Criminal Jurisprudence Review Questions

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Criminal Jurisprudence Review Questions

 Board Exam  

 Reviewer  

 Inquiries  

 Start  

 Examination  

 Criminalistics
1. Berto, with evident premeditation and treachery killed his father.  
    What was the crime committed?
          A.    Murder
          B.    Parricide
          C.    Homicide
          D.    Qualified Homicide                                                                                                                               
Answer: B   

2. PO3 Bagsik entered the dwelling of Totoy against the latter’s will 
    on suspicion that Bitoy keep unlicensed firearms 
    in his home. What was the crime committed by PO3 Bagsik?
          A.    Trespass to Dwelling
          B.    Violation of Domicile
          C.    Usurpation Of Authority
          D.    Forcible Trespassing                                                                                                                            
Answer: B    

3. Charlie and Lea had been married for more than 6 months.They
    live together with the children of Lea from her first husband.
    Charlie had sexual relation with Jane, the 14 year old daughter of 
    Lea.Jane loves Charlie very much.What was the crime committed 
    by Charlie?
          A. Simple Seduction
          B. Qualified Seduction
          C. Consented Abduction
          D. Rape
                          Answer: B   
4. Prof. Jose gave a failing grade to one of his students, Lito. When 
    the two met the following day, Lito slapped
    Prof. Jose on the face.  What was the crime committed by Lito?
          A.    Corruption of Public Officials
          B.    Direct Assault
          C.    Slight Physical Injuries
          D.    Grave Coercion                                                                                                                                    A

5. A warrant of arrest was issued against Fred for the killing of his 
    parents.  When PO2 Tapang tried to arrest him,Fred gave him 1  
    million pesos to set him free. PO2 Tapang refrained in arresting 
    Fred.  What was the crime committed by PO2 Tapang?
          A.    Indirect Bribery    
          B.    Direct Bribery
          C.    Corruption of Public Officials
          D.    Qualified Bribery                                                                                                                                 A

6. Which of the following is the exemption to the hearsy rule made

    under the consciousness of an impending death?
          A. Parol Evidence
          B. Ante mortem statement
          C. Suicide note
          D. Dead man statute
                                                                            Answer: D   

7. Factum probans means __.

          A.    preponderance of evidence
          B.    ultimate fact
          C.    evidentiary fact
          D.    sufficiency of evidence                                                                                                                        
Answer: C     

8. It refers to family history or descent transmitted from one 

    generation to another.
          A.    inheritance
          B.    heritage
          C.    pedigree
          D.    culture                                                                                                                                             Ans

9. The authority of the court to take cognizance of the case in the 

    first instance.
          A.    Appellate Jurisdiction
          B.    General Jurisdiction
          C.    Original Jurisdiction
          D.    Exclusive Jurisdiction                                                                                                                          
Answer: C     

10.A person designated by the court to assist destitute litigants.

          A.    Counsel de officio
          B.    Attorney on record
          C.    Attorney at law
          D.    Special counsel                                                                                Answer: A    

11. Which of the following is not covered by the Rules on Summary 

          A.    Violation of rental laws
          B.    Violation of traffic laws
          C.    The penalty is more than six months of imprisonment 
          D.    The penalty  does not exceed six months imprisonment                                                                      
Answer: C    

12. It refers to a territorial unit where the power of the court is to 
     be exercised.
          A.    jurisdiction        
          B.    jurisprudence
          C.    venue
          D.    bench                                                                                                                                               Ans

13.The Anti-Bouncing Check Law.

          A.    RA 6425
          B.    RA 8353
          C.    BP.22
          D.    RA 6975                                                                                          Answer: C    

14. The taking of another person’s personal property, with intent to 
     gain, by means of force and intimidation.
          A.    qualified theft
          B.    robbery
          C.    theft
          D.    malicious mischief                                                                                                                               
Answer: B    

15. Felony committed when a person compels another by means of 

     force, violence or intimidation to do something against his will, 
     whether right or wrong.
          A.    grave threat 
          B.    grave coercion
          C.    direct assault
          D.    slander by deed                                                                                                                                   A

16. These are persons having no apparent means of subsistence but 

     have the physical ability to work and neglect to apply himself or  
     herself to lawful calling.
          A.    Pimps
          B.    prostitutes
          C.    gang members
          D.    vagrants                                                                                                                                             An
17. A medley of discordant voices, a mock serenade of discordant 
     noises designed to annoy and insult.
          A.    Tumultuous
          B.    charivari
          C.    sedition
          D.    scandal                                                                                                                                               An

