Phytochemical, Proximate and Mineral Analyses of The Leaves of Bambusa Vulgaris L. and Artocarpus Altilis L
Phytochemical, Proximate and Mineral Analyses of The Leaves of Bambusa Vulgaris L. and Artocarpus Altilis L
Phytochemical, Proximate and Mineral Analyses of The Leaves of Bambusa Vulgaris L. and Artocarpus Altilis L
59 (2018), 69 - 77
The need to boost livestock production in Nigeria calls for a provision of feed that is adequate in
both quality and quantity as well as accessible to animals all year round. The quest to assess and ex-
ploit plants for their potentials in feeding livestock animals all year round necessitated this study. The
phytochemical and nutritional composition of the leaves of Bambusa vulgaris and Artocarpus altilis
were assayed. Phytochemical screening of the two plant leaves revealed the presence of alkaloids,
saponins, flavonoids and tannins. Terpenoids and steroids were absent in the two plants. Further phy-
tochemical quantifications revealed B. vulgaris and A. altilis leaves contained alkaloids (10.64% and
14.80%), saponins (2.33 and 3.90%), flavonoids (4.60 and 3.70%), tannins (0.67 and 1.89 mg/100g)
and phenol (0.23 and 1.89 mg/100 g) respectively. The proximate analyses revealed low moisture
content (12.27% and 14.88%), crude protein (2.84 and 2.15%), moderate crude fat (6.00 and 6.91%)
and high crude fiber (16.96 and 9.96%), ash (11.82 and 15.92%) and carbohydrate (50.12 and 50.19%)
respectively. The leaves were equally rich in Ca, K, P, Mg with low Na. Similarly, the results show
that leaves of the two plants investigated could provide dietary and medicinal needs of livestock.
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fruits can be cooked and eaten at all stages of of feeds, some of the ingredients used in pre-
maturity. A. altilis tree can reach the height of paring livestock feeds are in high demand for
21 metres at maturity. The trunk may grow to human consumption. The decrease in supply of
90 ft. (27 metres) when fully grown. Its leaves the conventional feed resources coupled with
are large, multi- lobed, extremely beautiful the high cost of importation has led to alter-
and often used in decorations. The breadfruit native sources being produced locally. Attempt
is seedless and is propagated either by suckers to provide adequate supplement both in quali-
or root cuttings. The leaves have yellow veins ty and quantity prompted this research work.
and are glossy dark green, leathery, alternate up
to 3 ft. (91cm) long, and barely lobed to deeply Experimental
pinnate lobed. Breadfruit may be eaten ripe as
a fruit or unripe as a vegetable. The fruits are Collection and preparation of plant samples
usually round, oval or oblong ranging from 9 The fresh leaves of B. vulgaris and A. altilis
to 20 cm wide and more than 30 cm long. The were obtained from Ifaki –Ekiti in Ido- Osi
plant contains milk latex sap. The latex is used Local Government area of Ekiti State, Nigeria.
to treat skin ailments and fungus diseases. The The plants were authenticated in the Depart-
latex and sap from crunched stems of the leaves ment of Plant Science and Biotechnology Her-
are used traditionally to treat sore eyes and ear barium .The leaves were thoroughly washed
infections. Recent research has been focussed with distilled water and air dried at room
on the effective use of breadfruit in treating tu- temperature (25-30°C) for two weeks. The
mours and leukaemia (Ragone, 1997). The use air-dried leaves were ground into a powdery
of herbal medicine in the treatment of various form and stored in air tight containers. The
ailments has been in existence from the ancient samples were taken to the laboratory of Chem-
days. Medicinal plants are endowed as natural istry Department, University of Lagos, Lagos
sources of a large proportion of medicines for State, Nigeria, for phytochemical, proximate
the treatment of several human ailments (Yaku- and mineral analyses.
bu et al., 2007). The plants are cheaper to pur-
chase within the rural people means (Goonase- Phytochemical Analyses
kera et al., 1995) compared to synthetic drugs
which are costly and not readily available at Qualitative Phytochemical Screening
people’s disposal and need expertise for their Phytochemical analysis was conducted to de-
application. In addition, researchers have termine the presence of alkaloids, saponins,
proved that plant extracts can be used to cure tannins, flavonoids, steroids, phenols, cardiac
many health ailments and it has lesser side ef- glycoside and terpenoids using the procedures
fects compared to other forms of medications. of Trease and Evans (1989); Sofowora (1993).
