure 7-14(1) The equations of equilibrium for this portion of the beam are
+1‘2F,.=0: V,—400(8—x)+3000=0
P Either the free-body diagram of the por-
+ EMU =0; —M,—400(8—x)(Tx) +30UO(3—x)=0
tion of beam to the left of the section or the
free-body diagram of the portion of beam Solving yields
to the right of the section may be used. The
shorter section or the section with the fewest K=—400x+200lb (sn<1<sa) Ans.
forces is mo st easily solved. Although a sec-
tion out of the middle of the beam (for ex- M,=—200x2+200x+1l,200lb-it (6ft<x<8fl) Ans.
atnple,fromBtox,2ft<x< 6ft)could
also he used, it is not recommended. which are identical to the results obtained using the free-body diagram shown
in Fig. 7-l4e. This is to be expected, since the values of V, and M, in Figs.
7- l4e and 7-14f are equal in magnitude and opposite in direction, according
to Newton’s third law.
7-5 sums roucss AND BENDING MOMENTS [N mamas 371
The reaction at A is found using the free-body diagram shown in Fig. 7-15b and
the equation of equilibrium ZMB = 0. Thus,
from which
RA = 62 kN
The flexural stresses are required at a specific section ofthe beam; therefore,
bending moment equations for the complete beam are not needed. On a section
3 m to the right ofA, the bending moment can be fotmd by using the free-body
diagram shown in Fig. 7-15c and the equation of equilibrium EM0 = 0. Thus,
from which
M, = +16 kN - m
10 kN 20 l-LN 10 l-LN
8 kNfm 8 kNfm M
i~-—2m ----*!—2fr1—i'i4n1 %2ml--- 2m—-:»IQ‘—B film‘
1i4m i-‘til-mi!
(11) (C)
t “T
1 (5)
Figure 7-l5(a-c)
372 cnnrrsn 7 FLEXURAL LOADING: sritsssas [N saws
y The cross section for the b eam 15
' shown in Fig. 7-15d. The X—X—axis is the
neutral axis. For an S152 x 19 section (see Appendix B).
U, __ _M,y
_ __ _1s(10‘)(0.0s12)
I 9.20(10-6)
= —89.04(1U6)N/H12 2 s9.0 MPa ((1) Ans.
M 1s(103)
am, = K’ = g = 132.23(10**) N/I112
5 132.2 MPa (T) (on the bottom) Ans.
E 132.2 MPa (C) (on the top) Ans.
Introductory Problems any section of the beam in the interval 0 < x < 2 m. Use the
_ _ _ _ coordinate system shown.
7-27* For the cantilever beam shown 111 Fig. P7-27, write equa-
tions for the shear force I/L and the bending moment M, for
any section of the beam m‘ theinterval0 <x<4ft.Usethe
coordinate system shown.
i 21-tNfm
" Illlllllllllli
1000 lb AL 2 B
I11 ' '
B rt P7-28
i 4 ft gm
Figure P7-27
7-29 A beam is loaded and supported as shown in Fig. P7-29.
Using the coordinate axes shown, write equations for the shear
7-28* For the cantilever beam shown in Fig. P7-28, write equa- force V, and the bending moment M, for any section of the
tions for the shear force V; and the bending moment M, for beam in the interval 0 < x < 10 ft.
7-5 suasu roucas AND sssnutc MOMENTS [N ssms 373
500 lb
200 lb/ft Zw
-i llll Ax 0 ll};
as be
lp) ::t=
|—1 C)
i -.:n
hi ::= L
Figure P7-32
Figure P7-29
Intermediate Problems
i 15 kblfm
7-35* A beam is loaded and supported as shown in Fig. P7-35.
Using the coordinate axes shown, write equations for the shear
A ix force Z and the bending moment M, for any section of the
4 tn i- 4m a. Intheinterval -3 f‘t<x < 0.
Figure P7-3|] b. Intheinterval0<x<2lt.
c. Intheinterval2ft<x<8fl.
d. Intheinterval8fl <x< I0 fi.
QIEEU3331 l
mim min
' 3fl E2 ft —= 6fi L 2 ft
Figure P7-35
A ————x
L 4n i 4n i 4n é
7-36* A beam is loaded and supported as shown in Fig. P7-36.
Figure P7-31 Using the coordinate axes shown, write equations for the shear
force K and the bending moment M for any section of the
7-32 A beam is loaded and supported as shown in Fig. P7-32. a. In the interval —2m <x < 0.
Using the coordinate axes shovm, write equations for the shear b. Intheinterval0<x<4m.
force K and the bending moment M, for any section of the c. Intheinterval4m<x<6m.
beamintheintervalfl <x <L. d. Intheinterval6m<x<10ni
374 cnavrax 1 rrsxutuu. LOADING: smsssss 11v sums
7-39 An S8 x 23 steel beam (see Appendix B) is loaded and
T 24 kN
supported as shown in Fig. P7-39.
12 kN-int
a. Using the coordinate axes shown, write equations for the
shear force I6 and the bending moment M, for any section
ix ofthebeamintheinterval6fl <x < 10 ft.
b. Determine the flexural stress at a point l in. below the top
ofthe beam on a section at x = 3 It.
iI2m 4m I 2m is 4m
c. Determine the maximum flexural stress on a section at
Flgl1l'eP7-36 Jr = 3 fl.
7-37 A beam is loaded and supported as shown in Fig. P7-37. | s00 lbfft
S00 lbffi
Using the coordinate axes shown,
a. Write equations for the shear force V, and the bending mo- A E
ment M, for any section of the beam
b. Determine the magnitudes and locations of the maximum
shear force and the maximum bending moment in the E 6R i 4 It 5 It i
beam. Figure P7-39
9000 N
w = 1000 sin (M110) lbfft
y 15,000 Nfm
/Ii ] A1 A x B
l 1000lbffi
4m 1
Figure P7-42 A H C
Computer Problems
w = 10x2 lbffl
7-46 An overhead crane consists of a carriage that moves along
a beam as shown in Fig. P7-46. If the carriage moves slowly
along the beam, compute and plot
A x B
a. The bending moment M(x) in the beam for b = 1 m, 2 rn,
and 2.75 mas a functionofx(0 < x < 5 m).
10 ft
h. The bending moments M5 under the lefl wheel and M(-
Figune P7-43 under the right wheel as a function of b (0.25 m < b <
4.75 m).
c. What is the largest bending moment in the beam? When and
7-44 A beam is loaded and supported as shown in Fig. P7-44. where does it occur?
Using the coordinate axes shown,
a. Write equations for the shear force V; and the bending mo-
ment M, for any section of the beam. Y
h. Determine the magnitudes and locations of the maximum Sm
250 250
shear force and the maximum bending moment in the beam. mm mm
I w=64—x21(N/In
Figure P7-44
Figure P7-46
376 crnmzrt 7 I-nzxmuu. LOADING: STRESSES [N BEAMS
7-47 The supports for the beam shownin Fig. P7-47 are symmet- 7-48 The lefi support of the beam shown in Fig. P7-48 is fixed
rically located. If the distance d from the supports to the ends at 1 m from the end while the location of the right support is
of the beam is adjustable adjustable.
a. Compute and plot the bending moment M(x) in the beam a. Compute and plot the bending moment M(x) in the beam
ford=2 fl,3 fi,and4fiasafunctionofx(0 <x <15 ft). ford: 1.0 m, 1.5 m, and2 m as afunctionofx (0 <:x <
b. Compute and plot the maximum bending moments (Mm,,,,),,g 6 m).
in segment/1B and (Mm,,),5-C in segment BC as functions of b. Compute and plot the maximum bending moments (Mm,,,),15
d (0 < d < 6 ft). in segment AB, (Mm,,,);;;; in segment BC, and (Mm,,,)¢-D in
c. What value ofd gives the smallest Mm, in the beam? segment CD as fimctions of d (0 < d < 6 m).
c. What value of d gives the smallest Mm in the beam?
J’ J‘
1200 lbfft | 1s kNJ'm
_._x A ..x
¢ d d .1111. qidis
6m P
Ffigurg P747 Figure P7-48
from which
AV = P + WWEAX (7-10(1)
Four important relationships are obtained from Eq. 7-10a. First, if the
concentrated force P and the distributed force w are both zero in some region
1-6 tom, srrrrut roses, mo nnvomc nosnwr RELATIONSHIPS 377
ix .
V nnnlfllllllllliii
M, 1- MR = M, - nu
Figure 7-16 (M
AV = 0 or V,_ = V3 (7-10b)
That is, in any segment of a beam where there are no loads, the resisting shear
force is constant.
Second, if the concentrated load P is not zero, then in the lirriit as Ax —> 0,
That is, across any concentrated load P, the shear force graph (shear force ver-
sus x) jumps by the amount of the concentrated load. Furthermore, moving from
lefi to right along the beam, the shear force graph jumps in the direction of the
concentrated load.
Third, if the concentrated load P is zero, then in the limit as Ax —> 0,
AV =w,,,gAx —> O
l' AV dV 710
AiI—I}0Ax_dx_w (- d)
That is, the slope of the shear force graph at any location (section) x in the beam
is equal to the intensity of loading at that section of the beam. Moving fi'om left
to right along the beam, if the distributed force is upward, then the slope of the
378 crnrrsrt 1 rrsxuruu. LOADING snuassss [N BEAMS
shear force graph (dV/nix — w) is positive and the shear force graph is increasing
(moving upward). If the distributed force is zero, then the slope of the shear force
graph (dV/dx = 0) is zero and the shear force is constant.
Finally, in any region of the beam in which Eq. 7-10d is valid (any region
in which there are no concentrated loads), the equation can be integrated between
definite limits to obtain
V1 I3
That is, for any section of the beam acted on by a distributed load w and no
concentrated force (P = 0), the change in shear between sections at x1 and x2 is
equal to the area tmder the load diagram between the two sections.
Similarly, applying moment equilibrium (+ ZMMIB, = 0) to the free-body
diagram of Fig. 7-16b gives
(ML + AM) - M, - c - I/L7’-(V, A + a(wa,.gAx) = 0
+ AV)?‘
AM = c + V,_Ax + AV? - a(w,,,Ax) (7-11¢)
inwhich % <a< % andinthe lirr1itasAx—>0,a—>0audw,,.g—>w.
Three irriportant relationships are obtained fi'om Eq. 7-1 la. First, if the con-
centrated couple C is not zero, then in the limit as Ax —> 0,
That is, across any concentrated couple C, the bending moment graph (bending
moment versus x) jumps by the amount of the concentrated couple. Furthermore,
moving fi"om left to right along the beam, the bending moment graphumps upward
for a clockwise concentrated couple and jumps downward for a counterclockwise
concentrated couple.
Second, if the concentrated couple C and concentrated force P are both zero,3
then in the limit as Ax —> 0,
A —a(w,,vgAx) -> 0
AM = VLAx + AV;
and the bending moment is a continuous function of x. Dividing through by Ax
then gives
, AM
A1510 Ax _ an
dx _ V (7-11¢)
That is, the slope of the bending moment graph at any location x in the beam is
equal to the value of the shear force at that section of the beam. Moving fi'om left
31f the concentrated force P is not zero, the bending moment will still be continuous at x but it will not
be continuously differentiable at x. For a point slightly to the left of R dM/dx = VL while for a point
slightly to the right of}? dill/ctr = liq.
1-6 LOAD, srnrrut rortcrs, AND assume MOMENT RELATIONSHIPS 379
to right along the beam, if the shear force is positive, then dM/dx = V is positive
and the bending moment graph is increasing.
Finally, in any region of the beam in which Eq. 7-1 lc is valid (any region in
which there are no concentrated loads or couples), the equation can be integrated
between definite limits to obtain
M: .r:
M2-M,=f aM=f Vdx (7-1171)
.'r!| X|
That is, for any section of the beam in which the shear force is continuous (C =
P = 0), the change in bending moment between sections at x1 and X2 is equal to
the area rmder the shear force graph between the two sections.
Note that Eqs. 7- 10 through 7-1 1 were derived with the x-axis positive to the
right, the applied loads positive upward, and the resisting shear and moment with
signs as indicated in Fig. 7-13. If one or more of these assumptions are changed,
the algebraic signs in the equations may need to be altered.
Equations 7- l 0 through 7-1 l can be used to draw shear and bending moment
diagrams and to compute values of shear and moment at various sections along a
is less time-consuming than the first and it does provide the information usually
When all loads and reactions are known, the shear and bending moment at
the ends of the beam can be determined by inspection. Both shear and bending
moment are zero at the free end of a beam imless a force or a couple is applied
there, in which case, the shear is the same as the force and the bending moment the
same as the couple. At a simply supported or pinned end, the shear must equal
the end reaction and the bending moment must be zero. At a built-in or fixed end,
the reactions are the shear and the bending moment values.
Once a starting point for the shear diagram is established, the diagram can
be sketched by using the definition of shear and the fact that the slope of the
shear diagram can be obtained fi'om the load diagram. When positive directions
are chosen as upward and to the right, a positive distributed load (acting upward)
produces a positive slope on the shear diagram. Similarly, a negative load (acting
downward) produces a negative slope on the shear diagram. A concentrated force
produces an abrupt change in shear. The change in shear between any two sections
is given by the area under the load diagram between the same two sections. The
change in shear at a concentrated force is equal to the concentrated force.
A bending moment diagram is drawn from the shear diagram in the same
manner. The slope at any point on the bending moment diagram is given by the
shear at the corresponding point on the shear diagram, a positive shear produces
a positive slope and a negative shear produces a negative slope, when upward and
to the right are positive. The change in the bending moment between any two
sections is given by the area under the shear diagram between the two sections.
A concentrated couple applied to a beam at any section will cause the bending
moment at the section to change abruptly by an amount equal to the moment of
the couple.
The choice of which method to use depends on the type of information
needed. Ifonly the maximum values of shear force or bending moment are needed,
then the second method usually gives these values more easily than the first. If
equations of the bending moment are needed (they will be needed in Chapter 8 for
finding the deflected shape of the beam), then the equilibrium approach must be
Example Problems 7-7 and T-8 illustrate the two methods for drawing shear
and bending moment diagrams.
A fi'ee-body diagram for the beam is shown in Fig. 7-17b. It is not necessary to
compute the reactions on a cantilever beam in order to write shear and bending
moment equations or to draw shear and bending moment diagrams; however, the
1-6 mm, samn roncs, mo assume MOMENT rmmrronsnrrs 381
15 00 lb 200 lbfft
-A J1 i 6ft
_ _"
l5 00 lb zoolbm
l ) (b)
500 lb
>4 -Q1 i \_ZI%_____
___.. &
sou lb 200 lbffl
4 fiiii x—4:{0 lV,)
V,, lb 0 (B)
500 “T J 1700
M,, lb-fi 0 (D
Figure 1-11
+1‘EFy=0: —500—200(6)—V¢=0
+ ma; = 0; s00(10) + 200(s)(3) + MC = 0
from which
(a) A fi"ee-body diagram of a portion of the beam from the left end to any section
betweenA and B is shown in Fig. 7- 17c. The resisting shear V, and the resisting
moment M a.re shown as positive values.
From the equilibrium equation SF, = 0,
+1‘ZF,,=0: —500—V,=0
V, =—500lb 0<x <4-R Ans.
+ EMU =0 500(x)+M, =0
M,=—500xlb-it 0<x<4ft Ans.
(b) A fi'ee-body diagram of a portion of the beam fiom the lefi: end to any section
between B and C is shown in Fig. 7-17d. From the equilibrium equation
BF, = 0,
+1‘ZI§.=0: —500—200(x—4)—V}=0
V; =300—200xlb 4-<x < 10ft Ans.
The reactions are determined by using the free-body diagram ofthe beam shown
in Fig. 7-18b From the equilibrium equations,
+ EMD = (1 R,;(5)+4—4(7)(l.5)—8(l.5)=0
+ EMA = Q Rn(5) — 4 — 4(7)(3.5) — 8(3.5) = 0
from which
(a) A free-body diagram of a portion of the beam fi'om the left end to any section
between C and D is shown in Fig. 7-18c.
From the equilibrium equation EFJ, = 0,
+1‘EF,. 0: 10—4(x)—8—F'}=0
P§=—4x+2kN 3.5<x <5m Ans.
+ EMO —o —l0(x)+4(x)(x/2)—4+8(x—3.5)—l-M, =0
M,=—2x2+2x+32kN~m 3.5<x<5m Ans.
(b) The equations for V, and M, in the other intervals can be written in the same
manner, and the shear and the bending moment diagrams (Fig. 7-18d and
e) can be obtained by plotting these equations. In this example, the shear
diagram will be drawn directly from the load diagram (Fig. 7-1811.). The
shear just to the right of A is 10 kN. From A to C the shear decreases at a
constant rate of 4 kN1’m. Thus, the shear just to the left of C is
4. M
mu h__
IIJdR __
0AIWw1 W4‘3 II I|IR
I|I I IIlom
M Bll l
mlm1 5m
WC I 5H‘ P M)
__B_' ly
I .‘I'l|i_II I I I I>I I I I I ||_|l '
Ml Fllsll: xC \ O
_ J].
lI IlI lIl IlI l!+ll
H 25 m 4_)__:I:|_IIIIIII‘
_d W
H __ Um + A V __ + _ 4 m __ 0 8
Since the distributed load is uniform over the entire beam, the slope of the P Point F can also be located using the area
shear diagram is constant. Points of zero shear, such as point F in Fig. 7-18d, under the load diagram. The task is to find
are located from the geometry of the shear diagram. For example, the slope how much area is necessary to cause the
of the shear diagram is 4 kN!m. Therefore, shear graph to change from 10 kN to 0; that
is, 10 kN = (4 kNfm) x (b m), which gives
11 = 10/4 = 2.5m b — 2.5 m.
The moment is zero at A , and the slope ofthe bending moment diagram (equal
to the shear) is 10 kN - mfm. From A to C the shear and, hence, the slope
of the bending moment diagram decrease uniformly to zero at F and to -4
at C. The abrupt change of shear at C indicates a sudden change of slope
of the bending moment diagram; thus, the two parts of the bending moment
diagram at C are not tangent. The slope of the diagram changes from -12
at C to — 18 just to the left of D. From D to E the slope changes from +8 to
zero. The change of moment fromA to F is equal to the area imder the shear
diagram from A to F; therefore,
Note in this example that maximum and minimum bending moments may
occur at sections where the shear curve passes through zero. In general, the
shear curve may pass through zero at a number ofpoints along the beam, and
each such crossing indicates a point of possible maximum bending moment
(in engineering, the bending moment with the largest absolute value is the
maximum bending moment). It should be emphasized that the shear curve
does not indicate the presence ofabrupt discontinuities inthe bending moment
curve; hence, the maxirrium bending moment may occur where a couple
is applied to the beam, rather than where the shear passes through zero.
All possibilities should be examined to determine the maximum bending
Since the flexural stress is zero at sections where the bending moment
is zero, if a beam must be spliced, the splice should be located at or near such
a section.
(cJ The depth ofan S 457 x 104 American standard steel beam is 457.2 mm
(Table B-4). The second moment of area is 358(l06) mm“, and the section
modulus is 1690003) rnm3. Since the beam is symmetric with respect to
the X—X-axis (NA), the maximum tensile and compressive flexural stresses
are equal in magnitude. They occur at a section where the resisting moment
has the largest magnitude. From Fig. 7-18e, the largest resisting moment is
+16 kN - m. Thus,
0,: Ty
which for y= = :i:228.6 nmi gives
7.9 G _ 16(10‘)(22s.6)(10-3)
"_ 3ss(10-6)
= 10.217(106)N/mz
2 10.22 MPa (r or c) Ans-
7.10 These stresses occur on a section at B.
MecM0vie Activities and Problems Introductory Problems
N[M'7.5 Rules for constructing shear & moment diagrams. 7-49* Draw complete shear and bending moment diagrams for
hiteractive examples. Exercises to develop skills needed the beam shown in Fig. P7-49.
to successfiilly construct shear force and bending moment
MM7.6 Shear force and bending moment diagrams: follow- 2000lb 60001b
ing the rules. Game. Five-round game emphasizing the six
rules needed to construct shear force and bending moment
diagrams. is
Bl Cl D
MM7.7 Extruded aluminum beam. Example; Concept check-
points. Determine maximum bending moments given allow- ha i -It =9 mi Q J1 mi 8‘
able tension and compression stresses.
Figure P7-49
N[M'7.8 Determine maximum bending stress. Example; Con-
cept checkpoints. Determine bending moment diagram and
maximum tension and compression bending stresses for a 7-50* Draw complete shear and bending moment diagrams for
t-shape. the beam shown in Fig. P7-50.
1-6 mm, sassn roitcs, mo BENDING MOMENT RELATIONSHIPS 387
. . 1. .
15kN J" 20kN 7-54 Draw complete shear and bending moment diagrams for the
beam shown in Fig. P7-54.
1..fi'.. 1;?‘ A
20 kN
30 k.N1"m
7-51 Draw complete shear and bending moment diagrams for the
beam shown in Fig. P7-S1. i‘ 2m * 2111 i 4m
.V S000 lb
I 2000 lbffi
7-55* Draw complete shear and bending moment diagrams for
A B C D the beam shown in Fig. P7-55.
Figure P7-51
1211 l l Y
1500 lb
I 250 lbtft
7-52* Draw complete shear and bending moment diagrams for A j 100011:-it _ D
the beam shown in Fig. P7-52.
li—5fi—i—5fi ion‘-i
Figtu-e P7-55
10kN 20kN 15kN
. .1, .1 . .
7-56 Draw complete shear and bending moment diagrams for the
beam shown in Fig. P7-56.
Figure P7-52
10 kN y 20 an
i 1 k.Nfm
_. ml
7-53 Draw complete shear and bending moment diagrams for the A B D E
beam shown in Fig. P7-53.
i '3m 6m
2000 lb
Flg|u'e P7-56
300 lbffi l 400 lbffi
Intermediate Problems
1.. 1 ti
Figure P7-53
l 7-57* The beam shown in Fig. P7-57a has the cross section shown
in Fig. P7-57b. Determine the maximum tensile and compres-
sive flexural stresses in the beam.
y 3000 lb 10,000 lb 5000 lb
‘ mmm
400 lbffi L‘:FA RI Q U
Y L L F1
B C ii
F +4} D ._- 0 =8 -1 E ‘£9 e._,_i q . Us ‘:9 . t_3 7.511
Sfi l0fi Zfi
@ 1m.
((1) _.I._
2 111.
i 6 111.
-_-—u'— —I-—
Figure P7-57 (5)
Figure P7-59
3kN y 40 kN
Y I 30 kN/m
smm I Sm“
sis o
B c ._
kl! B 6mm ya -Alva I< 4m I‘ 2m >I 2m
100016111 __
1.5m Rlgldbar
| an I is
I~ 6fl T 6ft ‘I 3 C
l Ri ‘db
Figure P7-61 ,, gl W D
7-62* A C254 x 30 structural steel channel is loaded and sup-
I .
— ui-—-I*~—-1m—-- -—1m-—--"
5 kN
ported as shown in Fig. P7-62. Determine the maximum tensile
and compressive flexural stresses in the beam. Figure P7'64
Figure P7-62
7-63 An 8 x 8-in. nominal size structural timber (see Appendix B) W lb/3
is supported by two brick colurrms, as shown in Fig. P7-63.
Asstune that the brick colunms transmit only vertical forces A '1' C
to the timber beam. The beam supports the roof of a building $-
through three timber columns. Columns A and C transmit JFB 7 J
forces of 1.8 kip to the beam; column B transmits a force of Lfi 21‘ fi
23 kip_ Figure P7-65
a. Draw complete shear and bending moment diagrams for the
b. Determine the maximum tensile and compressive flexural 7_65 Draw complete shear and bending moment diagmms for
stresses in the beam segments AB and CD of the structure shown in Fig. P7-66.
A B C 3 ‘(N
7-67* MemberAB supports a 55-lb sign, as shown in Fig. P7-67. 7-69 A tractor is moving slowly over a bridge, as shown in
Determine Fig. P7-69. The forces exerted on one beam of the bridge by
the tractor are 4050 lb by the rear wheels and 1010 lb by the
a. The maximum tensile flexural stress in the 1/2-in.-nominal-
front wheels. Determine the position x of the tractor for which
diameter standard steel pipe AB (see Appendix B).
the bending moment in the beam is maximum.
b. The normal stress in the 3/16-in.-diameter wire BC.
c. The shearing stress in the 1/4-in.-diameter pin at A, which
is in double shear.
4050 lb 1010 lb
35 in.
. ~q
I 1
Figure P7-69
40 it
;.I .;-
7-70* A body with a mass of 1500 kg is supported by a roller
on an I-beam, as shown in Fig. P7-70. The roller moves slowly
along the beam, thereby causing the shear force K and the
bending moment M, to be functions ofx.
a. Draw complete shear and bending moment diagrams when
Figure P7-67 the roller is at position x.
b. Determine the position of the roller when the bending mo-
ment is maximum.
1500 kg
so kN/m /I Sm°°‘h pi“ 40 k.N1‘m Figure P7-70
40l(.N/tl'l E‘
1.5m 1! 2m C1 1 B .;,:)t._ 1.5m (E 1.5m 7-71 Two beams AD and EH are spliced, as shown in Fig. P7-71.
Draw complete shear and bending moment diagrams for beam
Figure P7-68 CF.
10 kip
B c
A 'r= iii D rs =1 H
C 11- -1| _ P
— V —*
L 10ft >5 5fi—-ii 7.511 5ft i lOfi
If one constructs a beam by stacking flat slabs one on top of another with-
out fastening them together, and then loads this beam in a direction normal to
the surface of the slabs, the resulting deformation will appear somewhat like that
in Fig. 7-19a. This sanre type of deformation can be observed by ta.king a pack
of cards and bending them, and noting the relative motion of the ends of the
cards with respect to each other. The fact that a solid beam does not exhibit this
relative movement of longitudinal elements (see Fig. 7-19b, in which the beam
is identical to that of Fig. 7-19a except that the layers are glued together) indi-
cates the presence of shearing stresses on longitudinal planes. Evaluation of these
shearing stresses will be determined by means of equilibrium and the fi"ee-body
diagram of the short portion of a beam with a rectangular cross section shown in
Fig. 7-20a.
The normal force dF acting on a differential area dA = t dy on a cross
section of the beam is equal to a,dA. The resultant of these differential forces is
F = faxdzl integrated over the area of the cross section, where 0,, is the flexural
stress at a distance y from the neutral surface and is given by the expression 0, =
—M,y/I. Therefore, the resultant normal force F1 on the left end of the segment
392 ctr.-urrss 7 FLEXIJRAL LOADLYG: sntsssrs mt BEAMS
Figure 7-19
F1=——fydA=——f y(rdy)
I A I V1
Mcafella Al V—AV
.l’i.l’ C
F2 = -L
These forces are shown on the free-body diagram of Fig. 7—20b. Also shown on the
free-body diagram of Fig. 7—20b are the resultants of the vertical shear stresses on
Ax . - I 1
the left VL and right VR sides ofthe element and the resultant ofthe horizontal shear
(H) stress VH on the bottom of the element. A summation of forces in the horizontal
V, VR direction yields
i AM ‘
lj,=rrAx V5=F1—F1=—Tf yfldy)
Figure 7-20 The average shearing stress rm.-g is the horizontal shear force V” divided by the
horizontal shear area A, = I Ax between sections A and B. Thus,
Tavg: :_fij;|y(tdy)
‘if M is positive, then the normal stress above the neutral axis (where y is positive) will be negative
(eotnpression) and the force 1"; will be a compressive forcer lf.-14 is negative, then the normal stress
above the neutral axis will be positive (tension) and the force I-'1 will be a tensile force as drawn.
1-1 srrrtuuuc srrusssss [N BEAMS 393
_ AM 1 C a‘M 1 '°
Y = £E»1oE(_i7r)_£, ’>"’>’-niwilf, ’Y"Y (“J
The shear K at the beam section where the stress is to be evaluated is given by
Eq. 7-1 1c as K = dM/dx. The integral of Eq. (a) is the first moment of the portion
of the cross-sectional area between the transverse litre where the stress is to be
evaluated and the extreme fiber of the beam. This integral is designated Q, and
when values of V} and Q are substituted into Eq. (a), the formula for the horizontal
(or longitudinal) shearing stress becomes
m=—%§ cm
The minus sign in Eq. (b) is needed to satisfy Eq. 7-la and is consistent
with the sign convention for shearing stresses (Fig. 7-4c). At each point in the
beam, the horizontal (longitudinal) and vertical (transverse) shearing stresses have
the same magnitude (1.3, = 13,); hence, Eq. (b) also gives the vertical shearing
stress at a point in a beam (averaged across the width).5 For the balance of this
chapter, magnitudes of V, and Q will be used to determine the magnitude of the
shearing stress ‘r and Eq. (b) will be written as
Neutral axis
1.’ = T
KQ (7-12)
The sense of the stress 1: will be determined fi'om the sense of the shear V, on (H)
transverse planes and fi"om rxy = 'r_,,, on longitudinal planes.
Because the flexure formula was used in the derivation of Eq. 7-12, it is l—'—‘l
subject to the same assumptions and limitations as the flexure formula. Although
y C
the stress given by Eq. 7-12 is associated with a particular point in a beam, it is Yr
averaged across the thickness t and hence is accurate only if t is not too great.
The variation of shearing stress on a transverse cross section of a beam will
be demonstrated by using the rectangular cross section shown in Fig. 7-21a. The
transverse shearing stress at any point of the section at a distance yl from the
neutral axis is from Fig. 7-21b and Eq. 7-12, (bl
KQ Vf Vf‘
Y It n,,y 1:,/‘y
V '1/2 V rt’
=—IL yc=—21 —-vi l @
Equation (c) indicates that the transverse shearing stress on a rectangular cross
section has a parabolic distribution, as shown in Fig. 7-21c. The shearing stress
Figure 7-21
acts in the direction of the shear force V that produces the stress. The maximum
51f the shear force of V is positive (downward on section B), then the horizontal shear stress will be
negative (to the right on the bottom of the element) and the vertical shear stress will also be negative
(downward on section B—in the same direction as the shear force).
394 CHAPTER 7 rrnxrnuu. LOADING: snrsssss [N snuirs
shearing stress occurs when yl = O (at the neutral axis) and has a magnitude
Vhz Vhz 3V 3V
¢m,=_=m=__=__ (7-13)
L 81 8(lh /12) 2th 2A
The maximum shearing stress given by Eq. 7-13 (Fig. 7-22) exists on both the
transverse plane and the longitudinalplane along the neutral surface. This equation
1; _
is useful in the design oftimber beams with rectangular cross sections since timber
1:»'=T.v=r= ML» ls: has a low shearing strength parallel to the grain.
Figure 1-22 Equation 7-13 is valid for a rectangular section and should not be used
for other sections. For a rectangular section the maximum shearing stress is
1.5 times the average shearing stress (ravg = V/A). For a rectangular section having
a depth twice the width, the maximum stress as computed by Saint-Venant’s more
rigorous method is about 3 percent greater than that given by Eq. 7-13. If the beam
is square, the error is about 12 percent. Ifthe width is four times the depth, the error
is almost 100 percent, from which one must conclude that, ifEq. 7-12 were applied
to a point in the flange of an I-beam or T-section, the result would be worthless.
Furthermore, if Eq. 7-12 is applied to sections where the sides of the beam are
not parallel, such as a triangular section, the average transverse shearing stress is
subject to additional error because the variation of transverse shearing stress is
greater when the sides are not parallel.
A second illustration ofthe variation of shearing stress on a transverse section
7.12 of a beam will be demonstrated by using the inverted T-shaped beam shown in
Fig. 7-23a. For this section,
yc : 2(10)(7) + 10(2)(1) Z 4m
2(l0) + 10(2)
c1 = 8 in. and C2 = 4 in.
Note that in Eq. 7-12, V and I a.re constant for any section, and only Q and I
vary for different points in the section. The transverse shearing stress at any point
in the stem of the section a distance yl from the neutral axis is from Fig. 7-23a
2 in.
C‘ .
1 y 10 Ill.
Y1 _
V Neutral axis ___
C2 yc 2 in V
ii 10 in. ii :_.
to (B)
Figure 7-23
1-1 srrauunc srrutssss [N cams 395
V V .
I = 2—I(¢% —yi) = Z-,(42 -14?) (-4 < yi < -2 H1-J
These are parabolic equations for the theoretical stress distribution, and the results
are shown in Fig. 7-23b. The diagram has a discontinuity at thejunction ofthe flange
and stem because the thickness of the section changes abruptly. The distribution
in the flange is fictitious because the stress at the top of the flange must be zero
(a free surface). From Fig. 7-23b and Eq. 7- 12, one may conclude that, in general, is ‘Pm
the maximurnfi longitudinal and transverse shearing stress occrus at the neutral “T
surface at a section where the transverse shear V, is maximum. There may be
exceptions such as a beam with a cross section in the form of a Greek cross with
Q/t at the neutral surface less than the value some distance from the neutral surface. 206 mm
Another example of importance is the determination of the shearing stress
in an I-beam. Consider the W203 x 22 section [I = 20.0(10") mm“] shown in 6.2 mm
Fig. 7-24a, and let the shear Ff, on the section be 37.5 kN. Equation 7-12 may be _.l
used to calculate the shearing stress at various distances yi fi'om the neutral axis
of the beam. For example, at the neutral axis (yl = O) 102 mm
TNA = V'Q””
1:, = 37'5(103)(l08'76)(l0_6)
20.0(10-‘=)(s.2)(10-3) = 32.89(10")N/m2 2 32.9 MPa ,1 = 1.485 MPa
1 = 24.4 MPa
Similarly, at the junction between the web and the flange with 1‘ = 6.2 mm (in the
rm“ = 32.9 MPa
Q; = 102(8)(99) = 80.78(103) mm3 = 80.78(10_") m3
“In this book the term maximum, as applied to a longitudinal and transverse shearing stress, will mean
the average stress across the thickness I at a point where such average has the maximum value.
396 cinirrrir 7 rrnxrnuu. LOADING: snrsssss [N nnuns
J’ The variation of shearing stress over the depth of the web is small, and the
shearing stresses in the flanges are small compared to those in the web. As a result,
the majority of the shear force V, is carried by the web. In the design of I-beams,
the maximum shearing stress calculated by using Eq. 7-12 is approximated by
Neutral dividing the shear force V, by the area of the web, that is,
rm = T (7-14)
Z ‘
(<1) 3
tavg = AL = = 31.83(10°)N/m2 E 31.8 MPa
web 6.2(l0 )(l90)(l0 )
The maximum and average shearing stresses differ by approximately 3 percent.
For commercial I-beams, the maximurri difference is approximately 10 percent.
Equation 7—l4 should only be used to calculate shearing stresses in I-beams," it
Ixy=T,u. should not be usedflrr 71, rectangular; or other sections. Equation 7-14 is specified
Z in design codes for I-beams.
As a final example, consider a beam with a circular cross section. This type
of beam is important in the transmission of power, for example, a shaft between a
motor and a piece of equipment. Bending loads are induced in shafis by forces at
gears, bearings, and pulleys.
Consider a beam with a solid circular cross section subjected to a shear load
(5) V, as shown in Fig. 7-25a. According to Eq. 7- 1 2, a shear force V causes a shearing
stress 171,. in the direction of V, as shown in Fig. 7-2 5b. This shearing stress at point
.v A can be resolved into normal (n) and tangential (t) components, as shown in
\A Fig. 7-25c. However, Eq. 2-11 requires that rm = rm (where rm is the shearing
stress in the x-direction on a plane with outward normal in the n direction). The
outside surface ofthe shafi (beam) is a free surface; therefore, rm = 1:," = 0, which
T In 1:,“ 0
I indicates that any shearing stress at point A must be tangent to the surface of the
shaft (beam) and not in the direction of the shear force V as required by Eq. 7-12.
At the neutral axis, the shearing stress 1:,“ is in the direction of shear force V and
Eq.7-12 gives
I/Qt»-,1 V(J'rrZ/2)(4r/3:-r) 4V 4V
(C) rm“ = 7”" = r:_.,:,, = (JIF4/4-](2f) = 3Jrr2 = SI (H5)
Figure 1-25
0 whereA is the cross-sectional area ofthe beam. The maximum shearing stress given
by Eq. 7-15 differs from the maximum shearing stress given by the mathematical
theory of elasticity? by approximately 5 percent.
the flexural and shearing stresses and show both stresses on a stress element
(a) At point a on the top surface of the flange.
(b) At point b in the web at the junction of the web and the flange.
(c) At point c on the neutral axis.
7 The Mathematical ilheory ofEla.m'ciry. A. E. H. Love, Dover Publications, 4th ed., New York, 1994.
1-1 srrnuunc srrmssss [N BEAMS 397
A fi'ee-body diagram ofthe beam is shown in Fig. 7-26b. The reactions at supports
B and C are determined by using the equilibrium equation EM = 0. Thus, Ala l an
A free-body diagram of the part of the beam to the left of section A—A is
shown in Fig. 7-260. The shear V, and moment M, transmitted by section A—A are
determined by using the equilibrium equations BF, = 0 and EM0 = 0. Thus,
+¢ni=,,=o is-V,=0 B C
+ 2M0 —o M,—l6(l.5)=0 RB RC
.i (c) Since point c is on the neutral axis, the flexural stress is zero. The shearing
stress is maximum, and an approximate value is given by Eq. 7- 14 as
58.6 MPa
l T _ V, _ 16(103)
i- s.s3 MPa ‘"“" _ Aw... _ 6.100-3)(239.s)(10-3)
= 10.93s(10°) N/m2 2 10.94 MPa Ans-
\ 10.94 MPa
The stresses on an element at c are shown ir1 Fig. 7-26f.
The shearing stress at point c can also be obtained using Eq. 7-12. At
point c, the first moment Q, of the area above the point is
ll.176— 10.938
D = = 2.13 pCI'CCI1t
The average shearing stress on a horizontal plane 4 in. above the bottom of + V,=+900lb
the beam is then given by Eq. 7- 12 as
V, 0
V,=-900 lb
1:4 = E = = 40.50 psi E 40.5 psi Ans.
I.\,-At.‘ 533.3(2) (C)
(b) The maxi.n1um transverse shearing stress in the beam will occur at the neu-
tral axis on the cross section supporting the largest shear force V}. The first M, 0
Mm = srso 111-11
moment QM for the pa.rt of the stem below the neutral axis is
QN/I = 4(2)(3) = 64 in-3
Qt" ‘ we
In the computation of Q, it is immaterial whether one takes the area above -Vcr
or below a transverse line. For example, QM for the area above the neutral
axis is Qflangg + Qmm = 3(10)(2)+1(2)(2) = 64 in.3, which is the same as
that for the part of the stem below the neutral axis. Since the shear force V; yC-1
(c) The first moment Qy for the flange of the beam (see Fig. 7-27e) is P The definition of Q is the first moment
(relative to the neutral axis) of the portion
of the area of the cross section between the
Qt = MA,» = 3(10)(2) = so in.‘ transverse line where the stress is to be eval-
uated and the top of the beam. However,
(Vt-A)=.... + (1/t'A)1......... = (J/c‘A)w1s1 = 0. since
The average shearing stress on the horizontal plane at the joint between the y is measured from the centroid (the neutral
flange and the stem is then given by Eq. 7-12 as axis). Therefore, the magnitudes of (y(-A),,,,,
and (yCA),,,m,,,, are the same, and the area
below the section can be used instead if it is
_ VrQ]~‘ _ 900(60) _ .~ . more convenient.
1'; - INAIS - 533.3(2) - 50.63ps1_ 50.6ps1 Ans.
(d) The force transmitted from the flange to the stem by the glue is
Vg = r_;A; = 50.63(12)(2) = 1215.1 lb 5 1251 lb Ans.
(e) The maximum tensile flexural stress in the beam will occur ir1 a fiber at the
bottom ofthe beam because the resisting moment at all cross sections of the
beam is positive. The largest moment occurs at rriidspan, as shown in Fig. 7.17
7-27a‘. The flexural stress is given by Eq. 7-8 as
-M,,,,_.¢ = a=121s.1
-ts"/5o(12)(-8) . 21215 . An.s
1 533.3 pm PS1 (T)
400 CHAPTER r rusxuruu. LOADING: sntsssrs [N BEAMS
MecMovie Activities and Problems c. The magnitude and location of the maximum transverse
shearing stress on the cross section.
MM7.9 Q-tile: The Q Section Property Game. Identify proper
area needed to compute Q for transverse shear calculations.
Compute Q for various configurations.
.\1[M7.10 Shear stress in a standard steel shape. Example; Try
one. Determine the transverse shear stress at specified points
in a steel t-shape. 12 in
MM7.12 Nailing two box beams. Example; Concept checkpoints.
Determine box beam shear capacity for two cross-section
Figure P7-73
.\1[M7.13 Determine nail spacing for U-beam. Example; Concept
checkpoints. Determine nail spacing for beam made up ofthree
boards. 7-74 A W 254 >< 89 structural steel wide-flange beam (see Ap-
pendix B) is loaded and supported as shown in Fig. P7-74.
MM7.14 Bolt spacing in built-up steel beam. Example; Concept
Determine the maximum transverse shearing stress at section
checkpoints. Determine maximum bolt spacing for built-up
A—A of the beam
steel beam.
a. Using Eq. 7-12.
b. Using Eq. 7-14.
Introductory Problems
2SkN 25kN
7-72* A timber beam is loaded and supported as shown in
Fig. P7-72. At section,-1-A of the beam, determine the shearing
stresses on horizontal planes that pass tiuough points a, b, and
c of the cross section. B F3
‘i 2 111 J’ 5 i____-__
Figure P7-74
AK B if- i_
itK ‘Q 7-75* A WT 7 >< 34 structural steel beam (see Appendix B) is
B *______ lm as B3 m loaded and supported as shown in Fig. P7-75. Determine the
maximum transverse shearing stress at section A-A of the
2 50mm beam.
C i 501-nm
100 mm Al 1000113711
-1 UI Q
Figure P7-72
1 to 3
3+ O\ D
7-73* The transverse shear V, at a certain section of a timber
beam is 7000 lb. If the beam has the cross section shown in Figure P7-75
Fig. P7-73, determine
a. The horizontal shearing stress in the glued joint 2 in. below 7-76 A timber beam 3.5 m long is simply supported at its ends
the top of the beam. and carries a uniformly distributed load w of 6 kN/m over
b. The transverse shearing stress at a point 3 in. below the top its entire length. If the beam has the cross section shown in
of the beam. Fig. P7-76, detennine
1-r SHEARING srruzssss rs BEAMS 401
a. The maximum horizontal shearing stress in the glued joints 7-79* The beam shown in Fig. P7-79a is composed of two 1 x
between the web and flanges of the beam. 6-in. and two 1 >< 3-in. hard maple boards that are glued to-
b. The maximum horizontal shearing stress in the beam. gether as shown in Fig. P7-79b. Determine the magnitude and
location of
S00 lbffi
Figure P7-76
100 mm
" 40mm m..m..t..1
1160 lb (3) 1040 lb
l in. 1 in.
- /1
7-77 A W10 x 30 strucuiral steel wide-flange beam (see Ap-
pendix B) is loaded and supported as shown in Fig. P7-77. At 1.5 in.
section A—A of the beam, determine
6 in. 3 in.
a. The maximum transverse shearing stress due to the 4000-lb
b. The maximum transverse shearing stress due to the 4000-lb
load plus the weight of the beam. (15)
Figure P7-79
4000 lb
6 kN
Intermediate Problems 1 9 kN-m
7-78* A W 203 >< 60 structural steel wide-flange section
(see Appendix B) is used for the cantilever beam shown in it-.
B )
7-81 The lintel beam AB shown in Fig. P7-81a has the cross sec- 7-83 The timber beam shown in Fig. P7-83a is fabricated by glu-
tion shown in Fig. P7-81b and is used to support a brick wall ing two 1 >< 5-in. and two 1 X 4-in. boards together as shown
over a door opening. The brick wall is assumed to produce a in Fig. P7-83b. Determine
triangular load distribution. The total load carried by the beam
a. The maximum horizontal shearing stress in the glued joints.
is 500 lb. Ifthe beam is simply supported at the ends, determine
b. The maximum horizontal shearing stress in the wood.
the maximum flexural and transverse shearing stresses in the
c. The maximum tensile and compressive flexural stresses in
beam and state where they occur.
the beam.
600 lb
200 lbffi
. }_4fi_4 .
* if -~ Im-
Figure P7_8l Figure P7-83
T1—l50 mm—=| A
'-—250mm—1—L 50mm
50mm 50mm
l1S0mm"iiT_ 50mm
8 irr.
2 in.
Figure P7-85
Figure P7-86
7-90 A W 356 x 122 steel beam (see Appendix B) has a C 381 x 3 k.N."m
74 channel bolted to the top flange, as shown in Fig. P7-90.
The beam is simply supported at the ends and carries a con-
centrated load of 96 kN at the center of an 8-m span. If the A C
pairs of bolts are spaced at 500-nun intervals along the beam, LB
determine t 2m 2m
a. The shear force carried by each of the bolts.
b. The bolt diameter required if the shear stress for the bolts (I1)
must be limited to 60 MPa. |*—100mm—*l
J‘? —-r-
200 mm
251-rtm—I| |\—
Computer Problems
7-93 A timber beam is simply supported and carries a uni-
7-91 The transverse shear V, at a certain section of a timber formly distributed load w of 360 lb/ft over its entire 18 ft span
beam is 7500 lb. If the beam has the cross section shown in (Fig. P7-93a). If the beam has the cross section shown in
Fig. P7-91, compute and plot the vertical shearing stress r as Fig. P7-93b, compute and plot the vertical shearing stress r
a function of distance y (-6 in. -< y < +6 in.) from the neutral as a function of distance y fiom the neutral axis for a cross
axis. section 2 ft from the left end of the beam.
360 lbffi
_ (I1)
Figure P7-91 “it l;arn.—t
2 in.
7-92 The beam shown in Fig. P7-92a is fabricated by gluing two 2 in.
pieces of timber together to form the cross section shown in
Fig. P7-92b. Compute and plot the vertical shearing stress r as
a function of distance y from the neutral axis for a cross section (b)
0.5 m from the left end of the beam. Figure P7-93
7-s PRINCIPAL srrrsssss nv Fr.r.xu1m|. rtnzrtrnrms 405
|0.500/ 1/ 1.000
5 0.467 I 4)-
P O0#0 .- pf
_ C
N I “‘ E I = C
- rsnrs A
0.416 0.s09
0 1 .
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
Principal stress in terms of P027’!
Figure 7-28
one-fourth the depth of the beam, the maximum normal stress does not occur
at the surface. However, at a distance of one-half the depth, the maximum flexural
stress is the maximum normal stress. For either of these sections, Saint-Venant’s
principle (see Section 5-6) indicates that the flexure (and transverse shearing
stress) formula is inapplicable. Since such a small increase in bending moment is
required to overcome the effect of the transverse shearing stress, the conclusion
may be drawn that, for a rectangular cross section, in regions where the flexure
formula applies, the maximum flexural stress is the maximum nornral stress. Al-
though for the rectangular cross section the maximum shearing stress will usually
be one-half the maximum normal stress (at a surface of the beam), for materials
having a longitudinal plane of weakness (for example, the usual timber beam), the
longitudinal shearing stress may fiequently be the significant stress—henoe, the
emphasis on this stress.
The other section to be discussed is the deep, wide-flange section subjected
to a combination of large shear and large bending moment. For this combination,
the high flexural and transverse shearing stresses occurring simultaneously at the
junction of flange and web sometimes yield a principal stress greater than the
flexural stress at the surface of the flange (see Example Problem 7-1 1). In general,
at any point in a beam, a combination of large Mr, PL, Q, and y and a small t should
suggest a check on the principal stresses at such a point. Otherwise, the maximum
flexural stress will very likely be the maximum normal stress, and the maximum
shearing stress will probably occur at the same point.
A knowledge ofthe directions ofthe principal stresses may aid in the predic-
tion ofthe directions of cracks in a brittle material (concrete, for example) and thus
may aid in the design of reinforcement to carry the tensile stresses. Curves drawn
with their tangent at each point in the directions of the principal stresses are called
stress trajectories. Since there are, in general, two nonzero principal stresses at each
point (plane stress), there are two stress trajectories passing through each point.
These curves will be perpendicular since the principal stresses are orthogonal; one
set of curves will represent the maximum stresses, whereas the other represents
the minimum stresses. The trajectories for a simply supported rectangular beam
carrying a concentrated load at the midpoint are shown in Fig. 7-29, with dashed
lines representing the directions of the compressive stresses and solid lines show-
ing tensile stress directions. In the vicinities of the load and reactions there are
stress concentrations, and the trajectories become much more complicated. Figure
7-29 neglects all stress concentrations.
In order to determine the principal stresses and the maximum shearing
stresses at a particular point in a beam, it is necessary to calculate the flexural
2 5
2 2
Figure 7-29
7-s PRINCIPAL srrrnssss mt FLEXURAL runrusrms 407
stresses and transverse (or longitudinal) shearing stresses at the point. With the
stresses on orthogonal planes through the point known, the method of Section 2-9
or 2-10 can be used to calculate the maximum stresses at the point. Example Prob-
lem 7-1 l illustrates the procedure and provides an example in which the principal
stresses at some interior point are greater than the maximum flexural stresses.
For a cantilever beam with a uniformly distributed load, both the maximum
bending moment and the maximum tlansverse shear occur on the section at the
support. In this case the resisting shear and moment are
W111 1s0(2.5)2
M, =-Tb? =—500kN-m
V, = wL = 1s0(2.s) = 4001<1~1
The upper half of the cross section of the beam at the wall is shown in Fig. 7-300.
The distribution of flexural stress for this half of the section is shown in Fig.
7-30b, and the distribution of the average transverse shearing stress is as shown
in Fig. 7-30c. The vertical stresses cry due to the pressure of the load on the top
of the beam are considered negligible.
Values will be calculated for three points; namely, at the neutral axis, in
the web at the jtmction of the web and the top flange, and at the top surface. Both
the fillets and the stress concentrations at the jtmction of the web and flange will
be neglected. At the neutral axis, the flexural stress is zero; however,
‘C = @
It = 4L°°(1°3)(f;]255)(1°_3)
1243(r0 )(0.0119) = 60.98(10°)N/m2 2 61.013/[Pa
‘ti 3M.8mmfi
l 122.6 MPa er 3 MPa 122 0 MPa 19 93..
'= I II _III /'1‘87MP“ IIII
T 114.1 MPa 41.9 MPa "/4 7 MPa \
19-7 mm 61 3 MPa
304.8 mm
11.9 mm
61.0 MPa
In the web at the junction with the top flange, the flexural stress is
_ 3
6,, = _@ = _ =114.6B(106)N/m2 2 114.1 MPa (T)
I 1243(10 °)
and the transverse shearing stress is
_ 3
0 = -Q = -% = -Loafing = 122.ss(10")N/1112 2 122.6 MPa (T)
1 s 401900" )
The principal stresses and maximum shearing stresses for each of the three
selected points are shown in Fig. 7-30d. The calculations, from the equations of
Section 2-10, for the point at the junction of web and flange are
0 +a 0 -0 2
ap1,pZ= x 2 y :l:,i(;) +rfy
114.68 0 =6,/W)
= gf 114.62-0 2 +1-41.119)’
= 57.34 zt 74.71
cpl = 57.34 + 74.71= +132.05 MPa '5 132.1 MPa (T)
op; = 57.34 — 74.71: -17.37 MPa E 17.37 MPa (C)
Since cpl and op; have opposite signs, the maximum shearing stress is
rm = ”"““ 2 °“““ =
- - 132.05 -2( -11.31J = 14.11 MPa 2 14.1 MPa (T)
The angle is not particularly important in this case, but it can be obtained from
Eq. 2-14. Thus,
0P = 2m“
- 1—’-
_ 213,. 1 _ 2(-41.89) _
<1,-6,. = 2t“
- ‘i114.68-0 = -19.93" =19.93~
P It should be noted that the maximum Comparison of Results
tensile stress of 132.1 MPa at the junction
is 7.75 percent above the maximum tensile Stress Top Edge Jrmction Neutral Axis
flexural stress of 122.6 MPa at the top edge. 11,, 122.6 MPa (T) 132.1 MPa (T) 61.0 MPa ('1)
Also, the maximum shearing stress of 74.7 6,, 0 11.31 MPa (<3) 61.0 MPa (c)
MPa at the junction is 22.5 percent above 1:,,,, 61.5 1'1/[Pa 14.1 MPa 61.0 MPa
the maximum transverse shearing stress of
61.0 MPa at the neutral axis. The other stresses of Fig. 7-30a‘ are obtained by inspection.
1-s PRINCIPAL srnsssas nv rrnxurmr. rtnrrusrrns 409
MecMovie Activities and Problems P
Introductory Problems 7-96 The simple beam shown in Fig. P7-96a has the cross sec-
7-94* The steel beam shown in Fig. P7-94a has the cross sec- tion shown in Fig. P7-96b. Ifthe allowable stresses are 75 MPa
tion shown in Fig. P7-94b. At point A, which is on a section shear and 120 MPa tension at point A (just above the flange),
just to the right of load P and just above the flange, determine determine the maximum allowable load P.
and show on a sketch the principal stresses and the maximum
shearing stress when P = 20 kN.
250 mm
P ml-'nml*—80nu'rt—i' i
1 T 25mm
0.6 rn ' 1 350mm _l5mm
' 5 mtn
_ 120 nun
0 0 L '44 B
I *
C 1 44 -
2m ; 7 1 rn m —-
7-95* The cantilever beam shown in Fig. P7-95a has the cross 7-9'7 The timber beam shown in Fig. P7-97a has the cross
section shown in Fig. P7-95b. A concentrated load P = 50 kip section shown in Fig. P7-97b. If the allowable stresses are
is applied at the free end ofthe beam Determine and show on a 200 psi shear and 400 psi compression at point A, which
sketch the principal stresses and the maximum shearing stress is 2 ft from the lefl end of the beam and 2 in below the
at point A, which is in the web of the beam just below the top top surface of the beam, determine the maximum allowable
flange. load P.
410 CHAPTER 7 ruzxtnuu. LOADING: snnassss [N BEAMS
Intermediate Problems
7-98* A W 610 x 155 (see Appendix B) cantilever beam with a
length of 3 m carries a uniformly disn-ibuted load of 160 kN/m.
