The Bullwhip Effect in Intra Organisational Echelons
The Bullwhip Effect in Intra Organisational Echelons
The Bullwhip Effect in Intra Organisational Echelons
The bullwhip
The bullwhip effect in effect
intra-organisational echelons
Göran Svensson
School of Management and Economics, Växjö University, Växjö, Sweden 103
Received September
Keywords Logistics, Inventory control, Supply-chain management 2001
Abstract This research applies the construct of bullwhip effect in a non-traditional context. It is Revised May 2002
explored in intra-organisational echelons. It is argued that the bullwhip effect in a company’s and October 2002
inventory management of inbound and outbound logistics flows depends in part upon the gap
between the degree of speculation and postponement of business activities. It is also argued that the
bullwhip effect is caused by the value adding of business activities in supply chains. The study shows
that there is a potential bullwhip effect between companies’ inbound and outbound logistics flows,
i.e. two internal stocking levels. A see-saw model of the bullwhip effect, and a typology of the
bullwhip effect in intra-organisational echelons, are introduced. The term “reversed bullwhip
effect” is also introduced. Finally, a model of the bullwhip effect-scenarios in a dynamic business
environment positions these contributions in a wider theoretical and managerial context.
Supply chain management (SCM) has been of interest for many years in
literature (Oliver and Webber, 1992; Jones and Riley, 1985, 1987; Houlihan,
1985, 1987; Snowdon, 1988). Stock (2000) states that SCM is an influential
ingredient in today’s literature and thinking in the field of logistics. The
management of multiple relationships across the supply chain is often referred
to as SCM (Lambert et al., 1998). Alderson (1957, 1965) recognises the
interdependence between companies’ business activities in marketing
channels. Forrester (1958) also acknowledges the linkages between business
activities in marketing channels, e.g. in terms of the interactions between the
flows of information, materials, money, and manpower, and capital equipment.
Furthermore, Weld (1916) stresses the importance of addressing the
distribution channel as a whole. SCM addresses the supply chain from the
point of origin to the point of consumption (Mentzer et al., 2001; Lambert, 1992;
Cavinato, 1992). Furthermore, SCM requires co-operation and co-ordination
between companies’ activities and resources in a supply chain (Xu et al., 2001;
Holmström, 1997). Otherwise, the variability of business activities in a supply
chain tend to be amplified as it is moved upstream in the supply chain (Towill,
1996; Lee and Billington, 1992).
Lee et al. (1997a) write that the variance of orders may be larger than that of
International Journal of Physical
sales and the distortion tends to increase as one moves upstream in the supply Distribution & Logistics Management
chain. Lee et al. (1997b) claim that the information transferred tends to be Vol. 33 No. 2, 2003
pp. 103-131
distorted and can misguide upstream members in their inventory and q MCB UP Limited
production decisions. This phenomenon is referred to in literature as the DOI 10.1108/09600030310469135
IJPDLM “bullwhip effect” (Chen et al., 2000). In fact, practitioners and consultants have
33,2 striven to deal with the bullwhip effect, e.g. in the automotive, textile, and retail
industries. In the automotive industry the term “just in time” (e.g. Sugimore
et al., 1977; Toyoda, 1987) has been used, while in the textile and retail
industries the terms “quick response” (e.g. Stern et al., 1996) and “efficient
consumer response” (e.g. Kurt Salmon Associates, 1993; Fernie, 1994) have
104 been applied. These terms, or business philosophies, aim at reducing the
variability in supply chains, and in the end improve profitability, reduce costs
and increase the overall performance of the supply chain beyond judicial
boundaries as a whole.
business activities reduces the risk by moving the differentiation nearer to the
time of exchange. It provides a point of departure for a critical examination to
enhance the performance of companies’ business activities, and for a possible
reduction of the bullwhip effect, in a supply chain. Alderson (1950) states that
the principle of postponement is not an answer to every analytical problem, but
only a major instrument that can be derived from the view that sorting is an
essential function by both the seller and the buyer.
Bucklin (1965) argues that postponement of business activities is only half a
principle and that there must be a converse principle equally significant to a
channel structure, and states: “The principle of speculation holds that changes
in form, and the movement of goods to forward inventories, should be made at
the earliest possible time in the marketing flow in order to reduce the costs of
the marketing system”. The principle of speculation facilitates a counter-view
in relation to the principal of postponement and enhances a critical examination
to improve the performance of business activities and dealing with the
bullwhip effect. Bucklin (1965, p. 28) comments on the combination of
postponement and speculation of business activities as follows: “A speculative
IJPDLM inventory will appear at each point in a distribution channel whenever its costs
33,2 are less than the net savings to both buyer and seller from postponement”. In a
managerial context the ultimate goal is to achieve a balance and harmony
between the postponement and speculation of one’s business activities. Both
principles contribute to explain the reasoning behind a company’s inventory
management, and provide a platform for cost efficient inventory management
108 in order to deal with the bullwhip effect in supply chains.