18. The unauthorized act of a public officer who compels another 

     person to change his residence.
          A.    violation of domicile    
          B.    arbitrary detention
          C.    expulsion
          D.    direct assault                                                                                                                                       A

19. The deprivation of a private person of the liberty of another 

     person without legal grounds.
          A.    illegal detention    
          B.    arbitrary detention
          C.    forcible abduction
          D.    forcible detention                                                                                                                                 
Answer: A   

20. An offense committed by a married woman through carnal 

     knowledge with a man not her husband who knows her to be  
     married, although the marriage can be later declared void.
          A.    concubinage    
          B.    bigamy
          C.    adultery
          D.    immorality                                                                                                                                           A

21. Age of absolute irresponsibility in the commission of a crime.

          A.    15-18 years old
          B.    18-70  years old
          C.    9 years old and below
          D.    between 9 and 15 years old                                                                                                                 
Answer: C    

22. Those who, not being principals cooperate in the execution of 
     the offense by previous or simultaneous acts.
          A.    Accomplices
          B.    Suspects
          C.    principal actors
          D.    accessories                                                                                                                                        An

23. The loss or forfeiture of the right of the government to execute 

     the final sentence after the lapse of a certaintime fixed by law.
          A.    prescription of crime
          B.    prescription of prosecution
          C.    prescription of judgement    
          D.    prescription of penalty                                                                                                                          
Answer: D    

24. A kind of executive clemency whereby the execution of penalty 

     is suspended.
          A.    Pardon
          B.    commutation
          C.    amnesty
          D.    reprieve                                                                                                                                            Ans

25. Infractions of mere rules of convenience designed to secure a 

     more orderly regulation of the affairs of the society.
          A.    mala prohibita
          B.    mala in se
          C.    private crimes
          D.    public crimes                                                                                                                                       A

26. Felony committed by a public officer who agrees to commit an 

     act in consideration of a gift and this act is connected with the 
     discharge of his public duties.
          A.    qualified bribery
          B.    direct bribery
          C.    estafa
          D.    indirect bribery
                                                                             Answer: B
                                                                                             27. The willful and corrupt assertion of falsehood un
oath of 
     affirmation, administered by authority of law on a material matter. 
          A.    libel    
          B.    falsification
          C.    perjury
          D.    slander                                                                                                                                             Ans

28. Deliberate planning of act before execution.

          A.    Treachery
          B.    evident premeditation
          C.    ignominy
          D.    cruelty                                                                                                                                              Ans

29. Whenever more than 3 armed malefactors shall have acted 

     together in the commission of a crime.
          A.    gang    
          B.    conspiracy
          C.    band
          D.    piracy                                                                                                                                                An

30. The failure to perform a positive duty which one is bound to.
          A.    Negligence
          B.    imprudence
          C.    omission
          D.    act                                                                                                                                                   Answ

31. Ways and means are employed for the purpose of trapping and 
     capturing the law breaker in the execution of his criminal plan.
          A.    Misfeasance
          B.    entrapment        
          C.    inducement
          D.    instigation                                                                                                                                           A

32. Those where the act committed is a crime but for reasons of 
     public policy and sentiment there is no penalty imposed.
          A.    impossible crimes
          B.    aggravating circumstances
          C.    absolutory  causes
          D.    Complex Crimes
                                                                            Answer: C
33. One of the following is an alternative circumstance.
          A.    Insanity
          B.    intoxication        
          C.    passion or obfuscation
          D.    evident premeditation                                                                                                                           
Answer: B    

34. If the accused refuse to plead, or make conditional plea of guilty, 

     what shall be entered for him?
          A.    a plea of not guilty
          B.    a plea of guilty
          C.    a plea of mercy
          D.    a plea of surrender                                                                                                                              A

35. At what time may the accused move to quash the complaint or 

          A.    at any time before his arrest
          B.    only after entering his plea
          C.    any time before entering his plea
          D.    Monday morning
                                                                             Answer: C
36. The process whereby the accused and the prosecutor in a 
     criminal case work out a mutually satisfactory
     disposition on the case subject to court approval.
          A.    Arraignment
          B.    plea bargaining
          C.    preliminary investigation    
          D.    trial                                                                                                                                                  Ans

37. The security given for the release of a person in custody, 

     furnished by him or a bondsman, conditioned upon his
     appearance before any court as required under the conditions 
     specified by law.
          A.    Subpoena
          B.    recognizance
          C.    bail
          D.    warrant                                                                                                                                             Ans

