SLS 745 2004 Part 2
SLS 745 2004 Part 2
SLS 745 2004 Part 2
0 Foreword 3
1 Scope 4
2 Definitions 4
3 Information Required 6
4 Flow Estimation 8
5 Design 9
6 Materials and construction 25
7 Inspection and testing 27
8 Commissioning 29
9 Maintenance 30
Sri Lanka Standard
(First Revision)
This Sri Lanka Standard code of practice was approved by the Sectoral Committee on
Building and Construction Materials and was authorized for adoption and publication as a Sri
Lanka Standard by the Council of the Sri Lanka Standard Institution on 2008-…-… .
This Standard was first published in 1986. This is the first revision. This code of practice is
intended to serve as a guide for the design and construction of septic tanks and associated
effluent disposal systems in Sri Lanka. It is intended for use by consultants, designers,
manufacturers, certifying bodies, installers and regulators.
Since the original version of this code was published in 1986, many technological
advancements have been made in this field and several new technologies have emerged –
mainly for the treatment and disposal of septic tank effluent beyond traditional disposal of
effluent to ground via soakage pits. This code identifies technologies appropriate for most Sri
Lankan conditions and presents guidelines for their design and implementation. It is
presented in two parts. Part 1 (published in 2004) is a revision of the original code and deals
with small systems, disposing to ground. This is Part 2, which deals with larger systems as
well as those systems where ground disposal is not an option (such as in the case of high
ground water table or low soil percolation rate. It presents Anaerobic biofilters, Subsurface
flow constructed wetlands and gravel percolation beds as alternative post treatment
technologies for the treatment of septic tank effluent up to standards suitable for surface
discharge and/or onsite effluent reuse.
The maintenance of the treatment and disposal systems described in this code of practice as
per 9 is of paramount importance to their sustainable operation. Failure to adhere to the
recommended maintenance procedure may result in untimely malfunctioning of the system.
It should be noted that the design guidelines presented in this code have been developed for
optimal treatment efficiency and operation. No assurance is implied that following these
guidelines would result in effluent conforming to a particular effluent standard. Such
standards may include regulations under the National Environmental Act No 47 of 1980, and
any , and any regulations of the relevant local authority .It remains the responsibility of the
designer and the implementer to find out the regulations that govern their particular situation
and to ensure a design that conforms to any specific effluent standard that might be
The word “shall” has been used as an imperative in this code and conditions which are
preceded by “shall” are mandatory requirements, which must be complied with.
The word “may” has been used as a discretionary term in this code and conditions associated
with “may” are not compulsory requirements.
Pipe diameters specified in this code refer to the internal diameter of pipes.
In the preparation of this standard code of practice the assistance derived from the
publications of the British Standards Institution, Standards Australia and Standards New-
Zealand are gratefully acknowledged.
This standard does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a contract. Users are
responsible for its correct applications.
Compliance with a Sri Lanka Standard Code does not of itself confer immunity from
legal obligations.
This Code of practice covers the design, construction, testing and maintenance of septic tanks
for the disposal of domestic wastewater including allwaste, blackwater and greywater
systems. It also recommends guidelines for the selection, design, construction and
maintenance of systems for the on-site disposal of effluents from septic tanks. The disposal
systems recommended are soakage systems for the disposal of septic tank effluent below
ground (soakage pits, seepage trenches, and seepage beds), and anaerobic bio-filters,
constructed wetlands and percolation beds for the disposal of septic tank effluents above
ground, or for on-site effluent reuse.
Part 1 of this code deals with small systems (i.e. with an average daily flow of less than 5
m3/d) disposing to ground and Part 2 deals with systems disposing to surface, systems for on-
site effluent reuse and larger systems (i.e. with and average daily flow greater than 5 m3/d)
disposing to ground.
The following definitions shall apply for the purpose of this Code of Practice:
2.1 access opening : An opening on the top of the tank fitted with a removable cover to
allow access for desludging and other maintenance activity.
2.3 biological filter : A chamber filled with inert material (e.g. gravel, broken stones,
plastic, broken burnt clay tiles, etc.) which facilitates growth of biological film on the
material surfaces and treats septic tank effluent as it flows through the material.
2.4 blackwater : Waste discharged from the human body through toilets and urinals.
2.5 constructed wetland : A vegetated bed filled with gravel, broken stones or similar inert
material, in which wastewater is treated as it flows either horizontally or vertically through
the bed. Constructed wetlands are also commonly referred to as reed beds, planted gravel
filters and plant rock filters in literature.
2.6 desludging : The removal of accumulated scum and sludge from a septic tank.
2.7 domestic wastewater : Wastewater originating from household and personal activities
including toilets, baths showers sinks, kitchens and non-commercial laundries. This includes
such wastewater from homes, schools, shops, offices, hotels, etc., while specifically
excluding wastes from industrial processes.
2.8 effluent : The liquid discharged from a wastewater treatment unit (e.g. septic tank, bio-
filter, etc.).
2.9 freeboard : The height of the air space between the liquid level and the ceiling of a tank.
2.10 greywater: Domestic wastewater from baths, showers, washbasins, kitchens etc., other
than blackwater.
2.11 ground water table :The level below the ground surface at which groundwater is first
encountered during excavation.
2.13 inlet : The device through which influent is fed into a tank or treatment unit during
normal operation.
2.14 inspection port : An opening in the top of the tank which allows inspection of the
2.15 invert : The lowest point on the inside of a pipe or drain at a given cross section.
2.16 liquid depth : The distance between the liquid level and the inside bottom of a tank.
2.17 liquid level : The liquid level in a tank during normal operation of the tank.
2.18 outlet : The device through which effluent leaves a tank or treatment unit during
normal operation.
2.19 partition : An internal wall which separates compartments of a tank or treatment unit.
2.20 percolation bed : A bed of prepared inert (gravel, broken stones, sand or similar inert
material) contained within an impermeable liner or chamber. Wastewater is treated while
percolating through the bed from top to bottom and treated effluent is collected from the
2.21 scum : The floating mass of solids which form an accumulating layer on the liquid
surface inside a septic tank.
2.22 seepage bed : A bed of prepared aggregate (i.e. gravel, broken stones or similar inert
material) through which effluent is allowed to seep into the ground.
