He Wealth Tax Act
He Wealth Tax Act
He Wealth Tax Act
the Wealth Tax Act, 1957 was provided by the Parliament of India for collecting
the Wealth Tax from an individual, Hindu Undivided Family or Company.
Wealth Tax is also called the Capital Tax or Equity Tax. It is collected on a
person’s present financial position. The assets which are included in the
collection are cash, bank deposits, shares, fixed assets, personal cars, pensions
and owner-occupied house etc. The valuation date of the wealth tax is 31
March of every year.
GDP(Gross Domestic Product)- It is the most common way to find out the
wealth of the country. In this way, we can determine the wealth of the
individual through their net worth.
What are Assets and deemed assets?
According to Section 2(a) of the Wealth Tax Act, 1957 there are only six assets.
The assessee must be the owner of the assets on the last day of the financial
year(1st April to 31 March). In other words, it can also be possible that, if the
assessee holds the assets upto 364 days in the financial year and if he holds the
assets on the last day of the financial year, then it can be called as assets. The
type of assets which are explained in Section 5.
The types of assets are given below:
Urban land
Motor cars
Cash in hand
Yachts, boats and aircrafts
Deemed assets
According to Section 4 of the Wealth Tax Act, it is defined that the assessee of
the assets should not be the owner of such assets on the valuation date(31
March), he should transfer that assets to others.
There are 10 such deemed assets in this Act and these 10 deemed assets are
classified into two categories in the following:
Assessee wise deemed assets
Interest infirm
Transfer to spouse
Conversion by a member of HUF
Assets transferred under a revocable transfer
Gift by book
Impartible Estate
Minor’s wealth
Asset wise deemed assets
Building allotted by Housing;
Rights assume in the building by way of any agreement or settlement;
Possession of building by a contract under Section 53A of Transfer of Property
Act, 1882.
The assets which are exempted from Wealth Tax
Section 5 of The Wealth Tax Act, 1957 contributes some immunity in respect of
some specific assets. The valuation date of the wealth tax is 31 March of every
year. Wealth tax shall not be payable by an assessee in these types of following
assets and these assets shall not be included in the net wealth of the assessee:
Property controlled under any trust or charity
Residential building of the previous ruler
Previous ruler’s jewellery
A house of an individual or HUF
A person in a joint-heirship
Assets belonging to the Indian repatriates
Exemption for debt
Property controlled under any trust or charity
When the trust or the charity works on a business with reference to Section
10 and occupies any property, they will get the immunity under the Wealth Tax
Act, 1957.
Condition is that the business which they work for the trust should be for
charitable and religious purposes.
The work may be notified by the central government or publication of books or
printing of books etc.
Residential building of the previous ruler
If the building was made by the previous ruler and now, it is the residential
house of the present ruler then he will get the immunity for that one house
And if the present ruler made any building then he has to pay the tax for that
second house.
Previous ruler’s jewellery
Jewellery owned by the previous ruler which has been recognized by the
central government can get the immunity and no need of paying the wealth
A house of an individual or HUF
The exemption is available for one house and for the area not above 500 sq.
meters owned by an individual or HUF.
A person in a joint-heirship
If a person has an interest in HUF and he is also a member then he will get
immunity from The Wealth Tax Act, 1957.
Assets belonging to the Indian repatriates
When an Indian origin person returns to India after many years, the assets
which he brought from outside, to India are exempted from the Wealth Tax
and the exemption is only available for 7 assessment years.
Exemption for debt
A person who has one house and has taken it from a bank loan and the loan
instalments are also pending. He is actually the owning part of the house. Thus,
the person can claim the immunity for debt owned by him for a particular
asset and for the valuation date.
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What are the charges of the Wealth Tax?
Earlier the Wealth Tax was only for the collection of six non-productive assets
instead of taxing all the assets with some exemptions. The concept of charging
Wealth Tax on assets had a change in the year 1992. By these changes, it was
expected that the assessee would be forced to either make the assets
productive or dispose of the assets. The Wealth Tax is calculated on the market
value of the assets.