38. The examination before a competent tribunal, according to the 

     laws of the land, of the acts in issue in a case, for the purpose 
     of determining such issue.
          A.    Trial
          B.    Arraignment
          C.    pre-trial
          D.    judgment    
                                                                            Answer: A                                                        
39. The adjudication by the court that the accused is guilty or is not 
     guilty of the offense charged, and the imposition of the proper 
     penalty and  
          A.    trial
          B.    Pre-trial
          C.    Arraignment      
          D.    Judgment                                                                                                                                           An

40. It is an inquiry or proceeding for the purpose of determining  

     whether there is sufficient ground to engender a well founded 
     belief that an offense has been committed and the offender is 
     probably guilty thereof and should  be held for trial.
          A.    pre-trial
          B.    arraignment
          C.    preliminary investigation    
          D.    plea bargaining                                                                                                                                    
Answer: C    

41. It is evidence of the same kind and to the same state of facts.
          A.    secondary evidence
          B.    prima facie evidence
          C.    corroborative evidence
          D.    best evidence                                                                                                                                      A

42. It is that which, standing alone, unexplained or uncontradicted is 

     sufficient to maintain the proposition affirmed.
          A.    secondary evidence
          B.    prima facie evidence
          C.    corroborative evidence
          D.    best evidence                                                                                                                                    An

43. A form of evidence supplied by written instruments or derived  

     from conventional symbols, such as letters, by 
     which ideas are represented on material substances.
          A.    documentary evidence
          B.    testimonial evidence
          C.    material evidence
          D.    real evidence
                                                                             Answer: A
44. When the witness states that he did not see or know the 
     occurrence of a fact.
          A.    positive evidence
          B.    corroborative evidence
          C.    secondary evidence
          D.    negative evidence                                                                                                                               A

45. Personal property that can be subjects for search and seizure.
          A.    used or intended to be used  as means in committing an 
          B.    stolen or embezzled and other proceeds or fruits of the 
          C.    subject of the offense
          D.    all of the above                                                                                                                                   A

46. All persons who can perceive and perceiving, can make known 
     their perception to others.
          A.    Suspects
          B.    witnesses
          C.    victims
          D.    informers                                                                                                                                           An

47. The unlawful destruction or the bringing forth prematurely, of 

     human fetus before the natural time of birth which results in 
          A.    abortion    
          B.    infanticide
          C.    murder
          D.    parricide                                                                                                                                            An

48. Felony committed when a person is killed or wounded during the 

     confusion attendant to a quarrel among several persons not   
     organized into groups and the parties responsible cannot be 
          A.    alarm and scandal            
          B.    mysterious homicide
          C.    death under exceptional circumstances      
          D.    tumultuous affray
                                                                             Answer: D  
49. A question which arises in a case the resolution of which is the 
     logical antecedent of the issue involved in said case and the 
     cognizance of which pertains to another tribunal. 
          A.    legal question
          B.    juridical question
          C.    prejudicial question 
          D.    judicial question                                                                                                                                 A

50. The RPC was based on the 

          A.    Spanish penal code
          B.    English penal code
          C.    American penal code
          D.    Japanese penal code
                                                                           Answer: A

51. An act or omission which is a result of a misapprehension of facts 

     that is voluntary but not intentional.
          A.    impossible crime
          B.    mistake of facts
          C.    accidental crime
          D.    complex crime                                                                                                                                     A

52. Infanticide is committed by killing a child not more than….

          A.    36 hours
          B.    24 hours
          C.    48 hours
          D.    72 hours
                                                                            Answer: D
53. Ignorance of the law excuses no one from compliance therewith.
          A.    ignorantia legis non excusat    
          B.    parens patriae
          C.    res ipsa loquitur
          D.    dura lex sed lex
                                                                            Answer: A
54. An act which would be an offense against persons or property if 
     it was not for the inherent impossibility of its accomplishment.
          A.    compound crime
          B.    impossible crime
          C.    complex crime
          D.    accidental crime                                                                                                                                   A

55. The law which reimposed the death penalty.

          A.    RA 5425
          B.    RA 8553
          C.    RA 7659
          D.    RA 8551 
                                                                             Answer: C  
56. One who is deprived completely of reason or discernment and 
     freedom of the will at the time of the commission of the crime.
          A.    discernment    
          B.    insanity
          C.    epilepsy
          D.    imbecility                                                                                                                                            A

57. The quality by which an act may be subscribed to a person as its 

     owner or author
          A.    responsibility    
          B.    duty
          C.    guilt
          D.    imputability                                                                                                                                        A

58. Something that happen outside the sway of our will, and 
     although it comes about through some acts of our will,
     lies beyond the bound s of humanly foreseeable consequences.
          A.    fortuitous event 
          B.    fate
          C.    accident
          D.    destiny                                                                                                                                              An

