Teaching English To Young Learners: Saputra, Ari
Teaching English To Young Learners: Saputra, Ari
Teaching English To Young Learners: Saputra, Ari
email : [email protected]
Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris bagi pembelajar muda merupakan hal yang penting untuk
dilakukan. Hal ini mencakup lebih dari mengajar keahlian bahasa. Pada pembelajar muda,
usia sangat penting untuk mendorong kecerdasan, fisik, emosi, dan perkembangan social
mereka. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat silabus Bahasa Inggris bagi pembelajar
muda. Untuk membuat silabus yang memuaskan, peneliti melakukan beberapa langkah
yaitu (1) menganalisa kebutuhan dan bahasa peserta didik (2) membuat draf silabus (3)
mengimplementasikan produk. Dalam hal metode penelitian, peneliti mengumpulkan data
berdasarkan perencanaan, observasi dan tindakan, dan penerapan. Untuk mengetahui
keberhasilan silabus, peneliti melakukan evaluasi untuk mengukur silabus dimana silabus
tersebut dapat digunakan untuk mengajar pembelajar muda.
Teaching English to Young learners is essential thing to do. It involves more than merely
teaching language skills. In the young learners, age are extremely important to encourage
their intellectual, physical, emotional, and social development. This study aims at designing
a syllabus of English for young learners. To design satisfactory syllabus, the researcher did
some steps; (1) analysing of learners’ needs and language needs (2) drafting syllabus (3)
implementing the product. In term of research method, the researcher collected data through
process of planning, observing and acting, and reflecting. To know the effectiveness of the
syllabus, the researcher did an evaluation to measure the syllabus where it was applicable
to use in teaching young learners.
records of what actually happens at the 2. Teach young learner some vocabulary will
classroom level as teachers and students apply a help them to speak soon. After children have
curriculum to their situation. The syllabus is a acquired fifty or so words a sudden change
great tool for students so they know what will be often take place. Children simplify their
taught in the class. The sets content of syllabus is pronunciation and at the same time start
sequenced. The syllabus should present the acquiring great many new words extremely
goals, the teaching materials, and the teaching quickly
techniques recommended.
3. Somehow, teaching young learner are
The syllabus is the main tools for
different from adult. Young learners need
teachers in teaching. According to Parkers and
specific term. Teaching children is different
Harris (2002) the important functions of syllabus
because they are still developing cognitively,
includes serving as a contract, serving as a
linguistically, physically, and emotionally. So
permanent, and serving as an aid to students
to teach English to children successfully, we
need to take account of these and other
The next aspect is needed to be
characteristics in order to provide some of
considered by teacher in teaching English is
the conditions which will lead to successful
presenting the appropriate material to students.
outcomes. (Moon, 2005)
The English teacher should encourage the
4. They love song, and fun. Teaching young
students’ English skills with a good arrangement
leaner should be fun. A song is a good media
material. When the students are hesitant, the
for teaching English to young learners. If you
teachers need to be patient and show great
are new to using songs you may think, why
interest by designing an appropriate material
songs? Songs are great for many reasons.
toward that problem. After designing the syllabus
The melodies help the words stick into
which handle by a teacher in leading the English
children’s heads. Have you ever had a song
class, a test should be employed. The test or
stuck in your head you could not get out? The
assessment is essential to do because it can
rhythm of the songs helps the children speak
measure the process of teaching and what the
in a natural flow. Simply put, they are great
students progress. The students get involved with
practice! In addition, many ESL and EFL
the materials given or not. The aims of
songs nowadays have built in actions and
assessment are to improve the students’ learning
activities. Therefore, when we sing, “I brush
and establish what the students can do as
my teeth”, then we can do the action while we
learners. In teaching and learning process the
sing. This combination of singing and doing
assessment can be done in on going assessment
actions really helps stimulate the memory of
and overall.
the child. Oh, and it is fun!
