Correct and Appropriate Multimedia Resources
Correct and Appropriate Multimedia Resources
Correct and Appropriate Multimedia Resources
English 10
Teaching Dates and Time March 30, 2021/9:30-11:00 Quarter Third
A. Grade Level
B. Learning Use correct and appropriate multimedia resources when orally giving information, instructions, making explanations and
Competencies/Objective narrating events in personal or factual recounts (EN7OL-IVe-)
s Write the LC code for
Correct and Appropriate Multimedia Resources when orally giving information, instructions, making explanations and
II. CONTENT narrating events in personal or factual recounts
A. References N/A
1. Teacher’s Guide N/A
2. Learner’s Material RBI Self-Learning Material 1,Quarter 3
pages Module 1 Quarter 3
3. Textbook pages N/A
4. Additional Materials
from Learning
Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Written by: FLORA MAE B. PITOGO
A. Reviewing previous Review:
lesson or presenting the Let us have a short review of the previous lesson which was Linear and nonlinear text.
new lesson What is the difference between linear text and non linear text?
Can you give me example/examples of a linear text and non linear text?
(Answers may vary)
The teacher will show pictures that depict multimedia resources and ask the students whether they know them as well as their functions.
Teacher says: These devices have different uses and functions but if you will join them together they create Multimedia.
Presentation of lesson:
What skill are we going to develop at the end of the lesson? The skill to be developed at the end of the lesson is USE.
What are we going to USE? We are going to use correct and appropriate multimedia resources when orally giving information, instructions, making explanations and
narrating events in personal or factual recounts.
B. Establishing a Why is it important for us to use correct and appropriate multimedia resources when orally giving information, instructions, making explanations and narrating events
Purpose for the Lesson in personal or factual recounts?
(Answers may vary)
C. Presenting The teacher will show pictures of the different multimedia resources
Examples/Instances of (For this, you may conduct your pretest)
the Lesson
D. Discussing New Definition of Terms:
Concepts and Practicing
New Skills #1 What is multimedia resource?
The word multimedia resource comes from two Latin roots, multi and media: multi- means several or many, and media-
means in the middle.
This multimedia definition tells us that materials on the internet, or in your class presentations, involve several forms of
communication ( broadcasting, publishing and the internet)
Multimedia can be formed through computer-controlled integration or combination of text, graphics, drawings, still images,
animation, audio, video, and any other media where any type of information can be represented, stored, transmitted digitally.
What is a multimedia Presentation?
A multimedia presentation is a presentation file which is limited to just text in terms of content. For example, it would have
interactive video, sound, links, images, animated gifs and transitions in it.
2. PowerPoint Slides
It is a presentation program developed by Microsoft. PowerPoint is often used to create business presentations, but can also be
used for educational or informal purposes. The presentations are comprised of slides, which may contain text, images, and other
media, such as audio clips and movies.
1. Audio Files
Your website or presentation can add sound, from a musical background to a spokenexplanation, by including audio files.
Even digital cameras, which is image-based technology,have been engineered these days to record sound as well. Many sound files
are compressed, which reduces the file size without greatly sacrificing sound quality.
5.Video Presentations
Video presents moving pictures and typically combines images and sound for a compelling multimedia experience.
Here is a simple guide before you use and select a media resource to be used in your class presentation. Simply ask yourself the
following questions:
Exercise number 1
Now that you have already learned what are multimedia and its uses, let’s now apply what you just learned.
Read the following dialogues. On the space provided, put PR if it is Personal Recount or FR if it tells factual recount.
(Please indicate here the items.)
Exercise number 2
Read the given dialogues shown. Write GI if it gives information, GIs if it gives instructions, ME if it makes explanations and NE if it
narrates events.
(Please include here an activity that targets the LC which is using correct and appropriate multimedia resources… same with your
assessment because this part serves as your modeling.)
F. Developing Mastery Directions: Read the given scenarios . Choose the correct and appropriate multimedia resources to be used when orally giving information, instructions, making
explanations and narrating events in personal recounts. Write the letter on the space provided.
1. In your next online class, Miss Zassigns you to narrate events on your personal experience about any environmental calamities.
a. audio and video clips b.text and still images
2. Using a computer, you are going to show your Science teacher a creative way of explaining what happens during the metamorphosis stage of the butterfly.
a. text and still images b. audio and animation
3. This month, you are told to post online and to instruct your classmate to the pre-requisite things to do for your upcoming science experiment.
a. audio and still images b. text and still images
4. In your MAPEH project, you are going to inform everyone about the importance of personal hygiene. and animation b. Animation and text
5. You are asked to explain the meaning of family in creative way in your Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao online class.
a.text and still images b. audio and video
Very Satisfactory-
Satisfactory-2 Fair-1 Total
. Indicator 3
The advertisement The advertisement The advertisement
Used correct and shows significant shows some is a rehash of other
appropriate evidence of evidence of people's ideas.
multimedia originality and originality and There is minimum
resources inventiveness. inventiveness. evidence of new
The writing is The writing is The writing is
legible, clear and is legible and clear illegible and/or
free from any with few unclear. The writing
grammatical error. grammatical errors. is unenticing and
The writing entices The writing entices full of grammatical
the consumer. the consumer. errors.
The advertisement The advertisement The chosen
uses the chosen uses the propaganda propaganda
Propaganda propaganda technique technique is not
Technique technique creatively satisfactorily, but followed or no
and well. not creatively. propaganda
technique exists.
The explanation of The explanation of The explanation of
the intention is the ad’s intention is the ad’s intention is
clearly stated with quite clear and is vague and is found
complete set of supported by with minimum
evidences as several evidences. evidence.
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the