Writing Paragraphs
Writing Paragraphs
Writing Paragraphs
Paragraph Writing
The Learning Strategy Series
The Learning Strategy Series
The University of Kansas
Center for Research on Learning
Lawrence, Kansas
Michele Goodstein
SIM Professional Developer
[email protected]
Three Requirements
Results must be…….
• Statistically significant
• Socially significant
• Teachers want to teach
the strategy
Learning Strategies Curriculum
Acquisition Storage Expression of
Word Identification First-Letter
Mnemonic Sentence Writing
Paired Paragraph Writing
Fundamentals of
Associates Error Monitoring
Paraphrasing and
summarizing LINCS Theme Writing
Self-Questioning Assignment
Visual Imagery Completion
I don’t know
A It was easy
I was lucky
Why teach strategies?
• Some students have difficulty developing strategies
to meet their needs.
• A strategy makes the task at hand manageable and
provides students with a place to start.
• Strategies enable students to be successful when
there is no adult around to prompt them.
This isn’t just about just learning a
appropriately independently
What is the difference between a skill
and a strategy?
Not all strategies are created
A strategy should be
What Can You
What is
a strategy ?
An individual’s approach to a task is called a
It includes how a person thinks and
acts when planning, executing and
evaluating performance on a task
and its outcomes
What problems do you see
in the paragraphs that
your students write?
To teach students to write well-
organized paragraphs that include:
– topic, detail, and clincher sentences
– a consistent point of view
– consistency in tense throughout
– logically sequenced ideas
– appropriate transitions between ideas
Sentence Types
Used in Paragraphs
Paragraph Parts Sentence Types
2 Sedimentary Another
Choose one of the topics above and write a general, clueing, and specific topic sentence.
Now write a general, clueing, and specific clincher sentence.
Sentence Types
Used in Paragraphs
Cue Card #7
General Topic
Names the main idea
of the paragraph.
General Topic Sentence
Card #9
Examples of General Topic
• Mr. James is my favorite
• I went to Hawaii on vacation.
• We are going to fix up our
Examples of General Topic
• The hot trend in advertising these days
is to hire real, live stars.
• Not much is left of a town known as
Nora, Nebraska.
• Democracy is thriving at Hillsboro High
Cue Card #10
General Topic Sentences
Describe the
foreshadowing in
“Charles” by
Shirley Jackson.
Cue Card #7
Clueing Topic
• Names the main idea.
Cue Card #7
Specific Topic
• Names the main idea.
Choose one of the topics above and write a general, clueing, and specific topic sentence.
Choose one of the topics above and write a general, clueing, and specific topic sentence.
Now write a general, clueing, and specific clincher sentence.
Sample Student Writing
Part 2:
Sentence Types
Used in Paragraphs
BodyDetail Sentences
Cue Card #3
Detail Sentence
• Discusses one of the details in the
• Sometimes shows the relationship
between a detail and the rest of the
Cue Card
The Paragraph Express
Lead-off Sentences
Follow-up Sentences
Lead-off Sentence
The largest Larger than The smallest The small-sized The tallest
The next largest Equal to The next smallest The medium-sized The shortest
The smallest Smaller than The largest The large-sized
Time Transitions
Importance Transitions
Concluding Transitions
To conclude, In summary, To sum up, As one can see,
In conclusion, In sum, To summarize, As a result,
In brief, Thus, Finally,
In short, Therefore,
Requirements for a Detail Sentence
Each detail sentence must:
• Contain related information.
• Be in a logical sequence with other sentences.
• Include a transition if it introduces a new detail.
• Be written from the same point of view as the
other sentences
• Be written in the same tense as the other
Which Point of View?
1 2
Pick it
Example Sentences Written
in First Person Point of View
• First, I measured out
one cup of water.
Example Sentences Written
in Second Person Point of View
• You should be sure to
measure the mass
• Next, you roll the ball
down the slope.
Present is painting
Part 3:
Sentence Types
Used in Paragraphs
BodyDetail Sentences
Cue Card #3
Clincher Sentence
• Is the last sentence in the
• Closes the paragraph
• Names the main idea of the
• Sometimes summarizes or
names the details of the
• Is different from the Topic
Sentence Cue Card #43
This will eliminate…
My favorite restaurant is The Cheesecake
Factory. -------------------------------------------
-------------------------------------- This is why
The Cheesecake Factory is my favorite
Types of Clincher
Concluding Transitions
To conclude, In summary, To sum up, As one can see,
In conclusion, In sum, To summarize, As a result,
In brief, Thus, Finally,
In short, Therefore,
Example General Clincher
• In summary, these car models are my
• To summarize, these are my favorite car
models; what are yours?