This research was performed as a non-sponsored and unsolicited mail survey.
Initially, two independent representatives at each company were contacted, in
order to collect separately data for the companies’ inbound and outbound
logistics flows. The selection of the companies studied was based upon an
identified population (SCB, 1999) in the Swedish vehicle industry (i.e. mostly
sub-contractors in the industry).
Companies in the industry having more than 20 employees were included in
the population. The population consisted of 251 companies and thus 502
executives were selected for the survey. Two matched questionnaires (i.e. one
each concerning the inbound and outbound logistics flows) were developed. Each
company and each respondent was initially contacted by phone in order to select
the two most suitable executives at each company for each questionnaire. A
questionnaire was sent to each of the executives. The selected executives for the
inbound questionnaire, which contained items dealing with the inventories in the
inbound logistics flows, were mainly the purchasing manager or logistics
manager. In the outbound logistics flows the manager in charge of the
production or sales in each company was primarily selected.
In a few companies (approximately 10 per cent) a single executive responded
to both questionnaires, due to the lack of other suitable executives available. In
these cases, the executives received the second questionnaire (i.e. the one
regarding outbound logistics flows) after a delay of two to three weeks’ in an
attempt to have independent observations from these executives regarding the
inventories in the companies’ inbound and outbound logistics flows.
A substantial amount of work was performed in the preparation,
implementation and conclusion of the mail survey. For example, each
respondent was briefly introduced to the research project to stimulate his or
her interest and willingness to participate in the survey. In addition, a brief
telephone interview was performed with each of them (approximately five
minutes) in order to have a notion about each company’s empirical context
(i.e. in terms of the inbound or outbound logistics flows). Those executives
who did not answer the questionnaire were contacted again by telephone in
order to stimulate their interest to fill in the required answers. The
carefulness in this part of the research led to the achievement of a
satisfactory response rate. A total of 93.2 per cent of the companies responded
IJPDLM to at least one of the two questionnaires. A total of 418 responses (total response
33,2 rate: 83.2 per cent) was collected from the identified population. The responses
collected for the questionnaires of the inbound logistics flows from sub-
contractors were 214 units (response rate: 85.3 per cent). The responses collected
for the questionnaires of the outbound logistics flows to customers were 204 units
(response rate: 81.3 per cent).
112 An analysis of non-response bias was performed in order to clarify if the non-
response bias in the survey might affect the results of this study, and if there
were any differences between the companies who answered or participated in the
survey, and the few who did not. The analysis of non-response bias included all
non-response companies that did not answer either of the two questionnaires
used. The principal reasons why they did not participate in the survey was either
that they were too occupied at the time of the research, that they had a policy to
never participate in surveys, or simply that they were not interested in
participating. A non-parametric test (chi square-test: Pearson) was used for the
analysis of non-response bias, using such variables as the number of employees
and the total company sales. There existed no significant difference (significance
, 5 per cent) between obtained responses and non-responses.
A bullwhip effect between a company’s inbound and outbound logistics flows
should indicate a higher level of inventories in the inbound logistics flows than
in the outbound logistics flows. In addition, a bullwhip effect in a company’s
inbound and outbound logistics flows should indicate a positive association
between the levels of inventories. For example, if the level of inventory
increases in the outbound logistics flows then the level of inventory also
increases in the inbound logistics flows. Therefore, two hypotheses have been
formulated as follows:
H0a. There is no difference between companies’ inventories in the inbound
and outbound logistics flows
H0b. There is no association between companies’ inventories in the inbound
and outbound logistics flows
Empirical findings
A selection of univariate, bivariate, and multivariate statistical techniques was
used to analyse the collected data on inventories from the companies’ inbound
and outbound logistics flows (e.g. Norusis, 1993, 1994). A total of 13 items were
used to measure and estimate the inventories in the companies’ inbound and
outbound logistics flows (see the Appendix). Initially, these items were
structured according to three pre-specified dimensions, namely inventory
turnover (i.e. B1-B6), lead time (i.e. B7-B11) and inventory trend (i.e. B12 and
B13). A variety of items based upon various dimensions have been applied in
order to test the stability and randomness of the collected answers.