2.23 seepage trench : A trench filled with prepared aggregate (i.e. gravel, broken stones or
similar inert material) through which effluent is allowed to seep into the ground.
2.24 septic tank : A single or multiple-chambered tank in which wastewater is retained
sufficiently long to permit separation of solid particles and partial digestion of accumulated
2.25 serviceable life : The period of time in which a unit performs satisfactorily with only
normal and routine maintenance.
2.26 sewage: Any wastewater, including all faecal matter, urine, household and commercial
wastewater that contains human waste.
2.28 soakage pit : A pit from which septic tank effluent is allowed to seep into the
surrounding soil.
2.29 vent: A device – usually a pipe – which allows gases to escape from a wastewater
treatment unit.
2.30 wastewater : The spent or used water of domestic or commercial origin which contains
dissolved and suspended matter.
2.31 working capacity : The liquid volume of wastewater that would be contained in a tank
during normal use.
NOTE : Septic tank alone, does not constitute a complete effluent treatment.
Prior to proceeding with the design, the following information shall be gathered. Accurate
site information and assessment is vital to avoid failure of septic tank systems.
The intended and/or current use of the building shall be identified (e.g. individual home,
shop, office building, etc.). Possible future uses, which could differ from the current use,
should also be identified, as usually, septic tanks are not refitted when buildings undergo
change of usage.
The maximum number of users who would reasonably be expected to use the building and
facilities on a daily basis shall be estimated as accurately as possible. It should be noted that
septic tank systems shall be designed for the maximum and not the average number of daily
users. In the case of separate dwelling units, the number of estimated users shall be at least 5.
In the case of commercial buildings, the number of each type of users such as residents, day-
time users, visitors, customers, service staff etc. shall be determined.
3.3 Site plan
A site plan and layout of the building/s and facilities shall be obtained. The plan should show
all relevant details such as building outlines, location of water sumps, wells, property
boundaries, street lines, etc.
The natural drainage features of the site shall be assessed, either by means of a contour plan
of the site or by visual assessment or both. Storm water drainage paths should be identified.
The highest seasonal level of the local groundwater table shall be determined. This could be
done either by observing water levels in wells on the site or in the immediate vicinity, or by
digging trial pits to determine the location of the groundwater table. Information on seasonal
variation of the local groundwater table can often be obtained by interviewing residents in the
The soil shall be explored to sufficient depth to ascertain the soil types, grading structure,
stability and permeability. Where soakage of effluent is being considered, a percolation test
shall be carried out as described in Appendix A.
3.6 Elevations
Invert elevations of all wastewater outlets from the building shall be determined, together
with any external factors which might affect the invert elevation of the inlet to the septic tank.
In cases where treated effluent is to be discharged to the surface, the elevations of potential
discharge points shall be determined.
The locations and size of any existing soakage pits in the vicinity shall be noted.
The maintenance capability of the potential users or owners of the facility should be assessed.
Septic systems frequently fail due to inadequate or inappropriate maintenance and ignorance
of users.
Potential options for effluent disposal shall be explored with the consultation of the users and/or
developers. As stated in the foreword it remains the responsibility of the designer and the implementer
to find out the regulations that govern their particular situation and to ensure a design that conforms to
any specific effluent standard that might be applicable. Potential for effluent reuse for uses such as
gardening, irrigation, toilet-flushing, and landscaping shall be evaluated. Significant savings in
freshwater consumption could be achieved through on-site effluent reuse.
3.10 Neighbourhood land use and environment
The land use and local environmental conditions in the immediate neighbourhood of the site
shall be investigated and relevant details noted (e.g. Are there drinking water wells in the
immediate vicinity? Are any streams used for drinking / bathing downstream? What is the
condition of the roadside drains? etc.).
The average daily flow of wastewater to the system shall be estimated as accurately as
possible. In the absence of more accurate information, the flow shall be estimated for each
category of user by multiplying the maximum number of users in each category by the
respective per capita daily flows. The average daily flow is the summation of the flows of all
the contributory user categories.
The per capita daily flow for each category of user is given in Table 1 below.
Example computations of average daily flow based on Table 1 are given in Appendix B.
a) In the past, the indiscriminate use of soakage pits for the disposal of septic tank effluent
without due consideration to local site conditions has resulted in the failure of a large number
of septic tank systems. The proper selection of an appropriate effluent disposal process is
essential to the satisfactory functioning of a septic tank.
b) This code of practice recommends the use of seepage beds, seepage trenches, anaerobic
biofilters, constructed wetlands and percolation beds as alternatives to soakage pits for the
disposal of septic tank effluent.
c) In Sri Lanka, the following configurations are suggested as most likely options for the
disposal of septic tank effluent, and should be considered prior to making a selection. The
final selection should be based on a combination of technical, financial and regulatory
considerations and the preferred option of disposal (i.e. reuse for non potable and non contact
uses, disposal to ground, drain etc.). The technical considerations governing the applicability
of the different technologies is given in the subsections “applicability” under each separate
category heading later in this document.
NOTE : Care should be taken in reusing treated effluent as it may cause health hazard due
to presence of disease causing micro organisms.
5. Septic Tank Secondary Constructed Wetland (unlined) Surface water and/or Ground
6. Septic Tank Secondary Constructed Wetland (lined) Surface water and /or ground
9. Septic Tank Biofilter Tertiary Constructed Wetland (lined) Reuse and/or surface
water and/or ground
10. Septic Tank Biofilter Percolation Bed Reuse and/or surface water and/or ground.
NOTE : The options listed above are ones which are most likely to be suitable for Sri Lankan
conditions in general. Other options deemed more suitable for specific cases may be considered,
provided they are designed comprehensively on a case-by-case basis.
5.2.1 General
a) The main function of a septic tank is to separate, retain and partially digest, settleable and
floatable solids in wastewater. The working capacity of a septic tank shall be sufficient for all
these functions to occur.
b) Septic tanks shall be water-tight, with sufficient structural strength and integrity to
withstand external soil pressures, internal and external water pressures and any likely
imposed loading. Septic tanks situated under driveways and parking areas shall be designed
to carry the appropriate vehicle loads.
5.2.2 Location
a) Septic tanks shall be located in an open area wherever possible. However they may be
located under car parks, driveways, terraces etc., in order to save space, provided due
consideration is given to the structural integrity of the tank and adjacent features.
b) Sufficient preferable access to the tank shall be available for inspection and desludging
a) The preferred geometry of a septic tank is rectangular, with length between 2 to 4 times
the width. Tanks of other shapes such as circular section (with axis either horizontal or
vertical) may be used provided the area of the water surface in the tank during normal
operation is sufficient to ensure proper solids separation.
b) In the absence of detailed analysis, the minimum surface area requirement may be
estimated empirically as follows.
c) In the case of multi-compartment tanks the compartments shall be of unequal size to avoid
mass oscillations of liquid in the tank.
5.2.4 Dimensions
a) The working capacity of the septic tank shall be estimated as described in Appendix C.
b) In any event the working capacity of a single tank shall always be greater than 1m3 and
less than 12 m3.
c) Where the required working capacity exceeds 12 m3, parallel sets of tanks shall be used
such that the working capacity of each is less than 12 m3.
a) Tee fittings, elbows or baffles shall be provided at the inlet and outlet.
b) The inlet fitting shall extend a minimum of 20 per cent of the liquid depth below the liquid
c) The outlet fitting shall extend a minimum of 300 mm below the liquid level of the tank.
d) The invert of the outlet pipe shall be at least 50 mm below the invert of the inlet pipe.
a) One or more access openings shall be provided for inspection and desludging.
b) Openings maybe circular, square or rectangular. Circular access openings shall be at least
500 mm in diameter. Square or rectangular openings shall have a minimum minor dimension
of 500 mm.
c) Openings shall be provided with a suitable cover to prevent the ingress of surface and
ground water into the tank.
5.2.7 Freeboard
a) A minimum of 200 mm freeboard shall be provided between the liquid level and the
highest point on the ceiling of the tank.
b) The air space thus provided shall have a volume equivalent to at least 10 percent of the
total tank volume.
In the case of multiple compartment tanks, chamber partitions shall have one or more
openings, of total area greater than the area of the inlet to the tank, at a height between
30 – 70 percent of liquid depth from the bottom of the tank. The minimum dimension of an
opening shall be 100 mm.
b) A vent pipe of minimum 25 mm diameter shall be provided extending outside the tank to
a height sufficient to avoid odour nuisance.
c) The pipe shall be covered with a suitable mosquito proof mesh at the top.
d) A single vent pipe is sufficient, provided the air space in each chamber of the tank is
interconnected with another through an opening of minimum 25 mm diameter. If not,
multiple vent pipes shall be provided to ensure each chamber of the tank is vented.
5.3.1 General
Soakage pits are used to soak septic tank effluent into the surrounding soil. They do not
provide any direct treatment and are based on the principle that the effluent gets treated as it
moves through the surrounding soil before entering the groundwater table or other water
5.3.2 Applicability
Soakage pits shall be applicable only in areas where the seasonal high groundwater table is
greater than 2.5 m below the ground surface and the soil percolation rate is between 25 and
125 mm/hr.
5.3.3 Location
a) Soakage pits shall be located in an open area and satisfy the following requirements.
At least 18m away from the nearest well or other drinking water source.
At least 5 m away from the nearest building.
A minimum distance from other soakage pits, either existing or proposed, within or
outside the property shall be maintained as specified in Table 2 below.
TABLE 2 - Minimum distance between soakage pits.
Average daily flow Minimum distance between soakage pits
(m3/d) (m)
<2 10
2–5 15
5 - 10 20
10 – 30 36
NOTE: In the case of soakage pits with flows differing from each other the spacing
requirement shall be that required for the pit receiving the highest flow.
5.3.4 Geometry
Soakage pits are usually circular or square in plan, although other regular shapes may be
5.3.5 Dimensions
a) Soakage pits shall be sized to provide sufficient effective area for the absorption of the
average daily flow.
b) The effective area of a soakage pit shall be the area of the side walls lying between a
level 150 mm below the invert of the inlet pipe and the bottom of the pit.
c) The required effective area shall be determined by multiplying the appropriate specific
effective area given in Table 3 by the average daily flow.
TABLE 3 - Specific effective areas for soakage pits.
Specific effective area
Percolation Rate mm/hr
(m2 / m3 per day)
d) No single soakage pit shall be designed for an average daily flow greater than 30
e) Multiple soakage pits may be used in parallel, provided the spacing requirements specified
in Table 2 are satisfied.
f) The minor dimension of a soakage pit (in plan) shall be greater than 900 mm and the
major dimension less than 3 m.
g) The depth of the soakage pit shall be such that a minimum distance is maintained between
the bottom of the pit and the highest seasonal groundwater table (GWT) according to the
values given in Table 4 below.
TABLE 4 - Minimum depth to groundwater table from bottom of soakage pit.
h) If a rock layer exists below the soakage pit, a similar minimum distance to the rock layer
from the bottom of the pit shall be maintained.
5.3.6 Cover
a) Soakage pits shall be provided with a suitable permanent cover that prevents the ingress of
surface water, insects and rodents into the pit.
b) The cover shall be fixed in place and capable of withstanding reasonable imposed loads.
5.4.1 General
a) Seepage beds are used to soak septic tank effluent into the surrounding soil in situations
where soakage pits are not applicable. They provide some partial treatment of the septic tank
effluent prior to soil absorption.
b) A Seepage bed is a bed of prepared aggregate, usually sand, gravel or other inert media,
through which the effluent percolates prior to soaking into the soil. Septic tank effluent is
applied to the bed through perforated distributor pipes laid at intervals along the bed.
c) Seepage beds may be either gravity fed or pressure dosed at intervals using an automated
pump and sump arrangement.
5.4.2 Applicability
Seepage beds shall be applicable only in areas where the seasonal high groundwater table is
greater than 1.5 m below the surface, the soil percolation rate is between 25 and 250 mm/hr.,
and the ground slope is less than 5 percent.
5.4.3 Location
Seepage beds shall be located in an open area and satisfy the following requirements:
a) At least 18 m away from the nearest well or other drinking water source
b) At least 5 m away from the nearest building
c) At least 5 m away from the nearest soakage pit
d) At least 1 m away from the nearest seepage bed or trench
5.4.4 Geometry
Seepage beds are usually rectangular but maybe of any convenient shape in plan.
5.4.5 Dimensions
a) Seepage beds shall be sized to provide sufficient effective area for the absorption of the
average daily flow.
b) The effective area of a seepage bed shall be the area of the bottom of the bed.
c) The required effective area shall be determined by multiplying the appropriate specific
effective area given in Table 5 by the average daily flow.
NOTE : The specific effective area for seepage beds and trenches differs from that of
soakage pits. This is due to differences in clogging characteristics and corresponding safety
TABLE 5 - Specific effective areas for seepage beds and seepage trenches
Percolation rate Specific effective area
(mm/hr) (m2 / m3 per day)
25 50
50 25
75 17
100 12.5
125 10
150 8.3
175 7.1
200 6.25
225 5.6
250 5.0
d) Minimum, maximum and typical values of bed dimensions are given in Table 6 below
5.4.6 Aggregate
a) Coarse sand, gravel, stone chips or any other suitable inert material, which is insoluble in
water and resistant to the corrosive nature of septic tank effluent, may be used as aggregate.
b) The depth of aggregate in the bed shall be greater than 300 mm and less than 600 mm.
c) The nominal aggregate size shall be greater than 20 mm and less than 40 mm.
a) A minimum depth of 100 mm of topsoil shall be provided above the bed as a soil cover.
b) An effective soil barrier such as a reverse filter arrangement, filter cloth or polyethylene
liner shall be provided between the soil cover layer and the aggregate layer in the bed to
prevent infiltration of soil into the bed.
c) The soil cover may be turfed or vegetated with shallow rooted plants.
b) Perforations in pipes shall be between 10 –15 mm diameter with a total area of 10,000
mm2 / m length of pipe.
c) The spacing between adjacent pipes in a bed shall be between 300 mm minimum and 2000
mm maximum.
b) The volume of a single dose shall always be less than the sum of the volume within the
distribution system plus one fifth the bed volume.
5.5.1 General
Seepage trenches are similar to seepage beds except that they are suitable for sloping ground
where the ground slope is less than 25 percent.
5.5.2 Applicability
Seepage trenches shall be applicable only in areas where the seasonal high groundwater
table is greater than 1.5 m below the surface, the soil percolation rate is between 25 and
250 mm/hr., and the ground slope is less than 25 percent across trenches and less than
5 percent along trenches.
5.5.3 Location
Seepage trenches shall be located in an area that satisfies the following requirements.
a) At least 18 m away from the nearest well or other drinking water source.
b) At least 5 m away from the nearest building.
c) At least 5 m away from the nearest soakage pit.
d) At least 1 m away from the nearest seepage bed or trench.
5.5.4 Geometry
5.5.5 Dimensions
a) Seepage trenches shall be sized to provide sufficient effective area for the absorption of
the average daily flow.
b) The effective area of a seepage trench shall be the area of the trench bottom.
c) The required effective area shall be determined by multiplying the appropriate specific
effective area given in Table 5 by the average daily flow.
d) Minimum, maximum and typical values of trench dimensions are given in Table 7 below.
TABLE 7 - Typical dimensions of seepage trenches.
Trench dimension Typical Range Maximum Minimum
(mm) (mm) (mm)
Width 300-600 600 300
5.5.6 Aggregate
a) Coarse Sand, gravel, stone chips or any other suitable inert material, which is insoluble in
water and resistant to the corrosive nature of septic tank effluent, may be used as aggregate.
b) The depth of aggregate in the trench shall be greater than 300 mm and less than 600 mm.
c) The nominal aggregate size shall be greater than 20 mm and less than 40 mm.
a) A minimum depth of 100 mm of topsoil shall be provided above the trench as a soil cover.
b) An effective soil barrier such as a reverse filter arrangement, filter cloth or polyethylene
liner shall be provided between the soil cover layer and the aggregate layer in the trench to
prevent infiltration of soil into the trench.
c) The soil cover may be turfed or vegetated with shallow rooted plants.
5.5.8 Distribution pipes
b) Perforations in pipes shall be between 10 –15 mm diameter with a total area of 10,000
mm2 per metre length.
5.6 Biofilters
5.6.1 General
a) Biofilters may be used to treat septic tank effluent for discharge to surface drains or as a
secondary treatment step prior to further treatment and effluent reuse.
b) This code recommends the use of upflow anaerobic filters for the secondary treatment of
septic tank effluent. This is due to their robust reliability and low-maintenance requirements.
c) Aerobic biofilters may be used provided special provisions are made for the regular
disposal of secondary sludge produced by the aerobic process. The design of such systems is
outside the scope of this code and they should be done on a case-by-case basis by a
competent environmental professional.
d) Anaerobic filters shall be contained within tanks which are water-tight and structurally
capable of withstanding internal and external water pressures and external soil pressure (in
the case of buried tanks) together with any anticipated imposed loads.
5.6.2 Applicability
a) Anaerobic biofilters may be used wherever septic tanks are used and further treatment of
septic tank effluent is required provided the soil is capable of bearing the weight of the filter.
b) Where discharging directly to a drain, the drain shall be of sufficient size and capacity to
carry the discharge flow without stagnation of effluent in the vicinity.
5.6.3 Location
Anaerobic biofilters may be located above or below ground and may be buried under car
parks, driveways, terraces etc., provided due consideration is given to the structural integrity
of the filter tank and other adjacent features.
5.6.4 Geometry
a) Anaerobic biofilters are usually rectangular in plan. However other shapes (e.g. circular,
square etc.) may be used provided adequate distribution of flow across the filter is achieved.
5.6.5 Dimensions
a) Anaerobic filters shall be sized based on design hydraulic retention time (HRT), where
HRT (days) = Volume of filter bed (m3) / Average daily flow (m3/d).
b) The minimum design HRT shall be 0.6 days and the maximum shall be 1.5 days.
c) For filters in series, the total HRT of all the filters in series may exceed 1.5 days provided
the HRT of each individual filter in the series is between 0.6 days and 1.5 days.
d) For filters discharging directly to surface drains, an HRT greater than 1 day is
e) The surface area (plan area) of an anaerobic filter shall be such that the surface loading
rate is less than 2.8 m/day, where
a) Gravel, crushed stone, plastic or any other suitably inert material may be used provided it
is insoluble in water and resistant to the corrosive nature of septic tank effluent and the
anaerobic environment within the filter.
c) The material shall have an overall minimum ratio of 35 percent of total void space to bulk
volume. i.e.
d) The height of the filter bed shall be between 0.6 m and 1.8 m. Bed heights in excess of
1.8 m may be used in the case of plastic or similar material which is lighter than water (i.e.
density < 1000 kg/m3).
5.6.7 Flow distribution
a) A suitable arrangement shall be made to ensure adequate distribution of flow across the
filter bed.
b) A perforated filter floor, perforated distributor pipes or purpose designed distributor heads
may be used for flow distribution. Perforations shall be at least 10 mm diameter.
c) In the case of a perforated filter floor, a minimum clearance of 200 mm shall be provided
between the bottom of the tank and the filter floor.
c) The invert of the outlet shall be at least 50 mm below the invert of the inlet.
d) A tee, elbow or baffle fitting shall be provided at the outlet to prevent scum carry out from
the filter.
e) Where plastic or other buoyant media is used, appropriate provisions shall be made to
prevent material from washing out through the outlet pipe.
a) One or more access openings shall be provided at the discretion of the designer.
b) Openings maybe circular, square or rectangular. Circular access openings shall be at least
500 mm in diameter. Square or rectangular openings shall have a minimum minor
dimension of 500 mm.
c) Openings shall be provided with a suitable cover to prevent the ingress of surface and
ground water into the tank.
d) In the case of anaerobic filters to be built as an integral part of a septic tank unit, an access
opening of the septic tank may satisfy this requirement, provided the maintenance activity
described in clause 9.2 could be performed effectively through this access opening.
5.6.10 Freeboard
A minimum freeboard of 200 mm shall be provided between the liquid level and the tank
a) The filter chamber shall be properly vented. A vent pipe of minimum 25 mm diameter
shall be provided with a suitable mosquito proof mesh at the top for this purpose.
c) Where a separate inlet chamber is used the inlet chamber shall be vented as well. A single
vent pipe is sufficient provided a contiguous volume of air exists above all the chambers in
the tank. If not, multiple vent pipes shall be provided to ensure each chamber of the tank is
5.7.1 General
b) This code specifies the exclusive use of subsurface flow constructed wetlands, (i.e. where
the entire flow occurs below the surface of the wetland bed) in order to avoid breeding of
mosquitoes, flies etc.
c) The flow in the beds may be horizontal, vertical or a combination of both (mixed flow).
d) Wetland beds shall be contained within impermeable sidewalls which are capable of
withstanding internal and external water pressures, external soil pressure and any other
reasonable load.
e) The wetland bed shall be lined with an impermeable lining along the wetted perimeter of
the bed section including the bottom and sides. In unlined constructed wetlands only, the
bottom shall be left unlined.
f) Constructed wetlands may be either gravity fed or pressure dosed at intervals using a sump
and pump arrangement.
A typical horizontal flow wetland arrangement is shown in Appendix I and a typical vertical
flow wetland arrangement is shown in Appendix J.
5.7.2 Applicability
a) Constructed wetlands are applicable for the treatment of septic tank or anaerobic filter
effluent wherever sufficient space is available. However, constructed wetlands require a
minimum level of regular maintenance to maintain the vegetation in the beds. Therefore
discretionary judgement shall be used in applying them only to situations where such a level
of maintenance activity by the users of the system may be considered likely.
b) Unlined constructed wetlands shall be applicable only where the seasonal high
groundwater table is below the bottom of the bed in the case of vertical flow beds and greater
than 1 m below the bottom of the bed in the case of horizontal flow beds.
5.7.3 Location
Constructed wetlands shall be located in an open area at least 2 m away from the nearest
5.7.4 Geometry
b) Vertical and mixed flow wetlands may be of any convenient shape in plan, provided
adequate distribution of flow over the bed is achieved.
5.7.5 Dimensions
a) The surface area (plan area) of a constructed wetland shall be such that the minimum
specific area requirements in Table 8 are satisfied where,
Specific area (m2/m3.d) = plan area of bed (m2)/ average daily flow (m3/d)
TABLE 8 - Minimum specific areas for constructed wetlands
Wetland type Minimum specific area
(m2 / m3 .day )
Horizontal flow – secondary 1.8
Horizontal flow – tertiary 0.6
Vertical flow – secondary 2.5
Vertical flow – tertiary 0.9
1. Secondary implies wetlands receiving septic tank effluent directly and tertiary implies
wetlands receiving septic tank effluent which has already been treated in a biofilter or
secondary wetland.
2. For wetlands treating only kitchen wastewater from hotels and restaurants a value of 4.5
m2/m3.d shall apply for vertical flow tertiary wetlands and a value of 3 m2/m3.d shall apply
for horizontal flow tertiary wetlands. Secondary wetlands are not recommended for this case.
c) For horizontal flow wetlands, the maximum length of a bed shall be 12 m, and the width
shall be between 1.0 m and 2.5 m.
d) The maximum water level in the bed shall be at least 50 mm below the bed surface.
5.7.6 Aggregate
a) Sand, gravel, stone chips or any other suitable inert material which is insoluble in water
and resistant to the corrosive nature of septic tank effluent may be used as aggregate.
b) The minimum depth of aggregate in the bed shall be 600 mm.
b) Any plant may be used to vegetate constructed wetlands, provided they have a dispersed
root structure and the roots are not likely to damage the bed liner or side walls.
c) Some suggested plant species may be common Reed (Phragmites spp.), Sedges (Scirpus
spp.), Bullrush (Thypa spp.), Dwarf Bamboo, Ornamental Herbaceous Plants (Cannas spp.,
Coleus spp.)
d) Plants with deep tap roots or roots that form large tubers, yams and the like shall not be
used for wetland vegetation.
a) Any suitable inlet arrangement may be used provided adequate distribution of flow across
the bed is achieved.
b) The outlet arrangement shall be such that the maximum water level in the bed does not
exceed that specified in 5.7.5 above.
