Incomplete Abortus - Dr. Iga Nuryanti
Incomplete Abortus - Dr. Iga Nuryanti
Incomplete Abortus - Dr. Iga Nuryanti
¡ Name : Mrs. R ¡ Nama : Mr. M
¡ Age : 43 years old ¡ Age : 44 years old
¡ Marital Status : Married (1x)
¡ Marital Status : Married (1x)
¡ Hospitalized : August, 16th 2021
¡ Education : SHS
¡ Assurance : BPJS
¡ Profession : Salesman
¡ Education : SHS
¡ Profession : Housewife ¡ Religion : Islam
¡ Religion : Islam ¡ Address : Pulo Gadung
¡ Address : Cempaka Putih
Vaginal’s bleeding 3 hours ago
Menarche age 12 years
Regular cycle every 30 days
Lasts for 7 days
2-3x change of sanitary napkins/day
Dysmenorrhea is denied
Patient : Housewife, smokes (-), drinks alcohol (-)
Husband: Salesman, smokes (+), drinks alcohol (-)
Past Medical History
• Natrium 136 135 – 147 mEq/L
LAB 16/8/2021 • Kalium 3.8 3.5 – 5.0 mEq/L
• Chlorida 106 94 – 111 mEq/L
IVFD RL dr. Ribkhi Sp.OG : dr. kemalasari Sp.P :
Ketorolac Injection HBsAg and Anti HIV Test Non-Isolation room confirmed
Amlodipine 10 mg BT CT Test
Consult to dr. Ribkhi Sp.OG PCR swab
Consult to Sp.P
The loss of pregnancy less than 20 weeks gestation either natural or induced
Incidence :
¡ Is the commenest gynaecological & obstetric disorder
• About 15% of clinically recognized pregnancies end in abortion (this rise
to 30% if unrecognized pregnancies are included).
• Most abortions occur between 8 and 12 weeks of pregnancy.
Source : Dugas C, Slane VH. Miscarriage. 2021 Jun 29. StatPearls Publishing;
2021 Jan–. PMID: 30422585.
¡ Fetal chromosomal abnormalities
¡ Advanced maternal age
¡ Early pregnancy loss history
¡ Alcohol consumption, smoking, and cocaine use.
¡ Several chronic diseases
¡ Infections (cervicitis, vaginitis, HIV infection, syphilis, malaria)
¡ Environmental contaminants (arsenic, organic solvents)
¡ Structural uterine abnormalities (congenital anomalies, leiomyoma,
intrauterine adhesions)
Spontaneous Abortion
Imminens abortion Insipiens abortion
Initiation of abortions Threatening abortion
Signs and symptoms : Signs and symptoms :
1. Vaginal bleeding 1. Massive vaginal bleeding, sometimes blood
clots come out
2. Uterine ostium is still closed
2. Cervix has flattened
3. Conception is still good in the womb 3. Uterine ostium has opened
The products of conception are still in the
uterine cavity, in the process of expulsion
Source : Ilmu kebidanan sarwono prawirahardjo. Fourth Edition. 2014.
Publishing : PT. Bina pustaka sarwono prawira
Spontaneous Abortion
Incomplete abortion Complete abortion
Some of the products of conception has came out All products of conception have come out of the
of the uterine cavity and some are left in the uterine cavity
uterine cavity.
Signs and symptoms :
Signs and symptoms :
1. Cervix closes
1.Vaginal bleeding continues even though some of
2. Pregnancy test (-)
the tissue has come out
3. The results of the conception have come out
2. Uterine ostium opens
3. The release of the product of conception
Source : Ilmu kebidanan sarwono prawirahardjo. Fourth Edition. 2014.
Publishing : PT. Bina pustaka sarwono prawira
Spontaneous Abortion
Missed abortion Habbitual abortion
The embryo has died in a pregnancy before 20
Spontaneous abortion that occurs 2 or more
weeks of gestation and the entire product of
times in a row.
conception is still retained in the womb.
Signs and symptoms :
1. The uterus is not getting bigger
2. Pregnancy symptoms (-)
3. The products of conception are still stuck in the
4. Amenorrhea Source : Ilmu kebidanan sarwono prawirahardjo. Fourth Edition. 2014.
Publishing : PT. Bina pustaka sarwono prawira
Spontaneous Abortion
Septic abortion Anembryonic pregnancy / Blighted Ovum
Abortion with infectious complications. (lower A pregnancy that does not form an embryo early
sal.genital infection after spontaneous abortion or on even though the gestational sac has formed.
unsafe abortion, products of conception remain
and evacuation is delayed.