This syllabus, material development, and
the program assessments and evaluation is 5. I usually choose a song which I deem ok for
grounded on theoretical consideration as follow: my students’ age –range (10-13 (and provide
them with handouts of the lyric. I then play the
1. Speaking is one of parents ‘goal and
song and ask them to listen to it and the same
student’s wants in study English. Hence,
time try out the lyrics from their hand out.
course designer designed syllabus focus on
Base on the important reason to study
speaking and fluency while building phonemic
English we suggested by the linguists to teach
awareness and preparing students for study
English since early ages. It has already been
in a course book. The principle behind the
established that children who learn a language
syllabus is to get students to a level of
when they are very young have a much better
understanding and high competence in the
chance of not having a “foreign” accent when
target language before they are introduced to
speaking another language. A research
it in a written form and before they receive
conducted at the University of Washington which
grammar explanation. In that way, the
focuses specifically on childhood speech
students can already use the language but
perception, has noted that as we get older, it is
are just trying to understand the mechanics
harder to pick up additional languages with
behind the language when they receive
native-like pronunciation. Thus, one very
grammar instruction. Using game or content
compelling reason to start children off with
that is tied to different target language, the
another language at a young age is to give them
students can build communicative
the gift of a native accent here are additional
competence and vocabulary. The target
reason why teaching language to young children
language is based around what students
is interesting. Here are the reasons.
need to communicate and what do they want
1. Children love Enjoyment: Young children
to say.
enjoy learning. They do not care if an activity
will improve their cognitive ability or motor language. When speaking the target language,
skills. They just want to jump in and have a second language learners tend to rely on their
great time doing it. native language structures to produce a
This same approach is true for children response. That is one of the factors causing
learning a new language. We would never try interference from Indonesia into English. Based
introducing high school students to a foreign on the identification of problems, this research
language via children’s nursery rhymes, silly focused on designing suitable English syllabus for
songs and hand puppets while sitting in a young learners.
circle on the carpet. Yet, for young children,
this is actually the best way to go about it RESEARCH METHOD
because it makes language learning so much The scope of this study is the students in
fun. It is amazing how quickly children will year 7 to 9 of elementary school. They are taken
pick up a new language while having fun! randomly. This course is held in a place name
2. Introducing children to languages when they “Rumah Baca Nusa”. This place is located in a
are young helps them accept the fact that village in Central Lombok East Praya. Activities at
there are many languages in this world and “Rumah Baca Nusa" as follows;
they should know it. 1. Children read books anytime they want
Speaking more than one language should 2. Telling stories and writing competitions
not be treated as something out of the ordinary. It 3. Learn English.
is simply an element of belonging to our global They manage their own schedule. They
society. When young children are exposed to study English twice a week. They usually take
other languages and cultures at a very young age schedule on Saturday and Sunday.
through books, videos, songs and objects, they The sequences of data collection are
will have the opportunity to feel comfortable process of planning, observing and acting, and
growing up in a world where languages and reflecting. The activities consist of formulating the
cultures intertwine on a daily basis. problem, method, observation and reflection. In
The two reasons above make teaching analyzing this research, the procedures that I
English is important to encourage to the young used;
learners. It needs appropriate teaching technique 1. Identify the students’ proficiency English.
to face the students’ problems; minimizing the 2. Identify the students of parents’ educational
students’ language interference and limited background
vocabulary, in acquiring the target language. 3. Making a lesson plan.
The scope of this study is the students in Young learners should have fun with English.
year 7 to 9 in “Rumah Baca Nusa”. The children In the lesson plan will engage the students in
have a variety of language competency. Some enjoyable activities designed specifically for
students are quite hard to speak English and the young learners.
students also difficulties in producing words or 4. Making an observation sheet, it is used to see
sentences at writing and speaking (pronunciation, the process of teaching learning concern to
spelling and grammar), it is caused by the the method being used. The observation
learners’ first language (Indonesia) has different sheet draws through the table below:
structure or formation that make the learners tend
to produce the target language as their first
No Activities YES NO
1. Students pay attention to the lesson attentively
2. Students work seriously
3. Students follow the interaction of the method
4. Students takes a part in the class
5. The one who had understood the material explains
it to the others
5. Preparing the teaching and learning activities 6. Taking observation by concerning what
happened in the classroom during the
process of teaching and learning.
No Activities YES NO
1 Does the lesson plan works effectively?
2 Does the material easy to catch to students?
3 Does the activity encourage the students’ target
7. Evaluating and analyzing the whole data of observation. The activity will accomplish on:
about accurately,
(number) fluently,
-students understandable
perform to to interact with
the class the closes
that involves:
number 1-10
Assessment And Evaluation one. The range of score is based on the right
The target students in this program are number from those questions provided.
young learner for beginner. They are different in There is partial of an aspect should be
several cases. First are they having different described into several part. What we have to
ages, and they have different characteristic their describe is based on the three major things. First
educational background are the same and their is about student performance. A student
family background as well. In daily Interaction performing is dealing to how students can prove
during course, most of them like to study by sing a that he or she already get the language sub skill
song while some of them like story. Based on this from each unit have been teach. Second is
data, teaching materials are design based on performing criteria. This performance of student is
student students wants, and need. I put some list in applying real action or practice about their
of song in teaching material as a good media for language appropriately. The third is condition of
teaching them. Beside singsong, they also love performance. This performance express student
story. In this case, teacher should be creative ability in using language under circumstance or it
teacher, teacher need to be a good storyteller. might call as spontaneous action.