5.7.9 Freeboard
A minimum freeboard of 100 mm shall be provided above the aggregate surface in the bed.
b) The volume of a single dose shall always be less than the sum of the volume within the
distribution system plus one fifth the bed volume.
5.8.1 General
a) Percolation beds may be used as a tertiary treatment step for treatment of anaerobic filter
effluent or secondary constructed wetland effluent prior to reuse of effluent for toilet-
flushing, gardening, landscaping etc. or discharge to a surface water body.
b) Percolation beds shall be lined on the bottom and sides with an impermeable liner.
5.8.2 Applicability
Percolation beds are applicable in cases where tertiary treatment of septic tank effluent is
required and constructed wetlands cannot be used for the purpose.
5.8.3 Location
Percolation beds may be located below ground under car parks, garages, driveways, terraces,
5.8.4 Geometry
Percolation beds are usually rectangular in plan. However other shapes may be used provided
adequate distribution of flow over the bed is achieved.
5.8.5 Dimensions
Sizing of percolation beds shall based on minimum specific area of 1.2 m2/m3.d. where,
Specific area (m2/m3.d) = plan area of bed (m2)/ average daily flow (m3/d)
5.8.6 Aggregate
a) Sand, gravel, stone chips or any other suitable inert material which is insoluble in water
and resistant to the corrosive nature of septic tank effluent may be used as aggregate.
a) The inlet to the percolation bed shall have a minimum diameter of 50 mm.
b) The influent shall be distributed over the bed through perforated distributor pipes.
d) The effluent from the bed shall be collected through a system of under drains or perforated
collector pipes.
5.8.8 Draft tubes
a) A series of horizontal perforated draft tubes shall be provided at intervals not exceeding
1.5 m along the bed to ventilate the bed.
b) The draft tubes shall be connected to a pipe of minimum 25 mm diameter extending above
the ground surface in a manner which allows air to enter the draft tubes.
a) A minimum depth of 100 mm of soil backfill shall be provided above the bed.
b) An effective soil barrier such as a reverse filter arrangement, filter cloth, appropriate
geotextile or polyethylene liner shall be provided at the base of this soil layer to prevent
infiltration of soil into the bed.
The volume of a single dose shall always be less than the sum of the volume within the distribution
system plus one fifth of the bed volume.
6.1 Tanks
a) Septic tanks and anaerobic biofilters may be constructed in-situ in reinforced concrete,
lined brick masonry or lined cement block masonry. Alternatively, they may be pre-cast in
reinforced concrete, steel, glass fibre or Polyethylene.
b) Brick masonry shall not be used in situations where the tank would be either wholly or
partly below the seasonal high groundwater table. However, cement block masonry maybe
used in such cases.
c) Materials used in the construction of tanks, such as cement, reinforcing steel, aggregate,
etc., shall conform to the relevant Sri Lanka Standards where applicable.
The walls of soakage pits shall be constructed with open jointed brick or open jointed cement
block masonry or perforated concrete and left unlined in the main. However, walls shall be
lined and made impervious up to an appropriate distance from the top of the soakage pit in
order to prevent ingress of surface water into the pit, where necessary.
6.3 Aggregate media
Aggregate media in anaerobic filters, seepage beds, seepage trenches, constructed wetlands
and percolation beds shall be immersed in water and washed, free of fines and debris prior to
placing in the beds.
a) Where a minimum size of aggregate has been specified, all aggregate shall be sieved
through a sieve with the appropriate mesh size and only aggregate retained in the sieve shall
be used.
b) Due care shall be taken when placing aggregate to avoid damage to sidewalls, trench / bed
bottoms, liners and pipework.
6.4 Excavation
Excavation for seepage beds and trenches shall be done with due care to avoid damaging
and / or compacting the surrounding soil.
Smearing – where the soil surface is smoothed, filling cracks and pores.
Compacting – where the soil porosity is reduced.
Puddling – where washed clay settles on the base of the trench / bed.
The following guidelines shall be followed for excavation of seepage beds and trenches to
reduce the risk of damage to the soil.
b) During wet seasons or when construction cannot be delayed until weather becomes fine,
smeared soil surfaces shall be raked carefully with a fine-tined rake to restore a more natural
soil surface. Care shall be taken to rake only at the surface.
c) Avoid excavation when soil has a moisture content above the plastic limit. If the soil forms
a “wire” when rolled between the palms, it is generally above the plastic limit.
d) When excavating by machine, use a bucket with “raker teeth” and excavate in small
“bites” to minimize compaction.
e) Avoid compaction by keeping people off the finished trench or bed floor.
f) If rain is likely, cover any open trenches to protect them from rain damage.
6.5 Liners
a) Two layers of type 1000 polyethylene sheets or appropriate geotextile may be used
wherever impermeable liners are specified in this code.
1. by placing the two ends of adjacent sheets together and folding over repeatedly 3 – 4
times to form a neat ‘hem’ of at least 50 mm width:
d) The bottom and sides of the bed to be lined shall be cut to grade, and cleared of all debris,
stones and plant roots which may damage or puncture the liner.
e) The liner shall be laid on a layer of sand, of minimum 25 mm thickness, placed on the
bottom of the bed or trench. A similar layer of sand shall be placed on top of the liner prior to
placing aggregate in the bed.
6.6 Pipework
All pipes, fittings, sealers and solvents used shall conform to the relevant Sri Lanka Standards
where applicable and installed according to the manufacturers’ recommendations.
All systems shall be inspected for structural defects, defects in construction and conformity
with the design specifications prior to commissioning. All such defects detected shall be
repaired and rectified such that the original requirements have been satisfied prior to
commissioning the system.
All septic tanks and biofilter tanks shall be tested for water-tightness and leaks as follows.
Step 1.
Once construction and installation has been completed, empty any water in the tank and clean
the tank, making sure to clear the tank bottom of any construction debris, mud, clay, sand etc.
and brush the tank walls and bottom thoroughly with a stiff bristled brush. Close the tank and
let it stand for 24 hours.