• As one can see, life on a farm can be hard.
• Thus, learning a foreign language can be
• To conclude, public transportation can be
found in large cities.
Let’s try writing clincher sentences:
Choose one of the topics above and write a general, clueing, and specific topic sentence.
Have I used. . .
_____ a variety of sentence types (Simple, Compound,
Complex, Compound-Complex)?
_____ the same point of view throughout?
_____ the same tense throughout?
_____ the correct paragraph format?
_____ at least three transitions and a Concluding Transition?
p. 360
• T
• L
• F
• F
• L Formula for Writing
• F A Paragraph
• F
• L
• F
• F
• C
Resource for Information
• Go to www.lynbrook.k12.ny.us
• On the home page scroll down the left hand side
(yellow) to Moodle. Then slide to the right and click on
Moodle Rooms.
• Scroll towards the bottom and click on Staff
• Scroll down to the 4th item and click on SIM resource
• Go to the strategy you want (LINCs, Paragraph Writing)
and look around for what you need.
Paragraph Topic List
• My Favorite Sport
• The Problems of Old Age
• My Favorite Store (or restaurant)
• The Perfect Job
• The “MUSTS” for a Healthy Body
• The Best Season of the Year
How can we use
the Paragraph
Writing Strategy to
write an essay?
Example Theme Before Instruction
Running Your Own Lawn Care Business
Running a lawn care business is hard, but it is worth the
work. To start the business, customers have to be found. This
involves talking to people and asking them if they need help
with their lawns. Once the customers have been found,
equipment needs to be bought. A good lawn mower with a bag
to collect the cuttings is very helpful. Next, a schedule needs to
be made, and the lawns need to be mowed. This takes a lot of
time. Finally, the money needs to be collected. This is the
rewarding part! By following these steps, thousands of dollars
can be earned.
Cue Card #1
Running Your Own Lawn Care
Running a lawn care business is hard, but it is worth
the work. To start the business, customers have to be found.
This involves talking to people and asking them if they need
help with their lawns. Once the customers have been found,
equipment needs to be bought. A good lawn mower with a
bag to collect the cuttings is very helpful. Next, a schedule
needs to be made, and the lawns need to be mowed. This
takes a lot of time. Finally, the money needs to be collected.
This is the rewarding part! By following these steps,
thousands of dollars can be earned.
Example Theme After Instruction
Yard Care: A Great Way to Make a
their yards. A third way involves making flyers and
Bundle! distributing them to people’s mailboxes or doors. The
Looking for a good job for next summer? Running a flyer should contain the worker’s name, phone number,
yard-care business is a really good bet. It involves and types of work that can be done. Another way of
hard work, but the payoff is worth the effort. On recruiting customers is by word of mouth. This requires
average, a teenager can make $1,000 or even as much that a good reputation is built for the business over time,
as $5,000 per summer taking care of people’s yards. and people start talking in positive ways about it.
There are several activities required for making that
The next step in running a yard-care business after
much money.
finding some customers involves acquiring the right
The first step involves finding enough yards to equipment. This is something that must be done over a
create a real business. One way to find yards is to walk long period of time because as the business starts up, the
or drive around and look for yards that need some care. yard keeper has very little or no money. At first, an
Once a possible yard is found, the people can be asked if inexpensive lawn mower with a bag for catching grass
they would like someone to care for it. Another way clippings is needed. Sometimes, people can borrow their
involves calling friends on the phone and asking if they parents’ or a friend’s lawn mower to get started. Later,
need some help with once some money is earned, a more expensive and
substantial lawn mower can be purchased along with
rakes, weed eaters, edge trimmers, hedge trimmers,
shovels, gloves, plastic bags, and other yard-care
equipment. Eventually, even a truck might be purchased
to carry the equipment.
Cue Card
Example Theme After
Instruction (Cont.)
