Artificial Intelligence in Drug Discovery and Deve

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Artificial Intelligence in Drug Discovery and Development

Article  in  Journal of Pharmacovigilance · January 2018

DOI: 10.4172/2329-6887.1000e173


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1 author:

Prashansa Agrawal
Case Western Reserve University


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Agrawal, J Pharmacovigil 2018, 6:2


DOI: 10.4172/2329-6887.1000e173

ce Journal of Pharmacovigilance
ISSN: 2329-6887

Editorial Open Access

Artificial Intelligence in Drug Discovery and Development

Prashansa Agrawal*
Department of Chemistry, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio 44106, USA
*Corresponding author: Prashansa Agrawal, Department of Chemistry, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio 44106, USA, Tel: (001)-865-386-1749; E-
mail: [email protected]
Received date: April 04, 2018; Accepted date: April 09, 2018; Published date: April 13, 2018
Copyright: © 2018 Agarwal P. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use,
distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

Editorial Bloomberg Technology has reported that Microsoft has developed

an artificial intelligence based machine to support doctors in finding
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has recently been developed into a proper cure for cancer [5]. Microsoft has been working on a project to
sizzling topic in the area of medical care industry. The launch a machine called Hanover. The aim of this machine is to
biopharmaceutical industries are making efforts to approach AI to memorize the available information database required to treat cancer
enhance drug discovery process, reduce research and development and thus help to predict the amalgamation of drugs that will be most
expenses, diminish failure rates in clinical trials and ultimately efficacious for the diagnosis of individual patient. One such project is
generate superior medicines. The accessibility of immense statistics in based on the use of AI in the therapy of a fatal cancer named myeloid
life sciences and a speedy development in machine learning algorithms leukemia. Alternative study shows that researchers at Stanford
led to an evolution of AI-based start-up companies focused on drug University have developed an AI based algorithm that can identify skin
discovery over the recent years [1]. Numerous remarkable AI- cancer as good as a professional doctor. The program uses a technique
biopharmaceutical alliance were declared in 2016-2017 that include known as deep learning for recognizing nearly 130,000 images of
Pfizer and IBM Watson, Sanofi Genzyme and Recursion moles, rashes, and lesions [6] which helps to identify skin cancer with
Pharmaceuticals, AstraZeneca, Abbvie, Merck, Novartis, GSK and great accuracy. Another example include scrutinize multiple high-risk
Exscientia, etc. patients using artificial intelligence. In this process, each patient is
The area of AI came to subsistence in 1956 at Dartmouth College asked several questions based on data assimilated from live
summer workshop, ‘The Dartmouth Summer Research Project on interactions between doctor and patient [7]. In December 2016, IBM
artificial Intelligence' which was the seminal event for artificial in collaboration with Pfizer introduced IBM Watson, a cloud-based
intelligence as a field [2,3]. During the 1970s, several biomedical AI- platform for drug discovery. It allows users to analyze personal data
based systems were developed, such as, Internist-1 [4], CASNET, PIP such as medical lab reports and helps researchers with the ability to
and MYCIN. In 1985, XCON was created which was the first system identify potential relationships between distinct data sets through
that had overwhelming commercial success leading to a million-dollar dynamic visualizations.
industry. In the early 1990s, the field of AI expanded in terms of IBM Watson, an artificial intelligence based computer created by
exponential growth in high-performance computing (Moore’s law), IBM, for answering queries presented in natural language. IBM
data communication (the internet), cloud technologies (Salesforce, Watson has defeated human intelligence to a certain extent and won
AWS, EC cloud, apps, etc.) and big data storage. In 1997, Deep Blue the quiz show Jeopardy against earlier champions, Brad Rutter and Ken
(IBM's supercomputer) defeated Garry Kasparov in chess, and that Jennings [8]. It has also successfully diagnosed a woman who was
brought AI into a limelight. Since then, the arena of AI is expanding suffering from leukemia [9]. In February 2013, IBM announced the
exponentially and investments in artificial intelligence for drug first commercial application of Watson software system that would be
discovery are rising. Sanofi has signed a 300 million dollars deal with for utilization management decisions in lung cancer treatment at
the Scottish AI start up. Exscentia and GSK did the deal for 42 million Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York City, in union
dollars. Also, the Silicon Valley VC firm Andreessen Horowitz hurled a with health insurance company WellPoint [10]. CNN stated one of the
450 million dollars bio investment fund, with one focus area in recent studies by surgeons at the Children's National Medical Center in
applications of AI to drug discovery. Washington who productively demonstrated surgery with an
AI has stimulating opportunities to flourish in the autonomous robot. The team supervised the robot while it performed
biopharmaceutical arena. The current AI initiatives by the top stitching together a pig’s bowel during open surgery in an effective
biopharmaceutical companies include (a) Mobile platform to improve manner as claimed by the monitoring team [11].
health outcomes-the ability to recommend patients by means of real- AI appears to be transforming the future of healthcare field but still
time data collection and thus improve patient outcomes. (b) it has to make an impactful outcome. At present, there are no AI-
Personalized medicine-the ability to evaluate big database of patient so inspired, FDA-approved drugs in the market. Also, it is vital to
as to recognize cure options using a cloud-based system. (c) comprehend that although AI-based data analytics can introduce
Acquisitions galore-New start-up companies are combining the novelty at every tier of drug discovery and development process, yet it
artificial intelligence and healthcare to nourish the innovation cannot serve as a replacement for experimental processes such as
requirements of large biotech firms. (d) Drug discovery-Pharma chemical synthesis, clinical trials, regulatory approvals and production
companies in conjunction with software companies are trying to stages. Nevertheless, AI can upgrade and expedite research and
implement the most cutting-edge technologies in the costly and development efforts, diminish the time and expense of early drug
extensive process of drug discovery. discovery, and support to predict potential toxicity risks/side effects at
late-stage trials that could be very valuable in avoiding dreadful events
in clinical trials.

