Olfu Vision Olfu Mission Olfu Core Values: Health Education
Olfu Vision Olfu Mission Olfu Core Values: Health Education
Olfu Vision Olfu Mission Olfu Core Values: Health Education
To improve man as man by developing individuals through a legacy of excellent education and compassionate value formation.
The noble dictum “improving man as man” embodies the existence of Fatima Medical Through innovative learning strategies focused on strong and updated academic
Science Foundation and Our Lady of Fatima University as educational institutions foundation with enhanced industry skills and experience, a graduate of OLFU is
dedicated to the wholistic formation of men and women imbued with the necessary expected to be an ACHIEVER. In the community and in the workplace, an OLFU
skills, virtues and academic development. To achieve this end, the university aims to: graduate will be known as a person who:
Commit itself to the service of society through quality education; A – Aspires to Do His Best
Develop the capabilities of individuals in order to maximize their potentials; C – Is Credible and Compassionate
Nurture future professionals with the requisite academic foundation and H – Is Hardworking and Honorable
conventional skills so as to mold them into highly-respected leaders and members I – Is an Inspiration to Others
of society; E – Is Efficiently Entrepreneurial and Employable
Respond effectively to the changing needs and conditions of the times through V – Is A Visionary
continuing professional education and research; E – Is Ethical and Has Excellent Work Habits
Inculcate social awareness through community outreach program; R – Is Responsible
Imbue a deep sense of nationalism and pride in our Filipino heritage;
Uphold virtues of truth, justice integrity, compassion and faith in God.
Level Outcomes:
The learners demonstrate safe, appropriate and holistic care using the different nursing process to the given groups of clients, specifically women with distinctive needs
in health education and their health problems regarding pregnancy. The learners can assume first level entry positions in any field of nursing.
Course Outcomes:
Given actual clients in the hospital/community setting the Level I students will be able to:
1. Apply knowledge of physical, social, natural and health science and humanities in managing clients, teams and programs in any setting.
2. Utilize the nursing in managing a group of clients/nursing service unit/program in any setting.
3. Apply guidelines and principles of evidence-based practice in nursing management.
4. Practice nursing in accordance with existing laws, legal, ethical and moral principles.
5. Communicate effectively in speaking, writing and presenting using culturally-appropriate language to clients and teams.
6. Report and document up-to0date client care accurately and comprehensively.
7. Apply principles of partnership and collaboration to improve delivery of health services.
8. Manage a nursing service unit/health program in any setting.
9. Participate in varied continuing professional development activities.
10. Practice the values of the Philippine nursing profession.
11. Apply techno-intelligent care systems and processes in health care delivery.
12. Adopt the nursing core values in the practice of the profession.
13. Learning Strategies
Learning Outcomes Content/Topic Assessment
Related Learning Experience (SL,
Classroom TA TA
Hospital and Community)
1. Understand and analyze 1. Orientation to the course Interactive Discussion Week 1 Orientation and leveling of Week
how the study of a. OLFU vision-mission, PO, CO, (2hrs) expectations in the subject. 1
Health Education ILOs (2hrs)
regarding Pregnancy b. Course outline (syllabus) and
teaching shares in the course requirements
achievement of the
vision-mission of the
University and
graduate attributes.
2. Identify and 2. Different Signs of Pregnancy Interactive Discussion Week 2 Week Pen and paper
understand the different a. Presumptive Signs (2hrs) . 2 posttest on the
signs of pregnancy. b. Probable Signs (3hrs) topic (Classroom)
c. Positive Signs
3. Understand and apply 3. Assessment of a Childbearing Woman Interactive Discussion Week 3 The individual is tasked to have a Week
learning of assessing a Return Demonstration of assessing a (3hrs) return demonstration showing the 3
childbearing woman in a childbearing woman. steps on assessing a childbearing (3hrs)
clinical setting. woman.
4. Explain the different psychologic and 4. Psychologic & Physiologic Interactive Discussion Week Week Pen and paper
physiologic changes during pregnancy. Changes during Pregnancy 4 (3hrs) 4 posttest on the
(3hrs) topic (Classroom)
5. Identify and understand discomforts of 5. Pregnancy Discomfort Week Make a group and prepare a Week
a pregnant woman. 5 (3hrs) roleplay or scenario showing 5
different pregnancy discomfort (3hrs)
6. Understand and analyze the different 6. Different Signs of Labor Interactive Discussion Week Form groups to present Week Pen and paper
signs of Labor. 6 (3hrs) different signs of Labor 6 posttest on the
(3hrs) topic (Classroom)
7. Understand and analyze on how to 7. Assessment of a Newborn Interactive Discussion Week The individual is tasked to Week Pen and paper
perform the initial assessment of a a. Initial care of a Newborn Demonstration of assessing a 7 (3hrs) perform a Return 7 posttest on the
newborn and give proper medications. newborn. Demonstration of Assessing a (3hrs) topic (Classroom)
Learning Environment:
Classroom: The teaching-learning environment is as contained in the Policies, Standards, and Guidelines of CHED in line with the University’s VMG.
Resources: References Books/Journals Vignettes
Course requirements:
Exams and quizzes
Individual (Classroom) and Group (RLE) Portfolios Movie/Video analysis
Presentations: Lecture/ Discussion, Return Demonstrations
The final grade of the student is interpreted as shown on the table below:
ABOVE 95.00 – 92.00 - 89.00- 86.00 – 83.00 – 80.00- 76.00- 74.00 and
98.00 97.00 94.00 91.00 88.00 85.00 82.00 79.00 below
1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.00 5.0
FDA (Failure due to Absences) UW (Unauthorized Withdrawal) INC (Incomplete)
AW (authorized withdrawal NFE (No Final Examination
Prelims (20%) Midterms (20%) Finals (25%) Quizzes (25%) Research (5%) Attendance (5%)