Step 2
Inspect the tank walls and bottom for any signs of water leaking in. If evidence of leaks exist,
repair as necessary and repeat steps 1 and 2 prior to proceeding to step 3.
Step 3
Fill all chambers of the tank up to the liquid level and let it stand for 24 hours.
Step 4
Check for any drop in water level. If there is a drop in water level, top up to the liquid level
and re-check after a further 24 hours. If the drop in level persists, empty the tank and repair or
replace as necessary and repeat steps 3 and 4.
All multiple chambered septic tanks and biofilter tanks shall be subject to the following test
after satisfying the water tightness test in 7.1 above.
Step 1
Fill one side only of each partition wall with water up to the level of the lowest opening in the
partition wall. Keep the other side empty. And let stand for 24 hours.
Step 2
Inspect the partition wall for cracks or other structural damage. If water has leaked to the
other side, the depth of such water shall be less than 250 mm.
All biofilters shall be tested as follows after checking for watertightness according to 7.1.
Step 1
The filter shall be filled with water up to the liquid level and a continuous flow of clean water
shall be applied to the inlet of the biofilter tank. The flow rate applied shall be six times the
average daily flow to the filter.
For combined septic tank-filter units, the flow shall be applied to the septic tank inlet or the
first compartment of the septic tank. For biofilters with separate inlet chambers the flow may
be applied directly to the inlet chamber.
Step 2
The flow shall be sustained continuously for a period of 30 minutes after the full flow appears
from the outlet of the filter.
During the 30-minute test period, the water level in all chambers of the tank shall be below
the invert level of the inlet to the tank. At the end of the test, filter media shall not be
permanently displaced or dislodged from the bed.
a) All pressure dosed seepage beds, seepage trenches, constructed wetlands and percolation
beds shall be tested as follows after all on-site components, including the pump, float
switches etc., have been installed, but prior to covering the effluent distribution system in the
trench or bed.
b) Fill the sump with water up to the ‘pump on’ level, start the pump and allow to run until
the level in the sump drops to the ‘pump off’ level.
c) Check effluent distributor network and ensure water flows uniformly from all perforations.
b) The applied flow rate shall be equal to three times the average daily flow to the bed.
c) The flow shall be maintained for 30 minutes after the full flow appears at the outlet of the
d) The water level at all points in the bed shall be below the bed surface throughout the test
e) In above ground systems, check for leaks through and under the sidewalls and repair as
a) All septic tanks, anaerobic filters and constructed wetlands shall be filled up to the liquid
level with water prior to commissioning.
b) It shall be noted that septic tanks, anaerobic filters, constructed wetlands and percolation
beds all rely mainly on biological processes which may take up to six to eight weeks to reach
full functioning capacity. Due consideration shall be given to allow adequate time for the
system to “mature” before reaching operational levels of performance, particularly in the case
of surface discharge and effluent reuse systems.
c) Septic tanks and anaerobic filters may be ‘seeded’ to accelerate the startup of the process
in the tanks.
d) Seeding shall be done by adding a small quantity (up to one fifth the working capacity of
the tank) of digesting sludge from a functioning septic tank, or fresh cow dung slurry or pig
slurry. The ‘seed’ shall be added to the first chamber of the tank, in the case of a multiple
chambered septic tank, or the inlet chamber of an anaerobic filter in the case of an anaerobic
e) Seeding shall be considered mandatory for septic tanks receiving only kitchen wastewater
from restaurants and hotels.
Appropriate and timely maintenance is the key to the successful continued function of any
system and due care and attention shall be given to inform and educate users and owners of
septic tanks and associated effluent disposal systems of all the routine maintenance
requirements of their system.
9.1.1 Desludging
a) Septic tanks shall be desludged at the appropriate intervals according to the design and use
of the tank. Typically, this is when the tank is between one third and one half full of sludge
and / or scum.
b) The depth of sludge and scum in a septic tank can be effectively measured using the
‘white towel’ test described in Appendix L.
c) Tanks should not be completely emptied during desludging. Between 100mm – 150 mm
of sludge should be left in the bottom of the tank as ‘seed’ for the next cycle of operation.
d) Septage from desludged septic tanks shall be either disposed in a facility intended for that
purpose, such as a sewage treatment plant, or where no such facility is available, shall be
buried in a pit with due care being taken not to pollute the local groundwater and the
neighbouring environment.
9.1.2 Access covers
a) All access covers shall be properly replaced and sealed after each opening.
9.1.3 Mosquitoes
Septic tanks are a prime breeding location for mosquitoes. Due care shall be taken to ensure
that tanks are properly sealed, with particular attention being given to prompt repair of
structural cracks which allow mosquitoes to enter the tank. The mosquito-proof mesh cover
over vent pipes shall be inspected regularly and replaced as required.
9.1.4 Blockages
The most common form of blockage is due to solids blocking the inlet device in a septic tank.
This may be cleared by rodding the inlet device from above (through an access opening or
inspection port) with a suitably flexible rod.
Anaerobic filters do not require regular maintenance as such. However an annual inspection
is recommended. Bubbles forming at the filter surface are an indicator of a filter which is
functioning well.
a) The most common cause of filter backup is due to gas blockages caused by expanding gas
bubbles as they move up through the filter bed. These may be cleared by rodding the filter
bed from above with an appropriate rod to release the trapped gases.
b) If rodding is not sufficient to clear the filter, the filter shall be emptied by pumping out the
contents from the inlet chamber. If a layer of scum is present on the surface of the filter this
shall be removed prior to emptying. The empty filter bed shall then be sprayed from above
with water until a continuous flow of water appears from the bottom of the bed. A simple
garden hose may be used for the purpose.
c) The cleaned filter shall be filled with water up to the liquid level prior to re-
d) Anaerobic filters should not be backwashed under pressure in the manner of rapid sand
filters as this would dislodge the biofilm growth on the filter media.
b) In the event surface clogging does occur, the bed shall be drained and the bed surface
prodded at regular intervals (typically, 100 mm intervals) with a stick. Until the clogging is
released and all water ponded on the surface of the bed has drained out.
A.1 Whenever soil absorption of septic tank effluent is considered a percolation test shall be
performed as follows prior to the design of a soil absorption system.