Determine the principal and maximum shearing stresses in the |
7-99* A W 18 x 60 (see Appendix B) simply supported beam B I C
with a span of 20 it carries a concentrated load of 36 kip at
the middle of the span. Determine the principal and maximum L12 v LE2
shearing stresses in the beam. Figure P7-102
7-100 A W 305 x 97 (see Appendix B) cantilever beam with a
length of 3 m carries a concentrated load P at the free end of
the beam. If the principal and maximum shearing stresses in 7-103 A W 14 x 120 (see Appendix B) steel beam is loaded and
the beam must not exceed 125 MPa and 75 MPa, respectively, supported as shown in Fig. P7-102. Determine the principal
determine the maximum allowable load P. and maximum shearing stresses in the beam if
7-101 A W 24 x 62 (see Appendix B) simply supported beam a. The load P is 160 kip and the length L is 8 it.
with a span of 18 it carries a concentrated load P at the middle b. The load P is 80 kip and the length L is 16 ft.
0,, dA
57"“. ,1
\\ - Neutral
I axis
(<1) (11)
Figure 7-31
cross section, and a plane cross section is assumed to remain plane after bending.
Also, the following development is restricted to linearly elastic action.
The resisting moment M, is the resultant of the moment of the forces pro-
duced by the normal stress 0, acting on the cross section, as shown in Fig. 7-31a.
Since the orientation ofthe neutral axis is not known, the flexural stress distribution
function cannot be expressed in terms of one variable, as in Eq. 7-3 of Section 7-3.
However, since a plane section remains plane, the stress variation can be written as
0,=a+k1y+k;z (a)
R = I U1 (IA = 0
Mr). = [20, dz! (b)
M” = —/i y 0, dA
M,y=afzdA+k1fyzdA+k;fz2dA (C)
M,, = —afydA—k|fy2dA—k;;fyzdA
412 cnxrrrzrt '1 rtsxtnuu. LOADING snrsssss [N BEAMS
The terms
are the second moments (also known as area moments of inertia) of the cross-
sectional area with respect to the z- and y-axes (I, and Iy), respectively. The term
is the mixed second moment I}, (also known as the area product of inertia) of the
cross-sectional area with respect to the y- and z-axes. Equations (c) reduce to
R = aA = 0
Mryl =klIyz +kZIy
a =0
kl = _MrzIy* + Mrylyz
1,1, - Ijz (Q)
k2 : Mrylz + MrzI}Iz
1,1, - 1;’,
Substituting Eqs. (e) into Eq. (a) yields the elastic flexure formula for unsymmet-
rical bending. Thus,
FZ y ry _VZ y + MI+MI
F)’ Z fl )'Z Z
I —I —I +1
“I = .l‘ Z yz Mat J‘ Z yz M" ""71
Since ax is zero at the origin of coordinates ()2 = z = 0), the neutral axis passes
through the centroid of the cross section.
The location of points in the cross section where the normal stress is max-
imum or minimum can be found once the location of the neutral axis is known.
Since :1, is zero at the neutral surface, the orientation of the neutral axis is found
by setting Eq. 7-16 equal to zero. Thus,
‘:M,_,,l, + Mrzlyz}
= L z
y Mar. + Mr,-1.2
which is the equation of the neutral axis in the yz-plane. The slope of the neutral
axis is dy/dz = tan fl; therefore, the orientation of the neutral axis is given by the
M,-Y + L
0, = -i‘ M, z ('1-19)
1! 1,
M, 1. 1.
taufl = i = isms (1-20)
Equation 7-20 indicates that the neutral axis is not perpendicular to the plane
of loading unless (1) the angle or is zero, in which case the plane of loading is
(or is parallel to) a principal plane, or (2) the two principal second moments are
equal; this reduces to the special kind of symmetry in which all centroidal second
moments are equal (square, circle, and the like). The following Example Problems
will illustrate the application of Eqs. 7-16 through 7-20.
SOLUTION \ 6i1'|.
M, \
(a) Because of symmetry, the y-axis is a principal axis (see Appendix A) of the \
cross section; therefore, the z-axis is the other principal axis. The principal Mi-
second moments are I; = I, = 136 in.“ and Iy = Iy = 40 in.“ The components L 2 mil \\ Plane
of the intemal moment are of load
Figure 7-32(a)
1/1,, = 11,, = —l3,600sin36.87° = -316011» - in.
11,1 = 11,, = +13s00 cos 36.8"/= = +10.ss0 lb - in.
The orientation of the neutral axis is found by using Eq. 7-20. Thus,
M,;/I; -3160036)
M5 = 14,11,
T=A 10380140) = -2.550
414 CHAPTER 7 rtsxuruu. LOADING: snrsssss 11v snares
Y fi'om which
to M12311 + MrYZA
Figure 7-32(b) U114 — IZ [Y
10,880 3 —8160(3 _ _
= —T() + T) = —852 psr = 852 psr (C) Ans.
MrZ)iB + Mrfzfi
aw _ Ix Ir
_ l0,880(—5) —8l60(—1) _ ,_ _
—- 136 + 40 _ +604 psr _ 604 psr (T) Ans.
That part of the cross section to the left of the neutral axis is subjected to
compressive flexural stresses, and the part of the cross section to the right of
the neutral axis is subjected to tensile flexural stresses.
Plane -I EXHIIIPIE Pl'0hiClIl 7- 13 A beam with the Z cross section shown in
A of load Fig. 7-33a is subjected to a moment M, which has a magnitude of 300 kip - in.
T 2-‘. . The resisting couple M, on the cross section is in the z-direction, as shown in
Fig. 7-33a. The second and mixed moments of area of the cross section with
4in. respect to the y- and z-axes are 1,, = 135 inf‘, I, = 240 inf‘, and I}, = 108 in.‘
Z 4in.
(a) The flextual stress at pointA by using the flexure formula for tmsymmetrical
bending (Eq. 7-16 or 7-17).
2in. (b) The orientation of the neutral axis.
_.‘r_. (c) The maximum tensile and compressive flexural stresses in the beam.
3in. I -\i'/i‘ 3in. '
1.5 in.
Figure 7-33(a) (a) Since Mn, = 0, Eqs. 7-16 and 7-17 reduce to
Iy—I_ z
ax = —|: ]Mrz (Q)
7-9 rmxtrruisrnsssns-imsrrnurmrcru. ssrmnvc 415
_ _ 135(4)-10s(4.s)
0”‘ _ i135(240) - (1os)1i(300)
= —0.78l3 ksi E 0.781 ksi (C) Ans.
(b) The orientation of the neutral axis is fotmd using Eq. 7-18, which reduces to
tanfi - I
Iy, 108 y
tan = — = 1 = 0.800
is 1,, 135 NA B
t -
fi'om which
Introductory Problems 20 kN - m. The resisting moment M, on the cross section
_ I I _ makes an angle cr = 10° with the z-axis, as shown in the figure.
7-104* A beam with the T cross section shown in Fig. P7-104 Detemflne
is subjected to a moment M, which has a magnitude of
416 CHAPTER 7 rrnxuruu. 1.o1tn11~1c= smsssrzs 11v sums
a. The orientation of the neutral axis (show its location on a The resisting moment M, on the cross section is in the direction
sketch of the cross section). shown in the figme. The second and mixed moments ofarea for
b. The maximum tensile and compressive flexural stresses in the cross section are I_,. = 4.02(l0°) mm“,I, =16.64(l0°)mm“,
the beam. and 1,: = —6.05(10°) mm“. Determine
a. The flexural stress at pointA.
J’ b. The orientation of the neutral axis (show its location on a
sketch of the cross section).
Y 90 mm -‘ c. The maximum tensile and compressive flexural stresses in
the beam.
60 mm i
90 mm
|-—90mm —11—"L1m11
Z _
Figure P7-104 A
Figure P7-106
6in. 4 in. z
1 in. \
1 in ',.-—Plane of /___ Centroid Mr
‘mt? '\\ the loads z P
Figure P7-105
7-106 A beam with the 2 cross section shown in Fig. P7-106 is 1-3? 1"?
subjected to a moment M, which has a magnitude of8000 N - m. Figure P7-107
7-9 FLliXU1I.t\LS’l'l1l§SSES—UNSYMl\1B'l'RICAL nnrmnvc 417
3% in.
I __ Centroid 7-113* A beam with a triangular cross section is subjected
. M, to a moment M, which has a magnitude of 10 kip - in.
The resisting moment M, on the cross section makes an an-
25 in. gle or = 26.571‘ with the z-axis, as shown in Fig. P7-113.
JM 1-ti a. The flexural stresses at pointA, B, andD ofthe cross section.
12in. 12in.'i b. The orientation of the neutral axis (show its location on a
Figure P7-109 sketch of the cross section).
418 cnxrrsn 7 rrnxuruu. LOADING: sursssss as snares
y 7-115 A beam with a Z cross section is subjected to a moment M
M, Do in. 2ir1. 18 which has a magnitude of20 kip - in. The resisting moment VI
if on the cross section makes an angle or = 36.87“ with the z-axis,
as shown in Fig. P7-115. The second and mixed moments of
2 in. area for the cross section are 1,. = 8.83 in.4, I, = 25 4 m 4, and
|' [Z V
z I,., = 11.3 in.‘ Determine
Centroid —' a. The flexural stress at pointA.
4 in. b. The orientation of the neutral axis (show its location on a
sketch of the cross section).
c. The maximum tensile and compressive flexural stresses 111
Mun the beam.
Figure P7-113
7-114 A beam with a rectangular cross section supports an inter-
nal moment M which is oriented at an angle or with respect to 1
the z-axis, as shown in Fig. P7-114. M, A " -
a. Develop an expression for the maximum flexural stress in
terms ofb, h, M, and tx.
b. Determine or in terms of b and h to produce the maximum
flexural stress for a given moment. I 1
c. Use the expression for or obtained in part b and determine C 6 in
the orientation of the neutral axis when h = 2b. 1.
11, .v
_, "'0 L 3% in.
K Figure P7-115
z I h
Plane of
the loads I
Figure P7-114
a,=—Ty rs
4 -<~ȴ>r
...( D . )1
Rad = r ’"Rad=r
K. 5*’ o Kr
o These factors are for ,|,--- % = 1.10 These factors are for flat
>-' 7 = 1-25 flat bars but may be bars but may be used
used for circular shafts ,._-_ g = 1.25 for circular shafis with
with turned grooves. _ ___, 1 = 1 so turned down sections.
D _
/.»~ ? — 2.00
" 1 3.00
faConcctocnrraon 2=-
ctor cncentratioP
n 0 ,-%=3.00 IQ
v-1 in'0
Stres Srcss _%=4_[)g
1.0 ‘ 1.0
0 05 1 0 0 0.5 1.0
Ratio rid Ratio r/Jr
(#1) (bl
-L 5 “T fist
I‘ Rad=r
K :-
/‘N. E)
P’ O -1
corK, P’ S -. These factors are for
/tr” ._ axial loading but may
be used for bending
/ r when h1‘2.r > 3.
tion E“0
, fa
Slconronccssntral E‘-1 Q
\ ,-' Probable shape of curve for .£=L
\ ‘I /’ )|<l
__ r 2
Q a 3
. ‘- -.
-. _5|“_~
1.0 1.0
0 0.5 1 .0 0 0.5 1.0
Ratio dfb Ratio rib
(B) (4)
Figure 7-34
the magnitude of the flexural stress at the notch, hole, or fillet can be expressed in
terms of a stress concentration factor K, as
“I = ‘Kiiyl (7-2 1)
Since the factor K, depends only on the geometry of the member, curves can be
developed which show the stress concentration factor K, as a function of the ratios
of the parameters involved. Such curves (based on a net section) for fillets, holes,
and grooves in flexural members are shown in Fig. 7-34.
i M
1 Example Problem 7-14 The cantilever spring shown in Fig. 1-35
5 \
—Radr is made of SAE 4340 heat-treated steel and is 50 mm wide. Determine the
_ 75mm _ EM] Q maximum safe moment M if a factor of safety FS of 2.5 with respect to failure
by fracture is specified and
A (a) The radius r is 5 mm.
Figure 7-35 (b) The radius r is 10 mm.
(c) The radius r is 15 mm.
The ultimate strength 0,, for heat-treated SAE 4340 steel (see Appendix B) is
1030 l\/[Pa. Thus, the allowable stress 0,11 is
U, 1030
= 412 MPa
°““ — FS _ 2.5
The second moment of area I about the neutral axis (of the small section) for
bending of the spring is
rm’ 50 251
I=E= (12 ) = 65.l0(l03)II1II14 = 65.l0(l0—9)II14
The stress concentration factor K, for the fillet is obtained from Fig. 7-34-b. For
r = 5 mm,
For r = 10 mm,
For r = 15 mm,
2146 2146
(a) M=?t=fi=l421.2N-m§l42lN-m Ans.
2146 2146
(b) M=T'=~lfi=l676.6N-m=1677N-m Ans.
2146 2146
(c) M=Tt=fi=l8l8.6N-m§l8l9N-m Ans.
Introductory Problems 7-121 A 3-in.-diameter 0.4% C hot-rolled steel (see
Appendix B) shaft has a reduced diameter of 2.73 in. for 12 in.
1-116* An alloy-steel spring, similar to the one shown in Fig. of its length, as shown in Fig. P7-121. If the tool used to turn
7-35, has a width of 20 mm and a change in depth at section down the section has a radius of 0.25 in., determine the maxi-
B from 75 mm to 60 nun. If the radius of the fillet between mum allowable bending load P that can be applied to the end
the two sections is 6 mm, determine the maximum moment of the shaft if a factor of safety of 3 with respect to failure by
that the spring can resist if the maximum flexural stress in the yielding is specified. Neglect stress concentration at the wall.
spring must not exceed 80 MPa.
7-117* A stainless-steel spring, similar to the one shown in Fig.
7-35, has a width of 3J4 in. and a change in depth at section
B fi'om 3f8 in. to 114 in. Determine the minimum acceptable
radius for the fillet if the stress concentration factor must not
exceed 1.40.
1-118 A 100-mm-diameter cold-rolled stainless-steel (see
Appendix B) shaft has a 10-mm-deep groove around the full
circumference of the shaft. If the groove has an 8-mm radius
at the bottom, determine the percent reduction in strength for _ 10 hits 12 ih.—~i
flexural-type loadings.
Figure P7-121
7-119 A stainless-steel bar 314 in. wide x 3/8 in. deep has
a pair of semicircular grooves cut in the edges of the bar
(item top to bottom). If the grooves have a 1/16-in. radius,
determine the percent reduction in strength for flexural-type
Challenging Problems
7-122* A 0.4% C hot-rolled steel (see Appendix B) bar with a
rectangular cross section will be loaded as a cantilever beam.
Intermediate Problems The bar has a depth h of 200 mm and has a 25-mm-diameter
hole drilled from top to bottom of the beam on the centerline
7-120* A timberbeam 150 mm wide >< 200 mm deep has 25-mm- of a cross section where a bending moment of 50 kN - m must
diameter hole drilled from top to bottom of the beam on the be supported. If a factor of safety of 4 with respect to failure
centerline of a cross section. Determine the percent reduction by yielding is specified, determine the minimum acceptable
in strength produced by the presence of the hole. width b for the bar.
ing the acceptable combinations of beam width b and beam
tr-'1— depth h. Limit the minimum depth of the beam to 30 mm so
E. . z
that the ratio of the beam depth h to the hole diameter d is
greater than 3.
7-125 Two beams with rectangular cross sections, similar to the
ones shown in Fig. P7-123, support a concentrated load P of
4.5 kip. The top beam has a span of 42 in. If the maximum
tensile flexural stress in the top beam must not exceed 15 ksi,
prepare a curve showing the acceptable combinations of beam
width b and beam depth I1 ifthe hole diameters are 314 in. Limit
the minimum depth of the beam to 2.5 in. so that the ratio of
Figure P7-123 the beam depth h to the hole diameter d is greater than 3.
6 = Mo’!
mu Iii7 0 y 6°
N.S. l
E 7 E
/ I
(0) (-5) (C)
Figure 7-36
Jr’ J’ J’ J“
Neutral surface __
having the stress-strain diagram shown in Fig. 7-36c. If an equation can be written
for the stress distribution, the resisting moment can be obtained by using Eq. 7-1.
If it is not practical to obtain an equation for the stress distribution, the beam
depth can be divided into layers of finite thickness and the stress associated with
each layer determined. The method of Section 7-3 can then be used to evaluate
the resisting moment. As a simplifying technique, the stress-strain diagram can be
approximated by a series ofstraight lines resulting in a simplified stress distribution
diagram and a reduction in the amount of work involved.
If the material is elastoplastic (see Section 5-7), the large strains associated
with yielding will permit plastic action to take place as indicated in Fig. 7-37. The
stress distribution for fiilly elastic action is shown in Fig. 7-37a, for partially plastic
action in Fig. 7-3 7b, and foressentially complete plastic action in Fig. 7-370. There
must always be a slight amount of elastic action if the strain at the neutral surface
is zero. The plastic action shown in Fig. 7-37¢: is idealized in Fig. 7-3 7d; this is
the assumed distribution used for plastic analysis of structural steel beams.
In members subjected to inelastic action, the neutral axis does not necessarily
coincide with a centroidal axis as it does when the action is elastic. If the section
is symmetrical and the stress-strain diagrams for tension and compression are
identical, the neutral axis for plastic action coincides with the centroidal axis.
However, if the section is unsymmetrical (for example, a T-section) or if the stress-
strain relations for tension and compression differ appreciably (for example, cast
iron), the neutral axis shifts away from the fibers that first experience inelastic
action, and it is necessary to locate the axis before the resisting moment can be
evaluated. The neutral axis is located by using the equation
and solving for the location ofthe axis where 0, is zero. II1 Eq. (a), x is perpendicular
to the cross section of the beam.
The following Example Problems illustrate the concepts of inelastic analysis
as applied to the pure bending of beams that are loaded in a plane of summetry.
f—l00mm*' 1 (a) The bending moment (applied in the vertical plane of symmetry) that will
25rn.m produce a longitudinal strain of —0.00l2 mfm at point B on the lower face of
B the flange.
(b) The bending moment required to produce completely plastic action in the
200 mm
25 mm (a) The strain distribution, stress-strain, and stress distribution diagrams are
shown in Figs. 7-39:1, b, and c, respectively. Because of the inelastic action
and tmsyrnmetrical section, the location ofthe neutral axis must first be deter-
Figure 7-38
mined by using Eq. (a), the stress distribution diagram shown in Fig. 7-390,
J’ o,MPa y
_::lzs mm 25......1"
I a 240 — — -e
NS. ' +240
___ Em 240 0, MPa
—0.00l2 H - _Q 2:0 y
e Lm
G y
--- Q = zoo ooo E II IIII
s, 5
0.0012 m L______
(H) (b) (<1)
Figure 7-39
1 6 2
+ i(240)(10 )(0.050)(0.025) 5 (0.050)
+ 24-0(l0°)(0.l00)(0.025)(0.l00) = l07.5(l03)N - m
fi"om which
M: M, = 107.51-cN-m,asshown Ans.
(b) In this case, the stress distribution diagram would be similar to the diagram
shown in Fig. 7-3 7d. If the distance fi'om the neutral surface to the bottom of
the stem is designated as distance a, Eq. (a) yields
f ax dA = 240(10°)(0.025)(a) — 240(l0°)(0.025)(0.200 — a)
— 240(l05)(0.l00)(0.025) = 0
M, = 240(10*)(0.1o0)(0.02s)(0.0e25)
+ 240(10‘=)(0.0s0)(0.02s)(0.025)
+ 240(10*)(0.1s0)(0.02s)(0.01s) = l12.5(103)N-m
Mp = M, = 112.5 kN - m Ans.
Because of symmetry, the neutral axis coincides with the centroidal z-axis; there-
fore, the strain and stress distribution diagrams are as shown ir1 Figs. 7-41c and
d. Since the specified stress is 14.4 ksi at the lower surface of the top flange (y =
2 in.), the strains (from Fig. 7-4-lb) at y = 2 in. and y = 3 in. are 0.0035
in./in. and 0.00525 in./in., respectively. Thus, the first stress-strain fiinction (see
426 CHAPTER 7 nsxuruu. LOADING: srusssss [N sntnrs
Fig. 7-41b) is valid for the entire web and the second fimction is valid for the
entire flange. Once the stress distributions are known, Eq. 7-1 can be used to
calculate the bending moment. Thus,
50 _ __
40 Ix .
L40 Q
00 2 4 6 8 10 12
Strain, ir1.fi.n.(1 0)'3
Figure 7-42(0)
(a) Elastoplastic steel with a proportional limit (equal to the yield point) of
40 ksi.
(b) An aluminum alloy with the stress-strain diagram shown in Fig. 7-4-2a.
Assume the diagram is the same in tension and compression and limit the
strain to 0.010.
(a) For the elastic moment, the flexure formula 0, = M,c/I applies. The second
moment of area I about the neutral axis is 166 in.“ Therefore, P Since the stress is essentially constant
over the entire section, the moment of the
0,1 4-0(166) _ , stress on the top flange is just the stress times
Me = T = T = lfifioklp - 1I1. ADS. the area times the distance to the centroid of
the area. Similarly, the moment of the stress
For this material, the ideal stress distribution of Fig. 7-37d may be assumed on the upper half of the web is the stress
when computing the plastic moment, which is times the area times the distance to the cen-
troid of the area. The moment of the stress
on the bottom flange and on the bottom half
Art, = [40(6)(l](3.5) + 4-0(3)(l)(l.5)](2] = 2040 kip - in. Ans. of the web are identical to that of the top.
l in.
43.3 1%in.
1 in.
E 1%in.+
Neutral axis 1m‘ L
Flexure stress — ksi
(5) (C) (4)
Figure 7-42(b-d)
or 0.04 percent.
(b) The elastic moment is given by the flexure formula, where 0 is the propor-
tional li.mit that, from Fig. 7-4-2a, is 35 ksi. Then,
M,=il=@=1453ki -in.
I 1 Ans.
c 4 p
The plastic moment will first be determined with the aid of the stress distri-
bution diagram of Fig. 7-42c that was obtained fi'om Fig. 7-42a by assuming
the maximum strain in the beam to be 0.010, and since the strains are propor-
tional to the distance from the neutral surface of the beam, the stress for any
point in the cross section may be read from the diagram of Fig. 7-42a. With
the assumption that the curve in Fig. 7-42c is a series of chords connecting
P Connecting the points at l-in. vertical in- the points at 1-in. vertical intervals, the following solution is obtained:
tervals on the stress diagram of Fig. 7-42c
with straight lines results in a series oftrape- M; = 2l6(1)(4s)(- +(s0- 4s)G)(6)(1)(3 +
zoids. Each trapezoid can be replaced with
a rectangular distributed load and a triangu-
lar distributed load. The moments of each + 43.4(1)(1)(-tout (43 - 43.96) (2 + +2e.s(1)(1)G)
ofthese pieces are then calculated byreplac-
2 6.5 3
ing the distributed loads with a concentrated
force equal in magnitude to the area under
the load and acting through the centroid of
+(43.3—26.5) —
l( l 2 (ill
/"“\ -._.Mv—~/t“+
= 2414 kip-in.; 2410 kip-in.
l+§ +
the load distribution.
This result will be checked by assuming the curve below the flange to be
a parabola. The flange moment will be the same as above and equals 2060
kip ~ in. Then,
One more technique willbe applied to this problem. The stress-strain diagram
ofFig. 7-42a will be approximated by the dotted lines shown, and the resulting
7-11 lNELAS'l‘lC BEHAVIOR or Frsxlnm. MEMBERS 429
stress distribution diagram for the beam will be as in Fig. 7-42d. With the
use of this diagram, the plastic moment becomes
+i"—i">(%)(%)<1>(%+1)+4"(%)e~»<:> 01
= 2422 kip - ill. 2 2420kip ~ in. Ans.
The last three results indicate that any of the three techniques is adequate for
this problem.
From the preceding discussion and examples, one may observe that, if the
load capacity of a beam is based on the plastic moment rather than the elastic
moment, a considerable savings in material may be realized (with the same factor
ofsafety). Furthermore, in the design ofstatically indeterminate beams and fi'ames,
the plastic method of analysis is considerably less tirne-consurning than the elastic
analysis. This is not to say that the elastic method of analysis should be discarded
as outmoded, for there are many designs that must be based on elastic action, and
for some situations, particularly when repeated loading is involved, the application
of plastic analysis may be dangerous.
Further discussion ofplastic design may be found in Fundamentals ofStruc-
tural Steel Design.“
Introductory Problems Intermediate Problems
7-126* Determine the maximum elastic and plastic bending mo- 7-131* Determine the ratio of the plastic moment to the maxi
ments for a W203 x 60 steel beam having a proportional limit mum elastic moment for a beam of elastoplastic material with
(equal to the yield point) of 250 MPa. the cross section shown in Fig. P7-131.
'7-127* Determine the maximum elastic and plastic bending mo-
ments for a W33 x 201 steel beam having a proportional limit
(equal to the yield point) of 36 ksi.
fill in.l|?8in. i.~2ir1.|H
7-128 Determine the maximm-n elastic and plastic bending mo-
ments for a W762 x 196 steel beam having a proportional limit
(equal to the yield point) of 250 MPa.
'7-129* Determine the ratio of the plastic moment to the maxi- ST
mum elastic moment for a beam of elastoplastic material with
a rectangular cross section.
7-130 Determine the ratio of the plastic moment to the maxi- 2in
mum elastic moment for a beam of elastoplastic material with _
a circular cross section. Flgure P7431
8Fw1d'amenta£s ofStructural Steel Design, William T. Segui, PWS—Kent Publishing Boston: Co., I989.
430 CHAPTER 7 rtaxuruu. 1.0401110: srusssss [N BEAMS
40 mm
is 4,1 4, l*°“‘“‘i
Figure P7-134
(R) (5)
Figurg P7-131 7-135* A beam of elastoplastic material (yield point of 36 ksi)
has the cross section shown in Fig. P7-135. Determine
a. The location of the neutral axis when the stress in the outer
fibers of the top flange reaches the yield point.
7-133 A beam ofelastoplastic material (yield point of 36 ksi) has b. The moment required to produce the condition of part a.
the cross section shown in Fig. P7-133. Determine c. The ratio of the plastic moment to the maximum elastic
moment for this cross section.
a. The location of the neutral axis when the stress in the outer
fibers of the top flange reaches the yield point.
b. The moment required to produce the condition of part a.
c. The ratio of the plastic moment to the maximum elastic
moment for this cross section. T '4in.*~‘
10 ixii
81.13.. N— —————-[-11
a 1.5 in.
Challenging Problems 7-138 A beam having the T cross section shown in Fig. P7-1 380 is
made of a magnesium alloy that has the stress-strain diagram
7 137* A beam ofrectangular cross section is made ofa material shown in Fig. P7-138b. The beam is subjected to a bending
for which the stress-strain diagram in tension can be repre- moment that produces a maximum flexural stress of 99.3 MPa
sented by the expression 0 = Ke 1-*2. The shape of the diagram ('1). When this moment is applied, the neutral surface is located
is the same in tension and compression. Develop an expression at the junction of the flange and stem. Determine
similar to the flexure formula for relating flexural stress and
applied moment. a. The dimension c.
b. The bending moment applied to the beam.
[ 100 mm W 0, MP8
fir _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
C ~- o = 27924"-5°
25 mm
it-_ i El
I‘ ii
0.0035 P 8»- 3.
(*1) (bl
Figure P7-I38
e’l Z
i "--- . /4-Q\as
L “-~________.‘ I: A
. _ ~_._____
Y -\.' _ ‘ -H\_"‘-.
. ‘ll .~-,____ FC
8 l
. I .1
to N
S/T“ /‘_‘%—"‘Ax
_ B
71st .71
Figure 7-43
to establish shearing stress distributions and to locate the shear centers for these
Consider a cantilever beam of arbitrary cross section but constant thickness
(see Fig. 7-43a) loaded in aplane parallel to one ofits principal planes. The normal
stress ox in any longitudinal fiber is then givenby the elastic flexure formula as 0,, =
—M,y/I. The shearing stresses on section a—a can be determined by considering
longitudinal equilibrium of the small block B shown in Fig. 7-43a. An enlarged
free-body diagram of the block is shown in Fig. 7-43b. Since the moments on
sections at the ends of the block are M and M + AM, the resultant forces F1 and
F2 are
F1=f cr,dA=—f M
T’ya4=-f ‘M
.145 A5 0
where AS is the area ofthe cross section between the fiee edge ofthe block and the
longitudinal plane b—b at a distance s from the free edge. A summation of forces
in the longitudinal direction on the block of Fig. 7-43b yields
I/..=F.-a=-[A w(dA)=—¥£J/(Ids)
The average shearing stress on the longitudinal plane b—b is VH divided by the
area. Thus,
A-*7-'0 AI It AS dx If AS ()
dM l S
where dM/dx equals I4, the shear at the section where the shearing stresses are to
be evaluated.
Equation (a) is identical i.n form to Eq. (a) of Section 7-7, and the terms have
identical meanings. The integral is the first or static moment with respect to the
neutral axis of the cross-sectional area to one side of the longitudinal plane b—b.
This integral is usually referred to as Q5. Thus,
which is identical in form to Eq. (b) of Section 7-7. The minus sign in Eq. (b) is
needed to satisly Eq. 7-la and is consistent with the sign convention for shearing
stresses (see Fig. 7-4c). At each point ir1 the beam, the longitudinal and transverse
shearing stresses have the same magnitude [since 1;, = tyx); hence, Eq. (b) also
gives the transverse shea.ring stress at a point in a beam (averaged across the width).
As was done in Section 7-7, magnitudes of V, and Q, will be used to determine
the magnitude of the shearing stress 1:, and Eq. (b) will be written as
1.’ =
V (7-22)
The sense of 1: will be determined from the sense of the shear V, on transverse
planes and from tn, = ry, on longitudinal planes. The shearing stresses are uniform
through the thickness and act tangent to the surface ofthe beam. This same shearing
stress acts on the transverse cross section at a distance s from the free edge of
the section. The stresses on the transverse cross section “flow” in a continuous
direction, as shown ir1 Fig. '7-43a, and at the neutral axis they have the same sense
as the shear V,. The shearing force per unit length of cross section is fiequently
referred to as the shear flow q. Shear flow was previously discussed in Section P
The procedure for locating a shear center will be illustrated by considering e
a channel section loaded as a cantilever beam (see Fig. 7-44). Since all fibers in a
1\ b \ I F4
flange can be considered to be located at a distance M2 fi'om the neutral axis, the V, “~11 11/
shearing stress distribution obtained from Eq. (a) is \.
\ h
fi"om zero at the outer edge to V§hbx'(2I) at the web. The resultant shearing force Figure 7-44
454 CHAPTER 1 rtsxnim. LDADING: snrsssss IN BEAMS
11,1851 Palbl
fi'om which
e : 41:1 (6)
If the load P of Fig. 7-44 were applied in the z-direction, the forces corre-
sponding to F3 and F4 (entirely different magnitudes) would be equal, and both
would be directed to oppose the load P. There would also be two shearing forces
ir1 the web (parallel to the web) of equal magnitude and oppositely directed; hence,
a moment equation would establish the fact that the shear center lies on the z-axis
of symmetry. If there is to be no twisting of the beam (buckling is assumed not to
occur), any load must pass through the intersection of this axis of symmetry and
the line of action of force P of Fig. 7-44. If the load is inclined, it may be resolved
into components parallel to these axes, and the stresses may be determined using
the principle of superposition.
Figure 7-45(a) SOLUTION
(a) The location of the shear center for a thin-walled channel section is given by
Eq. (e) as
P Figure 7-45a is similar to Fig. 7-44; that
is, Fig. 7-45a is a two-dimensional represen- hzbzr
tation of Fig. 7-44. e=i
2 2 2 2
e = L’t = so(5) (1/2) = 1.5625m '= 1.563111. Ans.
41 4(64s)
(b) The shearing stress at any point in a flange of the channel section at a distance .1-‘W
s from the outer edge of the flange (see Fig. 7-45b) is given by Eq. 7-22 as P
T _ V,Q, _ V,(st)(h/'2) _ V,hs ‘ ,3
— It — It — 2I
which indicates that the stress distribution ir1 the flange is linear. At the outer (5)
edge of the flange, s = 0; therefore, 'r = 0. At point A (the intersection of the
centerlines of the flange and web), s = 5 ir1.; therefore, _|_
r = L“ = slsxs) =0 8333 ksi = 8331351 N.A.
" 21 2(s4s) ' _ B
Thus, the shearing stress in the top flange varies ir1 a linear manner from 0 at
the outer edge to 833 psi at the centerline of the web.
The first moment Q, for a point in the web at a distance s (see (B)
Fig. 7-45c) from the centerline of the top flange is Figure ‘T-45(b-c)
Q, = 22.5 in.‘
V, S 12 22.5 _~ ,
1,4 = T? = 6 = O.3333ks1 = B33ps1
833 P534' The distribution of shearing stresses on the cross section is shown in Fig.
833 ps' 7-45d. The stresses “flow” in a manner to oppose the applied load P as
indicated in Fig. 7-45d.
The resultant shear force F1 in the top flange (see Fig. 7-452) is
1ss3 pE. -35
Ft = ravgzlf = 5(0.8333)(5)(l/2) = l.0416kip
833 psi ,
833 psi
I|" The resultant shear force F2 in the lower flange is equal in magnitude and
(4') opposite in direction to F1, as shown in Fig. 7-45e. The resultant shear force
F3 in the web (since the distribution is parabolic) is
Pe "1’=>,_~,
which shows that the force in the web is approximately equal to the applied
_ F2 force.
(B) Applying the equilibrium equations SF). = 0 and EM3 = 0 to the
part of the beam between the free end and the section shown in Fig. 7-45a
Figure 7-45(d—e)
P Since the distribution ofshear stress in the
flanges is linear, the average stress isj ust half
the maximum stress rm = 0.833/2. Mul- +‘[‘EF,.=0: F3—P=ll.997—l2=—0.003E0
tiplying this average stress times the area + EMB = 0: Pe — F|h = l2(l.5fi25) — l.04l6(l8) = 0.0012 E 0
of the flange gives the resultant shear force
in the flange Fl. The distribution of shear
stress in the web is parabolic, and the resul- which verifies the accuracy of the above results and the assumption that only
tant shear force F; is calculated as the area the web resists vertical shearing stresses.
under the stress diagram. The resultant ofthe
rectangular portion of the load in the web is
the stress (833 lb/in?) times the area it acts
on (18 in. x 1/2 in.). The resultant of the
parabolic portion of the load in the web is
two-thirds of the stress (1583 - 833 lbfin.2) 1 EXHIIIPIE Pl'OlJl8lI1 7-19 All metal in the cross section shown
times the area of the web (I8 in. x H2 in.). in Fig. 7-46a is 5 rr1rr1 thick. The dimensions shown are centerline dimen-
sions for the flanges and the webs. Assume that all of the section is effec-
tive in resisting flexural stresses and that only the web resists vertical shearing
(a) Locate the shear center of the cross section with respect to the center of the
1'ight web forP =15 kN.
(b) Determine the maximum shearing stress produced on the cross section by a
vertical force P of 15 kN.
(a) The shearing stress at point A (see Fig. 7-46b) in the top flange of the cross
section is given by Eq. 7-22 as
'1'-12 SHEARING sritnssss IN THIN-WAI.LED omzn sscnons-sums csnrrsrt 437
yl 7? Tl?
B fsli
-Ff .4
9 75 mm C
F] F4
Z D E iii
75 mm
A F2
P75 mm Hi»-~75 mm —*
(<1) (bl (=1)
Figure 7-46
1 1
I = -(5)(150)’ + —(s)(150)3
12 1 12 I > Neglecting the third and ssh terms ofthe
+ + + BX]3l'6SSlOI1 forlglvesl Z T111114.
A similar analysis indicates that the force F2 on the lower flange (see Fig.
7-46c) is equal in magnitude and opposite in direction to F1-
For point C in the left web [see Fig. 7-46b),
Q, = 5(s2)(75 - 0.5.12)
= (37532 - 2.5s§)mrn3 = (315.12 - 2.5s§)(10-“)m3
Since V,,, I, and t are constants, the shear stress distribution in the web is
parabolic with the maximum stress occurring at the neutral axis. At the top
ofthe left web s2 = 0; therefore, Q, = 0 and r = 0.
438 CHAPTER 7 rrrxtnuu. LOADING: sntsssss [N BEAMS
2 _
F4 = l2.00(106)(5)(l50)(10'°) + 5(l7.99 — l2.00)(10i')(l50)(5)(10 6)
P The resultant of the stress distribution = ll,995N '5 l2.00kN
in the right web F4 is the “area” under
the parabola, which is two-thirds of the The resultant vertical shearing force V, from the two webs is
“base” (5 n1n1 x 150 mm) times the “height”
(17.99—l2.00 MPa) plus the “area” under
the rectangle, which is equal to the “base” V, = F3 + F4 = 2.999 + 11.995 = 14.99 kN
(5 mm x 150 mm) times the “height”(12.00
MPa). which verifies the accuracy of the above results and the assumption that only
the web resists vertical shearing stresses.
1-12 SHEARING sntrssrs IN THIN-WALLED ores sscrross-snnut CENTER 439
Introductory Problems 1 in.
Figure P7-142
7-141 An eccentric H-section is made by welding two l ><
10-in. steel flanges to a 1 x 12-in. steel web, as shown in
Fig. P7-141. The section is used as a 5-it cantilever beam
that carries a concentrated load of 100 kip at the free end.
Intermediate Problems
Asstu-ne that all of the section is effective in resisting flex- 7-143" All metal in the cross section shown in Fig. P7-143 has
ural stresses and that only the web resists vertical shearing a thickness of lf4 in. The dimensions shown are centerline
stresses. dimensions for the flanges and the web.
a. Locate the shear center of the section with respect to the a. Locate the shear center of the section with respect to the
center of the web. center of the web.
b. Prepare a sketch showing the distribution of shearing stress b. Determine the shearing stress at point O when the vertical
throughout the cross section. shear at the section is 1500 lb.
440 CHAPTER 7 PLEXURAL LOADING: sritsssas [N sntnrs
Challenging Problems
7-146* A tl1in-walled cylindrical tube cut longitudinally to make
a semicylinder is used as a cantilever beam. The load acts par-
allel to the cut section as shown in Fig. P7-146.
a. Locate the shear center of the section with respect to the
center of the tube (dimension e).
b. Determine the shearing stress at point A if the radius R of
the section is 25 mm, the thickness t is 2.5 mm, and the load
12* P is 440 N.
t 4 in. —-l
Figure P7-143
P T2 __ _
7-144* Locate the shear center for the cross section shown in
Fig. P7-144 and determine the maximum shearing stress pro- ‘II
6n1rn 60mm
Figure P7-146
so rnrn
90 mm l
dB _-
A/ \
“En ii
A L 1. A or
l*u—-F B
Figure P7-145 Figure P7-147
7-13 I~‘l.l1XURAL srnassas uv BEAMS orrwo MA'l'liRIAl.S 441
7-148 A cantilever beam with the cross section shown in 7-149 Locate the shear center for the cross section shown
Fig. P7-148 is subjected to a vertical concentrated load of 4 in Fig. P7-149 and determine the maximum shearing stress
kN at the free end. The section has a constant thickness of 4 produced on the cross section by a vertical shear force of
mm. 300 lb.
a. Locate the shear center of the section with respect to the
center of the web.
h. Prepare a sketch showing the distribution of shearing stress
throughout the cross section. The dimensions shown in Fig.
P7-148 are centerline dimensions for the flanges, web, and
extensions. Assume that all of the section is effective in re-
sisting flexural stresses but that the vertical shearing force %in
resisted by the flanges is negligible. The vertical shearing
2 in
force in the 20-mm extensions is not negligible.
T—4omm—»=~—40mm~l ‘M gin
—1- 4 in. xx
4mm ‘lit
10'“ Figure P7-149
20 mm
Figure P7-148
Q, = —€a
442 cnsrrrrr 7 rurxrrruu. LOADING: smsssss [N stuns
1. Br
P1 at
tn >1
Figure 7-47
ob _ b 0,,
E3 — G EA
From this relation it is evident that, at the jtmction between the two materials where
distance a and b are equal, there is an abrupt change in stress determined by the
ratio rt = E5/EA of the two moduli.
IfEq. (a) is used, the normal force on a dilferential end area of an element
of material B is given by the expression
where t is the width of the beam at a distance b from the neutral surface. The first
factor in parentheses represents the linear stress distribution in a homogeneous
material A. The second factor in parentheses may be interpreted as the extended
width of the beam fi'om y = c,| to y = C3 if material B were replaced by material
A, thus resulting in an equivalent or transformed cross section for a beam of
material by an equivalent amount of the other material as determined by the ratio
n of their elastic moduli. The location of the neutral axis (through the centroid)
and the second moment of area for the transformed section (one material) can be
found in the usual way. In addition, the flexure formula can be applied to determine
the flexural stresses in the transformed section. The stress in the material that was
transformed is found using Eq. (a).
The method is not limited to two materials; however, the use of more than
two materials in one beam would be unusual. The method is illustrated by the
following example problem.
7-15 rraxuruu. srrurssrs rrr enurs orrwo rrrmuuus 443
1 Example Problem 7-20 A timber beam 4 in. wide >< s in. deep
has a 3.5-in.-wide x 1/2-in.-deep aluminum alloy plate securely fastened to
its bottom face, as shown in Fig. 7-48:1. The moduli of elasticity for the
timber and 8.ll.1II1l]111II1 alloy are 1250 ksi and 10,000 ksi, respectively. Deter-
mine the maximum flexural stress in each material if the applied moment is
75 kip-in.
lf—4in.—'1 |*—4in.—\ R
% a = 5.293 in.
-—»~ 7::
b = 3.20‘? in.
5"*2,51BlL15 in.*| li~w=s(s.s)=2sin.g.~|
(11) (1')
Figure 1-4s
The ratio of moduli for the aluminum and timber is
_E,,_E,_1250 '
The actual cross section (timber A and aluminum B) and the transformed timber
cross section are shown in Figs. 7-4 8a and b, respectively. The neutral axis ofthe
transformed section is located by the principle of moments as
EM 2s(1/2)(1/4) + 4(s)(4.s)
= = =3.2U7' .
yc EA 2B(l/2) + 4(8) "1
above the bottom of the section. The second moment of area of the transformed P Ifthe aluminum alloy plate were replaced
timber cross section with respect to the neutral axis is with a piece of wood 8 x 3.5 in. = 28 in.
wide, the force and moment on the wooden
flange would be the same as the force and
I = l13(2s)(1/2)’ + 2s(1/2)(2.9s7)’ moment on the aluminum plate even though
the stresses at points on the wooden flange
+ 113(4)(s)’ + 4(s)(1.293)2 = 34-6.9in.4 would be only one-eighth the stress at an
equivalent point on the aluminum plate.
11 12,, 3.201
cam,‘ = ;(E)a,mx = 5293 (8)(ll44.4)
MecMovie Activities and Problems of the materials if the composite beam is simply supported and
carries a concentrated load 30 kN in the center of the beam.
MM7.18 Introducing the transformed area method. Example; Try
one. Determine bending stresses in a composite beam using the 7-153 A 4-in-wide x 6-in-deep timber cantilever beam 6 it long
transformed area method. is reinforced by bolting two 112 x 6-in. structural steel plates
to the sides of the timber beam, as shown in Fig. P7-153. The
.\l[M7.19 Aluminum and brass composite beam. Example; Try moduli of elasticity for the timber and steel are 1600 ksi and
one. Given allowable stresses for two materials, determine the 29,000 ksi, respectively. Determine the maximum tensile flexu-
largest allowable moment that can be applied to the beam cross ral stress in each ofthe materials whenacoupleM = -10 kip - ft
section. is applied to the free end of the beam.
Introductory Problems
7-150* A timber beam 150 mm wide x 350 mm deep has a 150-
mm-wide x 15-mm-thick steel plate fastened securely to its
top face. The moduli of elasticity for the timber and steel are
l0 GPa and 200 GPa, respectively. Determine the maximum 6 in.
flexural stress in the timber when the maximum flexural stress
in the steel is 75 MPa (T).
7-151* A timber beam 6 in. wide x 12 in. deep has a 6-in.-wide
>< l/2-in.-thick steel plate fastened securely to its bottom face. §m._r| |r—4rn._-l i_§m.
The moduli of elasticity for the timber and steel are 1500 ksi
and 30,000 ksi, respectively. Determine the maximum flexu- Figure P7-153
ral stress in the steel when the maximum flexural stress in the
timber is 1250 psi (C).
7-152 A composite beam 225 mm wide x 300 mm deep x 4 m Intermediate Problems
long is made by bolting two 100-mm-wide x 300-mm-deep 7-154* A 50-mm-wide >< 80-mm-deep wood (E = 10 GPa) beam
timber planks to the sides of a 25 x 300-mm structural alu- will be reinforced with 3-mm-thick structural aluminum (E =
minum plate, as shown in Fig. P7-152. The moduli of elasticity 70 GPa) plates on its top and bottom faces. A maximum bend-
for the timber and aluminum are 8 GPa and 73 GPa, respec- ing moment of3 kN-m must he resistedby the composite beam.
tively. Determine the maximum tensile flexural stress in each If the allowable flexural stresses are 15 MPa in the wood and
135 MPa in the aluminum, determine the minimum width re-
W‘ k 25 mm quired for the aluminum plates.
7-155 A cantilever beam 6 ti long carries a concentrated load of
4000 lb at the free end. The beam consists of a 4-in.-wide x
10-in.-deep timber section reinforced with 4-in.-wide x 3/4-
300 n1.rn in.-thick steel plates on the top and bottom surfaces. The moduli
ofelasticity for the wood and steel are 1600 ksi and 30,000 ksi,
respectively. Determine the maximum flexural stresses in the
wood and in the steel.
7-156 A 50-mm-wide x 125-mm-deep polymer (E = 1.40 GPa)
l 100 mml L100 mrrrl beam will be reinforced with a 6-mm-thick brass (E = 100
Figure P7-152 GPa) plate on its bottom face. If the allowable flexural stresses
1-14 rraxrrmri srruzssrrs IN ruunrroxcrrn coscrurnz sums 445
are 6 MPa in the polymer and 60 MPa in the brass, determine are 12 GPa and 200 GPa, respectively. If the allowable flexural
the width ofbrass plate required to have the allowable stresses stresses are 10 MPa in the wood and 75 MPa in the steel, de-
in the two materials occur simultaneously. termine the maximum load P that can be applied at the center
of a simply supported beam having a span of 4 m.
Challenging Problems
Computer Problems
7-157* A timber beam 8 in. wide x 15 in. deep has an 8-in.-
wide x 1/2-in-thick steel plate securely fastened to its bottom 7-161 A timber beam 8 in. wide >< 15 in. deep is to be strength-
face. The beam will be simply supported, will have a span of ened by adding 8-in.-wide x t-in.-thick steel plates to its top
16 ft, and will carry a uniformly distributed load over its en- and bottom faces. The moduli of elasticity for the wood and
tire length. The moduli of elasticity for the wood and steel are steel are 1600 ksi and 30,000 ksi, respectively. If the allow-
1600 ksi and 30,000 ksi, respectively. If the allowable flexural able flexural stresses are 2.4 ksi in the wood and 18 ksi in the
stresses are 1600 psi in the wood and 18,000 psi in the steel, de- steel,
termine the rnaximmn allowable magnitude for the distributed
a. Determine the maximum moment that can be carried by the
beam without the steel plates.
7-158* A 150-mm wide x 300-mm-deep timber beam 5 m long h. Compute and plot the percent increase in moment-carrying
is reinforced with 150-mm-wide >< 15-mm-thick steel plates capacity of the beam gained by adding the steel plates, for
on the top and bottom faces. The beam is simply supported and 0 5 t 5 2 in.
carries a uniformly distributed load of 20 kN/m over its entire c. Compute and plot the maximum stresses in the wood and in
length. The moduli of elasticity for the timber and steel are the steel when the beam is loaded to capacity for 0 5 t 5 2
13 GPa and 200 GPa, respectively. Determine the maximum in.
tensile flexural stresses in the timber and in the steel.
7-162 A timber beam 150 mm wide x 300 mm deep is to be
7-159 A 6-in-wide >< 12-in.-deep timber (E = 1500 ksi) beam strengthened by fastening 50-mm-thick x w-mm-wide alu-
will be reinforced with steel (E = 30,000 ksi) plates on its minum alloy plates to its top and bottom faces. The moduli
top and bottom faces. The beam will be simply supported, will of elasticity for the wood and aluminum alloy are 13 GPa and
have a span of 20 ft, and will carry a concentrated load of 5000 73 GPa, respectively.
lb at the center ofthe span. Ifthe allowable flexural stresses are
a. If a maximum bending moment of 75 kN - m must be re-
1 ksi in the wood and 10 ksi in the steel, prepare a curve showing
sisted by the composite beam, compute and plot the maxi-
the acceptable combinations ofplate width and plate thickness.
mum flexural stresses in the wood and in the aluminum for
Limit the plate thicknesses to values less than 3r'4 in.
0 5 w 5 150 mm.
7-160 A timber beam 200 mm wide x 350 mm deep has a 200- b. If the allowable flexural stresses are 15 MPa in the wood
mm-wide x 16-mm-thick steel plate securely fastened to its and 135 MPa in the aluminum alloy, determine the mini-
bottom face. The moduli of elasticity for the wood and steel mum width w for the aluminum alloy plates.
“Reinforced Concrete Mechanics and Design, 3rd ed., J. G. McG1-egor, Upper Saddle River, N. J.
Prentice Hall, 1997.
linear distribution of strain, as in Section 7-13. Thus, at the service load the beam
acts elastically.
The transformed section method of Section 7-13 provides a satisfactory
procedure for analyzing reinforced concrete beam problems for the serviceabil-
ity state. The transformed section used for these problems consists of the actual
concrete on the compression side of the neutral axis plus the equivalent amount
of hypothetical concrete (which is able to develop tensile stresses) on the tension
side of the neutral axis required to replace the steel reinforcing rods. The actual
concrete on the tension side of the beam is assumed to crack to the neutral surface;
therefore, it has no tensile load-carrying ability and is neglected.
The solution for maximum stresses in a given beam or for the maximum
bending moment with given allowable stresses consists of three steps.
1. Locate the neutral axis for the transformed section.
2. Determine the second moment of area of the transformed section with respect
to the neutral axis.
3. Use the flexure formula to determine the required stresses or moment.
The design ofa reinforced concrete beam also requires consideration ofother
factors such as the bond (shearing) stresses between the concrete and reinforcing
steel, the diagonal tensile stresses that may be developed, and the amount of con-
crete that is needed beyond the reinforcing bars. Discussion of such topics can be
found in textbooks devoted to reinforced concrete design.
The procedure for analyzing or designing reinforced concrete beams using
the transformed section method is illustrated in the following examples.
The ratio of the moduli of elasticity is
n Z
i Z
30,000 Z
E, 2500
'*—l2m.H *—l2in.—<1|
‘.3... T T-
13 in c - ‘—-'=.-S1313 C
___ 1"“ ml’ w= 1500 lbffi
l ._-.':.»_.-' 1l_iT2in_ ‘W?
,1.‘ .v,uu
1 1 |
- _I-Q:-O_-_O_ — i 3 F! mi Vr
3in. . .
R = SW
(<1) (5) (0)
Figure 7-49
which means that Aim = n/15 = 12(2) = 24 in.2 of hypothetical concrete that resists
tension is required for the transformed cross section. The actual and transformed
cross sections are shown in Figs. 7-49a and b. The transformed steel area is at the
same point in the cross section as the actual steel area. The principle ofmoments
with respect to the centroidal axis for the transformed cross section gives
l2h(h/2) = 24(l8 — h)
from which
The second moment of area of the transformed cross section with respect to the
neutral axis is
1 1
I = Eblh-1‘ + 24(11.2s2)2 + E(12)(6.71s)3
+ 12(6.718)(6.718/2)2
where bl and hl are the base and height, respectively, of the transformed steel.
It is usually assumed that the term b1h13fl2 is negligible compared to the other
terms in the expression for I. Thus
I = 4268 in.4
For a simple beam with a uniformly distributed load, the maximum moment
occurs at the center of the span and, from the fi'ee-body diagram of Fig. 7-49c, is
The flexure formula applied to the transformed cross section gives the maximum
stress in the concrete as
M,h 32(l500)(12)(6.718) _ N _
ac = —T = — = —906.6 psr = 907 psr (C) Ans.
Since the stresses in the transformed cross section of the beam have a linear
distribution, the average stress in the steel is [Eq. (a) of Section 7-13]
‘I EXHIIIPIE Pl‘0l)1€Ill 7-2 2 Determine the distance from the top of the
beam to the centerofthe steel and the area of steel required for balanced design of
a reinforced concrete beam that is to be 10 in. wide and that must resist a bending
moment of 600 kip~in. The allowable stresses in the concrete and steel are 1000
psi and 18,000 psi, respectively. The moduli of elasticity for the concrete and
steel are 2500 ksi and 30,000 ksi, respectively.
The ratio of the moduli of elasticity is
|‘—l0irt.—' |‘7l0in.—'
T_ n_§£_30,000_l2
1'-1-::': C ‘j g
d °‘— ~'“"."*
1 '. .
rr ——— —
_ E.‘ 2500 _
' v .'- >
} ' The actual and transformed cross sections for the beam are shown in Figs. '7-50a
*_'-1 .;; M .\ and b. The four unknown quantities are d, h, A, and I for the transformed section
F 9:";T'_- where A is the area of the steel. The four available equations involving these fo11r
unknowns are as follows:
(=1) (5) 1. The flextne formula for the maximum stress ir1 the concrete is
Figure 1-so
=_@=_1m0,... 3
2. The flexure formula modified for the average stress in the steel is
10h(h/2): 12A(d — h)
Introductory Problems ratio of the modulus of elasticity of the steel to that of the eon-
crete is 12. If the allowable stresses are 1000 psi in the concrete
7-163* A reinforced concrete beam (see Fig. P7-163) is 10 in. and 18,000 psi in the steel, determine the maximum moment
wide with a depth to the center ofthe steel of 18 in. The tension that the beam can support.
reinforcement consists of three 1-in.-diameter steel bars. The
1-14 rmrxtrmu. snuzssns or rrrmtroncrn coscrumz nrmrs 449
~ _ - a
~ 1 .
v a >
, n '-
|5' a
‘ |-1 @ 5. 0 --
_ 0 1. - Q
u ‘ 0 ‘-1.
Q s -
er '-u
. "‘ 1
_o._i'4 ‘
_ Z’ -‘I :2.s in.