Characteristics of multivariate analyses The bullwhip
The data collected was also analysed statistically using factor analysis. A effect
confirmatory approach and an R factor analysis was applied on the collected
data (e.g. Norusis, 1994 and Hair et al., 1992). A component model was used to
summarise the original variance of the variables in a minimum number of
factors. An orthogonal solution was applied to extract the factors in such a way
that the factor axes were maintained at right angles to one another. The 113
orthogonal approach of Varimax was used to rotate the initial factor solution,
which focused on simplifying the columns of the factor matrix. In addition, the
orthogonal rotation procedure was applied, since it eliminates the collinearity
between factors. Factors that have eigenvalues greater than one were
considered as significant. These factors have been selected and included in the
final factor solutions. Factor loadings above 0.3 were interpreted as significant
in the tables (Hair et al., 1992, p. 239).
Factor Community
Item 1 2 3 4 per variable
Table IV.
in inbound and
outbound logistics
Inventory turnovers
Factor Association
Inbound Outbound P K S C
Inventory turnover Inventory turnover 0.880** 0.101 0.142 +
B1. Highest inventory turnovers 65.1 (2 ) 184.9 (+) ** ** 0.715** 0.329** 0.435** +
B2. Share of highest inventory turnovers 41.2 (2 ) 52.7 (+) ** ** ** 0.165 0.136* 0.186* +
B3. Lowest inventory turnovers 15.0 (2 ) 64.5 (+) * ** ** 0.888** 0.293** 0.376** +
B4. Share of lowest inventory turnovers 14.7 (2 ) 19.1 (+) 0.163 0.141 0.187
B5. Average inventory turnover 4.3 (2 ) 4.5 (+) 0.316** 0.260** 0.316** +
Note: See text for explanation of Table
Factor Association
Inbound Outbound P K S C
Lead time Lead time 0.277** 0.166* 0.245* +
B7. Shortest lead times 4.5 (+/2) 10.7 (+/2 ) 0.046 0.187** 0.238** +
B8. Share of shortest lead times 23.3 (2) 32.8 (+) * ** * 0.052 0.101 0.132
B9. Longest lead times 73.8 (+) 53.4 (2) * ** ** 0.338** 0.181** 0.254** +
B10. Share of longest lead times 17.9 (2) 29.1 (+) ** ** ** 0.073 0.134* 0.178* +
B11. Average lead time 3.8 (+) 3.5 (2) 0.214** 0.167** 0.206** +
Note: See text for explanation of Table
The bullwhip
outbound logistics
Lead times in
inbound and
Table V.
Table VI.
inbound and
outbound logistics
Inventory trends in
Factor Association
Inbound Outbound P K S C
Trend Trend 0.191* 0.136* 0.206* +
B6. Trend inventory turnover 4.6 (+) 4.5 (2) 0.230** 0.232** 0.259** +
B12. Trend lead time 3.5 (+) 3.2 (2) * * 0.233** 0.226** 0.254** +
B13. Trend inventory size 3.6 (2 ) 3.8 (+) * * 0.205** 0.176** 0.207** +
Note: See text for explanation of Table
Tables IV-VI. Note that an asterisks (i.e. *) is used to indicate a significance The bullwhip
level of 5 per cent or less in terms of differences or associations between effect
variables. Two asterisks (i.e. **) are used to indicate a significance level of 1 per
cent or less. The symbols “plus” and “minus” within brackets in the tables (i.e.
“+” or “2”) illustrate if the mean value is lower or higher in the inbound or
outbound logistics flows (see also the Appendix). The factor scores saved in the
factor analyses are used in the bivariate analyses. 119
There is a higher inventory turnover revealed in the companies’ outbound
logistics flows than in the inbound logistics flows (see Table IV). In addition,
the companies that have a high level of outbound inventory turnover tend to
have a high level of inbound inventory turnover and vice versa.
The lead times are shorter in the outbound logistics flows than in the
inbound logistics flows (see Table V). In addition, the companies that have
short lead times in the outbound logistics flows tend to have short lead times in
the inbound logistics flows, and vice versa.
The inventory level trends are slightly downwards in both the inbound and
outbound logistics flows (see Table VI). In addition, there is an association
between the inventory trends in the inbound and outbound logistics flows. The
companies’ overall inventories are higher in the inbound logistics flows than in
the outbound logistics flows.
