The New York Times - No. 59,181 (14 Sep 2021)
The New York Times - No. 59,181 (14 Sep 2021)
The New York Times - No. 59,181 (14 Sep 2021)
narty sunny. cooler. humid,
"All the News Tonight, partly to mostly
That's Fit to Print" loW 72.10morro, paury
and numa, nign 86.
Weather map appears on Page Al6.
VOL. CLXX... No. 59, 181 eo21 The New Yort Times Compary NEW YORK, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 2021 $3.00
ment-appointed scientists down cratic state, to face voters in a re- and d ANKERSLE
played the possibilityof a new aut WASHINGTON-House De
Drear. Peviousnrectonsand a ae
oten oCrats on Monday presented a
cial policy and climate chanos
the spread, the scientusts wrote nority that 1or decades been
Stuay tniat was widey covered ontne leddng edge otthe kepubl package by raising taxes by more
y the indnan news media after it
with Pmme MiniSter Nrenara mer President Donalddrump But the proposal, while sub-
Modi's two main goals: Restart into office in 2016. The Calormastantial in scope, Stoppeuwe
f cmnaioning for his nartv in campaion a0ainst affirma, gEs eeded to aent
state elections that sping. But
Anup Agarwal, a phySiCian then
ve action inngra
the S0, ater Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk, or to
thoroughly close the most egre-
aoene'whih ror Milerana n BIOUS 100pnoles exploited by high-
lished the study, worried that its Bannon, and gave rise to a new to go after the merely rich more
conclusions woula un tne county
into a talsSe sense oT Securny Benero eae
weignts such as Breitbart News
than the tabulously rich.
Facing the delicate politics of a
rns to
to the agency's top official in Octo- But with Mr. Newsom leading ior House Democrats onted he
eothere concerned
response He ana an-
sCientist were
e restpOSsome Derore ne
on uesday, ot thoseeect0n
more mindful ot moderate con
same cerns in their party than its pro- of
the researchers said, and dis flected the sense of alarm among mate change, paid leave and
tanced uhe agency rom a tnird
at tne
emocrdtscould POSSIDInty more
study that foresaw a second wave. Newsom lose. But the
Dill aspeises
ontinued on Page A abated
somewhat as Mr. Newsom's House and Senate Democrats to
Standng n tne pouS TeDounaed. A
tax Wealth or to close otf avenues
Surveyor IKETy votersom Enerthat the supernch nave exploitea
Idaho Imposes
Its Covid Crisis Significant decline in support for
removingnimcomparedwn Em
It would be a monumental mis-
take tOr congresS to pass a Dill
On a Neighbor nd that
that reall e r
only one Republican candidate, gon, the Democratic chairman of
Larry Elkder, a conservative talk- tne Fmance ommitee.
By MIKE BAKER radio host, cracked double-digits. Key Democrats cautioned on
SPOKANE, Wash. Surgernes cent of Californians voting to re-was likely to change-nerhans
to removeDr
nO KARSTEN MORAN FOR THE NEW VORK TIMESCal. A larger snare- 34 percentConsideraby as Mr. Bides
in the emergency room. Nurses THE BRONX The online health sereening survey required each morning erashed on the first day Continued on Page All Continued on Page Al0
are woking Drutsts, a ut
TOVIdence Sacred Heart Medical
ren retrneu to te
After 18 Months Children's Services could get in- Aftor docadoe of
nitals bevond their hreakin the
volved lamilies refuse to send
i and insecurity, they liace pern
their children back ater severa
point. first time since the country's lar M1ons 0 Agnans C their most perilous hour Mr
uerres Said, adding that one in
AS eve seen ncresinEest sch00l system closed in March faced quarantines and other dis- ne cityS preliminary attend- winter and one million children
eron eln from 2020 because of thepandemic ruptions. In contrast to last year, ance rate on Monday was just are at risk of starvation and death they willget their next meal.
Over northern Idaho," Dr. Danielnormal m wh an diries e did fter erD e fwarned
their immediate needs are ne
officials The deepening humanitarian
Getz, chief medical officer for families and educators nervous a remote option to most students. 1,800 schools. That rate was lower on Monday, putting the os zngray
n eabout
cal helicopter descended with
the next tew months, as
thet than in previous years, but not country's plight into stark relief. Talf
is unclear how many parents
naswkeeptheir chidren at home aramaticaly irsday artend Secretary General António gOvernine a country Dropped up
conronting the ne
ew delivery.
city's push to fully
reopen schools. children were signed up for
represents a crucial moment mote learming, and while the vast
re- years hovered around 90 percent.UN. Conference
in Geneva
ayr Sa onday would vened to address the crisis, said in
con- for decades by aid from interna
nsv e honr
said more than $i billion in aid
had been made at the
n udunos
in 1851
DUENES Depuiy Managrg Edilor BUSINESS
is essential. DDug
MEREDITH KOPIT LEVIEN Chief Executioe Officer
DIANE BRAYTON General Counsef and Seretary
PnbEsher 1s61-/S63
u MONICA DRAKE Assistant Managing Edilor
g duor
Olfioer, Treasurer
ERICSON Asistant Manaing Editor
MARC LACEY Assistant Managing Editor
to Your Walls
Haunted by the Inequity I Found
By GINA KOLATA bone-marrow transplant with her younger
AS a medical reporter, I regularly wite brothers cels and was cured.
about terriDie illnesses ana about treat- ne otner daugnter, Helen, was ett
Demina until she was accepted into a cin-
A group of sclentistsand adven-
most, patients. But the cruel injustice of cal trial at Boston Children's Hospital ture athletes are venturnng into
inequities in access to medical advances in testing gene therapy tor siCkIe cell disease. glacier caves to study climate
change. see images Of their expio
reported on two families who, at the But the pace of the gene therapy trials
itart, were strikingly similar. Each had two Seems glacial, with few patients enrolled Travel desk
seriee T
eenge daugnes witn seke cei dsease. eacn year RD.A. APproval is a yecar or Through a Lens"
All four giris suffered episodes of intense *" away, at Dest.
pain, damage to organs and bones, and No one expects gene therapy to be the
e-tnreatenng lung compcaton5. swe 9 milliillion
fr eed
rom their symptoms and are now living for each patient will be a barrier. And
normal lives. In the other, the sisters the treatment requires chemotherapy and
st suering and yearnng 1or tne chance a month in a specalized nosprtal.
to ria thefmserves ot the disease The other tamiiy Dreaks my nert. Deld
followed one of the famiies for two Jones is divorced and raising her daugh-
ters, Kami and kyra, alone. Both had dis-
hantod hu the disnarities
The tale of these two families reveals in here was
a simple test the girls should NEWSLETTER
mcrocosm tne stare Otne science Tor have had every year that identifies chil Sign up for the NYT Parenting
E usEu dren with sicke cell at high risk tor strokes
single mutanon in a giodin gene strokes tnat can largely De prevented parents and a celebration of the
needed to make red biood cels. 1ne celiS with a treatment of blood transfusions. The little moments that mean a lot.
blood flow. An estimated 100,000 Ameri- weeks and weeks of hospitalizations every
cans navetne aiseasemost or tnem year, missed school, and a life of near
Black and many or Oest means. A
lustration reprints available at though the cause of the disease has been
IS. Jones if she would want the Known ror more ua iris to nave gene therapy.
Even discoveries that could improve pa-
On Goa, yes, sne saia.Kyr
tients hves are often not used. ide their
nain Sheha
nere Is a Done-marrow transplant that room doctors accuse them of faking it to
gives the patient the biood system of a
healthy person. But it is rarely used be-
Be n sc0 DEcaustE ue struKCs uped Contact the Newsroom
ed their ability to learn. She sees their
disease wTeaking more damage on their
patient's for the marrow to avoid being Share a News Tip
rejected äS Oreg Che called and wrote Boston Children's, [email protected] or tips
In the amuy wnose teenagers were asking if Kami and Kyra could enter its Contact Customer Care
of their sutfering, the mother, Sheila Cin-
ral. 1hey would nave to go to 5oston tor
O, Was 50 Gesperdte that She and her gueng utdment, Dut MS. Jones, Who or -800-NYTIMES (1-800-698-4637)
repeatedly attempt in vitro fertilization. lives in San Antonio, would gladly take
tnem here
hoping to have a baby who could be a
DOnemaTOw uu lengthy waitine list for slots in the trial
ne succeeded at ast, Dut ner baby was Now all she can do is wait. And pray.
genetically similar to only one of her
daughters, Haylee Obando. Haylee had a Toread more, see Science Times on Page DI.
A Headline in History
daiv Pwridas aee aidat Ne orkNY. and i hat ae rh to nter itse 2001 T Ne Yrk Tms am All rihs
Estate 520Fhth u
hanro he Y
s, 62 Fieth
A Higher rates, available on request,
on culside the Northeas: 1-800-631-2580
for mal iCter S
Times Besi
Dal and Sundy 040. 50000
Sunday oy - 520.00 250.00 ery ribers wilsbe to marketing part not to accept an advertisersorder. Onl pubbcatioedDane Braytos, Ceneral Counsel and Secretary
of Interest
The Los Angeles Dodgers have won The process of creating Bitcoin to
all eight games that the pitcher Mlax spend or trade consumes around
Scherzer has started tor them, and 9b terawatt-hours of electricity
saw him come within five outs of a annually, more than is used by
perfect game on Sunday. the Philippines, a nation of about
for 3,000. Just Ask
Scherzer Destined 110 million.
VIctum No. . Bitcoin Uses More Electricity T han
Many Countries. How Is Ihat Possible? B6
n Albania, a Soft Place
Land, but Dread Persists A4
The Komodo dragon can grow
up to 10 feet long and is equipped
Black vultures' stomach acid is with a forked tongue, serrated
nearly as corrosive as battery acid, t ed seales and
and their droppings, urine and vEom-laced sallva.
vomit can eat away at rools, towers E, Dut I heyTe
The Ones i
and other places where they roOst.
Black Vaulture Attacks Put Farmers on Edge DI
The Conversation Spotlight
wwIN KLLLEAVCETTY IMACES FOR CLAAD Arybody who looks at the banners and placards of
protests around the world about species extinction
Opinion | The Question Michael K. Wiliams Asked Me and climate change look carefully.
Quote of the Day I see my family dying in my dreams. All this luxury is great if NGBEN DONATES ALL HER PROFITS TO
PARWARISH, a women's activist who is among hundreds of Afghan refugees housed by Albania in
each resorts along the Adriatic coast.
Cakenke chalan makes tor a deluUxe bread pudding. IhiS one is shot througn with cubes
of apples caramelized in honey, then topped with almonds for crunch. It's best served
warm, but lettovers served cold from the tridge make a terrific breakrast. MELISSA CLARK
es R cups) Good friends
vanilla bean, split lengthwise, seeds
annel funded by"Vlewers Scrapea
ke you
durmg a nide-and-seek
ups hail-and-häait or heavy cream requently, unul apples are solt and iquid has
deserve extraordinary
poo gaime
We're Brie
On Earth
% cup
cups wnoie m
sugar egE youks
mostly evaporated, about 10 minutes. Transfer
apples and any liquid to a large bow. journalism.
. in a separate arge bow, wnisk Togener
N.L team with the most teaspoon ground cinnamon half-and-hall, milk, egEs and yoIKS, Sugal,
Hall-o-R 4 teaspo0" groun
s What's u p? hrd and half the cooked
Refer someone to The Times.
DowN . Heat oven to 375 degrees, and butter a apples (reserve the other half for later). Visit nytimes.comyrerer.
Steps taken in a duel 9-by-13-inch baking dish or large gratin dish. Scrape into prepared baking dish, cover with
2 what waves, voices and tevers TOW, and bakKe 1or zs minures.
an all do 2.On a nimmed baking seet, spread Dread in . Remove foil, and spoon remaining apples
3 LRe nOrror movles
until dried out and light golden, about 12 on top in an
aye: D
reserved apple liquid all over the top, then top
5 (shoes) minutes.
. with almonds. Retum to oven and bake,
Heat honey in a large nonstick skillet over uncovered, until almonds are toasted and
medium-high and cook until t caramelzes, Oy, another 2O to 25
AL abourt minutes-youu be a0ie toteu wnen not
t Degins to DrOW ad
. Remove from heat and stir in butter until it . cool tor at least 15 minutes, then cut into
PeraDy Wani.
meits, then stir in apples, vanilia seeds änd
a pinch of sat. Return to
pod, and For more recipes, ViSt NTT COoRing8
medium-high heat, cover and cook, stirring it
TheXcw JorkTimes
taRe ner na ue
set up by a BBCjournalist of Afghan are all humans and need to be protected." sas for the United States were being pro- WeE0 are luxury refugees" he joked.
eneven Eane o
origin.. George sor08 pe y
Ln Gez1, anotner tourist,Sldessedut ne we renoww o tesEdc nd Set a-lNeu
le, a form of exercise that Afghanistan's anarnd no n nad seenee an aas ar re h
mtor w
Acrocs move previous and current im-1gnt decision in not sending a DiuenS decision to
ross AIghanistan, the telltale
signs of a humanitarian crisis pediments in front of your assist-
ance ana all reatedprojecis
generaon Or Anencans to Afghanistan had become a dis-
Nnd d ofiance did not racton omo
Province less than an hour'sdrive other international organizationshowever, satisty lawmakers WO threats to the United States, like
west of Kabul, the capital, the 1a in Afghanistan" the Taliban said guestioned how the Biden admin: the coronavirus.
1Dans military campaign Drougnt in commitments that Mr. Grilntns
d Given that strategy, the overallr
the local economyto a standstill Te ed to nrotect orate as the U.S. military prepareu
iban seized power, most cross-bor the lives and property of humani-|to eave aid .James E Jeffrey. a former am-
der trade ana many loczal Dus tarnan workers. An eariy intelligence assess
Dassador who worked closeiy wIth
nesses nave yet to reopen eav
even as foo prices sany income Millions of people are displaced within Afghanistan. "We have roRSarcllorna intheI rity forces would be able to renel Binken and other senior off-
uny and are amnong the few in ne lanban well into 2022, Mr. ration ana.o
oee said one man now living in a Kabul park.
There is security now, we are ternationa htelines remaining torh dle East Program at the Wilson
hundreds or tnousands oe
in need eeiietie Center, a think tank m wastng
Chak district and a former Taliban iban have been largely isolated assessments chanot predhet that But, Mr. Jeffrey said, "the
fighter who was serving 16-year
term in Pul-eCnaR Prison in
a both
politicaly and economicalyoa hSe
thhe rest or tne worid. 1ne i
preparations for this thing, and
the failure of imagination on OW
resentative ADigalpnoe
Enocrat0 Virginld. she added
and personnel depend on tunds HosorenAtasonr 0 oPe ane control so quickly. It was a sur- are struggling to evacuate tens of been documented against those
coming trom abroad, and we cant vears of billions
and hundreds of their business safely. By the end of prise 1or us how the lormer ad- osnus te who have helped the United
access them. States."
humanitari O Support, equupinent and the, gathering, international ernmenth eaid dinatin link
catastrophe, which has long 5 nve, or110, oP fully prepared for that and are still
government in trying to pull off episodes "are deeply, deeply dis-
1O0med over Alghanistan, now im-
mediately threatens its children.
ye, 0r
therewas no reason to believe the the Taliban's ascent, with many in- assure Western governments hes- no shelter, and we can't find a job Democrat of California. h dyon
ternational aid workers having tant to providea assistance that in this city," he said, adding that he
itant ME Bhnken said that the Biden Barack Obama addressed Con-
Jim Huylebroek contributed re ied the country out of satety con- imize laliban govern
could legitimize a Taliban not
governhad childrenreceived any aid. "we all administration would not aban- gress in 2009 hammered Mr. -
ed reportir8 their
e thevile entinnefiedhe
ted Ntonn
ternational terrorists with links to
dand they neeu
and it's, nv
ulian E. Barnes cora tea re
porting. Sign," Mr. Wilson Said.
Pentagon Defends Kabul Drone Strike After Investigation Casts Doubts on Account
By HELENE COOPERR strike on Aug. 29 in the waning Austin I1 and Gen. Mark A. Mil- State safe house and at one point showed that it killed 10, inciuding ciation with an American com
and ERIC SCHMITT days ot America's 20-year war in ley, the chairman of the Joint he loaded into the vehicle what Seven children, in a dense resi- pany in Alghanistan.
WASHINGTON The Penta Afghanistan, was investigating Chiefs of Staff, have said that the they thought could be explosives dential block. ACCording to nis relatives, M
gon continued to assert on Mon- the results. But that inquiry, Mr. missile was launched because the Times reporting has identified Mr. Ahmadi, 43, worked as an Ahmadi left for work around 9
n Afchanisan as neea KO may be limited to what Centrai ing a credible,
imminent threat to longtime worker for a US. aid and Education International, a elonoed to N.EÍ, depa
prevent an attack on American Commana can glean irom inter Hama Karzai international Air group. Evidence suggests that his California-based aid group. The irom his house, where he lived
troops, despite a New York Times epts, Ved ngery and nter
port Kabul, Wnere U.3. ana a raveis that invoved trans
day morning Or tne strike, nis D08Sitnis tnree Drotners and their
investigation that raises doubts vswI SOures.
get ahead o
Ed rs weretr y pOrng coeagues to and romCalled romtne once round 84
mnes, a 1ew ometers west or
events, including whether explo what Centcom is doing with their ley later called the strike "right- feeds showed that what the mili- laptop. U.S. officials told The nes
Sives were in the vehicle that wassSSSment tnat stIKe r o
blown up and whether the driver Kirby said at a news conterence.
Military officials said they did
taymgnt nave seten was A
madi and a coleague loading can
r Ihome,asked nim it ne was still at
and he said yes," the cOun
that it Was around this time that
their target, a white sedan, first
State wOuid put invpstioators on the driver hen the drone fred hut to the aid oroun's office in Kabnl uas seen leavino 3comond
the negotiations anew, demand- President Ebrahim Raisi of lran. Analysts say he could use his country's uranium stockpile to gain sanctions relief from the U.S.
taKe iran Ony a Tew montns.
Manufacturing an actual war- ng tar nmore sancuons rener
eed to six
o We're
Iranian missile and survive the "We have to be careful," Mr. Al not at that point yet, but it's get
table in their fayor as the Riden withdreeon makes nucle
eevel ordinarily used in
iery re-entry the atmos Drgnt, the imstitute s nead, said ting closer," he added. administration finally turns to Washington would not abide by percent level particularly threat-
phere, a technology the Iranians uy iewS OeecE The next few weeks are re them. ne agreement, t would not, e ening
garded as critical. The opening of
were actively studying 20 years
Sre us ette officials ation
On Sunday, Iranian officials ther irans suppiy or bu percent t
reement limited the
onger. Iran continues to insist it not commented on the sembly is traditionally a moment with the director-general of the In-
have country to fuel enriched to 3.7 per cient for a weapon. But it has
nas no desire tor a nuclear ar atomc ageneys reportS, Wcn Tor back-r0omm aiplomacy, espe- ternational Atomie Energy Cent purity, a level that Can De spent the Summer installing
senal. was distribDutea on a COntidential cialy on Iran, and otficials ot the Agency, Kalael M. Grossi, to let used in nucear power plants but newer, high-perlornmance cent
his ls awan nahilibeen widely circulated in recentne the ewtorien minister Hosviceshahelnmeaiethe ans shed some prdactionostocknile ys
since before President Obama days. On Friday, asked about iran sein Amir Abdollahian, are ex- progress of the country's nuclear 20 percent, saying they needed
Even then, keeping large a
agreed to the z01 nuclear accord.uring atp to
That agreement forced the Irani- tay orstate Antony J. Bllnken ac
ueranere pectea to maKe aebut appear
ances. Considered a nard-iner, agency inspectors nave Deen uel
Program.inrecentmontns, ennChed to that lever to supquantity ot nigny enrched ura
ply a research reactor provided to nium on hand is not sufficient to
of their fuel out of the country, and had been so rapid that restoring lahian has indicated a willingness some facilities, a growing source the 1979 Iranian revolution, for agree.
the United States said it would the old deal might soon make no to renew the agreement- but on of concern to0 American officials, producing medical isotopes. The fuel must be converted to
akeat least a year 1r iran to suc teris tnat tne new 8Veriment wno
erthat nuciear material But ten iran went urther. in metal-a step tne ianians aree
laa xper ermnu- m not gong to put a date
on can
say are astuy improved
both vered ds off an
April, it starting ennching its ura
also experimenting wIth, the in-
to build a bomb's worth of atomic getting closer to the point at which Iran and North Korea, which fired diate inspection crisis, assuming its main nuclear site was sabo0- and then into a full warhead.
material, learning more
MChaet rowley contributed retnere is a polnt at wnicn 1twoud
Sad Kose Gottemoeler, a tormer
ams contror omcal n several ad hat accord sharpiy hmitea the
overall amount or uramum tne
ar enrnchment, It takes far longer
to gerrOm low-encned uranum
cyberattack to disabie Irans pro-
ducoon capaDmty wne t was
Ogt Kunstett A" BUSE
enens O
to reg
strtonsnO now WoS trns
ey TE enrat
coud socpe
tespEcteu uE
t0 ke
peeent puiny
ue last
lEdp o PEreEt,
toSueresstul, e aiats
Now-September 20
New York D&D Building9 Home Design Shop
at n Street O Angeles son Boulevard
212 343-4190 212 688-3620 10 620-2680
cially distanein"AS
M. Vidyasagar, chairman or the
Prime Minister Modi has
never, ever said to 1Owerthe
Supermodel, declined to com
ment. indlan science Su
n May, as the second wave tore
Bharatiya Janata Party.
ll,BOvernment contmout
tne l's marhematical model "can only
ed to complacency. Mr. Modi
predict future with some certainty
before the devastating second SO 10ng as Vrus ayamies and ts
wave nt, nala nad save Change
humanity irom a big disaster One study, published in Januaryy
ministor oid Me 2021, dia predict a secona wave
Published in the journal Nature, it
country was "in the endgame of
vd-l Ad rincism ver strike if restrictions were "lifted
rondd without any otner mugan
The I.C.M.R., which conducts place ana cailed tor more testin8
reviews restac or un BRAD TRONE FOR TE NW YO
rom left:Work on genome testing of Covid-19 variants in July at a government laboratory in New Delhi and a vaccine assembly line at Serum Institute of India in
Pune, Maharshtra, India. Documents show that last tall, senior government officials forced some scientists to play down the possibility of a new outbreak.