Figure P7-163
Figure P7-165
7 164* A reinforced concrete beam (see Fig. P7-164} has a Intermediate Problems
200-mrn-wide x 350-mm-deep cross section with four 15-
mm-diameter steel bars placed 75 mm from the bottom of 7-166" A simply supported reinforced concrete beam 200 mm
the beam. The maximum moment supported by the beam is wide with a depth to the center of steel of 300 mm has a span
15 kN-m. The moduli of elasticity of the concrete and steel of 4 m. The tension reinforcement consists of three 16-min-
are 15 GPa and 200 GPa, respectively. Determine the max- diameter steel bars. The ratio of the moduli of elasticity is 12.
imum average tensile stress in the steel and the maximum If the allowable stresses are 6.5 MPa in the concrete and 120
compressive stress in the concrete at the section of maximum MPa in the steel, determine the maximum load per meter of
moment. length that can be uniformly distributed over the middle half
of the beam.
7-167 A simply supported reinforced concrete beam is 8 in. wide
and has a span of 12 it. The tension reinforcement, which is
located 16 in. below the top surface of the beam, consists of
three 7/8-in.-diameter steel bars. The moduli ofelasticity of the
concrete and steel are 2400 ksi and 30,000 ksi, respectively. If
i2°°“"“l >.
the allowable stresses are 1000 psi in the concrete and 16,000
psi in the steel, determine the maximum load per foot of length
- u '-
\ ‘ .s that can be uniformly distributed over the full length of the
\ beam.
".\ -'
- ' 1
no '
. -
Challenging Problems
n i '
5 = 5}’ (11)
The tmstrained length ofany longitudinal element is p9; therefore, Eq. (a) in terms
of strain becomes
"961 = T1’
_./' I,}\..
_/ r" .,‘
\- .|'4‘\
1\- " _,¢ 2" I II I II IIIII I I__rn.I
'-=-| ‘fl
- X - — — - — -— 61-?
‘ '1
1M, a
— _\ _ — _ — — — — — — — _ _ — _ _ -.
50 an
(H) (5)
Figure 7-51
7-15 FLEXURAL srttsssas or CURVED BEAMS 451
fi"om which the expression for the longitudinal strain distribution becomes
P','€;y T16; y
=—-——-—=———--i— b
G’ b p b R—y U
which shows that the strain does not vary linearly with y (Fig. 7-51b), as was the
case for the initially straight beam. Since the action is elastic, Hooke’s law applies;
therefore, 6, = cr,,fE (for cry = 0, = 0), which when substituted into Eq. (b) yields
,_m2_'g Y (C,
x— b p— b R—y
which indicates that the flexural stress distribution as well as the strain distribution
is not linear with y.
The location of the neutral surface is obtained fi"om the equation SF, = 0;
[a,d.4='@f JldA=0
5 A P
I EM = 0 (7-23)
R—p dA
R = fii (7-24)
l.n general, Eq. 7-23 or 7-24 should be solved for R for each specific problem;
however, the general solution for a rectangular cross section of width I is easily
obtained as follows:
r,, R _ rd r,
f Jtdp=f IE4 tdp=0
rt P rt P rr
Since R is a constant,
To — I’;
l11(n»/rt) (d)
The term f — ir1 Eq. 7-24 is tabulated and shown in Table B-20 for several cross
sections. A
The resisting moment in terms of the flexural stress is obtained from the
equilibrium equation EM = 0; thus,
1' 2 11 R— 2
M,=—L(vldA)y=—}%_L%dA=_’%_L%dA re)
The value of R for a given problem, obtained from Eq. 7-24-, can be substituted ir1
Eq. (e) and a solution for M thus obtained. However, it will, in general, be found
more convenient to write Eq. (e) in the following form:
From Eq. 7-23, the second integral inthe brackets is zero, and when R—p is replaced
by y in the first integral, the resisting moment is given by the expression
M,=mf,,d,,=u,.,,C 0.,
b ,1 b
U My
= L = L My (7- 25)
X Myc (R — y)Ay-:;-
which is the expression for the elastic flexural stress at any point in an initially
ctnved beam.
The preceding development is for pure bending and neglects radial com-
pressive stresses that occur within the material. These compressive stresses are
usually very small. If the beam is loaded with forces (instead of couples), addi-
tional stresses will occur on the radial planes. Because the action is elastic, the
principle of superposition applies and the additional normal stresses can be added
to the flexural stresses obtained from Eq. 7-25.
The application ofEqs. 7-23 and 7-25 is illustrated in the following examples.
1- 1 n.—"— 1 111.41
3 III.
/. _ 3 - ’/fll
/ R
f7i\\ \
Is T
yL 3
\I M ‘ \ 1 ‘M
\\ \\ I.‘ p Qldfi;/’
\ \\ -:[__..~ In
\ \“__ r,’
('1) (5)
Figure 7-52
(a) Determine the flexural stresses at the top and bottom surfaces.
(b) Sketch the flexural stress distribution in the beam.
(c) Determine the percentages of error if the flexure formula for a straight beam
(Eq. 7-8) were used for part (a).
The first step will be to locate the neutral surface by using Table B-20 of Ap-
pendix B. The cross-sectional area is
2 1
A = %(s-3) =4.5in.2
f. @=@);@1n§-2+1=107941n
p 6-3 3 ' '
The value of R is found using Eq. 7-25:
A 4.5 .
A .9
The radial distance from the center of ctnvature to the centroid of the cross-
sectional area is
~= is =4-3333
, _
r‘ s(2+1) m
Therefore,yg = R — rc = 4.1683 — 4.3333 = —O.1645 in.
454 CHAPTER 7 rrrxrrruu. LOADING: snrsssss 11v BEAIHS
M,y —100(—1.8312)
0,5 = — = L = -41.23 ksi E 41.2 ksi(C) Ans.
pAyC 6(4.5)(—0.1645)
+52.6 my -100(+1.16ss) W ,
= — = 4
G” p/iyg 3(4.5)(-0.1645) = -t-52.631-ts ' = 52.6ks 1 (T) Ans.
1.169 in.
N.A. These stresses are well below the proportional limit of the material.
or ksi
(b) Plotting the two stresses from part (a) and zero stress at the neutral surface
1.83 1 in. will indicate that the curve must be shaped as in Fig. 7-53.
(c) The cross-sectional second moment of area with respect to the centroidal axis
41.2 parallel to the neutral axis is
Figure 7-53
1 = %(1)(s)3 + 1(s)(0.1ss7)2 + %(1)(s)’
+ %(1)(3)(0.3333)1 = 3.25 tn.‘
At the bottom of the beam (12 = —1.6667 in.):
M,y —100(—l.6667) _~ ,
U)-3 = —T = — = —51.28I(S1 = 51.3 I(51(C)
M,y —100(+1.3333) _~ ,
G)-7' = —T = — = -I-4I.02I(Sl = 4-1.0I(S1(T)
Assume that the neutral axis of the cross section is to the right of the flange and
apply Eq. 7-24; thus, using Table B-20 results in
i 90m.ttl—i
I, 120mm
\ _ /Oentroid
A /\ =300 ‘ t y ~ 40mm
I\ ,._‘?' - - 4<
*7 120mm
\, l_ 7
till 240 rmn
. . . 60 n1.m
Dimensions in mm
Figure 7-54
_= r, =2401n—+401
b1r1— 360 600
IA p ii .7,] 300 "360
= 64.190mm
A 24,000
Therefore, the assumption about the location of the neutral axis is correct.
The location of the centroid of the cross section with respect to the center
of curvature is found using the principle of moments for areas. Thus,
_ s0(240)(3s0) +40(240)(4s0) _
"' _ e0(240) + 40(240) _ 390 mm
U _ M,y _ -40(10’)(-226.11)(10"‘)
"° — pziyg _ 600(10-‘)(24,000)(10-‘=')(-16.11)(10-3)
= -3s.99(10='=) N/H12 '5 39.0 MIPa (c) Ans.
456 CHAPTER 7 rrrxtrrutr. LOADING: snrsssrs 11v BEAMS
Introductory Problems All dimensions
in millimeters
7-170 A curved rectangularbeam with a width 7, a depth d (in the m@ i% El
radial direction), and an inside radius r,- of 10d is subjected to ' -
a moment M in the plane of curvature. Show that the error in l
computing the maximum flexural stress by Eq. 7-8 (the flex-
ure formula) instead of Eq. 7-25 (the curved beam fonnula) is ‘
approximately 3.7 percent low.
7-171* A curved beam having an inside radius of 6 ir1. has the M M Cross section
cross section shown in Fig. P7-171. The beam is subjected to a Figure P7472
momentM in the plane of curvature. Determine the dimension
b needed to make the flexural stress at the inside curved surface
equal in magnitude to the flexural stress at the outside cruved _ _ _ _
surface of the beam 7-173* Determine the maximum tensile and compressive flexural
stresses in the curved beam of Fig. P7-173 if the magnitude of
the moment M shown in the figure is 30 kip - ft.
8 in.—>;
M 2 in. M 8 in-
f ' am-A 1;,,_ / "‘ 2in.4m2in.
T 2 in.
b 8 in.
M Cross section l in. \ C1-055 section
Figure P7-171 M
Figure P7-173
Challenging Problems
Intermediate Problems
7-174* The curved beam ofFig. P7-174 is subjected to a bending
7-172 Determine the maximum tensile and compressive flexural moment M in the plane of curvature, as shown in the figure.
stresses in the curved beam of Fig. P7-172 if the magnitude of Determine the maximum permissible magnitude for M if the
the moment M shown in the figure is 20 kN - m. flexural stress is not to exceed 35 MPa (T) or 140 MPa (C).
|- 300 mm -‘ L‘ _ L
.5= 24m
,,_ iii.
,-- 5\
/ I’, -hm
[ I \/ S
,tw/\8 _- 43*-.
' »a‘_ 50mm 1 in.Z N. A. Mr mi
\_-3' 751-am \-/ I-—25 50mm
M M Cross section
if Centroid
Figure P7-174 2 in. '
Z it
‘ 500mm P an
Vr (-11)
100 l-{N
2001-:N Jr a
25.5 MPa
16.98 MPa
(0) (d) (e)
Figure 7-55
(a) Since point A is on the outside surface (a free surface) of the shafi, a state of
plane stress exists at the point. The coordinate system is selected as shown
in Fig. 7-55b. This is the same coordinate system for which the equations
in this chapter were developed. Passing a transverse plane through point A
and isolating the segment of the shafi to the right of point A results in the
free—body diagram shown in Fig. 7-55c. The intemal forces on the transverse
cross section are an axial compressive force F = 200 kN, a shear force I/Z =
100 kN, and a moment M, = 50 kN ~ m. The directions of the stresses on the
lefi face of the element are in accordance with the directions of the forces
that produce the stresses, that is, in the directions of the intemal forces.
These stresses are shown in Fig. 7-55d. The magnitudes of the stresses are
determined as follows.
F 200(10*) 6 2
0, = Z = ii, = 25.46(10 )N/m = 25.46 MPa
(rr/4)(0. 100)
V ‘L E
_ I/,Q _ Vvbm-A) _ 2 _ 4V»
r— It — It — (J'rr4) — 3 JT?'2
4 tr)
— 2
= 4L2)
100 10 3 = 16.97"/[10°)N/m2 = 16.917 MPa
There is no normal stress due to M since pointA is on the neutral axis.
7-16 cosmnnm tomato: AXIAL, Passscns,r|.sxuiui1., mo rossiotw. 459
_a,,+o,,i ox—a,, 2 2
Upl.p2 — T T +1-'xy
GP] = -12.73 + 21.22 = +8.490 MPa '5 8.49 MPa (T) Alls-
crp; = -12.73 — 21.22 = -33.95 MPa '5 34.0 MPa (C) Alls-
gp3 = 6, = 0 Ans.
Since the two in-plane principal stresses are of opposite sign and op; =
oz = O,
amax _ Umin
rm“ = 5
_ s.490 - (-33.95)
_ 2
= 21.2 l\/[Pa Ans.
M -E.
Q 15 in. la
‘ 18in.
16kip a—4_— if/—a—x
\ My I
_ i
.4 Q F
to 5.
(Q) (11) (C)
Figure 7-56(a-e)
(a) The frame is sectioned at a—a, and a free-body diagram for the part of the
frame above the section is shown in Fig. 7-56c. Since the load acts in a plane of
symmetry, there are three independent equations ofequilibrium. The intemal
forces at the section are fotmd using the equations of equilibrium as follows:
The stresses o',,| and 0,2 due to the internal forces are
F 16,000 _ ,
o,.| = I = T =+400ps1= 4-00ps1 (T)
which is constant over the cross-sectional area. The maximum tensile flexural
stress occurs at the left edge of section a—a (point A) and is
M 283 101 -3 , ,
0,2,, = -% = -% = +2592 pS1 = 2592 p51 (T)
The maximum compressive flexural stress occurs at the right edge of section
a—a (point B) and is
M1 2ss(10’)(+7) , ,
0y2;,- = —'TB = T = —6049ps1 = 6049ps1 (C)
The distributions of stresses 0,4 and 0,; are shown in Figs. 7-56d and e,
respectively. Superirnposing the normal stresses at points A and B gives
0,,,, = 0,4,, + 0,2,, = 400 + 2592 = +2992 psi E 2990 psi (T)
0,3 = 0,13 + 0,23 = 400 — 6049 = -5649 psi '5 5650 psi (C)
(b) The location of the neutral axis (line of zero stress) can be determined as the
place where the compressive flexural stress is 400 psi because this stress will
just balance the axial tensile stress of 400 psi. Thus,
_ 2-0453 in.
2990 psi 5650 psi
_. - __ _. __ I A
x 2990psi 400p§i i E
_P _ Mx
“P7 "2"-T 5650 psi
(4) (=1) (D (3)
Figure 7-S6(d-g)
462 CHAPTER 7 rrsxurur. LOADING snrsssrzs [N BEAMS
Since stresses are required at points A, B, C, and D, the member is sectioned
through these points, and a fi'ee-body diagram of the portion of the member
above the section is drawn, as shown in Fig. 7-57b. In general, the internal forces
acting on a section of a member consist of shear forces P} and I/Q, an axial force
F, a torque I} = 114,, and bending moments M, and 114,. The six equations of
equilibrium used to determine these internal forces are
zF,=. =0 =0
BF, = -100=0 =—100kN=100kN(C)
zF,— 99¢ .N'~q>F=0 51$ =0
EM, = M; — lU0(0.06U) = 0 My = 6kN-II1
EMy = =0 T, =0
Q9Q M, — l00(0.075) = 0 M, = 7.5 kN - m
Thus, there are three internal forces on the section: (1) an axial force F
which produces a constant normal stress 01 = F/A over the section; and (2) two
bending moments M, and AL each of which produces a linear variation of normal
stress 0 = Mc/I over the section. The cross-sectional area A and the second
moments L, and L, of the area with respect to the centroidal x and z axes are
Q y 100104
“=1 Q.
1 “--___ C I K“-___
/ I‘ I -
A :-T.‘-‘q 1,11 _"'~ A I ___‘ C
_\i ‘_‘_‘_‘_-_-_?.1"-
Figure 7-57(a-b)
6, = 5 = ii = s.556(10“')N/ml = 5.556 MPa
A 1s.00(10 )
This stress is shown in Fig. 7-57c.
The bending moment M, produces a normal stress that varies linearly with
respect to z and is zero on the neutral axis (the x-axis). Along line AB, the
normal stress is tensile; and, along line CD, the normal stress is compressive.
The magnitude of these stresses is
63 —— E
1, —— 33."/5(10-6) —-16 ' 667(l06)N/m2 —— 16 ' 6671vn=a
These stresses are shown in Fig. 7-57e.
The normal stresses at the corners of section ABCD are found by super-
imposing the component stresses shown in Figs. 7-57c, d, and e. The maximum
compressive stress occurs at C and is
0_,,¢ = -5.556 — 16.667 — 16.667 = -38.89 MPa E 38.9 MIPa (C) Ans.
0,4 = -5.556 + 16.667 + 16.667 = +27.78 MPa '5 27.8 MPa (T) Ans.
‘e\_ __ __ -__‘ 1' I --___
\e\_ __-_ _ I . I I I -__ I
§_ _ __. _ I I
I I’
r I ~.,_
A /1 ”».__ $5 A 11 "--._ . . A ,/ I .
B _ B F IV /B
e,=s.ss6M1=a '
0; = 16.667 M.Pa 03 = 16.667 MPa
(B) (4) (8)
Figure 7-57(c-e)
464 casrrrsrr 7 rrsxrrrur. 1.o11n11vc= snrsssrs 11v BEAMS
ayfl = -5.556 -1-16.667 — 16.667 = -5.556 MPa Z 5.56 MPa (C) Ans.
A fi'ee-body diagram of the part of the shafi to the left of section ABCD is shown
in Fig. 7-58b. The internal forces acting on section ABCD are shear forces Vy and
K, an axial force F, a torque T, = Mx, and bending moments 1% and 114,. The six
equations of equilibrium used to determine these internal forces are
,/ /
5kN 5 ltN
600 mm 0.600 in
(6) 100 mm (11)
Figure 7-58
Thus, there are four internal forces on the section: (1) an axial force F
t hat produces a constant tensile stress over the section, (2) a shear force K, that
P ro duces shearing stresses at points B and C of the section but zero shearing
stre sses at points A and D, (3) a torque T, that produces the same shearing stress
at all surface points of the shaft, and (4) a bending moment M2 that produces a
ten sile stress at point A and an equal compressive stress at point D. The cross-
sec tional area A, the first moment Q, the second moment I, and the polar second
mo rnent J are
rr Jr _
A = Z(d)2 = Z000)’ = 7854 mm” = 7s54(10 °)m1
4 2 2
Q = ;i(r)2(§) = 50)‘ = §(50)3 = 83.33(1O3)mm3 = s3.33(10-‘um’
7’ 4 = 77
1 = 1(7) Z(50) 4 =4.909(10 6 )mm4 =4.909(10 -6 )m4
J1.’ J1
J = 501)“ = 509)“ 9.81"/(106) mm4 = 9.s17(10-‘)m‘*
6, = 5A = w
7s54(10 ) = 19.099(10°)N/m2 = 19.099 MPa
T 3 103 50 10-3
:1 = i
J mg)
= 9.s17(10 ) = 15.2s0(10°)N/ml = 15.280 MPa
These component stresses are shown in Fig. 7-59 for points A, B, C, and
D. The state of stress at eachpoint is plane stress. Therefore, the superimposed
466 crnurrsrr 7 rurxrrruu. 1.0110010: srrrsssas 11v stuns
'~\ Z ____>
H --
\ A c,‘ U]
I2 G1 \ ‘-4 2
B x A x
M’ ' 1»
7; .4
. \ .
-1. H \1 ,1
15.28 MPa
.,_ _
57.3 MPa
0 2;’
.9\- -=>< O1}
1":1 IQ
ll Figure 7-59
y states ofstress forpoints A, B, C, andD canbe represented on two-dimensional
I 16.13 MPa stress elements, as shown in Figs. 7-600, b, c, and d, respectively. Ans.
I‘ 19.1% (b) The principal stresses at each of the points is obtained by using Eq. 2-15.
ii I Thus, for pointA shown in Fig. 7-600,
= "T * "T “F
|_ 57.3 0 :1: / 57.3 -0 2 +(-15.23)’
= -2+
1C|_ 19.10 MPa
= 28.65 :1: 32.47
ll 0P1 = 28.65 + 32.47 = +6l.l2 MPa E 61.1 MPa (T)
14.43 MPa 0_,,2 = 28.65 — 32.47 = -3.820 MPa E 3.82 MPa (C)
0_,,3 = 0,, = 0
Since 0p, and 0p; have opposite signs, the maximum shearing stress is given
by Eq. 2- 1 8 as
I 19.101v11>s
Tmax = 0"“ -2 °“““- = 61.12 - 5 -3.820 ) = 32.47 Mrs; 32.5 MPa
15.28 MPa
(4) Proceeding in a similar fashion for the remaining points yields the principal
Figure 7-60 stresses and the maximum shearing stress as
MecMovie Activities and Problems 7-177 " The T-section shown in Fig. P7-177 is used as a short post
to support a compressive load P = 150 kip. The load is applied
MM7.20 C-clamp normal stresses. Example; Try one. Combined on the centerline of the stem at a distance e = 2 in. from the
normal stresses due to axial force and bending moment. centroid of the cross section. Determine the normal stresses at
MM7.2l Precast concrete beam and corbel. Example; Try one. points C and D on section AB.
Combined normal stresses due to axial force and bending
MM7.22 The tree—combined axial and bending. Concept check-
points. Determine axial force, bending moment, moment of P
inertia, axial stress, bending stress, and combined stress values
for a simple tree structiu-e. ‘T
MM7.23 Jib crane boom. Example. Try one. Combined normal _ F6111.-‘ '*—2in.
stresses due to axial force and bending moment.
M)/17.24 Beams bending about two axes. Two examples; Con-
1 j_ _'
2in.C D 6in.
cept checkpoints. Combined normal stresses due to bending
moments about two axes plus transverse shear stress.
Section A-B
21.- c____ __B__
Introductory Problems
7-176* A hollow shaft 1 m long with an outside diameter of
400 mm and an inside diameter of 300 mm is subjected to both Figure P7-177
a horizontal load V = 500 kN and an axial tensile load P =
1500 kN, as shown in Fig. P7-176. Determine the principal
stresses and the maximum shearing stress at point A, which is
on the outside surface of the shafi next to the wall.
7-178 A human femur is modeled as shown in Fig. P7-178. The
abductor muscle force is M = 4060 N, and the femoral load is
J = 5210 N.
. ' ' 4001661
* ,-1-___ 1' 3001-rim a. Determine the maximum tensile and compressive stresses
I ‘-- |
at section a-a if the section is modeled as a solid circular
.11 ~-__ section 27 mm in diameter.
‘ ‘J *\- V=500kN
~~~~~-- .3 b. Determine the maximum tensile and compressive stresses
‘ .“_‘_"“~- P=l500lrN at section a—a if the section is modeled as a hollow
cylinder of outside diameter 27 rmn and inside diameter
Figure P7-176 16 mm.
16 mm
‘-N 37mm
T sum ET
_l_ I F
Ct 5lJn:ml—- i30n't:rt'|+#—l
Section M‘-.\'
| l (a)
Figure P7-180
1s kip
Figure P7-178 Ff 18 in.
MTS --
shalt. The transverse section through A is 24 in. from the right 12m.
end of the shaft. Section A-B
Figure P7-181
, ¢
\ ‘so kip-in.
. | 7-182* The cross section of the steel member shown in
I ,_,- Fig. P7-182 is a rectangle 100 mm wide x 150 mm deep
Figure P7-179
' 1.25 m +1
1,§0 mm ' .
7-180 The cross section ofthe straight vertical portion of the coil-
1 '—'—‘—‘—'—'—I ' IoE
loading hook shown in Fig. P7-180a is shown in Fig. P7-l80b. 25 kN ii 2
The horizontal distance from the line of action of the applied
load to the inside face CD of the cross section is 600 mm.
Determine the maximum tensile and compressive stresses on 30 m
section CDEF for a 40 kN load. Figure P7-182
Threaded —- §§_
stem 3 in. -1;
A -—A §_-
Q; A
P LL] Li 1- Z»
Section A-A Figure P7-185
Figure P7-183
Intermediate Problems
7-186* A 150-mm-diameter shaft will be used to support the
7-184 Determine the magnitudes of the maximum tensile and axial load, the torsional loads, and the shear load shown in
compressive normal stresses on the transverse plane B—B in Fig. P7-186. Determine the principal stresses and the max-
the straight portion of the structure shown in Fig. P7-184. The imum shearing stress at point A on the top surface of the
member is braced perpendicular to the plane of symmetry. shaft.
vs mmL
S0 mm S0 mm
150 mm
so an
100 mm
"-600 mm.
5.6 kN*m 150 mm
14 kN<m
78° KN
Section B-B ‘W750 mm l 10 kN
B1 '_B
|0 Figure P7-186
Figure P7-184
55 ' - -
151 lin.
1 in 3 A Jl
1 §st____-f£.-_ \'_'\\\‘
5-|\.l»- II! “\
\ y
/1270 mm ‘- 2 mC_-|B ya
_- c
soomnf \ ../' ,3
530 Z-"—'6°
' 3 - I vi
1 J A I ' : Z
A :- 1 I-L--~.-Q:
"1 :11
‘ ll
L iii
atr Figure P7-190
380 mm i T 1930 mm
510 mm
Figure P1’-188 7-191 The output fioma strain gage located on the bottom surface
of the hat section shown 1'.n Fig. P7-191 will be used to indi-
cate the magnitude of the load P applied to the section. The
hat section is made of altuninum alloy (E = 10,600 ksi and
v = l/3) and is 1 in. wide. When the maximmn load P = 110 lb
7-189* A short post supports a vertical force P = 9600 lb and a is applied to the section, the strain gage should read e = +1000
horizontal force H = 800 lb, as shown in Fig. P7-189. Deter- pm/m. Plot a curve showing the combinations of thickness
mine the vertical normal stresses at corners A, B, C, and D of t and height h that will satisfy the specification. Limit the range
the post. Neglect stress concentrations. of h from 0 to 2 in.
\., / -
'\ A’
500 mm
Figure P7-194
A I» ‘c\
§— — — —-—
7-195 The homogeneous sign shown in Fig. P7-195 weighs 55 lb
. '~~. Q the weight of other members is negligible. The cross section of
member AB is a rectangle 1 in. deep and 2 in. wide. Determine
\ 3 /, the principal stresses and maximum shear stress
200111111 150mm
a. At the top of member AB at section a-a, which is midway
Figure P7-192 between the points of attachment of the sign.
b. At the bottom of member AB at section a-a.
c. Halfway between the top and bottom of member AB at sec-
7 I93 A short post supports a vertical force P = 4000 lb, a hor- tion a—a.
izontal force H = 500 lb, and a horizontal force Q = 400 lb
as shown in Fig. P7-193. Determine the normal stresses on a C
transverse section at comers A, B, C, and D of the post. Neglect
stress concentrations.
36 in.
. \I
/ts i. |
. .
t ./ 2' 1111. A Q - B
I 2-;
In \ \\
‘;s=_ I I I
Challenging Problems and the maximum shearing stress at point A on the top surface
of the shaft.
7-196* Four strain gages are mounted at 90° intervals around the
circumference of a 100-mm-diameter steel (E = 210 GPa and
v = 0.30) bar, as shown in Fig. P7-196. As a result of axial and
flexural loading, the four gages indicate longitudinal strains of
cl = -200 pimfm, e; = +820 urnlin, e3 = +600 um/m, and soo mm
e., = -420 um/m. Determine the axial load P and the two ,_ 400 mm
moments My and M,
Q' _g ' soo mm
. I ’/‘ soo mm
.3’ so kN \ \
ff My‘ g _.
Gage 1 5 13*‘
P mi:4" ‘: ---
Gage2:[___|Gage4 j Pix 3gkN '
' 1. 5 kN
Gage 3
Figure P7 193
My /Ml
Figure P7-196
7-199* Three strain gages are mounted on a l-in.-diameter alu-
minum alloy (E = 10,000 ksi and v = 1/3) rod, as shown
7-197* Determine the principal stresses and the maximum shear- in Fig. P7-199. When loads P and Q are applied to the rod,
they produce longitudinal strains e_.; = +550 ,u.in./in., E3 =
ing stress at points on the top and bottom of section a-a of
the pipe system shown in Fig. P7-197. The pipe has an outside +400 ,u.in.1'in., and ea = -300 pin./in. Determine the magni-
tudes of loads P and Q and the location x of load P.
diameter of 1 in. and a wall thickness of 1/8 in.
Z 50 lb
7 in.’
tit i
l0 in.
t §—-.J\ig\ ..
Figure P7-199
C t
. Q
( \ 111.--1|
"""-- If
7-200 A thin-walled cylindrical pressure vessel with an inside di-
___“-~ 14 in. _____%
-/0! ameter of 500 mm is fabricated by butt-welding 15-mm-thick
plate with a spiral seam as shown in Fig. P7-200. The pres-
Figure P7-197 sure in the tank is 2500 kPa. Additional loads are applied to
the cylinder through a rigid end plate as shown in Fig. P7-200.
7-198 A steel shaft 120 mm in diameter is supported in flexible a. The normal and shearing stresses on the plane of the weld
bearings at its ends. Two pulleys, each S00 mm in diameter, at point B on the outside surface of the tank.
are keyed to the shaft. The pulleys carry belts that produce the b. The principal stresses and the maximum shearing stress at
forces shown in Fig. P7-198. Determine the principal stresses point A on the outside surface of the tank.
7-16 coiuauum LOADING: AXIAL, ritsssu1ts,r|.sxu1uu., mo TORSIONAI. 473
P = 125 kN
H ' __
Rigid plate
V= 50 kN - $§© G x Q-
I €\,/ R3
’ 4
9-3 1" urn i rt
900 mm VF D
0.5 m
0 e I
. _-.4.
4 I '
Figure P7-202
Figure P7-200
7-203* Four strain gages are mounted at 90° intervals aroimd the
circumference ofa 4-in.-diameter steel (E = 29,000 ksi and v =
7-201 A solid shait4 in. in diameter is acted on by forces P and Q, 0.30) shaft, as shown in Fig. P7-203. All of the gages are ori-
as shown in Fig. P7-201. Determine the principal stresses and ented at an angle of45° with respect to a line on the surface of
the maximum shearing stress at points A and B on the surface the shaft that is parallel to the axis of the shaft. Determine the
of the shaft. torque T, shear V, andmomentM at the cross section where the
gages are located if cg = +450 rein.»/in., er = +325 ,uin.!in.,
ec = +550 uin./in., and er, = +675 ,uin./in.
. B P=2.25 kip
\ Gage B T
12 in‘ 24 in.
Gage c, 45" M
/ at
i/J =l8ki
(I 1)
4in. Q P Gage D /
Figure P7-201 Figure P7-203
J 120 rrmi
a , 30 mm
1. 150mm T 30mm |
10. <
—-—-—-—-—j-- - L 240mm 180mm
Figure P7-204
. 450m-1 L mu
ii-is0uuui> 30mm
.1 .-
iii ..t ‘
Figure P7-205
i a— -0
M,c M, V, Q
am _ I _ S and 1: _ It
where strength is a material property and stress is computed using either Eq. 7-9
or 7-12. Equation (a) may be written
L S b
Factor of safety 2 HESS ( J
where (StrengthfFactor of safety) is the allowable stress. If the symbol 0,“ is used
for allowable stress, Eq. (b) may be written for flexure as
(Tun 2 M = Y
1... 2 T9 <1-27>
for shear.
Experience indicates that beam design is usually govemed by flexural
stresses. Thus, a beam is usually designed for flexure using Eq. 7-26, and then
checked for shearing stress using Eq. 7-2'7. Ifthe shearing stress is less than the al-
lowable shearing stress, this procedure is adequate. Ifthe allowable shearing stress
has been exceeded, the beam is redesigned and the process is repeated. However,
the shearing stress (longitudinal) may be the controlling factor for beams made of
timber. The Example Problems that follow illustrate the procedures for designing
straight beams loaded in a plane of symmetry.
Other design factors, such as local web yielding, web crippling, and side-
sway web buckling for steel beams may be found in Steel Structures Design and
Behavior. 10 For wood beams, additional design factors such as load duration,
moisture content, temperature, and beam stability are discussed in Design of %0d
Structures. 11
V» lb 900
Mm, = 33'/s(12)
s2 — l = 33.15 "1, . ,
0,1, 1200
Table B-15 in Appendix B contains a listingofstandard structural timbers together
with values for their section modulus S. Note that the properties listed are for
900 dressed (actual size) timbers. Since the lightest-weight beam is wanted, a beam
(C1 with S 3 33.75 in.3 and the smallest weight per unit length is a 2 x 12-ir1. nominal
size timber. For this beam, the actual values of S and I are 35.8 in.3 and 206 inf‘,
M,,, lb-ll respectively. Equation 7-27 can now be used to see whether or not the allowable
£35 shearing stress requirement is met. The maximum shearing stress for a beam with
D \ a rectangular cross section occurs at the neutral axis and is given by
T4 Q _
r=i F4
‘““" 1: A
Figure 7-61 where V, is the absolute value of the maxinnnn shear force and A is the cross-
sectional area of the beam. Thus,
l/I 900 , .
Tm“ = = = ‘=5. lO0psi
Equation 7-27 is satisfied, since 1:,“ I; rm, or 100 psi > 72.24 psi. The maximum
shearing stress is within the allowable limit; therefore, the beam selected is sat-
isfactory. However, the analysis assumed that the beam was weightless, whereas
]°S:eeI Structures Design and Behavior, 4th ed., C. G. Salmon and J. F. Johnson, Harper Collins,
New York, 1996.
“Design of Hired Structures, 3rd ed., D. E. B1-eyer, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1993.
7-17 nssrcx PROBLEMS 477
the beam selected weighs 5.19 lb,/ft. The bending moment diagram for the uni-
formly distributed weight of the beam is similar to Fig. 7-61d, and Mm“ for the
weight is Mum = 146 lb - ft. Adding the maximum bending moments for the
applied loading and the beam weight gives
Vim»; = 900 + E(5.l9)(15) = 939 lb
Vr 939 . .
rm = 1.52 = l.5 = 75.37ps1 <100psr
The original beam selected had a section modulus of S = 35.8 in.3 Thus, the
2 x 12-in. norninalbearnis satisfactory. Ans.
20 kNIm
1 EXHIIIPIC Pl'0l)lCIIl 7-'30 Select the lightest wide-flange beam that
can be used to support the load shown in Fig. 7-62a. The allowable flexural A I B L~
stresses in tension and compression are 160 MPa and the allowable shearing
stress is 82 MPa. 3m 1.5 rn—i
SOLUTION Figure 7-62(a)
Load (fi'ee-body), shear force, and bending moment diagrams for the beam are
shown in Figs. 7-62b, c, and d, respectively. From these diagrams it is determined
that the maximum shear force is 37.5 kN and the maximum bending moment
is 22.50 kN - m. Using the maximum bending moment in Eq. 7-26 yields the
required section modulus for the beam as
A B C r _ V, _ 37.500’)
22.5 ld\' 67.5 khi "8 _ AW, _ 6.2(10-3)[20s - 2(s)](10-3)
(bl = 31.8(10")N/ml = 31.8MPa
V» KN 30 Since ravg is less than 1:,|1 = 82 lv[Pa, the W203 x 22 section is satisfactory.
As in the previous example, the weight of the beam should be considered.
The mass per unit length for this beam is 22 kgfm, and thus the weight per unit
ea length is W = mg = 22(9.81) = 215.8 N/m, or 0.2158 kN/m. The weight per
unit length of the beam is about 1.1 percent of the applied force per unit length.
-37.5 The actual section modulus S = 193(103) mms is about 27 percent higher than
(C) the required minimum value of Sm“, = 14-0.63 (103) mm3. Thus, the maximum
flexural stress is less than the allowable value even when the weight of the beam
M,., kN-m is considered and the W203 x 22 wide-flange section is acceptable.
/1@9 Since the cross section is symmetric, the maximum tensile stress and the
maximum compressive stress both occur on the section where the magnitude of
the bending moment is a maximum. For a negative bending moment, the top of
the beam will be in tension and the bottom of the beam will be in compression.
—22.S0 The sign ofthe shear force is completely arbitrary, and the largest (absolute value)
(4) shear force is used in the design calculations.
Figure 7-62(b-d) As discussed in Section 7-8, the principal stresses (maximum normal
stress) at the jtmction of the flange and web may exceed the maximum flexu-
ral (normal) stresses at the top and bottom of the beam. Also, the maximum
shear stress at the junction may exceed the maximum shearing stress at the
neutral axis. Design codes set the allowable flexural stress and the allowable
shear stress at a level such that the methods used in the Example Problems are
Introductory Problems ,,__ 275 kg
n, - I‘ -v
7-208* A 5-m-long simply supported timber beam is loaded JP .,..|
,,'.'|.- Au...
with 6700-N concentrated loads applied 2 m from each sup- ‘ ... .-
port. If the allowable flexural stress is 9 MPa and the allow- "" "
able horizontal shearing stress is 0.6 MPa, select the light- '
est standard structural timber that can be used to support the - 1.5 m 625 -
. l1'l
Figure P7-2 10
7-209* A 20-ft-long simply supported timber beam is loaded
with 1800-lb concentrated loads applied 6 it from each sup-
port. If the allowable fiexrual stress is 1900 psi and the al-
lowable horizontal shearing stress is 90 psi, select the light-
est standard structural timber that can be used to support the Intermediate Problems
7-211* A 16-ft-long simply supported beam is loaded with a
7-210 The lever shown in Fig. P7-210 is used to lift a 275-kg uniform load of4000 lbffl over its entire length. If the allow-
rocle Select a standard steel pipe to perform the task. The able fiexural stress is 22 ksi and the allowable vertical shearing
allowable flexural stress is 135 MPa. Neglect the effects of stress is 14.5 ksi, select the lightest structural steel wide-flange
shear. beam that can be used to support the loading.
1-17 ossrcx PROBLEMS 479
7-212* A structural steel beam is subjected to the loading shown 7-215 The floor framing plan for a residential dwelling is shown
in Fig. P7-212. If the allowable flexural stress is 152 MPa and in Fig. P7-215. The floor decking is to be supported by 2-in.
the allowable vertical shearing stress is 100 MPa, select the nominal width joists spaced 16 in. apart. Each joist is to span
lightest American standard beam that can be used to support 12 ft and is simply supported at the ends. The floor decking is
the loading. subjected to a uniform loading of 60 lbffll, which includes the
live load plus an allowance for the dead load of the flooring
system. The joists are made of construction-grade Douglas fir
2211:}! 4-0lkN 22ids! with an allowable flexural stress of 1200 psi and an allowable
horizontal shearing stress of 120 psi. Determine the required
nominal depth of the joists.
. I .
3000 lb 3000 lb
Figure P7-215
— so L so -31- an —-
Figure P7-213
. . i
xi» CI"
E-LIE; is
Figure P7-214
E ‘L Figure P7-216
lm... . .1
480 crmrrrx 7 rtsxutrsr. LDADING smsssss IN BEAMS
A member subjected to loads applied transverse to the long dimension ofthe mem-
ber and which cause the member to bend is known as a beam. A beam supported
by pins, rollers, or smooth surfaces at the ends is called a simple beam. A simple
support will develop a reaction normal to the beam but will not produce a couple.
A cantilever beam has one end built into a wall or other support. The built-in end is
said to be fixed if no rotation occurs and restrained if a limited amotmt of rotation
Cantilever beams and simple beams have only two reactions (two forces
or one force and a couple), and these reactions can be obtained fi'om a free-body
diagram ofthe beam by applying the equations ofequilibrium. Such beams are said
to be statically determinate. Beams with more than two reaction components are
called statically indeterminate since there are not enough equations of equilibrium
to determine the reactions.
A free-body diagram of a portion of a beam with a cross section exposed
by an imaginary cut shows that a transverse force l/1 and a couple M at the cut
section are needed to maintain equilibrium. The force V, is the resultant force due
to the shearing stresses. The couple M, is the resultant moment due to the normal
stresses. The magnitudes and senses of V, and Eh’, are obtained from the equations
of equilibrium E17,, = 0 and EMU = 0, where O is any axis perpendicular to the
The normal and shearing stresses 0 and 1: on a transverse plane of a beam
are related to the resisting moment M, and the shear K by the equations
V, = -f r,,, ax (7-la)
M, = -f ya,a‘A (1-11>)
It is obvious fiom Eqs. 7-1 that the laws of variation of the normal and shearing
stresses must be known before the integrals can be evaluated.
The variation of normal stress on a plane is obtained by assuming that a
plane section before bending remains a plane after bending. For this to be strictly
true, it is necessary that the beam be bent only with couples. When a beam is bent
with couples, the defonned shape of all longitudinal elements (also referred to as
fibers) is an arc of a circle. Precise experimental measurements indicate that at
some distance c above the bottom of the beam, longitudinal elements undergo no
change in length. The curved surface formed by these elements is referred to as
the neutral surface of the beam, and the intersection of this surface with any cross
section is called the neutral axis of the section. All elements (fibers) on one side of
the neutral surface are compressed, while those on the opposite side are elongated.
As a result, the normal strain at any point on the plane can be expressed as
E,, = --py ( 1-2 1
Equation 7-2 indicates that the strain in a fiber is proportional to the distance of
the fiber fi"om the neutral surface of the beam. Equation 7-2 is valid for elastic or
inelastic action so long as the transverse shearing stresses are small.
sumu1n' 481
0, =Ee,,=——y (7-3)
The integral ff, yz (IA is called the second moment of area. When the integral
L, yzd/I replaced by the symbol I, the elastic flexure formula is obtained as
<1, = -fy (7-s)
where 0, is the flexural stress at a distance y from the neutral surface and on a
transverse plane, M, is the resisting moment of the section, and I is the second
moment of area of the transverse section with respect to the neutral axis.
At any section of the beam, the flexural stress will be maximum (have the
greatest magnitude) at the surface farthest from the neutral axis (y = c), and Eq.
7-8 becomes
Umax = = Y’ (1-91
where S = Ilc is called the section modulus of the beam. Although the section
modulus can be readily calculated for a given section, values (magnitudes) of the
modulus are often included in tables to simplify calculations. For a given area,
S becomes larger as the shape is altered to concentrate more of the area as far
as possible from the neutral axis. Commercial rolled shapes such as I-beams and
the various b11ilt-up sections are intended to optimize the area-section modulus
If the maximum flexural stress is required in a beam subjected to a loading
that produces a bending moment that varies with position along the beam, it is
desirable to have a method for determining the maximum moment. Similarly, the
maximum transverse shearing stress will occur at a section where the resisting
shear is maximum. Shear and bending moment diagrams provide a method for
obtaining maximum values of shear and moment. A shear diagram is a graph in
which abscissas represent distance along the beam and ordinates represent the
transverse shear at the corresponding sections. By definition, the shear at a section
is positive when the portion of the beam to the lefl of the section (for a horizontal
beam) tends to move upward with respect to the portion to the right ofthe sections.
A moment diagram is a graph in which abscissas represent distances along the
beam and ordinates represent the bending moment at the corresponding sections.
Also by definition, the bending moment in a horizontal beam is positive at sections
for which the top of the beam is in compression and the bottom is ir1 tension.
The equilibrium approach is a fairly simple and straightforward method of
getting equations for the shear force and bending moment in abeam. However, ifthe
loading on the beam is complex, the equilibrium approach can require several cuts
482 CHAPTER 7 risxurm. LDADING srrrsssrss IN BEAMS
‘g = w (7-104)
That is, the slope of the shear diagram at any locationx in the beam is equal to the
intensity of loading at that section of the beam.
V2— V. =f wdx (7-10¢)
That is, for any section of the beam acted on by a distributed load w and no
concentrated force (P = 0), the change i.n shear between sections at x1 and X2 is
equal to the area imder the load diagram between the two sections.
— = V 7-ll
dx ( C)
That is, the slope of the bending moment diagram at any location x in the beam is
equal to the value of the shear force at that section of the beam.
M2—M| =f Vdx (7-lld)
That is, for any section of the beam in which the shear force is continuous (C =
P = 0), the change in bending moment between sections at x| and xg is equal to
the area under the shear diagram between the two sections.
At each point in a beam, the horizontal (longitudinal) and vertical (transverse)
shearing stresses have the same magnitude and are given by the expression
r= (7-12)
where Q is the first moment (relative to the neutral axis) of the portion of the area
of the cross section between the transverse line where the shear stress is to be
evaluated and the top of the beam. The sense of the stress r is the same as the
sense of the shear K on the transverse plane and is determined from rxy = ry,
on a longitudinal plane. Because the flexure formula was used in the derivation
of Eq. 7-12, it is subject to the same limitations as the flexure formula. Although
the stress given by Eq. 7-12 is associated with a particular point in a beam, it is
averaged across the thickness I and hence is accurate only if 1‘ is not too great.
The shearing stress given by Eq. 7-12 is zero at the top and bottom of the
beam and varies quadratically between the top and bottom of the beam. Usually,
the maximum shear stress will occur at the neutral axis. However, if there is a
sudden change in the width of the beam, as at the junction between the web and
the flange of an I-beam, there will be a corresponding jump in the shearing stress.
Therefore, if the neutral axis is not the thinnest section of the beam, the maximum
shear stress may occur at the point closest to the neutral axis where the thickness
of the beam changes.
srnururmr 483
Equations 7-8, 7-9, and 7- 12 apply only to linearly elastic action in a beam of
a single material. The flexural stress was assumed to vary linearly from zero at the
neutral axis to a maximum at the edge of the beam. In addition, the flexural stress
was assumed to be constant across the width ofthe beam. Before these formulas can
be applied to a beam of two materials, the section must first be transformed into an
equivalent cross section for a beam of a homogeneous material. The transformed
section is obtained by replacing either material by an equivalent amount of the
other material as determined by the ratio n of their elastic moduli. For example,
the force on an element of area at a distance y from the neutral axis is unchanged if
the “stronger” material is replaced with a piece ofthe “weaker” material that is n =
E,/Ew times as wide as the “stronger” material. The actual stress in the “stronger”
material is then n times larger than the stress calculated at the same point in the
transformed section.
For some designs, the limitation requiring stresses to remain below the pro-
portional limit ofthe material results in uneconomical or inefficient designs. There-
fore, this limitation is sometimes discarded and higher stress levels are tolerated
in the design. The basic approach to solving problems involving inelastic action
is the same as that outlined in Sections 7-2 and 7-3 for linearly elastic action. The
neutral axis is located by using the equation
ZF,=f a,d/{=0
and solving for the location of the axis where 0,, is zero. Once the neutral axis is
located, the resisting moment is formd using Eq. 7-lb.
One of the assumptions made in the development of the elastic flexure for-
mula was that the loads were applied in aplane of symmetry. When this assumption
is not satisfied, the beam will, in general, twist about a longitudinal axis. It is pos-
sible, however, to place the loads in such a plane that the beam will not twist.
When any load is applied in such a plane, the line of action of the load will pass
through the shear center (also known as the center of flexure or center of twist).
For cross sections having an axis of symmetry, the shear center is always located
on the axis of symmetry. For cross-sectional areas having two axes of symmetry,
the shear center coincides with the centroid of the cross-sectional area. If a beam
having a cross section with only one axis of symmetry is positioned such that the
plane of symmetry is the neutral axis for flexural stresses, the plane of the loads
must be perpendicular to the neutral axis but cannot pass through the centroid if
bending is to occur without twisting.
Many machine and structural elements are subjected to a combination of
axial, torsional, intemal pressure, and flexural loads. Then, the intemal forces at
a section may be a combination of an axial force, a shear force, a torque, and./or a
bending moment. Ifthe strains are not too large, the stresses at a point of interest on
the cross section canbe calculated separately for each ofthe internal forces. Normal
stresses due to the axial force, the internal pressure, and the bending moment are
then added (or subtracted) to obtain the normal stress at the point. Sirrrilarly, the
shearing stresses at the point due to the shear force and the torque are added (or
subtracted) to obtain the shearing stress at the point. Once the total normal and
shearing stresses at a point are lcnown, the stress transformation equations can be
used to determine normal and shearing stresses on other planes through the point.
Principal stresses and maximum shearing stresses at the point and the planes on
which they act can be detennined by using Mohr’s circle or Eqs. 2-14 through 2-18.
484 cnavrsrt 7 rrrrxuruu. LOADING: srrtsssas [N rnmrs
7-217* A beam has the cross section shown in Fig. P7-217. If the 600 lb
flexural stress at point A is 2000 psi (T) . determine y l
a. The maximum flexural stress on the section.
l 300 lbifl
b. The resisting moment, M, at the section.
.4 zonrbm
an tort?-;-—srr
2in. 8 in‘ 2i1:t.
7601,, 16401b
Figure P7-2 19
Figure P7-217
t 7-220* A beam is loaded and supported as shownin Fig. P7-220.
a. Draw complete shear force and bending moment diagrams
for the beam.
b. Using the coordinate axes shown, write equations for the
shear force and bending moment for any section of the beam
intheinterval0 <x<41:n.
7-218* A T-beam has the cross section shown in Fig. P7-218. De-
termine the maximum tensile and compressive flexural stresses
on a cross section of the beam where the resisting moment be- 10kN J’ 20104
ing transmitted is 100 kN - m. | 8kN."rn
‘-3 C E
.9: I-J me ~{_ “cam 4m p4 m
_T_ Figure P7-220
S0 rnm
7-221 The beam shown in Fig. P7-221a has the cross section
shown in Fig. P7-2215. Determine the maximum tensile and
200 rmn
31.5 mm — compressive flexural stresses in the beam.
7 222 A WT 305 x 70 structural tee (see Appendix B) is loaded 7-225* Determine the maximum elastic and plastic bending mo-
and supported as a beam (with the flange on top) as shown in ments for a W14 x 120 steel beam having a proportional limit
Fig. P7-222. Determine (equal to the yield point) of 36 ksi.
a. The maximum tensile flexural stress in the beam. 7-226* Locate the shear center for the cross section shown in
b. The maximum compressive flexural stress in the beam. Fig. P7-226 and determine the maximum shearing stress pro-
c. The maximum vertical shearing stress in the beam duced on the cross section by a vertical shear of 2.5 kN.
d. The vertical shearing stress at a point in the stem just below
the flange on the cross section where the maximum vertical
shearing stress occurs.
low 15 k.Nr‘m
_tTLlE 1 tn m 2m 1 In —r mg, Pr
Figure P7-222
Figure P7-226
2.37 in. '.
. a
Figure P7-223 no
Q1 ‘
‘ 1
> -1 1
\ "-
n Au -
7-224 A steel bar, similar to the bar shown in Fig. 7-34c, is sub- u.‘ .
jected to a bending moment M of 1400 N - m lfh = 75 mm, O‘-O-0'.‘ —*L 50 mm
b = 50 mm, and d = 20 mm, determine the maximum flexural —T
stress in the bar. Figure P7-228
7-229* A crane hook has the dimensions and cross section shown 7-231 A steel shaft 4 in. in diameter is supported in flexible bear-
in Fig. P7-229. The allowable stresses on plane a-a are 12,000 ings at its ends. Two pulleys, each 2 ft in diameter, are keyed
psi (T) and 16,000 psi (C). Determine the capacity P of the to the shalt. The pulleys carry belts that produce the forces
hook. shown in Fig. P7-231. Determine the principal stress and the
maximum shearing stress at point A on the top surface of the
3in. lin.
Section a — a J3 /~/nv
. A \Q
400 lb i
25 00 lb
Figure P7-229
2500 lb
400 lb
7-230 The beam shown in Fig. P7-230 has a 75 x 200-mm rectan- Figure P7-231
gular cross section and is loaded in a plane of symmetry. Deter-
mine the principal and maximum shearing stresses at point A.
7-232* Select the lightest pair of structural steel angles (see Ap-
320kN 4 pendix B) that may be used for the beam of Fig. P7-232 if
3 the maximum flexural stress must be limited to 60 MI-‘a. The
/ / angles will be fastened back to back to form a T-section.
400 mm
V 4
1 3 kN
259 mm 50 mm
Important relations between applied load and stress (flexural and shear) in a beam
were presented in Chapter 7. A beam design, however, is frequently not complete
rmtil the amount ofdeflection has been determined for the specified load. Failure to
control beam deflections within proper limits inbuilding construction is fiequently
reflected by the development of cracks in plastered walls and ceilings. Beams in
many machines must deflect just the right amotmt for gears or other parts to make
proper contact. In innumerable instances the requirements for a beam involve a
given load-carrying capacity with a specified maximum deflection.
The deflection of a beam depends on the stiffness of the material and the
dimensions ofthe beam as well as on the applied loads and supports. Four common
methods for calculating beam deflections owing to flexural stresses are presented
here: (1) the integration method, (2) the singularity function method, (3) the su-
perposition method, and (4) an energy method.
9 = dz
— ( b)
L_2 (C,
P — [1 +(dv/M13”
Since the slope is small, the denominator of Eq. (c) may be written as
ll .
Figure 8-2
I and Eq. (c) becomes
1 dz d6
_ = _‘; = _ (4)
p dx dx
1 M, dzv
p ' El _ dxz (6)
EI F = M, (8-1)
where dzvfdxz is the curvature (1/p) of the elastic curve, E is the modulus of
elasticity of the beam material, I is the second moment of area of the cross~
sectional area with respect to the neutral axis, and M1. is the resisting moment.
Note that E, I, and M, may be ftmctions of the coordinate x.
M — negative M — positive
The sign convention for bending moments established in Section 7-5 will
be used for Eq. 3-l. Both E and I are always positive; therefore, the signs of the
‘ bending moment and the second derivative must be consistent. With the coordinate
div - div - -
axes shown ir1 Fig. 8-3, the slope changes from positive to negative ir1 the interval
E — negative — POSIIIVC
fi'om A to B; therefore, the second derivative is negative, which agrees with the
sign convention for the moment established in Section 7-5. For the interval BC,
both dzv/dxz and M are positive.
Figure 8-3 Figure 8-3 also reveals that the signs of the bending moment and the second
derivative are also consistent when the origin of the coordinate system is selected
at the right end of the beam with x positive to the lefi and v positive upward.
Equations 7-10d, 7-l 1c, and 8-l provide a means for correlating the succes-
sive derivatives of the deflection v of the elastic curve with the physical quantities
s-5 nrrincrronnrmacimrrou 489
Deflection =
Slope = —
M OIHCHr Z Eldzv
i (fro In Eq8
. - 1)
Shear = dM
— (fi'om Eq. 7-1 lc) = E1 d3
—v (forEI constant)
mix dx3
Load = g (from Eq. 7-10d) = EI g (forEl constant)
beam. Although the intervals are bounded by abrupt changes in load, the beam is
continuous at such locations; therefore, the slope and the deflection at the junction
of adjacent intervals must match. A matching condition is defined as the equality
of slope or deflection, as determined at the junction of two intervals from the
elastic curve equations for both intervals. One matching condition (for example,
at x equals Lf3, v fi"om the left equation equals v fi"om the right equation) can be
used to determine one and only one constant of integration.
The procedure for obtaining beam deflections when matching conditions are
required is lengthy and tedious. A method is presented in Section 8-5 in which
singularity firnctions are used to write a single equation for the bending moment
that is valid for the entire length of the beam; this eliminates the need for matching
conditions and, accordingly, reduces the labor involved.