The empirical findings indicate that the inventories upstream in the supply
chain tend to be higher and associated with the downstream inventories in the
supply chain. Apparently, there is a potential bullwhip effect between inbound
and outbound logistics flows. This implies that the companies in a managerial
context have to consider upstream activities in the supply chain when they are
striving to improve their performance in the interface towards their present and
potential customers, and vice versa. Finally, there are significant correlations
between the inventory factors identified in the inbound and outbound logistics
flows and the size of the company. For example, larger companies have a
higher inventory turnover and more upward lead-time trends and inventory
level trends than do smaller companies in the inbound logistics flows. In
addition, larger companies have a higher inventory turnover, shorter lead times
and more upward lead-time trends and inventory level trends than do smaller
companies in the outbound logistics flows.
Figure 1.
The bullwhip effect – the
gap between speculation
and postponement of
business activities
company’s inventory management of inbound and outbound logistics flows The bullwhip
may be described through the see-saw model of the bullwhip effect (see effect
Figure 2).
On the one hand, if there is a high degree of speculation (i.e. a low degree of
postponement) in inbound logistics flows and a high degree of postponement
(i.e. a low degree of speculation) in outbound logistics flows, then the bullwhip
effect is high (i.e. an upstream unbalanced see-saw scenario). On the other hand, 121
if there is a low degree of speculation (i.e. a high degree of postponement) in
inbound logistics flows and a low degree of postponement (i.e. a high degree of
speculation) in outbound logistics flows, then the bullwhip effect might also be
interpreted as being high (i.e. an downstream unbalanced see-saw scenario).
The latter is a kind of “reversed bullwhip effect” in a supply chain (see Figure 3).
It may occur when there are uncertainties upstream in the supply chain, e.g.
limited production capacity, product quality deficiencies, unreliable
deliveries/transports or inaccurate information sharing. Finally, if there is a
balance in the degree of speculation (or postponement) between inbound and
outbound logistics flows, then by definition there is no bullwhip effect.
Figure 2.
The see-saw model of the
bullwhip effect
Figure 3.
A typology of the
bullwhip effect based
upon the postponement
and speculation of
business activities in
IJPDLM management of the supply chain. The balance between the degree of
33,2 speculation and postponement of business activities in a company’s inbound
and outbound logistics flows may reduce the impact on both the bullwhip effect
and the reversed bullwhip effect in a supply chain. The latter is an extension of
the construct of bullwhip effect. In some circumstances, it may be appropriate
for a company to let the bullwhip effect to occur, when, for example, there is a
122 temporary uncertainty upstream in the supply chain due to unforeseen changes
in the supply chain network structure. Likewise, it may be appropriate to let the
reversed bullwhip effect occur, when for example, there is a temporary
uncertainty downstream in the supply chain due to extraordinary happenings
in the competitive environment in the marketplace. This motivates the
introduction of the construct of reversed bullwhip effect.
A typology of the bullwhip effect is introduced (see Figure 3) that classifies a
set of potential bullwhip effects in intra-organisational echelons. The typology
consists of two intra-organisational echelons, namely a company’s inbound and
outbound logistics flows. Each echelon is divided into the principle of
speculation and the principle of postponement of business activities.
The typology of the bullwhip effect focuses on the degree of equilibrium
between the principles of postponement and speculation in a company’s
inventory management of business activities in inbound and outbound
logistics flows. The typology consists of four cells (see Figure 3). In each cell
there is illustrated a bullwhip effect. Each cell in the typology has unique
characteristics that separate them from each other. On the one hand a bullwhip
effect signifies that the principle of speculation dominates a company’s
inventory management of business activities to a larger extent in the inbound
logistics flows (i.e. the inventories are higher) than in the outbound logistics
flows (i.e. the inventories are lower). This is the traditional approach of the
bullwhip effect in supply chains. On the other hand, a reversed bullwhip effect
represents a non-traditional approach of the bullwhip effect in supply chains.
This signifies that the principle of speculation dominates a company’s
inventory management of business activities to a larger extent in the outbound
logistics flows (i.e. the inventories are higher) than in the inbound logistics
flows (i.e. the inventories are lower). A no bullwhip effect signifies that there is
a balance between a company’s inventory management of business activities in
inbound and outbound logistics flows. This means that the principle of
speculation (or postponement) dominates equally in a company’s inventory
management of business activities in inbound and outbound logistics flows. As
indicated previously, the typology may be applicable in an inter-organisational
context too. This means that the dimensions may be changed to an inter-
organisational context. The dimension of upstream replaces the dimension of
inbound logistics flows. The dimension of downstream replaces the dimension
of outbound logistics flows. The different bullwhip effects are interpreted in the
same way as for the intra-organisational context.
