Network Intrusion Detection Based On Deep Neural N

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Network Intrusion Detection based on Deep Neural Networks for the

SCADA system
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CEEPE 2020 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1585 (2020) 012038 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1585/1/012038

Network Intrusion Detection based on Deep Neural Networks

for the SCADA system

Mustafa Altaha1, Jae-Myeong Lee1, Muhammad Aslam2, and Sugwon Hong1*

Department of Computer Engineering, 2Department of Electrical Engineering,
Myongji University, Yongin, Gyeonggido 17058, R. of Korea

[email protected]

Abstract. Security monitoring is one of the security strategies for the supervisory control and
data acquisition (SCADA) systems, and the intrusion detection system (IDS) is a main tool to
do security monitoring. Main task of security monitoring is to develop the SCADA-specific
IDS, which reflects the semantics of the SCADA domain. In this paper, we work on
developing IDS based on deep learning models for the SCADA system. The target SCADA
communication protocol of the detection model is the DNP3, which is currently the most
commonly utilized communication protocol in the power substation. The attack of major
concern is data injection or modification attacks, which is most critical attack in the SCADA
system. We extract 12 data features from distributed network protocol 3 (DNP3) packets, and
use them to train the deep neural network. We measure the accuracy and loss of the detection
system trained based on different deep learning algorithms, and show the comparison of the

1. Introduction
Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems are process control systems which
interconnect and monitor remote physical processes. SCADA systems collect data from remote
facilities about the state of the physical process and send commands to control the physical process
creating a feedback control loop. SCADA systems are used in power transmission and distribution
systems for situational awareness and control.
Security monitoring is one of the integral strategies for the SCADA systems, and the intrusion
detection system (IDS) is a main tool of doing security monitoring. The anomaly IDS detection is the
process to determine which observed events are to be identified as abnormal because it has significant
deviation from normal behavior which is called ‘profile.’ The difficult part is how to decide or derive
profiles which reflect all semantics of the system. Thus, the main task to do security monitoring is to
design domain-specific IDS which is aware of the target domain semantics.
Deep learning and machine learning have shown some achievement in different fields, such as video
recognition and image processing, audio processing, natural language processing and robotics, etc.
Therefore, many researchers have begun to focus on constructing IDSs using machine learning and
deep learning methods [1]. However, very few work have been done for developing the SCADA-
specific IDS, which reflects the semantics of the SCADA domain [2-6].
In this paper, we work on developing IDS based on deep learning models for the SCADA system. The
target of the detection model is the DNP3 protocol, which is currently the most commonly utilized
communication protocol in the power substation [7]. The paper focuses on detecting the data injection
or modification attacks, which are most critical attacks in the SCADA system [8, 9].

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CEEPE 2020 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1585 (2020) 012038 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1585/1/012038

The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In section 2, we present the proposed SCADA-IDS
model based on deep learning methods. In section 3, we present an experiment setup and evaluation of
the proposed methods. Finally, we suggest conclusion and future work in section 4.

The IDS design is composed of two main phases: the extracting phase and the detection phase. The
extracting phase is performed offline as it is somehow time consuming. In the extracting phase, the
DNP3 packet is processed to extract data features that represent the behaviour of the network. Each
processed DNP3 packet has a label indicating either normal or anomalous packet. This is used for the
detection phase by adopting the deep neural network structure to train with the features. The detection
phase uses the same features, which are extracted from the extracting phase, as input, and the neural
network structure calculates trained parameters to predict which class packets belong to, either normal
or abnormal.

2.1. Extracting Phase

The generated dataset has 500 normal instances, 10 disable unsolicited messages attack instances, 480
denial of service (DoS) attack instances, and 10 injected cold restart command attack instances. This
gives a total of 1000 instances (almost 40 thousand packets).
This dataset consists of 12 features, which are also used similarly by [10]. We choose these features
because they have high correlation with possible anomalous behaviours.
• Destination bytes: Number of data bytes transferred from destination to source in a single
• Source bytes: Number of data bytes transferred from source to destination in a single connection.
• Flag: Status of the connection, i.e. Normal or Error.
• Count: Number of connections to the same destination host as the current connection in the past
two seconds.
• Service count: Number of connections to the same service (port number) as the current
connection in the past two seconds.
• Destination host same source port rate: The percentage of connections that were to the same
source port among the connections having the same port number.
• Same service rate: The percentage of connections that were to the same service, among the
connections aggregated in Count.
• round trip time delay (Rttd): The length of time it takes for a signal to be sent plus the length
of time it takes for an acknowledgement of that signal to be received.

To detect attacks that require examination of the payload, the following DNP3 specific features are
• Contains DNP3 packet: A feature indicating if the connection contains a DNP3 packet.
• DNP3 payload length: The total length of the DNP3 payload contained within the connection.
• Min DNP3 payload length: The minimum DNP3 payload length in the connection.
• Cold restart in DNP 3 packet: A Boolean indicating if there exist a cold restart or disable
unsolicited message command in the connection.

