Cash Management: By: Judy Ann G. Silva, MBA
Cash Management: By: Judy Ann G. Silva, MBA
Cash Management: By: Judy Ann G. Silva, MBA
By: Judy Ann G. Silva, MBA
Cash management, also known as treasury management, is the process that
involves collecting and managing cash flows from the operating, investing,
and financing activities of a company. In business, it is a key aspect of an
organization’s financial stability.
Cash management is important for both
companies and individuals, as it is a key
component of financial stability.
Thus, you may keep a supply of finished items on hand as inventory if your business is
manufacturing . Carrying an inventory balance allows you to quickly fill orders so
that clients don’t have to wait.
But you want to minimize the dollars tied up in inventory, while making sure not to
lose a potential sale.
Smart inventory management requires time and effort. You will need to analyze: