R.J. Steindl Sugar Research Institute, Mackay, Queensland, Australia
R.J. Steindl Sugar Research Institute, Mackay, Queensland, Australia
R.J. Steindl Sugar Research Institute, Mackay, Queensland, Australia
Sugar Research Institute, Mackay, Queensland, Australia
This paper reports on the development of the new generation SRI clarifier design through three
phases. The first phase involved investigations to model the juice flows in a SRI clarifier using the
CFD package FIDAP. Secondly, the model predictions were validated with factory trials on a
modified clarifier incorporating design modifications developed through application of the models.
The third phase involved the ongoing development of modified clarifier designs to eliminate
previously identified shortcomings with the standard SRI clarifier. Design studies have included an
examination of the feed distribution system and short-circuiting characteristics, of the existing feed
launder system. Several new generation clarifiers have been operational since the first prototype was
commissioned in late 1996. The benefits include significantly higher throughput rates, improved
standards of clarification and reduced sugar losses. The results represent a significant gain to the
Australian sugar industry, not only in clarification performance but also in reducing the cost for mill
throughput expansions.
fluid dynamics by using small baffles located at A major project was commenced in 1996 to
various sites within the compartment. validate the CFD model predictions with data from
factory trials on a modified clarifier. Bundaberg
Development of the new clarifier design Sugar Ltd made available a 5.5 m clarifier that was
Initial factory trials used only during periods when the cane supply con-
CFD models were used to examine the potential tained high levels of dirt and when the two 7.3 m
of a number of different and innovative approaches to clarifiers at the factory struggled to cope with the
changing the juice flows to use more effectively the high mud loading in the clarifier feed. Using current
available cross-sectional area within the clarifier. A sizing criteria, a 5.5 m clarifier in standard SRI con-
standard 10.4 m design processing 700 m3/h of juice figuration would have a notional maximum rating of
was modelled as a two-phase flow problem in an axi- 150 m3/h of secondary juice. When the design con-
symmetric geometry. The equations of the juice cept was incorporated into a CFD model of the 5.5 m
phase were the standard conservation equations of clarifier processing 150 m3/h of juice, the prediction,
fluid dynamics for momentum, mass, energy, turbu- as shown in Figure 3, indicated an opportunity for
lent kinetic energy, and turbulent dissipation. The improved clarification standards and the potential for
flow was assumed to be isothermal. A view of the a significant increase in throughput capacity. The
clarifier design and the section that was modelled are prediction illustrates the elimination of the high
given in Figure 1. velocity flow from the deflector towards the clarified
The model predictions are shown in the velocity juice launder (i.e. there are no clear areas indicating
vector plot of Figure 2. The maximum velocity flows greater than 10 d s ) and the absence of
shown in Figure 2 has been limited to 10 mmls to strong recirculating flows. The low flow velocity as
avoid congestion. This is twice the industry design the juice leaves the deflector will allow the floccu-
settling velocity of the mud particles (-5 d s ) . Thus lated mud particles to separate from the juice more
the clear regions in the feedwell and the two streams quickly than is the case in the standard design.
moving away from the bottom of the feedwell repre- When the modifications were incorporated into
sent juice flows with velocities higher than 10 mmls. the clarifier and validation trials undertaken, clarifi-
The dark areas either side of the clear areas show cation performance was at least equivalent and gener-
velocities close to but less than 10 d s . The short ally superior to the performance being achieved in an
lines (vectors) of which the picture is composed show adjacent clarifier of twice the cross-sectional area
the direction of the flow. handling the same juice throughput rate. Juice rates in
Concepts that were investigated using CFD excess of 300 m3/h (more than twice the notional
models included centre, intermediate and peripheral maximum design rate) were achieved through the
feed arrangements as well as options to remove clari- modified clarifier without any detectable deteriora-
fied juice. Fluid dynamic models of another concept tion in clarification performance.
demonstrated the potential to have a significant This new generation prototype performed
impact on the juice flows. extremely well throughout the 1997 crushing season
Fig. 1-A sectional view of a standard SRI clarifier with a single feed entry point. The section used in the CFD models is lightly shaded.
Steindl, R.J., Proc. Int. Soc. Sugar Cane Technol., 24: 80-85 2001
Mud-juice interface
Fig. 2-Velocity vector plot for juice flow in a standard 10.4 m SRI clarifier processing 700 m3/h. Vectors are not shown in regions where
the velocity exceeds 10 mmls.