59. A sworn written statement charging a person with an 

     offense,subscribed by the offended party, any peace 
     officer or other public officer charged with the enforcement of 
     the law violated.
          A.    subpoena    
          B.    information
          C.    complaint
          D.    writ                                                                                                                                                   An

60. This right of the accused is founded on the principle of justice 

     and is intended not to protect the guilty but to prevent as far as 
     human agencies can the conviction of an innocent person.
          A.    right to due process of law
          B.    presumption of innocence
          C.    right to remain silent
          D.    right against self-incrimination                                                                                                             
Answer: B    

61. Known in other countries as the body of principles, 

     practices,usages and rules of action which are not 
     recognized in our country.
          A.    penal laws
          B.    special laws
          C.    common laws
          D.    statutory laws                                                                                                                                   Ans
62. Circumstances wherein there is an absence in the agent of the 
     crime any of all the conditions that would make  
     an act voluntary and hence, though there is no criminal liability 
     there is civil liability.
          A.    Exempting
          B.    alternative
          C.    justifying
          D.    aggravating                                                                                                                                        An

63. Circumstances wherein the acts of the person are in accordance 

     with the law, and hence, he incurs no criminal and civil liability.
          A.    exempting            
          B.    alternative
          C.    justifying  
          D.    aggravating                                                                                                                                         A

64. When the offender enjoys and delights in making his victim 
     suffers slowly and gradually, causing him unnecessary physical 
     pain in the consummation of the criminal act.
          A.    Ignominy
          B.    cruelty
          C.    treachery
          D.    masochism
                                                                            Answer: B
65. One, who at the time of his trial for one crime shall have been 
     previously convicted by final judgment of another crime embraced 
     in the same title of the Revised Penal Code. 
          A.    Recidivism
          B.    habitual delinquency
          C.    reiteracion
          D.    quasi-recidivism                                                                                                                                  
Answer: A    

66. Alevosia means

          A.    Craft
          B.    treachery
          C.    evident premeditation
          D.    cruelty                                                                                                                                              Ans

67. The law hears before it condemns, proceeds upon inquiry and 
     render judgment after a fair trial.
          A.    ex post facto law
          B.    equal protection of the law
          C.    rule of law 
          D.    due process of law                                                                                                                               A

68. A person if within a period of 10 years from the date of his 

     release or last conviction of the crime of serious or less serious 
     physical injuries, robbery, theft, estafa or falsification, he is 
     found guilty of any of the said crimes a third time or oftener.
          A.    Recidivist
          B.    quasi-recidivist
          C.    habitual delinquent
          D.    hardened criminal                                                                                                                                
Answer: C    

69. A kind of evidence which cannot be rebutted or overcome.

          A.    Primary
          B.    Best
          C.    Secondary
          D.    Conclusive
                                                                           Answer: D
70. A kind of evidence which cannot be rebutted or overcome.
          A.    Primary
          B.    Best
          C.    Secondary
          D.    Conclusive                                                                                                                                         An

71. These questions suggest to the witness the answers to which an 
      examining party requires.
           A.    leading 
           B.    misleading
          C.    stupid
          D.    hearsay                                                                                                                                           Answ

72. A method fixed by law for the apprehension and prosecution of 
     persons alleged to have committed a crime, and 
     or their punishment in case of conviction
          A.    Criminal Law
          B.    Criminal Evidence
          C.    Criminal Procedure
          D.    Criminal  Jurisprudence                                                                                                                       A
73. The period of prescription of crimes punishable by death.
          A.    20  years
          B.    15 years
          C.    10 years
          D.    40 years                                                                                                                                          Answ

74. Persons who take direct part in the execution of a crime.

          A.    Accomplices
          B.    Accessories
          C.    Instigators
          D.    Principals                                                                                                                                          An

75. A crime against honor which is committed by performing any act 

     which casts dishonor, discredit, or contempt upon another 
          A.    libel      
          B.    slander by deed    
          C.    incriminating innocent person    
          D.    intriguing against honor                                                                                                                       A

76. The improper performance of some act which might lawfully be 
          A.    misfeasance         
          B.    malfeasance          
          C.    nonfeasance     
          D.    dereliction                                                                                                                                         An

77. A sworn statement in writing, made upon oath before an 

     authorized magistrate or officer. 
          A.    subpoena    
          B.    writ      
          C.    warrant     
          D.    affidavit                                                                                                                                            An

