General Physics I

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Lesson 1 – Vector and Scalar Quantities

Lesson 2 – Vector Addition
SY 2021-2022
Quarter I
For the Students
Welcome to Module 2!
In this module, we shall be learning the following:
Lesson 1 – Vector and Scalar Quantities
Lesson 2 – Addition of Vectors
You shall be engaged to various activities on identifying the components of vector quantities and adding
vectors graphically and analytically. To aid you better with these lessons, refer to University Physics by
Young and Freedman or to any other reference materials available to you.
Enjoy reading comprehensively this module. Always have a positive mind when addressing the
activities attached herein.
-Maam Gladys

Problem Solving Scoring Rubrics

Criteria and 5 4 3 1 0
Physics Appropriate Appropriate Appropriate At least one No identified
Concepts concepts are concepts are concepts are concept concept.
clearly stated and clearly stated but identified but not identified but not
employed employed with employed. employed.
correctly. errors.
Math Concepts All mathematical All mathematical The mathematical Identifies at Incorrect
steps are clearly steps are shown steps are hard to least one equations.
shown and they with minor errors. follow. equation but
flow easily unable to apply
towards the them.
correct answer.
Answer Correct answer Correct answer Incorrect answer Incorrect No answer
analytically but but on the right answer.
not numerically. path.
Module 2
At the end of this lesson, you should be able to:
1. Differentiate vector and scalar quantities (STEM_GP12V-Ia-8);
2. Perform addition of vectors (STEM_GP12V-Ia-9);
3. Rewrite a vector in component form (STEM_GP12V-Ia-10).
Consider figure 1. What do you think is the difference between the
following statemets?
a. Typhoon Jolina with a maximum wind of 150km/h made its
b. Typhoon Jolina with a maximum wind of 150km/h made its landfall
in Southern Luzon.
Obviously, the latter statement provides information regarding the strength
of typhoon Jolina and its direction, compared to the former statement that
does not include the direction of the typhoon. The physical quantity that
provides for the magnitude is called a scalar quantity which in this case is
illustrated by the first statement. On the other hand, a vector quantity
provides for the magnitude and the direction as illustrated by the second

This module differentiates a scalar from a vector quantitiy. It also enable you to perform addition
of vector quantities using the graphical and analytical methods.
LESSON 1: Scalar and Vector Quantities

Classifications of Physical Quantities

1. Scalar Quantity
It involves magnitude only in describing a quantity. Examples of
which are distance, speed, mass, etc.
2. Vector Quantity
It describes the magnitude and the direction of a quantity.
Commonly, this is described as scalar quantity with magnitude.
Examples are displacement, velocity, weight, etc.

There are different ways to represent a vector quantity:

a. Using bold letters, as in the following: A, B, a, b.
b. Using letters with arrow above. This is the method of writing vectors which we shall be using for
our discussion. Examples are A, B, c, b.

Graphically, an arrow, , represents a vector, where in, the arrow head represents the
destination of the vector quantity while the tail represents the origin. The magnitude of a vector is always
positive as represented by A

Figure 3 shows that physical quantities are manipulated mathematically, that is, vector quantities can
be added or subtracted just like scalar quantities. In doing so, the magnitude of a vector quantity should
be taken into consideration. Thus, there is a need to be familiar with the different primary and secondary
Figure 3. Difference of scalar and vector quantities

For the different directions, consider the following:

To better comprehend these directions, let us have the following examples:

1. A = 5m, S. This means that the magnitude of A is 5m and it is directed South. Graphically, it can
be represented as,

2. A = 5m, SW. The magnitude is 5m and the direction is 45 SW. Graphically,

3. A = 5m, 100 South of West. The magnitude is 5m and the direction of the A is 10 0 from West to
LESSON 2: Vector Components

The geographic coordinate system, North – East –

West – South, is analogous to the rectangular coordinate
system, x and y. The x-component of a vector such as Ax
is the parallel projection of the vector in the x-axis or East/
West. On the other hand, the y-component of a vector, Ay, if the parallel projection of the A in the y-axis
or North/ South. Let us consider A = 10m 300 N of E.

The vector components of A are Ax and Ay which are graphically represented as,


With the latter figure, it is observed that the components of the vector form a right triangle, thus, the
magnitudes of Ax and Ay can be determined using trigonometric functions. For the example above, we let
A be the hypotenuse of the triangle formed while A x is the adjacent side of the angle, 300, and Ay be
opposite of the angle. Thus,
Ax = 10 cos 300
Ay = 10 sin 300
LESSON 3: Addition of Vectors

The general equation in adding vectors is R = A + B, where R is the sum or the resultant vector.
It follows the commutative property of addition where in, A + B = B + A. Vectors can also be subtracted.
In subtracting vectors, the anti-parallel of the vector is considered, then proceed to vector addition, such
as, R = A – B is also equal to R = A + (- B) where in – B is the anti-parallel of B. For example,

Let A = 5km, E and B = 6km, E. What is R = A – B?

R = A + (- B)
R = 5km + (- 6km) = -1km
But the magnitude of R is always positive, thus, R = 1km, W. The positive and negative signs in the
magnitude of the vectors indicate the directions of the vectors.

Methods of Adding Vectors

1. Graphical Method.
This makes use of scale.
a. Parallelogram method
This is used when graphically adding two vectors.
Example: Two different objects started at the same point. The first object was displaced 40m, 500 S of W,
while the other is 30m, E. What is the resultant vector?
b. Polygon method
It also called head-to-tail method. This is used when graphically adding more than two vectors.
Example: Consider the previous example but use polygon method.
2. Analytical Method
Component method
This breaks down a vector into its components (x and y components). It uses trigonometric

If the angle, say, θ, is not known but the vector components are given, the direction (θ) of the
vector can be determined through,

If the magnitude of the vector is not known but the magnitudes of its components are determined,
the Pythagorean theorem is used.

Example: Let us consider the same example above to compare the resultant vector.
Activity 6: Provide for what are asked.
1. What are the vector components of the following: Round off your answer to two decimal numbers.
a. G = 10m, 1500
b. L = 10m, 900
c. A = 10m, 3600
d. D = 10m, 360 N of W
2. Draw the graphical representations of the vectors in number 1. Use the scale 10m = 1mm.

Activity 7: Add the following vectors.

1. Find the resultant vector, R, of the following vectors using parallelogram method. (6.5pts/each)
A = 55km, 300 N of E
B = 60km, W
a. R = A + B
b. R = A – B
2. Three students were tasked to locate the key to their classroom by calculating its location. Given
the ff displacements, what should have they calculated resultant displacement to find the key?
(Use polygon method and component method to find the resultant displacement) (17.5points)
X = 75.3 m, 300 east of north
Y = 56.5 m, 400 south of west
Z = 15.8 m, south
Activity 8: Write the anti-parallel vectors in Activity 6.
● Calamba, K. M., et al. Physics 3 Laboratory Manual: General Physics I (Mechanics and Heat).
2016. Physics Division IMSP: UPLB
● Young, Hugh and Roger Freedman. University Physics.12th ed.

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