Activity 7 Analysis of Variance: Single Factor ANOVA
Activity 7 Analysis of Variance: Single Factor ANOVA
Activity 7 Analysis of Variance: Single Factor ANOVA
Analysis of Variance
Six samples of each of four types of cereal grain grown in a certain region were analyzed to
determine thiamin content, resulting in the following data (μg/g). Does this data suggest that at
least two of the grains differ with respect to true average thiamin content? Use the F test at level
.05 to test H0: μ1 = μ2 = μ3 = μ4 versus Ha: at least two μ’s are unequal. If variation exists,
Lightweight aggregate asphalt mix has been found to have lower thermal conductivity than a
conventional mix, which is desirable. The article “Influence of Selected Mix Design Factors on
the Thermal Behavior of Lightweight Aggregate Asphalt Mixes” (J. of Testing and Eval., 2008:
1–8) reported on an experiment in which various thermal properties of mixes were determined.
Three different binder grades were used in combination with three different coarse aggregate
contents (%), with two observations made for each such combination, resulting in the
conductivity data (W/m °K) that appears below. Test the effect of binder grade and coarse