E Vehicle 1
E Vehicle 1
E Vehicle 1
A "volt" is a unit of electric potential, also known as
electromotive force, and represents "the potential difference
between two points of a conducting wire carrying a constant
current of 1 ampere, when the power dissipated between these
points is equal to 1 watt."
Current battery systems for hybrid and battery electric
vehicles typically have operating voltages of 200-800 Volts
Voltage, electric potential difference, electric
pressure or electric tension is the difference in electric
potential between two points, which (in a static electric field)
is defined as the work needed per unit of charge to move a test
charge between the two points. In the International System of
Units, the derived unit for voltage (potential difference) is
named volt.
The difference in potential between two
points that represents the work involved or the energy
released in the transfer of a unit quantity of electricity from
one point to the other.
The battery stores electrical energy and is the
equivalent of a fuel tank in an internal combustion engine.
The maximum driving distance of an EV is often determined
by the battery capacity the higher the capacity, the higher the
driving distance. In that light, increasing the capacity may
seem an obvious choice, since high driving distance reduces
the annoying need for frequent stops at charging stations. The
larger and heavier battery takes away from cabin/storage
space and worsens the energy efficiency and fuel economy.
The best way to optimize performance, then, is to maximize
the battery’s energy density―that is, having a small,
lightweight battery that stores as much electric energy as
In e-vehicle we use 2 types of battery
They are
Lead acid battery
Lithium ion battery
Let we discuss about the battery and differences
The motor converts electric energy into kinetic
energy that moves the wheels. The advantage of using the
motor instead of an engine is numerous: first, the noise and
the vibration we typically associate with cars and bikes are
minimized. Many passengers riding EVs for the first time are
surprised by just how quiet and comfortable the ride feels.
Moreover, the EV powertrain is smaller than the engine, thus
providing lots of additional space for efficient vehicle
design―like expanded cabin space or storage.
The motor is also in part an electric generator―it converts the
kinetic energy generated while in neutral gear(e.g. while the
car is going downhill) into electric energy saved to the
battery. The same energy-saving idea applies when the car
and bike is reducing its speed, culminating in the so-called
“regenerative braking system.”
The reducer is a kind of transmission in that it
serves to effectively convey the motor’s power to the wheel.
But it carries the special name―reducer―for a reason: the
motor has a far higher RPM than that of an internal
combustion engine, so whereas transmissions change the
engine RPM to match the driving circumstance, the reducer
must always reduce the RPM to an appropriate level. With the
reduced RPM, the EV powertrain can take advantage of the
resulting higher torque.
In lower temperatures, the battery
sees a decrease in both charging capacity and speed. The
battery heater exists to keep the battery within the ideal
temperature range, preventing seasonal performance decreases
and maintaining the max driving distance. The system
functions while charging as well, ensuring the efficiency of
the charge.
The On-board Charger(OBC) is used to
convert Alternating Current(AC) from slow chargers or
portable chargers used on home outlets into Direct
Current(DC). This may make the OBC look similar to the
traditional inverter, but they differ crucially in function; the
OBC is for charging, and the inverter is for
acceleration/deceleration. Incidentally, the OBC is not needed
in fast-charging, since fast chargers already supply the
electricity in direct current.
Which is used to convert DC current from battery to
AC current to the others parts and motor.
Which is used to reduce battery’s high voltage to
the low voltage which is supply to other parts.