Silabus Mata Kuliah/Bidang Ilmu: Program Diploma Pelayaran-UHT-Surabaya

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Revisi : R1
Tanggal Berlaku :
A. Identitas
1. Nama Matakuliah/Bidang Ilmu : Dinas Jaga Mesin, keselamatan dan prosedur Darurat (engineering watch,
2. Program Studi : Teknika
3. Fakultas : Program Diploma Pelayaran
4. Bobot : 1/1 SKS
5. Fungsi : Marine engineering at the operational level
6. Alokasi waktu total :

B. Unsur-unsur silabus

Kompetensi Capaian Pembelajaran Materi pokok Strategi Pembelajaran Alokasi waktu Referensi/acuan Evaluasi

1. Principles to be observer in 1. Accident Prevention on

Maintain a Safe Engineering Thorough knowledge of an engineering watch at sea 1. Lecture Board Ship at Sea and in 1. Tes tulis
Watch Principles to be observed and in port, STCW Code Ch 2. Discussion Port 2. Praktek
in keeping an VIII, section A-VIII/2 and 3. Demonstrate 2. Introduction to Marine
engineering watch B-VIII/2. Engineering
2. Standards/ regulations for 3. Watchkeeping Safety
watchkeeping in a national and Cargo Management
law if any in Port STCW
3. Ordinance and arrangements
of watchkeeping
Safety and emergency 4. Emergency in accordance
procedures; change-over with component of the
of remote/automatic to machinery
local control of all 5. Component / installation
systems contructing propulsion
6. Procedures with isolation of
the component/ installation
of major machinery
7. Procedures for recovery and
Safety precautions to be 8. Safety precautions tobe
observed during a watch observed during a watch and
and immediate actions to immediate actions to be
be taken in the event of taken
fire or accident, with
particular reference to oil

Program Diploma Pelayaran-UHT-Surabaya

Knowledge of engine- 9. Engine room resource
room resource management (ERM)
management principles,
1. Allocation,
assignment, and
prioritization of
1. Effective
3.Assertiveness and
4. Obtaining and
maintaining situational
5. Consideration of team

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Dosen Pengampu Ketua Jurusan Direktur

(...............................................................) Dr.Ir. Pudji Santoso,MM

Program Diploma Pelayaran-UHT-Surabaya

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