Most existing plants have medicinal values of
which steps are being taken by scientific re- Quantitative Phytochemical Analyses
search to properly test and utilize these plants Further quantification of the phytochemical
for therapeutic purposes. Animal feed has al- constituents in the samples were determined
ways been a major limiting factor in the growth using the standard procedures of Obadoni and
of the livestock industry in developing coun- Ochukwo (2001), Boham and Kocipal (1994).
tries. Apart from the high and unstable costs
Determination of the proximate composition by using Buck 200 atomic absorption spectro-
The proximate analyses of the samples were photometer (Buck Scientific, Norwalk) (Essien
carried out according to the standard proce- et al., 1992) and their absorption compared
dures of Association of Official Analytical with absorption of standards of these minerals.
Chemist (AOAC, 2000). Moisture content
was determined by heating about 5 g of the Results
sample placed in a crucible inside an oven at The results obtained for the preliminary phyto-
temperature of 105°C to a constant weight. chemical screening of the leaves of Bambusa
Ash content was determined by heating about vulgaris and Artocarpus altilis are present-
5 g of the plant sample in a crucible placed in ed in Tables 1 and 2 respectively. The results
a muffle furnace maintained at 450°C. Crude revealed the presence of alkaloids, phenols,
protein was determined by multiplying the ni- saponins, flavonoids and cardiac glycoside in
trogen content of the sample by 6.25 (AOAC, the plants investigated. It was noted that ter-
2005). Crude fat was determined by extracting penoids and steroids were absent in the leaves
2 g sample in a soxhlet extractor apparatus with of both plants. Quantitative analyses of the
petroleum ether in an oven at 50°C (James, phytochemicals in the two plants indicated that
1995), Crude fibre was determined by digest- the leaves of B. vulgaris and A. altilis have
ing about 5 g of the sample with H2SO4 and fairly high concentration of alkaloids 10.64 ±
NaOH. The residue was placed into a cruci- 0.79% for B. vulgaris and 14.80 ±0.00% for A.
ble in a muffle furnace at about 550°C for five altilis. This was followed by flavonoids 4.60
hours. Carbohydrate was determined according ± 0.00% and 3.70 ±0.14 in B. vulgaris and A.
to Onwuka (2005). Available carbohydrate was altilis respectively. The results obtained for the
calculated as follows: proximate and mineral compositions of B. vul-
% Available carbohydrate = 100 – (% mois- garis and A. altilis are shown in Tables 3 and
ture + % Ash + % protein + % fibre). 4 respectively. The results revealed high val-
ue of carbohydrate (50.12 ± 0.25% and 50.19
Determination of mineral composition ± 0.45%), crude fibre (16.96 ± 0.06% and 9.96
The mineral constituents (potassium and sodi- ± 0.06%), ash content (11.82 ± 0.08 and 15.92
um) in the samples were determined by digest- ± 0.11%), low moisture content (12.27 ± 0.28
ing the ash of the samples with perchloric acid and 14.88 ± 0.53%), low crude fat (6.00 ±
and nitric acid, and then taking the readings on 0.00% and 6.91 ± 0.01%) as well as crude pro-
Jenway digital flame photometer/spectronic tein (2.84 ± 0.05% and 2.15 ± 0.01%) in B. vul-
20 (Bonire et al., 1990). Calcium and magne- garis and A. altilis. and A. altilis respectively.
sium were determined spectrophotometrically
Quanlitative analysis of Bambusa vulgaris and Artocarpus altilis leaves
Sample Alkaloids Saponins Tannins Cardiac Flavonoids Terpenoids Steroids
B. vulgaris + + + + + -
A. altilis + + + + + -
Quantitative analysis of Bambusa vulgaris and Mineral compositions of Bambusa vulgaris and
Artocarpus altilis leaves Artocarpus altilis leaves
Values are expressed as means ±SD, n=3 Mineral compositions of the leaves of the
plants (Table 4) revealed high concentration
Proximate composition of Bambusa vulgaris and of Potassium, Calcium and Phosphorus with
Artocarpus altilis leaves moderate quantity of Magnesium and Sodium.