Mud-juice interface
Fig. 3-Velocity vector plot for the 5.5 m clarifier processing 150 m3/h when the design concept is incorporated. Vectors are not shown
in regions where the velocity exceeds 10 mmls.
be significantly lower than the mean flow, thus Analysis of the trajectories of the flocculated mud
resulting in poor juice distribution. particles in the CFD models indicate that most mud
It was determined through preliminary factory flocs separate from the juice flow streams as the juice
trials that, to achieve a uniform feed distribution, it leaves the bottom of the feedwell. The magnitude of
was necessary to reduce the depth of the first slots the juice velocity in this region determines the final
either side of the feed chamber and then to succes- path of the settling flocs. At high feed rates, such as
sively position the base of the following slots in a pro- those shown in Figure 2, the high juice velocities can
gression down to the original level of the last slots. cause significant carryover of small (<2 mm) par-
A program was developed using open channel ticles with the clarified juice leaving the clarifier.
flow and weir calculations to predict the flow through Various deflector arrangements were modelled to
each slot of any feed launder design. To verify the determine the most effective method of dissipating
program design and the equations selected, data from the momentum. The constraint applying to the design
the preliminary factory trials were compared with the of any internal components is that all horizontal
calculated dimensions from the program. The calcu- surfaces have to be scraped to prevent accumulation
lated slot dimensions agreed to within k 1 mm of the of settled mud. A simple two-stage deflector arrange-
slats that provided the closest approach to uniform ment achieved the desired result.
feed distribution in the factory trials. Model predictions for a new generation clarifier
Subsequently options were considered for the design are shown in Figure 4 for the same clarifier
design of the feed slots that would achieve a closer size and feed conditions as applied to the predictions
approach to uniform juice feed distribution. The shown in Figure 2. The reductions in juice velocity
options included: and the improved use of the available cross-sectional
fixed width, variable depth slots; and area are demonstrated.
fixed depth, variable width slots.
Simulations for a range of flow rate conditions Implementation into Australian factories
indicated that the option of variable width, constant The new generation clarifier design was first incor-
depth produces a more uniform feed distribution. porated into existing clarifiers in 1998. Since the first
' It has also been noted that the flow of juice through release to the Australian sugar industry, 19 design
the feed slots can result in a high level of localised tur- specifications have been prepared for factories. In all
bulence as the juice cascades onto the surface of the cases where the modifications have been imple-
juke in the feedwell. This can cause break-up of mud mented, factory staff have reported the following
flocs, producing small fragments and releasing changes in clarification performance:
trapped bagacillo particles. As a consequence, the feed improved clarity of the clarified juice;
launder has been incorporated into the feedwell. This * higher throughputs coupled with higher stand-
has; eliminated both the problems with floc break-up ards of performance;
and other problems that have been reported for the improvements in those sugar quality parameters
s a ~ slots
d such as blockages of the return chute. directly affected by clarification performance;
Mud-juice interface
Figl. 4-Velocity vector plot for juice flow in a new generation 10.4 m SRI clarifier processing 700 m3/h. Vectors are not shown in regions
where the velocity exceeds 10 mm/s.
Steindl, R.J., Proc. Int. Soc. Sugar Cane Technol., 24: 80-88001
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Steindl. R.J.. Proc. Int. Soc. Sugar Cane Technol., 24: 80-85 2001
Este papel informa en el desarrollo de la nueva generaci6n el SRI clarificador planeado a travCs de
tres fases. La primera fase involucra las investigaciones para modelar 10s flujos de jug0 en un
clarificador de SRI que usa el CFD software FIDAP. En la segunda fase, las predicciones modeladas
se validaron con ensayos de fibrica en un clarificador modificado que incorporo las modificaciones
desarrolladas a travCs de la aplicaci6n de 10s modelos disefiados en la primera fase. La tercera fase
involucr6 el continuado desarrollo de clarificadoras modificadas, disefiadas para eliminar las
limitaciones previamente identificadas con el clarificador de SRI estindar. Los estudios para el
disefio han incluido un examen del sistema de distribuci6n de suministro de jug0 y el bypass del
sistema de clarificado existente. Varias nuevas generaciones de clarificadores han sido operacionales
desde que el primer prototipo fue comisionado a finales de 1996. Los beneficios incluyen un
significativo aumento en el ritmo de producci6n, normas mejoradas de clarificaci6n y las pCrdidas de
azdcar reducidas. Los resultados representan una ganancia significante a la industria de azdcar
australiana, no s610 en el rendimiento de la clarificaci6n peso tambiCn reduciendo el costo para las
expansiones de producci6n del ingenio.