78. Any other name which a person publicly applies to himself 

     without authority of law.
          A.    alias     
          B.    common name     
          C.    fictitious name  
          D.    screen name
                                                                          Answer: C  
79. A special aggravating circumstance where a person, after having 
     been convicted by final judgment, shall commit a new felony 
     before beginning to serve such sentence, or while serving
     the same.
          A.    quasi-recidivism     
          B.    recidivism     
          C.    reiteracion    
          D.    charivari                                                                                                                                            An

80. Which of the following is not a person in authority?

          A.    Municipal mayor     
          B.    Private School Teacher        
          C.    Police Officer
          D.    Municipal Councilor                                                                                                                            
Answer: C    

81. In its general sense, it is the raising of commotions or 

     disturbances in the State.
          A.    Sedition     
          B.    Rebellion        
          C.   Treason     
          D.    Coup d’ etat                                                                                                                                      An

82. The length of validity of a search warrant from its date.

          A.    30 days
          B.    15 days    
          C.    10 days     
          D.    60 days                                                                                                                                             Ans

83. The detention of a person without legal grounds by a public 

     officer or employee.
          A.    illegal detention    
          B.    arbitrary detention     
          C.    compulsory detention
          D.    unauthorized detention                                                                                                                       A

84. A breach of allegiance to a government, committed by a person 

     who owes allegiance to it.
          A.    treason     
          B.    espionage      
          C.    rebellion     
          D.    coup d’ etat                                                                                                                                     Ans

85. A building or structure, exclusively used for rest and comfort.

          A.    sanctuary     
          B.    prison     
          C.    jail     
          D.    dwelling                                                                                                                                            An

86. The mental capacity to understand the difference between right 

     and wrong.
          A.    treachery     
          B.    premeditation     
          C.    recidivism     
          D.    discernment                                                                                                                                       An

87. Conspiracy to commit this felony is punishable under the law.

          A.    Estafa     
          B.    Murder    
          C.    Rebellion     
          D.    Rape                                                                                                                                                 Ans

88. It means that the resulting injury is greater than that  which is 
          A.    Aberratio ictus     
          B.    Error in personae     
          C.    Dura Lex Sed lex  
          D.    Praeter Intentionem                                                                                                                            A

89. It means mistake in the blow.

          A.    Aberratio Ictus     
          B.    Error in Personae            
          C.    Dura lex sed lex      
          D.    Praeter Intentionem                                                                                                                            A

90. A stage of execution when all the elements necessary for its 
     execution and accomplishment are present. 
          A.    Attempted     
          B.    Frustrated     
          C.    Consummated    
          D.    Accomplished                                         
                                                                            answer: C                                                                                     
91. An act or omission which is the result of a misapprehension of 
     facts that is voluntary but not intentional.
          A.    Absolutory Cause  
          B.    Mistake of facts         
          C.    Conspiracy  
          D.    Felony                                                                                                                                                An
92. Crimes that have three stages of execution.
          A.    Material     
          B.    Formal    
          C.    Seasonal     
          D.    Continuing                                                                                                                                          A

93. Felonies where the acts or omissions of the offender are 

          A.    Culpable     
          B.    Intentional    
          C.    Deliberate    
          D.    Inculpable                                                                                                                                          An
94. It indicates deficiency of perception.
          A.    Negligence    
          B.    Diligence         
          C.    Imprudence    
          D.    Inference                                                                                                                                           An

95. Acts and omissions punishable by special penal laws.

          A.    Offenses     
          B.    Misdemeanors     
          C.    Felonies 
          D.    Ordinances   
                                                                            Answer: A                                                                                   
96. A character of Criminal Law, making it binding upon all persons 
     who live or sojourn in the Philippines.
          A.    General     
          B.    Territorial   
          C.    Prospective     
          D.    Retroactive                                                                                                                                        An

97. A legislative act which inflicts punishment without judicial trial.

          A.    Bill of Attainder    
          B.    Bill of Rights    
          C.    Ex Post Facto Law
          D.    Penal Law
                                                                            Answer: A
98. The taking of a person into custody in order that he may be 
     bound to answer for the commission of an offense.
          A.    Search    
          B.    Seizure   
          C.    Arrest     
          D.    Detention                                                                                                                                          
Answer: C   

99. Pedro stole the cow of Juan. What was the crime committed?
          A.    Robbery
          B.    Farm Theft      
          C.    Qualified Theft     
          D.    Simple Theft                                                                                                                                     
Answer: C    

100.Pedro, a 19 year old man had sexual intercourse with her 11 year 
      old girlfriend without threat, force or  intimidation. What was 
      the crime committed?               
          A.    Child rape
          B.    Qualified Rape    
          C.    Statutory Rape     
          D.    None of these                                                                                                                                    
Answer: C

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