2.2. Detecting Phase

As deep learning structure is defined as a sequence of layers, we create a sequential model and add
layers one at a time until we are satisfied with the network topology. The input layer represents the
number of data features that are extracted from the extracting phase as shown in figure 1. Then after
multiple hidden layers, the output layer indicates whether the packet is normal or anomalous (DoS,
Unsolicited and Cold Restart attacks).
As for the activation function, we use the Rectified Linear Unit (ReLU) which has become very
popular in the last few years for logistic/continuous output, since it speeds up detection training [11].
For the hidden layer, generally we need a network large enough to capture the structure of the problem.
In this study, we adapt a fully-connected network structure with five layers. The deep neural network

CEEPE 2020 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1585 (2020) 012038 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1585/1/012038

consists of an input layer with 12 data features, 3 hidden layer around 16 neurons for each, and an
output layer that represents the multi-class classification (normal, DoS, Cold Restart and Unsolicited)
as output classes.
After fetching the input and train the network, we use different deep learning algorithms: RNN, LSTM,
CNN, GRU, and FNN. The Feedforward neural network (FNN) is an artificial neural network wherein
connections between the nodes do not form a cycle [12]. By using these deep learning algorithms for
SCADA-IDS system, we investigate which model can be an effective and flexible IDS that has higher
accuracy rate for detecting anomaly attacks.

Figure 1. The structure of the deep neural network

3. Experiment and result

3.1. Experiment Setup

We conduct an experiment, the network of which consists of one DNP3 master and one outstation,
using GNS3, which is a network software emulator [13]. The experiment utilizes two Linux hosts,
which are connected to a switch with negotiated speed of 1000 Mbps. One is working as a master and
the other working as an outstation, both of them running OpenDNP3 [14]. We also add an attack host
used for penetration testing and network security assessments, and we assume that an attacker already
gained access to the DNP3 network and the Kali Linux node is used to perform all further malicious
activities [15]. The experiment focuses on the following attacks: DoS, disable unsolicited messages,
cold restart, and packet injection and modification. For the cold start and packet injection/modification
attacks, we execute the man-in-the-middle (MITM) attack by ARP spoofing. After the success of the
MITM attack, the packets are sniffed, and altered by using the scapy library. Figure 2 shows DNP3
network communication in the experiment setup.

3.2. Dataset for attacks

To generate the attack traffic, we assumed that an attacker (Kali Linux) has already compromised the
network. For the DoS attack, hping3 is used to generate and sends DoS traffic to port 20000 (the
DNP3 port) of the outstation node [16]. In order to preform disable unsolicited messages attack and
cold restart attack, we need to set up the Man-in-the-Middle (MITM) attack by arpspoof [17]. After
the success of the MITM attack, we write a Python TCP hijacking script which uses scapy library to
manipulate the frame to simulate the attacks of packet injection and modification [18]. For this

CEEPE 2020 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1585 (2020) 012038 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1585/1/012038

experiment, the intercepted frame coming from the master node to the outstation was altered from
being a read class frame to a cold restart packet or disable unsolicited messages command to
compromise normal operation of the outstation node.

Figure 2. DNP3 Communication

3.3. Results
After training the neural network on the prepared dataset using Tensorflow and Keras, we evaluate the
performance of the detection model on the same dataset, which provides the accuracy and the loss.
The figures 3 and 4 show the results of accuracy and loss, depending on the different deep learning
As shown in figure 3, the accuracy is increasing as number of steps (epochs) is increasing until it
reaches approximately 98.75% of accuracy, which means that there is a chance of around 98% of
detecting any anomalous traffic inside the network by these deep learning algorithms. It is good to
note that the neural network performed very well while training, judging from the fact that from 0 to
10 epochs the accuracy reached approximately 98% of detecting.
Another metric to be considered is the loss. Lower the loss means the better the model is. Figure 4
shows the loss upon training the models. Similar to accuracy, loss will decrease as number of epochs
increase till it reaches a value of 0.1, which is almost negligible loss at the end of the training.

Figure 3. Model accuracy during the training Figure 4. Model loss during the training of
of the network. the network.


We propose a deep learning-based approach to build an effective and flexible IDS. The main
contribution of this work is to show comparison of performance of detection models based on different
deep learning models. The attack of major concern is data injection and modification attack using the
man-in-the-middle attack, in addition to other types of attack. As a further work, we need to expand

CEEPE 2020 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1585 (2020) 012038 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1585/1/012038

the detection model, which can detect unseen and unexpected attacks. In addition, we need to validate
and evaluate IDS based on deep learning models by comparing with the traditional rule-based or
protocol-based IDSs.

5. References

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This work was supported by “Human Resources Program in Energy Technology” of the Korea
Institute of Energy Technology Evaluation and Planning (KETEP), granted financial resource from the
Ministry of Trade, Industry & Energy, Republic of Korea. (No. 20174030201790), And this research
was also supported by Korea Electric Power Corporation. (Grant number: R18XA01).

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