Ehe Xew JorkTimes
ion of the water he says he is entitied to. Mr. Yisrael saia hne hasn't aeciaed OW
haan di Newsom is grappling with a welter of
ng new reservoirs, dams or water banks complex probiems: CInmate cnanng,rg
O narness warerrom tne slertd Nevada ing widnres ana the cnalienges OT tne
Owpack, d Criucal Source. "There's al pandemic. Still, he added, "many of the
water" he said, "The worst thing of al is swent under the nio
kind of oettine
o do nothing" For Lorna Roush, who manages
Cimate activists and environmental Schuitz Ranch in Fresnocounty with her
Sts have emphasized the importance of father, brothers and children, the worry
tually takes over the farm has added to
change. But Mr. Coelho said he feels that ner concerns about Mr. NewSom. Her
1armers nave done everytning tuney can famiy nas tried to make plans tor a po-
o conserve tentially sharp reduction in water sup-
ie g ewso she said and have made adinstments to
nost and the governor's leading chak their farming practices.
Governor Newsom has had the
dllnpalgi StOps, temng tnemn in a Fresno TAN VON FOR NEE NEW YORK TIMES e ngnto tmis, research it and
aditol nend the 1970
We'realways optimistic in farming, but we have a lot of things going against us right now,
to California aoricultP and ble
Calitornia Environmental QualityA ing anything about it," said Ms. Roush,
Ihat move, according to The Fresno Bee,
and without water, we can't farm. who decined to say how she voted. |
would allow dams and reservoirs to be Don Cameron, above, the general manager of a ranch near Fresno, is against the recall of Gov. Gavin Newsom. We're always worried"
On Taxes, Democrats
Put Up Opening Offer
Legislation Would Raise Up to $2.9 Trlion
By EMILY CoCHRANE A weakened international tax
and ALAN RAPPEPORT overhaul.
WASHINGTON- Top Demo- ne B1den administration has led
rats on Monday released legisla
10n that Would rase as much asront
E snnng oDy
Crack aOwn on
cOmpanies that
to nnance President
o0 tries with low rates to reduce their
a series of tax changes, ne medsure unvened by
nrough N Ds.
CTeasing the amount u Denocrats on Monday wa-
wealthiest AMericans andLouse has heen nushino for in-
The leoislation. released by the cluding the rate companies wourd
iOuse ways and Means Commit P velseds pronts.
gaon Tor a tax
e unts to opening otfer
a Cals
the would be the comttees ranking Kepublk assachusetts he Democratc
and toDion Committee left o a Means
he wealthiest would see their retes, small cigars and roll-your-hefooD P B But what is not included is notä shielded from taxat0n. it
eft i out.
ue pleug ae
gas or other primarily on high earners, gener 8an
uu v
ere onres
ng severäl nundred Dlon aoltovos ara adicted eaclhar rorto old heir eliente irectment
enat oswo
in thatthe final
rac ncin
House plan. while Mr. Biden has d etimatee flect gains in housing values. gains for five years beiore Claim mignt nave De na
Se o e
Democrats have suggested an
ven Droader wealtn tax tnan tne
Cap has yet to be ad- The joint committee estimated BIens expansive
on Monday that the changes posals, durng
tax pro ngne
campaugn and cashing
ne ousePlan, Beyer sild ne
ut, It woud save s b understood why emocratic lead
as n r
House, proposing a one-tme Sur
haveiatedforhioh.income individuals wealth tax. But he and top sena posal. ble lawmakers embrace the most
lowed by annual levies on the months to address a limit on how Republicans balked at the pro rs nad caleu ror vnety
measures to more heavily taX in- r Anotner item issing irOm tnea8gressive optrons
House plan: a measure to tax in- White House officials on Mon-
gains in value of billionaires' as
state and local taxes, after the ee many other Democrats while was
o the white posed a cap of $10,000.
Kanno-Youngs contributed ments of very high earners.
Kepresentative Bill PFascrel dr.
Biden and
want assets such as stockS and
acknowledging that
tar irOm a inal proauct.
House and the Senate in other None of the tax proposals so far
ways, including when it comes tohave tormaily addressed a partial Attorney General Merrick B.
taxing inneritances. Some toph Monitoring arland speaking last week
chambers and Senator Bernie during a news conference.
herited assets based on the gain in
value from when those assets
were uany
acquired, rather
indersS, tne veront ndepend
nt m caBe or tne Buaget Com Ofthe Police ate to overhaul polioe depart
ime of death. Moderate Demo- partial repeal of the cap. Will Change, hallmark o the Ohama aminis
rats have complained that would And while it was left out of the tration's civil rights agenda and all
legislation on Monday Mr Neal
unfairly affect smaller family
Hoe billdoe Garland Says Dt ended aunng tne
rump ad-
Mr.Garland immediately
ess than S400,000. For vuineraDe a set term to determine
i dienates a
creased its scrutiny of policing after tive director of the Police Execu-
Beyond the fee caps, aocording to
cal backlash for supporting tax in-
reases, tunat decrease could be a
with taxpayers who are not pay-practices, opening investigations renewed or whether the consent
ng Wnat they owe. nto anegaos o auuepa decree snouid De termndteu.
forcement organization dedicated
to improving tne prolessionansm
e,d ternn Tor
p w
monitors that can
crucial distinction 1orwnom tney One Dig omission trom the pro- ndDni i And the department will restict policng Tne group 15sued
of arean evaation *
wnt to
a ge w P
nistr nlan to adopt a new that saw high-profile cases or Om case sses that the Justice Depart Future consent decrees will also
The fate of the proposal is un- information reporting system that g "Monitoring is public service, a ment addressed on Monday reyure nearng anter nve yes
lear in the senate. Senator Joe would let the 1.R.S. have greater a and there should be no question Mr. Wexler said he hoped the de-
apnroved deals herween the Ts s P have made propress and whether
day reiterated that he supported invasion of privacy. tice Department and 10cal gover they serve not to their bottom tive and accountable in the eyes ofne consen ecree s0ud De ter
aising corporate tax rate to 25
the But without that new system, ide du a line Mr. Garland said. tne polnce and citiZens. ated. T departments tall short
percent, and otner Democrats the plan to narfow the SO-Called p he actions are the result ot a is 1s a big aeal, e said.
hurting American businesses. The Biden administration esti- pointed to oversee the agree- consent decrees that began soon builds accountability into a solidify a plan "for getting over the
ne number wouid be whats
going to be competitive in our tax
mated that it could raise S700 Dil
lhon in revenue by empowering nie consent decrees and
after Mr. Garland and his top dep
uties were confirmed to lead the
process that needs accountability"
Mr. wexier said that this spring,
ine in short order, the
codeN ancnin saa, speaking Tne .S, Dut oy merey Doiste Orssre nportant tosUsce Department in Maren and M Garand and Ms. Gupta made edepr r e
Other moderate DemoCrats have raise about $200 billion over that countability, the department can The review was led by the asso forcement officials that the Biden a time to "dispel any perception
oncerns about tne mcrease 10r me, he congressional Buaget and shoud do more to improve clate attorney general, vanita adminstratuon mtended to use nat monitOing is a cOtage indus
Dusinesses. Office said. their efficiency and efficacy" Mr. Gupta, and it included over 50 lis- consent decrees where appropri- try" Ms. Gupta's memo said.
fornians were better oft oday was a time for conservatives to fipped in the House of Represent publicans lacked a candidate with Racism has never been less on reform and if we're inclusive.
than they were 15 years ago, Re-
pubiicans, ne bdw
tory in California, thiswould seem
to be it.
including two in Orange County.
Despite losing the state, Mr.
said, would depend on a candidate
"who gives you an alternative to
n A a
who is Black, told his mostly white
o until youoget Democrats and inde-
and other nationalissues Trump still received the Democrat without having to Shelley Merrel, who runs a fire Kevin Kiley, a lawmaker in the
Residents have been anious 5 million
"Quit taking the bait Mr. Ose
the Texas aborion law Nobody
o eno oroes r ans
sures, with almost half sharing the"You didn't see it in the vote for
ere a bvious atety company in ventura, nod- State Assembly and one ot the
answer to that need, though he be- temí along as Mr. Elder called sys-
ded other more moderate Republican
in Texas is going to vote in this mistaken belief that calitornia is Biden said Charles Kessler, a camethe Kepubican tront-runne statistics about police officers not put a conventional political la-
election. Why are we talking aecess, accoraing to one eprofessor at Claremont Mckenna
the ti
killing unarmed white people in bel of left, right or center on the
abourwhat's happening in the state's inabilityto solve funda" rioht theebults
rais inn California
Canornia o Califor
tion of Cäntornia conservatives p n tney did kind of coalition he h
state where Democrats mental problems are everywhere, whose appeal was that they re- white, said that her support for the Part of the unique opportunity
ave Deel adding to their share of ciaes that lined the
ent e recall was rooted in her belief that with this recall is it is a chance to
E eectorate-now accounting w es mat
A state that has not drew reitharthe onservative California had become too inhos- cross party lines" Mr. Kiley said.
for 46 percent of all regisere
And voters have demonstratedbeen as liberal as its love mu emnlooe nd ney re nor Signing on T0r rou
Wer ad activist who founded Ijust
tne rormer an
Institute of California- the Re- Ep s retart ewS want to give them the best life pos year
Pu Frary has been steadily esse nadves at the reputation suggests. arcee sible, but its getting more ana At the raily im nOusana oaN
Elaer seemed to acknowledge
shedding voters. epubnca vear,as the state went for Mr. Bi- agenda, who erew up in Santa ud SIeMr.
compared with 35 percent in 2003, aen by a margn or ncany oncStenng to Mr EderS take her pro-recall material, in- pivoted slightly to a more centrist
the last time the state recalled its
Democratic gOvernor ray Davs.
han on afirmative action 37 per
in 2020 overall, he said, looked like
"the beginnings of a kind of revolt events have felt not allthat differ
Cuding one er tnatread, "Dont message. He insisted that ne was
Ot merey rmP supporte
against the fac
fornia that produced two Renubli- cent to 43 percent. At
tne salne Hou tie ent from Trump rallies. tvle of right-wing talk radio hosts through Since hecast his last
can presicdents Richard M. e Party in the state: At a Labor Day raly in the sub who scorn the mainstream media vote for a Democrat in I976, for
NIXOn and Ronald Reagan, who
w s The other California the one Oi s, auuu and mock nberals has served Mr. former President Jimmy Carter,a
onalmodel ode! for apps to remain independent
con- gnurCnes in the sprawl of
geles in Ventura County, Mr. Elder wepkly national dien SO e sad ne nad regretted
Ste ngeuny and independents to shake up
dnd OneT d Dons uaue wae elecon ay De tnat the current state or one-pary
elected a Kepudicanora state ditionaly right-leaning parts state politics. of name inudt du
conservative talk radio. very differentanrornia
messages. cOro was sustanable. "This
COtainet terminals on Monday auuu hat re-tirearening storms. But the overall number of 1ediamonitorg
afternoon and keep them closed at y storms could drop, because fac-
least through Tuesday morning.
10ned across Galveston County
on Mondayto prepare ror possible
l prny
De tue co tors like stronger wind shear
Nicholas formed on Sunday in forminp. "
Hurricanes are also becoming
fabulous jewelry & great prices for more than 65 years
flooding. said Zach Davidson, the storm o the 221 Atanic nurn wetter because of more water va
there ETE,
rdintal totals of eight to 16 inches, scientiste
gency management ha
Rain was sporadic as of Monday wit 1s01ateu anounts orup to 20 like Hurricane Harvey in 2017
afternoon ne Said. Residents es, TUSs rts cuast produced far more rain than it Item #936341
as h n unae oue numaet To receive this special offer, use offer code: FESTIVE53
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ets look said. levels are contributing to higher
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manageabIe in their own neign n soutnwestLouisiana and storim surge-the most destruc
borhoods, he added. parts of eastern Texas, the storm tive element of tropical cyclones.
But Washington is in better Last week, 29 of the facility's in- space to care for them. For cases said. "It's agonizing for those pa- to endure more of a pandemic that care for these patients"
Disagreeing With White House, Top F.D.A. Scientists Question Need for Boosters
the middle of a
deliberative authorization from the FD.A.and ity against hospitalization in peo-
process 0r reviewing PizerS a recommendation trom the Cen pie under 63.
might not hold up over time, and
that "a very short-term protectve
experts said. Bosters may even
tualy be needed even tor the gen-
booster shot supplemental ap ters for DIsease Contral and Pre But in
he new review, D etect wouid notnecessarily impiy eral population à variant
ng F00d and Administra mar of ractice doesoom that Mr Riden announeed
oadh ora
astn t ionmumroons theu added
published Monday that none of ment on pending matters before wee incded bostershot The experts cautioned that pro-
andpublic discussion, and better read in vaccine efficacy against mild
the data on coronavirus vaccines 0 Aianhorbihoc uewte eeuu ue cases of Covid-19 did not necessar gbuSEts DErE ey
so far provided credible evidenceroDstandransparentssso
ih supportor booster shots tor the
of of protection g n
ine Do0sters were needed tor ly mean there would be a drop in needed, as well as any reports of
Dr. Gruber and Dr. Krause were But many scientists have op said that whatever advantage the To date. none of these studies problems or Guillain-Barré syn-
sertion revealed significant dis dtonavedsgee
agreement between career scienden dmistrons
witte B nes contina
acainct eve
lncs Ouweign
tne enenr sing
provided credible evidence ofaroe ngntundernine con
ohassubstantially declining protection aence in the prinary vaccination.
tists at the agency and top BIden
campaign 0r this tall. nto their dec fromaround the word that shows World Health Organzation efficacy against symptomatic dis- mightbe adequate and safer hey
The review, published in The
e s suchaa trend. wO t nas asKed weany ease." coue empnasized thnat tweaking
ais0 Said that coun- tect against new
vnerts in- Sions the agency makes about Federal health o dve
shots to healthy patients until at eutnors variants, like
cluding Dr. Philip Krause and boosters; Dr. Gruber would be ex east tne end or tne year as a way ple would inevitably see some Delta, ignt De the Dest and 1ong
Pected to tormally sign off on in part he
ron Gruber, longtime FD.A. of enabling every couuy
breakthrough especially uif lasting approach, 1 part o
cases, especiuy es,
SCienus Arguing the
d leave the But other top E.D.A. officials, review inapopulation.
population. Fverv
Every unvaccinatedhe vaccinated start taking more likely to from
evolve those in high
agency comes days before an
cng Dr anet cock The that no data supportsDersrovdes ort a
Several studie lished by rcudon. Moderna and Pfi
advisory committee isS to pubicly nggencycossi0netr nd TOr ne nto vusto opn
new, the C.D.C., including three Fri- Zer are both evaluatng Delta-spe
discuss and vote on whether the a
Dr Peter Marks, career regula a
third Covid shot. pOrentidangerous, varlant, day, Suggest that while efficacy athering data
doses of Pfizer-BioNTech's vac- fice that Dr. Gruber and D The review authors did, howevagainst ntecton with the
seems to wane slightly United on all three vaccines used in the
Cine tor people lo ana up. Krause lead, could overrule them. t Sayunat extra shots might States, and it will bE
D rause and Dr Gruber, wno he pubicaton of the Lancet Sadthat one reason tney anuserul tor sone peopiewitn weak steadvagainst ya
illnessi 1al-
east several wttNS
Deroegu e
whether Dr. Woodcock, who stay ahead of the virus and be FD.A. already authorized. all age groups.most
Only in adults who received the Moderna orz!
signed on to the Biden administra ready for when vaccines may no "As more information becomes o to Johnson & Johnson vaccines
ades, were not writing on behalf of
the agency:; the article stated that tion's booster announcement last longer protect as well against se available, it may first provide evi aoainst hnitalatian
aein might need another dose. Startung
opinions expressed are thoSe of month, had conslted
Dr Gruberere cases ovi-hse ot
dence that boosting is needed in mmunityconferred vac.boostersror recipients or one
ily represent the opinions of their E.D.A. vaccine office before advis- Fauci, Mr. Biden's chief medical wrote. "However, these high- Cnes rees o prorecto Dotn the authors said.
respective organizations Still, ng the administration and mak advser, have relied heavily on stakes decisions should be based Booster programs that affect
the arguments they put forth sug ing clear her own position on the data presented to them by Israelh on peer-reviewed and publicly Aog e Evs some but not all vaccinees may be
objections to Pfizer's application said Dr. Woodcock's endorsement country's early, aggressive boost- tional scientific discussion." riskof infection, the body's memo- be important to base recommen-
1or approval ot a booster dose at of the plan boxea in her reßula er campaign. They were largely dismissive of ry of the virus is long-ived. dations on complete data about all
netn8Frda I neir datä, DI. Fauc and otnet the israelh data and other studies vales uy vaccnes availaDie im a contry, to
seuueu 0r oman m- neae nstraon
an annstrin omcsnave sd, tasomepeat oesave sdee scs0vc
phasized that "the views of the
at begin administering vaccine against infection, with enhanced extra shots. They said some Is- pha varian the virus has not health messaging before boosting
thors do not represent the views of boosters eight months after peo- protection irom boOster doses, but raeli evidence was collected just a sustained re-
evolved to evade the 1s widely recommended, the au
the agency." adding: "We are in ple's second shots, contingent on show only hints of waning immu- week or so after the third dose and sponses from immune cells, the thors wrote.
But experts say there are limits mosphere means the planet will
o what the federal government
Can do to reduce the scale and de- Much of the action that would
hort term That's hes
h wildfire risk is outside the scope of
cause much of the authority federal authority, accoraing to
needed reles on state and local Kimiko Barrett, a wildfire policy
governments, those experts said.
n Conoress anproving new fund- Protecting8 Americans from
ing- Dut even 1 approved, that nres meansreaucing nome con
Oney mgnt not maKe mucn or struction in tire-prone areas-ae
difference anytime sS0on. sate and iocal level she said
pact caant
be absolved in a single year" said "Were developing and building
KOy wngnt, who was in charge o omes in piices that are very ex
risk mitigation at the reuera pOSea to wildfires, Dr. Barrett
n which oicais m MissiSSippl
nave asked ue co Y
OverruleRoe and to sustain a state
lawtnat largely bans abortions af
ter 15 weekS Or pregnaney.
brief said amounEo ro
that the court scuttle a half-cen
tury ot precedent and invite states KENNY RSTUN OR NW
to ban abortion entirely. Supporters of abortion rights this month at the Supreme Court.
have asked for Koe to be overturned.
han two weeks after a
closely di. ciais in SSiSSppl
Riohte hieh esents theve lican-dominated
MississipPpi Leg
providers, said the Mississippi I5Saturetanned abortons
Die, and dsagreement can De
soved at the ballot Dox
Case nad the potential to do away probDe Bestitonal age of n the brief filed on Monday, the
with the right to abortion
im mucn
mined to be more than 15 wee SIuopested that the chanoe in tho
Right now" she said, "Texas netdture inciue narrow ex states approach represented
managed to ban abortion evenEptonsror eca
energces baiE-and-switch tactic that could
a N'
anus, and other States Evee retal abnormali warrant dismissal of the case.
N the Mis
have said they will follow in its
sissippi statute, calling it a cynical tices agreed to decide was
venting Roe and the Constitution, and calcelated assaut on aboraonwhether all previability proibr
Mississippi is openly asking the drectuy odds with Su- tionson elective abortions.are un
gts at
court to overturn Roe. If the court peceuenS pee
constitutional. Depending on
P r
eathe of the case in May. just months after Jus- tion, it could reaffirm, revise or do
South and Midwest where tce Amy Coney Barret, Wno nas away with tne longstanding con
abortion is already hard to access sne personay 0pposes ror abor
d tranework
aDorstrona ButcherBox" is here to make high-quality, humanely raised
will eliminate abortion oned com-o, tnecourtne
ognts roviders devoted much
of meat easier than ever Get 100% grass-fed beef, free-range
Attorney General Lynn Fitcno rg, who died last year. their brief to a defense of viability
Chicken, humanely
organic raised pork, and wild-caught
Vississippi,a Republican. said erDeon
that the brief offered "nosolid ar: preme Court review, state otticials
pDe seei
Vding ine between wnen states
d nd woDe seafood delivered directly to your door.
guments in defense of Roe, justices tnat ques can ban
andod tne ne
and wnen they a0rns
flawed and hopelessly unwork not require the court to overturn practice, the brief said. "Federal
aDie precedent." KOe or Casey, tnougn they did courts nave applied the viability Subscribe today and get 2 Ibs of 100% gras5-fed ground
The court has not yet scheduled raise the possibility in a footnote. rule with remarkable uniformity
neargumentn tne case, 0D05 e P beef for free in every box for the life of your membership!
zation, No. 19-1392, though De phasis and began a sustained as bans on abortion invalid regard-
cember would seem a g00d bet. sault on those precedents. Ess Or Wnetner those Dans opera 844-474-0400
The new briet, filed on behalf of In a
brief in July, Ms. Fitch ed at six, 12 or 20 weeks and re-
preme Court had already consid- tectanghtto abortion, she wrote. Mississippi has not come tor See website or call for more details. Offer ends 1/V2021
eredand rejected MissisSippi s ar ne Constitution s text says ward witn a good alternative to V
guments against Roe in other nothing about abortion. Nothing ability, the providers wrote.
.ne supermodel Iman. Evan Mock, an actor known for "Gossip Girl.
Lil Nas X, the singer and rapper Representative Alexandria Ocasio-ortez, left.
StarS IsO ChoSe to Sit thnis D pOnce otncers past oniookers The singer-songwriter Billie Eilish.
