Case Study 2 Ikea
Case Study 2 Ikea
Case Study 2 Ikea
Cultural difference
There are about 12,000 products in the total IKEA product range. Each store carries a
selection of these 12,000 products depending on store size. The core range is the same worldwide,
but as shown there are differences in how the IKEA catalogue displays its products in the different
national editions. Below are two different illustrations featuring the same product. In this case the
two illustrations for the same product are taken from the Danish and the Chinese catalogues.
1. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of having the same product range shown in all
IKEA catalogues around the world.
2. The catalogue is the most important element in IKEA’s global marketing planning.
Discuss whether there could be some cultural differences in the effectiveness of the
catalogue as a marketing tool.
3. Explain some cultural differences which are illustrated by the two different illustrations
of the same product (from the Danish and Chinese IKEA catalogues).