Some of the basics rules in the following:
Wealth Tax is collected from an individual, HUFs and Companies.
If the net wealth is up to 30 lacs then no tax is payable. Where the net wealth
exceeds 30 lacs, the wealth tax collection will be 1%.
There are no surcharges and an education cess in Wealth Tax.
Any charitable or religious trusts would be exempt from collecting the Wealth
For a member of HUF, the ancestor’s property of the HUF is also exempt
under Section 5 of The Wealth Tax Act, 1957.
Under Section 45 of the Wealth Tax Act, 1957, it is mentioned specifically that
the following individuals would get immunity from collecting the tax namely:
Mutual fund
Political party
Social club
A company having a licence under Section 25 of The Companies Act,1956
Reserve Bank of India
Under Section 64 of the Income Tax Act,1961 and as per Section 4 of the
Wealth Tax Act, 1957, the clubbing provisions would not be operated in case of
a minor married daughter.
Wealth tax authorities
The jurisdiction and authorities are defined under Section 8 of the Wealth Tax
Act, 1957 that, Section 16 of the Income Tax Act, 1961 provides the jurisdiction
to the authorities of the Wealth Tax for the exercise of the powers and execute
the functions towards any individual, HUF, or company and the jurisdiction will
be the same as per the Income Tax Act by the directions released
under Section 120 of The Income Tax Act and also by any other provision of
that Act.
For the execution of Section 8 of The Wealth Tax Act, 1957, the authority
having jurisdiction in relation to a person who is not an assessee according to
the Income Tax Act. Income Tax Act will be the Wealth Tax authority having
jurisdiction in regard to the area in which the person lives.
Offence and penalties
Penalty for late payment of Wealth Tax
If a person gets late for the payment of Wealth Tax, then the penalty of 1%
interest for every month of delay will be charged.
Non-payment of Wealth Tax
It will lead to a tax recovery process that the due which was the actual amount
is pending, that will be increased up to five times and in extreme cases, the
defaulter may also be imprisoned.
Case laws under The Wealth Tax Act, 1957
Case law– 1
Apollo Tyres limited Vs. The Assistant Commissioner of Kochi WTA.No.197 of
Here, the High Court of Kerala held that the assessee constantly completed the
construction of the four-storey building with basement and started adopting
within 2 years from the valuation date. The assessee never thought that the
construction of a four-storied building will complete within 2 years, which is
given in the explanation under the Wealth Tax Act. Keeping in mind the
immunity available to productive assets we feel, there is no particular scope
for collecting the tax during the period of construction of the productive asset,
namely, commercial buildings, by utilising the urban land.
In other words, once the non-productive assets like urban land are converted
to a productive asset like a building, which will qualify for the exemption, then
the assessee can start getting immunity even during the period of changing the
non-productive asset to productive asset.
Case law– 2
Hon’ble Punjab and Haryana High Court in the case of Siddhartha Enterprises
322 ITR 82 referred to the judgement of the Supreme Court’s case in the
Union of India Vs. Dharmendra Textile Processors & Ors. (2008) 219 CTR (SC)
617 : (2008) 306 ITR 277 (SC)
SC cannot be read as lying down that in every case when a detail of income is
wrong, the penalty must follow. What has been laid down is that the main
difference between criminal liability under Section 276C of the Income Tax Act
and the penalty under Section 271(1)(C) of the Income Tax Act had to be kept
in sense and arrive at the trial of a criminal case but need not be adopted while
going for the case of levying of penalty.
Even so, the concept of penalty has not undergone change by the quality of
the said judgement. The penalty is imposed only when there is some element
of intentional default and not a small mistake. This being the position, the
conclusion having been recorded on facts that the provision of wrong
particulars was simply a mistake and not a deliberate attempt to evade the tax,
the view taken by the Tribunal cannot be held to be difficult.
Difference between Income Tax and Wealth Tax
These are some important difference key points in the following:
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