Drug Study - Ketorolac

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Name of Drug Dosage, Route and Mechanism of Action Indication Contraindication Adverse Effect Nursing Responsibility

Generic Name: Dosage: Exact mechanism for ketorolac tromethamine is Contraindicated with Fluid retention, abdominal Baseline Assessment
Ketorolac 30 mg/amp. 1 ampule anti-inflammatory, indicated for the short-term ( ≤ significant renal pain, diarrhea, dizziness,
analgesic, an- tipyretic 5 days) management of impairment, aspirin headaches, nausea • Assess onset, type, location, duration
Brand Name: effects unknown. moderately severe allergy, recent GI bleed or of pain. Obtain baseline renal/hepatic
Toradol Frequency: Inhibition of enzyme perforation . Use cautiously func- tion tests.
acute pain that requires
Sprix Q6hrs x 3 doses cyclo- oxygenase, the with impaired hearing;
analgesia at the opioid level,
enzyme responsible allergies; hepatic
Classification: for prostaglandin usually in a postoperative Intervention/Evaluation
setting. conditions
Anti-pyretic Route: synthesis, appears to
NSAID IVTT be a major mechanism Monitor renal function, LFT, urinary
of action. May inhibit output. Monitor daily pattern of bowel
other mediators of activity, stool consistency. Observe for
inflammation (e.g., occult blood loss. Assess for
leu- kotrienes). Direct therapeutic response: relief of pain,
action on stiffness, swell- ing; increased joint
hypothalamus heat- mobility; reduced joint tenderness;
regulating center may improved grip strength. Monitor for
contribute to bleeding (may also occur with
antipyretic effect. ophthalmic route due to systemic

Patient / Family Teaching

• Avoid aspirin, alcohol.

• Report abdominal pain, bloody
stools, or vomiting blood.
• If GI upset occurs, take with food,
• Ophthalmic: Transient stinging,
burning may occur upon instil- lation.
• Do not administer while wear- ing
soft contact lenses.

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