Calculating the deflection ofa beam by the double integration method, that is,
integrating Eq. 8-1 twice, involves four definite steps, and the following sequence
for these steps is strongly recommended.
1. Select the interval or intervals of the beam to be used; next, place a set of co-
ordinate axes on the beam with the origin at one end of an interval and then
indicate the range of values of x in each interval. For example, two adjacent
intervals nright be
2. List the available boundary and matching conditions (where two or more adja-
cent intervals are used) for each interval selected. Remember that two conditions
are required to evaluate the two constants of integration for each interval used.
3. Express the bending moment as a function of x for each interval selected and
equate it to EI(d2v/dxz).
4. Solve the differential equation orequations from step 3 and evaluate all constants
of integration. Check the resulting equations for dimensional homogeneity.
Calculate the deflection at specific points when required.
The following examples illustrate the use of the double integration method
for calculating beam deflections.
-J» i EXHIIIPIB Pfflblflfll 8-1 A beam is loaded and supported as shown
in Fig. 8-5a. Determine
(a) The equation of the elastic curve.
i W "‘:_
(b) The deflection at the lefl end of the beam.
lllllllllllli (c) The slope at the lefi end of the beam.
L -
(H) (a) The beam is sectioned at position x, and a free-body diagram is drawn for
the segment of the beatrr to the left of the section, as shown in Fig. 8-Sb. The
... 5.1») notations I'I.(x) and M,(x) indicate that the shear and bending moment are
functions ofx. The resisting shear force and bending moment are both shown
in the positive directions defined in Chapter 7. Srmmring moments about a
horizontal axis in the plane of the section eliminates the shear and yields
l x Oi V4‘)
(b) wxz
Figure 8-5
fi'om which
M,(x)=-‘iii 0515.2
Equation 8-1 then gives
dzv wxz
EI F = -T 05x 5L
dv wx3
wL3 WL3
U=—— C C =—
15 + ' 1 6
wL" wL3 WL4
24 +—
6 ( L )+ C2 C2 =—i
Substituting values of C1 and C; into Eq. (b) gives the equation of the elastic
curve for the beam. Thus,
w WL4 wl.‘
= -_ - L4
2451“) 0+ 3 )
= -_ = _
sat 8151 J’
A“S .
The negative sign indicates that the deflection is downward.
(c) The slope of the elastic curve is given by Eq. (a) as
g=—%(x3—L3) 05x5L
492 CHAPTER s rrsxurur. 1.o11n11vc= tram nnrrrzcnons
fi'om which the slope at the left end of the beam, where x = 0, is
dv w wL3 wL3
dx 6EI( —=—
) +651 6514 An.5
The plus sign indicates that the slope of the beam at the left end is positive
(upward and to the right).
i EXHIIIPIE Pfflbifilll 8-2 For the beam loaded and supported as shown
in Fig. 8-6a, determine
(a) The equation of the elastic curve for the interval between the supports.
(b) The deflection midway between the supports.
(c) The point ofmaximum deflection between the supports.
(d) The maximum deflection in the interval between the supports.
(a) From a free-body diagram of the beam and the equation EMB = 0,
l s
12.11 i L l
I W Mm
Figure 8-6
dv 7 L
EI— = lx2—Lx— ‘ix3+C1
dx 24 12 6
7wL wL2 w
Eli? = F13 — TF2 — £14 +C1X +C2
C2 = 0
C1 = -“:7
Therefore, the elastic curve equation is
fi'om which
fiom which
(d) The maximum deflection can readily be obtained by substituting 0.54 1L for
x in the elastic curve equation. The result is
i Example Probl 8-3 For the beanr loaded and supported as shown
in Fig. S-7a, determine the deflection of the right end.
From the free-body diagram of Fig. 8-Tb, the equations of equilibrium give
5:0 when x=0
v=0 when x=0
W 5 L2 W
1s M1‘)
[ix | 1
L _ _ V x
Figure s-7
s-5 nrzrrncrros BY lNl'EGRA'I‘l0N 495
dv . dv , .
E fi'om the left equation = 5 fi'om the nght equation
v from the left equation = v from the right equation
where the left equation is for the interval 0 5 x 5 2L/3 and the right equation is
for the interval 2L/3 5 x 5 L. Four conditions (two boundary and two matching)
are sufficient for the evaluation of the four constants of integration (two in each
of the two elastic curve differential equations); therefore, the problem can be
solved in the following manner.
From the fiee-body diagram of Fig. 8-7c where the beam is sectioned in
the unloaded interval, Eq. 8-l yields for 0 5 x 5 2L/3
dzv wL 5wL2
From the free-body diagram of Fig. 8-7d where the beam is sectioned in
the loaded interval, Eq. 8-1 yields for 2L/3 5 x 5 L
dv L SL2
E1Zx=‘%x1-";Tx+c. 05x52L/3 (c)
dv wt, 5wL2 w 21.’
El5——'€-X ——I~é—x—g(x——§—) -t-C3 2L/GSIEL
C1 = 0
dv dv
E [from Eq. (c) at x = 2L/3] = E [from Eq. (d) at x = 2L/'3]
which gives
C3 = 0
s L1 05x 52L/3
18 36
L 5 L1 2L “
EIv=wx3— W x2—w(x— +c., 2L/35x5L
1s 36 24 3
Use ofthe remaining boundary condition yields C; — 0. Use ofthe final matching
condition yields C4 = 0.
The deflection of the right end of the beam can now be obtained fi'om the
elastic curve equation for the right interval by replacing x by its value L. The
result is
wL , 5wL2 , w 2L “
EIv_1s(L)— 36 (L)’24 L‘ 3
fi'om which
163 wL4
= —ii = ii
163 wL4 All .
V 1944 EI 1944 El 4’ 5
I Since the width w of the beam varies linearly with respect to position x along the
length of the beam, the second moment of area I ofthe cross section also varies
linearly with respect to position x. Thus, at position x,
Ed2v_M,(x)_ Px_ Px _ PL
dx3— 1 _ 1‘ no/L)‘ 1,
Successive integration gives
g=0 when x=L, C1=PL2
v=0 when x=L, C1=—T
v=—— ——
PL (>8 Lx + —
E1, 2 2
At the left end of the beam where x = 0, the deflection is
v=——=—,L Ans.
It is also interesting to note how the maximum flexural stress varies along P Equation (a) indicates that the maximum
the length of the beam. From Eq. 7-9, flexural stress does not depend on position
x but is constant along the entire length of
h the beam. This type of beam is fiequently
referred to as a constant stress beam.
Mc P45) 6PL
“W = T = W = W (4)
MecMuvie Activities and Problems Y
Introductory Problems L
a. The equation of the elastic curve. Use the designated axes. 8-3 A beam is loaded and supported as shown in Fig. P8-3.
b. The deflection at the lett end of the beam. Determine
c. The slope at the lefl end of the beam. a. The equation of the elastic curve. Use the designated axes.
b. The deflection midway between the supports.
c. The slope at the lefl end of the beam.
l ..
Cb A B
.= L
Figure P8-l
Figure P8-3
8-2* A beam is loaded and supported as shown in Fig. P8-2. 8-4* A beam is loaded and supported as shown in Fig. P8-4.
Determine Determine
a. The equation of the elastic curve. Use the designated axes. a. The equation of the elastic curve. Use the designated axes.
b. The deflection at the right end of the beam. b. The deflection at the left end of the beam.
c. The slope at the right end of the beam. c. The slope at the left end of the beam
498 crntvrss s FLEXURAL r.o1tn11~1c= stun nsrrscnons
24 i(N‘t1'l
( A B
ii L L 2 mil
Figure P8-4 to (b)
Figure P8-8
8-5 A beam is loaded and supported as shown in Fig. P8-5.
8-9 The beam shown in Fig. P8-9 is a W10 >< 30 structural
a . The equation of the elastic curve . Use the designated axes. steel (E = 29,000 ksi) wide-flange section (see Appendix B).
b. The deflection midway between the supports. Determine
c. The slope at the right end of the beam.
a. The equation of the elastic c1n"ve. Use the designated axes.
b. The deflection at the lefl end of the beam if w = 2000 lb/ft
J? and L = 10 ft.
l w
’|' L1-
Figure rs-5
8-6 For the steel beam [E = 200 GPa and I = 32.0(10°) mm“]
shown in Fig. P8-6, determine the deflection at a section mid-
way between the supports.
n___s it
Figure P8-9
1 A B 1
10ltN 10kN
8-10* A cantilever beam is fixed at the lefl end and carries a uni-
formly distributed load w over the full length of the beam. In
at M» “ta 1
addition, the right end is subjected to a moment of 3wL2/8, as
shown in Fig. P8-10. Determine
a. The equation of the elastic curve. Use the designated axes.
b. The maximum deflection in the beam if] = 2.5 (106) mm‘,
E=210 GPa,L =31n,andw= l§OON:"m.
8-7* For the steel beam (E = 30,000 ksi and I = 32.1 in‘) shown
in Fig. P8-7, determine the deflection at a section midway be-
tween the supports. I
(sh_. Mn ..quJ
4 B if |
A B ) 8
Figure P8-10
~ L Figure P8-14
Figure P8-l 1
8-15 Determine the maximum deflection for the beam shown in
Fig. P8-15.
8-12 A beam is loaded and supported as shown in Fig. P8-12.
a. The equation of the elastic curve for the interval between
the supports. Use the designated axes.
b. The deflection midway between the supports.
- . L DM - .B
~ L L
Figure P8-15
I W 8-16* A boy with a mass of60 kg is standing on a 40 x 300-mm
A B c wood (E = 10 GPa) diving board, as shown in Fig. P8-16. If
___ mi the lengthAB is 0.6 m and the length BC is 1.5 m, determine
5 ' )1a
the maximum deflection in the diving board when the boy is
L ' .5‘ U3 i standing on the end of the board.
Figure P8-12
Intermediate Problems
8-13* A beam is loaded and supported as shown in Fig. P8-13.
a. The equation of the elastic curve. Use the designated axes. A B _
b. The slope at the lefl and right ends of the beam.
c. The deflection midway between the supports. C
‘ u 1¢ n '
a 1 u —*A_
Y P Figure P8-l6
8-17 Determine the maximum deflection for the beam shown in
‘+1./'2 QL M27 Fig. P8-17.
Figure P8-13
T w
8-14* A 100 x 300-mm timber having a modulus of elastic-
ity of 8 GPa is loaded and supported as shown in Fig. P8-14. A I B
a. The deflection at the 7-kN load. L l L
b. The deflection at the flee end of the beam. Figure P8-17
8-18 A timber beam 150 mm wide x 300 mm deep is loaded and
supported as shown in Fig. P8-18. The modulus of elasticity of A B C
the timber is 10 GPa. Apointer is attached to the right end ofthe I
beam The load acts at the midpoint of the span. Determine
a. The deflection of the right end of the pointer. L U2 =
b. The maximum deflection of the beam. Figure P8-2 1
P = 8900 N _ 6.
8-22* A beam is loaded and supported as shown in Fig. P8-22
a. The equation of the elastic curve. Use the designated axes.
b. The deflection at the lefl end of the beam.
.= 5.5m - 1.5m u‘
Figure rs-1s
w(x)=Icx2- I
8-19* The cantilever beam shown in Fig. P8-19 has a second mo- ‘I’
ment of area of I in the interval AB and a second moment of L.
area of 21 in the interval BC. Determine the deflection at end AL L B
A of the beam.
Figure P8-22
I 8-23* Determine the deflection midway between the supports for
beam AB of Fig. P8-23. Segment BC of the beam is rigid.
A- B‘ C 2
1 L L L C
Figure P8-19 W U2
2.Le"3 J‘
Figure rs-20 I W
8-21 A beam is loaded and supported as shown in Fig. P8-21.
—e IC 1::
a. The maximum deflection between the supports. L E LI3 I
b. The deflection at the right end of the beam. Figure P8-24
8-25 The beam shown in Fig. P8-25 is a W8 x 40 structural 8-28 The simply supported beam ABCD shown in Fig. P8-28 has
steel (E = 29,000 ksi) wide-flange section (see Appendix B). a second moment of area of 21 in the center section BC and a
Determine second moment of area of I in the other two sections near the
supports. Determine
a. The equation of the elastic cunre for the region of the beam
between the supports. Use the designated axes. a. The deflection at section B.
b. The deflection midway between the supports if w = 240 lb,/ft b. The maximum deflection in the beam.
and L = 16 fl.
wL=r2 X
( U f A D
0 , B- C 1
U2 L U2 I
Figure P8-25 Figure P8-28
Challenging Problems 8-29* Determine the maximum deflection for the beam shown in
Fig. P8-29.
8-26* The cantilever beamABC shown in Fig. P8-26 has a second
moment of area of 21 in the interval AB and a second moment
of area ofI in the interval BC. Determine
a. The deflection at section B. I
b. The deflection at section C.
i c
Figure P8-29
Figure P8-26
8-30 A beam is loaded and supported as shown in Fig. P8-30.
8-27* Abeam/IB is loaded and supported as shown in Fig. P8-27. Determine
The load P is applied through a collar that can be positioned
a. The deflection at the lefl end of the beam.
on the load bar DE at any location in the interval L/4 < a <
b. The deflection midway between the supports.
31.14. Determine
a. The equation of the elastic Cl..l.1'VB for beam AB.
b. The location of the load P for maximum deflection at )" __-
end B.
c. The location of load P for zero deflection at end B.
y Ali: F c
I ': L .1. 2L 2
A ‘TlB Figure P8-30
' D C E
8-31 The cantilever beam ABC shown in Fig. P8-31 has a second
\_ \
a “~-\- Rigid moment of area of 41 in the interval AB and a second moment
of area of I in the interval BC. Determine
P a. The deflection at section B.
Figure P8-27 b. The deflection at section C.
S02 CHAPTER s FLEXURAL LOADING: arm nrruzcnons
2w ‘"5 8-34 A beam is loaded and supported as shown in Fig. P8-34.
Determine the deflection at the lefl end of the distributed
Figure P8-31
8-32* A beam is loaded and supported as shown in Fig. P8-32.
Determine the deflection midway between the supports.
A; —=
' : I L : L '
0 ' Q
8-35 The cantilever beam ABC shown in Fig. P8-35 has a second
Figure rs-32 moment of area of 41 in the interval AB and a second moment
of area of I in the interval BC. Determine
8-33* A beam is loaded and supported as shown in Fig. P8-33. a. The deflection at section B.
Determine b. The deflection at section C.
a. The slope at the left end of the beam.
b. The maximum deflection between the supports.
Zw W
. L
xii ; L l L+.
B A I1: c
Figure rs-as Figure P8-35
El F = M(x) [8-1)
El g = w(x) (s-3)
When Eq. 8-2 or 8-3 is used to obtain the equation ofthe elastic curve, either three
or four integrations will be required instead of the two integrations required with
s-4 nnrnzcrtons BY mrscmrtos or snssn roan: on mm squtmoss 503
Eq. 8-1. These additional integrations will introduce additional constants of inte-
gration. The botmdaty conditions, however, now include conditions on the shear
forces and bending moments, in addition to the conditions on slopes and deflec-
tions. Use of a particular differential equation is usually based on mathematical
convenience or personal preference. In those instances when the expression for
the load is easier to write than the expression for the moment, Eq. 8-3 would be
preferred over Eq. 3-l. The following examples illusnate the use of Eq. 8-3 for
calculating beam deflections.
E1 F = w(x) = —w
Elé = V(x)= —wx+C1
d2 2
dv 3 2
wx4 x3 x2
EI =__ c- c- c c
V 24+‘6+’2+’x+“
The four constants of integration are determined by applying the boundary P The constant C1 could also have been de-
conditions. Thus, termined from a boundary condition involv-
ing the shear force V. For example, the shear
force jumps upward by wL/2 across the left
At x = 0, v = 0; therefore, C4 = 0 support. Therefore, at x = 0 the shear force
At x = O, M = 0; therefore, C2 = 0 equation gives V = w(0) + C, = wL/2 and
the first constantofintegration is C t = wLf2.
At x = L, M = 0; therefore, C1 = %
Atx=L,v=0; therefore,C3=—&
__ 24EI[x
v_ W 4_ 2Lx 3 +Lx]
3 Ans.
S04 CHAPTER s rmxmm. LOADING: mam nnruzcnonts
(b) The maximum deflection occurs at x = L./2, which when substituted into the
equation of the elastic curve gives
Figure s-10
(a) Since the equation for the load distribution is given and the moment equation
is not easy to write, Eq. 8-3 will be used to determine the deflections. l.n
Section 7-6 (see Fig. 7-16), the upward direction was considered positive for
a distributed load w; therefore, Eq. 8-3 is written as
d4v mc
EYE =w(x) = —w cos E
dv 8wL3 _ rrx x2
?SlI1iI +C1?+Cg.t+C3
16wL4 rrx x3 x2
EIv=— H4 cos 2L +C16 +C;2 +C3x+C4
At x = 0, v = 0; therefore, C4 = 4
Atx=O,a=O; the1-efore,C3=0
Atx=L,V=0; therefore,C|= w
2 L
Atx=L,M=0; therefore,Cg=—T
s-4 onrtscrrons mt lNI'EGRA'l'ION or SHEAR FORCE on roan squmous SOS
V(x) = %[1-sin
2wL Jrx
M(x) = ?[2L cos E + rrx - er]
Thus, the support reactions at the lefi end of the beam are
2 L
K1=V,=n=l— Ans.
2[Jr —2)wL2
MA = Mx=0 = -g Ans.
Introductory Problems
8-36* For the beam and loading shown in Fig. P8-36, determine w
a. The equation of the elastic curve.
b. The maximum deflection for the beam. A B
Figure P8-3'7
I W 8-38 For the beam and loading shown in Fig. P8-38, determine
a. The equation of the elastic curve.
b. The deflection midway between the supports.
ti. B
Figure P8-36 ‘ ‘me
Intermediate Problems
19(3) = w.r3fL3 W
8-39* A beam is loaded and supported as shown in Fig. P8-39
Determine _ L
A i B
a. The equation of the elastic curve. . _ L . _
b. The deflection at the left end of the beam.
c. The support reactions Kt; and MI-3. Figure P8-41
Challenging Problems
8-42* A beam is loaded and supported as shown in Fig. P8-42.
w(x) = wx31'L3 -\ W a. The equation of the elastic curve.
L b. The deflection at the left end of the beam.
| i .1: c. The support reactions VI; and MB.
8-40* A beam is loaded and supported as shown in Fig. P8-40.
ti. B
Figure P8-42
a. The equation of the elastic cune.
b. The maximum deflection of the beam.
8-43* A beam is loaded and supported as shown in Fig. P8-43
a. The equation of the elastic curve.
b. The deflection midway between the supports.
c. The maximum deflection of the beam.
y d. The slope at the lefi end of the beam.
I e. The support reactions RA and RB.
wo=)=e1- if
(— w(x) = w sin (rtx."2L}
.0 l_ mt
Figure rs-40 A B
Figure rs-43
8-41 A beam is loaded and supported as shown in Fig. P8-41 8-44 A beam is loaded and supported as shown in Fig. P8-44
Determine Determine
a. The equation of the elastic curve. a. The equation of the elastic curve.
b. The deflection midway between the supports. b. The deflection midway between the supports.
c. The maximum deflection of the beam. c. The slope at the lefl end of the beam.
d. The support reactions RA and RB. d. The support reactions RA and R5.
s-5 srucumnnrrtmcrross 507
ta we=Wa<"»'
mt L> i
2'. $22 Zi.‘i.§'.". iIi‘.3§..'§f.‘. Z"£3.°.§.‘.‘$‘i}.I,"“’“‘
' L ' Y/— w(x) = w sin (1'l:x:’2L)
Figure P8-44
' T
8-45 A beam is loaded and supported as shown in Fig. P8-45. i
Detennine At B
* L
a. The equation of the elastic curve.
b. The deflection at the left end of the beam. Figure P8-45
Mg=R;_x—P(x—x|) x1<x<x;
The moment equation for both M1 and M2 can be represented by a single moment
M=RLx—P(x—x|)1 0<x<x;
ll-‘or a rather complete history of the Clebsch method and the numerous extensions thereof, see
"Clebsch's Method for Beam Deflections,” Walter D, Pilkey, Journal ofEngineering Education, January
1 964, p. 1'10.
S08 CHAPTER s rtsxurutr. LOADING BEAM osrmrcnons
Y P (3) W
-:1: 1 * *
3 <53-
e 3* 2: W
H_ "-—t~»:
Figure 8-11
M=M1=RLx O<x<x|
M=M2=RLx—P(x—x1) x1<x<x;
The exponent l in (x — x1)' has the same meaning as the exponent 1 [which is not
usually written) ir1 (J: — x1).
For a section at 3, the moment equation can be written
M=M3=R;_x—P{x—x1)1+M,,{x—x2)° 0-<x<x3
Forx < I1, the term (x — x2)“ is zero, and forx 3 I3 theterm (1 —x;}° = (x —x;)° =
l, that is, the zero power ofthe (x — x;)0 term is unity forx 3 I2.
Proceeding in a similar fashion, the moment equation for the entire beam
can be written using a single expression
(x_x0)0= l whenxixo
CI whenx<x@
fix —xo)“d-T = fiix — Xoinfl + C when n 2 0
d n r|—l
595-10) =?1ix—X0l whennzl
as srscuunnv r-rmcnoss 509
y /, y ,
2- 2- ’
y(xl> =i_2
y,(I 0)
1- 1-
1 ll
-1123’ -1123’
Y J’
2 — —— 2 —
y=2<x-2)" 1-
_2<x_2>o 1
1 I I
-1 1 1 2 3 I -1 1 2 3 ’
Figure 8-12 i 1
Cam L—fl
Figure 8-13
Several examples of singularity functions are shown in Fig. 8-12.
Distributed loadings that are sectionally continuous (the distributed load
cannot be represented by a single function of x for all values of x) are readily 1
beam. Lfthe distributed load does not extend to the right end of the beam (as in
Fig. 8-13), the distributed load should be replaced with an equivalent loading in
which each load extends to the right end of the beam (as in Fig. 8-14). Example
Problems 8-9 and 8-10 illustrate how to handle such distributed loadings. .Jm.‘f.A
Figure 8-14
The expression for the resisting moment for the entire beam, using the appropriate
singularity fimctions, is
M,[x)=—PL+P{x—L)‘ 05x52L
EIm=—PL+P(x—L) 05x52L (a)
Ta FN e
Figure 8-15
Ifthe flexural rigidity El is constant, Eq. (a) can be integrated twice to get
dv P(x—L)2
Er5=-PLx+++ct 051521: (b)
—PL2 P —L3
EIv= 21 + (X6 )+C|x+C2 05x52L (C)
when x = 0, E =O (d)
when I = 0, v =O (e)
For the range of x that contains x = 0, (x — L)" = O, and Eqs. (b) and (c) become
En» = + C|x + C2 (g)
Using Eq. (f) and boundary condition (d) gives C1 = O; Eq. (g) and boundary
condition (e) gives C2 = 0. Equations (b) and (c) are then written as
dv P -L1
EIE=—PLx+% 05x52L (F)
—PL 1 P —L3
EIv=%+% 05x52L (5)
as srucurxnnr rurrcnorrs S11
E] —PL3+P(L—L)3 —PL3
V‘ 2 6 _ 2
which gives
—PL3 PL3
=W=mi “*-
(b) At the right end of the beam, .1: = 2L, and Eq. (c') is
—llPL3 IIPL3 An
"’=“ _ or-:1 _ oar 1' S‘
1 2m 1
(Mll;—‘ (b)
Figure 8-16
S12 CHAPTER s rtsxurutr. LOADING: rrsxrr osrrxcnons
The intemal resisting moment (obtained liom another fi'ee-body diagram and
M —5wL2+wLx w 22 2
" 18 3 _2"—3
is substituted into Eq. 8-1 to get
dv 5 L2 L12 2L3
EI—=—u+L—Ex—— +c,
dir 18 o o 3
The boimdary condition dvidx = 0 when x = 0 gives C1 = 0 because the term ir1
the brackets is zero when x 5 2.L!'3. Integrating again gives
5wL2x2 wLx3 w 2L 4
Elv—_ 35 + 18 _24ix_ 3l+C’
The boundary condition v = 0 whenx = 0 gives C2 = 0 because the term ir1 the
brackets is zero whenx 5 2L/3.
The deflection at the right end of the beam is obtained by substituting x =
L in the elastic curve equation. The result is
163 wL"'
= ii = ii
163 wt“ All .
V 1944 El 1944 El 4’ 5
This result agrees with that of Example Problem 8-3.
The fi‘ee-body diagram of Fig. 8-17b and the equilibrium equation EM; = 0
P Because singularity functions do not al-
low distributed loads to terminate in the mid-
dle of the beam, the actual load is replaced
+ r 244,, = 0; RL(L) - w(L/2)(7L/4) +wL2/2 = 0 R, = 3wL/8 ¢
with an equivalent load that is expressible in
terms of singularity fimctions. The original To express the moment of the distributed load at the lefi end of the beanr it1
distributed load is extended all the way to the terms of singularity functions which are valid for the full length of the beam,
end of the beam, and a canceling distributed the distributed load must be represented on the free-body diagram by equivalent
load is applied to the beam from x = —L!2 distributed loads on the top and bottom ofthe beam as shown in Fig. 8- 17c. When
to x = L. the expression for the bending moment obtained from the free-body diagram of
as smcutxanr nnrcrrorts 513
P LE2 -‘~ L12 U2 »*~ LE2 -J
i if A i I (:1 IE3
W ts)
1 L I I '
IRL ilia
to Q
r 2
4?. am inn- qi
=1 b-4
/-s nir~.ai./
Figtue 8-17
where the first term after the equals sign represents the distributed load on the top
ofthe beam and the second term represents the distributed load on the bottom of
the beam. The effect of the two terms is to terminate the distributed load at x =
—L/2. The boundary conditions are v = O when x = 0, and v = 0 when x = L.
Two integrations of the moment equation give
dv L3 +:’—6(x-0>*+%(x-5)
EIE=—%(x+L)3+%<x+5> 31. 1.1 L‘ +c,
EIv_ __1 4 1 £“ n _ 0} s
P Note that even though the origin of co-
L2 L2 ordinates is at the left support (so v = 0
+C|I+C2 at x = 0), the constant of integration C2
is not zero. At x = 0, (x + L)‘ = L‘;
L 4 L‘
The first boundary condition, v = 0 when x = O, gives iI+El' =R;iI"0l3=03=0;3I1d
L 2 L 2 ,
(x - 5} = (-5) =0 (because a singu-
0 wL4+wL4+0+0+0+C C +5 L‘ larity function is zero whenever its argument
_ 24 384 2 2' 1213” is negative).
S14 cnarrax s rurxrrrutr. 1.o11n11~1c= 1:11.111 nxrrxcnons
131-.» = 0+0+0+0+ fiwL3 5
(—L)+ mist‘ 97
= —fiwL4
97 L“ 97 1;‘
v—-—L——Lt Ans.
_ 384 E1 _ 384 EI
U’ | W2
I ix
J52 1
I X3
(Q) fiibxfl
_4I- _
wl wl
| ll IIII ii "*1
11- - or
Figure 8-18
Em W: _
as srxcumnnv I"UNC'l'l0NS 515
on top of the beam and upward-acting loa.ds on the bottom. The magnitude of
the linearly varying load at any point x 3 x1 is
The moment of the linearly varying load at any point x 3 xt is P The initial distributed load is a linear
ftmction of x, w = ax + b. The constants
a and b must be chosen so that w = 0 when
M(x) = _% (x —x1):| (x — x1)(x — x1)/3 x=x1,(0=ax] +b),andw=wl whenx=
I —I1
1:2, (wt = ax; + b). Together, these two con-
- - . W1 W111
dtttons giver: = — andb = —,
_ eoo-xi)“ “)3 I2 '_ X]
so that w = —il(x —xl). The slope
X2 — X1
I '_ X
Once the moment term for the linearly varying load is introduced in the moment of the second tiiangiilar load has to be
equation at x = x|, its effect continues to the end of the beam. As a result, the same as the flrst—it just starts later;
terms must be introduced at the appropriate locations to terminate the effects. W1
W = —'m{I —Xgl.
The eflect is reduced to that of a constant distributed load of magnitude W1 by X2—I|
introducing the linearly distributed load of Fig. 8-18c at x = x2. The magnitude
of this constant distributed load is reduced from w| to W2 by introducing the
constant distributed load of magnitude wl — w; at x = x2, as shown in Fig. 8-
18d. Finally, the constant distributed load of magnitude W2 is terminated at x =
x3 by introducing the constant distributed load W2, as shown in Fig. 8-18e. The
moment equation for the beam is then written in terms of singularity functions
Introductory Problems 8-47* The gangplank between a fishing boat and a dock consists
ofa wood (E = 1700 ksi) plank 10 11 long, 12 in. wide, and 2
8-46* A cantilever beam is loaded and supported as shown in in. thick. If the plank is modeled as the simply supported beam
Fig. P8-46. Use singularity functions to determine the deflec- shown in Fig. P8-47, determine the deflection of the gangplank
tion directly under the 165-lb man when he is at B (x = 6 Pt).
a. At a distance x = L from the support.
b. At the right end of the beam. ,/
I P P \
.1 B c
PL "
Figure P8-46 Figure P8-47
516 CHAPTER s FLEXIIRAL LOADING: mm niiFi.st.'i'ioNs
Bl Cl 8-52 A beam is loaded and supported as shown in Fig. P8-52.
Use singularity fimctions to determine the deflection
i L ‘|‘ L L i
Flgi.ireP8-48 a. At the left end of the beam.
b. At a point midway between the supports.
L LI3 u2—-i—u2—»i
A B c Figure P8-52
P % L l
Intermediate Problems
Figure P8-49
8-53* Use singularity fimctions to determine the deflection at the
left end of the cantilever beam shown in Fig. P8-53.
8-50* A beam is loaded and supported as shown in Fig. P8-50.
Use singularity functions to determine the deflection at the
middle of the span.
iL’£ w
B 7
A x
‘ B
| M 1.5 L T L
P L i L Figure P8-53
Figure P8-50
II L T L * wi.
Figure P8-54 Y w
A; ‘
8-55 A beam is loaded and supported as shown in Fig. P8-55.
Use singularity fiinctions to determine the deflection
a. At x = L. Iuzi L+I
b. At a section midway between the supports. Figure P8-58
w Challenging Problems
8-59* Use singularity functions to determine the deflection at the
ix |B right end of the cantilever beam shown in Fig. P8-59.
Figure P8-55 I LL
W s
8-56* A beam is loaded and supported as shown in Fig. P8-56.
Use singularity functions to determine the deflection
a. At x = L.
b. Atx = 31.12. Figure P8-59
y I w 8-60* A beam is loaded and supported as shown in Fig. P8-60.
Use singularity functions to determine the deflection
a. At the left end of the distributed load.
A x ] B
b. At a section midway between the supports.
c. At the right end of the distributed load.
. .
I L I!~I-fl T L I
Figune P8-56
.. I
Figure P8-60
F Bl C 8-61 A cantilever beam is loaded and supported as shown in Fig.
P8-61. Use singularity functions to determine the deflection
I. U2
a. At a distance x = L from the support.
Figure P8-57 b. At the right end of the beam.
Computer Problems
F 2w
B 8-65 A 160-lb diver walks slowly onto a diving board. The diving
. A
? . C board is a wood (E = 1800 ksi) plank 10 fl long, 18 in. wide,
3mE l and 2 in. thick, and it is modeled as the cantilever beam shown
w 2 in Fig. P8-65. For the diver at positions a = nLJ'5 (n = 1, 2,
L I‘ L 3, 4, 5), compute and plot the deflection Clll’Vfl for the diving
Figure P8-6l board (plot v as a fimction ofx for0 5 x 510 ii).
Figure P8-65
Figure rs-62
8-63* A beam is loaded and supported as shown in Fig. P8-63. 8-66 A diving board consists of a wood (E = 12 GPa) plank that
Use singularity fiinctions to determine the deflection at the is pinned at the lefl end and rests on a movable support, as
middle of the span. shown in Fig. P8-66. The board is 3 rn long, 500 mm wide, and
80 mm thick. If a 70-kg diver stands at the end of the board,
J’ a. Compute and plot the deflection curve for the beam (plot v
_T_ as a function of x for 0 5 x 5 3 m) for the right support at
. . ....-.e.rii.l.!.!.l.l.l.u..-.___
A IE‘ I ._ 3
positions b = 0.5 m, 1.0 m, and 1.5 m.
b. If the stiffness of the board is defined as the ratio of the
diver’s weight to the deflection at the end of the board
< L I L I (k = W/v), compute and plot the stiffness of the board as a
fimction of b for 0 5 b 5 1.5 n1. Does the stiflhess depend
Figure rs-as on the weight of the diver?
Y L=3m
ii" A B -_C
_J:_ x
A , I 3
< L I L I
Figure P8-64 Figure P8-66
8-67 The gangplank between a fishing boat and a dock consists for 0 5 x 5 8 ft) as the troop marches across the bridge. (Ini-
ofa wood (E = 1800 ksi) plank l0 it long, 12 in. wide, and tially, only one Scout is on the bridge—at position B. Then
2 in. thick. If the plank is modeled as the simply supported two Scouts are on the bridge-at positions B and C. The troop
beam shown in Fig. P8-67, compute and plot the deflection continues to march across until finally only a single Scout is
curve for the gangplarik (plot v as a function of x for 0 5 x 5 on the bridge—at position D.)
10 ft) as a 170-lb man walks across the plank. Plot curves for
the man at positions a = nl./5 (n = l, 2, 3,4).
A .Iie.IC Sm
Figure P8-68 ‘ix
The deflection at the center of the beam consists of two parts, v1 due to the
distributed load and v; due to the concentrated load. As shown in Fig. 8-20b, the
original beam with two loads can be replaced by two beams, each carrying one
of the two loads.
From case 7 of Table B-19 (Appendix B), the deflection at the center of
the beam due to the distributed load, with L = 16 fl = 192 in., is given by
1’ 1000 lb
| sou lbift soo mm
A ix
ls —
A In
MJ H" T"
16 fl "
(Q) +
lfilli) lb
E?‘ “Hula d Is
-..___ ,.
Figure s-zn
Similarly, from case 5 of Table B-19 (in which b = 6 ft = 72 in. is the shorter
distance between the concentrated load and the end of the beam), the deflection
at the center ofthe beam due to the concentrated load is given by
v, = v| + v; = (-2.2736) + (-0.4156) 83
= -2.6892 in. 2 2.69 in. i, Ans.
T zsin zsin
ii B ‘\_______k ‘-5 ' V
mm _sm_
} A ~~-___~ T
ll. _1
(Q) +
7.5 kNirn
A ~~~___H_ %
Figure 8-21
From the concentrated load to the end of the beam, the slope is constant. Again
from case 1 of Table B-19, the constant slope of the beam is
v2 = 6L = —0.008036(2) = —0.0l607l m
Consequently, the total deflection ofthe right end ofthe beam due to the concen-
P The correct expression for v; should he trated load is
tanfl = However, since the deflection
(and angle of deflection) is small, tan 9 2 6 v1+ v; = (-0.016071) + (-0.016071) = -0.03214m = 32.14mm i
and V2 2
The elastic curve for the distributed load is also shown (greatly exagger-
ated) in Fig. 8-21b. From case 2 of Table B-19 (Appendix B), the deflection of
the right end of the beam due to the distributed load is
8.9 v3 __ - WL4
BE! __ -8(28)(w,)(500)(w_6)
7.5(103)(5)“ _
_ -0.04135 m __ 41.85 mm ¢
Finally, the total deflection of the right end of the beam due to both loads is
~ 1
»= l
C _ I F B I
Ll A7 L2 —‘i
(<1) +
* "B2
Figure 8-22
The loading of Fig. 8-22a can be replaced by the two loads shown in Fig. 8-22b.
Directly beneath the separate loadings of Fig. 8-22b are shown elastic curves
(greatly exaggerated). These elastic curves are like the ones shown in cases 5
and 7, respectively, of Table B-19 (Appendix B). However, the equations of the
elastic curves (in the last column of the table) must be used to determine the
deflections at x = L1 = 6 ft.
For the concentrated load P = 2000 lb,
V] = '— b2 —X2)
Using b = 4 1’-t(= 4s in.), x = 6 a (= 72 in.), L =10 s (= 120 in.), and the other
data given in the problem statement,
_ (-2000) (48)(72) 2_ 2_ 2 __ -
V31 - 6[29)(106) (5l8)(l20)[(12U) (48) (72) ] — 0.004417 1171.
1 Example Problem 8-14 For the beam in Fig. s-23¢, determine the
maximum deflection when E is l2(lO6) psi and I is 81 in.“
1000 lbffi
+ i
(1) (3)
leis it R4.sn+3n% iwrsn
4500 lb (b) 4500 lb
"2 ‘e
i 1000 lbffl \
—--—_;*=\_'_|__ _ v4_5
- ._ 4' V3 I
4500 lb
(C) (4)
Figure 8-23
From symmetry and the equilibrium equation EFy = 0, the reactions are equal
and 4500 lb upward. Because of the symmetrical loading, the slope ofthe beam
P Because the slope at the middle of the is zero at the center of the span, and the right (or left) half of the beam can be
beam is zero, the lefi half of the beam considered a cantilever beam with two loads. As shown in Fig. 8-23b, for the right
could be replaced with a cantilevered sup- half, the cantilever with two loads can be replaced by two beams (designated 1
port without changing any of the stresses, and 2), each carrying one of the two loads.
forces, or moments in the right half of the The elastic curve (exaggerated) forpart l, as shown ir1 Fig. 8-23c, gives the
bearn. deflection at the right end as v4_5 + v3, where v4_5 is the deflection at the end of
the uniformly distributed load and v3 is the additional deflection of the unloaded
3 fi. From case 2 of Table B-19 of Appendix B,
_ wL‘* _ _(1000/12)[4.s(12)]‘ _ _ _
3 3
v7, = +£ = + = +l.l250in. = 1.1250111. T
351 3(l2)(l0")(8l)
The algebraic sum of the deflections for parts l and 2 is
W W 2
.4 A
('1) (F1)
y y
I W , ,\4=i-2
/3" its 1 r‘ " “ ((2
C ‘s.zI"'
Figure s-24
The angles 9,, and GM and the deflection y,,, are listed in cases 7, 8, and 2 of
Table B-19 ofAppendix B, respectively. Thus,
MecMovie Activities and Problems Introductory Problems
MM8.2 8 Skills: Part I. Theory; Concept checkpoints. Series of 8-71* For the cantilever beam shown in Fig. P8-71, determine
skills necessary to solve beam deflection problems using the
a. The slope and deflection at section B.
superposition method.
b. The slope and deflection at section C.
MM8.3 8 Skills: Part H. Theory; Concept checkpoints. Series of
skills necessary to solve beam deflection problems using the
superposition method.
MM8.4 Superposition warm-up. Example; Concept checkpoints.
Examples and concept checkpoints pertaining to four basic
superposition skills.
MM8.5 One simple beam, one load, three cases. Concept check- A is c
points. Deterrnine beam deflections at various points in a sim- . L . L ~
ply supported beam with two overhangs.
Use the method of superposition to determine deflections in
the following problems. Figure rs-71
s-6 DEFLECIIONS BY sursarosmolv S27
Ill F111 l
I i A
? L
H" L
Figure P8-72
. if” Figure P8-75
8-73 Determine the deflection at the right end of the cantilever P=wL
beam shown in Fig. P8-73.
._ -—e ._ ._ ._ ._ ._
in 0 b_
Figure P8-7'7
C . fl)
,1 1: c 8-78 Determine the deflection midway between the supports of
the beam shown in Fig. P8-78.
Figure rs-74
if 1 l l ll“'ll I I. 1-
8-75 Determine the deflection at the right end of the cantilever
beam shown in Fig. P8-75. Flglue P8-78
Intermediate Problems 2w
8-79* Determine the deflection at the right end ofthe beam shown
in Fig. P8-79.
L |- L
E 3
Figure rs-sz
* L 1- 1 = 31./4
Figure P8-79 2
8-80* Determine the deflection at the light end ofthe beam shown
in Fig. P8-80. A Bi cl
L , ii‘
Figure P8-83
Allllllll Co.,, 8-84 Determine the deflection at a point midway between the
supports of the beam shown in Fig. P8-84.
= L LI3 -
Figure P8-80
LIZ L12 i
A ll? W it.‘
Figure P8-81
Figure P8-85
8-82* Determine the deflection at the free end of the cantilever
beam shown in Fig. P8-82 when w = 7 kN/m, L = 1.8 m, 8-86 Determine the deflection at the right end of the cantilever
I = l30(l0‘°) m‘, andE = 200 GPa. beam shown in Fig. P8-86.
s-6 nsnnmiosssrsunmrosmos S29
8-90* For the cantilever beam shown in Fig. P8-90, w — 7.5 kN/rn,
L = 3 m, I = 180 (106) mm", and E = 200 GPa. Determine
the deflection of the beam
1 c
a. At point B.
b. At the free end, C.
l . i . A C
Figure P8-86
Challenging Problems 1 "’ L l’
1‘ L
8-87* Determine the rnidspan deflection of beam AC of Fig. P8- Figure P8-90
87. Both beams have the same flexural rigidity.
8-91 A simply supported beam is loaded as shown in Fig. P8-
91. The inverted L-shaped bracket at C is rigid. Determine the
deflection of the beam ABC at the middle of its span.
. PlT
Figure P8-87
—<li~ 1"-4
8-88* Determine the deflection at the right end of the beam shown Figure P8-91
in Fig. P8-88.
8-92 For the cantilever beam shown in Fig. P8-92, determine the
w deflection of the beam
a. At point B.
b. At the free end, C.
2L & L E3Lf4—i
Figure P8-88
8-89 For the cantilever beam shown in Fig. P8-89, determine the
A (B lC
deflection of the beam
' L12 -r L12
a. At point B.
b. At point C.
c. At the free end, D. Figure P8-92
Figure P8-93
~1 3fi 7fi -1i. -lbI J1
8-94 A simply supported beam is loaded and supported as shown i’ 2.5 rn '' S rn
in Fig. P8-94. IfE = 200 GPa and I = 90 (106) mm‘, determine
the deflection of the beam Figure P8-94
Since the vertical shearing stress varies fi'om top to bottom ofa beam, the deflection
due to shear is not uniform. This nonuniform deflection due to shear is reflected
in a slight warping of the cross sections of the beam. Equation 8-4 gives values
too high because the maximum shearing stress (at the neutral surface) is used and
also because the rotation of the differential shear element is ignored.
In order to obtain an idea of the relative amount of beam deflections due to
shearing stress, consider a rectangular cross section for the beam of Fig. 8-25 and
use the maximum stress for which
no 314
It 2.4
where A is the cross-sectional area of the beam. The expression for dv becomes
s-7 DEFLECTIONS nus T0 SHEARING sntass 551
where P} is replaced by its value —wx. Integration along the entire beam gives the
change in v due to shear asz
3w L 3wL2
"8 - filo "“"- m
which equals the deflection at the left end. For this same beam the magnitude of
the deflection at the left end due to flexural stresses is
wL4 3wL4
vi : E : 2EAd2
and the magnitude of the total deflection at the left end becomes
G no
For a beam with a rectangular cross section, I = bi?/12 and Q = bhz/8. Also,
V, = —P for a cantilever beam that supports a concentrated load P at the free
end. Thus,
""= -mi“
The deflection at v, at the free end of the beam due to shearing stresses is
L 3PL 3(l000)(3)(l2)
V, =1. dv= —i = la = —U.0U06l3fi in.
0 2bhG 2(2)(4)(ll)(1U )
2A5 stated, this result is too high because the maximum shear stress was used at every point. Using an
energy method (such as Castigliano’s theorem, discussed in the next section) which averages the shear
stress across the cross section would yield it = 3wL2."5AG and Eq. (a) would become
_ 3“-1.4 + 3wL2 _ 3wL2 (sile +1)
" ' 22.-142 sac; ' 5,40 2415 '
S32 CHAPTER s rnzxmuu. LOADING: cam oaruzcnoss
v; = - PL3
= - 4PL3
= - 4(1000) [3 (12)]’
29(10*'=) (2) (4)3
= -0.05028 in.
Increase = i (100) = 1.220% Ans.
8-95* A structural steel (E = 29,000 ksi and G = 11,000 ksi) 8-97 A structural steel (E = 29,000 ksi and G = 1 1,000 ksi) beam
cantilever beam with a 4-in.-diameter circular cross section with a hollow rectangular cross section 3 in. wide >< 5 in. deep
supports a concentrated load of 1200 lb at the end of a 4-ft is made from 1/2-in.-thick plate. The beam is simply supported
span. Determine the percent increase in deflection at the free and carries a concentrated load of 4000 lb at the center of an
end of the beam resulting from the shearing stresses. 8-fl span. Determine the percent increase in deflection at the
center of the span resulting from the shearing stresses.
8-96* An aluminum alloy (E = 73 GPa and G = 28 GPa) can-
tilever beam with a rectangular cross section 50 mm wide x 8-98 A W 203 >< 60 structural steel (E = 200 GPa and G =
100 mm deep supports a uniformly distributed load of 5 kNim 76 GPa) wide-flange section is used as a simply supported
over a 1.5-m span. Determine the percent increase in deflec- beam to support a distributed load of 20 kN/m over a 4-m
tion at the free end of the beam resulting from the shearing span. Determine the percent increase in deflection at the center
stresses. of the span resulting from the shearing stresses.
where P is some function of 8. The work done on the bar must equal the change
in energy of the material,3 and this energy change, because it involves the strained
configuration of the material, is termed strain energy U. If 5 is expressed in terms
P, --- e, ---
_ _o= en__ NJ
:_=~ IL -—15°
P2 fii
:::: Q-_,,,_
(Q) (b) (<1)
Figure 8-26
of axial strain (8 = Ls) and P in terms ofaxial stress (P = Ac], Eq. (a) becomes
e3 e;
Wk = U =£ (0) (A) (L)de = AL]; ode (b)
e=% and ds=Eda
AL °"
U= ado
U = 44%) (c)
Equation (c) gives the elastic strain energy (which is, in general, recoverable‘)
for axial loading of a material obeying Hooke’s law. The quantity in parentheses,
012/ (2E), is the elastic strain energy u in tension or compression per unit volume, or
strain energy intensity, for a particular value of0. For shear loading the expression
would be identical except that cr would be replaced by r and E by G.
Ifthe beam shown in Fig. 8-27 is slowly and simultaneously loaded by the
two forces P, and P; with resulting deflections v| and v2, the strain energy U of the
beam is, by Clapeyron’s theorem, equal to the work done by the forces. Therefore,
1 1
U = 5101)-'1+ 5102112
==4- -iN"U
\ v /’
§_ f‘
A1217 "‘--____-- -"'
Figure 8-27
Let the force P1 be increased by a small amotmt AP1 (while P1 and P; remain
constant), and let Av1 and Avg be the changes in deflection due to this incremental
load. Because the forces P1 and P2 are already present, the increase in the strain
energy is
AU = §AP1Av| + P1Av1+ PzAv2 (e)
If the order of loading is reversed so that the incremental force, AP1, is applied
first, followed by P1 and P2, the resulting strain energy is
l l I
U+ = iAP1AV1+ AP1V| + iP1V| + EPQVZ U’)
The resulting strain energy must be independent of the order of loading; hence, by
combining Eqs. (d), (e), and (f), one obtains
AU l
TH = V1-i-EAT/1
_= ;,
3P1 V1 (J
For general cases in which there are many loads involved, Eq. (h) is written as
T): = v1 (8-5a)
5The partial derivative is used because the strain energy is a function of both P1 and P2.
am = 0-. ( 8-Sb)
U = I“,1 i
For a beam ofconstant (or slowly varying) cross section subjected to pure bending,
the principal stresses are parallel to the axis of the beam; therefore, using Eq. 7-3,
the strain energy becomes
1 My 2 .
U _ 2E-l\:o1(— I ) “W (U
By writing dV as dA ab: (where x is measured along the axis of the beam), Eq. (i)
1 L M2 1 L M2
to these stresses, is applicable to the usual real beams. In applying Eq. 8-5 or
Eq. 8-6, it is usually much simpler to apply Leibnitz’s rule“ to difierentiate rmder
the integral sign so that
BU 1 L M, arr,
I The deflection is found using Eqs. 8-5a and 8-7, and the slope is found using
Eq. 8-Sb. For the deflection
A I L 3U 1 HM
V1'=5;);=EFh[1lCf1-'€bf"dI (I1)
11,, = filo M,§d¢= EL (—Px —M,1)(—x)dx
PL3 An
VA — 3E1 S.
The positive sign for v,1 indicates that the deflection is in the direction of the load
P. This result agrees with case 1 of Table B-19 (Appendix B).
Combining Eqs. (b) and (c) gives
l L HM, l L
9,1 — El Mr%dI— filo‘ (—Px—MA)(—l)tir
6,1 = E ADS-
The positive sign for 6,1 indicates a slope to the left and down, to correspond to
the direction ofMA. This expression for 0,1 also agrees with case 1 of Table B-19
(Appendix B).
M = -P1 - LP
’ 6L
L r
Figure s-29
S38 CHAPTER s r-isxuruu. LOADING: BEAM oaruzcrrous
The partial derivative of ill, with respect to P is —x, and Eq. 8-7 becomes
EIv = 1‘; , apdx
L 3
=1 (—Px - %) (—)3)dI
L Pxz +
x“ dx =
i +
L ( 6L + 3 30
The positive signs indicate deflection in the direction of the force P; hence,
V = E + :2? »i, ADS.
i simply supported beam ofconstant cross section and span L carrying a uniformly
distributed load w over its entire length.
A C The deflection is required at a point where there is no unique point load. Thus,
a dummy load P is introduced at the center of the beam in the direction of the
R» = ‘%’" r i Rs‘? *3 desired deflection. In the fi'ee-body diagram of Fig. 8-30, the dashed force P
represents the dummy load. The moment equation is
Figure s-30
Lx 2 P L‘
where the quantity (x — L/2)' is zero for allx 5 L/2 (see Section 8-5). The partial
derivative of M, with respect to P is
mg; _a'
6P_2 x 2
The dummy force P is equated to zero after the partial derivative is taken, and
the deflection is given by
L wLx
wxz x
--L1 mix
Liz ___
zliz i‘ zl
s-s DEFLECHONS BY smarter M]i’I‘HODB—CASTlGLIANO’S rrmorunr 539
L L 5 L4
EIv= %L (LP —x3)dx+ %fm(L2x-3Lx’+2x3)dx= g”?
V= Alls-
The moment equations may be written as
M,=E+E—£ 05155
2 2 2 2
BM, x L
aP — 2 05x 5 2
BM, x L L x L
?=——x+—=——— —5x5L
HP 2 2 2 2 2
Setting the dummy force P equal to zero and using Eq. 8-7 gives
which is the same as the result obtained previously using singularity functions.
Note further, however, that the strain energies in the two segments of the beam
are equal due to symmetry. Therefore, the integration need only extend over half
of the beam if the strain energy is doubled. Thus, fi'om Eq. 8-7,
Introductory Problems P
8-99* Determine the deflection and slope at the left end of the
cantilever beam shown in Fig. P8-99. A B
us = 4.215
“’ Figure Ps-102
8-103 A beam is loaded and supported as shown in Fig. P8-103.
AL B Determine the deflection
a. At the concentrated load P.
b. At a point midway between the supports.
Figure P8-99
P = L E 2L
Figure P8-103
L‘? L ”
Figure P8-104
C .
. . . L l.S L ‘L L
8-102* A beam 1S loaded and supported as shown 111 Fig. P8-102.
Determine the deflection at the concentrated load P. Figure P8-105
s-s omscnoss av smutcv M]l’l'HODS—CA8'I'IGLl\l't'0’S 'I'HBORBM S41
8-106 For the beam shown in Fig. P8-106, determine the slope Challenging Problems
and deflection at the section in the beam where the couple M
is applied. 8-110* Determine the deflection at a section midway between the
supports when the beam is loaded and supported as shown in
Fig. P8-1 10.
,1 3 B
2L/3 us P3 = w,,L
Figure P8-106 we
L12 i LIZ
8-111* A beam is loaded and supported as shown in Fig. P8-l 11.
Figune P8-107 Determine the deflection at the left end of the beam.
A B‘ C
L E 2L L
AL LB C Figime P8-1 1 1
Figure P8-108
8-112 The cantilever beam shown in Fig. P8-112 has a second
moment of area of 21 in the interval AB and I in the interval
8-109 A beam is loaded and supported as shown in Fig. P8-109.
BC. Determine the deflection at point C.
Detennine the deflection
a. At the lefi end of the beam.
b. At a point midway between the supports.
MC = 2P1.
A B ( D
A B lC
L + c
L 1 L
L/3 T U2 1 L12
Figure P8-109 Figure P8-112
S42 crutrrsn s rmxuiuu. LOADING: muuu DEFLE(.'l'IONS
8-113 Determine the deflection at pointB of the beam shown in 8-114 Determine the deflection midway between the supports of
Fig. P8-113. The second moment of area is 2] in the center the beam shown in Fig. P8-114.
section BC and I in the sections near the supports.
A s c "'
L LIZ ' Lt'2—" L 5 L '
From the free-body diagram of Fig. 8-3 lb it is seen that there are three unlcnown
reaction components (MA, VA, R5) and that only two independent equations of
equilibrium are available. The additional unknown requires the use of the elastic
curve equation, for which one extra boundary condition is required in addition
to the two required for the constants of integration. Because three boundary
a9 S'l‘ATlCAI.l.YlNDE'l'ERMIN!i'l'E BEAMS S43
x IC
‘' ‘ 1. i“(U4) J
‘Q '35 _‘
kin (U4)
MA( . Mo)
,4, “h/(xi
Figure 8-31
conditions are available in the interval between the supports, only one elastic
curve equation needs to be written. The origin ofcoordinates is arbitrarily placed
at the wall and for the interval 0 5 x 5 L, the boundary conditions are: when
x = O, dv/mix = 0; whenx = 0, v = 0; and whenx = L, v = 0. From Fig. 8-31c
and Eq. 8-1,
dzv wxz
Integration gives
dv V,|x2 wx3
El ix - 2 + MAX — 6 + C|
which reduces to
The equation of equilibrium EM5 = 0 for the free-body diagram of Fig. 8-31b
+TEM5=0: V,,L+M,,—w(%)(%)=0
which reduces to
7wL2 = mt’
= __ _t .