Petndps DEtause 0 O were pressed dgainst metal
aino bilo neoonle olimnse of celebrity glamour,
are sick is not the best look. And (one of those Celebrities was Mr.
ome regulars could not atend nlanet, wo wakeu partwa
weamg an
because they had not been vacC tote met aimostal
guests. Haider Ackerman jacket, Rick
Tne resuit was a more local, wens snurt andconverse nign
ger nd sporuer guest ist tOps.)
an su so
serone,as s swOs
hird out of safety concerns). But show were invited to the gala this
ne outits were as eye-catcning yea Tor tne very iStme,
as always. OSteDymore. establisthed
mdandencoin honor of the ticket: $35,000 a seat. That's
Costume Institute exhibition it steep tor a small business (ts
Amerca: A Lexi-Steep
celeorited,n D Pretty muc
e Students measuringg social distancing in the Bronx. New York is the last major school system in the United States to reopen.
parents accepted that it
to go back. In
low virus transmission in their
were at sigmificantly re-
duced capacity. Yet even with a
Cyw ic safety and iustice"as he ar-Brownsvile, BroORIyT, DeDra Owransmission rate at the end of
ras s were Sul a
oftwo cities." He has also down- that priorities like reducing12.0
gued d
played tune neea to Dring back a asthma, at Public School 323. The city's newly announced
New Yorkers who flede
we've got to give tnis a cnance
de aleo ran on a mes- other goals, from bolstering com- kids need time with
ne tainiy ed to Treyuent S
So paveDus
While the city's quaranine Pro
night the ance at a BrOOR" On a subway car with broken tCO
nore conservative
Centers for Disease Control
nerships. If he engages wary busi- killed on Saturday after a wrong- cotOng East ew
s eadets in aisCussions aboutway colSIon sent two vehicles nyan snn, New York's school testing plan is
what is needed to make the env onto tne sidewalk, Nit. Adams co veitedahout oein herclace ess stingent than tne C.D.C.Cals
ronmentorenosptaDe s orn- mates
aagan after learning re or, alarming some parents and
clined to stay in the city, or to ex- Aandom sample of 10 percent
ment could improve safety
New YorK CIy Streets.
s DETOre T
was on
KARGSTEN MORAN FOR THENEW YORK TIMES of unvaccinated studentswhose
remarks on Monday, Mr.
n his He said New York City should
Inthe Bronx, Jazlynn Gonzalez, Students trying to use the health screening app in the Bronx. dies consent to testing Will be
AGams CKEu uiugia us P h iroe drivers4,
ty nugged nerseand stareu
of life, public safety and innova- wdeeedat tne students pouring
with bad records-like the driverinto children learning from home last vous" she said. cent ot people in all school build
tion in the city, while asking busi-
ness leaders to De parthers s
SUspected of causing the 3-month School. "Ooh, I'm so scared" she
uSue said. "Idon't know what to d0, Iike
But some say thev would
preferred to wait at
have School in Oucens, a freshman. ne was
ngs weekiy by the end ot last year
least until Nate Herniande, 14, Sald Asked
Democratic mayoral rivals, and end all such tatalities by 2024, Via
an r e
not require masks or other
that domeasures h er nas goe rreropnomore at ade sa sheJustin Chapura., who teaches
nore so Biasio ne Pioga o Satety seen mass
have by implementing a full vaccine grades for her work until the pan- Bronx River High School, said he
also has close ties to0 real estate.
at the center
of traffic deaths since 2014, ac-
onnof or
the lowest
rates in
has one mandate for all
along with all
work in
demic started.
cant learn onlne se
was nervous and had trouble
Sleeping Detore scnoo started.
of the economic recovery efforts cording to Transportation Alter- the country, there were 69 out
The stakesare enormous for year of high school would he
lilke eoyeu tO See stu
echoing a theme that more than anves, a group tnat advocatesweeks of casses the hundreds of thousands of city u
that. I've missed looking around a 2020-some of whom had experi
150 business leaders underscored for safer streets. who have not Seen ther cassroom andhaving
Mr de Rlasio has said that the the children people enced major growth spurts.
when thev demanded
damss of
that he take making streets safer, a parked Po- City, once an epicenter orthe pan-start oftho n
ce tnere around
hasremained reso-
more decisive action to address ceDepartment cruiser was recoverwithothecompler In the Bronx, Jazlynn said that lute that the school year will pro erything ready?" Mr. Chapura
crine ndter ny-r-e SDCIg a De iane e
corerrestoration of its school SVstem. her first-day-o-school
SUes that they said were jeopar where the inlant was Killed, and a
which will allow parentsS tO retur about
jitters were
more than makng the jump
ceed normaly, albeit with safety
measures in place But it 1s Still
said. DoI have all my copies
made? What's my first class?
une Cey u
ery conference and made an illegalto work. 1nere are indeed encour They were about relearning how transmission this fall could force my lunch? What's happening? Do
Mr. Adams's remarks came at turn. Mr. Adams seemed reluctantWave which was modest com- to go to school."T used to be very many sctnool Duildings-or even Ihave my coffee? I pre-ordered
the SALI Conrerence, nerda tne talkative tO people, Dut now I Keep tne enure system-to snut down my cotfee in the taxi on the way
l ePared with much of the rest c
to screw
JavIEsnet and veee d Country, appears to De plateauing that's what mak
Ist as the school year Degn
r le Saw remarkably me
un toda 8ng
rump white House communica m
going to be committea to M
tions director. 1ne seheduie pr0m esoving this ISSue, just asi De months of planning for the third
ised appearances from two hedge eve wne e a consecutive school year disrupted
nal hackers of a suner PAC SuD todo so at the same time" Mr the pandemic.
rtg AdamsS candidacy: ams said, referring to Mr. de Bla- rolloutand ranidlv decinine e
terschool supporter,
Dane Loeb, prominent chiar "And
and Steven
SOs 2014 rollout or vision Zero. case counts, Mr. de Blasio an-
that is my level of commit- nounced that the
CLy wouu
A. Conen, the owner or the Mets. ment Onger ofer remote instruction to
irom nome.)
vowed a change from "the dystunctional city that we have been.| tributed reporting A kindergarten class in the Bronx. It is unclear how many parents will keep their children at home.
than a year and half caused by the transcript. tourth military Judge to preside
at Guantánamo Bay in the
pandemic. hey urged him to suspend pro-
The timeline set by the judge on ceedings until he was properly ept. 1l conspiracy case Ihe
the five men inclidino the anta
ac.with the rulinos bv thrce previons namo Bav, Cuba. left,
cused mastermind of the plot, judges in the case. BRENNAN LINSLEY/ASSOCIATED PRESS
Metropolitan Forecast
. ...Som
SUrisne, c
sttle Winnped
willnot be quite as warm as yesterday,
but it will be somewhat humid. There will Hecora
De a mx O Sunshine and cioUOs,
19 Manchester
srneapo there may be spotty showers.
t Pau Boo
ONIG Sy ouuy
spe Low 72. The front will bring clouds with
some showers and tnunderstonms.
OW VEry warm änd numidd
Üanestan High 86. Very warm, humid air Will return, Normal
and the temiged hgns
will be largely
auwie H e dry with sunshine and a gentle breeze.
THURSDAY. Showers, thunderstorms
lanta tront will bning a mostly cloudy sky
A Cold
some snowers and thunoerstorms.
ie Ciouds and showers will Keep the
temperature down, but the air will be
HIgh 80.
Thunderstorm Friday
Mia Friday will be variably cioudy with the
80s N chance for showers or tmunderstoris.
Weather pattema shown as expected at noon today, Eiem bme. g .Saurday Will onng clouds and
Highlight: Tropical Downpours Along Carolina Coast National Forecast Metropolitan Almanac
potential tmnlet
Apotential tropical entuy is n central Park, for the 16 hours ended at 4 p.m. yestday
ropicalstorm NicTiolas Wl take a
Curved pan
east of the Bahamas to the hin central l oui- Temperature Precipita tion in inches
north toward the carolina siana at midweek. There will be torrential Record Yesterdlay r 3.94
coast late tnis weeK. ne
rain ana sgncant o00lng alonE ne 2
Q2) Ed
Sorm cOu strenginEen peatn or tne stom. LOcaiy sEvEre tnunder
Storms, including tornadoes, will be possi- 4.19
y Wednesday, tracking Virginia Bea
ciOse to the Laroina Coast Farther north, there will be summeriike Actul 4.74
on Ihursday and Friday. nen 2
condiions Irom the soutwest to the Omal.
ropical oOwnpours cOuld SOutnern Plains, OniO vailey, SOUtheast
and part of the Mid-Atlantic. There will be 70
area. creating the risk for 30.07 11 am. Hih 73% 4 a.n
flash flooding. Iravel delays Hoaw ousty and localv severe thun Norma
expected derstorms are forecast from the Great w 6
Cooling Degree Days
Lakes to the central Plains.
Much of the West will remain dry with ar me oay smean rempeure ros anove 6c
WEl ds sTOKe dna nade asse ,
6 12
Now Delhi
m. p.m. emperature Precprtaton
Higvlow tomperatures for the 16 hours endod at 4 Se wg. daily departure g. daily eparture Below Above Below Above
**** sta OU0s B 68 PC eservoir levels (New York City waler supply
Haze SS Snow showers lok ity
Yesterda Today Tomorrow resterday 5*
PC..msme. Partlv clouty Tr T aha 64 a "
72/ 62T
Choaare Not available hiladlpria / 71 0 9/ 71 S 70 Benm 7/ 55 0 72/ 56 PC
72 0 79/ 74 PC RO 72 PC
tie c Cit aftie
B ..
74/ 62 006 &
67 PC
81/ 4/S
3/ 72 72 S
North America
52 PC
72/ S PC
NJ. Shore
9/74 Party Sury
78/ 44 0 78 45 PC 83/ 47 S Pe
Beach 19
hettanoog8 88/ 68 O 70 C 8 70T n
D T SuadalajarB /72Mosty s
on e ocn. visouy wil be gener
69 0 87/68 S 7R 67 T ming, De.
07 T Ta 0 0 79T Ocean City Md.
Colbeato rings R/R 0 77 52T RE 5A S
Afric 0 78 0.06
83/72 Party Sunny, humd
Virrinia Besc
48 a.m. :29
ar 81 PC B8 81 PC 77 042 aCHmet ua 2:06 a.m. 2:37 p.m. S2 Msy sunny, wam temcerature.
50 R Rearh Hwen m
ero Narob 8/ 56 0 80 54 PC 80/ 59 PC uebec City 2/ 53 PC 23na 403nm
Paso Toronto
73/ S8 002 861T Ciy Island a.m. 6.08 D.m. EE W DE O0 di dvE NEW Cgdnd
BC 5:46 temperatures in the
331 p.m udy, did t wI Keep
artford Rachdad 72 0 102/ 72 PC 103/ T2 PC Winnipeg /52 0 69/ 46 S 73/ 50 Sh
y B4 72 T
V 62 PC 77/ BA PC . 6:18
oustan 75 0.75 81/ 72T 3/ 68 0 orthport 5:50 a.m, p.m
T a1 Hona Kona 8/ 80T 8980
T Car
o 73T d 212 a.m. 2:45 pm Spotty shOwers around
ackan 70T Long Isian10 da
88/ 70 0 E21
8 63 PCC m 7R64S
3S Quito
y 48
m a.m. .
615m p.m. ew Jersey. From Delaware
Beach, the day will be warm and humid
to Virginia
0 14 anoio 30
5:50 a.m.
6:10 p.m. with a partly sunny sky.
Leangion y e6 U
8 67 S 6y 64 T
/ 80 0.78 8479 Sh 83/ 79 Sh Sartigo 40 008 75 4swilets Pint.
She also said in the suit that water polo recruit, even though So it seemed normal, Mr. Kellyy
$100,000. UER
Mr. Kelly said that unbe-
to Mr. Abdelaziz, none of it
July 2019 on sex-traffickingaugnters coud pOSe as salors
a ges, nd nonth later, ne aOuse in ya went to U.S.C.
was ound
ead Dy nanging nisSaid and 1that he wouid arranoe Itisalso a form bribery of Crunts. as charitabie contributions,
he rina did not even make the cut for
icideAn re-
indict. for Harvard and Stanford to re- not ued e resd eepst wo Proecurs etese s her h e
varsity team.
ment charged that Mr. Epstein
recruted dozens of underage Os
or SL.5 e
S Milhon odon That was Rick Singer. But
deal,1" Mr. Snget
without actresses Felicity Huffman and noreason to suspect that the char
o ap g, d S LOugnlns 1, Wnich was registered, was a
g eNg at a
girls to engage in Sex acts W pened.
told Mr. Wilson,
ilson also autio d hat the c rad. ernment said on Mon-
you what goes on behind closed
and his estate in Palm Beach, af- MS. Wrignt told the jury that the was not about anything the chil- guilty, receiving sentences up to day that it did not intend to put Mr. Dg s, e
ter which he paid them hundreds
Or aoars n casn. eet
letes and s
n d
dren had done.
needera nvestgaton, oreparents
P eeSger,
wno nas pleaded guilty to
scnedued to gorcketeering.nnewnesS
yg e tpe. you reany
he a nart of this 9ame t
in July
2020, faces trial in Novem: on to play professional sports. But Blues, has snared more than 50 Apri "**** at "
rors at Mr. Kelly's criminal trial in Snge Ban to naVE Sex with her Zine
the BrooKIyn that she was pertorming
lawsuit on the erounds that Ms, ren On tour Wnen sne Vo
e ed coalahcold mar testified. On at least one occasion,
Koll in 1994 Witossos have said Mr. Smith said, their behavior had
ent to visitE tne silnge
Guffres lawyers had not propbus. often pressured her and several that the union came aboutDe promptedhim to ask, Kobert, you
nwn te co as she began to open the others who worked around him as
But Angela said, she saw Mr. backup performers to have sex.
cause Mr Kelly believed that
yah may nave Deen pregnant ing,
said he meant
Mr Smith
being flirtatious.
we ae not
o a a Aaah
Aali hortl on
hefore the
on her
ecuted for statutory rape. ner The singer Aaliyah in 2000.
pear in the claim brought by Ms.
Situation, she told jurors. singer began to work first And
asMr. KelyS conduct
came unerrenewerTrutiny at
Angela closed the door album, "Age Aint Nothing but a
Ne Yorknd we arotnabruptly she said and never Number with Mr. Kely. Aaliyah
menthinalments hCorrections
eo uy*
about wnat
uring the
trial have testified about other as-
, seu
An article on Monday about Riv-
cvenicie make,
on Sunday about N.EL.
week one Dredictions misstated
the ranking ot the Las vegas
in on Eriday In it Mr engaged in sexual acts. Aaliyah, she s o encounters between eaduarters. ne company Raiders detense in 2020. It ranked
Boies said the lawyers sugges-whose full name was Aaliyah aged in a sexual act e o h ects of the
Mr Kely and Auiyah.The min based in California, not Michigan. 25th in the N.EL, not s0th.
gon, died in plane Aaliyah would have been publicly for the first time earlier NATIONAL
somehow eSettement
13 or JARIES
releases Fnce
Mr. Kelly, 54, faces one count
o On
On aa separate
separate stop
stop nin Washing
this month, telling Jurors
was gve nis
t0 give
asked to
that ehe An article on Friday about the n ooary on Priday about the
wasilg at
Ms. Giuffre was"erroneous" not-racketeering and eignt Counts of
ting the Mann Act,
Was askea
nisw wOrd
ted the e
proposal tor a Cvan
imprecisely to his appear
his appear
g at nce Andrew had not werecalled that she and a group of Climate Corps misstated the giv-
giv. ferred imprecisely
Deen a party to tne earner case across state lines for the purpose en name of the tather or Repre- nces on teevisio Sees te
Aaliyah were
other girls including
area hotel.
Said in court on Monday that he of prostitution. He has denied the nanne ren And one of the singer's former It
tour managers, Demetrius smith, n arti
is Steve, not Joseph.
or Onio.
urring role, not a guest role.
would hear arguments on the is- P frOe sha ho
sue of whether the suit had beenAalyah, was one of the a 7-Eleven convenience store for ment employee for the fake identi-ents of voune chidren seekine coErors are coretedurig the pres
properly served. But he seemmed most celebrated music stars of the T0u, Dut
tat eny tO
fication for Aaliyah as Mr. Kelly's ronavirus vaccine trials misstated noted here may not have appeared in
can see a lot of legal fees be
ng spent and time being ex-of the
hasbeena signifcant focusWaen he learnedoffheir
to aageied ence, he demanded sex, she said.
egan toplo
disohedner re
1995, and Aalivah filed to have d
the number of children participat- all editions.
The New jorkTimes
a Faberge eB8,
would not have made the pallot,; the ex $0.00") have enabled Mr. Newsom to Hkety to die fro o estilled Cizens still oendeunvaccinat
tne Dy
This is Ke
S 0 treme political polarzatuon thaas Set the Contest a nau0 n a ave governors behaving as if they yDrceve in
which maves it noeeiba for a armg nat itoria would become are ant-mandates Just to opp0Se mandate, Dut witnout a mandate
It's not a football. You can't throw it
Cal President Biden.
around. It's delicate. Democracy is deli- placement to win with minimal support not
clear whether the tens of millions of ional vacinations,
are. T adnt redilaOw eaet should tne recan pass. but Democtdts dollars spent on the Vote No Campaign nennie in their states nd encour For these reasons and others it
w fears that lackiuster turnout could cre-
slr ppeEt has won ir. Newsom any converts. But 0 Cm ueep incon
that isn't the goal. The fear is meant to
vaccinaton, they are actively
atod lkewarm enthusiasm Tueng & edy pandec already acen
race is, not Just for me about Mr. nd
nat Delaled realzëalion nas änimated Mr Newsom aroply has not cam- harming their constituents. They
cine mandates and the president's
the final weeks of this Oda campaigl, aigned on his record, with the excep me arnd moroues vaceine mandate lor privare Dus
the polls close on Tuesday, they appear
verylikety to break in the governor's fa ould represent A VIctory tion of his management of the pan
demic, rating: has earned him strong a
while sending unvaCCinated, un-
nesses. opposition to compelled
covid-19 vaccinations nas never
a rebuff of the G.O.P., not masked Kids to senoo1, TO Score
DOntacal pOints against President PUSO.
vor. Yet the election
Se m
solid support from voters. port for mandates on vaccinations and BIden, wno 1s acting in the nterest SPENCER HENDERSON, CHICAGO
be neither a morality play about democ-SO masks.
wom and his record It is more nrosaic At the same ume, fewer than nait or
lopsided battie between a Newsom and underlying dissatisfaction
udn tnat Beyond the Lee Statue We should al thank Gov. Henry
reasonabiy popular emOcratic incu
bent wh0 often seems more sell-ab- Ke ed
lack u
ce nsabout half thought the state was in a re
cession. When rated on pressing proo TO THE EDITOR: csteror
0 intect
prorectlng ourgnt
ourseives, dul iu our
lems nke nousing, nomelessness and Re "New Chapter in Richmond as lies, Iriends and neighbors
tive radio talk show host who is argu-Some of the dissonance is personal
abiy to tne rignt ot Donald irunp, in a e nas 1ong moved n an ete, moneyed Lee Statue Comes Down" (news olleagues will mo O.R
r inump lost by 295 percentage
atirino the same Their houses their preat, the restrictions have been
rules. for so long they
ing reauy cranky.
left a lot of people feel-
Sut the civIl ibertaran in me doesn't
love the idea of this or any president us- bret aking my quizzical tace. Go
cines on the people who refuse to get
them. Your thoughts? Gail: Then we had one of the worst politi
Gail Collins: well, Bret, if Biden was history, when Newsom sneaked off to a
Tounding up the non-vaxxerS, having ery fancy restaurant for a maskless
them tied down and inoculated by force birthday dinner for a lobbyist pal. Who
wouldint have muttered "this guy has to
drawing the picture I'd certainly have
reservations. But n enect nes Sayg Bret: It was also emblematic of out-of-
that they shouldn't be allowed in certain touch California elites who live on a to-
vEyd tauy aterent planettrom the one in
buildings. wIhich theeres a nousing cisis, a nome-
This is a serious, serious health crisis, THE a Denein
addiction crisis
andI don't think Id want the president to
schooling crisis, a power-outage crisis, a
And con-
don't I remember a previous widnres Crisis, a ater-snortage crisis
versation n which you suggested the
non-vccinateu adnt deserve to al De complete Democratic Party control.
lowed in hospitals if they got sick?
Bret: Not exactly, but close. The most e-
Constitution Gail: But now recall realnty 1S creeping8
in the
are about as eeaaa
mandates, which only diminish the in- other Failed Presidencv at Hand"proba unhappy overall-depressed state for- gves the president the big bipartisan Sna
ever. Im Duying into Dig change, wicn win that he really needs now. esteu nve
centive to get vaccinated. o d0ude i blytook the argument a step further than
missing a tew thingS
vearing amask i ove the ideao getting le no
E St00 eariyto Say that
the resident suevee
nse wheel. But back to your Biden critique,
you voted for
him last time but
Ana nas ail the stuf that you hke.
long since pased
e pcked nve epuicans,
away, Trump
sh You said
srh 5.triionsocia spend: stlhaa
rid of them.And there are a lot of pubic
Pae W wereT
andthat includes mepeed to grasp the
See signs basically extent to which he's in deep political
nowhe has revealed himselfto berhead.
Donaid TrumnPuns acainet him2
t ne
ne r erip on neart or
islation to bring the headline price tag y
you DacK Into
tne partyw
gven up hope that well
ygOue vccinated, wearr maske rouble. It isnt Just theAtghan debacle, tmis stut is as popuar as pro
or worrisome intlation, or his predictions Bret: One of the reasons I'm so dismayed dow, iT 24.
by Bidens periormaee gressivesCaim, they should tDe abie to But way, way more topics tor discCus
hborhood, where most the score some legisiatnve victoreS
tne people see on the streets are long
virus had other ideas. think he has mis-
I to tempt Trump to run again. In which B v
c prece uy
peer oy sion before
sion be that. Have g
Since_v dred, drorToIKSer Tead s pcal to
case, I'l vote for whoever is most likely
to hes Coll: Sounds reasonaD nu etsake a date to discuss the re-
andatewcwas outside
ound ore ovenient
the enioresh no vote for Bernie. I'd rather have a presi- ality of our modern-day Congress,
Coneress, in
in Newsom wins, we're all going to be
popping in and out of stores or masstran- one in the moid of Lyn
dent who's a danger to the economy and which the idea of passing more than one watching avidly to see where he holds his
but 1 like to think they also want to
remina tne word that were stl ngntng
don Johnson. And he's trying to do this
0n tne strengtn or Namäld aISS
seur tan omeWs
ger to democracy and national sanity. da hngee
aincunt tunan ning a Wa
oy pay
Bret: He should try holding it at an actu
back a pandemic, which is easier if ev- tiebreaking vote in the senate.I think it's Gail: I do like imagining you walking Bret: In the meantime, we' ve got a recall al laundromat this time, not the French
erybouy works together. a recipe 1or more socal anvision and po- around town witn a Bernie Dutto. lection im canlornia, lor which poiling Launa
[email protected] Oytim
Apple Issues
Urgent Fixr
To Stop Spies
Researchers found an
Israeli firm had infected
phones and computers.
News Hoax
Amount of household Amount of household electricity Tied Litecoin
electricity required to mine one
coin: a few seconds' worth.
required: more than 9 years' worth.