J Pharmacovigil, an open access journal Volume 6 • Issue 2 • 1000e173

ISSN: 2329-6887
Citation: Agrawal P (2018) Artificial Intelligence in Drug Discovery and Development. J Pharmacovigil 6: e173. doi:10.4172/2329-6887.1000e173

Page 2 of 2

AI can provide radical ideas for medication and therapies through 4. Myers JD (1990) The background of INTERNIST-I and QMR. In: Bruce I,
data retrieved from genomics, proteomics and other life science Blum, Karen Duncan (eds) A History of Medical Informatics. pp:
disciplines that could bring advancement in the drug discovery and 427-433.
development process. The modern technological milieu in 5. Bass D (2016) Microsoft develops AI to help cancer doctors find the right
treatments. Bloomberg.
combination with existing machine learning algorithm/artificial neural
network techniques provides exhilarating opportunities for major 6. Gallagher J (2017) Artificial intelligence as good as cancer doctors. BBC
biopharmaceutical industrial revolution in the forthcoming years. The
requisiteness to start implementing AI technologies in the 7. Langen PA, Jeffrey SK, Gayle D (1994) Remote Monitoring of High-Risk
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biomedicines can be a breakthrough for the future market
8. Markoff J (2017) On 'Jeopardy' Watson win is all but trivial. The New
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9. Alfred NG (2017) IBM's Watson Gives Proper Diagnosis after Doctors
References Were Stumped.
10. Bruce U (2013) IBM's Watson Gets its First Piece of Business in
1. Kustrin AS, Beresford R (2000) Basic concepts of artificial neural network
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2. Solomonoff RJ (1985) The time scale of artificial intelligence: Reflections
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3. Moor J (2006) The Dartmouth college artificial intelligence conference:
The next fifty years. AI Magazine 27: 87-89.

J Pharmacovigil, an open access journal Volume 6 • Issue 2 • 1000e173

ISSN: 2329-6887

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