Assessment is an activity in teaching Making a list of preparation before test is
learning process. if we do assessment, we should necessary to do. Firstly, teacher should think to
based on assessment system. The procedures of what of questions should be delivered to the
assessments are: students. After that teacher should prepare
Formative Assessment. This type is occurs in additional things which might need during test.
the short term, as learners are in the process of For example, test for speaking, teacher need to
making meaning of new content and of integrating prepare clear pictures, so then student can see it
it into what they already know. Feedback to the clearly and for writing test, teacher should pay
learner is immediate (or nearly so), to enable the attention to the jumble word provided, it must be
learner to change his/her behavior and In good number of alphabet.
understandings right away. Formative
Assessment is the most powerful type of Course Evaluation
assessment for improving student understanding In running the teaching learning, at the
and performance. beginning I found that the students seemed
Interim Assessment. This assessment takes enthusiastic in studying following the lesson plan.
place occasionally throughout a larger time It was visible from the seriousness of students in
period. Interim Assessments can help teachers following the instructions given. The result might
identify gaps in student understanding and be caused by I tried to create a positive
instruction, and ideally teachers address these relationship with the learners in the classroom
before moving on or by weaving remedies into interaction such as choose the simple words in
upcoming instruction and activities. explaining the materials, and paying attention to
This Summative Assessment . This assessment my tone. I tried to speak louder in the whole class
is the last session of assessment. in order to make the students can catch the
Teachers/schools can use these assessments to content of materials.
identify strengths and weaknesses of curriculum The first I tried to explain all of the
and instruction, with improvements affecting the materials and instruction with English in order to
next year's/term's students. In this part of familiar them with the target language.
assessment teacher produce a kind of test. It is Nevertheless take long times in delivering each
used for speaking and writing. Speaking test materials to a number of students because they
made of some of picture and then students have a smaller amount of repertoire words. That
asked to describe the picture orally. And for is why I frequently repeated the words and
writing test, the same core type of test that is instruction based on the lesson plan, actually six
using picture, but in this test, students ask to write of them could catch the materials easily and
down jumble word under the picture into the right another did not get the same. They are a bit hard
to know the meaning of the words uttered and did
not check their comprehension to the others. It understood the instruction did not share their
might be caused by they are not their closed comprehension with younger students. Here is the
friends so they felt not confident to communicate result.
it. And also the number of older students who
No Activities YES NO
1. Students pay attention to the lesson attentively √
2. Students work seriously √
3. Students follow the interaction of the method applied √
4. Students takes a part in the class √
5. The one who had understood the material explains it to √
the others
Based on the problem above, the next meeting I point the students can catch the material very well
used gestures and demonstrated what I wanted and fun with the activity given but in takes times to
children to do for giving instruction in mother handle the class. I prepare 45 minutes in one
tongue. After some time, children got used to meeting but it was not effective. The reason is
instructions in foreign language. some of them need long time to understand the
To achieve the target language, I focus materials. Therefore I added 20 minutes in
also on the students’ pronunciation. It is allocation time of teaching becomes 65 minutes.
significant aspect of communication. Regard this The result is listed below:
No Activities YES NO
1 Does the lesson plan works effectively? √
2 Does the material easy to catch to students? √
3 Does the activity encourage the students’ target √
Based on the table, the activity ran in a Moon, Jayne. 2005. Teaching English to young
good control to follow the learning instruction but learners: its benefit and its lack
concern on the allocation time the lesson plan did Richelson, Matt. 2010. Teaching Young Learners
not work effectively. It is caused by some students with Songs
need much time to understand with the target http://www.teachingvillage.org/2010/03/24/teachin
language. g-young-learners-with-songs-by-matt-
CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION http://www.misd.k12.mi.us/departments/curriculu
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the classroom are better. It is because from with heart. Virginia USA: Association for
seeing the students’ data need to adopt suitable Supervision
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in learning and easier to grasp the lesson. I hope I Learners. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara.
can find more methods to improve the students’ Triono, Muhammad Sukrianto Lovi 2003.
English ability through interrelated skills. Teaching & Learning English (Theories
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