(Put in terms of a typical home
To Walmart
electricity bill: over $12,500.) Niraj
Chokshi, Matth
and Erin Woo
The news release went out at 9:30
a.m. Monday, just asS tne u.s. stock
Bitcoin's value: Value of one Bitcoin today market opened. It Caimed to0 De
ews fohe rntocene i
basically nothing. about $45,000. dustry: The nation's largest
would soon Degin accepting
payment in Litecoin, a digital cur
By ESHE NELSON that's not counting the roughly asm 1or LItecoin, wnicn is tar ess
Empty beer taps in pubs, super popular than Bitcoin and other
Chaloe missino at MicDonald's: It part time while getting wage sub- jumped to about sz450T maround
seems each new day in Britain Sesrotne 80veent. S rignt after the news, then tel
oce au
or Scarce
RCTy to OSe their JoDs Dackand traded at around s180 a
month. The neretrators.of the hoax most
ajd bv
ry's shortage of truck drivers and ne la0ormarket, in Short,l5n ikely made money in that time.
nerworKers. Securities lawyers said there
The proDIem exTends Deyona pOy reease
ine wrk h
omy. Job vacancies in Britain are the empty positions don't match the Securities and Exchange
about 20 percent higher than their Wat peopie prepared or re or Commission and possible charges
against the frauasters, wnose
epandemc ieves, ana the needwant to do. 1ne Ontea statesS has
aver occunation including com- ening President Biden's huge in "It is a misrepresentation in
Duter programmers, health care frastructure-building plans. volving a public issuer, said An H
aSSIstants and rarmworkers. m
Brain, analysts say the mis- arew calamar, a lawyer witn
arter Bitam 0 ds ey wh ho oconomic recovery al merdirectorof the s Cse
anemployed and looking for work ready losing momentum, this ad- MARY TURNER FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES tesand New York office."There is
nan Derore the pandemc. And cONTINED ON PAGE B5 pud in LOndon. 1he nospltalny industg nas taced a star snOrtage as Peopie nave sougnt J005 witn Deter Denents. 0NIOEDON FAGE B
The Digest
S&P 500 4,468.73 T +0.2% Nasdaq Composite Index 15,105.58-0.1% DowJones Industrials 34,869.63 T+0.8%
month perfomance: +*5,0% 3 month periomanoe. *b.b 3 month performance: +14%
, ADvanced Mcro Devices (MD)510800 35 &. Calmos Market Neutra hoome s R6 (YSOX) **0 5.3
7. Schumoe S
. West Phamacze
uti.serices (Ws s42.21 37 1, PMizer hc (FE) s44,58 +2/9 28,3 13.6
8. DXC TECH0 $35.98 4.7 . Bio-Rad Laboratories () $791.59 34 3. Carnival (CCy $23.31 25 36 8. Fidelty Select Technology Porttlio (FSPTX) +308 +318 128
s, 9. TRowe Prioe Communications&Technology Fund Investor Cass (PRM)
FHabuton $20.44 +4.7
9. Twitter (TWTR) 39.6 3.1 30 *248 25./ 126
478,52 10. vels a® (WG
Source: Morningesta
ommunicatn servkes *U
pRcs +U
05 Hoath care
Eastern 10p.m 12a.m. 6a.m. 12p-
-10 Treas.-Fed funds 1euro-$1.18 e Savings rate (1 year c Unemployment rate consumer confidence
OTOg rate (3Uyearteo morgages
AA $1.2 wwv 12%
21 12
1 18 19 20 2 18
neki curve-esercay g Sl-109. Japaneseyen com (pice per bushel New nome aN nausiria production
450 720
100 150
17 18 19 20 21 15 12 14 6 8 1820
Months -Maturity- Yesars
nand ve trn
had been undertaken for a valid ral election law is decades old users (or appearing to limit the Twitter initially said that it hadhoardsand enahfnommerc ures its r arketing strateg;
commercial reason, not a political and is Droddiy outdated, so aec VISity or
their postsWitnout Prevented linking to the Hunter Ms Martinez 40 was never for. and product road map, according
purpose, and were thus allowable. sions by the election commission providing an sup-
explanation); Biden article because of its exist- to the lkwsuit.
maly employed by Pinterest, nor
social media platform, the
Campaign finance law "does not tent; and labeling Mr. Trump's hacked materials and private she ask for a contract. She was rior desion createda lifesvle bloe
not given stock, thougn
mission used the same reasonin8 account Tor thepOSt-Droadcast tweets witn warings about their formation. The article, which fo- Pinterest sie and founded LAMA Designs, an
to side th apchat andreyecta I nseec
naion The camnaion had aro1ed firms said Ciara Torres.Snelliscy that they were aoile snecula
ar oso Cused on the Bidens Ukrainian agreed to compensate
Th D c c times.
many commerce start-up. Even though
her LAMAS business model worked
the summer2020 ance aws and ho campaions Twitter and SnapIat decea execunve, dcO
sions. Pinterest even named a sec she had
according to another commission are run Emma Vaughn, an R.N.C. context as to why" had been "un-tonof itssource code after her, ac contributed
document. Still, the Repubiican
Nationa spoKeswoman, Saa ue c acceptable. As "core org
which were made last appealing thisdisappointing deci-
the boundaries of campaign
month behind closed doors and nance law, she added. "The choice sion fromthe FE.C" Arepresenta- materials and would ailow
similarh hometornrsts
after. Twiter Said that it founders that she brought them
and was
early da
in its
are set to become public soon, pro- to delete or suppress certain con- tive for Mr. Trump did not immedi- content to be posted. Subetn s
tect the flexibility of social media tent on tne pltror
s d dy i
po Republicans said the damage
"I always expected that when d was swig prose, Ven
was done-and set a poor
book, Google and Snapchat to con- lensof the First Amendment, Ms. Twitter would go on to perma- den P they could compesate me, they riosela
woula, sne sana,
sareun uerPlat
rederal singly
nenty Dir
plattorm enrey This censorship manifestly adding that She
struggled to riaise money
Decisions likely set a entwill influence the presidential a doubt in my mind." ndng ror Pnterest, based
been at odds with the nation's big-
media Precedent for future
ofviolence" after the attack on the na lettor toh E Pinterest spokeswoman said
ore an aed and M.
8et tecO08y na social
ter Tuitserhlocked the credentials.came easier. Ms. Mar-
Capitol by his supporters as Con- ariele and aStatementthat Ms.artinezs
cOmpanies, accusin8 political campaigns. gress votea to ceriy ue auAV comnany wold defendits eager
Facebook said it was "reducing its
itsand bhthe co tinez said she was
. to nelp
on their platforms. Mr. Out O once, Mr. Trump has e piece. position in court. "We are proud of
we built atPinterest and ap
Trump, who was ousted from Torres-Spelliscy said. I don't Sued Facebook, Twitter and veal on duentsrewhat n
oround oenertise in reatine
wtter and Facebooreariy thstinkthattYDe ot content moder PvSO agng tn been especially suspicious of theheined Ciate an te
sh over product for women" she said. "My
critics of the two companies and to raise acamDaign finance issue Act known as Section 230, which the years" she said. was always to educate them
Hunter Biden article. The compa-
ny's head of site integrity, accord
roleCcordng aws, tO
even announced a lawsuit against Some Republicans are seeking imits internet companies The lawsuit renews questions the 5
e and GO0gle.
to take a broader cudgel to the big y rWat posted on tnelrhe
copaes, ag tora- n
ter had "received oficial warn-cor air m a idea of organizing images on
ah enaeeret woTRs, 15
rien itle ings throughout 2020 trom Teutetu 1ostile to women and minoritiesD0rds, core Tearre Or tne
ite; created its cal-to-action
height of the presidential race last tions law that shields them fromli- credence to Mr. Trump's suit, the in its workplace.
yearwas a particlliar iasnpoint ability tor what users post. news of which the former presi- Last summer,
lfeoma0zoma ia ancdin
tor Republcans and Big lech. 5ut
the case of the Hunter Biden
dent immediatey used as a Tund-
political campaigns ormer roeemplovees
a targetator wrote on Twiter about the pay
and home décor, fashion and D.i.Y. She
ing Snapchat's decision to stop
featuring Mr. Trump on one of its
within a day of its decision to block
distribution of the piece, and its
Section 230 has been a regular
target of lawmakers who want to
erceon e mgnt
mmiissio said
p s, Tetillauon and sexist,uue topP design and litestyle inee
Election Commis-
sion said in both cases that the
e ons
The Federal Election Commis-
signed an executive order in-
found "no information that Twitenced at the compan. Shortiy af mote it. She took him to confer
ter coordinated" its decisions with ter, Francoise Brougher Pinter ences, gathered teedback rom
companies had acted in their own sion's official vote on the case tended to chip away at the protec s
cmer operatin8 oft ueco unny and noned the
commercial interestsS, according the commission is split equally De o5 Orered y econ 30, andh MMarinea caid chee realized e
provided the parties involved. commissioners and three Repub- makers have proposed repealing that he supported the rulings but tion. she would not be compensated
The commission also said that licans is not yet public, nor are or modifying the provision. that he had concerns about the In response, Pinterest employ onyarter Pinterest went pubiic n
Twitter had followed existing poli- any additional statements
writtenBut technology companies and elecion commission s Useor whatees staged a virtual walkout in Au after, she said, a death in
appear to provide ments often accompany the clo- caly defended it, arguing that tionale because it was over- company increase the number
The rulings of the family caused her to reflect on
social media companies addi sure of cases. Section 230 has been crucial for broad. women and minorities in its top her life. Ihat emboldened her to
tional protections for making deci- In addition to rejecting the the growth of he internet. If the. t encompasses almost every ranks and provide more transpar speak up about Pinterest. mny s to
Ong as
>c Bauon raveeche ei
Apple Rolls Out Emergency Update Arava Desert. The firms spyware
has been intectang APpie prouucts
To Close Flaw That Lets Spyware In
Citizen Lab said the scale and
to target specitic individuals, Mr. a group that tocuses on free Scope or ne opttaonwas
The discovery means that more
use worldwidehave been vuinera
Krstic said.
d it plan
SDeecn, teaned up WItEn
duce new security defenses for"The Pegasus Proiect" to Dublish
conso C$ lear. Mr. Marczak said,
DIeto NSOS Spyware sinceE at iessage, APpiestexng appuca astor u,000 phohe numbeS, in- and otheriPnones in March, itWas
east arch. It signals a se1OUs ton, in its nexLIOS I3 SOtware up- Cuding SOme uset Dy Journalists, Sre to Sy tne spyware nad Deen
ith onvernments il NSOdid immeiatev re. nd actiists that thev said had e for loast siy months.
ing to pay whatever it takes to spy spond to inquiries on Monday. been selected as targets by NSO's
he zerochick explot, which
On aigitäal communications,en NSO as
long arawn contro cents.
ticated exnloits disewera
racing to uncover and fix the lat- ments that meet strict human was unclear whether the list was rensics researchers. In 2019, TE
Est vuerabintes tat enaDIe gEs Stdndars ad tnat it ex aspirdra orweter tne Peu imes,"This ke opening up the
IS possible presence of spyware. Bute ov
Sucn s
vi tims learned Pressly Tequires
Customers tO ple
nd actuly Deen targered white pages, choosing50,000 NSO'S neW zero-chck method u
their devices were infected by track terrorists or criminals. Among those listed were Azam clusion from it." by journalists and cybersecurity of WhatsApp, the Facebook mes-
SPyae eev u ps
SuspiciousS ink texted to their NSOS Pegasus Spyware
yeas A W
tv DE s
has ty bureau ciet tor The Times
This year marks a record for the
discovery of so-called zero days,
researchers much harder. Saging sevIce. LAst year, CinZen
The commercial spyware in-LaDna a dgital ral suggest
link with journalists or cyber ists, dissidents, lawyers, doctors, corruption, violence and surveil- that NSO used to install its spy. Marczak, the Citizen Lab re ploit to read Apple iMessages, but
Secunty expers. But NSOS Zero nuntonists and even cnilaren n lance in Lain Amenca, incuaing ware. This year, Chinese hackers Searcher. Mr. Marczak said he wasEsearcnersS nEver aisCUvered te
flaw enabled
eaaccess s
full to a
c ao
and Mex Se e
Beirut, Lebanon, who has investi-
ar were caughtusing zero days in
emailsand plant ransomware. In
ist approached by the sauidi ac
week that he was able to parse
ng suspected of hav-
evi ing a zero-click capability. But
Sons digital lite. sucn abilities can tarting in z016, a series ot New gated rmgnts aDuses ana Corrup July, ransomware criminals used dence from the activist's phone proo never tured up.
Tetc mllons ot aoliars On the
tools, where governments are not ware on the
n orxmes
iPhones of Emirati ac-
ton in saudi Arabia ana wrote a a zero day in software sold by the
crown prince, Mohammed bin down the netiworks of some L000 Pegasus targetse
and uncover digital crumbs simi- 0ay was the proo, Mr. Mäar
w " For Forcedentry was the first time
regulators but are chents and are tivists obbying tor expanded vot Salman. companies. Mr. Marczak said he found that nat esercners suceessTuy re gi
among thne most iucrative spend years, the spyware indus the Saudiactivist, who declined to coveredar,Zero-cnckexpiot on
ing rights; Mexican nutritionists Tt also incuaea 14 neads of For
On Monday, Ivan Krstic, Apple's into
lawyers looking the mass dis acr n try has t box. Sales of be identified, ad rectvtu a dents When such discoveries are
head of security engineering and appearance ot 43 Mexcan stu dent yTl Ramaphosa of South closure agreements and are fre- ble to the user, exploited a vulner Tevealed, gOvernmets ana e
arcectre commendeu nzendents cdemcSwO elped Aa, me.nster MOStatd quently roled into classilied pro- ability in the way that Apple pro DercTmnais plcally uy tO ex-
ab sindngs and urged write ant-corrupton leguslatonMadby ot RptPeMn grams with limited, if any. cesses images and allowed the plot vulnerabe systems beore
ware updates for the fixes to take
Macos 0 ne doserihed
, land; and an American represent
In July. NSObecame the subject
abuse Dy
the head
Er othmani, who un-
NSO's clients previously in-
tected their targets using text
that cajoled victimsinto
downlo0aded onto Apple devices.
with the victim none the wiser, nis
orher most sensitive communica-
them, making timely patching
are highly sophisticated, cost r of further scrutiny after Amnesty Shalev Hulio, a co-founder of de it possible for journalists phoned off to servers at intelli- updates immediately.
lions of dollars to develop, often
have a short shelf life and are used
nternational, the human rights
watchdog, and Forbidden Stories,
NSO Group. vehemently denied
the list's accuracy. telling The
and researchers at organizations
like Citizen Lab to investigate the
gence and law-enforcement agen-
cies around the globe.
Doou own an Apple product?
Jpdate it today" he said.
Paramount Chief, From Holywood's Old Guard, Is Ousted Shots aiso De required?
the 190s-era studio repaing as a movie proaucer and director. ministration? (The Pfizer-BioN-
relationsipswith filmmaKers
and producers, building a thriving
But much the Holywood estab-
of rn Tech vaccine is currently the only
Sioe wi l apprvdl.)
f hiemáeime
which includes supercharged. Mr. Robbins has
a commercially success-ageny erouted new children's wno 1s responsible for vacCina-
scratch, and restoring Paramount Norbit,"
to prolitabDility.
ne was ousted on MOnday, With
cy reviled Eddie programmin8
Murpny vehicie from 2007. NOt odeon's
towardPara or
the individual businesses?
traditional cable chan What are the consequences
s Statusas te consummate o Mr Robbins gained fame asa falsifying a vaccination status?
into a liability, at least to Viacom young actor in the i980s by piy Otner questions, ofm testing and
ViacomCBS has
CBS, tne cOngronerdte tt w g a ueeu rebe ne AB other policy details, covered simi
Paramount, where streaming8 scC DECLR CETY MACES Stcom Head of the ClassIn the turned its focus to eral ouidelines interact
with state
television producer ("Kenan & Streaming. ever nitlauves, wno wll DEe re
Brian Robbins, 58, who runs Ker on ICKelodeon,Smalville sponsiDie Tor paying Tor testng
Viacoms hlarenselevisgon on the WB) and a nm ore nels. One such show, a reboot of lowed if emplovee
absences or a
Dusiness, Will succeed Mr. Gianop Ve tne expense or ticket
sales and theaters. Big-screen re
of iacomCBSs, said in a statement
that the leadership change would or
By 2009,1
Mr Rohbins T
ino Service.
t 10r e trition resulted in supply chain
mount Pictures, ViacomCBS said.
o tuetd
dts to studio partners hke 1om
i Lmentum, adut sso8
continues to
started to become disillusioned Mr.
r "Jim G" as
Also of conCern,
Emma Watts, 51, the president of
ensuring it with HolywoOd. TOunger auu everyone in Hollywood refers tosaidi ir-
foea passed y
lmpossible" series and embracineviewersevolvine
a coming1op Gun" sequel. tastes and habits. He said Mr.
ncess s ere him,
mentine with low-budoet films
will remain a consultant until pace at which government tends
eyed Vidconnbsto move, compared with the qui
The reversal of fortune for Mr. But the ouster rattled the film Robbinswas an "expert" at devel- starring YouTube personalities endary in thisbusiness, andI am are
used to makineThis has been
Gianopulos, who had two years "
hstahlished nlatforms sd Ke LcaS Cruikshank (a.K.a. Fred humbled and grateful to him for a
problem during the pandemic,
ett on his contract, did not shockdhas ir
tion about his standing inside Via- write their own endings. And
o no n
Bakish called Mr. Gianopu
" *
nessTV, aimed teenage girls. sP .
years of mentorship and he said.
oDls Sald u a "For 19 months, weve been
comCBS had been gossiped about added to & cnangng or tne guara: 0stowenng
wh0 gue in 101y 2013, Jeffrey Katzenberg. Mr. Robbins will continue to ministration or the Biden admin-
for months.
Shari Redstone, who
oee nginempowe on aa
erndatdAon hto n
thankdh or rwas
no n theno 29
running lead Nickelodeon. ViacomCBS
Bur ne wno get o
istration and all of the agencies in
VOlved in this, he said. "And the
los had become a frustration. In chief creative officer at Walt Dis- counted a list of major changes he Katzenberg remains a mentor.) mount Television Studios will now heen slow to keep up with the pace
parucular ne nad, at umes, re ney>tos, 15 wIdely expected to ad navgted over is neary here is no movie DusinesS report to David Nevins, the chair of change.
sisted a ViacomcBS effort to pri- retire in the coming months. year career-such as the intro- anymore! Mr. Robbins was man and chief executive of Show- He added: "Allorus want to get
ntize the Paramount+ stream- Bob Bakisth, the chief executive duction or VCRS and online ilm quoted by Fast Company as say- time Networks.
rostorethese neople to Sales Advisors company director, said there's been tute for Emplovment Studies, a
swift change in the Joos pool. Len British research center.
ne payrol or cut them t HOtel
ver theE past year and a nä, hocolat in London, dont think employers look to
the program has supported ll. Jobcentre Plus to solve their prob-
millon eonle romainina on u Hunt, a reCruitment company that many other countries look to their
ough and most of them already nelps till jobs at about 600 organi employment service, he said.
warn that
e recruirers
end or the prOgram
Zations, mostly in the public sec
That should change, he added.
ge will have the skills and qualifica- orecast the unemployment ment benefits find jobs. It hired Within six months, the com
ns a
oroblem, at least not soon. tions n the areas where the de
rate would reach nearly per
3.00 more co0aches, gger pany went fromstruggling to don't need those work coaches
For one thing, there may not be
enough furloughed people to meet
mand5, Sald atesnoestn, Cent by tneend or 202Ttnere was
confederation's deputy chief exec a second wave of the pandemic. re was
i Recession
the Great in 2008.
ater find jobs tor candiaates wno are
Egstere w us
any more. Lets let them go betore
ney Decome tOO expensve
ero 13
mn arv o uerwhat are we doine
abo rainine ontimistic orediction was drearv: IpsseereAferhe Rritih c skiled andenerience saff in od iakomnl
tisements in Britain, according to and devEloping pe0ple Unemployment would peak at 7.3 Treasury extended the furlough we need Mr. Taylor said. "Ive ment services. We are going to
the Recruitment and Employ- Last summer, Britain prepared PErcent, mpiying aDOut a lmon pr0gram, unempioyment peaked never Seen anyting move as need investment in occupational
ment Confederation. For another, for a different jobs crisis, as the more people would be out of work at 5.2 percent in December and quickly as this before." health, child care and so on. And
Ban f Eng
isunlikely to neatly match the jobs program.
ing out of the furlough So the government doubled its This has been a very quick land's governor, Andrew Bailey, l'd rather we maintain that invest-
that need filling. The Organization for Economic army of so-called work coaches, bounce," said Dan Taylor, the highlighted the shifting problem ment but focus it on making thela
T dont necessarily think they COoperation and Development who help people on unemploy- managing director or Morgan the country faces. "The challenge bor po0l bigger
Shares of Soho China Dive OPEC Predicts Demand for Ol Will Rebound in 2022
After a Buyer Walks Away By STANLEY REED
leum Exporting Countries said on
sure to share more ot their weaul Monday that demand tor ou was
Blackstone pulls out ofa ne de expected to rebound a00ve
prepanaemmc leveIS next year.
dealwithout explanatton, 8est, was annoOunced in June, with
panicking investors. regult0y review Pending
was seen as a move Dy u
group said it expected oil demand
to average 100.8 million Darreis
By ALEXANDRA STEVENSONtheir evnosre to.China u per day in 2022, compared with
ust over 100 million in z019, De
Shares of Sono China, a real estate A deal for Soho China could fore
o have also shored up contidence inThe forecast is evidence that
Pwercoupe, TeDone-td the country's real estate sector,
wAEd away from its deal to buy
orouth ie co zdDie
Soho China said in a Joint nnngB
regulatory scrutiny as Beijing
tries to put a stop to
corPdeThe number toof use
barrels OT O
biaCA re
tral bank rules, called the "three the world economy is still heavily
rea unes.
Evergrande, Chinas biggest
declined to comment further on decerns ahout climate chanoe and a
Monday. s poukEu mvest0rs, steep fall in
ng in Manhatt
ne news comes as Chinas
greater regulatory tghtening in
a d, COnioueu
most successful business tycoons drop of nearly 2 percent in Hong
oa ,
for energy, especially in China and
Sucn gains, ac
cording to OPEC forecasts.
around nine million barrels a day
styea aDout percemt,
OPEC said. Oil consumption has
In its report, OPEC said it was
senu roretast
2022 by s00,000 barrels a day
Tor nand
The pace in recovery in oil de
1s now assue to De
stronger and mostly taking place
face scrutiny and growing pres Kong shares on Monday. Lina, 1or instance, 1S expectedd recovered strongIy, Dut tne emer- wnile shgnuy lowenng its est m 2022, OPEC analysts wrote.
ou jork &imcs
It's playtime. Try the CrosSword, the Mini, he
Spelling Bee and more from anywhere. Games
ouroes: EneEy Inormation Administration: Cambndge Btcoin Electncity Consumption Index | County usa8e numbers are trom 2019. Eectricity ocost tor miners is 8ssumed to
the past five years. verage so.05 per kilowatt-hour. Upper, kwer and best guess trernds are estrmated using the research methodology behind the LaTmbridge Bitcom bectricty Consumpton inoex TE NEW YOAK TIMES
For a long time, money has been thought coins would be limited. The idea was that seller can be assured that the Bitcoins he
Or as sDnetngyo n
nond n your
rowiE emand over ue woud gVe rSe 1 receng are edl. fthe nole
TenciesHke these seem like such a ok a while to catch on Bitcoinbookkeeping SVstem: the main.
idea. A government
simple, brilliant But toay, a singie Bitcoin is worth enace or the vast Bitcoin public ledger.
prints some paper and guarantees its about S45,000-though that could varyAnd tnis isWere mun or tne eectical
aenenwe swapit among ourseves wildly by the time you read this-and no energy Bets consuned.
can give it to whomever we want, or even you like. (of course, if people 2. A global guessing game begins.
uestroy were to be caught buying illegal drugs or Allaround the world, companies and in
On the nternet, tunings can Bet more orchestrating ransomware attacks, two dividuais known as BitcOin minerS are
of the any
Traditional kinds of money, such as
u aive transactions ar nem into the
Le rteteu Dy uE ET 8ov they'd still be subject to the law of the D
ernmentS, arentenrey eeDu land.)
wever, as 1t nappens, uangga
Ihey basicaly playa guessn8 8A,
networks and other middlemen can ex- Duters to try to beat out others. Because
ercise cotrol over who can use their fi- central authority takes a whole lot of if they are sucCcessful, they're rewarded
nancial etworks and wnat ue computing power. with newIy created Bitcoin, which of
vent money launderine and other nefar. This competition for newly created
Starts with a transaction.
ious activities. But that could also mean I et's nt to buy s0 nething a Bitcoin is called "mining
that if you transfer a big amount of pa wiin Bitcoin, The first part is quick Ou can think or It hke a lottery, a or
it to the government even if the transfer and easy: You'd open an account with a Braiins, a bitcoin mining company,pro-
is completely on the up-and-up. Vides a good analogy:
a group ot treethinkersor anar You nowhhave a "dioital waller" with acasino and everyone playing has a dhe
chists, depenung ea
as a 10spend it, you simply would have hillion o bi
way to remove controls like these? Ed D ugdwt Ebut that's hard to draw.) The winner is
unknown person or per yg g the frst person to roll a number under 10.
sons using the name satoshi Nakamoto the moro a et power you have
But that transaction, or realy nyex ex-
electronic payment system that would Change of Bitcoin, must tirst be validated So, unlike at the casino, where you have
do exactly that: Cut out the middlemen.