Physical examination
Imminent Abortion:
• Internal examination: there is flux (a little), the uterine ostium is closed, the conception tissue is not palpable and
the uterus is large according to gestational age.
Abortion Insipiens
• Internal examination: there is flux, the uterine ostium is open, the tissue of conception is not palpable and the
membranes are intact (possibly protruding).
Incomplete Abortion
• Internal examination: open uterine ostium, palpable tissue of conception (partially out).
Missed Abortion
• Obstetric examination of the uterine fundus is smaller than the gestational age and the fetal heart sound is absent
Septic Abortion
• Vital signs and general status: elevated temperature, rapid pulse, bleeding, and lower abdominal tenderness.
• Internal examination: Fluxus, open cervical analysis and palpable tissue.
• Disrupted ectopic pregnancy (GER): abdominal pain, amenorrhea,
vaginal bleeding, USG: extrauterine pregnancy, culdocentesis (+)
• Hydatidiform mole : amenorrhoea, ultrasound snowstorm.
• Ectopic pregnancy : can also cause cramping, vaginal bleeding, and a plateau
or decline in the natural rise of beta-hCG in early pregnancy.
• Cervical pathologies : infectious cervicitis, cervical polyps, ectropion, and
dysplasia. These etiologies should be high on the differential in the setting of
post-coital bleeding.
• Cervical and vaginal trauma
Source : Alves C, Rapp A. Spontaneous Abortion. [Updated 2021 Jul 20].
Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2021 Jan
Imminens Abortion Insipiens Abortion
¡ Keep it safe the pregnancy < 16 weeks, plan to evacuate uterine contents with MVA (Manual Vacuum
¡ Avoid sexual intercourse Aspiration). If evacuation cannot be carried out immediately:
¡ Bed rest to increase blood flow to the uterus ¡ Ergometrine 0.2 mg IM (repeat after 15 minutes if necessary) or misoprostol
and reduce mechanical stimulation 400 g orally (repeat once after 4 hours if necessary).
¡ If the bleeding stops, monitor the mother's ¡ Plan an immediate evacuation.
condition further during antenatal > 16 weeks
examinations including monitoring of Hb
levels and serial ultrasound every 4 weeks ¡ Wait for the spontaneous expulsion of the products of conception, then
evacuate the contents of the uterus to clear any remnants of conception that
¡ If the bleeding does not stop, assess the remain.
condition of the fetus by ultrasound and
assess for the presence of other possible ¡ If necessary, infusion of oxytocin 40 IU in 1 L of intravenous fluids (saline / RL)
causes. at a rate of 40 TPM to assist spontaneous expulsion of products of conception.
¡ Counseling to the patient and her families ¡ Closely monitor the condition of the mother after the procedure.
regarding discomfort and risk of
miscarriage. ¡ Counseling to mothers and families regarding discomfort and risk of
Source : Ilmu kebidanan sarwono prawirahardjo. Fourth Edition. 2014.
Publishing : PT. Bina pustaka sarwono prawira
Incomplete Abortion Complete Abortion
¡ Light/moderate bleeding < 16 weeks, use finger/ring forceps to ¡ No evacuation required
remove the result of the concession that is sticking out of the
cervix ¡ Observation of mother's condition
¡ Heavy bleeding and < 16 weeks, AVM (sharp curettage if AVM is ¡ If there is moderate anemia give ferrous sulfate tablets
not available). If evacuation cannot be performed immediately, give 600 mg/day for 2 weeks, if severe anemia give
Ergometrine 0.2 mg IM (can be repeated 15 minutes later if
necessary). transfusion up to a target Hb of 9 g/dL
¡ >16 weeks, infusion of 40 IU of oxytocin in 1 liter of 0.9% NaCl ¡ Counseling on emotional support and post-abortion
or RL 40 tpm, to aid in expulsion of products of conception. contraception
¡ Evaluate postoperative vital signs every 30 minutes for 2 hours. If
the mother's condition is good, move to the inpatient room.
¡ Evaluate vital signs, vaginal bleeding, acute abdominal signs and
urine output every 6 hours for 24 hours. Check Hb levels after
24 hours. If the monitoring results are good and the Hb level is >
8 g/dL, the mother is allowed to go home.
Missed Abortion