Scavenge For 2stroke-Cycle
Scavenge For 2stroke-Cycle
Scavenge For 2stroke-Cycle
loop scavenging
Loop scavenging is a principle of 2 - stroke engines and uses two or more tra
nsfer ports to loop fresh air/petrol/oil mixture up the side of the Cylinder and
down the other pushing the burnt exhaust ahead of it and out the Exhaust p
ort. In contrast to the uniflow cycle, loop scavenging is more powerful and ef
ficient as the backside of the piston is used like a pump to fill the combustio
n room. Loop scavenging was invented by A. Schnuerle for DKW who were ex
clusive users of this patent. Today it is found on any 2 stroke engine.
uniflow scavenging
the process of removing exhaust gases from a cylinder of a two-stroke engin
e and filling the cylinder with a fresh charge. In the process, the fresh charg
e is forced through scavenging ports, and the exhaust gases are discharged
through exhaust ports or special valves located at the other end of the cylin
der. The ports are opened and closed by the piston as it moves within the cyl
inder. In diesel engines, uniflow scavenging is performed by pure air and in c
arburetor engines, by the fuel-air mixture.
2. What is the free piston?
Free-piston engine basics
Due to the breadth of the free-piston term, many engine configurations will f
all under this category. The free-piston term is most commonly used to dis-
Preprint submitted to Elsevier 17 February 2009 tinguish a linear engine fro
m a rotating crankshaft engine. The piston is ‘'free’' because its motion is no
restricted by the position of a rotating crankshaft, as known from conventio
nal engines, but only deter-mined by the interaction between the gas and lo
forces acting upon it. This gives the free-piston engine some distinct
characteristics, including (a) variable stroke length and (b) the need for acti
ve control of piston motion. Other important features of the free-piston engi
ne are potential reductions in frictional losses and possibilities to optimise e
ngine operation using the variable compression ratio.
The original
R.P. Pescara is usually credited with the invention of the free-piston engine
with his patent dating from 1928, but other vendors, among others Junkers i
n Germany, were also working on free-piston machinery at this time. Since t
hen, a high number of patents describing free-piston machinery or related to
such machinery have been published. 1 The original Pescara patent describe
s a single piston spark ignited air compressor but the patent seeks to protec
t a large number of applications utilising the freepiston principle. Pescara st
arted his work on free-piston enginesaround 1922 and he developed prototy
pes with both spark ignition (1925) and diesel combustion (1928). The latter
led to the development of the Pescara free-piston air compressor [4]. Pescar
a continued hiswork on free-piston machinery and also patented a multi-stag
e free-piston air compressor engine in 1941
Free-piston engine unique features
The free-piston engine has a number of unique features, some give it potenti
al advantages and some represent challenges that must be overcome for the
free-piston engine to be a realistic alternative to conventional technology.
Operating principle
The free-piston engine is restricted to the two-stroke operating principle, as
a power stroke is required on every cycle. Although two-stroke engines suffe
r from poorer performance compared to four strokes, this performance gap i
s declining and recent years have seen an increased interest in small scale t
wo-stroke engines.
Piston dynamics and control
In conventional engines, the crankmechanismand flywheel serve as both pist
on motion control and energy storage. The piston motion control ensures suf
ficient compression in one end and sufficient time for scavenging in the othe
r, while the energy storage provides energy for the compression of the next
charge. In the free-piston engine the motion of the
mover at any point in the cycle is determined by the sum of the forces acting
upon it. Hence, the interaction of these forces must be arranged in a way th
at ensures the mover motion is within acceptable limits for all types of opera
Trochoid pumpInterest
A gerotor is a positive displacement pumping unit. The name gerotor is deriv
ed from "Generated Rotor". A gerotor unit consists of an inner and outer rot
or. The inner rotor has N teeth, and the outer rotor has N+1 teeth. The inner
rotor is located off-center and both rotors rotate. The geometry of the two r
otors partitions the volume between them into N different dynamically-chan
ging volumes. During the assembly's rotation cycle, each of these volumes c
hanges continuously, so any given volume first increases, and then decrease
s. An increase creates a vacuum. This vacuum creates suction, and hence, th
is part of the cycle is where the intake is located. As a volume decreases co
mpression occurs. During this compression period, fluids can be pumped, or
compressed (if they are gaseous fluids).
Gerotor pumps are generally designed using a trochoidal inner rotor and an
outer rotor formed by a circle with intersecting circular arcs.
A gerotor can also function as a pistonless rotary engine. High pressure gas
enters the intake area and pushes against the inner and outer rotors, causin
g both to rotate as the area between the inner and outer rotor increases. Du
ring the compression period, the exhaust is pumped out.
At the most basic level, a gerotor is essentially one that is moved via fluid power.
Originally this fluid was water, today the wider use is in hydraulic devices. Mr. Myro
n F. Hill, who might be called the father of the gerotor, in his booklet "Kinematics o
f Gerotors," lists efforts by a Mr. Galloway in 1787, by Messrs. Nash and Tilden in 1
879, by Mr. Cooley in 1900, by Professor Lilly of Dublin University in 1915, and by F
euerheerd in 1918. These men were all working to perfect an internal gear mechani
sm with a one-tooth difference to provide displacement.