Thats the ongin of Bitcoin.
e tcn
terms, this IS
networ. InespstJust
the process by whicn the
one die to roll at numan speed, you
can have many computers making many.
to tr ple: You nOw have to roll a number under so with 6.25 newly minted Bitcoins, each
hird party- a bank, a government or The Bitcoin network is designed to 4, oT you nave
to rol exactiya 1. worth aboOut s45,000. SO you can see wny
wnatever make the guessing 8ame more and nats wny Btcoin miners now nave peope ignt thoCK into mining
Nakaoto Sald,Decause
transactions would be managed by a de- more ditiCut as more miners par wireouses pacEu wit ptco wny sucn a COmpcated and expe
de emolo nerson or entitv mium on speedy, power-hungry numbers and using tremendous quanti ply recording the transactions in the
could control it. All Bitcoin transactions
would Deopenmy acCountedtOr ina puOnC
s0 tat t always
takeS an
es or enegY n tne pr0cess.
3. The winner reaps hundreds of tho
ledger wOuld De uiviany easy. s0 ue
challenge 1s to enSure ma y
ne wold be ereated as a re- to win a round. In the dice game sands of dollars in new Bitcoin.
wreak havoc on the
Winning laster, e
ward to participants for helping to man
tainnino aster game ame The winner of the guessing game va system, stopping legitimate transfers or
age this Viast, sprawmg, cunpue
ledger. But the ultimate supply ot Bit-
d start
tne is re
a standard block
idates Bitcoin
to make t harder. kor exam-transactions, and is rewarded for doing
o Scamming people with take BIcom
transactions. But the way Bitcoin is de-
timesroediai G bitioas
oal of renlacing all jet fuel efficiency improvements in uel prouuc
with sustainable alternatives by 2050, aO,ey
down yings env
ueau aid not
ae comment.
to have
2030, President Biden said, been granted. memorandum of under-
ne am
he United States will aim to produce three stanaingE Outiningthe goverhments sus
Dllion gallons ofsustanable tuel-about nDe Oe e e
waste, plants and other organic matter, re- and excludes the E.PA.
aucing aviatonsessionsoplanet
warming &ases by z0 percent and creating mote ns ertalnyreads e aplan to pro
crop-based b1otuels in aviation, said
Ihe Bitcoin network uses about the same amount More than SEven imes as mucn electnicity as
Or ElBCtncly 8s wasinington >täte does in a year. dll or aooEEs giOda OperauonsS. The airline industry has set sustainable ternational Council on Clean Transporta-
nDr n provides tecnnCa
percent ot the jet ruel it uses with sustain in the proposal as requested by the biofuels
aDe rueisDy 017. 1na year naS come ana lobby, which makes worryme that the de-
at far less than 1 percent of supply. Oestaton mpacts OT those iuels couud go
ouid it be arerent tns mer When asked for comment, both the
i oe
are particularly relianton burning fossil fu-
D and Department of Energy referred
iEPA.questions to the white House, which did
Brassiana 1s aug up to make way ror th0Se like fallen branches, or leaves and stalks
Add in the emissions from fertilizers
and from transportung and processing ne
oe ne overall climate ome
Soan biofuels ina U.S.
Protectiorn A n
plan might actualy
ethanol emits just 20 percent less green contribute to warming.
Basone, and
count past land-use changes, scientists over rom growing crops. Last Thurs-
c studies nave long shown that
biofuels can be as pOutng a
er wnneinaustrial
million-dollar investment in a company
eei Tharts not where the "we have an absolute chance ot realizing or
state of the science is. They can actually
make them worse
ounng et
e is fortheoming.
erns the Bidena
what Bitcoin could be mined using
ir ninistration says that it will help cut costs however
more sourees or renewaDie ener8, uKe ana raplay scae 0omestic Pproduction or
sustainable fuels, but in a climate-irienaiy
ncers e tnese gnngn now tne
It's tricky to fieure out exactly how tainahlefoletoensure that airlines use
nuch of Bitcoin mining is powered by re sustainable-aviation-fuel tax credit that TueS With low emissions, experts say. Com
ewabies Decause ot tne very nature or
Bitcoin: a decentralized currency whose
would require at least a 50 percent reduc Pes w e
D s
runs Digiconomist, a Site tnat tracks tne energy consumptio is ikey to remam ne retaler ater put out a statenent say it on its Twitter ac-
which brefly posted
volatile 1or as long as its price does. ithad no partnership with Litecoin. cOunt. 1ne toundaon later aeleted the
nese hdcnnes are Just dunped.
olve nickaves and har ot ahats is "We are digging into it further to under messageand postedthatt had not enteredi
purely digital abstraction, either: It is w Mr. Hargrov
eme Inastatement on Twitter, the foundation
Sources: Bitcoin historical data from thentic-even including a statement pur- said that a quote purporting to be from Energy estimates from Tuels, power grids and emissions, and to portedly from Walmarts chiet executive,tecolns creator, Charie ee, nad een
tionlndState.relalr.cnditio was imagined as a forward-thinking dig- ach amail ad. dation's social media team had sent a Twit-
and total tal currenCy nas aireuy nad reaworid dress at, an unauthor- ter message by mistake. "We have taken
u5. electiciy consumption
data trom EIA GOOgle electricity data ramitications, and those continue to zed website. Also, the press contact steps to correct future issues," the state-
from Google's 2020 environmental report. talneu e Teease uoes hoe wotk m wa Em Sad.
31 ,
Max Scherze
has a 0.88
.R.A. and
since joining
the Dodgers
July 30. At
For 3,000. 3,000-strikeouts Clud
Mar ud
who have struck out at least 3,000
Victim No. 1 , 2 V
1. Nolan Ryan 5,714 5.386.0
deliv. said
in a phone interview."The veloci
was 46 and struck out an out ery-his front side went high, the"Thatwas something to hang my is now making a late-season push 15. Curt Schilling 3,116 3,261.0
ywasregstenng up o0n tne boara rageous 5,714 batters. arm came around and it wasn't hat on. Iguess." Tor nis tourtn y rOung Award
t Chase Field. And l could als0 There's nottoo many people straight over the top, more like
wnonave reacnedtnsmestone three-quarters, asset Saia. "He pe n
al, Scherzer tossed four andOut of playoff contention, the
g onasrded nim to tne e
16.C.C. Sabathia3,093 3,57%
din pces edst two bals, taking a strike and S e otio ee snort
perrect gane On
Scherzer, now 37. Throughout a season, he led all with a strikeout sel fouled off the fifth pitch. Then minor leagues, added a curveball After notching his 3,000th
e as pa
ns, Tourteans, egn
rate o neariy 32 percent entering
drSunday Nicknamed Mad Max and
Scherzer rocketed a 96 Dectme more OT Stkeout
ball past Cassel's bat with his fero- threat, neping tne 1gers reacn
Strikeout, Scnerzer quicRIy ac
knowledged the standing ovation
ot good, talented guys that get tO
Pplay the game, so it's always fun too
Awards and one World Series title. and runnino reoimenSehoro the 2013 American 1eaoue which incdod hieo e nes at maKe t.
Scherzer 1s one of the elite ptc has maintained an average fast YOung Award, wife and children by raising his Scherzer specifically, just watch
esor tnis, Or ny, geeron and Dall veocaty arouna 94 m.p.n. at cherzer joined the ashington caphigh above hishead. But his in ing him continue to compete and
with his noorl e ets tnis age.
as destined for it," the osrO 1 o O 0 ter
S even with age continue to get bet-
s crant
And in an 8-0 victory against Dodgers star outfielder Mookie that he turned into a bargain. Us- got right back to work. Cassel said he
ne san Diego Padres on sunday Betts said of SCherzer S stnkeout ing nis inteiect ana raging com when you win awards or you ceived a text message from a
n LOs Angeles, scherzer was at achievement. "Al the work he petitiveness to fina new ways toaccompuSl a
e e, uuyfriend informing nim thaat oid
er back to the dugout muttering he does. Tt sounds kind of weird he Nationalsforthenext six and what that means in thecontevt of ootage of Cassel pitching was on
MLB Network. Wondering which
0 themselves. Scherzer, the but I expect nothing less from a half years. (He once pitched everything.Scherzer said.
DOugers ace, threW an immacu him. wtna DroKen nose and Diick OperuyKeep picnng and his brief career, Cassel saw that 3
n es e
acan De eye sustained during bating Kepure
2015, he threw two no-hit perspective and appreciate the may
the channel was airing scherzers
and thus ne
perfect game. In the fifth inning, first-round pick of the Diamond In was aiso
wTth a punch-out ot tirst baseman backs out of the University ot Mis ters. In 20l6 and z01, he won nistory ot this more a year from ody
d ere's a
Eric HosmerScherZer joined Souri in 2006, he reached the ma back-to-back National Lea8ue noW of Famer" he said. "I take it as5
Hosmer, though, got bit of re- debut. Edear Gonzalez started
for 901
rr ied Korr 41 and an vecutive with Nasdaa a compliment to be assoclated
venge by breaking up Scherzer's the Diamond backs, but after Gon- Wood, Roger Clemens and who lives in California, says he nman eon thtSame tet
DId at a perect game witn a One 2alez cougned up SIX runs, nyJos Trte aor nas enjoyed ching Scherzer's w m. 1'm a tan of his and what
Scherzer came in from thee major league career evolve since s caieei auu 10
ut double in the eighth innin8 leaguerecord for strikeouts in i
econd historic feat in the same With the Diamondbacks trail- And October 2019, he
in his two sons, who have Scherzer Cassel said he reCoruea the re
game, scherzerDecame the isth ing by 62, SCnerzer innented a guided the Nationals to their baseball cards. One has a playortne zuu8 Bgame and snowea
first world Series tite Scherzer ersey. t to is children, teaching them
s eS s r gdsse, uar 910 t d97 artiealar in of
Bob Gibson and Fergie Jenkins.
Pitchinglike a player still in his
tation as a hard-throwing young-
ster but felt good after smacking a
was the nrstbater whom
e he Strikeouts, while posting a 2.74
earned run average ana a vS-39
peared in 15 games for the Padres
ana the Astros in 200/ and 2008.
Even now, he laughs about the
Stiket0ut versus Senerzer. ne
prme, Scherzer may continue single in is previous at-bat cherzer struck out. record. He has bounced back from "Td seen it early and there's a lot clearly isn't alone.
Vaccine Mandate Is 'Not That Difficult a Call for Referees
ampa Bay. 822 SOPAN I DEB cnvesituon to begin and to
oronto. k through.
Ders. Some lunions, IKE tne Was there a significant amount of
American Nurses A
indelphis resistance from those within the
80 concern tor members union whom this would affect?
others, most prominently From a numbers peSpecve,
entra B wle
police unions, have pushed back
We articulated their
hican infringe on members' rights to concerns. we worked througn
est Pct GiB. make ther own health decisions. nose issues. A principle issue
os Agoles 2 ne issue has become hghy o
tnat was concern the As orked
- - tions around the viru through that issue to where one
mandates nave og Den cu
mon in scn00ls and Coueges, and
ot the things we neg0e
be required
ami at Wa
nzon at LA Dodgers eounriae e Detween So that's kind of a common
The National Basketball Refer eniseapprDa to t. TOu OW
ees ASsOclauon repesents 14s oDV1OUsiy, ED.A. approval came
94) at Detrat
ePealla Perala we reached the agreement.
aninh ibgn 106 76 in addition to 50 retirees. Their
agreement stanas out in the Wn the understandingtat the
2 Atanta (lauBsaint Sports woria, and even in their
there resistance along the lines of
DeSclar 1,945
exists with N.B.A. players, Creat why should we agreeto a
Gionsoin 210. 101
ga ing a potendaly aWRWau bi mandate if the players haven't
non wnere sone eague eproy
FOOTBALL No, because we know that when
vaccine and otherS arent. (Tne we initially Degan our conve
N.ELSTANDINGS tions that they had begun con-
league, however, has handed
Pct PE P
aow gudance thatplayers o versations as well. we just
1 State Warriors must be fully them. We did it at our own pace.
14 ! piy t nonts we werent concerned witn an
Engand, cdeu
rules stipulate tat oy
local otner groups decisio.
01.0003 21
0w mucn dia you were
folow what
1 0 00 73 N.B.A. referees in GOing as
of the thee
lare Davis,rorleft, president of
.1 o00272 ne union IN.B.A. referees, negotiations? Were ou in
n touch
N RA nlaveers' union did didnt express concern abou With other referee unions?
not respond to a request for oficials being on court with we were in constant communica
comment on where it stands on players, Who have no manddte tion with the players assocauo.
N Rannuned thar o tion with the hockev hahad
percent ot its players had been
fully vacCinatea. A SpOKesman
TOr tne NB.A.
SId nuiber tnt
INGS ment and labor, I think you're
constantly alwaysworking
and N.FL. officials. Other labor
ines nec
liKe tne Soutnwest A
Thh ney had
constant dialogue DCR
outh PA players, and that the league was some very difficult things and
w Orinans n discussions witn tne union on
vaney Of topics tor the season,
who introduced the idea, think
eretoe turned
to wok
out to be
reationship and the
Ene conversatiOn
The N.F.L. and Major League
constant tnat caneagreed
to. We just didn't have
up epeence witn tne N.B.A
41 Basebal do not nave
sud loneie
lt never became a contentous
he tent with both of our mission ung o neaud
an Fran
01.00 13 N.B.A. has with its referees. The
N.H.L. does not mandate its
for the care
cn is to provide
and safety ana Secu Do you beneve ma ne puyet
did not say whether that would was born of a strong relationsmp nty or our nen
players to De vaccind *
mean a mandate. In March, the with the N.B.A., and the referees families.
about whether that extended head or tne M.L.B.5 piays were broadly in tavor of thee It's a shared view of vaccines
union, lony Clark, said that the that they are prooaDly one
It is not my position as executive
to on-ice officials. mandate. 0e of our union or a member or
..ASpoKesman lor M.L.B. said
tnat e for umnires
group ne eads was agiainst a
d ndot forth
idenseuj this
op e
access this innovative
another union to discusS or to
Marc Davis, the president or and clarity to uld
anas a 29 and is now considering "adjust e
DSRDltereretsuon you e me now
vaccine and ailow us to conanue not do. I think that they will do
and a rereree himself for more vace
ecen FOOd to work, to do our business ana e DEst
nterests O
Orlean38 G t
Oe et vlceine, Dut When you have a collaborative tively, it's n
Considering Itself Outside the Title Picture, U.S.C. Fires Helton
By BILLY WITZ Helton's coaching staffwasare
sots With the University of Southern The Trojans have a vOving door, and eacn August he
Calitornias detense being gashed, eenne to pronise a more disC
history of bloodletting plined team. But even a rousingB
367 Es orrens stagnant and its aSC
cinched piayoff spot
pline lacking- the kicker was year was
5, Dalas 75 with football coaches. ence rival U.C.LA. last
Atarlia. 7 pm he Los Angeles Memorial marred by irojans taunting ther
Coliseumshowered the team with vls wnen tne game ended
Helton falling to the turf trying to
d by
extension Helton wasS awarded bDy
M.L.S. SCHEDULE the hands of Stanford, which e Swann before the 2018 Sedsu scene was a picture of a
8ae s a 7 The
noint md $5
him close to million this season coach who did not have control of
Mami at Toronto K Afterward, clay Helton, thee and runs tor two more yeas s
ENGLISH PREMIER LEAGUE Seventh-year coach, pleaded for ne 1rojans, who were carried ne cOst or tiring Helton will be
Fverton3,Burnley 1
R rterhakSam neichborhood of S15 milion Cthe
owcas at of
"he told renortoe Darnold in Helton's first two full terms of his contract are not pub-
VE. Leeds where we're
RANSACTlONS Wherever the Trojans are at the
end or tne Seaso,
Seasons, have gone 19-14 Since
Helton signed the new contract.In
Decause Us pvate
But with a s3l5 milion
eton wont De
around to see it. He was fired Mon season,
eaos the Trojans won their five paid for in part through ticket
ae TrpleA hools alumni
and former play- Clay Helton had a 46-24 career record at Southern California. conterence games,but their hopes sales, a considerable financial hit
Or Sheaking nto tne coege oot from the pandemic and declining
erslonsaurayasust The cost of firing him will be considerable, around Sl5 million.
Dad gale,
the football prOgram
were unset on their home o
haeuance, thnere was also a cost
ng resources tor tne tootball pro- Lane Kiffin was fired at the air oregon in the Pac-12 champi On Monday, U.S.C. decided it
d HHP for a national title under Helton.
gram since ne arrived, it was clear port after Deing slmmoned from onsup game. was too much to bear.
over San Iose Seateandsho loee Teturng to Helton never gained a foothold
RONTO B JAYS n fact, Athletic Director Mike
one RiP
n ple A East).
Signod CB Kyl ShurTmur o the practice Swann as tne atniedc irectorwO the nistory or Dio0dletting ave been made tar earlier Dut tor years agocOached Louisianaa
years ago, said that despite add- with football coaches. the whopping six-year contract State to a national championship.
Australia Compieteu ne saneTeat In i988, 6raf said after complet
in the mens quaa event. (As Op DeGroot defeated Yui Kamy of tebreaker to beat Kamiji at the gles event for De Groot, stillbe
ing everywhere in the world, also ng her Golden Slam at the seoul
ieion ive de Cront ouad nlav- Australia. France and at the Para- Daeitoh accomplishment, I think von .could see it inthe countrvwoman Est her Veroeer in something not many neonle after
ers also have significant loss of ympics, 6-3,5-2. Her Golden slam De Groot, 24, said she felt a httle matcn, untortunately ne earlypart or thiS century. me will achieve.
tunction in at least one upper
almostdid not get started this
year: She needed a third-set
let down by her play: "Alter such a
long time of traveling and just be-
Sundays Open championship
was the 12th in a Grand Slam sin-
Alcott deteated the 18-year-old
Niels Vink of the Netherlands, 7-5,
t took 33 yearS. And then it only
took a few hours.
Nino Castelnuovo with Catherine Deneuve in the 1964 musical Umbrenas or We'
CastenvWIsn you to De as
AmerCans and oner og
PO Penz0"he roealed the non No Vork Tmos critie ASentt Francesco Castelnuovo was painter to support himself. He of- tory theater. He also found work just how much talent we Italians
teling himto wch he said ne calleditone orthe most romantic born on Oct.28, 1936, 1n Lecco, Ita- ten found retuge in the darknes as a mime on a childrens telev
repied, "Lukewise. films ever made y. His tatner, Camillo, worked in a ot movie theaters and 1dolized Sion Show about a magician eeaCUnry or
ure in Italian livinerome ou neranCe Detweentese button tactory Hs mother, EmiliaredAStaire. whose imsinspired named Aur He made his tim de
rs e
1980s as the athletic middle-aged be, he added, "but our romance maid. dancer in his teens. Pietro Germi's crime thriller "The cannot ive. we're not very good
SpOKesman tor Olo uore, a Dräand
of corn oil. In television commer-
with this incoimparabie tilm wll
last forever."
Growing up, rancesco nela
jobs as a mechanic and a house
n iso», ne moved t0 Milan to
study at the Piccolo Teatro reper-
Facts ot Muraer, and neappeared
the next year in Visconti's ac-
rEansts, Wncn makeEs us very
imaginative people."
Sunil Perera, 68, Sri Lankan 'Baila King' The colorful frontman
ofa family band that
Whose Lyrics Attacked the Political Elite produced hit after hit.
wIB MASHA preparing to celebrate its golden disappointed him with the chaos
would make him happiest would
cOLOMBO, Sri Lanka In the - The Gypsies specialized in President Gotabaya Rajapaksa all Tour ot his chldren mar
beit into T0ur anrerent commun
end, was only appropriate that
Sunil Perera, who had entertained
baila, a joly and rhythmic genre called his passing great
Sung mosty n Sinnalese but intlu- Sajith of
a oss
Premadasa, leader the
"His head was not swollen with
generations of Sri Lankans on the hof th icland in the ioneered a modern-dav revolu- Re rame e w
Mariazelle Goonetilleke, a fellow
his distinctive Latin-fused tunes, 16th and 17th centuries. tion in the musical history of Sri
would go Out Singng. Dver the decades ne used niS anka.