A model of bullwhip effect scenarios in a dynamic business environment The bullwhip
The typology of the bullwhip effect (see Figure 3) based upon the effect
postponement and speculation of business activities in intra-organisational
echelons may be used to classify a focal company’s bullwhip effect scenario
between inbound and outbound logistics flows. It may be used for teaching and
training purposes, as well as to position and compare the outcome of other
replicating studies of the bullwhip effect in the automotive industry. The
typology may be positioned into wider theoretical and managerial contexts,
such as the generic dependencies in the business environment and a network
approach (see Figure 4).
There are three generic categories of dependencies (Svensson, 2002) between
buyers and sellers in the marketplace of interest for the typology of the
bullwhip effect, namely:
(1) time dependence;
(2) functional dependence; and
(3) relationship dependence.
The relevance of time dependence is motivated by the fact that time issues have
become increasingly important in the management of recent marketing
channels in different industries that emphasise leanness (Lambert et al., 1998).
For example, the automotive industry is influenced by just-in-time principles
(Sugimore et al., 1977; Toyoda, 1987). Time dependence may be divided into
time compression and order response on one hand, and agility, the ability to
change direction, on the other. There is also a functional dependence between
companies (Bucklin, 1966; Alderson, 1954; Stigler, 1951). Functional
dependence refers to where companies’ business activities are specialised
and complement each other in channels or networks. There is a relationship
dependence between companies’ business activities (Håkansson and Snehota,
1995; Morgan and Hunt, 1994; Grönroos, 1990; Bucklin, 1966; Alderson, 1954;
Stigler, 1951). Relationship dependence refers to business activities being
dependent upon the interaction process between companies in marketing
channels. These generic dependencies create a dynamic business environment
on a micro level. These dependencies influence and may be incorporated into
the context of the typology of the bullwhip effect in Figure 3.
The network model (Håkansson, 1987; Håkansson and Snehota, 1995)
consists of three components, such as actors, activities, and resources. This
model contributes to the overall context of the typology of the bullwhip effect.
Actors may be a company, a group of companies, an individual, or a group of
individuals. Activities are different business functions performed in the
business environment. Resources are the tangible and intangible assets for
actors to perform business activities. This means that actors consume
resources when activities are performed. These components are
interdependent, which means that as one change the others change to some
Figure 4.
A model of bullwhip-
effect scenarios in a
dynamic business
extent. These three components influence and may be incorporated into the
context of the typology of the bullwhip effect in Figure 3.
Based upon the previous theoretical frameworks and proposed
incorporations into the context of the typology of the bullwhip effect in
Figure 3, a model of bullwhip effect scenarios in a dynamic business
environment is introduced in Figure 4. The model considers the generic The bullwhip
dependencies between business activities and the components of the network effect
model, in a dynamic business environment. The model becomes dynamic since
its various components are interdependent with the dimensions of speculation
and postponement of business activities. This means that a change in one of the
components may have an impact on the others, and vice versa. The model
considers the generic dependencies between the business activities, the type of
logistics flows, and the components of the network model, in the business
This model suggests that a bullwhip-effect scenario occurs when the
degree of speculation in the inbound logistics flows in relation to the degree
of postponement in the outbound flows is stronger. The impact of the
generic dependencies on the actors, the activities, and the resources is
stronger in the inbound logistics flows (than in the outbound logistics flows)
based upon high levels of dependencies between them in the dynamic
business environment. A reversed-bullwhip-effect scenario occurs when the
degree of speculation in the inbound logistics flows in relation to the degree
of postponement in the outbound flows is weaker. The impact of the generic
dependencies on the actors, the activities, and the resources is weaker in the
inbound logistics flows (than in the outbound logistics flows) based upon
low levels of dependencies between them in the dynamic business
environment. A no-bullwhip-effect scenario occurs when the degree of
speculation in the inbound logistics flows in relation to the degree of
postponement in the outbound flows is equal. The impact of the generic
dependencies on the actors, the activities, and the resources is equal in the
inbound and outbound logistics flows based upon the levels of dependencies
between them in the dynamic business environment.
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IJPDLM Appendix
The univariate outcome for each item for the inbound logistics flows is shown in Table AI, and
33,2 for each item for the outbound logistics flows in Table AII. The items have been translated from
Swedish into English. Therefore, minor bias of the significance of each item may have appeared
in the translation from one language to the other.
130 Item N Mn Me Md Sk Ku