TanDelta Diagnostics - Guidelines V4 03.2013
TanDelta Diagnostics - Guidelines V4 03.2013
TanDelta Diagnostics - Guidelines V4 03.2013
Water trees
The experience gained over the past years has shown that water-
treeing is the major factor that determines the durability, especially Detection of
of first-generation plastic insulated cables. While installation and Water Treeing
mounting errors tend to be locally repairable, water-treeing occurs
in areas where extension of the equipment life can only be achieved
through the replacement of sections or through chemical
Water-treeing is an effect to the physical background which has not
yet been fully explained despite various theories. Basically, water
trees are channel-shaped structures which develop in the form of
minute trees in the insulating material as a result of moisture and
electrical fields emanating from defects. The electrical conditions
prevalent in these water-trees, which are invisible to the naked eye,
differ from those in the healthy surrounding insulating material and
this feature can be utilised for their measurement. The development of water-trees takes place over some years.
Water-trees can occur continuously in a cable without reducing its functional capacity. The critical phase begins when
the PD-inception field strength at the tips of a water-tree is exceeded. Water-trees can be determined by the TanDelta
measurement, as they are influencing the leakage current along the cable. As they are not accompanied by partial
discharges, water trees cannot be located like partial discharges.
TanDelta measurement:
During diagnosis the measuring voltage supplied by the VLF generator is
derived from a resistive voltage divider and current from the specimen
under test via a standard capacitor. The dissipation angle and the
dissipation factor are calculated with the help of Fourier analysis and
subsequent evaluation of the fundamental waveforms of both
measurement signals.
Since dissipation factor measurement on installed cables must be carried
out with the test specimen earthed, all the leakage currents between the
high voltage and earthed parts would form part of the measured value.
An additional shielding connection VSE has therefore been introduced to
intercept all leakage currents from supply lines, surface leakage and
insulation spacing in the test object. The VSE is maintained at earth
potential artificially and ensures that this leakage current at the surface of the terminations bypasses the capacitive
current of the measurement.
Appropriate corona shields/hoods are used to eliminate the effects of corona. These corona shields are attached to
the cable lug on the terminations.
Connection diagram:
I T1
I T2
Negative TD values are an indication that the VSE is touching earth somewhere.
In the worst case, the Elbow termination has to be removed completely. Comparison measurements of different
arrangements allow finding the most suitable solution regarding easy and uncomplicated connection.
A comparison test of the two arrangements (with connected surge arrestor and with
disconnected surge arrestor) will give the clear answer on the requirement to disconnect it.
Indication of
=> PD activity or Water trees
3. Phase comparison
One example situation, where the trend is stable, can show the following information.
=> values referring to experience; Values cover only certain types of faults
Downward trend
5.27 to 3.92 E-3 // 4.26 to 3.50 E-3
Humidity, moisture vaporizing during
application of high voltage
Humidity at terminations
Moisture in Joints
TD measurement shall be repeated.
Value will stabilize when water is
PILC and Mixed cables …. Acc. to IEEE 400.2-2011 draft, customer recommendation … max. 1.5 x Uo
PILC and Mixed cables …. Acc. to IEEE 400.2-2011 draft, customer recommendation …max. 2 x Uo
Experience shows, that cable termination connected to SF6 insulated RMU´s (Ring Main Unit) can
be treated very simple. Proper cleaning is sufficient. No guard rings required.
Time between the points of switching the circuit off until the beginning of the measurement may
influence, if accessories are subject to water ingress during the switch-off time. Negative TD
tendency may be recognized during the beginning stage where the water is vaporising. The TD
measurement in such a case has to be repeated straight away.
Joints (where, how many, what type, wet conditions…)
Ground where the cable was laid in (water, sand, chemicals, hilly, wood,…)
History (construction work near cable, changes of cable parts, strange behaviour in the past, TD
levels of the past, production year, manufacturer,…)
Environment in general (in industrial site like refinery, chemicals, in normal ground, areas with high
pollution, humidity…)
Power rating of cable (to the limit or well below the limit, operating hours,…)
Time between switching off the circuit and beginning of TD Diagnosis
TD levels (3 criteria, very high increase from one voltage to the other,…)
Example no.1:
Example no.2:
Example no.3:
PILC cable
Side information:
PILC cable without PD
- PD activities up to
• low TD values (~30 E-3)
1000pC in one joint
• very low DTD - 1681m
• low Std. Dev. - 12 joints
< 0.120 E-3 - (SS10850)
• stable Trend behaviour
in all voltage levels
- 1. Absolute TD value
- 2. Delta Tan Delta DTD
- 3. Phase Comparison
- 4. Analysis Stability at each voltage level
- 5. Analysis of Trend behaviour at each voltage level
Combinations of differently influencing components are very common. TD patterns represent the sum of
all influencing components.