Family Law Notes - Joint Family
Family Law Notes - Joint Family
Family Law Notes - Joint Family
(dbeo )
What are the reasone for whlch a Karta can allenate the joint
famlly property? When father le the Karta, what are his Specidal
Powers? (orGph angarikin enbanna i 0hud Qsrppma
atprarraut afus Lonpmib Galuwm? pmp atbgprame Dghyh
Gum, gnLu palúudL MaTghmr uiwmas?)
Explain the postion and powers of a manager of joínt Hindu
family to construct debts and to alienate joint family propety.
State the duties and the powers of Karta. (atharalr sma
T pargis DeTund mis.)
Karta Write short notes. («i^sr- Ai Ghiy avma.)
aissra?r Bargrisir
158 b u sGoud siLò I -
. . Ggguugng,
asssTaisir uswfssir
. :
Gosor u.
6sgrgrsr, 6aLá GGuus Gompsr Gurgrüurari uri. a t
1. (1966) A. SC. 24
2. (1941) 2 M.L.J. 816
stsBTalsir ABsTkissir
(a) stsgr pgsgå Qar@ps aLmor ghuá Qupp îlsir aLs
Guppag6G JÅSLoflalgjiSi hGolÚy (Discharge) afiás
aflamLD 26srG
fleoi áonau Gu sit pit gua, aílpmous Bmu NTauflair GuoaorsT (Manager)
STs0T p (pwpulo oTaufsor Gg6mULEST6, Ya6T 560S 65500T SUSaflsor Glemzms
6T6TLusn5 Jaut (auTraiGUOJ) Blegils6 Gausor01Cos0T %8hpouLLI.
5bu p@giásrsaà upgib sLLÜuiursor GgmaéguoT 6T {Family
Benefits and Legal Necessity)
QesualeT ris ir 6T6ma1? (sn)
urarat aflmu urppiù Caiuumia?
GOuu pggmésrsah siLÜuGumsar Gsmaás6r6ah
Gowoier thasir ilsiraugumaums SmLbhlcir pgi Dopars sis5T si©Ds
Gihu Gsnsms ljumsar Gauweor.
1 Tshgå Gagups Gasiriu aurflss.
urhiglmuui sco oT LD, 670 oT u rsplaTt %mTYD
urgeounut ssT upmù sjaut s T Gyßmsssr AGurflr
BLs0T& alswlmsT& aurMGh usara.
1. 6 M.I.A. 393.
4. p i s a f l r rasafenuscmm omp@ouppo, s O u p p r LD
gibusLos0r rG6mST BmpGauppah GupúuG Ggsrma.
S. ugs shutguoms Tgid Asuslor rs oiT
162 D u Gudus aLLdl - daLt. ggugmgon, Tò.616),
Gasrran GoasnGú.