On his deathbed at a hospital in yncs and hisvoice to ampity con He
was born USwatta Liyanage spoke his mind. There were peo-
M Perera had asked for a euita democratic space. The country, to a Roman Catholic family and le who didn't hke that
but one was not provided. So he still recovering from years of civil grew up in the Colombo suburb of id-19 last
turned to what couldn't be denied. war, nas Deen Deset D govert Moratuwa. He was one of l0
3ACH+ sity in 1954 with a degree in ance and funded scholar-nterests ond bhobbies. he hod home moter gndg commu- 13th, 2021 gt 1:30am Cedar work. Keith was an excep- tions be mode to the S. Mi
stoff of Rising Treetops gthe US Ammv. he eamed anon the Advisory Board of he France), the love of reod-President of the Friends of istener ond had a unique abiman CancerFund at Univer
ened Dy the possing of Hiore duate School of Business in Sahool of Public Health he tiques and was on avia Amor, on the Board of the UJA-Federation of New York colleogues or onvone who
member of our Board for 60 he ioined the research de- was proud to have completed of the Arts, and finaltv, as oRobert Landau. beloved hus- YPEARSON-Vera H.,
mitment to our work to help and Company. workina on e e ra
mark his 60th birthdav. In the Westchester Community Coand tather-inHaw of our dear e an Survived by Sharon (beloved e
the quality of lite for children cal companies. Soon atter, he Lerov
Hood MD. PhD. foun- nored by the Foundotion for andau whose exemplarv Mvma with o verv laroee
needs. To Hope's extended sectors and become tthe first
nd became OoO Bioloav and numerous tion to WCC Foundation's helo us serve those in need.n
tems Auntie to.many. AA ve
condolences. ing on pharrnaceutical comtwo ears"He 3ve on Fronk was thee seminal dea the benefif of student scho oNC Tn He made al his friends feei dafe. Contributions nher
Robert Pocenza.Us more broodly to lifeDirectors ve hislonGamazing way of taking a veryner wisneS. nere w pe o D
Dvid I Keith was xrinrerwh Charity of your dhoice.
nedicoldevices OoSnoSin mary earty stgge compa 0 rieCidstein CEO whether on foot, bike, comel icee
vestmont honkina At ohsionary Award, the 2019 Rich Eronk and bis two arondcthiid will forever herish. Keith E DrO
FRANK-FrederlcK, CFA. of Vice Choir in 1995, while Supoorting Industries trom Fmma Goldsmith. T
ed for being
nost 222 vears, Alessandro ls ntellecT inte: 3913
sianiticant and creative and im 2021, The Bioeciolo
RANK- arndtrther rialator nldren Kevin Saldwin Jes ond ou henrttet condicien
healthcare, including the 1981 oeoovnovoOnC 0ere9onon non o ovaltriendmentor androleI nin ona 9 DO
Dara Iryami, President
Corporation, which was the sory insrUte, Fe OsO re e oedn or our Oevored ondttt whao worke with him Kem 8 dGon VWENDELLinda,
tory at the time. He plaved ti 1 r aBt stentorian he was aways wite ot Max. 1oving mother of
Bristol-Myers and SauibbEBVeSTo 100 ings of his te comtortal whothoughtfut always farreoch d cpusinsKeth w red Gdored 5ister of Carol Snyde
senentech HoftmannLaby
fe u istor ann his legocy are his former passed away in New York oril Sevice will ehedBruce Leibensperger. Grand
scribed in an East Bay Times carpert Frank corry on his troditions. a valiant battle wifhher 13 2p1at The Hamonie funergl service Tuesday, Sep-
exampie ot the impiernenfa Dassed in a bioargphy ofnis bom Juy 2, 28 ded peace wrence N. Friedland dignity and biravery
that wil vestream link which can be Ararat Cemetery, Farming &
con ale, NY.
ederi CFA, Pion- author David Ewing Duncan A NDAUE DOOOT ns hess he
entBanki ri r c dt Wall Street: How Creative Fi- ther n ntehe ten it
s The Future." A proceeds D 1 NYC 212 5aoOR CTSInE vC TO TOL FEEE 1an
vearsexerience 00homoceticnis ane
Frank's charities, Frank wasHigh School arnd earmed GBA e
belovedwife ot the ateuding is lwCOreer hich MEMOHAM FOR HE FOLLOWEG LDIIONS Urti 430 PM, the dav
rontributos to the fioid ot foundod FoLUTON H the earty veors of his career.Tht sm ear she mOrie mather tot KamDl n r
in Now Yok attorroIsandayn Hationwde Faition una 12 45 PM Soturday tor Surdas Noe o
Der 11,2021. He was 9.HeServed S Choimon until his growth industries suchasvearsot lovina marriogeine Scherer an
uspandunversitY of Texas. 199 omitted by noon the doy prior 1 publication Tday through Fday Photo O
oroobored irom Oe Dnver-i pas5i9. win nis wire, Narv.| She is survived by two carino Robert Brounstein lovino he left corporate law to join| Saday, SundNy nnd Mensy mt ba um ad y 12 noen Fnnay n
tirely new
aed wen i e crashers returned in 1971, Mr.
roached about nresenting a Wein was not invitea bacK.
weekend of jazz in the open air inNeptok Fesuval, wnich nad
Newport, R.l., in 19b4. There had rhedulad for lotor in theo mmer
in hh Parisand of 1971, was canceled.)
Nce n i948. But there had been wasOt ascouragea. In 1972
amoinous as the fest ewport Jazz Festi- e
al r stagenat Juy
o came a less buconc but more gran-
no, an athletic complex near the tnegier,Hall, Lincoln
win concerts at Car
Center, Radio
historic mansions of Bellevue Av
a li ding Billie tions around town. Under various
Holiday, Dizzy Gillespie, Oscar names and corporate sponsors,
PEterson, Ela gerald and w R Event conunued to
Other stars, the inaugural NEw ionhe iofoetival rerned to wALT
paving STvde
days and attracted the attention ofa
Darey DrOKe
Newport in 1981 and the toik
Don onCe agam under , es Above from right, eorge wein, Louis Armstrong and Bobby
Hackett at the Newport Jazz Festival in Rhode lsland in 1970.
e uccess in cluded the Newport Folk Festival. Below, Mr. Wein in 2008.
LA2 50 andthat
presenting jazn and tolk at New
it ended up in the black only be- port helped pave the way tor the
and jazz festivals in 1959). He pro- Network. Mr. Wein remained in-
u walved ns I,000 Peoeon or wOOdstock and fessed to ake the criticism in olved, but as an employee-a
producerSee stride, but in his autobiOgraphy hne Kind ot producer emeritusand
cessful enough to the late 1960s and early '70s. But
left no doubt that he had torgotten not the boss.
merit a return engagement, and Jazz Was always his first love.
before long the Newport festival worst notices and patiently ex- when the Festival Network ran
had established itself as a jazz in Playing and Promoung
plalnngwny they were wrong int0 financzal probiemS ana M
how to present music in the open He was a jazz musician Detore ne ne two Newport testvls dwenegaed cOntrorortne nand
air on a grand scale.
By the middle 1960s, TestivalsS eenaer and continued into his a corporation, Festival Produc- he was legally prevented from us-
ecbeand conert haills on 80s, leading small groups, usually tions, to run wnat sOon Decalme a ng tne nanes Newport Ja res
the itinerary of virtually every
pEtromer, ana Mr.
ea te por Aars,at n CATED RESS worldwide empire. At the compa-
lormers. (It was at Newport that career in jazz. Competition. But both events were Mr. wein was sometimes at House jazz concerts celebrating dia that he would not be there. (He
Mr. Dylan sent shock waves He served n the Army irom Oeu w
through the folk world by per 1944 to 1946, spending some time drunken youthns, unabie to get
r tacKEd as exproitve, money-nun-
gry, unimaginative in his pro
ne anversary 0erst ew
port Jaz Festival. ln 2015, the Re-
la pairucipate remotey, ntroauC
ing the singers Mavis Staples, by
1965,) He also produced theNew and enrolled in Boston University scended on the city, throwing present non-jazz artists at his jazz Trusted Award for lifetime Time.)
Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festi after being discharged. Before roCkS ana breaking store win festuvals criticism 1irst heard achievement.
At my age of 95, making the
val, which showcased a broad graduating witn a degree in nis- onclis Snut tne e Wnen ne DoOKea CnucK Berny at n 2007, nine years after a deal trip will be too difficult for me," he
rane or vercurisc se M o
orleans, and staged festivals de- Boston. lowed to continue. Charles, Frank Sinatra and even Television fell through, the com- added, with a new team in place to
voted to blues, soul, country and In his autobiography, "Myselt AS a result of the rioting, Mr the foIK group the Kingston irio pany was acquired by a newIy run both festivals, "1 can see that
even comedy. Among Others: A Life in Music" Wein's permit was revoked, and (who performed at both the folk formed company, the Festival my legacy is in good hands"
Nickolas Davatzes, 79, Father of the History Channel' and a Leader at A&E
By SAM ROBERTS tribution rghts
with local cable co-production with the BBC ofAfter graduating trom Bryant him sign a contract drawn on a
DHvalzes, who was in
Ods e 0 days nere, I told my ries based on the Jane Austen nov- earned a bachelor's degree in eco Work there in I980, alongside ca-
runental m creating the cable
television networkS AE. ana the 0 nercent chance. because every fer Ehle sociology in 1964, both from St. ard Aurelio and LarryWangberg.
reach into 335 million households
around ne world, died on Aug. 21
time I turned around there was
StC M. Davatzes
The network continued to ex
pand its scope to include docu-
John's University, where he met
his future wife, Dorothea Hayes. he
to Shape in ,
Arts & Entertanment Net
When M
at his home in wilton, Conn. He
was 79.
sav that we were like a
ISed tosay
we weren't sup-
mentary Sernes likeB0grapny a s Sn Ee thes on a merer herveen t
use was complicationsS bumblebee- sified as an anthropological study son, Dr. Nicholas Davatzes; a sis- Sstruggling cable systems: the En-
Parkinson's disease. his
son posed to fly of compulsive stockpiling; and the ter, Carol Davatzes Ferrandino;
Mr. Davatzes (pronOunceu
. r oare hu ofler. iistory anners encyciopedic
SCruny ot Adoit Hitler.
ndt ReTeer
VAI-SIS) was presue
t ing an eclectic menu of daily pro- Hearst a
d ABC.
gramming that, as The 1imes put National Humanities Medal by A forceful advocate His strategy in the Degining
it, "mignt incuae a D1Ographical was twotold: to focUs on makImg
Arts & Entertainment Network,
wIcn ne ran irom I983 to 2005 as gram about the embattled huffalo Os avaes
ravored President
an The French
George W. Bushin 200
for educational and
viewers, and not to be diverted by
x him a chevalier of the Order of public affairs shows.
inducted into the Broadcasting &
producin8 ornginal programs, in-
Stedd rocusing on &Cqunring exXISt
be imited. But that is the
ne History Channel in 1995 and We don't want duplicato ate unction of cable- to present aDIe all ot Fane Frank
in 1999. you're in programming, we
ned 4 ToE uate 0 The A-Team or Laverne & enougn arermanves So that md After his death, A. Ben and Tour granc i
that 85 percent of every new
uucnon nd puCars w Shirley," Mr. Davatzes told The vduis can De tneir own program show that goes on the air usually
the industry and inappearances Imes
in 989. 1neresayoun8et s
Under the A&E umbrella, the ther of the History Channel." Mr. Davatzes joined the Xeroxinterview with The cabi
before Congress. any thought-provoking entertain- network encompassed a broad ICKOls Davatzes wastDOrm onOrporaon n is6o and Snirted to an educational arm of the cable in-
By tne mid-1s8US A&cE nad ment on television. Theyve seen a mix or entertainment and nonic aren i4, 1344, n Mannattan to0 ormaton tecnoogy at ntext dustry.
rCSr estroying gtr ev eu ur
overall approacn istocre
ble service, largely by buying seen classical music. shows ("100 Centre Street" "A Davatzes, whose parents were ecutive at the fledgling Warner said in 1985. "I like to tell people
8ramming ana building a bank By network Standards, he Nero wolfe Mystery and co from Greece. Both nis parentsS Amex.CaDie company, wno reworking tor us that we don't eat at
able audience by negotiating dis- continued, "our viewership will ak laborations, like its wildly popular worked in the fur trade. cruited him over lunch and had 21
pus0p, A-ay 0orescence
Window" detected a Cupid, visible after a
restoran, et center Near etup
Interrupted at Her Music"
s i
Standing at a Virginal" matches the one in
Girl Reading"
Prize Possession of lI-Fated Archduke Goes Home
The Philadelphia Museum will public, Nadezda Goryczkova, the head of once belonged to Archduke Franz Ferdi-
SCIENTIHC ETYMOLOGY stitute, said in a statement, "We are de-
send a centuries-old pageant Hungarian empire. whose assassination by
shield to the Czech Republic. lighted. The agreement to return the arti- a Serbian nationalist in 1914 set off World
TaCTWasreacneujontyoy tne museu and war
ByATT STEVENS the National Heritage Institute, which has The archduke owned an impressive col-
The Philadelphia Museum of Art said on
Monday that it would return a ceremonial
uest for the shield from the museum, at his countru esirenc
Dlaved one
In Philadelphia, Timothy Rub, the muse Castle, near Prague. Ater world war 1, the
A DARK GRAY MINERAL a heennart of ms aireCtOr and cner execuve, sald in a castie and its COlectlons Decame tne prop
olars determined that it had
DISCOVERED IN 1969, Stateinent on Monday, "A work that had erty or the newy torimned government of
SNAMED d colection that once belonged to Archauke
Franz rerumand ana tnat was ater cons VIA PHILA9HIA MUSELN DF ARI
being happily restituted, and out of this annexed the region that inciuded
age has come an exceptional scholarly partner- Konopiste, ana tour years later, the Nazis
It will be the latest journey ror a Snea y Roman soldiers, was once p conliscatea the castes armor cOllection,
FORTHECORRECT Dy a tanan arist during oWned by Franz Ferdinand, the Apetts Say ne seru, wnicn nas been at curators said.
hSe unaon
the Renaissarnce.andwhich went on to have ar cod Tommaso da Treviso, was probably com- Leopold Ruprecht.
who was Hitler's arms
OR LOOK IN THIS Ultimately it ended un in a beanest to the missioned for one of the many ceremoniesand armor curator, had eventually gathered
SPACE TOMORROW ne Dest pieces in the COlecion and sent
Philadelphia museum, where it went on dis- neld tnrougnout taly in tne 150Us to wel
play in the Gallenes 0 Ars and Armor
come the Holy Roman Emperor Charles V them to Vienna, intending that they end up
starting in l1976 as part of the Carl otto Kret- was made
Yesterday's Respons Africa. The shield about 1535 of tria. When the artifacts were returned to
WHAT IS RHODE ÍSLAND? The museum had been working with his- Wood, linen, gesso, gold and pigment and is Czechoslovakia after World War 11, there
24 1ncnes n uameter 1ne scene aepicted wee lo o0ectS missing.
tOs zec epubnc siCe 0to on the surface of the disc shows the storm- One of them was this elaborately deco-
evauate the nistory and provenance ot the
Watch JEOPARDY! by Roman soldiers, they said. That motif of art inventories from before World War I1
7 p.m. on Channel 7 Italian Renaissance art, historically be- an ancient militaryViCtOry can be seen as a and a photograp Sd to around 1913-
longing to the d'Este Collection of the paranel tO the conquests or Charles v. that showed it on display at Konopiste Cas
Konopiste Castle, returns to the Czech Re Historians determined that the shield tle, museum officials said.
Prisons Built
By the Needs
That Rule Us
Ngozi Anyanwus new play
explores the grief and yearning
of two lovesick characters.
tacoy DeroSer, souna Dy I Daniel d. Watts, Iront, and Xavier Scort Evans im Ngozi Anyanwus "Ihe Last ot the Love Letters, a producti0n ot AtlantiC Theater Company.
LOve Letters, which opened on sunday at
manager, Jonathan Castanien; ne Atlantc neater company's Lna withhold sometimes/A lot "Whorl Inside a Loop
proucuon manager, a n sPCe in a COLy studio gO0/ 10 gueston wom imes spems to incorporate a character so
LOngsree, associate artistic coming bed. A pair of red stilettos stands at an at all, or manyhis confinement, noIess completely that the pertormance1s a strug
he alternation between these two
aola Aame attention nearby. Teddy Pendergrass modes,though amusingiy rendered by than nis longing, Degins to seem more alle gle to Keep trom exploding. In Love Let
Presented by Atantic Theater think as I did, mioht he pven mare sa were it not for hold The hichlv nater whenever he blows anart the nlav nredict.
that this will be rned writing once again nay p
ompany, pe,r a straighttorward play about romanc aging choices by the director, Patricia Mc introduces a problem of diminishing re ably forces him to regroup.
director, Jeffory Lawson, man with all its pleasures, including the bitter- Gregor Bringing physical lite to the oscilla uns AS une mäan denvers a long mOno tstrue that people are lumpy that way;
Anyanwu (Her),
Sweet ones of recalling it after its gone ns rtne Dare text,Sne ar oneOnt as E oy WISLOve LetterserentBecuse
astgo0 Letters" like Anyanwu's "The Homecom trón into the sound hole of the ex's guitar flows in long, looping arcs of attempted se- fresh and powerful, even when taking on
DcOlt EvaS s(Ferson)
(Person), ing ueen andGood Gret does concernngnreaten tAt anoner pount, In
the long aftermath of a troubled affair, its a- dulging happier thoughts, the character Is
that metastasizes into fury r
t0 dsapontmen
burns that itsel
oe amar temptedOrea
gard this one as a sketch rather than
For All the Lovesick Mad Sad Geniuses." bed. blames her ("Why did you have to love me vince, given t00 ittie real estate an a
What exactly those ambitions are was not But the is-she-realy-leaving love story, it Dackand reaay short running time to rise above the
sometimes, pitifulnly, nimse.
always clear to me. Playinga woman called turns out, 1s oniy the bait for wnat tOlows. But for wnat, e ystoplan genre fiction, it may be
vide us keys
furious comic diatribe to an absent lover configuration of Yu-Hsuan Chen's set to the ailegory, to
except hint rather broadly end of the telescope: What do those cichés
she's apparentiy ambivalent about leaving. Drings us to another worid entirely, we get that it invoives the repression of artistsS in a say about iove itset?
There's no question she's angry about how Him. The next 0minutes take place in a totalitarian state, an actor as excelent as .Seen that way, it s easier to be moved by
Dut on the Derfect lin color/1 wore the ine housing the most dangerous,psychoticthrillingly phvsical performance. he brings drawn them together as lovers and as char-
clothes you liked," she intones in the quasi- nmates. conerence tnat may not be in tne scrnpt to cters. 5otn are operduc ypes, making
poetic cadences of the script. But she just as he man inside it, played by Daniel J. ne prisoners extremes or ger and year out or tneir anecion and abnorrence. ras
Oepsto ng, wita sy Brn, ner ydu P the nroeerad enrh of neni driven o
"Okay if I'm being honest, I liked being medications by an orderly (Xavier Scott Ev This is no surprise if you've seen Watts in mad by oppression. If you substitute the
he thing you needed," shegrants, later add-ans). Katner, ne seems emouonaily Deret, ne vaney or aincunt roies nesplayed overyranny or love 1or tat Or tne stäle, "Love
ng: wouia De iying tI said it dhant teel
Follow Jesse Green on Twitter: @JesseKGreen. we begin to wonder whether the woman in Tina Turner Musical" and an actual pris- inescapable prisons.
headquartered 5 "Myvword
London a Michas
Put bwo stars in each row, column and region or the grid. No wo stars may touch, not even diagonaily. ake another Jackson's first #1
de retort
it (about a rdi)
puppies and
fo footprints
Cryptogram DDES
ee y 2 Sperda mg
machines perhaps
24 Realy out there, 6 2019 #1 album
TEO T'RR IJYJN VJGN ZVJ JTF EM TZ. day: Abbr, 7 2013 Best 9/14/21
43 12 5
Was lachrymose
Record aber Tor 48 Schindler of
"Schindler's List
2 Big vodka brand
Flower for a
3612 415
SS ARM BAGELIS Orchestra oncePes to sign
ABU John Williams
Man with a
inin inns 54 Pac-12 Squad
political (old 8 Kaplan of indie
rocRS TO La vengo
amopIC HA group BMMcream treats) 32 "Peter Pan"
B4EDio NRpsET oDEIsIsA 13 Some vaccine 34 Indian music
Erasier and
Fillthe grid with digits so as not to repeat a digit in any row or column, and so that the digits within each PLEA ONER shots Composion Friends
heavily outlined box willproduce the target number shown. by using addition subtraction. multjplication or AROUND WON SAD
division, as indicated in the bax. A 4x4 grid will use the digits 1-4. A 6x6 gnd will use 1-6.
or soing tups and more Kenken puzzles: kor feedback: [email protected] RODSSEMCRICLIE Oline subscriotions: Today's puzzle and more than 9,000 pest puzles, ($39.95 a year).
OIKIE YPIUISIH LIMOIS| Road about and comment on cach puzle:
ull or mim cassette tapes in the back ot a was poised for a breakout career before the
arge home ofice cabinet. The bags hadnt movie bombed.
been opened for 30 years. SO many people who worked on the tilm
ended its seven-episode run, was a late-c said Angela Carone, the director of podcasts
eer twist for salamon, arfording ner the at TCM who edited the season with Sala
dueoppotmytorevisit tne story ofta hte- mon. "we get to tell their full stories on the
new hetter than anvone adantations aro podcst coonerated with the
never simple-at least not when "The Bon- book returned ior the podcast. None of the
eorne vanides mvoivea.
im starS Sat ror new nterviews
this poacast tOgether gave me Said that the recordings were legally sala-
Salamon said. "At first you don't have ny whose voices were used in the show). Nor
aea what youre doing, Dut tnen you just aid De Palma, though Salamon said the two
start doin8 It
d on bookshelves in
The Devil's Candy" stunned Hollvwond I clined to sneak for shie
painted a VIVid and wel-sourced portrait of n the stars absence, the podcast be-
an industry tew outsiders had seen up close. COmes more systemic n ts OutioOK. 1
nalists from shows us the idealistic and overworked
getting to0 Tar close.) Salamon, then a ilm coming a producer, the location scout guz.
zling aspirin for breakfast- who collect
Julie Salamon, above, who small victories amid the chaos and terror of
had made hits like "Carrie, "Scarface" and wrote 1he Devis candy, an what Salamon
account of the making of the documented 3u
E bEsts souetung ears agoOKS tnrougn a modern
Ia caretet slunp of the Vanities" recently ens.