A.2 The percolation test shall be carried out at the location where the soil absorption system
is to be installed. In cases where this is uncertain, several percolation tests at likely locations
shall be performed.
A.3 A square or circular hole of side (or diameter) between 100 mm – 300 mm shall be dug
or bored up to the depth where soakage is to take place. A larger hole may be dug up to the
depth required prior to digging the specified hole in order to facilitate access to conduct the
A.4 The bottom and sides of the hole shall be carefully scraped with a fine tined fork to
remove any smeared soil and restore a natural soil surface.
A.5 All loose materials shall be removed from the bottom of the hole and fine gravel or
coarse sand of nominal size approximately 6 mm placed at the bottom to a depth of 50 mm.
A.6 The hole shall then be filled with water up to a depth of 300 mm above the gravel layer
and let stand for 24 hours.
A.7 After 24 hours, the water level in the hole shall be adjusted to 150 mm above the gravel
layer, and the drop in water level over a 30 minute period shall be measured.
A.9 Where there is no water remaining in the hole after step A.6, water shall be added to the
hole up to a level 150 mm above the gravel layer and the drop in water level measured at 30
minute intervals over a period of 4 hours, topping up the level to 150 mm after each
measurement. The drop in water level over the final 30 minute period shall be taken to
calculate the percolation rate.
A.10 Where the water in the hole drains out completely, within the 30 minute measurement
period, the soil percolation rate exceeds 300 mm/hr., and is unsuitable for soakage of septic
tank effluent.
Example 1:
For an office building with 50 day-time employees, 6 overnight employees and 200
customers / day, the average daily flow would be computed as follows
= 5700 l/d
= 2800 l/d
= 2900 l/d
Example 2:
For a hotel building with 20 rooms, 12 residential staff, 8 non-residential staff, serving a
maximum of 400 meals/day, the average daily flow would be computed as follows
Average daily flow (all waste) = 20 rooms x 2 guests / room x 240 l/p/d
8 non-residential staff x 100 l/p/d
12 residential staff x 200 l/p/d
400 meals/d x 15 l/meal.
= 18,800 l/d
8 non-residential staff x 50 l/p/d
12 residential staff x 50 l/p/d
= 3400 l/d
= 15,400 l/d
Example 3:
For a restaurant with 20 non-residential staff, 5 residential staff, serving a maximum of
150 dine-in meals / day and 100 take-away meals / day, the average daily flow would be
computed as follows
= 7250 l/d
= 2350 l/d
100 take-away meals / d x 15 l/meal
= 4900 l/d
C.1 The working capacity of a septic tank shall be the sum of the volumes required for
settling, sludge digestion and sludge and scum storage and shall be estimated as follows.
Vs = ts .Q
C.3 The volume required for sludge digestion shall be calculated as follows.
Vd = qs .td.p
p = population equivalent.
= Q (m3/d)/ 0.2 (m3/p/d) for allwaste
= Q (m3/d)/ 0.05 (m3/p/d) for blackwater
= Q (m3/d)/ 0.15 (m3/p/d) for greywater
C.4 The volume required for sludge storage shall be calculated as follows.
Vst = r.p.n
r = Volume of digested sludge per person per year (m3/p/y)
= 0.04 m3/p/y for allwaste or grey water
= 0.022 m3/p/y for black water only
C.5 The volume required for scum storage shall be taken as 0.5Vst.
C.6 Then the design working capacity of the septic tank shall be
(internal dimension)
To further
750mm minimum
Access openings
500mm min.
min. Dia.100mm
Free board Opening min.
INLET To further
200mm min. 25mm min.
50mm min.
100mm min.
1000 mm Minimum
Open jointed 2.5 m
brick / cement
1.2 m
GWT (Seasonal high)
Septic tank
Ground slope < 5%
300mm min.
Prepared aggregate
(20 – 40mm)
Level floor
1000mm max. 2000mm max. spacing 1000mm max.
From wall From wall
Level site – slope less than 5 %
Septic tank
Ground slope 25% max.
20m max.
Settlement allowance
Finished surface
Ground surface
75mm min.
Soil barrier
Perforated pipe
dia.100mm min. 300mm min.
Prepared aggregate
(20 – 40mm)
300mm min.
Inspection port
Access openings 150mm
500mm min.
Access opening Vent pipe dia. 25mm Access opening Inspection port
500mm min. min. 500mm min. 150mm
min. Dia. 50mm
Liquid level
1000mm - 2,500mm
12,000mm maximum
25mm metal
Aggregate in outlet zone
2mm min. 600mm min.
Drain valve
12,000mm maximum
600mm minimum
Perforated distributor pipes 25mm metal
2mm min.
Perforated collector pipes
Soil barrier
Finished surface
Ground surface
Back fill
100mm min.
300mm min.
Aggregate Perforated distributor pipes
Draft tubes (perforated)
2mm min.
lliner OUTLET
L.1.1 Insert a wire nail (approximately 100 mm long) perpendicularly into the end of a long
pole or rod so that the nail protrudes horizontally when the pole is held vertical.
L.1.2 Lower the end with the nail carefully through the layer of scum in the septic tank. The
pole should be lowered vertically until the nail is felt to break through the bottom of the scum
L.1.3 With the nail below the bottom of the scum layer, rotate the pole through an angle of
90 degrees and slowly lift the pole upwards until resistance is felt.
L.1.4 Mark the position of the top of the scum layer on the pole.
L.1.5 Pull the pole out of the tank and measure the length between the mark and the nail.
This is the depth of scum in the tank.
L.2.1 Wrap the end of a long pole with a light coloured towelling material up to 1.0 – 1.5 m
from the bottom of the pole.
L.2.2 Lower a pipe of 100 mm diameter (or greater), vertically into the septic tank until the
end is resting on the bottom of the tank.
L.2.3 Remove any scum that may be inside the pipe and lower the pole wrapped in cloth
vertically into the tank through the pipe until it reaches the bottom and pull out again.
L.2.4 Lay the pole horizontally and measure the length from the bottom of the pole up to the
point where there is no sludge adhering to the cloth. This length is equal to the depth of
sludge in the tank.