M" 64 64 A”
37 L 37 L
P An alternate solution would be to place
the origin of coordinates at the right support
and write the moment equation for the inter- Finally, the equation SF), = 0 for Fig. 8-3 lb gives
val 0 5 x 5 L. This equation would involve
only one unknown, the reaction RB. Upon +1‘2]Fy=0: R3-I-V,1—W(5L/4)=0
integration and evaluation of the constants,
the third boundary condition would directly
yield the value of RB. The two independent fi'om which
equilibrium equations could then be used to
43 L 43 L
evaluate M4 and V}.
R'*=+T:=%* “*-
dv R 1
E15 = "Tx—M¢(x—L)1+C1
R 3 M
E1» =‘Tx-T°(x-L)2+c,x+c2
Using the boundary condition v = 0 when x = 0 gives C; = 0. The boundary
condition dv/dx = 0 whenx = 2L gives
412 L3 M~L2
%—°T+2c,L=0 (s)
Solving Eqs. (a) and (b) simultaneously yields
M L 9M'- 9M
C1=—% and RA=+€£'=FET ADS.
The remaining two unknowns are found using the equations of equilibrium
and the free-body diagram shown in Fig. 3-32b.
9M -
+¢:»:F,.=0; 12,,-r»;,=fi-1/,,=0
9Mg' _
— —16L(2L)+M¢ +Ma -0
The reactions at B obtained fiom the above two equations are
V =
— = —
QMC ='
— =' 71
MC ,
B J’ 16L 16.2 L and M” ‘L s s A“
(b) Setting x = L in the elastic curve equation
R 1 M»
Elv= ‘T’-T‘(x-L)2+c.x+c2
1 9M¢
EIv = E(fi)(r.)3 - 51 (MC) (of + (-T)
MCI. (L) +0
Me-L2 M-L2
" = “ii = 3%4' “"-
MecMovie Activities and Problems 8-118* When the moment M is applied to the lefl end of the can-
tilever beam shown in Fig. P8-118, the slope at the left end of
MM8.6 Propped cantilevers. Example; Concept checkpoints. De- the beam is zero. Determine the magnitude of the moment M.
termine the roller reaction for a propped cantilever.
MM8.7 Beam on three supports. Concept checkpoints. Deter-
mine one roller reaction for a simply supported beam on three
supports using superposition.
Introductory Problems C ,.
8-115* A beam is loaded and supported as shown in Fig. P8-1 15. = L
Determine the reactions at the supports A and B.
Figure P8-1 18
11111‘"11111 8-119 When the load P is applied to the right end of the cantilever
beam shown in Fig. P8-119, the deflection at the right end of
the beam is zero. Determine the magnitude of the load P.
< L
Figure P8-115
(11111‘"11111 ,
8-120 A beam is loaded and supported as shown in Fig. P8-120.
Determine the reactions at the supportsA and B.
Figure P8-116
Figure P8-120
F L s
Intermediate Problems
8-121* A beam is loaded and supported as shown in Fig. P8-121.
Figure P8-117 Determine the reactions at the supports A and B.
as S'l'ATlCi\Il.YI1\IDB'l'l1RMl1'ii\'l’lil!BAl\lS S47
Figure rs-121
8-122* A beam is loaded and supported as shown in Fig. P8-122.
Determine the magnitude of the load P required to make the
slope of the beam zero at the right end.
Figure P8-125
P J’ w(x) = w sin(1tx1'2L) \
Figure P8-122
in émwm X inf, Wt Q
8-123 Determine the support reactions for the beam loaded and
supported as shown in Fig. P8-123.
L .
we Figure P8-126
A s
W a
ii L ¥ L A
Figure P8-128 A B C
. U2 U2 A C
Figure P8-129
Figure P8-133
L 3m = 3m in
Figure P8-130 Figure P8-134
8-131* A beam is loaded and supported as shown in Fig. P8-131 8-135 A beam is loaded and supported as shown in Fig. P8-135
Determine the reactions at the supports A, C, and D. Determine the reactions at the supports A, B, and D.
,$,L is L%cL D A 5
~1 1
Figure P8-136 I P = 6 kN
600 lbffi
. ., B A
be P'— 3900 lb
1’ c
lfifi ' ‘ 1511
(bl - sn s it
S50 CHAPTER s rtsxuiuii. LOADING: BEAM niiimiicrioss
8 140 A 6-m-long S457 x 104 structural steel section is used for 8-141 A 20-ft-long S12 x 35 structural steel section is used for
the two-span beam shown in Fig. P8-140. The beam supports the two-span beam shown in Fig. P8-l4l. The beam supports
a uniformly distributed load w of 100 kN/m. The support at B a uniformly distributed load w of 1800 lb/ft. The support at A
settles with time until it provides no resistance to deflection of settles with time until it provides no resistance to deflection of
the beam. the beam.
a. Determine b,,,,,, the maximum amount that the support B a. Determine a,,,,,,, the maximum amount that the support A
will settle. will settle.
b. Compute and plot the deflection curves for the beam (plot b. Compute and plot the deflection curves for the beam (plot
v as a function ofx for 0 5 1 5 6 m) for support B initially v as a function ofx for O 5 x 5 20 ft) for support A initially
(b = 0) and settled (b = b,,,,,,,i‘3 and b = 2b,,,,,,/3). (a = O) and settled (a = a,,,,,,,1'3 and a = Zamu/3).
c. Compute and plot the bending moment distribution along c. Compute and plot the bending moment distribution along
the beam (plotM, as a function ofx for 0 5 x 5 6 m) for the beam (plot M. as a function of x for 0 5 x 5 20 fl) for
support B initially (b = 0) and settled (b = b,,,,,,,/3 and b = supportA initially (a = 0) and settled (a = a,,,,,,1'3 and a =
2b,,,_,,,1‘3). 2a,,,,._,,/3).
d. Compute and plot the maximum flexural stresses in the beam d. Compute and plot the maximum flexural stresses in the beam
as a function of b (0 5 b 5 b,,,,,,). What range of b would be as a function of a (0 5 a 5 a,,,,,,). What range of a would be
acceptable for this beam? acceptable for this beam?
.3’ J’
i w i w
2 my ui
A $8 C A T ~- ? E C
LIZ L12 ' LIZ ‘F M2
A c
R42 Rt:
400 lbffl 400 lb/it
I1 l—1\ %-I+|1-1'/’lL*~I
I I I I\‘*“*@*’I
Rs Re" R41 RC1
Figure s-33
v = vg + v,,, = 0 (a)
The deflection v,,. can be obtained fiom case 7 of Table B-19 in Appendix B, and
_ 5wL‘ _ 5(400/l2)[20(12)]" _ _
V” — _384EI — _ 3s4(30)(10°)(100) — _0'4800 m‘
The deflection vR can be obtained in terms RB from case 6 of Table B-19 in
Appendix B, and is
_ Rb-L3 _ R,1;[20(l2)]3 _ _ _
V3 — @ — ‘ — 96(i0 6)RB 111.
v = 96(t0"‘)R,, - 0.4800 = 0
from which
R,,=RC= 5[400(20)—5000]=+l500lb=1500lb'T Ans.
RBL3 swr‘
4-8EI 3 84EI
which reduces to
R“ T
R,,= =5000lb']*
0 ” — -251
The deflection Vp at the end is made up of two parts v1 for a beam of length a,
and v2 the added deflection of the tangent segment (straight line) from P to the
:‘ A 1 .9
‘ .171 .
Figure 8-34(2)
J 1 '15.. Q.
I | ' : vl v
E 2 ‘*2 P
+ ‘*1
Figlue s-3401)
The slope and deflection at the end of the beam due to the shear VB (also
from case 1 of Table B-19) are
6”=_E “"“ ""='W
Finally, the slope and deflection at the right end of the beam due to M5 (see
case 4 of Table B-19) are
"»~*=T'l1 and "M=%
Since the resultant slope is zero,
Paz VL2 ML
9P+gV+9.M=_fi—% i= 0
Pa?‘ Pazl. IQL3 MBL2
v‘°+"”+"“=6Er_ 21:1 _ 351 “L 251 0
S54 CHAPTER s rtsxirtuu. LOADING: mum naruzcnons
My = —T
P02 (L —a) Elld Pk = —T
H12 (3L —2a) A115.
PaL— 1 PL3—32L+23
There are three unknown support reactions acting on this beam (a force and a
moment at A and a force at B) and only two equations of equilibrium. Thus, the
problem is statically indeterminate. The constraint at the right end of the beam
(the aluminum rod) can be replaced with a concentrated force at B (equal to the
tension force in the tie rod), as shown ir1 Fig. 8-35b. At point B, the deflection of
point B for the tie rod must be equal to the deflection of point B for the beam,
120 ism “F
Figure 8-35(2)
a9 S'l'ATICAI.l.YINDE'l'ERMlNA’l'll nssnts SSS
w L w
. . (9)
+ F
L //is
Figure s-ss(t>-a)
The deflection ofpoint B for the beam is found using cases 2 and 1 ofTable B-19
(APP=I1diX B),
-wL'* PL’
vbeam = vw + VF = W + i
Substituting Eqs. (b) and (c) into Eq. (a) and solving yields
F = 431 lb Ans.
Ue the method of superposition to olve the following 8-143* A beam is loaded and supported as shown in Fig. P8-143.
problems. Determine the reactions at the supports A and B.
Introductory Problems
8-142* A beam is loaded and supported as shown in Fig. P8-142.
Determine the reactions at the supports A and B. A I
L L ~.- L
) Flg|u~eP8-143
L 4 8-144 A beam is loaded and supported as shown in Fig. P8-144.
Determine the magnitude of the load P required to make the
Figure P3442 slope at the left end of the beam zero.
SS6 CHAPTER s rmxtnuti LOADING: mm nsmzcnons
L‘ L B W
Figure P8-144 L B
L/2 L
8-145* A beam is loaded and supported as shown in Fig. P8-145. Figure P8-148
Determine the magnitude of the moment M required to make
the deflection at the left end of the beam zero.
8-149 A beam is loaded and supported as shown in Fig. P8- 149.
Determine the reactions at the supports A, B, and C.
Figure P8-145
( A
Figure P8-146
8-152 A beam is loaded and supported as shown in Fig. P8-152. 8-155 A beam is loaded and supported as shown in Fig. P8-155.
Determine the magnitude of the moment M required to make
a. The slope at the right end of the beam zero.
a. The reactions at the supports A and C.
b. The deflection at the right end of the beam zero.
b. The deflection at the right end of the distributed load.
.1Lt_Lg, :5 tn:
A ]B C ii
~ L -I» L i
Figure P8-152
8-156* Draw complete shear force and bending moment diagrams
for the beam shown in Fig. P8-156.
8-153* A beam is loaded and supported as shown in Fig. P8-153
a. The reactions at the supports A and C. M
b. The deflection at the right end of the distributed load.
A 93 QC
L 1i L l
2 wL
Figure P8-156
_‘. L l
8-157 Draw complete shear force and bending moment diagrams
for the beam shown in Fig. P8-157.
Figure P8-153
Challenging Problems 30(10°) mm‘. Determine the deformation of the spring after
the 80-kN/m distributed load is applied.
8-158* Two beams are loaded and supported as shown in Fig.
P8-158. Determine the reactions at the supports A, B, and D.
Both beams have the same flexural rigidity.
80 k.N/m
A It
F 1.5 m
Figure P8-160
Figure P8-158
,< LIZ I U2 I 8-161* Two steel (E = 29,000 ksi) beams support a 1600-lb
concentrated load, as shown in Fig. P8-161. In the unloaded
condition, beam AB touches but exerts no force on beam CD.
Beam AB is an S4 >< 9.5 American standard section, and beam
8-159* A steel (E = 29,000 ksi and] = 120 inf‘) beam is loaded CD is an S5 x 14.75 section (see Appendix B). Determine
and supported as shown in Fig. P8-159. The post BD is a 6 x
6-in. timber (E = 1500 ksi) that is braced to prevent buckling. a. The maximum flexural stress in each beam.
Determine the load carried by the post if it is unstressed before b. The maximtun transverse shearing stress in each beam.
the 530-lb/it distributed load is applied.
s:-to lbffi I/3 ft
F__lSfi I
A B m, c _/
I600 lb . /
2011 . A
' ——— 3 fi __________. ——— 1. 0
0" D
10ft l0fi
_"“'-- 3 rt -_________;
Figure P8-161
7 kNl’m
__./ 4
XX 1 1
/Z______ 3.
16 s
6 rt
“1.5 m ._____ C //’I 4001b/til WT
""9" --| ’_l.Sm s in.
‘. k/Z
1.5 ui -_ = J;
Figure P8-162 M Bl2 fi A
Figtu-e P8-165
8-163 A beam is loaded and supported as shown in Fig. P8-163.
a. Determine the reactions at the supports A and C. 8-166 In Fig. P8-166, the aluminum alloy tie rod passes through
b. Draw complete shear force and bending moment diagrams a hole in the aluminum alloy cantilever beam and through the
for the beam. coil spring positioned on the end of the tie rod. Before loading,
there is a clearance of2.5 mm between the bottom of the beam
and the top ofthe spring. The cross-sectional area ofthe tie rod
is 100 mmz, the second moment of area of the cross section of
W the beam with respect to its neutral axis is 40(l0°) mm", the
modulus of elasticity of the aluminum alloy is 70 GPa, and the
spring modulus is 1000 kN/m. Determine the axial stress in the
' A F C ' lzierod whenM=9kN - ma.ndw=90kN/m.
I L . L I
Figure P8-163
. L "U4
The free-body diagram of Fig. 8-3 6b indicates that the problem is statically in-
determinate, because there are three unknown reaction components and only two
( 11) independent equations of equilibrium available.
If the portion of the beam to the right of the reaction R3 was removed and
replaced by an equivalent shearing force and bending moment at the transverse
section above RB, neither RB nor the elastic curve in the interval 0 5 x 5 L
MA would be changed. Hence, it is necessary to deal with only the strain energy of
(,,t L ” U4 l
the beam in the interval O 5 x 5 L. With the coordinate system placed as shown,
the resulting moment equation obtained from the free-body diagram in Fig. 8-36c
From Eq. 8-5a, the deflection at the right support is given by J"
U =
— = T
1 [L M i
BM, dx Mr
B 3R3 EI 0 ' aR,,-
Since the partial derivative of M, with respect to R3 is x, the expression for the V’ X RB
deflection is (C)
VB = _ RM _ 5
_2 _ g _ Q2 mdx .
Figure s-36¢)
2 4 32
3 LIZ L2
= E~E~
— ;"~'wr_;‘“~?_ (KHZ _ % _ W4 _ wszxldx
which upon integration and substitution of limits becomes
43wL 43wL
Rb‘ = 4-6T = W 1‘ ADS.
The other reaction components (ll/1,, and IQ) are obtained fi-om the free-body
diagram shown in Fig. 8-36b and the equilibrium equations EMA = 0 and
EFJ, = 0. Thus,
M 7»-.»L2 7wL2L An
”_ 64 _ 64 S‘
43 L s L
+¢2F,,=0= V,,+Rg—w(5L/4)=V,,+%—%=0
from which
37L 37L J’
This solution will make use of the free-body diagram of Fig. 8-36d, from which 1
the moment equation is VA g V,
2 (4)
Mr = MA + VA’ — % 05I5L Figure 21-36(11)
S62 crnwrsn s rrnxmm. LOADING: mam nnrrrzcnoss
Since there are two unknowns in the moment equation and only one independent
energy equation can be written, the equilibrium equation EM3 = 0 (Fig. 8-36b)
will be used to obtain a relation between the two unknowns. Thus,
5WL 3L
+rEMg=0Z MA+VAL—T Y =0
fi'om which
151:2 15L M
MA=%""**’~ °' "*'=%"TA
Eliminating MA from the moment equation for ill, gives
15wL2 wxz
M, = V - L + T - —
" (x ) 32 2
and then
v,, = _ 1 r M,_ae
arr = -f BM,
an EI 0 aV,,
1 L
=- [ire > wxz
V -L2-—
2 (x —L >+ i 3, (I —L >] dx=0
fi'om which
V +37wL 37wL A
”— 64 — 64 T "5'
The other reaction components (MA and RB) can be obtained fiom equilibrium
BU 1 L BM,
= — = — M —dx
V“ aV,, Elf, ' an,
l L 1
Eli [Mu+ Vgx —P(x—a} ](x)dx
1 M012 7-5‘
=_ Z
Vex’ 1- _ 2 _-1 _ 3 L
Ell 2 + 3 lzlx “i six “l 0
where the last term was integrated by parts. Substitution of the limits gives
EIvu= ——%—+—%——-i~—(L—a)2+-6-(L—a)3
av 1 L arr,
= EL (M, + Vox - P(x - a)1)dx
1 V0122 P 2‘
-EI|:Mux+ 2 —2(x—a) 0
EI61) = MOL + -35- - E(L —a)2
Vol.2 PL2
° 2 —+PeL
2 5-0
2 — (e)
Equations (a) and (b) are solved to obtain the following results:
3322 ZPQ3
V1) = P — i + f ADS.
21112 P03
M0=—Pfl+T+F ADS.
V0 Mrl
”"(l x
Integration by parts can be eliminated by considering the resisting moments in
the two segments of the beam separately. Consider first the segment shown in
Fig. 8-38a, where the resisting moment is
(a) 0 -S. zsa
Mrl=V0x+M0 05x50
Next, consider the segment shown in Fig. 3-3 Sb, where the resisting moment is
mil (b) a s I s L
M,2 = V},x+Mg— P(x —a)
=l/§x+M@—Px+Pa a5x5L
Figure 8-38
The strain energy of the beam is
U = U1 + U2
1 a
aM,, 1 L
V" — Eli M" at/0 dx+ EIL M” at/0 d” (C)
and the slope is
0 = -1 == M, —e'e
aim, -1 L M ——dx
° Erfu ‘aim, +EI_£ '2:-IMO id)
Setting both ve = 0 and 60 = 0 and carrying out the mathematics indicated in
Eqs. (c) and (d) results in Eqs. (a) and (b) again, and the rest of the solution is
the same as before.
Use Castigllano’s theorem to solve the following problems. 8-169* A beam is loaded and supported as shown in Fig. P8- 169.
When the couple Q is applied, the slope at the right end of the
beam is zero. Determine the magnitude of the couple Q.
Introductory Problems
8-168* A beam is loaded and supported as shown in Fig. P8-168.
Determine the reaction at the support B. “' Q
Figure P8-169
M0 , A %' C)” = %
l L i l L i U2 i
Figure P8-17!] Figure Pa-114
8-171* A beam is loaded and supported as shown in Fig. P8-171 8-175* A beam is loaded and supported as shown in Fig. P8-175.
Determine the reactions at the supports A and B. Determine
a. The reactions at the supports, A, B, and D.
b. The deflection under the concentrated load P.
l i
Figure P8-171
i L is L
Figure P8-172
~ L 1 21. i
8-I73 A beam is loaded and supported as shown in Fig. P8-173 Figure P8-176
Determine the reactions at the supports A and B.
8-I77 A beam is loaded and supported as shown in Fig. P8-177.
Determine the reactions at the supports A and B.
l 1- =l
Figure P8-173
Figure P8-177
l— L
. . Hg
it B
2- —
Intermediate Problems
8-174* A beam is loaded and supported as shown in Fig. P8-174. 8-178* A beam is loaded and supported as shown in Fig. P8-178.
Determine the reactions at the supports A and B. Determine the reactions at the supports A and B.
566 cruwrsn s rrmuruu. r.osn11~1c= error narnzcnoss
A ic B’ i‘ L 'r L '
Figure P8-181
l‘ L 51 2L
Figure P8-178
8-182 Draw complete shear force and bending moment diagrams
for the beam shown in Fig. P8-182.
wL A s c '
|< r =i r 4
Figure P8-182
Challenging Problems W
8-180* The beam shown in Fig. P8- 180 is simply supported at the
lefl end and framed into a colurrm at the right end. When the
0 A Bi C 0
load is applied, the ends of the beam remain at the same level,
but the right end rotates (due to loading the adjacent span)
clockwise until the slope of the elastic curve is wL3/(24EI) |= e Pl 1. >
downward to the right. Determine the reaction at the Figure P8-183
support A.
l L
Figure P8-180
1a,, = R, = 51350) (5) = 2l25N
rm, = 2l25N Mm = %(2125)(2.5) = 2656N-111
w = 850 Nfm
(8 l
Figure 8-39(2)
S68 CHAPTER s Frsxuruu. LOADING: error nsrrrcnoss
w = s50 Nfm
=2l25N RB=2l25N w
2.5m 2.5 m
- -2125
- -_ - - _-_- r-p
Figure 8-39(b—d)
The minimum section modulus needed to satisfy the allowable value of the
flexural stress is given by Eq. 7-9 as
For a rectangular section, the area is A = bk, the second moment of area is I =
bhii12, and the maximum shearing stress occurs at the neutral axis. Then,
Q .( 2) 8
s-10 nssrerv PROBLEMS 569
Vr Q Vr(bh2/8) Vr Vr 2125
I = --
It = (bh3/l2)b
--- =1.5--
be =1.s- A =1.s-i-
= 0.3226(l06)Nfm2 = 0.32215 MPa < 0.7 It/[Pa
Thus, the shearing stress requirement is satisfied.
For a simply supported beam with a uniformly distributed load, case 7 of
Table B- 19 (Appendix B), gives the maximinn deflection as
I |_ 5wL“ _ s(8s0)(s)‘
v‘“‘“‘ ' 38451 _ 384(13)(10"‘)(48.3)(10-°)
=1l.0l7(l0_3)m= l1.0l7mm < 14mm
where S = 400 (103) mm3 is the actual section modulus of the cross section
originally selected (51 x 254 mm nominal). Thus, the 51 x 254-mm timber
satisfies the flexural stress requirement. The maxirnimi shearing stress and the
maximum deflection with the beam weight included are
V 2282
‘Ema; = =
w = 500 lbffi
10a i en
w = 500 lbffi
K = 4375 lb
kfi RB = 4625 lbt B
sass 611
1.25 fi
3*! +1:r 4- 375
_ _ r_ ~'_ - -1 7-. -
(6) -mu
19,14 I
xi +::= 750
r-1 @ 0
Figure 8-40
Load (free-body), shear force, and bending moment diagrams for the beam of
Fig. 8-40a a.re shown in Figs. 8-40b, c, and d, respectively. The equilibrium
equations yield
The minimum section modulus needed to satisfy the allowable value of the
flexural stress is given by Eq. (7-9) as
S3 Mm,
am _ 19,141(12) ,,
24,000 -9.57l1.n.
The lightest weight American Standard beam (S-shape) listed in Table B-3 (Ap-
pendix B) with S 3 9.571 in.3 is an S7 x 15.3 section. For this section,
V 4625 . .
I“ = 2:: = 0.252 ["/.00 - 2 (0.392)] = 2953 PS1 << M000 PS1
Thus, the shearing stress requirement is satisfied, because the maximum shearing
stress in the web of an American standard beam is only slightly larger than the
average shearing stress.
The deflection at midspan is fotmd by using the method of superposition
and Table B-19 (Appendix B). The given loading (Fig. 8-41a) is equivalent to
the two loads, parts (1) and (2), as shown in Fig. 8-41b. For part (1), the midspan
deflection is given as case 7 of Table B-19 (Appendix B). It is
,1: i = _ = _0_6927,,,_
384.91 384(29)(106)(36.7)
P= 1000 lb
10 ii 6 rt -
1000 lb
1000 lb
5001br'fi 5001b-‘ft
+ 1+1
T "’ I
Figure s-41
For part (2), the rriidspan deflection is given as case 5 of Table B-19 (Appendix
B). It is
8-=r:;.; -~1°"":;8:;:.8;; -
The midspan deflection is the algebraic sum of v1 and V2 and is
Since |vm,d| is greater than van, a new section must be selected with sufficient I
to satisfy the deflection requirement, Thus,
Introductory Problems
beam is made of air-dried Douglas fir (E = 13 GPa) with an
8 186* A 3 m-long simply supported beam is loaded with a uni- allowable flexural stress of 8 MPa and an allowable shearing
formly distributed load of 2 6 kN/m over its entire length. The stress of 0.7 MPa. The maximum deflection at the center of
s-10 nssrsn PROBLEMS 573
the span must not exceed 10 mm. Select the lightest standard Intermediate Problems
structural timber that cart be used for the beam.
8-190* A solid circular shaft made of ASTM A36 steel (E = 200
8-187* An air-dried Douglas fir (E = 1900 ksi) beam is simply GPa) is supported by bearings spaced 1.5 m apart. The shaft
supported and has a span of 16 ft. 'I‘he beam is subjected to a is to support a 4-kN load perpendicular to the shaft; the load
uniformly distributed load of 800 lb/it over its entire length. If may be placed at any point between the bearings. The allow-
the allowable flexural stress is 1200 psi, the allowable shearing able flexural stress is 152 MPa, the allowable shearing stress
stress is 90 psi, and the allowable deflection at the middle of is 100 MPa, and the allowable deflection is 5 mm. If shafts are
the span is 1/2 in., select the lightest standard structural timber available with diameters in increments of 5 mm, determine the
that can be used to support the load. smallest-diameter shaft that can be used to support the load.
8-188 A standard structural steel (E = 200 GPa) pipe is to support Neglect the weight of the shaft.
the load shown in Fig. P8-188. The allowable flexural stress 8-191 A simply supported structural steel (E = 29,000 ksi) beam
and deflection are 150 MPa and 5 mm, respectively. Select has a span of 24 ft and carries a uniformly distributed load of
the lightest permissible standard steel pipe that can be used to 1200 lb/it. The bearn has an allowable flexural stress of 24 ksi,
support the load. Neglect the effects of shear. an allowable shearing stress of 14 ksi, and an allowable deflec-
tion of' 1 / 360 ofthe span. Select the lightest American standard
(S-shape) beam that can be used to support the loading.
Challenging Problems
8-192* The simply supported structural steel (E = 200 GPa)
<1Rx‘ beam shown in Fig. P8-192 has an allowable flexural stress
of 165 MPa, an allowable shearing stress of 100 MPa, and an
‘ \X 1.3 kN allowable deflection of l/360 of the span. Select the lightest
wide-flangebearn thatcanbe used to support the loading shown
1.25m in the figure.
A ”1“ T T
-. wt,-_,
Figure P8-188
8-189 A portion ofa pedestrian walkway along the side ofa bridge
is shown in Fig. P8-189. Cantilever beams support the loading,
one of which is shown. The beams are select structural eastern
EH. ii. tr
1.5 m
Figure P8-192
1.5 rn
A beam design is frequently not complete until the amount of deflection has been
determined for the specified load. Failure to control beam deflections within proper
limits in building construction is frequently reflected by the development of cracks
in plastered walls and ceilings. The deflection of a beam depends on the stiffness
of the material and the dimensions of the beam as well as on the applied loads and
type of supports.
Wrhen a straight beam is loaded and the action is elastic, the centroidal
axis of the beam is a curve defined as the elastic curve. The relationship be-
tween the modulus of elasticity, second moment of area, curvature, and resisting
moment is
E1 Lg = M,(x) (s-1)
which is the differential equation for the elastic curve ofa beam where the resisting
moment M, is a ftmction of x.
Whenever the bending moment can be readily expressed as an integrable
function of x, Eq. 8-1 can be solved for the deflection v of the elastic curve of a
beam at any point x along the beam. The constants of integration are evaluated
fi"om the applicable boundary conditions.
Marty beams are subjected to abrupt changes in loading along the beam.
Because the expressions for the bending moment on the left and right of any
abrupt change in load are different functions ofx, it is impossible to write a single
equation for the bending moment in terms of ordinary algebraic flmctions that is
valid for the entire length of the beam. This can be resolved by writing separate
bending moment equations for each interval of the beam. Although the intervals
are bounded by abrupt changes in load, the beam is continuous at such locations;
therefore, the slope and the deflection at the junction of adjacent intervals must
match. A matching condition is defined as the equality of slope or deflection, as
determined at the junction of two intervals from the elastic curve equations for
both intervals. One matching condition (for example, at x equals L/3, v fiom the
left equation equals v fi'om the right equation) cart be used to determine one and
only one constant of integration.
The double integration method for determining beam deflections becomes
tedious and tirne-consuming when several intervals and several sets of match-
ing conditions are required. The labor involved in solving problems of this type,
however, can be diminished by making use of singularity functions. Singularity
functions are used to write one bending moment equation that applies in all inter-
vals along a beam, thus eliminating the need for matching conditions.
The method of superposition for determining beam deflections is based on
the fact that the resultartt effect of several loads acting simultaneously on a member
is the sum of the contributions from each of the loads applied individually. The
results for the separate loads are fiequently available from previous work or easily
determined by previous methods. The results for several common loads are listed
in Table B-19 of Appendix B.
Strain energy techniques are fiequently used to analyze the deflections of
beams and structures. By Castigliano’s theorem, if the strain energy of a linearly
elastic structure is expressed in terms of the system of external loads, the partial
derivative of the strain energy with respect to a concentrated external load is the
ssvrsw PROBLEMS 575
deflection of the structure at the point of application and in the direction of that
ail)‘ — Vi (8-SQ)
5-E _ 0. (3-so)
If the deflection is required either at a point where there is no tmique point load
or in a direction not aligned with the applied load, a dummy load is introduced at
the desired point acting in the proper direction. The deflection is obtained by first
differentiating the strain energy with respect to the dummy load and then taking
the limit as the magnitude of the dummy load approaches zero.
A beam, subjected only to transverse loads, with more than two reaction
components is statically indeterminate because the equations of equilibrium are
not sufficient to determine all the reactions. The additional relations needed for an
evaluation of reactions (or other unknown forces) a.re obtained from deformation
(slope or deflection) equations.
8-194* The boards for a concrete form are to be bent to a circular b. The slope at the right end of the beam.
curve of 5-m radius. What maximum thickness can be used if c. The deflection at the right end of the beam.
the stress is not to exceed 15 MPa‘? The modulus of elasticity
for the wood is 10 GPa.
8-195* The cantilever beam shown in Fig. P8-195a is fabricated T
from two 1 >< 3-in. steel (E = 30,000 ksi) bars, as shown in
Fig. P8-l95b. Determine
a. The radius of curvature of the beam. . x _t_
b. The deflection at the right end of the beam. ;A B‘
c. The deflection 3 ft from the support. _
(11) (B)
Figure P8-195 W
A is c;
8-196 A beam is loaded and supported as shown in Fig. P8-196.
Determine WT 1. '
a. The equation of the elastic curve. Use the designated axes. Figure P3497
576 CHAPTER s rrsxlnutt LOADING: sum nrnmscnons
8-198 A cantilever beam is fabricated by bolting two structural the brass. The reaction at C is zero before the load w is applied.
steel (E = 200 GPa) C127 x 10 channel sections together, as Determine
shown in Fig. P8-198. Determine the deflection at the right end
a. The reaction at C on beam BC.
of the beam.
b. The reactions at the supports A and B.
700 N
1 tn T 1m H‘ Cross section
Figure P8-198
1 L1’2 L
8-199 Select the lightest structural steel (E = 29,000 ksi) wide- Figure P8-Z01
flange or American standard beam (Appendix B) that can be
used for the beam shown in Fig. P8-199 ifthe maximum flexu-
ral stress must not exceed 10 ksi and ifthe maximum deflection
must not exceed 0.200 in. when]. = 8 ft and w = 2000 lbllt.
8-202* The steel (E = 200 GPa) beam AB of Fig. P8-202 is fixed
at ends,-1 and B and supported at the center by the pin-connected
w timber (E = 10 GPa) struts CD and CE. The cross-sectional
area of each strut is 6400 mmz, and the second moment of the
A cross-sectional area of the beam with respect to its neutral axis
is 25(10°) mm“. Determine the force in each strut alter the
6-kN/m distributed load is applied to the beam.
l . .
Figure P8-199
6 kN!m
8-200* An aluminum beam [E = 70 GPa and I = 20(l0")mn-1"]
is loaded and supported as shown in Fig. P8-200. Determine
the deflection at the middle of span BD.
.. B
A Roller'"' .
20 kN-m
A B C D U In
~+ I
' 2 I11 mi to m
Flgure P8-202
i 1m 1.5 m 1m
Figure P8-200
8-201 In Fig. P8-201, beam AC is made of brass and beam BC is 8-203* A beam is loaded and supported as shown in Fig. P8-
made of steel. The second moment of the cross-sectional area 203. When the loads are applied, the center support settles an
ofbeam BC withrespect to its neutral axis is twice that ofbeam amount equal to wL“/(l2EI). Determine the reactions at the
AC, and the modulus of elasticity of the steel is twice that of supports A, B, and C.
rtsvrsw PROBLEMS 577
A o
B+ 0% J 10,000 lb-it |
L it 1. no
Figure P8-203
>-‘ 61‘! “ Bit >-' ‘
3ft ZR
Flgtue P8-205
8-204 A beam is loaded and supported as shown in Fig. P8-204.
8-206* A beam is loaded and supported as shown in Fig. P8-206.
a. The reactions at the supports A and D. Determine
b. The deflection at B ifE = 200 GPa and I = 350(10°) mm‘
a. The reactions at the supports A, B, and C.
b. The deflection midway between the supports B and C.
36 lrN
1 6 kN."m W
B C D A ¥ B C
< 3m = 3m A 6m = 1 L : 2L
in their simplest form, columns are long, straight, prismatic bars subjected to
compressive, axial loads. As long as a colunm remains straight, it cart be analyzed
by the methods of Chapters 1-5; however, if a column begins to deform laterally,
the deflection may become large and lead to catastrophic failure. This situation,
called buckling, can be defined as the sudden large deformation of a structure due
to a slight increase of an existing compressive load under which the structure had
exhibited little, if any, deformation before the load was increased. For example, a
yardstick will support a compressive load of several pounds without discernible
lateral deformation, but once the load becomes large enough to cause the yardstick
to “bow out" a slight amotmt, any further increase of load produces large lateral
Buckling ofsuch a column is caused not by failure ofthe material ofwhich the
colurrm is composed but by deterioration of what was a stable state of equilibrium
to an unstable one. The three states of equilibrium can be illustrated with a ball
at rest on a surface, as shown in Figure 9-1. The ball in Fig. 9-la is in a stable
equilibrium position at the bottom ofthe pit because gravity will cause it to return to
its equilibrium position ifperturbed. The ball in Fig. 9- lb is in a neutral equilibrium
position on the horizontal plane because it will remain at any new position to
which it is displaced, tending neither to return to nor move farther fi'om its original
position. The ball in Fig. 9-lc, however, is in an unstable equilibrium position at
the top of a bill because, if it is perturbed, gravity will cause it to move even farther
fi"om its original location until it eventually finds a stable equilibrium position at
the bottom of another pit.
As the compressive load on a colurrm is gradually increased from zero, the
colurrm is at first irt a state of stable equilibrium. During this state, if the colurrm
g A.-' ..
.- ' .3‘ =1-:
_ . I ~_-,'l..-" .
' ' - -"r"-' ' -< '.'-.116/'-.. w.<-,¢=e:-.- 11., -
., 1
- —y :47-F’-5
WZP '\
l-, _,_
(<1) (bl (6)
Figure 9-2
Fig. 9-2c. The two forces constitute a couple of magnitude Pv that must equal the
resisting moment Mr; thus, M, = —Pv. The difi'erential equation for the elastic
curve, as given by Eq. 8-1, becomes
= My = -—PV
dzv P
P + E” = ° (“J
Equation (a) is a homogeneous second-order linear differential equation with
constant coefficients. Established methods for the solution of such equations show
the solution to be of the form
v=Asinpx+Bcospx (b)
where/1, B, and p are constants. By differentiating Eq. (b), substituting the results
into Eq. (a), and collecting like terms, the following expression is obtained for
evaluating p and C:
(-172 + E)(A sinpx + B cospx) = 0
2 _ _
P — El
The constants A and B can be obtained from the two boundary conditions
that the deflection of the elastic curve is zero at the ends; that is, at x = 0, v = 0
and at x = L, v = 0. Using the boundary condition that v = 0 atx = 0 and Eq. (b)
v = A sin px (b')
Using the boundary condition that v = 0 atx = L and Eq. (b’) then yields
0 = A sin pL (c)
Equation (c) is satisfied if A = 0, but then v = 0 for all values of load, and the
member does not buckle. Thus, for buckling to occur, sin pL = 0 and
pL = mt n = l,2,3,4, . .. (d)
9-2 BUCKLING or LONG, srnucrrr COLUMNS 581
which may be written
P = T H = l,2,3,4, .. . (Q)
The least value of P (called P critical or Pcr) occurs when n = 1, for which Eq. (e)
1:, = "7 (9-1)
The critical buckling load given by Eq. 9-l is called the Euler buckling load}
The second moment of the cross-sectional area (I) is relative to the axis
about which bending occurs. For a pin-ended, centrically loaded column with no
intermediate bracing to restrain lateral motion, bending occurs about the “weak”
axis—the axis of minimum second moment of area. \Vhen I is replaced by Arz,
where A is the cross-sectional area and r is the radius of gyration about the axis of
bending, Eq. 9-1 becomes
& = Li = 0,, (9-2)
A (L/Y)
The dimensionless quantity L/r is called the slendemess ratio and is determined
for the axis about which bending tends to occur. Equation 9-2 is a particularly
useful form if the critical stress ac, is of concern in the design. Either Eq. 9-1 or
9-2 can be used if the critical force PC, is the primary concem in the design.
Since the analysis above is based on simple beam bending theory, it is valid
only as long as the stresses remain in the linearly elastic range. Since the pro-
portional lirnit is diflicult to measure, the yield strength is often used instead of
the proportional limit as the limiting stress, and the smallest slendemess ratio for
which the Euler buckling load equation is valid occurs when ac, = cry (the yield
The Euler buckling load as given by Eq. 9-1 or 9-2 agrees well with exper-
irnental data if the slendemess ratio is large (L/r > 140 for steel columns). Short
compression members (L/r < 40 for steel columns) can be treated as compression
blocks where yielding occurs before buckling. Many columns lie between these
extremes where neither solution is applicable. The intermediate length columns
are analyzed by using empirical formulas described in Section 9-4.
1 While the analysis predicts the bucklingload, it does not determine the corresponding lateral deflection
6. This deflection canassume any nonzero value small enough that the nonlinear factor [1 + (clvlclx)2]3"2
in the curvature expression is approximately unity.
S82 cniumzira COLUMNS
(a) To determine the slendemess ratio, the minimum radius of gyration must
be calculated. The second moment of area of a rectangular cross section is
bli3/ 12 and the area is bh; therefore, the radius ofgyiation is .,/l;7 or h/2s/§.
The minimum radius of gyration is found by using the centroidal axis parallel
to the longer side of the rectangle. Thus, b = 4 in. and h = 2 in. so that
L 8(12)
r 0-5774 = 166.3 Ans.
P The Euler buckling load could also (b) The Euler buckling load is found by using Eq. 9-2. Thus,
have been foimd using Eq. 9-1; P" =
H251 _ H’(1-9)(10")[(4)(2’)/(12)] _
1;, = Q = = 5424 lb "5 5420 lb Ans.
P ' i<8>c1211* ' (L/r) (166.3)
5424 lb E 5420 lb
(c) The axial stress under the action of the buckling load is
(a) The smallest slendemess ratio for which the Euler buckling load equation is
valid occurs when cc, = 0,. (yield strength). Rewriting Eq. 9-2 as
L_ n2E_ JTZE
r llqr <1,»
9-2 BIJCKLING or nose, smtrcnr COLUMNS 583
First, check that the slendemess ratio of the colurrm exceeds 49.7.
A = 7'
z(5 2 — 42 )= 7.069m.
- 2
- \ 13.9
3.2n'1m(’ \ imm L
Figure 9-3
S84 crurrrna COLUMNS
(=1) If the angles are not connected and each acts independently, the slendemess
ratio is determined by using the minimum radius of gyration of the individual
cross sections. From Appendix B, the minimum radius of gyration rm)“ for
this angle is 10.1 mm about the ZZ-axis. Thus, the slendemess ratio is
— = T = = 297 A .
1» rm 10.1 “S
P The critical stress in each portion of the The area for each angle is 312 mmz; therefore, the cross-sectional area for
column is ac, = P,,,fA = rr2E1‘(L/r)2. There- the column is 624 mrnz. The modulus of elasticity for structural steel is
fore, the total load that the column can carry 200 GPa; therefore, the buckling load is
is 3,, which equals ac, times the total area
of 624 mmz. P _ 115,4 _ p1’(200)(10“)(624)(10-6)
at —
(L/r) 2 — (297) 2
2 13.964(l03)N 2 13.96 kN Ans.
(bl With the two angles connected as shown in Fig. 9-3,both I, and 1,, or 1'3,
and 1;. must be known in order to determine the minimum radius of gyra-
tion. Cross-sectional properties for the angles are given in Appendix B. The
value of for the two angles is obtained by using the parallel axis theorem;
2 2
,3‘: /In/2A: /_,.g+d2
The above expression indicates that the radius of gyration for the two angles
is the same as that for one angle, a fact obtained directly from the definition
of radius of gyration. Then,
L L 3000
= 183.68 E 183.7 Ans.
The corresponding Euler buckling load is
P _ plea _ p1(200)(10°)(624)(10-6)
” (L/r-)2 (1ss.6s)’
= 34.599(l03)N 2 34.6161 Ans.
ea BUCKLING or nose, srmucnr COLUMNS S85
Introductory Problems 9-7 Determine the allowable compressive load that a 5 >< 5-in
air-dried red oak timber can support if it is 18 it long and a
9-1* A structural steel rod 1 in in diameter and 40 in. long will factor of safety of 3 is specified.
be used to support an axial compressive load P. Determine
a. The slendemess ratio.
b. The smallest slendemess ratio for which the Euler buckling Intermediate Problems
load equation is valid. 9-8* A 2.5-m-long column with the cross section shown in
c. The Euler buckling load. Fig. P9-8 is constructed from two pieces of air-dried Douglas
9-2* A hollow, circular structural steel column 6 m long has an fir timber. The timbers are nailed together so that they act as a
outside diameter of 125 mm and an inside diameter of 100 mm. unit. Determine
a. The slendemess ratio.
a. The slendemess ratio. b. The smallest slendemess ratio for which the Euler buckling
h. The smallest slendemess ratio for which the Euler buckling load equation is valid.
load equation is valid. c. The Euler buckling load.
c. The Euler buckling load.
9-3 A wood column ofair-dried Douglas fir is 10 fi long and has 50mm 50mm 50mm
a 4 x 4-in. rectangular cross section Determine
a. The slendemess ratio. .=
b. The smallest slendemess ratio for which the Euler buckling -‘if.-.3535: ‘
‘ .:
load equation is valid.
c. The Euler buckling load.
-4"/' . l-.
9-4* A 5-m-long column with the cross section shown in
1'1 150 -
Fig. P9-4 is constructed from four pieces oftimber. The timbers - -mm
is?" 2-33--
are nailed together so that they act as a unit. Determine 51 ff;
- 1-3": 1+?-I
a. The slendemess ratio. 22:11::-isi
b. The Euler buckling load. Use E = 14 GPa for the timber. v ';.- .--,r “ ’
c. The axial stress in the column when the Euler load is applied. sum
-l=a§ _F _ 5 , bl mo mm 9-9* A WT6 >< 36 structural steel section (see Appendix B for
25 mm 100 mm - 25 mm cross-sectional properties) is used for a 15-it-long column
-. Determine
a. The slendemess ratio.
b. The smallest slendemess ratio for which the Euler buckling
§= 15 mm load equation is valid.
Figure P9-4 c. The Euler buckling load.
9-10 A WTl52 x 89 structural steel section (see Appendix B
9-5 A yardstick has a rectangular cross section l U8 in wide >< for cross-sectional properties) is used for a 6-m-long column
5/32 in. thick. Determine Determine
a. The slendemess ratio. a. The slendemess ratio.
b. The Euler buckling load. Use E = 1900 ksi for the wood. b. The Euler buckling load. Use E = 200 GPa for the steel.
c. The axial stress in the column when the Euler load is applied.
9-6 Determine the allowable compressive load that an 89-min-
nominal-diameter standard structural steel pipe can support if 9-ll Determine the maximum allowable compressive load for
it is 5 m long and a factor of safety of 2 is specified. a l0-ft-long aluminum (E = 10,000 ksi) column having the
cross section shown in Fig. P9-ll if a factor of safety of 2.25 l‘‘ 250 mm i 25
is specified.
25 mm
150 mm
i 10 it ‘i
Figure P9-15
Figure P9-12 9-16* A 60-kN load is supported by a tie rod AB and a pipe
strut BC, as shown in Fig. P9-16. The tie rod has a diameter
9-13* Determine the maximum allowable compressive load for of 30 mm and is made of steel with a modulus of elasticity of
a 10-it-long aluminum alloy (E = 10,000 ksi) column having 210 GPa and a yield strength of3 60 MPa. The pipe strut has an
the cross section shown in Fig. P9-13 if a factor of safety of inside diameter of 50 mm and a wall thickness of 15 mm and
2.50 is specified. is made of an aluminum alloy with a modulus of elasticity of
73 GPa and a yield strength of 280 Ml-"a. Determine the factor
of safety with respect to failure by yielding or buckling for the
3 in_ .
4 in.
< 1.5 m kw
.4 a
Z0 m 60 kN
Figure P9-13
9-17 A column 20 ft long is made by riveting three S10 x 25.4 The channels are made of structural steel with a modulus of
structural steel sections (see Appendix B for cross-sectional elasticity of 29,000 ksi and a yield strength of 36 ksi. Deter-
properties] together as shown in Fig. P9-17. Determine the mine the maximum load P that can be applied to the truss if a
maximum compressive load that this column can support. Use factor of safety of 1.75 with respect to failure by yielding and
E = 29,000 ksi. a factor of safety of 4 with respect to failure by buckling are
2P P
ix 1211 l8fi 1
A B c
Figure P9-17
9-18* Two C229 x 30 structural steel channels (see Appendix L l ' '
B for cross-sectional properties) are used for a column that is ’ 9 P‘ " ’ 18 ft T ’
12 I11 long. Determine the total compressive load required to Figure P9-19
buckle the two members if they are laced together back to back
150 mm apart, as shown in Fig. P9-18.
9-20 A simple pin-connected truss is loaded and supported, as
shown in Fig. P9-20. All members of the truss are WTl02 x
43 sections (see Appendix B for cross-sectional properties)
y made of structural steel with a modulus of elasticity of 200
i 5-" Liming be" GPa and a yield strength of250 MPa. Determine
a. The factor of safety with respect to failure by yielding.
150 mm b. The factor of safety with respect to failure by buckling.
aa 1.
Figure P9-18
i P P P
we .I
I I ‘ I
\ I L’ E 0.71.
I I L’ =-LIZ I
LE5-=L'=L I L=L'f2
I I f
the Euler equation, therefore, is the distance between successive points of zero
bending moment. All that is needed to modify the Euler column formula for use
with other end conditions is to replace L by L’, where L’ is defined as the efléctive
length of the colurrm (the distance between two successive inflection points or
points of zero moment).
The ends of the column in Fig. 9-4b are built in or fixed. Since the deflection
curve is symmetrical, the distance between successive points of zero moment
(inflection points) is half the length of the column. Thus, the effective length L’
of a fixed-end column for use in the Euler column formula is half the true length
(L’ = 0.5L). The colurrm in Fig. 9-4c, being fixed at one end and free at the
other end, has zero moment only at the fiee end. Ifa mirror image of this column is
visualizedbelow the fixed end, however, the effective length between points ofzero
moment is seen to be twice the actual length of the column (L’ = ZL). The column
in Fig. 9-4d is fixed at one end and pinned at the other end. The effective length
of this column cannot be determined by inspection, as could be done in the pre-
vious two cases; therefore, it is necessary to solve the differential equation to
determine the effective length. This procedure yields L’ — 0.7L.
Apin-ended column is usually loaded through apin that, as a result offriction,
is not completely free to rotate; hence, there will always be an indeterminate
moment at the ends ofa pin-connected column that will reduce the distance between
the infiectionpoints to a value less than L. Also, it is impossible to support a column
so that all rotation is eliminated; therefore, the effective length of the column in
Fig. 9-4b will be somewhat greater than LIZ. As a result, it is usually necessary
to modify the effective colurrm lengths indicated by the ideal end conditions. The
amount of the corrections will depend on the individual application. In summary,
the term L/r in all column formulas in this book is interpreted to mean the effective
slendemess ratio L’/r. In the problems in this book, the length given for a member
is assumed to be the effective length unless otherwise noted.
I . p__,.
It ___ _—‘_—‘_—‘_——‘l'
Figure 9-5
The relationship between factor of safety and loads is
_ Pall (a)
For failure by buckling, the ultimate load Pu is the Euler buckling load P”, which
e. = (b)
Substituting Eq. (b) into Eq. (a) and rewriting yields
Pall = (5')
(L) (F-5')
The second moment of area I and the effective length L’ depend on the plane in
which the column buckles; either the xy- or xz-plane.
If buckling occurs in the xy-plane, the left end of the column is fixed and
the right end is pinned. Thus, the eflbctive length L’ is
1=_6a3=_1 1 23=0.666"/' .4
12 ,2()() H1
Therefore, for buckling in the xy-plane,
P,“ = rr2EI
, = n1(29)(10°)(0.6667)
2 = 13,522 lb
(17) (F3) (34) (2)
For buckling in the xz-plane, both the lefi end of the colunm and the right
end of the column are fixed. Thus, the effective length L’ is
I = —hb 3 = —(2)(l)
1 3 = 0.16667 m.
- 4
12 12
Pan =
2 =
n1(29)(1o°)(o.16667) = 5626 lb
(H) (Fm (601%)
For a colunm with this cross section and end conditions, buckling will occur in
the xz-plane and the safe load that may be applied is
Introductory Problems safe load for the column if a factor of safety of 2 with respect
to failure by buckling is specified. Use E = 29,000 ksi.
9-21* A flnished2 x 4 timber (actual size 1 5/8 in. x 3 112 in. x
10 ft long) is used as a fixed-end, fixed-end column. Ifthe mod- 9-24 Determine the maximum load that a 50-mm x 75-mm x
ulus ofelasticity for the timber is 1600 ksi and a factor ofsafety 2.5-m-long aluminum alloy (E = 73 GPa) bar earl support with
of 3 with respect to failure by buckling is specified, determine a factor of safety of 3 with respect to failure by buckling if it
the maximum safe load for the colunm. is used as a fixed-end, pinned-end column.
9-22* An L102 >< 76 x 6.4-mm aluminum alloy (E = 70 GPa) 9-25* A 6-in. >< 6-in. >< 20-ft-long timber (E = 1900 ksi) is used
angle is used for a fixed-end, pirmed-end column having an as a fixed-end, pinned-end colunm to support a 40,000-lb load.
actual length of 3 m. Determine the maximum safe load for Determine the factor of safety based on the Euler buckling
the column if a factor of safety of 1.75 with respect to failure load.
by buckling is specified. See Appendix B for cross-sectional
9-26* A W254 x 33 structural steel (E = 200 GPa) section is
properties; they are the same as those for a steel angle of the
used for a column with an actual length of 6 in The colunm
same size.
can be considered fixed at both ends for bending about the axis
9-23 A W8 x 15 structural steel section (see Appendix B for of the cross section with the smallest second moment of area
cross-sectional properties) is used for a fixed-end, free-end col- and pinned at both ends for bending about the axis with the
umn having an actual length of 10 ft. Determine the maximum largest second moment of area. Determine the maximum axial
smzcrs or DIFFERENT IDEALIZBD arm commons 591
compressive load P that can be supported by the column if a of the bar permits free vertical movement but no lateral move-
factor of safety of 1.9 with respect to failure by buckling is ment or rotation. The bottom of the bar is free to move laterally
specified. but cannot rotate. Determine the maximum load P that can be
applied if a factor of safety of 2.5 with respect to failure by
9-27 A W10 x 22 structural steel (E = 29,000 ksi) section is used
buckling is specified.
for a colunm with an actual length of 20 Pr. The column can
be considered pinned at one end and fixed at the other end for
bending about the axis of the cross section with the largest sec-
ond moment of area and fixed at both ends for bending about P
the axis with the smallest second moment of area. Determine
the maximum axial compressive load P that can be supported
by the column if a factor of safety of 3 with respect to failure
by buckling is specified.
9-28 A S127 x l5 structural steel (E = 200 GPa) section (see 1
Appendix B for cross-sectional properties) will be used for a
12-m-long pinned-end, pinned-end colunm to support a 60-kN
load. Equally spaced lateral braces will be installed to prevent
buckling about the weak axis. If the braces offer no restraint to
bending of the column and no restraint to buckling about the
strong axis, determine
a. The spacing required for the lateral braces.
b. The maximum load that the column can support once the
lateral braces are installed.
Intermediate Problems
Figure P9-31
9-29* A WT’? x 24 structural steel section (see Appendix B for
cross-sectional properties) is used for a column with an ac-
tual length of 20 ft. If the modulus of elasticity for the steel is
9-32* A structural steel (E = 200 GPa) bar has a diameter of
29,000 ksi and a factor of safety of 2 with respect to failure
50 mm, is 5 m long, and supports an axial compressive load P,
by buckling is specified, determine the maximum safe load for
as shown in Fig. P9-32. End A is fixed. The support at end B
the coltmtn under the following support conditions.
permits free movement in the x- and z-directions but no rota-
a. Pinned-pinned. tion about the z-axis. Determine the maximum load P that can
b. Fixed-free. be applied if a factor of safety of 2 with respect to failure by
c. Pinned-fixed. buckling is specified.
d. Fixed-fixed.
9-30* A solid circular rod with diameter D, length L, and modu-
lus ofelasticity E will be used to support an axial compressive
load P. The support system for the rod is shown in Fig. P9-30.
Determine the critical buckling load in terms ofD, L, and E if
buckling occurs in the plane of the page. _—n
A _—'
P P L 5m
Figure P9-32
L12 L12
Figure P9-3|] 9-33 A 2-in.-diameter by 24-it-long solid, circular alumimun
alloy (E 10,000 ksi) bar is used to transmit a 4000-lb force,
as shown in Fig. P9-33. If the supports permit buckling only
9-31 The structural steel (E = 29,000 ksi) bar shown in Fig. P9-31 in the plane of the page, determine the factor of safety with
has a 1.0-in. diameter and is 6 ft long. The support at the top respect to failure by buckling.
S92 cmtvrsrts cowuss
4000 lb “I i Te ca0 F
9-37 A free-body diagram for the fixed-end, pinned-end col-
umn shown in Fig. 9-4d is shown in Fig. P9-37. Use the free-
body diagram to develop the differential equation ofthe elastic
curve. Verify that the effective length for the fixed-end, pinned-
end colunm is L’ = 0.7L by solving the differential equation
L/3 of the elastic curve and applying the appropriate boundary
Figure P9-33 conditions.
r_ 4001;; -5 F F
Figure P9-37
9-38 A rigid block is supponed by two fixed-end, fixed-end
columns, as shown in Fig. P9-38a. Determine the effective
lengths of the columns by solving the differential equation
of the elastic curve and applying the appropriate bound-
I ary conditions. Assume that buckling occurs as shown in
Fig. P9-38b.
Figure P9-34
Challenging Problems
9-35 Verify the effective length for the fixed-end, fixed-end col-
umn shown in Fig. 9-4b by solving the differential equation of
the elastic curve and applying the appropriate boundary condi- I
tions. Place the origin of the xy-coordinate system at the lower
end of the colunm with the x-axis along the axis of the tmde-
formed column.
9-36 Verify the effective length for the fixed-end, free-end col-
umn shown in Fig. 9-4c by solving the differential equation of I L I
the elastic curve and applying the appropriate boundary condi-
tions. Place the origin of the xy-coordinate system at the lower
end of the column with the x-axis along the axis of the unde- ta) <11)
formed column. Figure P9-38
40 _
T . E = 29 000 ksi
’ .
__ 30
20 _ formula
0 1 r . 1 |_
O 50 100 I50 200 250
Figure 9-6
yield strength. For practical purposes, columns with large, slendemess ratios are
useless because they support only small loads. At the low end of the slendemess
scale, the colunm would behave essentially as a short compression block, and the
critical stress would be the compressive strength of the material (for metals, usu-
ally the yield strength). The extent of this range, the compression-block range, is
a matter ofjudgment or is dictated by specifications. The range between the com-
pression block and the slender ranges is known as the intermediate range. Neither
compression-block theory nor the Euler formula gives results in the intermediate
range that agree with test results.
Experimental results of many tests on axially loaded columns are shown in
Fig. 9-7. The Euler curve agrees with experimental data for slendemess ratios in
the slender range. Experimental data and compression-block theory agree in the
0 o \
’ . . U =_
Per = _
. ” A (Lit-)2
block range
1 Intermediate
l Slender
Figure 9-7
S94 crntrrstts cownss
0 Sr-L q, 1 L/P 2 E
l 3 Structural steel SQ Gall =—1--—
PSI: 2(q):| 2 Ca
with a yield
point cry 2
q2=2rrE Um rr2E
C5. = l.92(L/r-)2
FS -5 §(&)_l(£)’
_3+s c; s c,
2 b 2014-T6 (Alclad) £512 Uni = 28 ksi E 355
r .7‘
Aluminum alloy = 193 MPa
E 366
312001) ma
r r
Aluminum alloy = 131 MPa
L 51,000
9.5§—§66 Jail = |:20.2 - 0.126(- F‘ E. Uni = — ksi
r \._-/ iii (L/P):
= [139-o.s6s(-)1 MPa = i351(10 ) MPa
r (L/r)2
4 c Timberviritha 5511 e,,.=F; M5550
rectangu ar _,
cross section 115 E 5 k an, = FE 1- _ 0-30E
bXdwheIed<b d 3 k U‘“_ (L/d)?
k = 0.671./E/Ft
a. Manual‘ ofSteel Constmction, 9th ed., American Institute of Steel Construction, New York, 1989.
b. Specificatiorrsforfluminum Structures, Aluminum Association, lnc., Washington, D.C., 1986.
c. Timber Construction Manual, 3rd ed., American Institute of Timber Construction, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1985.
‘F, is the allowable stress for a short block in compression parallel to the grain.
compres sion-block range. Test results are not in agreement with compression-block
theory or the Euler theory in the intermediate range. These interrnediate-length
columns may be analyzed by empirical formulas.
For design ptuposes, the entire range of stresses for a given material is
covered by an appropriate set ofspecifications lcnown as a column code. Depending
on the code, the empirical formula may be specified for the intermediate range
along with the limits of the intermediate range; the code may also specify the
Euler formula in the slender range and the limits of the slender range; or, the code
may specify the critical stress and limits of the range for the compression-block
range. If the code is written for allowable loads or stresses, the factor of safety will
either be specified or included in the constants for the empirical formula. A few
representative codes are listed in Table 9-l. Each code is written for allowable (or
safe) stresses. A few representative codes for steel, aluminum, and timber will be
discussed. The codes are taken from references listed in the footnotes of Table 9- 1.
9-4 EMPIRICAL corms ronsrums-carmuc momma 595
The formulas in Table 9-1 represent colurrm equations that have been in-
corporated in various design codes. Slendemess ratios in this table are always the
effective slenderness ratio L’/r. If no end conditions are specified in the prob-
lems presented later, the stated length is the effective length. Note that the use of
high-strength materials will increase the allowable load (Pan = a,11A) for short
columns but will have little effect on the load-carrying capacity of long columns,
because the critical load (Euler load) depends on Young’s modulus, not on the
elastic strength of the material. Note also that the use of fixed or restrained ends,
which has the effect of reducing the length of the column, materially increases the
load-carrying capacity of slender columns but has much less influence on short
compression members.
The discussion so far has been concemed with primary instability, in which
the colunm deflects as a whole into a smooth curve. No discussion ofcompression
loading is complete without reference to local instability in which the member fails
locally by crippling of thin sections. Thin open sections such as angles, channels,
and H-sections are particularly sensitive to crippling failure. The design of such
members to avoid crippling failure is usually governed by specifications controlling
the width—thiclmess ratios of outstanding flanges. Closed-section members of thin
material (thin-walled tubes, for example) must also be examined for crippling
failure when the members are short. A discussion of these and other design issues
may be found in references such as a and b listed in Table 9-1.
1 Example Problem 9-5 Two structural steel C10 >< 25 channels are
latticed 5 in. back to back, as shown in Figs. 9-8a and b, to form a colunm.
Determine the maximum allowable axial load for effective lengths of 25 ft and
40 ft. Use Code 1 for structural steel (see Appendix B for properties).
Both]; and 1,, (see Fig. 9-8b) or 15, and :5, must be known to determine the minimum
radius of gyration. Properties of the channel section are given in Appendix B.
The value of IS, for two channels is obtained by using the parallel axis theorem;
Back of channel
»"._- y
5.00 m.
, _ l Q
(*1) (11)
Figure 9-s
S96 CHAPTER‘) cowmrs
The above expression indicates that the radius of gyration for the two
channels is the same as that for one channel, a fact obtained directly from the
definition of radius of gyration. Then,
L _ 12(25) _ l2(40) _
r _ 3.19 _9-1-.0 and 3-19 _150.5
From Code 1,
cf = L
2 =5
2 1 29000
= 15,901 cc = 126.1
0,, 36
The slendemess ratios above indicate that the 25-ft column is in the intermediate
range because L/r < CC or 94.0 < 126.1; hence, the factor of safety is
5 3 94.0 1 94.0 3
FS=§+§ 6.1 -5 6.1 =l'894
The allowable stress is
. 1 L 2 36103 1 94.0 2 .
The 40-ft column has a slenderness ratio of 150.5; therefore, it is in the slender
P The Euler buckling load is inversely pro- range since L/r > C, or 150.5 > 126.1. Hence,
portional to the square of the length L.
Therefore, it might be expected that reduc-
ing the length of a colunm by a factor n (in
2E : L1
M : ":2 2 29 10° : 6,81,,,
this case n = 40r'25 = 1.6) would increase l.92(L;$-) 1.92(150.5)
the buckling load by a factor of n2 [in this
case 1'12 = (1.6): = 2.56]. In this case, how- Hence, the safe load for the 4-0-fi colunm is
ever, the safe load for the 25-ft-long column
is only about 2.1 times that forthe 40-it-long
P = 0a11(A) = 6581(2)(7.35) = 96.74-(103) lb E 96.7 kip Ans.
9-4 EMPIRICAL corms ronsrums-cnv1'1trc uoxnnwc 597
Ii _ 3.5(103)_23 33
d — 150 — '
r = 0.671 5 = 0.6"/1 in = 25.53
I-2 r.6(10*'*) P Note that L/a‘ = 23.33 is the ratio
of the effective length of the column to
Since 11 5 L/ii 5 k or ll < 23.33 <: 25.53, the colunm is in the intermediate the smallest cross-sectional dimensigrn and
range and the allowable stress is given by the code as
not the slendemess ratio L/r = T =
Introductory Problems pressive load P. If E = 29,000 ksi and 0,. = 36 ksi, determine
the maximum load permitted by Code 1.
9-39* An air-dried red oak (E = 1800 ksi and E = 4.6 ksi) timber
colunm with an effective length of 5 R has a 3 >< 3-in. rectan- 9-42* A W254 x 89 structural steel (E = 200 GPa and 11,. =
gular cross section. Determine the maximum compressive load 250 MPa) column is pinned at both ends, is 3 m long, and sup-
permitted by Code 4. ports an axial compressive load P, Detemiine the maximum
9-40* Douglas fir(E = 1 1 GPa and E = 7.6 MPa) timber columns load permitted by Code 1.
with 200 >< 300-mm rectangular cross sections will be used 9-43 A 3.0-in.-diameter solid circular 6061-T6 aluminum alloy
to support axial compressive loads. Determine the maximum bar is to be used as a colunm with an effective length of 30 in.
compressive load permitted by Code 4 if Determine the maximum axial compressive load P permitted
a. The effective length of the column is 2 m. by Code 3.
b. The effective length of the column is 4 m.
9-44 A 2014-T6 aluminum alloy tube with an outside diameter of
c. The effective length of the column is 6 m.
100 mm and an inside diameter of80 mm is used for a column
9-41 A 2.5-in.-diameter standard-weight steel pipe colunm is with an effective length of 1.0 m. Determine the maximum
8 ft long, is pinned at both ends, and supports an axial com- axial compressive load P permitted by Code 2.
S98 crnn'rax9 commas
Intermediate Problems
9-45* Three structural steel bars with a 1 x 4-in. rectangular
cross section will be used for an 8-ft-long fixed-ended col-
umn. Determine the maximum compressive load permitted by
Code 1 if
a. The three bars act as independent axially loaded members.
b. The three bars are welded together to form an H-colunm.
9-46* Three hollow circular structural steel tubes with inside di-
ameters of50 mm and outside diameters of80 mm will be used Figure P9-48
for a 3 .5-m-long pin-ended column. Determine the maximum
compressive load permitted by Code 1 if
9-49* Four L4 x 3 >< 3/8-in. structural steel angles 11 it long
a. The three tubes act as independent axially loaded members.
are used as a pin-ended colunm. Determine the maximtun load
b. The three tubes are welded together as shown in Fig. P9-46.
permitted by Code 1 if the angles are welded together to form
a 6 x 8-in. box section as shown in Fig. P9-49.
Figure P9-46
l-—6 1n.—l
Figure P9-49
9-47 Two C10 x 15.3 structural steel channels 12 ft long are used
as a fixed-ended, pin-ended colunm. Determine the maximum
load permitted by Code 1 if the channels are welded together 9-50 Two L102 x 76 x 9.5-mm structural steel angles 7 m long
to form a 10 x 5.2-in. box section, as shown in Fig. P9-47. are used as a pin-ended colunm. Determine the maximum load
permitted by Code 1 if the angles are fastened together to form
a 102 >< 76-mm box section as shown in Fig. P9-50.
l—r6 mm—l
l 5.2in. '
Figure P9-50
Figure P9-47
—1 l*—20.8 mm
Figure P9-54
x 9-55 Three 2 x 4-in. timber studs are nailed together to form an
8-ft-long column with the cross section shown in Fig. P9-55
The colunm is fixed at the bottom and pinned at the top If
E = 1600 ksi and E = 1100 psi, use Code 4 to determine
Figure P9-52 the maximum permissible axial compressive load that may be
9-53* A strut of aluminum alloy 6061-T6 having the cross sec-
tion shown in Fig. P9-53 is to carry an axial compressive load *.-'r;f. i:iI.- :; -1"
of 165 kip. The strut is 4 ft long and is fixed at the bottom :",l"1'l.l"-A-51 2m’
and pinned at the top. Determine the dimension d of the cross
section using Code 3. N)
Figure P9-55
9-56 A sand bin is supported by four 200 x 250-mm fixed-ended
rectangular timber columns 4.5 m long. Assume that the load
is equally divided among the four columns and that the column
—2.z loads are axial. If the columns are made of timber with E =
Figure P9-53 13 GPa and F, = 9 MPa, determine the maximum load permit-
ted by Code 4.
9-54 Two L152 x 89 x 12.7-mm angles of aluminum alloy 2014- Challenging Problems
T6 are welded together as shown in Fig. P9-54 to form a 4.75-
9-57* A 25-ft-long plate and angle colunm consists of four L 5 x
m-long pin-ended column. The pins provide no restraint to
3 1/2 x 1/2-in. structural steel angles riveted to a 10 x 1/2 IIL
bending about the x-axis but reduce the effective length to
structural steel plate as shown in Fig. P9-57. Determine the
3.25 m for bending about the y-axis. The cross-sectional prop-
maximum safe load permitted by Code 1 if
erties of one angle are given on the figure, where C is the cen-
troid ofone angle. Determine the maximum axial compressive a. The column is pinned at both ends.
load permitted by Code 2. b. The colunm is fixed at the base and pinned at the top.
600 CHAPTER9 comruvs
l gm
2 in. 1 in.
—x_ ii
O _14,- in ‘\ A Sectionl-1 _A
L inj l; s1u.—-
LII \--_. Pins
- ~
Figure P9-57 Figure P9-59
9-58* Four C178 x 22 structural steel channels 12 m long are
used to fabricate a column with the cross section shown in Fig.
9-60 A connecting rod made of SAE 4340 heat-treated steel has
P9-58. The column is fixed at the base and pinned at the top.
the cross section shown in Fig. P9-60. The pins at the ends
The pin at the top offers no restraint to bending about the y- of the rod are parallel to the x-axis and are 1250 mm apart.
axis; but for bending about the x-axis, the pin provides restraint
Assume that the pins offer no restraint to bending about the x-
sufficient to reduce the effective length to 7.5 m. Determine the axis but provide essentially complete fixity for bending about
maximum axial compressive load permitted by Code 1. the y-axis. Determine the maximum axial compressive load
permitted by Code 1.
l T‘ i1‘-
T1 I 20111111
x 50mm
Figm_eP9_58 10mm 10mm
30 mm l
9-59 The machine pa-1 shown in Fig. P9-59 is made ofSAE 4340 I“ 2° mm
heat-treated steel and carries an axial compressive load. The II‘ A
pins at the ends offer no restraint to bending about the axis 50 mm
of the pin, but restraint about the perpendicular axis reduces Figure P9-60
x 12;:-_
ii» y
Figure 9-9
P+Mc< 93
A I_aa1l (-)
l.n Eq. 9-3, 0,11 is the allowable stress for a centric load and is calculated using the
equations of Table 9-l and using the largest value of the slendemess ratio for the
cross section irrespective of the axis about which bending occurs. Values for c and
I used in calculating the bending stress, however, depend on the axis about which
the bending occurs. Equation 9-3, which is prescribed by most modem codes,
usually produces a conservative design.
A — cr
PA M 1
L + if 5 1 (9-4)
flan 0611
When considering eccentrically loaded colimrns, the value of 0,,“ will, in general,
be difi'erent for the two terms. In the first term P/A represents an axial stress on
a colunm; therefore, the value of 0,“ should be the average allowable stress on an
axially loaded column as obtained by an empirical formula such as those presented
ir1 Table 9- 1. In the second term, Mcfl represents the flexural stress induced in the
member as a result of the eccentricity of the load or an applied bending moment;
602 CHAITER9 cowmrs
therefore, the corresponding value of can should be the allowable flexural stress.
Since the two values of can are different, one recommended form of Eq. 9-4 is the
following interaction formula
PA M 1
L + —c/— 5 1 (9-5)
an ab
in which P/A is the average axial stress on the eccentrically loaded colunm, 0,,
is the allowable average axial stress for an axially loaded column (note that the
greatest value of L/r should be used to calculate an), Mc/I is the flexural stress in
the column, and ob is the allowable flexural stress.
When Eq. 9-5 is used to select the most economical section, it will usually
not be possible to obtain a section that will exactly satisfy the equation. Any section
that makes the sum of the terms on the lefi side of the equation less than unity is
considered safe, and the safe section giving the largest sum (less than unity) is the
most efficient section.
The cross-sectional properties for a W457 X 14-4 wide-flange section are
Figure 9-10
Since the column is made of steel, Code 1 of Table 9-1 will be used to
calculate aa|1. The equation for determining can depends on the slendemess range.
P + Mc P + Pec <
A I _A I - °"“
P P(125)(236)(10'6)
1s,365(10-°)+ 72s(10-°) 5
P 51l38(103)N
Therefore, the maximum safe load that can be applied according to the
allowable stress method is
%+M¢/I:y+P<-.-¢/1 S1
(Ta (Tb UH Ob
Introductory Problems 9-64 Detemiine the maximum load P that can be applied to the
timber colunm shown in Fig. P9-64 if E = 12 GPa and the
9-61* A hollow square steel member with outside and inside di- allowable stress for compression parallel to the grain is 9 MPa.
mensions of5 in. and 4 in. (the walls are 1/2 in. thick) functions Use the allowable stress method.
as a pin-ended column 10 ft long. Determine the maximum load
that the colunm can carry if the load is applied with a known
eccentricity of 9Il6 in., as shown in Fig. P9-61. Use the inter-
action method and let E = 29,000 ksi, 0,. = 36 ksi, and 0,, =
24 ksi.
% 1l'l. /y
I 5 ‘.1 x
2m ‘
Figure P9-61
9-62* A hollow circular steel member with outside and inside I
diameters of 150 mm and 120 mm (the walls are 15 mm thick)
flmctions as a pin-ended colunm 4 m long. Determine the max- 1. I .
imum load that the column can carry if the load is applied
20 mm from the axis of the member, as shown in Fig. P9-62. - .- '- . =/100 mm
150 mm" °' ' '
Use the allowable stress method and let E = 200 GPa and 0,, =
250 MPa. Figure P9-64
X Intermediate Problems
9-65* A W14 x 82 structural steel section is used for a 20-11-
long pin-ended column. The load is applied at a point on the
Figure P9-62
centerline of the web 5 in from the axis of the column. If
9-63 A 2-in.-diameter steel strut is subjected to an eccentric com- E = 29,000 ksi, 0,. = 36 ksi, and 0;, = 24 ksi, determine the
pressive load, as shown in Fig. P9-63. The eifective length for maximum safe load according to
bending about the x-axis is 75 in.; but for bending about the a. The allowable stress method.
y-axis, the end conditions reduce the effective length to 50 in. b. The interaction method.
Determine the maximum load that the strut can carry. Use the
interaction method and let E = 29,000 ksi, 0_,, = 36 ksi, and 9-66* A W356 >< 64 structural steel section is used for a 7-m-
0,, = 24 ksi. long fixed-ended column. The load is applied at a point on the
centerline of the web 150 mm from the axis of the column If
E = 200 GPa, 0_.. = 250 MPa, and 0,, = 160 MPa, determine
y the maximum safe load according to
.25 rnm
1.5 in. |
x x
Figure P9-70
9-71 Two L6 x 3 l/2 x 1/2-in, structural steel (E = 29,000
Figure P9-67 ksi and 0y = 36 ksi) angles are welded together as shown in
Fig. P9-71 to form a column with an effective length of 12 ii.
Use the allowable stress method to determine
9-68 A hollow square steel member with outside and inside di- a. The maximum axial compressive load P that can be sup-
mensions of 100 mm and 70 mm (the walls are 15 mm thick) ported by the coltmtn.
functions as a pin-ended colm-nn 4 m long. Determine the max- b. The maximum and minimum values for the distance d when
imum load that the colunm can carry if the load is applied with a 50-kip load is applied.
a known eccentricity of 15 mm along a diagonal of the square
as shown in Fig. P9-68. Use the allowable stress method and
let E = 200 GPa and 0,. = 250 MPa.
Load 3%in.
applied hcrc \_ +
I ‘--7 6111.-ei
15 mm Figure P9-71
When a rolled section is to be selected to support a specified load, it is usually
necessary to make several trial solutions since there is no direct relationship
between areas and radii of gyration for different structural shapes. The best
section is usually the section with the least area (smallest mass) that will support
the load. A minimum area can be obtained by assuming L/r = 0. The load-
carrying capacity of various sections with areas larger than this minimum can
then be calculated, using the proper colunm formula, to determine the lightest
one that will carry the specified load.
If L/r is small,
F8; g = 1.661
<1,,1= i = 36 ’ 000 = 21,596 psi
FS 1.667
P 150,000 _
Amin = Q = Ti = 6.94-61Il.2
A column should be selected from Appendix B with an area greater than 6.95 in.;
for the first tlial. In this case, try a W8 x 24 section for which./1 is 7.08 in.2 and
9 6 nssrcn PROBLEMS 607
L l5(l2)
— = i = lll.8
r 1.61
To determine which of the equations for the allowable stress is applicable, first
determine the value of Q.
1 L 2 36,000 1 111.8’
<1,,.=”l 1--(l = 1-- =1l,428psi
FS 2 C. 1.912 2 126.1
The allowable load is
This load is also less than the design load of 150 kip. For the third trial, use a
W8 x 40 section for which A is 11.7 in? and r is 2.04 in. For this section L/r
is 88.2 (internrediate range), the factor of safety is 1.89, the allowable stress is
14,542 psi, and the load this colurrm can support is
Since the 40-lbffi column (W8 x 40) is stronger than necessary and the 30-lb/fi
colurrm (W12 x 30) is not strong enough, any other section investigated should
weigh between 30 and 40 lb/ft. The only other wide-flange section in Appendix
B that might satisfy the requirements is a W8 x 31 section for which A is 9.13
in.2 and r is 2.02 in. For this section L/r is 89.1 (intermediate range), the factor
of safety is 1.89, the allowable stress is 14,293 psi, and the load this colunm can
support is 130,500 lb, which is less than the design load of 150 kip.
Thus, a
The above is not necessarily the best procedure. Different designers have
different approaches to the trial-and-error procedure, and for certain problems
one approach may be better than another. The important point to make here is
that the problem of design involving rolled shapes (other than simple geometric
shapes) is, in general, solved by trial and error.
The code is represented by three different equations that depend on the value of
11 I
L/r, which in tum will depend on the equation used. Thus, it will be necessary
to assume that one of the equations applies and use it to obtain the dimension of
L the colurrm, afier which the value of Lfr must be calculated and used to check
the validity of the equation used. Assume L/r is less than 55 but greater than 12,
L} b = 214-1 in which case the straight-line equation is valid. The cross section is shown in
Figure 9-ll Fig. 9-1 1, and the least second moment of area I, is equal to b13112, the area A is
equal to bi, and the least radius of gyration is
r = L/12 = 0.28871‘
V bi‘
L 0.500 _ 1.7319
Y = 0.28871: 1
and, when this value and the expression for the area are substituted in the straight-
line formula of Code 2, it becomes
P1111 6
Ua1| = I = [212 — 1.585(L/r)](10 )
7: 212-1.585 1.7319
( 1 )1 1 10 6
fi'om which
1 = 14.08(10-3)111 = 14.081111“
r 0.01408
which is greater than 55 and indicates that the straight-line formula is not valid.
The problem must be solved again using the Euler equation. Thus,
5 _ 6.75(r0’) _ 372009)
A — 2:1 _ (1.7319/1)2
from which
Introductory Problems 9-80 A Douglas fir (E = 12 GPa and F, = 9.3 lV[Pa) timber col-
umn 4 m long will be used to support an axial compressive
9-73* A column 10 ft long must support an axial compressive load of 100 kN. Use Code 4 to determine the lightest structural
load of70,000 lb. Select the lightest standard-weight structural timber that can be used.
steel pipe that can be used. Use Code 1.
9-74* Select the lightest standard-weight structural steel pipe that
can be used to support an axial compressive load of 200 kN as Challenging Problems
a 4-m-long column. Use Code 1.
9-81* The structure shown in Fig. P9-81 consists of a solid-steel
9-75 Select the lightest structural steel wide-flange section that tie rod BC and a standard-weight structural steel pipe AB. The
can be used to support an axial compressive load of 200 kip as tie rod has been adequately designed. Using Code 1, deter-
a 12-ft-long column. Use Code 1. mine the lightest pipe that can be used to support the load. The
effective length of pipe AB is 9 ii. Neglect the weight of the
9-76 A 7-m-long structural steel column will be used to sup-
port an axial compressive load of 400 KN. Select the lightest
wide-flange section that can be used. Use Code 1.
Intermediate Problems
9-77* A square 2014-T6 aluminum alloy member must support C
a 20,000-lb axial compressive load as a 12-ft-long column.
Use Code 2 to determine the minimum cross-sectional area
required. 511
9-78* A 2014-T6 aluminum alloy strut with a length of 4 m will
be used to support an axial compressive load of 15 kN. De-
termine the minimum dimensions required if the width of the
strut is to be twice the thickness. Use Code 2.
A B‘
9-79 A Douglas fir (E = 1800 ksi and F, = 1350 psi) timber 1 911 :-
column 14 ft long will be used to support an axial compressive
load of 60 kip. Use Code 4 to determine the lightest structural 5000 lb
timber that can be used. Figure P9-81
610 cnsnsn 9 commas
30 10 fi . . . 10 B si
90 kip
Q 1
A _ ' 3 C Figure P9-83
Colunms are long, straight, prismatic bars subjected to compressive loads. As
long as a column remains straight, it can be analyzed as an axially loaded member,
however, if a column begins to deform laterally, the deflection may become large
and lead to catastrophic failure called buckling. Buckling of a column is caused
by deterioration of what was a stable state of equilibrium to an unstable one, not
by failure of the material of which the colunm is composed. For long, slender
columns, the maximum load for which the colunm is in stable equilibrium (the
critical buckling load) occurs at stress levels much less than the proportional limit
for the material.
For a snaight, slender, pin-ended colunm that is centrically loaded by axial
compressive forces P at the ends and that has experienced a small lateral deflection,
the differential equation for the elastic curve is
The value given by Eq. 9-1 is called the critical buckling load or the Euler load.
The second moment of the cross-sectional area I in Eq. 9-1 refers to the axis about
which bending occurs. When I is replaced by Arz, where r is the radius of gyration
about the axis of bending, Eq. 9-1 becomes
— = L = (I r (9-2)
A (L/oz ‘
The quantity L/r is called the slendemess ratio and is determined for the axis about
which bending tends to occur. For a pin-ended, centrically loaded column, bending
occurs about the axis of minimum second moment of area (minimum radius of
Equation 9-l agrees well with experiment if the slendemess ratio is large
(L/r > 140 for steel columns). Short compression members (Lfr < 40 for steel
columns) can be treated as compression blocks where yielding occurs before buck-
ling. Columns that lie between these extremes are analyzed by using empirical
formulas (column design codes).
9-85* A 20-it-long timber (E = 1200 ksi and 0, = 2.4 ksi) col- 9-87 Determine the maximum compressive load that a W36 x
umn has the cross section shown in Fig. P9-85. The timbers 160 structural steel column (see Appendix B for cross-sectional
are nailed together so that they act as a unit. Determine properties) can support if it is 30 ii long and a factor of safety
of 2.24 is specified.
a. The slendemess ratio.
b. The smallest slendemess ratio for which the Euler buckling 9-88* A 3-in-long column with the cross section shown in Fig.
load equation is valid. P9-88 is fabricated ii-om three pieces of timber (E = l3 GPa
c. The Euler buckling load. and 0, = 35 MPa). The timbers are nailed together so that they
d. The axial stress in the column when the Euler load is applied. act as a unit. Determine
a. The slendemess ratio.
b. The smallest slendemess ratio for which the Euler buckling
rzu. 2in. T2in.> load equation is valid.
c. The Euler buckling load.
2a-1. d. The axial stress in the colunm when the Euler load is applied.
ii T T
Z... I
A 20 rmn
Figure P9-85 Figure P9-88
9-86* Determine themaximum compressive load thataW'I‘l78 X 9-89 Determine the maximum allowable compressive load for a
51 structural steel colunm (see Appendix B for cross-sectional 12-ft-long aluminum alloy (E = 10,600 ksi) column having the
properties] can support if it is 8 m long and a factor of safety cross section shown in Fig. P9-89 if a factor of safety of 2.25
of 1.92 is specified. is specified.
612 caxvrarw commas
l 4in.
1*; ”
8 in.
1 in.
Figure P9-91
lrisail T
Figure 1:949 9-92* A structural steel W356>< 122 wide-flange section will be
used for a 9-m-long pin-ended colunm. Determine the maxi-
mum axial compressive load permitted by Code 1 if
a. The column is unbraced throughout is total length.
b. The column is braced such that the effective length for bend-
9 90 A 25-mm-diameter tie rod and a pipe strut with an inside
ing about the y-axis is reduced to 6 m.
diameter of 100 mm and a wall thickness of 25 mm are used
to support a 100-kN load as shown in Fig. P9-90. Both the 9-93 A cold-rolled steel tension bar AB and a structural steel
tie rod and the pipe strut are made of structural steel with (E = 29,000 ksi and Uy = 36 ksi) compression strut BC are
a modulus of elasticity of 200 GPa and a yield strength of used to support a load P = 100 kip, as shown in Fig. P9-93.
250 MPa. Determine Assume that the pins at B and C offer no restraint to bending
about the x-axis but provide end conditions which are essen-
a. The factor of safety with respect to failure by yielding.
tially fixed at C and free atB forbending about they-axis. Select
b. The factor of safety with respect to failure by buckling.
the lightest structural steel tee section listed in Appendix B that
canbe used for the strut BC. Use Code 1.
at 3
4 \
B '
4.5 rn \- \
100 rm "
Figure P9-90
.\5 I00 kip
\..§.\ A
Figure P9-93
9 91* Three S10 x 35 structural steel sections 30 ft long are
used to fabricate a column with the cross section shown in Fig.
P9-91. The column is fixed at the base and pinned at the top. 9-94 The compression member AB of the truss shown in Fig. P9-
The pin at the top offers no restraint to bending about the y- 94 is a structural steel W254 x 67 wide-flange section with the
axis; but for bending about the x-axis, the pin provides restraint xx-axis lying in the plane of the truss. The member is continu-
sufficient to reduce the effective length to 20 ft. Determine the ous from A to B. Consider all connections to be the equivalent
maximum axial compressive load permitted by Code 1. of pin ends. If Code l applies, determine
asviawrsomalus 613
a. The maximum safe load for member AB. 9-96 Two C229 >< 30 structural steel channels are laced back to
h. The maximum safe load for member/IB ifthe bracing mem- back with a separation of 120 mm, as shown in Fig. P9-96, to
ber CD is removed. form a column with an effective length of 10 m. The load P will
be applied at a point 50 mm from the axis of the column on the
axis of symmetry parallel to the backs of the channels. If E =
y tr‘?--t_
/r \~__~ 200 GPa and 0,, = 250 MPa, use the allowable stress method
F I ~__~_ to determine the maximum load P that can be supported by the
/ 6m
,. 1"‘ ./ <-..___B
' -__ colurrm.
ii .
________ _ _ _/;'1"‘Z°l“§ “'5
/ L y
J’ 120 mm -
Flgure P9-94
Figure P9-96
9-95* A W8 x 40 structural steel compression member has an 9-97 A structural steel (E = 29,000 ksi) column 20 ft long must
effective length of 25 ft. The member is subjected to an axial support an axial compressive load of 110 kip. The column can
load P and a bending moment of l0 kip - ft about the x-axis be considered pimied at both ends for bending about one axis
of the cross section (see Appendix B). Use the interaction for- and fixed at both ends for bending about the other axis. Se-
mula with an allowable flexural stress of 0.660, to determine lect the lightest wide-flange or American standard section (see
the maximum safe load P. Appendix B) that can he used for the column. Use Code l.
Chapter I 0
Energy Methods and
Theories ofFailure
This chapter consists of two pa.rts. Part A discusses the concept of strain energy
(previously introduced in Chapter 8 on beam deflections) and its application to
stress and deformation determinations in members subjected to impact loading.
Part B discusses theories of failure for isotropic materials and application of the
theories for predicting failure of members subjected to combined static loading.
Part A
Energy Methods
Since the work done on the bar must equal the strain energy U stored in the bar, the
expression for strain energy in terms of axial stress and axial strain (Fig. 10-lc) is
€ G
When the stress remains below the elastic limit ofthe material, Hooke’s law applies
and dc may be expressed as do/E. Equation (b) then becomes
U _E0rra
P 0
P ----- -- 0 ----- —-
O6 m
P ._ _
(tr) '§_J|-\ _ _S
_00-— — A_J,_
_ 9- /
Figure 10-l
616 cn1u'rs1r 10 manor rnnnoos mo rnaoiuas or runner
U = AL (10-1)
Equation 10-1 gives the elastic strain energy (which is, in general, recoverable)
for axial loading of a material obeying Hooke‘s law. The quantity in parentheses is
the elastic strain energy u in tension or compression per rmit volume for a uniaxial
state of stress,
11 = % (10-2)
Cy --- which is called the strain energy intensity.
The integral f ode ofEq. (b) represents the area under the stress-strain curve
(Fig. 10-lc) and, if evaluated from zero to the elastic limit (for practical ptnposes,
the proportional limit), yields a property lcrrown as the modulus ofresilience. The
~—- Modulus of
resilience modulus of resilience is defined as the maximum strain energy per unit volume
that a material will absorb without inelastic deformation and is the area under the
straight-line portion of the stress-strain diagram, as shown in Fig. 10-2. Customary
E units are inch-pounds per cubic inch or newton-meters per cubic meter. For practical
purposes the yield strength and proportional limit are the same, and thus the
Figure 10-2 modulus of resilience ug (Fig. l0-2) is
ug = 2? (10-3)
The area under the entire stress-strain curve from zero to rupture (Fig. 10-3)
gives the property known as the modulus oftoughness ur and denotes the energy
per tmit volume necessary to rupture the material. The modulus of resilience and
Modulus of the modulus of toughness have the same tmits.
toughness For the shear loading shown in Fig. 10-4a, the strain energy intensity is the
area tmder the shearing stress—shea.ring strain diagram shown in Fig. 10-4b and is
1: u=f rdy (c)
Figure l0-3
/Q7 (—__€"i|
-E _ _ _ _ _ __
../5, l
(11) (5)
Figure 10-4
When the shearing stress remains below the elastic limit of the material, 1: = G]./,
and Eq. (c) may be expressed as
r 2
“=1 r‘§=l (10-4)
U G 20
Thus, for shear loading, the expression for strain energy intensity is identical to
that for axial loading if cr is replaced by 1: and E by G.
The strain energy may be obtained by integrating the strain energy intensity
over the volume of the material being stressed. W'hen the state of stress in a body
can be represented by a nonzero normal stress, the strain energy is
U = f _ dV (10-5)
V 25
where V is the volume ofthe body. A similar expression may be written for shearing
stress and is
U= I,, 20
—dV (10-6)
Equations (10-5) and (10-6) may be used to detemiine the strain energy stored in
a body that is subjected to an axial load a torsional load, transverse shear, or a
bending moment. Note that Eqs. 10-5 and 10-6 are scalar equations.
10-3-1 Strain Energy for Axial Loading Consider the bar shown in P
Fig. 10-5, which has a uniform cross-sectional area A, a length L, and is subjected
to an axial force P. The strain energy i11 the bar may be found using Eq. 10-5 and e
2 L Z
U=fi%dV=fU %(A¢ix) (a) Figure 10-5
where dV = A dx, and x is measured along the length of the bar. Simplifying
Eq. (a) yields an expression for the strain energy for axial loading. Thus,
U = 2% (10-7)
If the bar is slightly tapered or if P or E changes along the length of the bar, the
expression for strain energy is
L P2
U=f idx l0-8
0 2,45 ( J
618 CHAPTER 10 rzssrror METHODS mo nrrzoruss or rmuns
Eq. 10-6 and is
2 2
Figure 10-6 where r = Tpil. Since dV = dA dx and p is the radius to a generic point in the
cross section, Eq. (b) becomes
U— L T2 fzdzldx
‘f, 2011 ,,‘°
The integral in parentheses is J (the polar second moment of area for the cross
section of the bar). Thus, the expression for the strain energy for torsional
loading is
T 2L
U= — (10-9)
If the bar is slightly tapered or if T or G changes along the length of the bar, the
expression for strain energy is
L T2
U =~/l id]: [10-l0)
2 _ 2
W M U=fV%dV=fV dV (c)
The integral in parentheses is I (the second moment of area for the cross section
of the beam). Thus, the expression for the strain energy for bending is
L M2
U=£ fink (ll)-ll)
10-5 ELASTIC srrrmi smarter rorr vrutrous LOADS 619
2 Z
U=£%dV=L dV (ti)
L V2 2
U=>/0 éz fgdA mix (10-12)
Q ZGI ,1 I2
The integral in parentheses in Eq. 10-12 depends on the shape of the cross sec-
tion of the beam. Evaluation of this integral will be illustrated in the Example
1 Example Problem 10-1 The two solid Ci1'C11l3.I' bars Sl10W1'1 in '-
Fig. 10-8 are securely attached at section B. The modulus of elasticity E for both A 100mm
bars is 200 GPa. If the axial load P is 50 kN, determine the strain energy for the r
e e
assembly. Zm 50mm
Each segment of the assembly, AB and BC, has a uniform cross section and is
subjected to the axial load P = 50 kN. The strain energy of the assembly can
Figure 10-8
be found by applying Eq. 10-7 to each of the segments and adding the results.
_ Q + E
_ 2AE,,,,
—_ iii(A)..
L2 E +(£
_ [s0(103)]2 [ 2 + 1 :|
_ 2(200)(10°) (J'l.'/4-)(0.l00)2 (zr/4)(0.050)2
= 4.774-6N ~ m 4.77N~m A115.
_ T21. +(r11.
_ 261 ,,,, 201 ,6
_ L (E ”_-'-
_2Gl 1),e+( J )nci
_ 1 [<20>’(9)(12)+ (50)2(4)(12)]
' 2(11><w’) (Ir/2)(3)"’ re/2x2)“
= 0.23246 kip - in. E 2321b - in. Ans.
in ii I-it
(a) Determine the strain energy in the beam due to bending.
(b) Determine the strain energy in the beam due to transverse shear.
(c) Compare the results of parts (a) and (b).
Figure 10-10(2)
(a) The strain energy due to bending (with M, = —Px) is given by Eq. 10-11 as
L M2 L (_Px)2 P2 L PZL3
U-"’ =[0 —'di=f
251 0 7iix=—f
2E1 2.131 U x 2iix=—
651 An.5
(b) The strain energy due to transverse shear (with V, = —P) is given by
Eq. 10-12 as
L V2 Q2 L P2 Q2
U = L id dX=
" _£ 2G12U,. :2 A) i 2611 :1 A) dx
i —d
10-5 ELASTIC STIIAIN smarter rorr vruuons norms 62 1
it it/2—y b H2 2
=A" —— M :— —— “—
Q y‘ (2 yli” 2 ) 2(4 y Fc —-J
l‘—b NA
Figure 10-10(b)
»=—./ -0 <--»
201 _,,,,,h 2
*1“ 1 b 2 hi
2 P2Lbh5
24001 1
For a rectangular cross section I = bhif 12; therefore,
U’ = w = E “*-
(c) The total strain energy for the beam is
U = U U =
P2L3 3P2L =
P2L3 l
'“+ " 6121 + 50,4 6E1 l +10cL=j (a)
For a material such as steel, the ratio E/G E 2.6 and Eq. (a) becomes
Thus, for a beam with ML = 1/5 (a very short deep beam), the error in
neglecting the strain energy due to transverse shear is approximately 3 percent,
whereas for a beam with ML = ll 10 (along, slender beam), the error is less
than 1 percent. Equation (a) indicates that the contribution to the total strain
energy of the transverse shear increases as the square of ML, which means
that the strain energy due to transverse shear is of importance only in the case
of very short deep beams.
622 CHAPTER 10 ENERGY snrnroos AND Tnsoruss or saunas
Introductory Problems 10-3 The 4-in.-diameter shaft shown in Fig. P10-3 is composed
of brass (G = 5000 ksi) and steel (G = 12,000 ksi) sections
10-1* The tension member shown in Fig. P10-l consists of a steel that are rigidly connected. A 100-kip - in. torque is applied at
pipe A, which has an outside diameter of 6 in. and an inside section C. Determine
diameter of 4.5 in., and a solid alumimnn alloy bar B, which
has an outside diameter of 4 in The moduli of elasticity for a. The elastic strain energy for each segment of the shaft.
the steel and aluminum alloy are 29,000 ksi and 10,600 ksi, b. The elastic strain energy for the entire shafl.
respectively. Determine
a. The elastic strain energy for the steel pipe. I
0 .
b. The elastic strain energy for the aluminum bar.
c. The elastic strain energy for the entire member. A :1 in. dia.
i I Mi\ 1 Ste e1
\‘~.-i.-~*"' -100 kip-in.
r=,=12o kip \. B ~
4 it \ C_:___
Ts»-» D
Figure P10-3
I = 850 kN
_ Rigid plate
the elastic strain energy in the beam due to bending. Neglect
the effects of transverse shear.
= 1S00kN
Rigid plate
0. :4 E14"H
. -_ -.
i s?
Figure P10-2 Figure P10-5
ll]-5 nutsnc STRAIN sssscr ron wuuous 1.o.ms 623
lt]-6 Determine the elastic strain energy in the beam loaded and Challenging Problems
supported as shown in Fig. P10-6. Neglect the effects of trans-
verse shear. 10-12" A square bar with a cross-sectional area A and a length
L is made from a homogeneous material which has a specific
weight y and a modulus of elasticity E. Determine the elastic
strain energy stored in the bar (as a result of its own weight) if
it hangs vertically while suspended form one end. Express the
result in terms ofy, L, A, and E.
10-13* A hollow circular shalt with outside diameter d, inside
diameter d/2, and length L is subjected to a constant torque of
L 1 magnitude T. Compare the elastic strain energy stored in this
Figure P10-6 shaft as a result of the torsional loading with the elastic strain
energy stored in a bar of the same size that is axially loaded to
the same maximum tensile stress level.
Intermediate Problems 10-l4 The solid cylindrical shaft of Fig. P10-14 is subjected to
a uniformly distributed torque q. Determine the elastic strain
ll]-7* A cantilever beam with a rectangular cross section has a energy in the shaft in terms of q, L, G, and c.
width b, a depth 2c, and a span L. The beam has a couple M
applied at the free end. Compare the elastic strain energy stored
in the beam as a result of bending with the elastic strain energy Torque _
stored in a bar of the same size that is axially loaded to the distribution —~\ ' ;
same maximum tensile stress level.
ll]-8* Determine the elastic strain energy due to transverse shear
for the cantilever beam shown in Fig. P10-5. .(
, }
‘ .‘ 1
. ..‘—~—\-
--/ 1:)‘-
,// .‘ “"7?-
// ~ /"
1’' f_//
Q /_. L
{ 0 _. //'
~____ /'
CZ ' _-\--./
as in. t’
l C B A
Figure P10-l5
_ 1" Determine the elastic stram energy stored m the beam as a re-
‘ J Zr ""1 F.» sult of bending. Neglect the energy resulting from the shearmg
~=:;T~_-_-_-_ _ ._ _ F sTl'sssss-
Figure P10-l6
" U2
f. u
has a width b, a depth 2c, and a span L. The beam carries a
concentrated load P at midspan, as shown in Fig. P10-17a. Figure P10-17
. ___,,F _ _ _
_ _ _ __,t__._
(<1) (5) (0)
Figure 10-ll
weight is dropped from height h, tensile impact stresses are developed in member
AB. The stresses are maximum when the deflection of the member is 6 (the ve-
locity of W is zero), as shown in Fig. 10-1 lc, afier which the weight moves in an
upward direction. Of interest is the maximum stress and deflection of member AB
(Fig. 10-llc).
Two methods will be presented to determine maximum values for the stress
and for the deflection: the strain energy method and the work—kinetic energy
W(h + 6) = % ((1)
The deflection 6 is
8 AE E (b)
W / W 2 2WhE
U:g[1i‘11+2 ] (10-14)
'The plus sign preceding the radical in Eq. 10-14 is used, as the negative sign has no
physical significance. The maximum deflection is found by substituting Eq. 10-13
or Eq. 10-14 into Eq. (b). The results are
W1. WL 2 2WhL
8:E+\l(E) ‘LT “W1
WL ,1 2hAE
8= — l 1 — 10-16
AE[ + + WL ] ( )
8,, = AE
—=—AE (d)
‘When Eq. (d) is substituted into Eq. 10-16, the deflection due to impact becomes
8:5,, 1+ 1+? (10-17)
The axial stress due to a static load, 0,, = FM = WM, may be substituted into
a=o',,|;l+11l+%fi:| (10-18)
The term in the brackets in Eqs. 10-17 and 10-18 is called the impactfizctor.
Of particular interest are the values of 5 and 0 when h = 0 and when h
is much greater than 85,. The maximum deflection and stress when the weight is
dropped fi'om h = 0 are given by Eqs. 10-17 and 10-18 as
a = 25,, (10-19)
0 = 20,, (10~20)
where 5,, is the deflection when the weight W is slowly lowered onto the flange
and 0,, is the corresponding axial stress. Thus, the maximum deflection and the
10-4 1111111161‘ IDADING 627
maximum stress for a suddenly applied force are double the values when the force
is slowly applied.
For the case where it is large compared to 5“, Eqs. 10-17 and 10-18 become
5 = ,/215 (10-21)
Thus, using Eq. 10-22, it is seen that the stress may be decreased by increasing the
area A or the length L of the member, or by decreasing the modulus of elasticity
E. If the member were statically loaded, then 0 = F/A = W/A, and the stress is
independent of L or E.
Using work-energy principles from physics or dynamics,
Wh = mgh = Em V2
where V is the speed of the weight as it makes contact with the flange. Thus, from
Eq. 10-22
2E ml/2 mEV2
°=\/(3)17) =1/T 11°“)
10-4-2 Work—Kinetic Energy Method The work—kinetic energy
method uses a concept learned in physics and/or dynamics courses. The principle
of work and energy states that
U1->2 = T2 — T1 (9)
where U H2 is the total work done on a body, and T| and T2 are the kinetic energies
of the body before and after the work is done.
Consider the cantilever beam loaded with a falling weight W, as shown in
Fig. 10-12. The variation of the end deflection v ofthe beam with respect to time t is
shown in Fig. 10-12b, where 5 is the maximum deflection resulting from the falling
weight transferring kinetic energy (m V2/2) to the beam. At the instant 5 occurs, the
kinetic energy is zero, and the beam begins to vibrate. Only maximum deflections
and stresses are of interest in this book; analysis of the vibration characteristics
are studied in other courses. In the analysis that follows, it is assumed that the
weight W stays in contact with the beam during the deflection 5, that the mass of
the beam is negligible, and that the stress-strain behavior of the beam is the same
for both static and dynamic loading. Furthermore, no energy is dissipated at the
beam supports or contact area between the weight W and the beam.
The quantity 8,, ir1 Fig. 10-1211 is the static deflection when the weight W is
slowly lowered onto the beam. In Fig. 10-12c, P is the largest dynamic force exerted
on the beam, and it occurs where the tip of the beam has deflected an amount 5.
Since the stress-strain behavior of the beam material is the same for a static or
dynamic load, and the load-deflection is assumed to be linear, the relationship
628 01111101211 10 ENERGY METHODS AND THEORIES or rmnna
-. I
J‘ I‘
1 f———F—u—+-_ I I IIIIIII
I I I I I I I I I I I ____»;_
(11) (5)
_ ___‘_ P
6 . .
l -
Figure 10-12
since the kinetic energies are zero at positions 1 (W is released from rest) and 2
D‘?5__ m— (W reaches maximum deflection). Thus,
Figure 10-13 1
U1_,2= W(h+8)—iP8=0 (g)
P1-2WP-3%:-}3=0 (11)
Equation 10-25, for a weight dropped on a beam, is the same as Eq. 10-17 for a
weight dropped on a bar. As before, the term in brackets is the impact factor.
The static deflection in Eq. 10-25 may be computed using the results ofTable
B-19 ir1 Appendix B. The impact factor is then foimd using the term in the brackets
of Eq. 10-24 or 10-25. Equation 10-24 is used to determine P, which is used as
a static force to compute stresses. The method is illustrated in Example Prob-
lem 10-S.
U = I[l+ 1‘ 1+ 2hAli' Figure 10-14
W: o 2 AL
_ (270)1(101%:/4)(0.030)1(1) _ 457 9N
_ 2(210)(10"=')(1) + 2(0.s00)("/0)(10°) — '
Thus, the maximum mass for the collar is
W 457 .9
m = — = = 46.63 kg E 46.7 kg ADS.
g 9.81
_[+ K 2+2WhE
°_A A AL
_ 30 30)’ 2(30)(4)(12)(30)(106)
_ 4 + (4 + 4(s)(12)
= 15,008 psi 2 15.011<.=.1 Ans.
Note that the static stress produced by the 30-lb weight would be
W 30
0' = — = — =7.50psi
A 4-
8 __ Q __ 1.50(s)(12) _ 00000240111.
E (30)(10°)
1 Example Problem 10-6 The w.-0 rods shown in Fig. 10-16 are
0U made of the same material, have the same length 2L, and have circular cross
sections with the same minimum diameter D. Compare the energy-absorbing
capacities of the two rods for axial impact loads if the maximum axial stresses
in the rods must not exceed the yield strength 0,, of the material.
I Q 1
For a rod of uniform cross section and length L, the elastic strain energy ir1 the
rod is given by Eq. l0-l as
For the stepped rod of Fig. 10-16a, the elastic strain energy U, is the sum
of the strain energies of the two parts. Note that the lower segment of the stepped
rod will be subjected to a stress 0,, whereas the upper segment will be subjected
(as a result of its larger cross-sectional area) to a stress 0,,/4. Ifthe volume of the
lower segment is V, the volume of the upper segment will be 4 V. Therefore,
For the rod with the uniform cross section shown in Fig. 10-16b, the elastic
strain energy is
U _ gj(2V) _ r,-fr
”— 25 — E
Comparing U, and Ub shows that U, = g Ub. Thus, even though the
volume of the stepped rod is 2.5 times the volume of the uniform rod, the stepped
rod can absorb only 5/8 as much energy as the uniform rod.
i It-3lI'1."1|—JT1
II I11
I H“
___l_L 8
will T ' T
Figure 10-17
The static deflection is found using case 1 of Table B-19 (Appendix B):
_ WL3 _ 10[(4)(12)]’ _ _ _
5,, _ E _ _ 49.1s(10 ’)1h.
IF = 1+ 1+2’:
— = 1+ 1+ 2h
i ()
8,, 49.15110-3)
and the load P to cause the maximum beam deflection is computed using
Eq. 10-24;
The maximum flexural stress in the beam occurs at the support and is (neglecting
stress concentration)
_ g _ (PL)c _ 10(1'F)LC
U“ 1 _ 1 _ I
632 CHAPTER 10 111\11111cr METHODS AND nnzorrrss or rrnnna
36,000 = = 960(IF)
(3)(l) /12
IF = 37.5
which, when substituted into Eq. (a), yields
w]j_ —- §
Figure ll]-18
1.5m __1g_
T 1.5m
The static deflection of the beam is
where the static deflection of the beam is found from case 6 of Table B-19
(Appendix B). Substituting the given data into Eq. (a) gives
5 _ 45(3)3 + 45/2
" _ 4s(200)(109)[(0.075)(0.025)3/12] 9000
= 1.291s0(10-3) + 2.5(10-3) — 3.796(10-3) m
The factor is
I 211 I 2(0.015)
lF=l+ 1+—=1+
5,, 1+—=3.9s4
10-4 nrrxcr LOADING 653
_ 1 _ 1 _ 41
ii179'28(3)(°'°2§/2) = 17.21 l(106)N1‘m2
4[(0.015)(0.025) /12]
2 17.2111/11a Ans.
If the weight W were slowly lowered onto the beam, the maximum stress would
_%_ _@
G‘ 1‘ I -41
= ii = 4.32(10‘)N/uf’
= 4.32 MPa
0 17.211110‘
<1, = 5 = fig = 4.320(10°)N/m2
'5 4.32 MPa
Introductory Problems
10-10* A cold-rolled bronze (E = 100 GPa) bar with a cross- 1°-19' A 5°54 circular Steel (E = 3°-°°° ksi) 1"" with L =
sectional ma of-2500 mmz is to be used as a tension member 50 in. is to be used as a tension member subjected to axial
subjected to axial energy loads’ as Shown in Fig p10_l8_ The energy 108115, 35 Sh0W'l1 in Fig. P10-13. The allowable axial
allowable axial tensile stress is 70 MPa. Determine the mini- “=11-‘sile films is 25 ksi Dfimmifle the minimum dimflfl fe-
mum length ofbar required ifa 20_kg mass is dropped from a quir-ed if the weight W = 30 lb IS dropped fi‘0I11 3 height Of
heightofh=1m. h=4°i11-
10-20 A 25-mm-diameter steel (E = 200 GPa) rod 900 mm long
is supported at the top end and fitted with a loading flange at
the bottom end, as shown in Fig. P10-20. A collar W slides
freely on the rod. Determine the maximum mass that the collar
may have without exceeding the proportional limit (250 MPa)
of the rod if
a. The collar is dropped from a height of 600 mrn.
Ifaléie I-is b. The collar is suddenly applied to the stop (dropped from a
very small height).
Figure P10-18 c. The collar is slowly applied to the flange (static load).
25 mm X10 mm-1
50mm><10mm- ‘
T 900 mm !Q!
600 mm
L Lu Figure P10-24
Figure P10-20
10-25* A collar Wis dropped from a height of 10 in. onto the
loading flange at the end ofthe steel {E = 30,000 ksi] bar shown
10-21 A weight of 10 lb is dropped from a height of 8 in. onto in Fig. P10-25. If the maximum stress is not to exceed 18 ksi,
the free end of a steel (E = 30,000 ksi) cantilever beam. The determine the maximtun allowable weight of the collar if
beam is 2 in wide, 3 in. deep, and 30 in. long. Determine a. The bar has the cross section shown in Fig. P10-25.
a. The maximum deflection produced by the falling weight. b. The bar has a uniform cross section of 2 in? throughout its
b. The static load needed to produce the same deflection. entire length.
c. The maximum flexural stress caused by the falling weight.