1ne nrtn epIsOde zeroS n on several
who have invariadIy more precar
studio filmmaking as a high-stakes battle, in re-examined her book and the
movie for the podcast "The
wcn three ercur taconStne
sts, the executives and the audience-are
a male peers. In that episode, a present-day
Aimee Morriswhowas a 22-year-old pro-
Classic Movies. Left, Melanie
Griffith and Tom Hanks starred t0 assistant on "B0ntire angrily re
in the film, a box-office failure, h
At the center ot the story was what re
In the scene, Brodericks character photo
Copes neT haked crorcn, mng requred t
Broderick, who was then De Palmas gir
doscopic aCcount of greed and cynicism in
he "Me Decade," filled with characters who ing off her underwear and climbing up and
were easy to hate and hard to look away down a Xerox macnne
seller and media sensation in 1987, making t just made me Sick to my stomach
t all but inevitabie that someone wouia try
o turn it into a movie. But its sharp eages
e hin e
t die.
gusting. Its just misOgynistic.
oT tne se
oreemptively defanged the story's cen Slnon,WOWrore Ccally
rox scene in her booR, Said revISIting it wIt
character, a sithering bond trader and self
prociaimea ste plagued from the start. Its biggest initial book but adds new 1ayers. ie most poE nd
pointedly this time around.
recently of "Big" Its
memorably pitiless cheerleader, a powerftul producer named is the audio, rescued from
Salamonsfreezer Ju due e
Teaze now much
enaing also got the ax. In its place was an left the studio before produc
Peter Guber, bags. Throughout the series, retrospective 8arbage women just accepied Dack in tne
rigntruuy wont anymore, she
mventeu sene, wnCn n reean,
playing down between De Palma, a withdrawn and recordingsthat capture events as they hap- We
a judge, delivers a discordant moral seer
exacting VISionary, ana executves at penea. I ne reCoraings also transtorim writ- For Salamon, v ing on the podcast was
Behind the scenes, the
ten chardcters into lvng, Dreatningpeople
Proe bloated s»0 miot d, vy gu
Estnet. De ehut tOW Dut par te ing her to reflect not only on her characters
ecutives out of key aspects of the produc Willis was in 1990- ever-present body When She first considered what would be-
tion. The executives ired baCKat one guard, rude t0 assistants-1s there im the
cOmene Deviscanay n iss, Sne wasa
point, they threatened to hold him person- snotty tone he uses in his interviews with rustrated novelist working tull time at he
*" who worked on the film
THEATERR not For me, the tapes really add a richness
even Salamon, who observed the shoot and
pRECTORY sat in on meetingsrecognized it as a cre-
that wasnt possible otherwise Salamon
hike to think Im not a bad writer, but
(it's still regularly taught in film schools)
sad no andcanged tne trajectory ot ner ife.
ative tailure until it was screened tor test theres way thatyou can wrte anything To hear those voices transported me
*Je eal 8 a peisu scribing what it was like to listen to the
BROADWAY savaged "Bonfire" "gross, unfunny" and tell their story"
wilaly uneven, declarea this newspaper Salamon adaptedhe Devils Candy" in tapes ror tne nrstme. "i Was starang a
and moviegoers shunned it. It made less close partnership with the narrative pod- new lite ana Decominga young
di niotr
CHICAGGo he Devil's
anadis overwnengI was On an ad
onig at 8 Candy" maintains the basic narrative of the ens" with TCM. She needed to break down venture"
H Longest Rurning American Musical
Years oHae Dazre
Thurs&Fri&Sat 2:30&8, Sun 230&7
MOCKINGBIRD Spider-Man's First Comic Brines AMAZING Amazing Fantasy No. l5,
written by tan Lee and drawn
who learned early
that "with
TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD The Amazing Fantasy No. 15 highest price paid 1or a comic book
No. I
wociod by BARIE
SE leaps past Superman for the from 1938 sold privately for $3.25 million.
highest selling comic book. Amazing Fantasy No. 13, Written by Stan
CELAKEENAN- BoLGER & SCOUT and dräwn by steve Ditko, ntroauced
Lee the world to Peter Parker and is wall-
Shubert Iheatre (+1, 225 W. 44h S
pera nas
ueacedaneve Peter evolves from selfish to selfless when a
personal rageuy teacnes nim tnat "wtn
Auctions on Thursday for $3.6 million. The nust auso
Fantasy No. 15 fromTesponsiDny
0RAmaZAng el will have
1962, when it sold for 12 cents-was in near another shot at
soon A cony
inoord of Action
With this sale, Spider-Man leaps ahead of Comics No. 1 will be available for bid from
nEvCE Superman for what is believed to be the Heritage Nov. 18-19.
Some of his best work is available to and inmate Freddy Knight, has a nephew
Surrogate 0r Sorts Nasir
med), wno goes DyL,
nan (kiz A
The Wire
with jailhouse protection, at a price.
ormer President Barack Obama often sad wInams s ntmare perormanCe in tis se
ries earned him a second Emmy nomina
hat his
vote character "The Wire"
was tne arug-trde gante Omar Litde,
tion (after a nod tor "5esSie" the previous
and he wasn't alone. Williams made Omar
Stream it on HBO Max.
ing characters an unaffiliated free agent
Black Market With
munity and tollowed a strict code. omar had Michael K. Williams'
alleys with his sawed-off shotgun, but he 2016)
Chafkin promised anonymity to some Contrarian" whether the Big Government necontraranreeountS
sional trajs es
profes detailed in the book, Thiel lobbied the New
od anv t oa
bulying that conservatives warned against
Derore pea ee t
bling into the tech industry not out of any
particular passion but because it presented
LEand governnent, Wicn ws conserva
ea e ume, to grant hin Citizenship.
prtuny to Bet nch. Thiel, unlike the
eru n rerused to respond to list of would gladly do if given the chance just 12 days in New Zealand, far from the
cteneckng questoOns. Arter
had developed a reputation tor DeinE Dotn
ae rumpism as a lorm of wish fulhllment. In
Chatkins Summayuet eTnp
risks it all for his dream, was always hedg
ing his bets-even, at one point, propOsilng
requisite minimum Or 1,530, ana made an
elaborate SnOW investing gover- na
A co-founder ot PayPal and an early invest
vest. Asit happens, Thiel was bullied as a child sery extricate himself once he got the passport
r FctD,
fortune to bankroll HuIk
eu Hs enonous
HOgans reemtess
a sKinny, sOC1ally awKward, chess-play
ing Doy, ne prorected
could speculate with the money
Chatkin portrays TnierS Suppot 0
ne wanted. it was the Kindof brazeniy cyn
cal power move that even rump, for all his
many and moved to the United Srates ns an rump on the z0lb campaign trail in similar When ou're rich, they let von d died.
Folow Jennifer Sralai on Twitter: @enszalai. terms. Chances are, any estabIishiment Re
Strict satety protocols comtort more poten- ising nfections prompt tighter restric no 1dea how she became intected. "As sate at halr! House hghts out! And, gol Below irom let, preparing the
was just the right thing to do, said Robert
rformances ouer the Summer because of
positive coronavirus tests and contact trac
inehd an eariame
contact with someone or something that
Ln n
-it was clear right away that there was
and the Cursed ChildKevin
Cay. a performer in "The
wanke, Cerexecuve or tneSnubert ng alerts prompang people to go into isolä- had the virus on it," she said. She was sick work to be done. The Minskoff Theater O s Deen
no ons and operdtes
ous 17tOn uae as Snce eased and proauc for a week, but has recovered and is expect
stage wasn't sloping upward as it should
re or Lire NOte taken. Thats
ane The Lzon
e theater owners were slightly ahead New York has higher vaccination rates ed to onhack" she eaid and al King"; and a nurse
Orgoverment omcialsdays later, layor
Bill de Blasio announced a vaccine mandate
than Australia, and does not enploy the
contact tracing practices
ergy from the audience" Up and down Broadway, where theaters ovid
tests for Disney on Broadway.
that initialy dis-
Wav officials are honehl shows will be ahe e Dete gtnerngust sn were
forming arts Venues 8P 1orced to close on arcn 12, 2020, design
teams and stage crews have been burnish
Whether the safety measures are suffi-
remans to De seen.
to run. They know it's inevitable that some
theater workers will test positve T0rte
ime to DusSt
All Those re-fireproofing safety cloths, and testing au
In Australha, wherestnct iockaowns andus, Dut are Dankg on vccines, masks,
Have a g00d show, everybody" Antonia eu evEs, yin8 to make sure ev-
spread of the virus, theaters successfully McCleskey, the "Waitress" performer Gianino, a stage manager for "The Lion *
reopened last winter Dut are now ciosed as who testedpositive on Aug. 30, Said sne nad King. Said over ner neadsEt. "House ugnts cONTINOED ON PAGE C8
dical programs fo
cused on helping actors Be, E g
back: the Center for voice and Swallowing
it Columbia University Medical Center de
prooram to help performers rebuild vocal
strengtn, texibility ana endurance that 1s
being usea Dy Dear Eva ansend
Center for Dance Injuries at NYU Langone
orthopedic Hospital developed "Back to
Broadway strengthening and Stretching ADOve, ctewand muscns sessment to pick up folks Who had voice lessons, seeking to rebuild vocal the 5-pound covid on me, she said. its
P ced more work to address"he said willino to relurn to the ovm becauseof nostamina aho havino the rrenoth to do
t injuries after the strike season, and I saw newSgh tor cago BetoW Cay, who will be starring as Elder Price tential coronavirus exposure, ne supple eight shows eek, days a week."
wie asedl eturned tnere was an gnt, Adrianna HickS in On Broadway wnen ormon resues nenteu ourdo0rrun8 wtn weignt trd
increase in the injurea list said D. Michael renearsal ror I pertormances on No.3, said he nad notuced ng and core wOrk m nis apartnent.
became clear to me that musical theater performing. "I lost a fair amount of muscle because I couldn't shake the thought that rannC Jams
peTtormerS re
atetes, tneyTe gong
to have the same problems back on
s 0e he
and my arms don't look the same, It
wasn't etac
to wnereasne sld
until we ran the whole show from
At Kehearsal Studios
Talk about déja vu: the stars of Six" re-
ealth thev're deconditioned and heina **
ettiing win
ke OK now I can see it. and
I'm excited to turnedto the New 42nd street studOs tis
LSked to ramp up qncky The doWntime affected his voice, too. On keep pushing until we get there. Summer to re-rehearsSe a show that came
Mark Hunter-Hal, a physical therapy su aay ne
tne earneu LDa aSOn, a pertormer in "Girl From Wtnin so minutes of its Broadway opening,
T d iehthe after, ment andied rain as bit of a12 rderanind e caca
The of Six" is among Broadways
effects of Covid-19 for those performers who brutal wake-up call," he said. exercises and drum lessons, because she most striking. A British pop musical
nad bouts Of the aisease. "we do an injury He sprang into action. He signed up tor drumsin the show. "LIKe many people, I had dreamed up by two cOilege students, it was
walter Kerr ner
production stage manager, Beverly Jenk
ns, called the show rom nsiae a Dootn en
cSe pstc ur nende
words to the songs and bopped up and down
in ner cnair as sne exuberantuy gave ugnte
Carney his big ber,
"Wait for Me" the crowd of essential work
ers invited to the rehearsal roared, andd a
gtt ne neadset exclaimed
Mm hmm" he caid Then sho rallod the
next cue.
when they are away, and many are awaya
cONTINUED FROM PAGEC9 lease, posed a major complication, he message: "The stage is calling name, Ccals, including "Hamilton," "Hadestown" Above, crew members for
Deen sorteing at the bOX Office and cnose to said, because rights restrictions prevented and I got a big production number to do. so and "six, are seling strongly, while plays he Lion King" testing the
rerocus energy on touring. 1hen there
ther the musical from reopening during the come see me re struggling. But there's a dearth of data, show's lighting and sound.
N ns avers ndoW. eng so ng s
snWS redy tO run onetngDcasenerdwayLegleore ee no
McDonaghs "Hangmen and a revival of bers of the creative team are based in Eu- That's one reason productions an fidence, has decided not to disclose box of- mural backdrop. Below right
rope. "In the end, Diller said, "it just col nouncea their opening dates months ago, grosses this season. Nalman putting some
War AlDees wn0S Araid Or Virginia
apsed of its immense weight even though they required oniy tour or ive CeHoping to shore up sales, the Broadway finishing touches om her
latest to fall: Ivo van Hove's highly
Cpteu, revival of "West Side ings and r and rows of seats to fill eight agency have both begun marketing cam-
Story whch opene ree
the shutdown. The snow was always going n The Stage Is
aiert tans that Broadway was coming back, iCes auring tne pandemic are Dack at work
Calling My Name
elaborate onstage rainfall it was expensive The Delta variantcOmbicated the mar, eratina o of WoWork nacps
to run, and the avant-garde staging ot a od s ea keting strategy. Back in the spring And the long-delayed 1ony AWards cere
msc wasOE Tor everyone. AISO,
Spielhero which could boost or
ddinelinmarl ntoothin a own
cording studio to tape a radio spot.
r producers thought they could count 0n a mony, honorng work perormed during the
on ,
eral aid.
eu g
1O milion in fed
ot o
se is 0 ou, Dr nyThe
ing, hands gesticulating. "It's a lamp, actu-
That poses a challenge tor shows lKe
Phantom of the opera" and chicago
tourists, but also for new shows like "Mrs.
ucket Duying.
Scott said he was eager to do his part to
patrons still seem uncertain as to whether
e ted ike cräzy to be abie to ao it, up
until the last minute when we said it just, Alter a lew more beats like that-"Tm
Doubtire whien coula benent irom a na*
tional audience nostalgic for the film.
Broaaway is Dack.
"Ive had questions from family mem
now anticipating a Dec. 10 re- ec
hemovie, (see what did there?)"-he landed on the
i dotal reports suggest that a handful of musi- Scott said. Yes, it's happening
ALegacy of Neglect
Limits Hopeful Steps
New gene therapies for By GINA KOLATA ing pain, hospitalization and organ damage, This is a time of great promise for Amer An experea
dnu wouu nave bseu
CAp ******
Dl Tcnt roars elinical trials ofthree obando received
sickle cell disease are MESA, ARIZ.- Helen Obando, 18 and soon to
De angn scnoo1 senor, oDied rrencnnes But in 2019 she became the first Ameri- gene therapies for sickle cell have produced 5uccesstully rid her o
promising but costly. aan
Dressed in cate er ecan
a nalter top and shorts, ner to0e
teenager with sickle cell to be declared
free of the disease six months after under
astonishing esults for a few dozen ucky
participants like Helen, raising hopes that a
her sickle cell disease.
make new friends" she
Progress requires more to cure her. Her svmptoms have yanished. of the 100 o0.
plans to enroll at a community college, Said, "and get out into
government funding. teach hip-hop dance and become a traumaShe assures teenagers she met at a camp who have the disease. And in the midst of a
the world.
nurse someday. tor children with sickIe cel: One aay they pandemic that has laid bare profound racial
For most ot her life, such modest dreams can have what I had. inequities in health care, President Biden
ears off unless the
federal government finds a way to speed But the hope is shadowed b
born with sickle cell disease. Since baby- weu by a legacy of
hood, she had experienced epiSodes of sear progress. cONTINUED ON PAGE D5
team of geneticists said in the journal Nature Communications bodied worms into a puckering, circular mouth. In 2018, a team of
nat it identitied a gene in cats that plays a role in creating a stripe When Volcanic Bombs paleontoiogists trom the koyal ontario Museum discovered the
pattern. How patterns emerge "realy has been an unsolved mys- Don't Live Up to Their Name preserve Snel or that ancient nunter in tne canadlan KocKIES. Im
ery, said Dr GegoryS. Barsn, an autnor or the report. t would be reasonable to hear the term "volcanic bomb" and the journal Royal soCiety Open Science, the team identified the
We think this is really the first glimpse into what the molecules presuppose that such an object tends to explode. But many or 19-1nch animal, which they named Titanokorys gainesi, as one of
might be" that are involved in the process, he added. he eariest
famous for hi work dated
tnese oojeCts ral to detonate.
blisters ot magma-are
1nese voicanic Dombs-moten
shot Out of a volcano submerged by a
imals were
the size of your little finger,
ack to a paper by Alan Turing, ode break- this would have been a very large predator and probabiy near the
ing. He wrote a paper called "The Chemical Basis of Morphogene
S uy 0r we n tne process, te Doos ue peny top or the to0d chain, sad Joe MoySiuk, a Ph.D. student at the
sis" in 1952 that "really laid the groundwork for the entire field of vigorously boiled into steam.
natnematcal Drou8, D. Da The sudden accumulationof steam within the projectile should itanokorys Deionged to a time wnen the tirst ecosSystems were
ne paper describes what is called a reaction difusion proceSS taking shape.over a hal-billion years ag0, the Ediacaran-fuil of
n which two chemicals, One that stinmulates gene activity and one
Dlast it apäart n
midar"ROCRS cannot surVVe in tne lace or thäat
pressure, said Mark MCGuinness, a mathematician at Victoria
evolved and many maior animal orons that srill
University of wellington in New zealand. And yet so many bombs
searchers who study the development of coat patterns have today appeared: it's called the "Cambrian explosion."
tnougnt tnat tnis procEss coud proauce stnpes in cat coats, Dr was aDsoutely mind-bogging, Jean-Bernard aron, curitor
EBtsn sand tne tean researen ad cuirne us nypOnesis. forces with Dr. McGuinness and Emma Greenbank, also a math o nverteorate pajeontoogy at the Royal ontano Museum, said ot
ne study shows tor the tirst tine that tne gene DKRA and the the find. "A fossil like that is very rare. The find highlights hoW
ematician at the university. They built a mathematical model that
protein it produces are central to the process, he said. Dkk4 is the much there is to learn about the Cambrian, Dr. Caron said. "weve
Snuated e tauncu Or a Doo rom a vitud vorcano. surace of these
nnioitor in the process. There were diterent amounts ot DKKA In Reporting their results last week in The Proceedings of the Dnly scratched the mountains ASHER ELBEIN
Royal Society A, the team concludes that water both makes and
ting the genes that produce other signaling molecules, Dr. Bars eruse
said. More telling, when there was a mutation in the Dkk4 gene, oward the surface, it depressurizes, and the
tne stnpes Decame thinner. JAMES GORMAN water inside escapes as a vapor, creating bubbles. That clump of ets of science for mobile
Toamy magma then gets launched readers:
nd becomesa Domo. 1ne
water tnatthen intiltrates it violenuy Dois oft, But tne teams
mathematical simulations show that the bomb's already foamy
nature means there are myriad pathways that the steam can
Escapt,uus Sloppang al ExposiO KoBIN GEORGE ANDREWS
We have a lot of people who are dutifully putting materials into the recycling bins that have the recycling symbols
on them, thinking that they're going to be recycled, but actually, they're heading straight to the landfill.
Ben Allen, a California state senator who sponsored a bil that would ban companies from using the recycling arrows symbol on their products unless they can prove the material is in fact recycled in
most california communities.
abs of its own in Boston and Dallas.
A TOTTer resercner im DE Cnurcns la0,
Eriona iyso, wil Oversee e
genes for mammoth traits. The researchers
hope to produce embryos ot these mam-
moth-like elephants in a tew years, and ulti
Other researchers are skeptical that C0
ce DDyamon
us ethical questions. Is it humane to
proauce an animal whose biolo8 we knoow
thev ean hefreed osentiallvtohanse the and other living species to a preserve inSi- from investors ranging from Climate Capi- Ben Lamm, left, the founder of against the possible suffering that they
oeetemof rrac omfomd
n pro w beria they've called Pleistocene Park, in the tal, a private equity firm that backs efforts the lexas-based artificial mugnt experience in Deing Drougnt into ex
"There's tons of trouble everyone is going land. Dr. Church argued that resurrected klevoss twins. known for their battles over Hypergiant, and George on't have a mother for a speces
enen t hehersrhor of woolly mammoths would be able to do this
more etmCienuy. ne
restoTeu grasSl
Facebook and investments in Bitcoin.
Stswi uy to make an ee
Church, a biologist at Harvard
eucal ben01.
hat -if they are anything like elephants
es extraorainany stron8 mother-intant
How to Cone a Mammoth.
would keep the soil trom melting and erod- phant embryo with its genome modified to DOns
at st tor avery ong tmese
The dea Demna O055 n eB heat-trapping carbon dioxide. the scientists will need to remove DNA from on the ground, who is making Sure that
r SKetCned it out in a
ney re Deing loOKed alter?
tention the press but
from little funding be- oatanmammoth-like
replace t witn the
Tm not making a bold And colossals investors my nave 9ues
Researchers were earning how to recon
struct the genomes of extinct species based Peter Thiel. Dr. Church's lab piggybacked anlonhan a deen ""****8*g othe mako an mnoM mm
n fragments of DNA retrieved from fossis. mammoun research on to otner, Detter Hysollh and hercolleagues will also invest GEO RCH
dicted that the company would be able to
ifferences that set ancient species apart nded experments.ns setOT TOOIs n gate turning ordinary elepnant tissue into HARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL Spin or new rorms Or geneuc engineerng
from their modern cousins, and to begin to
ngure o how those difterences in DNA
Dr. said.
e h enan
sre w
eo heae
Initialy, LDr. Church envisioned implant-
eve reCnnoogy
fident that there
will be technologies that come out of it that
Church, who is known for inventino
Dr. Anaiyzng ne geomes or woouy am ing embryos into surrOgate lemale ele
ways oreading and editing DNA, won ys0n and pnants. But ne eventualy SOured on the o, Mr. Lamm saia. "But im tne snort tern,
portant differences between the animals tilization for elephants, buildine a herd
nolooies that we know will speed up the
Because Asian elephants and mammoths and elephants. They zeroed in on 60 genes would be impractical, since he would need process and the etiCieney ot hot just bring
share a common ancestor that lived about t erpes sugetst re npur SO many surrogares. ng Dack tne mammotn, Dut im tne rewidng
Church decdeu o
ix million years ago, Dr. church thought it sch as hairfat and the ol mammoths artificial
of U.C. Santa Cruz is skeptical
might be pOssiDe
nhat distinctively high-domed SkUll. ine tissue grown from stem cells. "Im not about the Companys prospects. teels to t
would look and act like a mammoth. rank, T was planning on Siogglng making a bola prediction this is going to be me that a mammoth is a long Way in the tu
Beyond scientific curiosity, he argued, re- along at a slow pace" Dr Church said. Butin easy he said. "But everything up to this ture," she said. NevertheleSs, she nOpes t
ved wooiuy mammotns couldheip the en founder of the Texas-based artificial intelli- we've gone after, we've been able to get a help species that are endangered but not
North America is rapidly warming and re- gence companyHypergiant who was in recipe for" yet extinct.
Edsg cairbon aloxXIde, "Mammoths are hy- gued oy tne de-extinction 1dea. The idea has a few precedents. At the For example, scientists may be able to
Pherca On to ths, Dr. Cnurch the two hitit of. After about a day of beine searchers have developeda sealed
that se dowino them
Today the tundra is dominated by moss.