Once some equipment is available, the next step completed. This sometimes works. A third system
in running a yard-care business involves taking involves sending a monthly bill. This system
care of the yards on a regular schedule. Each yard usually works, but it requires paying for
needs weekly attention, so a checklist or calendar envelopes and stamps.
needs to be made to ensure that each yard has been In sum, caring for people's yards and all the
cared for each week. In each season, different types tasks related to running a yard-care service,
of yard care are required. In the spring, weeds need including recruiting customers, getting
to be pulled and hedges and bushes need to be equipment, doing the work, and collecting the
trimmed. New plants can be planted. In the summer, money, can be hard work, but they can be
the lawn needs to be mowed. In the fall, leaves need enjoyable and very profitable. The money that
to be raked. In the winter, after a snow storm, is made can be spent on new yard-care equipment.
pathways need to be shoveled. Better yet, it can be spent on items that the worker
After the work has been done, the final step in really wants like new clothes and music
running a yard-care service is collecting the equipment. Still better, the money can be saved to
money. This needs to be done regularly. One system pay the worker’s way through college. Tuition,
involves collecting the money immediately after books, and room and board can be very expensive
work has been done. This system works the best, but in college. Money saved early in life by having a
its success depends on the people being home. yard-care business can really pay off in the long
Another system involves leaving a bill for work run by giving a person a great start toward a
successful career after college.
Manual p. 234
Example #1:
Social Studies
Document Based
An important change that occurred as a result of the Civil War and
Sentence Reconstruction was that the South experienced a growth of
industry. According to Document #5, the iron, mining, timber, coal,
1st Lead-off
and fertilizer industries all developed by leaps and bounds after the
with transition
war. This was a huge contrast with the economy of the United
Follow-ups States before the war. At that time, the North was known for its
industry and the South for its agriculture. In fact, it was that lack of
knowledge manufacturing in the South that gave them a disadvantage in
fighting the war. According to Document #4, however, many
2ndLead-off African-Americans did not participate in the new economic
with transition
opportunities offered by the growing industries because they often
became tenant farmers and lived on the same land they had lived
Follow-ups on when they were slaves. Many others worked as sharecroppers
containing renting a plot of land and giving the landowner a share of the
background crops. Usually, after paying the landlord, there was little or nothing
left for the tenant farmer to keep. These tenant workers and
sharecroppers were little better off than slaves.
An important change that occurred as a result of the Civil War and
Sentence Reconstruction was that the South experienced a growth of
industry. For example, the iron, mining, timber, coal, and fertilizer
1st Lead-off
industries all developed by leaps and bounds after the war. This
with transition
was a huge contrast with the economy of the United States before
Follow-ups the war. At that time, the North was known for its industry and the
South for its agriculture. In fact, it was that lack of manufacturing in
knowledge the South that gave them a disadvantage in fighting the war. In
contrast, many African-Americans did not participate in the new
2ndLead-off economic opportunities offered by the growing industries because
with transition
they often became tenant farmers and lived on the same land they
had lived on when they were slaves. Many others worked as
Follow-ups sharecroppers renting a plot of land and giving the landowner a
containing share of the crops. Usually, after paying the landlord, there was
background little or nothing left for the tenant farmer to keep. These tenant
workers and sharecroppers were little better off than slaves.
Example #2:
English Regents
Task 2
Are high school students who fall asleep in class just being lazy?
Researchers say no! They have discovered much interesting and
Topic sentence useful information about teenagers’ need for sleep. This research
Details leads to the conclusion that in order for students to do well in class,
Thesis Statement our high school should not start classes earlier in the day.
Topic sentence
These researchers tell us that when children become teenagers,
1st Lead-Off
their sleep needs change. Most importantly, teenagers need more
With transition
sleep than they did before they reached puberty. Mary Carskadon, a
Follow-ups professor at Brown’s School of Medicine, has done research that
shows this. Most people are not are that teenagers need this extra
information sleep. In At the Threshold: The Developing Adolescent, an important
book on adolescent development, sleep is not even mentioned at all.
2nd Lead-Off Also important is the fact that biologically, teenagers are
with transition
programmed to stay up late and get up late. This was discovered in an
Follow-ups experiment in which teenagers were put into windowless rooms for
containing several days at a time. They could not tell what time of day it was, so
scientists could see what schedule they would choose if they were not
aware of what time it really was.
Research also shows that teenagers do not get enough sleep.
One fact that researcher Amy Wolfson found was that students get
a lot less sleep in tenth grade than in ninth grade. This is because
they get up more than an hour earlier, but they go to bed at the
same time. Another fact that she found was that many students
are so tired that they can fall asleep very quickly at school. On
average, ninth graders fell asleep in just 9.5 minutes and tenth
graders fell asleep in about 8.4 minutes. One students actually fell
asleep in just 1.8 minutes.
parks enjoyment