10-22* A timber (E : 8.2 GPa) beam 150 mm wide, 100 mm
deep, and 3 m long is simply supported at the ends. From what
maximum height can a 14-kg mass be dropped onto the center Area = 1'
of the beam without causing the maximum flexural stress to 6 sq. in. —- 15611-
exceed 10 MPa‘?
10-23 A timber (E = 1200 ksi) beam 6 in wide, 4 in. deep, and M“? mm
10 ft long is simply supported at the ends, as shown in Fig. 4sq.|n.~ 1
P10-23. A 30-lb weight is dropped onto the center of the beam
from a height of 10 in. Determine
a. The maximum deflection due to the falling weight. mm
b. The static load needed to produce the same deflection.
Zqmf m
c. The maximum flexural stress produced by the falling weight.
Figure P10-25
c"5 _T_1Oin ‘fig 10-26 The beam of Fig. P10-26 is made of an aluminum alloy
J. I _l_ (E = 70 GPa). The 240-N block B is dropped fi'om a height of
A B 4in. \:| 12 mm onto the top of the coil spring C, which has a modulus
£ ] ' T of 36 kNfm. Determine the maximum stress developed in the
L Sf’: T Sfi beam.
Figure P10-23
h. The static load that would produce the same deflection.
L;-:-4 Figure P10-29
Challenging Problems
A—~\_ U Isomnfslm
10-31" The diver shown in Fig. P10-31 weighs 145 lb andjumps
' n
from a height of 2 ft onto the end of a diving board. The board
is made ofwood (E = 1800 ksi) and is 2 R wide and 2 in. thiclc
Determine the maximum flexural stress in the diving hoard.
Figure P10-28
1.5 m {ttwttt 1.5 m
10-29 Using Fig. P10-29 and Eqs. 10-l4 and 10-16, show that ,/1
W 2h
0 = — — 1;
A 8:1
2h 2]\fi
6 = 5, — A B 1
’\/ 5..
when W is dropped from a height h that is large compared to
the static deflection
W7. I 2.5 fi I 6 ft
5“: E Figure P10-31
Figure P10-33
sir Q
25 mm “"\ 5ktm . Th 10-34 Beams A and B of Fig. P10-34 are made of wood (E =
8 GPa) and have cross sections that are 50 mm deep x 150 mm
wide. If the maximmn flexural stress developed in beam B 1s
C B- lim 8MPa, determine
I 3 . The height h from which the 9-kg mass m is dropped
b. The impact factor.
- 3m l 1.5 m i
Figure P10-32
A tension test of an axially loaded member is easy to conduct, and the results,
for many types of materials, a.re well known. When such a member fails, the fail-
ure occrns at a specific principal (axial) stress, a definite axial strain, a maximum
shearing stress of one-half the axial stress, and a specific amount of strain energy
per unit volume of stressed material. Since all of these limits are reached sin1ul-
taneously for an axial load, it makes no difference which criterion (stress, strain,
or energy) is used for predicting failure in another axially loaded member of the
same rnateriai.
For an element subjected to biaxial or triaxial loading, however, the situation
is more complicated because the limits of normal stress, normal strain, shearing
stress, and strain energy existing at failure for an axial load are not all reached
simultaneously. In other words, the cause of failure, in general, is unknown. In
such cases, it becomes important to determine the best criterion for predicting
failure, because test results are diflicult to obtain and the combinations of loads
are endless. Several theories have been proposed for predicting failure of various
types of material subjected to many combinations of loads. Unfortunately, none
of the theories agree with test data for all types of materials and combinations of
loads. Several of the more conunon theories of failure are presented and briefly
explained in the following sections.
]Often called Raukines theory after W. J. M. Rankine (1820-1872), an eminent engineering educator
in England.
638 crmrrrrr 10 manor snrnroos AND rnsoruss or ntrruru:
CFp2 Of
41; i GP]
17 Cf Cf *>
(H) (b)
Figure 10-19
when loaded axially and is assumed equal in tension and compression. Any com-
bination of biaxial principal stresses op, and oP; represented by a point inside the
square of Fig. 10-19b is safe according to this theory, whereas any combination
of stresses represented by a point outside of the square will cause failure of the
element on the basis of this theory.
Once the principal stresses have been found, they may be ordered op, > oP;
> o,,3. For a state of biaxial stress (plane stress), one of the principal stresses is
zero (assunred to be op; in Fig. 10-19a). If the principal stress with the largest
magnitude is tension, the maximum-normal-stress theory predicts failure when
Up] =Cff
where of is the failure stress for uniaxial tensile loading. ‘When the principal stress
with the largest magnitude is compression, the maximum-normal-stress theory
predicts failure when
op; = of
where of is the failure stress for rmiaxial compressive loading. This failure theory
will be compared to experimental data for several materials later in this section.
2Sometimes called Coulontb’s theory because it was originally stated by him in 1773. More frequently
called Guest’s theory or law because of the work of]. J. Guest in England in 1900.
10-6 rrnurts rrrsortrss FOR oucrrrs srtrartrus 659
rrnax = Ff
where 15¢ is the failure stress determined from a uniaxial tension or compression
test, 1;,» = of/2. In quadrants one or three
amax — Umin
rm“ : 2
5 .
= -all (Frrst quadrant)
5,03 .
= T (Third quadrant)
where op, > op; > op3. The maximum-shear-stress theory predicts failure in the
first and third quadrants when
“max = ‘Tr
and is the same as the maximum-normal-stress theory of failure.
In the second and fourth quadrants, where op, and op; are of an opposite
sign, the maximum shearing stress is half the arithmetical sum of the two principal
stresses. In the fourth quadrant, the equation of the boundary, or iimit stress,
line is
A comparison of this theory with experimental data will be presented later in this
3i-‘requently called the Huber-Hencky-von Mises theory, because it was proposed by M. T. Huber of
Poland in I904 and independently by R. von Mises of Germany in 1913. The theory was further
developed by H. Hencky and von Mises in Gemiany and the United States.
defined as the strain energy per unit volume for a member subjected to a slowly
applied axial load. This expression can also be written as
"-25- 2
where u is the strain energy per unit volume (strain energy intensity) and o and e
are the slowly applied axial stress and strain. This equation assumes that the stress
does not exceed the proportional limit.
When an elastic element is subjected to triaxial loading, the stresses can be
resolved into three principal stresses such as op,, GP2, and op3, where pl, p2, and
p3 a.re the principal axes. These stresses will be accompanied by three principal
strains related to the stresses by Eq. 4-5 of Section 4-3. Ifit is assumed that the loads
are applied simultaneously and gradually, the stresses and strains will increase in
the same manner. The total strain energy per unit volrmre is the sum ofthe energies
produced by each of the stresses (energy is a scalar quantity and can be added
algebraically regardless of the directions of the individual stresses); thus,
H = i(Upl€_nl +ap2€p2 + ‘7p3€_n3)
“Then the strains are expressed in terms of the stresses, this equation becomes
u = fi[o§, + oi, + oi, — 2v(op,o,,g + opzopg + op3op,)]
The strain energy can be resolved into two components up and ud, resulting
fi'om a volrmre change and a distortion, respectively, by considering the principal
stresses to be made rrp of two sets of stresses, as indicated in Figs. 10-21a, b, and c.
The state of stress in Fig. 10-21c will result in distortion only (no volume change)
if the sum of the three normal strains is zero. That is,
which reduces to
“P1 P “P2 _ P
’ ’ UP, —P
= +
5,13 P op3 -p
(a ) (5) (C)
Figure ro-21
P = glapl + “P2 +0113)
6 ,, = ( 1 — 2 V) E
and the energy resulting from the hydrostatic stress (the volume change) is
pep 3 1 — 2v
"~ = 3(7) = iTP’
l — 2v 2
= F[(7p1+ (7,112 + 17,03]
ltd = u — up
= &[3(o,§, + op; + o§3) — 6v(o,,1o,,2 + Uplapl + Up3Upl)
- (1 - 2v)(<-p. + (TF2 + a,,,)”]
When the third term in the brackets is expanded, the expression can be rearranged
to give
lid = $05, — 2op,op; + ofizl + (oi, — 2op;o_,,3 + o§3)
‘"d>f= H "5
and when this value is substituted in Eq. (a), it becomes
2-} = r-... - -.2)’ + r-,2 — an)’ + on — 5pl)2 to . | I
for failrne by yielding. “I ,
When a state ofplane stress exists, assuming op; equals zero, Eq. (b) becomes +
1 P1
oi, — op,opg + Ufiz = or? Of 1/
This last expression is the equation of an ellipse with its major axis along the I
xi (If Cf in
line op, equals (TF2, as shown in Fig. 10-22. A comparison of this theory with
experimental data will be presented later in this section. Figure 10-22
of Maximurn-distortiom
L2 _ energy theory
$1 A.‘ .
0.8 — I 9
0.6 ~ 1
E Aluminum DI II
0.4 i
A Steel ...5’ .
0.2 ' -' '
| | | f |_6P1
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 l.0l.2of
Maximiun- -0.2 - '
_,.-- — distortion- V
Maiumuln-shear V -"
4 U
energy theory _0_4 _ stress theory "*
Ts'—-4 -06- ‘ii
1 1
*5 -0.3 - '
' -_-~» Maximum-shear
._ _ . \:.\_l. stress theory -1.0
.____ _ '
\\i "'- Maximum-norma1-
_1 2 __ stress theory
U; —-l stress theory
Figure 10-23 Figure 10-24
The graphic representation of Figs. 10-19, 10-20, and 10-22 are superim-
posed in Fig. 10-23 for convenient comparison ofthe different theories. The failure
theories are compared to experimental data in Fig. 10-24.‘ In the first quadrant,
failure is predicted most closely by the maximum-distortion-energy theory. The
maximum-normal-stress and maximum-shear-stress theories are identical in the
first quadrant; both theories are conservative because the experimental data lie
outside the prediction envelope.
In the fourth quadrant, the principal stresses have opposite signs. The best
correlation between theory and experimental data is for the maximum-distortiom
energy theory. In this quadrant, the maximum-shear-stress theory is conservative
because the experimental data lie outside the prediction envelope. The prediction
envelope for the maximum-normal-stress theory lies outside the experimental data
in the fourth quadrant; therefore, the theory overpredicts failure stresses and is
T 8000 psi
4000 psi EXHIIIPIC Pl'0lJlC1Il 10-9 At a point in a structural member sub-
1 I 10,000 psi
jected to plane stress, the state of stress is as shown in Fig. 10-25. Detemiine
which, if any, of the theories of failure will predict failure by yielding for this
I l state of stress. The yield strength of the material in tension and compression is
36 ksi.
Figure 10.25 ‘Handbook of Mechanics, Malerials, and Structures, Alexander Blake, Ed., Wiley-Interscience,
New York 1985
In order to apply the theories of failure, the principal stresses must first be deter-
mined. The given stresses for use in Eq. 2-15 are
When these values are substituted in Eq. 2-15, the principal stresses are foimd to
0,-1-0,, 0,-0}, 2 2
GP1_P3 = ‘T :h if +1‘).
Z 10000
, +2(—8000 )i\/( 10000—
. 2t—8000J) 2 +(_4000)2
= 1000 :1: 9849
apl = 1000 +9849 = 10,849psi E 10,850psi (T)
op; = 0', = 0
op; = 1000 — 9849 = -8849 psi E 8850 psi (C)
where the principal stresses have been ordered such that cpl > op; > 0P3. Thus,
the largest principal stress is 10,850 psi tension and the smallest principal stress
is 8850 psi compression.
The maximum-normal-stress theory predicts that failure will not occur if
51111“ < “I
‘max < Tr
Since the principal stresses have opposite signs,
1: —3—@—1s000 S1
f‘2_ 2 '_ 5 P
0.8 W
(10,850? —10,850(—8850)+(—sss0)2 = (l'7,090)2 <(3s,000)1
0.6 Thus, failure will not occur according to the maximum-distortion-energy theory
of failure.
0.4 r Alternatively, the ratios cpl/of = 10,850/36,000 = 0.301 and op;/of =
—8850f36,000 = -0.246 can be plotted on Fig. 10-24 and compared to the
0.2 -
failure envelopes. The result is shown in Fig. 10-26. Clearly, the state of stress
0 0.2 4 06 08 1.0 ~91? shown in Fig. 10-25 is within all of the failure envelopes; therefore, yielding of
the structural member will not occur.
-o.2 C _ _ _ ‘._-
-0.4 -
-0.6 2 1 Example Problem 10-10 The solid circular Sllafi ofFig. 10-27¢
-0.3 has a proportional limit of 64 ksi. Determine the value of the load R for failure
by yielding as predicted by each of the theories of failure. Assume that point A
_1.o is the most severely stressed point.
Figure 10-26 SOLUTION
Passing a section through point A, drawing a free-body diagram ofthe portion of
the body to the right of the section (see Fig. 10-27b), and applying the equations
of equilibrium yields the following internal reactions if R is expressed in kip
12R rt
Figure 10-2s
=2lR/;1'+0i {(2112/Zr-0) 2 +(6R/K),
10 5R 12 09R
Ordering the principal stresses such that cpl > op; > op; gives
22.59R , l.59R ,
a;,1=Tl-tsi cr;,2=0 crp3=— H l(S1
22.59R .
Up] = ? T-O'f=64kSl
from which
R -22.59
64” 890k’
‘ ‘P Ans.
l2.09R of 64 .
- T - ‘I - 5 - 5*“
from which
R —12.09—'
32” 83l5k'“‘832ki
‘p_' P Ans
2 — swap; + 053 -
cpl _ 0}
which gives
The hoop and axial stresses are given by Eqs. 5-8a and b, respectively. These
stresses are
G h Z
pr Z
s(10°)(0.2s0) Z
0 : E = U.7500(l0°)
” 2: 1
Since there is no shear stress on the hoop and axial planes, 0;, and 0,, are principal
stresses. At a point on the outside surface of the vessel,
1.5000(106) 0.7500(103)
o'_,,1=o'1,=y a,,g=a',,=y a_,,3=0
2 2 _
ap1—o',,|o'p;+ap2 _ of2
25 0
where of = gig = 2-5 = l00MPa. Thus
r = 12.99(l0'3)m = l2.99mm
op, = g
1.500000“) a,,2= g
0.'is00(10‘=") a_,,3=—p=—6MPa
which upon substitution of cry = 100 l\/[Pa and the principal stresses yields
Introductory Problems 10-39 A material with a proportional limit of 36 ksi in tension
and compression is subjected to a biaxial state of stress. The
l0-35* A machine component fabricated from a material with principal stresses are 18 ksi (T), 16 ksi (T), and 0, = 0. De-
a proportional limit in tension and compression of 60 ksi is termine the factor of safety with respect to failure by yielding
subjected to a biaxial state of stress. The principal stresses according to each of the theories of failure.
are 30 ksi (T) and 50 ksi (C). Determine which, if any, of
the theories will predict failure by yielding for this state of 10-40 At a point on the free surface of an aluminum alloy ma-
stress. chine component the principal stresses are 120 MPa (T) and
180 MPa (C). What minimum proportional limit is required
l0-36* A machine component fabricated from a material with according to each of the theories if failure by yielding is to be
a proportional limit in tension and compression of 380 MPa avoided?
is subjected to a biaxial state of stress. The principal stresses
are 180 MPa (T) and 270 l\/[Pa (C). Determine which, if any, 10-41" A material with a yield strength in tension and compres-
of the theories will predict failure by yielding for this state of sion of 60 ksi is subjected to the biaxial state of stress shown
stress. in Fig. P10-41. Determine the factor of safety with respect to
failure by yielding according to each of the theories of failure.
10-37 At a point on the free surface of an alloy steel machine
component the principal stresses are 45 ksi (T) and 25 ksi (C).
What minimum proportional limit is required according to each
of the theories if failure by yielding is to be avoided? 20 ksi
l0-38* The state of stress at a point on the surface of a machine
component is shown in Fig. P10-38. If the yield strength ofthe 25 ksi
material is 250 MPa, determine which, if any, of the theories I I
will predict failure by yielding for this state of stress. 1 I 15 ksi
70 MPa
Figure P10-41
1 I
I 90 MP1: 10-42 A point on the free surface of a machine component is sub-
jected to the state of stress shown in Fig. P10-42. If the yield
40 MPa
strength of the material is 250 MPa, determine the factor of
safety with respect to failure by yielding according to each of
Figure P10-38 the theories of failure.
95 MPa 10-46 A shaft, similar to the one shown in Fig. P10-45, has a
150-rnrn diameter and is made of steel having a yield strength
in tension and compression of 360 MPa. The applied loads are
P = 2200 kN and T = 38 kN - tn. If failure is by yielding,
I determine the factor of safety according to
I I, 140 MPa
a. The maximutn-shear-stress theory of failure.
b. The maximum-distortion-energy theory of failure.
80 MPa
10-47 The yield strength 0, of a ductile material may be de-
Figure P10-42 termined from a tension test (Fig. P10-470). Using the three
theories of failure discussed in Section 10-6, show that the
yield strength ry of a member determined ii-om a torsion test
(Fig. P10-47b) is predicted to be
Intermediate Problems
= a_,.; maximum-nonnal-stress theory.
10-43* A thin-walled cylindrical pressure vessel is capped at the = 0.50,; maximum-shear-stress theory.
ends and is subjected to an internal pressure. The inside diam- PP’? ~I‘-T'~<"= 0.5770,; maximum-distortion-energy theory.
eter of the vessel is 5 ft, and the wall thickness is 1.5 in. The
vessel is rnade of steel with a tensile and compressive yield
strength of 36 ksi. Determine the internal pressure required to
initiate yielding according to
a. The maximum-shear-stress theory. P
b. The maximum-distortion-energy theory.
10-44* The solid circular shaft shown in Fig. P10-44 is subjected P
to a torque T. The yield strength of the material in tension and (4)
compression is 400 MPa. Determine the largest permissible
value of the torque T according to
a. The maximum-shear-stress theory.
b. The maximum-distortion-energy theory.
100 mm Figure P10-47
r I‘, 10-48* The hollow steel (0,, = 250 MPa) shaft shown in Fig.
P10-48 is subjected to a torque T = 40 kN - tn. The factor of
Figure P10-44 safety with respect to failure by yielding is 1.5. Determine the
maximum permissible inside diameter for the shaft according
to the maximum-shear-stress theory of failure.
10-45 The shafi shown in Fig. P10-45 is made of steel having
a proportional limit of 60 ksi in tension or compression. If a
factor of safety of 3.0 with respect to failure by yielding is
specified, determine the maximum permissible value for the
axial load P according to the maxinnim-shear-stress theory of
Challenging Problems
. D I
ll]-50 A solid circular shaft has a diameter d and is subjected to /"'
a bending rnornentM and a torque T. The shaft is made from
a ductile material with a yield strength ay. Show that the min-
____"""'4o0 rnm i
immn diameter d of the shaft may be found according to the
maximum-shear-stress theory from the equation
Figure P10-52
2%V = W./(Pa
+ 8M)2 +(sr)1
—_____-_"-—- 2 R ______'I-__—_ l Q=
r-" M " -
M 10-54 A structmal steel pipe used to transmit steam has an inside
diameter of 300 mm. Ifthe steam pressure is 5.5 MPa and a
factor of safety of 4 with respect to failure by yielding is speci-
" P-‘W; fied, determine the minimum permissible wall thickness of the
pipe according to the maximum-shear-stress theory. The wall
Figure P10-51 of the pipe does not carry any axial load.
10-55* A steel shaft 4 in. in diameter is supported in flexible
bearings at its ends. Two pulleys, each 24 in. in diameter, are
ll]-52* The shaft shown in Fig. P10-52 is made of steel having keyed to the shaft. The pulleys carry belts that are loaded as
a proportional limit of 360 MPa in tension or compression. shown in Fig. P10-55. The steel has a proportional limit of 40
If a factor of safety of 2.0 with respect to failtne by yielding ksi in tension and compression and 23 ksi in shear. If a factor
is specified, determine the minimum permissible diameter D of safety of2.5 with respect to failure by yielding is specified,
according to determine the maximum allowable belt tension P according to
a. The maximum-shear-stress theory of failure. a. The maximum-shear-stress theory of failure.
b. The maximum-distortion-energy theory of failure. h. The mazrimtnn-distortion-energy theory of failme.
650 cruumzn 10 runner sunnons mo THEORIES or rmuna
T40 in. -_ __ ifthe cylinder is made ofan alloy steel with a proportional limit
. " 60in. .____ of 80 ksi and a Poisson’s ratio of 0.30. A factor of safety of 2.5
t~- 40 1.. with respect to failm'e by yielding according to the maximum-
' _ distortion-energy theory of failure is specified.
10-58 A solid circular shaft acting as a cantilever beam is sub-
l jected to the loading shown in Fig. P10-58. The material is
P 2024-T4 wrought aluminum with a yield strength in tension
3*” 3p ' and compression of 330 MPa. If the factor of safety for failure
P by yielding is 2.5, determine the minimum permissible diame-
Figure P10-55 ter of the shaft according to the maximlnn-shear-stress theory
of failure. Neglect the effects of transverse shear.
Brittle materials, unlike ductile materials, do not yield; therefore, failure is by
_,_\ /___ fi-acture, and the critical stress is the fracture stress (or the ultimate strength). The
\\v If
ultimate strength in compression is greater than the ultimate strength in tension.
.| ,, The ultimate shear strength of a brittle material is approximately equal to the
I ultimate tensile strength; this is not the case for ductile materials. Of the theories
6 proposed to predict fracture of brittle materials, only two will be presented in this
5a: Ga: text: the Coulomb-Mohr theory and the maximum-normal-stress theory.
According to the Coulomb-Mohr theory, failtne (fracture) occurs for any state of
I i
stress whose Mohr’s circle is tangent to the envelope of the two circles shown ir1
Fig. 10-29a (the envelope is the line that is tangent to the two circles, as shown in
i Z
Fig. 10-29b). Mohr‘s circle for an arbitrary state of stress is shown clashed in Fig.
10-29b, where crpl and op; are the principal stresses (the principal stresses have
been ordered aP1 > UP2 > Up3)- When Mohrs circle (dashed) forany state ofstress
s‘ is tangent to the envelope of Fig. 10-29b, failure occurs. The principal stresses Up]
and 0P3, the ultimate tensile strength a,,,, and the ultimate compressive strength
am, are related by the equation
Figure 10-29 E - E =1 ttczs)
Um‘ Um‘
10-7 FAILURE rusonnzs Fort nnrrrts MA'l'liRIAl.S 651
where 01,, is the magnitude of the compressive strength, and a,,| and op; carry “pa
algebraic signs. A state of stress rs safe when MaXimum_n°1_malmrcss theory
our rififiifi
E-2<1 (10-27)
5:41‘ auc —
Comparison between theory and experimental data (for gray cast iron) is
shown in Fig. 10-30, which is adapted from Blake.5 In the first quadrant the p1'in- om “pr
cipal stresses have the same sign, and the maxirrunn-normal-stress theory and
the Coulomb-Mohr theory are identical. Note that the failure envelope for the 3 ' C°m‘_1
maximum-normal-stress theory is not square as was the case for ductile materials, , *3 glgilssltggi C°m°I
where the tensile and compressive yield strengths were equal (see Fig. 10-19b). ,
The two theories give different predictions of failure in the fourth quadrant, where -6“ ______ _ _ ‘
the principal stresses have opposite sig;ns. In the fourth quadrant, the maximum- ' ‘ A‘
normal-stress theory is unsafe because the data lie inside the failure envelope. ‘A
The Coulomb-Mohr theory is conservative because the data lie outside the failure '/$5 6111/“P3 Z *1
envelope. A
The line for pine torsion, op, = —0,,3, is also shown in Fig. 10-30. This line I
gives two predictions for the ultimate shear strength, that is, where the line intersects %\
the envelopes for the two failure theories. As previously mentioned, one ofthe char-
' — — — Coulomb—Mohr theory
acteristics of a brittle material is that the ultimate shear strength is approximately AA
equal to the ultimate tensile strength. This is predicted by the n1axirnurn-norrnal-
stress theory, whereas the Coulomb-Mohr theory predicts a value somewhat less. um:
Figure 10-so
1 EXHIIIPIB Pl‘0blC1I1 1 0- 12 At the critical point in a machine com-
ponent, the principal stresses (plane stress) are as shown in Fig. 10-31. The
failure strengths for the material are am = 2.5 ksi and om = 16 ksi. Use the
Coulomb-Mohr theory to determine if this state of stress is safe.
The state of stress is safe if the stresses satisfy Eq. 10-27. 4 ksi
Um‘ Gar —
Substituting the principal stresses from Fig. 10-31 (after noting that op; is com-
pressive and that out is the magnitude of the ultimate compressive strength) into
Eq. 10-26 yields
Figure 10-31
25 — —
(— 4)
16 = 1. 05 > 1
i _i r=E
J = 140.200)“/32
?T[0'100) = 636.61"
Figure 19_3g The principal stresses a.re
an in-,
Um‘ URL‘ —
636.6T (—fi36.6T)
620(l0 ) 820(10 )
Introductory Problems 5 ksi
10-59* The state of plane stress at the critical point in a machine 4 ki _
component is shown in Fig. P10-59. The failure strengths for
the material are 26 ksi in tension and 97 ksi in compression. l I
Use the Coulomb-Mohr theory to determine if this state of I L 13 ksi
stress is safe. _
Figure P10-59
10-7 FAIIJJIIB 'l'HBORlltS won tt1u'm.s MATIIRIALS 653
l0-60* Two states of plane stress are shown in Fig. P10-60. The 10-63 The solid circular cast iron shaft shown in Fig. P10-63 is
failure strengths for the material are 152 MPa in tension and subjected to a torque T = 240 kip - in. and a bending moment
572 MPa in compression. Use the Coulomb-Mohr theory to M = 110 kip - in. The failure strengths for this material are
determine if these states of stress are safe. 43 ksi in tension and 140 ksi in compression Use the Coulomb-
Mohr theory to determine the minimum permissible diameter
for this shaft.
ep, = I00 MPa Gm = 200 MPa
6p]=10owa oP1=75 MP3 0"‘,
l0-61 The state of plane stress at the critical point in a machine 10-64 A thin-walled cylindrical ]J1‘6SSl.l1’6 vessel has an inside di-
component rnade cfcast iron is shown in Fig. P10-61. The fail- ameter of 300 mm and a wall thickness of 5 mm. The vessel is
ure strengths for this material are 30 ksi in tension and 108 ksi made of a material with am = 276 MPa and on, = 340 MPa.
in compression. Use the Coulomb-Mohr theory to determine Use the Coulomb-Mohr theory to determine the maximum in-
if this state of stress is safe. ternal pressure that the vessel can safely support.
Challenging Problems
_9_ksi 10-65* A solid circular gray cast iron shaft is loaded as shown
in Fig. P10-65. The failure strengths for this type of cast iron
are 36.5 ksi in tension and 124 ksi in compression. Use the
I i Coulomb-Mohr theory to determine the minimum permissi-
I I 22 ksi ble diameter for the shaft. Neglect the effects of transverse
<—--- shear.
Intermediate Problems
12 in.
l0-62* A solid circular cast iron shaft is subjected to the loads _ D
shown in Fig. P10-62. The failure strengths for this material I
are 214 MPa in tension and 750 MPa in compression. Use the 0 ’)7
' 1.5m
10-66 The C-clamp shown in Fig. P10-66 is made of a gray cast
iron that has an ultimate tensile strength of 180 MPa and an
ultimate compressive strength of 670 MPa. Use the Coulomb-
5 kN-m Mohr theory to determine the maximum load P that can he
Figure P10-62 applied safely to the clamp.
--- 24 in.
""-- 48 in..________
E:Il2mm 4 in. ‘W
"b"e! LE. I
Section A-A
3000 lb-it It t
Figure P10-66 500010-n 5°00 lb
Figure P10-67
The strain energy stored in a material is equal to the work done in deforming
the material. For an axial load, the strain energy intensity (strain energy per unit
volume) u is given by
u = f ads
The modulus of resilience is defined as the maximum stlain energy per unit volume
that a material will absorb without inelastic deformation and is the area under
the straight-line portion of the stress-strain diagram. For practical purposes, the
yield strength and proportional limit are the same, and thus the modulus of resi-
lience is
we — 2E
U; ( 10 - 3 )
The area under the entire stress-strain c1u've from zero to rupture gives the property
known as the modulus of toughness H1‘ and denotes the energy per unit volume
necessary to rupture the material.
The total strain energy stored in a material may be obtained by integrating
the strain energy intensity over the volume of the material being stressed. “Then
the state of stress in a body can be represented by a nonzero normal stress, the
strain energy is
U — I,, fidV
25 (10 5)
where V is the volume of the body. The expressions for strain energy intensity
and strain energy for shear loading are identical to that for axial loading if normal
stress a is replaced by shear stress r and Young‘s modulus E is replaced by the
shear modulus G.
The elastic strain energy for axial loading of a bar which has a uniform
cross-sectional areaA and is subjected to an axial force P over its entire length L
is given by
U= T 10-'7
ZAE ( )
For a bar which has a imiform cross section ofradius r and is subjected to a torsional
load T, over its entire length L, the strain energy is given by
201 (10-9)
The strain energies in a beam resulting from a bending moment M, and fi'om a
shear force V, are given by
U=f fiat): (10-11)
U 2E1
L V2 2
U:/1 grist dx (10-12)
0 2611 A :1
The integral in the parentheses of Eq. 10-12 depends on the shape of the cross
section of the beam. Also, since M, and V, are functions of x, the relationships
between M, and x and between V, and x must be known before the integrals of
Eqs. 10-ll and 10-12 can be evaluated. The strain energy due to transverse shear
is of importance only in the case of very short, deep beams. For a short, deep beam
(depth/length = 1/5), the error in neglecting the strain energy due to transverse
shear is approximately 3 percent, whereas for a long, slender beam (depthflength =
1/'10) the error is less than 1 percent.
When dynamic loads are applied to a structural member, the magnitude
and distribution of stresses and strains depend on the velocity of propagation of
the strain waves through the material of which the system is composed as well
as on the usual parameters encotmtered previously. The maximum stresses and
maximum deflection occur when all of the kinetic and potential energy of the load
ane converted to strain energy stored in the material. Assuming that the stresses
are in the elastic range, the material behavior is the same as that for slowly applied
loads, and energy losses during impact are negligible, the maximum normal stress
and the maximum deflection for a suddenly applied axial force are double the
values obtained when the force is slowly applied.
A tension test ofan axially loaded member is easy to conduct, and the results,
for many types ofmaterials, are well known. When such a member fails, the failure
occurs at a specific principal (axial) stress cry. At this point, the principal (axial)
strain is sf = o_rfIE, the maximum shearing stress is 1.’; = of32, and the strain energy
per unit volume of stressed material is u = 0}/2E. For an element subjected to
biaxial or triaxial loading, however, the situation is more complicated because the
limits of normal stress, normal strain, shearing stress, and strain energy existing at
failure foran axial load are not all reached simultaneously. In such cases, it becomes
important to determine the best criterion for predicting failure. Several theories
have been proposed for predicting failure of various types of material subjected to
656 CHAPTER 10 ENERGY sermons AND 'l‘l{B0]tlES or FAILURE
many combinations of loads. Unfortunately, none of the theories agree with test
data for all types of materials and combinations of loads.
The maximum-normal-stress theory (also called Rankine‘s theory) predicts
failure of a specimen subjected to any combination of loads when the maximum
normal stress at any point in the specimen reaches the axial failure stress as de-
terrnined by an axial tensile or compressive test of the same material, am, = of.
The maximum-shear-stress theory (also called Coulomb’s theory or Guest’s the-
ory) predicts failure of a specimen subjected to any combination of loads when
the maximum shear stress at any point reaches the failure stress as determined by
an axial tension or axial compression test of the same material, T]-flax = 1'; = of/2.
For ductile materials, the shearing elastic limit, as determined from a torsion test
(pure shear), is about 0.570;. Therefore, the rnaxirnum-shear-stress theory errs on
the conservative side by being based on the limit obtained from an axial test.
The maximum-distortion-energy theory (also called the Huber-Hencky-von
Mises theory) predicts failure of a specimen subjected to any combination of loads
when the distortion component of the strain energy intensity of any portion of the
stressed member reaches the failure value ofthe distortion component of the strain
energy intensity as determined fi"om an axial tension or compression test of the
same material. This theory assumes that the portion of the strain energy producing
volume change is ineffective in causing failure by yielding. The strain energy of
distortion is most readily computed by determining the total strain energy of the
stressed material and subtracting the strain energy corresponding to the volume
Failure of a ductile material is predicted most closely by the maximum-
distortion-energy theory. \Vhen the two largest principal normal stresses have the
same sign, the maximum-normal-stress and the maximum-shear-stress theories are
identical and both theories are conservative. When the two largest principal stresses
have opposite signs, the maximum-shear-stress theory is conservative while the
maximum-normal-stress theory overpredicts failure stresses and is unsafe.
Failure ofa brittle material is closely predicted by the Coulomb-Mohr theory.
This theory gives conservative results.
10-68* The 100-mm-diameter shaft shown in Fig. P 10-68 is com- 1|]-69* Axial loads are applied at sections A, B, C, and D of the
posed ofaluminum alloy (G = 28 GPa) and steel (G = 80 GPa) steel (E = 30,000 ksi) bar shown in Fig. P10-69. If the bar has
sections that are rigidly connected. Determine a cross-sectional area of 3 in.2, determine
a. The elastic strain energy for each segment of the shaft. a. The elastic strain energy for each segment of the shaft.
b. The elastic strain energy for the complete shalt. b. The elastic strain energy for the complete shaft.
energy stored in this shaft with the total elastic strain energy 10-74* The bronze (E = 80 GPa) beam of Fig. P10-7'4 is 75 mm
stored in an axially loaded bar of the same size and at the same wide X 25 mm deep. Each of the supporting coil springs has
maximum tensile stress level. a modulus of 10 kN/m. From what height should the block W,
with a mass of 5 kg, be dropped in order to produce a total
ll]-71* A weight of 40 lb is dropped from a height of 3 ft onto
deflection at the center of the beam equal to four times the de-
the center of a small rigid platform as shown in Fig. P10-71.
flection produced by the same mass when it is slowly applied
The two steel (E = 30,000 ksi) rods supporting the platform
to the beam?
each have cross-sectional areas of 2.5 in? and are 8 ft long.
a. The impact factor.
b. The maximum tensile stress developed in the rods.
c. The maximum deflection of the platform.
I zslnm Wliijl I; I
i 1.5 m i 1.5 m
Figure P10-‘T4
s- . . ;..ii‘ —Ii
10-'76 The frame shown in Fig. P10-76 is subjected to a load
3 in.
P of 100 kN. The material is ductile and has a proportional
C i_l limit of 220 MPa in tension and compression. Determine the
\ D
1 mini: factor of safety with respect to failure by yielding according
ll 5fl > a. The maxirnum-shearing-stress theory of failure.
Figure P10-73 b. The rnaxirnum-distortion-energy theory of failtue.
658 cnarrax 10 manor snrrnons AND rnsonrss or I~'AlI.IJ]lB
Determine the factor of safety with respect to failure by yield- Figure P10-78
ing according to each of the theories of failure if
Appendix A
Second Moments ofArea
The centroid of an area is located by considering the first moment of the area about
an axis. This computation requires evaluation of an integral of the form L x dA.
in the analysis of stresses and deflections in beams and shafts, an expression of the
form ff! x2 dA is frequently encotmtered in which dA represents an element ofarea
and x represents the distance from the element to some axis in, or perpendicular
to, the plane of the area. An expression of the form L1 x2 dA is known as the
second moment of the area. In the analysis of the angular motion of rigid bodies,
an expression of the form fm r2 dm is encountered, ir1 which dm represents an
element of mass and r represents the distance from the element to some axis.
Euler‘ gave the name “moment of inertia" to expressions of the form fm r2 dm.
Because of the similarity between the two types of integrals, both have become
widely known as moments of inertia. In this text, the integrals involving areas will
be referred to as “second moments of area.” Methods used to determine second
moments of area are discussed in this appendix.
The quantities I, and I}. are sometimes referred to as the rectangular second mo-
ments of the area A.
Similarly, the second moment of the area A shown in Fig. A-1 with respect
to a z-axis, which is perpendicular to the plane of the area at the origin O of the
xy-coordinate system, is
I,»=f(y-l-d,,)2dA=fy2dA+2d,fydA+dff dA
or-+- -" 5;
>‘\ since d, is the same for every element of area dxl. The first integral is the second
moment L, of the area with respect to the x-axis and the last integral is the total
area A. Therefore,
Figure A-2
I,»=1}+2d,[ydA+dfA (a)
The integral ff, y dA is the first moment ofthe area with respect to the x-axis. Since
the x-axis passes through the centroid C of the area, the first moment is zero and
Eq. (a) becomes
product of the area and the square of the distance between the two axes (refer to
Eqs. A-4 and A-5). The theorem also indicates that the second moment of an area
with respect to an axis through the centroid of the area is less than that for any
parallel axis because F
A-2-2 Second Moments of Areas by Integration Rectangular K Area A
and polar second moments of area were defined in Section A-2. When the second
moment of a plane area with respect to a line is determined by using Eq. A-1 or
A-2, it is possible to select the element of area dA in various ways and to express
s Ls
the area of the element i11 terms of either polar or Cartesian coordinates. In some
cases, an element of area with dimensions a'A = dy dx, as shown in Fig. A- l, may
be required. This type of element has the slight advantage that it can be used for
calculating both 1,, and iv, but it has the greater disadvantage of requiring double ._e_-J I
integration. Most problems can be solved with less work by choosing elements of 0
the type shown in Figs. A-3a and A-3b. The following should be considered when (5)
selecting an element of area dA for a specific problem. Figure A-3
1. If all parts of the element of area are the same distance from the axis, the
second moment can be determined directly by using Eq. A-1 or A-2. Thus, the
element shown in Fig. A-2 can be used to determine either L or Iy directly, but
a double integration is required. The element shown in Fig. A-3a can be used to
determine directly because the dimension x is constant for the element. The
element shown in Fig. A-3a is not suitable for determining I, directly because dA =ydx
the y-dimension is not constant for the element. Similarly, the element shown in
Fig. A-Sb is suitable for determining L, directly but not Iy. A single integration I
would be required with elements of the type shown in Fig. A-3.
Figure A-4
2. If the second moment of the element ofarea with respect to the axis about which
the second moment of the area is to be found is known, the second moment ofthe
area can be found by summing the second moments of the individual elements
that make up the area. For example, ifthe second moment til, for the rectangular
area d/1 in Fig. A-4 is known, the second moment L, for the complete area/1 is
/—Al‘6fi A
simply L, = fl, dlx.
3. If both the location of the centroid of the element and the second moment of dz!
if x‘.
the element about its centroidal axis parallel to the axis of interest for the
complete area are known, the parallel axis theorem can ofien be used to simplify
the solution of a problem. For example, consider the area shown in Fig. A-5. If
both the distance d, and the second moment dlxc forthe rectangular element dA
are lcnown, then by the parallel axis theorem d1, = dlxc + dfdA. The second O
l .
moment for the complete area A is then simply L = [A dlx. Figure A-5
From the previous discussion it is evident that either single or double in-
tegration may be required for the determination of second moments of area, de-
pending on the element of a.rea dA selected. Vlfhen double integration is used,
all parts of the element will be the same distance from the moment axis, and
the second moment of the element can be written directly. Special care must be
taken ir1 establishing the limits for the two integrations to see that the correct
area is included. If a strip element is selected, the second moment can usually
be obtained by a single integration, but the element must be properly selected
in order for its second moment about the reference axis to be either known
or readily calculated by using the parallel axis theorem. The following exarn-
ples illustrate the procedure for determining the second moments of areas by
J’ integration.
dy i Example Pfflbifilll A-1 Determine the second moment for the rect-
dA=bdy angle shown ir1 Fig. A-6a with respect to
@e__b___l ‘ (a) An element of area dA = bdy, as shown in Fig. A-6a,will be used. Since all
(H) parts of the element are located a distance y fi"om the x-axis, Eq. A-l can be
Figure A-6(a) used directly for the determination of the second moment L, about the base
of the rectangle. Thus,
P The second moment I, can be computed
with a single integration if a thin strip ele- :1 3 iv 3
ment parallel to the x-axis is used. I, =/ly2dA=f y2bdy= = & Ans.
A 0 3 0 3
This result will be used fi'equently in later examples, when elements of the
type shown ir1 Fig. A-4 are used to determine second moments about the
(b) The parallel axis theorem (Eq. A-6) will be used to determine the second
moment [,5 about an axis that passes through the centroid of the rectangle
C (see Fig. A-6b) and is parallel to the base. Thus,
h oi Ix,
2 1’°_"_"_3_2()_12
—r a'2A—E ’121>h—@ A "5'
O Le 1» el l x This result will be used frequently in later examples when elements of the
(b) type shown in Fig. A-5 are used to determine second moments about the
Figure A-6(b) x-axis.
(c) The second moment 13.; for the rectangle can be deterrnined in an identical
P If an area has an axis of symmetry, the manner. It can also be obtained fiom the preceding solution by interchanging
centroid is located on that axis; if the area b and h; that is,
has two axes of symmetry, the centroid is
located at the point of intersection of the hb3
two axes.
The polar second moment J2;-; about the z-axis through the centroid of the
rectangle is given by Eq. A-3 as
bhi’ hbi’ an
LC = LC +I_t¢ = E + E = E012 +112) Ans.
Example PTOOICIII A-2 Detemiine the second moment of area for d P /Kxde
the circle shown in Fig. A-7 with respect to a diameter of the circle. 1'
SOLUTION 6 y = P S111' e
Polar coordinates are convenient for this problem. An element of area dA = X
pd9 dp, as shown in Fig. A-7, will be used. If the x-axis is selected as the
diameter about which the second moment of area is to be determined, then y = R
p sin 9. Application of Eq. A-1 yields
211 R
t=ffiM=f f<wmWowe>
Figure A-7
2" R 3 '29d d9=—[———:l
R“ 0 sin20 2” ma‘
=i A115.
L _£'° S1“ ‘J 4 2 4 U 4 P Polar coordinates are usually more effi-
cient when circularboundaries are involved.
(a) An axis through the center of the circle and normal to the plane of the area.
(b) An axis through the edge of the circle and normal to the plane of the area.
(a) Polar coordinates are convenient for this problem. An element of area dA = X
2:rp dp, as shown ir1 Fig. A-B, will be used. Since all parts of the element
are located a constant distance p from the center of the circle, Eq. A-2 can
be used directly for the determination of the polar second moment J, about
an axis through the center of the circle and normal to the plane of the area.
Figure A-8
J, = I r2 dA = f p2(22rp dp) =1 211,03 dp = — Ans.
A 0 0 2 P The second moment J, can be computed
This result could have been obtained from the solution of Example Problem with a single integration if a thin armular
element at a constant distance p from the
A-2 and use of Eq. A-3. Thus,
z-axis is used.
J, = 1,,-+ df/I = % + R2(rrR2) = “T
3 R4 Ans.
lin. fir
ll’ (a) The x-axis.
(b) An axis through the origin of the xy-coordinate system and normal to the
plane of the area.
y2=2x -V (a) An element of area dA = x dy = (yz/2) dy, as shown in Fig. A-3b, will be
1 in.
used. Since all parts of the element are located a distance y from the x-axis,
l l , Eq. A-l can be used directly for the determination of the second moment I,
about the x-axis. Thus,
Figure A-9 yz 2 y4 ys 2
1,=f y2dA=fy2(—)dy=f —dy= [-1 =3.10tn:‘
A A 2 1 2 10 1
P The second moment I, can be computed Ans.
with a single integration if a thin strip ele- (b) The same element of area can be used to obtain the second moment I,
ment parallel to the x-axis is used. if the result of Example Problem A-1 is used as the known value for dly.
2 ye y7 Z 127 .
ly =L dly =fi = = fi =0.756ll1.4
Once I} and 13, are known for the area, the polar second moment for an axis
through the origin of the my-coordinate system and normal to the plane of the
area is obtained by using Eq. A-3. Thus,
area A multiplied by a length k squared. Thus, from Eqs. A-l and A-2,
x2a‘A=Akj r,.= —
,, k,,=,/—’
and from Eq. A-3,
@=&+@ ma
The distance k is called the radius ofgyration. The subscript denotes the axis about
which the second moment of area is taken. The radius of gyration of an area with
respect to an axis can be visualized as the distance from the axis to the point where
the area could be concentrated in order to produce the same second moment of
area with respect to the axis, as does the actual area.
The parallel axis theorem for second moments of area was discussed early
in Section A-2. A corresponding relation exists between the radii of gyration of
the area with respect to two parallel axes, one ofwhich passes through the centroid
of the area. Thus, from Eqs. A-4 and A-'7,
Example Problem A-5 For the shaded area shown in Fig. A-10a,
(a) The radii of gyration kx, ky, and kg.
(b) The radius of gyration for an axis passing through the centroid and parallel
to the y-axis.
}" 1'
x I‘ T dx
4y=.r2 ‘
I 2111. s 4 x x
(H) (5)
Figure A-ll]
(a) The quantities required for the determination of kx, lg. , and k, are the area A
and the second moments L and Iv. Since none of these quantities are readily
available from lcnown solutions, they will be determined by integration using
the element of area shown in Fig. A-10b. For area A,
2x2 x32 2
A= d=f _d =[_]=_'_1
Ly‘ 0 4” 12, am
P The second moment I, can be computed For the second moment Ix, the results of Example Problem A-1 can be used.
with a single integration if a thin vertical In Example Problem A-1 it was shown that the second moment I about the
strip element and the known results for a base of a rectangle having a base b and a height I1 was I = bhi’/3. Thus, for
rectangle are used.
the shaded element of area dz! of Fig. A-10b, which has a base at: and a
1 1 6
at = grdxroo’ = grdxrrxz/4? = fgdx
2 6 7 1
Ix=f dIx=jl LdI=‘:L ]=iiJ1.4
,1 0 192 1344 U 21
2 2 2 4 5 2 8
Iy=fI2dA=f I2ydI=[ x2(£)dx=f £dx=|:Jc—:| =—i11.4
A A 0 4 0 4 20 0 5
Once A, L, and Iy are known, the radii of gyration Ir, and ky are obtained
from Eqs. A-7. Thus,
-1-H 1;:
= |i2%23l:|
= 0.3780 = 0.378 in. Ans.
The polar radius of gyration k, obtained fi'om Ir, and ky by using Eq. A-8 is
2 2 2 1 4 1
Axe=fxdA=f e(’i)dx =f x—dx=[L:| =1.0o0m.3
,1 0 4 U 4 16 0
f 1.000 .
d,.=xC= AA = 2/3 =1.500in.
The radius of gyration kyf is then obtained by using Eqs. A-1 1. Thus,
(a) The quantities required for the determination kxc and kyc are the area A and
the second moments I15 and Iyc. The areaA for the triangle is
is .v
I -- I
J; ii l_
-=—§a—»1-3: x’
(Q) (bl
Figure A-ll
The second moments I,9 and Iyc will be determined, by integration, using
P The second moment I, can be computed the element of area dA = w dy shown in Fig. A-1 lb. From similar triangles,
with a single integration if a thin strip ele-
ment parallel to the x-axis is used. w 50 50
i = — fro h' h = — 30 —
30—y 45 '2: 1° W 45( y)
dA = wdy = E60 —y)dy
Since all parts of the element dA = w dy are located a distance y fiom the
P The width ofthe element can be expressed xg-axis, the definition of a second moment can be used to determine 1,1;-.
as a fimction of y by observing that the en- Thus,
tire triangle is similar to the triangle that lies
above the shaded element. 2 50 +30 2
Iec=fA)’ dA=,E[l5 <30-yr» dy
-50 30'”; y4 +30—l26563mm4
_4s 3 4 _,,_ '
For the second moment Iyc, the results of Example Problem A-1 can be
used. In Example Problem A-l it was shown that the second moment I about
a centroidal axis parallel to the base of a rectangle having a base b and a
height I: was I = bh3/'12. Thus, for the shaded element of Fig. A-llb, which
has a base dy and a height w,
1 1 so 3 1 so
.t Hr
1,1 y>[451 ,,[45( y>] 3 dy
_30- yr] =--30-
+30 1 3
_4s E
50 300- y )4 +3U—1171ss
45 _15— ‘ mm“
From the definition of a radius of gyration,
kxc =
— =
/126,563 = l0.607mm E 10.61 nun Ans.
A 1125
1. ~ 117,183 N
t,..¢- = ,1 fit = ti i = l0.206mm = 10.21 rr1m Ans.
(bl The radii of gyration k,- and k,,- can be determined by using the parallel axis
theorem for radii of gyration. Thus,
When an area such as a hole is removed from a larger area, its second moment
must be subtracted fi'om the second moment of the larger area to obtain the
resulting second moment. Thus, for the case of a square plate with a hole,
r =1 +1
I El
1 =1_
l I
Table A-l contains a listing ofthe values ofthe integrals for frequently encotmtered
shapes such as rectangles, triangles, circles, and semicircles. Tables listing second
Y 1,113
1» IJI13 * 12
,1, ZR _1
I? ‘ 3 A_2bh
L--34-;-_ 1‘
il I
A = rrR2
y‘ J’ 1,=L
‘R 1 _;-[R4 4R‘
F x I6
I " 16 9n‘ 1 R2
,'i\ I,=T(6——s in 2Rsin6
1,. = -
as-=1 e + —sin
A =6R2
H /""\
moments of area and other properties for the cross sections of common structural
shapes are found in engineering handbooks and in data books prepared by industrial
organizations such as the American Institute of Steel Construction. An abbreviated
listing is also included in Appendix B.
In some instances the second moments IXC, I,.C, and I,3 of a composite
shape with respect to centroidalx-, y, and z-axes of the composite may be required
These quantities can be determined by first evaluating the second moments IX»,
Iy» , and I2» of the composite with respect to any convenient set of parallel x’-, y I -
and z’-axes and then transferring these second moments to the centroidal axes by
using the parallel axis theorem.
1 EXHIIIPIB PIOIJICIII A-7 A beam having the cross section shown in
Fig. A-12a is constructed by gluing a 2 X 6-in. wooden plank 10 it long to a 5' E
second 2 x 6-in. wooden plank also 10 It long. Determine the second moment fir
of the cross-sectional area with respect to .
(a) The x-axis. " 6 m‘
(b) The y-axis.
(c) The 3113- axis, which passes through the centroid of the area and is parallel to
the x-axis.
‘I ..
(a) As shown in Fig. A-12b, the cross-sectional area can be divided into two y
simple rectangles. Since both rectangles have an edge along the x-axis, their
second moments ofarea are just bh3/3. Therefore, the second moment ofarea
of the entire area with respect to the x-axis is
1 1
A = 1,1 + 1.2 = 5(4)(2)‘* + 5(2)(8)’ = 352 in.‘ Ans. C _T
(b) Using the sanre division of areas as in part (a), the first area has an edge
along the y-axis and its second moment of area is given by bh3/3. However, (b)
the parallel axis theorem is needed for the second rectangle, since neither the Figure A42
centroid of the rectangle nor either edge is along the y-axis. Therefore, the
second moment of area of the entire area with respect to the y-axis is
(c) The centroid will be located using the same division of areas as above:
Then, using the parallel axis theorem for both rectangles, the second moment
of area of the entire area with respect to the xc-axis is
1 3 + 8(3 — 1)
2 +
1 3 + l6(4 — 3)
2 - 4
= 136.0 111.
Note that, since the If-HXIS passes through the centroid of the entire area, the
second moments of area I, and IXC are related by the parallel axis theorem
a no 0“ 1"
___________ _ m
P150 mm
so rmn
50 mm
c .4
(=1) (b)
Figure A-13
As shown in Fig. A-13b, the shaded area can be divided into a 100 x 200-mm
rectangle (A), with a 60-mm-diameter circle (B) and a 100-mm-diarneter half-
circle (C) removed, and a 100 x 200-mm triangle (D). The second moments for
these areas, with respect to the x- andy-axes, can be obtained by using information
fi'om Table A-1, as follows:
(a) For the rectangle (shape A),
1,1 = bh3
T = 200
—%—21003 = 66.66"/(10“)mn1“
R4 R2
1,3 = 1,43 —i-dg/1 = % +d_3(%)
bh3 bh
... + -( . )
41 _
I b3h 2003000) , ,
,1 = T = f =266.s61(10 )n1m
1,2 = on + djzl
= % + siren’)
= @ + (1502)(n)(302) = s4.2s3(10°)nnn**
R4 50“
1,, = % = $ = 2.4s4(10°)nnn‘*
J2 = Ix + Iy
= 230.o23(10°) + 266.621(10‘)
= 496.ss0(10“) '5 497(10‘)mm“ Ans-
- W24 X s4
0‘m eoolsou
T3F‘: _,__\.=
,' "
Properties and dimensions for the structural shapes can be obtained from Ap-
pendix B. The properties and dimensions for the wide-flange section are shown
in Fig. A-14b. The properties and dimensions for the channel section are shown
in Fig. A-14c. In Figs. A-14-b and c, the x-axis passes through the centroid of
the wide-flange section and a parallel x’-axis passes through the centroid of the
channel. A centroidal xg-axis for the composite section (see Fig. A-14d) can be
located by using the principle of moments as applied to areas. The total area A 1'
for the composite section is
The moment of the composite area about the x-axis is P The principle of moments can be used to
locate the centroid of any composite body
A7"(_)I(_')7' = Aw;-{yc)w.r + Ac;-1(y¢-)¢-H = 24.7(O) + 8.82(11.3S6) = 104.835 in.3 if first moments of the individual parts are
known or can be determined.
The distance (y¢)¢ from the x-axis to the centroid of the composite section is
104.235 ,
U’c);- = g = 3.12s m.
The second moment [I,,C)W,- for the wide-flange section about the centroida1xC- P The parallel axis theorem for second mo-
axis of the composite section is determined by using the parallel axis theorem. ments is valid only for transfers to or from
Thus, a parallel axis through the centroid of the
(I,C)w;.- = (I,,)W;- + (_VQ')%’,-I,-AW]-' = 2370 +(3.128)2(24.7) = 2611.7 in.‘
Similarly, the second moment (I,C)¢;.; for the channel about the centroidal 2:5-
axis of the composite section is
(1xC')r = (IIC)W1-‘+[[XC)(.‘11'
= 2611.7 -1- 681.7 = 3293.4 '5 3290111.‘ ADS.