altilis (15.92%) are relatively high when com- rus plays a vital role in normal kidney
pared with the values reported for Ocimum functioning and transfer of nerve impulse.
viridis (6.50%) and Ocimum gratissimum The calcium concentration in the leaves
(2.0%) by Abdulraham et al. (2012). These val- of B. vulgaris and A. altilis was found to be
ues however compare favourably with 15.20% 32.48 mg/100g and 20.08 mg/100g respec-
reported for Cucurbita pepo (Andzouana & tively. These values were high compared with
Mombouli, 2012) and 10.61% for B. vulgaris the calcium content of 2.90 mg/100g reported
(Ikhimioya et al., 2007). The high ash content by Uzama et al. (2012) for Securinega virosa
indicates that the leaves of the two plants are leaves. The two plants contain high content of
rich in mineral elements. The moisture content calcium which is necessary for bone and teeth
of B. vulgaris and A. altilis were relatively low development. Olayiwola et al. (2009) reported
when compared with the values obtained for that calcium is also helpful in the formation
Ceiba petandra (5.30%), Manihot esculentus of blood, intracellular and extra cellular fluids
(4.85%) and Abelmoschus esculentus (9.15%) within and outside the cell of the body.
as reported by Raimi et al. (2014). However, The magnesium content of the two plants
the values were higher than 10.88% moisture B. vulgaris (8.09 mg/100g) and A. altilis (5.76
content recorded for Securinega virosa (Uzama mg/100g) were lower than 249.92 mg/100g
et al., 2012). The low moisture content may and 288.65 mg/100g reported for Amaranthus
probably give the leaves long shelf life. hybridus and Telfaria occidentalis respectively
The carbohydrate content of B. vulgaris and (Asaolu et al., 2012). However, these values
A. altilis leaves were comparatively higher than were comparably higher than that of Am-
some leafy vegetables such as Launea taraxa- aranthus cruentus (2.53mg/100g), Talinum
cifolia (30.56%) reported by Adinortey et al. fruticosum (2.22mg/100g) and Celostia argen-
(2012), Moringa oleifera (43.88%) by Oduro tea (1.41mg/100g) (Mensah et al., 2008).
et al. (2008), Myrianthus arboreus (7.20%) and Magnesium is an important mineral ele-
(12.58%) Spargonophorus sporgonophora re- ment which acts as a cofactor of many enzymes
ported by Oyeyemi et al. (2014), but low when (McDonald et al., 1995). Higher values of po-
compared to 64.25% Flueggea virosa (Uzama et tassium (59.41 mg/100 g and 26.00 mg/100 g)
al., 2012), 83.41% Spondias mombin, 85.64% in B. vulgaris and A. altilis respectively were re-
Afzelia africana and 72.13% Landolphia hir- corded in this study. These values are relatively
sute (Dike, 2010). The high carbohydrate con- high when compared with 3.67mg/100g report-
tent makes the two plants to be considered as ed for Securinega virosa (Uzama et al., 2012).
rich carbohydrate plants and, hence, potentially The observed values in this study are however
good source of energy for feeding ruminants. low when compared with 70.62 mg/100 g for
The phosphorus content of B. vulgaris Myrianthus arboreus (Oyeyemi et al., 2014)
(12.80 mg/100g) and A. altilis (24.31mg/100g) and 220.00 mg/100 g in Cassia siamea leaves
were low when compared with 67.89 mg/100g (Hassan & Ngaski, 2007). The high value of
in Launaea taraxacifolia (Adinortey et al., potassium which is the most abundant element
2012) but relatively higher compared with in the two plants is in agreement with the ear-
1.0 mg/100 g in Diospyrus mesipiliform- lier report of Asekun et al. (1995) and Igile et
is and 5.72 mg/100 g in Mucuna flagelli- al. (2013). Afolabi et al. (1995) reported that
pes (Hassan & Ngaski, 2007). Phospho- potassium is the abundant mineral in Nigeria
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