But when woolly mammoths were around,George, we were pretty passionate on pur-
Be S0me
dsSlnd. researeners
ecosystem enoinerers maintainino the the
Sg Lamm said. s, .
in the lab and spending a lot of time with
p Colossal to
support Dr. Church's work, all the way from
can support a fetal lamb for four weeks, for
example. But Colossal wil need to buld an
artificial uterus big enough to house a fetus
200 pounds.
with genes for resistance to a pathogen, Sne
Sald. oner species mignt De enncned witn
genes to better tolerate heat and drought
"I worry that for lots of species today, the
grasslands by breaking up moss, knocking
own trees and providing tertilizer with
tinkering with DNAtoeventuaily placing
Tunctional mammoth,as Dr. Hysolh cals 1t,
a Heather Bushman, a philosopher at the
London school of EconomiCs, said that
pace of climate change and the pace of hab-
itat degradation is such that evolution isn't
ian ecologist have imported bison omnar tundra l
panys initial funding comes to the w weigeu
ONTINUED RONA wnere Dlack Vurures were present.ney tion, but at least they know tneres ap
reports of black vultures preving on live an are stillborn or dying, and they jump in on gram out there to help them protect their
mals are relatively unheard-o, Some ex them quickly," he said. But, he added, "the nepers nave notS canyre
Sa and one expresseu SNEptcis
na pret udt uney are preuaOy on nveEstck 1s
said. In Kentucky, about s00 to 600 cows a
imiana this summer "In my view it should be considereu
proved alarming enough that farmers are because its not well documented," he said. that more lambs, Kid goat5, ne
now allowed to quicklyobtain permitsac ne vuures may Occasionaly attack chickens ana turkeys nave been feliea as
qurero tne ..FIsnandwiaeser enyca, ne sd., But, are wereallyt Vuiture populations increase.
rkill, up to three birds, a program newly in and economicaly destructive that we need AL MALS GRUE, VIA GETTY IMAGESs
with devices such as propane cannons. fir-
orce in otner states in the iawest. O Stt per g e destructO Or a pr ng Pyrotechnics, squirting the irds with
These migratory birds are_coming tected Dira? Black vultures dont just feast in indiana, said she believed black vultures g-pressure noses anu using Buaru dogs.
big birds, weighing
livestock specialist with the Indiana Farm nearly five pounds, topped with what looks in a parked car at the Anhinga Seatoad in Tndia na had ineraacad fro dead trees to Jook for
prev cutine do
Bureau. gOt a neads-up irom my counter a
ke nemet or gray, Teatneriess Skin. Trailhead in the Florida Just a few a couple of decades ago to about noSE ees can also provide rene. 1ne en
Pirt nEntucky, dnd ne Siu,neyre ne Dlackvure is an amazilng Dird, Everglades. CHcyortese measures is partOT IS. wanis
he last three or four vears, we have gone paired. have amazine and complex social ean hile the
isst sner.S.
and wildnteTve ld H tto see federal law
rOma ewreported mcidents many. o Denavior, and are supersmart. 1ney closely
Black vutures were traditionatouna guard tne nest. 1 he egES Natcn and become
damage, the process to obtain themcan
be lengthy and cumbersome and cost S100
changed to help farmers. Weve asked
ongresSS ror sare narbor provision, ne
each. The relatively new program in Ind Sadteyee depredatonoccurringt
hey have significantly expanded their a nest nearby because one of them is sitting reaus to Obtain a large number of permits nome and ger a permit &ppicaon dnd walt
range northward ana into the west. Sone day ater day, week ater week, In tne same and issue sub-permits, which experts say1S wo days and getthe peit. wnen tney see
sDecause ot climate Dr more respo it occurring, it makes a whole lot more
han ma
Dr. Grant Burcham is a veterinary diag A he had received 45 Te
From 2007 to 2019, breeding populations nostician at the Heeke Animal Disease Di quests for "take" permits and had autho The attack of a vulture on live prey is a
f black vultures increased at rates of1 per- agnostic Laboratory at Purdue University rized 22 Snce the program went into etect gnm Scenarro, larers say. lne bird orten
Cent to 4 percent annualy across the entireWch maintains a research cattie tarm. n y August Ou
PcRS he eyes, tne nose, and na-
with the exception of small portions of the killed by vultures and euthanized two oth- shoot three birds, Mr. Slipher said there was valued at $1,000.
GU coast and sout enrl nda,
cording to an analysis of eBird data by
ers that were attacKed. Altopsies showea
the calves were not healthy
a better Strategy. They are a nuisance 1or otnerreasons,
ney tear aspnat singles ot n0uses,
two had iam aavISing, dont go out tnere and t00
One of the country's leading ornitholo a broken legand mav have been selected tha thina w ht thienartiealar aund vehicle sunroofs and tear un seat
gsts is nigniy Skeptcal about tne scope Or Dyuntures wno sensed tneir vuineraDnty. Speciesis that they react substantially to e covers on tarm equipment and boats.
predaton exprtessed coCerns bout A ecent paper conciuded tnat te nc ngies or tneir own iKE. we are encouragng neir stomach acia Is neary as corrosive
rn f 1100 erie rotor Arontin edin h bl t
der the century-old international Migratory though perceived to be frequent, was not Tt'san approach that has helped the hard- others places where they roost.
Brd ireaty ACt, narmng tnem witnout per common at all est-hit proucers in KentuckySomewhat. But uures are aso a proven and critical
Although real and talse hanging effngies are part of the ecosystem. Massive die-ofts of
ere and say they don't kill healthy calves, evidence of predation was lacking. "What is are studies that show they work, the effec because of widespread use of a veterinary
d Jonn W. IUzpatnck, tne receny Te Totaly unknown in naiana and most places tiveness is not well understooxa. urug toxcC to tne Drds. nat eu to an
tired director ot the Cornell Lab oI Ornitho is how often this happens," he wrote in an you use an effigy to disperse a roost, crease in rabies. Vultures used to clean up
For seven years, he managed the Arch- 8oals of our ongoing research. a
do they just move to roost down the road appeared, dogs began feeding off the waste,
bold Biological station in Central Florida, Marian wah, a doctoral student with Dr. and keep going back to the same farm?" and as their numbers increased, so did the
which includes a working cattle ranch Zollner at Purdue, who is studying the birds Ms. Wahl asked. incidence of rabies.
Scenario. Using specialy designed eun.
Dan Durda, a planetary scientist at the
Estaren institute in Boulder,
can shoot things at the
esneeds charact pacts, Dr. Flynn said.
villtest tic
veepeatedly 1ired projectiles at mete impact deflection on a real asteroid in the
orites and measured how the space rocks kinds of technolooies tic of impacts"IDr. Fynn said. SOlar system tor the tirst time
recoled and, in some cases, shattered. with NASAS
working wItnin the lacntyr snring cnam- DouDie ASteroid kedirecuon est (DAR)
eroid might respond to a high-velocity im In 2003, Dr. FIynn, Dr. Durda and co-
leagues began firing projectiles at mete peear
to detlect it away from Earth. s
tst uhe iits of kinetic impact de-
Jdct intendea from a piece of nylon string. They then morphos, is in no danger of hitting Eartn,
At the s4th annual meeting or the Meteor much momentum could be transferred toa pumped the chamber to a vacuum to -
howeverThe mission is expected to launch
itical society held in Chicago last month, re imic tne condnuOns or nterplanetay in November.
of meteorite without shattering it into snirap
hat high-powered marksmanship. Their nel that could continue on a similar orbital the meteorites. The team Iaunched spheres b how an a,
were able to path through the solar systemn.
SuBEest at
wIetner f thos ranging in diameter trom one-sixteenth to teroid will respond to beingimpacted, said
no an asterod away
could depend on wnat
iu o ro ou
plane pieces may still be a collision course
hat would shatter the space rock into The researchers found a signiticant di TheDART mission is about being pre
"It's hard to talk museum Curdtot ference in the strengtn or tne wo pe pareu ror Wnatsmost nKey a CUsTnic nev
atmosphere, said George Flynn, a physicist e d meteorites they tested. The carbonaceous itability
tists have since come to realize that achiev Over the course ot many years, tne re tually noddo haho caidw
ing such a direct, catastrophic hit is a seri-
purchased dsu o
from private dealers. (The larg
only about one-sixth of the momentum that
ordinary chondrites could before shat
the Earth has been hit by objects for its en-
Dus cnalenge. the tire history, and it wil continue to get hit by
"It turns out, that's very hard," Dr. Flynn est, rougnly the size o a ist and weighing tering. objects in the future.
atched the body would not reject it. In January his doctor Alevis
and the overwhelming focus on the pan- Helens older sister had this treatment of Northwestern University, told him he no
dlemic. Dr. Colins said he would meet with andwas cured. ier neitnyyoungerlonger had sickle cell disease
ure ana ner team in october match fo ol e e was not a
"This is an opportunity to save nves ana Helen's gene therapy took advantage of a ous about life," he said. "I didn't think I
suvey mde deaues go. Durg etd would nave a life
A lot ofother diseases have gotten way re, oy
neproductionorred cessarecred Helen, too, has been adjusting to life as a
ributed in large part to svstemic racism. Tnen an adult version of the gene takes over ric hematologist, Dr. Alexander Newube of
tne Fred Hutcinson Cancer Top, Helen Obando with her
witn the excitement over gene therapy, Dr.
st to direct red cell pro0auction. But that gene, Phoenix Children's Hospital, has observed
up ror Rrvon Ohando on a 2019visit the adult globin gene, is the one that can in sickle cell patients cured with bone-mar
olnns added,we mignt makE dec gaid data from nriuate ingrers indicatei
for a person with sickle to Boston where she was Gene therapy flipped the switch back Remember, with sickle cell disease tney
linical trials, run by Bluebird Bio, that the lifetime cost
DSOn arens Hospital and vertex
Therapeutics, have changed the lives of the
.i no. s r Ward, turning on her perfectly functional fe
ta gene and snutang down ner mutated
are hospitalized a lot," he said. "There are so
many restrictions o their lives. They be
lacldieaa Ahorih come depressed ana nen they are.a ttie
Iucky paitents ike Hleien who gOt tnem.A Helen with her parents and Dr. Researchers at Boston Children's Hospl
much, he said.
who passed the six-month marker since esadne onyrecenty receveddttor tal have now treated nine of 10 patients in pectancy of 40 years. They start to think,
nets ended nave nad stunning P was pad
Tor tnrough drens eni
ston Cilrn H05pital.
ith nelr ncal trlal ana recend ecervea Wat is tne pont or dong anytnig
Esuts ke ners. narn C uh group 1s now When they are cured, he said, "it is almostt
time for sickle cell" said
a certificate commemorating Caliornia tit
a her successru gene therapy
Dr. Erica Esrick, hematologist at Boston The ultimate goal is to find a simple, cine to treat 25 more patients at 10 medical When Dr. Esrick gave Helen the good
children's Hospital who led the clinical trail ep wyto SIC 8ee cr ce cEnters. ews a year ago, Helen lay silent on the
Helen participated in. "We re enthusiastic.
Researrhore nean care
Systems where complex, costly
n The results so far, involving Heen
any including a 7-vear-old bov were
exm taDRE, ot uag u
from Massachasetts t
Arzona ve fo
ll follow these patients for
15 years to see if there are long-term compli
, tneyremain iree of sickle cellaoraaoie or mpractical.
uBEEy E centiypublished in The New
edcine Awereree ortne
England Jour
disese Aetine or storcism nadDuring
lowed her progress for more than two years.
taugnt her to Keep
ana can be consiaerea uycueu
nes to rid with the Gates
H. i
Foundation. along with r rnal inuod re stonerse, a narrowing
hem of sickle cell could introduce muta searchers, several small biotechs and the she barely spoke to me. Even after
the gene editing technique CRISPR to turn therapy,over,
Cause acet biueDira Bio, 0ne or puyovarus, WinCn nas exper On tne retal gene
nemogoDin was
and turn or it on
she tappea her mother the
ne companies tesung a gene herapy to the adult gene. m
and POnteu wnen sne wnteu an lCe
fa 33 ear-opld w
its clinical trial after two patients developed tions, said Dr. J. Mike McCune, who leads with sickle cell, was a success. The com euil Hall Marketplace in Boston.
er 0 StuayWneter their ilinesses e proet or te oundatio. pany has now given its therapy to six more Freed of illness, she's become far more
were caused by the treatment. But further FOpie wtn tne dSEse wint neip now panents, all or whom have passed the three-
nears to ha canent
utgoing. On summer weekends, shes ven
a Wduet park,
and the Eood and Administration pone tubine
Drug al pies and their loved ones attest to the power
owed the studies to resume. of the treatments. Bluebird Bio has a different strategy "Tve been trying to make new friends,
NOW she can have a lite, saia Helens
ana when a gene therapy is approved using a disabiea virus to denver a copy ot a sne said, "and get out into the woria.
sity of Washington, who has creased caffeine consumption w as 15 steps during these mini-breaks im-
studied the impact of caffeine on negatuvely affects sleep, which proved aspects of blood sugar control
among office workers, without noticeably
pEDE AD.D.orDu e will aiso us Teel more tireu,
ake interruptang
cumulative effect- the long Dr. Stein said.
ueich involved 16 middle
term impact- has the opposite I you're sleeping less and
aged, white-collar orkers at high risk tor
Part of the paradoxical effects caffeine to improve i ype 2 dabetes, indicates that these bi-
nd o
doctor left us, "are you ever ucky, ndu
wait Tonnossee the state where Seen nis Sare ot POOr Out
e "If you won't even complain about being
injured and bedridden, I worry that you're a
ankles, and we all know a lot of people
who've had to deal with things much worse
s 0g caree, ne had seen constitutionally cheerful perSon wno can
we ve, 1s e
with people who decided to
EOvid vaccine, wnich meant thatPy
u d Sister Nena, who taugl
even whole thing isn't going to work out," a new read when I was 6, called to check on me.
thougn we were vacdeu, WAS a child young tnend teased me in an email. 1
toldShes oroken botn ot her reet betore, once
CatnOnc scnoo1, tne
Not thatexpect to d0 anythingto nasten cant store on a lower shelf. But I always use
y demise. I wulcomamue toexerciseegu a sturay Step sto0, unke, yer
many common hallmarks ot aging and de-
t ena wno
os mbe0 cnair (a a
When I asked a woman my age how she
g wnatl need to reconsiae was teelin8, she sa,
"T have iSSues, ana
TOund Considerabie nspiration and said,"We all have issues. The secret to suc
Won't Do When IGet Old by Steven and adaptaccordinglvm constantly stant
Petrow, written with Roseann Foley Henry. learning what I can and can't do and asking
erow WnosSO COnist Dut is
two dec ades younger
than i, began
or paying 10r neip wnen needed.
Sooner or later, we all must recognize
f his aging parents, like waiting too long to tives. Years ago, body mechanics forced me
et nearing aids. to give up tennis and ice skating and now
took a Similar inventory of my lite and strenuous gardening I continue to do 10-
oring it for decades. lighter and liohter asI wenther ht u
ot oldermany
But noticed thatasuring the pan
well as women
people (men
down hills are now history
Adear friend in her 90s is my role model
SOPPu Deauty around me. But most väld Senses and siOwer reactons tnat accompa
Sooner or later, we all
nan they did with hair dyed dark above a said, "Thanks, but T'm no longer un to the must recognize what 18 vith an eye on the future in case it's not, a bicycle or pedestrian approaching when
wrinkiea facade. 10day, I too am gray and
OVing it, althoughI can no longer Diame y
level of activity t
ve vowed tO
stop taikng to wnot
no longer possible and
find alternatives.
ssoedrned steen wnen my otner
dhed ol cancer at 4s.
Heraeah mured me to dead
DCRIg Out a palng spot. It Stops
when anytning suddeny appears or
Pve also resisted thecommon temntation
whar Me u s
cover up other cosmetic 1ssues. now
0 I
t evendoesnt provide relief-in tact, it might The stickiest wicket going forward will be Road.
aiey u
NP 4u y uu sue make tne pam Katner tnan
in driving. wnen I was im my mid-/0s, my sons 1tm also Deginming to tackie anotner bur-
COstume remains short-sthorts and tank stll empathy, the "organ recital" very likely started urging me to stop aiving simpiy densome issue especialy common among
o, young
ESthe E aEd. 1tn paO tous most people especlauy
or even almost-accidents or gotten a ticket ter. I have a latent fear of "running out" of
But I will continue to be irritated by bad And do cherish my young friends who
I Tor a moving violaton. still, they upped my things, and so I chronicaly buy and save
grammar, ue tne sentence recently n ts Keep ne youthtul in spirit ana tocused on is ySrnce ,Sd t akes more thnan enougn or everytning. My late
hacka 1 usDand called our house an air raid shelter
an. They, in turm, say they value the informa- replaced it with one of the safest cars on the gested parting with some of those objects I
And I
will stubbornly resist altering my ton and wisdom lcan offer road, a Subaru Outback. thought may one day be userul. He told mel
abits to avert potential tragedies that oth also striveto say something tlattering or Like many other cars now on the market, reminded him ofan elderly woman he knew
aallenls sTean enshh of or and eheln efousr
inre s aa
versity Sch0ol of Public Health. Portable air cleaners with HEPA filters can
In addition to asKing questions about
do a surprisingiy go0uoDo
ventlation, you should ask about vaccina- machine is used for the size of the space.
Covid testing plans, mask require
capacity, 00R TOra macnine witn a clean air denvey
ments and how the building is monitoring rate ol at least 300 cubic leet per miute,
utside workers, ike delivery people and
choosing room size. You may need more
eang Ce
Ask your employer what i lo which are movable niates that can bring in than one machne Or argtT SEe
1ave to be a ventilation
more outside air. This isn't advised in com- uers has a Ome APpliance Manulac
o figure out what extra precautions your steps have been taken to The higher the rating, the better the filter is
mpover has Tae Kep vou sarerur munities with poor outdoor air quality, suchAdding an air cleaner can partiy compen-
ng tne pandemic. Here are nve questios
keep workers safe.
Before the pandemc, many buildings as areas with active wildfires. Don't be in
on sate 1or a less eneient venulauon system,
ties office. The questions are also useful for ort and energy etficiency but arent de- systems. A company that has done the work epe E te sie or tme room. in Some
ASKIng aDout ar quanty mpovements at signed for infection control. New industry will have answers at the ready, and the right ers can effectively double the ventilation
Bms, im classrooms and even in restau- denes dns pgra
de toat answerS Will be obvous. Recenty sug
rate in the classroom" Dr. Corsi said.
most buildings won't implementaall of these cent or more of risky
particles. However ad 5
hanges, but asking about etforts to im notevery ventilation systemcan upgrade to cinated and only goes to the gym when it's r
rove air quality can help you make dec n
sohe cases, a MERV not busy, but the reply was encouraging Carbon diOxIde sensors can inadicate how
ow mucn me you might y gnest 8rade iter the We have increased tne neag yen
scientists and air quality experts sonme ie
.mi MG
DEMAND-CONTROLEEneVENTILA D13ho m wrote And times carTy portade co aetecuon devt
r giia lech, one or the
What improvements have you made to ONOSave energy, some systems monitor opened outdoor HVAC dampers to achieve
Ne ventilation system buil ding occupancy based on carbon
dioxa nigher leve ot air exchange in the center to
sion, has used such a device check levels
Most newer buildings rely on mechanical 1de levels, Wnch rise when we exnale. at her gym and in grocery stores.Carbon
ne windows be opened
Svstems known as HVAC that nse a combi system the rate of ontdorai
reduces dhoxide is m our extnaled breatn, she said.
nation of air filters and outdoor air to dilute a way to stop ventilating the space to save not have modernventilation systems, but ple's exdhaled breath is bulding up, and that
nd remove viral particles and 0tner pout
nts. Budngs can taRe nunper orSteps oegeEgeet 8 a o e simply
opening windows can improve air
A recent stuay or nrecteu cOege
exhaled breath of course could contain vi-
rus soone e
at ne
ystems and increase the amount of fresh we need to continue to ventilate so we can Tniversitu of Oro
Howard County pubuc scnooIs, 11
urge tne space or any aerosoi parucies let window could redu amount of corona tor air quality. If your company isn't using
in the air.
MPROVING THEIR MERV RATINGS The ilters Virus in a room by half. while opening a win-CO monitoring. you can buy your own ma-
ISed in ventuation systems have whats INCREASING oUTDOORAIR Air quality experts dow can help, the effect is greater if you can chine for S100 to S200.
But one acmevement euded her: having tempt. She is looking into intrauterine in "We're educating med students and pre-
a DaDy. Sne nad posponeu g p8 SeminatiO, Wnicn 1s more alfordabie Dut med studens about tertilty issues so that
nas a lower ikeih0Od of sucCes they are aware of them," she said. "People
have children, at 34, she was surprised to having spent her most fertile years training we're telling you that you can, but you need
ind that She couia not, even with fertility to be a surgeon only todiscover that it mignt tokeepyour options open.A lot ot itiSsntjust
drugs. Dr. Marshall attributed t to haVing De too late for her to nave a baby. Afterward, Deing abie to get pregnant. some of these
Stress and lack of sleen. which can affect re-
productive cycles. They all felt so alone" Dr. Salles said. For female physicians with babies, even
when she reachea Out to otner remale ney d a go uroug tsuer dg netnd a pvateplace topu
physicians to share her story, she learned coaster ride of dealing with infertility on breast milk while on the job can be a chal
in her line of work were also struggling withh about it. We need to change the culture of asked for time to pump was instructed to go
ntertilnty or wrtn carTying a Daby to term. med school and residencies. we have do ato behind a potted plant in a public area to do
n ract, 01 Surey rree pnys better job ot urging leaders in the ield to s
Sart o
iound tha arr 0 and take care or wnat you nesopsic tngs
1ad tried to have a baby had been diag- sleep deprivation, poor diet and lack of percent of all medical school students are
nosed win mierantyalmost doudie tne exercise-inherent to the demands ot med- nOW women, although there are still more
rate of the general public. ical training and the medical profession male physicians than female ones.
ike e, take a On
wuc Se B
ning is so planned" Dr. Marshall said. regna onel eompleted her obstetrics and gvne-
Many or us decide to wait until were done Even finding a partner can be a chal- cologyresidency andis now in private prac
with our training ana are financially inde- enge, given the demanding work hours, in tice in ucson, Ariz. She nas a son, to wnom
Cng ngnts and weekends. she gave birth while n medical school, and a
pend a lot of
To raise awareness of the issue, Dr. Mar- time in the hospital, and it's very unpredict "When I became a resident, someone told
sn neped
to crete
with the American
abie Dr. Sales saa. "One coula look Dack
and say,I should have frozen eggs in my
me that I needed to divorce my nusband
and lose custody of my child if I wanted a
first national physician fertility summit MSON GAMAY oR DE YORK
TAsond then. We see older women who are ce The day she spoke she was oncal
meeting, With sessions on eg8 freezing experienced pregnancy compications. Op et, DrArea arsha.a lebrities in the news having babies, and we had just completed her second 24-hour shift
DEenentsaa nstrncecoveragerorTertn LAke othertemale physicians, many Sur hematologist, didnttry to
have thinkit will be fine, but it's not. Now we're all in seven days while eight and a half months
reatment, ana ntertnty ana mental nsdelDreancyunatertnees s. 10P having this realization that we dont have pregnant with her second child.
ofit alled
ther meeting nextt yel. health problems and infertility issues. Carranza-Chahal, an Dr.Vineet Arora, dean of medical educa Mothers in Medicine, which she hopes will
ne nign rate or lnertnty nods Tor
male surgeons as well. A survey of 692 fe-
e Oen, doctOs mustavIgare iyeisor
medical schoo, residencies and fellow- a
worked 24-hour shifts while
ion at the UniverSIty of Chicago Pritzker
Chool o Medicine and anotner author ot
increase visibility and commuity outreach
10r Temale pnysicians who are pregnant or