The y-axis passes through the centroid of both areas; therefore, the second mo-
ment (IN); for the composite section is
The radius of gyration about the xg-axis for the composite section is
(1 -)- “Z = 3293.4
(k,C)T=[% 33-52 ‘/2 =9.912=9.91
~ ,
m. Ans.
The radius of gyration about the yc-flXlS for the composite section is
x as
A-2-5 Mixed Second Moments ofAreas The mixed second moment
(commonly called the area product of inertia) dlxy of the element ofarea dA shown
in Fig. A-15 with respect to the x- and y-axes is defined as the product of the two I
The mixed second moment (area product of inertia) of the total area A about the
x- and y-axes is the sum of the mixed second moments of the elements of the area;
The dimensions of the mixed second moment are the same as the dimensions for
the rectangular or polar second moments, but since the product xy can be either
positive or negative, the mixed second moment can be positive, negative, or zero.
Recall that rectangular or polar second moments are always positive.
The mixed second moment of an area with respect to any two orthogonal
dA' dd axes is zero when either of the axes is an axis of symmetry. This statement can
.1 be demonstrated by means of Fig. A-16, which is symmetrical with respect to the
y-axis. For every element of area dz! on one side of the axis of symmetry, there is
a corresponding element of area d A‘. on the opposite side of the axis such that the
mixed second moments of dA and dA' will be equal in magnitude but opposite in
sign. Thus, they will cancel each other ir1 the summation and the resulting mixed
second moment for the total area will be zero.
Figure A-16
The parallel axis theorem for mixed second moments can be derived from
Fig. A-17 in which the x- and y-axes pass through the centroid C of the area and
are parallel to the x’- and y’-axes. The mixed second moment with respect to the
x’- and y’-axes is
d)‘ X
since d, and d_,. are the same for every element of area mi/1. The second and third
integrals in the preceding equation are zero since x and y are centroidal axes.
The last integral is the mixed second moment with respect to the centroidal axes.
0 _———————————————
_ _ _ ._~<_ —— 1' Consequently, the mixed second moment about a pair of axes parallel to a pair of
Figure A-l7 centroidal axes is
B c 2
5 3
b x
yr’ _fi bzhz
In _12 4'» = "QT
F» 3_,_,
YE)’ _ (91; - 32)R“ R4
I_.('),' = Y
31: "’ _ 72 :rr
I} .
i _%,.
yfiy (91 - 32)R“ Ixlyf Z
31': '72::
M 3“ x 1
y’ J’ 11,)’. = ZR‘
1,, = T
E- 1 EXfl.IIlpl8 P1‘0l')l6Ill A-10 Determine the mixed second moment (area
product of inertia) of the shaded area shown in Fig. A-18a with respect to the
,1=, lim x- and y-axes by using
dd (a) Double integration.
(b) The parallel axis theorem and single integration.
4 J17
I,y=fxydA=‘/i f xydydx
A U 0
4 2 ~/I
=f xdx
0 2 0
4 2 3 4
= f i4x= Pi] =10.67m‘* Ans.
9 2 6 0
P The mixed second moment of an area (b) The mixed second moment (area product of inertia) din. of the element
with respect to any two orthogonal axes is of area dA = y dr shown in Fig. A-18b with respect to axes through the
zero when either of the axes is an axis of centroid of the element parallel to the x- and y-axes is zero. Thus, the
symmetry. mixed second moment of the element with respect to the x- and y-axes (see
Fig. A-18c) is
41,, = 413,6 + 4,4, 44 = 0 + gm 44) = ’%4x
4 X2 I3 4
1,,,=f 41,, =f E44: [K] = 10.67111.‘ Ans.
A [J 0
‘ Iv L,
1 .
(5) (C)
Figure A-l 8(b-c)
A-3 PRINCIPAL srcoso Iuonnmrrs 679
1 EXHIIIPIB PI'Ol'llC1Il A- 1 1 Determine the mixed second moment (area pcosfi
product of inertia) of the quadrant of a circle shown in Fig. A-19 with respect
(a) The x- and y-axes. /-’ 4.-1= p4e4p
X ' 49
(b) A pair of axes through the centroid of the area and parallel to the x- and rip /- .
9 psinfi
SOLUTION ..\__ x
(a) The mixed second moment (area product of inertia) din, of the element of R
area dA = p d6 dp shown in Fig. A-19 with respect to the x- and y-axes is
defined as dI,,, = xydA. Therefore, Figure A-19
dI,.,, = (p cos 9)(p sin 6)(p d9 dp) P Polar coordinates are usually more elli-
cient when circularboundaries are involved.
R Jr/2
I,,.=’/‘dI,,,,=f f (p cos 9)(p sin 9)pd9dp
A 0 0
R sin2I9 M
=f T P3413
U 2 U
=f0 R ad,,=[a]
3 4 R
8 0
(b) Once the mixed second moment is known with respect to a pair of axes, P The parallel axis theorem for second mo-
the mixed second moment with respect to a parallel set of axes through the ments is valid only for transfers to or from
centroid of the area can be found by using the parallel axis theorem. For the a parallel axis through the centroid of the
quarter circle, d, = d, = 4R/3:Ir; therefore, area.
The set of axes for which the second moments are maximum and minimum
are called the principal axes of the area through point O and are designated as the
u- and v-axes. The second moments of the area with respect to these axes are called
the principal second moments of the area (principal area moments of inertia) and
are designated I, and I,,. There is only one set ofprincipal axes for any point in an
area unless all axes have the same second moment, such as the diameters of a circle.
Principal axes are important in problems dealing with stresses and deformations
in beams and colunms.
The principal second moments of an area can be determined by expressing
I,’ as a fimction of 1,, 1}, I,,., and angle 6 and setting the derivative of I,» with
respect to 6 equal to zero to obtain the values of 6 which give the maximum and
minimum second moments. From Fig. A-20,
sin26 =2sin6cos6
cos26 =cos26—sin26
l 1 .
I,- = EU, + ly) + EU, — ly) cos 26 — Ix, sin 26 (A-15)
The angle 26 for which 1,; is a maximum (or a minimum) can be obtained by
setting the derivative of I,- with respect to 6 equal to zero; thus,
dl f
i = —(I,, - 1,) SlI126 - 21,, cos 29 = 0
fi"om which
tan 20 = - T’ A-16
p (Ix _ ( J
where 6,, represents the two values of 6 that locate the principal axes u and v.
Equation A-16 gives two values of 26,, that are 180° apart, and thus two values of
6,, that are 90" apart. The principal second moments can be obtained by substituting
these values of 6,, in Eq. A-14. Thus,
2 H2
1,, = @ -_+ 441;] (A-17)
A-5 rruncrrru. sscosn nronrrivrs 681
The mixed second moment (area product of inertia) of the element of area
in Fig. A-20 with respect to the x’- and y’-axes is
= f m,
In.» = Ix, cos 26 + EU, — I,.) sin 26 (A-19)
tangg = L
<4 -1») (“J
Equation (a) is the same as Eq. A-16. This fact indicates that mixed second mo-
ments with respect to principal axes are zero. Since mixed second moments are
zero with respect to any axis of symmetry, it follows that any axis of symmetry
must be a principal axis for any point on the axis.
The following example illustrates the procedure for determining second
moments of area with respect to the principal axes.
The second moments Ix, .[,., and Ix, can be determined by using the properties
listed in Tables A-1 and A-2. Thus,
11113 24(4s)’ , I
14- 36 — 36 -73.72Bmm
1114 4s 243
I_v=¥= i»24mm~'i
9 = _
1 —| _
P zmn l Ir_Iyi
-2118I1_l _73,728-18,432
2(l8'432) __ 1685‘
' °r 7315"
With 6,, = -16.85”, Eq. A-14 yields
I 79 7 300mm“ at 6_p——
— 16.85‘ Ans
- -m
1 —L‘+I-"4
11,11 — 2 LT’ 2+1’ W
2 xy
=>< =
73,728 + 18,432 4 73,728 - 18,432 2 +(18,432)1’ 1”
16.85° 2 2
(4) = 46,080 4 33,229 2 79,300 mm4 and 12,850mm‘*
Figure A-2l(b)
The orientations of the principal axes are shown in Fig. A-2 lb.
Appendix B
Tables ofProperties
X—- -—X
Table B-1 Wide-Flange Beams (U.S. Customary Units)
Axis X—X Axis Y—Y
Area Depth Width Thickness Thickness ..
Designation‘ (ill-2) (in.) (in.) (in.) (in.) I (in.“) S(in.3) r(in.) um‘) s(m1) 7' (in.)
W36 x 230 67.6 35.90 16.470 1.260 0.760 15000 837 14.9 940 114 3.73
x 160 47.0 36.01 12.000 1.020 0.650 9750 542 14.4 295 49.1 2.50
W33 x 201 59.1 33.68 15.745 1.150 0.715 11500 684 14.0 749 95.2 3.56
x 152 44.7 33.49 11.565 1.055 0.635 8160 487 13.5 273 47.2 2.47
x 130 38.3 33.09 11.510 0.855 0.580 6710 406 13.2 218 37.9 2.39
W30 >< 132 38.9 30.31 10.545 1.000 0.615 5770 380 12.2 196 37.2 2.25
x 108 31.7 29.83 10.475 0.760 0.545 4470 299 11.9 146 27.9 2.15
W27 x 146 42.9 27.38 13.965 0.975 0.605 5630 41 1 11.4 443 63.5 3.21
x 94 27.7 26.92 9.990 0.745 0.490 3270 243 10.9 124 24.8 2.12
W24 x 104 30.6 24.06 12.750 0.750 0.500 3100 258 10.1 259 40.7 2.91
x 84 24.7 24.10 9.020 0.770 0.470 2370 196 9.79 94.4 20.9 1.95
x 62 18.2 23.74 7.040 0.590 0.430 1550 131 9.23 34.5 9.80 1.38
W21 >< 101 29.8 21.36 12.290 0.800 0.500 2420 227 9.02 248 40.3 2.89
x 83 24.3 21.43 8.355 0.835 0.515 1830 171 8.67 81.4 19.5 1.83
x 62 18.3 20.99 8.240 0.615 0.400 1330 127 8.54 57.5 13.9 1.77
W18 x 97 28.5 18.59 11.145 0.870 0.535 1750 188 7.82 201 36.1 2.65
x 76 22.3 18.21 11.035 0.680 0.425 1330 146 7.73 152 27.6 2.61
x 60 17.6 18.24 7.555 0.695 0.415 984 108 7.47 50.1 13.3 1.69
W16 x 100 29.4 16.97 10.425 0.985 0.585 1490 175 7.10 186 35.7 2.52
x 67 19.7 16.33 10.235 0.665 0.395 954 l 17 6.96 119 23.2 2.46
x 40 11.8 16.01 6.995 0.505 0.305 518 64.7 6.63 28.9 8.25 1.57
X 26 7.68 15.69 5.500 0.345 0.250 301 38.4 6.26 9.59 3.49 1.12
W14 x 120 35.3 14.48 14.670 0.940 0.590 1380 190 6.24 495 67.5 3.74
x 82 24.1 14.31 10.130 0.855 0.510 882 123 6.05 148 29.3 2.48
x 43 12.6 13.66 7.995 0.530 0.305 428 62.7 5.82 45.2 11.3 1.89
x 30 8.85 13.84 6.730 0.385 0.270 291 42.0 5.73 19.6 5.82 1.49
W12 x 96 28.2 12.71 12.160 0.900 0.550 833 131 5.44 270 44.4 3.09
x 65 19.1 12.12 12.000 0.605 0.390 533 87.9 5.28 174 29.1 3.02
x 50 14.7 12.19 8.080 0.640 0.370 394 64.7 5.18 56.3 13.9 1.96
x 30 8.79 12.34 6.520 0.440 0.260 238 38.6 5.21 20.3 6.24 1.52
W10 x 60 17.6 10.22 10.080 0.680 0.420 341 66.7 4.39 116 23.0 2.57
x 45 13.3 10.10 8.020 0.620 0.350 248 49.1 4.33 53.4 13.3 2.01
x 30 8.84 10.47 5.810 0.510 0.300 170 32.4 4.38 16.7 5.75 1.37
x 22 6.49 10.17 5.750 0.360 0.240 118 23 .2 4.27 1 1.4 3.97 1.33
W8 x 40 11.7 8.25 8.070 0.560 0.360 146 35 .5 3.53 49.1 12.2 2.04
x 31 9.13 8.00 7.995 0.435 0.285 110 27.5 3.47 37.1 9.27 2.02
x 24 7.08 7.93 6.495 0.400 0.245 828 20.9 3.42 18.3 5.63 1.61
x 15 4.44 8.11 4.015 0.315 0.245 480 1 1.8 3.29 3.41 1.70 0.876
W6 >< 25 7.34 6.38 6.080 0.455 0.320 53A 16.7 2.70 17.1 5.61 1.52
x 16 4.74 6.28 4.030 0.405 0.260 321 10.2 2.60 4.43 2.20 0.967
W5 x 16 4.68 5.01 5.000 0.360 0.240 213 8.51 2.13 7.51 3.00 1.27
W4 >< 13 3.83 4.16 4.060 0.345 0.280 113 5.46 1.72 3.86 1.90 1.00
Courtesy of the American Institute of Steel Construction.
‘W means wide-flange beam, followed by the nominal depth in inches, then the weight in pounds per foot of length.
.u=m:1\mx B TABLES or Pnomzlrrms 685
1 X—- -—X
I —- -—x
[ X— -—x
iC18 x 58 17.1 18.00 4.200 0.625 0.700 676 75.1 6.29 17.8 5.32 1.02 0.862
x 51.9 15.3 18.00 4.100 0.625 0.600 627 69.7 6.41 16.4 5.07 1.04 0.858
>< 45.8 13.5 18.00 4.000 0.625 0.500 578 64.3 6.56 15.1 4.82 1.06 0.866
>< 42.7 12.6 18.00 3.950 0.625 0.450 554 61.6 6.64 14.4 4.69 1.07 0.877
C15 x 50 14.7 15.00 3.716 0.650 0.716 404 53.8 5.24 11.0 3.78 0.867 0.798
x 40 1 1.8 15.00 3.520 0.650 0.520 349 46.5 5.44 9.23 3.37 0.886 0.777
x 33.9 9.96 15.00 3.400 0.650 0.400 3 15 42.0 5.62 8.13 3.1 1 0.904 0.787
C12 X 30 8.82 12.00 3.170 0.501 0.510 162 27.0 4.29 5.14 2.06 0.763 0.674
x 25 7.35 12.00 3.047 0.501 0.387 144 24.1 4.43 4.47 1 .88 0.780 0.674
>< 20.7 6.09 12.00 2.942 0.501 0.282 129 21.5 4.61 3.88 1 .73 0.799 0.698
C10 x 30 8.82 10.00 3.033 0.436 0.673 103 20.7 3.42 3.94 1 .65 0.669 0.649
x 25 7.35 10.00 2.886 0.436 0.526 91.2 18.2 3.52 3.36 1 .48 0.676 0.617
x 20 5.88 10.00 2.739 0.436 0.379 78.9 15.8 3.66 2.81 1 .32 0.692 0.606
x 15.3 4.49 10.00 2.600 0.436 0.240 67.4 13.5 3.87 2.28 1 .16 0.713 0.634
C9 >< 20 5.88 9.00 2.648 0.41 3 0.448 60.9 13.5 3.22 2.42 1 .17 0.642 0.583
x 15 4.41 9.00 2.485 0.413 0.285 51.0 11.3 3.40 1.93 1 .01 0.661 0.586
>< 13.4 3.94 9.00 2.433 0.413 0.233 47.9 10.6 3.48 1.76 0.962 0.669 0.60 1
C8 x 18.75 5.51 8.00 2.527 0.390 0.487 44.0 11.0 2.82 1.98 1 .01 0.599 0.565
x 13.75 4.04 8.00 2.343 0.390 0.303 36.1 9.03 2.99 1.53 0.854 0.615 0.553
x 11.5 3.38 8.00 2.260 0.390 0.220 32.6 8.14 3.11 1.32 0.781 0.625 0.57 1
C7 x 14.75 4.33 7.00 2.299 0.366 0.419 27.2 7.78 2.51 1.38 0.779 0.564 0.532
>< 12.25 3.60 7.00 2.194 0.366 0.314 24.2 6.93 2.60 1.17 0.703 0.571 0.525
x 9.8 2.87 7.00 2.090 0.366 0.210 21.3 6.08 2.72 0.968 0.625 0.581 0.540
C6 x 13 3.83 6.00 2.157 0.343 0.437 17.4 5.80 2.13 1.05 0.642 0.525 0.514
x 10.5 3.09 6.00 2.034 0.343 0.314 15 .2 5.06 2.22 0.866 0.564 0.529 0.499
x 8.2 2.40 6.00 1.920 0.343 0.200 13 .1 4.38 2.34 0.693 0.492 0.537 0.51 1
C5 >< 9 2.64 5.00 1.885 0.320 0.325 8.90 3.56 1.83 0.632 0.450 0.489 0.478
x 6.7 1.97 5.00 1.750 0.320 0.190 7.49 3.00 1.95 0.479 0.378 0.493 0.484
C4 >< 7.25 2.13 4.00 1.721 0.296 0.321 4.59 2.29 1.47 0.433 0.343 0.450 0.459
x 5.4 1.59 4.00 1.584 0.296 0.184 3 .85 1.93 1.56 0.319 0.283 0.449 0.457
C3 >< 6 1.76 3.00 1.596 0.273 0.356 2.07 1.38 1.08 0.305 0.268 0.416 0.455
X 5 1.47 3.00 1.498 0.273 0.258 1.85 1.24 1.12 0.247 0.233 0.410 0.438
x 4.1 1.21 3.00 1.410 0.273 0.170 1.66 1.10 1.17 0.197 0.202 0.404 0.436
Courtesy of The American Institute of Steel Construction.
‘C means channel, followed by the nominal depth in inches, then the weight in pounds per foot of length.
1Not part of the American Standard Series.
APPENDIX B TABLES 011 mtomzlmas 689
[ X—
| Z.
-\’\ |
X ‘t " X
\ Yc
Y z
L X \1\ X
1/ —’|?~."—
(in.) (lb/11) (in?) (111-4) (in?) (in.) (111-1 (in.“) (111-3) (111-) (in.) (in.) Tana
L9 x 4 x 5/8 26.3 7.73 64.9 11.5 2.90 3.36 8.32 2.65 1.04 0.858 0.847 0.216
x 1/2 21.3 6.25 53.2 9.34 2.92 3.31 6.92 2.17 1.05 0.810 0.854 0.220
L8 x 6 x 1 44.2 13.0 80.8 15.1 2.49 2.65 38.8 8.92 1.73 1.65 1.28 0.543
x 3/4 33.8 9.94 63.4 11.7 2.53 2.56 30.7 6.92 1.76 1.56 1.29 0.551
x 1/2 23.0 6.75 44.3 8.02 2.56 2.47 21.7 4.79 1.79 1.47 1.30 0.558
L8 x 4 x 1 37.4 11.0 69.6 14.1 2.52 3.05 11.6 3.94 1.03 1.05 0.846 0.247
x 3/4 28.7 8.44 54.9 10.9 2.55 2.95 9.36 3.07 1.05 0.953 0.852 0.258
x 1/2 19.6 5.75 38.5 7.49 2.59 2.86 6.74 2.15 1.08 0.859 0.865 0.267
L7 x 4 x 3/4 26.2 7.69 37.8 8.42 2.22 2.5 1 9.05 3.03 1.09 1.01 0.860 0.324
x 1/2 17.9 5 .25 26.7 5.81 2.25 2.42 6.53 2.12 1.1 1 0.917 0.872 0.335
x 3/8 13.6 3.98 20.6 4.44 2.27 2.37 5.10 1.63 1.13 0.870 0.880 0.340
L6 x 4 x 3/4 23.6 6.94 24.5 6.25 1.88 2.08 8.68 2.97 1.12 1.08 0.860 0.428
x 1/2 16.2 4.75 17.4 4.33 1.91 1.99 6.27 2.08 1.15 0.987 0.870 0.440
x 3/8 12.3 3.61 13.5 3.32 1.93 1.94 4.90 1.60 1.17 0.941 0.877 0.446
L6 x 3§x1/2 15.3 4.50 16.6 4.24 1.92 2.08 4.25 1.59 0.972 0.833 0.759 0.344
x 3/8 11.7 3.42 12.9 3.24 1.94 2.04 3.34 1.23 0.988 0.787 0.767 0.350
L5 x 3§x 3/4 19.8 5.81 13.9 4.28 1.55 1.75 5.55 2.22 0.977 0.996 0.748 0.464
x 1/2 13.6 4.00 9.99 2.99 1.58 1.66 4.05 1.56 1.01 0.906 0.755 0.479
x 3/8 10.4 3.05 7.78 2.29 1.60 1.61 3.18 1.21 1.02 0.861 0.762 0.486
x 1/4 7.0 2.06 5.39 1.57 1.62 1.56 2.23 0.830 1.04 0.814 0.770 0.492
L5 x 3 x l/2 12.8 3.75 9.45 2.91 1.59 1.75 2.58 1.15 0.829 0.750 0.648 0.357
x 3/8 9.8 2.86 7.37 2.24 1.61 1.70 2.04 0.888 0.845 0.704 0.654 0.364
x 1/4 6.6 1.94 5.11 1.53 1.62 1.66 1.44 0.614 0.861 0.657 0.663 0.371
L4 x 3§x 1/2 11.9 3.50 5.32 1.94 1.23 1.25 3.79 1.52 1.04 1.00 0.722 0.750
x 3/8 9.1 2.67 4.18 1.49 1.25 1.21 2.95 1.17 1.06 0.955 0.727 0.755
x 1/4 6.2 1.81 2.91 1.03 1.27 1.16 2.09 0.808 1.07 0.909 0.734 0.759
L4 x 3 x 1/2 11.1 3.25 5.05 1.89 1.25 1.33 2.42 1.12 0.864 0.827 0.639 0.543
x 3/8 8.5 2.48 3.96 1.46 1.26 1.28 1.92 0.866 0.879 0.782 0.644 0.551
x 1/4 5.8 1.69 2.77 1.00 1.28 1.24 1.36 0.599 0.896 0.736 0.651 0.558
L3§ x 3 x l/2 10.2 3.00 3.45 1.45 1.07 1.13 2.33 1.10 0.881 0.875 0.621 0.714
x 3/8 7.9 2.30 2.72 1.13 1.09 1.08 1.85 0.851 0.897 0.830 0.625 0.721
x 1/4 5.4 1.56 1.91 0.776 1.11 1.04 1.30 0.589 0.914 0.785 0.631 0.727
L3§ X2; ><1/2 9.4 2.75 3.24 1.41 1.09 1.20 1.36 0.760 0.704 0.705 0.534 0.486
>< 3/s 7.2 2.11 2.56 1.09 1.10 1.16 1.09 0.592 0.719 0.660 0.537 0.496
>< 1/4 4.9 1.44 1.80 0.755 1.12 1.1 1 0.777 0.412 0.735 0.614 0.544 0.506
L3 >< 2; >< 1,12 8.5 2.50 2.08 1.04 0.913 1.00 1.30 0.744 0.722 0.750 0.520 0.667
x 3/8 6.6 1.92 1.66 0.810 0.928 0.956 1.04 0.581 0.736 0.706 0.522 0.676
>< 1/4 4.5 1.31 1.17 0.561 0.945 0.911 0.743 0.404 0.753 0.661 0.528 0.684
1.3 >< 2 >< 1:2 7.7 2.25 1.92 1.00 0.924 1.08 0.672 0.474 0.546 0.583 0.428 0.414
>< 3/s 5.9 1.73 1.53 0.781 0.940 1.04 0.543 0.371 0.559 0.539 0.430 0.428
>< 1/4 4.1 1.19 1.09 0.542 0.957 0.993 0.392 0.260 0.574 0.493 0.435 0.440
L2; >< 2 >< 3/3 5.3 1.55 0.912 0.547 0.768 0.813 0.514 0.363 0.577 0.581 0.420 0.614
>< 1,14 3.62 1.06 0.654 0.381 0.784 0.787 0.372 0.254 0.592 0.537 0.424 0.626
.u1m:1\mx B TABLES 011 Pnomzlmns 693
I xi “\.—~—-4—x
" E ya
P ___ -\ T
11 z
Table B-10 Unequal Leg Angles (SI Units) 1’
L229 x 102 x 15.9 39.1 4985 27.0 188 73.7 85.3 3.46 43.4 26.4 21.8 21.5 0.216
x 123 31.7 4030 22.1 153 74.2 84.1 2.88 35.6 26.7 20.6 21.7 0.220
L203 x 152 x 25.4 65.8 8385 33.6 247 63 .2 67.3 16.1 146 43.9 41.9 32.5 0.543
x 191 50.3 6415 26.4 192 64.3 65.0 12.8 113 44.7 39.6 32.8 0.551
x 123 34.2 4355 18.4 131 65.0 62.7 9.03 78.5 45.5 37.3 33.0 0.558
L203 x 102 x 25.4 55.7 7095 29.0 231 64.0 77.5 4.83 64.6 26.2 26.7 21.5 0.247
x 191 42.7 5445 22.9 179 64.8 74.9 3.90 50.3 26.7 24.2 21.6 0.258
x 123 29.2 3710 16.0 123 65.8 72.6 2.81 35.2 27.4 21.8 22.0 0.267
L178 x 102 x 191 39.0 4960 15.7 138 56.4 63.8 3.77 49.7 27.7 25.7 21.8 0.324
x 123 26.6 3385 11.1 95.2 57.2 61.5 2.72 34.7 28.2 23.3 22.1 0.335
x 9.5 20.2 2570 8.57 72.8 57.7 60.2 2.12 26.7 28.7 22.1 22.4 0.340
L152 x 102 x 191 35.1 4475 10.2 102 47.8 52.8 3.61 48.7 28.4 27.4 21.8 0.428
x 123 24.1 3065 7.24 71.0 48.5 50.5 2.61 34.1 29.2 25.1 22.1 0.440
x 95 18.3 3230 5.62 54.4 49.0 49.3 2.04 26.2 29.7 23.9 22.3 0.446
L152 x 89 x 12.7 22.8 2905 6.91 69.5 48.8 52.8 1.77 26.1 24.7 21.2 19.3 0.344
x 95 17.4 2205 5.37 53.1 49.3 51.8 1.39 20.2 25.1 20.0 19.5 0.350
L127 x 89 x 191 29.5 3750 5.79 70.1 39.4 44.5 2.31 36.4 24.8 25.3 19.0 0.464
x 123 20.2 2580 4.16 49.0 40.1 42.2 1.69 25.6 25.7 23.0 19.2 0.479
x 95 15.5 1970 3.24 37.5 40.6 40.9 1.32 19.8 25.9 21.9 19.4 0.486
x 6.4 10.4 1330 2.24 25.7 41.1 39.6 0.928 13.6 26.4 20.7 19.6 0.492
L127 x 76 x 12.7 19.0 2420 3.93 47.7 40.4 445 1.07 18.8 21.1 19.1 16.5 0.357
x 95 14.6 1845 3.07 36.7 40.9 43.2 0.849 14.6 21.5 17.9 16.6 0.364
x 6A 9.82 1250 2.13 25.1 41.1 42.2 0.599 10.1 21.9 16.7 16.8 0.371
L102 x 89 x 12.7 17.7 2260 2.21 31.8 31.2 31.8 1.58 24.9 26.4 25.4 18.3 0.750
x 9.5 13.5 1725 1.74 24.4 31.8 30.7 1.23 19.2 26.9 24.3 18.5 0.755
x 6A 9.22 1170 1.21 16.9 32.3 29.5 0.870 13.2 27.2 23.1 18.6 0.759
L102 >< 76 x 12.7 16.5 2095 2.10 31.0 31.8 33.8 1.01 18.4 21.9 21.0 16.2 0.543
x 95 12.6 1600 1.65 23.9 32.0 32.5 0.799 14.2 22.3 19.9 16.4 0.551
x 6A 8.63 1090 1.15 16.4 32.5 31.5 0.566 9.82 22.8 18.7 16.5 0.558
L89 x 76 x 12.7 15.2 1935 1.44 23.8 27.2 28.7 0.970 18.0 22.4 22.2 15.8 0.714
x 95 11.8 1485 1.13 18.5 27.7 27.4 0.770 13.9 22.8 21.1 15.9 0.721
x 6A 8.04 1005 0.795 12.7 28.2 26.4 0.541 9.65 23.2 19.9 16.0 0.727
L89 x 64 x 12.7 14.0 1775 1.35 23.1 27.7 30.5 0.566 12.5 17.9 17.9 13.6 0.486
x 95 10.7 1360 1.07 17.9 27.9 29.5 0.454 8.70 18.3 16.8 13.6 0.496
x 6.4 7.29 929 0.749 12.4 28.4 28.2 0.323 6.75 18.7 15.6 13.8 0.506
L76 x 64 x 12.7 12.6 1615 0.866 17.0 23.2 25.4 0.541 12.2 18.3 19.1 13.2 0.667
x 95 9.82 1240 0.691 13.3 23 .6 24.3 0.433 9.52 18.7 17.9 13.3 0.676
x 6A 6.70 845 0.487 9.19 24.0 23.1 0.309 6.62 19.1 16.8 13.4 0.684
L76 x 51 x 12.7 11.5 1450 0.799 16.4 23.5 27.4 0.280 7.77 13.9 14.8 10.9 0.414
x 9.5 8.78 1115 0.637 12.8 23.9 26.4 0.226 6.08 14.2 13.7 10.9 0.428
x 6A 6.10 768 0.454 8.88 24.3 25.2 0.163 4.26 14.6 12.5 11.0 0.440
L64 x 51 x 95 7.89 1000 0.380 8.96 19.5 20.7 0.214 5.95 14.7 14.8 10.7 0.614
x 6A 5.39 684 0.272 6.24 19.9 20.0 0.155 4.16 15.0 13.6 10.8 0.626
X_-L X
Table B-1 1 Structural Tees (U.S. Customary Units)
Flange Stem Axis X—X Axis Y—Y
Area of Tee Width Thickness Thickness I S T yc I S r
Designation‘ (in?) (111-1 (in-) (in.) (in.) (in.4) (111.3) (in.) (111) (in.“) (in?) (in.)
W'I‘l8x115 33.8 17.950 16.470 1 .260 0.760 934 67.0 5.25 4.01 470 57.1 3.73
x80 23.5 18.005 12.000 1 .020 0.650 740 55.8 5.61 4.74 147 24.6 2.50
W'I‘l5x66 19.4 15.155 10.545 1 .000 0.615 421 37.4 4.66 3.90 98.0 18.6 2.25
x54 15.9 14.915 10.475 0.760 0.545 349 32.0 4.69 4.01 73.0 13.9 2.15
W'I‘l2x52 15.3 12.030 12.750 0.750 0.500 189 20.0 3.51 2.59 130 20.3 2.91
x47 13.8 12.155 9.065 0.875 0.515 186 20.3 3.67 2.99 54.5 12.0 1.98
x42 12.4 12.050 9.020 0.770 0.470 166 18.3 3.67 2.97 47.2 10.5 1.95
x31 9.11 11.870 7.040 0.590 0.430 131 15.6 3.79 3.46 17.2 4.90 1.38
WT9x38 11.2 9.105 11.035 0.680 0.425 71.8 9.83 2.54 1.80 76.2 13.8 2.61
x30 8.82 9.120 7.555 0.695 0.415 64.7 9.29 2.71 2.16 25.0 6.63 1.69
x25 7.33 8.995 7.495 0.570 0.355 53.5 7.79 2.70 2.12 20.0 5.35 1.65
x20 5.88 8.950 6.015 0.525 0.315 44.8 6.73 2.76 2.29 9.55 3.17 1.27
WT8x50 14.7 8.485 10.425 0.985 0.585 76.8 11.4 2.28 1.76 93.1 17.9 2.51
x25 7.37 8.130 7.070 0.630 0.380 42.3 6.78 2.40 1.89 18.6 5.26 1.59
x20 5.89 8.005 6.995 0.505 0.305 33.1 5.35 2.37 1.81 14.4 4.12 1.57
x13 3.84 7.845 5.500 0.345 0.250 23.5 4.09 2.47 2.09 4.80 1.74 1.12
WT7x60 17.7 7.240 14.670 0.940 0.590 51.7 8.61 1.71 1.24 247 33.7 3.74
x41 12.0 7.155 10.130 0.85 5 0.510 41.2 7.14 1.85 1.39 74.2 14.6 2.48
x34 9.99 7.020 10.035 0.720 0.415 32.6 5.69 1.81 1.29 60.7 12.1 2.46
x24 7.07 6.985 8.030 0.595 0.340 24.9 4.48 1.87 1.35 25.7 6.40 1.91
x15 4.42 6.920 6.730 0.385 0.270 19.0 3.55 2.07 1.58 9.79 2.91 1.49
x11 3.25 6.870 5.000 0.33 5 0.230 14.8 2.91 2.14 1.76 3.50 1.40 1.04
WT6x60 17.6 6.560 12.320 1 .105 0.710 43.4 8.22 1.57 1.28 172 28.0 3.13
x48 14.1 6.355 12.160 0.900 0.550 32.0 6.12 1.51 1.13 135 22.2 3.09
x36 10.6 6.125 12.040 0.670 0.430 23.2 4.54 1.48 1.02 97.5 16.2 3.04
x25 7.34 6.095 8.080 0.640 0.370 18.7 3.79 1.60 1.17 28.2 6.97 1.96
x15 4.40 6.170 6.520 0.440 0.260 13.5 2.75 1.75 1.27 10.2 3.12 1.52
x8 2.36 5.995 3.990 0.265 0.220 8.70 2.04 1.92 1.74 1.41 0.706 0.773
WT5x56 16.5 5.680 10.415 1 .250 0.755 28.6 6.40 1.32 1.21 118 22.6 2.68
x44 12.9 5.420 10.265 0.990 0.605 20.8 4.77 1.27 1.06 89.3 17.4 2.63
x30 8.82 5.110 10.080 0.680 0.420 12.9 3.04 1.21 0.884 58.1 11.5 2.57
x15 4.42 5.235 5.810 0.510 0.300 9.28 2.24 1.45 1.10 8.35 2.87 1.37
x6 1.77 4.935 3.960 0.210 0.190 4.35 1.22 1.57 1.36 1.09 0.551 0.785
WT4x29 8.55 4.375 8.220 0.810 0.510 9.12 2.61 1.03 0.874 37.5 9.13 2.10
x20 5.87 4.125 8.070 0.560 0.360 5.73 1.69 0.988 0.735 24.5 6.08 2.04
x12 3.54 3.965 6.495 0.400 0.245 3.53 1.08 0.999 0.695 9.14 2.81 1.61
x9 2.63 4.070 5.250 0.330 0.230 3.41 1.05 1.14 0.834 3.98 1.52 1.23
x5 1.48 3.945 3.940 0.205 0.170 2.15 0.717 1.20 0.953 1.05 0.532 0.841
WT3x10 2.94 3.100 6.020 0.365 0.260 1.76 0.693 0.774 0.560 6.64 2.21 1.50
x6 1.78 3.015 4.000 0.280 0.230 1.32 0.564 0.861 0.677 1.50 0.748 0.918
WT2x6.5 1.91 2.080 4.060 0.345 0.280 0.526 0.321 0.524 0.440 1.93 0.950 1.00
Courtesy of The American Institute of Steel Construction.
‘WT means structural T-section (cut from a W-section), followed by the nominal depth in inches, then the weight in pounds per foot of length.
APPENDIX B TABLES 011 Pnomzlrrms 695
_|_ —x
Extra Strong
11 1.500
0.39 1
0.73 1
2; 2.375 2.323 0.276 7.66 2.254 1 .924 1 .33 8 0.92
3 3.500 2.900 0.300 10.25 3.016 3.894 2.23 1.14
4 4.500 3.826 0.337 14.98 4.407 9.610 4.27 1.48
6 6.625 5.761 0.432 28.57 8.405 40.49 12.22 2.20
11 1.900
1 .104
2% 2.275 1.771 0.552 13.69 4.028 2.871 1 .997 0.84
3 3.500 2.300 0.600 18.58 5.466 5.993 3.42 1.05
4.500 3.152 0.674 27.54 8.101 15.28 6.79 1.37
O\-in 6.625 4.897 0.864 53.16 15.64 66.33 20.0 2.06
.u1m:1\mx B TABLES 011 Pnomzlrrms 697
Extra Strong
38 48.3 38.1 5.08 5.399 689 0.163 6.75 15.4
51 60.3 49.3 5.54 7.466 953 0.361 1 1.98 19.5
64 70.0 59.0 7.01 1 1.39 1454 0.801 21 .93 23.5
76 88.9 73.7 7.62 1 5.24 1946 1.621 36.54 29.0
102 114.3 97.2 8.56 22.28 2843 4.000 69.67 37.6
152 168.3 146.3 10.97 42.49 5423 16.85 200 55.9
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n9'| I/92 atx = ./(L1 - b=);s Pb
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vmu = -Z
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Ci 6 _ PL: mx=Lfl OE-TEE
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7 Y W 6| : _ WL3
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Q_ €:7 ML ML!
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= —i
atx=L not max
APPENDIX B TABLES or Pnornmms 703
b 2,-+0
=~—=l A=i(7',,—I';')
A P "0-"I Ti
A = pm, -r.-)
YT r I = ?i(2-b1+ bz) +?'a(b! +252)
i L ‘ 3(b1 + b2)
L :-~- /);d%i=21r(r¢—‘/rgjbz)
dz! Zarb
This page intentionally left blank
nmax 705
Allowable load, 594-595 flexural strains in, 352-354
Allowable stress, 594-595, 601-602 flexural stress formula for, 356
Allowable stress design, 264-265 flexural stresses in, 354-356
Allowable stress method, 601 load-shear relation for, 376-3 79
American standard beams (S-shapes), neutral axis in, 352, 355
686-687 normal stresses in, 354-356
American standard channels (C-shapes), of two materials, 441-442
688-689 reinforced concrete, 445-446
Angle of twist, 278, 281-282, 287-289 section modulus of, 356
Angle sections (L-shapes): shear diagram for, 379-380
equal legs (table), 690-691 shear-moment relation for, 376-379
unequal legs (table), 692-693 shearing force in, 351, 366-368
Applied force, 3 shearing stress formula for, 393
Area: shearing stresses in, 391-396
mixed second moment of, 356, 412, 675-676 statically determinate, 351
polar second moment of, 280, 618, 660 statically iI1dC1ICHl'1lI1fi1§C, 351
second moment of, 280, 355, 659-682 types of, 349-351
in centr'ic loading formula, 189-190 Bearing stress, 51, 55-56
in elastic curve equation, 487-488 Bending moment:
in flexure formula, 352-354 defined, 35
in shearing stress formula, 391-394 diagrams, 367, 379-380
in torsion formula, 277-279 equations, 366-368
Axial: sign convention for, 367
deformation, 189-190 Boundary conditions:
force, 48 for beams, 489, 491
loading, 48, 189-190 for columns, 580
strain, 123, 159, 177 Buckling, defined, 578
stress, 247
Axial-force diagram, 53, 192-193 Cantilever beam, defined, 350
Axially loaded members: Castigliano, Alberto, 532
inelastic behavior, 239-240 Castigliano’s theorem, 532-535, 560
statically detenuinate, 189-190, 201-203 Center:
statically indeterminate, 209-212 of flexure, 431
Balanced design, 446 of twist, 431
Beam deflections: Channel sections (C-shapes), 688-689
due to shearing stress, 530-531 Circular shafis:
statically detenninate: deformations in, 277-279
by energy methods, 532-536 elastic torsion formula for, 279-281
by integration methods, 489-490, 502-503 normal stresses in, 295-297
with singularity flmctions, 507-509 shearing stresses in, 279-281, 295-297
by superposition methods, 520 statically indeterminate, 303
statically indeterminate: strains in, 277-279
by energy methods, 560 Clapeyron, B.P.E., 532
by integration methods, 542 Clapeyron’s theorem, 532-533
by superposition methods, 550 Clebsch, A., 507
Beams: Coefficient:
bending moment in, 366-368 of thermal expansion, 176
bending moment diagram for, 367, 379-380 of selected materials (table), 700-701
curved, 430-432 Column codes, 594-595
definition of, 349 Column formulas:
deflection of, 489, 502, 507, 520, 530, 532 empirical, 592-595
elastic curves for, 487-490 Euler, 581
706 nmsx
Colunms: for columns, 606
centric loading of, 579-581 for torsional loads, 339
critical load for, 581 Diagram:
critical stress, 581 angle of twist, 281-283, 287-289
defined, 578 axial-force, 53, 192-193
eccentric loading of, 600-602 bending-moment, 367, 379-380
effect of end conditions on, 587-5 89 deformation, 212, 214
effective length of, 588 displacement, 209
empirical formulas for, 592-595 polar, 308
Euler’s formula for, 581 shear force, 367, 379-380
slendemess ratio for, 581 stress-strain, 153
Combined loadings, 254-255, 315-316, 457 for selected materials, 156, 15s, 16c»1s1 239440
Compatibility equation, 209 torque, 284
Components: Differential equation of the elastic curve:
of a stress, 66, 73 for beams, 487-489
ofa strain, 129-130 for columns, 580
Compressive strain, 124 Displacement, 121, 202-203, 281-283
Compressive stress, 49 Distortion, defined, 129
Concentrated force, 2 Double shear, defined, 49
Concept: Ductile material, defined, 158
of strain, 2, 122 Ductility, defined, 158
of stress, 2, 48 Duleau, A., 277, 331
Continuous beam, defined, 350
Coulomb, C.A., 277, 391 Eccentrically loaded columns, 600-602
Coulomb’s theory, 638 allowable stress method, 601
Couple: interaction method, 601-602
bending, 35 Effective column length, 588
twisting, 35 for various end conditions, 588-5 89
Creep: Elastic:
defined, 157 failure, 264
limit, 159 flexure formula, 356
Critical buckling load, 581 limit, defined, 157
Critical stress, 581 torsion formula, 279-281
Curvature, 488 Elastic constants, related, 159, 168
Curved beams, 430-432 Elastic curve, differential equation of:
Cylindrical pressure vessels,: for beams, 487-489
thick-walled, 257-262 for columns, 580
thin-walled, 247-249 Elasticity, modulus of:
defined, 155-156
Deflection of beams: of selected materials (table), 700-701
by energy methods, 532-536, 560 Elastoplastic material, 158, 239, 325, 423
by integration method, 489-490, 502-503, 542 Elongation, percent:
with singularity filnctions, 507-509 defined, 159
by superposition method, 520, 550 of selected materials (table), 700-701
Deformation: Empirical column formulas, 592-595
axial, 123, 189-190 End conditions:
defined, 121-122 for beams, 350
diagram, 212, 214 for columns, 587-589
flexural, 352-354 Equations of equilibrium, 4
plastic, 157 Equation of elastic curve, 491, 493, 496, 4 97
torsional, 277-279, 281-283 Equilibrium:
Design: equations, 4
balanced, 446 of a deformable body, 30
for axial loads, 264-265 of a rigid body, 4-5
for bending loads, 475-478, 567 states of, 578
nroax 707
2-80 (a) cpl, = 23.6 MPa (T) 2-104 cpl = cm = 73.8 MPa (T)
Tm», = -32.9 MPa Up} = up, = 9.41 MPa (T)
(b) cpl = 45.0 MPa (T) AC 90.0" Up; = Umin = MP3
cpl = 27.0 MPa (C) d 0° ‘rm, = 58.5 MPa
cp; = 0 MPa 2-106 Up] = cm, = 262 MPa (T)
rp = rm“ = 36.0 MPa Up; = Jim _ NIP8
2-81 cx = 9.86 ksi (T) Up} = U...-... = 51.5 MPa (c)
c,. = 17.86 ksi (C) Imp, = 157.0 MPa
Hp = 15.0“ 2-109 (a) cpl = cm“ = 9.15 ksi (T)
2-84 (a) cpl, = 56.4 MPa (C) up = am, = 22.4 ksi (c)
rpl, = -1-47.2 MPa Up; = amm = 31.1 ksi (c)
(b) cpl = 10.00 MPa (T) 4Q 26.6" ‘Emu = 20.4 ksi
cp; = 90.0 L/[Pa (C) T 63.4” (b) 63, = 45.6“
Up] = 0 MP3 9,, = 45.1-=
rp = rm“ = 50.0 MPa 9,, = 9s.4=-
2-85 cl, — 5.00 ksi (T) 2-110 (a) O-P11 0...... = 131.3 MPa (T)
1,, = -5.00 ksi Up} = ail“ = 23.4 MPa (T)
2-86 cm = 40.0 MPa (C) Up; = O‘;-l-li_n = MP3
rm = 0 MPa rmlx = 63.0 MPa
2-89 cpl = 31.0 ksi (T) AT 26.6" (b) l9l, = 44.64°
cp; = 1.000 ksi (T) ‘Q1 63.4"‘ 0,, = 61.24:“
Up; = 0 l9l, = 59.20"
rp = 15.00 ksi 2-113 0),. = 11.30 ksi (T)
Tm“ = 15.50 ksi UCE = 42.2 ksi (T)
2-90 cpl = 77.7 MPa (T) i 34.7" 2-114 (*1) (A-(B)mi.n = 577 mmz
cp; — 7.72 MPa (C) “C 55.3“ (AB(']n1i_n = 1155 mm:
Upj = 0 MPa (b) (d-i)min = In-In
rp = rm, = 42.7 MPa (d,g)ml,l = 33.2 mm
2-92 cpl = 60.4 MPa (T) A’! 22.5" 2-116 Pm = 98.7 kN
cp; = 10.35 MPa (C) ‘C 67.5"
2-119 (a) cpl = 15.00 ksi (T) '5-C 26.6“
Upj = 0 MPa
Up} = 5.00 ksi (T) ¢fl 614*
rp = rm = 35.4 MPa
Up, = 0 ksi
2-94 (a) cpl = 98.2 MPa (T) ‘Q; 16.8” — 5.00 ksi
cp; = 118.2 MPa (C) A’! 73.2" rm“ = 1.50 ksi
cp; = 0 MPa (b) Up, = 2.04 ksi (T)
rp = rm“ = 108.2 MPa lp, = -4.60 ksi
(b) cpl, = 60.3 MPa (C)
rpl, = -95.8 MPa
2-95 (a) cpl = 10.40 ksi (T) ‘=5 25.7“
cp; = 2.40 ksi (C) i 64.3" Chapter 3
cp; = 0 ksi
rp = Tm“ = 6.40 ksi 3-1 s = 2080 _u.in.lin.
(b) Gab = 7.68 ksi (T) 3-2 AL = 0.480 mm
Tpl, = +5.24 ksi 3-5 y = 0.0200 rad
2-98 c,, = 71.9 MPa (T)
3-6 1/pp = 1560 grad
1,, = 10.95 MPa
3-9 (a) spc = 1400 ,uin.fin.
2-99 c,, = 14.29 ksi (T)
(b) EEC = 1250 pinjin.
1,, = 4.15 ksi
2-101 c,, = 16.00 ksi (T) 3-10 (a) sl-E = 8100 p,mfm
1,, — 1.633 ksi (b) Egg = 7770 ,u.m/m
2-103 cpl = cm, = 22.2 ksi (T)
3-12 (a) AL = 5.00 mm
UP2 = clm = 7.30 ksi (T) (b) am = 1667 ,1.m1/m
cp; = cm-pl = 19.47 ksi (C) (c) am = 5000 lum/m
rm“ = 20.8 ksi 3-15 yp = 0.0279 rad
7-95 5,, = 14.96 ksi (T) <9 23.65 7-139 t— 0.350 in.
5,, = 2.34 ksi (c) A 66.4'= 7-140 (a) e = 10.71 mm
5,, = 0 MP5 (b) 1,, = 17.14 Mpa
1,, = ‘rm, = 46.2 MPa 7-143 (a) e = 1.429 in.
7-98 5,,,,, = 176.2 MP5 (T) (b) 7,, = 643 psi
i,,,,, = 96.3 MP5 7-144 e = 19.00 mm <-
7-99 5,,“ = 20.00 ksi rw = 5.82 MPa
5,,,,, = 10.00 ksi 7-146 (a) e = 4R7':r
7-102 (5) 5,,,,. = 169.4 MPa (b) 1,, = 4.58 MPa
i,,,,,, = 96.2 MP5 7-147 (a) e = 2R ’
(b) 5,,,,, = 163.5 MP5 (b) 7,, = 350 ps1
i,,,,,, = 34.3 MP5 7-150 0,, — 9.19 MP3 (C)
7-104 (5) ,6 = 67.4-= ,1
(b) 5,, = 66.5 MP5 (c) 7-151 or, = 10.35 ksi (T)
5,, = 70.3 MP5 (T) 7-154 14+,,,,, = 81.1 mm
7-105 (5) ,6 = 75.3'= '1 7-157 wm, = 19971b/fl
(b) (7.5 = 15l9l=3i (T) 7-158 0,, = 4.56 MPa (T)
5,, =15l9psi(C) 0, = 77.1 MPa (T)
7-108 (3) ff.-1 = 0 MP3 7-163 Mm, = 49.2 kip - ii
(b) 6 = 45.0” '1 7-164 0, = 5.30 MPa (C)
(5) 5,, = 16.46 MPa (c) 0, = 90.4 MPa (T)
5,, = 16.46 MP5 (T) 7-166 v.(,,_.,_, = 12.62 kN/n1
7-109 (5) 5,, = 3.00 151 (T) 7-168 (a) A, = 1688 mmz
(b) ,6 = 34.73 1 (b) M = 91.4 kN - m
(5) 5,, = 4.69 ksi (T) 7-171 b = 4.24 in.
5,, = 4.331 ksi (c) 7-173 0, = 6.56 ksi (T)
7-112 (5) 5, = 32.9 MP5 (c) 0,, = 6.86 ksi (C)
(b) ,6 = 30.93 '1 7-174 Mm, = 150.4kN -m
(5) 5,, = 99.6 MP5 (T) 7-176 rm = 71.8 MPa
5,, = 97.0 MPa (c) 7-177 ac =4.78 ksi (T)
7-113 (5) cu = 1.933 ksi (T) 0,, = 12.87 ksi (C)
5,, = 1.933 ksi (c) 7-179 Up] = 4.71 ksi (T) & 21.52"
5,, = 0 ksi op; = 0.732 ksi (C) T 68.48°
(b) 6 = 63.5" 1 op; = 0 ksi
7-116 M = 565 N -111 rm = 1:, = 2.72 ksi
7-117 5 = 0.0625 111. 7-182 om, = 125.0 MPa (C)
7-120 A0 = 67.3% 7-183 I1 = 1.035 in.
7-122 = 250 mm 7-186 Up] = 43.2 MPa (T) A3 34.37“
7-126 = 145.5 kN - In op; = 20.2 MPa (C) ‘=5 55.63"
= 161.3 kN - I11 0,3 = 0 ksi
rm = 7,, = 2.72 ksi
7-127 "‘583$= 24,600 kip - iii.
M, = 27,500 kip - iii. 7-187 0,0,, = 2110 psi (T)
7-129 M,/196 = 1.500 03,, = 2470 psi (C)
7-131 M,/M, = 1.743 7-189 0,, = 1000 psi (T)
0,, = 200 psi (C)
7-132 113;,/M = 2.00
0;: = 1800 psi (C)
7-135 (a) a = 3.78 in. Up = 600 psi (C)
(b) M = 1553 kip - 1.11. 7-192 0,, — 8.75 MPa (T)
(5) M,/M = 1.714 up = 1.25 MP3 (T)
-5‘/EM y1_72
7-137 13.75 MP5 (c)
U‘ 661 6 5,, = 6.25 MPa (c)
(c)a=% R3= ? T
is = F13 * 8-46 mb=%§1
6" - m 1 m4=%§1
PL2 8-47 55 — 0.0503 in. 1.
8-33 (3) B.4 = —
E1 W PL3
8-49 (3) 56' = E ~1-
amnx = U 1 PL3
24EI 03') 51,14 = E T
8-36 (5) 5 = l(-5‘ + 4L1; - 31.") 8-50 83 = 0
24EI _ 29WL4
8-54 (a)56=fil-
8-37 (5) 5 = L655 + 5L"x - 425)
(b)5c= 1-
0?) 55 — 3? ~1-
8-56 (a)51= ¢
8-39 (5) 5 = L65’ + 72°55 - 62*)
840EIL3 ®)&i;5= 1
5 = L.
(b) "‘ 14061 1 8-59 (3)52-=%T
(C) V6 = T T '75
8-60 (a)=i.=121%§l
””=w~ @)&572= 1
340 (5) 5 = L65“ + 20235’ - 45135’)
9) is = M 1 8-63 5 =L
‘ 15311
342 (5) 5 = L0 32L“5b5 g - 452L251 7PL3
2:rz/‘E1 8-71
<9 5" = W 1
+8(2r - 2).'|‘l'L3X + 47r(4 -~ 7r)L4:l QB = 2PL 2 QC
L -1 1 EI
(b) 6, = 0.1039% 7PL3
09) 5c = E -1
10n=%?¢ SPL2
4wL2 96' = E 7‘
M,,=— 8-72 5,, = 12.58 mm 1,
712 A’
343 (5)5 __ 3n4EI[—24L
21” 4- "X -5 2 L5 3 +(24+5 2 )1. 3 5]
515% 8-74
‘C = 62? 1
4 17wL" PL3)
W15 1
(b) 6.5 = 0.00369? 377 <“”"=(W*fiI
2wL“ SPL3
(c) Sm“ — 0.00870 E1 9) is = (7 T W)
4lwL“ M“’=F"~
‘*3 - m 1 l3P 4
3-127 R, = T
5" = E 1L4
5" = iii 1 R0=§T
8-90 8¢~=14.77mm J,
8-93 ac = 0.32115 1, 3-123 (5) R, = SP
8-95 % increase = 0.458 % 11P
8-96 % increase = 0.579 %
L4 "FY
8-99 5.4 = 1? ~l' 3PL
L3 T
6,, = % 7? 7PL3
5" = 375 T 3-130 (5) R__, = 7wL
53" = % 1L4
5“ = iii? 1 Rf =
29 L‘
‘*4 = 5:? 1 00 M-*I= E
5wL4 16
5" = m 1 4P 1
3-131 11,, = I
49 ,1.“
5" = QT1 23P
17 L‘ "F? 1
‘*4 Z J? 1 _E
3 L V” 22¢
5L M3 = F
8-133 VA = wL T
MFT" M-1
wL2 =T
M-is V(_' I WL T
8-118 M=— wl. 2
2L R3 = E T
"=5 1
wL M
8-122 P=— M425 /'\'