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Aayojan School of Architecture

Midterm Examination - (Oct-2020)

4th year C – (VII semester)
Sub -: Settlement Planning 7 AR6

Time-: 4:00 hours

M.M. 40

Instructions: -

Question paper will be floated online 10 minutes before the commencement of examination
Students will upload their answer sheets in PDF format with in the fifteen minutes after the allotted time given for the Exam
on the link provided on the Google stream link of the subject
This time is being provided to scan the Answer sheets using cam scanner and uploading the PDF on the given link.
Students shall use A4 size papers in portrait format for answering their exams. Students will retain the answer sheets and submit
them to the concerned teacher when they re-join school in person.

PART –A (18 Marks; To be answered on A4 size sheet) TIME: 2 HOURS


Q. 1 Elaborate on the historical evolution of settlement planning through a timeline of various ancient civilizations of
Q.1 Discuss the built–in qualities of medieval city spaces with the help of relevant case examples.


Q.2 What are the various forms of human settlement? Support your answers with the help of suitable examples and

Q.2 What are the factors determining the form and growth of the city. Explain with the help of a suitable case study.


Q.3 Explain in detail the evolution of planning legislation in India. What are the important features of the 73rd and 74th
constitutional amendments?
Q.3 Elaborate with the help of a flowchart various steps involved in the master planning process? List out the major
land uses in a land use plan and describe the importance of Special economic Zones (SEZ) in master plan of city.

PART –B (22 Marks ; To be answered on A3 size sheet) TIME: 2 HOURS

Q.4 Discuss in detail the following points for developing an understanding of any Indian city of your choice. Support
your answers with relevant sketches and drawings.
a) Origin and evolution of city
b) Planning concept of the city
c) Urban form and major street layouts in the city.

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